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buttermycups · 6 years ago
tyna be perfect
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futur3butt3rfly · 3 years ago
zjedzone: 525kcal
spalone: 370kcal
bilans: 155kcal
no mogłobyć lepiej ://
#chuda jak motyl #będe chudy #butterfly #ana #anasbutterfly #iwanttobeperfect #iwanttobeskinnylikeabutterfly #grubas #wystające kosci
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fede99ballerina · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
🥀 #thinkthin #iwanttobethin #iwanttobeperfect #iwantloveme #bones #pencil #dream #warrior #mybestnightmare #🔒
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iwanttobeperfect · 5 years ago
pontelliers > iwanttobeperfect
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reaching-up-for-the-skies · 12 years ago
it's unreal how much i want to be Khloe Kardashian. 
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whaty0ul00kinat · 12 years ago
Wishful Thinking.....
I hate myself, i wish i was perfect... i just want to feel alright in my own body. I hate everything about myself my feet, my legs, my thigh, my hips, my stomach, my chest, my boobs, my neck,my face and my personality. i hate how i get upset at the smallest things like when my people call me names even if their joking it still hurts inside. i hate how my mind twists what people say into something nasty. I just want to feel normal and happy. I hate it when i hurt myself because i can't deal with my emotions and i hate how i upset my boyfriend when i hurt myself or when i make him feel bad because of something he had said that upset me. I hate it when my mind twists peoples words into negative sentences that hurt me. I want the voices in my head to stop talking to me, stop telling me im too fat or im too thin, Stop telling me stupid little lies about how my boyfriend likes other girls and stop playing me different scenes of my boyfriend sleeping with other girls and doing other sexual things behind my back and telling ne that im not needed and that im in the way of them... stop making me paranoid about everything and anyone.... i feel like all i do is run in circles chasing my non-existent tail like some twisted, crazy puppy never being allowed to stop and feel content with everything. Please let me feel normal and wanted and i don't want to feel alone when im in a room full of people, i dont want to feel ignored anymore.... I don't want to feel paranoid about who my boyfriend is texting especially when its another girl, i don't want to think that he is talking to them about me and that he is happier talking to them and not me. I can't stand feeling like this, i don't want to be constantly paranoid about what my boyfriend is doing, i trust him so stop telling me these lies. I feel like i can't trust myself sometimes because i never know how im going to react about the next comment that someone makes to me. I want to be perfect, no flaws, nothing that could be criticised or made fun of. I want to make everyone around me happy, i want to feel okay about myself and not have to feel sick or repulsed by my body. Just fix me and let me feel Perfect in everyway....
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