#j fally
spirkme915 · 9 months
book rec
i'm re-reading "bone rider" by j fally for the nth time (i've seriously lost count how many times i've read it) and i need anyone who hasn't read it to pick up a copy now and come scream at me about it.
it's aliens, first contact gone bad, assassins, anti-heroes, snark, obsession, and so much goddamn love and loyalty.
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Ah the epilogue
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Gotta say that one of my favorite polyam stories so far is whatever the fuck the sentient alien "parasite" armor and weapons system, the cowboy from Texas, and the Russian mob guy got going on
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iggy-nko · 1 year
Author 〜 Iggy Nko
Click on the picture to read (text in French).
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Falling Apart Part 2 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy loss
A/n: I'm really excited about this one. Enjoy!
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The silence of Michael’s drive home was broken by the chimes of FaceTime. He immediately answered it as his mom’s name passed across the screen. 
“Hey ma, what’s up?” 
“Nothing. I just wanted to see how you and Charlie were doing?” 
Michael could not stop the humorless chuckle that escaped his lips. He was not sure how to tell his mother that they were doing terribly. It had been a week since their fight on set and all the couple knew was a coldness, tension everyone around them could feel and avoided like the plague. They usually had great communication but once one of them put their walls up, their perfectly running machine ground to a screeching halt. It was rare when it happened but when it did, it was bad. 
They only interacted on set when needed, the pair barely speaking unless it was to discuss work. Even right now, he had been driving around aimlessly, avoiding the icy winter that plagued his home. He knew he should not be avoiding Charlotte but until he had a better plan or she was willing to open up, he did not have the energy to be ignored for hours on end every single day. He now knew how she felt when he pushed her away last year, however, his reasoning was far less righteous. 
He tried to break the tension every once in a while, asking her how she was feeling and checking in when she seemed like she was in pain or upset. But his efforts only resulted in short one word answers. Occasionally, he could hear soft sobbing while she was in the shower or from the couch in the dead of the night. But when he tried to comfort her the first time, she just pretended he had misheard and refused to discuss it. From then on, he just gave her her space. He would just lay there and listen, fighting the urge to see about her. That was the hardest part. He was wholly unaccustomed to her rejecting him in that way. He loved being her soft place to land, her comfort and safety, her arms to retreat to when she was struggling. 
But she would not yield, refusing to show him any vulnerability or emotion. Vulnerability had always required minimal coaxing and prying from Charlotte but it had been so long since she shut him out to this degree, since she refused to let him help her. However, he knew only time and space would break down her walls. So as hard as it was, he gave her that, hoping time would ease her pain and soften her resolve.
“It’s… it’s not great. We’re both takin’ it hard.” 
“How are you?” 
He let out a low whistle and shook his head. He kept his eyes trained on the road, avoiding his mom’s expectant and loving eyes. He was a mama’s boy at heart, his mother always knew how to cut through the layers to get to the heart of whatever ailed him. And right now, he needed that.
The real answer, not ok, felt totally insufficient. Fatherhood had always been a dream of his, something he yearned for. Finding out Charlotte was pregnant had been one of the happiest moments of his life to date. In his mind, he saw their child and their future family as clear as a movie playing out in front of him. They had only known for a few short weeks but they had started to plan, wrapping up so much excitement and hope into that precious growing life. And in an instant, it was gone. No rhyme or reason, washed away as quickly and randomly as a sandcastle on the beach. And Michael had been fortunate not to experience a great deal of grief in his life but this pain felt unbearable. 
And those quiet moments when Charlotte was asleep were his only opportunities to mourn this person they never got to meet. When he was not quietly mourning, he could only feel concern and worry for his wife, who was not processing her own grief at all..  
“I dunno, ma. J-just worried about Els.” 
His mom shook her head. “I didn’t ask about Charlie. I’m a mother, I know how she’s doing. I asked how you are doing.” 
The back of his hand wiped a falling tear. “I don’t know… I’m mad, I’m disappointed, I’m sad. And I know we can try again but seeing how Els is doing… I dunno if I even want to. I don’t think I can watch her go through this again.”
The call fell silent for a moment, his mother mulling over his words on the other end of the call. Michael watched as cars whipped through the intersection he was stopped at as he waited for her to say something, to impart her usual maternal wisdom that he still sought out and desperately needed at his old age. 
“Have you two talked about any of it yet? Your feelings and hers?” 
“She doesn’t want to talk to me, ma. I’ve tried and I’ve tried but she just acts like I’m not even there. She’s just throwing herself into work like nothing happened. It feels like she’s angry with me or somethin’…” 
“She isn’t mad at you, Bakari… she’s mad at herself.”
“Why would you think that? She didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Donna shrugged, leaning back in the rocking chair Michael bought for their backyard. “Just a woman’s intuition. I just see a lot of myself in her. I remember when I first married your dad. I used to believe I didn’t deserve him so I tried to be perfect. The perfect mom and wife, felt like I could never mess up or fall down or be vulnerable. You kids were damn near out of the house before I let that go. When I first met Charlie, I saw the same thing in her. A woman madly in love with someone she did not feel she deserved.”
Michael sighed, his hand gripping the steering wheel in frustration. “I know she felt that when we first got together but it’s been 3 years, we’re married now. And been through too much for her to still believe that.”
“I know yall are basically an old married couple but three years isn’t a long time when stacked against decades of insecurity, Michael. She may not feel it all the time but doubts linger like weeds. You can pull ‘em up and they’ll be gone for a while but they’ll just grow back eventually. You’ve been working for most of your life and you still doubt yourself, right? It’s the same thing. And I imagine this only amplified those doubts for her. So it’s hard to be vulnerable or share her feelings with you when every voice in her head is shouting at her that she failed you. So she pushes you away because that’s less painful than going to you and you affirming those feelings.” 
Michael put the car in park as he pulled into his parking spot. 
“I would never. You know how much I love and adore her, ma. I-I know we had plans and everything but I’d give every last one up for her. She’s it… she’s everything. I can imagine life without kids but I can’t imagine one without her.” 
“I know. And Charlotte knows that too. Just give her time. Take it from me, this ironclad facade always shatters at some point. You just need to be there to help put the pieces back together when it does.” 
“You’re a good boy,” she offered. “Always have been. And a good husband. She knows how much you love her. But the pain she feels is unbearable and that girl… she’s been through so much and her default seems to be to go at it alone. I think she is just struggling to work through that. Just give her time and space, like she did for you.”
He nodded. “I hear you, ma. Well, I just pulled up to the apartment so let me go inside and see about my girl. I’ll call you tomorrow, aight? Tell pops I said what’s up.” 
“Sounds good, love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
His head fell back onto the headrest as his mother’s words cycled through his head. He had thought her statement about being a failure was just a reaction in the heat of an argument. He could not believe she actually thought that to be true. He knew he should listen to his mother and give her space but he couldn’t let another evening go by like this. He could not do anything to end their grief, only time could do that. But he would not let her sit with feelings of failure and disappointment longer than she needed to. So he was resolved as he entered the house to get her to talk to him, to push if needed until she gave him something… anything. 
“Hey,” he offered as he walked into the house, Charlotte sitting on the couch with her notebook and script. 
“Hey.” Her eyes did not even leave her paper to truly acknowledge him. She just continued flipping through her script, scribbling in the margins. 
He threw his bag down by the entryway, his keys clanging lightly against the counter as he tossed them. He stood by the counter to study her for a moment, examining the pout on her face, the furrow in her brow, the redness and puffiness in her eyes. She had been crying. He scratched the back of his head for a moment before walking over to sit in the armchair by the couch. 
“You good with take out tonight?” He asked.
“Whatever you want,” she answered, still not fully acknowledging him or his presence. 
He watched her for a few moments before deciding to break the ice. “The perpetual winter around here is getting a bit hard to deal with, babe.” 
She sighed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Michael.” 
He scoffed and shook his head. “You don’t know what I’m talkin’ bout? How about the fact that you don’t talk to me, you don’t touch me. You don’t let me touch you -” 
“Hmm… that sounds super familiar. Wonder where I’ve heard that before?” She muttered, cutting him off. The dig was below the belt and went against their usual rule of not bringing up past issues that they resolved in new arguments. However, the walls were too high for her to recognize that.
Michael’s eyes narrowed as he caught her statement. “Gonna ignore that cause you’re hurting but bringing up old shit doesn’t change what’s happening right now. You cry in the shower and out here at night and don’t let me comfort you. You act like I’m not even here. We can’t keep going like this. You need to talk to me.”
She tossed her notebook to the side in annoyance, her legs swinging off the couch. She slid them into her slippers and tried to disappear to their bedroom, her agitation only growing as she heard him follow behind her. She knew he would not stop, he had that look in his eye. Persistence. He would continue pushing until she broke down. And she was not ready to, not yet.  
“There’s nothing to talk about.” She grabbed the dry cleaning she had discarded on their bed earlier, hoping the act of hanging up their clothes would distract her and help her maintain this nonchalant facade. 
“We lost a baby, Charlotte. That isn’t nothing.” 
“You know, you don’t need to fucking remind me!” She snapped as she walked into their closet. “I was there. I was the one bleeding and in agony for fucking days because of it.” She let out a deep shaky sigh and turned away from him to calm herself. She knew her tone was reaching dangerous levels and was not how she and her husband spoke to each other. “So I’m well aware of what happened. But talking about it isn’t gonna change it o-or fix it so there’s n-no point. The doctor said we can try again as soon as I have my next cycle. And we will, I’ll get pregnant again and give you a baby. I-I j-just want to forget a-about it and try again. That’s it. End of discussion.” 
“I don’t wanna just try again like you’re a baby factory and pretend like this didn’t happen. It’s fuckin’ sad and it’s ok to be sad and wallow in it for a minute, to grieve something we both wanted and lost. And you pushing me away like this only makes it harder. Just talk to me, Charlotte. Please.” 
Her eyes clenched shut and her hands stilled, her task of putting away clothes short lived and futile. All the feelings she had desperately tried to suppress came flooding back. This time, they were stronger, louder, and harsher. She had found safety in the eye of this particular tornado, where the harsh winds and storm could not affect her. She knew she could not stay there forever and eventually, she would have to feel everything. But she was not ready yet. However, her husband’s pushing and meddling was not giving her much of an option. The winds and rain whipped against her and pulled her deeper and deeper into the depths of the storm and she just felt like she would get blown away if she gave in.
“W-what do you want me to say??” She let out an exasperated sigh. “Y-You want me to apologize a-again? I-I’m sorry! I’m s-sorry my body is failing you a-and failing us and I’m failing you a-and can’t give you t-this. I’m s-sorry,” she sniffled, shaking her head as she made her way to their bed to sit down. “A-and I'll probably feel s-sorry a-and guilty for putting you t-through this for the rest of my life or until I give you another baby. So that’s what I’m focused on. Now. can we p-please just leave it alone?” 
Her voice cracked as her head fell into her hands. She could not look him, she hadn’t looked him in the eye fully since the hospital. Every day since had been a fight, a fight not to acknowledge the true extent of this agony. Charlotte had felt a lot of pain in her life, but this particular one hit her soul differently. And any acknowledgement of that would make her pain real, her shame and guilt real. She had tried but she could not even accept Michael’s comfort and his care because doing so would be acknowledging she had failed him. Instead, she just wanted to be strong so she could fix it and undo what happened. There was no room to buckle or break, no room to wallow. 
Michael approached the bed and crouched down in front of her. His hands rested on the sides of her bare thighs, rubbing them lightly. This was the most he had touched her in a week, he had missed it. 
“Baby… I don’t need or want an apology and I don’t accept it. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just want you to be ok and to let me in. I know this shit is hard and it hurts like hell but whatever you’re feeling is safe with me. You’re safe with me, always. Fall and I’ll always catch you. Every single time.” 
His calloused hands wiped away a falling tear. She knew his words were true. If there was one thing Bakari had always been, it was constant and unwavering. Everything God and life threw at Charlotte, him, or their relationship, he stood like a tree, unmovable and sturdy. To this day, no storm, no matter its strength, had moved him an inch. He never failed in protecting her and holding her up, even when he was struggling himself. But that persistent voice of doubt in her head, that voice that still criticized whether she truly deserved someone so loving, was often louder than all the examples of his unwavering love for her. That voice made her believe this was finally the storm that moved him and took him away from her. 
“I can’t…” her voice was faint like a small child. He could tell she wanted to fall apart so badly but was holding the unraveling strings together with hope and prayer that he would leave her be. But he wouldn’t, not like this. 
“Yes, you can.” 
“No… I lost our b-baby,” her voice broke. “It’s a-all my fault. You were so e-excited a-and… I know y-you hate me. I hate myself. I can’t even look at you.” 
He could barely make out the last couple of words, her sobs making them incoherent. He understood enough though. 
“Els… honeybee, I could never hate you. This isn’t your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault. There’s no reason or cause and nothing we could’ve done differently.” 
Even as he spoke and offered words Charlotte had heard from the doctor himself, she did not believe him. “Y-You told me to slow down and I d-didn’t. Y-You told me to take m-more breaks a-and I didn’t. A-and I’m j-just t-terrified t-” she paused. “W-what if th-this means I c-can’t-” her voice broke as she tried to voice one of the fears that plagued her day in and day out. It was difficult to even put it to words. “T-this is supposed to be e-easy a-and natural and maybe t-this means I can’t do it? A-and then y-you’ll leave m-me a-and I w-wouldn’t even b-be able to blame y-you.”
He hung his head.“Look, maybe we could’ve done something different but maybe you could’ve done everything I asked and we would’ve still ended up here. There’s no way to know and… it doesn’t matter. It’s no one’s fault. You took the best care of yourself that you could, it just… God had other plans. And it’s ok to be sad about that but it’s not ok to torture yourself for something no one could control. And I don’t know how many ways I gotta tell you that you’re stuck with me, girl. I’m not going anywhere ever.” He shook her legs, causing her to let out a watery giggle. 
The back of her hand rubbed against her nose as she laughed, her eyes finally meeting his. 
“I j-just want to try again, Bakari. I j-just want to move on and try again so I-I can stop feeling l-like I f-fucked everything up. It just hurts so m-much… I w-was so excited. A-and I’m j-just scared I’m gonna lose you if I d-don’t fix it. A-and it’s j-just all too much a-and eating me alive.” 
He hated how lowly she felt of herself. Charlotte’s doubts and insecurities had waned over the years, thankfully. So much so, he had thought she had put all that to rest. But his mother was right, the doubt that his love was conditional and fickle still lingered, she just chose to live with it silently. 
He sat next to her on the bed, his fingers interlacing with hers.
“I want to be a dad, that’s true. Wanted that my whole life. But you know what I want more than anything else? You.” His finger lifted her chin so she was looking him in his eyes again. “You are my Sun, my universe doesn’t operate, revolve, or function without you. And as long as I got you, I have no doubts that we can figure out the rest. I would give up every plan for you in a heartbeat. You gotta know that by now. You can’t fail me and your body isn’t failing you. It’s just gonna take time and the good thing is, we got all the time in the world.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to be ready and healthy again. You don’t gotta pretend it didn’t happen or try to get pregnant tomorrow to keep me around. The only plan that’ll never change is that I’m gonna spend every day of my life loving you. It’s us till the end of the line, baby. You gotta start believing that though. I love you with everything I got and it kills me that you don’t see it,” he admitted. 
She nodded, letting out a deep sigh as if his words had lifted 10 pounds off her shoulders. “I know… you l-love me. Y-You’ve j-just always b-been so perfect… s-still hard to not feel like…” she scratched her head. “Sometimes I j-just worry I’m not enough f-for you. And w-when this happened, I j-just thought you’d finally r-realize it too. I’m s-sorry for that. And h-how awful I’ve been to you,” she whispered. “I g-guess I thought if I let you in a-and admitted I wasn’t ok, it’d make it all real a-and you’d just affirm everything I thought. I w-was wrong and I’m sorry.” 
He smiled. “That’s an apology I’ll gladly accept. And it's ok, I knew you were hurting.” 
She shook her head. “It’s not ok b-but I’m glad you c-can forgive me. I w-was so wrapped up in my own pain, I ignored yours. I know t-this has been painful for y-you too.” 
He pulled her into a hug, Charlotte soaking up the warmth she had denied herself for too long. 
“It is but we’ll get through it together. Like we always do.” 
The ice slowly but surely melted throughout the Jordan household as the evening progressed. Though it had been hard, she was thankful Michael pushed and prodded, thankful neither of them could be without the other for too long. 
By the time they laid down, Charlotte felt better than she had since the miscarriage emotionally. It had been such a relief to release those feelings into the space. Scary but Michael did what he always did, he affirmed and assured her. She also knew that, if they were going to take this next step, she had to start to believe she deserved this life and him. He proved time and time again that he was not going anywhere. She knew she needed to start believing that. 
Charlotte laid in his arms, silence filling their bedroom. However, neither of them were asleep, she just stared at the wall across from their bed and listened to the soft thumps of his heart, a soothing drumbeat in her ear. 
“I think you are gonna be a great dad,” she whispered, his grip tightening around her as if to pull her closer to him, if that were possible. “You’d know exactly how to comfort them and rock them to sleep. I… had a feeling it was a girl? Though I suppose that was wishful thinking a-and I know you shouldn’t have a preference. I would’ve been just as happy with a boy. But I dunno. Since I didn’t really have a mom, I think I’d love to do all the things I missed with her? I wrote a song for her and everything… I was gonna sing it to her when I held her at all the ungodly hours she would have us up. Because how could s-she not be a night owl with restless energy like us?”
“She definitely would… poor girl doesn’t stand a chance of a solid sleeping schedule with us.” They shared a laugh. “I pictured a boy,” he admitted. “But I’d also be happy with either, I think. I know, when we have one, our daughter will have me wrapped around her finger from before she’s born,” he kissed her on the top of her head. “Just like her mama. I won’t stand a chance.” 
She chuckled. “It’ll be your fault. Every woman in your life is spoiled. She’ll be no different.” 
Her fingernails traveled along his skin, raking up and down lightly as they laid. 
“This… it just feels relentless, Bakari,” she whispered. “I think about it all day and all night. I thought it would hurt less as time went on but it feels like I’ll never get past it.” 
“Take your time, love. We don’t gotta figure it out right now. We just take it day by day… with each other. And eventually, we’ll be ready to try again and we’ll do all the stuff we planned.” 
Charlotte pushed herself into a seated position to face him. “I know we need time but I do want to try again soon… if you’re up for it? And I-I’m not just saying that out of some misguided fear of losing you. Truly. I know it’ll take time to get there. But those three weeks when I was pregnant made me so happy. Knowing I w-was gonna be a mom and have your child made me so happy. I want that for us. A-and I think we are ready for it. Maybe when we wrap here and go home, we can talk about it then? See if we’re ready to try again?”
“You sure?” His hand cupped her cheek to hold her gaze to his.
“Yea… we’ve never been the couple to waste the time we have together. I don’t want to wait to start our family either.” 
He nodded, pulling her in for a soft kiss. “I love that plan.”
November 2018
Charlotte braced herself over the sink in the bathroom, her body feeling exhausted and faint. 
“Seriously??” she glanced at herself in the mirror, her eyes going down to her stomach. “You’re choosing right now for this?? Right now?” she argued with her stomach. She knew if anyone else saw her she would look like a lunatic but she did not care. “I can’t go through this with you right now. We got another two hours of press and then a press conference.” 
Charlotte hated press junket days and they were even harder this time around while she hid the biggest secret of her life from her husband and costar. She had done a good job thus far, passing off her symptoms as ones of exhaustion. Michael did not think to question it given their four-week international press tour for Creed II had been exhausting for both of them. London was their last stop before Michael and Charlotte jetted out for vacation to the South of France for two weeks. It was a very late one-year anniversary gift from Michael but they had both been so busy, it was the only time they could make it work. However, her entire surprise hinged on making it to their private villa without Michael finding out. She wanted to tell him and wanted it to be special.  
She took a few deep breaths, unsurprised to hear Michael’s voice outside the bathroom. 
“You good, babe? We gotta get started in a few.” 
“Coming!” she offered, forcing her tone to remain bright and light. She prayed he was too distracted and exhausted himself to notice the inauthenticity in it. It was just two more days, she reminded herself. One last day of press, the premiere the next day and then they were on a series of flights to paradise. She straightened her shoulders, pushing the lightheadedness she felt away to walk outside. 
Michael still waited for her, kissing her on the cheek as she stepped outside. 
“You good?” he asked again as he took her hand. 
Charlotte was grateful, giving her a discreet way to lean some of her weight into his, each step felt like she was pushing through a fog. 
Michael helped her up into her chair for their next set of interviews. Though she knew she was low energy, she managed to get through them all. All two hours worth. She was proud of herself for pushing through it. However, when Michael went to help her out of her seat, her body loudly protested that it could not keep up her facade a second longer. 
“Whoa,” she muttered, gently falling back into her seat as a wave of dizziness hit her. She felt like someone had put the entire room on a rotating stage.  
“What’s wrong?” Michael asked immediately, his eyes frantically searching her body and face for an apparent injury. 
“N-Nothing, nothing. J-Just got lightheaded. J-just give me a sec.” 
Michael eyed her suspiciously. It was no secret his wife pushed her body to its physical limit, he had always known that about her. And though he had made her promise after New York that she would never hide illnesses or injuries from him again, he knew her default setting was to deal with things alone and not worry him. Immediately, his mind ran through the last few weeks. She had been more tired and exhausted, small complaints of not feeling well but pushed it off as exhaustion from the promo tour. But he had seen Charlotte through many a promo tour and she never seemed this exhausted before. 
“You sure? Seems like somethin’ else is wrong?” 
She huffed. She hated lying but she also refused to tell him here. She also was squarely using all of her energy and willpower not to pass out in front of him. 
“Yea, I’m s-sure. I’m fine. L-Let’s go.” She pushed herself out of her seat without his help, making it a few steps before she had to stop. 
She heard Michael speaking, felt his hand on the small of her back, but it sounded like his voice was a whisper in a long wind tunnel. She could not even form a response before everything faded to black and she collapsed. 
“The EMTs are coming, Mike, calm down.” 
“Fuck you mean calm down?? How the fuck am I supposed to calm down right now?” 
Their arguing came into sharper focus as Charlotte returned to consciousness. It was slow, each sense coming back to her one by one. She felt Michael’s touch and the hard floor beneath her first, his arms tightly cocooning her into his hard chest. Then his voice and Steven’s, though their words were delayed in settling into her brain. Then she opened her eyes, her vision blurry for a moment before clarity set in.
“M-Michael…” her voice was faint but it stole his attention away from angrily checking on the ETA of the EMTs every 30 seconds. 
“C-Charlotte!” He let out a strangled sigh of relief, the tone filled with fear, a sound she had only heard once before in their entire relationship. He sounded scared… something she was not used to. “You’re ok. You’re ok.” He kept repeating, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself more than her. 
“W-what happened?” She instinctively tried to sit up, Michael immediately tightening his grip around her to keep her against his chest. 
“Relax. You just fainted. You’re ok, just rest for a minute.” 
She glanced around to find half the room, the last journalist and their crew, and several cast members standing over her, concerned looks on all of their faces. Embarrassment spread quickly through her body like a wildfire.  
“I-I’m so s-sorry, yall. I j-just need a minute a-and I’ll be ready for the press conference.” 
You would have thought she sprung several heads or turned into a mutant the way everyone’s eyes bugged out of her head. 
“Fuck no, you’re going back to the hotel, Charlotte,” Michael immediately pipped up, his tone leaving little room for debate or conversation from anyone. 
“W-what?? N-” she started to say but he immediately cut her off. 
“You go to the hotel or you go to the hospital. Your choice.” She knew he meant it, there was no way to get around his instructions this time.  
She rolled her eyes, “Pretty shitty choices,” she muttered under her breath. “Fine. Hotel… I-I’m really sorry, y’all.” 
Everyone, of course, assured her she had no reason to apologize and left her and Michael alone. She tapped his arm, letting him know she was ready to get up. While her body could’ve allowed her to lay there for hours, the bed in their hotel would be far more comfortable. She felt bad as she watched him pack up her stuff and put her in the car, his entire body filled with tension and fear. Michael had them push back the start of the press conference so he could ensure she got into their car and refused to start the press conference until she called him to tell him she made it into their room safely.
She rested for a while once she got back to their suite but then pulled the gift she hid amongst her stuff out of her bag. It had been hard to sneak it around but she managed. Though she had a grand plan for telling him, she could tell her fainting earlier scared him. And she did not want him worrying about whether something was truly wrong when she knew what was going on. And she knew he would not accept “everything’s fine,” anymore. 
She laid on the couch, tucked under the comforter from the bed as she watched tv, waiting for him to get back. She was half asleep again when she heard their door open. 
“Hey baby,” she whispered, rubbing her eyes as she went to get up. 
“No, no, don’t get up. How are you feeling?” he asked, his hand cradling her head as he examined her. 
“I’m ok… promise.” She knew he did not believe her, could tell her words did nothing to ease the concern in his eyes, the fear she felt in every cautious touch. 
“Did you faint anymore or feel sick?” 
She shook her head. “Just a bit dizzy but it’s better since I came home.” 
He nodded, his hand anxiously gripping the meat of her thigh.
“I-I’m gonna go look up doctors for you, aight? Wanna get you checked out before we go on vacation…” 
Charlotte merely nodded, deciding not to fight him on it and just tell him the truth. There goes my grand plans and surprises, she huffed to herself. 
“Ummm can you run into the room and grab the box off the bed for me, please?” 
Michael seemed almost reluctant to allow her out of his sight but he jogged across their suite and into their room and back, this time the gift box tucked under his arm.
“Who’s this for?” 
“Open it." At his raised eyebrow, she smiled, “You aren’t the only one with tricks and surprises up your sleeve.” 
She watched with bated breath as he opened the box.
“What’s this?” 
His face scrunched up in confusion at the black baby onesie in front of him. It was folded neatly, only the very top visible. It had a gold trim around the neck making it a baby-size exact replica of Michael’s costume in the movie. 
“What does it look like?” 
“I mean it’s a baby onesie but it kinda looks like the Golden Jaguar habit from the movie,” he muttered. “But who’s it for?”
Charlotte rolled her eyes and laughed, shocked that he hadn’t caught on yet. Her sweet husband… so good at giving surprises but couldn’t spot one a mile away for himself. 
“Why don’t you unfold it and see?” 
His hands grabbed the fabric, laying it out on the coffee table, the legs of the onesie dangling off the edge. His eyes grew wide as he took in the words. 
My dad’s favorite partner in crime 
She turned to him, unsure of what his silence meant. “I found out a couple weeks ago. I know… after New York we said no more secrets and no more hiding important information,” she rushed out. “But I’m hoping you can forgive me in this case? I wanted to tell you in a special way a-and had to get it made. It’s crazy how much Black Panther merch there is and there is no market for parents dressing their babies up like the most handsome homicidal assassin I’ve ever seen? Super annoying a-and it was a whole thing with the custom shop and I had to work with Ryan to get an accurate picture of the suit and I was g-gonna surprise you on our vacation with this whole elaborate thing but you were so worried, I-”
Her words were cut short as Michael grabbed her and crashed his lips against hers, her voice dying off. She chuckled against his lips as he kissed her deeply, her arms wrapping around his neck. 
“Y-you’re serious, Els?” His eyes bored into hers as they filled with tears. 
She nodded, her eyes glossing over as well. During filming, the pair went to couple’s counseling, processing their grief together and separately so they could be emotionally ready to try again. During the summer, they decided to officially start that journey and it only took a few months for her to start to feel the early signs of pregnancy. An incognito trip to her doctor in during the first week of November before the start of the promo tour confirmed her suspicions. 
“8 weeks.” 
He wrapped her in a tight hug, his face buried into her neck. His joy was more subdued than the last time they shared this moment. But she understood, so was hers. Their miscarriage had unlocked a fear they would not have even considered having. And now, it was too real, too scary. And it took everything in her not to let the stress get to her since she found out. Her doctor told her she only had a few weeks to go before they would be in the clear. And she just held onto that. Every day was one step closer to their family and that was enough to outweigh how terrified she felt. 
“I love you so much. How do you feel? I-Is t-there is a chance of another…” 
Charlotte’s heart sagged a bit as she nodded, she could tell his did too. There was no point in lying to him but also she wanted to assure him.  
“My doctor said there’s always a chance but she doesn’t think there’s any reason we shouldn’t carry to term this time. I’ve been trying to take it easy the last few weeks a-and the fainting thing is my blood pressure apparently. I texted my OB… she gave me some tips on how to help with that. But she said it’s a normal symptom. But I’m feeling ok physically and emotionally, I’m scared,” she admitted. “But whatever happens,” she pulled him in closer to her.  “I know I have the best husband around to help me through it.” 
“Well I don’t want you stressing about it either, Els. That ain’t good for you or the baby.” His hand rested on her stomach as he looked down at her. 
“Ok, I’ll only stress 50% of the time, promise.” She acquiesced, causing him to roll his eyes. “You ok? I’m sorry about earlier. I scared you, didn’t I?” 
He blew out a low breath. “Yea, you did. F-Fucking terrified me. Seen you too many times unconscious and injured for my liking, baby.” His hand pushed the loose curls out of her face. “I need you alive and well… and honest when you’re not well.” 
She understood. “I’m sorry. Does my half-surprise sort of make up for it, at least?”
He nodded. “This is the best surprise of my life.” He wrapped her in a hug that was so tight, he lifted her out of her spot and into his lap. Charlotte immediately took to her favorite spot, straddling his legs, his hands going to rub her bare thighs. “So yes… but I got a few other ways you can make it up to me later tonight,” he whispered. 
“Mmm, you know I live to please you,” she whispered seductively in his ear. However, before they went too far down that path, she paused, her face and tone taking on a more serious one. “You’re happy, though?” She asked quietly, her fingers playing in his beard as she held his face in her hands. 
“Ecstatic. I have a good feeling about this, baby.” 
She nodded, “Me too.” They shared a sweet kiss before he lifted her off of him and wrapped her back in the blanket so she could continue to rest. “What about all the ways I gotta make it up to you?” she moaned playfully. 
“Get some rest, I’ll order you room service. So after dinner, you’re well rested so I can fuck you how I wanna without you passing out on me. You got makin’ up and celebratin’ to do, ma… gonna be a long night.” He kissed her on the forehead before sitting back on the couch, placing her feet on his lap. 
She glanced over at him and smiled as he picked up the onesie and continued to stare at it. She watched him for a few minutes as he snapped a quick picture of it before wiping a falling tear. She turned her eyes back to the tv, a grin painted on her face. It had not gone exactly how she wanted but the look on her husband’s face made it all worth it. 
Michael watched Charlotte for the rest of the night, his eyes trained on her stomach and the life he knew was growing there. He knew their lives were about to change forever but he could only thank God for giving them another chance to grow their family. And in his soul, he knew this was their moment. 
Tag List: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98 @miyuhpapayuh @passionxwrites @gopaperless @roguekiki @tythaitie
A/N: Thanks for reading! So this was originally supposed to be two parts only but now it's three lol and part three will follow her actual pregnancy and birth and all that good stuff! And we'll get to see MBJ being a dotting, overprotective hubby to a very pregnant Charlotte. SO excited for that lol Drop a comment and let me know what you think!
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
big fan of your romance novel complaint posts (love to see a fellow hater living it up) but i’m also curious if there are any you would recommend? not looking for anything in particular, just would love to hear your thoughts as someone else with nitpicky reading habits and a taste for trash
ok hello. i left you hanging for a FULL week and for that i am sorry but i wanted to be able to have some time to sit down and type out a real answer to which the short version is YES of course there are several that i have enjoyed!! my disclaimer is that i almost solely read gay romance so if you are looking for lesbian or even straight reccs i don't have much for you (although i will put a couple at the end anyway). hopefully something in this list is interesting to you or at least interesting to someone else! links are mostly to goodreads. break bc i'm gonna write too much
-kj charles is one of my fave authors in this genre bc they're all pretty reliable and there's a ton of them. they're all historical fiction and usually there's at least one murder- she's good at keeping a plot going while developing a romance. often supernatural or magical elements. sometimes cults! i've read almost all of the books she's written and have enjoyed them all
-charlie adhara wrote a really incredible werewolf series that i loved, the first of which is the wolf at the door. this is one of the only series i've read which keeps the emotional stakes up through the whole thing & kept me interested in a relationship after it was established bc sooo many series get boring the second the leads get together. i actually read the first book of the spin-off series (a pack of lies) first which is technically possible but i don't recommend bc i was like "wow they're really throwing me in here. i love it" and then i read the first series and i was like "oh i was supposed to know all this stuff." but i actually liked the dynamic between that couple better and i'm suffering every day because the next one still doesn't come out til 2025 and i read it in 2022. also worth noting that this (the original series) is cops-ajacent (~federal special agents~) and one of the characters is really prejudiced at the beginning & imo doesn't have enough character growth before it's waved away but if you can ignore that it's really good. mysteries! werewolves!
-speaking of werewolves (i could suggest several but i'll keep it to two) tj klune's wolfsong ends up at the top of a lot of gay werewolf novel lists (i'm keeping tabs) and there's a good reason. i enjoyed it a lot. made me kind of sad which is always a good sign to me. the writing voice was very fresh and novel at first but i did find it a little grating by the end so i've put off starting the second book in the series (it's also about a different couple which was disappointing) but i will get around to it. i enjoy tj klune in general although his recent stuff has a very different vibe than this and lightning struck heart is very 2015 in a bad way imo
-bone rider by j fally is a standalone that really delighted me. the russian mob? aliens? vaguely western? possession? throuple? it's got it all. very fun
-ok speaking of westerns there's this other series called magic & steam (yes it's steampunk. sorry. it's very silly) that starts with the engineer. a federal agent is sent to a town to apprehend a ~madman engineer~ except he runs into an infamous outlaw in the process. and the outlaw is really sexy. and probably why i enjoyed the series so much. the series also keeps them apart a lot in a way that i enjoy- i love when things take a long time. it's ongoing so this is another one that i keep checking for updates on
-i've read a lot of stuff by nr walker and they tend to be VERY hit or miss for me but one of my faves is evolved which is almost pure smut. it's about a sex robot that gains sentience. what more do i need to say. she also wrote a three-book series about an amnesiac that made me cry cry cry. and her cowboy (australian rancher) series is pretty ok. i could go through a list and tell you which novels of hers aren't worth it and which ones are good; i've read most of them
-salt magic skin magic by lee welch was a big surprise to me. cool magic, good folklore, fairies in there too. historical. big kj charles vibes which makes sense bc she edited it. welch also wrote a book called seducing the sorcerer which i had more mixed feelings about but had magic in it that i think about OFTEN (the horses)- that one's about an imposing sorcerer and a rundown groom cum handyman. and they're in their FORTIES!!! 🥳🥳🥳 (i love when books are not about 23 year olds)
-another one with a magic system i enjoyed was magician by kl noone. this was the first book i read by this author and i liked it but generally i find their books are too "nice" for me. i'm in the middle of one right now that i started months and months ago that i keep trying to go back to and it's sooo rough for me. but this one and the twelfth enchantment are pretty ok
-emily tesh wrote a duology of silver in the wood and drowned country that i loved because i am suuuuch a sucker for a wild man/green man story. really good. haunting! evocative! kj charles has a green man story too which was actually the first thing i read of hers (spectred isle)
-i complained about the monsterfucker book i was reading a while back but despite that i will also recommend the series it's from: lily mayne's monstrous, which starts with soul eater. are they messy? yes. are they repetitive? yes. are the monsters usually disappointingly humanoid? yes. are a lot of them about the military? also yes. so we're starting off on a bad foot. but the world building is interesting and there's LOTS of kinds of monsters and most of them were pretty fun. the one i just read (#7) was the worst one of the bunch though imo. and i have problems with #6. but 1 2 and 5 were good
-ok i should do a quickfire round. honeytrap: about two enemy agents during the cold war. put it off for a long time bc i didn't love that but it takes place over a VERY long period of time which is always interesting to me. zero at the bone: about a hitman who needs to protect a witness to a mob hit. really strong start but fell off a bit in the middle to the end imo.
-you'll notice a lot of these have subgenres of like fantasy historical supernatural etc but here's some regular contemporaries. a lot of these are about sad guys bc those are my favorite. best laid plans: hardware store owner helps a guy fix his house. in the middle of somewhere: same author actually. guy moves to small town to work at a college. mr jingle bells: this is a christmas one. bad title. fake dating. part of the reason i think i liked it so much is because i expected it to be awful but it was actually pretty good. good emotional stakes. published 2021 but feels very 2014. ignore that part. work for it: i rated this five stars but actually don't remember much what it was like. i think they were both really sad which i love. give me big emotions and i eat them right up with a spoon. i should read it again
-OK now i've got some straight & lesbian options. talia hibbert's brown sisters series is good and cute. she also wrote work for it, above. the unhoneymooners is the first real Romance Novel that i read and it really surprised me because i had fun! previously i had kind of written off romance novels as not for me but this kicked off a reading habit that is still going strong (primarily reading romance novels). i read this in 2020 so it might not be as good as i remember. as for lesbian options olivia waite has a series that i enjoyed that's also historical, and a friend of mine really enjoyed delilah green doesn't care (but i haven't read that one myself). and while not really romances i will always be a sarah waters fan: you may recognize her as the author of fingersmith, which is the novel park chan-wook's movie the handmaiden is based on. if you haven't seen the movie or read the book i recommend both. her books are very dramatic lesbian historical fiction; they don't always have happy endings but they're all very good
ok i think that's the end! regular disclaimer that romance is generally not a genre notable for Good Writing so a lot of these are just things i had fun with or just stuck out in my memory for having fun conceits etc. i can't guarantee that any of these are actually good, especially because this is a list solely based on my own taste and bad memory. would love to hear anybody's thoughts and/or if anybody has recommendations for ME!!! this post took me over three hours to write! crazy!
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octoberconstellation · 9 months
tu bkr
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ap art
ve yo
j ul IE
thanks ily2 spencer
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bloodyethanol · 2 years
why am j playing rythm games if im almlst falli gasleep
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nardogranata · 6 months
Il Toro spreca, Carbonaro lo punisce.
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Goal: 57' Carbonaro
MANFREDONIA: (5-3-2) Paduano; Forte, De Luca, Cicerelli, Konate, Fissore; Babaj (75' Bamba), Giacobbe, De Vito; Carbonaro (80' Orlando); Calemme (92' Sfrecola). 12+ Borrelli, Prencipe, Viti, Achick, Amabile, Spina.
Trainer: Francesco Cinque
NARDO': (4-3-1-2) Viola; De Giorgi, Lanzolla, Gennari, Di Benedetto; Ceccarini (77' Borgo), Guadalupi, Ciracì; Gentile (65' Addae); D'Anna (82' Enyan), Ferreira. 12+ Biffero, Latagliata, Rossi, Cellamare, Mariani, Russo J.
Trainer: Massimo Costantino
Arbitro: Pietro Marinoni di Lodi
Assistenti: Giuseppe Dell'Aquila di Barletta e Giovanni Sparapano di Molfetta
Nardò subito pericoloso al Miramare. Al 10' - Bella combinazione Ferreira-Ciracì, tiro di quest'ultimo e grande risposta di Paduano! Dal successivo angolo, gran botta dal limite dell'area di De Giorgi, ancora Paduano devia in angolo.
15' - Occasione Manfredonia! Gran palla di Babaj per Calemme, sforbiciata del numero 10 sipontino e miracolo di Viola che devia in angolo.
19' Nardò pericoloso con Ceccarini, provvidenziale intervento di Forte che blocca il tiro in scivolata.
24’ Ammonito De Vito. Infortunio per Viola, dopo un testa a testa aere con Konate. Bendaggio per il portiere neretino.
29' Azione solitaria di Giacobbe, il quale entra in area e calcia, parata di Viola.
39' Ammonito Konate. 46' ammonito Fissore.
Finisce il primo tempo a reti bianche.
Secondo tempo. Nessuna sostituzione nell'intervallo. 49' Occasione Nardò! Miracolo Paduano! D'Anna tutto solo nell'area di rigore calcia, ma il portiere sipontino chiude la porta. Goal del Manfredonia. Contropiede del Manfredonia, palla di Giacobbe per Carbonaro, il quale si accentra e la piazza all'angolino alla sinistra di Viola. 57' Manfredonia-Nardò 1-0
Tarda a farsi sentire la reazione granata, nel frattempo il Manfredonia sfodera tutte le tecniche di i perdite di tempo. 65' Entra Addae al posto di Gentile. 67' Cross di De Giorgi, devia di testa Ferreira ma il pallone finisce largo.
70' fraseggio prolungato neretino che si infrange sulla difesa di casa molto compatta dopo il goal. Siamo giunti alla mezz'ora del secondo tempo. Ritmo spezzettato, con tanti falli a centrocampo. Nardò che attacca alla ricerca del pareggio e Manfredonia che cerca di contenere e ripartire. 75' Sostituzione Manfredonia: dentro Bamba, fuori Babaj 76' Corner di Guadalupi, allontana Konate di testa. 77' Entra Borgo per Ceccarini.
80' gioco praticamente sempre fermo. Sostituzioni: Orlando per Carbonaro nel Manfredonia. Enyan per D'Anna nel Nardò. 82' corner Guadalupi. Mischia in area e il portiere si inventa un altro fallo. Non si gioca. 89'- Ci saranno 7' di recupero. Si gioca con lanci in area ma su ogni giocata l'arbitro vede un fallo in attacco. 94' cross di Ferreira in area. Palla fuori. 96' doppio dribbling di Borgo e tiro deviato in corner. Segue mischia e palla spazzata lontano. Finisce così: Manfredonia - Nardò 1-0.
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youthoftheworld · 8 months
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Obituari Kapten Agung
Oleh Shofwan Karim
Tiba-tiba pagi ini saya terpapar kabar mengejutkan. Coba confirmasi by call tetapi ring tak ada respon. Kedua kalinya ring ring lagi hanya dijawab lagi driving. Kembali Mata Saya ke group WA CWY 82, maka terbaca konfirmasi memadai.
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Dari @Evita 82
Sy baru kembali dari rumah Gung De.
Cerita dari Dilla mantu almarhum :
Jenazah akan disemayamkan di Rumah Duka (tempat kremasi nantinya) hingga hari Minggu.
Hari Minggu akan diadakan upacara Kremasi.
Kronologis :
Kemaren sore almarhum berkunjung kerumah keluarganya. Setelah makan malam, almarhum seperti tersedak/keselek dan tersungkur dalam posisi duduk bersila dan pingsan.
Pihak keluarga berusaha dg memberikan napas buat & panggil ambulans dan dibawa ke Rumah Sakit.
Menurut dokter almarhum terkena Serangan Jantung.
Saat gw dirumahnya, almarhum masih di RS. (Dilla seperti dikutip Evita)
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Gede “Kapten Agung” Amat Santun
Berita duka dari PCMI-PPIK-CWY Alumni Bali. I Gusti Agung Gede Dhyana Putra yg dipanggil belakangan “Kapten Agung” atau “Jik Kapten”, meninggal dunia, berpulang kepada Tuhan YME lewat tengah malam tadi (02/02/2024). Hal ini diinfokan oleh putra beliau di group.
Bli Gede pria gagah dan tangguh ini lahir 29 Agustus 1963. Ia adalah salah seorang di antara participant group Rosetown Saskatchewan 1982 dan Kolono Sulawesi Tenggara 1983.
Pada masa itu Group leader (GL) di Rosetown adalah Shofwan Karim dan Joan Young.
Beberapa Hari sebelum berangkat ke Kolono akhir December 1982 Joan Young, bed rest di RS Rosetown.
Posisi Joan ditunjuk oleh HQ CWY Montreal sementara digantikan mendampingi sbg Counterpart Shofwan adalah David Morris (Dave).
Pada angkatan th 1980-81 Dave adalah GL counterpart Dian Hadibroto. Pada kurun itu Shofwan sbg anggota group mereka utk Settler Alberta-Honitetu Maluku. Country Coordinator Kak Syarief Gamal dan William "Bill" Fallis. Group lain dg GL kk Larry Samson-Jean Marrie; kk Rajendra Toruan-Sheila; dan kk Abdul Latif dan Benny Quay di Tiga Community Town Provinsi Alberta dan 3 Desa lain P Seram Maluku.
Kembali ke Gede (kami panggil waktu itu) dari Indonesia ada Indra, Dadang, Haslinda, Yelly, Yana dan Etty.
Dari Canada ada Jean, John, Allen, Shannon, Karen, Frieda dan Gary.
Gede sangat santun, ramah dan banyak joke bersama participants lainnya.
Saskatchewan-Sultra & Alberta-NTB Team
Kami adalah bagian dari Team Saskatchewan. Ada 4 group di Team ini.
Tiga lainnya adalah dg GL masing-masing Kak (kami semua panggil senior sebagai kakak) Andi Qashas Rahman (Alm) dengan counterpart Canadian di Melford-Bau-Bau. Kak Edwina dg counterpart Pierre di Prince Albert-Muna dan Kak Akhyar Ibrahim dg counterpart Jhon di North Battleford-Buton.
Pada tahun yang sama ini ada Team Alberta dan NTB. Dg GL Kak Sumadi, Kak Herawati, Kak Dicky dan Kak Kamil.
Mereka juga 4 Group dg Country Coordinator sepasang Indonesia-Canada pula.
Komposisi termasuk dirinya tiap GL per group masing-masing 16 orang. Terdiri atas 8 pemuda-i Indonesia dan 8 orang pemuda-i Canada.
Jadi Team Saskatchewan-Kolono ada 64 personal dg 2 orang Country Coordinator Indonesia-Canada Kak Widarmi dan Kak Catherine. Per-Team 66 orang.
Begitu pula Team Alberta-NTB 66 Orang. Total tahun 1982-1983 personil kami 132 Orang pemuda-i dua negara Indonesia dan Kanada.
Sepengetahuan Saya itulah tahun peserta terbanyak. Ketika Saya pada tahun berikut 1984-1985 menjadi Country Coordinator dg Counterpart Simon J Liston di Ontario-NTT dan Kak Dewi Shakutala-Joan Drebet British Columbia-NTB. Jumlah berkurang. Hanya per-Team Provinsi 3 Group. Total 6 Group.
Di bawah koordinatorat Saya dan Simon di Ontario-NTT 1984-1985, GL Ilza Mayuni-Michelle Flecker di Saint Thomas-Mengeruda; Dadang-Anna Lenk di Lindsay-Wolofeo dan Andreas-Stephen di Couborg-Masebewa. Untuk NTT semua kami di Pulau Flores.
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Gabungan Rosetown dan North Battleford Saskatchewan Team 1982 (Foto Marie-Claude Rail)
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Gede, Diskusi & Curhat
Kembali ke tahun 1882-1983 seperti disinggung di atas, Saya sbg GL konsen di group. Mengatur semua yg berhubungan dg masalah work placement, community project, internal dan external relation group, capaian kinerja dan lain hal utk suksesnya program.
Semua itu sudah dipersiapkan, dibahas dan dibasuh di dalam komponen program: Participant Orientation Camp (POC); Community Project; Work Placement; Billiting Family; Group Activity Day; Group Meeting; Mid Term Retreat; Team Debriefing dan Nanti ada ujung program GL Report dan Country Coordinator (CC) Report.
Tentu penuh agenda, program kerja dan pengembangan capaian substansi program berbasis International Community Development, Language Learning dan Cross Cultural Exchange.
Sebelum dibicarakan di group meeting serta group activity day (GAD), beberapa di antara 16 orang kami, Gede menjadi focal point di samping yg lain.
Saya Ajak diskusi terbatas preliminary sebelum agenda meeting mingguan formal. Saya kira juga beberapa participant curhat ke Gede.
Maklumlah selama 9 bulan program di dua negara yg sangat jauh geografis, beda bak langit dan bumi pada hal tertentu: budaya, gaul, kerja dan disiplin. Tetapi kami semua rukun, damai, enjoy dan ikhlas dalam kasih sayang persahabatan.
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Nova dan Kapten Agung
Rajin dan Kerja Keras
Saya merasa rata-rata group kami rajin dan Kerja Keras semua. Akan tetapi Gede selalu di Depan dalam rajin dan kerja keras ini.
Dan Gede termasuk serba bisa dan multifungsi dalam tugas dan agenda group. Termasuk menjadi driver di Canada karena ia satu-satunya di antara kami Indonesia yg punya International Driving Licence.
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Shannon & Kapten Agung November 2023 di salah satu Pura di Bali. (Foto Dok Shannon)
Buka juga: https://www.tumblr.com/cwy-jcm-alumniindonesia/741273928666841088/cwy-jcm-alumniindonesia
Pasca Program
Kalau tak Salah Gede sesudah participant pernah GL utk Canada dan National Leader (NL) untuk IYJEP-Nippon Mari Kapal Pemuda Asean Jepang.
Pada beberapa tahun sejak 2008 sampai pra covid-19 alumni sering bertemu.
Di Bali, Yogya, Medan, Padang, Toba, Makassar dan lainnya. Baik reuni terbatas angk 82 maupun Lintas Angkatan.
Yg terbesar Lintas Angkatan Reuni itu Agustus th 2013 dan 2014. Alumni seratusan lebih dari berbagai negara di 5 Benua datang. Ada yg sendiri ada yg bersama isteri, anak dan klg.
Gede di antara banyak alumni yg menonjol kerja keras merencanakan dan eksekusi pertemuan-pertemuan alumni itu.
Beberapa tahun terakhir Saya sering monitor intensif di Bali koordinasi dan terhubung dg Bli Gede adalah Yayoek, Evita, Tjok, Mamiek dan Yuliasih. Mereka semua Lintas Angkatan.
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Agung Kapten dan Yudi Wicaksono (Foto Ist)
Bli Gede dan Novel
Pada suatu kali rasanya antara 2008-20015 Gede memberikan Novel Cinta Program ke saya. Buku yg berkisah kognitif, romantika pergaulan dan prinsip dasar program pertukaran pemuda international ini sangat berkesan.
Saya terinpirasi oleh Bli Gede untuk menulis Buku belakangan.
Di antara beberapa Buku itu, satu di antaranya ada soal program CWY PPIK.
Tulisan di situ berupa serpihan kenangan sbg participant 1980-81; GL ,82-83; CC 84-85. Cerita merupakan bagian dari Buku Memoar Biografi 68 Th. "Melukis di Atas Awan"
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Dawn, Kris dan Indi
Kepada Kris dan Indi atas nama pribadi, klg yg kami merasa sangat akrab karena beberapa kali bertemu baik di rumahnya atau beberapa tempat destinasi wisata dan Cafe di Bali, kami mhn maaf atas kesalahan.
Begitu pula atas nama group Rosetown dan Kolono kami turut berduka yg dalam.
Smg Kris dan Indi tabah dan sabar dalam suasana sudah kehilangan Mama Dawn beberapa tahun lalu dan kini kehilangan ayah. Semoga semuanya adalah terbaik dari Tuhan YME.
Padang Jum 02/02/2024.
Yang turut berduka (Om Shofwan Karim dan Klg)
Utk essay ini saya berterimakasih kepada Evita dan Semua Group 82 serta Wayan Yuliasih Megayana CWY 84-85 atas semua info dan foto.
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clickvibes · 1 year
Davido, Tiwa Savage, Rema, Ayra Starr were Honoured at the 10th AFRIMMA Awards
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Nigeria made a strong presence felt at the 10th-anniversary awards edition of the African Muzik Magazine Awards (AFRIMMA). View this post on Instagram A post shared by AFRIMMA (@afrimma) During the event, which took place on Sunday, September 18, 2023, at the Meyerson Symphony Centre in Dallas, Texas, several Nigerian artists bagged noteworthy award wins. Among the winners in various categories were Davido, Rema, Ayra Starr, Blaqbonez, Flavour, KCee, Ms. DSF, Patoranking, Ebuka, Odumodublvck, Timaya, Spyro, and Tiwa Savage. View this post on Instagram A post shared by AFRIMMA (@afrimma) View this post on Instagram A post shared by AFRIMMA (@afrimma) See full list below: Best Male West Africa Adekunle Gold – Nigeria Black Sheriff – Ghana Bnxn– Nigeria Santrinos Raphael– Togo Asake– Nigeria Didi B – Ivory Coast King Promise– Ghana Tonton Pal – Mali Omah Lay – Nigeria Best Female West Africa Amaarae – Ghana Tems – Nigeria Josey – Ivory Coast Manamba Kante – Guinea Ayra Starr – Nigeria Gyakie – Ghana Tiwa Savage– Nigeria Fatoumata Diawara– Mali Best Male East Africa Lij Michael – Ethiopia Nyashinski – Kenya Eddy Kenzo – Uganda Diamond Platnumz – Tanzania Mbosso – Tanzania Bien – Kenya Harmonize – Tanzania Meddy – Rwanda Single Dee – South Sudan Best Female East Africa Maua Sama – Tanzania Nadia Mukami – Kenya Zuchu – Tanzania Azawi– Uganda Nikita Kering – Kenya Spice Diana – Uganda Fena Gitu – Kenya Nandy – Tanzania Hewan Gebrewold – Ethiopia Best Male Central Africa T-Rex – Angola Fabregas – Congo DR TayC – Cameroon Fally Ipupa – Congo DR Calema – Sao Tome Mic Monsta- Cameroon Gerilson Israel -Angola Djodje- Cape Verde Best Female Central Africa Perola– Angola Nenny- Cape Verde Liloca- Mozambique Libianca – Cameroon Soraia Ramos- Cape Verde Espoir La Tigresse – Gabon Asaba – Cameroon Emma’a – Gabon Best Male Southern Africa Costa Titch- South Africa Dj Tarico – Mozambique Macky2- Zambia Musa Keys -South Africa Dj Maphorisa- South Africa Winky D – Zimbabwe Aka– South Africa Han C – Botswana Sjava – South Africa Best Female Southern Africa Ami Faku– South Africa Tamy Moyo – Zimbabwe Mpho Sebina – Botswana Dj Zhinle- South Africa Sha Sha – Zimbabwe Nadia Nakai – South Africa Towela – Zambia Makhadzi – South Africa Tyla – South Africa Best Male North Africa Wegz– Egypt Draganov – Morocco A.L.A– Tunisia SoolKing – Algeria Marwan Moussa – Egypt El Grande Toto – Morocco Dj Snake – Algeria Snor – Morocco Best Female North Africa Marwa Loud – Morocco Emel – Tunisia Faouzia – Morocco Souhila Ben Lachab – Algeria Ruby – Egypt Latifa – Tunisia Kenza Morsli – Algeria Jaylann – Morocco Crossing Boundaries With Music Award Burna Boy–Nigeria Aya Nakamura -Mali Rema- Nigeria Libianca– Cameroon Davido–Nigeria Toby Nwigwe – Nigeria J Hus- Gambia Wizkid – Nigeria Best Newcomer Hewan Gebrewold Guchi – Nigeria Jzyno – Liberia Young Jonn – Nigeria Lavalava – Tanzania Odumodublvck– Nigeria Lisandro Cuxi – Cape Verde Lasmid – Ghana Shalipopi – Nigeria Artiste of The Year Asake – (Nigeria) Fally Ipupa- Congo Diamond Platnumz (Tanzania) Burnaboy- Nigeria Rema – Nigeria SoolKing – Algeria Aya Nakamura – Mali Davido – Nigeria Best Gospel Mercy Chinwo – Nigeria Mike Kalambay — Congo DR Piesie Esther – Ghana Christina Shusho – Tanzania Miguel Buila – Angola Bidemi Olaoba – Nigeria KS Bloom – Ivory Coast Joel Lwaga – Tanzania Pulani Maphari – South Africa Sumisola Agbebi Okeleye – Nigeria Best Live Act Sauti Sol -Kenya Burnaboy – Nigeria Diamond Platnumz – Tanzania Flavour – Nigeria Barnaba – Tanzania Fally Ipupa – DR Congo Calema – São Tomé C4 Pedro – Angola Best Female Rap Act Nata – Sierra Leone Femi One – Kenya Eno Barony – Ghana Rosa Ree – Tanzania Feli Nuna – Ghana Askia – Cameroon Ami Yerewolo – Mali Best Male Rap Act Odumodublvck – Nigeria Yung Lunya – Tanzania Ninho – Congo Black Sheriff – Ghana A-Reece – South Africa Blaqbonez – Nigeria Blxckie – South Africa Marwan Moussa – Egypt Best Collaboration Mbosso ft Costa Titch & Alfa Kat – Shetani Spyro x Tiwa Savage – Who’s Your Guy? Davido x Musa Keys – Unavailable Musa Keys Rema ft Selena Gomez – Calm Down Remix Wegz x AshMusic – Amira Fally Ipupa ft Charlotte Dipanda – Garde du Coeur Joshua Baraka ft Joeboy, King Promise & Bien – Nana Remix Boutross ft Juiceer Mann – Angela Song of The Year Libianca – People Kcee – Ojapiano Davido ft Musa Keys – Unavailable Uncle Waffles x Tony Duardo x Justin99 ft Pcee, EeQue, Chley– Yahyuppiyah King Promise – Terminator Joshua Baraka ft Joeboy, King Promise & Bien – Nana Remix Rayvanny ft Diamond Platnumz – Nitogonze Tyler ICU & Tumelo.za ft Dj Maphorisa, Nandipha808, Ceeka RSA & Tyron Dee – Mnike Best Video Director Hanscana – Tanzania Director Pink – Nigeria Elias Belkader – Algeria Mateo Da Silva – Cameroon TG Omori – Nigeria Babs Direction– Ghana Jake Zaral – Zimbabwe Dammy Twitch – Nigeria Best DJ Africa DJ Spinall – Nigeria DJ Dollar– Senegal Waffles – Swaziland Ms DSF – Nigeria DJ Danni Gato – Cape Verde DJ Faculty – Ghana Dj Nelasta- Angola Major League DJs – South Africa Dj Consequence – Nigeria Best African DJ USA Dj Nani – Nigeria Dj Akua – Ghana DJ Prince – Nigeria DJ Shinski – Kenya DJ Birame BB l’amour – Ivory Coast Dj Yas Meen Selectress – Egypt Lex and Answer – Zimbabwe Dj Freshy K– Nigeria AFRIMMA Video of The Year Black Sheriff – Konongo Zongo Davido ft Musa Keys – Unavailable Libianca – People Victony ft Rema & Don Toliver – Soweto Remix Joshua Baraka ft Joeboy, King Promise & Bien – Nana Remix Fally Ipupa ft Charlotte Dipanda – Garde du Coeur Mbosso ft Costa Titch & Alfa Kat – Shetani Jay Melody – Nitasema Music Producer of The Year C4 Pedro – Angola Andre Vibez– Nigeria 207 – Uganda Ayo Lizzer – Tanzania Magicstickz– Nigeria MOGBeats – Ghana Kabza De Small– South Africa London – Nigeria Maajabu Gospel – Congo DR  Best African Dancer Masaka Dance Kids – Uganda Poco Lee – Nigeria Ghetto Kids – Uganda Angel Nyigu – Tanzania Hope Ramafalo – South Africa Dancegod Lloyd – Ghana Hooliboy – Ghana Best Lusophone T-Rex – Angola Lisandro Cuxi – Cape Verde Edgar Domingos – Angola Djodje – Cape Verde Mr Bow – Mozambique Soraia Ramos – Cape Verde Gerislon Israel – Angola C4 Pedro – Angol Best Francophone Fally Ipupa – Congo DR Serge Beynaud – Ivory Coast Josey – Ivory Coast Wally B. Seck- Senegal TayC– Cameroon Innos B – Congo DR Tenor – Cameroon Dadju – Congo DR Best Reggae/Dancehall Masicka – Jamaica Mr Killa – Grenada Patoranking – Nigeria Jada Kingdom– Jamaica Shatta Wale – Ghana Popcaan – Jamaica Shenseea – Jamaica Skillibeng – Jamaica Radio/TV Personnel of The Year Ebuka – Nigeria Konnie Toure – Ivory Coast Tbo Touch – South Africa IK Osakioduwa – Nigeria Afonso Quintas – Angola James Onen – Uganda Idris Sultan – Tanzania Kwame Sefa Kayi – Ghana Best African Group Disco Misr – Egypt Sauti Sol – Kenya Calema – Sao Tome The Cavemen – Nigeria Show Dem Camp – Nigeria Toofan – Togo Jano Band – Ethiopia Mafikizolo – South Africa AFRIMMA Album of The Year Davido – Timeless Aka – Mass Country Ammarae – Fountain Baby Fatoumata Diawara – London Ko Stonebwoy – 5th Dimension Asake – Work of Art Nomfundo Moh – Ugcobo Omah Lay – Boy Alone Deluxe Credit: https://www.bellanaija.com/2023/09/10th-afrimma-awards-winners-list/ Read the full article
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
chng ww dk uhh j gi ukfjuj y h kj. Un ih jk yh u h
Trau that cant be in safety,uh,dk,uh,ww,uu,hkih,yh,uh,thinking,more than cryinf? Jmuhyu hhm uh,dk,uh,ww,no,h ku h,no,uh,yh,idk if care,hmu h, hm,uh,yh,uh, ok hmu uh
Fr,oo,kwrd, j uh
t,dk,hard sitezuh ww j, k,u
Ok idk,uh,no,ww,yh yh,uh,no,uh,ok,talk,uh,bad cmcctn despite meetingshk,uh,no,u,huh,n,o,hu
Dtuck yh n I uj
Person ww no control uhyh n respnsee uh rm no uh no middle, a middle, n uh, ww idk, uh
Csn anyone help me not end like _ i think bbwtzdk,uh,ww,h ku n o u,uh, nouh my wkn,uh,j k
Agn so uh hk,
Might hear b rush n nthng ww i done okhmuh yh uh,no, idk,uh,wwjm,
Wd love passiv aggwt is this tox pos,uh, pos cul,hm,
Food warring mind tram soc workersyh uhjs aliev ohno a ltr wt?"[ok sun n dakruh
Fam sys k nou,j,
Lk here js soc n moneyzidk,uh uh,
Dont xpln dont interestbme,uh, nk, o,,warm uh, temp, air uh ,comf, fally,hk cant smell,uh,ww,uh,k,,o
Uh heat kughtki ther eisnt fd it wa sme?
Ww oh ww bit. Representaitve, idk. Hung out dry,hk,u jk,uh uh no uh h muh thhij uh
Dk hkih,ideas,ww,yh,ow no uh,ok,ww,uh,nouh,not wise anymore,client,dk,uh, ok h mu j k h,selling,ww,no,uh,u think u can xpln,uh,no,hk, uh, hk
ul chng no uh dk ,uh, idea,ww,nou,j
0 notes
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And so was Misha!
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miss-mishka · 4 years
You know what I want? In addition to so much more of The Old Guard, I want Netflix to make a Bone Rider movie. Because I'm reading J. Fally's book again and imagining Joe & Nicky in place of Misha & Riley.
So, I guess what I really want is immortal murder husbands with an alien armor system suddenly attaching to one of them & making them a thruple going forward. That's the crossover event that I need.
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badmovieihave · 5 years
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Bad movie I have Goosebumps: The Ghost Next Door 1998
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misssprainedankle · 2 years
La partita era finita da un pezzo ma Nicholas si era attardato in palestra. Mentre i suoi compagni si dedicavano allo stretching, lui aveva scelto di aiutare il coach e gli assistenti a sistemare la palestra.
Dopo una partita c'erano molte cose da fare e lui non aveva fretta di andare nello spogliatoio. Aveva raccolto e chiuso i palloni, azzerato il monitor del punteggio e riposto il tastierino, aveva perfino fatto il giro delle panchine per raccogliere tutto ciò che compagni ed avversari avevano lasciato a terra: bottiglie, pezzi di scotch medicale, carte di zucchero o caramelle.
Era solito farlo: suo padre, il "generale" Michael Ross, fu il suo primo allenatore. In palestra, come in casa tutt'ora, pretendeva che tutti facessero del loro. E a Nick non era mai pesato. Era un momento che si ritagliava per scaricare l'adrenalina dell'incontro prima di crollare esausto a terra per lo stretching.
Quando finalmente ebbe finito, era rimasto solo lui a bordo a campo. Il coach e gli assistenti stavano andando via. Una manciata di pubblico stava ancora chiacchierando il palestra ma ormai erano vicino alle porte di uscita. I suoi compagni e gli avversari facevano baldoria sotto le docce negli spoiatoi e stavano andando via alla spicciolata.
-Nicholas, chiudi tu la palestra?-chiese il coach passandogli vicino
-Si coach! Tranquillo ci penso io- rispose il giovane sedendosi a terra pronto a rilassare ogni singolo muscolo del corpo.
-Mi raccomando tutte le luci-lo apostrofò allontanandosi.
Nick sorrise annuendo.
Coach Meltin tornò indietro, si abbassò per guardare il suo capitano negli occhi. Gli appoggiò una mano sulla spalla:- Ottima partita ragazzo! Veramente ottima partita!
-Grazie coach... siamo stati grandi!
Si salutarono e Nick iniziò a stirare i muscoli delle braccia. Tenere incollata alle mani una palla da 650 grammi può sembrare un gioco da ragazzi. Una partita di basket dura solo 40 minuti di azione vera, poi tra riscaldamento, saluti, sorteggio, sospensioni, falli, tempi può arrivare a quasi 2 ore. Ma la tensione muscolare... quella te la porti addosso fino al giorno dopo.
Le spalle erano indolenzite così come i bicipiti ed i quadricipiti.
Si stava portando la gamba al petto per sciogliere il quadricipite quando entro Jake.
-Ehy Kappa! Ancora così stai?
-Oggi me la sono presa easy!-rispose Nick continuando lo stretching.
-Vuoi che ti aspetti? Andiamo giù al Grapes a bere una cosa con alcuni dei ragazzi
-No grazie, vai tranquillo, stasera mi vedo con Arianna
Jake alzò le spalle:-Come non detto! Comunque avversari tutti via e tu sei l'ultimo di noi. Ti ho già spento le luci. Manca solo la palestra e lo spogliatoio. Ti blocco la porta quando esco così puoi farti la doccia tranquillo
Nick annuì :-Grazie J!
Jake sarebbe stato un ottimo capitano negli anni a venire. Aveva a cuore ognuno della squadra e rispetto per gli avversari e per la palestra.
-Non bevete tanto mi raccomando!
Jake rise:-Noi??? Naaaaa
-Vai, cretino! -fece cenno con la mano Nick ridendo.
Quando l'ultimo compagno uscì dalla palestra, Nick si distese a terra passandosi entrambe le mani sul volto e tra i capelli ancora inumiditi dal sudore.
Gemette di dolore finalmente per liberarsi da questo peso che dal secondo tempo dell'incontro si portava dentro.
Si mise seduto, si tolse la scarpa destra velocemente ed iniziò ad allentare al massimo e con cura i lacci della scarpa sinistra. La tolse cercando di fare meno pressione possibile. Nonostante ciò gli sfuggì un gemito.
-Cazxo, cazzo, cazzo!- imprecò
Il respiro era pesante ed affannato.
Srotolò il calzettone esponendo piano piano il piede nudo sottostante fino ad arrivare alle dita.
Lì si fermò e distese la gamba a terra.
Guardò la caviglia. Non c'erano dubbi. Era slogata. E non una distorsione di quelle da un paio di giorni e via. Sul collo del piede, sul dorso e sul malleolo esterno si intravedeva la pelle di un colore diverso rispetto al resto della carnagione. Una leggera ombreggiatura che a breve sarebbe diventata nera, viola, rossa. Sul malleolo, la mancanza di sostegno da parte della scarpa da ginnastica, stava apparendo un gonfiore grande quanto una pallina da golf.
Si passò una mano sulla giuntura, accarezzando dapprima il piede, stringendolo poi per misurarne il dolore.
-Aaarghh!- sobbalzò da solo non appena la mano strinse il malleolo ferito.
Si sdraiò di nuovo battendo il pugno sul parquet di gioco.
Chiuse gli occhi e rivide la scena.
A metà del secondo tempo, il suo marcatore avversario si era fatto più insistente. Non riusciva neanche a prendere la palla che subito se lo ritrovava attaccato al culo.
Non aveva neanche saltato, ecco perché nessuno se ne era accorto. Era un'azione come un'altra. Un passaggio troppo lungo. Nick che si sbilancia per non mandare quel pallone perso. Il peso del corpo tutto sul piede sinistro, essendo il destro sollevato da terra. Si sporge sulla punta del piede alzando il tallone da terra. Afferra la palla. Va per riappoggiare il tallone ma sente di calpestare qualcosa.
È il piede dell'avversario.
Lui sì che si accorge di tutto. Non può non sentire la pistata e la caviglia di Nicolas girarsi malamente verso terra. Nick lancia la palla in campo e si accascia.
Neanche il tempo di cadere che si rialza subito per non destare preoccupazioni.
Un lampo di dolore scoppia nella caviglia e si irradia per tutta la gamba fino al ginocchio ed ancora più dolorosa fino alla punta delle dita del piede.
Passano 10 secondi in cui non ci capisce nulla. Ma si ritrova di nuovo la palla in mano e lancia da 3 senza neanche mettere a fuoco il canestro perché l'unica cosa che vorrebbe fare è girarsi e vomitare. Ma anche stavolta prende in pieno il canestro e la folla esulta.
I compagni gli corrono incontro ed esultano. Jake gli salta in braccio e Nick sente tutto il peso sul piede slogato. Non cade per miracolo.
Il resto della partita passa tra una stretta di denti ed una sudata fredda dietro l'altra.
Alla fine del quarto ormai non sente più nulla. Sente solo la scarpa stringere terribilmente e le dita formicolare. Il resto è solo dolore.
Riaprì gli occhi. Si alzò sulla gamba buona e saltellò fino alla borsa dei medicinali volutamente lasciata fuori e prese il ghiaccio secco. Con un pugno lo azionò. Si sedette sulla panca, allungò la gamba e lo poggiò sul piede dolorante
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