#izaya! stop being a sap
icestar-74 · 2 years
Shizaya week 2022
Day 5 Scars
Shizuo and Izaya were enjoying a relaxing day outside. The sun was shinning, the breeze was refreshing and Shizuo's thoughts were moving.
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"Hey Izaya?" Shizuo whispered.
"Yes Shizu-chan? You know this is a rare occasion. One where I am silent and relaxed. This must be important if you are willing me to speak."
Shizuo ignored his annoying flea. "I just wondered...if they hurt?"
Izaya looked down at him confused. "If what hurts?"
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Shizuo rubbed up Izaya's torso. "The scars. All the scars I gave you."
Izaya smiled. "Ah those. They are nothing so don't worry about it."
"Ugh!" Shizuo growled. "How can you say that? I mean I've almost killed you. I've hurt you to the point you needed countless stitches and you say they are nothing. I'm a fucking monster Izaya!"
Shizuo moved to straddle him. "So much of your blood has been spilled by my hands. He moved his hand under Izaya shirt, felt the risen skin of scars. "So much..."
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Izaya grabbed his hands. "Shizuo, have you forgotten how I got you hit by a truck? How much of YOUR blood I spilled or how many scars my blades have gifted to you?"
Shizuo shook his head. "But you know I heal!"
Izaya threw his head back in a laugh. "I do now but what about when we first met? I still sliced your chest didn't I?" He rubbed the scar he referred to. "Stained your shirt crimson on the first day."
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"I just...don't want to hurt you like that ever again. Leave more scars or worse. I fucking love you Izaya." Shizuo's voice quivered.
Izaya looked at Shizuo, feeling his own heart squeeze in his chest. "Shizuo, if you... if you stop trying to kill me now I'm going to get pissed."
Shizuo blinked. "What?"
Izaya moved quick to embrace Shizuo. "I love you too. But these scars are the most precious things I own. Each a memory I will not forgot. Each is like a kiss burned forever into my flesh."
Shizuo choked on a small sob before hugging Izaya back. "Damn it. You are such a sap."
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Izaya smiled against Shizuo's chest. Feeling each scar burn with affection.
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demytasse · 5 years
[Izashin/Shinzaya] Such Kinks as Labcoats
     Shinra's coat was only an inch off size in every direction when worn by Izaya — doubly broad across the shoulders and back; the style was cut slim, but wasn’t designed to fit to his precise proportions. Even if their height disparity was near to none, it made a difference when one donned the other's clothing; subtle, yet unnoticeable to an undiscerning eye.
That was much unlike the doctor, for he had a knack for noticing the intricacies of things important to him, oddities and his collection of lab coats; included was the one modeled before him. The soft edged garment was part of his lounge ensemble and exactly the one that he would've slipped into should it not have been worn by another important thing of his. A man he separated from objects, humans, and other beings — supernatural or not. Izaya, the terrible tease, a pest as Shizuo would claim him, stole something of his and yet…
...he didn't mind a tick. Of course not — he just didn't know if he would’ve preferred personally draping his partner in his best whites, or rathered how Izaya dressed himself in his beloved's clothing out of love, of his own volition, in some attempt to be closer to Shinra when close wasn't close enough; a hug of his scent and kiss of his style and even still not close enough.
Scratch that, the only way it could be better was if Izaya asked Shinra to strip him down to his devious smile; tempt the floor to match the garment to his dirty thoughts that he gathered more of. Though, taking Izaya’s bare ankles in consideration, Shinra believed with a nod of approval that only his coat covered him.
An odd giggle combined with innocence and lust turned Izaya in partial; he gave Shinra a one-up and down and unfairly judged him by his unfinished outfit — his slack tie, open collar, and lack of outer shell were all contributions to some opinion he was soon to unleash.
    “What, am I wearing coat you were looking to wear today, one of your too many?”
There it was, Izaya’s keen ability to draw conclusions from unimportant tidbits of information: Shinra wasn't ready for the day, without the proper pieces to finish his wardrobe, and surely that was good reason to mock him.
    “Doesn't everybody have multiples of their signature clothing?” He tilted his head with his smile as he bumbled closer. Though as he did, Izaya’s full frontal reveal had Shinra don his childish disappointment as a set of briefs sensored what he didn’t want to be.
    Izaya choked on a tired laugh, his swig of coffee sputtered back into his mug. “Signature or not, lab coats are usually kept to the location of their namesake: the laboratory.”
    “Says the one wearing my loungewear in the kitchen.”
    “Touché, but what exactly qualifies this as loungewear?” Izaya futzed with the lapels as if he legitimately searched for a reason —  a smartass cat with a simple curiousity.
    “I'm surprised you couldn't tell, considering how much of your skin is being caressed by soft-touch twill. It’s comfortable, nothing more than that. Though, there could be more of you delicately draped with my high fashion, yet you cover yourself with needless underwear! I’m disappointed, Izaya! What a tragedy!”
    “Did you think I wore this to flirt with you?”
    “It's pretty enticing, so yes!”
    “I didn't.”
    “That's a lie!”
    Izaya shook his head. “So what is it, you have a thing for people wearing lab coats? Or is it a kink that people wear one of your coats?”
Shinra intently watched as Izaya spun to show it off; he cared little for the billowed cloth, more the style points in gave the informant, as well as the uncomfortable effect it had on him personally.
    “Mmm, definitely not the former. It's not my aesthetic to find people wearing my style attractive. It’s not even my thing to go after people in the first place.”
    “People he says…” he chuckled, “What does that make me then?”
    “An asshole.”
    Izaya sighed, “truthfully…”
    “What? That is truthful!”     “Because of course it.”
Izaya let up his starch posture due to a swooning wrap of intimacy not exasperation. Shinra loved the way he could coerce him to putty within his palms, the same he slipped beneath fabric, with skin on skin pulled Izaya into his arms, nestled his head against his own and lips close to his ear — his breath just louder than his voice.
    “You're Izaya.” Goosebumps raised around his fingertips as Izaya shivered in embarrassment. “That's all that really matters, to me.”
Izaya let him continue; talking and working the coat off his shoulders to reveal fresh skin — Shinra lay a kiss in the nook below his neck.     “You should know this, but I only really care about a few individuals and there are far less I would take a stab to my vitals for. In fact, that’s limited to two.”
    “Does it really count if that human-wannabe doesn't have a life to save in the first place, let alone can retaliate faster than you could step in front of her?”
    Shinra didn't falter, “it counts. I would still do it.”
He continued to lay a line of invisible marks along Izaya’s clavicle as he shared his lips with what responded to a tickle — hiccuped air increased as the attack continued downward in a crisscross pattern.
    “That doesn't really make me feel special, Shinra.”
    “Remove the briefs and I will make sure you do!” It was then that he pulled back to make giddy eye contact. It was hardly a joke, but he was a laugh away from it — the punchline rolled Izaya’s eyes before he grabbed onto Shinra’s tie. The loose knot tightened with a swift tug forward.
    “Shouldn't you give me a good reason to?” He slithered his words, arched his brow.
Either it was a lack of breath from his crushed windpipe or a gasp of excitement, but nothing other than a delighted flush spoke for Shinra's silence. He waited patiently for what he expected — a shrug, a sly smile, and a half-assed willing surrender.
    “That’s good enough.”
A brash kiss led a trip over the slipped lab coat in their path; stumbled, flailed — failed to correct their equilibrium, but with panache Izaya eased into a spot on the back support of the couch. He directed Shinra closer directed with one hand still clutched silk, while the other let the contents of his mug spill without care; dubiously without purpose.
Shinra split nigh attention, rather instinct alerted him of the mess. “Did you really have to let your coffee spill onto it?” His lip was teased with teeth, canines exposed with deviance.     “Nope, though it’s hilarious that you would notice.”
    “I guess it’s not really important,” Shinra forgot his prior issue, ecstatic as the static that prickled his chest as Izaya undid buttons in swift fashion. Just as quick as he’d dressed for the day, Shinra was dressed down. On-call or not, his doctor's duties could be shunned for bed rest with an inpatient patient that dragged him down.
    Izaya stood in front of a closet, one he never bothered to open because it never seemed to stick out. Within it was a long row of white and not a single colour otherwise.     “You really do have one for every occasion,” he examined a size tag still attached, noticed a second and another more. “And back-ups? How could you even wear through them with this many in stock.”
    “Well, you'd be surprised by how many are ruined by blood. Though maybe that's the point of them, to catch bodily fluids.”
    “I wonder how many were ruined by Shizu-chan…” he mumbled, “or me for that matter.”
Shinra noticed how Izaya categorised the garments for their differences, like he tried to determine which ones were for which occasion; laughed when he heard Izaya do the same as he came across a coat haphazardly decorated with dried, oxidised blood; like it was intentionally worn for a bloodbath dye job, sadistic fashion that only the off-kilter would appreciate.
    “Why would you think that I was joking about my wardrobe?”
    “I shouldn't have, given your particular eccentricities.”
    “That's not something to resent, you know.”
    “Resent? And who says that's something I do? I accept it.”
    “Aw,” he whined, “my perfect setup to say you accepted it because I’m Shinra and that’s all that matters was wasted.”     “I’m not going to repeat that romantic sap back to an idiot lovefool. That’s uncreative and would make me ill even before I could even finish the fake sentiment.”     “Oh what sadness, at least one of us is madly in love with the other.”     “Please stop before I hate you.”
    “Shall we experiment to see how much of my love and adoration you can hand—”
Shinra was lobbed with a ball of coat; it muffled the rest of his thought. His pointed finger transitioned into a new gesture, an open palm presented to the ceiling with his head still veiled.
    “At least you were perceptive enough to pick the right one. Maybe you do love me enough to notice my patterns.”
    “Choke on your duds, Shinra.”
AN: ...because if no one else, it would be me to write some tribute to Shinra’s labcoats. Bless me and my quirky gift to myself.
[Ao3 Link]
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3d3nsr0s3-blog · 5 years
Mutant Abilities
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-Izaya has the ability to manipulate and create plants that flower. This can range between a simple garden flower such as a daisy or a potent killer such as poison hemlock. Izaya can NOT conjure a plant he has not seen whether that be in real life or in a book/the internet, thus resulting in the bulk of the flowers he creates being that of the more common garden variety. His ability works best in places with a lot of floral life, or in buildings adorned with plants, since he is unable to produce flowers without the use of soil. With that being said, he can conjure a single type of flower, the rose, in areas where no other plant based life is present. These plants are produced by using his own bodies energy and tends to drain him rather quickly, when the rose is produced the vines wrap itself around his arms and shoot outwards towards the enemy.
His most common form of fighting in regards to his ability is the use of thorned vines and bursts of poisonous flowers. They are both used to stop the enemy from moving but can be lethal if maneuvered in the correct manner. During an interrogation, Izaya will constrict the vines to squeeze the air out of the enemy as well as puncture them with the thorns.
In certain situations, Izaya may utilize flower mimicry to become painful or poisonous to the touch. Though this is a rare occasion since it is only useful during hand to hand combat, and he’d rather stay his distance. He’ll generally mimic a rose bush for its sharp thorns or a hogweed for it’s dangerous chemical like sap. When this happens thorns will protrude out of his skin or he’ll begin to secrete a sap like substance. He may also become tinted green as chlorophyll rushes through his veins to feed the flowers.  
On very, very rare occasions he may create flowers to heal injured bystanders or other mutants. Though he is not an expert on the healing properties of flowers and would rather leave that responsibility to others.
He is naturally weak against fire and can do very little to protect himself against flames. Intense heat can quickly drain him to the point where he is unable to create plants, and if he is able to produce one they tend to be weak and wilted. He is constantly intaking water in order to fuel his ability. ((Izaya has pretty good control over his ability but strong emotions can still set it off.))
-Being recently deceased he is not a corporal being and is semi-translucent unless focused on completely. He possess much of the same powers as a typical t.v. show ghost; including invisibility, telekinesis, possession, decelerated aging, and flight. He does not naturally induce fear into living beings nor can he change his shape at will. In order to touch and hold objects he utilizes telekinesis which causes a brief weight sensation to a living being.
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tickles-tea · 6 years
4 a.m.
This is just complete fluff. I'm sorry 
Shizuo jolted awake at the sound of an exhausted, and oddly soft, voice. Turning his head to the side, he was met with the half-lidded eyes and lopsided smirk of Orihara Izaya.
He frowned in confusion at their position. Just a second ago, Shizuo had been reclining against the headboard of the bed while he was waiting for Izaya to finish up his-rather unsavory-work. Now though, Shizuo was laying on his side, face partially buried in Izaya's too soft pillows and staring into deep russet eyes.
I didn't even hear him come in. Goddamn sneaky flea..! Shizuo thought, a crease forming between his brows.
Izaya suddenly laughed, startling his companion slightly. "Of course you didn't hear me come in, Shizu-chan! You were soundly asleep and snoring like a beast," he said, amusement clear in his tone. Izaya's comment made Shizuo realize that he had accidentally spoken his thoughts aloud, though he didn't particularly care.
He was slightly surprised to find that Izaya's words hadn't ignited even the smallest spark of anger in his chest. It seemed that he was too tired to get annoyed over a remark so trivial, which was something he was secretly grateful for. After all, it was rather discouraging to succumb to the anger he hated so much because of something as stupid as an offhand comment.
Shizuo's gaze shifted to Izaya's mouth to see the insufferable smirk that he had been expecting despite his sleep muddled thoughts. He dazedly noticed that the left corner of Izaya's lips curled upwards whenever he displayed this particular expression. However, there was something odd about it. The main difference he noted was the overall air of this sly smile. Usually, his grins were sharp and deadly, a threat and a promise at the same time. The expression he wore now seemed somewhat softer. Shizuo thought it might be the dark circles that hung beneath Izaya's eyes or maybe even the little indents on either side of his nose from his reading glasses. Shizuo wasn't able to determine the cause of this change before he felt a sharp tug on his hair.
Startled out of his observation, Shizuo blinked his eyes back into focus to see Izaya frowning. He looked like he was on the verge of being annoyed but was too tired to fully commit to the feeling. Continued silence from Shizuo prompted Izaya to speak up again. "Shizu-chan?"
Another, slightly harder, pull on his hair successfully awoke Shizuo from his dazed stupor. "I was asleep?" He grumbled, bringing a hand up to try to rub the lingering sleep from his eyes. Izaya let out a hum and nodded; the frown from before had eased and amusement danced in his eyes in place of the irritation. A thin hand gently carded through Shizuo's hair, as if in silent apology for the tugging from before.
Shizuo sighed and leaned into the touch. Being with Izaya meant harsh words, charming excuses, and sometimes even silence for days on end. But it also meant blinding smiles, thoughtful surprises, and the love that Shizuo thought he'd never experience. Izaya trusted him in a way no one else could and, because of that, Shizuo was willing to deal with the good and the bad sides of Izaya. 
This included his ability to stay up until the ass crack of dawn.
"You know you don't have to wait up for me, right? I told you I wouldn't be done for a few more hours," Izaya said, closing his eyes with a quiet sigh. "Tsukumoya was being more difficult than usual, so it took even longer than I anticipated."
Izaya's fingers were tracing random patterns through Shizuo's hair and Shizuo's face was one of peace and contentment. That expression, however, was replaced in favor of one with much more aggression. "Ah? He made you stay up 'till three-"
"Four," Izaya quickly corrected.
"'Til four in the morning," Shizuo continued, frowning even harder than before. "I don't care if he's a UI or whatever-"
"I'll kill him," he said definitively and with a short nod. No one had the right to make Izaya get even less sleep than he normally did. They'd gotten into arguments about Izaya's ridiculous sleep schedule before, and though they always ended with tired glares and waining patience on both ends, Shizuo still tried his damnedest to make sure Izaya got at least five hours of uninterrupted sleep. If Shizuo remembered correctly, Izaya had a client coming over at seven in the morning and the flea always woke up well before his meetings.
What all of that means is that Izaya was probably already thinking about saying to hell with it and not sleeping at all, which was absolutely unacceptable.
"I can tell what you're thinking, and it's not that big of a deal. I can just take a nap after my client leaves and I'll be well rested before my meeting with Shiki-san," Izaya said breezily, moving his caressing fingers from Shizuo's hair to behind his ear. He knew that if he didn't diffuse this now it could lead to a fight, even if it'd only be a small one. "Shizu-chan is getting worked up too easily. Hey, I wonder if I can calm him down like a dog..." he mumbled to himself before scratching behind Shizuo's ear gently. "Dogs like having their ears scratched so maybe beasts do too."
Izaya, likely expecting a growl, was surprised when his action instead prompted a twitch and a gasp. He was even more baffled to see the glimpse of a smile curling at the sides of Shizuo's mouth.
Being as clever as he was, Izaya caught on rather quickly and adopted a grin that promised nothing but trouble. Shizuo could practically feel the mischief radiating off of him in waves. "Is Shizu-chan a bit ticklish here? How cute!" Izaya laughed, snickering even more when he saw Shizuo's blushing face.
Not nearly as amused, Shizuo reached up and firmly grasped the laughing bastard's wrist. "Shut up and go to sleep." He settled himself back into the pillow and, perhaps foolishly, released Izaya's wrist. He hoped that his boyfriend would behave himself and see that they both needed to sleep. While it was understandable for one's judgement to be impaired late at night, anyone in any state of mind should know that Izaya Orihara should not be trusted.
So really, he shouldn't have been so surprised when Izaya reached out again to skitter his fingers from behind Shizuo's ear down to his collarbone.
Shizuo jerked back, but Izaya was as quick as ever and moved with him, hands never stopping their motion. They spidered all across his neck, around his ears, and even going as far as his shoulders.
Shizuo couldn't stop the growly chuckles from escaping his lips even if he tried. He didn't see the point in trying to hide his reactions. He'd only look like a fool if he were to deny that he was ticklish. It wasn't something he was particularly ashamed of-after all, Izaya was much worse-but in the face of Izaya's stupid smirk, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The bastard almost looked like he was looking down at Shizuo, like he was interacting with a child rather than his own boyfriend. The way he was teasing Shizuo did nothing to show otherwise.
"How pathetic! The strongest man in Ikebukuro is blushing like a schoolgirl! How does it feel when I touch here? Does it tickle?" Izaya was surely purring out more taunts, but Shizuo tried to drown them out with his own interjections of insults.
"Knock it off, you shihihitty flea!" He barked out around his laughter, trying to keep a grip on Izaya's wrists that wasn't too strong nor too loose. He'd instinctively reached up to still those terrible hands, but he'd managed to stop himself from pulling them away. There was no doubt in his mind that he was more than capable of putting a stop to this, and judging from the puzzled glint in Izaya's eye, he knew the same.
So why wasn't he?
It certainly couldn't have anything to do with the genuine contentment he could see in Izaya's eyes or the soft smile that was slowly replacing that intolerable smirk. Surely, Izaya was leeching the strength from his body with some sort of dark magic.
That dark magic must have been sapping Izaya's own strength, because his wiggling fingers slowed and settled themselves across Shizuo's nape. When Shizuo looked at his face, he saw flushed cheeks and an embarrassed pout.
"...'Zaya?" he questioned once he'd caught his breath, but his boyfriend remained quiet.
The only response he received was the blanket being tugged away as Izaya turned his body, his back now facing Shizuo. Shizuo's brow twitched in annoyance at being so clearly ignored, but Izaya spoke up then. "Stupid Shizu-chan has no right making faces like that."
"What are you talking about?" Shizuo asked, a little irritated at Izaya's sudden mood change. He knew what he was getting into when he confessed to Izaya all those years ago, but time has not made it any easier to deal with him. No amount of time would make it easier, he was sure.
A muffled groan sounded from Izaya's side of the bed. Blush having faded for the most part, Izaya looked over his shoulder at Shizuo with a weak glare. "You're so oblivious, it's exhausting," he said, opening his mouth as if to speak again. He hesitated for a second before continuing, albeit with some reluctance. "I mean beasts like you shouldn't be allowed to look that cute. Now shut up and go to sleep," he said, unintentionally mimicking Shizuo's earlier words. "I'm tired." Izaya turned away again and pulled more of the blanket away from Shizuo, probably out of spite.
Shizuo's eyes widened at the compliment poorly disguised as an insult. Izaya was stingy with genuine compliments so it was surprising that he would say something like this so openly. The dismissal following it was obviously added as a cover up but perhaps there was some truth to it. After all, the only way he would've said such a thing would be because exhaustion had loosened his tongue. A quick look at the alarm clock on the nightstand showed that it was nearing 4:45 am.
Realizing that they both really needed to get to sleep-he hadn't forgotten about Izaya's early meeting-Shizuo decided to let him off easy. He could always bring up this moment later, so for now he just let out a soft chuckle and pulled Izaya's body close against his chest.
"Yeah, alright. Goodnight, 'Zaya," he murmured, lips brushing against the back of Izaya's neck.
There was a beat of silence before he got a reply, quiet but content.
"Goodnight, Shizu-chan."
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