#ive x male oc
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Length: +7k words
Genre: Smut
IVE Gaeul x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Thank you to the buyer for purchasing this commission, and thank you to @msafterhours for beta reading! If you are interested in purchasing a commission from me or simply want to leave a little tip, head on over to my ko-fi page!)
“Ugh, this is so fucking annoying!” Gaeul groans, slamming her fist against the table, the clattering of silverware echoing throughout the apartment. Wonyoung, used to her sudden bursts of anger, doesn’t even look up from her phone. “I already told that old guy from SBS that I’m not interested, yet he keeps spamming my messages!”
“Why did you give him your number in the first place if you’re not interested?” Wonyoung inquires.
Gaeul’s cheeks turn a bright red, her gaze falling nervously to the side. “...You know why.”
“Because you’re horny?” Wonyoung posits, raising her brow.
The older girl’s face falls into her hands in misery, emitting a deep guttural groan that carries the weight of her dissatisfaction. “This is so unfair, how did you guys find boyfriends and I have to slog through all these gross older men and obnoxious boy group members?” Gaeul glances at her with a pout on her lips. “Am I ugly or something?”
Wonyoung sighs, gently holding her groupmate’s hand from across the table. “Of course you’re not ugly, you’re just… unlucky.” Gaeul faceplants into the table, her muffled whimpers eliciting sympathy from the younger girl. “Look, why don’t you just ask out our manager already? I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
Gaeul’s face shoots up, tomato red with panic. “W-what are you talking about!? That’s our manager, that’s w-weird!”
Wonyoung scoffs. “And you think touching yourself while moaning his name isn’t weird?”
“H-how did y-”
“These walls are paper thin, just because you play ocean noises in the background doesn’t mean we can’t hear you.”
Gaeul sinks into her chair, covering her face in embarrassment. With a sigh, Wonyoung pulls up a website on her phone and slides it across the table. “Here, a bunch of my friends used this website when they were in your position and they all managed to find a boyfriend within a week.”
The older girl scans the phone, immediately grimacing at the shoddy nature of the website. Aside from an embedded video in the middle of the site and a measly drop down menu titled “Lessons”, it’s essentially barebones. All the text is in Comic Sans for some god awful reason, and whatever moron made this sorry excuse for a website decided to use bright orange over pink. It’s like wrapping a terrible gift in even uglier wrapping paper.
“Wonyoung, this is… grim,” she mutters.
Wonyoung shrugs. “The results speak for themselves.” She takes her phone back and walks towards her room at the end of the hallway. “You better watch those videos. You’re already ruining my beauty sleep, I won’t let you ruin beaches for me too,” she calls out, her bedroom door slamming behind her.
Gaeul leans her head against her palm, contemplating her options. She could ignore Wonyoung’s advice and continue to foolishly look around for dick until her standards drop so low that she ends up sleeping with — God forbid — some washed up 2nd gen idol, or she could learn a thing or two from that hideous website and ask out her hot manager, potentially making things awkward between them for the rest of her career.
She barely has to think about it before pulling out her phone, pulling up the website in mere seconds. With a deep breath, she presses play on the first video.
Being the manager of one of the biggest girl groups in the world leaves you with little energy and even less free time. At first, it was fun. When IVE first debuted, they were nervous yet excited about finally achieving the dreams they’ve worked so hard for, and you wanted to help them out anyway you could, becoming a strong pillar that they can rely on.
However, after a couple years of idol experience under their belt combined with their very quick rise to stardom, the job that you once loved turned into a complete nightmare, which only worsened once the girls found partners. Just last week, you had to wrestle a camera away from a Dispatch worker after he took photos of Rei sucking off her boyfriend in the middle of a park—all of this at 3 fucking AM. To add salt to the wound, instead of being commended for preventing a potential PR disaster, you got chewed out by your supervisor for not managing them well enough. Sure, let’s ignore the million other times you’ve warned them about doing stupid things in public that they keep ignoring.
At least not all of them are a handful to deal with since Gaeul doesn’t have a boyfr-
*Ring Ring*
Speak of the devil. You answer your phone.
“Hey Gaeul, what’s up?”
“H-hi, um…” She clears her throat, her nervousness putting you on edge.
“Is something wrong? Are you in trouble?”
“N-no, it’s nothing like that! It’s just, uh… Are you busy tomorrow?”
You scan your desk, cluttered with a messy pile of paperwork. Even at your most productive, it’ll take you the entire week to get through everything alongside the plethora of meetings you’ll have to attend. “Yeah, I’ll probably be busy tomorrow, why?”
“Oh, um… How about Saturday?”
“Gaeul, what is this about?”
“Just…!” She sighs audibly in frustration. “Yes or no?”
Rolling your eyes, you take a quick glance at your calendar. Aside from a note that says “buy groceries”, it seems like your entire weekend is free. “Yes, I’m free on Saturday. What is this-”
“Great! I’ll text you an address. Be there at 5pm sharp. Bye!”
Gaeul hangs up before you can utter another word, leaving you to wonder what all of this is about and why she sounded so nervous over the phone. Your mind runs through all the potential scenarios this could be. As far as you know, there aren’t any events Ive are performing at and filming for their YouTube show doesn’t start until next week. Could this be a prank the girls are pulling on you?
Even as you look up the address she sent you, all you're left with is more questions than answers.
Saturday rolls around after another particularly difficult week of running around protecting IVE’s image. If you’re being honest, you fully expected to pass away from stress alone after Yujin and Liz nearly got caught having a foursome in someone’s pool by Dispatch yet again. At the very least, this photographer didn’t put up nearly as much of a fight as the last one.
As you travel to the far side of the city and stroll up to the fancy restaurant Gaeul all but forced you to come to, you silently pray that this isn’t some weird way of her announcing her new relationship to you. You enter the restaurant, almost immediately receiving a glare of disdain from the host as he scans your casual outfit of a T-shirt and jeans, unbefitting of the atmosphere.
“I’m sorry sir, but we have a strict dress code and we unfortunately cannot seat you with your current outfit,” he says, flashing a condescending smile.
“Actually, sorry if this is weird, but is a woman named Gaeul here?” you ask, ignoring his poor attitude.
He looks down at his podium, scanning through some papers before his expression suddenly shifts into something more genial. “Ah, of course! Right this way, sir.” He leads you down a side hallway that’s hidden away from the main seating area, and brings you to one of many doors. “Ms. Gaeul is right in this room, sir.”
You open the door, your jaw hitting the floor in awe as you scan the intricate decorations that adorn the room. A golden chandelier hangs overhead, illuminating everything in a warm glow, while beautifully realistic paintings of fruit bowls and flower vases hang on the walls. In the center of the room sits a table, draped with a red silk cloth and topped with lit candles that set a sort of romantic mood. Gaeul sits on one end, sporting a black strapless dress that shows off her milky skin and thin figure.
“Hi!” She says, walking to you with outstretched arms. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Hey— o-oh.” You flinch in surprise as she pulls you into a warm embrace, instinctually slotting your arm around her delicate waist. It’s the first hug you’ve shared with one of the members, and your discomfort quickly fades as you sink into her.
“Have a seat, make yourself comfortable,” she says. You sit across from her, your eyes darting around the room, overwhelmed by the ambience. “You like the view?”
“Yeah, this place is pretty cool, but why did you want me to come here?”
“To surprise you of course!”
Just then, a procession of servers files through the door, carrying silver platters full of food. With each dish they place, you salivate more and more, your stomach rumbling intensely. By the time the last dish is set, the entire table is filled with various dishes of different smells, colors, and textures, none of it discernible but all of it delicious. The final cherry on top is the bottle of expensive wine that the server pours into your glass. This is it. This is Heaven.
“Since you work so hard for us, I thought it would be fitting to treat you to a nice meal,” Gaeul explains, smiling at you. “You deserve it.
“W-wow, this is just… thank you so much, Gaeul,” You say, still scanning the food in front of you. “I wish you would’ve told me to wear something nicer though. That guy at the front side-eyed me the second I walked in.”
“It’s okay, I think you look sexy in anything you wear,” she giggles, cutting her laughter short with a bite of her lip. For a split second, you swear your heart skips a beat.
Blush grows on your cheeks, taken aback by her sudden compliment. “O-oh, uh, thanks. You look, um, very nice too.”
“Just nice?” She pouts cutely. “I got all dressed up for you and that’s all you’re gonna say?”
The heat in your face deepens as you nervously avert your gaze. You compliment the girls all the time, why do you suddenly feel weird about it now? “You look… very pretty, Gaeul.”
She grins warmly, satisfied by your answer. “Thank you. Now eat up! It’s all for you.”
You spend the next few minutes in pure bliss trying out every single dish, each bite better than the last. Sweet, savory, bitter, earthy, flavor combinations you never even knew existed dance around on your taste buds; pair that with the rich taste of the wine and suddenly, you’re floating on cloud nine.
“How’s the food?” She asks. “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Of course I am,” you say, grinning at her. “I’m eating delicious food and drinking expensive wine with a beautiful girl.”
“Oh?” Her brow raises with intrigue, a smirk playing on her glossy lips. “Beautiful? I thought you said I was just pretty?”
“I-I mean yeah, the entire world thinks you’re beautiful,” you stutter, trying to keep your inhibitions in check, a task that’s becoming increasingly difficult with the amount of alcohol you’ve consumed.
“Okay, but what do you think?” Gaeul leans in like a predator backing up its prey into a corner, her light-hearted tone dropping to reveal something more sultry.
You gulp, beads of sweat forming on your head. “W-well, I think you’re a great performer and-”
“That’s not what I meant,” she states, staring intently at you. “Have you ever thought about me? Imagining what you would do to me if we were all alone with no one to bother us, just me and you?” She brings her spoon to her lips, giving it a slow, sensuous lick without ever breaking eye contact.
You shiver as her tongue dances across the silver, desperately wishing it was you instead of the damn spoon. You shouldn’t be having these impure thoughts—though you’d be lying if you said this is the first time you’ve looked at Gaeul this way. You’re her manager, Starship will toss you out in an instant if they suspect that you took the job just to get with the idols. But it’s so hard to think properly with the alcohol flowing through your system and the tightening in your pants.
Tell her no. Stop her advances immediately before things get out of hand. Yet, you don’t object as Gaeul takes your hand, leading you out of the restaurant. The words start to meld together like goo, all you can make out is an utterance of a “good time” and how you’ve been such a “good boy”. You say a lot of things to her, probably—it’s hard to talk with her tongue shoved in your mouth—but as the taxi takes you to the familiar route towards her apartment, the only clear thought running through your head is how impossible it is to tell this girl “no”.
Gaeul tosses her phone on her bed, scoffing in disgust. After her conversation with Wonyoung last night, she binge watched the first two lessons, even jotting down notes to remember for later. As much as she would hate to admit it, the questionable looking website is an information goldmine for a desperate soul like hers, it’s a wonder how she hasn’t stumbled upon it before. However, her view of it immediately soured again after watching the third lesson.
“Act submissive? Let him do whatever he wants?” Gaeul questions, reiterating the points made in the video. “What kind of bullshit advice is this? If I’m gonna sleep with someone, I’m not trying to be their little fuck doll or whatever!”
She paces around her room, hands running through her hair over and over again as the thoughts bounce around her frustrated mind. What’s the point in doing all this work trying to get a boyfriend if it only amounts to his pleasure? What about her needs? Is she supposed to be happy being reduced to a glorified cum rag?
Fuck no. A sudden realization hits her like a bolt from the blue — She’s Gaeul from IVE. An icon in one of if not the most popular girl group in the world. Any man should feel lucky that she even gave them the time of day.
With a newfound determination, Gaeul picks up her phone, her finger hovering tentatively over the “Call” button on her manager’s contract. She’ll use what she learned in the first two videos for sure; she’s not dumb enough to completely disregard their teachings. But if—no, when things get to the bedroom, she’ll do things her own way.
You and Gaeul stumble through the door of the dorm, lips, limbs, and fingers intertwined in a needy ball of lust. Don’t even bother making it to her room, half of your clothes are already off by the time you reach the living room. Palm her toned stomach, savor the taste of her lewd moans dancing off her tongue and onto yours, shiver as her nails graze against your skin. Do all the dirty things you’ve kept hidden in the back of your mind.
Gaeul breaks away, sitting back on the couch as she strips away the rest of her dress, leaving her in a matching set of black undergarments. She spreads her legs, inviting you to fill the space in between.
“Eat me out,” she commands, words unwavering even as the sheen of arousal coating her thighs tells you exactly how badly she needs this. You quickly oblige, practically diving face first into her sweet heat. Discard her soaked panties; to you, they’re just another obstacle keeping you from what you really want.
“Good boy~,” Gaeul moans as you attack her slit with your tongue. You alternate between long, slow licks to flicking your tongue furiously against her clit. She yanks at your hair, forcing you to take a whiff of her sex. Her scent is intoxicating. You don’t even feel the pain anymore, all you can think about is about pleasuring her gorgeous pussy.
“F-fuck yes, lick my pussy, you fucking perv!” she goads you on and you follow her every command like the dog that you are. Her slim thighs wrap around your head, forcing you deeper and deeper into her until it’s physically impossible for you to get any closer. Forget the alcohol, you’re getting drunker on the sweet nectar dripping from her hole.
Fuck her with your fingers as you lap at her clit with a hunger you’ve never felt before. Her guttural moans are like a siren song, drawing you into her. The way her face contorts with pleasure is so alluring. You thought she was attractive already, but fuck this is the kind of beauty that only you are lucky enough to see. No hounding fans, no Dispatch, just you and Gaeul.
She grabs your hair, pulling you away from her heat, much to your dismay. “Take your fucking cock out,” she commands before pushing you back onto the floor. You make quick work of your boxers, but before you can ask for a condom, Gaeul’s already climbing all over you, lining up your painfully erect cock with her slit.
“W-wait, Gaeul-”
She clasps her hand over your mouth, leering at you with a ravenous glare. “I’ve waited too long for this to use a damn condom. You’re just gonna have to pull out or I’m kicking your ass out into the streets, got it?”
You nod, both terrified and turned on by this new side of Gaeul. With her hand still covering your mouth, she slowly impales herself on your rod, her face silently contorting with each inch of you she takes. You move to grab her hips, but she swats your hand away.
“Absolutely fucking not, we’re doing this my way,” she growls at you. All you can do is submit as she fucks herself onto you at a selfishly slow pace like you’re nothing more than her personal dildo. Your hot breath flows through the miniscule gaps in between her fingers, not even giving you the luxury of a deep breath. You want to get angry, you want to show her who’s boss, but each time she slams her hips down onto you, it’s like she sucks away your will to fight little by little until you're completely left at her mercy.
“Fuck, this is so much better than using my fingers,” she groans, throwing her head back in ecstasy. “I bet you’ve imagined this before, huh? Filling my pussy with your disgusting cock?”
You nod sheepishly. Her words aren’t entirely false; you’ve imagined what it would be like to sleep with some of the girls, but never did you think you would actually get the chance to. Gaeul rocks her hips back and forth, relishing in the way your breath quickens and your eyes twitch with each slam of her petite hips. You feel yourself begin to reach the apex of your climax and urgently tap her thighs to warn her, but all she does is laugh in your face.
“You wanna dump your cum deep into my cunt, don’t you? Impregnate me with your disgusting seed?” she teases. “I’m not on the pill. What are you gonna do?”
Your eyes clamp shut, trying desperately to ignore the building sensation in the pit of your stomach. But with her warm walls making you lose all sense of control, it’s only a matter of time before you inevitably burst inside of her. Right at the last second, you grab Gaeul’s hips and lift her off of you, shooting your cum onto your stomach. Gaeul’s body shakes violently as she reaches her own orgasm, furiously rubbing at her clit as her juices spray all over your torso. Once her messy climax subsides, she scoops a dollop of your semen off of your stomach and licks it, swirling your combined juices in her mouth with a smirk.
“Mmm, tasty,” she says, cupping your chin while her other hand strokes your semi-hard shaft. “You better get it up soon, I’m not done using you.”
“Y-yes…” you mutter, still basking in the high of your orgasm.
Her grip on your face deepens, digging her nails into your cheek. “Yes, who?”
“Yes… mistress,” you utter like the word is commonplace on your tongue. With an amused smirk, Gaeul plants a kiss on your lips, much gentler than you had anticipated.
“You learn quickly. Good boy~” Hearing her say that makes your skin shiver in delight, craving the sensual lilt in her voice. You want her approval. You need her approval. With her, you’re not her manager anymore, you’re her plaything that lives to serve her.
Gaeul bites her lip as she looks down at your cock, already at full mast once again. “Carry me to my room.”
“Yes, mistress,” you answer promptly, scooping her up into your arms. Gaeul nips at your ear as you carry her to her room, trapping yourself inside with the little beast that you’ve worked with for years. The line of morality blurs to the point of disappearing, almost as if it was never there in the first place. It doesn’t matter anymore. All you care about is serving your mistress until she’s completely satisfied.
Your eyes blink open to sunlight peeking through the window. The mattress feels oddly soft, more so than usual. Maybe it’s finally time to bite the bullet and get a new mattress. A blinding headache keeps you glued to your back, unable to make any sudden movements. Your ceiling fan looks odd too. Has it always been this big?
The door clicks open followed by a few light footsteps. “Good morning!” That’s Gaeul’s voice. Why is that Gaeul’s voice?
Panic begins to ensue as you finally look around the room. This isn’t your room. This isn’t your mattress. That’s not your ceiling fan. And where the hell are your clothes?
“W-what the-”
“Here.” Gaeul hands you a water bottle. “I bet your hangover is killing you right now.”
You quickly cover yourself with a blanket, blushing sheepishly. “G-Gaeul… Why am I here? A-and where are my cloth-” Your jaw drops in shock as you scan her outfit — She’s wearing your t-shirt paired with nothing but black panties.
“W-why are you wearing my shirt!?”
She pouts at you, placing the water bottle on her nightstand. “Do you not remember what happened last night?” She leans in with a smirk. “Because I definitely do.”
Her warmth tickles your ear. It’s an oddly… pleasant feeling, but that’s not important right now. “D-did we…?”
“Have sex?” Gaeul finishes your sentence, sitting down next to you. “Yes, we did. And it was amazing.”
Your face falls into your hands. You could lose your job for this. Hell, you could get blacklisted from the entire industry. No one’s going to want to hire a manager that fucked an idol they were supposed to be managing. This is it. You’re gonna have to flee the country, maybe even change your name. You’ll become a beet farmer on some remote island where your only friend is a seagull and-
“Hey,” Gaeul soothes you, rubbing your back. “You look worried. Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I-I should’ve never let this happen, I could lose my job, my apartment, my-”
“You’re not gonna lose your job,” she assures you. “If they fire you, I’ll threaten to leave the group.�� You turn to her, confused. “W-what, why?”
“Because…” A light blush grows on her cheeks. “I like you. And you made me feel sooo good last night.”
“Do you still not remember what happened?” she sighs. You shake your head no. “Hmm… maybe this will help jog your memory.”
With a smirk, Gaeul cups your chin, forcing you to look at her. Her hair is still messy and her face is barren without makeup, yet she still looks so beautiful in front of you. She leans in, giving you that same pleasant feeling as her breath dances on your earlobe.
“Good boy.”
Like a movie, the scenes of last night’s misdeeds play vividly in your mind, reminding you exactly what transpired: The dinner. The taxi ride. The sex. Holy fuck, the sex. You’ve dated submissive girls before, but the way Gaeul dominated you was a whole different experience, nothing you’ve ever felt before. She took away your ability to breathe properly, completely leaving you at her mercy, and you enjoyed it. It felt dirty, but it felt good.
Gaeul chuckles as she notices your erection poking through the blanket. “Did that turn you on?”
“N-no, uh…”
“You’re really gonna be shy about it now? It looked like you were enjoying yourself more than I was last night,” she teases.
The blush on your cheeks deepen. “L-look, I… I’ve never done that kind of thing before. Hell, I’ve never had sex with an idol before. This is all kinda new to me,” you admit.
Gaeul sighs, gazing at the wall in contemplation. “I’ve never done anything like that before either. But I liked it.” She turns to you. “Did you like it?”
“Uh… Yeah. I did.”
“Would you want to keep doing it?”
The threat of losing your job still lingers in your mind. This is all new and potentially dangerous territory, and you have no idea what the future could possibly hold for either of you. But you would be the biggest idiot in the world if you lied to yourself and declined her offer.
“Yeah. I want to keep doing this with you,” you say. With a smile, Gaeul tears away the blanket and excitedly jumps into your lap, her crotch resting on your exposed erection. The thin fabric of her panties is the only thing keeping you separated from her sweet pussy.
“So does that mean you’ll be my boyfriend?” She asks, now grinding her hips against you. Your breath gets thinner as the heat of ecstasy fills up your entire body.
“Y-yes, I would love to be your boyfriend.”
Gaeul grabs your chin, her nails sinking into the flesh of your cheeks. “Yes, who?”
A moan escapes your lips as the pleasure mixes with the pain, leaving you in a state of bliss. “Yes, mistress.”
She smirks at you before taking off your shirt, revealing her perky tits and her petite waist to you. “Good boy. I can’t wait to play with you some more~”
The last few weeks have been the most exciting weeks of your life. All the previous stress of working as IVE’s manager practically disappeared now that you were with Gaeul. No more wrestling with Dispatch after one of the members gets caught anymore, all she has to do is assert her dominance as the oldest and the rest of the members will listen to her. If you knew that a cheat sheet was underneath your nose this whole time, you would’ve dated her sooner.
Of course, to avoid any controversy and damage to the group, your relationship was kept a secret from everyone, including the members. However, that didn’t stop her from constantly calling you to fulfill her needs. It doesn’t matter where, when, or how many people are around, if she’s in need of release, you’re on your knees, lapping at her pussy like it’s your last meal. Gaeul is absolutely crazy, but you would be downright insane to tell your mistress “no”.
After a couple of close calls, both of you decided that it would be best to come clean to her members about your relationship. It’s already hard enough trying to keep your hands off of each other; you wouldn't want any of them to walk in on the two of you while your tongue is deep inside your girlfriend. At first, you assumed that Gaeul would simply send a quick text to the girls to alert them, but it seems like she has some other plans in mind as the two of you wait for them in one of Starship’s meeting rooms.
Gaeul moans in delight as you suck on her neck while she grinds against your leg. “Fuck, that feels good, baby,” she coos.
“Not that I’m complaining, but don’t you think it’ll be awkward if they walk in on us like this?” You ask, nipping at her ear.
“I locked the door, so they’ll have to knock before they can come in.” Of course she accounted for that. God, you fucking love her. “Now shut up and get back to sucking.”
“Yes, mistress,” you oblige, sinking your fingers into her ass as you ravage her neck. However, your playtime is cut short as a knock at the door signals the presence of the other girls.
“God dammit,” you groan. “Can we make this quick, babe? I need you so badly.”
Gaeul flashes you a mischievous smirk, giving you a soft parting kiss before climbing out of your lap. “Don’t worry, cutie, we’ll get to have some fun sooner than you think.” You ogle at her hips as she sashays over to the door, unlocking it and smiling brightly at Wonyoung, Yujin, Liz, and Rei as they file through. You try to offer a similar smile, but with the aching in your jeans, you’re barely coherent enough to breathe properly.
“I’m so glad you guys could make it!” Gaeul exclaims, locking the door behind them.
“Of course!” Yujin replies. “You said you had an important announcement, so that means it’s important to us too!”
“Couldn’t you just text us though? And why is our manager here?” Rei asks, eyeing the two of you suspiciously. You nervously avert your gaze, looking towards Gaeul for support.
“Because he’s part of this and I wanted to show you guys something in person,” Gaeul explains. She takes a quick breath before continuing. “So, I’m sure you’re all aware of how much I’ve been complaining about not having a boyfriend, and-”
“Wah! You got a boyfriend!?” Liz exclaims, connecting the dots fairly quickly. “Who is it? Is it that one rookie that was staring at you during recording last week?”
“Ew, no,” she grimaces. “It’s actually someone all of you know very well.” Gaeul suddenly climbs onto your lap, planting a delicate kiss on your cheek. Normally, you would feel pretty nervous about doing something this vulgar in front of others, but her body heat combined with your raging hormones from your interrupted makeout session makes you completely forget about everyone else. A billion people could be watching and you would still let this gorgeous beauty do anything she wants to your body.
The girls applaud at Gaeul’s announcement, except for Wonyoung, who overdramatically rolls her eyes at the news. “You called us in to tell us this? It was so obvious you two were dating, you were practically attached at the hip for the past couple weeks.”
Gaeul chuckles, eyes darkening as she captures you with her gaze. “Actually, there’s something else I wanted to show you guys too.” Much to your dismay, she gets off of you and drags a chair some distance away from you, sitting down. “You see, our manager here is actually a bit of a freak.”
The girls stifle their laughter as they glance at you, causing your cheeks to burn with embarrassment and confusion. “U-um, babe? W-what are you-”
“I could’ve acted like some ‘ditzy little fuck doll’ and let him have his way with me,” Gaeul scoffs, disdain dripping in her tone. “But then I thought ‘Why should I let him have all the fun? Our dear manager is always bossing us around, so why don’t I take charge for once?’ Granted, it was a gamble, but it paid off sooo fucking well. Don’t you agree, baby?”
Your cheeks grow redder by the second as they all look at you expectantly. “I-I mean, yeah, I-I liked it-” Suddenly, a piece of fabric hits you in the face. You examine it in your hands, your eyes growing wide with shock as you realize what it is — Gaeul’s shirt.
The rest of her members cheer at her boldness while your heart pounds against your chest, tracing her silhouette with your hungry gaze. “Crawl,” she commands.
Your eyes dart nervously between her and the rest of the girls, desire and judgment warring in your mind. “B-b-but-”
“I didn’t say you could speak,” she spits, her eyes narrowing. “Now, be a good boy and fucking crawl.”
A flip switches in your brain as desire wins the war by a landslide. Any hint of embarrassment you once held is now gone, replaced by an overwhelming amount of lust. You fall to your hands and knees, ignoring the hollering from the other girls. To you, they don’t exist anymore. All that matters is satisfying your mistress in any way you can.
Gaeul harshly grips your hair once you reach her, forcing you to stare into her eyes. The heat from her breath hits your face, driving you mad with want. You swear a glob of drool falls from your lip at the thought of getting to taste her sweet pussy again.
She drags her thumb over your lips, smirking. “Tell them what you are,” she orders, turning your head towards her members. Wonyoung rests her head against her palm like she’d rather be somewhere else, while Yujin starts recording you with her phone, no doubt to hold it over your head if you inconvenience her later on. Liz stares at you, deeply flustered, yet a hint of jealousy in her eyes, and you notice Rei sneakily trying to touch herself, her face beet red with pent up arousal.
“I am mistress’s plaything. I live to satisfy her and her alone, no matter where or when she asks me to,” you state. Wonyoung mouths an impressed “Oh wow” at Gaeul before glancing at you with a hint of disgust in her eyes.
Your hair is yanked back towards your girlfriend. “Mmm, it’s cute just how pathetic you fucking look. I bet you want your reward now, don’t you?” She teases the hem of her shorts with her other hand, flashing a glimpse of her panties at you. You nod enthusiastically, ignoring the pain in your scalp while you pant like a dog with desperation.
“Y-yes, please. I want you so badly, mistress. I crave the taste of your sweetness,” you beg. She smirks at you before standing up and removing her shorts, leaving just the fabric of her panties to block you from the true prize within like a wrapper on a candy bar. Hastily, you move your hands to the hem of her panties, but she quickly swats them away.
“Use your teeth, you fucking dog,” she spits.
“Yes, mistress.” As you get closer to her heat, her scent wafts through your nose, sending your mind deeper into a frenzy. You bite down onto the hem and jerk your head downwards, quickly uncovering the object of your desire hiding underneath. With her panties hanging from your teeth, you look up at her in search of her approval.
“Damn, I wish my boyfriend was that obedient…” Liz mutters under her breath.
Gaeul gently cups your chin, smiling at you with a palpable desire in her eyes. You love that look. You want her to look at you like that all the time, even if it means humiliating yourself in front of the girl group that you are paid to take care of. You are her pet, her plaything, her good boy that does anything she wants.
“Lick my pussy, baby,” she whispers, commanding yet soft. She bites her lip as she watches your face inch closer and closer to her dripping core, glistening and beautiful. You run your tongue along her slit, gratefully lapping at her juices while your hands caress her slender thighs. Gaeul grinds her hips against your face, pulling at your hair every time you make contact with her clit.
“F-fuck yes!” she moans, forgetting about the audience that she brought along. “J-just like that… Such a good boy… K-keep fucking me with that tongue, oh fuck!”
The sound of her pleasure is your favorite song, but it gets harder to hear as her thighs clamp around your ears. No matter; you’re doing this for her and not for you, after all. Double your efforts to please her, work your fingers into her hole while you flick your tongue against her clit. Don’t worry about the cramping in your tongue or the lack of oxygen in your lungs. All the pain is worth it for your mistress.
You feel her entire body contract as her orgasm overtakes, nearly collapsing on top of you in the process. You do your best to support her body, all while drinking up her nectar like it’s the first drop of rainfall during a long drought. The familiar tanginess hits your tongue, a flavor that you crave more than the fancy dinner she treated you on your first night together.
“H-holy shit…” Gaeul stutters, holding onto your shoulders for support as she catches her breath. “Get on the chair… I-I wanna ride you…”
You notice her legs are still shaking underneath her. “A-are you sur-”
“I said get on the fucking chair!”
You quickly jump to your feet and do as you're told, subtly making sure Gaeul doesn’t fall over before moving from underneath her. She silently scorns you with a furious glare for not immediately following her orders. The rest of the girls watch with bated breath, not used to this side of her.
Gaeul makes quick work of your jeans and your boxers, roughly squeezing your shaft in between her fingers. “Are you gonna keep fucking disobeying me, or are you gonna follow my instructions like a good boy?” she whispers harshly into your ear.
You squirm underneath her grasp, the pain only turning you on even more. “I-I’ll be a good boy, mistress. I s-swear.”
“U-um…” Wonyoung nervously interjects. “Isn’t this a bit much, Gaeul? He looks like he’s in pain.”
Gaeul wraps her other hand around your neck, her palm pushing against your Adam's apple. You moan against her touch, enjoying the lightheadedness. “Don’t you like this, baby? Don’t you love being a good little dog for me?” She teases, slowly stroking your cock.
“Y-yes, I love it so much. I love being my mistress’s dog,” you say, your breath shivering.
Gaeul turns back to Wonyoung. “See? He likes it,” she states simply. Wonyoung concedes and sinks into her chair, continuing to watch the sick and twisted display of affection in front of her with faint but growing interest.
With that out of the way, Gaeul turns back to you and hops into your lap, teasing your tip by dragging it along her wet slit. “Do you want this pussy, baby? Do you want to fill it with your disgusting cock?”
“Y-yes, mistress. I want you so badly.” Your skin crawls as jolts of electricity shoot through you with each slow drag of her lips. Any ounce of sanity you had left has completely turned into mush at this point. Despite your basest desires, you know better than to thrust into her without her permission. She has you right under her thumb, and any mistake could mean getting squashed without warning.
Her grip on your neck tightens. “Beg for it, bitch.”
“P-please… I-I need it… N-need you…” you manage to choke out, writhing under her grasp. She grins at you, shoving a messy kiss on your lips as she slams her hips down onto you. She rips a moan from deep within your chest as you grant her tongue free reign over yours, earning a hum of satisfaction in response. Her velvety walls grip onto your cock, squeezing any remaining energy you had left. You’re nothing more than a glorified dildo to be used by your merciful mistress.
Gaeul suddenly breaks the kiss, slapping you across the face. Blood rushes to your cheek, now marked red by her hand.
“Gaeul…!” Yujin gasps in shock. “Th-that’s-”
“Do it again!” you plead, silencing her concern. “P-please, mistress. Hit me again.”
Your mistress bites her lip at you, intensifying the gyration of her hips while blessing your cheeks with a frenzy of slaps. You grow dizzy with pain and pleasure, higher than any drug could ever take you.
“T-take it, you fucking dog!” she moans, continuing her assault on your face as her second orgasm rapidly approaches. You feel your own quickly following suit and tap her thigh to warn her, but Gaeul instead wraps her arms around you, showing no signs of slowing down her hips.
“I-I’m safe today, b-baby,” she whispers into your ear, much more gentle than she usually is. “Y-you can c-cum in me if you want… I f-fucking love you…”
The walls of her gorgeous pussy squeeze your shaft as she squirts onto your cock. You follow her soon after, covering her insides with your cum for the first time ever, clinging onto Gaeul’s delicate body. Your mind floats around in pure ecstasy, a feeling you never want to let go of. Gaeul lazily kisses on your neck as she recovers from her high.
“I… love you… too,” you breathlessly mutter before falling victim to exhaustion and collapsing against the chair. Gaeul climbs off of your lap and collects her discarded clothing off the ground, stumbling with each step.
“Well… that was interesting to say the least,” Yujin says after a long silence, finishing the recording on her phone.
“Send me that video later, that was really hot…” Rei whispers to her.
“Um, is he gonna be okay?” Liz asks. “I’m pretty sure we have a schedule tomorrow.”
Gaeul looks over to your now sleeping form and smiles with adoration. She kisses your reddened cheek, careful not to wake you. “He’ll be fine, I’m pretty sure,” she assures them.
Wonyoung stands up from her seat. “I’m glad you found a good… boytoy, or whatever you call him,” she says, patting Gaeul’s shoulder before leaving the meeting room. The rest of the girls follow suit, leaving Gaeul alone with you as she waits for you to wake up.
She slides a chair next to you and plants another gentle kiss on your cheek before sitting. “Good boy~” she whispers delicately, resting her head on your shoulder.
#ive#kim gaeul#ive gaeul#kpop fanfic#kpop gg#ive x male reader#ive x male oc#ive gaeul x male reader#ive gaeul x male oc#smut#gaeul smut#ive gaeul smut
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Christmas Special🎄
Yujin x Male Reader
word count: 16K

The driveway crunches under your tires, the snow thick and fresh, the icy wind biting at your face the second you step out of the car. It smells like home—pine trees and the faint whiff of wood smoke from the chimney. But none of it feels comforting. The weight in your stomach isn’t from your bag slung over your shoulder; it’s dread.
Christmas is supposed to be easy, right? Some lights, shitty jokes from your dad, a pile of gifts no one really needs. But this year? No, this year is a fucking curveball. Your dad remarried. Out of nowhere. Surprise! He’s got a wife, and she’s got a daughter. You haven’t even met them yet. They could be anyone. Strangers, stuck in your house, calling it theirs. What if they don’t like you?
Worse—what if they do?
The front door swings open before you even reach it, and there’s your dad, grinning like he’s already three spiked eggnogs deep. “Hey, kiddo!” he booms, pulling you into a bear hug that smells like aftershave and nostalgia. You pat his back awkwardly, your fingers cold and stiff.
Inside, the house is warm, almost stifling, and decked out like Christmas threw up everywhere—tinsel, garlands, the works. You catch a glimpse of the tree in the living room, its blinking lights like a sugar rush for your eyes. You put your bag on the floor for a moment.
That's when you see one of them.
Your stepmother’s standing in the kitchen doorway, wiping her hands on a towel, her smile wide but a little hesitant. She’s tall, polished, the kind of woman who looks like she’s never eaten a carb without guilt. She steps forward, offers a hand. “Good evening, sweetheart. So nice to finally meet you.” Her voice is smooth, polite. You shake her hand, mumbling your name and something about being pleased to meet her as well.
But your eyes slide past her, drawn like a goddamn magnet, and there she is.
Yes, her.
It’s like getting punched in the gut. She leans against the doorway, arms crossed, lips curled in that same fucking smirk you’ve had nightmares about. Her black hair falls over one shoulder, her skin flawless, her legs impossibly long in ripped jeans that should be illegal. She hasn’t changed, except maybe she’s hotter now, and isn’t that just the ultimate middle finger from the universe?
“Hey, sweetheart,” she says, her voice low and syrupy, and it knocks the air out of you. Her smile widens as your brain short-circuits. “So nice to finally meet my stepbrother.”
You can’t even answer.
Your throat’s dry, your palms clammy. All the memories come rushing back—her cornering you by your locker, stealing your homework, making you trip in front of half the school. She was your personal tormentor, a one-girl wrecking crew of humiliation.
And now?
Now she’s in your house.
You force your legs to move, stepping forward to shake her hand, because what the fuck else are you supposed to do? But she doesn’t take it. Instead, she pulls you into a hug. A hug. Her body presses against yours, warm and soft and so fucking wrong, and then she leans in, her breath hot against your ear.
“God, you’re still such a little bitch,” she whispers, her voice so quiet only you can hear. “This is gonna be so much fun.”
Your heart’s slamming in your chest, your hands shaking as you pull away, trying to act normal. But she’s watching you with that sly grin, her eyes sparkling like she knows exactly what she’s doing to you.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” your dad says, oblivious to the tension in the room. “Why don’t you kids catch up?”
Yujin winks at you. “Yeah, let’s catch up,” she says sweetly. Too sweetly.
You nod, because what else can you do? Christmas Eve has already become your funeral. The nightmare’s just started, and there’s no waking up from this one.
“Err, sure, I'll just keep my stuff in my room.”
I'll help you!" exclaims Yujin, the altruist.
“You don’t have to—” you start, your voice cracking as Yujin plucks your bag off the floor like it weighs nothing.
“Don’t be stupid,” she cuts you off, grinning wide enough to show teeth. “What kind of stepsister would I be if I didn’t help my adorable little stepbrother settle in?”
Her tone drips with mock sweetness, and you glance toward your dad, silently pleading for rescue, but he’s too busy smiling like a proud idiot. Your stepmother nudges him with her elbow, murmuring something about how nice it is to see the two of you bonding.
You want to scream.
“I can handle it,” you try again, grabbing for the bag, but Yujin just tilts it out of reach and turns toward the stairs.
“Don’t be rude,” she says over her shoulder, her smirk still firmly in place. “Lead the way, champ.”
You have no choice but to trudge up the stairs, Yujin trailing behind you with your bag. You can practically feel her eyes burning into the back of your neck. Your old room’s at the end of the hall, unchanged except for the faint smell of mothballs and abandonment. You push the door open and step inside, already imagining locking it and barricading it with a chair.
But before you can say a word, Yujin’s behind you, kicking the door shut with the heel of her boot. The sharp click of the latch sends a shiver down your spine.
“Well,” she says, dropping your bag onto the bed with a heavy thud. “This is cozy. Still jerking off to the same anime posters, or did college finally level you up?”
Your cheeks go hot instantly, and you spin to face her. “Shut up,” you snap, sharper than you mean to, but it just makes her grin wider.
“There’s that fire,” she purrs, stepping closer, her dark eyes glittering with amusement. “I was starting to think college turned you into a total bore.”
You take a deep breath, forcing your voice to stay calm. Mature. “Did you know?” you ask, your fingers curling into fists at your sides. “Before today. Did you know I was—” You can’t even finish the sentence. The words feel too ridiculous. Too impossible.
“Your dad’s son?” she finishes for you, arching a perfect eyebrow. “Obviously. He showed me this cute little picture of you two together. Big grins, matching dorky Christmas sweaters. I thought I was gonna piss myself!"
You groan, dragging a hand down your face. “So you’ve been planning this.”
“Planning?” She tilts her head, mock-innocent. “Oh, no, stepbrother. I’ve just been… looking forward to it. Every day since I found out.” She pauses, leaning in until you can smell her shampoo, something sharp and floral that makes your head spin. “You should’ve seen the look on your face downstairs. Priceless.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to hold your ground. “You’re acting like we’re still in high school,” you say, your voice steady, even though you’re sweating bullets. “We’re not kids anymore. Can you try acting like an adult for five minutes?”
“Hmm.” She taps a finger against her chin, pretending to think. “Nope. Too boring.”
You want to scream again, but instead you sit on the edge of your bed, burying your face in your hands. “What do you want, Yujin?” you mumble through your fingers. “Why are you like this?”
“Why am I like this?” she echoes, feigning shock. She perches on the bed next to you, so close her knee brushes yours. “I’m like this because it’s fun, dummy. Look at you. You’re so easy.”
“I’m not—” You stop yourself, clenching your jaw. “Can we just… not?”
“Not what? Talk about college? Your big, important life now?” She rolls her eyes, leaning back on her palms. “Alright, let’s hear it. Tell me all about your boring classes and your boring friends.”
“It’s not boring,” you mutter, glaring at her. “I’m doing well. Better than high school, anyway.”
“Well, that’s a low fucking bar.” She smirks, nudging your shoulder. “C’mon, I’m kidding. Lighten up.”
You sigh, leaning back against the headboard. “Fine. What about you, then? What are you doing with your life, besides making mine hell?”
“Oh, you know.” She waves a hand lazily. “This and that. I’ve got a part-time job. Still deciding what I want to do long-term. For now, I’m focusing on hobbies.”
“Hobbies,” you repeat, narrowing your eyes. “Like tormenting me?”
“Bingo.” She winks, crossing her legs and making herself way too comfortable on your bed. “But seriously, I’ve mellowed out. College must’ve made you soft.”
You bristle at the jab, but you don’t take the bait. Not this time. “Can you just—can you try to be normal? Just for Christmas?”
“Normal?” She laughs. “Oh, sweetheart. You’re in my house now. Normal’s not on the menu.”
You close your eyes, exhaling through your nose.
This is going to be the longest Christmas of your life.
“Remember that time I locked you in the janitor’s closet during lunch?” Yujin says, lounging across your bed like she owns it, her smile is as sharp as ever, her voice dripping with nostalgia. “You cried so loud, the janitor thought the fire alarm was going off.”
You stiffen, gripping your knees so tight your knuckles turn white. “I didn’t cry,” you mutter, though your face burns hot at the memory. You’d been pounding on the door, desperate to get out, and yeah, maybe your voice cracked a little, but crying…? No way.
“Oh, you definitely cried,” she shoots back, her grin widening. “Tears streaming down your nerdy little face, begging for someone to let you out. It was adorable.”
“It was traumatic,” you snap, glaring at her. “I missed half my math test because of you.”
“Half your math test?” She gasps, mocking a look of horror. “God forbid! How did you survive without your precious GPA?”
“Can you not?” you groan, dragging a hand down your face. “Why do you think this is funny? You made my life a nightmare.”
“Nightmare?” She laughs, the sound light and cruel. “Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad. You’re acting like I burned your house down or something.”
“It felt like it,” you grumble under your breath.
She smirks, propping herself up on one elbow. “You know, I was doing you a favor. Toughening you up. Making sure you didn’t grow up to be a total pushover.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, thanks for that. Really shaped me into a beacon of confidence.”
She leans closer, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “You’re welcome.”
“God, you are a sociopath,” you mutter, turning away to stare at the wall. You feel her gaze burning into the back of your head, like she’s trying to decide whether to poke the bear or let it simmer.
“So,” she says after a beat, her tone turning mock casual, “what about that time I replaced all your locker stuff with tampons? Classic, right?”
You whip around, your face a mix of disbelief and exasperation. “Classic? That was humiliating. Everyone laughed at me for weeks.”
“Months,” she corrects with a smirk. “Come on, though, you’ve got to admit it was creative.”
“Creative?” You bark out a laugh, bitter and sad. “You literally ruined my high school experience.”
“And yet here you are,” she says, spreading her arms as if presenting you. “Still alive. Still kicking. Still, uh… well, you.”
You glare at her, trying to ignore the smug look on her face. “How do you even live with yourself?”
“Easily,” she says with a shrug. “I’m amazing.”
Before you can retort, your dad’s voice booms from downstairs, calling your name. “Dinner’s ready! You two coming down?”
Yujin hops off the bed, stretching her arms over her head like she didn’t just spend the last ten minutes reliving your personal hell. “Better not keep the old man waiting,” she says, sauntering toward the door. She pauses, glancing over her shoulder with a sly grin. “Try not to trip on the way down, nerd.”
You grit your teeth, swallowing the retort that’s bubbling up. You can feel your temper boiling under the surface, but you clamp down on it. She’s not worth it. Not here, not now.
Following her downstairs, you try to shake off the memories, but they cling to you like cobwebs. Her laugh echoes in your ears, and for a moment, you wonder if this Christmas can get any worse.
Something tells you it can.
The dining room is warm, the table set with enough food to feed a small army: a roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce—the works. The smell alone would normally make your stomach rumble, but you can’t think about eating right now. You’re too busy trying to disappear into your chair while Yujin holds court.
She’s sitting directly across from you, a glass of wine in her hand and a mischievous glint in her eye. Your dad and stepmother are at either end of the table, smiling like this is a damn Coca-Cola commercial. They keep stealing glances between you and Yujin, clearly delighted that their kids are finally “bonding.”
“So,” your dad starts, cutting into his turkey, “how are you two getting along so far? Hitting it off?”
Yujin’s grin stretches wider as she sets her glass down, her fingers trailing along the rim. “Oh, we’re getting along great,” she says, her voice sugary sweet, but her eyes are locked on you, daring you to contradict her. “It’s like no time has passed at all.”
“That’s wonderful,” your stepmother gushes, clasping her hands together, apparently without noticing the subtext of her daughter's speech. “I was hoping you two would click. It’s so important, you know? Especially with blended families.”
Your dad nods enthusiastically, raising his glass. “To new beginnings!”
You mumble something noncommittal, raising your water glass just to avoid looking rude, but Yujin doesn’t miss a beat.
“New beginnings,” she echoes, winking at you over the rim of her wine glass. “Though, really, it’s more like picking up where we left off.”
The words hang in the air like a challenge, and your stomach churns. You glance at your dad, praying he doesn’t take the bait, but of course, he does.
“Oh?” he says, perking up. “Did you two know each other before?”
Yujin leans back in her chair, crossing her legs, her expression pure amusement. “Oh, sure. We were… friends in high school.” She emphasizes the word “friends” in a way that makes you want to crawl under the table and die.
Your dad’s eyebrows shoot up. “Really? That’s incredible! What are the odds?”
“It’s like fate,” Yujin says, her tone dripping with mock sincerity. “We were absolutely inseparable. Weren’t we, little brother?”
You choke on your mashed potatoes, coughing violently. Your stepmother hands you a napkin, her face full of concern, but Yujin just watches, her smile never faltering.
“You okay, champ?” she asks, tilting her head like she’s genuinely worried. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” you croak, your voice raw. “Just… went down the wrong pipe.”
“Well, don’t die on us,” your dad jokes, oblivious to the tension. “So, you two were close, huh? Why didn’t you ever mention this before?”
Yujin answers before you can even open your mouth. “Oh, you know how it is. There are so many things we need to remember daily... And High school’s such a whirlwind. But yeah, we spent a lot of time together. In fact…” She pauses, letting the suspense build as she picks up her fork, stabbing a piece of turkey. “Some might say I had a… profound influence on him.”
You grit your teeth so hard you’re surprised your molars don’t shatter. “That’s… one way to put it,” you mutter.
“Don’t be modest,” Yujin teases, pointing her fork at you. “You were so dedicated. Always trying to impress me, always going out of your way to… help.” She says the last word with a sly smile, and you feel your face burning.
Your dad looks between the two of you, clearly delighted. “Well, that’s just fantastic. See? This was meant to be.”
“It really was,” Yujin agrees, taking another sip of wine. “I mean, what are the chances? You, me, and now—” She gestures around the table dramatically. “One big, happy family.”
“Exactly,” your stepmother says, beaming. “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see you two getting along. It’s like a Christmas miracle!”
You force a tight-lipped smile, shoving a forkful of green beans into your mouth to avoid saying something you’ll regret. Meanwhile, Yujin’s smirk grows impossibly wider, like she’s savoring every second of your misery.
“Tell us more about this,” your dad says, clearly eager to keep the conversation going, “what kind of stuff did you two do together back in high school? Any fun stories?”
Your heart sinks. Before you can come up with an excuse to dodge the question, Yujin leans forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Oh, so many stories,” she says, her voice light and breezy. “Like the time we… Oh, but I wouldn’t want to embarrass him. You know how sensitive he is.”
You glare at her, your hands clenched into fists under the table. “I’m not sensitive,” you snap, your voice sharper than you intended.
Yujin gasps, her hand flying to her chest in mock surprise. “Wow, defensive much? Relax, stepbrother. We’re just reminiscing. It’s healthy.”
Your stepmother chuckles, keeping a conspiratorial and amused expression with your father. “They’re just like siblings already, aren’t they?”
“Just like siblings,” Yujin echoes, her tone syrupy and smug. She catches your eye across the table, her smirk so infuriatingly smug it makes your blood boil. “Don’t you think, bro?”
You grind your teeth, stabbing your turkey with unnecessary force. “Sure. Just like siblings.”
The meal continues, the conversation flowing easily for everyone except you. Every time you start to relax, Yujin finds a new way to dig her claws in—mentioning a “funny” story that conveniently paints you in the worst possible light, brushing her foot against yours under the table, or throwing out a sarcastic comment every time you try to speak.
By the time dessert rolls around, you’re ready to fake food poisoning just to escape. But your parents? They’re over the moon. As far as they’re concerned, this is the happiest Christmas dinner ever.
The circus of horrors ends in a swirl of polite conversation and over-loud laughter, the kind that covers up awkward silences and unspoken tension. You pick at the crumbs of your dessert plate until you can’t justify sitting there anymore. Your dad, ever the enthusiast, claps you on the shoulder as everyone starts to disperse. His eyes are bright, his cheeks flushed from a few too many glasses of wine.
"Hey, kiddo," he says, steering you toward the living room while Yujin and your stepmother clean up the table. "Can we talk for a second?"
You stiffen but nod, letting him guide you to the couch. He plops down, gesturing for you to do the same, and you oblige, your hands fidgeting in your lap.
“Look,” he starts, his tone softening in that way parents do when they’re trying to get serious. “I just want to say how proud I am of you. I know it’s not easy, this whole blended family thing. But seeing you and Yujin getting along? It means the world to me.”
You swallow hard, guilt twisting in your gut like a knife. “Yeah,” you say, forcing a tight smile. “She’s… great.”
“She really is,” he says. “And you, you’ve grown up so much. I know high school wasn’t easy for you, but look at you now—college, a bright future. I couldn’t be prouder.”
Your chest tightens. How are you supposed to tell him that his perfect stepdaughter was your high school tormentor? That every smile she throws your way feels like a dagger aimed at your sanity?
You can’t.
It would ruin everything.
So you nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Thanks, Dad.”
He pulls you into a quick hug, ruffling your hair like he used to when you were a kid. “Alright, get some rest. Tomorrow’s a big day—Our first Christmas morning as a new family!”
You force another smile, mumbling something about heading to bed. And with that, this one-sidedly joyful conversation ends.
Your room feels like a sanctuary as you close the door behind you, the silence wrapping around you like a blanket. You set up your laptop on the bed, scrolling through animated movies until you land on The Lion King. The opening notes of “Circle of Life” fill the room, and for the first time all evening, you start to relax.
You’re halfway through the Mufasa's death when you hear a knock on the door.
You freeze, your heart sinking.
There’s only one person it could be.
With a sigh, you pause the movie, put the laptop on the desk and shuffle to the door, pulling it open just enough to peek through. Sure enough, there’s Yujin, leaning against the doorframe in pajamas that leave very little to the imagination—short shorts that barely cover her thighs and a tank top so tight it’s almost transparent.
“What do you want?” you ask, trying to keep your eyes on her face and not the way her shorts cling to her hips.
She smirks, tilting her head like she’s already won. “Relax, nerd. I just need to borrow your toothbrush.”
You blink, sure you misheard her. “My toothbrush?”
“Yeah.” She pushes past you into the room without waiting for an invitation, looking around like she owns the place. “I forgot mine at my mom’s place, and I’m not going to bed without brushing my teeth.”
You turn to face her, incredulous. “You’re insane if you think I’m letting you use my toothbrush.”
She glances at your laptop screen, her smirk widening when she sees the paused scene. “Wait—are you watching The Lion King?”
“Yeah, so?” You fold your arms, trying to deflect.
Her laugh is sharp, cutting. “Oh my God, you’re such a child. What’s next? Gonna snuggle up with a teddy bear and sing 'Hakuna Matata'?"
“Classic Disney movies are comforting,” you snap, your cheeks burning. “They’re timeless. Not that you’d understand.”
“Comforting?” She raises an eyebrow, her grin downright wicked. “You’re pathetic. Do you still sleep with a nightlight too?”
“At least I’m not barging into people’s rooms asking to share their toothbrush,” you fire back. “That’s disgusting.”
She shrugs, unbothered. “What’s the big deal? We’re practically family now.”
“That doesn’t make it okay!”
“Well, I’m not going to bed without brushing my teeth.”
“Use your finger,” you suggest, exasperated.
She gasps, clutching her chest in mock horror. “Oh, the audacity! What kind of savage do you take me for?”
“An entitled one,” you mutter, regretting it the second it’s out of your mouth.
Her eyes narrow, but her smirk doesn’t waver. She steps closer, the air in the room suddenly feeling heavier. “Careful, stepbrother,” she says, her voice low, almost teasing. “You wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings.”
You swallow hard, stepping back instinctively as she invades your space. “I—just… go ask your mom or something.”
“Nah,” she says, taking another step forward, her eyes locking onto yours. “I like seeing you squirm too much.”
Your back hits the edge of your desk, your laptop wobbling precariously. The paused image of Simba and Mufasa feels absurdly out of place, but you can’t tear your eyes away from Yujin as she leans in, her smirk turning predatory.
“So,” she whispers, her voice dripping with false innocence. “Are you gonna lend me that toothbrush, or do I have to get creative?”
You're tired of being trapped in this kind of situation and know that if you don't make a change, nothing will be different. Decided, you straighten your spine, crossing your arms over your chest as you stare her down.
Enough is enough.
You’re not the same awkward, scared kid she pushed around in high school. “No,” you say, your voice firm. “You’re not using my toothbrush. Ever.”
Her eyes narrow even further, her smirk faltering for the first time. “What’s your fucking problem, dude?”
“My problem?” You laugh. “My problem is that you think it’s normal to walk into someone’s room and ask to scrape your nasty teeth with their toothbrush.”
Her jaw drops, her eyes flashing with indignation. “Nasty?! Excuse me, but my teeth are perfectly clean!”
You snort, shaking your head. “Yeah, sure. If you count all the lying and cheating you’ve done with that mouth...”
Her lips part, and for a moment, she looks genuinely offended. Then her expression hardens, her voice dripping with anger. “You’re such a little bitch, you know that? Sitting here in your sad little room, watching Disney movies like a five-year-old.”
“And you’re a dumb bitch,” you snap back, your temper flaring. “You only made it out of high school because you stole my homework and cheated on every test. I bet you don't know how to solve even a first degree equation!”
The second the word leaves your mouth, you know you’ve fucked up.
Yujin goes very still, her smirk vanishing. Her dark eyes fix on you, cold and unblinking, and for the first time, you feel a genuine spike of fear.
“What did you just call me?” she says, her voice dangerously low.
You open your mouth, trying to backpedal, but nothing comes out. She steps closer, her presence suddenly towering.
“I said,” she repeats, each word deliberate, “what did you just call me?”
“I… I—I didn’t mean—”
She cuts you off with a sharp laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “You’ve got some balls, stepbrother. Calling a woman a bitch like that. You think you’re tough now, huh? Big college guy? Watching The Lion King and talking shit?”
You hold up your hands, trying to de-escalate. “Yujin, come on, I didn’t mean it like—”
“I’ll teach you,” she interrupts, her voice dropping into a dangerous purr. “I’ll teach you to never call a woman a bitch again.”
Before you can react, she moves. It happens so fast, your brain barely processes it—her hands on your arm, a twist, a pull, and suddenly your back hits the floor with a dull thud.
"Jesus Christ!” you yelp, gasping for air.
She’s on you in an instant, her knees pressing into your shoulders as she straddles you. “What’s the matter, nerd?” she taunts, leaning down so her face is inches from yours. “Not so mouthy now, huh?”
“Get off me!” you sputter, squirming beneath her, but she’s stronger than she looks.
“Oh, no,” she says, her grin returning with a sadistic edge. “You’re not getting off that easy.”
Her thighs shift, and before you know it, they’re wrapped around your neck, squeezing just enough to make you panic. You grab at her legs, trying to push her off, but it’s like grappling with steel.
“Holy shit, Yujin! What the hell are you doing?”
“Teaching you a lesson,” she says, her voice mockingly sweet. “Say it. Say you’ll never call me a bitch again.”
“Fine, fine!” you choke out, your hands clawing at her thighs. “I won’t! Just let go!”
But she doesn’t let go. If anything, she squeezes harder, a triumphant laugh spilling from her lips. “Oh, no. Not until you say it properly. Beg me, stepbrother. Let’s hear it.”
“Yujin, come on!” Your voice is muffled, your vision starting to blur. “You’re insane!”
“And you’re pathetic,” she counters, her smirk widening. “Now say it. Please, Yujin, I’m sorry for being such a little bitch.”
You groan, your pride warring with your desperation for oxygen. But as her thighs tighten again, cutting off what little air you have left, you know you don’t have a choice.
“Fine!” you gasp, your voice ragged. “Please, Yujin, I’m sorry for being such a little bitch!”
She laughs, a rich, mocking sound that vibrates through her thighs where they clamp loosely around your neck. Her long, toned legs feel impossibly strong, even though she isn’t really applying pressure. The mere implication that she could is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat.
“Sorry?” she repeats, tilting her head like she’s genuinely considering your words. “Hmm, doesn’t sound very convincing. Say it again, but this time really mean it. Oh, and call me ma’am.”
Your face flushes hot, humiliation creeping up your neck. “I-I’m sorry, ma’am,” you stammer, hating how meek you sound. “Please, I swear I won’t say anything like that again.”
She smirks, her thighs shifting slightly, the soft warmth of her skin pressing against the sides of your head. “That’s better,” she purrs, “but we’re not quite done, are we? Will you lend me your toothbrush now, or do I have to keep teaching you some respect?”
You grit your teeth, anger flaring despite your position. “I’m not lending you my toothbrush, Yujin! That’s disgusting.”
Her expression darkens, but there’s a playful glint in her eyes. “Wrong answer,” she says sweetly, leaning forward so her weight presses just a bit more against your throat.
“Wait, wait!” you gasp, your hands instinctively grabbing at her thighs. “Fine! Take it, okay? Just let me go!”
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” She loosens her hold, but she doesn’t get up. Instead, her gaze drops, and her grin grows wider. “Oh my god,” she says, her voice dripping with mockery. “Are you seriously hard right now?”
Your heart stops. You glance down in horror and realize that, yes, the bulge in your pants is painfully obvious.
“It’s not—” you start to protest, but she cuts you off, shifting her thighs back into position.
“Don’t even try to deny it,” she coos, leaning in closer. “Look at you, blushing like a little schoolboy. Are you actually enjoying this? Do you like being choked by my thighs?”
“N-no!” you stammer, though your voice falters as her thighs press just a fraction tighter, the plushness of her skin enveloping your cheeks.
“Liar,” she says, her voice low and teasing. “Come on, admit it. I can feel you squirming, and I can see that pathetic little boner of yours. Just say it—you like it, don’t you?”
You try to shake your head, but her legs hold you in place. “I don’t—”
“Say it,” she interrupts, her tone firm but still playful. “Or I’ll keep you here all night. Admit that you like how warm and soft my thighs are. Tell me you’re a submissive little perv.”
Your resistance crumbles under her relentless teasing. Your face burns as you mumble, “Okay… fine. It’s kind of… nice.”
Her laughter is bright and triumphant. “That’s what I thought. You’re a submissive little slut, aren’t you?”
You close your eyes, wishing the floor would swallow you up, but she’s relentless. Her thighs move between your face, forcing you to look up at her.
“So,” she drawls, “are you a virgin?”
“No!” you blurt out immediately, your face heating up.
She raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “No? Really? I don’t buy it.” Her grin widens as she watches you squirm. “Come on, don’t bullshit me. Who the hell would fuck you?”
Your mouth opens, then closes. “I’m not lying,” you manage. “I’ve had sex before! In college.”
Yujin bursts into laughter, loud and mocking, her head tilting back in genuine amusement. “Oh my god, that’s hilarious. You? Getting laid? Please.” She leans in closer. “What was her name, huh? Bet she doesn’t exist. Face it—no girl, not even the most desperate, would fuck a loser like you.”
Her words hit harder than you expect, and the shame wells up in your chest. But she turns your chin with her thighs, forcing you to face her again.
“Aww,” she coos, feigning sympathy. “Did I hurt your little feelings? Well, maybe I’m feeling generous tonight. Must be the Christmas spirit or something.” She lets out a low chuckle, her thighs rubbing your neck slowly, almost like a massage. “Tell you what. Since you’re clearly a pathetic little virgin, how about I take that burden off your hands?”
Your eyes widen, your body betraying you as your erection presses harder against your pants. She notices immediately, her smirk turning wicked. “Oh, you like that idea, huh?”
“W-wait,” you stammer, but her voice cuts through yours.
“Not so fast,” she says, her thighs flexing against your neck just enough to make your pulse spike. “Before I even consider it, you need to admit something to me.”
“Admit what?” you ask nervously.
She leans closer, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. “That I’m beautiful.”
You laugh nervously, shaking your head. “Yeah, no chance.”
Her thighs squeeze tighter, making you gasp. “What was that?” she taunts. “You sure about that answer?”
Your heart races as you struggle against the pressure. “Okay, okay! You’re beautiful, alright?”
Her smile grows triumphant. “See? That wasn’t so hard. But just beautiful?”
You hesitate, her expectant gaze burning into you. “You’re hot too,” you mutter.
She feigns surprise, pressing a hand to her chest. “Hot? Oh, you’re making me blush. What else?”
You swallow hard, your voice trembling. “Your thighs… they’re, uh, juicy. And thick.”
Her laughter is rich and sultry. “Juicy and thick, huh? You like being smothered by them?”
“Yes,” you admit, your voice small.
She grins. “What about my smile?”
“It’s beautiful,” you say reluctantly.
Her grin widens. “Oh, really? Didn’t you say earlier that my teeth were nasty?”
You groan, the heat in your face unbearable. “I lied. Your teeth are… perfect.”
She leans back slightly, studying you with an amused glint in her eye. “You’re not just saying all this so I’ll fuck you, right?”
“No,” you insist. “It’s all true.”
Her smirk softens into something almost curious. “Alright then. What did you think of me back in high school?”
You try to avoid her gaze, but she won’t let you look away. “I… I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Talk,” she demands, her thighs pressing just slightly again. “Or I’ll keep you here all night.”
You sigh, defeated. “Fine. I had a crush on you, okay? I just… I wished you’d been nicer to me.”
She snorts, shaking her head. “A crush? On me? That’s adorable. Why didn’t you do anything about it?”
“Because I knew you’d never notice me,” you mumble. “I was just the guy you bullied.”
She grins wickedly. “That’s not true. You were also good at doing my homework.” Her laugh is loud and unrepentant, and you can’t help but feel a flicker of humiliation all over again.
Her fingers tug at the hem of her shorts. “What do you think of my pajamas?”
You glance up at her reluctantly. The short shorts hug her hips in all the right ways, and her tank top perfectly shapes her breasts. “You look… hot,” you admit quietly.
She smirks, clearly satisfied. “Good, because I picked them out just to tease you. But I think you’ve humiliated yourself enough for one night.” She stands, finally freeing you from her hold, and stretches languidly. “Go get on your bed. It’s going to be the best night of your life.”
Without much choice, you agree. Yujin goes to the door and locks it, then joins you. Now the bed feels smaller now with her on it, the mattress dipping slightly under her weight as Yujin stretches out, making herself comfortable like she owns the place. The Lion King is still paused on your laptop, Simba frozen trying to wake up his already lifeless father, a stark reminder of how normal your night had been before this. Your stomach flips as she looks at you with that amused smirk, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and authority.
“So,” she says, her voice soft but teasing, “if you want me to fuck you, you’ve got to prove it.”
“Prove it?” you echo nervously, fiddling with the edge of your blanket.
“Yeah,” she says, sitting cross-legged now, her bare thighs on full display. “Show me you love me. Show me you’re capable of doing anything for me.”
Your throat feels tight as you stammer, “But… isn’t this… wrong? I mean, because of our parents?”
Yujin’s smirk deepens, and she leans forward, her face close enough that you can feel the warmth of her breath. “Who says they have to know? This can be our little secret,” she purrs, her tone dripping with mockery.
You hesitate, your thoughts racing. She notices, of course. Yujin notices everything. “Look,” she says, her voice firm now, “I don’t fuck guys who don’t value me. If you’re not willing to worship me, I'm getting the hell out of your little room so you can jerk off to some disgusting hentai alone.
Her words sting, and before you can even formulate a response, she stretches out one long, toned leg, her foot pointed like a ballerina’s. “Here’s how this works,” she says, wiggling her toes. “If you want to cum tonight, you’re going to worship me. Like a goddess.”
Your face burns as you stare at her foot, delicate and perfectly pedicured, her nails painted a glossy red. “I don’t… I don’t have a foot fetish,” you stammer weakly.
Yujin rolls her eyes, laughing softly. “I don’t give a fuck if you do or not. I told you to suck my toes. So, do it.”
You hesitate, but her expression shifts, her gaze narrowing. “Are you really going to make me repeat myself? Suck. My. Toes.”
There’s something commanding in her tone that makes your heart race. You swallow hard, your gaze flickering to her foot. It’s undeniably… beautiful. Soft skin, high arch, perfectly shaped. Before you can overthink it, you lean forward, pressing a hesitant kiss to the top of her foot.
She laughs, low and pleased. “Good boy. But I said suck, not kiss. Start with my toes.”
Your hands tremble slightly as you lift her foot, her skin warm against your palms. You bring it closer, your lips brushing against her big toe. “Take it slow,” she says, leaning back on her elbows, her voice a purr. “I want to enjoy this.”
You start tentatively, pressing kisses along her toes, your lips lingering longer each time. The scent of her lotion is faint but sweet, and you find yourself losing the initial awkwardness. Her skin is soft, smoother than you expected, and the warmth of her body feels oddly intimate.
“Now lick,” she commands, her tone playful but firm.
Your tongue darts out, tracing the curve of her big toe. The taste is neutral, nothing unpleasant, and as you swirl your tongue around the pad of her toe, you catch a glimpse of her face. She’s watching you intently, her lips curved into a satisfied smile.
“See?” she says, her voice a little breathier now. “Not so bad, is it?”
You don’t respond, too focused on the task. Your lips wrap around her toe, sucking gently, and she lets out a soft hum of approval. “That’s it,” she murmurs. “Use your tongue more. I want to feel it everywhere.”
You move to her other toes, sucking and licking each one, the wet sounds almost obscene in the quiet room. Her foot flexes slightly in your grip, and you realize you’re gripping her ankle like it’s the only thing keeping you grounded.
“Good boy,” she says again, her tone dripping with condescension. “I think you’re actually starting to enjoy this.”
You hate how right she is.
There’s something strangely intimate about the act, the way her soft skin feels against your lips, the way her low murmurs of approval send a thrill through you. You glance up at her, your cheeks burning, and she smirks.
“Don’t stop now,” she teases. “You’re just getting started. Show me how much you appreciate me.”
Your tongue trails along the arch of her foot, your kisses growing bolder. Her laughter fills the room, light and mocking, but there’s a genuine note of pleasure there too.
“Damn,” she says, wiggling her toes against your lips. “You’re a natural. Maybe you do have a foot fetish after all.”
You shake your head, her toes still in your mouth, and she laughs harder. “Whatever you say, loser,” she purrs. “Just keep going. You’re doing great.”
Your lips drag slowly along the arch of her foot, tongue gliding up the curve, and every second feels surreal. You’re too deep into it now to stop. Yujin lounges back, one hand resting lazily on her stomach while the other dips beneath the waistband of her tiny shorts.
Her movement catches your attention, and you pause for a fraction of a second before her voice cuts through the air. “Did I say you could stop?”
“N-no,” you stammer, your breath warm against her skin.
“Then don’t,” she snaps, but her tone is lighter now, almost teasing. Her fingers shift under her shorts, her hips shifting slightly. Her smirk widens when she sees your gaze flicker to the way her hand moves. “Eyes on my foot,” she orders. “You’re not done worshipping me.”
You swallow hard and lean back in, your tongue running along the side of her foot now, your lips brushing her toes again, sucking gently. You hear her soft, satisfied sigh, and the sound sends heat pooling in your gut.
“God, you’re really into this, huh?” she purrs, her fingers clearly working beneath the fabric of her shorts. “Look at you, completely devoted. It’s actually kind of cute… in a pathetic, loser-way.”
Her words should sting, but instead, they just make you want to keep going, to prove yourself. You press firmer kisses along her foot, your tongue tracing every curve and ridge. Your hands tremble as they grip her ankle, and your own arousal throbs insistently, impossible to ignore.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you blurt out suddenly, the words tumbling from your mouth before you can stop them.
Yujin giggles, a sound that’s both mocking and genuinely pleased. “I know,” she says smugly, her hips rolling subtly as her fingers continue their work. “But it’s cute of you to say it out loud. Keep going, loser. You’re doing great.”
Your mouth moves faster now, kissing and licking with more fervor, as if her approval is the only thing that matters. Your hand drifts down to your own pants, palming yourself through the fabric as you watch her.
She notices, of course. “Oh, look at you,” she teases, her voice low and syrupy. “Touching yourself already? You’re so fucking easy. What are you even thinking about right now?”
“You,” you admit breathlessly, the words spilling out in a rush. “You’re so hot, Yujin. You’re making me—”
“Making you what?” she interrupts, her smirk growing.
“Making me so fucking hard,” you say, your voice cracking slightly.
Her laughter is soft, sultry, and her hand moves faster under her shorts. “Yeah? And you’re making my pussy so wet,” she says, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “Look at you, on your knees, sucking my toes like a good little boy. How could I not get turned on?”
Your breath hitches at her words, and you press your palm harder against yourself, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through your body. “You look so fucking good,” you mutter.
She grins lazily, her fingers disappearing deeper beneath her shorts. “Keep going,” she says, her tone commanding. “Make me even wetter. Prove you’re worth fucking.”
You obey, diving back into your task with renewed determination. Her soft moans fill the room now, and every sound she makes sends shivers down your spine. You can’t believe this is happening, can’t believe how easily she has you wrapped around her finger.
“God, you’re pathetic,” she murmurs, but there’s a heat in her voice that makes it sound like a compliment. “And you fucking love it, don’t you?”
You nod against her foot, her skin warm and soft against your lips. “I do,” you admit, your voice cracking slightly. “I love it. I love… you.”
She freezes for a moment, her fingers pausing their movements.
Then her smirk returns, sharper than ever. “Of course you do,” she says simply, her voice like velvet. “Now keep going, bitch.”
Your tongue glides across her toes, your saliva leaving them shiny and glistening. Yujin watches with a smirk that grows wider each time she flexes her foot and you eagerly follow, sucking and licking every inch. Her toes are damp, her skin slick and wet, and by now the faint taste of her lotion feels familiar on your tongue.
“Wow,” she says mockingly, her voice dripping with amusement. “You’re really committed to this, aren’t you? My foot’s fucking drooling, and you look like you’re ready to propose to it.”
You look up, her smug expression only making your cock twitch harder against the confines of your pants. Your lips hover over her big toe for a moment as you catch your breath, her words hitting something deep inside you.
“You want to keep going?” she asks, tilting her head as her fingers lazily tap against her thigh. “Or are you finally gonna admit how much you’re loving this?”
You don’t answer, at least not verbally. Instead, you lean down again, kissing the top of her foot, sucking on her toes, letting your lips linger longer this time. It’s humiliating, sure, but there’s something addictive about the way she looks at you, the way she controls every second of this.
After a while, she pulls her foot away suddenly, smirking when she sees the disappointment flash across your face. “Alright, enough foreplay,” she says, her voice playful but firm. “Take off your pants.”
You blink, caught off guard. “Wait, what?”
“You heard me,” she says, sitting up straighter. “Pants. Underwear. Off. Now.”
Your hands hesitate at the waistband of your pants, but her sharp gaze cuts through any lingering doubts. You nod, fumbling as you undo the button and slide them down, your boxers following soon after.
The moment your cock springs free, Yujin’s eyebrows shoot up, and for the first time, her cocky smirk falters. “Holy shit,” she says, her tone caught somewhere between surprise and appreciation. “For a loser virgin nerd, you’ve got a pretty big, thick cock. What a waste.”
You don’t know whether to feel proud or embarrassed, so you just stand there awkwardly, your hands twitching at your sides as she leans forward slightly, inspecting you like she’s trying to decide what to do next.
“Alright,” she says, waving you back toward the bed. “Lie down. I wanna play with you a little first.”
You obey, climbing onto the bed, your heart racing as she stretches out on the opposite side of the bed. Her foot, still slick with your saliva, presses gently against the base of your cock. The sudden contact makes you gasp, and she giggles, clearly enjoying your reaction.
“Damn,” she teases, slowly sliding her foot up along your length. “Look at you. You’re already leaking, and I’ve barely touched you.”
You bite your lip, your breath hitching as she presses her other foot against you, sandwiching your cock between both of them. The wetness from your earlier efforts makes every movement smooth and almost unbearably good.
“How’s that feel?” she asks, her tone mockingly sweet as her feet start to move, stroking you with slow, deliberate motions.
“F-fucking amazing,” you admit, your voice shaking.
She laughs, her toes curling slightly as she drags them up the shaft. “Of course it does. I mean, look at you—getting jerked off by my feet. Bet you never imagined this happening in your wildest nerdy dreams.”
You groan, your hips bucking slightly as her pace picks up. The wet glide of her skin against yours is intoxicating, every stroke sending jolts of pleasure through your entire body.
“Stay still,” she orders, pressing her heel against your tip just enough to make you gasp. “You move, and I stop. Got it?”
You nod frantically, your hands gripping the sheets as you fight to keep yourself in place. “Y-yeah, I got it,” you stammer.
“Good boy,” she purrs, her voice dripping with condescension as her feet resume their slow, teasing movements.
The room fills with the obscene sound of her slick feet stroking you, the wetness amplifying every glide. She watches you intently, her lips curling into a smirk every time you let out a ragged moan or bite your lip to hold back a louder one.
“Look at you,” she murmurs, her feet pressing tighter around your cock as she moves faster. “All that attitude earlier, and now you’re just a whimpering little mess. Bet you’d do anything I told you to right now, huh?”
“Y-yes,” you admit, the words tumbling out before you can stop them.
She grins triumphantly, her toes brushing against your tip in a way that makes your entire body shudder. “That’s what I thought,” she says, her voice low and teasing. “You’re such a good little loser when you’re like this. Makes me almost want to keep you around.”
You groan, your hips jerking slightly despite her earlier warning. Her smirk widens as she presses her feet down harder, the added pressure making you gasp.
“Getting close already?” she asks, her tone dripping with amusement. “Wow, you really are pathetic. Guess I’d better slow down, huh?”
“Please don’t,” you beg, your voice breaking.
Her laugh is low and wicked as she leans back slightly, her feet never stopping their relentless motion. “I dunno,” she says playfully. “Maybe I’ll let you cum… if you beg me properly.”
Her words send a fresh wave of heat through you, and you can’t help but moan. “Please, Yujin. Please let me cum. I’ll do anything you want.”
Her smirk softens into something almost approving. “That’s better,” she says, her feet stroking you faster now. “Now, let’s see just how much of a mess you can make for me.”
Yujin’s feet slide up and down your cock with maddening precision, the slick warmth of your spit coating every inch of her smooth skin. Each movement sends sparks of pleasure coursing through your body, and her smug smirk only makes it worse. She knows exactly what she’s doing—driving you insane with a combination of physical control and that sharp tongue of hers.
“Look at you,” she says, her voice low and dripping with mockery. “I’ve barely touched you, and you’re already falling apart. You’re such a fucking mess.”
Your hands grip the sheets tightly, your breath coming in short gasps. “Y-Yujin…” you stammer, but she doesn’t let you finish.
“Don’t talk,” she snaps, pressing her toes against the sensitive tip of your cock. The pressure makes you moan loudly, your hips jerking against her feet. “Just moan for me like the desperate little virgin you are.”
The words even hit you with a certain impact, but the pleasure is too overwhelming for you to even protest. “I’m not—”
“Shut up,” she interrupts, her feet sliding faster now, the wet sounds filling the room. “Do you really think I believe that? You’re pathetic. A loser. But you’re my loser tonight, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you gasp, your voice barely audible.
She smirks, clearly pleased with your response. Her hand disappears under her shorts again, and this time, she doesn’t bother to hide what she’s doing. Her fingers move rhythmically, and she lets out a soft moan, her hips rocking slightly.
“You like this, don’t you?” she says, her voice breathy but still full of authority. “Being under me. Being humiliated by me. You missed it, didn’t you?”
Your breath catches, and for a moment, you can’t speak. She doesn’t let up, her feet sliding faster, her toes curling around you just right. “Answer me,” she demands.
“Yes,” you finally admit, your voice cracking as the confession spills out. “Yes, I missed it.”
Her grin widens, her movements growing more deliberate. “Missed what, exactly? Be specific.”
You groan, your head pressing back against the pillow. “I missed… I missed you,” you manage between ragged breaths.
“Missed me?” she repeats, her laughter soft and condescending. “That’s cute. But what about me, huh? Did you miss being humiliated? Miss the attention I gave you? Did you miss the way I used to push you around?”
Your chest tightens, and the words tumble out before you can stop them. “Yes! Fuck, yes, I missed it. I missed you. I missed… how aggressive you were.”
She lets out a low, triumphant hum, her hand moving faster under her shorts as she leans forward slightly. “You missed me putting you in your place, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” you moan, your voice desperate now.
“And now you’re here,” she purrs, her toes pressing down against the head of your cock, drawing a strangled gasp from you. “Completely under my control. Look at you, squirming under my feet like a little bitch. I bet you’re loving every second of it.”
“I am,” you admit.
“God, you’re such a loser,” she says, her feet sliding faster, the wet sounds growing louder. “But at least you’re my loser. Tell me how much you love this. Tell me how much you love me.”
“I love it,” you gasp, your body trembling as you edge closer and closer to release. “I love you, Yujin. Fuck, I love you.”
Her smirk softens slightly, just enough to make you wonder if she’s taking this all in stride or actually enjoying it as much as you are. Her toes curl around you again, and the friction pushes you right to the edge.
“Go on, then,” she says, her voice low and sultry. “Paint my feet with your virgin load. Show me what a good little foot bitch you can be."
She speeds up her movements again, her feet working your shaft with practiced skill. The pressure builds and builds until you can't take it anymore. With a strangled cry, your orgasm explodes making you roll your eyes.
Your cock pulses violently as thick ropes of cum shoot out, coating her soles and toes in your hot seed. She doesn't stop moving her feet, milking every last drop from your twitching member as you shake and moan helplessly.
"Holy fuck, look how much you came," Yujin laughs, spreading her toes to watch the cum drip between them. "Guess you really did need this release badly. Been saving up all this spunk just for my feet, haven't you?"
You nod weakly, your body still trembling as the last waves of pleasure roll through you. She pulls her feet away, inspecting them with an amused grin before wiping them on the sheets.
“Hope you’re ready,” she says, her voice light but wicked. “We’re just getting started.”
The room feels heavy with the aftermath, the air thick with the scent of cum and sweat. You’re sprawled out on the bed, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. Before you can fully recover, she leans in.
Her face is so close that you can feel her breath on your lips, warm and teasing. Her eyes lock onto yours, a spark of mischief and something darker flickering there. Her lips brush against yours, just barely, a ghost of a touch that sends shivers down your spine.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” she whispers, her voice low and sultry, dripping with temptation.
“Yes,” you breathe, barely able to get the word out.
She smirks, leaning back just a fraction. “Say it,” she demands, her tone sharp. “Say you belong to me.”
Your heart pounds in your chest as her eyes bore into yours. “I… I belong to you,” you stammer, the words feeling both foreign and natural in your mouth.
“Good boy,” she purrs, and then her lips crash against yours.
It’s electrifying. Her mouth moves against yours with a mix of dominance and hunger, her lips soft but demanding. The taste of her consumes you, your head spinning as her hand cups your jaw, holding you exactly where she wants you.
When she finally pulls back, your lips are tingling, your breath coming in shallow gasps. She studies your face with a satisfied smirk. “Was that your first kiss?”
Your face burns, and you nod, too embarrassed to speak.
“Holy shit,” she murmurs, her voice filled with disbelief and delight. “Your first fucking kiss. God, you’re such a loser.” Her smirk deepens, her fingers tracing the line of your jaw. “But you’re my loser...”
Her words make you shiver, and she leans in again, her lips hovering over yours. “Open your mouth,” she orders softly.
You obey, your lips parting instinctively, and she spits directly into your mouth. The warm, salty taste coats your tongue, and before you can even process it, her mouth is on yours again.
This time, the kiss is messier, wetter. Her tongue invades your mouth, exploring and claiming, and you can’t help but respond, your own tongue meeting hers in a clumsy but eager dance. Spit mixes and drips down your chin, but you don’t care. All that matters is her, the way she tastes, the way she’s completely consuming you.
When she finally pulls back, a string of saliva connects your lips, and she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, looking down at you with that same infuriatingly smug grin.
“Are you going to take everything I give you?” she asks, her voice low and demanding.
“Yes,” you reply immediately, your voice shaky but certain.
“Promise me,” she says, her tone softer but no less commanding.
“I promise,” you say, your eyes locking onto hers.
She sighs dramatically, shaking her head with a playful smirk. “God, it’s so fucking annoying how wet you make me. You’re such a pathetic little virgin, but you’re driving me insane.”
Her words send a fresh wave of heat through your body, and she sits up, her fingers hooking into the waistband of her shorts. She slides them down slowly, revealing her soaked panties, the fabric clinging to her skin.
“Your turn to please me now,” she says, pushing her panties to the side to reveal her glistening folds. The sight is mesmerizing, and your throat tightens as you take her in.
“If you eat my pussy well,” she continues, climbing onto the bed and positioning herself over you, “I might just reward you. But if you suck at it…” She smirks, her thighs flexing slightly. “Let’s just say I’ll be very disappointed.”
She shifts closer, her knees on either side of your head, her thighs framing your face. Her scent is intoxicating, heady and warm, and you can feel the heat radiating from her core.
“Are you ready to be squeezed by my thighs again?” she asks, her voice teasing but firm.
“Yes,” you reply, your voice trembling with anticipation.
“Good,” she says. “Now don’t disappoint me, loser.”
Yujin lowers herself onto your face slowly, deliberately, the wet heat of her pussy pressing against your lips for the first time. You’re instantly overwhelmed—her scent, her warmth, the slickness of her folds—it’s all so new, so intense.
You freeze, unsure of what to do. Your tongue flicks out hesitantly, just barely brushing her, and you hear her scoff from above.
“Don’t just sit there, nerd,” she says, her voice sharp but tinged with amusement. “Start licking. God, do I have to teach you everything?”
You nod against her, your hands awkwardly resting on her thighs as you try to figure it out. “Yes,” you mumble, your voice muffled by her.
She lets out a frustrated sigh, reaching down to grab your hair and yank your head back slightly. “Fine. Listen up,” she commands. “Start with my clit. It’s the little nub at the top. Just lick it softly—don’t get all sloppy yet. Got it?”
“Got it,” you mutter, and tentatively, your tongue moves to where she’s directed. You find the sensitive bundle of nerves and give it a slow, deliberate lick.
“Yeah, like that,” she murmurs, her voice softening slightly. “But don’t be afraid to use your whole tongue. Make it feel good for me.”
You nod again, more confident now, and start swirling your tongue around her clit, alternating between soft licks and gentle flicks. The reaction is immediate—her thighs twitch slightly against your head, and she lets out a low, pleased hum.
“Not bad,” she says, her voice teasing. “For a first-timer, anyway. Keep going. Use your lips too—suck on it a little.”
You obey without hesitation, wrapping your lips around her clit and sucking gently. Her soft moan above you sends a rush of adrenaline through your system, and you grip her thighs tighter, wanting to hear more.
“Fuck,” she mutters, her hand still tangled in your hair as she starts to grind against your face. “You’re learning fast, aren’t you? Maybe you’re not as useless as I thought.”
Her words spur you on, and you press your tongue flat against her, licking her in long, slow strokes before returning to her clit. Her wetness coats your lips and chin, and you find yourself savoring the taste—warm, slightly salty, and completely intoxicating.
Her moans grow louder, but her tone remains dominant, even now. “Don’t get cocky,” she warns, her hips rolling against your mouth. “You’re doing okay, but I want more. Stick your tongue inside me.”
Your heart pounds as you comply, your tongue darting into her entrance. Her slick walls clench around you, and the sensation is overwhelming. You push deeper, your nose brushing against her clit as you try to keep up with her grinding.
“Fuck, that’s it,” she breathes, her dominant tone cracking just slightly as her pleasure builds. “You’re finally starting to get it. Keep going, don’t you dare stop.”
Her taste is addictive, her heat pulling you in, and you lose yourself in the act. Your hands slide up her thighs, holding her hips steady as you thrust your tongue in and out of her, your lips dragging against her folds with every movement.
“God, you’re such a little slut for me,” she says, her voice trembling with pleasure. “Getting addicted to my pussy, huh? I can feel it—you don’t want to stop, do you?”
You shake your head against her, your tongue never faltering.
Her laughter is breathy, almost ragged now. “Of course you don’t. You’re fucking addicted already. Good. That’s exactly where I want you.”
Her thighs tighten around your head, squeezing just enough to make you feel completely trapped beneath her. Her grinding grows more frantic, her slickness dripping down your chin, and you can feel her body trembling as she approaches her climax.
“Don’t stop,” she commands, her voice breaking into a moan. “Fuck, don’t you fucking stop.”
Yujin’s moans fill the room, soft and breathy at first but quickly growing louder, more desperate. Each sound she makes sends a surge of adrenaline through you, pushing you to work harder, your tongue flicking and swirling against her clit, dipping into her soaked folds. Her taste is addictive, her slickness coating your lips and chin, and you’re completely lost in the moment.
“Fuck,” she hisses, her hand gripping your hair tighter, her hips rolling against your face. “You’re actually good at this. Keep going, loser. Don’t stop.”
Her praise—if you can even call it that—makes your heart pound harder. You grip her thighs, your hands trembling slightly as you pull her closer, burying your face even deeper between her legs. Your tongue moves faster now, swirling around her clit before sliding down to tease her entrance.
“Goddamn,” she moans, her voice muffled as she bites her lip, clearly struggling to keep quiet. Her head tilts back, and her free hand flies up to cover her mouth. “Shit… I can’t—my mom—fuck, don’t stop, loser, just… don't go all out like that.”
You’re too focused to respond, your tongue pressing firmly against her clit as you suck gently, your lips dragging against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Her thighs clamp tighter around your head, and you can feel her whole body trembling, her hips grinding harder against your face.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she mutters under her breath, her hand still covering her mouth as her muffled moans escape. “If they hear—fuck, it’s so good—I swear I’ll kill you if you stop now.”
You have no intention of stopping.
Her moans are your fuel, and you redouble your efforts, your tongue working furiously to push her closer to the edge. You flick your tongue rapidly against her clit, sucking softly between strokes, and her reaction is immediate.
“Fuck!” she whispers harshly, her hips bucking against your face. “Right there—yeah, your tongue is perfect!"
Yujin’s thighs tighten around your head, the wet heat of her pussy pressing harder against your lips as her moans grow louder, more urgent. Every breathy whimper, every shaky sigh she lets out fuels you, pushing you to work harder, your tongue flicking and swirling with renewed determination.
“Shit,” she gasps, her voice cracking. Her hand flies to her mouth again, muffling her next moan. “God, you’re gonna get us caught, you idiot—” Her words cut off into a muffled moan as her hips grind harder against your face.
You don’t stop. If anything, her desperation spurs you on. You flick your tongue rapidly against her clit, sucking gently before dipping down to explore her folds, her slick juices coating your lips and chin. The taste of her is intoxicating, and you can’t get enough.
“Fuck, fuck,” she mutters behind her hand, her thighs trembling against your head. “You’re actually—oh my god—you’re actually good at this.”
Her hips start moving erratically, grinding against your face with an urgency that makes your heart race. She’s close, you can feel it in the way her body tenses, in the way her moans pitch higher despite her efforts to muffle them.
“Don’t stop,” she whispers harshly, her voice barely audible over the wet sounds of your tongue against her. “Fuck, don’t you dare stop—”
You tighten your grip on her thighs, holding her steady as you give it your all, your tongue focusing on her clit, flicking and circling as her grinding grows frantic. Her juices drip down your chin, warm and slick, and you don’t care about the mess—you’re too consumed by the need to push her over the edge.
“Oh my god,” she gasps, her voice muffled but trembling. “I’m—fuck, I’m gonna—”
Her body stiffens suddenly, her thighs clamping tightly around your head as a muffled cry escapes her lips. Her hips jerk against your face, and you feel a rush of warmth as she cums, her juices flooding your mouth and dripping down your chin.
You keep going, your tongue moving gently now, lapping up every drop as she rides out her orgasm. Her hand falls from her mouth, and she lets out a shaky sigh, her body trembling above you.
“Holy shit,” she mutters, her voice raw and breathless. She shifts slightly, her thighs relaxing their grip on your head, and you pull back just enough to meet her gaze. Her face is flushed, her chest rising and falling as she catches her breath.
“You actually… you actually made me cum,” she says, her tone laced with disbelief and a hint of amusement. “I didn’t think you had it in you, loser.”
You manage a weak smile, your lips and chin still glistening with her juices.
She smirks, leaning down to wipe your chin with her thumb before sucking it clean with a satisfied hum. “Guess you’re good for something after all,” she says, her voice soft but teasing. “Now, lick me clean. Every last drop.”
Yujin slides off your face, leaving you breathless, her thighs glistening with her slick juices. She collapses onto the bed, spreading her legs lazily, her pussy still flushed and dripping. “Come on, you’ve got work to do,” she says, tilting her head toward her wet thighs. “Clean me up.”
You nod wordlessly, leaning in and pressing your tongue to the inside of her thigh. Her skin is soft and warm, her taste still fresh on your lips. You drag your tongue up slowly, savoring every drop, alternating between long licks and soft kisses.
Her fingers thread through your hair as she watches you work. “What do you think of my taste?” she asks, her voice low and teasing.
You glance up at her, your lips brushing against the curve of her thigh. “It’s perfect,” you say, your voice full of reverence.
A satisfied smile spreads across her face, and she props herself up on one elbow. “Good boy,” she purrs. “You’ve earned a reward.”
Before you can ask what she means, she pulls her tank top over her head in one smooth motion, tossing it aside. Her bare breasts are revealed—average-sized, perky, with small, pink nipples that practically beg for attention. She lies on her side next to you, her body relaxed but her eyes sharp as she studies your reaction.
“First time seeing tits in real life?” she asks, her tone a mix of curiosity and mockery.
You nod, your face flushing. “Y-yeah.”
She smirks, leaning closer. “You wanna touch them?”
Your throat feels dry as you nod again, unable to tear your eyes away from her chest.
“Ask nicely,” she demands, her voice taking on that commanding edge again.
You swallow hard, your voice trembling as you say, “Yujin, can I… can I touch them, please?”
She grins, clearly enjoying your nervousness. “Go ahead,” she says, arching her back slightly to push her chest closer to you.
Your hands tremble as you reach out, your fingers brushing against her soft skin for the first time. The sensation is incredible—warm, supple, and completely new. You cup her breasts gently, your thumbs brushing over her nipples, and she lets out a soft hum of approval.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asks, her voice softer now, almost tender.
“Yeah,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Don’t be shy,” she says, her smirk returning. “You can squeeze them. Play with them.”
You obey, your hands moving more confidently now. You massage her breasts, your fingers exploring every curve and dip, your thumbs circling her nipples until they harden under your touch. She arches her back slightly, pressing into your hands, her breath hitching.
“Good,” she murmurs. “Now suck them.”
You don’t hesitate. You lean down, your lips wrapping around one of her nipples as your tongue flicks against it. She lets out a soft sigh, her hand resting on the back of your head to keep you in place.
“Fuck,” she breathes, her voice thick with pleasure. “You’re eager, huh? Like a starving puppy.”
Her words make your cock twitch, already rock-hard again. You switch to her other breast, sucking and licking with the same enthusiasm, your hands kneading her soft flesh.
She notices your arousal, of course, her hand trailing down your body until it wraps around your shaft. “You’re so fucking hard again,” she murmurs, stroking you slowly. “It’s almost pathetic how much you want this.”
You let out a muffled groan against her breast, your hips jerking into her hand as she strokes you with practiced ease. Her thumb glides over your tip, spreading the pre-cum leaking from you.
“God, you’re such a mess,” she teases, her voice full of mockery and heat. “But you’re my mess.”
Yujin’s fingers work your cock with a steady, teasing rhythm, her hand warm and slick from your pre-cum. Meanwhile, your mouth is still on her breasts, sucking and licking her hardened nipples with devotion. You feel intoxicated—her scent, her taste, the way she completely controls every second of this—it’s all too much, yet not enough.
You get carried away, your teeth grazing her nipple just a bit too hard. She gasps, her back arching, and suddenly her hand tightens around your cock, squeezing just enough to make you freeze.
“Hey!” she snaps, her tone sharp as her eyes narrow. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You can’t just bite a woman’s nipples like that.”
You pull back immediately, your face heating up. “I-I’m sorry,” you stammer, looking up at her.
She huffs, her fingers loosening but still holding you firmly. “God, you’ve got so much to learn,” she mutters, shaking her head. “What are you, a fucking caveman? Be gentle.”
“Yes, I’m sorry,” you say again, swallowing hard.
She lets out a dramatic sigh. “At least you’re eager. I’ll give you that. But don’t fuck up again, or I might just leave you here with blue balls.”
You nod quickly, your lips returning to her breast, this time much more careful. She relaxes again, her smirk returning as her hand resumes stroking you. “That’s better,” she murmurs, her voice softening. “Good boy. Keep sucking.”
You lose yourself in the moment, your lips wrapping around her nipple, your tongue flicking and swirling while her hand works you faster. The combination of sensations is almost too much to handle, and you let out a muffled moan against her skin.
“God, you’re so fucking loud,” she mutters, her fingers sliding up to rub your sensitive tip. “If you keep making noises like that, they’re gonna hear us.”
She pulls back suddenly, her breasts leaving your mouth as she sits up, looking down at you with a wicked grin. “I think it’s time, don’t you?”
“Time for what?” you ask, breathless and dazed.
“For me to fuck you,” she says simply.
Your heart skips a beat, and you nod quickly. “Yes. Please.”
She chuckles, leaning in close. “You sure?” she asks, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. “I’m not stopping until I cum, so you’d better keep up.”
“I’m sure,” you say, your voice trembling.
Her grin widens as she pulls away, finally standing up beside the bed. “Maybe it won’t be too hard,” she says, eyeing your cock. “With a dick that big, you might actually make me feel something.”
She hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, sliding them down slowly, teasingly, until they fall to the floor. Her pussy is glistening, flushed and ready, and you can’t take your eyes off her.
“Open your mouth,” she commands suddenly.
You blink, confused. “What?”
She picks up her soaked panties and dangles them in front of your face. “You heard me. Open your mouth.”
“Shouldn’t you be the one gagged with them?” you blurt out, unable to stop yourself.
She lets out a sharp laugh, shaking her head. “Oh my god, you’re adorable,” she says mockingly. “But no, loser. You don’t get to make the rules here. Now open up, or I’ll reconsider this whole thing.”
You hesitate for only a second before obeying, parting your lips.
“Good boy,” she says, smirking as she presses the damp fabric into your mouth. The taste of her is overwhelming—warm, musky, and undeniably intoxicating. “See? You love the way I taste anyway, don’t you?”
You nod, your cheeks burning as she climbs back onto the bed, positioning herself above you.
“Keep those in,” she orders, her hands planting on your chest as she straddles your hips. “I don’t want to hear a fucking peep out of you.”
Her wet folds brush against the tip of your cock, and the sensation is electric, making your whole body tense. She grins down at you, her eyes locking onto yours as she teases you, grinding against you without letting you inside.
“Ready, loser?” she asks, her voice dripping with mockery and heat.
You nod frantically, muffled sounds escaping around the panties in your mouth.
“Good,” she murmurs, positioning herself before sinking down onto you in one slow, deliberate motion.
The heat and tightness of her envelop you completely, and the sensation is almost too much to handle. Your head falls back against the pillow, muffled groans spilling out as she bottoms out, her hips resting flush against yours.
“Fuck,” she mutters, biting her lip as she adjusts to your size. “Maybe you’re not completely useless after all.”
She starts to move, her hips rolling slowly at first, her wetness making every movement smooth and maddening. Her hands slide up your chest, her nails digging in slightly as she picks up the pace, riding you with a confidence that leaves you breathless.
“God, you feel so fucking good,” she moans.
Yujin's hips roll against you with an almost punishing rhythm, her wetness making every thrust slick and smooth. Her moans escape her lips in breathy, desperate bursts, and she bites her lip, trying and failing to keep them low. The whole scene feels unreal—Yujin, the girl who made your life hell in high school, is now on top of you, her pussy gripping you so tight it feels like she was made for this.
“Fuck,” she whispers, her voice trembling as she rides you harder. “You’re actually doing it for me. Who knew this pathetic little loser would have such a good cock?”
You can’t reply, not with her soaked panties stuffed in your mouth, so you nod instead, your muffled groans mixing with the obscene sounds of her riding you.
Her hands slide up to her breasts, squeezing and kneading them as her pace quickens. Her nipples, hard and pink, peek between her fingers as she teases herself, and the sight makes your cock twitch inside her.
“You like watching me, don’t you?” she asks, her voice sultry but still laced with that teasing edge. “Bet you’ve been dreaming about this, huh? Your big bad bully fucking the shit out of you.”
You nod frantically, your eyes glued to her chest as her hands work her breasts.
“Thought so,” she purrs, smirking down at you. “Am I hot? Tell me I’m fucking hot.”
You nod again, your muffled voice straining around the fabric in your mouth.
She laughs breathlessly, her hips slamming down harder now. “God, you’re so easy. Just a big, dumb dick for me to use. And fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
Her moans grow louder, and she presses one hand against her mouth, her other hand still massaging her breast. “Shit, I can’t be too loud,” she mutters, grinding harder. “Your dad and my mom would fucking kill us if they knew what we were doing.”
The thought of being caught only seems to turn her on more, her movements becoming more frantic as she chases her own pleasure. You’re completely at her mercy, her pussy clenching around you in perfect rhythm, her thighs flexing as she rides you like she owns you.
But then she slows, her hands sliding down to your chest as she leans over you, her breath hot against your ear. “Let’s change it up,” she whispers, her voice dripping with authority.
She pulls off you with a slick, wet sound, leaving you throbbing and desperate. Grabbing your wrists, she maneuvers you onto your back, your legs spreading awkwardly as she positions herself between them.
“This is called the Amazon position,” she says, her tone mocking as she smirks down at you. “You’re about to get fucked properly.”
She straddles your waist, your cock pressing against her soaked folds again as she grips your thighs for leverage. With one hand, she lines you up, her other hand pressing against your chest to keep you in place.
“Ready?” she asks, her smirk widening as she looks down at you.
You nod, your muffled groan turning into a desperate whimper as she sinks down onto you again, her pussy taking you in inch by inch.
“Fuck,” she breathes, her head tilting back as she adjusts to the new angle. “You’re so fucking deep like this. God, I might actually let you cum if you keep feeling this good.”
Her hands grip your thighs tighter as she starts moving, her hips rolling in slow, deliberate circles. The position gives her complete control, and she takes full advantage, slamming down onto you with a force that makes the bed creak beneath you.
“Look at you,” she taunts, her voice trembling with pleasure. “Lying there like a good little toy, letting me use you. Bet you’ve never had a girl take charge like this, huh?”
You shake your head, your hands gripping the sheets as she rides you relentlessly, her moans filling the room despite her earlier efforts to keep quiet.
“God, you’re so fucking easy,” she pants, her movements becoming faster, more erratic. “I could do this all night. Fuck, I might have to—I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this dick.”
Yujin’s hips roll and slam against you with abandon now, the room filled with the wet, obscene sounds of her pussy taking you over and over. Her breathing is heavy, her moans louder, no longer restrained. It’s as if she’s forgotten where you are—or maybe she just doesn’t care anymore. The way her nails dig into your chest, her thighs flexing with each thrust, tells you she’s chasing her high, and nothing else matters.
Your body arches beneath her, the sensation overwhelming, her wet heat gripping you so tightly it feels like she’s molding herself to your cock. You can’t help it anymore—the panties in your mouth feel suffocating. With trembling hands, you yank them out and gasp, your voice cracking as you moan, “Fuck, Yujin… this feels so good. I’m—I’m loving this.”
Her head snaps down, her eyes locking onto yours, a mix of dominance and amusement lighting up her face. “Oh yeah?” she pants, her pace not faltering for a second. “You love being fucked by me? You love being under me like this?”
“Yes,” you moan, your voice shaky but full of conviction. “I fucking love it.”
She laughs, low and breathless, her lips curling into that wicked smirk that’s burned into your mind. “Of course you do,” she says, leaning forward slightly, her hips still slamming into you with precision. “You’re my little whore, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you gasp, your hands clutching the sheets as her words send another wave of heat through you.
“Say it,” she commands, her voice sharp despite the tremor of pleasure in it. “Say you’re my little whore.”
“I’m your little whore,” you cry out, your voice cracking as her movements grow more frantic.
She bites her lip, her head falling back for a moment before she looks down at you again, her eyes burning with intensity. “Do I own you?” she asks, her voice softer now, almost intimate, but the demand in her tone is unmistakable.
“Yes,” you say, your voice trembling. “You own me. I belong to you, Yujin.”
Yujin’s movements become erratic, her hips grinding down onto you with a desperate rhythm, her thighs trembling as she takes you deeper with every thrust. The Amazon position lets her dominate you completely, her hands pressing firmly against your chest for leverage.
The wet, obscene sounds of her pussy swallowing your cock echo in the room, mingling with her moans, which are growing louder and less controlled. She’s past caring about being overheard, her voice shaky and raw as her pleasure builds to a fever pitch.
“Fuck,” she gasps, her head tilting back, her hair cascading over her shoulders as she loses herself in the sensation. “You feel so fucking good… I’m so close.”
Her thighs flex around your waist, her entire body trembling with the effort to ride you faster, harder. She leans forward, her face hovering inches above yours, her breath hot and ragged as she looks into your eyes. “You’re such a fucking loser,” she pants, her lips curling into a smirk even as her voice shakes. “But this cock… god, this cock is fucking perfect.”
You groan beneath her, your hands gripping the sheets as her pussy clenches tighter around you. The heat, the pressure, the way she moves—it’s all too much, and you can barely hold on as she takes you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she cries out, her voice cracking as her pace grows frantic. Her hands slide up to her breasts, squeezing and teasing her own nipples as she rides you like her life depends on it. “Don’t you fucking dare come now,” she orders, her tone desperate now. “Just… fuck, just stay right there.”
Her hips slam down onto you one last time, her body stiffening as she throws her head back with a loud, guttural moan. Her pussy clamps down around your cock, squeezing and pulsing as her orgasm crashes over her like a tidal wave. Her thighs tremble violently, and her nails dig into your chest hard enough to leave marks as she grinds down onto you, riding out every last wave of pleasure.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chants, her voice raw and breathless as her body jerks against yours. Her slickness floods around you, the heat of her orgasm soaking your thighs and dripping down onto the bed.
When she finally collapses forward, her chest pressing against yours, her breath comes in ragged gasps, her hair sticking to her damp skin. She’s still trembling slightly, her pussy fluttering around your cock as the last aftershocks of her climax ripple through her.
“Holy shit,” she mutters against your neck, her voice low and hoarse. “That was fucking insane.”
You stay still beneath her, your cock still hard inside her as her slick heat surrounds you. She lifts her head after a moment, her smirk returning as she looks down at you, her fingers tracing lazy circles on your chest.
“You didn’t cum yet, did you?” she asks, her tone smug.
You shake your head, your breath still uneven.
“Good,” she says, biting her lip as her hips shift slightly, her pussy still gripping you tightly. “Because I’m not done with you yet. Your cock is amazing.”
You smile weakly, your hands resting on her back as you catch your breath. “You’re… pretty amazing yourself,” you manage, your voice still shaky.
She chuckles softly, her breath warm against your skin. “Damn right I am.”
For a while, you just lie there together, your bodies tangled, the post-orgasm haze making everything feel surreal. Especially Yujin, who is kissing you with a tenderness you would never expect from her.
Then, a sharp knock on the door shatters the quiet.
“Everything okay in there?” your dad’s voice calls out, muffled through the wood.
Your heart stops, and Yujin’s eyes snap open, wide with panic. She looks at you, mouthing, do something!
“Y-yeah!” you call back, trying to sound casual.
Your dad pauses for a moment. “I thought I heard a scream,” he says.
“Oh, uh, I'm watching a movie!” you blurt out, your voice cracking slightly. “That must’ve been it.”
“A movie?” he repeats, sounding skeptical.
“Yeah,” you say quickly. “I’ll, uh, turn it down. Sorry about that.”
There’s another pause before your dad finally says, “Alright. Just keep it down, okay? Yujin must be asleep already.”
“Okay, no problem!” you reply, relief washing over you as you hear his footsteps retreating.
You and Yujin stay frozen for a moment, then look at each other, wide-eyed. Slowly, a grin spreads across her face, and she starts laughing softly. You can’t help but join her, the tension melting away as you both dissolve into quiet, breathless giggles.
“You’re fucking insane,” you whisper, shaking your head.
She smirks, leaning in to kiss your cheek. “There’s nothing wrong with a little fun,” she says smugly.
You roll your eyes but can’t help smiling. “What does it feel like?” she asks suddenly, her voice softer now.
“Being fucked by a woman,” she says, her smirk returning. “What’s it like?”
You pause, your face flushing as you search for the right words. “It’s… the best feeling ever,” you admit. “Your pussy is so tight, it feels so fucking good.”
Her smirk widens, and she sits up slightly, her hands resting on your chest. “Yeah?” she says, her voice teasing. “Wanna see how my pussy grips your cock?”
Your breath catches, and you nod quickly. “Yes,” you whisper, your voice trembling.
She grins wickedly, sliding off you and turning around. “Alright then,” she says, positioning herself on your thighs in a perfect reverse cowgirl. She glances over her shoulder, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Let’s see how much you can handle.”
With that, she lowers herself onto you again, her wet heat enveloping you completely. The sight of her ass bouncing as she starts to ride you is almost too much to handle, and you grip her hips, your fingers sinking into her soft skin as she takes control once more.
Yujin’s hips move in slow, deliberate circles, her wet heat gripping your cock like a vice. From your vantage point, you have a perfect view of her pussy taking you in with every motion, clinging to you tightly as she lifts herself up and sinks back down. It’s mesmerizing—the way she moves is hypnotic, every roll of her hips precise and calculated.
Her head tilts back slightly, her hands braced on your thighs for balance, her breathing steady but filled with quiet moans. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and it’s driving you crazy.
“Fuck,” you mutter, your hands sliding up to her waist and then lower to her ass. You can’t help yourself—you squeeze her buttocks, soft and fleshy, feeling the way they move under your hands as she rides you.
She chuckles breathlessly, glancing over her shoulder at you. “Like what you see?”
“Yeah,” you gasp, your fingers digging into her skin as her pace remains maddeningly slow. “You’re fucking perfect.”
“I know,” she purrs, arching her back slightly to give you an even better view. “Keep talking, loser. I like hearing how much you love this.”
“You’re amazing,” you admit, your voice trembling. “The way you move, the way you feel… it’s fucking incredible.”
Her smirk widens as she lets out a low moan, her pussy clenching around you in perfect rhythm. “Of course it is,” she teases. “I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you, and now you finally know it.”
Your fingers tighten on her ass, your hips twitching involuntarily as she grinds down harder. The pleasure is almost unbearable, and then she slows again, her movements languid and torturous.
“Yujin,” you groan, your voice strained.
She glances back at you, her smirk turning wicked. “What?”
“Don’t stop,” you plead, your hands gripping her tighter.
“Oh, I’m not stopping,” she says, her voice dripping with amusement. “I’m just enjoying myself.”
Her pace remains steady for a moment before she shifts her weight slightly, taking you deeper. Her wetness makes every movement smooth and slick, and the sound of it fills the room, mixing with your ragged breathing.
Then, out of nowhere, she asks, “Do you want to cum inside me?”
The question jolts you, and your heart skips a beat. “W-what?” you stammer, staring at her in shock.
She giggles, rolling her hips in a way that makes your whole body shudder. “You heard me,” she says, her tone playful but teasing. “Do you want to cum inside me?”
“I… I can’t,” you say quickly, panic creeping into your voice. “You could get pregnant.”
Her laughter is wicked, and she glances back at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Oh, so you’re saying you’d like to get me pregnant, huh?”
“What? No!” you protest, your face burning.
“Think about it,” she continues, clearly enjoying your reaction. “The big, bad bully who made your life hell, walking around with your baby. Everyone would know it was you. Hell, I’d make sure they knew.”
“Yujin!” you groan, equal parts embarrassed and aroused.
“You’d love it, wouldn’t you?” she teases, her pussy tightening around you as she moves. “The thought of me, pregnant because of you. God, you’re such a perv.”
“It’s exciting, yeah,” you admit reluctantly, your voice barely above a whisper. “But… no. I don’t want that.”
She laughs again, the sound rich and sultry. “Relax,” she says, her tone softening slightly. “I’m on the pill, dumbass. I’ve been on it for a while.”
You blink, her words catching you off guard. “Why?”
“Maybe,” she says, leaning forward slightly, her hips still moving, “I was waiting for this moment.”
The idea sends a jolt of arousal through you, and your cock twitches inside her. “Fuck,” you mutter, your voice shaky. “If that’s true… then yes. I want to cum inside you. I really fucking want to.”
Her grin widens, and she lets out a low chuckle. “Of course you do,” she says smugly, her hands gripping your thighs as she picks up the pace.
Her hips slam down harder now, the rhythm more erratic as she chases both of your highs. The sight of her pussy taking you in, the sound of her moans mixing with the wet slap of skin against skin—it’s almost too much, but you manage to hold on, even as the pressure builds inside you.
“Don’t you fucking dare cum yet,” she warns, her voice breathy but firm. “Not until I say so.”
Yujin’s movements grow frantic, her hips slamming down on your cock with an obscene rhythm. The sound of her ass smacking against your pelvis fills the room, wet and loud, accompanied by her uncontrollable moans. Her head tilts back, her hair cascading over her shoulders, and you’re completely transfixed by the sight of her ass bouncing on your cock, jiggling with every violent thrust.
“Fuck, Yujin,” you gasp, your voice strained. “If you keep this up, I won’t be able to hold out.”
She glances back at you, her face flushed and glistening with sweat, her lips curling into a devilish grin. “Don’t you dare,” she snaps, her breath coming in sharp gasps. “You hold on. I need to cum again!”
You grip the sheets beneath you, your knuckles white as the pleasure builds to unbearable levels. She’s going wild now, her pace relentless, her moans louder and more desperate. Every thrust sends waves of heat coursing through your body, and you can feel yourself teetering on the edge.
“Yujin,” you groan, your voice barely audible. “I’m gonna cum. I can’t hold it.”
She lets out a sharp cry, her nails digging into your thighs as she rides you harder. “No,” she barks, her tone commanding even as her moans turn ragged. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you? You’ll wait. You’ll cum when I say you can.”
Her words send a shiver down your spine, and you struggle to nod, your breath hitching as she continues to take you to your limits.
“That’s it,” she pants, her voice softening slightly. “You’re my good boy. You’ll wait for me. Just a little longer, okay? We’re gonna cum together.”
Her encouragement is intoxicating, and you fight to hold back, even as her pace grows more erratic. The wet sound of her pussy taking your cock mixes with the obscene slap of her ass against you, and you can feel her walls tightening around you, clenching rhythmically.
“I’m so close,” she moans, her voice trembling. “Hold on for me. Just a little more.”
Your body trembles beneath her, your cock throbbing inside her as she leans forward slightly, her nails dragging down your thighs. Her dirty talk spills from her lips in breathless gasps, driving you both closer to the edge.
“God, you’re so deep,” she whispers, her voice breaking. “I can feel every inch of you, stretching me so good. You’re gonna cum inside me, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you manage to choke out, your voice desperate.
Her smirk returns, her hips slamming down harder. “You’re gonna fill me up,” she murmurs, her tone filthy. “Mix your cum with my juices. God, I want it so bad. I want your thick, hot cum in my pussy. Are you gonna give it to me?”
“Yes,” you moan, your voice breaking as your grip on the sheets tightens.
She lets out a loud, shaky cry, her movements growing wild and uncontrolled. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she gasps, her head tilting back. “I’m cumming! Cum with me, baby, cum inside me!”
Her words are your undoing. Your body jerks beneath her as your orgasm crashes over you, and you let out a loud, guttural moan as you release deep inside her. Her pussy clamps down on you, pulsing and milking you for everything you have as she cries out, her body trembling with the force of her climax.
The two of you ride out the waves together, your bodies locked in rhythm as her walls squeeze you tightly, your cum flooding her. Her hips slow, her movements becoming more erratic as the last tremors of her orgasm roll through her. Finally, she collapses forward, her chest heaving as she rests against your thighs, her body still twitching from the intensity.
“Fuck,” she breathes, her voice barely above a whisper. “That was… holy shit.”
You’re too spent to reply, your chest rising and falling as you struggle to catch your breath. She stays there for a moment before slowly sitting up, a satisfied smirk spreading across her face.
“Let’s see the damage,” she says, her tone playful but tired.
She lifts herself off you slowly, and you watch as your cock slips out of her with a wet, lewd sound. Thick streams of cum drip from her swollen pussy, trailing down her thighs and pooling on the sheets beneath her.
“Damn,” she murmurs, reaching down to swipe her fingers through the mess before holding them up to show you. “You really filled me up, huh?”
You nod weakly, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight of her pussy still leaking your cum.
She grins, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Not bad for a loser,” she teases softly. “Not bad at all.”
The room is still, the air thick with the lingering heat of your bodies and the unmistakable scent of sex. Yujin sits beside you, her chest rising and falling as she catches her breath, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. You watch her, unable to tear your gaze away from the way her flushed skin glows under the soft light, her hair messy, her lips slightly swollen. Before you can stop yourself, you lean in and kiss her.
It’s not a tentative kiss this time. It’s intense, filled with every ounce of passion you didn’t know you had left in you. Yujin freezes for a second, clearly taken aback by your sudden boldness, but she recovers quickly. Her lips move against yours, just as hungry as before, her hands cupping your face as if she’s trying to figure out what just got into you.
When you finally pull back, her eyes are wide, searching yours. “Wow,” she says, letting out a small laugh. “Where the hell did that come from?”
“I couldn’t help it,” you admit. “That was… the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
Yujin chuckles, a low, lazy sound that warms the environment. “Not gonna lie,” she says, brushing a strand of hair out of her face, “I think I might agree with you on that.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you can’t stop the words that come tumbling out next. “You look really beautiful right now,” you say, your voice trembling slightly.
Her smirk returns, but there’s something softer behind it this time. “Careful,” she teases, tilting her head. “Are you falling in love with me or something?”
Your face burns instantly, and you fumble for a response. “No! I mean… I—uh, that’s not what I meant—”
She cuts you off with a laugh, waving her hand dismissively. “Relax, loser. I’m just messing with you.” Her voice drops slightly, and she looks at you, almost shy. “But… maybe I like you too. Just a little.”
“Do you mean you like me now,” you ask after a moment, your voice hesitant, “or… did you like me in high school?”
She hesitates, chewing her lip as if deciding whether to answer honestly. “Yeah, since high school,” she admits finally, avoiding your gaze.
“But… then why were you so mean to me?”
She rolls her eyes, but her smirk doesn’t quite reach her eyes this time. “You only ever see the bad side of things,” she says, her tone playful but tinged with something serious. “Do you not remember how many times I kept other people from fucking with you?”
You blink, the memory surfacing almost instantly. A group of older guys had cornered you once by the lockers, shoving you around, but before things got worse, Yujin had shown up like a goddamn storm cloud. She’d sent them scattering with nothing more than a sharp glare and a few choice words.
“That was you,” you mutter, the realization sinking in.
She shrugs, her expression carefully neutral. “Yeah, that was me. Look, I’m not good at showing feelings, alright? My love language is… teasing. Irritating people. Making their lives hell. It's my defense mechanism. It's complicated to explain."
“So, what you’re saying is… the more you teased me, the more you liked me?”
Her face flushes, and she scowls, swatting your arm. “Don't feel special just because I told you this, dumbass.” She pauses, then mutters, “But… maybe.”
You grin, the bittersweet humor of it all settling over you. “That means you must have liked me a lot, then.”
“Shut up,” she grumbles, but her lips twitch into a reluctant smile as she leans in and kisses you again, softer this time.
When she pulls back, she stretches out on the bed, looking far too comfortable. “Let’s watch your stupid Lion King movie,” she says.
You blink at her. “Didn’t you just make fun of it earlier?”
She rolls her eyes. “I was teasing you, silly. Everyone loves Disney movies.”
You laugh, shaking your head as you reach for your laptop on the desk, but something nags at you. “Shouldn’t you go back to your room?” you ask, glancing toward the door. “What if your mom or my dad heard us?”
She smirks, unfazed. “First of all, your room is the last one in the hall, if they barely heard my screams before, they won't hear us now. Second, they both sleep like rocks. We’re fine.”
Her confidence is oddly reassuring, and you relax a little as she scoots closer, resting her head on your shoulder.
“What if they wake up early?” you ask, still not entirely convinced.
She snorts. “I’ll sneak back before they do. Relax, loser. I’m not leaving yet.”
The idea of her staying here, curled up next to you, makes your chest tighten in a way you don’t entirely understand. You glance down at her, and she catches your gaze, raising an eyebrow.
“What?” she asks, her voice softer now.
“Nothing,” you say quickly, but the small smile that tugs at your lips says otherwise.
“Okay, let's change these sheets before we watch the movie,” says Yujin clapping her hands and getting up from the bed. “You need to wash them in secret tomorrow, don't forget.”
After changing the sheets and Yujin brushing her teeth (and yes, she used your toothbrush), the two of you are in bed again, still naked, at Yujin's insistence. According to her, she loves the feeling of the soft blanket fabric against her bare skin.
You adjust the laptop on the bed, propping it up on a pillow so you both can see. "Alright, but if you start singing 'Hakuna Matata,' I swear..." you tease, giving her a playful nudge.
Yujin grins, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, I'll sing it alright. You'll be joining in by the end, just watch."
As the movie starts, you can't shake the surreal feeling of the whole situation. Here you are, watching The Lion King with Yujin, your new stepsister, both of you naked and sticky from what just went down.
It's fucking weird, but also... kind of nice.
You glance down at her, her head resting on your shoulder. Her eyes are glued to the screen, a soft smile playing on her lips. She looks so different like this—relaxed, almost innocent. It's a far cry from the smirking, foul-mouthed girl who was jerking you off with her foot just minutes ago.
About halfway through the movie, you feel her hand creep onto your thigh, her fingers tracing small patterns on your skin. It's distracting, but you don't want her to stop. You cover her hand with yours, giving it a squeeze. She looks up at you, her smile softening even more.
"This is nice," she murmurs.
You nod, a lump forming in your throat. "Yeah, it is."
As the movie continues, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. This is fucked up, no doubt about it. But it also feels... right. Like this is exactly where you're both meant to be, at least for tonight.
You push aside the nagging thoughts about what this means, about what happens next. For now, you just want to enjoy this moment, this strange, perfect little bubble you've found yourselves in.
As the credits roll, Yujin looks up at you, her eyes searching. "So, what the hell are we going to do with this?" she asks, her voice soft.
You shrug, a small smile tugging at your lips. "I don't know. But I'm glad you're here."
She smiles back, her hand squeezing yours. "Me too, loser. Me too.”
#gg smut#kpop gg smut#kpop m!reader#kpop male oc#kpop male reader#kpop smut#m!reader#ive yujin smut#ive yujin#yunjin x male reader#yujin smut#yujin#yujin ive#yujin x reader#kpop gg#kpop#male reader#m! reader#Yujin oneshot#smut#ive smut
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To that one thought about the different monarchs YES TO ALL
Ahahaha im so glad so many people liked that idea (OG post here), so ive decided to work on it. So, lets set the story okay? (also btw do not @ me with historical inaccuracies and dates because i simply dont care about all of this that deeply). This AU will have multiple parts, where reader gets to travel through different time periods (and some of them will be real historic figures, others would be created by me).
Reader is a scientist, was working on her time machine (which is just a small box with time/year slots on it), and decides to travel to the past to solve some mysteries, or perhaps simply for the love of history.
So, where does reader travel to first?
1180. Landing right in the kingdom of Jerusalem. And who does she meet?
King Baldwin IV- the leper king.
Reader wanted to see how leprosy, a deadly disease at the time, had affected the king, who despite his conditions, still managed to possess great military strategies and IQ. And how even though his people knew about his outcome, still pledged their loyalty and unwavering support.
You, a scientist of the modern time ofc brought along futuristic gadgets with you. Knowing how youd look in your present era clothes, you wore a watch that allowed you to change into clothes of old times, to blend in easily. All of your gadgets were concealed easily because of their "invisibility cloak" feature.
You made your way towards the castle, making sure to not let awe be apparent in your face as you took in your surroundings, thinking of all the questions youd like to ask the wise king. Of course, you had to make sure you dont do anything to disturb the historic timeline, because then it just might lead to disastrous results.
Getting into the castle was easy, after all you had equipment to sneak you in undetected. You looked around as the servants rushed around, talking about making the arrangements perfect for the feast. You figured out that the feast was probably for another victory the king had gotten, which meant that everyone would be too busy to notice you snooping around.
With everyone engaged downstairs, you had your way up to the king's study, where you opened the door only to be met with a tall burly man standing there, looking surprised to see you.
"Who are you?" He barked, and you got the worst vibes from this man.
"Uh- Im a servant!" You said,backing up a little, just in case you needed to make a run. The man narrowed his eyes as he looked you up and down. "A servant? No servants are allowed in the king's study!"
"The king sent me here." You lied. "And why are you here if servants are not allowed?"
The man's eyes widened in rage before grabbing you by the neck. "Because Im not a servant, fool! I'm his brother in law!" He shook you hard. "And I dont think youre a servant, if you couldnt recognise me! I will have your head, spy!"
"GUY!" Someone yelled from behind you, making Guy look up as his grip around your neck loosened. "Let her go!"
"Your majesty, she's a spy-"
"She's a servant. I sent her up to retrieve my papers." Guy let you go, as you quickly turned around to see him- King Baldwin. You bowed to him as you gave him a glance, noticing his piercing gaze through his iron mask. His gaze shifted from you to Guy. "And what were you doing here, Guy?"
"I was looking for Sibylia, your majesty." He said.
"In my study? My sister is waiting for you downstairs. Go." Guy scrambled away with his tail tucked between his legs, while you watched as the king made his way into his study, leaving you outside.
You took a step back, about to leave-
"Well, come on in." He called you. You ponder over it for a second before walking in. Look, how many times can you meet a historical figure like him?
Baldwin was sitting in his chair, his eyes looking at you through his mask. "So, who are you and what were you doing here? And dont bother lying, unless you want to be tortured for attempted assassination on the king."
You bit your lip before sighing. "Im Y/n L/n." Clasping your hands together, you took a deep breath. "I came here because... I wanted to know about you."
He rested his chin on his palm. "Why? Do you not know about the king of Jerusalem? Where are you from?" He's not vain, but he knows that his numerous victories have made him popular over the years. So why do you not know of him? Or his brother in law, Guy, who is very vain.
"Im from nowhere. For as long as I can remember, Ive been travelling from place to another. Of course, Ive heard about you, but... I crave to know more." You said, partly telling the truth because you do want to know more about him.
His eyes remained on you, the same intense gaze. "And why should I allow you to know more? Do you mistake yourself to be worthy enough to even be in the presence of a king?"
Shit. He was trying to put you in the corner. You had to play this smart.
You smiled softly. "Of course not. Then again, none of us are worthy of anything God blesses us with." You paused, letting the words settle. "Your majesty, I only wish to know more about you because I like to write. I like to write about history, and when one day, God forbid, you succumb to your illness, wouldn't you like to be known for more than just your victories?" You'd read about how Baldwin IV was a fan of history and stories.
His eyes stared at you- no, through you. Unmoving, he replied. "Man shouldnt be so narcissistic to have someone write about his deeds."
You gave a nod. "Jesus wasnt a narcissist. Neither was Mary, nor Abraham. Muhammad wasnt a narcissist either, yet theyre mentioned in books- holy books, nonetheless."
The room fell silent for a few seconds, before he spoke. "True. But why should I have you write it, instead of using one of my scribes?"
"Precisely for the reason you just said." You raised your head a bit. "They'd write never ending praises for you, portray you as this omnipotent ruler, make you look like a narcissit even. I have a keen eye, your majesty. I like to look at what there is beyond the surface. If you let me be your scribe, I could write about details you dont even know. Id write about your strengths as well as weaknesses, for the generations to read and learn from you."
Baldwin remained still for a few moments before finally standing up, walking directly towards you until he was face to face. His blue eyes shining bright under his iron mask.
"I will let you write, under two conditions. First- I approve what gets to be in the book. And second... you spy for me."
"Wait, spy?"
He hummed. "Well, not a conventional spy. You wont have to leave this castle and penetrate enemy territories to eavesdrop. I still dont trust you enough. No- you- you will spy on my court. I want to know what is happening, when, where, and who says what." Under his mask, he raised a brow. "Do you accept?"
You pretended to hesitate, when in reality this was the exact situation you wanted to be in. "Hmm... yes. I accept."
"Good." He walks back towards his desk. "I expect that it goes without saying- complete discretion." You smiled. "Of course, your majesty."
Months passed by as you worked for the king. He let you in on details, allowed you to ask personal questions, and in return you kept an eye on everything that happened in court. Listening on to what the servants whispered to eavesdropping on "secret meetings" of the nobles- of course, headed by Guy. Oh how you loathed that vermin's guts. No- he had no guts. A spineless creature, who blatantly talked of the king's eventual demise and all the ways he'd make the kingdom flourish again, how he'd show "no mercy to Salauddin and his muslims". You have no idea how Sibylla was attracted to him- a man who plans her brother's demise openly.
As for the king, working with him- or for him, wasnt all bad. In fact, it was quite fun. The amount of stories, the secrets youve been able to discover- none of it could ever be found in any history book. Most of all, you respect Baldwin on a whole new level now.
His struggles, ever since he was kid- not being a legitmate ruler, his parents being forced to separate, then being diagnosed with leprosy but forced to keep it a secret, the competition with his other sibling to be the heir, and of course, even when he did become the king, he still had to prove his mettle- his worth that he's worthy of ruling even with his disease.
With his life expectancy being uncertain and a huge amount of responsibility being shovelled onto him, he had to learn a lot and master various skills in very short time.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Y/n could only imagine how isolated he must feel. Not being able to touch anyone, to have a significant other, to constantly win battles and do everything in your power to help the kingdom flourish, just for him to not even be alive to enjoy the fruits of his efforts. And worse, he's forced to give it away to his brother in law, that useless piece of shit.
Its one thing that confuses you about Baldwin. You know how persistent he is, how when he sets his eyes on something, he does everything in power and BEYOND to achieve it. For example, when he was only a child and had started to lose the ability to use his hands, he quickly learned to use his thighs to steer his horse. He did not let his disease hold him back, so how does a person as motivated as him simply allow his kingdom to be left in the hands of someone as incapable as Guy?
Then again, you suppose he's doing it for the sake of his sister. Baldwin adores Sibylla, and you could see why. Sibylla was his older sister, she took care of him, and she was forced to marry early because the court would only allow Baldwin to be king IF she were married, so that when Baldwin dies of leprosy, her husband could take care of the kingdom. Baldwin views it as the ultimate sacrifice, so even though he has tried to separate his sister from Guy, she has refused because she's in love with him.
God knows how. You wondered. Guy does not have any redeeming qualities, then again youre thinking like a 21st century woman. Woman of this time had the bar for men set below the deepest level in hell.
"So, what do you have for me today?" Baldwin asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts. You sighed, shaking your head. "Nothing new, really. Your brother in law, pardon my language your majesty, has been spewing shit about how he'll make the kingdom great again when you die. But when those nobles ask him how, he either has no answer and tries to cover it up by saying its a secret, or he'd say something so ridiculous- his ideas are bound to not only fail, but actually destroy the kingdom even more. I am surprised he doesnt give himself a headache by his own voice. God knows i get one whenever he opens his mouth." You complained, rubbing your temples making the king chuckle. Baldwin seemed to enjoy how informally you spoke.
"Guy is... something else. I apologise on his behalf." You could sense him smiling under his mask. You gave a small smile, but truthfully, your head was actually hurting a lot. You could only hope this was not a migraine developing.
"Would you like tea? Or wine?" He asked as he called in a servant. "Just water for me, thank you." You said, closing your eyes for a few moments as the sharp ache in your head increased.
Baldwin's eyes remained on you, a calculated gaze. "Are you alright? Should I call in the physician?" You shook your head. As if you could trust physicians of this time. "No, I'll be fine after I sleep." You have some medical potions with you that could heal your basic diseases and pains. A gift of modern medicine. But you'll have to use it discreetly, lest someone from this era discovers it and calls you a witch.
The servant soon brought in a chalice filled with water for you and you immediately took a sip of the cool water. Baldwin stood up as he walked over to the window, looking out into the dark night.
"Can I ask you something personal?" You asked. He hummed. You stared at his back, the white cloak he was dressed in. "Do you think if you never had this disease, would you still be a great king? A king who is so motivated to make his kingdom as successful as he can before his time is up?"
He looked back at you, and for a second you wondered if you had slighted him. But these past few months, you've learned to read his body language, despite how hard he conceals both himself and his thoughts.
"No." He said, turning back to the window. "I probably would've been a spoiled brat, I don't think I would've even been chosen to be king. I would've lost it to my half brothers." He tilted his head as he looked at a particular star in the sky. "I suppose my disease is a blessing. God blessed me with it to humble me. Had He not, I probably wouldn't be religious."
"And is that how you see your suffering? A blessing from God?" You asked as you pulled out the medical vial from your cloak and poured it in your chalice. Your headache had started to pulsate now and you needed this.
"I do. I have to serve my people, and my suffering has brought me closer to them and to God. And even with my disease, I was made a king. Isn't that divine intervention? My purpose on earth?" He said almost monotonously, as if he's had this conversation a thousand times.
You took sip of your medicated water, headache immeadiately reducing in intensity. "So... if you had the chance, would you still be the leper king? Or would you be healthy but... not a king? Just a man who gets to experience life like the rest of us, eat normal food, play with others, walk without having to wear a mask, or even fall in love?"
He remained silent, but his shoulders dropped ever so slightly. Tired? Or defeated?
"I prefer not to think about things I have no control over, Y/n." He finally turned around and his blue eyes looked at yours, though this time, there was something else swirling in them. "Finish your water and head to bed. I don't think you're well enough to tell me a story tonight." You smiled gratefully. Over these past few months, the king had enjoyed the modern world stories you told him. Some were literature classics, like Romeo and Juliet, others were straight up fanfic plots with details missing because he wouldn't have understood them anyways.
You were about to pick up your chalice when suddenly Baldwin fell to the ground.
"Your Majesty!" You rushed over to him, watching him tremble on the ground as he struggled to breathe. You dropped to your knees and attempted to remove his mask, only for him swat your hand away.
"No! You'll get it too!" He said, his eyes screwing shut in pain. He was worried about you contracting leprosy.
"Just- trust me." You pursed your lips as you moved his hand away and removed his mask, before removing the white veil underneath it, which was there to prevent his peeling skin and sores from sticking to the iron mask.
You didn't gasp when you saw his disfigured face. No, you'd seen it already when they constructed his face using modern technology. You touched his forehead with your palm, noticing how warm it was. This was one of his leprosy fevers, it was serious and quiet painful. But you already know he doesn't die until 1185 and it's still 1180.
"I'll go fetch the physician-"
"No!" Baldwin yelled, struggling to breathe. "No- just-" He suddenly whimpered as pain shot through every fiber of his body, making him dig his heels into the ground. Your heart wrenched at the sight.
"Its- too- hot- i-" you looked around before grabbing your chalice and bringing it to his lips, holding his head in your lap, you helped him drink the water. He drank it all, his forehead now covered in sweat and his face still contorted in pain. You held his hand and squeezed it.
"Its okay, Baldwin. I'm here. I'm right here." You whispered, his head resting in your lap as you gently wiped his forehead with your sleeve.
Baldwin stared up into your worried eyes, and that was the last thing he saw before he passed out.
Baldwin woke upto screaming. Opening his eyes, his blurred vision slowly cleared upto watch you and Guy screaming at each other, the latter had his hand clawed into your hair.
"WHO DO YOU THINK YOURE TALKING TO, YOU WENCH?!" Guy yelled as he shook you harshly.
"A SPINLESS BEING NOT WORTHY OF BEING CALLED A MAN!" You spat back, eyes red with rage.
Guy's eyes widened at the insult before he raised his hand to strike you, but was stopped by Baldwin.
"Guy! Let her go!" Both of your heads snapped towards the king.
"Y-your Majesty?" Guy couldn't believe his eyes. He survived?
"I said- let. Her. Go!" Baldwin commanded as he stood up and walked over to them, making Guy immeadiately let you go and bow to him. Baldwin's eyes landed on you, and you gave him a small bow.
"Leave." Baldwin commanded, eyes fixed on you.
Guy looked up from his his bowing position. "Your Majesty, I'm so glad you're well-"
"I said, LEAVE!" Baldwin's voice boomed, his eyes never leaving yours. Guy scrambled put of the room quickly, and you started to leave as well, but Baldwin grabbed your wrist.
"Not you." He said, those blue eyes piercing into you. "I- how long was I out?"
"2 weeks." You replied.
Baldwin let out small gasp as he let go of your hand and slowly walked towards the mirror in his room. It was quiet for a minute.
"What... happened?" He asked, looking at his reflection.
"Well, after you fainted, I called in the physicians and they took you to your chambers. They had prepared some medication but were hesitant to apply it on you, fearing they'd contract your disease. So, I convinced them to let me do it since I had already touched you. When I was done, your sister, princess Sibylla and Guy came. Guy asked the physicians when you would be dying, and the physicians said a few days and that this time- you may not wake up from your fever. While your sister broke down, and honestly I'm not trying to create problems for you guys, but you could ask anyone and they'd tell you just how much Guy beamed at the news. Anyways, they both left soon after that. Things were quite for a week, with the physicians coming in to give me the medication to apply on you. Then-" you paused trying not to show your frustration in your voice. "In the second week, Guy started fussing around and throwing tantrums since you didn't die yet. I mean, I was in your room but I could still hear him yelling at the physicians outside about how his coronation was being delayed because you were still here. It pissed me off, but you know me- I'm not one to get into family matters. So I didn't do anything. Then today-! Ugh, he came in while I was in your bathroom and I saw him grabbing a pillow and bringing it near your face. He stopped when I chucked your bible at him- so sorry about that but it was nearest thing next to me- and I just asked what he was doing. And do you know what he said? He had the nerve- THE NERVE to say 'I'm just trying to end his suffering, in fact you should do it. I can't risk contracting leprosy, I'm the future king!' And then I chucked your golden cross at him- again very sorry for that. And then we got into an argument and well- that's what you woke up to."
It was quiet again. You looked at Baldwin staring at his reflection, and for a moment, you thought he wasn't listening to you.
Baldwin nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Y/n. You may go to your room now. I will send in some physicians to check if you've contracted leprosy."
You frowned. "I havent-" but you stopped. How were you supposed to explain to him that you're "vaccinated".
In the mirror, his eyes shifted to you. "I know, but I'd like to know for sure. For my peace of mind."
You nodded. "Look, I'll go apologise to Guy right now-"
"No. There's no need. I'll talk to him myself. You've done enough. Please go to your room and wait for me." Baldwin gave you a small smile and watched you leave.
Moments later, he had a guard fetch the head physician in, who confirmed your story.
"Its true, your Majesty. Y/n risked her life to be with you for the past 2 weeks. She didn't leave the room and would apply medication on you herself, changed your clothes, wiped your sweat and even fed you some soup herself. She seemed very determined- almost as if she knew you'd recover. I'm ashamed to admit that I... I did not think you would." The physician even confirmed all the shit Guy had been doing, but Baldwin didn't need anyone's testimony to know that Guy was planning his downfall- and celebrating it. He wasn't surprised by that.
He was surprised by 2 things:
1. You hadn't contracted leprosy.
2. He was recovering from his disease.
"Its true. As you'd asked, I had done a check up on Y/n and I did not find any signs of leprosy... or any disease. She's as fit as can be!" The physician said in awe.
Baldwin smiled at that, looking at the mirror again. His own skin had begun healing. Many of his sores had already disappeared, and his complexion was returning to normal. And physical appearance was one thing, but Baldwin could even feel himself healthy on the inside. That constant ache in his bones was gone, the fatigue was gone, the suffering was gone.
But how? How could it just go away like that?
It's been 2 days since he woke up, and his health only seems to be improving at an exponential rate. And he's still trying to figure out how he got well out of nowhere. Closing his eyes, he tried to recall the events of that night.
All he remembers is falling down, fever enveloping his body so quickly, he felt like he was burning up, and then you were there and you helped him drink-
Baldwin eyes snapped open. It made sense.
He called in the guard and had him fetch his senior council members in his court room.
"I have 2 surprises for you." Baldwin said as he sat on his throne, looking over the members (Sibylla and Guy were also present), all staring and perhaps gawking at how well he looked now. "My disease is cured. I no longer suffer from leprosy." The court immeadiately fell into whispers and mutterings before going silent when he raised a hand. "I know it sounds impossible, but as you can all see, my health has not only improved but in fact I have become stronger. My body is no longer ridden with sores and boils. I no longer wear a mask, neither do I require assistance in walking. In fact, I am even able to use both of my hands to not only use a sword but also-" He pulled out a dagger and aimed it an apple he threw in the air, piercing right through it. "- I am no longer blind in one eye."
The court erupted in cheer, congratulating the king and praising God for saving Baldwin and the kingdom. From his throne, he could see Sibylla clapping in joy and wiping tears from her eyes as she smiled at him, while Guy looked at him in shock.
"Your majesty! What's the other surprise?" One of the members asked.
Baldwin smiled as he stood up.
"I have found a wife. She's the one who healed me."
He looked at the court that had once again erupted into cheer.
"Jerusalem has a new Queen."
"What do you mean I can't leave?" You asked the guard who was stationed outside your door.
"Ma'am, as I said before, the king has asked you to wait for him and ordered us to not let you leave until he comes." He said before closing the door again.
You scoffed. Can't leave? Why the hell not?
It's probably because I insulted Guy. He wants to punish me because of that. Will he throw me in the dungeons? Or will he just have my head chopped off?
You pulled out your time machine, the small box in your hands.
Well, I'm not sticking around to find out. Time to leave-
Just then, you heard the door open, making you hide the machine again. Is he finally here?
"Princess Sibylla." You bowed.
She chuckled, grabbing your shoulders. "Now, now. There's no need for that. In fact, I have to be the one bowing to you now." She said before kissing your cheeks. She's always been very humble and kind, and over the past few months, you've developed a good friendship with her.
You gave her a quizzical look. "What do you mean?" She laughed again. "Oh come on. You don't have to hide it anymore. Tell me, how did you persuade Baldwin to marry?"
"The king is getting married? To who?"
Sibylla raised a brow at you. "To-"
"Sibylla." A voice cut her off.
Baldwin was standing at your door. You bowed quickly, he looked at you before shaking his head at his sister.
"Will you leave? I have to talk to Y/n."
Sibylla nodded as she walked towards the door, but not before giving him a hug and congratulating him.
You two were alone now.
Baldwin had his hands clasped behind him as he walked closer to you.
"How are you feeling?" You asked him, eyes shifting to his hands. Is he holding a knife? To punish you for insulting Guy?
"I'm well, all thanks to you." He replied.
"Huh?" You looked at him confused, but your mind was still occupied with his hands. What is he hiding?
I need to delay this and find an escape route to use my time machine. You thought.
"Um- I uh- I heard you're getting married." You gulped, eyes still fixed on his hands, trying to anticipate any sudden movements.
"I am."
"Oh um, congratulations."
"Thank you." Baldwin said, tilting his head slightly at your wide eyes fixed on his hidden hands.
"Y/n." He called out to you.
"Look, if you- if you're still mad at me about what I said to Guy, I apologise. But- but just so you know, I- I DONT THINKS ITS GOOD OMEN TO MURDER ME BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED!"
"Y/n!" You looked at him as he stared at you with amusement. "You're being ridiculous."
With one hand, he cupped your cheek as he brought himself closer.
"Why would I kill my soon-to-be wife?"
What? Wait-
"What?!" You shrieked backing away. "What kind of joke is that?!"
Baldwin looked insulted. "I wouldn't joke about this. You're very important to me."
"No- I- what?!"
He sighed as he sat on your bed. "Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? You saved me from an incurable disease, clearly you're the Chosen One, sent to me by God, and now I'll marry you."
You looked at him perplexed. "What are you talking about?! Saved you? All I did was help you drink water, apply your medication and-" you paused.
Helped him drink water... from my chalice... the one with... the medicinal vial.
"No." You covered your mouth in shock. What have I done?! This would change history completely! Shit. Shit. shit shit shit-
"Yes. You dont have to be so worried. The council is actually quiet happy that Im marrying someone, and they agree that there is no better match than the woman who saved my life-"
"I did not save your life!"
"Of course, you did. You gave your chalice-" "How is that even possible?! It only had water!" "Water that touched your lips first. Of course, it mustve been your essence, your saliva that healed me-" "Ew, no. Do you even yourself?! This is all unbelievable!"
Baldwin furrowed his brows slightly. "Its... not. I mean, look at you. You spent weeks taking care of me, you touched me, and yet did not even show signs of any illness, let alone leprosy! Of course, youre the chosen one!"
"I am not the chosen one!" You yelled as you pulled at your hair frustratedly. How could you fuck up so bad? If Baldwin really is cured, then history will be changed- and it will have disastrous impacts on future-
Baldwin pulled your hands away from your hair, tutting at you. "Dont do that. Youre the Queen, you cant hurt yourself."
"I am not the Queen."
He nodded. "Yet. But you are a princess now." Baldwin said as he pulled out the box hed been hiding behind his back all this time. Before you could even react, he'd already pulled out the big gold ring with a sapphire that had tiny diamonds around it and he slipped the ring onto your finger. You gawked at the ring making him chuckle.
Baldwin bent down to kiss your forehead sweetly before tapping your cheek admonishingly.
"Now, no hurting yourself princess. I want my queen in perfect health." Your cheeks reddened at how close he was, making him laugh even more as he pecked your forehead again and turned to leave.
You couldn't even say anything, he'd left you speechless. He looked back once, a lazy smile on his face.
"I should leave you to rest now, before Sibylla returns and starts pestering you with wedding preparations. She told me that shed been looking forward to this day for a very long time."
so this is part 1. thoughts????
PART 2 here!
#yandere baldwin#yandere king baldwin#yandere leper king#yandere baldwin iv#male yandere#bnha headcanon#yandere male#tw yandere#yandere#yandere x darling#male yandere x reader#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere x y/n#yandere oc#yandere oc x reader#yandere headcanons#yandere scenarios
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There’s a universal truth that everyone is aware of: kids can be mean.
Unfortunately for Samuel Foster, he knew this fact a little more intimately than he’d like. Once he was branded as the “weird kid,” there was no stopping the onslaught of harassment he received from his peers. Various things were flung his way, ranging from words to food to punches. More often than not, he’d go home covered in trash or bruises.
Samuel couldn’t understand why everyone was being so mean to him. If they thought he was so weird and gross, couldn’t they just leave him alone? It wasn’t like he was trying to stand out or anything like that. He just wanted to exist.
And yet, he couldn’t even have that. It was like the world was conspiring against him, to drive in the point of how pathetic and meaningless his existence was.
“Hey, I’m your partner for this project.”
That is, until he met you.
He still vividly remembers that day in middle school when you came up to talk to him. It wasn’t like you necessarily went out of your way to be nice to him, but even just basic human decency felt like a gift from the gods to Samuel.
You were funny and a good partner (he had expected to do all the work himself). And while your relationship should’ve ended with the project, his mom and your mom had ended up becoming friends during a ceramics class, which made it so that you two hung out a lot more often.
What really made Samuel feel like he could conquer the world was the fact that you didn’t seem to mind talking to him. In fact, you treated him like he was a human being, not some disgusting piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe.
As long as you were with him, he really didn’t need anyone else. In fact, everyone could hate him as long as you continued to talk to him.
Even when people began to stop harassing him (due to boredom, most likely), Samuel could care less. Sure, being able to hang out with you freely was a bonus, but he wasn’t really interested in making any more friends. You were the only one he really felt safe with.
What had started off as gratitude for treating him normally spiraled into a necessity to have you by his side. You’re the only one who’ll continue to treat him kindly. You’re the only one who accepts him for who he is. You’re the only one he needs.
Yet, he’s not the only one you need, at least, not yet. You still have other friends. You still have your family. You still have people that you seem to love.
It’s like you’ll be okay even if he’s not there. And that thought makes him spiral further and further because he won’t be okay if you’re not there.
So, you really can’t blame him for concocting a plan to kidnap you, really. He can’t live without you, after all, so you shouldn’t be allowed to live without him, either.
#yandere oc#male yandere#yandere x reader#tsuuper ocs#yandere x you#tw yandere#male yandere oc x reader#male yandere oc#2024 yan/monstertober tsuutarr#Samuel Foster Tsuu OC#in which I animate for some bizarre reason lmaooo#it's been so long since ive done animation so sorry if it's gross looking oop#Me: im really behind yantober#also me: *animates*
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Do you have smut hcs for the delinquents with an oral fixation darling? Outside of sex, they're playfully nipping the boys or giving plenty of kisses! Darling could be getting dicked down within an inch of their life but they'll whine if they aren't sucking dick/biting someone's shoulder/or having one of the boys' fingers in their mouth. it's degen hours for me ajsdhsjsdkjfblsjfk
this post is dedicated to mazzy. she literally ghostwrote this anon AKDJSKTB
i was gonna post this yesterday but i fucking blacked out so. hope yall like smut in the morning
nsfw, minors / ageless dni
· the boys are ALL over this. it drives them crazy when you’re affectionate with them, to the point they start arguing about who gets your attention next. they're melting every time you pepper them with kisses, playfully biting you back whenever you bite them, always so eager to return your energy when given the opportunity to.
· naturally, this attitude follows them to the bedroom, too. it wouldn't be too uncommon for some of them to bicker about who gets to fuck your mouth first next to spark up, especially since some of them would definitely start to hog you upon given the chance. it’s a guarantee that you won’t be leaving an encounter without the taste of one of them lingering on your tongue.
· aaron and judas are the most gentle, having their fun rubbing their cock against your mouth just to make you whine for them. judas would take his time getting himself off with just your lips no matter how much you protest or try to suck him off, gently scolding you every time you make the attempt to. aaron on the other hand would lose his patience after some time. all that begging, so desperate for him, he'd have no choice but to shut you up. who is he to deny you of what you both want?
· mattias and dom, meanwhile, are both practically the opposite of their friends. any time either man is involved, you'd definitely find yourself gagging on one of them before all of your clothes are off. they just can’t wait to be inside you any longer than what’s necessary.
· dominic isn't as classless as mattie — he's taking his time with you, asking you if you like how he tastes, looking real deep into your eyes throughout the whole act. he really loves to see the look on your face when he's cumming down your throat. but mattias can't help himself from using your mouth like a fleshlight, no matter how hard he tries. the sounds you make when you're gagging on him, the feeling of you desperately sucking his cock, the way you look at him when you know he's about to cum? he’s addicted to it. he likes it more than he likes actually fucking you, especially knowing how much you enjoy it too.
· you'll never have to worry about going unsatisfied with these four around. they're obsessed with and take advantage of your fixation as much as you'll let them — and you'll let them as much as they want, won't you? they're only trying to give you what you want, after all!
#this isnt even the most degen thing ive written and im still embarrassed#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere x oc#yandere boy#yandere headcanons#yandere imagines#yandere oc#yandere boys#male poly yanderes#yandere smut headcanons#yandere smut#yandere nsft#yandere x reader smut#🚬 mattias c. - dominic g. - judas j. - aaron d. ;; the delinquents#xvi ;; the tower — asks/inbox#anonymous
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For The Cameras
Length: +6k words
Genre: Fluff
IVE Gaeul x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Thank you to the buyer for purchasing this commission! If you are interested in purchasing a commission from me or simply want to leave a little tip, read this post first and then head on over to my ko-fi page!)
Somehow, despite this strange man you’ve never met before snaking his hands through your shirt, all you can think about is what you’re going to say to her. Will a simple “hello” suffice? Should you open with an old inside joke? A cliche “long time, no see”? Will she even remember you after all these years?
“Dude,” the strange man mutters, his deadpan eyes staring at you, but not quite looking at you.
“O-oh, sorry. Were you saying something?” you ask nervously.
“I need you to speak into the mic to check if it’s working properly,” he says, pointing at the collar of your shirt.
You peer down and notice a black fuzzy ball sticking out from your collar. If he hadn’t pointed it out to you beforehand, you would have definitely jumped and made yourself look like an even bigger fool than you probably already do. “R-right. Uh, hello? One, two, three, testing?”
He looks back at a man some distance away, fiddling with knobs on a small black box as he listens to your audio through his chunky headphones. A tense moment passes before he flashes a thumbs up in your direction.
“All right, you’re all good,” he utters before walking off without another word, leaving you completely stranded amidst this flurry of chaos. Screaming children running around, the distant rumble of roller coasters, a food stand selling trendy overpriced products every two steps—normal things you would see at an amusement park. What’s not normal is the couple dozen people around you handling all kinds of expensive-looking camera and audio equipment. If you had to bet, the fuzzy little ball clipped to your collar probably costs more than your rent.
You had no idea what you were getting into when you first signed up for that fan event. Winning a chance to film a variety show with a member of IVE seemed too good to be true, but after you found out that you would be filming it with her, entering the event was a no-brainer. By some stroke of luck, you’re now here in the middle of an amusement park, all but abandoned while jolly children’s songs and the incessant beeping of walkie-talkies makes it difficult to hear yourself think.
“Hey you!” A booming voice somehow cuts through all the noise, and you suddenly find yourself face to face with another man you’ve never met before. Unlike everyone else, however, he seems much more relaxed, even happy to be here. Despite his bulging muscles barely contained in his Hawaiian shirt, his steps are lightweight and peppy compared to the scrambling of footsteps of his subordinates, and the wrinkles outlining his wide smile are a testament to his years of experience in… whatever it is that he does.
You let out a sigh of relief as his demeanor puts you at ease in an instant. “Hello, sir,” you greet him.
He forcefully takes your hand into a firm handshake, almost jerking your arm out of its socket. “I’m Mr. Park, I’m the production director of today’s shoot!” he says, his voice loud and boisterous. “You must be our star for today!”
“I-I wouldn’t say that,” you mutter bashfully.
“Nonsense!” he guffaws. “I just wanna give you a quick little rundown of what we’re gonna be filming today. Basically, you’re just gonna go around the amusement park, hang out and talk with the idol, maybe even flirt a bit, y’know, play it up for the cameras.” Mr. Park punctuates his explanation with a hearty chuckle and a friendly elbow to your rib. What a guy.
“Uh, yeah, sure, I can do that—”
Suddenly, he pulls you close, donning a deathly serious expression that sends a chill down your spine. “If you do anything to ruin today’s shoot, I have a six foot hole in the middle of the woods with your name on it, if you catch my drift.”
Before you even have time to process what he said, Mr. Park walks off like nothing happened, his pearly whites gleaming as if he didn’t just threaten to end you moments before. You figured there would be some oddballs in this industry, but you didn’t expect it to be this insane. If things are like this after barely an hour here, you can only imagine what her daily life is like.
“There she is!” You hear Mr. Park’s voice in the distance as a group of burly men all clad in black approaches the set. Judging by their appearance, you can tell that they’re bodyguards, which means the person their protecting is—
“Hello, Mr. Park! It’s nice to see you again!” The two bodyguards at the front part, giving way for Gaeul to walk through and shake hands with Mr. Park. Your breath catches in your throat at the mere sight of her and all the greetings you’ve rehearsed in your head all morning flutter away like butterflies.
You suddenly feel like a little kid again, waiting at her front door so the two of you can go look for frogs or build a castle out of anything you could find in the forest near your houses. Before she was Gaeul, one of the stars of IVE and adored by billions of people around the world, she was simply Gaeul, your best friend that was never afraid to get her hands dirty for the sake of adventure. She was the girl that made your world feel a little less lonely.
And yet, despite her being right in front of you for the first time in years, the distance between you has never felt so far.
As Gaeul and Mr. Park approaches you, you inhale a shaky breath, trying your best to calm your nerves.
“...and this gentleman over here,” Mr. Park explains as he gestures towards you, “is the lucky fan who you’ll be spending the day with!”
You catch her eyes, and for a moment, everything around you seems to vanish. You know deep in your gut that it’s her, but she looks so… beautiful. Instead of the oversized hand-me-downs from her brother, she’s wearing clothes that actually fit her properly—a flower top, a pink cardigan, and a frilly black skirt that shows off her legs in a way that baggy cargo shorts never could. Her hair and makeup is perfectly and meticulously done up, you would mistake her for a doll if you walked by her too fast. Every trace of the Gaeul you once knew is gone—except for her eyes and the way they still light up when they meet yours.
“H-hi,” you stutter, extending a trembling hand towards her. “It’s, uh, nice to meet you.”
She pauses, glancing down at your hand before looking back up at your eyes. A smile creeps up on her glossy lips, and then the scent of strawberry shampoo assaults your senses in the most pleasant way possible as she wraps her arms around your neck in a warm embrace.
“It’s nice to see you again, small fry,” she says softly.
In a past life, you would’ve been annoyed by that silly little nickname—it’s not your fault that your growth spurt hit you later than hers did—but hearing it after so long fills you with an immense amount of happiness that you can’t quite describe. She still remembers you.
“Ehem,” Mr. Park clears his throat, reminding you of the involuntary audience witnessing your reunion. With heat racing towards your cheeks, you reluctantly free Gaeul from your arms. “Do, uh, do you two know each other?”
“He was my best friend back in middle school before I became a trainee,” she explains, beaming. ”We were inseparable back then.”
Mr. Park approaches you, his expression growing dark just like it did before. “Kid…” he mumbles, his voice low. Suddenly, he grabs onto your shoulder with a vice-like grip and lifts you off the ground until your legs are dangling helplessly in the air.
“U-uh, Mr. Park? W-what are you—”
“You. Are. A. Godsend!” he exclaims, now back to his cheery self. “This’ll be great for ratings! I can see the headlines now: ‘IVE’s Gaeul reunites with childhood friend after he wins a fan event!’ If I wasn’t happily married to my wife of seven years, I would kiss you right now!” Finally, he drops you back on your feet and hurriedly struts away, yelling at the staff members. “Let’s get this show on the road, folks! Time is money and I don’t wanna lose a single penny!”
Gaeul pats your shoulder, not even trying to stifle a laugh at your bewildered expression. “Are you alright? Mr. Park has a few screws loose, but I promise you he’s nice.”
Her touch immediately puts you at ease as you let out a chuckle of your own. “Well, my dignity is at an all time low, but what’s new?”
If you had to embarrass yourself in front of a member of IVE, at least it’s the one that’s already seen you at your absolute worst. Like no time has passed at all, the two of you slip back into comfortable patterns of banter. There’s so much you want to tell her. Milestones she missed, horrific first dates, and a plethora of other Gaeul-less memories that you know she’ll tease you for.
“I still can’t believe it’s you, small fry,” she says. “You look great.”
“I’m not sure if you can call me that anymore,” you playfully shoot back. Getting your growth spurt before she went off to be an idol would’ve saved you a childhood of torment by her hand, but hey, better late than never.
“Oh whatever, I’ll call you whatever I damn want to.”
With a smirk, she walks off as Mr. Park calls on the two of you to get ready for filming. You always imagined your reunion to be a little more peaceful, maybe on a random chilly evening at a coffee shop, but the specifics don’t matter to you. What matters is that Gaeul is finally here, right in front of you.
You can finally do what you failed to do back in middle school.
You’re wise enough to know that not everything you see on these kinds of shows is real, but you never realized just how scripted it all is. From the activities you do to the things you say, you feel more like a robot following commands than a regular person spending the day at an amusement park. Gaeul takes everything in stride, seemingly used to this kind of environment, but not having the freedom to properly speak to Gaeul leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
“Listen up, you two!” Mr. Park calls out from behind the camera. “You’re gonna look through the gift shop, try some things on, give a few compliments, big reactions y’know, really play it up for the camera and whatnot. Oh, and Gaeul?”
“Yes?” She tilts her head.
“Keep calling him that little nickname, uh ‘teeny fry’ or whatever it is.”
She cracks a little smirk in your direction. “Sure thing, Mr. Park.”
You sigh, masking your dismay with a neutral expression. “Why are we going to the gift shop first? Isn’t this what people do last?” you ask Gaeul.
She responds with a simple shrug. “I’ve learned not to question things and just go with the flow.”
“Huh?” You dramatically gasp in faux shock. “Are you sure you’re the Gaeul I know? Because I’m pretty sure I remember you annoying the substitute teacher with questions about frogs until they stormed out in the middle of class.”
“That’s different!” she exclaims. “Besides, that was so long ago, I’m basically a different person now.”
“Yeah, I noticed. You actually dress like a girl now.”
“Oh my god, don’t even remind me!” Her cheeks turn a cherry red as memories of her tragic middle school fashion choices come back to haunt her. “It’s a miracle that I even got casted in the first place looking like that.”
You let out a laugh. “You look good now though. Seriously.”
“Just good?” Gaeul says, offended. She steps back and gives you a little twirl, showcasing her entire outfit in all its glory. “Last time you saw me, I was wearing my brother’s old cargo shorts, and you’re telling me that I only look good?!”
“I-I didn’t— I mean…” There’s so many things you want to say, words and phrases rehearsed over years of imagining what your reunion would be like. Finally, you have the opportunity to say it out loud to her face. So just say it.
“Y-you look bea—”
“ALRIGHT, PLACES EVERYBODY!!!’ Mr. Park shouts. Before you can finish your thought, Gaeul hurries to her spot where the director told the two of you to start. You shake your head, coming to your senses and following her to your spot. Not great timing, but there will be other chances later.
Once the cameras start rolling, the two of you enter the gift shop, looking around at all the overpriced products the shop has to offer. T-shirts, headbands, hats, mini figurines of the amusement park’s mascot, just about anything a child could want and a parent would dread to buy. Like Mr. Park instructed, you do your best to give off big reactions, but frankly, this place is the least exciting part about going to an amusement park. Gaeul, on the other hand, plays it off like a true professional.
“Wow, look at this place!” she exclaims, her voice an octave higher than her regular speaking voice. “Oh my gosh, everything is so cute!”
“Y-yeah, wow! So cute!” you awkwardly parrot. Thankfully, the cameras are mainly following Gaeul, so your poor attempts at acting go unnoticed by the crew.
Gaeul takes one of the shirts off the hangers and puts it to your chest. “What do you think about this shirt, small fry? I’ll buy it for you if you want!” she says, punctuating her statement with a wink.
You chuckle in an attempt to hide the heat creeping up your face. “I’d rather launch myself into the sun than wear that ugly shirt,” you quip.
“CUT!” Mr. Park barks. “Hey kid, the park is allowing us to film here for a discounted fee, so maybe don’t talk bad about their merchandise.”
“A-ah… Right, sorry…”
Gaeul stifles a chuckle, putting the shirt back on the hanger. “It’s okay, they can just edit that part out,” she says in an attempt to console you. Unlike seconds before, her voice is back down to her usual tone.
“Uh, why are you doing that thing with your voice?” you ask.
“What thing?” She stares at you with a curious expression, one that holds not even a hint of joking.
“Uh… Nevermind.” Like she said, learn not to question things.
“Alright, let’s try this again, without the sass this time,” Mr. Park says, gesturing specifically to you. “Action!”
In an instant, Gaeul springs back into her idol persona, cheerfully skipping through each aisle and pointing out every little thing. “I wish I could buy everything in the store!”
“You probably could with your net worth,” you instinctively joke. Remembering what happened before, your eyes peer carefully towards Mr. Park, who thankfully smirks at your little jest. Relieved, you decide to do what he said before and try some “flirting”.
You grab a frog headband from one of the shelves and hand it to Gaeul. “Why don’t you try this on? I think it would look cute on you.” Something about talking to her this way leaves an odd, warm feeling in your stomach. Not bad, per se, but different.
She takes the headband from you and tries it on. “What do you think, small fry?” she asks, posing more for the cameras than for you. “Am I stealing your heart with this look?
A rush of heat floods your head at her idol fan service. It’s not the first time you’ve seen her do this kind of thing, but there’s a huge difference in seeing it through a screen and seeing it in person, directed right at you. You thought you would cringe or laugh, but you’re not even sure how to react anymore with the pounding of your heart in your ears.
“U-uh, sure, yeah, whatever…” you mutter. You expected a witty comeback from her, poking fun at your barely coherent mumblings, but instead, you feel Gaeul’s arm link with yours as she pulls you towards one of the mirrors hanging on the walls. In all the confusion, she somehow managed to put a dog headband on your head.
“Ah, we look so cute!” she exclaims, her high-pitched voice ringing in your ears.
You stare back at the reflection, forgetting all about the cameras as you take in every single detail. Gaeul linking her arms with yours, smiling at you with that silly little frog headband on. It’s almost as if you’re looking into a portal to an alternate universe where Gaeul never moved away. Where the two of you ended up as a… couple.
That warm feeling fills your stomach at the thought—but this time, it’s mixed with guilt. Gaeul never accomplished her dreams in that universe, and for what? Sure, you get more time with her and grow up alongside her, but she doesn’t become that big star that she always dreamed about being. There’s no point in clinging onto “what if’s”. Life played out like this and now you have to accept it.
“Hey.” Gaeul nudges your side, her voice back down to its usual octave. Her eyes gaze at you with worry. “You alright? Mr. Park yelled ‘cut’ a minute ago.”
You shake your head, ridding yourself of stray thoughts. “Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you reassure her. “Being in front of cameras has got me a little nervous, I guess.”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re doing great. Nice job playing it up for the cameras,” she compliments before walking off to the next filming location.
Yeah… Just for the cameras…
The ferris wheel stands high and mighty, casting long shadows on the park grounds. It is the quintessential amusement park ride that everyone loves, including you. Stuck in a small, cramped box high in the sky, with a perfect view of the setting sun, it’s all so… romantic.
Scratch that thought from your mind. You’re not here for any ulterior motives other than filming this show and catching up with an old friend. That’s it. Nothing else.
“So, obviously we can’t fit an entire camera crew in one of those boxes, so we went ahead and fitted it with some cameras and mics to properly capture everything,” Mr. Park explains to you and Gaeul. “Just do what I said—act natural, big reactions—and everything should be smooth sailing from here.” Sounds contradictory, but you’re not about to talk back to a guy that threatened to bury you deep in the woods.
After he finishes explaining, the ride attendant helps you and Gaeul into the ride, and you begin your ascent into the sky. It feels like cruel irony, finally getting the chance to spend alone time with Gaeul, but not actually getting to spend alone time with her.
With a sigh, you muster up the biggest fake smile you can and start to act. “Wow, ferris wheels are so fun, I can’t wait to—”
“You can drop the act now,” Gaeul chuckles.
Your head tilts in curiosity. “What do you mean? Didn’t Mr. Park say that—”
“I convinced some of the crew to turn off the cameras this time around,” she explains. “We’ll have to ride again and play up the reactions, but for this time at least, we can just talk.”
You let out a sigh of relief and slump back into your seat. Finally. “Thank God for your influence, I don’t know if I could keep up the acting.” She smiles, mimicking your movements and lazing against the seat across from you. “Yeah, that’s probably one of the things I like least about this job.”
“Man, it must be tiring putting on a mask every single day for the cameras.”
She shrugs. “It could be worse. At least I get to do this with you, small fry.” Gaeul flashes a bright smile at you, and unlike the smile she dons while the cameras are rolling, you can feel the genuine warmth travel from across the booth. “So, have you been after all this time? I’m sure you have a bunch of stories from the years we’ve been apart.”
“So many,” you reply. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“How about high school? I never got to properly experience it for myself, y’know.”
“Right, wow, okay.” You sit up, barely able to contain your excitement at the chance to properly talk about things with her. “So, freshman year, I—”
“Is that the first one?”
“Yeah, it’s the first one,” you answer, chuckling at her curious expression. “So, freshman year, it’s a new school, whole bunch of new people, and obviously you weren’t around anymore, so I decided to join a school club.”
“Wow, really? You were basically attached to my hip all throughout middle school, I never thought you’d actually go out of your way to join a club,” she teases. “What club was it?”
“It was, uh…” You clear your throat, suddenly feeling very embarrassed under her gaze. “...the esports club.” You brace yourself for the incoming barrage of mockery and laughter, but instead, you’re met with Gaeul’s eyes brightening with awe.
“That makes so much sense, you always were good at video games!” she compliments. “How was it, were you any good?”
With your ego now inflated, you smirk and cross your arms. “Not to brag, but I did carry my team to 2nd place of the state championships,” you boast.
“Hey, that’s amazing!”
You can hear it in her voice, plain as day, that there’s not a hint of sarcasm or malice behind her words—she’s genuinely impressed by your silly little esports accolades. Being part of that club did little to boost your popularity and only served to make you the target of some bullying, but it was also some of your most cherished memories from high school. When you felt lost navigating that new environment without Gaeul, that club was the only thing keeping you together.
“Oh, I have to ask—what were school dances like?” Gaeul inquires, a glint of curiosity in her eyes.
You let out a heavy sigh as you think about all the bad experiences at each school dance. If the esports club was the highest high of your high school days, then school dances were your lowest lows.
“They were… not great. For me, at least. I was probably an outlier for that kind of thing,” you mutter, sinking back into your seat as the weight of those awful experiences pulls you down.
“Oh… sorry,” Gaeul says, your gaze drifting to the side. “Why, did you have a bad date or something?”
“I had no date, Gaeul. I was in the esports club,” you clarify. “Besides, I never bothered trying to ask out a girl during high school anyways.”
“Why not? You’re a nice guy, I’m sure any girl would’ve been lucky to go out with you!” she exclaims.
You chuckle. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, but there wasn’t really anyone I wanted to ask to a school dance.”
“Really? Not a single person you had a crush on?” She leans into you with curiosity, not realizing the proximity of your faces. You can see every single detail of the visage that you grew up with, analyzing how much has changed and yet still stayed the same. Those big, round eyes that light up when you mention frogs or crack a clever joke. The puff of her cheeks every time she tries—and fails—to hold in a laugh. The curve of her pretty lips whenever she calls you “small fry”. Remnants of your childhood together, still visible on the face you haven’t stopped thinking about ever since she left.
You lean back in your seat, the lack of space becoming too overwhelming. “I-I, um…”
“Aha! You did have a crush on someone!” she shouts excitedly. “Who was it? You better tell me their name, or else!”
“U-uh, h-her name? Um… Uh… A-autumn,” you sputter out nervously, too frazzled to think straight. Great job, you idiot. ‘Autumn”? Now she’s gonna know that you have a crush on—
“What a pretty name! Was she cute?”
“Huh?” Dumbfounded, you decide to take it and roll with it. “Uh, I mean, yeah, she was cute.”
“What was she like?”
“She was…” You pause, collecting your thoughts. The ferris wheel nears its peak as rays of sunset peek through the window, lighting up your carriage with an evening glow. “She was unimaginably amazing. She was strong and confident and determined and never let anyone’s words affect her. Whatever she wanted to accomplish, she could do it and make it look easy. She was also incredibly kind and hilarious and curious about the world around her, always asking questions with this admirable crave for more knowledge. And she was…”
At last, your carriage is lifted to the highest point of the ferris wheel. Like a spotlight, the setting sun projects the last of its light onto Gaeul’s face, illuminating her like the star that she was born to be. Mother nature paints her with the most beautiful shades of golden brown, casting an aura that only you get the luxury of seeing.
“...she’s beautiful.”
“Wow,” Gaeul breathes. The light from the sunset fades as it falls behind the horizon, yet Gaeul continues to glow with an aura that only you can see. “You must have really liked her, huh?”
“Y-yeah, I did…” you utter softly. “...but it was never gonna work out. She had big things planned, and I was always too nervous to ask her out anyways, so… it’s whatever.”
“That sucks.” She leans her head against the window and takes a deep breath. The excitement she held in her expression earlier disappears, revealing something more real, more vulnerable. “I’m actually kinda jealous of you, y’know.”
“Really? Why?”
She sighs. “I never got to experience any of that for myself—clubs, dances, crushes… all of it. Once I became a trainee, every single day was dedicated to training, with barely any time for fun or enjoyment or a social life. Some days, we’d barely even have time to eat or sleep.”
You always saw Gaeul as this bright ball of energy, even when she was on your screen as IVE’s Gaeul. To see her like this is something else entirely.
“When things were the hardest, I’d think about you,” she says, a melancholic grin growing on her lips. “I’d think about all the fun adventures we had and imagine all the new adventures we could’ve had. I wondered what you were doing, if you were even thinking about me…”
Every single day.
“I’d pray that when I wake up the next morning, I would be back in my old bedroom and you would be waiting outside my door like you always did, and then we’d run off to the forest and do whatever we wanted. No expectations, no late nights, just pure freedom.”
The urge to comfort her makes your heart ache. You want to hold her in your arms and tell her what you really feel. Tell her that the day she left was the day that your entire world came crashing down. Tell her to take your hand and run away with you, live the life that you’ve been dreaming of since you were kids. Tell her how much she means to you and that you never want to be away from her again.
But you don’t. You bite your tongue, suppressing all the feelings threatening to bubble up. She worked hard to get where she is, pouring blood, sweat, and tears into the dream she’s been talking about since the two of you were kids. You’re not going to ruin that for her just for your own selfish reasons.
“On the bright side, look where you are now!” you say in an attempt to cheer her up. “World famous Kpop star, loved by billions all over the world. A-and I turned out okay too, so, y’know… Everything is good.” Despite your attempt to sound cheerful, the weight of your true feelings seeps into your words. The carriage fills with a heavy tension that hangs in the air.
“Yeah,” she mutters, her gaze falling to the darkening scenery outside. “Everything is just… great.”
“ALRIGHT PEOPLE, LAST SCENE OF THE DAY! AFTER THE TEST RUN, WE ONLY HAVE ONE CHANCE, SO LET’S MAKE IT COUNT!” Mr. Park yells, his voice the epicenter of all the commotion.
After a couple more hours of rides and other attractions, it was time to finish filming the final part of the episode, the fireworks show. For the most part, the last couple hours of filming went smoothly, aside from the fact that Gaeul wouldn’t talk to you when the cameras weren’t rolling. The shift from her idol persona back to her regular self was eerie enough already, but seeing all that faux joy disappear the second Mr. Park yelled “cut” filled you with an all-new kind of dread. Is this it? Are you just going to finish filming and leave things like this, without knowing if you’ll ever get the chance to see her again?
You spot her in the distance, getting her makeup touched up by her makeup artist. The sea of frantic staff members never seems to end, but you push through anyway, determined to patch things up before the night ends.
“Gaeul!” you call out to her. “Can we ta—”
Her brick wall of a bodyguard stops you in your tracks with a firm grip on your shoulder.
“Ms. Gaeul would like to be left alone.”
“I just need to—Ah!” His grip tightens on your shoulder until you feel like it’s about to be ripped from its socket.
“I said, she wants to be left alone.”
You huff in frustration. “Look man, my best friend in the whole entire world is upset with me right now and I need to fix this, so would you please cut me some slack and let me talk to her for five fucking minutes!?” Despite the pain in your shoulder becoming borderline unbearable, you muster up the most threatening look you can. Thankfully, his grip on you loosens and your arm somehow doesn’t pop off from your body. Did he actually get scared by the look you gave him?
“It’s okay, Mr. Kim,” Gaeul says, walking out from behind him. Go figure. “I got it.”
Her bodyguard backs off, giving the two of you some space to talk. “Thanks, I was worried Mr. Park would have to CGI me a new arm,” you joke, trying to ease the tension. Gaeul’s lips curl slightly into a grin as she shakes her head at your dumb joke. It’s not much, but it’s progress. “Can we talk—”
“Follow me.” She walks off without another word, away from the filming location. Not wanting to get on her bad side again, you follow her in silence.
Gaeul leads you through the bustling crowds, down a narrow, unlit pathway tucked between two food stalls. The sounds of the park grow fainter with each step until all you can hear is your own breathing and the echo of your footsteps. As long as you’re able to clear the air with her, it doesn’t matter where she takes you. You’d gladly walk all the way to the ends of the Earth if it means you won’t part on bad terms.
Finally, Gaeul stops at a small, secluded lookout point. A sturdy railing, its paint chipped from years of wear and tear, stretches across the edge of the platform, offering a view of the whole amusement park below.
“Back when we were trainees, the company let us visit this exact amusement park as a reward for doing well on a monthly evaluation,” Gaeul explains, leaning against the railing. “We ended up finding this quiet little area. It gives the best view of the fireworks show.”
You take your spot next to her and look out at the park below. Multicolored lights dance freely in the night sky to the unpredictable tune of the park goers’ joyous screams. You can’t help but grin at the thought of a younger Gaeul being able to relive a piece of her childhood that she missed out on.
“It must have been a lot of fun,” you say.
“I wouldn’t really know.”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
A pensive escapes her lips into the open air. “I mean, it was fun, but… I just couldn’t stop looking for your face in every person we passed by.”
“While the others were watching the fireworks, I was looking down at the crowd, hoping that I could see you again.”
“I-I, uh… I’m sorry, Gaeul—”
She lets out a hollow snicker, the sound barely carrying any amusement—just exhaustion. “What do you have to be sorry for? I should be the one apologizing. Back in the ferris wheel, when you said that ‘everything is good’, I just… I don’t know, I just broke down. Hearing you say that made me feel like you… forgot about me.”
“Hey,” you utter gently, placing your hand on her shoulder. “It doesn’t matter how long it’s been; you’re my best friend, Gaeul. I would never forget about you. Not a day has gone by where I haven’t thought about you.”
She turns to you, a cute pout on her lips and her eyes glistening with tears. “Really?”
“Of course, dummy,” you chuckle. “And it’s kinda hard to forget you when I see you literally everywhere.”
Gaeul rests her head on your shoulder, her chest rising and falling with gentle laughter. “I’m sorry for being an idiot and ignoring you all day, small fry.”
Tentatively, you wrap your arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. “It’s okay. I’m just glad I was able to talk to you before the day ended.” You feel her snuggle into your side, the warmth from her body a thousand times better than you could ever imagine it. The pounding of your heart echoes in your ears, screaming at you to say something.
You gulp in an attempt to quell your nerves. “A-actually, I’ve also, uh, been an idiot today. There’s something I need to tell you that I should’ve told you earlier.”
She shifts to look up at you, her eyes beaming like stars in the night sky. “What is it?”
“I-I, um… Gaeul, I—”
A ball of fire shoots upwards into the sky and bursts into a sparkling flurry of bright red. More follow soon after, whizzing past and painting the indigo sky with an array of colors. Gaeul excitedly climbs up the railing to get a better view, her expression filling up with a joy more genuine than any reaction she showed in front of the cameras.
Your heart aches as you look up at her—you love her. You love her so much that you want to scream it from the top of your lungs until your voice grows hoarse. Today could be the last time you ever see her. You need to tell her. Forget about all the consequences and just say it.
Gaeul turns to look down at you, a smirk playing on her lips. “This angle seems a bit familiar, don’t you think?” she teases, ruffling your hair. The chilly night air enters your lungs. Every color of the rainbow reflects against her perfect skin. All caution is thrown to the wind.
You push yourself onto your tippy toes and press your lips against hers.
The kiss couldn’t have been more than a second, just a mere peck, but the feeling still lingers on your lips like electricity. A long moment passes with nothing but the crackling of fireworks filling the space between you. The overwhelming heat against your cheeks makes it nearly impossible to make out her reaction. Is she disgusted? Upset? Angry?
Yet, all of your worries melt away as Gaeul falls into your arms, capturing your lips in hers once again. Years of pining and waiting, watching her fancams until the ungodly hours of the night, showing support for her in any way you can without ever knowing if she’ll notice your efforts, all of it culminates into that sweet, tender kiss. Tomorrow brings a plethora of unknown challenges, but all that matters is right now, in each other’s arms where you’ve been dying to be.
You break the kiss for a moment, a truth you’ve been waiting to release resting on your tongue. “Gaeul, I love you—”
“I know,” she interrupts, her voice light and airy. “I love you too, small fry. So, so, so much.”
Your lips break into a smile so wide your cheeks start to ache. “Not that I’m complaining, but how did you know—”
“Autumn? Really?” she teases, her hands cupping your cheek. “You might as well have confessed to me in that ferris wheel.”
You sink your face into her touch, treasuring every second of warmth. “I wish I did. Maybe then we would’ve had more time to be like this before we have to say goodbye.”
“I’m never, ever leaving your side again, you hear me? The company will just have to deal with it.”
You let yourself get lost in her lips once again, with no intention of ever finding your way back. The road ahead will no doubt be filled with hardships and uncertainties, but there’s no one else you would rather start this adventure with than the girl that made your world a little less lonely.
#ive#kim gaeul#ive gaeul#kpop fanfic#kpop gg#ive x male reader#ive x male oc#ive gaeul x male reader#ive gaeul x male oc#fluff#gaeul fluff#ive gaeul fluff
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Sex Cage: Fame, Fun and Fire
Kwon Eunbi x Yujin x Male Reader
word count: 8.5K
part 1//part 2


You and Eunbi are seated side by side at the mall food court, each of you carrying a look of shared anxiety. Around you, the crowd is a tangled mess of shopping bags, kids running around, and people who’ve clearly never heard of headphones. But the noise outside is nothing compared to the storm within.
"So... are you nervous?" Eunbi nudges you, a teasing smile on her lips, trying to ease both your tension and her own.
"Just a little," you admit.
"Look, babe, you need to get used to this stuff. She’s just a girl."
"Not just any girl," you retort, frowning. "It's Yujin."
Eunbi shrugs, as casual as if meeting one of the biggest content creators of the moment were just another ordinary day. "So, she’s famous—big deal. She still puts on her pants one leg at a time, just like us." She looks at you, something warm and affectionate in her eyes. "Seriously, love, when she gets here, you’ll see. It'll be like talking to anyone else."
As if the universe had a particularly cynical sense of humor, a voice chimes in from behind you.
"Found you!"
You both turn your heads so fast you might win an Olympic medal in synchronized movements. And there she is—Yujin, in person, flesh and blood. Taller than you imagined, with an aura that seems to light up the entire food court. She’s dressed casually, a loose black knit sweater with a basic white tank barely visible underneath, and frayed denim shorts that add a laid-back vibe, matched with a studded belt. Sunglasses complete the look.
The brightness of her smile shatters any notion of “just a girl” into tiny, irrelevant pieces.
“Hi... hi!” Eunbi finally stands, throwing herself into a hug with Yujin, desperately trying to keep her composure. You’re still stuck on the bench, trying to convince yourself she didn’t just step out of a fashion editorial.
Yujin steps back from Eunbi and looks at you, a smile that, if you weren’t petrified, you’d swear had a hint of complicity. "And you, aren’t you coming?" She opens her arms, waiting.
You stand, trying not to look like a complete idiot, and she pulls you into a casual hug that, in your head, lasts an eternity. “I was super excited to meet you both,” she says, pulling away and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Eunbi, trying her hardest to act natural, replies, “We were too. You’re even prettier in person, honestly.”
Yujin lets out a lighthearted laugh. “Oh, thanks, but look who’s talking. You’re so much more stunning in real life, too.”
Eunbi glances away, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. “Well, I... thank you,” she stammers, unable to hold back a smile.
Yujin removes her sunglasses and glances at you, a curious expression on her face. “And you, honey, are cute too,” she says with a hint of amusement, “but you look a bit tense. Nervous?”
"I... it’s just... it’s my first time doing this," you admit, trying to play it cool. You laugh, but it’s that kind of laugh that gives away every attempt at looking natural.
"Relax. Soon enough, we’ll all be close. Want a decent coffee? I think we have a long day ahead."
Yujin leads the way to a quieter café, and you and Eunbi exchange a look—a mix of awe and satisfaction—as you follow her.
After all, it’s just another day.
Except it's not.
The café is an unlikely refuge in the middle of the mall chaos. Unlike the food court, the lighting here is softer, as if the designers decided people spend more if they feel mysteriously cozy. Yujin, of course, looks perfectly at ease.
You place your orders at the counter—a cappuccino for her, an extravagant frappuccino for Eunbi, and a black coffee for you, because someone here had to add a touch of seriousness. With drinks in hand, the three of you find a table by the window, where you can watch the hurried tide of shoppers on the other side of the glass, as if observing a documentary on human behavior in its natural habitat.
Once you’re settled, Yujin turns to you both, firing off, “I’ll admit, I didn’t think you’d accept the offer. It took you a while to reply.”
You and Eunbi share one of those telepathic glances that only develop after years together. “We were... going through some stuff at the time,” Eunbi answers, a bit awkwardly, as if trying to give a short answer to a question that deserves a thesis.
“Ah, I get it,” Yujin says, with a smile that makes it clear she really does. “Relationships, huh? They always have their ups and downs.”
For a brief second, you and Eunbi glance at each other again, like two students caught off guard by a question in the middle of class. Explaining that, back in the anonymous video days, you were just friends feels like an odyssey no one wants to start. So you simply say nothing. Silence, after all, is one of the most efficient forms of communication.
Unfazed, Yujin continues, as if she has the supernatural gift of skipping over the complicated parts. “So how’s it been, now that you’re not anonymous anymore?”
“Funny,” Eunbi begins. “The first few weeks were... strange. I was afraid to go out, like, what if someone recognized me? But then I realized the world out there is a lot bigger than the view count on my screen.”
“Oh, the ego hates this part,” Yujin comments, with a smile you’d classify as experienced. “But don’t worry. The worst that can happen is someone asking for a photo.”
She tilts her head, her eyes roaming over the two of you. “And your families? How did they react?”
You clear your throat, searching for the words. “Well, only my family knows. Eunbi’s parents... haven’t found out yet, apparently. In fact, not even our friends found out. You know, it's not something you reveal with much enthusiasm. But eventually they'll get to the truth."
“Really? Well, I hope everything goes well when they find out,” Yujin says.
“My family didn’t take it too well at first, and maybe the fact that I revealed this to them when I was drunk contributed to that,” you admit, exhaling like you’re shedding a weight. “We ended up taking a... break for a while, you know? But eventually, they called, and we were able to talk without drama. In the end, they came around.”
Yujin lets out a laugh, this time a bit more bitter. “Parents, huh? Mine didn’t accept it at all. But honestly? I was never a big fan of them anyway. These days, we kind of... don’t talk anymore.” She shrugs, as if it were a small thing and not a complete family break. “Sad, isn’t it? But that’s life.”
And then, right on cue, the drinks arrive. The waitress sets the cups down with clockwork precision, and Yujin holds her cappuccino as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to keep discussing family breakdowns while savoring milk foam.
You stare at the foam on your black coffee, maybe as a symbolic attempt to glimpse into the future. “And you... do you regret this choice?”
“Me?” Yujin raises an eyebrow and smiles. “Not at all. Today, I have my own life, I live super well, and freedom is priceless. By the way, what about you two? Any regrets?”
Eunbi shrugs, leaning over to grab her frappuccino. “Not yet,” she answers, looking at you for a moment as if seeking confirmation.
“Same here,” you add. “So far, nothing’s really gone wrong. I quit my old job and now I have more free time to spend with my girlfriend, helping her with her business. But I confess that sometimes I find myself having some doubts about the future."
“Don’t overthink it. As long as you two have each other, you’ll get through any challenge.” She says it like someone who’s navigated a fair share of rough waters and lived to tell the tale.
You and Eunbi share another look, and this time the smile you exchange feels like a silent pact, an okay, we can do this.
Yujin continues with a casual prophecy. “Oh, and one more thing. This will also become your new normal. In five years, you might not even remember what the old life was like.”
Eunbi tilts her head, pretending innocence. “And is that a good thing?”
“Oh, it’s very good,” Yujin replies, with a smile half genuine, half enigmatic. She takes a sip of her cappuccino, seeming to savor every drop, as if drinking directly from a magic potion. “Freedom can be a little... lonely at times. But honestly? It’s the best thing there is.”
You and Eunbi absorb this in silence, but it’s not a silence that lasts long, as the café door almost trembles when a group of girls enter, spotting Yujin. In an instant, the carefully cultivated tranquility of the café goes right out the window.
“OH MY GOD, YUJIN!” one of them yells with the intensity of someone spotting Beyoncé. The entire café turns to look as you and Eunbi shrink in surprise. But Yujin only flashes that smile she’s probably practiced in the mirror just for moments like this.
She gives a small wave, like a queen in her royal chamber, and the girls rush over, each with eyes sparkling with admiration and a genuine urgency, as if they’re reporters interviewing a celebrity on the red carpet.
“I’m your biggest fan!” exclaims the first one, staring at Yujin like she’s the last source of water in a desert. “I watch all your streams on Twitch. I mean, EVERY one. Even that stream that crashed because of your cat. That part was iconic.”
Yujin laughs, nodding. “Ah, yes. He always thinks the keyboard is the best bed in the house.”
The second girl practically jumps with excitement. “You’re like my fashion muse! I copied that blue hair you had a few months ago, you know? But the blue washed out after like three washes. Any tricks?”
“Sure. First, get a good toner. Then say a couple of Hail Marys. Works every time.”
The third seems almost breathless with adrenaline, as if she’s been preparing her whole life for this moment. “Seriously, you’re everything to me! I even follow your playlist on Spotify. Like, I’m OBSESSED with your workout playlist.”
Yujin, now visibly flattered, raises an eyebrow. “Ah, the workout playlist… a classic.” She turns to you and Eunbi, as if wanting to share a private joke. “It has a certain vibe, you know? Who knew ‘Dancing Queen’ could be so motivating for leg presses?”
Then one of the girls pulls out her phone, eyes alight with hope. “Can we take a picture with you, Yujin? And maybe you could say ‘hi’ on Stories? Just to prove this surreal moment actually happened.”
Yujin nods like a patient teacher. “Of course, let’s do it! Who wants to be first?”
It’s chaos.
Each of them takes a selfie from a carefully studied angle, as if taking an X-ray, and Yujin smiles serenely in all of them, saintly calm. She says a quick “hi, everyone, I’m here at the café with these beauties!” on one girl’s Stories, while the girl herself looks ready to faint from sheer emotion.
Between selfies, one fan glances over at Eunbi, her eyes widening. “Wait… aren’t you Rubydden? Oh my God, I've seen some of your photos on Instagram! You’re so beautiful, seriously!”
Eunbi gives a bashful yet proud smile. “Oh, yeah, that’s me. And this is my boyfriend…”
“Is he also an influencer?”
“Well, in a way... yes,” Eunbi replies.
Another one elbows her friend, not-so-quietly whispering, “Hey guys, now there are three famous influencers here! This café’s getting a five-star Google upgrade today!”
Yujin, clearly amused, wraps up the photos and casually comments, “You girls are amazing. Really. But now let me drink my cappuccino before it turns into iced coffee.”
The girls laugh, enchanted by how Yujin effortlessly combines a hint of farewell without losing any charm. They gradually back away, waving and sending another wave of compliments, promises to keep following everything she does, and even a lone “I love you” from the back of the group.
Once they’re gone, Eunbi turns to Yujin, looking fascinated, almost incredulous. “Does… does this happen to you a lot?”
“Depends on the day,” Yujin replies, picking up her cup and taking a casual sip, as if fans were a weather phenomenon she’s learned to predict. “But lately, I’ve been seeing more girls following me. Ever since I started making content beyond, you know, just porn.”
Eunbi snaps her fingers, like she’s had an idea. “Hey, Yujin… do you think I should start streaming on Twitch too?”
Yujin looks at her over the rim of her cup, like she’s evaluating a new piece of furniture. “Should you? Eunbi, that’s not even a question. It’s practically your duty! And I say that with no pressure, of course.” She smiles, but it’s the kind of smile that makes it clear the decision is practically made.
“Besides, you already have everything. You’re charming, fun, and just mysterious enough to keep the audience hooked.”
Eunbi laughs, but you can see the idea starting to appeal to her. She turns to you. “Do you think I should try it?”
“Definitely,” you reply. “And if you need, I can handle all the tech stuff. I can even set up notifications that scream ‘let’s fucking go’ every time someone subscribes.”
Yujin laughs, nodding, and takes another sip of her coffee. “That’s it! People love that kind of silly stuff! Oh, and another thing, Eunbi: Twitch could be a gateway to other types of content. You can show you’re a whole person, you know? Talk about whatever you want. Books, music, I don’t know, the best kind of tea—anything that makes people see you’re more than a pretty face and a name. It’s marketing, it’s fun, and honestly, it’ll protect you a bit from objectification. They won’t just see ‘Eunbi, the hot girl from OnlyFans,’ but ‘Eunbi, the one who chats about everything for an hour and makes it interesting.’”
Eunbi blinks, surprised. “Does that actually work?”
“More than you think,” Yujin responds with a mysterious smile. “And, over time, you won’t even need to explain you’re more than what they see. They’ll already know.”
“So… that’s it,” Eunbi says, looking at you with an expression that’s part excitement, part slight fear. “Get ready, you’ll have a lot of work helping me set things up.”
Yujin laughs, shaking her head. “Oh, it’s going to be great, sweetheart. And we’ll definitely do some streams together. We’ll break the platform.”
You look at Yujin, a thought bubbling up in your mind. “So, Yujin,” you start, as if about to ask the secret of the universe, “since we’re talking about this spotlight thing… Who’s the most famous adult content creator you’ve ever met?”
Yujin doesn’t hesitate for a second. Her eyes light up, and her smile widens like someone about to recount a legend.
The word comes out with an almost tangible reverence, and both you and Eunbi lean in slightly closer, as if pulled by a collective magnet of admiration.
“Karina?” Eunbi repeats, curiosity shimmering in every syllable.
Yujin nods, with that distant look of someone who’s seen the Mona Lisa or the Taj Mahal up close on a sunny afternoon. “Karina isn’t just famous. She’s, like... an entity. Tall, graceful, perfect hair and skin, a flawless body, and a sense of style that could make anyone feel like a shabby peasant just by existing in the same room.”
“Hmm, I see. So… she’s pretty?” you ask, choosing the simplest word so it’s not too obvious that you already know who she is.
Yujin laughs, shaking her head. “Pretty? Honey, pretty doesn’t even come close. She’s stunning. Impeccable. The kind of person you look at and think, ‘Will my mom forgive me if I drop everything to devote myself to this woman?’”
Eunbi lets out a small laugh, but it’s clear she’s just as fascinated. “And she’s actually nice to talk to and all?”
“Oh, absolutely. You’d expect someone like her to be arrogant, right? But Karina is sweet, kind. When she speaks, it feels like she’s dedicating all her attention to you. She makes you feel like the most interesting person in the world.” Yujin sighs, as if reliving a pleasant dream. “She’s polite with everyone, never makes anyone feel uncomfortable. It’s almost surreal.”
“Wow, she sounds like a myth.” Eunbi sighs.
“Almost, yeah,” Yujin admits, leaning back. “She’s a woman of class, you know? If I were to describe her... She’s like an old Hollywood movie star, but... updated for the internet age.”
Eunbi’s gaze slowly slides over to you, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “And you, babe, have you heard of this goddess?”
You clear your throat, trying to keep your composure, but your mind feels like it’s racing to avoid the tricky questions that are clearly coming. “Well... maybe I’ve heard of her... once or twice... around... on the internet.”
Eunbi raises an eyebrow, a smile beginning to form. “Once or twice, huh?”
Yujin doesn’t miss a beat, her gaze sparkling with mischief. “Oh, I’m sure he knows exactly who I’m talking about!”
“I really don’t know if I know her,” you reply, with the conviction of someone trying to dodge an unfair accusation.
Yujin laughs out loud, shaking her head. “Oh, come on. Everyone’s seen at least one of her videos. She’s practically a cultural landmark. Like... like watching The Godfather or something.”
“I’m not ‘everyone,’” you insist, trying to maintain some dignity.
But Eunbi and Yujin exchange glances and burst into a shared laugh, clearly amused at your expense. “Of course not,” Eunbi says, pretending an exaggerated innocence, while Yujin nods as if fully agreeing.
“Right,” Yujin says, with a wink. “You’re totally immune to that sort of thing, for sure.”
“Okay, okay, but does she only do videos or... anything else?” you ask, trying to keep your tone casual.
“Well,” Yujin begins, “She’s also an escort. And, well... they say her rates are higher than the national debt of a small country. But she’s worth every cent—at least, that’s what those who’ve paid say.”
Eunbi scrunches her nose, as if trying to imagine the price and eventually giving up on the math. “So, basically, she’s perfect. Like... the adult version of Barbie?”
“An adult Barbie mixed with the Mona Lisa and a dash of Cleopatra,” Yujin says, gesturing dramatically, as if her hands could illustrate such divinity. “But seriously, I loved chatting with her. Really. We met at a party in Dubai, it was an incredible night, I even got nervous when I saw her, but she was so sweet and patient with me that I almost felt like her close friend.”
Eunbi and you look at each other, sharing a mixture of disbelief and fascination.
“She sounds almost unreal,” you finally say, still trying to process the idea.
Yujin laughs, shaking her head. “She is. And the best part? She knows it. But unlike many, she doesn’t put on a show. She just... exists. And somehow, that’s more impressive than anything she could try to be.”
The apartment is bathed in the radiant light of early afternoon as you and Eunbi enter with Yujin, trying—unsuccessfully—to hide your nervousness under a casual façade. Yujin glances around, inspecting the space.
“Wow, what a cozy place,” she remarks. “Seems perfect for a young couple. But who knows, maybe you’ll, say, be able to expand things in the future, huh?”
Eunbi, smiling with a mixture of pride and discomfort, says, “Make yourself at home,” not quite sure what "at home" might mean for someone like Yujin.
“Oh, I will,” Yujin responds, her tone so suggestive that you and Eunbi exchange a shared, nervous glance, caught between laughter and cold sweats. Yujin then casts an investigative look around the room before dropping the question. “Can I see where you two film?”
“Of course!” Eunbi replies, excited. You both lead her down the hallway to Eunbi’s former room, still decorated with vibrant trinkets and stuffed animals. Eunbi explains with a shy smile, “Since we started dating, I moved into his room—it’s bigger. So this one became the studio.”
"You guys were living together before you were dating? That's wild!"
"We were actually roommates and best friends," Eunbi says.
"Oh, I get it! In that case, it's a really cute thing." Yujin examines the space with curiosity, nodding in approval. “Ah, the room I see in the videos,” she says, as if she’s stumbled upon the place where the Great Mystery unfolds. After a moment, she looks at Eunbi with a playful smile. “By the way, can I borrow one of your lingerie sets, princess?”
You blink, confused, and the question slips out before you can think: “Are… we filming now?”
Yujin raises an eyebrow and laughs, as if she’s dealing with a child asking why the sky is blue. “Yes, darling. I have a flight later for a podcast appearance,” she says, patient, as if this were a common part of anyone’s day.
You’re still processing the suddenness of it all when you manage to ask, “What podcast?”
“Sana’s podcast. You haven’t been on it yet, right?”
You and Eunbi look at each other, both trying to imagine the possibility, but Eunbi shakes her head, amused. “Not yet.”
“Oh, but I’ll make a recommendation,” Yujin replies with a wink, like a mischievous fairy godmother ready to pull a few invisible strings. “Sana is amazing. Hilarious, and she was one of the first to give us, adult creators, a place to speak, to give our opinions and combat insults. You guys should go. So many girls only got their break thanks to her support. She’s going to love you, I’m sure.”
Eunbi, now more excited than ever, responds, “Wow, it’d be amazing to do an episode with her.”
Yujin smiles like she’s just made a promise to fate itself. “I’ll make it happen,” she says, giving Eunbi a look. Then, with a casual gesture, she motions to you, as if giving a gentle hint.
“Now, sweetheart… could you give us a moment to get ready?” Yujin asks, more informing you than really asking, with a hint of gentle dismissal.
You feel your face warm, realizing this is your cue to step out. “Oh, sure. I… I’ll wait in the living room,” you reply, trying to seem more confident than you feel.
She closes the door with a cheerful “See you in a minute!” and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Inside the bedroom-turned-improvised studio, Eunbi and Yujin glance at each other in the mirror, half-studying, half-laughing like two friends conspiring over some obscure secret—or in their case, a rather peculiar shoot. Eunbi gestures toward the closet with a kind of solemnity, inviting Yujin. “Go on, pick a lingerie set. There’s lots of colors. And styles,” she says, almost like she’s offering a valuable gem.
Yujin, without hesitation, slips off her bra and underwear, moving around the room with the confidence of someone, well, perfectly at ease with their own body. She picks up a blue lingerie set and holds it up, examining it with an almost scientific gaze. “Think it’ll look good?”
“It’ll look gorgeous,” Eunbi replies, already picking a pink set and undressing, letting her clothes drop casually to the floor. It’s funny how the situation feels both natural and tinged with a certain strangeness.
As she slides the lingerie on, Yujin glances at Eunbi from the corner of her eye. “You’re lucky, you know? Having a boyfriend who supports you in this kind of work… that’s rare.”
Eunbi nods, adjusting the strap of her bra. “He’s really supportive. He’s part of everything with me,” she says, smiling a little bashfully, which Yujin notices.
“A rare man,” Yujin remarks, looking at Eunbi for a moment, now that they’re both in just lingerie. “Most guys panic at the idea of their girlfriend doing this sort of thing.”
She pauses, her gaze quickly tracing over Eunbi. “By the way, let me just say—you look stunning like this, you know?”
Eunbi, surprised and a little shy, laughs and murmurs a “thank you,” adjusting her lingerie with a slight blush. Then, curious, she asks, “Have you ever dated anyone since you started creating adult content?”
Yujin lets out a sound that’s almost a laugh, tinged with a bit of irony. “I tried.I've met a few guys who seemed promising at first, but none of them were looking for a committed relationship. Not with me, at least. My last boyfriend broke up with me when I started filming porn videos. Preferred a life without, well, international popularity.”
“Oh…” Eunbi makes a sympathetic face. “And you were okay with that?”
“Better this way,” Yujin shrugs, almost indifferent. “These days, I sleep with lots of amazing guys and girls. Life goes on just fine, thanks.” She adjusts her lingerie, looking in the mirror with a critical yet satisfied gaze. “Oh, help me with the clasp back here?”
Eunbi steps closer to fix the clasp, still laughing at the comment, then asks with genuine curiosity, “Do you ever think about stopping one day?”
Yujin gives a conspiratorial wink. “When I’m a millionaire, absolutely.”
Eunbi raises her eyebrows. “Really? And is that close to happening?”
Yujin looks at her in the mirror, a smile spreading. “Closer than you’d think, darling.”
She finishes adjusting the lingerie and checks herself in the mirror, turning slightly to see how it fits. “So, how does it look?”
“Beautiful. Sensational. Sexy, even,” Eunbi replies, with a sincerity that’s almost playful.
The compliment comes back quickly: “And you look like a goddess, darling. God, I’d give anything to have those glorious breasts,” she sighs, with a dramatic touch of envy. “But, now, a serious question,” Yujin continues, looking directly at Eunbi. “Are you sure you’re not going to feel jealous during the filming?”
The question makes Eunbi give a nervous laugh, hesitating before answering. “No, no… it’s fine. We know it’s just work.”
But Yujin looks at her intently, as if she wants to be sure Eunbi really understands. “This is purely professional, Eunbi. He’s your boyfriend. Nothing’s going to change. When the camera’s off, everything goes back to normal, I promise.”
Eunbi sighs and admits, laughing a little. “Well… maybe part of me will feel a bit jealous, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Trust me, after the first time, you’ll get used to it,” she says, moving closer, looking at Eunbi with that same piercing gaze. Then, in a softer tone, she says, “You know what’ll help?”
Yujin pauses for dramatic effect.
“Kiss me.”
Eunbi freezes, eyes wide as Yujin leans in slowly, a half-smile playing on her lips, savoring Eunbi’s surprise. “Relax, it’s just a kiss,” Yujin murmurs, her tone a mix of tease and tenderness. She waits for a response, but Eunbi just stays there, eyes fixed on Yujin’s lips, the gloss catching the light in a temptation too hard to resist.
Then, as if her body decides before her mind, Eunbi closes her eyes and lets herself be drawn in. Yujin’s lips touch hers softly, making her exhale as if the air suddenly got heavier. At first, it’s a tentative kiss, almost testing boundaries—a gentle brush, the taste of sweet strawberry filling Eunbi’s senses. But soon Yujin becomes firmer, tilting her head to deepen the kiss with a confidence only someone assured could manage.
Eunbi feels a hand slide slowly to her neck, fingers weaving into her hair, pulling her closer, and Yujin’s whole body aligns, pressing against her. “Breathe,” Yujin whispers against her lips, not pulling away, as if she’s guiding Eunbi to let go, to let control slip through her fingertips.
Eunbi releases a small sigh, something caught between nervousness and pure desire, her fingers trembling slightly as she holds Yujin by the waist, clutching there as if grounding herself. The taste of gloss, the soft scent of Yujin’s perfume, now so near, surround her, melding together and holding Eunbi captive, like a slow melody.
Yujin pulls away slowly, but not far, their faces still close enough for Eunbi to feel her warm breath. With that same mix of playful and affectionate smile, Yujin looks directly into Eunbi’s eyes, her fingers resting gently on the back of her neck. “See?” she murmurs, voice low and firm, almost like a secret. “The ice is broken now.”
Her thumb drifts to the corner of Eunbi’s mouth, where the gloss still glistens, brushing as if she’s wiping away the last trace of the kiss, and lets out a soft, satisfied chuckle. “No more tension, no more nerves. Now you know you can trust me.”
Eunbi just smiles back, heart racing, “I do trust you,” she replies, “and I’m ready to start.”
You’re stretched out on the couch, scrolling absentmindedly on your phone when a gentle voice breaks the quiet. You look up to find Eunbi and Yujin standing side by side, hands intertwined. They’re draped in fine lingerie that highlights each curve, every detail crafted to allure. Eunbi’s pink lace against Yujin’s cool blue creates a sight so captivating you’re left speechless.
Eunbi tilts her head with a small, teasing smile. “Well, we’re ready. Just waiting on you.” She winks.
Yujin leans closer, one brow raised, a grin on her lips. “Are you going to sit there all night or join us?” she teases, her tone light but authoritative. Turning to Eunbi, she wraps her arms around her neck, and they exchange a conspiratorial glance before laughing softly together.
You get up, trying to keep your cool as you follow them to the bedroom. Every detail set, an intimate little scene for just the three of you.
Inside the room, Yujin doesn’t waste a second. She watches you intently, her gaze that of a seasoned expert, and then commands, “Alright, just strip down.”
You hesitate, glancing at Eunbi for reassurance. She nods calmly, a soft encouragement. “Come on, babe. Just another video,” she murmurs, voice gentle but filled with affection.
One by one, you peel off each piece, stopping at your underwear. At this point, Yujin decides to break the mounting tension. She lets out a soft laugh, looks at Eunbi, and says, “Let’s just cut to the chase.”
Turning to you with a bold gleam in her eye, she says, “Excuse me, but I’m going to kiss your boyfriend.”
The air thickens, feeling both heavier and lighter, like some invisible barrier is about to come down. As it should. Yujin steps toward you, each movement filled with confidence, her eyes trailing over you, taking in every detail with a gleam that’s both professional and undeniably challenging.
She stops just inches away, her eyes glinting with intensity, a look that combines business with something raw and thrilling. “Are you ready, or do we need to spend all night convincing you?” Her head tilts, a smirk tugging at her lips, as she lifts a hand to your side, guiding it slowly to her waist.
Just a few steps away, Eunbi adjusts the camera on its tripod, trying to hide the flush in her cheeks as she focuses the lens, aligning the angle carefully. “Just so you know, I’m finding this hilarious,” she says with a smile, though her tone carries an undercurrent of affection and maybe a touch of possessiveness. She leans over to check the focus, her gaze briefly meeting yours before she looks back at the screen. “Better enjoy it… before I change my mind.” Her playful tone barely masks the blush spreading across her face.
Yujin chuckles, seeming to catch her drift. “Don’t worry, Eunbi—I’ll take good care of your boyfriend,” she says, her gaze never leaving yours. And without another word, she slides her hands to your neck, pulling you closer. Her lips meet yours, the kiss starting soft, giving you a moment to settle into the feeling, the sensation, before her fingers dive deeper, slipping along the nape of your neck, as though pulling you even closer.
Your hand moves almost on its own, resting on her waist, where the soft skin meets the lace. Your fingers drift up her back, and the kiss grows bolder, both of you falling into an easy rhythm. There’s a charged energy there, a delicate balance of nerves and a shared sense of release.
In one smooth movement, Yujin’s hand slides down your side to your waistband. She presses against the fabric, feeling the hardness beneath, a playful smile curling on her lips as she kisses you. She applies a bit more pressure, gauging your reaction. You feel warmth spread over every muscle, a pulse of nerves mixed with expectation.
“Oh, so this is how you respond,” she whispers, her lips brushing yours, voice barely more than a breath. Her hand tightens, confidence clear in her touch.
Eunbi, now finished setting up the camera (it's new, now your recordings will be in 4k), watches from a short distance, arms crossed, feigning impatience. “Alright, Yujin, I think that’s enough.”
Yujin steals one last kiss before pulling back, smirking. “Alright, Miss Eunbi, all done here.”
“Perfect,” Eunbi responds. “Now, boxers off, and sit down on the bed, babe. Let’s get started.”
Trying to look composed, you strip off your boxers and take a seat at the bed’s edge. Eunbi hands you the camera, which distracts your mind—focusing on capturing every moment makes it a bit easier.
Holding the equipment steady, you watch as Eunbi and Yujin kneel between your legs, each settling into position with a practiced balance of intimacy and poise. You adjust the camera, aiming to capture every detail as they lean in close. Through the lens, you see Yujin’s confident experience alongside Eunbi’s eager, intense sincerity.
“Alright, let’s begin,” you say, “One, two, three… rolling!”
Yujin moves first, her hand wrapping around your cock with steady ease, her tongue tracing slowly over every inch, savoring each part while her gaze locks onto yours with a playful glint. “Mmm, you taste so good,” she murmurs, tone teasing, confident.
Eunbi watches, her eyes tracing Yujin’s every move, soaking up each gesture and touch. When she can’t wait any longer, she leans in, pressing a soft kiss to the base, her gaze intense, filled with adoration and hunger, like she’s taking in every sensation, every detail.
"Like that, Eunbi, slow—make him feel every second," Yujin whispers, a subtle smile on her face, watching as Eunbi tries to match her pace. Eunbi gives a barely perceptible nod, determined yet completely surrendered, as if there were nowhere else in the world she'd rather be. She drags her tongue along the base while Yujin takes the tip, alternating pressure, surrounding you with an intensity that’s almost overwhelming.
"Are you enjoying this, love?" Eunbi asks, her voice soft, thick with desire. She meets your gaze, searching for the answer in your eyes. Her lips brush over your skin with a tenderness that contrasts with the heat of the moment, each kiss like a silent promise.
"More than you could imagine," you rasp, struggling to keep your focus on the camera.
Yujin laughs softly, pleased by the effect they both have on you. Without warning, she takes you deeper, her lips sliding firmly, rhythmically. Her tongue circles the tip, drawing slow, teasing loops before she pulls you in, creating a pressure that sends waves of tension up your spine. "I'm going to make you lose control, and Eunbi will help," she says, a teasing tone underlying her words, her eyes alight with purpose.
Driven by her own desire, Eunbi switches between soft kisses and playful licks, exploring every inch with quiet determination.
"Yes, just like that, but firmer," Yujin instructs, holding the base as Eunbi joins her, their faces close enough that their hair nearly tangles. The combination of Yujin's precise skill and Eunbi's gentle touch is mind-blowing.
They work in tandem, Yujin taking the head as Eunbi trails her tongue along the base, each motion coordinated, each touch a new peak of pleasure. At one point, Yujin lets a hand slip down to your balls, massaging with delicate care as her mouth moves with increased intensity. "Let’s get this cock dripping wet," Yujin whispers, her gaze never leaving yours, heat flooding your body.
Emboldened by the rhythm and intensity, Eunbi lowers further, kissing along your thighs, each touch warm and light, as though she’s claiming the space. "You’re so hot, baby," she murmurs, running her tongue over your balls, alternating licks and soft kisses, every motion like a declaration of her desire.
The camera catches every detail—the looks, the touches, the mouths moving in perfect sync as Yujin and Eunbi work together, drawing you closer to the edge. Yujin’s eyes hold that knowing, wicked gleam, while Eunbi, lost in her own admiration and passion, gains confidence with each passing second.
They switch off, Yujin licking her way up your length as Eunbi focuses on the head, each pouring all their attention into every touch. In one moment of pure synchronicity, they glance at each other, smiling, and begin sucking together, Yujin lower, Eunbi at the top, her tongue teasing with playful swirls.
"Look at him," Yujin whispers to Eunbi, fingers brushing along Eunbi’s thigh for encouragement. "Show your naughty boyfriend how much you want this."
Eunbi follows her lead, lifting her gaze to meet yours, her eyes warm and inviting. She holds you firmly, her mouth hot and soft around you, sending a flush through your body.
"Now let’s play with your tits, princess," Yujin suggests.
Eunbi pulls away from your cock, her pink lips gleaming with saliva. Keeping her eyes on you, she reaches back and, with a graceful, deliberate motion, unhooks her bra. The fabric slips away, baring her firm, full breasts, her nipples already hard. She smiles, confidence and desire radiating from her every move.
Yujin watches intently, her gaze hungry. "I think we’ll need a little extra help with this, don’t you?" she murmurs, smiling with intent. Leaning toward Eunbi, the two share a conspiratorial look before each one lets a thin line of saliva drip down onto Eunbi’s breasts, warming the already flushed skin.
Eunbi bites her lip, her body reacting, and Yujin slides her hands over Eunbi’s chest, spreading the moisture slowly, her fingers caressing and squeezing. "This will feel even better for you," she murmurs, looking over at the camera, her voice low and sultry.
Eunbi shifts closer, pressing her breasts softly around your cock. The way they are—the skin glistening with saliva, the hard, pink nipples, the slow, careful movements—is perfection. Yujin smiles at you, dimples showing, her confidence somehow heightening the intensity of the moment.
Eunbi presses her breasts tighter around you, surrounding you in her warm softness. She begins to move in a measured rhythm as Yujin helps guide her motions, both of them keeping their eyes on you, capturing every reaction.
"Do you like it like this, love?" Eunbi asks, her voice low, full of affection and lust. She quickens the pace, alternating between sultry glances your way and shared smiles with Yujin.
You can barely respond, caught up in the sight—the gentle, devoted touch of Eunbi contrasting with the predatory gleam in Yujin’s eyes as she takes in each detail, enjoying every moment.
Yujin catches the look on your face, a satisfied gleam in her eyes. "Oh, I think he’s loving it," she murmurs. Then she moves closer to Eunbi, licking her own lips before leaning in to kiss her.
Eunbi sighs against Yujin’s lips, her chest still pressed against you, her breasts soft and warm as she continues moving. "He loves watching us like this," Yujin whispers to Eunbi, a slow, wicked smile curving her lips. "Look how he’s reacting."
She turns her gaze back to you, eyes full of intent, and murmurs, "I love making you feel good, baby."
Yujin pulls Eunbi in for another kiss, deeper and more urgent. She whispers something in Eunbi’s ear, something you can’t hear but that makes Eunbi smile and press even closer, her energy insatiable.
Her hands grip tighter, intensifying the rhythm, each stroke a heated slide against your skin. Beside her, Yujin slides a hand under her own panties, barely containing her own need as she watches, fingers getting wet as she slides them into her pussy, her eyes fixed on the two of you.
"You look so damn good between her tits," Yujin purrs, a wicked smile on her lips. She pulls her hand from her panties, fingers shining, bringing them to her mouth, licking them clean while keeping her gaze locked on the scene before her. "My panties are soaked just watching," she murmurs, a laugh escaping as she bites her lip.
Spurred by Yujin’s words, Eunbi picks up the pace, her breasts squeezing tighter around you, her mouth teasing as her tongue flicks over your tip. Each time she moves down, she presses closer, feeling every throb. "God, this feels so good," you groan, "I'm so fucking turned on, babe."
Yujin lets out a moan of her own, fingers circling faster against herself. "Oh, Eunbi, you're making your boyfriend feel so good… just look at him," she taunts, licking her fingers again before slipping them back between her thighs, her wetness echoing as she loses herself to her need.
Seeing the look of heated anticipation in Yujin’s eyes, Eunbi leans in closer, pressing her breasts around you in a tighter, more intense rhythm, her mouth quirking into a teasing smile. "You want him to fuck that wet little pussy of yours, don’t you, Yujin?" she murmurs, voice low and provocative.
Yujin moans, biting her lip, her fingers digging into her own skin. "Yes… I want him. I want to feel him… all the way inside me," she whispers, her voice trembling with pure need, her eyes ravenous as they fix on you.
Eunbi chuckles softly, not missing a beat as she continues, pressing you even more firmly as she commands, "Then beg, Yujin! Beg my boyfriend, ask him to fuck you just like you want, you little slut." Her voice rings with a possessive edge that only intensifies her allure.
Yujin doesn’t hesitate. She moans louder, fingers sinking deeper as her eyes meet yours, burning with desire. "Please, baby… fuck me," she pleads, voice nearly a whimper, her face an open invitation. "I need that thick, hard cock stretching me, filling me. Please, make me yours. I want every inch of you," she begs, her words broken by gasps as she keeps touching herself, her hips moving in rhythm, fully surrendered to you.
Watching them, the desire inside you grows with each word, each desperate movement. "I'm going to give you exactly what you want, Yujin," you murmur, voice promising, sending a shiver through her. "I'm gonna wreck that pussy."
“Then do it, baby,” Eunbi urges, pulling her breasts away from your cock. “Ruin this little slut’s pussy.”
The tension in the room reaches a boiling point.
Yujin slips off her soaked panties, kicking them aside as she lies back, legs open, body utterly exposed and eager. Her eyes glint with anticipation as you position yourself between her thighs. Holding your cock firmly, you tease her entrance, just enough to feel her warmth but without fully entering. That light touch alone makes Yujin moan, her body arching, begging silently.
She glances over to Eunbi, eyes playful. “And you? Just going to stand there?” She smiles, taunting, face pure lust. “I want you here, Eunbi... want to feel you on my tongue.”
Eunbi chuckles, her laugh sultry and wicked, and without hesitation, she slips off her own panties, moving to Yujin. Smiling, she positions herself over Yujin's face, thighs spread, lowering herself just enough so Yujin can taste her as she wants. “Then make it good, Yujin,” Eunbi orders, voice low and powerful. “I want to feel every lick.”
Yujin doesn’t need another word. Gripping Eunbi's thighs, she pulls her closer, her tongue diving eagerly between her folds, sucking with a nearly desperate intensity, her muffled moans vibrating against Eunbi's body.
Meanwhile, you press a little harder against Yujin's entrance, still teasing, letting her feel each inch but still not giving in. She arches, pressing herself up to meet you, pleading silently. “Please… put it in,” she whispers, voice dripping with need as her mouth never leaves Eunbi, each lick growing more ravenous.
With a knowing smirk, you oblige.
Yujin writhes beneath you, adjusting her hips to take you fully. “Oh god! Oh- Fuck yes! This is what I wanted!” she gasps, her voice thick with desire.
Eunbi, perched over her, grips her own breasts, fingers teasing her sensitive nipples. “Yes, Yujin… keep eating me out,” she moans, voice trembling as Yujin's tongue circles, exploring every part, making Eunbi shiver on top of her. She meets your gaze, cheeks flushed, and grins wickedly. “You like watching Yujin eat me out while you fuck her, don’t you?”
“Yeah… fuck, I love it, you’re both so fucking hot,” you breathe, voice barely more than a whisper.
Yujin squirms under Eunbi’s weight, moaning into her wet pussy, the sound muffled but enough to stoke your own arousal. “Harder,” Yujin murmurs between licks, “make me feel every inch, don’t stop… I want you to fuck this tight little pussy deep.”
You pick up the pace, your hips slamming against her with more force, feeling the pressure building around you. One hand finds Yujin's clit, rubbing in slow circles, and she bucks against you, a louder moan escaping her.
Eunbi watches, biting her lip, her body tensing as Yujin devours her. “Yes, baby… keep going, fuck her deeper,” she encourages, grinding down, forcing Yujin’s mouth to work harder.
Your hand moves expertly, fingers tracing circles over Yujin’s clit while you thrust, feeling each tight pulse around your cock. With each thrust, her body arches, her face buried between Eunbi’s thighs, making her moan louder with each lick, every touch more intense.
Eunbi smiles at you, a mix of pleasure and taunt, biting her lower lip. “Go on, babe… fuck her good,” she whispers between moans, “I want to hear her scream for you.” Her words push you over, and you increase your rhythm, pounding her, Yujin’s body responding to each deep stroke. Her legs quiver, fingers gripping the sheets, nails digging in as her mouth stays busy between Eunbi’s legs.
Yujin, overwhelmed by the pleasure, lets out muffled moans, each sound vibrating against Eunbi, making her grind down, moaning even louder. “Yes… don’t stop, don’t stop,” Yujin pants, her voice broken with pleasure as her body tightens around you, breath coming in gasps.
Eunbi looks at you, her voice soft, almost a whisper, full of encouragement. “That’s it, babe… keep going… give her everything! Make her come, make her feel your cock in every inch of her,” she teases, her eyes bright as she presses down harder on Yujin’s mouth, lost in the sensation of her tongue.
You lean forward, increasing the pressure on Yujin's clit as you thrust deeper, your fingers moving faster, more insistent, the camera shaking in your other hand (you’ll thank the image stabilizer later). Yujin’s moans grow frantic, her body arching again, every muscle tense. “Yes… I’m gonna come…” she cries, her voice breaking as her body shudders in climax, while Eunbi lets out a cry of her own, lost in the rhythm of Yujin’s tongue.
Yujin’s entire body shakes, muscles tight as she surrenders completely, her voice hoarse, almost shouting. “Ah… don’t… don’t stop… it’s so good, so… ahhh, yes! Harder… more… I…!”
Your fingers press down harder on her clit, stroking in time with each thrust as you sink deeper, feeling every pulse of her tight little pussy. Yujin bites her lip, a choked scream escaping as her hands grip the sheets, eyes squeezing shut, lost in ecstasy. “Oh… my… god… I’m… ahhh, I’m coming, don’t stop, please!”
Eunbi, still perched over Yujin, watches, eyes bright with arousal, her own moans heightening as she sees Yujin’s state. She urges you on, her voice soft but fervent. “Yes, babe! Make this slut come on your cock… make her lose control!”
Then, Yujin’s body seizes, a sharp cry tearing from her throat as she squirts over your thighs and onto the sheets. “Ahhhh! Yes… yes… ahhh! I’m- Oh God! Mmm, I’m coming…!” Yujin practically sobs, her body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure ripples through her, surrendering fully to the overwhelming intensity.
Eunbi lifts herself, lips parted, watching Yujin with awe. “My god, Yujin… look what he’s done to you,” she murmurs, barely holding back her own desire.
Still flushed and breathing heavily, Yujin laughs quietly, her cheeks pink, eyes half-lidded as she looks up at you, body still tingling from the aftermath. “Fuck… that cock… made me come so good,” she whispers with a smile, gaze locked on you.
Eunbi, eyes alight with a mix of possessiveness and lust, gives you a provocative smile, biting her lower lip. “So… now you’re going to fuck your girlfriend, aren’t you?” Her voice is laced with challenge and excitement. She positions herself at the edge of the bed, on all fours, ass lifted toward you, offering you the perfect view, while Yujin moves up, legs spread wide in front of your girlfriend.
With a mischievous glint, she spreads her wet folds with her fingers, beckoning Eunbi’s face closer. “Come, Eunbi… lick me while he fucks you,” she whispers, her hand gripping Eunbi’s hair, guiding her closer. “Yes, give me that tongue… show me how well you can eat pussy,” Yujin continues, moaning as Eunbi’s mouth begins to work on her.
Standing behind, you position your cock and slide slowly into Eunbi, feeling her hot, tight walls surround you. A groan escapes your lips as you sink deeper into her, each inch pulling you in. “Fuck, Eunbi… you’re so wet… so good,” you whisper, lost in the intense pleasure.
Eunbi, gasping between licks on Yujin, pants. “Yes, babe… fuck me… deeper… I want to feel you filling me.” She moves back against you, hips circling, each thrust pulling you in further, her ass trembling with each motion, every deep stroke drawing fresh moans from her.
Yujin, delirious from the feel of Eunbi’s tongue against her dripping cunt, grabs her hair, pulling just a little to savor every lick even deeper. “Ahhh, Eunbi, just like that… keep going… Mmm, you're such a slut!” she breathes, her words slipping between moans, eyes squeezed shut as each brush of that soft, wet tongue over her sensitive folds drives her wild.
The tension surges as you thrust deeper, your hands gripping Eunbi’s hips tightly, each push pulling louder, needier sounds from her. “Fuck… so tight,” you murmur, feeling her wetness, her warmth, tightening around every inch as you plunge in. Eunbi can barely keep up as she sucks Yujin, her own body trembling, pressing back against you, every move inviting you to go harder, deeper.
Yujin watches, her lips parted, a throaty moan escaping as she locks eyes with the sight of you taking your girlfriend. “Mmm, fuck,” she chuckles between moans, “You two are so fucking hot!”
Your grip on Eunbi’s waist tightens, her slick cunt clenching around you, and you lean close to her ear. “I’m taking that sweet ass next, babe.” She shivers, biting her lip, and breathes a shaky response. “Yeah, do it… fuck my ass… I want it,” she whimpers, her voice thick with excitement and anticipation.
You guide yourself, pressing the head of your cock slowly against her tight little opening, watching her stretch to take you in. Bit by bit, you slide forward, filling her.
“Ahhh… so tight,” you murmur, your breaths ragged as you film every inch with the new camera, capturing in 4K the way her snug ass opens around you. Eunbi lets out a loud moan, her head thrown back. “Yes, take it… let him wreck that ass,” Yujin whispers to her, reaching down to touch herself as she watches.
“Yes… yes, fuck my ass… fill me, go deeper…,” Eunbi moans, her voice quivering, her whole body alight as you sink in.
Holding her hip firmly, you draw her back, your cock fitting fully inside her tight hole, feeling each part of her yielding to your slow, deliberate rhythm. She lets out a long, low groan, head thrown back, face twisted in a blend of pain and pleasure as she adjusts to the intense stretch.
“Ohh, yeah… keep going… fill me up, I can take it,” she moans, eyes half-lidded, biting her lip, face flushed in pure ecstasy. Each thrust is a new adjustment, feeling her intense tightness, each slide bringing a fresh wave of sensation. “You love this, don’t you, you little slut?” you taunt, voice gravelly, pushing deeper.
Eunbi squirms, her body trembling with each thrust. “Mmm, Yes! Fuck, I love feeling you wreck me… Keep using me, babe, keep- Oh! Like that, baby! Yeah!” she responds, voice shaky, cut off by erratic moans, completely surrendered. With each thrust, the wet, filthy sounds fill the room, bodies colliding in raw, unrestrained passion.
Yujin, still watching close by, runs a hand down her own dripping pussy, eyes fixed on the scene, filled with lust. “God, look at her… you’re destroying her ass,” she whispers, her voice loaded with excitement.
Your firm grip on Eunbi’s hips pulls her back, every inch sinking deep into her tight little ass, feeling her muscles surrender to the slow, deliberate rhythm. She lets out a long, low moan, her head thrown back, her face mixing pain and pleasure as she adjusts to the intense stretch.
"Fuck, babe, watching you eat her pussy gets me so fucking hot," you growl, voice rough, thrusting even deeper. Your hand rises, landing a hard slap on her ass.
“Ow, babe! Yes, slap me! Don’t stop, wreck my little ass, fuck me good!”
Eunbi's moans fill the room, blending with the sound of your hips colliding with her body. Each movement is met with a sharp smack that leaves her skin tingling. “Ahhh, harder… fuck, go deeper… break me,” she begs, her voice hoarse, totally lost in the intense pleasure as you keep pounding, every slap drawing a new moan, louder and dripping with lust.
Yujin, lying on the bed with her legs spread, holds Eunbi’s face firmly, guiding her back to keep licking. “You two are going to make me cum just watching… keep sucking, baby… Mmm, yeah! Just like that! I’m so close, don’t stop!” Yujin moans, her voice trembling as her body arches, writhing with pleasure under Eunbi’s relentless tongue work. Eunbi’s mouth moves faster, sucking with fervor.
“Yeah, Yujin, cum all over her mouth… let my girl taste you,” you say, watching the wild scene unfolding, slowing your thrusts to let Eunbi focus on making Yujin climax. Your girlfriend responds with a muffled moan, intensifying her movements, eyes shut tight in pure concentration, determined to bring Yujin to the edge.
Eunbi feels Yujin’s body tense under her tongue, each shudder racing through her like a live current, her moans rising until they turn into raw, guttural cries. “Ahhh… yes, Eunbi… right there… make me cum, don’t stop!” Yujin practically screams, her nails digging into the sheets, back arching, utterly lost in the moment. Her breaths come fast, each gasp a wave, as Eunbi continues licking with unwavering devotion, her tongue tracing and exploring every wet, trembling inch.
Eunbi, lips and mouth fully devoted to Yujin’s pleasure, mutters through a mouth full of desire, “Cum for me, you dirty slut.” She grips Yujin’s thighs, pulling her closer, not letting any motion escape, savoring every drop. Yujin, utterly spent, sinks her head into the pillows, moaning as the waves of an overwhelming orgasm crash over her.
“Fuck, Eunbi… ahhhh… I’m cumming… cumming in your mouth…!” Yujin gasps, lost in breathless moans and broken cries.
Eunbi’s tongue laps eagerly, drinking in every drop of the hot release that spills from Yujin. She swallows it all, low moans vibrating as she savors the rich taste. With her face still glistening, Eunbi leans back, enough to release a heavy sigh, feeling you sliding your cock in and out, slow and deliberate. “Ahh… I’m close too… almost there,” she whispers, voice thick with need. Yujin, still basking in the glow, laughs softly, a wicked gleam in her eye, as she slowly rises, hand reaching out to take the camera from you with a playful grin. “Let me handle this now… it’s time to make this sexy girl lose it.”
You pull slowly out of Eunbi’s ass, watching her shiver from the sudden emptiness. Now with the camera in Yujin’s hands, the heat in the room rises even more. “I’m capturing everything from this angle… from below, catching every detail.” She asks Eunbi to stand up, guiding you both to place a leg on the bed, opening up to the camera’s raw, unfiltered view.
The two of you follow, adjusting your legs as Yujin instructed, exposing your bodies fully to the camera’s keen eye. Breathing heavily, Eunbi steadies herself, half-closed eyes watching as you position yourself behind her, ready to continue. Yujin kneels just beneath her, angling the camera from the floor so it perfectly captures your cock lined up to press back into Eunbi’s ass, her face already anticipating the pleasure. “Go on, honey… I want to see you ruin her ass.” Yujin murmurs, her voice thick with desire.
With a firm grip on Eunbi’s hips, you press against her tight entrance once more, pushing slowly until you’re fully inside. Eunbi cries out, her head tilting back as Yujin looks up, licking her lips. “That’s it, fill her up… I want to hear her moaning for you.” As the camera rolls, Yujin leans closer to Eunbi’s wet pussy, diving in hungrily, tongue exploring every part while the lens captures every second in vivid detail.
You clutch Eunbi’s hips tightly, thrusting deep into her tight ass, each stroke pulling raw, almost pleading moans from her. “This is what you want, isn’t it? To be fucked on every side like a dirty little slut,” you whisper, watching her face twist in pleasure, that wild glint in her eyes.
“Mmm, yes… yes!” Eunbi cries, barely able to form words as Yujin, still on her knees between Eunbi’s parted thighs, eats her out with hungry intent, focusing especially on her swollen, sensitive clit, licking and pulsing rapidly. “You love this, don’t you?” Yujin murmurs against her wet skin, voice tinged with mischief. “Having your man destroy your ass while I lick your wet pussy!”
“Mmm, Yeah! I love this so much, I feel so slutty.… don’t stop… fuck my ass harder, baby!” Eunbi begs, clutching her own breasts, every word punctuated by broken moans, Yujin’s fingers digging into her thighs, holding them wide open. You pick up speed, thrusting deeper, feeling her body tighten, her ass squeezing around your big cock as she surrenders completely, every inch of her body pulsing with ecstasy.
“She’s almost there, honey,” Yujin says, looking up at you with a devilish gleam in her eyes. “Make her scream, baby, make sure she knows who’s in charge.”
Eunbi writhes, half-closed eyes and face fully given over to pleasure, as you pound into her tight ass harder with each thrust. Her body quivers with each plunge, tense muscles, guttural moans spilling from her lips. Yujin, eyes fixed on Eunbi’s delirious expression, slips two fingers deep into her creamy pussy, moving with steady, firm thrusts, filling the room with the obscene, wet sounds of her every movement.
“Ah… yes… yes!” Eunbi nearly screams, the sound choked by your relentless pace. Yujin leans down again, mouth capturing her sensitive clit, making a lewd sucking sound, her fingers sliding in and out of that creamy, soaking pussy, her hand slick with the hot juices flowing in response. Eunbi’s body arches, utterly surrendered to both of you, every nerve alive with intense, violent pleasure.
Then suddenly, she can’t hold back—the climax hits her like a tidal wave. Eunbi’s eyes roll back, seized by an orgasm that takes control of her, body twisting, clenching in spasms as she cries out, a release that nearly takes her breath away. Her pussy tightens hard around Yujin’s fingers, releasing waves of hot juice as her ass contracts around your cock, like she’s trying to keep you inside, each pulsing contraction showing just how intensely she feels it.
“That’s it, baby… cum for us,” you murmur, Yujin’s fingers still working quickly, every motion drawing more aftershocks until Eunbi nearly collapses, trembling uncontrollably.
You hold Eunbi close against you, feeling each spasm slowly easing, her soft tremors still rippling through her body as the final waves of her orgasm fade. Her sweaty, flushed face rests on your shoulder, eyes closed, a look of pure satisfaction on her lips as she feels you slipping out of her, inch by inch.
Yujin rises slowly, her gaze smoldering as she looks at both of you, her mouth still glistening with Eunbi's essence. She finally unhooks her bra, tossing it aside, and without a word, pulls you in for a deep kiss. Her tongue slides into your mouth, unashamedly sharing the salty, tangy taste of your girlfriend’s pussy, still hot on her lips. It's a slow, wet kiss, where she delights in teasing you, her mouth moving with a firmness that leaves you tense, craving more.
Eunbi, still catching her breath, practically purrs with desire, her half-lidded eyes watching the two of you devour each other. “I want some too,” she murmurs, her voice husky, almost a moan. Yujin smiles against your lips, then pulls Eunbi close, bringing the three of you together in a kiss dripping with lust.
Your tongues meet, sliding against each other in a hot, chaotic frenzy, the taste of Eunbi mingling between you all. The three of you breathe harder, each of you more ravenous than the last, devouring one another with no reservations. Yujin whispers something between kisses, her voice a mischievous murmur. “You two drive me crazy... so delicious,” she says, her hand slipping to the nape of Eunbi’s neck, holding her firmly as she deepens the kiss, tongues tangling and teasing with each motion.
Eunbi moans softly against both your mouths, eyes closed, her fingers tracing along your thigh, slowly rising, each touch light and tempting. “You and her made me cum so good, I’ve never felt anything like that before,” she whispers, her face so close you feel the heat of her words. “But now, I want to see you cum for us…”
Yujin joins her, “Yes, baby, cover our faces with that hot cum.” The perverted tone in her voice only intensifies the heat pooling in your body.
“If that’s what you want, then both of you, get on your knees.”
Without hesitation, they sink down slowly, their eyes locked on yours, each movement a show of submission and desire. Eunbi kneels on your right, Yujin to your left, the two of them exchanging knowing looks and smiling, as if they already know what’s coming. Both of their faces glow with anticipation, mouths slightly parted, hungry gazes that don’t waver for a second.
You lean down, picking up the camera and angling it to capture every detail from above. The image on the screen shows Eunbi and Yujin looking up, lascivious smiles on their lips, eyes alight with excitement as they wait eagerly. “Look at you two,” you murmur, your voice thick with admiration and provocation. “My girls, so beautiful and submissive, ready to take my load.”
Yujin starts first, gripping firmly as her tongue slides over the tip, already slick with pre-cum. “Mmm... love your taste,” she murmurs, before opening her mouth and taking in the head, sucking slowly, feeling you throb against her tongue.
Eunbi watches, biting her lip, and soon joins in, leaning in to press soft kisses along the base while her hands caress your thighs and stomach, nails skimming your skin, leaving a trail of shivers. “Give us that hot load, baby,” she whispers with a voice full of desire, before licking slowly from the base to the middle of your shaft, leaving a wet trail as her eyes meet yours.
They take turns as if rehearsed, Yujin licking the frenulum with precision that makes you moan low, the tip of her tongue making slow, firm circles. Eunbi kisses along the length, making every inch wet and slick, creating a mix of warmth and moisture that leaves you harder than ever. “It’s so big… feels so good in my mouth,” she says, her hands stroking you as she looks up, that naughty smile on her face.
Yujin pulls Eunbi closer and murmurs, “Let’s show him how well we take care of him…” Together, they begin running their tongues along the length of your cock, one on each side, meeting at the tip, exchanging a glance before diving back in, Yujin sucking the head while Eunbi gently sucks on your balls, her lips wrapping around them softly, alternating between kisses and gentle sucks.
“You’re both going to make me cum like this…” you groan, unable to hold back the rising pleasure. Yujin looks up, her lips still wrapped around you, and mutters in a husky voice, “Then cum… we want every drop…”
They both intensify, Eunbi now holding the base firmly while Yujin begins to stroke you.
You feel control slipping away and warn, “I’m close…,” your voice hoarse, each second bringing you closer to the edge. Yujin keeps sucking the tip, her lips pressing against the frenulum with calculated precision.
The pleasure builds, your whole body tense as Yujin and Eunbi wait, kneeling and ravenous, their beautiful faces filled with anticipation. Yujin’s grip tightens, her hand moving faster and firmer as she watches you, her gaze fixed on your face, studying every reaction with visible satisfaction. “That’s it, keep going... let us feel everything,” she whispers, and increases the rhythm, sliding her hand with steady, relentless strokes, pushing you over the limit.
Eunbi watches each moment, licking her lips and sharing a provocative look with Yujin. “Go ahead, baby, don’t hold back,” she murmurs, her voice soft but urgent, her fingers moving slowly over your balls, pressing lightly, matching the pace of Yujin’s strokes, both of them fully focused on taking you to the peak.
Feeling the imminent release, you give a low warning, “I’m... I’m gonna cum…” They both smile, faces eager and hungry, leaning in closer, offering their faces as canvases ready to receive every drop. The first spurt erupts powerfully, thick and hot, hitting Yujin squarely, dribbling down her cheek to her parted lips. She moans low, an expression of absolute pleasure as the cum slides down, licking the edge of her lips, savoring it slowly,”Mmm, so fucking good!” she sighs, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Cum more, baby, please!”
The second spurt lands on Eunbi, splashing across her forehead and dripping down her face. She moans loudly, closing her eyes and leaning forward for more, letting the cum glide down her skin with a satisfied smile. “God... you came so much, baby,” she murmurs, licking her upper lip, tasting your release.
You’re not done yet, the accumulated pleasure so intense that the third burst shoots out forcefully, landing right between the two of them. They look at each other, faces messy and glistening with your cum, eyes sparking with desire as each lets her tongue slide slowly, teasingly, toward the spot where the last drop fell. You hold the camera steady, capturing every detail: the hungry gaze they share, the tips of their tongues meeting right in the center of that thick, warm mixture.
Yujin is the first to lean in, her tongue moving slowly across Eunbi’s cheek, licking a trail of your cum dripping down her face, savoring every inch with deliberate care. “Mmm, so good… hot and thick, just like I imagined,” she whispers, looking at you with a wicked smile before turning back to Eunbi.
Eunbi lets out a low moan, leaning in toward Yujin, her tongue finding drops at the corner of her friend’s mouth, and then her tongue slides a little further, sucking Yujin's chin, where there is a good portion of your cum accumulated. “Your cum tastes so good, baby,” Eunbi murmurs.
With the camera close, you capture the moment they start rubbing their tongues against each other, every movement intense, almost primal. Yujin chuckles softly, her hand caressing Eunbi’s face as she pulls her closer, lifting her own face slightly to spit onto Eunbi’s tongue, who receives it without hesitation. Yujin’s own tongue slides into Eunbi’s mouth with torturous slowness, mixing more of your cum with the taste of each other, low sounds of satisfaction echoing through the room.
Their mouths meet in a final, deep, wet, filthy kiss, licking and sucking everything away. The camera captures the final image: both of them with faces painted in your cum, eyes shining, wicked and satisfied.
You bring the camera closer, capturing every detail of their faces, smeared and glistening with the remnants of your pleasure. With a satisfied smile, you murmur, “Fuck, you two look absolutely gorgeous like this, my perfect cumsluts…” They look at each other and burst into laughter, a sweet, shared laugh, with that glint of someone who’s gone all the way and loved every second of it.
Yujin, wiping a last drop off Eunbi’s brow with her thumb, looks straight into the camera and, with a playful grin, asks, “So… did you enjoy this delicious experience? Was it worth it?”
You smile, nodding as the camera remains focused on their expressions. “It was perfect. Better than I could have imagined.” Eunbi, still catching her breath with cheeks flushed, admits with a satisfied sigh, “I… had no idea it would feel this good. You two… it was indescribable.”
Yujin wraps an arm around Eunbi and says warmly, “I knew you’d love it! Thank you for trusting me and diving in. You were both incredible.”
“Now… how about a little farewell for our audience?” you suggest, your tone playful. The two exchange a glance, and without hesitation, they press their cheeks together, bringing their hands up in a cute little wave, blowing kisses toward the camera. “Thank you for watching… see you next time!” they say in unison, an adorable tone that contrasts with what just happened, laughing softly as they say goodbye with their faces close, sharing light, carefree giggles.
You capture the final frame—two beautiful women, utterly relaxed, eyes still sparkling with excitement, completely caught up in the moment. With a final sigh, you end the recording, knowing you're one lucky fucking man.
You step out of the shower feeling like a conqueror of the world—or at least of your own little, unexpected corner of it. The coolness of the water still seems to dance over your skin, every muscle relaxed, every thought light, as if all the effort of the day had evaporated away. You throw on a T-shirt and loose pants and head into the living room, where the stars of the day—Eunbi and Yujin—are already settled in, looking comfortable, like veterans of many such adventures (and maybe, in Yujin’s case, that’s not far from the truth).
Eunbi is curled up in a hoodie three sizes too big, looking perfectly cozy, while Yujin’s wrapped in one of Eunbi’s borrowed robes, savoring a generous spoonful of ice cream.
“So, how are you two feeling?” you ask, the excitement in your voice almost dancing by itself.
The two exchange a knowing smile. “Relaxed,” Eunbi answers with a soft smile, her eyes still sparkling.
“Alive,” Yujin adds, pausing only to take another spoonful of ice cream. Then she turns to Eunbi with a casual look and a curious smile. “And the jealousy, honey? How’d you hold up?”
Eunbi blushes, but she doesn’t look away, accepting the question as a challenge. “You know… at first, yeah. It was hard seeing him… connecting with someone else. But as I watched how much he was enjoying it… I don’t know, I think I started enjoying it, too.”
Yujin laughs softly, clearly pleased. “Now that’s the spirit. And can I just say? For your first time with a girl, you were amazing.” She regards Eunbi with playful admiration. “And I’m not just talking about technique, you know? It was more… your enthusiasm.”
Eunbi blushes even more but doesn’t lose her smile. “Well… you made it easy.”
Yujin turns to you with that look of someone sharing the world’s most obvious secret, adding, “And you… I have to say, those guys who seem quiet and reserved… they always end up being the best. Must be something to do with… attention to detail.”
You chuckle awkwardly, trying to hide the satisfaction that still shows. “Look, I never… really imagined I’d be… with two incredible women like this.” You try, but words don’t seem to be enough.
“Oh, and getting paid for it, no less! How do you manage it?”
“The money and the adventures are great,” you begin, feeling a sudden inspiration, “but seeing my girl happy is what really matters to me. I’m just in this for her, and for as far as she wants to go.”
Yujin gives a playful look between you and Eunbi. “See? You two have something special. Most couples wouldn’t even consider this, but you? You’re here, having fun, creating intimate and unique memories, just embracing it all. No bullshit.”
Eunbi, still smiling with a mix of pride and tenderness, sighs. “Yeah… but honestly? I think what makes it work is that we… talk. Like, really talk.”
“Yes,” Yujin adds, “that’s rarer than it sounds. And don’t get me wrong, sometimes just the… physical part is great, you know? But having someone who understands and supports you? That’s the hard part to find.” She gives a soft, almost sentimental smile before diving back into her ice cream as if it were the last of its kind.
“So, is it time for your podcast with Sana now?” Eunbi asks.
Yujin nods eagerly. “Yep, straight from a hot session with you two to the spotlight.”
You laugh lightly. “Can’t believe we have a celebrity in our apartment. How do you handle all these commitments?”
She leans in with an exaggerated expression of importance, pretending to adjust an invisible crown. “Oh, darlings, you’re in the presence of a businesswoman. Important, in-demand, and… completely devoted to this fantastic ice cream!”
Eunbi smiles, her eyes shining with admiration. “I’m going to watch the episode! Bet you’ll steal the show!”
“You… err… You two are just so sweet, you know?” Yujin murmurs, but her voice breaks, a sudden, unexpected emotion making her words stumble. Tears start forming silently in her eyes as she tries, comically, to keep devouring the ice cream as if nothing’s happening. She laughs, a clumsy sob escaping as tears fall without ceremony. “Sorry, it’s just… you know, it’s so good. This ice cream… is emotionally very intense, I guess. It just caught me off guard.”
Eunbi, a bit alarmed, asks softly, “Yujin, are you okay?”
“Of course!” Yujin laughs again, still mixing her shaky voice with humor to brush it off. “It’s just… it’s like everything hit me all at once, you know? Just… tired. But nothing serious.” She wipes her tears with the back of her hand, smiling. “It’s not depression or anything, okay? Just a bit of burnout. Something light. Normal.”
You watch the tension unwind from her face, layer by layer, and feel something more than curiosity—real concern, that uncomfortable feeling of seeing someone who seemed unbreakable finally give way. You sit next to her, wrapping an arm around her with almost reverent care.
“Yujin,” you say, your voice low and steady. “If you need anything, anything at all…”
Yujin looks up, a little surprised, then smiles. It’s almost a painful smile, one that won’t quite admit that maybe, just maybe, she really does need that offer of help. She shakes her head. “No, really, you two are sweethearts. It’s just… you know, sometimes it’s all a bit too much. And then I forget. Forget to breathe. Forget to… I don’t know… take care of myself a little.”
Eunbi watches her closely, as if trying to decipher every word, every nuance. “It’s okay, you know? If you want to cancel the podcast… Sana will understand. It’s just one episode.”
Yujin takes a deep breath and shakes her head, this time with a determined look. “Oh, no… Sana is… Sana is one of the good ones. I want to go. It’ll be fun, I just need a little… I don’t know, pep talk, maybe?” She gives a short laugh, but sadness lingers there, lurking, and her hand still trembles slightly as she sets her ice cream bowl on the coffee table.
Eunbi, however, doesn’t give up. She holds Yujin’s hand between hers, firm and warm, grounding her, and says with a soft but resolute voice, “Yujin, no matter what happens… we’re here. For anything you need, really.”
For the first time, Yujin looks at you both without any of her usual masks, and you see a glimmer of something vulnerable, almost fragile. She opens her mouth, and for a moment, you think she might say something heavy, something real. But instead, she lets out a dry, melancholy laugh.
“Look at me,” she says, her voice trembling slightly. “Here I am, getting all emotional, babbling a bunch of nonsense. God, I can be so ridiculous sometimes! But now that's enough, no more crying here! And I'm sorry about this, guys."
She gives you and Eunbi a look full of tenderness, as if she wants to capture this moment, this presence, this support that maybe, she hadn’t expected. She jokes, her voice still a bit shaky: “You know what? What if the three of us just formed a throuple, huh? A modern fairytale, all ours.”
You all laugh, the tension finally melting away. She wipes the tears from her eyes, standing up with a renewed energy. “Just kidding, of course. You two are wonderful together. If I joined this story, I’d probably just ruin the magic.” She shrugs, adjusting her borrowed robe. “Besides, I like having the bed all to myself. You know, no fighting over the blanket.”
Later, in the dark bedroom, you're completely out, already dreaming about absurdly nonsensical things. But Eunbi is nowhere near sleep. She’s lying there, shifting restlessly, as if waiting for you to wake up and ask what's wrong; finally, she loses patience and nudges your shoulder. Once, twice, three times, until you make some indistinct noise halfway between a snore and a "huh?"
“Are you awake, babe?” she asks, like the repeated pokes hadn’t already given her the answer.
“Now I am,” you mumble, still keeping your eyes closed. “Not like I wanted to sleep or anything.”
“Stop being silly,” she says, but her voice is soft, almost hesitant. There’s something in it that makes you crack one eye open. “I’m worried about Yujin.”
You turn to look at her, blinking in the dark to focus. “Hmm, Yujin? The same Yujin who posted stories just a few hours ago, smiling on the plane? The same Yujin who left our apartment on the phone about a sponsorship offer from a... vibrator brand?”
Eunbi sighs. “Yes, I know. But still… that doesn’t mean she’s actually okay.”
You let out a tired sigh, remembering how Yujin was—laughing, having fun, brimming with an energy that seemed unbreakable. Until, of course, she randomly started crying. “Yeah, that was… weird. But you’ve done that too, you know? I’ve seen you start crying out of nowhere sometimes.”
“That’s when I’m on my period, you dummy,” she mutters, resting a light but ‘threatening’ hand on your shoulder and giving you a gentle smack. “Totally different.”
You laugh, pulling her a little closer. “Alright, alright. But seriously, babe, Yujin’s an adult, you know? I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s had a moment like that.”
“I know, but… should I have insisted that she rest?”
“You did more than enough,” you say softly. “She knows we were there for her. And I’m sure she’s grateful for that, you know? Just because she projects that ‘I’m indestructible’ vibe doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate the support. If she needs anything, she’ll text you or some other friend. She’s fine, don’t worry.”
Eunbi sighs again, but there’s a bit more ease in it this time. “Maybe you’re right…”
“Of course I am,” you say, pulling her in even closer. “And besides, we’re gonna see her again, remember? We’re gonna film more stuff together. We’ll get used to her freaking out, laughing, crying… it’s all part of the package.”
Eunbi raises an eyebrow, feigning a jealous look. “Oh, yeah? Who says we’re filming with her again? Did you like her that much?”
You chuckle, catching her playful tone. “Obviously. All for your success, babe. It’s just strategic thinking, you know?”
She laughs, giving your chest a light smack. “Alright, strategist. I'm just kidding. It was really fun, the whole… experience.”
“Good. Now, go to sleep,” you say, exhausted.
“Yes, Daddy,” she replies, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“Oh, I like that,” you joke.
She rolls her eyes in the dark and replies, “Don’t even start.”
#kpop smut#eunbi smut#kwon eunbi smut#eunbi izone#izone smut#izone eunbi#gg smut#kpop gg smut#kpop m!reader#kpop male oc#kpop male reader#m!reader#yujin#yujin smut#ive yujin#ive Yujin smut#yujin ive#kpop gg#smut oneshot#kwon eunbi#eunbi x male reader#yujin x reader#Yujin x male reader#male reader
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Time Traveller AU pt3
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 4 is here. Find the AU masterlist here! Check out my MASTERLIST here.
"This is so unnecessary" you whispered to the man sitting behind you. "Everyone's staring." Your eyes scanned over the mass of people in town, as your horse passed through.
You thought you would get your own horse, but Baldwin had other plans apparently, as he just picked you up from your armpits and plopped you in front of him on his horse.
You could feel him smiling from ear to ear. "I think they're just in awe of your beauty. I would suggest getting used to the stares, now."
You rolled your eyes. "Dont flatter me. I know how I look, besides- I was referring to us sharing a horse. Its unnecessary and its why everyones looking at us."
"I think its unnecessary to get another horse for you. You dont know how to ride them, and believe me when I tell you- these horses are wild. I dont want you to get hurt when they kick you off." He teased.
You scoffed. Alright, maybe you werent an equestrian, but how hard would it be to ride a horse anyways? Didnt Baldwin learn to ride one when his right arm was paralysed and he had to do with his thighs mostly to control the horse?
"Still, I couldve gotten a carriage. Or better yet walked? Maybe even ride a horse with someone else-" You quieted down as you felt a pair of lips peck behind your ear.
"Dont even think about it. Why would I let anyone touch you, be this close to my princess-" his arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back closer to him. "Wouldnt you prefer your soon-to-be-husband to help you instead?" He whispered as his hand slowly found its way to rest on your belly, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Heat rose to your cheeks as you pulled his hand away and smacked it when it tried to touch your waist again. "Behave, Baldwin." You admonished with a smile as people looked at you. You dont want to create a scene (especially not one where history would report some lady smacking King Baldwin).
You getting flustered and angry only made him chuckle, as he leaned down to give the back of your head a kiss.
Enough with the PDA already. Arent medieval times supposed to be more conservative?
Ugh. Your lips formed into a thin line. Maybe he'll back off when you reach Salauddin and he sees how other Muslims act.
With some entourage accompanying you guys, you travelled away from the kingdom for almost an hour or so until you crossed that one sand dune beyond which Salauddin and his people were camping.
Before reaching the dessert, you had asked Baldwin if he had something that you could cover yourself up with. You want to adhere to the customs and not accidentally piss off one of the greatest Muslim rulers. Sure, you could've worn something more concealing before leaving the castle, but neither of you wanted people to know that you two were going to meet Salauddin.
Baldwin nodded and in one swift motion, he had removed his cloak and wrapped it around you, bringing the hood over you.
"But- what about you?" you looked back at him with wide eyes. People didnt just wear full length clothes back then just because of modesty, but also to protect their skin from sun damage.
He smiled. "I'll be fine, princess." No, you wont. And you're not risking yet another historical change by having the king of Jerusalem getting skin cancer.
Immediately, you tore off the bottom of your tunic and made a keffiyeh (a headdress) which covered both his head and his face. "There, now we can go."
From the keffiyeh, only his eyes were visible, which crinkled up. "Did you cover me up because you dont want women staring at me in awe?"
"What? Of course not. You just recovered from leprosy. Your skin would be sensitive to the harsh sun and heat of the desert-" He cut you off by laughing lightly.
"Whatever you say, princess. Whatever you say."
As you neared the camps, you saw men dressed in battle armour coming out of the tents, and you from the way he walked, the way he dressed, even his mere presence could make you recognise Salauddin from a mile away.
The horse stopped and Baldwin got down first before helping you down. You followed him as he walked towards Salauddin, who was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. An erie silence settled all around you, the sound of air whooshing being the only thing audible for a few moments. Salauddin stared into Baldwin, while men from both sides glared at each other, one hand on their swords, ready to fight.
"Salam alaikum." Baldwin spoke first.
Peace be upon you.
You heart dropped for a second when Salauddin didnt reply back immediately. With your hood covering your face, you couldnt exactly see his expressions, only resorting to his body language and sounds to anticipate his mood.
Salauddin's lip quirked up. "Walaikum asalaam." He opened his arms and both men embraced each other for a few moments and you could feel the tension around you finally melting away as men from both sides finally started conversing with each other normally now that their kings were talking amicably.
Salauddin patted his back and raised a brow at you. "Who taught you the keffiyeh to cover that sore face of yours?" Baldwin chuckled. "My fiancee- Y/n, princess come here will you?" You walked closer to Baldwin. "This is Y/n, and we're both here today to invite you to our wedding. Darling, say hi, will you?"
You gulped. "Assalamu alaikum".
Salauddin's ears perked up. "Walaikum asalam. That was perfect pronunciation. Have you been taught by Arab scholars?"
"About that..." Baldwin chuckled nervously. "Y/n, why dont you go there with the ladies? They seem pretty eager to meet you." Salauddin nodded his head and a couple of women, all wearing burqas approached you. "This is princess Y/n. Take good care of her." Salauddin told them as they took you to their tent, where only women remained.
Meanwhile, Salauddin let Baldwin in to his tent.
"So, whats the secret?" Salauddin asked as he sat down, beckoning Baldwin to do the same.
He took a deep breath. "Y/n is... a Muslim."
Salauddin blinked at him. "What?"
"She's Muslim." He repeated. "So could you just tell me about the Islamic wedding ceremony? Nikkah, right?"
Salauddin stared at him. "Are you joking?"
"You cant marry her, Baldwin."
"Why not?"
"Because she's a Muslim and you're Catholic!"
"So? I havent seen it stop Muslims from marrying non muslims."
"No- only muslim men can marry non muslim women. It doesnt work the other way around."
"Salauddin, thats sexist."
"Its not sexist- nevermind, I cant help you understand it. But no, you cant marry a Muslim woman."
"What if... shes not Muslim?" Salauddin gave him a puzzled look. "I... believe Y/n may be using religion as an excuse not to marry me."
"If she doesnt want to marry you, why do you wanna marry her?"
"She does want to marry me, she's just... confused. Look, Salauddin. She cured me- CURED leprosy. This doesnt happend to anyone. She- she has something holy about her. How else do you explain this miracle?"
"So what? You think God and what- Jesus? chose this girl for you? That they gave her healing hands to cure your disease? You think shes of divinity?"
Baldwin smiled softly. "I do." Salauddin rolled his eyes. "Youre infatuated with her, Baldwin. Its temporary. She performed some magic, or tricks and you think she's divine? Do not make a fool of yourself."
"Then explain how I suddenly got well, Salauddin. Youve travelled the world, you sent me your best Arab healers, you believe in sciences- explain to me how I was cured of my incurable disease."
Salauddin gazed at the young king. "Let me guess, she claimed that she's been sent by Almighty God to cure the King and save Jerusalem, and in return, you must marry her or give her your throne to fulfil some prophecy?"
Baldwin chuckled, leaning back against the ottoman a bit. "Actually, she's been denying that she did anything to help me, she keeps on making excuses to marry me, she avoids my affection- and if I'm being honest, attention." Salauddin's eyes furrowed a bit. What game are you playing?
"Maybe... Black magic?" Salauddin is well aware of witchcraft, its been mentioned by his religion too.
Baldwin shrugged. "She's far too angelic to be associated with that. I'm sure there would be prominent signs if she was involved in any sort of magic or witchcraft."
Salauddin was about to reply but just then, his guards came running in.
"Salauddin! There's a sandstorm coming!" Immeadiately both kings sprung up.
"Tie up the animals! Tell everyone to get in and take cover!" Salauddin barked orders at his men.
The women in your tent were immediately informed of the situation and they quickly started taking measures, with the men outside helping to nail down the tent and gathering the baby animals and children, bringing them inside the tent.
You got up to leave and go to Baldwin, but the women pushed you back down, telling you its not safe to leave.
"The storm is here! You can't leave now!" Well, alright then. You plopped back down on your seat, when you heard someone cry out loud and your eyes immeadiately saw the liquid on the floor.
Of course it was the pregnant lady.
The woman had went into labour and everyone rushed to help her. Everyone but you. Nuh uh, youre not meddling in this time, lest anyone else accuses you of having magic healing hands.
Another harrowing scream pierced through the room, with the harsh winds threatening to blow away the tent adding on to the tension.
Maybe I could just stand near them, just to make sure they are using proper hygiene. Or actually just to see how midwifes worked in the past. Yes, its for science.
You stood near the midwifes, out of their work field because you dont want to be an obstacle. Of course, you may have had caught the sight of the poor woman and her... vagina, which youre ashamed to say has made you sick to your stomach because child birth is not a beautiful phenomenon and fuck this shit youre never having babies.
After almost an hour, the baby was finally out. The stench of sweat and blood and the nightmarish sights you'd caught glimpses of had made you want to throw up when suddenly the enviorment turned gloomy. And it hit you.
The baby wasnt crying.
The mother who was previously crying from labour, was now crying due to a different kind of pain.
You felt for her, you truly did. Carrying a child for 9 months, making sure to take every precaution, not to mention the constant prayers for a healthy baby (and for some, specifically a boy) otherwise the mother would be blamed.
The midwife put the dead baby in the bassinet beside you before tending back to the grieving mother, who was still bleeding from down there.
"Poor Fatima." You heard one of the women whisper to her friend. "To wait for 8 years before she finally conceived... only for her child to die before he could even take his first breath."
Your heart broke as you heard them, the woman sobbed inconsolably. You turned your head to look at the baby in the bassinet and subconsciously, you wondered what went wrong.
Doesnt look like he was choked by the umbilical cord... and he doesnt look cyanotic either, so he probably wasnt dead inside the womb. Your eyes widened. Maybe-!
Your hands went to pick up the baby before halting mid air. No. No. I cant interfere- I cant mess with history more than I already have. I cant save a child who was destined to die-
Your head whipped to the woman who let out a shrill, devastating cry, begging God to let her son live.
Fuck it. You picked up the baby. Maybe this baby was destined to live.
Immeadiately you checked for breathing before putting the baby on a table nearby and placed two fingers on the left side of his chest, starting compressions.
"1. 2. 3-" you muttered under your breath, trying to recall what was drilled into your head when you were attending first aid classes. Pinching the baby's nostrils, you breathed into his mouth, eyes watching as his chest rise and drop. You repeated the compression set 2 more times when the baby finally took a huge breath and began crying.
Picking up the baby, you ran towards the bucket of water and started cleaning the baby's head and face off the mix of blood and amniotic fluid, while massaging his back and his feet to encourage him to breathe on his own.
After a few minutes, you turned around to cover the baby with a cloth swaddling him up nicely and thats when you finally looked around you.
Everyone was staring at you in shock, the sound of the baby crying echoing the silence.
Shit. You rocked the baby gently as you handed him to his mother, who also looked at you in shock with tear streaks on her cheeks. I hope... they didnt see me do CPR.
Yes, damage control. Thats what you need to do. You cleared your throat. "Um- yes, Allah has blessed you with a beautiful son. Lets be grateful to Him." And the women slowly began talking again and agreeing, some saying that they'll go give sadaqah (charity to please God) while others were going to go pray.
When you turned around, you saw Baldwin and Salauddin standing at the entrance of the tent, the former having a beaming smile while the latter looked in surprise.
Maybe it was the stench of sweat and blood in the room, maybe it was emotional situation you went through (high key nauseating), or maybe it was the mix of amniotic fluid and blood on your mouth from when you saved the baby, but the next moment, you lost consciousness.
When you woke up, you noticed you were in a different, much bigger tent. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up with a groan.
"You're finally awake." You looked up to see Salauddin sitting at his desk in the other corner-
Salauddin? Your hands went to draw your hood over your face but you realised your (or well, Baldwin's) cloak had been replaced with a cotton niqaab that veiled your entire face except for your eyes.
Standing up, you looked in his direction. "Where's Baldwin?"
You heard him chuckle darkly. "He left."
"He left?" You heard him walk over to you, and instinctively you took a step back, narrowing your eyes at his audacity.
He towered over you, face neutral as he looked down at you. His hand gestured to his right, where a chess set was placed on a table.
"Do you play?" He asked, eyes never leaving yours.
Hesitantly, you nodded. He sat down, beckoning you to do the same.
"Ladies first." He let you start the game. "I should tell you though- if you wish to leave out of this place alive, you'll have to win."
What the shit? Is this some sort of psychological game? Or is this actually happening? I mean, people in the medieval times were crazy. Just because he's muslim shouldnt excuse him from insanity.
You picked up the white pawn. "Where is Baldwin?"
"I told you, he's gone." He moved his black pawn. "He sold you to me."
You looked up at him. What? "Focus on the game. You do not wish to know what will your fate be if you were to lose this game." You immediately picked up your bishop and moved it.
Salauddin clicked his tongue as he took your bishop. You moved your pawn again. "Why- why would he sell me? I'm his fiancee." You asked, your eyes never leaving the board. You're playing for your life here.
"Well, when we saw you use black magic to save that baby- oh, I took your other pawn too, mhm-" He smiled as he looked at your furrowed brows. "And then I told him that you cant be a muslim if you were using black magic."
"Black magic? When did I use it?!" you asked exasperatedly as you lost your knight.
"We saw you muttering something when you were "saving" that child." Muttering? When was I muttering? "One of the ladies even said they heard you whisper some repetitive words to a tune too."
Repetitive words-? You wanted to bang your head against concrete when you realised he was referring to you doing compressions to the rhythm of Stayin Alive by the BeeGees. This one is not your fault because the instructor taught you guys that.
"I was not doing black magic. Even so, who are you to decide if I am a Muslim or not?" You moved your other knight.
"I am Salauddin Ayubi-"
"So?" Salauddin looked at you.
So? So? No one has ever dared to ask him questions.
"Your real name is Yusuf. Salauddin is just a laqab, hm?" Your eyes never left the board as you made your move. "Do you think you're above me? Above Baldwin? Above anyone?" You didnt let him answer as you gestured at him to continue the game. "I dont recall you being a prophet. I dont remember you being a caliph even. So, Salauddin tell me what gives you the right to judge if I'm a muslim or not?" You asked as you took his pawn.
Salauddin narrowed his eyes at you, making his bishop take another pawn of yours. You didnt let it deter you as you practically snatched the same bishop of his with your rook. "Just because youre a muslim, you think you have the right to judge me?"
He scoffed at your words, making his move but you took yet another black pawn. "I am a Muslim. I was born in a Muslim family-"
"Exactly." You took more of his black pawns as he took your white ones. The board was mostly empty now. "You were born in a Muslim family. Do you honestly believe your Lord is happy with you because you were born in the right family? Is that the essence of what being a Muslim is?" Salauddin now looked at you but you didnt let your eyes stray away from the chess board. "Are you a Muslim because you were born in a Muslim family? Or were you born in a Muslim family because Allah knew you wouldnt find your way if you werent? If you were born in a catholic family, youd be a catholic? Lets say you are a Muslim, how do you know youre a good enough Muslim who can judge me? How do you know Allah will let you in heaven when youre on Earth declaring so and so is doing magic and isnt a muslim? Only Allah can judge us, not you Salauddin Ayubi." You stated calmly as you made your final move. "Thats checkmate."
You finally looked at him, your eyes holding satisfaction at his distressed face, though he masked it well.
How you wished to reveal to him that he was playing against a grandmaster whose parents made her take chess as a hobby since she was 6 because they believed it would make her smart and get into good colleges (it did. Thanks mom and dad.)
"Salauddin, we can play chess all you want but dont lie to me. You know I wasnt doing magic, and you know that I know that Baldwin wouldnt just leave me behind. So please, tell me, where is Baldwin?" Before he could reply, you continued. "Remember, lying is a sin."
At this, his eyes finally showed amusement. "He's outside, helping the women sew a niqaab for you. He wants to embroidery a flower in or something." You rolled your eyes at that. Of course, leave it to Baldwin to do cute romantic stuff.
Salauddin leaned back in his chair as he studied you. "So, how did you bring the baby back to life?"
"I prayed to Allah." He quirked a brow at you. "I also cleared his nostrils. They were plugged with fluid, so he didnt know or couldnt breathe with his lungs. Then I just warmed up his body a bit and he was crying- the baby was never dead. You know that no one can be saved from Azrael if Allah has written for that person to die."
Angel of death.
He gave you a nod, though his eyes watched you curiously. "How were you so sure that I knew you were a Muslim?"
You shrugged. "I just did." Why wouldnt you know when he was playing chess with you to check your psychology? Not to mention, he allowed you to be covered with a niqaab even when you were unconscious and let you stay in his tent? If he even doubted that you were a non muslim, you more than likely wouldve been treated far badly.
Salauddin chuckled. Of course, youd keep your secrets. "Then you know that as a Muslim woman, you cannot marry anyone of another faith."
"I dont plan on marrying Baldwin." You scoffed. "I already rejected him and have tried to sway his mind, but hes set on his decision. I think he actually believes that Im an angel or something divine."
He quirked a brow at you. "So he's forcing you to marry him?"
"I wouldnt say force- well, actually I would say that. But he doesnt treat me badly or anything. He's very sweet, even when I avoid him."
Salauddin clicked his tongue. "I could help you." You looked at him. "You are a Muslim, a part of the ummah. I could-"
"No. If youre suggesting starting a war, no." "Well, not a war, youre not that important." Damn. He grinned at your offended eyes. "I meant, I could send some people to sneak you out or-"
"No, if Baldwin finds out youre involved in any way in my escape he would-" you cant risk an extra crusade happening because of a damsel in distress, aka you. It would put the fate of Jerusalem at risk as well as the fate of the Ayyubid dynasty.
Wait. Ayyubid dynasty. They ruled over Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Yemen and so on. But Egypt was the learning center of the Islamic world during this time because they focused on arts and education which meant they hosted the world's greatest scholars there.
"Salauddin, can you get me to Egypt?" The king of Egypt, or sultan of Egypt looked at you quizzically. "I can, but why? Do you have family there?"
"What? No, I'm not running away to Egypt. Look, I just-" you cant explain to him about your escape plan that you were going to use the help of scholars to help you make the tools which you can use to fix your broken time machine. So, you lie. "You're someone who enjoys learning, right? I know you like history and sufism, and I would just love to get to know more about it."
With his head resting on his palm, he studied you. You intrigued him, and although he sensed you had ulterior motives, he agreed. "I cant take you there personally because I am busy here, but I could send you there with some trusted men." You smiled under your veil. This is exactly what you want. And almost as if he could sense your glee, he continued. "Your madly-in-love fiance wont send you alone, or at all."
"Let me worry about Baldwin, and he'll agree because I'm not running away. I'll work on my escape another way in which no one has to die." You said, finally standing up and walking out of the tent to find Baldwin who was sitting with the other veiled women, his eyes focused on the needlework.
"Baldwin." You called out with your hands behind your back as you walked upto him.
He looked up and his eyes practically sparkled at the sight of you. "Princess!" He stood up and immediately went to hug you but you stopped him before he could, nodding your head at onlookers. "Oh right, sorry." He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, ears turning pink as the women giggled.
He then picked up the niqaab he'd been working on, the blue cloth matched the color of his eyes. "Look, I made that flower." There was embroidery done on the sleeves. And of course, amongst the mass of tiny, delicate pink and white flowers, Baldwin made the biggest, slightly wonky flower.
It brought a smile to your lips. Gosh, he's such a-
You shake your head. No. No. You cant.
"Its beautiful, Baldwin. Thank you." He grinned at your praise, nodding his head as he folded it up. Still holding the embroidered niqaab in his hand, he walked over to Salauddin and shook his head. "We should get going now. Thank you for hospitality, Salauddin." The Kurdish nodded. "Of course. You're always welcome. And if you have any more questions about our traditions and rituals, dont hesitate to reach out to me. Although your wife to be seems quite knowledgeable on the subject herself." Your eyes widened every so slightly. Did Salauddin- did he just acknowledge that you're not as dumb as he thought you were.
Baldwin smiled before leading you towards his horse, helping you get on it.
Salauddin watched as your entourage left, and his mouth twitched.
You have piqued my interest, Y/n. He called his right hand man.
"We still have spies in Baldwin's castle, right?" The man confirmed. "Excellent. Have them find out all they can about lady Y/n. And prepare a small entourage ready to go to Egypt."
"Wont we be staying here, sultan?" The man asked, confused as to why Salauddin would be leaving Jerusalem this early.
"We will, but I will make a short trip in between."
Of course, Salauddin cant just let you go to Egypt alone. The sultan will have to make proper arrangements to welcome you there.
And to find out what you're really there for.
He returned to his tent, his eyes landing on the chess board. Walking upto it, he looked at how you had defeated him.
Salauddin smirked, using his finger to knock down the white king.
It'll be fun to make Baldwin jealous.

Part 4 is here!
#yandere king baldwin#yandere male#yandere baldwin#yandere baldwin iv#baldwin iv#king baldwin iv#yandere#kingdom of heaven#the leper king#koh#yandere salauddin#yandere oc#yandere ocs#time traveller au#yandere x darling#yandere x reader
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breaking news!
the alert from the tv pulled you awake, eyes bleary as you grew aware of the long arms holding you again.
you glanced up at at abraham. he has his hand pressed up against the side of your head, gently massaging your hair, his hand positioned in a way that covered your ear some and made the words from the news report blaring on the screen harder to make out.
string of assaults... high alert... lacking suspects...
"abe?" you muttered, sleepily tilting your head up to look at him. for a moment, his demeanor was... foreign. off-putting. the way his big blue eyes stared at the screen, the way the light illuminated his face, it gave him a near unrecognizable air that dissipated when his eyes darted down to meet yours.
"what's up with the news?"
hooded figure... shaken community...
"nothing, angel. go back to sleep."
...be on the lookout.
his response was quick as he pulled his hand away from you just long enough to pick up the remote and flick the tv off, plunging the room into dark silence. you felt his lips press to your forehead as he shifted to more comfortably hold you.
"but it said..."
"shh, it's late. don't worry about it, okay? i'll tell you in the morning."
his arms tightening around you squeezed the air from your lungs, alongside the will to question him further. so you buried yourself into his neck, comforter by his clean scent and the warmth radiating off his body.
it probably wasn't anything to be bothered with, your tired brain decided as you slowly fell asleep once more. and if it was...
abe's arms tightened around you further.
you'd be safe with him. as he always promised, you'd be safe with him.
#⛪️ abraham atkins#mine | fics#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere boy#yandere x oc#yandere imagines#yandere oc#yandere male#male yandere x reader#yandere boy x reader#ive had this on my mind for a looong time now#decided to crank out this drabble to try and ease myself into writing again
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Length: 1.3k
Genre: Fluff
IVE Liz x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Motivation is hard to come by these days, I hope you can forgive my lack of frequent updates. For the sake of my mental health, please imagine that Liz's eyes are the slightest bit of gray, I swear they look gray but they could easily by colored contacts :> Enjoy <3)
It’s a Tuesday evening. Tuesdays always seemed like an awkward time of the week—way better than Mondays obviously, but still too far away from the weekend for any real excitement to build. The trees outside sway with the oncoming breeze, flecks of autumnal browns and golds dancing against the current before gently landing on the ground. The spontaneity of their movements reminds you of a certain someone that’s running a couple minutes late.
You take another sip of your coffee, warming and pleasant, as your gaze stays glued to the windowpane of the cafe, scanning each passing visage for a semblance of familiarity. You never had this habit before knowing her. In a past life, you kept your head down, too sheepish to look most people in the eye. Yet now, you're actively searching for the eyes of strangers, waiting until you see that glimpse of gray like the sky before a storm.
It’s a little creepy, you admit, but a billion weird glances are worth it for that split second where your eyes meet and you feel light as a feather, like the autumn breeze could carry you away with the leaves.
Across the street, the crowd splits like curtains at the start of the play to reveal the star of the show—Liz, weaving through the crowd and wearing that same apologetic look that’s become an unofficial symbol for the start of your meetings.
“I’m so sorry for being late!” she says, her voice ringing alongside the jingle of the cafe’s door.
“It’s okay,” you chuckle. “I haven’t been waiting long.”
“Still,” she removes her scarf and drapes it against her chair, the same cyan checkered scarf you bought her last year after she lost her old one, “This is, like, the millionth time I’ve been late, I feel awful about it!”
Liz rests her head against the table in defeat and you fight every urge to pat her head and comfort her.
“It’s really okay, I swear. I don’t mind waiting a little longer for you,” you say.
A smile dances across her lips, and suddenly you’re floating. “You’re so sweet, you know that?”
Your heart pounds against the confines of your rib cage like a lovesick prisoner begging to be set free. You’ve always wondered how someone like her can exist on this planet. Someone so charming, so beautiful, so perfect in every way that her only flaw is her lack of time management. Irises like raging storm clouds, paired with the personality of a calm evening in the shade. The angle of her smile, the dimples that adorn her cheeks, the luscious waves of her hair—
“Hello?” Liz waves a hand in front of your face, bringing you back down to Earth. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, yeah, sorry, I just, um… Anyways…” Timidly, you rummage through your backpack for the reason why you invited her here in the first place, taking a little extra time to calm your nerves. “H-here,” you mutter, producing a fairly hefty box from your bag.
“Ooooooh!” Her eyes excitedly glean over its matte finish. “Are these the noise-canceling headphones you were talking about yesterday?”
“Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me test them out,” you explain.
“Of course!” With an eager grin, Liz takes out the headphones and places them on her head. “Ready when you are!” she exclaims, flashing you a thumbs up.
Liz has this super power of somehow making even the most mundane tasks feel like you’re having the time of your life. As you fiddle with the bluetooth settings on your phone, you forget that it’s just another Tuesday, you forget about the countless pairs of eyes you scanned through earlier just to find hers, you forgot about the fact that you don’t actually need these headphones and only bought them as an excuse to spend time with her.
“There we go,” you say as you press play on a song. Almost immediately, Liz starts to shimmy her arms in a goofy looking dance as she mumbles along to the lyrics. You don’t even try to hide the smirk on your face. “Can you hear me?”
“Huh?” she utters a little too loud.
Chuckling, you decide to see if the headphones are as good as advertised. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Uh, my mother is at home right now, probably watching a show or something.”
“When’s your birthday?”
“Earl grey? I don’t know, I’m not much of a tea drinker.”
You keel over with laughter from her nonsensical answers while she continues to dance on like no one is watching.
Then, an inkling of an idea slips into your mind. The smile on your face fades as that idea begins to form into something new—an opportunity. What was once glee is now replaced with an anxious excitement. Your heartbeat overpowers all the background noise and all you can focus on is the gray highlighting her eyes.
The calm before the storm.
“Liz, I…” you start, voice shaky and laced with apprehension. It’s not too late to turn back and forget about this. And yet, Liz’s lack of a reaction to your change in tone calms your nerves the slightest amount. You take a deep breath and continue going.
“…I, uh, need to tell you something important. It’s been on my mind for a long while. Like, a year at this point, and, uh…”
A choppy sigh empties from your lungs. There’s no going back after this. As the last bit of oxygen brushes past your lips, you take in another mouthful of air and clamp your eyes shut.
“I like you, Liz. As more than a friend. I really, really like you.”
As soon as those words leave your mouth, you collapse face first into the table like a rickety bridge finally crumbling underneath its own weight. You did it. Sure, she didn’t hear a thing, but you finally vocalized what you’ve been keeping inside and that’s good enough for you. Maybe one day, you’ll finally build up the courage to say it when she can actually hear you. Maybe.
The sound of plastic hitting the table jolts you back up. “Oh right, how was it?” you ask, unable to meet her eyes.
“They, uh… good,” she mutters, uncharacteristically quiet. “I-I mean, they work good.”
“G-good. That’s good.” You grab the headphones from the table and put them back into their box, making sure to unpair them from your—
Your eyes grow wide as you double and triple check your phone screen. The headphones are already unpaired.
Your mind starts to race with a million questions, but only one echoes in your head—How long were they unpaired?
You shoot your gaze back up to Liz, her once milky white cheeks now stained with a bright pink hue. Your mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out. It’s too late. You know what that reaction means. And you know what’s gonna come next.
“I-I should go,” you stutter, clumsily throwing your belongings into your backpack. How could you have been so reckless? Why didn’t you double check before attempting something as idiotic as this? You’ll have to move cities now, fake your death, create a new life on an undocumented island in the middle of the Pacific—
“I like you too.”
Her voice sounds so sweet and harmonious, you wonder if all the adrenaline pumping through your system is giving you auditory hallucinations. You’ve imagined similar scenarios to these countless times before, but to hear her actually speak those words and mean them is a whole different experience.
The tidal wave of emotions washing over you renders you completely catatonic. So you sit. You let the feelings stew. You let the smile creep onto your face until your cheeks begin to ache. You let your eyes take nervous yet excited glances towards the girl sitting next to you, watching as she does the same. Those beautiful pearls of gray, gazing at you in a way that you’ve only seen in movies, TV shows, and your dreams.
Not so bad for a Tuesday.
#ive#kim jiwon#ive liz#kpop fanfic#kpop gg#ive x male reader#ive x male oc#ive liz x male reader#ive liz x male oc#fluff#liz fluff#ive liz fluff
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The Sweet Girls' Dilemma: Three is the Answer!!
Christmas Special🎄
Ningning x Rei x Male Reader
word count: 14K

"What the actual fuck?" you mutter, standing frozen in your doorway. The scene before you feels surreal - your two ex-girlfriends, Ningning and Rei, are lounging on your couch like they own the place. They're both dressed festively - Ning in a short red dress that shows off her petite frame, Rei in a green sweater dress that hugs her soft curves.
"Surprise!" Ning chirps, jumping up with that familiar bouncy energy that always made your heart skip. "Merry Christmas Eve!"
"How did you... what are you..." you stammer, still trying to process this bizarre situation. After a long day, you'd been looking forward to a quiet evening alone, since work had made it impossible to make it to your family's house in time. This was the last thing you expected.
Rei gives you that shy smile that never fails to make you melt. "We kind of broke in. Well, not really broke in..."
"I may have kept a copy of the spare key," Ning admits with a mischievous grin. "Don't be mad!"
You run a hand through your hair, overwhelmed. "I'm not mad, just... confused as hell. What's going on here?"
The two girls exchange meaningful looks. Rei fidgets with the hem of her dress. "We've been talking..."
"About you," Ning adds, stepping closer. "About us. All of us."
"Look, we know the history is messy," Rei says, also standing up. Her thick thighs peek out from under the sweater dress as she moves. "The way things ended with both of us..."
"But we figured out the problem!" Ning bounces on her toes excitedly. "We were trying to force you to choose!"
You lean against the wall, head spinning. "What exactly are you suggesting here?"
"We want to try again, daddy" Rei says softly. "Both of us. Together."
"You don't have to pick between us anymore," Ning adds. "We can all be together!"
"Have you both lost your minds?" you ask, but your eyes keep trailing over their bodies. Fuck, they both look incredible tonight. Ning's dress shows off her delicate collarbones, slim waist, those perky little tits that fit perfectly in your hands. And Rei... that sweater dress is doing criminal things to her curves, highlighting her thick thighs and soft stomach that you used to love grabbing.
"Maybe a little," Rei giggles. "But think about it - it makes sense! You loved both of us..."
"Still do," you admit without thinking. Heat rises to your face.
"Exactly!" Ning claps her hands. "And we complement each other perfectly. Rei's the sweet nurturing one, I'm the fun adventurous one..."
"Plus we're already friends," Rei adds. "We talked it all through. We both want this."
Your mind is racing. They're right - you never truly got over either of them. Things ended with Ning because you felt guilty about your growing feelings for Rei. Then things fell apart with Rei because you couldn't stop thinking about Ning. But both of them? Together? The idea sends blood rushing south.
"This is crazy," you mutter, but you can't tear your eyes away from them.
"Crazy good," Ning purrs, pressing against your side. Her small hand trails down your chest. "We missed you so much..."
Rei steps closer on your other side, her soft curves brushing your arm. "Let us show you how much..."
"Fuck," you breathe as Ning's fingers play with your shirt buttons. "Are you sure about this?"
They answer by kissing you - Ning fierce and demanding, Rei sweet and gentle. Your head spins as they take turns claiming your mouth, their different styles driving you wild. Ning nips at your lower lip while Rei soothes it with her tongue.
"Bedroom?" Ning suggests breathlessly.
You nod, unable to form words as they lead you down the hall. Your cock is already straining against your pants just from their kisses.
In the bedroom, they push you to sit on the edge of the bed. Ning straddles one of your thighs while Rei kneels between your legs. The contrast between them is intoxicating - Ning's lithe body in that tight red dress, Rei's lush curves in soft green.
"We've been planning this," Ning whispers in your ear. "Talking about all the things we want to do to you..."
"And with each other," Rei adds with a blush that makes your cock twitch.
You groan as they work together to undress you - Ning unbuttoning your shirt while Rei unfastens your pants. Their hands roam over your exposed skin, relearning your body.
"Fuck, I missed your muscles," Ning purrs, trailing her nails down your chest.
"Still so strong," Rei agrees, squeezing your thighs.
When they've stripped you down to your boxers, they step back to give you a show. Ning unzips her dress slowly, letting it pool at her feet. She's wearing tiny red lace panties and nothing else, her small perky tits on full display.
Rei is more shy, needing encouragement from Ning to pull her sweater over her head. But fuck, the wait is worth it. Her curvy body is wrapped in green lingerie - a lacy bralette struggling to contain her full breasts, matching panties hugging her thick thighs.
"Beautiful," you breathe, drinking in the sight of them. "Both of you are so fucking beautiful."
They beam at the praise, moving closer again. Ning climbs fully into your lap while Rei kneels between your spread legs. Your hands automatically go to Ning's slim waist as she grinds against your erection.
"Want to see something hot?" Ning asks with a wicked grin. At your nod, she turns to Rei. "Come here, baby."
Your cock throbs as your ex-girlfriends kiss each other, soft and sweet at first but quickly growing heated. Ning tangles her fingers in Rei's hair while Rei's hands squeeze Ning's small ass. The sight of them together is better than any porn you've ever watched.
"Holy fuck," you groan. Your hips buck up involuntarily, making Ning gasp into Rei's mouth.
They break apart, lips shiny and pupils blown wide. "Like that?" Ning teases. "We've been practicing..."
"So hot," you manage. Your boxers are tented obscenely now.
Rei's hands slide up your thighs. "Can I...?"
"Please," you breathe. Ning gets off your lap, you lift your hips so she can pull your boxers down, freeing your aching cock.
"Mmm, I missed this cock," Ning purrs, wrapping her small hand around your shaft. "Remember how good he fills us up, Rei?"
Rei nods, licking her lips. "So big..."
They work together, stroking your length with their different techniques. Ning's grip is firm and quick while Rei's touch is softer, teasing. The combination has you throbbing in their hands.
"Fuck, that feels amazing," you groan as they take turns kissing and licking your cock. Ning focuses on the head while Rei works the shaft, their tongues occasionally meeting in the middle.
"Want to see him fuck my throat?" Ning asks Rei with a wicked grin. "He used to make me gag so pretty..."
Rei nods eagerly, watching as Ning wraps her lips around your cock
"Okay, time to show you how much I've missed this big fucking cock," Ning purrs, wrapping her lips around your throbbing head. Her tongue swirls expertly as she takes you deeper, inch by inch, maintaining eye contact the whole time. You groan as she relaxes her throat, taking your full length until her nose presses against your pelvis.
"Holy fuck, that's hot," Rei breathes, watching intently as Ning starts bobbing her head. Drool drips down your shaft as she fucks her own throat on your cock, making obscene wet gagging sounds.
"Show Rei how you used to take it," you growl, gripping Ning's hair. She moans around your length as you start thrusting up into her willing throat. Her eyes water but she doesn't pull back, letting you use her mouth roughly.
After a particularly deep thrust, Ning pulls off with a gasp. "Your turn baby," she tells Rei breathlessly. "Show him that sweet mouth of yours."
Rei leans in eagerly, wrapping her plump lips around your spit-slicked cock. Where Ning was rough and fast, Rei starts slow and sensual, taking you deeper with each bob of her head. Her soft moans vibrate around your shaft.
"That's it," Ning encourages, running her fingers through Rei's hair. "Take that big cock nice and deep. He loves it when you gag on it."
You grip the sheets as Rei picks up speed, her head bobbing faster as she takes you to the back of her throat. She gags slightly but doesn't stop, determined to take your full length like Ning did.
"Fuck yes, choke on that cock," Ning purrs. She guides Rei's head down further until tears form in her eyes. "Doesn't she look pretty gagging on it?"
"So fucking pretty," you groan. Both girls work together now, taking turns sucking and stroking your throbbing length. Ning deep throats you aggressively while Rei focuses on teasing the head with her tongue.
"My turn again," Ning demands after a few minutes. She grabs your cock and guides it back to her mouth, immediately taking you to the base. Her throat contracts around you as she gags, but she just takes you deeper.
"Show off," Rei giggles, but her eyes are dark with lust as she watches Ning's performance. She leans in to lick and suck your balls while Ning continues deep throating you.
The dual sensation has your hips bucking up involuntarily. Ning adjusts her angle to take it, letting you fuck her throat roughly while Rei's tongue works your sack.
"Fuck, your mouth feels amazing," you groan, fisting Ning's hair as she gags around your length. Drool runs down her chin and neck, making a mess of her chest.
When she finally comes up for air, her lipstick is smeared and her eyes are watering. "Miss getting my throat fucked like that," she pants. "Your turn again Rei. Show him how much you've learned."
Rei eagerly wraps her lips around your cock again. This time she doesn't hold back, taking you deep into her throat right away. She gags but pushes through it, bobbing her head faster.
"That's it baby, fuck your throat on his big cock," Ning encourages. She reaches down to play with Rei's tits through her bra as she continues sucking you off.
Your cock throbs as you watch your ex-girlfriends work together to pleasure you. They take turns deep throating you, each with their own technique - Ning rough and demanding, Rei slower but just as deep.
"Want to see something really hot?" Ning asks with a wicked grin. When you nod, she guides your cock between both their mouths. They kiss around the head, tongues swirling together as they share your length.
"Holy fuck," you groan at the sight. Their lips meet around your shaft as they work their way down, taking turns going deeper while the other licks and sucks whatever they can reach.
"Tastes so good," Rei moans, pulling back to catch her breath. Her lipstick is smeared across your cock now too. "Love sharing his cock with you."
Ning responds by deep throating you again, gagging loudly as she takes you to the base. When she pulls back, Rei immediately follows suit, forcing herself down until her nose touches your pelvis.
"Look at these slutty girls, fighting over who can choke on your cock better," Ning purrs. She grabs Rei's hair, holding her down as she gags. "Show him how much you love it baby."
Rei's throat spasms around your length as tears stream down her face, but she doesn't pull back until Ning releases her. She gasps for air when she finally comes up, strings of drool connecting her lips to your cock.
"My turn," Ning demands, immediately swallowing your length again. She bobs her head frantically, making obscene wet sounds as she fucks her own throat on your cock. Rei watches in awe, slowly stroking herself through her panties.
"Fuck, I'm getting close," you warn them, your balls tightening as both girls continue their oral assault. They work together even faster now, determined to make you cum.
"Want to see who can take your load deeper?" Ning suggests breathlessly between sucks. "Whoever makes you cum gets first fuck later."
"Deal," Rei agrees eagerly. She wraps her lips around your cock again, taking you deep into her throat. Her soft moans vibrate around your shaft as she bobs her head faster.
"Don't hog it," Ning complains after a minute, pulling Rei off to take her turn. She immediately starts deep throating you roughly, her nose pressing against your pelvis with each thrust.
They continue trading off, each trying to outdo the other. Ning gags loudly as she forces herself down on your length, while Rei focuses on working her tongue along your shaft as she takes you deep.
"Gonna cum," you groan as the pressure builds. Both girls fight to get their mouths on your cock first.
Ning wins, wrapping her lips around your head just as you start to explode. She takes you deep into her throat, swallowing your first few spurts before pulling back to let Rei have some.
Rei eagerly accepts your cock into her mouth, moaning as you continue cumming. They take turns swallowing your load, passing your throbbing length back and forth between their cum-covered lips.
"Don't waste a drop," Ning orders as Rei sucks the last few spurts from your sensitive cock. When she's done, they kiss deeply, sharing the taste of your cum between them.
You watch in awe as your ex-girlfriends make out, their tongues sliding together as they swap your load. Some of it drips down their chins, making them giggle and lick each other clean.
"Fuck, that was hot," you groan, your cock already starting to harden again at the sight. "You two are incredible."
"Just wait," Ning purrs, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "We're just getting started. I won since I made you cum first, so I get first ride."
"That's fair," Rei agrees with a shy smile, her lips still shiny with your cum and their shared saliva. "But I get to sit on his face while you ride him."
Your cock throbs fully hard again as they discuss their plans.
This is going to be a very interesting Christmas Eve indeed.
"Look how hard he's getting already," Ning notes with satisfaction, wrapping her small hand around your length. "Ready for round two baby?"
You nod eagerly as both girls climb onto the bed with you. Their mouths may have just drained you dry, but watching them share your load has you aching to be inside them again.
"Let's get more comfortable first," Rei suggests, reaching behind to unhook her bra. Her breasts spill free, making your mouth water at the sight.
"Good idea," Ning agrees, hooking her thumbs in her tiny panties. She slides them down her slim legs teasingly slow, revealing her smooth pussy.
You lie back on the bed, stroking yourself as you watch them strip completely naked. The contrast between their bodies is incredible - Ning's petite frame and small perky tits, Rei's soft curves and full breasts.
"Fuck, I missed seeing you both like this," you groan as they crawl toward you on the bed.
"Ready to get that cock inside me?" Ning purrs, straddling your hips. Her small hand wraps around your shaft, guiding it to her dripping entrance. "Been dreaming about riding this big dick again."
"And I've been dreaming about your tongue," Rei adds, pulling her panties aside and moving to straddle your face. Her thick thighs frame your view as she lowers her pussy toward your mouth.
You groan as both girls position themselves - Ning slowly sinking down on your cock while Rei hovers her wet cunt just above your lips. The dual sensation of Ning's tight pussy stretching around you and Rei's sweet scent filling your nostrils has your head spinning.
"Fuck, still so big," Ning moans as she takes you deeper. Her small body trembles as she adjusts to your size. "Stretching my little pussy so good."
You reach up to grip Rei's soft hips, pulling her down onto your eager tongue. She gasps as you immediately start licking and sucking her swollen clit, her thighs quivering on either side of your head.
"Oh god," Rei whimpers, grinding against your mouth. "Your tongue feels amazing..."
Ning starts bouncing on your cock, her tight pussy gripping you like a vice with each thrust. You can feel how wet she is, her juices coating your shaft as she rides you faster.
"Look at this slutty little pussy taking that whole cock," Ning pants, rolling her hips. "Missed getting stretched out like this."
You moan into Rei's cunt as Ning picks up speed, her small tits bouncing with each drop. The vibrations make Rei grind harder against your face, smearing her wetness across your lips and chin.
"Fuck his face baby," Ning encourages, reaching forward to play with Rei's full breasts. "Use that tongue while I ride this big cock."
Rei does just that, rolling her hips as you eat her out hungrily. Your tongue alternates between fucking into her dripping hole and flicking across her sensitive clit. Her thighs tremble around your head as she gets closer to the edge.
Meanwhile, Ning is practically bouncing off your cock now, lifting until just the tip remains before slamming back down. The wet sounds of her pussy taking your length fill the room along with her desperate moans.
"So fucking deep," she gasps, her inner walls clenching around you. "Hitting all the right spots..."
You grunt into Rei's pussy as Ning's pace becomes frantic. Her small body is covered in a light sheen of sweat as she works herself on your cock, chasing her pleasure.
"Play with her tits," Ning orders breathlessly. "Make her cum on your tongue while I ride this dick."
Your hands move from Rei's hips to her full breasts, squeezing and pinching her hard nipples. She cries out, grinding her pussy harder against your eager mouth as you continue devouring her.
"Fuck, I'm getting close," Rei whimpers, her thighs shaking. "Don't stop, please don't stop..."
You focus your attention on her swollen clit, sucking it between your lips while your tongue flicks rapidly. Her pussy floods with more wetness, coating your face as she rides the edge.
Ning's own orgasm is building too, her tight walls fluttering around your throbbing cock. She leans forward to kiss Rei deeply, swallowing her moans as you continue eating her out.
"Cum for us baby," Ning purrs against Rei's lips. "Soak his face with that sweet pussy while I milk his cock."
That pushes Rei over the edge. She cries out, her thick thighs clamping around your head as she cums hard on your tongue. You keep licking and sucking, drawing out her orgasm as she trembles above you.
"My turn," Ning gasps, bouncing even faster on your cock. Her small body is practically vibrating as she chases her release. "Gonna cum all over this big fucking dick..."
You grip her slim hips, helping her ride you as Rei recovers from her orgasm. Your cock throbs inside Ning's tight pussy, getting closer to your own climax.
"Fill me up," Ning demands, her walls clenching rhythmically. "Want to feel that hot cum deep inside me..."
Rei moves off your face, giving you a perfect view of Ning's lithe body taking your cock. Her small tits bounce wildly as she slams herself down, her pussy making obscene wet sounds.
"So fucking close," Ning whines, her movements becoming erratic. "Gonna cum, gonna cum..."
You thrust up to meet her bounces, making her scream as you hit even deeper. Her tight pussy spasms around your length as she finally tips over the edge, cumming hard on your cock.
"Don't stop," she gasps, still riding through her orgasm. "Keep fucking this tight little pussy..."
Rei moves behind Ning, reaching around to play with her small tits and sensitive clit. The added stimulation makes Ning cry out, her pussy clenching even tighter around you.
"Fill her up, daddy" Rei purrs, pinching Ning's nipples. "Give her that hot load she's been begging for."
Your own orgasm builds quickly as both girls work together. Ning's pussy milks your cock while Rei's hands roam over her sweaty body, tweaking her nipples and rubbing her clit.
"Gonna cum," you grunt, your balls tightening. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum..."
"Do it," Ning demands, slamming herself down one final time. "Breed this tight fucking pussy!"
You explode inside her, flooding her clenching walls with rope after rope of hot cum. She moans as she feels you pulsing, grinding her hips to milk every last drop from your throbbing cock.
When you finally finish pumping her full, Ning collapses forward onto your chest. Your cock slowly softens inside her well-used pussy, both of you panting heavily.
"Fuck, I missed that," she sighs contentedly. "Nobody fills me up like you do."
"My turn next," Rei reminds her with a playful smack on her ass. "Once he's ready to go again..."
You groan as Ning slowly lifts off your sensitive cock, your mixed fluids dripping from her stretched hole. The sight of your cum leaking out of her has your dick already starting to twitch with renewed interest.
"Look how wet and messy you made me," Ning purrs, spreading her pussy lips to show how thoroughly you filled her. "Want to clean me up, Rei?"
Rei bites her lip and nods eagerly. You watch in awe as she moves between Ning's legs, your cock twitches back to life as you watch Rei eagerly lapping up your cum from Ning's dripping pussy. Her tongue works methodically, gathering every drop that leaks out while Ning squirms and moans above her.
"Such a good girl, cleaning up daddy's mess," Ning purrs, grinding against Rei's eager mouth. "Make sure you get it all."
Rei moans into Ning's pussy, her thick ass swaying as she continues her task. The sight of her tongue sliding through Ning's folds, gathering the mixture of cum and pussy juice, has your cock fully hard again in no time.
"Look how hard you're making daddy," Ning points out, noticing your renewed erection. "I think he's ready for round three."
Rei pulls back from Ning's pussy, her lips and chin shiny with your combined fluids. "Please daddy," she whimpers, crawling toward you. "Need your big cock inside me now..."
"Since you asked so nicely," you growl, pulling her thick body against yours. Her soft curves press against your hard muscles as you claim her mouth in a deep kiss, tasting yourself and Ning on her tongue.
"How do you want me, daddy?" Rei asks breathlessly when you break the kiss. Her pussy is already dripping, leaving wet marks on your thigh.
"On your back," you command. "Want to watch those big tits bounce while I fuck you."
Rei eagerly lies back on the bed, spreading her thick thighs to reveal her soaked pussy. Her full breasts jiggle enticingly as she gets comfortable, looking up at you with needy eyes.
"Please daddy," she whimpers again, reaching down to spread her pussy lips. "Need you so bad..."
"Look how wet she is for you," Ning purrs, moving to kneel beside Rei's head. "Such a needy little slut."
You position yourself between Rei's spread thighs, rubbing your hard cock through her dripping folds. She gasps and bucks her hips, trying to get you inside her.
"Patience, baby girl," you growl, continuing to tease her entrance. "Beg for daddy's cock."
"Please daddy, please fuck me," Rei whines, her pussy clenching around nothing. "Need your big cock stretching my tight little hole..."
"Good girl," you praise, slowly pushing just the tip inside her. Her warm walls immediately grip you, trying to pull you deeper.
"More daddy, please more," she begs, her thick thighs trembling. "Fill me up like you did Ning..."
You grab her soft hips and thrust forward, burying your full length inside her in one smooth motion. Rei cries out, her back arching off the bed as you stretch her pussy.
"Fuck, still so tight," you groan, giving her a moment to adjust. Her inner walls pulse around your cock, squeezing you deliciously.
"Move daddy, please," Rei whimpers after a few seconds. "Need you to fuck me..."
You start with slow, deep strokes, watching your cock disappear into her greedy pussy again and again. Her full breasts bounce with each thrust, drawing your attention.
"Play with her tits," you tell Ning, who immediately complies. She reaches down to squeeze and pinch Rei's nipples, making her moan louder.
"Such sensitive nipples," Ning teases, rolling the hard buds between her fingers. "Love watching these big tits bounce while daddy fucks you."
You pick up speed, driving your cock deeper into Rei's willing hole. The wet sounds of your fucking fill the room along with her desperate moans and whimpers.
"Harder daddy, please harder," she begs, her pussy clenching around you. "Want to feel you for days..."
You grip her thick thighs, spreading them wider as you start pounding into her roughly. Your balls slap against her ass with each thrust, adding to the lewd symphony of sounds.
"Take that cock baby," Ning encourages, still playing with Rei's bouncing tits. "Show daddy what a good fuck toy you are."
Rei's moans get higher pitched as you fuck her faster, her pussy getting wetter with each stroke. You can feel her inner walls starting to flutter, signaling her approaching orgasm.
"Getting close already?" you tease, angling your hips to hit her sweet spot. "Such a sensitive little slut."
"Yes daddy, yes," she cries out, her thick thighs trembling. "Gonna cum on your big cock..."
"Not yet," you growl, slowing your thrusts. "Good girls ask permission first."
"Please daddy," Rei whines desperately. "Please let me cum... need it so bad..."
You respond by fucking her harder, making her full body jiggle with the force of your thrusts. Her pussy is practically gushing now, soaking the sheets beneath you.
"Beg better," you demand, reaching down to rub her swollen clit. "Show daddy how badly you need it."
"Please daddy, please let me cum on your cock," Rei sobs, her back arching. "Been such a good girl, need it so bad... please daddy, please..."
"Cum for daddy," you finally grant permission, pounding into her g-spot while rubbing her clit faster. "Show us what a good little slut you are."
Rei screams as she explodes around your cock, her pussy clamping down hard. You don't slow your thrusts, fucking her through her intense orgasm as she thrashes beneath you.
"That's it baby, soak daddy's cock," Ning encourages, pinching Rei's nipples harder. "Such a good girl, cumming so hard for us..."
Before Rei can fully recover, you flip her over onto her hands and knees. Her thick ass jiggles as you immediately slam back inside her oversensitive pussy.
"Daddy!" she cries out, her arms giving out so her face presses into the mattress. "Too much..."
"Take it baby," you growl, gripping her hips as you pound into her from behind. "Know you can handle it."
Ning moves to lie beneath Rei's hanging breasts, sucking one of her nipples into her mouth while playing with the other. The dual stimulation has Rei moaning uncontrollably, her pussy clenching around you again.
"Look at those tits swing," you groan, watching them bounce with each thrust. "Love fucking this thick body."
"Please daddy," Rei whimpers, pushing back to meet your thrusts. "Need your cum... want you to fill me up..."
You fuck her harder, your hands leaving marks on her soft hips as you use her pussy. The sight of your cock disappearing between her thick ass cheeks drives you wild.
"Gonna cum again baby?" you tease, feeling her walls starting to flutter. "Getting close?"
"Yes daddy, yes," she sobs, her whole body trembling. "Please let me cum again..."
"Cum with daddy this time," you grunt, your own orgasm building. "Want to feel that pussy milk my cock..."
Rei screams into the mattress as she cums again, her pussy spasming around your length. The sensation of her walls squeezing you triggers your own release.
"Take it all," you growl, slamming deep as you start pumping her full of cum. "Every last fucking drop..."
Your cock pulses inside her, flooding her pussy with rope after rope of hot cum. Rei whimpers and moans as you fill her, her walls still fluttering with aftershocks.
When you finally finish emptying yourself inside her, you slowly pull out to admire your work. Your cum immediately starts leaking from her well-used hole, dripping down her thick thighs.
"My turn to clean up," Ning says eagerly, moving between Rei's legs. She spreads Rei's ass cheeks, watching more cum leak out before diving in with her tongue.
Rei gasps and squirms as Ning eagerly licks up your mixed fluids, cleaning her thoroughly just like Rei did earlier. The sight has your spent cock giving an interested twitch, despite having just cum.
"Such good girls," you praise, running your hands over both their bodies as Ning continues her task. "Taking daddy's cum so well..."
"Thank you daddy," they respond in unison, making you chuckle.
This is definitely turning out to be the best Christmas Eve ever.
You watch contentedly as Ning finishes cleaning Rei's pussy, gathering every drop of cum she can find. Both girls are thoroughly satisfied, covered in sweat and various fluids from your activities.
"Think we wore daddy out," Ning giggles, noticing your softened cock. "At least for now..."
"Just need a little recovery time," you assure them, pulling both girls close. Their different body types press against you - Ning's small frame on one side, Rei's soft curves on the other.
"Good thing we have all night," Rei says with a shy smile, trailing her fingers over your chest. "And tomorrow..."
"And the day after," Ning adds mischievously. "Hope you didn't have any other Christmas plans..."
You groan as both girls start kissing your neck and chest, their hands roaming over your body. Despite having just cum twice, you can feel your cock starting to show interest again.
"Insatiable little sluts," you mutter fondly, running your hands through their hair. "Going to be the death of me."
You wake up to the eerie quiet of Christmas morning, only in your boxers, the absence of warmth where you swear there were two bodies pressed against you last night. For a second, you wonder if you imagined it—the laughter, the whispers, the sinful tangle of limbs. But the faint ache in your thighs and the scent of something heady lingering on the sheets say otherwise.
You rub your eyes, half-resigned to the idea it was all some cruel dream. Until the door crashes open, a sharp burst of sound followed by an explosion of giggles. Ning and Rei storm in like chaos incarnate, balancing a tray loaded with what looks like breakfast. Both are wearing your shirts—oversized, nearly swallowing their petite frames—and nothing else except Santa hats perched jauntily on their heads. The shirts are just long enough to tease and short enough to torment.
“Merry fucking Christmas!” Ning announces, grinning like she’s just won the lottery. She strides over, her bare legs pale against the dark fabric, and plops the tray onto your lap without much ceremony. Rei follows, quieter, her cheeks pink but her lips curved in that shy smile of hers. Her thighs brush the edge of the bed as she sits, and you can’t help but notice how they press together, soft and inviting.
“Uh…” You’re still processing. “What is this?”
“Breakfast, dumbass,” Ning says, rolling her eyes like you’ve asked her why the sky is blue. “We made it for you. Well, Rei did most of it. I just supervised.”
“I told you not to add that much whipped cream,” Rei mutters, poking Ning in the ribs.
Ning yelps, swatting her away. “Yeah, yeah. He likes it sweet, don’t you, babe?”
You blink at them, at the tray loaded with steaming hot chocolate, toast, and what might be pancakes under a mountain of whipped cream. “You didn’t have to—”
“Shut up and eat,” Ning interrupts, jabbing a finger at you. “It’s Christmas. First one with the three of us. You’re eating, and then you’re getting your present.”
“Present?” You raise an eyebrow, suspicious. “What kind of present?”
They exchange a look. Ning’s grin stretches wider, and Rei ducks her head, suddenly very interested in smoothing out the bedspread. “You’ll see,” Ning says, her voice dripping with mischief.
Your stomach growls, betraying you, and you sigh, picking up the mug of hot chocolate. It’s ridiculously sweet, just like Ning said, but there’s a warmth to it that feels… right. Comforting, even. You glance at them, perched on either side of you, their legs tucked under them like they’re settling in for a long haul.
“Seriously, though,” you start, setting the mug down. “This is… I mean, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”
Rei shakes her head, her voice soft but firm. “It’s not trouble. We wanted to.”
“Yeah,” Ning adds, leaning back on her hands, the movement making the shirt ride up just a little too high. “Besides, it’s kinda our fault you’re in this mess. Least we can do is spoil you a little.”
You snort. “Mess? That what we’re calling this?”
“Hey, you’re the one who couldn’t decide between us,” Ning shoots back, her eyes sparkling. “We’re just making it easier for you.”
Rei nudges her, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. “Ning…”
“What? It’s true.” Ning turns back to you, her grin taking on a sharper edge. “Anyway, hurry up. You’re gonna love what we’ve got planned.”
You eye them warily but dig into the breakfast, their chatter filling the room as you eat. Ning keeps making snarky comments about the whipped cream, and Rei keeps trying—and failing—to shush her. It’s chaotic and ridiculous and more than a little surreal, but it feels good. Like maybe, just maybe, this crazy arrangement might actually work.
When you finally finish, Rei takes the tray, and Ning bounces to her feet, practically vibrating with excitement. “Alright, time for your present.”
“What is it?” you ask, already knowing you won’t get a straight answer.
Ning smirks, her eyes dark with promise. “Like I said, surprise.”
Rei stands too, her hands fidgeting with the hem of the shirt, but there’s a glint of something in her eyes—something bold and a little dangerous. “Just… go with it,” she says, her voice quiet but steady.
They exchange a glance and, as if on cue, toss off their Santa hats. Before you can say another word, they’re on you.
The taste of hot chocolate clings to your tongue, warm and sweet, as Ning’s lips claim yours, bold and insistent. Her kisses always feel like a challenge, like she’s daring you to keep up, and you never back down. The moment she pulls away, Rei takes over, her touch softer, slower, like she’s savoring every second. You’re caught between them, your head spinning, and it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.
“You two are gonna kill me,” you mumble, your voice rough with affection and something deeper, heavier.
Ning smirks against your neck, her teeth scraping lightly at your skin. “That’s the plan, babe.”
Rei giggles, her fingers tracing idle patterns on your chest. “We’ll make sure you enjoy it.”
They pause for a moment, shifting their attention to each other, and you’re helpless but to watch as they lean in. Ning’s hand slides up to cup Rei’s cheek, tilting her head slightly, and then their mouths meet. It’s slow at first, teasing, their tongues brushing, testing, and then Ning deepens it, her free hand tangling in Rei’s hair. The sound of their lips, wet and needy, fills the air, and your cock twitches at the sight.
“Jesus Christ,” you breathe, unable to look away. “You two are fucking unreal.”
Ning pulls back just enough to smirk at you, her lips shiny and swollen. “Like what you see?”
“Always,” you admit, your voice thick. “Not sure I’ll ever get tired of it.”
“You better not,” Ning teases, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She turns back to Rei, her thumb brushing over her bottom lip. “He’s hooked.”
Rei blushes but doesn’t shy away, her gaze flickering to you. “Good. I don’t want to share him with anyone else.”
“Neither do I,” Ning says, her tone playful but edged with something serious. “Which is why we’ve got a little surprise for you.”
Your eyebrows lift, curiosity piqued. “Oh yeah? Gonna tell me what it is now?”
Ning grins, leaning in close enough that her breath tickles your ear. “We talked, Rei and I. And we decided… you get to take her anal virginity today. Merry Christmas, babe.”
The words hit you like a freight train, and you blink at them, your brain scrambling to catch up. “Wait, what?”
Rei’s cheeks are flaming now, but she doesn’t look away. Instead, she presses closer, her hands splaying against your chest. “It’s true,” she murmurs, her voice soft but steady. “I want you to take my anal virginity. Just like you did with Ning.”
“Holy shit,” you say, looking between them. “You’re serious?”
“Yes, daddy,” Rei whispers, her eyes wide and sincere. “I want it. I want you to be the one.”
You swallow hard, your pulse pounding in your ears. “Rei, are you sure? I mean, this isn’t—”
“I’m sure,” she cuts you off gently, her lips brushing against your skin. “I trust you. Just… take it slow, okay? I want it to feel good.”
“Of course,” you promise, your voice low. “I’ll take care of you, baby.”
“Damn right you will,” Ning interjects, already tugging at your waistband. She yanks your underwear down with a triumphant grin, your cock springing free. “But first, let me get this nice and wet for her.”
Her hand wraps around you, stroking lazily as her tongue darts out to lick the tip. The sensation makes you hiss, your hips jerking involuntarily. Rei watches, her teeth worrying at her bottom lip, her hand trailing down to rest on your stomach.
“Relax,” she whispers, leaning down to press a kiss to your chest. “Let us take care of you.”
Ning’s lips close around the head of your cock, warm and wet, and you groan, your fingers digging into the sheets. She works you over with practiced ease, her tongue swirling, her cheeks hollowing as she takes you deeper. Rei’s kisses move lower, her mouth brushing over your abs, her breath hot against your skin.
“You’re gonna love it,” Ning murmurs around you, her voice muffled but clear. “Fucking her tight little ass. She’s been dying for it.”
Rei nods, her hand slipping lower to cradle your balls, her touch tentative but eager. “I want to feel you everywhere,” she says softly. “Please, daddy. Make me yours.”
Your head tilts back, a groan tearing from your throat. “Fuck, you two are gonna ruin me.”
Ning doesn’t hold back—she never does. Her spit drips down your shaft, glossy and obscene, as she strokes you with both hands, twisting at just the right angle to make your toes curl. Every few strokes, she leans in to lap at the head, her tongue flicking over the sensitive slit, teasing a groan out of you. She glances up, her dark eyes locking with yours, her lips curling into a smirk that’s equal parts wicked and playful.
“God, you’re so fucking hard already,” she murmurs, her voice dripping with satisfaction. She spits again, the sound sharp and messy, the glob sliding down to pool at the base of your cock. “You like this, don’t you? Having me jerk you off while Rei’s being such a sweet little slut for you.”
Rei’s lips are soft against your chest, her kisses growing wetter, sloppier, as she works her way toward your nipple. Her breath is hot, her teeth grazing your skin before she closes her mouth around the sensitive bud. The sensation makes you jolt, a sharp gasp escaping you, and you tangle your fingers in her hair, giving it a gentle tug.
“Good girl,” you murmur, your voice rough with arousal. Rei’s whole body seems to shiver at the praise, and she looks up at you with those big, eager eyes, her cheeks flushed.
“You like that, huh?” Ning snickers, her hand squeezing the base of your cock as her lips kiss along the shaft. “She loves being called a good girl, don’t you, Rei?”
Rei pulls back just long enough to nod, her voice soft but breathy. “Yes, daddy. I love it when you call me that.”
“Yeah?” You smirk, stroking her cheek with your thumb before tugging her hair a little harder, making her gasp. “Then be a good girl and keep sucking on me. Make me feel good.”
“Yes,” she whispers, her lips returning to your chest, her tongue swirling around your nipple. She moans softly as she sucks, her nails dragging lightly across your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Meanwhile, Ning takes you deeper, her lips sliding down your length with practiced ease. She moans around you, the vibrations shooting straight to your core, and your hips buck involuntarily, pushing just a little further into her mouth. She takes it like a champ, her throat relaxing as she swallows you, her spit making everything slick and filthy.
“Shit, Ning,” you groan, your free hand gripping the back of her head. “You’re so fucking good at this. That mouth of yours—fuck—it’s like it was made for me.”
She pulls off with an audible pop, a trail of spit connecting her lips to your cock. “Damn right it was,” she purrs, her voice thick and sultry. “But I’m not done yet.”
She dives back in, her tongue running along the underside of your shaft, tracing every vein, every ridge, until you’re twitching in her grasp. She pauses at the head, her lips wrapping around it as she sucks hard, her cheeks hollowing. Her hand works your base, twisting and stroking in rhythm with her mouth, and you feel yourself getting dangerously close to the edge.
“Fuck, Ning,” you gasp, your head falling back against the pillows. “You’re gonna make me cum if you keep that up.”
“Not yet,” she teases, pulling back to kiss the tip, her tongue flicking out to taste the bead of pre-cum there. “We’ve got plans for this cock, remember? Can’t let you blow it all in my mouth.”
Rei giggles softly against your chest, her lips brushing over your skin as she whispers, “Don’t you want to save it for me, daddy? I want to feel it inside me. Please?”
Her words hit you like a lightning bolt, and you groan, your hips jerking as Ning’s mouth works you over one last time before she pulls off completely. She sits back on her heels, her lips swollen and shiny, her hand still stroking you slowly as she grins up at you.
“Ready to give her what she wants?” she asks, her voice dripping with mischief. “Because she’s been begging for it, babe. And I think she’s earned it.”
“You're right. Okay, Rei, get on all fours on the bed.”
You stand up, your eyes raking over Rei as she slowly peels off the oversized shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Her pale skin glows in the soft light, and the way she shyly glances back at you makes your cock twitch with anticipation. Without hesitation, she climbs onto the bed, her movements deliberate, her curves on full display as she lowers herself onto all fours.
"Like this, daddy?" she asks, her voice trembling just enough to make your chest tighten.
"Just like that, baby," you murmur, stepping closer, your gaze locked on the tight, pink pucker of her ass. It clenches slightly as if in anticipation, and the sight is almost enough to undo you right there.
Beside you, Ning smirks, her eyes darting between you and Rei. "Fuck, she looks good like this. So eager to please. You better give her everything she deserves."
You crouch behind Rei, your hands gripping the soft curve of her hips. "You’re goddamn perfect," you tell her, your voice low and rough. "But first, we’re gonna make this nice and wet."
Rei whimpers softly, her head dropping forward as she presses her cheek to the bed. "Yes, daddy. Please… make it feel good."
Your tongue darts out, teasing the rim of her asshole, and Rei gasps, her back arching as her body responds to the sudden jolt of sensation. You take your time, licking slow, deliberate circles around the sensitive flesh, savoring the way it twitches under your touch.
"Shit," Ning breathes, her voice heavy with arousal. She climbs onto the bed beside Rei, her fingers sliding down to part the folds of Rei's dripping pussy. "Look at her, already soaking wet. You really do love this, don’t you, Rei?"
"Y-yes," Rei stammers, her voice muffled against the mattress. "It feels so… oh god… so good."
Ning chuckles, her fingers slipping inside Rei’s slick heat, curling just enough to make her moan. "Once you feel daddy’s thick cock in that pretty little ass, you’re never gonna want it any other way. Trust me, I know."
You hum in agreement, your tongue pressing more insistently now, the tip dipping just inside her tight entrance. Rei lets out a choked cry, her body trembling as she struggles to keep still.
"Fuck, you taste so good, baby," you murmur, your breath hot against her skin. "I could eat this ass all day."
"She’s already so tight," Ning says, her fingers pumping slowly in and out of Rei’s pussy. "You’re gonna have to take it real slow at first. Don’t break her too quick, daddy."
Rei whimpers at Ning’s words, her hips pressing back against your mouth. You take that as an invitation, thrusting your tongue deeper, swirling it inside her while your hands grip her ass, spreading her wider for better access. The slick sounds of your tongue and Ning’s fingers fill the air, mingling with Rei’s breathless moans.
"Daddy, please," Rei whines, her voice high and desperate. "I need you. I need you so bad."
"Not yet, baby," you say, pulling back just long enough to catch your breath. Your lips are slick with spit and her taste, and the sight of her writhing beneath you sends a surge of possessive lust through your veins. "We’re gonna take our time. I want you to beg for it."
Rei turns her head, her eyes glassy with need. "I’m begging. Please, daddy, I need you inside me."
Ning laughs, her fingers sliding out of Rei and trailing up to rub slow circles around her clit. "Look at her. So needy. You’ve got her hooked already, and you haven’t even fucked her yet."
You grin, leaning in to press one last, lingering kiss to Rei’s asshole before sitting back, your hand stroking your cock slowly. "Alright, baby. Let’s see how much you can take.”
You kneel behind Rei, taking a moment to admire the view—her body trembling with anticipation, her back arched just enough to push her ass higher into the air. The way her tight little hole flexes, opening and closing, as if beckoning you, makes your cock twitch painfully.
“You ready, baby?” you ask, your voice low and steady, but the hunger behind it is impossible to miss.
Rei turns her head just enough to glance back at you, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wide with need. “Yes, daddy. Please… I want you to make me ready.”
“Good girl,” you murmur, running a hand over the curve of her ass before spreading her cheeks apart, exposing her fully. “Gotta take this slow. Don’t wanna hurt my pretty girl, do I?”
Ning snickers beside you, her fingers still lazily playing with Rei’s pussy, occasionally brushing her clit just to make her squirm. “She can take it, babe. Trust me, I’ve seen how much of a slut she’s becoming for you.”
Rei whines at Ning’s words, burying her face into the bed. “I’m not… I just—oh god, daddy—please…”
You press your thumb gently against her entrance, teasing her with just the barest pressure. “What’s that, baby? You just what? Say it.”
“I just want you,” Rei stammers, her voice muffled but desperate. “I want to feel you. I want to take you.”
“That’s my girl,” you say, slowly pushing the tip of your thumb inside her. The resistance is immediate, her tight ring of muscle clenching around you, but you’re patient. You wait until she relaxes, the tension melting away, before pushing deeper. “Fuck, you’re so tight, Rei. You’re squeezing me already.”
Rei moans softly, her hips shifting back against your hand. “It feels… weird, but good. Please don’t stop.”
“Oh, I’m not stopping,” you assure her, pulling your thumb out slowly before replacing it with your index finger. The slickness from your spit and her arousal makes it easier, but you still go slow, taking your time. “Let me know if it’s too much, alright?”
“She’ll be fine,” Ning chimes in, leaning down to press a kiss to Rei’s shoulder. “She’s tougher than she looks. Isn’t that right, Rei?”
“Yes,” Rei whispers, her voice trembling. “I can take it. I want to take it.”
You smile, curling your finger inside her, watching the way her body reacts. “That’s my good girl,” you murmur, adding a second finger without warning. Rei gasps, her back arching further as her hands claw at the sheets.
“Oh my god, daddy,” she whimpers, her voice high and breathy. “It’s so… full.”
“And we’re just getting started,” you say, scissoring your fingers gently to stretch her. “You’re doing so good for me, baby. Just relax.”
Ning grins, her fingers dipping back into Rei’s soaked pussy. “She’s so wet, babe. You’ve got her dripping all over the bed. I bet she’s gonna be addicted to this by the time you’re done with her.”
Rei shakes her head, though her moans betray her. “I’m not… I just—oh, fuck, daddy, that feels so good.”
You add a third finger, taking your time to work her open, the resistance gradually giving way to acceptance. Rei’s body quivers under your touch, her moans growing louder with each slow thrust of your hand.
“Think she’s ready for you yet?” Ning asks, her voice dripping with mischief. “Or should we keep teasing her a little longer?”
You smirk, leaning down to kiss Rei’s lower back. “What do you think, baby? You ready for my cock, or do you want me to keep stretching you?”
“Please,” Rei cries out, her voice breaking. “I’m ready. I want you, daddy. Please, I need you.”
“Patience, sweetheart,” you say, your fingers thrusting one last time before pulling out completely. “I’ll give you what you need. But you’re gonna have to beg for it first.”
"I'm begging you daddy," she whimpers. "Please, I need your cock in my tight little asshole!"
"Fuck, you're so adorable like that, so needy. Alright, princess, I'll give you what you want so badly.”
Ning crouches beside you, her dark eyes glinting with mischief as she wraps her hand around your throbbing cock.
“Let me take care of this first,” Ning purrs, her tongue darting out to flick across the sensitive tip. A shiver runs up your spine as she presses a sloppy kiss to the head before sliding her lips down your shaft, her spit pooling as her hand twists expertly at the base.
Rei whimpers, glancing over her shoulder, her cheeks flushed and her lips parted. “Please,” she whispers, her voice barely audible. “Daddy… I’m ready.”
“Patience, baby,” you murmur, pressing her spine downward, making her arch her back even more. Her ass rises higher, her glistening folds peeking just beneath her tight entrance. It’s enough to make your cock twitch in Ning’s mouth, her satisfied hum vibrating around you.
Ning pulls back with an obscene pop, a string of saliva connecting her swollen lips to your cock. She smirks up at you, her hand still stroking as she angles your cock toward Rei’s tight hole. “She’s all yours, babe,” she says, her voice low and teasing. “Make her feel it.”
The slickness of Ning’s spit glides easily as you rub the tip of your cock against Rei’s tight entrance, teasing her. She gasps, her hips jerking back slightly, her soft cries music to your ears. “Shh, baby,” you soothe, one hand steadying her hip while the other guides you into her. “We’re going slow.”
Rei’s breath catches as the head breaches her, her body tensing, then softening under your touch. “Oh god,” she whimpers, her fingers clutching the sheets. “It’s—it’s so much…”
“You’re doing so good,” you murmur, your voice thick with desire. Inch by inch, you press into her, the tight heat of her untouched ass gripping you like a vice. Ning’s fingers trace lazy patterns on Rei’s spine, her voice dripping with encouragement.
“That’s it, Rei,” Ning coos, watching intently as you stretch her. “You’re taking him so well, like the good girl you are.”
You grip Rei’s hips firmly, feeling the tremble in her body as you push deeper, the overwhelming tightness of her ass gripping you like a vice. Her breath hitches, a soft cry escaping her lips as her fingers claw at the sheets. “It hurts,” she whimpers, her voice trembling, but she doesn’t pull away. She stays still, obedient, her back arching slightly to give you better access.
“I know, baby,” you murmur, leaning forward to press a reassuring kiss between her shoulder blades. “You’re doing so good. Just breathe, okay? Let me in slowly.”
Ning crawls closer, her hands gliding over Rei’s trembling thighs. “That’s it,” she whispers, her lips brushing against Rei’s ear as her fingers stroke soft circles over her skin. “You’re such a good girl for him, Rei. Taking his cock so deep in that tight little ass… You’re perfect.”
Rei’s breath comes in short, shaky gasps, her body taut beneath you. Every inch you press into her feels like a battle, her tightness squeezing you so hard it almost makes you dizzy. But she doesn’t pull away. She takes it, her resolve clear in the way she pushes back against you, even as her whimpers grow louder.
“Good girl,” Ning purrs, kissing the back of Rei’s neck. Her hands glide upward, cupping Rei’s breasts. Ning teases her, pinching one nipple lightly, drawing a sharp gasp from her lips. “See? You can take it. You’re made for this, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Rei breathes, her voice barely a whisper. “I… I can do it. I want to do it—for you, daddy.”
Your cock twitches inside her at her words, the way her voice shakes but stays determined. You pull back slightly, the slickness of Ning’s saliva making it easier, then press forward again, inching deeper. Rei moans loudly this time, her head dropping forward as her body clenches around you.
“Relax, baby,” you say, your voice low and steady. One hand slips around to stroke her stomach, grounding her. “I’ve got you. You can take it.”
Ning leans in, her lips finding Rei’s cheek, then her jawline, soft and reassuring. “You’re doing so well,” she murmurs. Her free hand slides lower, brushing over Rei’s swollen clit, her touch feather-light. “Feel that? You’re so wet, Rei. You’re loving this, even if it hurts a little. You’re so fucking strong.”
Rei cries out as Ning’s fingers work her clit in slow, teasing circles, her body trembling but yielding under you. “Ning,” she gasps, her voice breaking. “Oh god, I—”
“She loves it,” Ning says, grinning wickedly at you as she increases the pressure on Rei’s sensitive nub. “Look at her, babe. She’s taking your cock so deep, so perfectly. She just needs a little help relaxing.”
Rei’s breathing turns into soft moans, her body slowly opening up as you sink the last inch inside her. The tight, velvety grip around your cock is almost unbearable, but you hold still, letting her adjust. Ning doesn’t stop, her lips peppering kisses down Rei’s neck and shoulders, her fingers working her clit with practiced ease.
“Daddy,” Rei whimpers, her voice raw. “It’s—it’s so much, but it feels…”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Ning finishes for her, her grin sharp as she kisses Rei’s parted lips. “You’re so fucking beautiful like this, Rei. So perfect for him.”
Rei nods weakly, her body relaxing just enough for you to start moving. You pull out slowly, almost all the way, before pushing back in, setting a deliberate, careful rhythm. Each thrust makes her moan louder, her cries a mixture of lingering pain and growing pleasure. Ning stays close, her hands roaming Rei’s body, her kisses keeping her grounded as you fuck her slowly, thoroughly.
“You’re mine,” you growl, gripping her hips tighter as you thrust into her. “Every part of you, Rei. You were made for me.”
“Yes, daddy,” Rei gasps, her voice high and breathless. “I’m yours. All of me. Please don’t stop.”
Your grip on Rei’s hips tightens, your fingers digging into her soft skin as you rock into her. Her ass clenches so tightly around you that every movement feels like it's pulling you deeper into an impossible grip, her body almost fighting you but yielding all the same. Rei’s gasps and broken cries fill the room, each one edged with pain but dripping with determination.
“You’re so fucking tight, baby,” you groan, leaning forward so your chest brushes her back. “I’m barely inside, and you’re squeezing me like you’re trying to keep me there.”
Rei shudders beneath you, her head hanging low, her damp hair clinging to her flushed cheeks. “I-I’m trying,” she whimpers, her voice trembling. “I w-want all of you, daddy. I’ll do it. Just—just don’t stop.”
“Good girl,” you growl, your voice dripping with praise and possession. “You’re so fucking brave, taking me like this. You’re going to let me ruin that tight little ass of yours, aren’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” she gasps, her body trembling but arching back to meet you, her knees threatening to buckle. “I want it. Please, fuck me harder. I’ll be good—I’ll be so good for you.”
Your cock throbs inside her at her words, the way her voice shakes but carries no hesitation. You lean back, spreading her cheeks wider to watch yourself disappear into her. The sight is obscene—her hole stretched taut around your thick length, swallowing you inch by inch. “Look at this,” you hiss, one hand gripping the base of her spine while the other keeps her spread. “You’re so fucking small, and you’re still taking me like the perfect little slut you are.”
Ning, sprawled beside you, lets out a breathless laugh, her bare thighs glisten in the morning light as she runs her fingers between them, biting her lip. “God, you’re so fucking hot like this, Rei,” she murmurs, her tone dripping with arousal. “Taking him so deep, even though it hurts. You’re such a good girl, baby. You’re making me so wet just watching you.”
Rei lets out a choked moan, her body trembling harder as you begin to move faster, your thrusts growing more deliberate. “Fuck, daddy—it’s—oh god, it’s so much,” she cries, her voice high and breathless.
“You can handle it,” you snap, your tone sharp but full of pride. “You’re my brave little slut, aren’t you? You want this. You’ve been begging for it.”
Her head nods weakly, her voice breaking as she whimpers, “Yes, daddy. I w-want it. Please don’t stop. I’ll take it—I’ll take all of it.”
Your pace increases gradually, each thrust forcing a loud cry from her lips. She’s trembling under you, her body taut but pliant, her ass rising higher as you hold her open. Every plunge into her is met with her tight walls gripping you harder, the resistance making you groan in pleasure.
“Fuck, Rei,” you growl, your hands sliding down to squeeze her ass cheeks as you spread her even wider. “You’re so goddamn tight. I could stay buried in this perfect ass all night.”
Ning moans softly, her fingers working faster against her clit as she watches. “Keep talking to her,” she gasps, her other hand teasing her breasts. “She loves it. Tell her how good she’s being. Tell her how fucking perfect she looks with your cock stretching her like that.”
You lean down, your chest pressing against Rei’s back as you pick up speed, each thrust making her cry out louder. “You’re taking it so fucking well, baby,” you murmur against her ear, your voice rough. “You’re mine, Rei. Every part of you belongs to me, and I’m going to make sure you feel it every time you move tomorrow.”
Her moans are ragged now, her fingers clutching the sheets so tightly her knuckles are white. “Oh god,” she whimpers, her voice raw. “It hurts, daddy—but it feels—fuck—it feels so good. Please, don’t stop.”
“I’m not stopping,” you promise, your voice harsh with lust. “You’re gonna take everything I give you, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she cries, her body shaking beneath you. “Yes, daddy. I’ll take it all. Please—please just keep fucking me.”
Your hips snap forward harder, faster now, the slick sounds of your cock sliding into her filling the room. Rei’s cries grow louder, her voice breaking with every thrust, but she doesn’t pull away. She braces herself, pushing back against you, her determination driving you wild.
“Fuck, look at her,” Ning breathes, her fingers moving in frantic circles over her clit. “She’s so fucking beautiful like this, isn’t she? Taking your cock like a goddamn champ.”
You smirk, gripping Rei’s hips harder as you slam into her, your thrusts deep and relentless now. “She’s perfect,” you growl, your voice dripping with possession. “This tight little ass was made for me.”
Rei sobs out a moan, her body shaking violently. “Daddy,” she whimpers, her voice barely audible over the sounds of your thrusts and Ning’s breathless cries. “I’m yours. Use me like your fucktoy. Please—don’t stop. I want it all.”
Your cock throbs inside her, the heat of her body driving you closer to the edge. “Yeah, you’re mine, Rei,” you groan, your voice rough and commanding. “Every part of you. And I’m not stopping until I ruin this perfect little ass.”
Your hips drive into Rei with a relentless rhythm now, the sound of your body meeting hers echoing sharply in the room. Rei's screams tear through the air, a blend of agony and pleasure so raw it sends a pulse of heat straight to your cock. Her face is buried in the sheets, her hair a damp mess as her ass rocks back to meet you, even as her legs shake from the effort.
“Fuck, daddy!” she wails, her voice breaking on the edge of a moan. “It—it hurts so much, but it feels—oh god—it feels so good! Please, don’t stop!”
“Goddamn, look at her,” Ning pants from her place beside you, her fingers slick as they work her clit in tight, desperate circles. She’s watching intently, her eyes drinking in the sight of Rei’s stretched, trembling body taking you over and over. Her lips curve into a wicked grin, her voice low and sultry as she says, “You should spank her.”
Your hips falter for a brief second, and you glance at her, sweat dripping from your brow. “Yeah?” you growl, your hands gripping Rei’s shaking hips tighter.
“Fuck yes,” Ning breathes, licking her lips. “Have you not noticed yet, babe? She loves it. The pain, the stretch—it’s driving her fucking wild. Behind that sweet, innocent face, she’s a filthy little whore who needs it.”
Rei lets out a choked gasp, her moans breaking as her body trembles harder beneath you. “N-Ning,” she stammers, her voice muffled by the sheets, but there’s no denial in her tone. Only embarrassment. And arousal.
“Is that true, Rei?” you ask, your voice dropping to a growl. You lean down, pressing your chest to her back as your cock drives even deeper into her ass. “Are you just a dirty little slut who loves the pain?”
Rei hesitates for a moment, her breath coming in shallow gasps, before she nods weakly, her voice trembling as she whispers, “Yes, daddy.”
“That’s my girl,” Ning purrs, her fingers dipping lower, slipping into her dripping pussy as she watches with a hungry grin. “Told you. She’s a whore for it. She wants you to use her, to hurt her, to make her scream. Isn’t that right, Rei?”
Rei’s face burns crimson, but she moans loudly, her body tightening around you as she stammers, “Y-yes, it’s true! I love it—oh god—I love it when you hurt me!”
Your cock throbs at her confession, and your lips curl into a dark smile. “Then you’ll fucking love this,” you growl, raising your hand and bringing it down hard on her ass. The slap echoes through the room, sharp and loud, and Rei screams, her body jolting forward as her cheeks jiggle from the impact.
“Fuck!” Rei cries, her voice high and ragged. “Do it again, daddy! Please, spank me!”
Ning’s laughter is breathless, her hand working faster between her legs as she watches. “See? I told you. She fucking loves it.”
You don’t hesitate, your hand coming down again, harder this time. Rei’s scream turns into a moan, her back arching as her ass turns a delicious shade of red. “You like that, baby?” you growl, your hand rubbing the stinging flesh before delivering another sharp slap. “You like feeling my hand on your ass while I fuck you like the little whore you are?”
“Yes, daddy!” Rei sobs, her voice thick with tears and lust. “I love it! I love it so much—oh god, don’t stop!”
Your hand rains down on her, each slap harder than the last, her cheeks bouncing beautifully with every impact. The sound of your hand meeting her skin mixes with her broken cries and moans, filling the room with an almost primal rhythm. Her body clenches tighter around you with each strike, driving you closer to the edge.
“Look at her,” Ning murmurs, her voice husky with arousal. Her fingers plunge into herself faster, her other hand squeezing her breast as she watches the scene unfold. “She’s such a fucking mess, and it’s perfect. Keep going, babe. Spank her harder. Make her feel it.”
You oblige, your hand coming down harder, leaving bright red marks on her pale skin. Rei’s cries grow louder, her voice hoarse, but she doesn’t pull away. Instead, she pushes back against you, her ass rising higher, begging for more.
“You’re such a good girl,” you growl, slamming into her harder, your cock driving deep into her tight, trembling hole. “Taking everything I give you. You love it, don’t you?”
“Yes!” Rei screams, her voice breaking. “I love it, daddy! I love being your dirty little slut!”
“That’s right,” Ning moans, her hips rocking as she fingers herself desperately. “You’re his filthy little whore, Rei. And you love every second of it.”
Your pace becomes merciless, every thrust a deep, punishing drive into Rei’s tight, trembling ass. Her high-pitched screams ring through the room, a symphony of pain and pleasure that pushes you further, makes your cock throb as her body writhes beneath you. Her hole squeezes you so tightly, it feels like she’s trying to pull you in deeper with every desperate moan.
“Fuck, baby,” you growl, slamming into her with a brutal rhythm that makes her ass ripple with each impact. “You’re screaming so loud for me. You love it, don’t you? You love how I’m wrecking your perfect little ass.”
“Yes, daddy!” Rei cries, her voice shaking, her hands clawing at the sheets as her whole body quivers. “I love it—I love how it hurts! Please, don’t stop!”
“Don’t you dare stop,” Ning chimes in, her voice breathless and full of raw heat as she kneels beside Rei, her body gleaming with sweat. Her fingers slide between her slick thighs, teasing her own dripping cunt as she watches the scene unfold. “She’s about to cum, babe. I can see it. She’s such a filthy little slut, she’s going to cum with your cock in her ass. Isn’t that right, Rei?”
Rei nods frantically, her face buried in the sheets as she screams, “I’m so close, daddy! Please, please make me cum! I need it—I want to cum with your cock in my ass!”
Her desperation sends a surge of heat through you, and you tighten your grip on her hips, pulling her back to meet every brutal thrust. Your free hand comes down on her ass again, hard, the slap echoing through the room as her skin turns a deeper shade of red. “You want to cum for me, baby?” you growl, spanking her again. “Then take it. Take all of me.”
Rei’s cries reach a fever pitch as you go all out, slapping her ass with every thrust, her cheeks bouncing under the force. “Fuck!” she screams, her voice breaking. “Daddy—I’m—I’m gonna—oh god, I’m cumming!”
You feel it—the way her body tightens, her ass clenching impossibly around you as she lets out a scream so loud and raw it sends shivers down your spine. Her whole body trembles violently, her knees giving out as she collapses onto the bed, her moans turning into soft, breathless sobs.
“Good girl,” you murmur, your voice rough and full of pride. You slow your movements, savoring the way her body spasms around you, milking every last ounce of pleasure from her. “That’s my good fucking girl. You came so hard, didn’t you?”
Rei whimpers, her face buried in the sheets, too wrecked to form words. Ning moves closer, a wicked smile playing on her lips as she kneels beside her, reaching down to spread Rei’s ass cheeks. “Look at this,” Ning purrs, her tone dripping with admiration. “You destroyed her, babe. Her hole’s all red and swollen, and she’s still twitching from it. God, Rei, you’re so fucking hot like this.”
Rei lets out a soft whine, her exhausted body melting into the mattress as Ning leans down, her lips brushing Rei’s trembling shoulder. “You’re so perfect,” Ning whispers, her voice gentle but full of desire. She presses a kiss to Rei’s neck, then her cheek, before capturing her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. Their mouths move together, soft and slow at first, before Ning’s tongue slips inside, claiming Rei in a way that’s both comforting and carnal.
Rei moans weakly into the kiss, her body still trembling as Ning pulls back, her lips shiny and swollen. “You did so well, baby,” Ning murmurs, brushing Rei’s hair back from her damp face. “But now it’s my turn.”
Ning flashes you a wicked grin as she slides off the bed, helping Rei move to the side. Rei watches, her breathing still ragged, as Ning crawls onto the mattress, positioning herself on all fours. Her bare ass sways enticingly as she looks over her shoulder at you, her eyes dark with lust.
“Come on, babe,” she purrs, spreading her knees wider to give you a perfect view of her dripping pussy. “Rei got her turn. Now it’s mine. Fuck me like the filthy slut I am.”
Ning’s ass sways temptingly, her smooth skin practically glowing under the soft light. You can’t resist the way she presents herself, so eager and proud, her legs spread wide, her hips tilted just right. Your hand comes down on her ass with a loud, sharp slap, the sound ringing through the room as her flesh jiggles under the impact.
“Fuck!” Ning gasps, her back arching deeper as she throws a playful smirk over her shoulder. “God, I missed that.”
You run your hand over the reddened spot, squeezing her cheek roughly. “And I missed fucking this perfect little ass,” you growl, your voice thick with anticipation. “It’s been too fucking long, Ning. I’ve been dying to wreck you again.”
She grins, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “Then stop teasing and do it already,” she purrs, wiggling her hips. “You know how much I love the way you stretch me open. Make me feel it.”
You lean down, spitting directly onto her tight hole, the warm saliva glistening as it slides over her skin. She shivers at the sensation, a low, needy moan spilling from her lips. Your fingers spread the slick wetness over her entrance, circling it teasingly, pressing just enough to make her squirm beneath your touch, her hips wriggling in desperate anticipation.
“God, you’re still so fucking tight,” you mutter, pressing the tip of your cock against her hole. Ning pushes back against you, her body relaxed, welcoming. “Even after all the times I’ve fucked you, your ass feels like it’s trying to swallow me whole.”
“That’s because it’s yours,” she shoots back, her voice breathy but bold. “This ass was made for you, babe. So quit talking and fill me already.”
You chuckle darkly, gripping her hips as you push forward. The head of your cock breaches her, her tight heat wrapping around you like a vice. Ning hisses, her fingers gripping the sheets as she adjusts to the intrusion, but there’s no hesitation in her body—only want.
“Fuck, Ning,” you groan as you slide deeper, inch by inch. “You’re still so fucking tight. But you take it so well. Look at this ass, swallowing me like it’s hungry for it.”
“God, yes,” Ning moans, her voice trembling with need. “I love it—I love how you fill me, how deep you get. Keep going, babe. Give me all of it.”
You sink in fully, her ass clenching around you as if refusing to let you go. She lets out a guttural moan, her body shuddering as she pushes back against you, taking you to the hilt. “That’s it,” you growl, your hands spreading her cheeks to watch how perfectly her body grips you. “Good fucking girl. You’re taking me so deep already.”
“Fuck, daddy,” Ning gasps, her voice dripping with lust. “You’re so big—I can feel every inch. Don’t stop. Please don’t fucking stop.”
You pull back slowly, almost all the way out, before slamming back in, earning a sharp cry from her lips. Her body trembles under your grip, but she doesn’t falter. She pushes back to meet you, her ass bouncing beautifully with every thrust.
“Goddamn,” you mutter, picking up your pace, the sound of your hips meeting her echoing through the room. “I could fuck this ass every day and never get tired of it. You feel so fucking good, Ning.”
“Do it,” she moans, her voice high and desperate. “Use me. Fuck me like the dirty slut I am. I want it—I need it.”
Your thrusts grow harder, faster, the slick heat of her body making it impossible to hold back. “You love this, don’t you?” you growl, spanking her ass again. “You love being fucked like this, having your ass stretched open just for me.”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Ning cries, her voice cracking as her body rocks under your assault. “I fucking love it! God, you fuck me so good. I want more—I need more!”
You grip her hips tighter, driving into her with abandon now, her cries spurring you on. “That’s my girl,” you snarl, watching the way her body takes you so perfectly. “You take everything I give you. You’re so fucking good for me, Ning.”
“Fuck, babe,” Ning pants, her voice breathless but full of bliss. “You’re gonna ruin me. But I fucking love it. Keep going—don’t stop. I want you to wreck me.”
Your rhythm quickens, every thrust deep and punishing, sending shockwaves through Ning’s body. Her cries grow louder with each snap of your hips, a mix of guttural moans and filthy encouragement that drives you to go even harder. Her ass swallows you completely, the tight heat pulling you in, her body taking every inch like it’s exactly what she was made for.
“Fuck, Ning,” you growl, your fingers digging into her hips as you hammer into her. “You’re so goddamn tight. How do you still feel like this after everything? Like your ass is squeezing me on purpose.”
Ning glances back at you, her face flushed, her lips curled into a cocky grin despite the way her body trembles. “Because I love it,” she pants, her voice thick with lust. “I love the way you stretch me. I love the way you fuck me like you’re trying to break me. Give me more, babe. Don’t hold back.”
Her words ignite something feral in you, and you grip her even harder, slamming into her with a force that makes her gasp, her hands clutching at the sheets to keep herself steady. The sound of skin meeting skin fills the room, mingling with her cries and the wet, obscene slickness of her taking you so easily.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Rei sitting up on the bed, her wide eyes glued to the scene unfolding in front of her. Her cheeks are still flushed from her own wrecking, her lips parted as she watches Ning being fucked mercilessly, her small hands fidgeting with the sheets.
“Enjoying the show, baby?” you ask, your voice rough, teasing, as you deliver a sharp slap to Ning’s ass. The smack echoes, her cheek bouncing under your palm, drawing a loud moan from her lips.
Rei blinks, her breath hitching as she meets your gaze. “I—I didn’t know she could take it like that,” she murmurs, her voice soft but tinged with awe. “She’s... she’s amazing.”
“Damn right I am,” Ning gasps, throwing a glance over her shoulder. Her grin is wild, her eyes blazing as she moans, “You better be taking notes, Rei. This is how a good slut takes it. Isn’t that right, babe?”
You smirk, delivering another sharp thrust that makes Ning cry out, her ass clenching around you. “She’s not wrong,” you say, your voice thick with pride. “Ning’s a fucking champ. Always has been. Look at her, Rei. She’s taking my cock so deep, begging for more, like the filthy little whore she is.”
Rei’s cheeks darken, her thighs pressing together as she squirms, clearly affected by the raw intensity of your words. Ning notices, her grin widening as she throws another taunt her way. “You like watching, don’t you, Rei? You like seeing how he wrecks me? Bet it’s making you wet again already.”
Rei stammers, her eyes darting down, but she doesn’t deny it. Ning laughs breathlessly, her body rocking forward with every thrust, her cries growing higher, more desperate. “God, babe,” she moans, her fingers clutching at the sheets as she pushes back against you. “Harder. I want to feel you fucking destroy me.”
Your grip tightens on her hips, your pace turning brutal, each thrust making her ass ripple, her moans breaking into incoherent cries. “You want me to ruin you, Ning?” you snarl, your voice rough as your cock drives deeper. “You want me to fuck this tight ass so hard you feel it for days?”
“Yes!” she screams, her head dropping forward as her body shakes under the force. “Fuck me harder, daddy! Wreck me—make me yours!”
Rei’s small gasp catches your ear, her wide eyes watching every moment, every movement of your hips, the way Ning’s body takes you without hesitation. “You see this, Rei?” you say, your voice commanding even as your thrusts grow frantic. “This is what it looks like to give everything to me. To let me take you however I want.”
Rei nods weakly, her breath coming in shallow pants, her hands gripping the sheets tightly as her gaze stays locked on the two of you. Ning moans louder, her body arching as she cries out, “Yes, yes, yes! Fuck—don’t stop! I need it, babe—I need you to fucking ruin me!”
Your cock drives into Ning’s ass with deliberate, deep thrusts now, your pace slowing but losing none of its intensity. Each stroke makes her moan loudly, her body quaking as she takes every inch of you like she was made for it. The way her ass grips you so tightly, the soft, wet sounds filling the room, it’s all enough to make your head spin.
But then your eyes catch Rei. She’s sitting on her knees, her thighs pressed tightly together, her lips parted as she watches with wide, hungry eyes. She looks like she’s trying to stay still, but her body betrays her—the small, involuntary shifts of her hips, the way her hands clutch at the sheets. She’s boiling with lust, practically trembling with it, and it’s clear she wants more.
You smirk, slowing your thrusts just enough to tease Ning, who whines in protest, trying to push back against you. “Hold on, Ning,” you say, your voice low and commanding. “I think Rei wants to join the fun. Don’t you, baby?”
Rei blinks, her cheeks flushing as she stammers, “I—I…”
“Get on all fours,” you order, cutting her off. Your tone leaves no room for argument, and Rei obeys immediately, crawling onto the bed until she’s beside Ning. She looks up at you with those big, innocent eyes, but there’s nothing innocent about the way her body shivers with anticipation.
“That’s my good girl,” you murmur, running a hand down her back as she settles into position. “Now stay still. Let me take care of both of you.”
You pull out of Ning’s tight ass with a groan, her body clinging to you as if it doesn’t want to let go. Your cock throbs, slick and dripping with saliva and her arousal, as you turn to Rei. She’s trembling on all fours beside Ning, her eyes full of desperation, her pussy glistening with need.
“Your turn, baby,” you say, your voice low and commanding, as you guide the head of your cock to her soaked folds. You tease her entrance, rubbing the tip against her slit, drawing a shaky gasp from her lips. “You want this, don’t you? You’ve been sitting there, watching, dripping for me.”
“Yes, daddy,” Rei moans, her voice trembling with need. “I want it so bad. Please, fuck me. Fill me up.”
You push into her slowly, savoring the way her pussy stretches around you, impossibly tight and hot, like her body was made for you. Rei cries out, her back arching as you sink in deeper, inch by inch, until you’re buried to the hilt. Her walls clench around you, pulsing, drawing you in further.
“Fuck, Rei,” you groan, gripping her hips as you give her a deliberate thrust that makes her whimper. “You’re so fucking tight. You feel incredible, baby.”
Rei’s voice breaks as she moans, her fingers clutching the sheets. “Oh god, daddy. You’re so big—I can feel every inch. Please, don’t stop.”
Behind you, Ning lets out a breathless laugh, shifting to press her chest against the mattress, her ass raised high in the air. “Don’t forget about me, babe,” she purrs, wiggling her hips. “I’m not done with you yet.”
You smirk, pulling out of Rei with a wet, obscene sound that makes her whimper. “Don’t worry,” you say, sliding back into Ning’s ass in one smooth thrust. “I’m not leaving either of you wanting.”
Ning gasps loudly, her back arching as her body clamps around you. “Fuck, yes!” she moans, pushing back against you. “That’s it, babe. I’ve missed this—missed you wrecking me like this.”
Your rhythm builds, switching between them, your cock plunging deep into Rei’s tight, wet pussy before sliding back into Ning’s ass. Their cries blend together, filling the room with filthy harmony, each thrust earning a moan, a gasp, or a scream as you take them both.
“Look at you two,” you growl, your hands gripping their hips as you alternate between them. “Side by side, letting me use you however I want. You’re both so fucking perfect.”
Rei whimpers, her voice high and breathless. “Daddy, you feel so good,” she cries, her body trembling beneath you. “I love it—I love the way you fuck me.”
“Goddamn, Rei,” Ning breathes, glancing over at her with a wicked grin. “Listen to yourself. You’re such a good little slut for him. Look at you, taking his cock so well.”
You slap Ning’s ass hard, the sound sharp and loud, making her cry out. “You’re both filthy little sluts,” you say, your tone full of pride and possession. “Taking turns on my cock, moaning for me like this. Fuck, you’re perfect.”
Ning’s laughter turns into a moan as you pound into her harder, her ass bouncing under your grip. “Keep going,” she gasps, her voice hoarse but full of need. “Wreck me, babe. Make me feel it. I want to be sore tomorrow.”
You pull out of Ning with a wet pop, slamming back into Rei’s pussy, her body jerking forward with the force. She screams, her nails digging into the sheets as her walls tighten around you. “Daddy,” she sobs, her voice cracking. “I—I’m so close. Please, don’t stop. I need to cum.”
Your grip tightens on her hips as you thrust harder, faster, driving her toward the edge. “Then fucking do it,” you growl, your voice harsh. “Show me how good you are. Cum for me, baby.”
Rei's body trembles beneath you as you pound into her pussy, the sound of wet, slick thrusts mixing with her desperate cries. Her hands clutch at the sheets, her back arching as you drive deeper, your cock stretching her in ways that have her gasping for air. Her moans are high-pitched, frantic, every sound dripping with need.
"Daddy!" she wails, her voice breaking as her thighs start to shake. "I—I'm gonna cum! Please, don't stop! I can't hold it—I'm so close!"
You grip her hips tighter, your thrusts growing rougher, faster, as you chase her over the edge. "Do it," you growl, slamming into her harder. "Cum for me, Rei. Show me what a good little slut you are."
Her scream tears through the room, raw and guttural as her orgasm slams into her. Her pussy clenches around your cock, a vice of molten heat, her body shaking violently as wave after wave of pleasure crashes through her. She sobs into the sheets, her nails digging into the fabric as her juices coat your cock, dripping down her thighs.
"Fuck," you mutter, watching her fall apart. "You're so goddamn perfect, baby. Look at you, cumming so hard on my cock. You love it, don't you?"
"Yes, daddy!" she cries, her voice trembling. "I love it—I love how you make me feel!"
As Rei collapses forward, her body spent and trembling, you pull out and immediately turn your attention to Ning. Her ass is still raised, swaying slightly, her cheeks red and marked from your earlier slaps. She glances back at you, her grin wicked despite the way her body trembles with anticipation.
"Come on, babe," she purrs, wiggling her hips. "Wreck me. I want to feel it—I need it."
You waste no time, sliding back into her tight ass with a deep, brutal thrust that has her crying out. Ning pushes back against you, her body greedy, taking every inch as you pick up a relentless pace. Her moans are filthy, each one sharper and louder than the last as you pound into her without mercy.
"Fuck, Ning," you growl, gripping her hips hard enough to leave marks. "Your ass feels so fucking good. It's like it's begging me to destroy you."
"Yes!" she screams, her voice hoarse but full of desperate need. "Destroy me, babe. Make me cum—please, I need it so bad!"
You spank her hard, the sharp slap making her whole body jolt as her ass ripples under your palm. She screams again, her cries turning into sobs of pure pleasure as you slam into her harder, deeper. "You're such a filthy little slut," you snarl, your cock driving into her over and over. "You love this, don’t you? Love being fucked like you’re nothing but a toy for me."
"God, yes!" Ning moans, her voice breaking. "I'm your slut, babe! Do whatever you want—just don't stop!"
Her body tightens suddenly, her back arching as her moans become frantic, incoherent. She grips the sheets, her knuckles white as her orgasm tears through her. Her ass clenches around you, spasming as she cries out, her voice raw and shaking. "Fuck! I'm cumming—oh god, I'm cumming so hard!"
You watch her fall apart, her body trembling violently, every muscle in her taut with the force of her climax. Her cries are ragged, broken, her face pressed into the sheets as her orgasm leaves her a shaking, breathless mess.
"That's it," you mutter, slowing your thrusts to savor the way her body milks you, still so tight and hot. "You look so fucking good like this, Ning. Completely ruined."
She collapses beside Rei, her body spent, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she glances back at you with a weak but satisfied smirk. "You’re fucking incredible," she murmurs, her voice hoarse but dripping with satisfaction.
Your words are sharp, cutting through the heavy, lust-drenched air. "On your knees," you command, your voice low and authoritative. Ning and Rei, their bodies still trembling and spent, slowly rise from the bed, obediently sliding down to the floor. They kneel before you, side by side, their flushed faces tilted up, their eyes wide and eager.
"Good girls," you murmur, stroking your cock lazily as they watch, their gazes locked on you like they’re waiting for your next move. The sight of them—bare, disheveled, and completely at your mercy—sends a thrill straight to your core.
You step closer, gripping your cock as you tap it against Ning’s cheek, the wet head leaving a glistening streak on her skin. She smirks, her tongue darting out to taste it, her eyes dark with hunger. "You missed this, didn’t you?" you growl, shifting to Rei, letting the heavy length rest against her soft, flushed cheek.
Rei’s breath hitches, her eyes flicking up to yours as she whispers, "Yes, daddy." Her voice is soft but laced with desire, her cheeks burning as you slide the tip across her lips, teasing her.
"You’re so fucking cute, Rei," you say, your tone teasing as you tap her cheek lightly with your cock. "These cheeks were made to be marked by me. Look at you—so innocent, but so fucking filthy."
Rei whimpers softly, leaning into the touch, her lips parting slightly as her tongue flicks out to taste you. She’s hesitant but eager, her wide eyes looking up at you, waiting for permission.
"Not yet," you say, pulling back just enough to make her whine. "I’m not done teasing you."
You switch to Ning, slapping your cock lightly against her lips. "And you," you growl, your voice rough. "Always so greedy. Always ready to take everything I give you."
Ning chuckles, her grin sharp as her tongue swirls around the tip, wet and teasing. "You know I love it," she purrs, her voice thick with arousal. "But don’t make me wait too long, babe. I want your cum."
You let your cock trail back and forth between them, grazing their lips, their cheeks, their tongues as they take turns tasting you, their moans soft and needy. Rei leans forward, her adorable face full of desperation as she presses her lips to the tip, her tongue flicking out to lap at the bead of pre-cum there.
"Please, daddy," she whispers, her voice trembling. "Let me suck you. I want to make you feel good."
Ning joins in, her hand reaching up to wrap around your shaft as she plants a wet kiss on the side. "She’s right," she murmurs, her lips brushing against you. "We’ll make you feel so good. Just let us take care of you."
You smirk, finally giving in as you nod. "Go ahead, then," you say, your voice low and commanding. "Show me what you can do."
The two of them waste no time, their mouths meeting at the head of your cock as their tongues swirl together, wet and eager. Ning takes you deeper first, her lips sliding down your shaft as Rei licks and kisses at the base, her small hands cupping your balls gently.
"Fuck," you mutter, your hand tangling in Rei’s hair as you guide her closer. "You two look so fucking good down there. Keep going—don’t stop."
Ning pulls back with an obscene pop, passing your cock to Rei, who takes you into her mouth slowly, her eyes closing as she savors the weight of you on her tongue. Her cheeks hollow as she sucks gently, her moans vibrating against your shaft as Ning licks along the side, her tongue tracing every vein.
"That’s it," you groan, your hips twitching as you watch them. "Good girls. Suck me just like that. Make me want to fill those pretty little mouths of yours."
Ning and Rei are relentless, their mouths working together in perfect, filthy harmony as they lavish attention on your cock. Their tongues slide along your shaft, wet and sloppy, as they take turns sucking you deep, their soft moans sending vibrations through your body. The obscene sounds of their lips smacking and their spit dripping fill the room, mixing with their desperate pleas.
"Please, daddy," Rei whimpers, pulling back just enough to let her swollen lips brush against the tip of your cock. Her wide, innocent eyes look up at you, glistening with desperation. "I want your cum. I need it. Please—please give it to me."
"God, babe," Ning pants, licking up the side of your cock before taking you back into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucks hard. She pulls off with an audible pop, her hand stroking you as she grins up at you wickedly. "Don’t make us wait. We’re being so good for you. Just let us have it."
"Keep begging," you command, your voice rough with arousal as you grip the base of your cock, guiding it back to Rei’s soft lips. "I want to hear how much you need it."
Rei whines softly, her small hands wrapping around your thighs as she leans in, pressing a kiss to the sensitive head. "I need it so bad, daddy," she whispers, her voice trembling. "Please… please cum for us. I’ll do anything."
"Yes, babe," Ning adds, her tone full of heat as her tongue flicks over your balls, her hand sliding up and down your spit-slick shaft. "We’re ready for it. Just look at us. We’re your good little sluts, and we want you to cover us in it."
Their desperate pleas send a surge of heat straight through you, and you feel the tension building, your body on the brink. You pull back slightly, your hand wrapping firmly around your cock as you start jerking off, stroking yourself in quick, rough movements.
The sight of them drives you insane—their beautiful faces tilted up toward you, their cheeks flushed, their lips wet and swollen from sucking you. Their eyes stay locked on your cock, watching every stroke as their hands reach out to touch your thighs, their fingers trembling with anticipation.
"Fuck," you groan, your grip tightening as you feel yourself teetering on the edge. "You two look so fucking perfect like this. Beg for it one more time. Show me how much you want it."
"Please, daddy!" Rei cries, her voice high and needy, her hands clasped together like she’s praying for your release. "I want your cum all over me. I need to feel it—please, please give it to me!"
"Cover us, babe," Ning moans, licking her lips as she inches closer, her face right next to Rei’s. "We’re yours. Mark us. Show us how much you love it when we’re good for you."
Their words push you over the edge, and with a guttural groan, you explode. Thick, hot ropes of cum spurt out, splashing across their eager faces, painting their cheeks, their lips, their foreheads. Rei gasps softly as a glob lands on her tongue, and Ning moans, her eyes fluttering shut as she tilts her face up, letting it drip down her skin.
"Fuck," you mutter, your body trembling as you milk every last drop onto them, the sight of their cum-splattered faces enough to send another jolt of heat through you. "You look so fucking good like this. Covered in my cum. My good fucking girls."
They stay still, their breaths shallow, their hands rising to touch their faces, smearing the warm, sticky mess across their cheeks. "Clean me up," you order, holding your cock out toward them. "Suck the rest off. Don’t waste a drop."
Rei moves first, her tongue darting out to swirl around the sensitive head, her lips closing softly as she sucks, her moans sending shivers through you. Ning joins her, licking along the shaft, her tongue brushing against Rei’s as they work together to clean you, their mouths wet and eager.
"Fuck, that feels so good," you groan, your hips twitching as they take turns, their lips pressing kisses to your still-throbbing cock.
Once they’re satisfied, they lean back, their fingers trailing over their cum-covered faces. Ning dips a finger into a thick glob on her cheek, bringing it to her lips with a grin. "So warm," she murmurs, her voice playful. "And so much."
Rei watches her, then mimics the gesture, her cheeks flushing as she licks her fingers clean. "It’s… it’s kind of sweet," she whispers shyly, glancing at you.
Ning smirks, leaning closer to Rei, her voice low and teasing. "Let’s see how it tastes on you."
She presses her lips to Rei’s, her tongue slipping inside, and Rei gasps softly before melting into the kiss. Their mouths move together, wet and sloppy, as they share the taste of you, their moans soft and full of heat. When they finally pull apart, their eyes meet yours, their faces still streaked with your release, and they smile, utterly wrecked and satisfied.
An idea hits you, sharp and wicked. You glance down at them, their gorgeous faces still painted with your cum, and the two Santa hats lying forgotten on the floor catch your eye. A slow grin spreads across your face.
“Stay just like that,” you say, your voice low and full of intent. “Don’t move.”
Rei and Ning look up at you, curiosity flickering in their lust-heavy gazes. You bend down, grabbing the Santa hats and brushing off any stray lint before holding them out.
“Here,” you murmur, smirking as they take them. “Put these back on. I want to record this—remember it.”
Rei’s cheeks flush, but she doesn’t hesitate. She grabs the hat with trembling fingers, sliding it onto her head, her messy hair spilling out from underneath. Ning snickers softly, more than eager as she adjusts hers, tilting it at a playful angle.
“You’re serious?” Ning asks, her lips curling into a devilish grin.
“Dead serious,” you reply, already picking up the phone on the nightstand. “You two look fucking perfect—adorable and filthy all at once. I’m not letting this moment slip away.”
They exchange a glance, Rei biting her lip nervously, while Ning just shrugs, her smirk widening.
“Alright,” Ning says, leaning forward slightly, tilting her chin up as if presenting herself. “Make it a good one, babe.”
Rei nods shyly, her hands clasped together in her lap, her wide eyes shimmering with that innocent-but-not-so-innocent look that drives you crazy. “Do you… want us to smile?”
“Damn right I do,” you say, holding up your phone. “Big, pretty smiles, ladies. Let me see those faces.”
They obey instantly, their lips curling into sweet, innocent smiles that contrast so perfectly with the cum streaked across their cheeks and lips. The Santa hats perched jauntily on their heads only add to the surreal, filthy beauty of the moment.
“Holy fuck,” you mutter, snapping photo after photo. “You two are so fucking hot like this. Perfect little sluts, looking so goddamn adorable and dirty all at once.”
Rei’s smile falters slightly, her cheeks burning. “D-don’t say that,” she whispers, though the way her thighs press together betrays how much she loves it.
“Why not?” Ning teases, nudging her. “It’s true. Look at us. We’re fucking masterpieces.”
You chuckle darkly, snapping one last shot before lowering your phone. “Alright,” you say, your voice softening just a bit as you grab the wet wipes from the bedside table. “Let’s clean you up now.”
You kneel in front of them, pulling a wipe free and gently cupping Rei’s chin. She looks up at you, her wide eyes trusting as you start wiping the sticky mess from her cheeks.
“You did so good, baby,” you murmur, your voice low and soothing. “Such a good girl for me.”
Her lips part slightly, a soft sigh escaping her as you finish, discarding the wipe before moving to Ning. She tilts her head back, her smirk softening into something almost tender as you carefully clean her face.
“Can’t have you two walking around looking like this,” you joke lightly, tossing the last wipe aside. “Even though I kinda wish I could keep you like this forever.”
Ning chuckles, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your cheek. “You’re such a sap sometimes,” she teases, but her eyes shine with affection.
Rei giggles softly, her fingers brushing over the brim of her hat. “Thank you, daddy,” she whispers, her voice small but full of warmth.
You sit back on the bed, watching Rei shift slightly where she kneels. The way her thighs tremble and how she winces just a little when she moves catches your attention. A smirk tugs at your lips, but there’s genuine care in your tone when you ask, “How’s your ass, baby? Still sore?”
Rei nods shyly, her cheeks flushing as she glances over her shoulder. “It… it still hurts,” she admits softly, her voice trembling. “I can feel the marks from where you spanked me.”
You lean forward, brushing her hair back gently, your fingers trailing down her cheek. “Let me see,” you murmur, guiding her to turn slightly. The marks on her ass are still visible, red and slightly raised from where your hand connected earlier. A pang of pride and guilt mixes in your chest as you trace one with your fingertips, making her shiver.
“Still so beautiful,” you say softly, your voice full of affection. “But don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you now. You’ve been such a good girl for me—I’ll make sure you feel better.”
Rei bites her lip, her eyes fluttering closed as she leans into your touch. “Thank you, daddy,” she whispers, her voice so small it makes your chest tighten.
Before you can say anything else, Ning snickers beside her, that sharp grin back on her face. “This is my favorite part,” she says, her voice playful but affectionate. “You fuck us like you’re trying to break us, then turn around and treat us like we’re goddamn princesses. It’s almost unfair how good you are at this.”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you pull both girls closer, making them sit on the bed. “You are my princesses,” you say, wrapping an arm around Ning while your other hand strokes Rei’s back gently. “That’s why I can’t just leave you all wrecked like this. Gotta take care of my girls, don’t I?”
Ning smirks, pressing a quick kiss to your jaw. “Damn right you do,” she says, her tone softer now. “But I guess that’s why we keep coming back for more.”
Rei giggles softly, curling into your chest, her body relaxing as your fingers trace soothing patterns over her back. “I like it when you take care of us,” she murmurs, her voice barely audible.
“And I always will,” you promise, pulling both of them even closer. “Always.”
These two—your Rei, your Ning—together like this, looking up at you with soft smiles and heat still lingering in their eyes, it’s overwhelming. You’ve always loved them, separately, deeply, but seeing them like this, each one by your side, their small hands caressing your body... it seems like a dream too good to be real.
Rei’s cheeks are still red, her lips swollen from the intensity of everything, and she’s the first to speak. “So… what do you think?” she asks softly, her voice trembling just a little.
Ning’s grin is more confident, but there’s a flicker of vulnerability in her dark eyes as she adds, “Yeah, babe. Was this the best Christmas present ever, or what?”
Your hands find theirs instinctively, your fingers lacing with theirs, squeezing tight. “Are you kidding me?” you say, your voice thick. “This… this is everything. I don’t even know how to put it into words. You two… fuck, I love you both so much.”
Rei’s eyes widen, her breath catching, and Ning’s grin softens, a rare sweetness creeping into her expression. “Good answer,” Ning says, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips. “We wouldn’t have done this if we didn’t feel the same way, you know.”
Rei nods, her voice small but firm as she says, “We talked about it a lot, and… and we decided we both love you too much to let you go. So… we’re here. Together.”
“Together,” you repeat, your voice quiet but full of awe. You look at them, your chest tightening as the reality sinks in. “For real, right? Like… this isn’t just a one-time thing?”
Ning laughs, her hand coming up to brush some of the sweat-damp hair from your forehead. “Yeah, babe, for real. We’re not going anywhere.”
Rei’s smile is soft, shy, as she squeezes your hand. “We want to make this work. The three of us. If… if you want that too.”
You stare at them for a long moment, your heart pounding. Then you pull them both into your arms, holding them so tightly it’s like you’re afraid they might disappear. “Being completely honest” you murmur against their hair, “this is the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. You two together—it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
Ning chuckles softly, her arms wrapping around your waist as she nuzzles into your neck. “We do go pretty well together, don’t we?” she says, her voice teasing but warm.
Rei giggles, her face buried against your chest. “I think so,” she murmurs.
You pull back just enough to look at them, your hands cupping their faces, your thumbs brushing over their flushed cheeks. “More than perfect,” you say, your voice low but steady. “I don’t even know how I got this lucky, but I’m not letting either of you go. Ever.”
Rei blushes deeper, her smile soft and full of love, while Ning smirks, her confidence back in full force. “Damn right you’re not,” she says, leaning in to kiss you again, this time slower, sweeter.
When she pulls back, Rei surprises you by leaning up to kiss you as well, her lips soft and hesitant but filled with just as much emotion. It’s like something slots into place as the three of you sit there, tangled together, an unusual union, but one that still seems perfectly logical.
“Best Christmas ever,” you murmur, your hands holding theirs tightly.
Ning laughs, her head resting on your shoulder as she says, “You better believe it, babe. And this is just the beginning.”
Rei nods, her smile growing as she leans into your other side. “Merry Christmas, daddy.”
You chuckle, pulling them closer as your heart swells with a love so deep, it feels like it might burst. “Merry Christmas, my girls.”
#gg smut#kpop gg smut#kpop m!reader#ning yizhuo smut#ningning smut#aespa ningning#ning yizhuo#ningning#ningning x reader#ningning aespa#rei ive#Ive rei smut#rei smut#rei x reader#Rei kpop#male reader#kpop gg#kpop smut#kpop fluff#kpop#smut oneshot#kpop male oc#kpop male reader#m!reader#m! reader#smut and fluff#ive rei#Ive Rei smut
998 notes
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My OCs pt 2
Original idea
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
What if Baldwin gets sick while reader isnt there?
Reader introducing medieval times to soap
Baldwin reacting to reader not wanting to have babies
Baldwin being a green flag (and Salauddin being disgusted)
Baldwin when reader goes into labour
Reader is mad at Baldwin
Moodboard for part 6
Moodboard for part 7
Moodboard for part 8
Moodboard for part 9
Moodboard for part 11
Moodboard for part 12
The difference between Salauddin and Baldwin's love for you
Modern day Salauddin and Baldwin
Salauddin's reaction to reader adopting all the animals she sees
Salauddin with your portrait
Baldwin's reaction after part 7
Memes for part 8
What does Qasim look like?
What does Baris look like?
Qasim and reader childhood shenanigans
What does Mr Blackwood look like?
More things on Baldwin
#yandere baldwin#yandere king baldwin#yandere leper king#yandere baldwin iv#male yandere#bnha headcanon#yandere male#tw yandere#yandere#yandere x darling#male yandere x reader#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere x y/n#yandere oc#yandere oc x reader#yandere headcanons#yandere scenarios
1K notes
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Ava when she woke up in Wuwa and was found by Rover design 🙈 shes in her innocent easily distracted wifey era 🥹
#Wuwa has been consuming me like never before w other medias#halp#archivedart#ava rosamaryllis#wuwa rover#wuthering waves rover#wuthering waves male rover#wuwa male rover#wuwa x oc#oc x wuwa#male rover x oc#wuwa rover x oc#wuwa male rover x oc#ibis paint x#this is the most BLUE ive ever designed Ava in!#quite refreshing#and also the most non red and non pink#asides the white pink tint
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midnight visitor (m!yandere incubus x gn!reader)

you meet damien at a club and are instantly entranced by this handsome stranger. but not only is he equally entranced with you - he has some secrets to hide.
cw: yandere, nsfw, alcohol mention
The bright lights and loud music of the club swirled around you. It would’ve given you a headache if you weren’t just drunk enough for it to be enjoyable.
Truthfully, you weren’t much of a club person, but today being the birthday of your best friend was reason enough for you to let loose for once. So here you were, surrounded by people on the dance floor.
You took a step back and cringed almost immediately when the heel of your foot came into contact with what clearly was someone else’s toes. You whipped your head around to apologize and found yourself face-to-face with an incredibly handsome man.
The frown on his face quickly faded as he eyed you up, flashing you a smirk. Your breath caught in your throat - the man was beautiful, and you were only human, after all.
“S-sorry,” you managed to get out, but the smirk on the man’s face only grew. You took in his long, dark hair, his defined cheekbones and the way his eyes seemed to be a dark red. But that must’ve just been the club lighting, you figured.
“S’alright,” the man said in a smooth, deep voice. He held out a hand. “You can dance with me to make up for it.”
“Um,” you felt your face flush. You weren’t used to this kind of attention. “Okay, sure.”
His hands slid to your waist and he pulled you close, the two of you moving vaguely to the loud music. It wasn’t like skill really mattered on the dance floor, anyway.
“I’m Damien,” the man said with a smile, and the look in his eyes made you realize he didn’t plan for this to be a one-and-done sort of dance. Not that you minded - your friends might be annoyed if you ditched them for a guy, but you had been at the club for a while now, and your group of friends had spread out, so they might not really mind after all. Besides, you had seen your best friend making out with an unknown woman in the corner just 15 minutes ago, so she had no room to speak.
You introduced yourself and Damien watched you like you were the most interesting thing he had ever seen. His stare was…almost enchanting, in a way.
What a weird thing to think, you mused to yourself. Maybe you were drunker than you thought.
After the two of you had danced for a few songs, Damien took your hand, sending shivers through your body. “You look tired. Would you like to sit down?” He gestured to an empty booth nearby, and you nodded.
“Yeah, thanks,” you said as the two of you left the dance floor and sat. He smiled at you and you felt that enchanted feeling again.
Damien laced his fingers together and rested his chin on top of them, looking at you like you were the only other person in the building. You weren’t necessarily an unconfident person, but frankly, you really weren’t used to this level of attention, and it made you blush. “So,” he said. “What brings you here tonight?”
“My friend’s birthday,” you gestured vaguely in the direction you had last seen her. “You?”
He gave you a smile that you couldn’t quite place. “Just…looking.”
“Oh. Oh,” you said, as you caught the intention behind his words. “Um. Well, I mean I’m flattered, but I’m not really—”
Damien’s low chuckle cut off your rambling. “Relax. Not like that, so don’t worry.”
“Oh. Um, okay,” now you felt kind of stupid. You were making a fool of yourself in front of the hottest man you’d ever seen.
His eyes looked into yours before he spoke again. “You seem like you’ve had a long night. Would you allow me to take you home?”
If you had a drink, you surely would have choked on it. “I only live a few blocks away. It’s okay.”
Damien gave you another smile. “Even better. I can walk you home. Trust me, I’m a gentleman. No funny business,” he splayed his fingers as if that was proof.
Maybe it was the number of drinks you’d had, or maybe you just made impulsive decisions. Either way, you agreed, and the stranger walked you back to your apartment.
The two of you chatted idly along the way, not really talking about much. When you made it to the front of your building, you pointed and said, “This is me.”
The man looked down at you, and gave a soft smile. He leaned in and kissed you on the cheek, which felt more intimate than if he had kissed your lips, somehow. “Sweet dreams,” he murmured, but it felt like he meant something more.
That night, you were having the hottest wet dream of your entire life.
The handsome man from the club had his face between your legs, and grinned wolfishly before diving in, licking and sucking in a way that gave you pleasure like never before. “You taste so good,” he murmured, and the vibrations from his low voice sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body.
“Fuck…” you mumbled. At your response, you could’ve sworn you saw Damien’s eyes flash blood red. A small part of your consciousness knew it was a dream, but it felt so real. And so, so good.
One moment you were whimpering and squirming, clutching Damien’s hair as you moaned his name, then the dream suddenly switched and his form was looming over yours, looking not unlike a hunter sizing up his prey.
You felt something against your thigh and looked down to see his thick cock pressed against your leg. Your eyes met his and he smirked.
“Don’t worry, I know it’ll fit,” Damien snickered as he rubbed the tip teasingly against your entrance. He moved his head closer to yours so he could press kisses to your neck, before suddenly biting down. Hard.
You squealed, twitching in a way that bumped the tip of his cock on a sensitive spot and made you squirm even more. “I don’t wanna wake up…” you mumbled, desperate for more.
Damien chuckled again. “Mm, they always say that.” And with that, he plunged his dick into you with a gasp.
It was a dream. You knew it had to be a dream. But it felt so real. And it felt so good. You were whining as Damien pounded into you relentlessly, his own face bright red.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “You feel even better than I imagined.”
You weren’t even able to form a response; you just laid there as he fucked you better than anyone had in real life.
“Hah, you’re taking my dick so well,” he whispered into your ear, causing you to clench around him. “Feels like you were made for me, doesn’t it? Feels so good…”
His words, coupled with his earlier acts, brought you close to your peak. “I’m–fuck–I’m gonna…” your words were interrupted as he touched a particularly sensitive spot inside of you.
“That’s a good pet,” Damien grunted as he slammed into you. “Cum for me.”
And you did, crying out his name as you came undone. But he didn’t slow down at all. If anything, he moved even faster and harder as his own climax approached.
“Fuck!” Damien yelled as he thrust his cock as deeply as he possibly could inside of you, gripping onto your waist as he came. Breathing heavily, he pressed a kiss directly below your ear and said your name quietly. It sounded so beautiful coming from him.
“I’m gonna have to come back for seconds,” he said with a laugh.
When you woke up in the morning, the dream was nothing more than a hazy memory that you couldn’t recall no matter how hard you tried. All you knew was that your legs were sticky and there was a dull heat throbbing inside you.
At that moment, entirely unknown to you, Damien himself was pacing back and forth on the rooftop of your building.
Damien prided himself on many things. He was a confident man. He was incredibly charming and equally as handsome. He could get anyone to do anything he wanted. He had been a demon for a very long time and had spent many, many nights hunting down prey, visiting them in their dreams, and taking what he needed from them to survive. This was how it had gone for many hundreds of years (he had lost count at this point). It was simple, there was no attachment, and he never struck the same victim twice.
Until now.
He cursed to himself as he walked to and fro, deep in thought. You had stood out to him at the club, naturally - he was not one to take on just any prey. No, he had specifics in what he liked, and always got what he wanted. But there was something different about you. Something that he couldn’t quite place, something that sent shockwaves through his body every time he thought about you and how you had behaved in your dream.
Damien should have known you were different from the instant he smelled you at the club. You had smelled like the most mouthwatering dessert to him, and that is when he knew you would be his pet that night. Actually getting to taste you, though, was something he had never experienced. Imagine the most delectable meal you have ever had, and then multiply it by five. That is how you tasted to Damien. You were so soft, so sweet, so tender.
It was maddening.
He had to have you again. He knew that, at least. His mind was overwhelmed with millions of thoughts rushing in, all of them centered around you. How he could see you again. How you would taste and feel in your dreams again the next night. How he could make you permanently his.
That settled it. He would have to visit you nightly and keep an eye on you during the day too to make sure no one else had you. You were going to belong to him and him alone. Damien knew at that moment he would do whatever it took to make sure you were his.
A grin slowly grew on Damien’s face as a solid plan formed in his mind. He whispered your name into the wind, savoring how it felt on his tongue.
When he was finished, you would never think of anybody else.

#yandere oc#yandere male#yandere x reader#male yandere x reader#yandere#writing#i hope u like this ive been working on it a while#if you like damien find more about him here ->#damien stuff
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Die With A Smile - Copia x male ghost oc
had a headcanon a while back that really stuck and i got the first chapter done! im hoping to write longer chapters and post them all within the month of october, we'll see!
warnings/things to note: this fic series is Copia x MY OC, not reader. he's a ghost, so mentions of death, abandonment, heartbreak, angst all around really
word count: 1754
Chapter 1 - Greetings
It was late at night. Too late at night for Copia’s mind to be racing. There was so much work to do in such little time. He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, the hinges creaking from overuse. Maybe he needed to take a walk to clear his mind. Yeah, that sounded like a healthy alternative to overwhelming stimulation. He shrugged off his gloves as he wouldn’t need them to walk. Besides, it was good to get his hands dirty every once in a while.
It was about two in the morning, the last time he checked his watch. He yawned and stretched his muscles before setting out to walk into the eerie graveyard. It was always his favorite spot, especially at this time of year. Fog was beginning to roll in, the temperature was cooler, and it felt more… spooky. At home, for Copia at least.
He wandered in, the old iron gate groaning from lack of movement. Copia’s mind cleared more and more the further he walked in. His hand lightly trailed across the tops of the headstones, silently repeating a prayer of respect to the souls buried here. He’d already done half a lap when he heard rustling by the old mausoleum, which was securely locked with an old-fashioned padlock and key. He shook his head in disappointment. Probably some ghouls again, he thought to himself. He made his way to the old mausoleum, his steps clicking against the stone at a medium pace, and found the padlock untouched, with the key hanging in its rightful place.
He took a step back, puzzled. "What even?" he found himself thinking out loud.
The door rattled again, causing Copia to flinch. "He- hello? Is someone in there?"
"Help," a small voice replied, along with the door rattling once more.
Instantly, Copia reached for the key, putting it into the slot and turning it, unlocking the padlock. He grunted as he pulled the door open, revealing…
An empty room.
A cold brush of wind went through his bones, causing him to turn on his heel.
His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight before him.
A ghost. A real ghost.
"Caro Sathanas…" he whispered. "Hello," he greets, his mind scrambling to find his manners and look presentable to the spirit in front of him. "I- uh… what were you doing in there?"
Instead, the ghost let out a small squeak and hid behind one of the headstones, not expecting to see him either, he supposed. A light chuckle left Copia’s lips and he shook his head.
"It’s okay, I’m not here to hurt you. Come on out," he gently coaxes, staying rooted in his spot so as not to spook the ghost. A bit ironic, he thought to himself.
The ghost peeked his head up for a moment, revealing his silvery-brown translucent hair and white-clear skin. His eyes were pure white, though one could still know where they were looking.
Copia was somewhat taken aback by his eyes, though he did an impressive job at hiding it.
"There you are," Copia says, his heart strangely hammering against his ribs. Perhaps it was because it was the dead of the night or perhaps because he can now properly register the fact that he was talking to an actual ghost. "You don't have to keep your distance. Come here."
The ghost hesitantly let go of the headstone he was hiding behind, drifting closer to the man in front of him.
"Y-You saved me.." he whispered.
Copia smiles at his words. "Of course, I saved you. What else was I supposed to do?" He asks jokingly with a feigned air of arrogance, though it was clear to see that he was being gentle with the other. He studies his face for a moment, almost as if he was taking in and mentally noting the ghost’s every feature.
"Don't stare, please... it makes me nervous..." he murmured, his voice sounding as if it were coming from another room. He looked down, and if he still had blood in his veins, his cheeks would be a bright pink from embarrassment.
Copia blinks in surprise, taken by the slight pleading in his voice. His gaze immediately falls from the ghost’s face.
"Oh, my apologies," he muttered, scratching his head. "I didn't mean to stare like that. I.. I was just admiring how precious you are. Forgive me, I'll keep my eyes to the floor, if that helps."
"Oh..." the ghost floated back just a few inches, holding his hand to his heart as if it ached.
"I just... don't like humans in general..."
Copia's shoulders drooped and his brows furrowed, sadness flashing in his eyes.
"Oh," he murmurs and steps back a bit, giving you more space. "I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. I wasn't trying to scare you... I just thought you were beautiful. I-" Copia huffs out a sigh and pushes a hand through his dark hair. "I didn't expect you to like humans, but I thought if I was at least nice, you'd tolerate me."
He rubs the back of his neck and averts his eyes, letting out a short quiet laugh; one that seemed bitter and pained.
"That's stupid of me, isn't it? I was stupid to think that.... a ghost would even... tolerate... a stupid human."
"N-No, that's not..." he started, hesitantly reaching out then retracting his arm, his shoulders tensing. "I-I don't know... it's been so long since I've.."
He trailed off as the moonlight peeked through the overcast clouds, illuminating his essence and catching his eye. He drifted away from Copia, his eyes wide as he took in the beauty of the moon.
"I forgot... how beautiful the moon was..."
"You really think so?" Copia asks quietly, watching as he drifts away and basks in the moonlight.
"Maledizione, you're even more beautiful in the light," he murmurs, his heart clenching in his chest as he takes in the sight of the other bathed in the silver glow of the celestial object.
He's drawn to the other like a moth to a flame and he slowly reaches out, as if wanting to touch him.
"I never thought I'd be this close to a ghost," Copias breath hitches, "especially to a ghost so beautiful... bellissimo..."
The ghost gasped as he felt Copia's hand go right through his back, an uncomfortable tingle spreading throughout his body before he yanked himself away from the human's touch.
"Don't... you can't touch me... I-I'll go right through you..."
Copia immediately regrets reaching out, flinching as the other pulled away. He frowns, looking down at his hand with a sad look. "That... didn't feel very pleasant," Copia says, "I can imagine just how unpleasant it is for you. I'm sorry, I should have thought better."
He lets his hand drop to his side slowly, though he can no longer take his eyes off the ghost. "How long have you been alone here, I wonder," he whispered and took another small step towards him, though careful to not get any closer.
He wanted nothing more than to touch him again, to touch his hair, his pale skin. He wanted to hold his delicate hands. He wanted to hug him.
"A long time. Very long time," the ghost whispered in return, his expression turning melancholic as he looked back up at the moon in awe.
"I've... not seen another human in... I don't even know how long... the last time I saw a human, I was trapped in there."
"In... you were trapped there?" Copia tilts his head in confusion, though realization soon dawns on him and his eyes widen. "Oh, cazzo, you're stuck in that… that old mausoleum?"
He points behind his shoulder, to the mausoleum that is nearby. He had almost forgotten that the damn thing was even there.
He nodded, a clear streak of what could have been a tear running down his pale cheek. "It was.. awful. No one could hear me... I couldn't go through the doors because they were locked…”
Copia winces, as if in pain, at the ghost's last sentence. It hurt him badly imagining him alone in that cold, dark room. It must have been torture.
"I can't imagine what that was like for you," he says quietly, "having to scream and no one would listen... no one would hear you..."
"I don't want to talk anymore," the ghost whispered abruptly, his already distant voice seeming quieter than usual as he began to drift away from Copia.
"Hey, hey, wait a second," Copia suddenly pleads and reaches his hand out to him, even though he knew there was no way he could touch him or stop him from floating away.
"Please... can't you at least tell me your name? That's all I want to know, please," he says, and there was clear desperation in his voice.
He turned back, his brows furrowing upwards as he contemplated trusting Copia with his name. Would he begin to trust humans as a whole again? This one was certainly much kinder than the last one he'd met.
Copia's heart beat loudly in his chest as he was finally given a name. "Ren," he murmured, letting the word sit on his tongue like honey. The ghost's name perfectly complimented his beautiful features, and the human realized that he wanted to say his name more often.
"Ren, what a pretty name," he says quietly, though he wanted to shout it out like a prayer. He wanted to shout it for the whole world to hear.
His hand was still reaching out for Ren as if he could grab him by the arm and stop him from floating away.
"Ren, bellissimo, please don't go," he pleaded, and he took another step forward. He was so desperate to have him near, even if he knew Ren’d slip through his fingers like smoke.
"It is getting late," Ren murmured, unable to keep his eyes on Copia. "Go back to the castle. 'S not like I can really leave..."
Copia's expression softens as you tell him to go back to the castle. You were right, he should probably leave soon...
Yet, he did not want to.
He wanted to stay here in the graveyard, with Ren, and talk to him in the dead of the night for as long as he could.
"You're right, it is late... I..." he sighs softly, reluctantly taking a step away from the ghost. "I should go back."
#the band ghost#ghost bc#ghost#ghost band#ghost the band#fluff#cardinal copia#copia#ghulehthezombiequeen#cardinal copia x oc#cardinal copia fanfiction#papa emeritus iv#papa emeritus 4#copia emeritus#copia x oc#x male oc#ghost oc#ghost band oc#orginal character#ghuleh's halloween series 👻
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couple of dudes
#im usually quite shy when it comes to oc x canon stuff ~_~ but ive spent too much time thinking about these two#not really proud of the art because i still have. no idea on how to draw muscles/general male anatomy#love these two they're.. so ???#kyus art bag thing#bleach#nnoitra gilga#original character
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