#jack is friendly and cheerful and loud and cares so much and so out loud
loving-jack-kelly · 11 months
spot and jack are brothers not in that they grew up together and not even in that they are closer to each other than most other people but in that as much as they fight and yell and call each other ugly things and act like they don't care, they look up to each other and understand each other in a way that even they can't fully understand or articulate
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Kanae Reader x RoR
For @lalavender-sama
-You were such a beautiful person, inside and out, stunning looks paired with a heart of gold, always smiling and wanting others to get along.
-You were definitely a little odd, at least to others, but to those who knew you, like your younger sisters and your fellow Hashira, that is how you were as a person.
-Shinobu was annoyed by your easy-going nature, constantly scolding you for not taking things more seriously, while you wanted to enjoy yourself and take your time, but you would always laugh off her anger, much to her annoyance.
-You adored your little sister, being fiercely protective of them both, and despite not liking causing harm to others, you wouldn’t hesitate to defend them with every ounce of strength in your body.
-Your fellow Hashira respected you, despite your laid-back nature, you were very strong and a hard worker, and Ubuyashiki could tell that you were very observant and caring to all you met, much like a bit sister to everyone you met.
-This was true for gods and humans alike, you would always greet everyone with such gentle smiles and warmth, even if they didn’t return it to you.
-You longed for humanity and gods to live in harmony, just as it was meant to be, learning from others who had been in Valhalla fall longer than you have, but the gods shirked their responsibility and allowed humanity to get out of hand and not protecting those who needed gods more than anything.
-Then when Ragnarok was announced, rather than owning up to their mistakes, the gods just wanted to get rid of humanity all together and be done with it, which horrified you.
-You weren’t a fighter, as there were other warriors who were much stronger than you, but you supported them, cheering for them, celebrating their wins and mourning their losses, until humanity proved themselves, earning salvation and in return, all those who had fallen, gods and humans alike, were returned to life, much to your joy and the joy of everyone around you.
-With the gods now doing what they were supposed to, there was less suffering, people were happier all over on both sides, and you could only stare in happy awe, seeing your dream coming true, gods and humans living side by side in harmony.
-This also made the man sitting beside you, the man you loved and he you, happy, seeing you so happy over something so simple, at least in his eyes.
-Adores you, you were beauty personified because you were beautiful inside and out, treating others with kindness and being so warm and friendly. He loved to bask in your affections, soaking up everything, all for himself. He knew you were strong, as he had seen you in combat, but it was your drive, your reasons for fighting, that impressed him more, you didn’t fight for fun, you only fought to protect others, to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves, which he admired. He enjoyed your easy-going nature, finding it amusing, especially when you were getting scolded by Shinobu for it. He’s happy just being by your side and you by his.
            -Hercules, Hermes, Nikola, and Jack
-Was enamored with you, even if he didn’t say it often, at least out loud, but you knew that he loved you and he couldn’t help but smile whenever you would smother him in affection, sitting on his lap and covering his face with kisses. Your affection was only behind closed doors, as he was a little shy with public displays of affection, and you respected that, as you would always get kisses in return, as his affection for you was for his eyes only. Knew that you were not to be underestimated, despite your easy-going nature, he knew that you were strong, and he knew that you only fought for others, something he had to respect.
            -Poseidon, Thor, Hades, Beelzebub, and Lu Bu
-YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!! Adored everything about you and wouldn’t hesitate to tease others who also liked you, teasing that he got to you first, which you would always scold him for, telling him not to be mean to others. That’s something he loved about you- how kind you were to others, even if they wouldn’t be kind in return, which would always earn them not only a glare, but the occasional threat. Adores your easy-going nature as you always appreciated the little things in life, something you helped him enjoy more as well. Would always watch with unwavering eyes if you were fighting, finding your skills and abilities absolutely beautiful and impressive and will always shower you with praise afterwards, as well as kisses- but he wants them in return! It’s only fair!
-Loki, Buddha, and Qin Shi Huang
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ruubric · 2 years
There's Something About Her
Reader has a crush on Mina Ashido
Told in first person
Reader is intended as female.
Reader is also a huge tsundere.
Reader is intended to be black, but anyone can read
There was an attempt of fluff
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Mina Ashido.
The pink, cheerful, friendly, funny girl.
The absolute bane of my existence.
How can someone be so... annoying?
Genuinely. She doesn't even try. But every time I hear her dumb, sweet voice; or get a whiff of her dumb strawberry perfume; or happen to catch a glance of her cotton candy hair.... I get a chill of slimy irritation.
Like today, when she started dancing out of nowhere in class. Granted, it was a free period, and we were all lounging about.. so, it wasn't like she was deliberately trying to be annoying.
"She's literally always trying to be the center of attention," I huff to Kyoka Jiro as we walk to class. "I really don't get why. Like she's bubblegum pink, she doesn't need to be more be more extra."
Kyoka eyes me over coolly, "you never seem to mind when Hakagure is a little loud."
I mean, that's true. I even find her chirpy and excitable nature quite adorable. Sometimes.
I shrug, "yeah, well. Hakagure is invisible. She has to be loud or people might forget she exists."
Kyoka is the only one I can really talk to about Mina, she doesn't really care enough to tell anyone else . Because all us girls are friends, it wouldn't be classy of me to talk bad about her to anyone else.
Kyoka snickers a bit. I whip to face her indignantly. Upon seeing my face, she chuckles out, "sorry, sorry. It's just so crazy to see how oblivious you are about this."
"About what?" I snap.
"For someone who claims to hate Ashido so much, you sure talk about her a lot."
I glare at her, but she's glare proof. "I never said I hate her." Even hearing that Kyoka thinks that leaves an uneasy feeling in my belly. "I just have...a strong distaste for some of her actions is all."
Like that amazingly intoxicating perfume she wears. Is she trying to kill me from asphyxiation?!
Kyoka scoffs.
"What?" I ask exasperated, though my stomach twists and turns, as if my body knows what she's implying.
She sighs out, and stops walking. I stop too, and face her. "Dude, I'm not gonna beat about the bush about this. But it's so obvious to everyone that you like her."
Who? Ashido? The wind is actually knocked out of me. Everyone knows?! I mean, she thinks I like Ashido?!
"I think Ashido herself knows," she muses while twirling one earphone jack around her finger.
I try to compose myself, despite my heart trying to escape the prison of my rib cage. "Jiro, please. That's actually ridiculous."
"Oh, yeah?" She crosses her arms, "dude, you talk about her all the time, you're always staring at her, you notice every time she's sad! You call her by her first name."
If I were lighter in complexion, I would've been entering tomato territory.
I splutter, "psh! I call a lot of people by their first name, *Kyoka*."
My friend snorts, obviously amused by her teasing effect on me. ''You totally didn't deny any of those other things I pointed out. So you know, deep down inside-"
"There is nothing deep down inside! I am a dark and empty void!" I say indignantly.
"Well then, maybe that's why your heart knows you need some bright pink Ashido in your life," and thinking that she totally ate, she walks away.
I glare after her, fuming. That Kyoka Jiro has no idea what she's talking about. Dumb bitch.
"Hey!!'' My name is called in a cheerful coat of giggles. I hate how I instantly know who it is.
I turn, and see Mina Ashido running up to me. And my stomach immediately becomes ticklish with a million pink butterflies.
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
Pheobe had an accident during alchemy because of the braincell trio and now she got turned into a Pokémon, what Pokémon would she be and how would her team react? ( I think it would be cute seeing her bigger Pokémon/the pokemon moms try to baby her or at least return the care she gives)
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She would end up as a shiny Cherubi. The color palette is close to Phoebe's I just like the shiny version.
The boys are freaking out that they made Phoebe disappear until Rotom tells them to look down. They see a Cherry creature with Phoebe's lab coat surrounding it.
Now they have to carry around their friend who is now a Cherubi, according to Rotom, after getting an earful from Crewel, they need to keep an eye on her until he finishes a reversal potion.
They have to admit, she did look adorable even when she was upset with her predicament.
Her Pokemon can tell its Phoebe, even as a Pokemon, her scent is the same. Haxorus and Aggron having a soft spot for Grass types would cradle Phoebe in their claws.
The baby Pokemon though would swarm her because new playmate! Phoebe feels a bit intimidated now that she's as small as the baby Pokemon.
Phoebe thought that this might not be too bad and decided to enjoy herself, for once Crowley cannot tell her to do stuff anymore. She does things Pokemon do.
Riding in Kangaskhan's pouch was warm and fun.
Sunbathing with the other Pokemon was relaxing.
Though trying Pokemon food was not pleasant and tasted bad...
She tried to use some moves but all of them were flimsy attempts and were quite weak. She wonders how Pokemon do it so well.
BONUS below...
At one point she wanted to see the boys' reaction to her being a Pokemon.
They were made aware by Crewel and Rotom of the weird circumstance. Some were curious to see Phoebe so some of them went to find her.
Kalim, Floyd, Cater, and Rook came to find Phoebe and they can't help but coo at how small and cute she is.
Kalim picks her up and twirls her around because she's round and smells so nice a subtle cherry scent.
Floyd though, scared Phoebe at first when he ran at her at full speed not knowing if she was going to get smashed by his shoes or squeezed in his arms. It was a hilarious chase of an eel going after a walking cherry.
In the end, Jade had to calm Floyd down because he was just so excited. Floyd wasn't too rough but phoebe was a bit shaken from the chase earlier.
Cater takes pics of her Cherubi form and even presented her to Riddle who can't help but agree with how cute she looks. All the other dorm residents want to take turns cradling her. At least Trey gave her a sweet pie after that ordeal.
Rook just scared the hell out of her. Snatching her from the shadows before she could scream, he brought her to Pomefiore to Vil and Epel.
Epel went papa bear mode and stopped Rook from scaring her, he didn't care if Vil was present, he wants the huntsman to apologize to his friend!
Phoebe's other encounters happened by chance, Jack was tending to his cactus in the greenhouse when he sees Phoebe coming toward him. He didn't do much but he let her play with his tail.
There was also Idia who saw everything on camera, Ortho brought him, Phoebe, when he mumbled out loud how he wants to examine the Cherubi form. He nearly has a heart attack because of how cute she just looked.
So bouncy and squishy! A perfect plush. Maybe he can develop a plush toy that moves this adorably.
Lastly was Malleus, Phoebe herself made her way to Diasomnia and sees Malleus and Lilia having a chat. Malleus was once again, the last to find out about the potion incident.
But he can't help but fondly smile at Phoebe's cheerful form. So small and fragile yet she walks up to him so casually. A child of man became a child of cherry but she still holds the same friendliness.
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writeyouin · 3 years
TFP Reader Insert – The Future (COMMISSION)
Word Count – 2101
Request – Optimus Prime notices that the reader isn’t acting like herself. She has lost interest in her friends and hobbies, and is generally having a hard time. When Optimus talks to her about it, she comes clean about everything that she has been going through.
A/N – Hi, I hope this is the story that you wanted, thank you very much for commissioning me.
Warnings – Some Angst.
Rating – T
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Loud music blasted through the Autobot base as Miko wailed along to her electric guitar, upon which she played a metal song of her own composition. Raf had somehow tuned her out, focusing on his laptop, and Jack was busy with Arcee, not caring about the noise surrounding him. The only one that seemed bothered by the supposed music was Ratchet, who had little patience for Miko’s vivacious ways.
“MIKO!” He finally exploded, turning away from his work console and pointing an accusatory finger at her, “STOP THAT RACKET IMMEDIATELY!”
Miko stopped playing, retorting cockily, “Relax, old man. Nobody else has a problem with my music.”
“That noise is not music, and some of us are trying to work here.”
“Raf didn’t seem to mind. He was working just fine,” Miko grinned, annoying the old doc-bot further. “Besides, can’t you like turn your hearing off?”
“This is an Autobot base, young human, and I happen to be an Autobot. Therefore, what I say goes.”
Miko shook her head, challenging the old mech, “Only humans have authority over me.”
“And mostly not even them,” Bulkhead chipped in, waking up from his time in one of the stasis pods.
“Yeah,” Miko cheered. “This guy gets it.”
Miko was about to give up the argument to attempt sparring with Bulkhead but Ratchet was not willing to let the quarrel go.
Although you had been sat quietly in the corner, sketching Optimus from memory, Ratchet turned to you for your input; as the oldest human currently in the base, surely you had some authority over the youngling.
“(Y/N), surely you have something to say about this!” Ratchet demanded.
You glanced up from your sketchpad, startled to have so many people looking at you. Since these were your friends, you soon calmed and answered, “Yes, I think she needs an A chord instead of a D chord at the end of the song. Other than that, she’s really progressing.”
“You got it, boss,” Miko shot finger-guns at you, picking her guitar back up.
Ratchet stared at you coldly, “You use you power over that girl for evil.”
With that, he got back to work and everyone returned to their earlier activities. You smiled fondly at the rag-tag group of Autobots and humans. It might have just been you, but there was something intimate and comforting about having a few close friends as opposed to amassing a large group to show off like a status symbol. Ever since you had gotten tangled up with Miko, Jack and Raf as well as the Autobots, your life had certainly changed for the better.
You got back to your sketch, which would soon join the many art pieces that you did on the Autobots, all of which had to stay at the base so you didn’t blow their cover.
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You quietly sang along to the song your phone was playing, losing yourself in the melody while you searched your sketch pad for inspiration. Lately, drawing seemed to be more of a strain rather than a pleasure, and you wished to reignite the creative spark that you once had.
“WHOA! IS THAT ANOTHER EARTHLING?!” An energetic voice called out, startling you. You immediately fell silent, whipping around to see a white bot with blue chassis staring down at you. “Oh hey, don’t stop singing, it was nice. Earth has wicked music!”
You opened your mouth, trying to force words to come out, but introductions weren’t your forte. You always tried to be friendly, but the fear of rejection often clawed at your mind, effectively shutting down anything you might say.
“H-Hello,” You finally managed, fighting past your fear to speak.
“Oh good, you do talk, for a minute there, I thought I’d scared the vocaliser right out of you.”
Subconsciously, you took a step back, tripping over the chair behind you and falling to the floor. Your cheeks burned red in a blush, but before you could further embarrass yourself, Optimus came over, placing a servo on the white bot’s shoulder plates.
“(Y/N), this is Smokescreen, a new ally to the Autobots. Smokescreen, you will have to be patient with (Y/N). She is somewhat shyer than our other human associates, but if you give her time to get used to you, she is a most useful ally and a good friend to us all.”
“Gotcha,” Smokescreen beamed at Optimus, starry eyed about the Autobot leader. “Catch you later, (Y/N),” He said before leaving to explore the rest of the base.
“Bye,” You murmured, thankful that Optimus had spoken on your behalf.
Optimus inclined his head towards you in acknowledgement, soon turning to follow Smokescreen out and make sure that the younger bot didn’t get into any trouble. You hoped that the next time you saw the new Autobot, you would be able to prove that you were more than just your anxieties.
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Optimus stared at you as you stood at the base’s second floor balcony, overlooking Miko, Jack and Raf, all laughing together. It had been quite some time since he had seen you interact with the children. He had overheard you telling them that you felt rather unwell, and Raf had also informed him that you were coming up to a stressful period in your education; apparently, applying for colleges was a difficult time for young humans. Still, he knew that something more was weighing on your mind when you had stopped talking to him and the other Autobots, shutting yourself away for long periods of time.
“(Y/N),” He greeted you quietly, approaching the balcony.
“Hello,” You proffered a one-word greeting which you usually reserved for those you hardly knew, preferring to converse and joke with those you were familiar with.
Optimus frowned at the step down you had taken from being his friend to being an acquaintance once again. He didn’t wait to see if you would say more, knowing instinctively that you wouldn’t.
“Would you please accompany me outside? I would like to stretch my legs,” Optimus said, his commanding tone telling you that this wasn’t a request.
You nodded meekly, taking your time in going downstairs to catch up to Optimus. You weren’t sure what he wanted to talk about, but a gut-feeling told you that it wasn’t something that you wanted to hear.
He took you to a lift that was big enough for both of you, leading you up to the roof of the base, which was disguised to look like any other part of the Nevada desert. The two of you stood in silence for a while, looking out at the vast expanse of sand and rocky outcroppings before you; the view made you feel small and insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe.
Eventually, Optimus sat down, letting his legs swing over the side of the disguised cliff. He gestured for you to do the same. Seeing Optimus in such a casual position reminded you just how close the two of you were as friends, making you feel all the worse for shutting him out over the past few weeks.
You longed to ask Optimus why you were out there where no one could overhear you but the prospect scared you. Optimus didn’t take people aside without cause. He was a natural leader, always thinking about everything that anyone said or did. If one of his associates was acting unusual, it was up to him to get to the bottom of it; the problem was that you didn’t want to be psychoanalysed, you wanted to be left alone, to hide your fears and insecurities from the rest of the world.
Alas, nobody said no to Optimus Prime, so you sat next to him, wondering what lecture awaited you.
“It is a beautiful night, is it not,” Optimus proffered.
“Yes,” You answered dutifully, looking up at the stars.
Optimus sighed at your mono-syllabic response, “(Y/N), I have brought you out here because I have noticed that you have been acting unusual. Ever since I have known you, you have been so full of wonder, humour and life. You light up a room when you are with those you trust and you have a healthy appreciation for everything around you, but now you are shutting out anyone who tries to get close to you. I’ve seen Cybertronians who lose their way in life, losing interest in the things that once brought them joy, but I have never seen it in your kind… until now. Is something the matter?”
A sudden, raw anger burned inside you. Was something wrong? Of course there was, but why should that be anyone’s business but your own. You didn’t care to have Optimus prying into your personal life when he should have been focusing on his own, much larger problems.
“I was doing alright on my own,” You growled at him, your rage tainting your words with its stinging tone. “I don’t need your help, Optimus. I’m fine.”
“If I have learned anything from my time here on Earth, it is that when Earth females say they are fine, they are not,” Optimus replied sagely. “You may not wish for my help, but I am offering it anyway.”
You struggled with yourself for a while, partially wanting to shy away and hide from the world, yet also longing for the friend you had sorely missed.
“I’m tired,” You finally admitted. At your omission, you felt the sting of fresh tears that you had held back for so long. Naturally patient, Optimus waited for you to tell him all that had been weighing upon you.
“I’m so damn tired, Optimus. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Is this about your college applications?” Optimus asked.
You shook your head. While that was a part of the problem, it was only a small fraction of what you were struggling with. “I can’t see my future, Optimus. People ask me where I want to be in five years, and I don’t know the answer. How am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life? It’s not fair to ask. There’s too much to think about. And I just-”
“Go on,” Optimus encouraged when you faltered.
You took a deep breath, “I wish that my dad was here.”
Sorrow filled Optimus’ spark at the mention of your father. Humans usually had close ties to their families. He had quickly learned that parents traditionally acted as a youngling’s guide, always there to offer their advice and support. The closest thing that Cybertronians had in comparison were their mentors. Optimus sorely missed the guidance of his own mentor Alpha Trion, so he could imagine some of what you were feeling.
You sighed, exhausted by your outburst, “Sorry… You must think I’m selfish. There are people worse off than me, and all I can think about is myself.”
“Everyone has their struggles. They do not invalidate your own.”
For the first time since coming out, you really looked at Optimus Prime, seeing the anguish in his optics. His concern for you was touching, though seeing him worry only served to make you feel worse.
Optimus, sensing your feelings, spoke reassuringly, “If someone is concerned over your wellbeing, it means that you have made a great impact on their life. I hope that I too have made an impact on yours.”
“Of course you have,” You breathed. “You’re one of my best friends.”
“An honour I shall strive to be worthy of.”
“Optimus… What should I do?” You asked, referring to your future.
“I am afraid that is something only you can decide, but if I might offer some comforting words, you should know that I also do not know what my future holds.”
“But you’re Optimus Prime. You’re the leader of the Autobots!”
“Yes, but I have been in this war so long that sometimes I don’t think it will ever end. If it does, I will have to lead my people back to Cybertron, but tell me, how does one rebuild a planet and an entire civilisation with it?”
“…I don’t know.”
“Nor do I, but I do not fear this future. Instead, I embrace it, and lean on my friends for support. Friendships make us stronger; I suggest you remember that when we go back inside.”
You nodded, thoughtfully quiet. Optimus patted your shoulder comfortingly and the two of you stayed there for a while, looking up at the stars; a Cybertronian and a human, unsure of what awaited them in the future, but willing to face it all the same, with each other to lean on.
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
here is the second last part besties wahhh I'm so sad its coming to an end!! I'm also so sorry about this part, it'll break a few hearts :'( Love always, Steph xx
Part 11 | parte undicesima
warnings; heartbreak, swearing & angst - i'm sorry in advance. word count; 2185 writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. final update; Wednesday 18/08 5pm AEST. tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven link to fic masterlist here
A few days had passed since the Villa match and Amelia had heard from Jack when he returned to Birmingham. He sent her a simple text to let her know he made it home. That’s it. The two went from previously not going more than 24 hours between FaceTimes or calls or memes to a simple made it home a few hours ago, thanks for a good time x.
No “speak soon”, no promise of a FaceTime , no double kiss at the end of the text that would have typically been there otherwise. If anything, she was more mad that he made her feel like a side piece; like one of his instagram girls that she knew he entertained throughout the week. Amelia knew that she, for lack of better terms, fucked up. She fucked up their friendship, and was praying to all of the Gods that would listen to help her not fuck things up with Ben, too. However, the fact that she didn’t go to church as often as she should have is probably the reason that Ben refused to make eye contact with the girl. It was either that or…he already knew.
“Benj, hey, wait up.” She called as he walked out to his car after a particularly long day at Cobham.
“Don’t call me Benj,” he coldly stated without turning around, continuing his stride.
“Okay fine, Chilly. Wait up will you!”
“Don’t call me Chilly either, that's reserved for friends.”
“Okay, if I can’t call you Benj, or Chilly, what can I call you?”
“The best mate of the guy you fucked multiple times on Saturday night” He spat out at her, as he finally turned around, ready to see the shocked look cast over Amelia’s face as she stood a couple feet away from him. He wasn’t expecting to see Mason at his car, just across the way or Jorgi at his, a few cars down. But they were there and it didn’t matter; they were going to find out sooner or later, anyway.
“He told you.”
“He told the group chat, Amelia. The fucking group chat! How does that make you feel? He’s already bragging about it. Your bed isn't even cold yet! It probably doesn’t bother you that much though - you’re just like him.”
“He fucked you when he knew exactly how I felt about you, having gone to him for advice as to how to apologise to you. I called him on Friday after I left your house and gushed to him like a bloody little girl because I was so happy you forgave me, and that we had kissed. And then, just like that, you let him weasel his way between your legs.”
“I know I should be taking this out on him, and I will don’t worry, but you knew what you were doing also. You knew exactly how I felt about you. I was ready to commit to you that night and you said you wanted to be friends, that you needed time to heal or whatever. So I hope you’re happy and are healing, because I take it all back.” With that, Ben turned around and got in his car, driving away from the girl who felt remorse worse than she ever has in her life.
Witnessing the whole exchange, Jorgi gave Mason a nod to say “go check on Ben, I’ll look after Amelia” and walked up to the girl from behind. Without scaring her, he firmly grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her to his chest where she let go of all of the emotions she had been keeping inside. With every stab of the knife that was Ben’s words, she felt herself becoming more vulnerable and exposed than ever before. She refused to let him see her cry. That wasn’t something she was willing to let anyone see; she didn’t realise all she had been holding together until she no longer had to, until she had the physical support of Jorgi holding her up in the middle of the training ground car park.
Ushering her to his car - she could collect her own another day - Jorgi  put her inside before any other first team members - or worse, staff members - could see the distraught girl and drove them both back to her place where he spent the rest of the evening comforting the girl and letting her know she wasn’t alone. He had even made a desperate call to Fede, asking for advice on how to cheer the girl up. Of course, her Italian ex-lover had been worried the moment his national teammate had told him that the girl was inconsolable and was just about ready to board a flight to her, but Jorgi had calmed him down too. Fede’s advice of coffee, warm pyjamas and clean sheets had done the trick of putting the girl to sleep for the night.
The next few days had come and gone, and the two heartbroken almost-lovers were back to the beginning - Ben ignoring Amelia and Amelia trying to get Ben in a room. But it wasn’t to be. Towards the end of the week, Amelia had received a phone call from Mr Mancini, formally inviting her back to the Italian National Team staff for the upcoming friendly matches and preparation for the 2022 World Cup. Without any hesitation, she accepted her role and began to prepare the necessary procedures that would need to be implemented or maintained during her time away with the Italian side.
Sharing the news with her fellow Italians, Jorgi and Emerson, she decided that she wanted to be the one to tell Ben. She wanted him to know, whether he cared or not, that she wasn’t running away from him and that she would see him soon.
“Chilwell, please stay behind after the session.” She decided it was best if she requested it in the company of the rest of the first team and also the staff members. She was being selfish but she didn’t want him to run away from her again.
He remained sat in his seat as the rest of the team and professional staff left for the evening. Arms crossed, slouched down, looking at everything else in the room but the girl who was nervously wringing her hands together.
“I’m leaving for international duties tomorrow morning.” With that sentence, he stopped tapping his left leg and looking at the cornice details. Instead, his attention was focused on her.
“But we don’t break up for internationals for another week.”
“I know, but Mancini has requested I come earlier to settle back into things over there.”
“It’s only an hour flight away, how difficult could it be?”
“I thought you’d be happy to see me go.”
Silence. Ben didn’t have an answer for her. Of course he didn’t want to see her around Cobham on the day-to-day basis they currently had to endure, but that doesn’t mean he wants her to go back to Italy. Even if it was only for a couple of weeks. Especially if it meant she was around Fede again.
“Well, much to your dismay I'll be back here in 3 weeks. And, Italy are playing England in the last friendly match of the break.”
With a slight nod of his head, Amelia presumed that their conversation was done with. She turned to gather her paperwork and heard the chairs behind her move, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. She sighed into her hands. How did she let this happen? She preached to Ben how much she didn’t want to be selfish with his heart, and that's exactly what she did. But hey, it takes two to tango. Deciding there was no time like the present, she dialed the contact that once made her smirk but instead only made her furious to look at.
“Amelia, hey, how are you? Sorry it’s been a hectic couple of weeks.”
“Cut the crap Jack, you never intended to keep this friendship after you got what you were after.”
“Excuse me? You wanted it just as bad as I did.”
“You’re right about that, I thought I wanted it. Now, though, all I feel is regret. You know Jack, I knew from the moment we met that you were just my type, the kind that only calls me late at night. I knew a guy like you, and he treated me more or less the same. I gave myself to him, over and over for the better part of 3 years, and it was only when I left that he decided I might have been worth it... worth him.”
“But not you, you couldn’t help but run to your group chat and brag about your latest conquest, about how you made me feel wanted, only to rip it all out from under me the next morning and every day since. Honestly Jack, I think it's time you grew up a little. For Ben to confide in you how he was feeling and for you to just have blatant disregard for your so-called best mate. I can’t believe you would stoop so low. I know I'm in the wrong here too, but you are his best mate for crying out loud! How could you do this to him?”
“I don’t even want to hear what you have to say, I just needed to get that off my chest. Lose my number Jack, find some other hopeless girl that you can lure in with your foolish words and sweet nothings because I’m done. I’m done with whatever this was to you.”
“You’re probably not going to believe me, but you have no idea how happy I am to see you here,” I heard from behind me, spinning around on my heels to see the ever-charming, boyish grin I used to love with my whole heart. This time, it's a different kind of love - it's an unconditional love shared between two people that are glad to exist together in the same crazy world.
“Federico, amore mio.” (Federico, my love) I stood up from my place on the bench at the Technical Headquarters and Training Ground of the Italian Football Federation, bringing the taller, heavily tattooed man into my arms. A gentle rock from him, side to side, to let me know that he can feel the weight of my moral compass.
“Vieni, cammina con me” (come, walk with me) He looped our arms together, and we strolled around the perimeter of the pitch that I was using to visualise my plays for the upcoming games. By the time we made it to the first set of goals, Fede had had enough of letting me mull over my own thoughts.
“Tesoro, Jorgi called one night a couple weeks ago. As smart as he is, it turns out he is hopeless at calming down an emotional female. While I'm not proud of knowing exactly how to calm you down, being that it was more often than not my fault you were inconsolable in the first place, I had to get some information out of him as to who upset my favourite girl in all of England.”
So I launched into the story, telling him everything from Mykonos to that fateful night a few weeks ago. Fede being Fede, he wanted to know everything, but I stopped just short of letting him know how many times Jack took me to paradise (much to his dismay). By the time I had wrapped up, we must have walked the pitch at least 3 times in its entirety, before retiring to the centre circle where we sat on opposite sides of the half way line staring at each other.
“I’m sorry that I ruined you for any other man,” Fede spoke solemnly.
“Fede, no - it was my stupid mistake to sleep with Jack.”
“No, let me finish amore. I’m sorry that I made you love me so deeply, and convinced you that the way I treated you was the right way, that the way I was with you was what you expect in every man to come after me. This Jack, he sounds just like me about 5 years ago - before I met you. But Ben, he sounds like the man I am trying to better myself to be, to be the man that deserves the kind of love you have to give.”
“I want you to listen to me. You need to fight for Ben. From what I have heard from both yourself and Jorgi-”
“That boy cannot keep his mouth shut to save himself,” I muttered under my breath.
“Amelia, you have a heart that deserves to be loved. Open yourself up to Ben. Tell him how you feel. From experience, you are very hard to ignore when you’re so vulnerable. Be honest with him, apologise, make him feel wanted, not like a second choice. Let him know how much you care for him, and equally how much you want him to care for you. He will see your sincerity and realise just how truly irresistible you are.”
Part 12. | la parte finale
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16. Play.
Noticing the power shift created by Joey’s new form and role in his story, the Ink demon, the Prophet, and the now much more lucid searchers are interested in playing a few games with their old pals Henry and Joey. (Or not very interested, in the prophet and searchers’ cases) (Set in the AU where by yeeting Joey into the ink machine before going through the portal-door in the kitchen, Henry is accompanied by a chatty, useless, and overall insufferable little imp.)
The novelty of Joey accompanying him as a friendly, (Henry used that term loosely considering what he knew now.) tiny, cartoon demon wore off the second the story actually kicked into play. For starters, the former animator knew that whether either of them liked it or not, Joey was going to be clinging to him whenever he felt like it and following him like a lost puppy.
At the moment, the imp was running ahead of the animator, tapping his feet impatiently as he ‘waited’ for the old man to catch up before scurrying off again and occasionally tripping, but Henry knew that by the time the Ink Demon came into play, the little devil would use him as a meat shield.
 Speaking of the two devils, Henry approached the freshly boarded up ink machine room which Joey was already peering into with an uneasy expression on his pale face. The animator also peered into the room, but instead of being greeted by the Ink Demon popping out of the hole and starting the chase, he watched the Ink demon pace about the small room with an expression he’d never seen on it before: a grimace.
In addition to the demon’s seemingly much more expressive face, he seemed to have a different approach to his role as a villain now that he had no script from Joey to follow; a villain who was much more dangerous than a smart animal.
The Ink Demon shouted and called up three figures of ink.
“Alright, now listen up you three good-for-nothing, sewer-water-brained Lackeys, the creators will be here ANY second now, and if I find out YOU STUPID INK BLOTS let them get away, I’m gonna wring your necks out like wet towels! Do I make myself clear?!”
“Yes, your vileness.” The swollen searcher with a bowler hat replied in a tired sounding tone.
“Clear as day, your assholiness.” The Prophet added, sounding like more of a smartass than he had ever been when he was alive.
“Y-yes… Lord Ink Demon… We’ll take good care of them all right! W-well not good, but- EEEP!” a third searcher that appeared to have teeth made out of piano keys meekly stuttered and hid from the Ink Demon’s untrusting glare from behind the safety of the Prophet’s legs.
“Good! Now listen up: they’ve started up our machine already so we don’t have much time to plan: So what do we do to stop them?”
“Uh... ...Same thing as always?”
“W-well… I’m sure that you’ll have the best plan out of all of us, your rottenness!”
“You can stick your hand out of the holes in the boards and watch them run and fall to their doom like a pair of stray sheep who don’t see the cliff.”
“NO! When Joey’s not in control, I’m calling the shots around here! And I say: We’re not going to run his stupid story through the machine any more! We’re doing something completely different, something that will really make ‘em suffer...”
“Henry!” Joey tugged on the man’s pant leg and whispered loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to grab the ink monsters’ attention. “He can think and talk! He’s not supposed to do that! Hell, aside from Sammy, none of them are supposed to be any smarter than feral animals! Not to mention, they all look different… I think that stuff on Sammy is supposed to be hair, but it’s never been THAT long before...”
The Ink Demon slapped his forehead and grumbled under his breath.
“Why not take the pleasure in offing them yourself, your dicklessness?”
“Uh, Yeah, and when you fail at that, we’ll set up traps for ‘em downstairs. It’s not like they’re gonna escape the studio.”
The searcher with piano key teeth sheepishly nodded along.
“What?! But I had this cool dramatic entrance planned out and everything- ARGH! FINE!” The Ink Demon grumbled as he started breaking the boards. “If you want a mauling done right...”
Henry held Joey like a football as he ran through the rapidly flooding studio as the Ink Demon cackled manically throughout the chase.
Henry found himself having to jump and duck to avoid a lot more falling debris and had felt the demon’s claws at his back at times, the situation was not helped by Joey screaming and crying the entire time.
He felt more dread than relief as he saw the exit coming in, no matter how close it got, he never got to it, like every time before, the floorboards broke underneath his feet. He always fell, and now, someone would try to catch him.
And would succeed.
It happened so fast that Joey couldn’t tell if he did it intentionally or not, but he had slipped out of Henry’s grip and had fallen down to the depths of the studio with a loud ‘splash’ announcing his arrival.
Announcing that he was alone, defenseless, and weak. In a studio that Joey now knew no longer was his to control, and was filled with many, many enemies who would fully take advantage of that.
“Y-you just need to stay c-calm, Joey...” He pulled himself up on a floating piece of stray wood and started paddling towards the valve. “There’s an ax nearby, all you need to do is get to it and you’ll be fine. you’ve seen Henry do this hundreds of times, you’ll be alright, you just need to believe in yourself.”
In spite of his reassuring speech, the scared little imp felt a large pit of dread in his gut. The former Music director, former lyricist, and the former organist would probably hesitate if it was Henry instead, but those three caught him... Joey shuddered just thinking about it. 
As the ink drained he took his miraculously unstained bath robe off of the floor and put it back on. He was also missing his pants now, but it wasn’t like he could go back up to get them, and even if he could, he wasn’t going to fight the Ink Demon for a pair of fucking pants that were too big for him anyway.
“Get the ax, get back with Henry, get the ax, get back with Henry, get the ax, get back with Henry...”
He repeated to himself under his breath as he repeated his task of descending and turning valves as an attempt to keep himself from jumping at every twist and turn. The imp also kept his eyes peeled for anything that looked suspicious or out of place, fearing the looming threat of the searchers’ traps.
The ax and the room was exactly how Joey had left it, not a single thing changed, which did make him feel relieved.
When he moved forward, he didn’t find any evidence that Sammy was worshiping Bendy at all when in the shrine room, there were plenty of ritualistic circles, plenty of cryptic messages, but they all had the little devil as a thing that was meant to be sacrificed, not as something worth the former musician’s worship.
“Of all the runs for Sammy to not worship Bendy...” He groaned. “It HAD to be the one where I became an imp...”
He wasn’t sure whether he was grateful or even more afraid when he didn’t see Sammy moving the cutout around.
When Joey got to the music department itself, he heard the sounds of laughter, pool balls clacking, cheers and glasses clinking in the distance. Following the sounds, he found the three searchers lounging around the pool table in the middle of a conversation and a game.
The upbeat atmosphere fizzled out when the three noticed him. The Swollen searcher muttered something about the game just getting good, the Piano key-toothed searcher groaned about Joey spoiling all the fun as usual, and the masked mad maestro smiled at him.
Not in a sarcastic or forced way like how his human self smiled at people, it seemed genuine enough. But it also wasn’t a warm or kind smile, it seemed more ...hungry.
“Hello little Lamb.” The prophet stood up and got into the imp’s face,  “Are you interested in playing a game with us?”
‘Oh fuck, he’s still crazy.’ Joey thought to himself. “N-no thanks!” He smiled and waved hoping that he didn’t look as terrified as he felt. “I’ve got a friend of mine to get back to and I really don’t have a lot of time to play.”
The imp dashed out of the break room and slammed the door shut behind him, completely unaware that the merriment had returned to the room.
“Thank god he didn’t go for it.” Johnny sighed. “If The Ink Demon found out about this room because of that little runt...”
“I told you it would work.” The prophet took the mask back off and set it aside on a crate. “...But he’ll probably come back to pester us into trying to help him find Henry, maybe even take up the game offer.”
“Yeah...” Jack poured himself another shot. “Kinda surprised that you didn’t jump at the chance to make his life hell though.”
“Less is more.” The prophet hit the eight ball and watched the rest of them knock against each other. “If you get one big punch left to linger, it hurts like a bitch, if you get hundreds of them, you grow numb to the pain. But I don’t think that Inky understands that.”
“Well, at least he can have fun playing his game of cat and mouse with Joey...”
“Yeah.” Johnny raised his glass. “Cheers to those two being each others’ problems instead of ours!”
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brockadoodles · 4 years
21 - q. hughes
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AN: As promised, another repost for my love, @pettypetey​, a little shortie that I wrote on my old blog for his birthday. 
Word Count: 1675
Warnings: a little angsty if you squint, mentions of drinking. 
You sat at the kitchen counter with your head in your hands swirling the now disintegrating paper straw around in your drink, the ice had long melted and watered down any alcohol that was left. You almost felt like it was a mistake for coming here tonight. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be there, you loved Quinn, but that was the entirety of the problem. He normally wasn’t around this time of year, having already gone back to Vancouver for the start of his season. You missed him when he was in Edmonton, spending game nights with his brothers didn’t feel the same anymore when your feelings hit you. The subtle “I miss you” texts from him causing your heart to ache and your mind to race and read between the lines into something that might not have even been there in the first place. 
You’d known Quinn for so long now that you shouldn’t have been surprised when you grew even more attached to him over the last year. The pandemic and him being home for longer than he had ever been home caused something to grow between you that you were almost sure was more than what was acceptable to call just a friendship anymore. It was in the late nights spent in his family’s backyard, the long drives you’d take together just to clear your minds, you smiling softly at him from his passenger seat while he drove. 
You spent so many months in this self-created bubble with Quinn that it almost didn’t feel real when he told you that he was leaving again. You kept yourself together while he told you, the words mulling in your head and creating an ache in your heart that you spent the following week denying was even there. 
It was Luke who called you out on it first, putting the words into the air that you had been afraid to murmur out loud for the last few months. You were sitting in the Hughes basement, ready to watch the third game of the play-in round with Jack and Luke when he said it.
“So when are you telling Quinn you like him?” He said so nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink as Jack walked back into the room, a knowing expression on his face as he overheard what Luke said to you. You groaned, trying to play it off as nothing when in reality your insides were twirling and you had to stop yourself from letting it all out. 
You thought about it the entire game, and by the time he called that night the words almost left your lips with a soft “I miss you” that would have meant more than just the simple words could give the impression of. 
You almost told him so many times over the weeks that he was away, the ache in your heart only growing bigger into something that stayed with you each passing day. You almost told him when he came back, running into his arms when he pulled up to your house just hours after his plane landed. His head hung in your neck, and you swore that he almost placed a soft kiss into your neck as your hands curled in his hair. But you didn’t say it, instead the “I miss you” came out solid, friendly, and you pretended not to notice as his face slightly fell at your tone. 
Now you found yourself at a small party for his 21st birthday, a small gathering of the friends that were still around due to the unforeseen circumstances of the world, and all you could think about was the fact that you needed to get over these feelings before he left you again. 
Quinn had noticed something was off about you since he came back, you started retreating from him, not answering calls and making up stories about being busy whenever he’d ask to see you. He wasn’t entirely sure you were even coming to his birthday, as you gave him a halfhearted answer when he asked the night before. It was nearly killing him, his heart had ached for you the entire time he was gone, and he knew you felt it too. Jack had spilled it to him one night shortly after he came back, so when he came back and you immediately started pulling away he didn’t know how to fix it. 
Quinn was quiet, not the type of person who had any sort of eloquent way with words. His mind didn’t work in love stories or songs, he would probably stumble out any confession so poorly that it would almost be funny. But he knew how he felt about you, how much those phone calls meant to him when he was in Edmonton, how you would talk him down from the pressure of contributing for his team in such a surreal environment, how you reassured him no matter what happened everyone would be proud of him.   
Now here you were, standing feet away from him, the most beautiful person he knew looking like they would rather be anywhere else but there. He wasn’t sure who looked more pathetic that night, you for sitting by yourself, or him for watching your every move instead of enjoying what was supposed to be one of the best birthdays of anyone’s life. He felt like you were just out a reach, a whole lifetime away from him and all he wanted was to bring you into the same life with him, whatever that looked like. 
He watched you set your still full glass in the sink and grab your phone, his mind going blank when he realized that you were leaving. Everything felt frozen as you turned around, catching his eye with a hurt expression on your face. Your eyes widened as you stood there a few feet apart, the nonverbal communication making everything so clear. You smiled sadly at him, turning around to leave his party, your heart no longer able to take being around him. 
Quinn reacted quickly, ignoring a few calls of his name as he walked quickly after you. He caught up to you as you were walking down the steps of the porch.
“You’re not going to say anything to me? You’re just leaving?” He called out, his voice soft but firm as you froze in your place. You turned around slowly, your eyes starting to water from the emotions that were bubbling to the surface. 
“I can’t be here, Quinn. It’s too hard.” You smiled sadly, hoping that he would just let you go. It was easier this way, you told yourself. If you could break the attachment now, it wouldn’t hurt as bad when he left again. Quinn shook his head, taking a tentative step toward you. 
“So let’s make it easy, I don’t want you to go,” he started, grabbing onto your hand and lacing his fingers through yours, squeezing softly. 
“Quinn,” you tried, but he only came closer as he pulled you into his chest, melting away almost every resolve you had to leave. You stood there for a moment listening to the steady beat of his heart, memorizing the rhythm of it as his hands rubbed circles into your sides. You let yourself imagine it for a moment, what it would be like to have this be real, but it wasn’t real, and no matter what you wanted you had to accept that Quinn would always leave again even if it was no fault of his own. 
“You should go back to your party,” you smiled sadly as you pulled back. Quinn shook his head softly at you.
“I don’t care about the party,” he said, reaching his hand to your cheek, placing it there and wiping a tear from your eye. 
“Quinn, it’s your 21st birthday, of course, you care,” you responded. He just shook his head at you once more. Quinn knew that he was dense, he knew that he wasn’t good with his feelings or emotions, but all he wanted to do was somehow communicate to you that what he cared about was you, not some stupid party, not getting blackout drunk just because he legally could now. 
“I don’t,” he argued, shaking his head again as he added, “I like you, a lot. I realize that’s probably the most underwhelming way for me to say that, but it’s true. So no, I don’t care about the party, I don’t care about any of it, just you.” You could tell he was telling the truth based on how frustrated he sounded. His words were firmer, more sure sounding than Quinn normally ever sounded when it came to admitting something like that. You almost couldn’t believe it, but you did because Quinn wouldn’t lie to you about something like this. 
“So, what do you want from this?” You asked, your heart beating in your throat as you struggled to breathe. Quinn smiled at you, his eyes softening as he grabbed your face once more, using his free hand to guide your body back to his. He leaned his forehead against yours.
“Right now? Kinda want a kiss for my birthday, then maybe to get out of here and just spend time with you. So can I have that?” He asked. You smiled up at him, your cheeks heating up under his hand as you nodded softly, your eyes fluttering closed as he kissed you for the first time. You dug your hands into his waist as you kissed, your stomach doing backflips as you heard the cheers start to come from outside the house where some of his friends had gathered. 
Quinn didn’t stop kissing you as he flipped them off, both of you ignoring them completely as you shared your moment. You pulled back, laughing softly as you placed your head on his chest. 
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I like you too.” You whispered into his chest.
“Thank God or this would probably be the worst birthday ever.” 
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champion-prism · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet- Champion Leon
Explicit NSFW under cut-
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It depends on how tired he is. If he’s really tired, he’ll do his best not to make a mess; afterwards, he’ll simply pull you tight against his chest and fall asleep. If he isn’t tired, he gets as messy as he likes, always cleans you up afterwards, and lays back as you pull on his shirt and snuggle into him. Lots of soft kisses afterwards- on your knuckles, on your face, ghosted over your lips.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
 He loves his hands. They’re large, especially compared to yours- he has pretty, artistic looking fingers that you love to kiss, and he loves to pump inside of you.
His favourite part of your body is your hips. He loves to teasingly pepper kisses on your pelvis, trail his hands down your waist and over the curve of your hips...even when you’re in public, his hand on your waist may occasionally drift lower.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves to cum inside. For someone who has a whole reputation at stake, he’s actually quite lax about protection, and in the moment he’s always kissing you and moaning and asking permission to cum inside of you.  He also has a lot of cum, and he likes watching it leak out of you. If you don’t allow him to cum inside, he’ll cum over your stomach or chest.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes when you’re asleep and he’s horny, he ruts against you gently and runs his hands over your body, one hand creeping into his pants to get himself off. If you’re a deep sleeper, he’ll hump against you, desperate for friction as his hands run up your shirt. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Experienced, but not very. He’s been with only one or two people before you, and not very serious relationships at that- his whole focus before you came along was his work. That being said, Leon is a quick learner and he definitely puts all his experience to use. He quickly adapts to your body- he’s quite explorative in the beginning, trying everything he can and noting exactly what makes you moan and arch your back.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He really likes doing it when you’re both on your sides, facing each other. You’re pressed up to his chest with your leg thrown over his waist, kissing and touching him, he’s holding you as close as possible as he thrusts into you, hands roving your form and coming to paw at your chest. He loves the closeness of it all.
Contrariwise, he also loves the exact opposite- taking you from behind with most of your clothes still on, fast, desperate, trying to reach his high as he slams into you, groaning and gripping your hips to steady you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Leading up to the moment, he’s definitely humorous. He likes to talk to you, smiling against your lips and sometimes tickling your sides just to see you laugh. But in the moment, he’s focused. All he can think about is your body, and how much he wants to see you moan and say his name and clench around his cock as you cum.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He mostly keeps it short and slightly fluffy. He doesn’t like shaving it off completely- it gets uncomfortable and prickly, but he keeps himself nice and groomed. It’s about the same shade as the hair on his head- he loves it when you down his purple happy trail.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Moans into your ear about how much he loves you, how perfect you feel, and how your hole was just made for him. He’s usually more intense than romantic, although he gets romantic afterwards.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he’s single with nobody in mind, he doesn’t jack off that often- he has an intense workout routine where he can vent his frustrations to the point of exhaustion. When he likes you, however, he will jack off, even though he’ll be self conscious about it. Leon’s been raised to be very self aware, and this can pervade into his most private moments- he’s terrified of  somehow being caught touching himself, even in the privacy of his own bedroom-  when he does pull up a picture of you and pleasures himself, he feels guilty afterwards.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Powerplay, roleplay. He likes pretending you’re some rookie trainer or a fan that fell into bed with him, even though he’s too conscientious to actually do something like that. He loves dominating you, eliciting squeals of “oh, Champion Leon!”, but alternatively, sometimes he likes it when you take charge, pushing him down and riding him and making him admit that you’re the only one the all powerful Champion submits to. Also slight breeding kink, but he doesn’t tell you about it- you more or less find out by accident when he blurts something out in the heat of the moment. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Apart from your bedroom, he likes to do it in his private locker room/shower at Wyndon stadium. It’s the thrill of it all, coming down from a battle high with the crowds’ cheering still ringing in his ears, feeling victorious and powerful when you call him your Champion as he rails you in the shower. He’s very careful about the doors being locked, and it’s still more of a guilty pleasure than anything, but he loves it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Winning battles, for one thing. The adrenaline coursing through his veins, seeing your bright face and you gush over how incredible he was, makes him very hard. He also loves seeing you in pretty clothing- lingerie, and also pretty clothes in shades he likes, maybe something that’s slightly revealing, but leaves enough to the imagination.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s really not into hurting you, or anything like that. Seeing tears streaming down your face would just be a massive turn off for him. He wants you to enjoy yourself during sex, to make faces an moan and beg and plead- but he doesn’t want to hurt you, even if you’re fine with it. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
There’s nothing quite like a blowjob to relax him after a long day, but if he had to pick, he would deviate towards giving. It’s just a massive powertrip to have you come undone by just his mouth- the sounds you make and the way you taste and leak for him, he loves every second of it. He could eat you out for hours.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
When you’re in bed, he likes to take his time with you, going at a slow to moderate pace and speeding up when you beg him to. If you’re on the couch or a place like the stadium, he’s pretty fast and rough, although he’s careful not to hurt you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s fine with quickies- he actually finds them kinda hot, seeing how desperate you both are to simply get off. Doesn’t indulge in them too often, though- usually prefers to take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s fine with experimentation as long as it doesn’t involve the risk of being caught. His image as a family friendly icon is immensely important to him- important enough that the risk of being caught is a real fear for him, not a thrill. Apart from that, he’s willing to at least try something new that you’re into.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Between 1 to 3 rounds. If he’s tired and the first round goes on for very long, he’ll either stop, or have a really quick second round before he goes to sleep. He’s strong with great self control, so he can pace himself to last as long as he wants. On days when he’s free for once, he likes to go for long, explorative rounds where he takes his time toying with your body.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Prefers to get you off by himself, but he won’t say no to toys if you want to use them. Doesn’t have any toys of his own- he once considered getting a fleshlight, but he’s too self conscious. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teases a fair bit when he’s in the mood to, but he mostly doesn’t want to waste time before being inside you. He gets these playful moods where he likes to edge you and draw your orgasm out, but he always makes up for it by pounding into you during the next round.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Very loud. It’s usually lewd moans and slurred words about how much he loves you, and how you feel warm and wet and you’re perfect around him, fuck, he wants to cum inside you so bad. During your post-battle romps at the stadium, he bites down on your shoulder to muffle his moans. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Has a secret fantasy about being tied up. He wants to completely surrender all semblance to control, and just let you have your way with him for as long as you like. Has a small thing for overstimulation.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It’s thick, and cut. About 5” flaccid, but goes up to 7.5” when he’s hard. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Progressively increases as he gets to know you. When he’s completely in love with you, he yearns for you all the time- expect sex multiple times daily if he’s free, or atleast two rounds at night when he gets back from work.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fairly quickly. He’ll take care to clean you up, but once he’s cum, all he really wants to do is cuddle into you and fall asleep. He’s very tired a lot of the time, and he feels relaxed and safe in your arms.
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
What are your jack and Spot headcanons? I’ve always felt like they were the type to really understand each other but would rather die then admit they’re friends.
(Side note: I might have sent this already but my internet was all screwy so I’m not sure it went through)
oh i think jack and spot are so so so similar and so so so unwilling to see it. i think they share a lot of similar trauma and responses to said trauma and I think when they look at each other they can't help but see the things they hate about themselves reflected in the other and it drives them crazy.
jack sees spot as somebody so angry and defensive and bitter and he can't help but judge him for it because jack has worked so hard to beat back those traits in himself and it was hard and it was worth it.
and spot sees jack as somebody dismissive and stupidly optimistic and reactive and he can't help but judge him for it because spot has worked so hard to be able to look back at what he went through and pull a fight for change out of it and he doesn't see the same desire for forward momentum in jack.
and the thing is they're both right and wrong at the same time. because jack's desire for forward momentum is the desire to better himself, to heal, to be able to provide a softer, kinder, better life for those around him. he is dismissive and stupidly optimistic and reactive because it's so hard for him to be happy and he knows if he lets himself dwell, if he's purposeful about his anger about his childhood and doesn't make himself move on and pretend to believe things will get better until he actually believes it he'll sit and stew and be miserable forever.
and spot is and always has been first and foremost a fighter, his desire for forward momentum is a desire to jump headfirst onto the front lines and claw his way to something better. he is angry and defensive and bitter and he's using those things not to dwell on the past but to fight so goddamn hard for something better.
i think it takes jack and spot a long time to find a balance. because they're so so so similar and so so unwilling to see it. there's a lot of fighting and a few good blow-ups, lots of snapping at each other and plenty of biting comments before they both let themselves see through the walls the other has up. but once that barrier is broken down I think they have such a strong, balanced relationship.
as much as they're different and as much as they're similar, I think they have very similar senses of humor. spot is dry and sarcastic and a little bit mean, and jack is loud and brash and teasing, but the jokes tend to be very similar. they agree on most of the important things and enjoy picking on each other about the less important things. i think they end up best friends without realizing it's happening and I think they're both mad about it when somebody else points it out.
they fully consider themselves frenemies but they aren't frenemies, they're friends who like being a little bit mean to each other because they get it.
i think their friendship looks a little weird from the outside because it's aggressive and loud and a little bit mean but it's also full of the kind of respect they only have for each other because they've learned enough about each other from years of actually fighting to have earned that mutual respect. spot is one of the only people who can see through jack's veneer of cheerful goofy charming friendly guy to the absolute rage and fight to be the one in control of himself that's hidden under all that. and jack is one of the only people who can see through spot's veneer of cold calculated stoic serious tough guy to see the guy who cares so much about fighting for something better that he's willing to sacrifice others' opinions of himself for the sake of what he's fighting for.
so in summary. they aren't friends until they are and they like to fight but also respect each other deeply but also pretend they hate each other but also love each other more than anything.
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soobuneary · 3 years
Giddy up, Girl! - Choi Soobin x Reader
Choi Soobin x Reader
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Summary: A (very self-indulgent) fic about Soobin visiting a southern partner’s hometown. After a year of long distance dating online, you meet! HIGHKEY inspired by the Luke Bryan ‘Shake It’ tiktok trend haha.
Warnings: drinking, a tiny bit sexual if you squint, and like one curse word
Words: 2.6k
***the songs mentioned, if you want hehe: 1, 2, 3, 4
As he watched you carefully apply your eyeliner, Soobin still felt as if this whole situation was unbelievable. Even through the teary greeting at the airport, and even as he sat here on your bed watching you, the high feeling kept his head lost in what he could only describe as a dream.
You had gone to Korea as a trip with your university, where you were a culinary student, and on one of your nights adventuring you had met Soobin at a food stall. He was impressed by your knowledge of Korean food, and you were smitten with his dimples. After exchanging numbers, you quickly became friends even after you had gone home to the US. He asked you to be his girlfriend over facetime, which was how many of your previous dates had taken place.
But now, you sat in front of him at your vanity, in the flesh. And you were about to take him out in real life. “Soobin, aren’t you going to get ready?”
Your voice snapped him out of his daze. He took in your appearance and suddenly felt shy. A pale pink tank top and high-wasted jean shorts, and suddenly he wasn’t sure this was the type of date he was thinking of. He assumed he had been quiet for too long, as you asked him the same question but in Korean. “Not sure.”
You smiled at him and walked over to your closet. Seeing his clothes on one side made you smile, because although it was odd, it made everything feel much more tangible. He was here.
He looked at the plain white button up you held out towards him. “The jeans you’re wearing should be fine.”
“Where are we going?”
“No where fancy.” You smiled, putting on your rhinestone covered boots. “I want you to meet my friends, this bar is one of our favorites.” You saw the anxiety settle in on his face, so you continued, “Soob, I don’t think anyone at this bar would know who you are. Hell, I didn’t when we met.”
That did little to ease his stress, but he smirked upon further inspection of your cowgirl boots. It reminded him of the Blue Hour music video shoot. He chuckled, “Those are yours?”
“Yeah?” You approached the closet again as he finished doing the last button on his shirt. “You don’t take me for the type?”
He watched as you pulled down two hats, one white and one brown. “I’ve never seen it before.”
Your laugh made him blush. “Well, it’s a special occasion. I can’t show you my hometown without pulling out all the stops.” You paused in consideration, “Actually, I don’t think I’ve worn them since my high school homecoming!”
He put on the well-worn, white cowboy hat. “Homecoming?”
You explained it on the way to the bar, and Soobin would not stop laughing about the ridiculousness of it all. Mums? He lost his mind.
“You look mighty fine in your hat, Soobin.”
One of your friends broke the silence that followed your leave to the bar. Soobin couldn’t help feel out of place in the dimly lit booth, not because he didn’t trust his English abilities but he was trying his best to not be overwhelmed by everything. The horseshoes on the walls, the men shooting black spit from chewing tobacco into empty bottles, the cigarette smoke filling the air. Above all else, the loud country music blaring from every direction and the yelling coming from around the big, robotic bull. He looked up at the brunette who had spoken up and realized he had taken a pause too long. “Thank you, (Y/N) gave it to me.”
“We figured,” her boyfriend laughed and Soobin felt his cheeks redden with embarrassment. Marie and Jack were there names, and you had told him they were your best friends in high school. From what he had observed so far, they were far different than your university friends he had met briefly on facetime, but they seemed friendly still. They just had a different air about them.
“Sorry, I’m not used to going out like this.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Marie’s eyes lit up as she patted Jack on his bicep, “Back in Korea, Soobin is famous!”
He blushed deeper and hoped that the dim lights did him a favor. He laughed inwardly, and he hoped it didn’t make him conceited to know it was a lot more than ‘famous back in Korea’.
“Well, Soobin, here in Green Oak you could consider me famous. Marie, do you remember senior year when we brought our four wheelers? For our senior prank?”
“How could I forget, Jack?” Marie looked at Soobin with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “They drove them through the halls, they barely fit! Dragged in mud and horse shit. Our principal was mad as hell, but we cleaned up! We made the local news.”
His mind raced as he tried to keep up with words he wasn’t too familiar with, but laughed along with Jack. Suddenly he heard your voice, and thanked whatever higher power there was that you came to hopefully steer the conversation back to familiar territory.
You swayed your hips and sang along to the song playing out, being extra careful with your arms full of drinks. “Cold beer on a Friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right!”
Marie finished the lyric as you served out the drinks. Jack had gotten a beer, so Soobin did as well. How different could beer be here in Texas? Well, quite a bit different he found out, trying not to choke on the Bud Light as it went down. You sent him a knowing look, but he hoped Jack hadn’t seen. “You gonna ride the bull tonight, (Y/N)?”
It was your turn to choke on your drink a little, and Soobin shot you a look of concern. “Marie-”
“You should show Soobin! Just how you did when we would sneak in the bar during high school. I’m sure he’d love to see you ride the bull! Right?”
All eyes on him, but he smirked much to your dismay. “I’d love to see it.”
You gulped down a bit more of your lemon drop moonshine. “Do I have to?”
Just then the tray of shots you ordered were delivered. “It’s fate, (Y/N).” Jack distributed the glasses and smiled, “To old friends and new.”
The liquor burned your throat, but you knew what you had to do. You slipped out of the booth, and the table followed with Marie cheering. As you stood in the the queue to ride the bull, you kept looking at Soobin. Instead of meeting his eyes, you saw him smile and talk with Jack and Marie. It made you incredibly giddy to watch him get along with your friends, but the feeling didn’t stay too long as it was your turn.
The music rang loud in your ears as your legs settled in the saddle. 'Cause just when I thought it couldn't get no hotter, I caught a glimpse of the farmer's daughter. The rocking started, and you braced yourself and rode like you never had before. “Giddy up, girl!” Marie’s shout made you giggle to yourself.
The small crowd cheered and whistled, but it was all white noise to Soobin. He focused on the concentration in your brow, and your pretty pink bottom lip caught in your teeth. It was so odd and weird but yet so cool and sexy-
Did he really just think that?
As the bull got faster you only rocked your body quicker to the beat, and the way your legs held the bull made him gulp.  As the days got shorter our talks got longer, the kisses got sweeter and the feelings got stronger. He could see the confidence building up in your smile as you took one hand to your hat and swung it in circles. The crowd cheered louder, and the bull got faster. So we'd hop in the truck and get all tangled up every chance we got.
After another minute, you lost your balance and fell making the audience holler. However, by the time you made your way back to Soobin and your friends your confidence had only doubled. You grabbed Marie’s hand walking quickly past. Jack smiled and motioned Soobin to follow along. 
You and Marie began to dance right as the song ended, and she sighed dramatically causing you and Jack to laugh.  And just when I think it can't get no hotter I come home to the farmer's daughter, yeah. However, no one would’ve guessed one of your favorite songs growing up would be the next to play, causing you to smile wider than Soobin was sure he’d ever seen before.
You grabbed his hands as the beginning instrumental played and he laughed nervously, to him it was obvious the moonshine began to kick in. “Why are you nervous? You dance for a living!”
“It’s obviously not the same!” He laughed, but you ignored his complaint.
Got a little boom in my big truck, gonna open up the doors and turn it up. Gonna stomp my boots in the Georgia mud. Gonna watch you make me fall in love.
Thankful he was a quick learner, Soobin saw how the guys on the dance floor simply clapped and swayed a little. ‘Boring’, he thought. He did not think it was boring for much longer as he finally understood what he thought you might find the appeal of the song.
Shake it for the young bucks sittin' in the honky-tonks, for the rednecks rockin' 'til the break of dawn. The DJ spinnin' that country song c'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
Your hips swayed to the beat and you grabbed his hips gently. Before making a comment about distasteful PDA, he noticed how most pairs on the dance floor looked quite similar. He kept his thought about how you hadn’t even kissed yet to himself.
Aw, country girl, shake it for me Girl, shake it for me Girl, shake it for me
You had turned into a different person, he thought, as you changed directions. Lightly wiggling your ass on his front, all he could do was blush and sway along. He leaned forward and whispered in your ear, “I like this side of you.”
You felt your skin tickled where his breath met your neck. “Hm?”
“You’re dancing like no one’s watching, I like seeing you like this.”
After a few more songs your group had a drink or two more before parting ways. In the Uber home you asked Soobin for his thoughts on your friends and the atmosphere of the bar. All he could think to say was ‘different’.
“I’m sorry it wasn’t too good for you, honey.”
He closed your apartment door behind him, smiling “I didn’t say that. It’s just very different.”
“Was it too much?” You plopped down on the couch in your living room. “We could’ve left, Soob.”
“I had fun.” He sat beside you and gave a sincere smile. “I can’t get over something though.”
You feared for the worst. Did he hate Marie? Was Jack too much? Was the robotic bull ride too weird? “What is it?”
“Country music”, he started, his face breaking into a goofy grin, “is weird. Their voices are so dramatic, and, and-”
“Huh?” The confusion on his face made you giggle slightly.
“Not all country music is that over the top! There are beautiful country songs!”
“I didn’t say there wasn’t!” He laughed and put up his hands defensively. Without a moment to overthink it you grabbed his hands and pushed him back. His back hit the cushions of your old couch and you looked down at him. As your face drew closer your breath hitched, was this is it? Lips crept towards each other before you felt his breath fan over you. “Show me.”
His voice broke your trance. “What?”
“Show me a beautiful country song, then.”
After a moment of consideration, you crawled off him and connected your phone to a speaker that rested on your coffee table. You held out your hand, and led him to the small space dividing your kitchen and living room. The speaker softly began to play as you rested a hand on each of his shoulders.
Baby, last night was hands down one of the best nights that I've had, no doubt. Between the bottle of wine and the look in your eyes and the Marvin Gaye. Then we danced in the dark under September stars in the pourin' rain.
His hands found your sides and you rested your cheek against his chest. His heartbeat welcomed your skin and it made you smile, who knew a man this perfect could have his heart race at something as simple as this?
“Who says this is simple?”
You pulled your head back but still kept close and swayed to the beat. “I didn’t realize I said that out loud.”
“Any time I get to spend with you is everything, (Y/N).”
Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand baby, I could die a happy man. A happy man, baby.
“I never thought this would happen, Soobin.” You hadn’t noticed your own face moving in close as you spoke. “I can’t believe I’m seeing you again, and not through a phone screen.”
“I know exactly what you mean.”
And I know that I can't ever tell you enough that all I need in this life is your crazy love.
“Why did you wait for me?” You felt emotion rush through your veins as you looked for answers in his dark eyes. “A year without me, and a year living your dreams and becoming an international celebrity. Why me?”
If I never get to see the Northern Lights or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand baby, I could die a happy man.
“Because you’re you, (Y/N).” He brought one hand up to caress your cheek. “You’re brave and funny and compassionate. You didn't even know who I was, but you approached me, just to be nice.” He laughed quietly, and wiped a runaway tear from your eyes. “I was so nervous when you did too. I thought my mask and hat weren’t enough to not be recognized, and I’d get in trouble. But it was just you, excited to be eating Korean food and enjoying Seoul. Your eyes still sparkle the same way they did then, even all the way over here where you’re from.”
Passion welled up in your voice, and although you tried to keep it down with a gulp, it escaped. “Soobin. I’d wait forever for you, you know?”
“I know.”
Baby, you're my great escape. We could stay at home, listen to the radio, dance around the fireplace.
His lips met yours for the very first time. Your world stopped and your breath got caught in your chest. Kissing back you made note of how he tasted like the cherry liquor from the shots and his lips were just as soft as they always looked. Love was laced into every moment of the embrace, and it tore you to pieces to break away.
I could die, I could die a happy man.
“I love you, (Y/N), you know?”
You beamed up at him, his eyes reflecting all the love and light of the moment. “I know. I love you, too.”
The two of you got ready for bed, and cuddled up to spend your first night together. The conversation was mostly questions about things that confused Soobin throughout the night out. Unable to keep it in, you laughed loudly and dramatically, leaving Soobin to reach for his phone.
“What’s giddy up, girl?”
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spindlebeforesunset · 4 years
Baby Scenario = Epel and Jack
Nobody noticed they were missing from classes until at almost lunchtime Deuce was like hold up, are they sick or something.
Word traveled fast that Jack could have been sick and it managed to reach Leona, so he went to give his junior a talking down. Vil saw the uncarved apples on the lunch table so he goes back to Pomefiore to check on Epel.
At Savanaclaw, a scrawny baby Jack almost falls off the stairs if Leona did not think fast enough to catch him. All what Leona can think of is that he's stuck in a fever dream.
At Pomefiore, Epel has eaten up all his secret snacks and has made a mess on his baby-sized uniform and blanket. Vil is not pleased.
Both dorm leaders meet at the Mirror Hall and are promptly confused when they see each other holding a baby version of their dormmate.
Vil: Jack too?
Leona: Why does yours look like he came from a bloodbath?
Vil: He kept a stash of snacks the whole time in his room! And Jack looks half-dead, what are you? Feed him!
They enter the cafeteria and are greeted with "aww, they look so squishy!"
Leona and Vil: Don't touch the child.
But nobody questions them when they pick up food until the next happened.
Rook nearly collapsed when he saw Vil giving a baby Epel some orange juice to drink. Ruggie lost his shit because Leona was actually trying to feed a baby Jack a fried chicken leg.
Rook: Roi de Poison? What are you doing to the infante? Have mercy!
Ruggie: Leona, what the hell, don't shove that in his mouth!
Leona and Vil : Wait, you're not supposed to do that?
Cue 'what the fuck is wrong with you' looks across the cafeteria. Jamil has facepalmed so hard he knocked himself unconscious and Kalim has to get some people to help. Lilia and Malleus have left the room with Silver in tow. Azul just shakes his head, feeling pity for the unfortunate babies. Trey has to be the one to give them milk.
Epel does not like the milk and spills it on the table to Vil's disgust. Jack on the other hand chugs it all down with an amused Leona. When baby Epel saw Jack chugging the milk, he crawled over to him when Vil was wiping off the mess, and to everyone's shock, he slapped the (empty) plastic cup on Jack's head with a resounding wham!
Leona has to cradle a crying Jack in one arm and block a laughing Epel with the other. "Can you get your little shit please."
Vil: Epel, that's bad!
Epel: Hahahahahaha!
Riddle: Wow, that's one evil baby (promptly backs away from the shared table)
"Epel, you don't do that to others," Vil scolds the still laughing baby. "No, you do not do that," he keeps Epel an arm away because the latter is trying to scratch him. "Stop that!"
Before anyone can even stop him, Vil slaps Epel's baby hands away from him. The expected result happens and the baby sobs.
Leona: The hell was that!
Vil: Kingscholar, that's called discipline!
Leona: The fuck-
Crowley: Why did you two not tell me that this happened again! And two at once!
Baby Jack is scared of Headmaster Crowley and burrows himself in Leona's waistcoat. Baby Epel (feeling betrayed by Vil) crawls over to the Headmaster who scoops him up in his arms and starts to soothe him.
"Crewel will be out this afternoon Schoenheit, so the antidote will be left solely to you."
Hold the fuck up.
"But, Headmaster, what about that one?"
"He's better off with me than you I presume, Schoenheit."
"Oof," Rook says.
"Jack as well."
"Headmaster, with all due respect," Vil begins.
"Jack does not like you," finishes Leona. "You don't want to go to him do you, little wolf?"
Baby Jack just clings to Leona in protest but Epel (the little shit) is just laughing at him. Headmaster Crowley is having second thoughts about baby Epel but oh well. Leona is pretty much stuck with Jack, so he takes a tray full of baby-friendly food that Jade had been preparing and follows Vil.
"Aren't you going to say 'bye', Epel?" Floyd asks.
Ortho gets Epel's arm and makes it wave.
Ruggie follows Leona because he just has a feeling that the latter would do something stupid like fall asleep and leave Jack to crawl around.
Back at Pomefiore, Vil is readying the antidote and demands no interruption from Leona who followed him with a sleepy Jack and Ruggie who followed Leona.
In the Headmaster's office, Epel is happily sleeping in an apple crate cushioned by a blanket. Sam pops in regarding some deliveries and almost trips because it is literally in the absolute centre of the room. Epel wakes up momentarily before sleeping again.
Vil is boiling the brew in a cauldron, takes one moment to look up, and just sees Leona snoring on the floor, a sleeping Jack, and a pissed off Ruggie cradling the baby.
Ruggie: He's hopeless.
Vil: You don't say.
Ruggie is internally thinking Vil is a hypocrite because he's not even taking care of the baby Epel, but reasons with himself that he is the one making the antidote after all. Also, the baby friendly food is dwindling because Ruggie is eating some of it.
When Epel wakes up at late afternoon, he topples over his crate and is trapped. Crowley is nowhere to be seen, he's out walking. Ace and Deuce are looking for the Headmaster because they were called to and hear wailing in the office.
They rope a passing Rook to unlock the door and find the crate moving.
Rook gets Epel out, Ace writes a note saying they took Epel, and the trio head out.
They meet Cater taking selfies and the first thing he notices is a still teary Epel.
Cater: Why is he crying?
Deuce: Why was he in solitary confinement?
Ace: Why was he left with the Headmaster?
Rook: Why did it have to be him into a baby, now shut up we need to get to Roi de Poison.
Cater spreads the tidbit of Epel in confinement at the office and when the trio are at the Pomefiore lounge, the news had reached half the school. At the dungeons, they see that its a mess. Jack does not want to eat the soup that Ruggie and Leona are trying to feed him. Epel sees Vil, and shrieks, mama!
Vil: If you were my child, you would be better behaved.
Everyone else: B r u h.
At least Vil is almost done with the potion. Epel is placed on the floor but Vil freaks and tells Rook to carry him instead.
Leona: Wow, you do care.
Vil: Do you?
Baby Jack crawls near Vil's leg and he accidentally steps on the baby's hand with his fucking heels. Jack screams WAAAAAAAAA, Vil is apologizing and panicking, Leona is yelling at Vil, dummy duo and Ruggie are freaking over the potion because it is spilling, and Cater and Rook are just helplessly handing Epel more snacks. Leona grabs baby Jack and tries to comfort him while glaring daggers at Vil whose hair is starting to look less composed.
The potion is finished half an hour of stirring later. But the babies do not want to drink it - Epel is full from all his snacks, and Jack is too upset to eat. So everyone is hivemind (except Vil for Epel) in one solution: play with both babies in the hope that one throws up, and the other to cheer up.
Vil and Rook are left with Epel while the others play with Jack. Vil shakes Epel a bit, but the latter is only dazed. Rook then takes Epel again and starts to shake him like a maraca. Naturally, everyone is horrified. And even more horrifying is Crowley screaming at them because THE POOR BABY.
Epel is already in tears, yet nobody sees he's turning green until Leona yells at them. Jack slaps Leona for yelling too loud next to him and he shuts up. Epel throws up in a bucket. This time, Jack laughs at him.
After Vil roughly wipes Epel's face, he forces him to chug the antidote down. Jack turns away from the potion at first, but when Cater, Deuce, Ace, Ruggie, and Leona keep him still, Headmaster Crowley can pour the antidote down. Vil pats Epel so he can sleep, but the dummy duo demand to Crowley why the baby was all alone in the office.
Crowley: I only left for a few moments!
Rook: Then why was he underneath an apple crate?
Crowley: What? H-h-he must have made it fall over!
Leona, internally: Bullshit.
Leona and Ruggie take Jack back to Savanaclaw for proper rest. Leona yeets all his blankets and pillows so that Jack can sleep comfortably and hesitantly sings a lullaby so the wolf cub can sleep.
Vil carries a very miffed Epel back to the latter's room and orders Rook to clean up the snack trash. Baby boy is too clingy but Vil huffs and accepts his role as mom and pats Epel to sleep.
The rest cart out after helping out by cleaning.
Crowley has to face a barrage of questions from both students and staff alike as to Epel's treatment up to the next day.
When the two babies are back to their regular form, they both freak and send their respective dorm heads flying across the room as they too had fallen asleep.
Leona and Vil: After all I've done for you-
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years
Could you please write a part 2 of the story in which race has an eating disorder?
For Part One, click here!
Here’s a little snippet, Anon! Sorry about the wait!
TW: Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Hospitalization
Race was staring. He had been for the past forty three minutes. He’d counted them. He’d also counted how much food was on the plate that he’d been staring at for the past forty three minutes. To any regular person, maybe it just looked like a decent meal. To Race, it looked like a lot of calories, something that was going to make him fatter.
If the boy were being honest with himself, he didn’t even know if that was the problem. Sure, he didn’t want to be fat, he hated the way he used to look. Still, that didn’t mean he liked the way he looked now. Actually, he didn’t know how he looked now. Mirrors were something he avoided.
Everyone kept asking why. Race knew they didn’t mean him any harm, they weren’t trying to judge him or tear him down, they just wanted there to be one problem, a pinpointed location in the boy’s life where everything had started going wrong. It wasn’t that simple. It never was. Things had never truly been going right for the kid.
But he was fine. He had it under control.
His legs kicked back and forth a bit as he heard the door open. “You know the rules, kiddo, I can’t take it away unless you eat at least a little bit of it,” a nurse said, moving to close the blinds.
Sighing, Race shrugged. “I ate somethin’—“
“Spitting it out doesn’t count,” she said. “You know I have to check the trash.”
Rolling his eyes a bit. “Is my brother comin’?” he asked, trying desperately to change the subject. He’d been stuck here for a couple of weeks now. Jack came every other day to see him, trying to cheer him up. Race couldn’t help but think about Jack, how hard this was on him. He could see the bags that were forming under his brother’s eyes, they way his shoulders slumped like they never did before. They’d been through hell, Jack had been through hell, and still somehow, Race couldn’t remember Jack ever looking so terrible. It just made Race feel like a burden.
The nurse turned to him. “He called. He’s running a little late, but he should be in after weigh-in,” she said. “Now, c’mon, the faster you get some of it down, the more painless this will be.”
Race sighed. “Thanks, Hannah…” he managed to get out, biting his lip and going back to staring at the food. Hannah just gave him a small, sad smile before she left the room, leaving the door open behind her. The boy didn’t even notice. He was too busy and trying to forget that he was being forced to eat.
He jumped when he heard a voice behind him. “Jesus, where does a guy gotta go ta get a decent meal around here?” someone said. Race whipped around to see who it was only to find someone walking into his room with a small smirk on his face. “Whoa, sorry… didn’t mean ta scare you,” he laughed, sitting down in a chair in the corner. “What’re you in for?”
Looking at the other boy with wide eyes, Race fumbled for words. “Uh… who… who’re you?” he asked. “Why’re you in my room?”
The stranger shrugged. “The door was open,” he said, leaning forward. “You gonna finish that?”
Race glanced at the door and bit his lip before he looked back. Then he shook his head. “No…” he muttered, pushing the plate closer to this person he’d never met.
The stranger smirked and tossed a carrot into his mouth. “You don’t eat, then, huh?” he asked, but they both knew it wasn’t really a question. With Race’s frail frame, anyone could see it if they just looked at him. “Me, I’ve got cancer,” he shrugged. “Name’s Spot, by the way.”
The blond boy looked up, his heart clenching at that. This boy sitting in front of him looked so calm, like he didn’t even care that he could be dying. “What kind of a name’s Spot?” he settled on asking, not knowing what else to say.
Spot snorted. “You gotta reach a certain level a’ friendship for that answer,” he laughed, reaching to steal half of the sandwich on the other boy’s plate. “You got a name?”
Looking down a bit and shrugging, Race replied, “My brothers call me Racer…” He loved running. He wasn’t allowed to do it anymore. That’s what the doctors said. “I’m… I was really fast…” he sighed.
The other boy chewed with his mouth open, loud and annoying. It hardly bothered Race but he knew it would drive Crutchie absolutely mad. It was impossible how much he missed Crutchie. He didn’t understand how the man could be so far away. “You know, bein’ sad won’t make you better, right?” he asked, munching away on Race’s dinner.
With a roll of his eyes, Race let out a breath. “Gee, thanks. I’m not the one who’s actually sick, though,” he stated. The boy winced a bit at that.
Spot shrugged. “Whatever you say, Racer,” he smirked. “Just trying to be friendly is all, pretty boy.” Race paused a little at that, squinting at the stranger in front of him. Spot didn’t even seem to notice he’d said it. “Thanks for the sandwich.” He stood and winked before he left the room.
And Race watched him go.
Hannah came back not long after that. “Alright, what did you do with that sandwich?” she asked.
Race shrugged. “Maybe I ate it,” he muttered.
Hannah just scoffed. “Weigh-in in two minutes. Get ready,” she advised before leaving the room and continuing with her rounds.
Race stared back down at the plate and then back up at the window that was closed now. So he walked over and pushed the blinds aside, looking out at the sky. He sighed, seeing his own reflection in the glass. And then he let the blinds close again, walking away from the outside world once again.
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I wanna write a long multi chapter fic about Jack and Shitty becoming friends but also I don’t have the mental bandwidth right now so instead I’m just gonna blurt out a long bulletpoint fic so bare with me
Okay so Shitty B. Knight arrives to Samwell hungry for life and friends and finally some fucking air to breathe and be himself away from his conservative family
And it is fucking great, okay? From the get go he finds that his loud left wing talk is welcomed here, he gets to joke around and be as weird as he wants and no one cares
He hits it off pretty quickly with nearly everyone in the team. Sure, Johnson is a little weird and keeps talking about this merely being the “prologue of someone else’s story” but what he’s really curious about is the quiet Canadian guy that barely talks to anyone
Now, Shitty knows about Jack Zimmermann. Obviously. You have to grow up under a rock to not know about Bad Bob and his kid.
He also knows what happened. It must be a sore subject.
Is that why he’s so quiet?
It’s not that Shitty makes Jack a project. Not really. It’s that Shitty has been in a place where he felt lonely and out of place before and it sucked ass. He wants to help.
So he tries. Constantly.
Because Shitty sees the spark hiding behind the ice cold facade. He sees the way Jack’s face lights up in the rink, how loud and youthfully he celebrates cellys, how protective of others he is in the ice.
That’s a guy he WANTS to be friends with.
Except he can’t. After every training, Jack shuts back up
“Hey, Jaques, wanna go grab a bite?” “Thanks but I should sleep. We got an early day tomorrow.”
“My man, Zimmermann, lets go to that fucking party across campus!” “I’d rather not.”
“Hey, let’s celebrate this fucking win!” “I was actually gonna watch the game tonight. There was a play there that keeps bothering me.”
Anything that isn’t hockey is an instant No from Jack but Shitty is too stubborn to give up.
“Hey, Jack, I was going to train a bit extra on Sunday. Care to join me? You could teach me some of those sick moves.” “Sure.”
VICTORY. Sort of. Working out extra with Jack is exhausting, physically and mentally because Shitty keeps trying to come up with jokes and keeping up 90% of the conversation.
It takes nearly a month until Jack agrees to grab a bite after their Sunday skate and Shitty is so fucking beat that he nearly falls asleep on his burger.
“Hey, Shits, nice ketchup mustache,” Jack chirps him suddenly. And it’s the smallest, dumbest possible thing but Shitty laughs a little too loud and Jacks shoulders seem to lose a bit of that perpetual tension he’s always carrying.
It gets better after that. Slowly, painstakingly, but Shitty finds himself enjoying Jack’s company more and more.
He’s a genuinely good bro. He listens, even when he’s just grunting along time Shitty’s monologues, and he asks questions that shows that he actually cares, every now and then. It’s odd, being taken seriously.
By the end of their first semester, Jack and Shitty are spending a lot of time together. Which is why he asks him to come to the art kids party where Larissa is going to be.
Who? “Brah, Larissa Duan? Just the coolest fucking chick ever! I told you about her the other day, man. She said we should come over to this thing and I would go, but I know shit about art and I would rather not go along and bring my best fucking bro with me.”
After the word vomit he worries that maybe he pushed too far, judging by the way Jack freezes and stares at him like a deer on headlights. But then Jack sighs and says “fine, I’ll go,” and Shitty whoops with excitement
The party goes better than Shitty could’ve ever dreamed. Larissa’s super chill energy seems to have an effect on Jack, who half an hour in is talking about photography with some other art kids and he even agrees to come grab a beer with him and Larissa afterwards.
Until, of-fucking-course, Jack goes into hockey-mode and asks Larissa if she would like to be their team manager. They need one and she seems good at organizing stuff.
“Brah!” “I think it would be cool” “wait, what” “I’ve been looking to do more stuff and you guys are dope. Would I get my own nickname?”
And Jack looks her with that seriousness that means he’s thinking about hockey and firmly says “Lardo” and she says “sweet” and Shitty corrects “swasome” and things are good.
Thing don’t stay good, because as chill as Shitty tries to be, life rarely stays chill.
After winter break, in the smothering tightness of his folks’ home, Shitty finds himself craving that weird and easy friendship with Jack.
Why he finds is a Hockey Robot. All Jack seems to do and talk about is how to get the team to the play-offs. He trains longer than anyone (more than Shitty can keep up with), and when he isn’t on the ice, he is thinking about hockey or talking about plays or or about eating more protein.
Shitty is angry. Not that he would tell anyone (except Lardo) because it’s really not his place (he knows about shorty family dynamics, no pun intended) but he’s mad because Jack’s folks seem to have done quite a fucking number on him over the break and it kills him to even think about it.
And then family weekend comes and Bad Bob himself shows up to Samwell with his beautiful wife and Shitty has to swallow down his anger because Jack wants them to go have diner together and it’s the first human interaction he’s had with Jack in a month so sure he’ll go.
Shitty is good at being nice and polite around people he dislikes. He hates doing it, but it’s like muscle he had to work on growing up.
Except, Bob and Alicia are nice. Like, fucking nice. Even for Canadian standards. They are sweet and funny and normal and keep reassuring Jack about their love and support every third sentence.
And still, Jack has that grim “thinking about the next game” look on his face the whole time.
Shitty is confused as fuck.
The game goes well and Jack is the happiest Shitty has ever seen him as he celebrates his goal in the ice. He even hugs Shitty and thanks him for his assist.
Three games later they are out of the playoffs and Jack shuts down everything and everyone around him.
Shitty tries. He knocks on his door at least twice a day to see if he wants to go over to the Haus to hang out with the team. He offers going out for burgers or a beer or both. He even enlists Lardo, hoping the team manager will be able to snap him out of it.
Jack leaves early for a Hockey Summer camp and doesn’t say goodbye but Shitty hears from Johnson that he also got dibs on a room at the Haus.
Jack actually texts Shitty during the summer. It shocks him so much that he has to double check his phone before replying.
The texts are just to comment on the NHL playoffs and finals, sporadic and robotic at times, but Shitty does his best to drag the conversations for as long as possible. Once the season is over, so are the texts.
Shitty assumes Jack must be pretty happy though since his old bro won the cup.
When fall comes, Shitty stumbles again into Jack’s hockey-robot mode. His intensity is nearly terrifying. He barely speaks out of practice, only leaves his room to go to lecture or the rink. Looks like he hasn’t been sleeping at all.
Shitty is worried. He’s hurt, too, because he misses the friendly Jack that had slowly started coming out of his shell, and he wonders if it’s going to be like this, back to square-one after every break, but most of all he’s worried about Jack.
Lardo tells him to give him space. She says she sometimes gets “on the zone” for an art project and can forget about the rest of the world. Shitty likes thinking of Jack as an artist, but he hates seeing him this unhappy. None of the old tricks work to cheer him up.
Then comes the first Kegster of the year. Two frogs, Hostler and Ransom, take over planing duties and the party is the biggest the Haus has ever seen.
It’s freaking dope.
And then, fucking Kent Parson fucking shows up asking about Jack.
Lardo and Shitty nearly have to drag him out of his room to greet his old best friend.
Jack is cold towards Pars, in a way Shitty has never seen before. He’s downright rude and mean in every comment, no matter how much Kent tries to joke around, and five minutes later Jack turns around and leaves him talking to himself.
He’s jealous, Shitty realizes, and he’s being petty and awful and he doesn’t know this Jack Zimmermann at all.
Shitty runs after Jack upstairs, maybe a little emboldened by the alcohol.
“Hey, brah, what the fuck was that?”
“Stay out of it, Shits.”
“Nah, man, that was weird as fuck.”
“Seriously, you don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Then tell me, man, I’m your fucking friend! Just talk to me!”
Jack slams his bedroom door on his face and Shitty deflates. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe they are not friends after all.
The rest of the semester is tense. Shitty tries to focus on his classes, on the ice, on how fucking cool and pretty and funny Lardo is, on the parties and the rest of the team.
It just bothers him. He misses Jack. He’s still there but he’s been absent any time they aren’t in the rink. He’s still great and focused and nearly friendly in the ice, but anything else is like the fucking twilight zone.
It’s before a game that he finds Jack sitting outside Faber, curled into a ball and physically shaking.
Shitty thinks of the headlines about Jack OD’ing, thinks of his tension around his loving parents and his reaction to Kent Parson showing up. Anxiety. The word takes form in his head, clear and obvious and the relief of having an answer hits him so hard he wants to laugh.
Instead, he sits next to Jack, who stirs when he feels him by his side but actually seems to relax when he realizes it’s Shitty who found him like this. Jack lets out a breathy “I’m fine” and Shitty says “sure, brah, but I’m fucking nervous about tonight, mind if I sit here for a while?” And Jack shakes his head. So they sit, in uncharacteristic silence, until Jack’s breathing normalizes.
“Thanks, Shits. Could you not-“ “Don’t worry man, I ain’t saying fucking shit to anyone.” And Jack smiles for the first time in months.
By the end of the semester comes the Epikegster to end all the kegsters. Which means, of course, Shitty gets shitfaced.
Which is why he ends up stumbling drunkenly to his room in the middle of the night to grab another pair of sunglasses because who knows where the fuck his other two pairs went
And it’s why he doesn’t know how to react when he finds two linebackers throwing up on his bedroom floor
“Brah, what the fuck, get outta here!” He yells, trying to grab one of the guys and pull him out to the hallway.
Except, the guy is huge. And he is angry.
Shitty doesn’t know what hit him when someone throws him to the floor.
His brain thinks he’s been checked for a second but then he remembers he’s not in the ice.
The other guys, however, apparently don’t remember they aren’t on the field because the second dude tries to tackle Shitty just as he’s getting up and he barely has time to dodge before one gigant ducking foot goes through the bedroom wall
“Hey, man, what the fucking fuck?!”
Shitty tries to steady himself, increasingly accepting that he’s about to get into a fight he didn’t ask for. He has time to think it’s ironic that his first real fight in Samwell will be off-the-ice.
And then the bedroom door opens and in comes Jack Laurent Zimmermann in all of his gorgeous badass glory.
“Let’s all calm down, eh?”
Here’s the thing: it’s easy to forget how strong Jack is. Shitty is used to hanging out with Hockey Bros and it’s easy to forget that not everyone’s bro’s are big muscley athletes defying toxic masculinity standards one day at a time. But Jack, even when he doesn’t look that big, is one of the strongest people he’s met.
He remembers all this when Zimmermann grabs the two by their shirts and drags them out of the room and all the way downstairs.
Shitty stumbles after them, as Jack pulls them like they aren’t both huge masses of muscle and throws them out to the street.
By the time Shitty reaches the porch, a bunch of big as fuck guys are standing there, looking drunk and angry and ready for a fight.
So Shitty does the one thing that makes sense to him: he squares up next to Jack, ready to fight back to back with him.
Before they can get run over by fists, however, Jack reaches for the only emergency measure in the house: an old as balls fire extinguisher.
Two minutes later, the football bro’s are running away and Shitty is laughing so hard he collapses on the floor next to Jack.
Jack kneels next to him, with his serious hockey face on, puts a hand on Shitty’s shoulder and asks “you alright, Shits?”
Shitty nods, still laughing, and to his surprise Jack laughs too, sitting by his side on the floor. They sit there, chuckling, until the sound dies down and they both sigh at nearly the same time.
Whatever tension there was between them seems to have desipated with that clouth of dust of the fire extinguisher.
“Thanks for having my back, bro”
“Hey, you always have mine,” Jack shrugs. “What are best friends for?”
Shitty cries. Jack freaks out that he might have said the wrong thing. Shitty just hugs him and shouts about being the best bros.
That winter break Jack invites Shitty over to his house and Shitty accepts eagerly.
Bob and Alicia are sweet and happy to have him and keep saying how much Jack talks about Shitty and how thankful they are that Jack’s found so many good friends in Samwell and they’ve heard about Lardo and Hostler and Ransom and Johnson and Shitty most of all.
This time he manages not to cry.
At the end of the break, Jack and him are hanging out and Jack says “Hey, Shits, I’m not good at this but I wanted to say thanks, for not giving up on me when I was acting kinda weird.”
And Shitty just laughs and says “it’s alright man, I figured you have like hockey robot mode and then human mode.”
Jack makes a face. Shitty shrugs.
“I’ll take them both, brah.”
Jack doesn’t cry, because he’s Jack and even his human mode struggles with emotions, but he smiles and throws a snowball at Shitty’s face and that’s all he wanted really.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
MerMay 2021 Day Fourteen TridentCorp
This was no place for children to be running around. While there was nothing particularly dangerous in the rooms of the Institute, researchers kept giving the pair of twelve year olds sideways looks. They might break one of the tanks and cause water to pour out onto the floor, or mess around with some of the files and get them all out of order. Nobody actively stopped them, but everyone had an expression of “whose kids are those and why are they here?”
“Okay, I’m bored,” Sereia declared, hanging off the doorknob of a nearby door and causing it to swing on its hinges. “Do you wanna go see what Mom and Dad are doing, or do you want to look at more nerd stuff?”
“Nah, I’m bored, too.” Muirin had been staring at a tank of starfish, but they weren’t exactly doing anything. “We’ve seen everything.”
“Alright, c’mon then.”
The two of them left, heading over to an area near the back of the Institute, far away from any entrances. They slipped past a few secure-looking doors, seeming quite proud of themselves for being able to do so, until they came to a room near the corner. This room was made to look as friendly as possible, with wide windows, walls painted a pale blue, and a pair of sofas. Though perhaps this cheerful appearance was undermined by the large tank of water in the center, surrounded by various strange equipment. Next to it was a smaller tank on wheels, with a tarp on the floor that had been used to cover it.
“We’re back!” Sereia announced, slamming the door behind her and Muirin. “What’s up?”
Stacy immediately looked up. “Everything went alright? You didn’t get in any trouble?”
“Mom, please, would we tell you if we did?” Sereia said.
The other woman in the room, wearing a bright yellow shirt underneath a jacket with the words ‘Institute of Marine Biology’ written on the back, laughed. “Ah, Reia, you get sassier every time I see you.”
Sereia looked proud at that. “Thanks, Aunt Roxy!”
“Nothing happened,” Muirin said, playing with the visitor’s pass in a lanyard around his neck. “Except people looking at us weird. Did anything happen in here?”
“Not much,” Stacy assured them. “Right, Chase?”
Chase was in the smaller tank, the one with wheels—or, well, actually, he was half out of it, pretty much leaving only his tail in the water, and leaning over into the other tank. For a moment, he didn’t look away from the merm floating in the other tank. Jack. Asleep as ever, tethered to those strange machines that served a variety of purposes, from nutrition to monitoring his condition. There hadn’t been any change in the past few months. Chase had been chattering to him in the strange merm language, but he’d gone silent a few minutes ago and just held Jack’s hand. It took a solid few seconds for Stacy’s question to register. “Hmm?” Chase looked up, and nodded, waving at the kids. “Hi, shellies. Have fun?”
“Yeah, Dad, don’t worry,” Muirin said. “It was pretty cool.”
“Well the fish were cool, when we saw them,” Sereia modified.
Roxy looked troubled. “You didn’t touch any of the tanks, did you? A lot of the fish and sea creatures we have are being kept because they were found injured. Tapping or anything wouldn’t be good for them.”
“No, we know that, don’t worry!” Muirin hurried to add.
Stacy laughed a bit.
“Oh? What’s so funny?” Roxy asked.
“It just occurred to me that it’s strange how we both went into the fish business,” Stacy chuckled, shaking her head. “I mean, I had a good reason to be interested in fish—” Chase made a clicking sound, like an amused dolphin. “—but you? Well, I guess you just had to do everything I did.”
“But better,” Roxy rebutted. “I am a scientist, and you are an aquarium lady.”
“Well, guess who’s dating the actual merman out of the two of us?”
“Yeah, well. I guess you win on that end.” Roxy looked upset, but behind her back, the two kids looked at each other and rolled their eyes in unison, knowing it wasn’t that serious. “Anyway, let me know when you guys are ready to head ou—”
A radio on Roxy’s belt crackled. “Hey Roxanne? You there? I think something’s up.”
Roxy frowned, and picked up. “What is it, Dan?”
“There’s this weird group of visitors that showed up. They’re heading your way. We’ve tried to distract them, but the lady in charge is insisting she sees you, and someone told her where you were. She’s getting really close to, uh...that room.”
Roxy paled. “Don’t worry, I got it.” She hung her radio back on the belt. “You guys be careful, okay?”
The family nodded silently, and Chase squeezed Jack’s hand harder.
Quickly, Roxy left the room, and was barely out in the hall when she saw the group that she’d been told about. About five of them, all unfamiliar, with four of them wearing dark blue jackets with silver highlights, and the woman in front wearing a long blue coat. Hiding any nervousness she might’ve felt, Roxy walked over to greet them with a smile, not noticing the small form of a twelve-year-old girl following her.
“Hello!” Roxy said cheerfully. “I don’t think I recognize any of you? Did we do a partnership I wasn’t aware of?”
The woman in front stopped, and the rest of her group along with her. “Roxanne Aguado?” She asked.
“Yes, that’s me. What can I do for you?”
“I’m Dr. Lise Ester, we are from TridentCorp.” Ester smiled. Her voice was slightly accented. “We hear you are doing great things at this institute.”
“Me? Specifically?” Roxy laughed. “I’m flattered, but it’s not just me. We have a whole team here studying ocean life and helping them out. Um...if I may ask, what is TridentCorp? I’ve never heard of it.”
“TridentCorp,” Ester repeated, tapping the lapel of her coat. There was a small logo there, a blue patch with a silver trident and a ring of circling fish. “We are oceanographers and marine biologists, much like here. We seek to understand the sea and all its creatures. I am surprised you have not heard of us, Dr. Aguado. We are well known, particularly in Europe.”
“Ah, I’m sorry.” Roxy cleared her throat. “Would you like a tour?”
“No thank you, we have already received offers, and declined them.”
“Oh, are you sure? I’d love to show you some of our work. What are your specialties? We aren’t equipped for too many large animals, so there aren’t any dolphins or whales, but of course we have a lot of smaller fish—”
“We have heard a great deal about this location, Dr. Aguado,” Ester interrupted. “And we have heard you have made large discoveries in sea life.”
“Discoveries? I wouldn’t say that.” Roxy tried very hard not to glance over her shoulder at the room. “We haven’t found any new species or anything like that.”
“Really? Are you sure?” Ester insisted. “I was told you would know something about it.”
“No, afraid not. Who did you hear that from?”
“A coworker of yours.” Ester leaned around Roxy and glanced further down the hall. “What is in this area?”
“Well, if you’d let me give you a tour, you’d know,” Roxy laughed, a bit too loud. “Um, it’s mostly staff stuff, like breakrooms, you know.”
“Unusual that the staff areas would be in the section of the building over the water,” Ester hummed. “Usually, they would make use of that, and put many large tanks here, or pump water to smaller ones, at least.”
“Well, I...guess you do things differently over in Europe,” Roxy said. This wasn’t working. Ester was very much leaning forward, and the rest of her group was getting impatient, shuffling about and gradually moving closer. She really needed to distract them, but—
“Hey! Where are you from?!”
Luckily, a distraction arrived in the form of a very energetic twelve-year-old. Sereia, who’d been hiding and listening from behind Roxy, had also picked up on the vibes Ester and her TridentCorp group were giving off. So she burst forth, practically jumping up and down as she let her mouth run a million miles a minute. “You said you’re from Europe, right? Are you, like, French? Why is your company name in English if you’re French? How’d you get here, on an airplane?”
Ester looked taken aback. Her expression practically screamed ‘what’s with this sassy lost child?’ “Ah...your...daughter, Dr. Aguado?”
“Oh, uh, this is my niece,” Roxy said. “She and her brother are visiting today.”
“I’m Sereia Aguado, twelve and a half, nice to meet you!” Sereia said loudly. “Did you fly first class on your airplane from France? I want to fly first class one day, I hear you get a foot rest!”
“I—young lady, I am German, not French,” Ester said haltingly. “Though not everyone on our staff is. And our company name is in English because—”
“Oh do you speak German, then? I want to take German as an elective in junior high! Mom says I should take Spanish but I already know some Spanish ‘cause my grandma and grandpa speak it a lot, and if I can understand it, I think it’s good enough. School is already boring, anyway, I don’t want to be even more bored. But Muirin, he’s my brother, weirdly likes school, but actually I think he just says that, he’s probably just okay with it but since he’s smart he’s supposed to like it—”
“Well, thank you for your time, Dr. Aguado,” Ester suddenly said, backing up and indicating for the rest of the group to follow her. “It is clear you are busy today, so we will return and discuss this another time. Does next week work for you?”
“Yeah, sure.” Roxy tried not to sound too relieved. “Feel free to make an appointment with us!”
“Yes, of course.” Ester and the group from TridentCorp turned and left back the way they came, though Ester continued to look back over her shoulder occasionally, as if expecting to see something.
The moment they were out of sight, Roxy breathed a sigh of relief. “Reia, that was amazing,” she whispered.
Sereia beamed. “Thanks!”
The two of them turned and reentered the room, surprised to see it changed a bit. The tarp on the floor had been flung over the tanks, but being meant for only one, it only half-covered both of them. Stacy and Muirin were lying on the floor, trying to physically block the bottoms of the tanks visible. But upon seeing Roxy and Sereia, they relaxed a bit. “No one’s coming, then?” Stacy asked.
“Nope,” Roxy shook her head. “Thanks to Reia, here. Get the kids a treat on the way home.”
Relieved, Stacy stood up and started pulling the tarp off the tanks. Muirin raised a corner and said, “It’s fine, no one’s here!” That caused a flurry of motion from under the tarp, inside the tank, and with some splashing Chase managed to push the tarp off. “All fine?” He asked, expression drawn and worried.
Roxy nodded. “All fine. I’ll take care of it if they ever come back, which...they might.” She hesitated. “Listen, uh...Chase. I think they know about your friend here. The woman in charge, Dr. Ester, she made comments about sea life ‘discoveries.’ I...can’t think of anything else that could mean.”
Chase went even paler than usual. He leaned back over to the other tank, looking down at Jack, asleep and defenseless. A few whistling, chattering words full of vowels came from his mouth, and the others didn’t have to speak the language to pick up on the fearful tone. “We need...to wake him up,” Chase decided. “Now.”
Stacy nodded, and looked over at Roxy. “Have you figured out anything?”
Roxy shook her head sadly. “We’re unfamiliar with their biologies in the first place, but it just seems like he’s...asleep.”
Muirin and Sereia wandered over, joining Chase in staring at Jack. “Dad...?” Muirin said quietly. “What about—I-I think it’s a bad idea, but...the way he got like this...has to be reversed in the same way...you know. Right?”
Chase nodded absentmindedly, eyes flicking up to a screen on one of the weird machines. He had no idea what they did, but he knew what that green line, going up and down, meant. “Maybe. I’ll ask the others.”
Roxy cleared her throat. “I’m not sure what that means, but in any case, you shouldn’t leave right at this moment. We should make sure those guys from TridentCorp are completely gone first.”
The others all murmured in agreement.
Outside, a couple of black vans were pulling away from the Institute building, all with the logo of a silver trident and fish on a blue background stamped onto their sides. Dr. Ester sat inside one of them, talking on the phone. “Sie haben definitiv einen. Aguado verhielt sich furchtbar misstrauisch. Sie bemühte sich sehr, nicht in die Halle hinter sich zu schauen.” She paused. “Nein, wir sollten ein wenig warten. We don't want to look strange.” Another pause. “Mach dir keine Sorgen, Sir. Sie werden unserem Streben nach Wissenschaft nicht im Wege stehen.” And with that, she hung up. She wasn’t about to lose this second one.
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kickasskody · 3 years
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                          DAKOTA ‘ kody ’ PIERCE, a character study.  “just because i cannot see it, doesn’t mean i cannot believe it.” -- jack skellington
Character’s full name: dakota pierce Reason for name and/or meaning of name: kody’s parents met and fell in love in north dakota, and decided to name their son after the great state 💖 Character’s nickname: kody Reason for nickname: in middle school, kody didn’t think the name dakota was cool. but the name kody, the most generic white boy name ever , was definitely cool Birth date: december 13th, 2002. baby sagittarius 
Physical appearance Faceclaim: austin abrams Gender: cis male Height: 5″8 #shortking Build: scrawny boy body. looks like he couldn’t lift more than 30 pounds... PSYCH!!! he’s a vampire so he can actually lift several hundred pounds 🤪🤪🤪 Eye color: blue with little dark green specks Glasses or contacts?: not with that snazzy 4k vampire sight !! Distinguishing marks/scars: funny little frecklescape on his back that looks like this emoji 😦 Hair color: dirty blonde Type of hair: type 1, aka straight hair Hairstyle: gets up out of bed, looks in mirror. maybe tussles it a little bit. thats it Physical disabilities: none Mental disabilities: adhd Clothing style: sweaters sweaters sweaters. striped sweaters ( because the best time to wear one is all the time ), disney sweaters, sweaters with dogs on them. white collared shirts to go underneath most of them. denim jackets, a couple of them tattering with holes in the elbows. black skinny jeans -- like he owns four pairs of the same black skinny jeans. someone tell him that skinny jeans aren’t in style anymore. uses the same jansport backpack he’s had since the eighth grade with a sewn in epcot center patch on the front pocket. dirty checkered vans. falling apart high-top converse. it’s not that he’s poor and can’t afford new things, he just prefers all his old stuff.  Make up: has never worn any but wouldn’t be opposed to trying some !!
Personality Good personality traits: good at secret keeping, friendly and uplifting, loyal, thoughtful, great memory, cautious, playful. chaotic good energy  🥰 Bad personality traits: gullible, slightly obnoxious, constantly confused, easily distracted Mood character is most often in: cheery, happy as f, practically bouncing off the walls Sense of humor: goddamn hilarious!!! at least he thinks so lol Articulation: loud and occasionally stuttery. repeating himself pretty often. the type to get lost in the middle of conversation and have to take a second to mentally loop back and remember what exactly they were talking about. uses the word ‘ like ‘ way too much. talks with his hands a whole lot. constantly talking like he’s a kooky disney character on a mission. Character’s greatest joy in life: riding a mf’in roller coaster Character’s greatest fear: disneyworld getting blown up / physically hurting someone  Character is most at ease when: he’s curled up with his friends watching a disney movie Most ill at ease when: he’s laying in bed at night, pretending he’s sleeping since he can’t Enraged when: thinking about how there are vampires in bridgemead -- that they could turn other people, kill other people, or worse... harm his friends.  Depressed or sad when: drinking from a blood bag. watching disney pixar’s coco. thinkin’ about a disneyworld churro and how he’ll never be able to enjoy the taste of one again. Priorities: at the moment? trying not to hurt anybody.  Life philosophy: “Keep Moving Forward!” -- walt disney said that Greatest strength: his optimism / ability to take something sad or bad and turn it around! Greatest vulnerability or weakness: giving just about anyone the benefit of the doubt. 
Goals Drives and motivations: getting enough money to be able to travel the world and visit every disney park on the planet.  Immediate goals: graduating high school / helping the scooby gang solve mysteries Long term goals: roller coaster designer / engineer. create a haunted house / rollercoaster hybrid ride
Childhood Hometown: orlando, florida Type of childhood: the kind where he’s an only child, where his middle class parents live to please and spoil him, take him to whatever amusement park he wanted to go to and buy him all the best merch. the smile on his face was worth more than anything they ever could’ve purchased for themselves. kody probably would’ve had siblings, but his parents had complications getting pregnant again, and thus they lived to make sure he had the best life possible.  Pets: a cat named toulouse ( shoutout aristocats ), but he passed when kody was fifteen Most important childhood memory: waiting in line for five hours to ride harry potter and the forbidden journey at universal studios orlando. blew his little kid mind. Dream job: imagineer!! Religion: non-practicing christians. church on easter and christmas ONLY!
Present Current location: bridgemead, massachusetts Currently living with: his parents 💖 Pets: none Religion: agnostic Sexuality: currently questioning his sexuality. growing up he always felt attracted to both boys and girls, but has never been able to articulate it. he’s only ever expressed interest in women, but he has a fat crush on chris evans as captin america Politics: would be socialist if he cared enough to think about politics Occupation/education: bridgemead high school super senior Mode of transportation: his parents dark blue prius!! but only thursday - sunday
Family Parent one: marcus pierce -- drug store manager Relationship with them: kody and his dad are best buds! if it weren’t for his fathers love for rollercoasters, kody doesn’t know what his life would be like today. they used to play rollercoaster tycoon growing up and kody still cherishes those memories today. Parent two: tina pierce -- bridgemead city manager Relationship with them: kody and his mother have a very loving relationship. however, kody’s adoration for his mother dwindled when it was her job that forced them to move to bridgemead. he thinks of it as her fault that he doesn’t get to go to disneyworld anymore, and there’s a bitter part of him that thinks that if she hadn’t made them leave, he never would’ve become a vampire. he knows its wrong to attribute her to his curse, but sometimes when he’s really sad he cant help it.  Siblings: none Other important family members: his widowed aunt shirley who lives twenty minutes from disneyworld and occasionally would join them on their weekend visits to the parks. he misses her greatly 😩😩
Favorites Color: that bright electric blue color on the cinderella castle at disneyworld  Music: electronic Food: a disneyworld churro.  Film: the incredibles / scooby doo 2002 Drink: pink lemonadde mixed with sprite Form of entertainment: disney+ subscription. if that’s all he had, he’d be content. Most prized possession: a magic kingdom two day passport ticket from the 1980′s
Habits Hobbies: playing rollercoaster tycoon / designing rollercoasters on his computer. obsessively watching ghost club paranormal on youtube. bothering aj with the latest thing on his mind that she definitely doesn’t need to know about Plays a musical instrument?: nope. wishes he could though!  Plays a sport?: nope, but would be great at track now that he’s a vampire! How he would spend a rainy day: playing kingdom hearts II in his pajamas. Spending habits: great at hoarding all of his allowance! since he’s not spending it on food, he’s an excellent saver. pre-vampirism kody was not as cautious with his spending.  Smoking/drinking/drugs?: no way 🙅🏼 has yet to even try alcohol Extremely skilled at: cheering up his friends! finding the good in others and convincing them to see it too 🤗 Extremely unskilled at: stopping himself from crying when he’s sad / when he’s in the middle of crying. putting together pieces of their investigations. sure, he can find things -- but what the hell is he supposed to do with them once he’s got it?!?! Nervous tics: anxious picking at his cuticles. messing with his hair. aggressive foot tapping. scrolling through his phone without actually looking at anything.  Usual body posture: that boy has been working on rollercoaster code on his computer for YEARS. his body posture is absolutely RUINED! Mannerisms: constantly talking with his hands. bouncin’ around like tigger when something exciting happens. abbreviating things that don’t need to be abbreviated. the loudest in the room at all times.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Leader or follower? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Animal lover? HELL YEAH.
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: before the year 2020, kody actually quite liked himself! he realized that he was goofy and sometimes not everyones cup of tea, but for the most part, he knew he was a good guy who was a little obnoxious! now, he has mixed feelings about himself. vampirism has elevated a lot of his emotions and more often than not now, he dislikes himself for what he’s become, or what he could become if things turn bloody.  One word the character would use to describe themselves: spunky What does the character consider their best trait?: his compassion What does the character consider their worst trait?: his gullibility  What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: his fluffy hair !! What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: that he’s a short king. stream short kings anthem by tiny meat gang How does the character think others perceive them?: he’s pretty sure most people think that he’s wildly annoying, but that doesn’t stop him from being fully himself most of the time!  What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: his vampirism!! get this shit out of him just make him a normal aging boy again!!
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: kody is a big ole’ ball of love, and thus so, he tries to share that with everyone. strangers are treated with compassion, acquaintances are treated as old friends, and friends are treated like family. unless kody already knows someone to be a bad person, or is wary of them, he’s genuinely one of the nicest people one could ever meet. Opinion of the Scooby Gang: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others?: it depends on the topic, but for the most part, yes. when it comes to most scooby gang related endeavors, kody will share his thoughts -- if it’s something related to movies or tv, he’ll be talking your ear off for hours. if it’s something that could result in it hurting someone else, he’ll be quiet, and if his vampirism was ever to come into question, he’d be absolutely be suppressing it.  Most important person in character’s life: oh god, not to pick scooby gang favorites, but probably aj. she’s the closest thing he has to a sister, and he doesn’t know what he would do without their banter, and her support. Best friend/s: aj darke, dylan frye, & arabella byrne Dating experience: absolutely none. kissed 2 girls in the span of 2 years over 3 years ago. Romancing: kody wouldn’t know the first thing about trying to get someone to date him. all he knows is the stuff he’s seen on tv, watched in movies, or experienced around him ( such as his parents successful marriage, or his friends dating people ), but if it were to come down to him, he’d be extremely awkward. picture tom holland’s spiderman trying to talk to zendaya’s mj in far from home -- because that’s extremely accurate. kody isn’t trying to date anyone right now for a couple of reasons: one being that he’s too nervous, and not exactly looking for love, but if it were to happen... he wouldn’t run from it necessarily. but two being that his vampirism creates a bit of a problem for him, and he’s not sure if he should subject anyone to the curse he’s stuck with.
Extra Physicality: if necessary, could probably lift a car and throw it down the street. as of right now, doesn’t know how strong he really is / is more concerned about hurting his friends with this supposed strength than he is finding out how many hundreds of pounds he could lift. kody in a fight? probably losing within the first five seconds, unless bloods drawn and the instinct to pounce takes over. Species: vampire How do they feel about it?: hates it. would do anything to reverse it. wishes he had just stayed a little longer at karma cafe that night. or had never gone at all. How do they look in their supernatural form?: pretty much the same, however when he’s hungry and near blood, his eyes go all dark and bloodshot, and the veins around his eyes start to pulse ( basically just like vampire diaries ), but kody is unaware of this since he’s never seen it happen to himself or another vampire
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