#izuna's birthday
soleberlandieri · 7 months
Title: These open doors
Dedication for Izuna's birthday 2024. OS Canon. Tired of spending yet another birthday alone, Izuna moves away from the Uchiha camp. He is in desperation, but we are at war and there are other priorities. Madara leaves the front to come find him. They spend a wonderful day together, but Madara has hidden something from his brother. By the time Izuna notices, it's too late. The situation will push Izuna to make a choice that seemed impossible until a few hours before.
Language: Italian
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Prompt: birthday free
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mysteriouscrimsoneyes · 7 months
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How the founders celebrate Tobirama’s birthday 😂
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ladykissingfish · 9 months
I love how your writing style reads like short stories ☺️ Questiok: I don’t know if this is a ship you like or not but can you do Tobimada or madatobi?
I know you sent this quite a while ago but I thought I’d save it for Madara’s day. Here ya go!
*in Tobirama and Madara’s bedroom, early in the morning*
Madara: *reaches over and punches the sleeping Tobirama’s shoulder*
Madara: Oi, Senju bastard, wake up! It’s the most important day of the year!!
Tobirama: *yawns and turns on his side* While Christmas Eve is indeed an important day, I don’t think I’d call it the most important day of the year. Go back to bed.
Madara, scowling: Christmas Eve? Take that back before I incinerate you to ashes, you asshole.
Tobirama: Why would you do that for me stating the obvious? It IS Christmas Eve. Nothing else. Right?? Or … am I missing something?
Madara: *sighing and turning over* No, no, you’re right. How silly of me; I’ll just go back to sl —
Madara: *stops; looks at his hand for the first time. there’s a new ring on his pointer finger, a silver band with a ruby in the center, flanked on either side by a small white diamond*
Madara, sitting up and holding out his hand: T-Tobi! When did you —
Tobirama, smiling and also sitting up: When you were sleeping. Do you like it? 
Madara, softly: It’s beautiful. Red and white; my powerful eyes and your blindingly bright albino skin.
Tobirama: Gee, thanks. Anyways … *rolls over on top of Madara and kisses him* Happy birthday, you insufferable prick.
Madara: *kissing him back* Thanks, you horrible human. But is the ring all I get? Because … *slides his hands down Tobirama’s waist* I can think of something else I want even more ~
Tobirama: Ah, that might have to wait until later, Uchiha. I don’t think our guests would enjoy hearing you scream.
Madara: Guests? What —
*heard out in the kitchen*
Izuna: Senju. For the love of God, go home.
Hashirama: I can’t go home! Madara is my best friend! How would he feel if I didn’t at least make him breakfast on his birthday?!
Izuna: Relieved! To avoid the food poisoning! GO HOME!
Hashirama: Why the hell do YOU get to make him breakfast then?!
Izuna: He’s my big brother!! I’ve made him breakfast in bed on his birthday for years and years! And besides, you can’t cook!
Hashirama: Yes I can!! Look at how perfect my French toast turned out!
Izuna: It’s burnt around the edges and soggy in the middle!
Hashirama, sounding close to tears: Madara will appreciate my effort, at least. Now let me through!
Izuna: You know what? Fine! *the sound of plates being smashed on the floor* Walk over that in your bare feet and you can bring him breakfast!
Hashirama: Are you crazy?! We picked up those plates at the last flea market we went to! They’re a symbol of our undying friendship!
Izuna: Oh? Well in that case … *throws more plates on the ground* Now they’re a symbol of garbage. Just like you and your entire clan.
Hashirama: You little asshole! I should —
*back in the bedroom*
Madara: Good God … were WE that obnoxious during our courtship?
Tobirama: Well you did break quite a few glasses over my head. And who could forget that time you mailed a package of venomous snakes to my office …
Madara: Heh. I really did like you.
Tobirama: I know. *leans over and kisses him* It’s up to you, birthday boy. Should we go out there and break them up, or should we stay cuddled up for a few more hours? 
Madara: I —
*from the kitchen, the sound of Izuna using his katon to light things on fire and Hashirama screaming*
Madara: *burying his head against Tobirama’s chest* They’ll be fine. Worse comes to worse we can always get a new house.
Tobirama: Mm.
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favficbirthdays · 4 months
Happy Birthday
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Izuna Nobel (30th May)
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yowyowyaoi · 2 years
Madara, coming into Izuna’s room: There he is!
Izuna: Oh, God …
Madara: There’s the most beautiful, strong, handsome boy in the entire world!
Izuna: Madara, please —
Madara: And today is the most special day in all of the days, and you know why?
Madara: Come on, little brother, say it!
Izuna, sighing: It’s my birthday.
Madara: IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY! *hugs him hard enough to crush him*  Time for your birthday kisses, birthday boy! *puckers and starts kissing his cheeks*
Izuna, blushing: Madara please I’m 30 years old …
Madara: Whether you’re 30 or 300, you’re still my most precious little brother. But speaking of thirty, it’s about time we found you a spouse, isn’t it?
Izuna: I’m dating Tobirama. I have been for three years.
Madara, ignoring him: Somebody strong, somebody smart, somebody who will bring honor to the Uchiha name.
Izuna: Tobirama. Tobirama Senju. He’s the only one I want.
Madara, groaning: Just … Izu, you can do so much better.
Izuna: Tobirama takes care of me, he protects me, he supports my goals and dreams. One day we will get married and start a family. 
Madara: But …
Izuna: And besides, I never once gave you any criticism on YOUR husband, have I? Or how his personality has clearly rubbed off on you?
Madara: What do you mean?
*Hashirama comes in, wearing an oversized party hat*
Hashirama: *grabs Izuna and squeezes him*
Hashirama: I’ve made the most specialest boy in all the world cat-shaped pancakes! Come and get them while they’re hot! *runs out of room*
Madara: Okay, point taken.
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loonelybird · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Izuna ! 💜
Black paper, acrylic, wachi paper, 30x40
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narudoblog · 8 months
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Tobirama's soul is an actual cat
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makaramon · 2 years
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it's him, the watermelon thief birthday boy
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beatriceportinari · 2 years
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(Open the photos for details)
Happy birthday Izuna! And happy one year anniversary to me @everyizuna :D
Most of all a huge thank you to wasabiskull for lending me your lines! It was a pleasure and an honor to play with them <3
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everyitachi · 7 months
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slrsunfire · 2 years
I’ve been trying to get a little mdtb piece out for Tobirama’s birthday but I don’t think I’ll be able to post it for his actual day :( 
It’s a re-work of a mdtb a/b/o fic I’ve been playing with in the background between all my projects and I’m thinking I’m just going to keep this a one shot due to time constraints. I can always add on to the ‘verse later if I so desire and interest is there. 
Anyway, here’s a sneak peek until I can get this posted: 
Izuna shot up from the desk fast enough his form blurred when the briefest surge of electricity was conducted through the wood, and Tobirama couldn’t help but smirk viciously in vindication at the yelp that followed.
“Ow, what the fuck Tobirama!”
“I told you to get off the desk, Izuna,” Tobirama lightly reminded the man, “it’s not my fault you can’t follow directions.”
Izuna glowered at him for his cheek, and Tobirama smugly rolled up the scroll he’d just completed before standing to walk it over to the outgoing document box that was due to be picked up in an hour or so.
“See if I come to check on you again. I can’t believe you shocked me.”
“I warned you,” Tobirama calmly retorted as he checked to make sure he’d already deposited all of the other vital documents needing immediate filing for the day.
“What is this?”
At the question, Tobirama’s head snapped up and he spun around, just in time to see Izuna pick up the hanten jacket he’d kept stored in his lower desk drawer, it’s furoshiki covering discarded on the floor beside Izuna’s feet.
For a moment all he could do was stare at Izuna in shock before his face flooded with color.
“It’s a coat, what does it look like?” Tobirama waspishly retorted, trying for unimpressed as he glared at his formal rival.
Tobirama had no idea how to classify the stare Izuna turned on him next as the shorter omega shifted to really look at him, his pleasant, almost cinnamon tinged scent unfurling around him with his quickly shifting emotions.
“Where did you get it, Tobirama?”
At the question, Tobirama’s lips pursed as he juggled being honest or brushing Izuna off.
“I don’t know,” he finally admitted after a moment of struggling with himself, “I came back to my office and found it waiting for me on my birthday. Is it really so surprising I’d get a gift?”
Izuna’s expression turned utterly serious, which in turn made Tobirama’s hair stand on end out of pure instinct. Nothing good usually came from such a thing. He’d learned that very well during their constant and repeated battles over the years.
“It’s not just a coat, Tobirama. This is—”
Tobirama watched Izuna pause and take a deep, almost calming breath before he continued.  
“These seals, they’re proprietary Uchiha seals. The coat stitching, too— I’d recognize it anywhere. My mother had a jacket just like this that our father gave her at the start of their courting, made with good Yuki silk like this that our seamstresses wove to make the coat. It’s the first gift you give someone you wish to bond with, Tobirama. It’s a promise to cover you in their protection, and a sign you are already being pursued to any others who would dare to approach you with alternate offers.”
He theoretically understood what Izuna was saying, but Tobirama found himself also doubting he was understanding Izuna properly. An Uchiha was—or wanted to—court him of all people?
“I had no idea,” Tobirama breathed out the moment he got his voice back, certain his eyes had to be incredibly wide. “I haven’t even—how will they know if I agree or not?”
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mariegocf · 7 months
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
*in the cave*
Madara: Boy? Have you finished your exercises yet?
Obito, sweating and panting: Y-yeah … hey old man, does Guru-Guru have to stand on my back the whole time? It’s really starting to hurt …
Madara: No complaints, child. Be grateful that I’m taking the time to help restore your body. Now come … *gestures to the table* After our meal, we have a bit of a treat.
Obito, eyes wide: Is … is that a cake??
Guru-Guru: It’s chocolate! Isn’t it pretty?! We made it!
Obito: But what’s it for?
Madara: Today is a special day, child. On this day a person was born, so strong, so valiant, so pure of heart, that it would be a sin not to commemorate this precious day.
Obito, sitting and smiling: Awww, gramps! I can’t believe that you remember that today is my birth—
Madara: That’s right; today is my dear brother Izuna’s birthday. The most important day of the entire year. *cuts himself a huge slice of cake, then a much smaller piece for Obito, which he pushes across the table* So let’s honor him, shall we?
Obito: Izuna Uchiha. Your brother that died almost fifty years ago. That’s whose day we’re celebrating?!
Madara: Of course. What else could there be?
Obito: *pushes back from the table* I think I’m just going to go for a run instead. *leaves*
Madara: Honestly, that boy … he gets so sensitive sometimes. I can hardly figure him out.
Izuna’s ghost, sitting at Obito’s place and taking up his slice of cake: Kids, huh?
Guru-Guru: Completely incomprehensible.
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baobeikvn · 2 years
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(very late) madara's birthday & happy new year everyone <3
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August 03: Happy Birthday Izuna (Guilty Gear)!!!!
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loonelybird · 2 years
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A modest gift for Madara’s Birthday.
Unfortunately right now I am incapable to paint something special so I post simply my illustration for @naruto-mythology-zine
Madara and Izuna are Hindou gods, fighting against Tobirama-ashura.
Paper, watercolour, acrylic and iridiscent pigments, 46x32 cm.
Special thanks to @officerjennie for her wonderful fic about this picture and to @writhingbeneathyou who made this brilliant project possible!
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