puckthedrama · 3 months
anything on vrana?
he has a girlfriend! she’s an influencer/model, her name is adel!
don’t know anything else. anyone?
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prettbesce · 2 years
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CZE vs. LAT / may 19th, 2022
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bobyram · 5 years
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jake oh my god
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thotstonbruins · 6 years
somebody needs to gif vranas bedroom eyes after he scored that goal
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rawmeanderson · 5 years
Whomst do we think are the biggest subs in the nhl??? Or like pillow princess
WE’RE DOING BOTH BITCH!!!! also, love me a good whomst.
subs: b.skjei, m.rantanen, t.barrie, c.mcavoy
pillow princesses: n.mackinnon, j.eichel, m.zibanejad, k.hayes, j.vrana, j.benn, c.parayko
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thatsdemko · 5 years
I'm gonna give you a prompt if that's okay? “If only you could see yourself the way I see you, because, holy shit, you’d realise how much I’ve fallen for you.” with Jakub Vrana
A/N: kinda wrote this not as a blurb ope also like really unedited
Being surrounded by beautiful girls every home game was hard. You never thought as yourself to be entirely “perfect” or “pretty” but these girls never had to say one word to you all they had to do was flick their pretty blonde hair around and it was enough to bring your self confidence down. You weren’t a skinny model like they all were or girls who relied on their significant other to make money to pay for the nice things they would get. You always made the money for yourself. You were independent and that’s how you wanted to be. Jakub would attempt to pay for something for you but you never let him. You made the money you earned and you paid for what you wanted.
“Look at this pretty bracelet TJ bought me!” Lauren showed off to all of you, it was easily a one karrot diamond bracelet that probably cost over a thousand dollars.
“Must’ve cost a lot, yeah?” You asked and she just ignored you, usually that’s what they all did, you figured it probably was because you were nothing like them, but you started trying to be more and more, Jakub was starting to notice it, but he never wanted to say anything because he felt like it wasn’t his place. He noticed you started working out a lot more than you normally did, you started buying higher end clothing, and even started wearing more make up than normal.
The boys were having a team dinner where Lauren showed the bracelet off and made sure girls took pictures of her in it so she could model it off for Instagram and make everyone feel poor by how expensive her clothes were.
“So hows the business going? New chair seat I heard huh?” TJ came up to you in the kitchen and you nodded, “yeah I got promoted last week. No longer have to sit in a crummy cubical anymore I get to make input on what the company does and stuff.”
“Bigger pay?”
“Just a bit not a lot.” You smiled and he nodded his head picking at the food on the kitchen counter that you were standing near and tempted to eat, but held it together knowing you could wait until dinner.
“Congratulations, maybe Jakub will buy you a new car or something,” he joked patting you on the shoulder and you laughed turning back to see the girls were all starting to get dinner set, so you went into the living room to find Jakub and talk with him.
“Hey, babe,” he pressed a kiss to your head once you plopped down next to him and he wrapped his arm around you.
“Hi,” you whispered feeling him squeeze you closer to him for a quick second, “why aren’t you with them?” He asked and you shrugged picking your nails, “they are setting up dinner, and I’m not into it.”
He nodded his head running his thumb up and down your arm lightly as a few minutes passed and one of them announced dinner was done and you all stood up going into the kitchen while you trailed behind your boyfriend.
“Hey, I have a question,” one of them pulled you aside before you could get into the kitchen, “oh yeah?” You crosses your arms over your chest looking over to see Jakub passed by you both going into the bathroom before starting to make a plate.
“I have a membership for these pills to help lose weight, and I know you said you’d been looking for one so I was going to buy some if you wanted to try?”
“Oh,” you said feeling your stomach drop, you hadn’t really mentioned it to anyone but Brandi who you trusted, but you assumed somebody must’ve overheard your conversation and the news spread like wildfire around the whole group, “umm I’ll think about it.” You offered a fake smile as she walked away and Jakub came out of the bathroom now. You had no idea, but he heard every word from the conversation.
“Ready to eat?”
“Uh yeah.”
The minute you both got home you parted ways and just as you went to take your medication Jakub stopped you.
“What is that? Be honest.” He said and you unfolded your hand, “a pill? You know it’s a little unethical for you to be asking about what I’m taking when you’re not my doctor.” You sassed as he opened all the cabinets now finding what he was looking for.
“So this red pill in your hand, your doctor gave this to you? The red pill that’s for dieting. Is your doctor giving that to you or one of the girls?” He asked, you felt a bit taken back not even sure what to say to him, but he wasn’t pleased and he wanted an answer.
“Jakub, it’s none of your business.”
“But it is my business.”
“Excuse me?” You set the pills in a cup and set the glass of water down next to it, “it is not your business because it is not your life—“
“Well it is my business!” He shouted over you causing there to be a silence between you both as you stood there waiting for his explanation, “it’s my business when some girl tries to tell my girlfriend to be something different than herself. This isn’t you, this is somebody trying to put you in a different pair of shoes and I don’t like it, why don’t you love yourself?”
“Because,” you started off with huffing out a sigh embarrassed to even be having this conversation with jakub, “because have you ever been in a situation where they won’t even look at you because you’re nothing like them? Or not as pretty as them? Because I’ve been in those situations so it’s hard to love yourself when other people don’t love you.”
“But I love you. Every part of you. If only you could see yourself the way I see you because, holy shit, you’d realize how much I’ve fallen for you.”
“What?” You asked feeling your voice soften as he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him, “every part of you I love, and I fall more in love with everyday who cares what they think because your voice is the one that matters the most. If you love yourself than that’s final, don’t change for anyone else.”
“I love you,” you wrapped your arms around him resting your head on his chest.
“I love you a lot more.”
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bobyram · 5 years
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burky and vee, together again
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bobyram · 5 years
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i’m gonna cry again
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rawmeanderson · 5 years
Who would be into the fact that the girl is a fan of a rival team? (Aka into ~hate fucking)
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!
just gotta say, I feel like all cbj boys would be v happy to hate fuck a pens fan just bc we’re a bunch of petty bitches.j.vesey, j.eichel, j.vrana, n.patrick, j.debrusk, m.barzal, l.andersson.
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rawmeanderson · 5 years
Who cums immediately the first time their partner calls them daddy in bed? My guess, PLD for sure.
U RIGHT!!!!! 😂
also: tito, e.lindholm, b.jenner, m.latta, j.vrana, c.parayko, o.klefbom.
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rawmeanderson · 5 years
What players do you think like doggy style and cowgirl the best.
doggy: j.vrana, j.vesey, k.hayes, s.jones, e.lindholm, m.barzal
cowgirl: k.hayes, j.skinner, b.jenner, a.burakovsky, l.draisaitl, t.konency
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thatsdemko · 5 years
HC; falling asleep on FaceTime with Jakub Vrana
•he was on the road and he had just got to his hotel and decided to call you because he was bored of just texting
•he loves to see your face even if you hang up for .2 seconds because you weren’t ready he will call again, and again, and again, and again until you answer
•he’s annoying about it but you love him
•so when you picked up he was practically hovered over the phone with a big smile on his face seeing you
•you were in one of his sweatshirts which in all seriousness isn’t that any mans dream to see their girl something that’s theirs?
•he claims it as yours now by the way because you look better in it
•he starts asking you about your day and work and you’re complaining a bit about work which kind of typical you didn’t like your job but money is money
•he’s a really good listener despite what some of his teammates think
•the smile on his face never wipes away
•you ask him about his day and he talks briefly of it
•you’re laying in his bed at his apartment
•he always lies saying he needs a plant sitter but half his plants are fake he just wants you at his apartment
•you got really cozy into his bed and his voice was soothing and your eyes got a lot heavier
•he didn’t want to stop you from falling asleep and certainly didn’t want to hang up so he watched you for a bit before whispering “I love you” and then hanging up
•but he texted you later that evening about you falling asleep on FaceTime and sending you the screenshots he took of you
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