#jack is ex cia AND ex special forces ok
saintsurvivors · 4 years
can’t stop thinking about one sided macdoc and a protective Jack. There isn’t a better dynamic change my mind (loved your answer to my other ask! Creepy spy parent James is great)
(anon, my love, my life, the blood that carries oxygen around my body, you are my hero and i love the entire energy of this ask)
I’m really glad that you enjoyed the macdoc ask, though it definitely didb’t go as I was imagining it going, why do all my characters not do what i say or plan ugh
(also, creepy spy parent james is my favourite and i need to incorporate it more i have so many ideas, james ur a creep goddamnit no wonder ur kids as fucked up as he is tho lbr that entire family is an entire fucking shitshow)
also, anon, literally, friend, buddy, old pal, one sided macdoc and protective jack just going absolutely fucking feral when mac gets this strangely flirtatious and incredibly creepy and definitely possessive text from murdoc complete with winky face emoji because murdoc is definitely that Extra(tm)
just dropping to say hello angus! you so rudely didn’t respond to the little present i gifted to you the other day, and i know someone didn’t murder you, mostly because i haven’t had to kill anyone lately! - god, mac thinks, murdoc talks so fucking much - and i thought i’d have to drop another for you on your bed. think of me when you open it, darling ;)
mac would dearly love an hour and a half chemical shower and to maybe burn down his house because the last present murdoc gave him was a pig heart in a valentines day heart box with chocolate and whilst mac doesn’t have much experience or taste in this, even he knows that’s a little gauche but, he’s not the serial killer here so what does he know, really?
jack who hides his serial killer crazy a little better than most though that tends to break when his team and especially mac are in trouble, almost actually breaks mac’s phone with how quick he grabs it. mac sincerely hopes he doesn’t shoot it like he did the last one, because that was not fun explaining to the insurance company phoenix foundation is attached to.
“i’m gonna kill him,” jack snarls, and that’s definitely his favourite go to threat whenever murdoc crawls out of whatever hole he’d stashed himself into.  mac watches in vague interest as a furious shade of red blanches jack’s cheek, that cannot be good for his blood pressure. “I’m gonna shove my foot so far up his ass he’s gonna be spitting leather and shoelaces for months, i’m gonna carve his spine out with my bare hands and beat him to death with them, i’m gonna rip his fucking lungs out-”
it’s always nice to have goals, mac thinks faintly over jack’s heavy growling.
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iammarylastar · 7 years
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Here you go! Final chapter! 11. McClanes. Jack throws his CIA badge on McKay's desk. "I'm done McKay. I quit." "What? You can't do that! You're one of our best man here!" Chief McKay whimpers.  "Your best man is tired of this job. I've been shot, hit, stabbed, threatened to death, punched and kicked enough for a lifetime. And I'm mandated by my wife for giving you her resignation as well." He slams a handwritten letter under his nose. "Your wife? You and Shade got married?" McKay ticks. He thinks he would count among the guests. "She was supposed to marry me 5 years ago. I won't wait another minute before making her mine. She almost died, chief, I could have lost her and Anna. I have a family now, I can't jeopardize it for some motherfuckers." He hands McKay a wedding invitation. "Shade insisted to have you with us. Next month. No excuses accepted." "Fuck. You almost made me cry McClane. My two whiz kids of the intelligence let me down and get married . What would happen to people of L.A. without you?" "They will survive. Mostly because John McClane is going back to New York and we're moving with him." Jack can't help but smile. New York. New life. New start. Shade made it just to testify at trial and thanks to her proofs and bruises, Varela and his minions got a one way ticket to the maximum security wing of Santa Anna jail. Anna. Jack's heart stops at the reminding. He ran in the debris in fire, the safe house was nothing safe nor house.  No roof, no walls, nothing left. Only dust of his so short happy life. Anna. Where was she?  Jack was not ready to face the death of his daughter, he had known her existence for less than a week, but had fallen in love instantly. John was right she looked like him so much. He loved the sound of her laugh, the glitter in her blue eyes, the scent of her hair warmed by the sun. The softness of her skin, her fingers running through his stubble, her lips pecking his cheek. But it was gone. She was gone. He couldn't wander in the destroyed basement anymore, there were only jagged wooden pieces, fishing stuff and an old shredded couch. And a reversed bark; he planned to bring Anna for a boat ride that day. Jack fell on ̂his knees. Shade had been shot but she was strong, with John taking care of her bleeding, she would surely make it. But Anna. She was young and innocent, fragile and defenceless. He was the one supposed to take care of her, protect her. He was the professional hired for her safety. He failed. Miserabily. Unforgivably. He slammed his palms on his face, scratching his skin with ferocity.  He wished he was dead instead of her. His little princess.  Images of her shiny face and laughs flashed before his eyes, he burst into tears. Cries. Useless cries. He could have saved her life if he had acted like a pro. Prostrate, devastated he bent down and let his rage and regrets scream out. His hand landed on something fluffy and soft. Anna's bunny. John bought her the stuffed animal during their trip to the safe house and Anna and Bunny became inseparable.  Jack grabbed the toy and crushed it on his chest. The last souvenir of his daughter. His eyes glanced at the spot where he found the bunny and tried to focus despite the river of tears. Under the rim of the boat, a tiny hand. Dirty and grey.  A finger moved.  Jack jumped forward and threw the boat over with all the force he had left.  Anna. A petrified, trembling girl laid there. Alive. "Dad." The little girl whispered. "Are the bad guys gone? Mom told me to stay hidden and grand pa showed me that hole. The better hole of the house he said." Jack rushed to her on all four and caught her, wrapping his own flesh and blood in his arms. "Anna! Baby... my baby..." he couldn't stop crying, laughing, kissing and stroking his daughter altogether. "You won. The bad guys are gone. They couldn't find you so they left. You won baby." "John!" he screamed. "John! I got her! She's safe! " All his forces left him. He kept cuddling Anna, rocking her back and forth on his lap. And stayed glued to her until the cops arrived.  They made the healthy decision to leave Los Angeles to protect her. Jack and John killed most of Varela's henchmen but they'd rather be twice careful, to avoid any retaliation.  Shade already planned to open a yoga and kravmaga center. The Yin and the Yang in the same woman. She could both soothe your pain or kick your ass. She's fantastic. "New York? OK. Let me warn the N.Y.P.D. about that bad news. " Chief McKay fakes to make a phone call. "See you next month. Without fail." Jack says, leaving. "I warned you McClane! What have you got yourself into? No hanky panky during the mission!" McKay shouts for Jack to hear. "What had I in mind?" He whispers to himself. "McClanes never give a shit to orders." * It didn't last long before Jack and Shade got married. A few weeks, time for Shade to recover from her surgery and bruises. Molly nearly choked when hearing the unexpected news. She was a granny. Jack was going to marry the love of his life, a woman whom she had heard the name once or twice but never had met. Jack, Shade and Anna, and that asshole of an ex John were her fucking family and everybody could have died while she was having a scalp massage and a manicure.  Lucy jumped up and down, clapping her hands, singing on the top of the roofs "I'm an aunt! I'm a fucking aunt!", then blaming her brother to have had an interesting father-and-son week-end while hers had been boring and uneventful. They grew to know each other, mostly at the hospital during Shade's recovery. Jack took residence in her room, at the ICU first, then at the viceral surgery wing, finally in rehab, the bullet in her shoulder had made more damages than expected. He didn't give a fuck where she was transferred and followed, calling Shade his home. Anna was so happy to spend time with her new aunt and granny, but always asked to stay with her parents. Everyone agreed she could skip the last month of school, Anna in first place. "I already know everything there is to know at school. All I need to know now is my Dad, and he needs me to show him what to do." She stated.  "And mom needs someone to keep Jack from being all over her all day long. She needs her rest! " the little girl scolded her father, hilarity ensued. Molly and Lucy had some girl chats with Shade, while the guys had a walk outside with Anna, laughing at Jack and his stupidity and cowardness, blaming the McClanes for their lack of common sense when it was about love. Mrs and Miss McClane are now all scrubbed up, overstressed and over excited, running here and there, checking the food , the music, the flowers, the chairs, the cake, their hair and make-up. As perfect hostesses, they're welcoming and chatting with the numerous guests, mostly cops and MacClane's relatives. Shade's guests are reduced to chief McKay, Anna's nanny Kendra, two moms from Anna's school, and few friends from her yoga class. Jack insisted on a reluctant Shade to call her family, arguing that if the MacClanes could have done it, her broken parents could follow. Shade gave a call, Jack by her side. "Hello? Mr Johnson?" She asked when a tough hoarse voice answered.  "He's dead. What do you want." The tone was rough at the end of the line.  "Mom? " Shade hesitated, thrown into the nightmare that her childhood had been. "It's Shade..." "Shade who? " the voice coldly said. Shade dropped the phone and stayed stone-faced until Jack wrapped his strong arms around her and said it was ok. Shade then, let go all the tears and sorrow she had been holding back for so long. She left the house at 15, and ran to save her life and her virginity. Her father started to find the curves of her hips and boobs tasty and his touch changed. She'd rather liked when his fists took her as a punching ball.  Jack wrapped her in a warm and safe embrace, hugging and rocking her, so sorry to have forced her in this mess. He had become addicted to hugs, particularly with Anna, and practiced his new skill on the two women of his life as often as he could.  Jack and Shade planned the simplest wedding ever. None of them really cared, being finally united as husband and wife was all that mattered.  If it was up to them, they would have opted for the quickest ceremony, no guests but John, Molly and Lucy, Anna running around and twirling in her beautiful dress. Jack even proposed to skip the wedding and  jump directly to the honeymoon. Molly pulled Jack's ear and scolded him, no way she'd wed his son like this; she had to marry him with pomp and ceremony.  Shade laughed heartily and agreed to all Molly and Lucy proposed, on one condition that they took care of everything and leave them alone. Jack had only one request. The gifts Jack had imagined and designed for that special day lay on the central table, beautifully arranged around a wedding picture of Shade and Jack saying: "Boo and Cupcake". Cupcakes with tiny koala bears on top, boomerang tied on their backs. Shade hated the caption but found the idea so cute. "John McClane Junior!" Jack hears from behind. Turning around he's met with an all scrubbed up John Senior, a large smile spread on his face. "Dad! You look fucking dapper! You're not late, nor burned or bruised, that's amazing!" Father and son open their arms and share a big, male hug, patting the other's back like to make a hole in their suit.  "Grandpa!" Anna rushes then jumps on John as he opens his arms to welcome the little girl. "Anna you look gorgeous! What's that beautiful dress you're wearing? And you tied up your hair? You look so wise with a ponytail." John walks away, chitchatting wedding gown, make up and little ponies with his granddaughter. Shade radiates, her long hair cascading around her shiny face, too happy about this day to bother to get things ready. Who would care? She's about to marry her lover, her saviour, the father of her child. Jack comes behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, catching her hands and intertwining their fingers together. "Ain't the groom supposed to not see his bride before the wedding?" Shade leans her head back on his shoulder. Jack chuckles and whispers in her ear: "Ain't the bride supposed not to sneak into the groom's room and give him the best sex he ever had?" Both sigh at the memory of Jack, up to his knees behind Shade, thrusting slowly inside her, one hand gripped on her breast while the other rubbed her soaked pussy, guided by Shade's hands and moans. Her sweaty back leaning on his hairy chest, his teeth grazing her shoulder, he fought not to bite her soft flesh; leaving visible marks on her would have been noticed by all the guests. "Dear husband, more remains to be done during our honeymoon..." she teases him, lightly wiggling her ass against his hip.  They stay in a comfortable silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts. "How are you Honey?" Jack asks. "Fine! I can't wait to marry you. I'm still waiting for some troubles to happen. But with all those McClanes around, I'm pretty confident everything's gonna be under control." She laughs.  "Are you sure you're OK? I called you Honey and you didn't punch me or point a loaded gun on my face." Jack nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck, and pulls her closer. "You did? Maybe I'm getting dumb by love. I love you Mr. McClane." She purrs.  "I love you Mrs. McClane." Jack whispers in her ear before capturing her lips. Pulling back, Shade takes her husband-to-be's hands and gently lays them on her stomach. "Actually I'm known as McClanes." Jack flips her to face him, his eyebrows quirked in surprise. "Are you...? But.. " "How could have this happened? Jack, we fucked like rabbits." She laughs at his stupidly blessed mug.  He laughs out loud, hugging his so romantic wife-to-be . She is awesome. "Yeah... I second that. I'm just so proud of my ability to knock you up so fast." He shows off. "This little one is already a McClane. Stubborn and unbreakable enough to survive a shot and a surgery." Shade has been used to the strong personalities of the clan. "So boy or girl? What do you want?" "I really hope it's a girl. I don't think the world could handle one more John McClane." She laughs before moulding her mouth to Jack's. The ceremony was beautiful. None gave attention to the pastor's shit. All the eyes were focused on the pair of lovers. Nothing mattered. Fuck the 20000 $ wedding gown, fuck the wedding pic on the beach, fuck the first dance on Sinatra's "Fly me to the moon" -they finally have opted for "I got you under my skin" as their first dance song, way more appropriate-. Nothing mattered but the two of them. Jack and Shade were lost in each other's stare. Their hands firmly intertwined, so close their noses almost touching , their lungs breathing the same air.  They barely heard the pastor say the words, he had to ask the question twice and cleared his throat to have the couple back to the world. Shade said 'I do'. Jack said 'fuck yeah I do.' and attacked the lips of his newly wed.  "By the power vested in me by the state of California, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may..." the pastor glanced at the couple still busy in a passionate kiss. "You're already kissing the bride." In their back, John took Molly's hand and brushed the tears from her eyes and shouted: "Yippi-kay-yay kids!" @kenzieam @pathybo @frecklefaceb @oddsnendsfanfics @badassbaker @beltz2016 @captstefanbrandt (for later) @bookwarm85 @red-diary @angelswannawearmyredshooz @singingpeople @beautifulramblingbrains @liendre50 @lunaschild2016 @jaihardy @jaicourtneyseyes @jojuarez26
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