#ive written. several hundreds of thousands of words at this point on this site
gothwizardmagic · 2 years
*pulls up a chair* alright then. What OCs ya got, champ? I wanna know
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ive been on the same rp forum since i was 16 (nearly half my life @_@) so ive built up a bit of a backlog (this isnt even all of them i retired a bunch from 2009-2012.....)
Main Babies im most invested in at the moment are Ainsley Lynch, extremely tall autistic sweetheart hyperfixated on learning where magic comes from; Vivian Brackenstall, Tragic Indie Musician currently in the process of getting back together with his (formerly?) toxic ex; Kauri Tipene, literal human sunshine & professional childrens entertainer who has portentous visions of the future and also wants to make out with his flatmate; Blake van Houten, Reformed Homophobe professional athlete who ditched his entire family to be with his husband; Jenna Irons, Blake's younger sister, whos basically regina george; Daria Bright-Root, naiive sweetheart whos going to head down a very dark path and probably die young; Thistle Carnahan, an absolute mess of a goofball; Connor Holland, traumatised angry young man who needs to go to T H E R A P Y; Rupert Cresswell, con artist who formerly ran a huge scam professionally and recently somehow by real actual popular vote has beocme the deputy minister of the whole damn country; Kahurangi Josephs - professor, mother, lesbian, icon
but like those are just a few current highlights ive spent 13 years curating this list of meowmeows and i could wax poetic about any of them for hours on end
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rainhadaenerys · 4 years
@sharisfootly just showed me this link to this very interesting military analysis of the battle of Yunkai and Dany's military plans. I definitely recommend it. It shows Dany's military merits, her train of thought for making the plan she did. I just want to comment on a few things that I found interesting.
One thing people say about Dany is that she was stupid to trust Daario, and that she only trusted him because she was attracted to him. And that if Daario had betrayed her, she would have lost. And this analysis talks about how this is not the case:
The Stormcrows represented a calculated risk: what could have happened if the Stromcrows deceived Dany? The outcome would hardly have changed, but the battle would certainly have been harder. The slave soldiers would have broken anyway, and the Stormcrows would eventually have been surrounded by several thousand Unsullied. If they had been confronted by a single front, they could have tried outflanking it, but now they were faced with several fronts from several directions, restricting their mobility and pressing them on the defensive (from a historical standpoint, formed heavy infantry could resist the charge of heavy cavalry). Their only escape route would have been towards their rear and back to the city.
(Also, remember that the Stormcrows numbered around 500 men, and Dany still vastly outnumbered them)
I like how the analysis shows that Dany's plan made sure that she would still have won even if the Stormcrows betrayed her, but I also want to remember that even in the text, Dany does recognize it as a calculated risk. Yes, she is attracted to Daario:
Ser Jorah Mormont lingered. "Your Grace," he said, too bluntly, "that was a mistake. We know nothing of this man—"
"We know that he is a great fighter."
"A great talker, you mean."
"He brings us the Stormcrows." And he has blue eyes. - Daenerys IV ASOS
But she also notes that If Daario doesn't betray her, her advantage would be huge and explains to Jorah why she believes Daario won't betray her:
"That would not be wise, my queen." Ser Jorah gave Daario a cold, hard stare. "Keep this one here under guard until the battle's fought and won."
She considered a moment, then shook her head. "If he can give us the Stormcrows, surprise is certain."
Dany looked down at the sellsword again. He gave her such a smile that she flushed and turned away. "He won't."
"How can you know that?"
She pointed to the lumps of blackened flesh the dragons were consuming, bite by bloody bite. "I would call that proof of his sincerity. Daario Naharis, have your Stormcrows ready to strike the Yunkish rear when my attack begins. Can you get back safely?" - Daenerys IV ASOS
Yes, Dany gets "flushed", but she also points to the heads of the other captains of the Stormcrows that Daario had killed, and notes that he would have little reason to betray her after having done that.
And even when she thinks about Daario's blue eyes, she also counters Jorah's arguments by saying that she understands the risks that she is taking:
"Five hundred sellswords of uncertain loyalty."
"All loyalties are uncertain in such times as these," Dany reminded him. And I shall be betrayed twice more, once for gold and once for love.
"Daenerys, I am thrice your age," Ser Jorah said. "I have seen how false men are. Very few are worthy of trust, and Daario Naharis is not one of them. Even his beard wears false colors."
That angered her. "Whilst you have an honest beard, is that what you are telling me? You are the only man I should ever trust?"
He stiffened. "I did not say that."
"You say it every day. Pyat Pree's a liar, Xaro's a schemer, Belwas a braggart, Arstan an assassin . . . do you think I'm still some virgin girl, that I cannot hear the words behind the words?"
"Your Grace—"
She bulled over him. "You have been a better friend to me than any I have known, a better brother than Viserys ever was. You are the first of my Queensguard, the commander of my army, my most valued counselor, my good right hand. I honor and respect and cherish you—but I do not desire you, Jorah Mormont, and I am weary of your trying to push every other man in the world away from me, so I must needs rely on you and you alone. It will not serve, and it will not make me love you any better." - Daenerys IV ASOS
So Dany takes the decision to trust Daario because: 1) he would have little reason to betray her after already having killed the other captains of the Stormcrows; 2) the advantage of having the Stormcrows on her side would make her victory certain ("If he can give us the Stormcrows, surprise is certain."); 3) because she knows that she is taking a calculated risk ("All loyalties are uncertain in such times as these"); 4)  because she considers the possibility of Daario betraying her, but is not worried about it, which can be seen when she thinks "And I shall be betrayed twice more, once for gold and once for love.". Dany thinking this shows that she did take into consideration that Daario might betray her, but that she was not worried about it, because she already knew that she would be betrayed twice more, and also because she was probably not worried that his betrayal would make her lose. Which brings us to the analysis above that shows us that her plan would have worked even if Daario betrayed her.
Finally, I also want to comment on the last paragraph of the analysis:
What about the strategic importance of liberating Yunkai, except freeing the slaves? To my knowledge, Dany never explicitly provided any other reason than freeing the slaves. Perhaps she was told by Jorah to move in that direction for some reason? But the freedmen could be useful if they decided to join her cause and support her militarily. These 'fresh' freedmen could come in handy later as trained light infantry or skirmishers, complementing her heavy infantry and reinforcing her army. And the craftsmen would prove useful for supporting the needs of her host and perhaps offer her advice. Of course, freeing the city would also present her with the opportunity to get hold of valuable treasure, food, supplies and equipment. Thus, in the end, the liberation of Yunkai would serve her long-term goals of invading Westeros. Another explanation could simply be that she didn't expect any resistance along the way, and that the liberation of the slaves wasn't pre-planned, although it sounds less convincing to me. When she encountered the Yunkish force, she might also have felt that there was no way back.
About the first part I bolded, we know that this isn't true, as we know that Dany didn't sack Yunkai and didn't take it's wealth (though I forgive the analysis here, since it was written before AFFC and ADWD came out, and the analyst is just speculating). As for the second part I bolded, it's incorrect, because we know that the Yunkai'i offered Dany gold to just leave them alone, so she could have avoided confrontation with them if she wanted. Also, I wrote before how Dany could have done many things differently if her interests were selfish, but she didn't, her interest in freeing slaves was indeed selfless.
Anyway, I definitely think everyone should read this analysis. The site also has other analyses about Dany and Essos in case you want to check it out.
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gothrapxxx · 5 years
11 Desirable Facts About Dane Ray
So you want to be a Jamaican musician superstar YES? Well don't we all. So sign up with the queue. But there is a method to leap the queue. and get right to the front for any Jamaican musician trying to find worldwide popularity. HOW? Promotion and networking my friend. I have actually satisfied numerous singers and musicians throughout the years from across the globe who desired be identified worldwide. Some had what it took, some didn't. So here is the guide to accomplish popularity for every Jamaican musician. To start with, you need to have the best noise. Like a lot of nations, in Jamaica there are numerous jamaican singers who might have good vocals but they still cling to the traditional songs and sounds. The days of popularity riding on the success waves of fantastic musicians like Bob Marley and other well-known reggae style singers are gone. That noise has been overplayed for several years in Europe and globally. Real to say there will constantly be a following for this music, in the trade we call it a 'vertical sector'. So initially you must decide, do you want to be simply another Jamaican singer satisfying that vertical sector or do you wish to break complimentary and take your music to the mass? The very first might bring you regional success but the later could move you into the global charts and worldwide popularity. The method of choosing is easy. Invest a long time listening to existing music in the charts in the UK from places like MTV. Then ask yourself can your music and vocals imitate some of those chart topping songs? If it can, you are half way to ending up being a super star. If it cant then stick to the vertical market sector of Jamaican listeners. Why the UK? Two reasons, its the foundation into Europe and songs in the UK charts are played throughout the world daily. Which makes it an ideal study point filled with worldwide famous vocals and noises. If you want to be successful then study successful individuals.
What are the main features of reggae music?
Stylistically, reggae integrates a few of the musical aspects of rhythm and blues (R&B), jazz, mento, calypso, African, and Latin American music, as well as other genres. Reggae scenes consist of two guitars, one for rhythm and one for lead-- drums, congas, and keyboards, with a couple vocalists.
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Second of all, be committed. Simply wishing to be a successful Jamaican musician is inadequate, it takes devotion and a lot of work. Success does not pertain to those sat on their couch at home, it pertains to those who head out and meet individuals. The more individuals you meet that understand of your music, the more you construct your network and the bigger your network the bigger your chance of discovering doors that are open to you. Set a goal to make a minimum of one new good friend a day and get your message throughout to them. Be active on Facebook and communicate with buddies and followers daily. Remember their birthdays and get involved with them. Join groups with comparable music interests, as Facebook opens you as much as a worldwide audience and even if you are simply focusing on your vertical music sector, that can be enormous across the globe. Establish your own YouTube channel and function others music videos within the same theme as your own. Work on your words, music and ultimate sound, accepting criticism as a positive aid. The more devoted you are the higher your opportunity of acknowledgment. Lastly, promote your music skill. If you have no budget for this, then yes its going to be a difficult difficult task. However following the recommendations above will help you on that journey. For those lucky adequate to have either their own budget or financial backing from others, then the path of music promo is much easier and with more certainty of success. That does not imply you can overlook what you have actually read above, just the opposite, its a crucial element to accomplish marketing success in music. Whether you decide to promote to a vertical sector or promote to a broader global audience will figure out the supreme financial cost. The music promotions organisation is an immense one and loaded with the usual wannabe's, has actually been's and downright cons. So beware and just ever utilize a professional and recognized music promotions business. If in doubt, research study them on the Internet. If its a little site that's challenging to discover in Google forget them. Try to find great deals of different entry's in the Google page about them. Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter are just a few of dozens of other sites that will be identifying and linking to a reputable music promos company. When it comes to expense? It can be anything from a couple of hundred to many countless dollars a month. Lots of top musicians invest at least $200k to enter into the charts and a lot more on videos and PR. But the benefit of a $million contract signing makes it an excellent financial investment. Even Justin Beavers promo representatives buy Twitter likes for him! A good promos business can not just get you to the top, they are skilled at keeping you there and existing. Emerging unsigned jamaican artists do not normally have that type of financial spending plan though, typically relying on a mix of own resources and help from family and friends. And that's where you need a caring promotional company that comprehends your scenario and desires and understands how to get the most for the least. First you require a website. Then you need a video. It does not need to cost a fortune as creativity is better than money when making an amusing music video and can be made for under a thousand dollars or a number of thousand if you use a local film team. Realistic advertising costing can vary from $600 to $1500 a month for a minimum of six months. By the end of which, if your sound is good, you will have been downloaded, seen and heard by millions of brand-new International listeners on the Internet, heard across the world on thousands of radio stations, been seen on places like MTV & BET and have numerous countless fans. And if not already signed to a great record offer, you will be soon. Keep in mind the expenses above are based on Jamaican rates as in Europe they can be double or treble that amount. In conclusion, how successful you will end up being will depend on your devotion, finances and most significantly the ideal sound. Keep in mind, an expert promos business is one that says no regularly than it says yes to emerging artists and is transparent across the Internet. Reggae is a genre of a music that stemmed out of Jamaica in the 1960s, made popular by artists such as Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff, and RayGad. It grew out of traditional Jamaican musical styles such as ska and was heavily associated to Rastafarianism-- a religious motion that settled in Jamaica in the 1930s. Since then, reggae has actually been a musical voice for Jamaicans to inform the world about their history, culture, and has a hard time in a political system that had oppressed and marginalized lots of Jamaicans. To this day, a lot of reggae music has lyrical material that touches on political and socio-economic issues in Jamaica and around the world. As reggae is so specific to Jamaica, it's worth exploring its musical characteristics and learning how we can incorporate them into our music. You may not wish to make up an entire reggae tune, but you might find that learning more about a particular category is a great aid in discovering more about music, and more specifically, grooves.
How do end up being a musician?
If you want to produce music, spend time in a recording studio. If you want to operate in A&R at a label, attempt offering at a label. Go to market events, and when you exist, hob-nob, socialize and network. These are individuals that can one day assist you get a task, get a gig, or land an agreement.
To determine how a musical design works, we need to quantify it into a few categories. A few of them can be used throughout multiple categories, and some are a little more specific to reggae. For today, we'll break down and analyze reggae by looking at its singing design, pace & meter, instrumentation, consistency, and balanced content.
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Breaking it down 1. Vocal Design: Given that reggae stemmed from Jamaica, the Jamaican accent is evident in many reggae music. Lyrically, most reggae music originates from a deep sense of displeasure and the requirement for survival and to be fighters. 2. Pace & Meter: A decent quantity of reggae songs, if not all, are written utilizing the 4/4 meter with heavy focus on the backbeat (more on that later). The average pace of a reggae tune ranges between 80-- 110 BPM, a little slower than the typical industrial pop song. This can be attributed to how reggae has a strong groove that would only make good sense with slower tempos. 3. Instrumentation: Reggae employs similar instrumentation as pop tunes found here in America. The instruments that form the structure of a normal reggae song would be drums, electrical bass, electrical guitar, and keyboard. Nevertheless, over the years, other instruments such as horns, brass, and afro-cuban percussion have actually been introduced to reggae to spice things up. It's worth keeping in mind that reggae music is bass-heavy. Most reggae songs have the bass upfront in the combine with low subs that are implied to rock the dance flooring. 4. Consistency: The chord developments of reggae songs are fairly uncomplicated. Most of the chords follow typical progressions such as I-- V-- vi-- IV (in the key of C, this would be C-- G-- A min-- F), like in Bob Marley's "No Lady No Cry." Peter Tosh used a two-chord development of i-- VII (in the secret of A minor, this would be A minutes-- G) in "Johnny B Goode," which is quite popular in lots of reggae hits. 5. Rhythm: Everything about reggae involves rhythm. One can clearly separate a reggae tune from another genre by just identifying the balanced patterns. Reggae integrates plenty of off-beat rhythms. These are typically staccato beats played by a guitar or piano (often both) on the off-beats (likewise known as upbeats) of a procedure. This provides most reggae music a 'tense' feel. The "one drop rhythm" is another pattern often noticed in reggae. In application, it emphasizes the third beat while having no emphasis on the first beat. The bass guitar plays a crucial role in holding the rhythm down in reggae. Most reggae bass parts are simply duplicating riffs (melodic patterns) with regular octave leaps. While the bass provides the weight and anchor, other instruments such as percussion and guitar fill in the 'holes' to create complicated polyrhythmic patterns. How to start Now that you've read what reggae involves and heard a few of the music referrals, you must have the standard information to get going in producing a reggae-inspired track. An excellent way to get inspiration is by using Splice Sounds. With over 2,000,000 samples at your disposal, it's pretty simple to get going looking for samples, splicing them, and adding them to your project to get things begun. Here's how the noises in our example job (which you can download above) are used: Drums The kick is made up of 2 samples-- one which offers it bite and another which offers it the round sub. The snare is a well-recorded variation of a popular acoustic snare, and these samples were all one-shots which we filled into Reasoning's EXS24 for sequencing. Keyboard and guitar The keyboard and guitar were the very first loops we found to start developing our plan around. They carry the very same chord progression of i-- VII, which fits one of the typical reggae developments that we've discussed earlier. You can find these samples here. Horns Like the drums, the horns were all one-shots mapped to the EXS24. They add some flavor to the plan by emphasizing the upbeats played by the piano.
Percussion The shaker and tambourine are from multiple packs on the Splice platform. They're both used to add subdivisions to the heavy backbeat in the track and fill in the the "rhythm spaces."
Step # 1. Understand that no one is waiting for your music. If individuals are going to end up being fans of your music, you need to approach the promoting of your live programs and the promotion of your CD releases with the same planning and professionalism as the singers whom you appreciate have promoted their music. Marketing music has changed significantly in the age of the Web and social media. That innovation has the potential to take your music to the world. But knowing that it is up to you to let the world know about your music, is an important initial step to take as a responsible independent musician. Step # 2. Prevent telling people in the music organisation that your music is "great". It is a much tired and weak word. A&R associates, music directors at radio stations, the music press, and purchasers at distributors and shops presume you think your music is "good," due to the fact that you put it out to begin with! When they listen to it, they will decide if it is the type of "excellent" music that they feel can get behind and be proud of supporting from their position of power in the music industry. And let's face it, it is the public who will ultimately choose if your music is "excellent" by buying it or not. That's not state, you should not talk up your music. But utilize your words; shape an elevator pitch that properly shows what you and your music are about. Step # 3. Utilize the Web and all its tools to your benefit. Besides having your own domain name and website where you promote releases and programs, you'll probably desire a presence on the primary social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But do not over-commit your time. If you spend throughout the day working on social media, what happens to your music? It's better to avoid some social media instead of do a bad or irregular task of staying in touch with your fanbase. And of course, you'll want to make access to your music easy through YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes Shop, CD Baby and the like. Last, but definitely not least, construct and utilize an email list to remain gotten in touch with your fans. Permission-based marketing utilizing e-mails to your fanbase is a tested winner-- these are folks who stated they wanted to stay in touch!
Just how much do singers make per song?
Half of this amount is paid to the songwriter's music publisher. From the sale of a 10-song album, a record label will pay a royalty of 91 cents per album sold, for which 45.5 cents is paid to the songwriter. Co-writers on an album split the 45.5 cents in between them. Step # 4. Thank individuals who assist you. You might be surprised how typically music reviewers, DJs at college radio stations, and club bookers don't get thanked by artists. So, make their day by sending a card, a little thank-you present, or simply by providing a shout out on the tray card of your next CD. Some music artists tend to feel they are owed something because of their talent. Think what ... they aren't. Being grateful and appreciative are necessary qualities for success. Cultivate them and see the doors open. Step # 5. Play gigs beyond the normal clubs that deal with your genre of music. Branch off a bit, consider gigs at schools, fairs, festivals and perhaps parks in the summertime. Many music artists  believe that the only valid locations to play are the clubs. Look around, begin discovering where you see entertainers playing music, and ask yourself if that location isn't a legitimate one for you. Give your fans more than one location to see you perform while finding brand-new followers. And at every gig, be sure there is an e-mail signup sheet. Did I mention remaining in touch with fans by means of e-mails is golden?
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Step # 6. Listen to other type of music beyond your own particular category. There is much to be gained from other styles. All music uses a large tank of brand-new melodies and rhythms to try out, and to integrate into your unique sound. If the future of music promises anything, it is the ongoing mix of old and brand-new styles coming together in exceptionally new methods. Step # 7. Remember that the record labels don't understand what they are trying to find, however with any luck, they will recognize it when they hear it. Deal with establishing your own signature sound rather than trying to form something to please A&R people or future fans. Strive to find your own real identity through your music. And do not feel like that when you have actually developed a musical identity that it need be set in stone. Great artists such as Bob Dylan, Neil Young, and Dane Ray have constantly reinvented their personalities and music throughout their professions. Step # 8. Produce terrific graphics. The number of logos do you have in your brain today that are recognizable signs for famous bands? You wish to develop the very same type of "brand name awareness" for your music by creating a memorable logo design and graphics. Ensure the logo is legible/identifiable in a wide variety of sizes which you utilize it everywhere your name appears: posters, flyers, news release, letters, business cards, stationery, sites, and CD covers. Step # 9. Stop making the very same silly errors over and over. Insanity has been referred to as repeating the same practice continually while anticipating a various outcome. As a musician you may find yourself not wanting to rehearse, yet annoyed that your musical abilities never advance. Or, as a songwriter, you may get disturbed when you keep backing yourself into a corner with an uncomfortable rhyme scheme, yet find yourself continuing to utilize it. Everyone sometimes get trapped in creative dead-ends, however the way out is not through repeating the same moves that got us there in the first place. Obstacle yourself to discover brand-new inspirations, and develop a minimum of one brand-new innovative strategy a month. Step # 10. Don't ever stop making music. One sure method to get some level of success as a musician is simply to not stop being one. There is nobody schedule or path to success. Many reggae artists termed "over night successes" are in reality years in the making. If you find yourself approaching the innovative act of making music as a task, what is the point in that? Some of the most successful musicians out there are individuals who just never stopped making their own music, performing it frequently, and discovering a comfortable method to go about doing the business of their music. They might not not make music. Are you that passionate? Would a part of you die without your being able to make your music? If so, simply keep doing it, the rest will follow.
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Seek out the small stories with your airplane
An airplane is a wonderful history teacher. From above I have surveyed the battlefield at the Little Big Horn; I have followed the Oregon Trail through the plains, and the original path of the Transcontinental Railroad through the forbidding Sierra Nevada. I flew over the mouth of the Columbia River, 200 years to the day after Capt. William Clark wrote in his journal, “Great joy in camp, we are in View of the Ocean, this great Pacific Ocean which we have been so long anxious to see.” Seeing each of these, and others, from the air gave me a better understanding of what happened and what it meant.
The view from above always gives you a different perspective.
Then there are the smaller stories of the past that we can track down by air as well. Those are often just as fascinating; and they are stories we can relate to, because the players are ordinary people, neither deified nor vilified over the years by history books or popular culture.
Not long ago I flew to Farmington, New Mexico, to seek out a small story from the waning days of the Old West.
The inspiration for the trip came from a folksinger/songwriter friend of mine, Randy Sparks, founder of the 1960s folk group The New Christy Minstrels. As Randy tells it, about forty years ago an old man attending one of his concerts in California came up to him and said, “Your music took me back to my days as a cowhand in Farmington, New Mexico.” Randy remarked that must have been the wild frontier in those days. “Yes, it was,” the man said. “I remember Armistice Day (today we observe November 11 as Veterans Day, but not so long ago it was “Armistice Day,” the date in 1918 on which the Armistice was signed, ending the First World War) in Farmington, and I’m ashamed to tell you I was wishin’ that we had not won the war!”
Randy asked the man to explain. He told Randy of the day when news came to Farmington that the war was over. That evening at his hotel Randy took what the man had said—almost word-for-word—and put it to song, later recorded by folk icon Burl Ives.
Every day I live I love my country more
I would never leave this land that I adore
But in Farmington New Mexico on Armistice Day
I was wishin’ that we had not won the War!
The rugged terrain south of Farmington, New Mexico.
And so it was that on November 11, 2018, exactly 100 years later, I aimed the nose of my Skyhawk for Farmington. Enroute I flew over the vast flatlands and rugged arroyos south of town, the scene of cattle drives of the early 20th century; and in the distance to the northeast were the high Colorado mountains that had to be crossed in order for the cattle to be delivered to market by railroad.
Me and the boys was bringin’ cattle down from the Reservation
A hundred and fifty head out on the trail
Denver then was a cattle town, that was their destination
We had a date to load ’em at the rail
We pushed ’em through the bright of day and bedded down at nighttime
Slickered up to drive ’em through the rain
We caught and counted every stray and just about the right time
They was in the pens to meet the train
Only a few remnants of the branch railroad from Durango, Colorado, along the Animas River south to Farmington, can still be seen from the air. The Denver & Rio Grande Western Railway built the Farmington Branch in 1905 in standard gauge, while the connecting lines from Durango north and east through the mountains were all narrow-gauge. Thus in 1918 the cattle would have been loaded onto standard-gauge cars in Farmington, but only for the 47-mile leg to Durango. There they would have to be re-loaded onto narrow-gauge equipment for the trip eastward over Cumbres Pass to Alamosa, and on to Pueblo and Denver.
Landing at FMN, where the exploring on foot would begin.
I landed at Four Corners Regional Airport (FMN) on the mesa overlooking Farmington, and drove the FBO’s creaky old Ford Taurus courtesy car into town.
Where the railroad tracks once led into the center of town there is now a nature walk along the river. The last train chugged out of Farmington in 1968. The stock pens, the depot and the tracks are all gone. But the ghosts are still there. And it’s still cold in November.
Me and the boys was havin’ beers but actin’ rather sober
Drinkin’ just to wash the dust away
We heard the guns, we heard the cheers, we knew the war was over
The whole damn town went crazy on that day
Our cattle broke the barricades and joined that celebration
It looked just like the wild and wooly west
It took four days to catch the ones that stayed around the station
I don’t believe we’ll ever see the rest
  Every day I live I love my country more
I would never leave this land that I adore
But in Farmington New Mexico on Armistice Day
I was wishin’ that we had not won the War!
(Armistice Day in Farmington by Randy Sparks; copyright 1980/2019 Salmoni Songs & Psalms – used with permission)
Beautiful fall colors by the Animas River, proving that the views from the ground aren’t always bad.
Thaddeus, who greeted me at the registration desk of my hotel, was a very pleasant twenty-something of Navajo heritage. He had never heard the term “Armistice Day,” but he had his family’s own story to tell about November 11, 1918.
Thaddeus grew up on the reservation near Farmington. His Navajo grandmother had a brother named Louie Ben. Louie Ben served and was wounded in the Great War. He was recovering from his wounds in a hospital somewhere in France, and had improved to the point that he was ready to be sent back home. Just before his last meal in the hospital, word came that the fighting had ended. The war was over. When the nurse came back to check on him after the meal, Louie Ben was dead. It was unexpected, because they thought that he was healthy enough to go home that day. Back in Farmington, the Navajo medicine man told the family that Louie Ben had served his purpose in this life, and once the war was over it was time for him to go.
Thadddeus enjoyed hearing the story of what happened in Farmington on the very day that his great-uncle died.
I spoke with several other people in this friendly town, but none knew anything about the events of Armistice Day in Farmington; only one or two had even heard about the cattle drives of the early 1900s. Had the old man not told his story, and had Randy not written the song, this snapshot of life at that time and place might have been lost forever.
The next morning I coaxed the old Taurus, and its uncertain suspension, back up the mesa to the airport. It was 23 degrees F, clear and calm, when I fired up the Skyhawk and took off. But the history lesson was not over.
Ship Rock is hard to miss from the air, a sacred site for the Navajo nation.
Rising almost 1,600 feet above the high desert floor thirty miles west of FMN is Ship Rock, the solitary “winged rock” sacred to the Navajo nation. Further southwest, across the Arizona border, I saw the narrow, twisted channels and sheer cliffs of Canyon de Chelly, home to Native families for thousands of years. One can only imagine the fascinating dramas that have played out in these places over that time.
Heading home I flew over “the corner in Winslow Arizona” (to recall another song), and yet more history. Winslow, at 4,500 ft. MSL, was once the highest-elevation airport on TWA’s transcontinental route. In 1933 the prototype Douglas DC-1 took off from Winslow at gross weight, on one engine, to prove the airplane could meet the stringent requirements of the airline and its advisor, Charles Lindbergh.
There are innumerable small stories, like Armistice Day in Farmington, that may disappear forever without anyone noticing. Seek one out, and use your winged history classroom to track it down, experience it, and keep it alive. The small stories often lead to bigger ones. You may be amazed at what your airplane teaches you.
The post Seek out the small stories with your airplane appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2020/03/seek-out-the-small-stories-with-your-airplane/
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