#jack + soulless
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shallowseeker · 4 months ago
There is something that makes me deeply insane about Dean's bar in Nihilism that I've been trying to put words to since forever.
It's not just that Pamela is acting as his behavioral avatar, animating and speaking as if on cue. It's that Sam and Cas are still hunting.
And yeah, it's a pragmatic way for Michael to run an effective loop but—but—
—but it's also Dean symbolically entrusting Sam's well-being to Cas. Dean’s reliance on Cas is profound; it’s about Cas being a crucial part of the family, someone who will safeguard both himself and Sam in the way Dean has always done. Cas's support is what allows Dean to rest. And we see that come into play in a big way in Peace of Mind, too, where Cas steps in directly to mentor Sam about failing in leadership. It’s as though Cas is stepping into Dean's shoes in a way that’s not about replacing him, but about becoming a partner in the fullest sense. And in a way, Dean's trust in Cas to take on that role does begin to mirror the kind of deep, emotional partnership that one might expect between married partners. Dean knows that Cas has the strength, the patience, and the wisdom to guide Sam through these challenging moments, and he’s willing to let him.
And again, but here in a very literal way: Cas's support is what allows Dean to rest. They’re no longer just partners in battle or allies; they’re equals, sharing the weight of the world and taking on the roles that the other can’t or feels too overwhelmed to do.
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shallowstories · 2 years ago
I'm just not a Cosmopolitan gal
For some reason, Dean feels even more insulted. So, he lobs the first thing he can think of, “Well. Dad had a soul, and he did more fucked up things than Cas has ever thought about doing.” It might’ve well have been an uncapped grenade. She reels from the force of it—shatters somewhere deep behind her blue, blue eyes. Of course, Dean regrets it immediately. It’s the lowest blow. Straight for the jugular. Blood and guts. Dean has no idea why he’s bringing up Dad, but his instinct in response to all that is to rip on Mary’s choice of- of family.  Tit-for-tat. Or something.
I'm just not a Cosmpolitan gal by @shallowseeker
Synopsis: After the brutal slaughter of the Apocalypse World hunters, Dean's doing everything he can to maintain a sense of normalcy around the bunker. Mary shows up to help. There's grocery shopping, mother-son passive-aggressiveness, and a pansy-ass Cosmopolitan magazine that Dean definitely isn't going to take relationship advice from.
(Status: Complete)
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shallowseeker · 2 years ago
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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let cas say fuck<3 (x)
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rabidbatboy · 4 months ago
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SOULLESS: a flag for people who reclaim the term ‘soulless’ for themselves, due to lacking empathy or having difficulty empathising, being blunt and/or perceived as rude, etc. this is intended for autistic people, cluster b disorders and any disordered individuals who relate. based on the soulless sam arc/concept of being soulless from supernatural, but can be unrelated
TAGGING: @radiomogai
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thatsbelievable · 4 days ago
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anassemblageofpassions · 7 months ago
No but likeeee. Sam isn’t allowed to have ANY secrets from dean but he’s also not allowed to talk about anything so everything just simmers inside of him because he’s also not allowed to have anyone more important to him than dean but he’s constantly in pain but he can’t tell Dean because dean can’t handle him being in pain so he just suffers in silence and I think the only time he brings up even a smidgen of his pain to anyone it’s rowena, and it’s to help HER. And the only one who knows is lucifer and Lucifer is the one who inflicts it on him. So lucifer knows something Dean doesn’t, he’s hurt Sam in ways dean is incapable of, but dean has also hurt Sam in ways Lucifer is incapable and that infuriates Lucifer. So supernatural is really just a custody battle between lucifer and dean for everything that sam is, and neither of them will win, and so lucifer will try to move on, he will create jack because he can’t have Sam, because he can’t win against dean, but he will fail, but then Sam will steal jack from him too, and Sam belongs to dean, and everything Sam has belongs to dean, so dean will kill him, and both Sam and jack will be his, but he can’t control jack the way he can control sam when jack is soulless, just like he couldn’t control sam when sam was soulless, so he will force sam to manipulate jack into confinement, and then when jack gets his soul back he will do whatever Dean wants, dean will kill their son but sam will fight him for the first time in forever, and for once he will win, and then everyone will be gone and it will just be sam and dean, sam forever deans even when dean dies, but the thing is, dean never truly had the real sam, he had a sam who cut off parts of himself to appease dean, to be the person dean wants him to be, and I hope that one day he managed to recover himself but he was so deeply conditioned I doubt that he did.
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jackandclairearesiblings · 4 days ago
It was a heartbreaking site. Cas was sitting on the ground outside Jack's door. On the other side, you could hear the muffled sobs and cries.
Armed with two beers, Dean sat down next to him, offering one out. Cas took it but there was no doubt he wouldn't drink it.
Dean cleared his throat. "He gonna be okay?" he felt obligated to ask.
"I don't know." Cas answered. If Dean didn't know better, he would think Cas had also been crying. "Dean, I am so sorry for what happened. All of it. But my son is hurting right now and I don't know how to help him."
Dean felt for his friend, having been in a similar situation himself before. "Yeah... That tends to happen when you get your soul back."
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notalawyerdude · 1 year ago
Absolutely screaming at the screen when Sam doesn't just fucking TALK TO JACK about the experience of losing, not having, and regaining a soul!!!!
He is the ONLY person who could understand because he went through the exact same situation!!
Jack needed comfort guidance and information about it, and Sam could have done that! It feels so out of character that he didn't.
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samanddean76 · 8 months ago
A Fistful Of Sammy's
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An ancient grimoire has been searching for the man that is destined to wield it for the good of all.  With the power that was imbued upon it, Lux gained sentience and hid herself away, appearing as nothing more than a smoothly polished rock.  Now she waits.  The problem?  The Stanford-Era Sam Winchester that the grimoire meets is not the only Sam searching for it.  And thanks to a little time travel the list of those seeking her is growing longer by the minute.  Once Soulless Sam and Demon Dean are added into the mix?  Things start to go sideways.  But then a couple of Hollywood actors trapped in Canada, who happen to look just like them and know everything about them, turn out to be crucial to Sam and Dean being able to save the day. 
Will an Apocalypse World Bobby (no, not that one) and a battle ravaged Castiel help or hinder?  Will the all-too helpful Gabriel guide Sam to the truth, or lead him astray?  And will Sam ever get the happy ending he so desperately deserves? 
Come along on a wild ride, with Metallica as the soundtrack, and an ending that hinges on one impossible choice.
Fandoms: Supernatural and Supernatural RPF
Rated: Explicit | Word Count: 44,276
This is what happens when you have four Sam's, four Dean's, two Castiel's, two Jared and Jensen's, one Gabriel, one John, and one Jack in the same story.
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Demon Dean/Soulless Sam, Sam Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, John Winchester/Sam Winchester
Major Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Additional Tags: AU, Time Travel, Will Reference Events From All Seasons Plus Prior To Series, Jared & Jensen from Season 6 - The French Mistake, Stanford Era Sam, Dean, & John, Soulless Sam, Demon Dean, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Dubious Consent, Non-Graphic Violence, Unorthodox Demon Healing, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sam & Dean Being The Best Of Brothers, Castiel Gets A Power Up, Sam Gets A Power Up, An OC For The Ages, Literally
Chapter One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight on AO3
Hey! How about we turn it into The Samstraveganza Verse? Mmmm, okay, I'm sold.
Tell Me Something I Don't Know - Soulless Sam/Demon Dean one-shot on AO3
Art Post on Tumblr | Art Post on AO3
@xpurdyglambertx @wipbigbang
Excerpt from Chapter Six under the break....
Sam could see himself through Dean’s eyes.  From the moment he was the baby lying in the maternity ward.  Later when he played in his crib in the nursery of his only real home.  How scared Dean felt as he raced out the front door with his little Sammy held tight.  Through more dingy motel rooms and abandoned houses than either of them ever wanted to think about.  On the first day of middle school, when Sam had been so scared, Dean had looked down at him with pride, assuring his kid brother that he was going to be better than any of his classmates.  Helping Sam to get ready for his first dance, pinning on the boutonniere that he had stolen from the flower shop.  Wishing how it would have been him to escort his Sammy. 
“I would have danced with you, at least once.  Spun my big brother around the floor.”  The words echoed across his mind, and when Dean tried to deepen the kiss that they were sharing, Sam knew that he’d heard it, and shared the sentiment.  He thrust harder into the willing flesh before him, finding untold joy as each thrust was matched by Dean pushing back with his own hips.  Trying to help Sam sink in even deeper. 
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kerryweaverlesbian · 10 months ago
The other thing with Jack in the Box is that it's very funny for them to have left his phone with him. He uses it as a light. What if he tweeted out "help ive been locked in a box by 2 men here is my exact location /srs /gen."
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h-didanart · 9 months ago
Someone miss-read jack-o-moon as jack-o-pizza
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That’s a very funny misread, and that’s a very cool drawing
I like ‘em
What kinda pizza would they be tho?
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shallowseeker · 3 months ago
Where is that meta you have where Dean looks up towards Cas for emotional support? I think it's when they're talking to Ketch?
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Ohhh. That's from The Spear! I was being very silly about it.
On a more serious note, that whole episode, Dean's leaning on Cas in these big, spousal-coded ways. (That's why I prefer the script on this aspect. Dean was letting Cas drive him to the case in the truck, relying on Cas visually and entrusting Baby with Sam and Jack.)
And honestly, I feel like the script is going out of its way to show us that Cas has been an emotional rock for Dean, both in this and in Peace of Mind, which is what makes The Empty Deal so insidious. It encourages Cas to pull away when his own emotions get overwhelming.
I think this is hinted at in Game Night with Dean's played-for-laughs stress/meltdown at the beginning of the episode. Dean is floundering because he can *feel* Cas's emotional distance. (He always does.) He just doesn't know why the emotional distance has become so inflamed.
EDIT: And on another note, when it comes to AU Michael, I think it's important to acknowledge how desperate Dean is to be safe from that intense violation. As @scoobydoodean pointed out, that desperation to be free from violation/voyeurism is also at play in season 15, giving more weight to Dean's deepening desperation to neutralize the threat of Chuck.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year ago
i really don’t buy any argument that goes ‘soulless sam doesn’t matter as much as souled sam’ because like. he is literally just a guy with some empathy issues. i cannot emphasize enough how much soulless sam is not an object except in how the show ends up treating him; he is literally. just a guy.
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reneedenoailles · 3 months ago
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here's mine since we're sharing !
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aliusfrater · 4 months ago
soulless!sam and jack would get along so freakin well i think
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sampilled · 4 months ago
so you agree? the good seasons are the ones that focus on sam?
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