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New house, Izery, August 2024
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Gruss aus Hotel Rubezahl - Bad Flinsberg = now Świeradów Zdrój, Poland, Lower Silesia.
#Lower Silesia#dolny śląsk#litho#kartka#Flinsberg#Świeradów#hotel#post card#pocztówka#litografia#poland#polska#gruss aus#Rubezahl#izery#Izerskie
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You can be someone else

Today a bit old. Old recipe for pizza dough. Fairly fast if there is no time for Neapolitan cake. Equally delicious. Good evening and tasty dinner…😉 #home #homemade #soulfood #madewithlove #goodfood #naturalfoods #notfitbutsogood #instafood #instagoods #goodies #localfood #pizza🍕 #pizzastone #italian #italianfood #izery #izerymountains #Izerbejdżan🍁 #poland🇵🇱 #zakapior #myambition #bestquality #beardmanatkitchen #railwayman #beardman #łotr #łotrwkuchni #bezspiny #brodatyłotr (w: Góry Izerskie)
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Double trouble today! The name 井芹 is usually Iseri or rarely Izeri, and 増井 is Masui or rarely Mashii.
I did wonder if it was one of those fancy two-way nameplates, but unfortunately, while 芹井 is a surname (read Serii), 井増 does not seem to exist. (You might even say...... いません.) Sorry :)
井, which both names share, is very common in surnames. It means well (as in a well water) or town/community. It's read い, セイ, or ショウ.
芹 is new to this blog! As the grass radical 艹 suggests, it's a herb, called seri or Japanese parsley. It's read せり or キン, the latter of which it shares with its other radical 斤, meaning axe.
増 means to increase, add, augment, gain, or promote. It's read ま.す, ま.し, ふ.える, ふ.やす, or ゾウ, the last of which it shares with its right radical, 曽, which means formerly, ex-, once, before, or ever/never.
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Nagły zwrot w sprawie IZERY - czy będziemy tylko montownią dla Chińczyków?
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#photographers on tumblr#black and white#ricoh#grii#czarno białe#original photographers#fog#mgła#mountains#izerbejdżan#izery
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Kilka nocy temu napisał do mnie znajomy znajomego z FB, czy jestem chętna na wspólne tripy po górach. W piątek napisałam, że chętnie.
Ryzykownie, lekkomyślnie i odważnie. Ale już Wam kiedyś pisałam, że dla mnie nie długość, a jakość życia jest kluczowa, więc czerpię z życia pełnymi garściami.
I dobrze, bo było całkiem sympatycznie.

Trafiła się nawet taka piękność!
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Izery. Poland. Photos by S.N.
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Introductions Post 🐺🌿
Please call me Wyv/Wyvern, Gun, or Courier (as in Courier Six)!
My pronouns are he/him, and howl/howls/howlself, do not call me it/its, she/her or they/them. I am in my mid-20s, and I'm a trans man, who is a gay queer [non-women enjoyer but not exclusively just Men, I’m t4t / and attracted to masculinity in general]. I am a wolf therian and dragon otherkin. I’m not a part of the kin communities. I don't post about therian or otherkin stuff often but when i do they will be tagged !!
I am autistic + ADHD, dyslexic, and experience paranoia, memory issues, depersonalization/derealization, and questioning Partial-DID/OSDD-1 after years of educated research (circa 2016). My experience is still very real even if I may be wrong about what it is, currently saving up for the eventual visit.
LINKS NEED FIXING // @ wyvolf on other platforms Commission me here! -> https://wyvolf.carrd.co/ -> Discord is wyvolf
NOTE: I do not tag *healed* scars of any kind. I do not tag niche/uncommon triggers, or censor words. I do however tag blood, fresh wounds, and any other common triggers. -> I unfortunately do not provide image descriptions to my work, I sadly do not trust my ability to describe something properly. But if you have the time: feel free! I'll reblog what I can!
BEFORE YOU FOLLOW, or interact keep in mind that:
I am neurodivergent. I don't use tone tags often but will for serious and joke stuff. Don't really need tone tags myself as if anything i will ask for clarification.
i support MOGAI, xeno/neo genders, xeno/neo pronouns, and MSPEC gays and lesbians via the Split Attraction Model (Panromantic Asexual, or Bisexual Homoromantic, etc.). Focus on the real threat: pedophiles and zoophiles trying to get in, not mspec/SAM queers.
DO NOT INTERACT, or use my art, IF:
Basically no racists, Zionists, homophobes, pedos, zoos, proshippers, rad queers, similar weirdos. I am very loud when i say pedophiles should go kill themselves.
If you have genuine concerns, questions, etc. please ask via the ask feature or messages on Tumblr!
Supporters of E-Zillia / Otomophobia (Izery / Otto), and Cuphino/Manndraki/Konclef, fuck off.
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The fruits ripen. Sweet cherries will be good in a moment. There will be collections. They promise to be delicious and sweet fruit... 👍 #home #homemade #soulfood #goodfood #goodstuff #fruits #sweetcherries #sweetcherries🍒 #garden #gardener #zakapior🤠 #łotr⚓ #brodatyłotrclub💪⚓⚒️🇵🇱 #łotrwogrodzie👨🌾 #bezspiny #beardman #beardmanatgarden #izery #izerymountains #izerbejdżan🍁 #poland🇵🇱 #instaphoto #instagoods #sweets (w: Montes Jizera)
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🇬🇧 There is a place hidden in the woods, In Karol Valley at Kamionek Creek. Glassworkers used to live and work there. They manufactured wonders in this difficult conditions. To this day only two buildings have witnessed it. One of them is the old Inn. Today is known as #stacjaturystycznaorle and it is a heart and guardian of Izera Mountains magic✨ 🇵🇱Jest takie miejsce wśród świerków ukryte, w dolinie Karola nad strumykiem Kamionek. Gdzie ówczas osada hutnicza stała co szkła przeróżne siłą płuc mistrzów szklarskich wytwarzała. Po hucie ostała się do dziś stara szlifiernia, a po osadzie Gospoda wówczas Shneidera. Ta właśnie jest dziś sercem stacji turystycznej Orle. I strażnikiem magii ✨ Izerów. #stacjaturystycznaorle #orle #jakuszyce #izery #shelter #szklarskaporeba #winter #magic #winterwonderland #jizerskiehory #winter #snow #śnieg #mountainhut #schronisko #polandways #mountainstories #exploremore #polandwenderers #pocztowkazpolski #kochamzime #kochamgóry #pieknapolska #polishtraveler #polkiwpodrozy #travelgram #izerskiemountains #izeramountains (w: Stacja Turystyczna ORLE) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKZMJDnDmE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nz8jgk4yi4hn
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The Izera River in Karkonosze mountains
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#Fuji#XPro1#black and white#original photographers#photographers on tumblr#road trip#izerbejdżan#izery
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Widok z wieży na Zamku Chojnik. Wiosna 2011.
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