#ive turned her into more of a show dog since this photo was taken
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abirddogmoment · 7 months ago
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everyone say "rory championship points weekend"
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randomoranges · 4 years ago
these always sound better in my head when i day dream. anyways - again more of an intro ish to this sequence ive had in mind for a while. also something something when youre comfs around someone so something something teasing and something something it being easy etc.
is this also an excuse to lowkey write about the playoffs, étienne being extra and the magical mystical beard? probably. 
Bleu comme le St-Laurent
 July 3rd 2021
They’d agreed, before his visit, that it would be easier and simpler if he simply took a cab over from the airport, all things considered. Mostly, he’d had to convince Étienne and in the end, his boyfriend had abdicated and agreed to wait for him at home. It meant that he was only a little bit nervous as the cab got closer and closer to Étienne’s place and that the butterflies in his stomach multiplied at every turn.
 It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see Étienne, but it always felt a little stilted those first few moments after not seeing each other for a bit. Or – at least, it had been before. For as much as he wanted to cherish the time he had with Étienne, especially knowing that it was limited, it always made him take a step back when he saw Étienne again, as if seeing him in person was always slightly to the left of how his brain remembered him.
 And then, even though they hadn’t seen each other in a little over two months, it somehow still felt like a lifetime. So much had changed and happened since Étienne had returned home that it could have been decades since he’d last held him in his arms and it would have been the same. Still, he supposed that a little over two months was nothing, in the grand scheme of things, and this time around, they had been in contact practically every day, via either text messages or video chats.
 However, those did nothing compared to being able to hold Étienne in his arms.
 “On est arrivé,” The driver said and effectively got Edward out of his reverie. He braced himself for whatever version of Étienne would greet him, paid the driver, got out of the cab, and retrieved his bags, before taking a deep breath. It was blissfully, unexpectedly cool out today and it was a pleasant change from the heat wave he’d suffered the past week.
 He took out his phone to send a message to his boyfriend to let him know he was there, when he finally noticed, and heard, Étienne descend the few stairs from his front door to run up to him.
 “Eddy!” He practically shouted as he approached him. Edward was taken by surprise – by Étienne’s energy, by his unexpected appearance, as though he’d been waiting on the front steps and of course – by his majestic beard.
 It was one thing seeing it in photos and videos – another one seeing it in person.
 Étienne stopped short a few paces away from him, wide smile on his face, excitement bubbling on the surface and did his utmost best not to rocket launch himself in Edward’s arms. If anything, Edward was surprised he’d managed to show this much restraint and then put down his carry-on to take a step forward and open up his arms, waiting for the impact.
 It was all the invitation Étienne needed and soon, Edward found himself with an armful of excited Étienne giving him the tightest of hugs and – how he’d missed this.
 “I can’t believe you’re here!” Étienne said, moments and maybe hours later, as he pulled back a few inches to look him in the face.
 Edward smiled kindly at him and let himself be held for a moment longer. He’d said it once and he’d say it again, but spring and summer truly suited Étienne. He looked – invigorated and healthy and happy and it was such a pleasant change from last time that it settled some anxious part of him that had been worried for him.
 Then of course, there was Étienne’s beard. It was well past his chin now and curled in thick coarse hair that felt blissful on his skin.
 “And look at you!” He said, finally, finally daring to bring a hand up to his boyfriend’s face and finally, finally getting a chance to touch it.
 Étienne crinkled his nose and Edward laughed, “I had forgotten all the things I don’t like about the beard, but I am also quite excited to still have one.” He beamed at that and Edward couldn’t say he hadn’t noticed. It would have been hard not to.
 Just in Étienne’s front window, he saw one Habs flag next to another flag with a giant Stanley Cup and all the years the Habs had won written in the white space on both sides. Then, of course, there was the other flag hanging from the front, swaying with the breeze. There wasn’t even a game today and Étienne was still wearing one of his multiple Habs themed t-shirts. Edward couldn’t say he blamed him – it had been twenty-eight years and there was nothing quite like a final playoff rush.
 “Y’know, for someone who can actually grow a beard, I’m surprised you never had a phase.”
 Étienne let him go to pick up his suitcase and started heading towards his front door, “My phases were and always will be during the playoffs. Too much maintenance, too much trouble, and too much blegh.” He grimaced at that and opened up the door, while Edward laughed at his antics. “Anyways, I’ll go put your stuff in the bedroom and I’ll let you get reacquainted with Mercury – I swear she’s missed you.”
 Just as he opened the door, Mercury came barrelling down to see who it could possibly be and when she saw Edward, she went right for him, barking excitedly. Truth be told, he had also missed her incredibly – and not just because he loved dogs in general. Plus, there was also the fact that he had spent most of her first year of life with her.
 As Mercury licked his face and tried her best to tackle him to the ground in her excitement, Edward noticed the new decorations to Étienne’s place. He had forgotten just how much paraphernalia Étienne had of his beloved Habs and it seemed as though every last item had been brought out to be displayed. There were trinkets and figurines on every last piece of furniture, framed photos had been put up on the walls and every other household item that came themed in something Habs was there. Then again, Étienne had been a fan of them since day one and it was easy to collect memorabilia when one  lived as long as they did and had a team with such history and clout.
 “Sorry about that; I forgot how excited she gets,” Étienne said as he returned to the entrance, “Mercury, ça suffit. Laisse-le tranquile.” Surprisingly, Mercury stepped back with a whine and then trotted back to her master’s side. Étienne scratched her behind the ears and she then returned to see Edward, but was calmer.
 “Hey you,” Étienne added as he walked over to Edward and gently pulled him in for a softer hug of his own. Now that they were behind closed doors, ensconced safely in Étienne’s home, Edward had no qualms in greeting him properly with a first kiss of many.
 “Nice décor,” He teased gently when they pulled away for a moment.
 “Excuse-toi; I am simply celebrating this magical run no one literally saw coming for as long as I can.”
 Edward grinned, endeared by the way Étienne’s crinkled his nose and the way he frowned at him, as if vexed and insulted. He’d missed this – missed this side of Étienne who went all in for his team – or for something he enjoyed. Missed his over-the top attitude towards the things he loved. Missed being held by him.
 “I know, Sweetheart.”
 Étienne’s face softened at the pet name and he leaned in for another kiss, which Edward was more than happy to indulge in.
 “Missed you,” Étienne murmured from the crook of Edward’s neck.
 The hairs from his beard both tickled and thrilled him and not for the first time, he realised just how very long it had been.
 “Missed you more.” He added, making his boyfriend chuckle softly.
 “Maybe, but not all of us have a second boyfriend we can go to when the first one goes back home,” Étienne pressed another kiss to Edward’s neck and the scrape of his beard against his skin sent shivers down his spine.
 “And when has that ever even stopped you before from going after anyone you wanted?”
 “There’s a plague running rampant, Edward, I wasn’t about to hook up during a Global Pandemic,” He chided and looked up to his face – all serious like. Edward couldn’t tell if he was teasing him or not, but he was somewhat still surprised by what Étienne had just told him.
 “You mean you haven’t – not even once hooked up with anyone since you left Edmonton?”
 “Non; I wasn’t going to take any chances,” He admitted and – Edward was really impressed.
 “Well, in that case then, it’s a good thing I’m here – I can help remedy that,” He grinned, tugging on Étienne’s shirt a little.
 “That sounds like a really good plan. I also have it on good authority that you seem to have a thing for this new look of mine so - lucky us we have a full weekend of catching up before the game on Monday.”
 Normally, Edward would have had the decency to look flushed, but that was the old him. “You got me on that, so why don’t you lead the way and we can take care of that as well?”
 Étienne laughed and took his hand, before doing just that.
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angelruel · 5 years ago
vintage pt.2
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      summary: the reader gets into an accident which causes her to lose her memory. as Ruel begins to rebuild their relationship and recall the good memories between them, some bad ones are restored as well and might threaten their future. 
Word Count: 4.4 k (kind of long, oops)
       “Soooo what’s my favorite color?”
       “Easy. Blue,” he retorted while reaching over to fill in a space on the tic tac toe board that Y/N had drawn on her empty lap desk. He was the x’s and she played the o’s. It was a bit difficult for Ruel to pretend to not know all of her tricks she played in this game, but he was a very convincing loser. She had also taken the opportunity of his return to test him on some trivia of her personal likes and dislikes. 
       “Okay, here’s a good one,” she said as she filled the left hand corner on the board with a perfect circle. Ruel learned a long time ago that her strategy was to fill two corners and the center spot of the board in order to have an upper hand on winning. He watched her play the same way over again. Ruel admired her predictability and he almost felt confident enough that her tic tac toe skills returning would somehow correlate to her feelings for him to return as well.
       “Well finally a good one. Lay it on me.” He gave her his signature soft smile that he always grants her when he’s being his sweetest version of a boyfriend.
       “What’s my favorite song? Or, at least one of my favorite songs.”
       Ruel scrunches up his nose in thought, “hmmm. I’m gonna need a little more context, bub.”
       “Okay so maybe my favorite song I like to hear on a road trip. Something that gets me energized.” Ruel found it funny that she was reaching for more and more clues to jog her memory. They both knew that couldn’t she remember the last road trip she’d been on, or any of them for that matter. He was proud that she was at least in a more positive mood about not remembering things. 
       “Wait a Minute! by Willow Smith. There’s one.”
       Y/N’s happy expression dropped to a confused one. 
       “Huh? I don’t listen to Willow Smith.”
       They both just sat there for a while. There was still an apparent wall that Y/N had built up to secure herself from being hurt by Ruel since she barely knew him. 
       But the truth was that she barely knew herself.
       “Well, I guess I did listen to her music,” she dropped her head down. “I guess I just can’t remember it.” 
       Ruel used the sleeve of his sweater to wipe off the marker drawings on Y/N’s desk tray so that he could lean over it to hold her hands.
       “Hey, how about we do something else? I brought back some stuff like you asked me for.” She looked up and gave him a soft smile when he let go of her hands to grab a blue shoebox from the floor.
       “Oh, you brought gifts! Yay!” she exclaimed while clapping her dainty hands over and over. He sat the box in front of her lap on the hospital tray and she stared at it for a minute. One of the things she did remember was that blue was her favorite color. And after having a few conversations with Ruel, she discovered that his was brown. So, she assumed that the color of the box was a little nod to her. She thought that was really sweet.
       “You can go ahead,” he encouraged her. “If you have any questions, just ask.”
       She hesitated to lift the flimsy lid from the top. Partly because she was afraid that seeing the contents wouldn’t help jog her memories at all, and also because she was still pretty weak from the constant dosage of pain meds she’d grown accustomed to. 
       The first things to come out of the box were some polaroids and a bunch of little papers she grabbed that were grouped together. One of the polaroids showed a group photo in front of a campfire with little writing at the bottom that said ‘new years 2020.’ There were some post-it notes with little messages written on them in pencil. They were fading but Y/N could still make out what they said. It was a girl’s handwriting, and there was a little drawing of a pond? Or maybe a lake. 
i drew you a pond since you wanna act like a silly goose all the time. bitch.
       There was another one filled with words instead of a cute drawing, and she assumed this one was a serious matter.
hi, love. i left to go watch the sunrise with coco around 4 am-ish. you probably would’ve wanted to join us, but you look so peaceful when you’re sleeping. and coco said that you’ve been smothering me lately and encouraged me to sneak out. anyways, i’ll probably be back before you see this, but just in case i’m not, don’t call the cops. okay that’s all. in case i never return, i love you. 
                -y/n (under the heavy influence of stella)
       Ruel chimed in to explain. “Yeah, you used to leave me little notes like that sometimes instead of texting like a normal person.” 
       “And you kept them?”
       “Of course I did. I’m not a monster.” He joked and she playfully hit his chest with the stack of notes. Ruel scooted his chair closer to the side of Y/N’s bed and leaned in. “Lets see what else we got in here.”
       There were movie tickets, receipts from restaurants, and even old wristbands from festivals. 
       “Is this what you meant when you said I grow attached to material things?” She laughed on the outside but in reality, Y/N was so infatuated in the idea that a boy would keep a box of things that reminded him of her and their relationship. 
       “Ha yeah, I guess it kind of rubbed off on me after a while.” Ruel reached his hand into the box as well and pulled out a little beaded bracelet. It had a simple pattern of ocean blue and brown wooden beads. He played with it in between his fingers.
       “I remember this. Your cousin made it for us when you brought me to Thanksgiving. She kept running back and forth asking us what our favorite colors were. It was so cute. And she said we had to share it,” he reminisced. 
       He gave her the bracelet which she carefully placed on the wrist that wasn’t connected to an IV. There were mostly pictures in the box. Pictures of Y/N and Ruel in different settings: kissing, posing next to venue signs with his name on it, cooking, etc. She picked up one of the pictures and examined it carefully. 
       “I remember this,” she said in a nonchalant matter. Ruel looked up at her, then back at the picture in her hand.
       “You do?” 
       “Yeah, I remember that whole trip. That was a fun trip. Hmm.” She hummed to herself in bliss with a grin on her face. 
       “Tell me about it,” he grinned back at her. “What do you remember?” She looked down for a while. It was almost like the times they spent together were in secret, and too precious to share with anyone else. She felt a deep connection to someone-whoever it was to make her feel such strong emotions in just the echos of the times they spent together. Y/N began longing for the person who made her experience this type of fondness. The person she was looking for was right in front of her. Why was she holding back?
       “Okay, how do I say this,” Y/N’s hand snaked up to her head to rake through her hair as she paced in deep thought. She took in a deep breath and turned around to look at him sitting in the hospital chair across the room.
       “I-I want this to be special. I mean, you’ve been so patient and considerate with me. You haven’t tried to rush me into anything at all. But I see the way you look when you think I’m not paying attention. You’re hurting, and I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to finally give in. Well not, finally give in, but. You know, you know what I’m trying to say right?” She used every ounce of energy she had to walk across the room to face him. She picked him up and brought his face close to hers. 
       “I’m trying to tell you that I love you,” she whispered and smiled softly. Before she could say anything else, Y/N heard the doorknob rattle in desperation to open it. 
       She quickly threw the teddy bear back into the chair and tried to pretend that she was doing anything else. 
       Ruel leaned into the door frame and struggled to keep his balance as he carried a Taco Bell bag and two drinks in his hands. 
       “Oh, let me help you with that,” Y/N rushed over to him to grab the drinks and his eyes grew in shock.
       “Well, it’s nice to see you up and moving so much. The doctor was right, you really have been getting stronger every day.” Y/N smiled up at him with pride as they both settled the food onto her desk. “So, have you heard anything yet?” 
       “Anything about what,” Y/N mumbled in between taking bites of her soft taco. She knew exactly what he was referring to, though.
       “Oh, you know. Like when are you gonna get out of this place? I mean, with the way you’re up and walking now,” he brought his free hand up to rest on the back of her neck as he examined her face with concerned eyes. “It’s been, what, four weeks now? They said four to six weeks, but by the looks of it, you’re healing up really well. You’ve done so good lately.”
       She mouthed ‘thank you’ and gave him another wide smile. Y/N was happy that he was proud of her progress. He played a big part of her growth, though. Through the discomfort and the multiple procedures she had to undergo, Ruel was always there at the side of her bed to rely on. Whether she was up at 4 am crying because she couldn’t remember the names of her dogs or freaking out in excitement after being able to stand up on her own, he was there for it all.
       And as her strength developed each day, so did her trust and love for him. She assumed that it wasn’t the same as their previous relationship, but it was more than enough to keep them happy. He would always tell her that he loved her, but she didn’t say it back. He told her it was fine, that he knew she didn’t really know who he was and he wouldn’t hold it against her. But in return, he needed for her to accept that he still loved her as much as he did before the accident and to be okay with him loving her even if it meant that she couldn’t love him equally back for a while. 
       But after spending so much time with him, Ruel was hardly a stranger to Y/N anymore. He was a friend, a very understanding and attractive friend. She couldn’t ignore the burning sensation she felt deep in her stomach when he would cuddle up close to her on the bed during their movie nights. She couldn’t ignore the desire or the comfort she felt for him any time that he was around (which was very often because Ruel was always around). He told her that he would wait for her, that she should take her time to decide if she wanted to continue their relationship whenever she was ready. He told her that she’d just gone through a major trauma and that she needed to focus on getting better. He said he would wait for her, but a part of her feared that he was only saying this to make her feel better. She feared that he had already accepted that they were just friends, that maybe he’d already began a new romance with some skinny long-haired girl in Sydney and he was just waiting for Y/N to get her strength back so that he could go home to her. 
       “Okay, well I have to tell you something,” she finally came out with. Ruel sat up straight in his chair to give her his full attention. His eyes were fixated on her face and his hands rested in his lap. She found herself lost in thought trying to remember what she wanted to tell him but she couldn’t focus on anything but his beauty. 
       “Did they already tell you whether you’re going home or not?” he laughed a little as he went to grab his drink off of the desk. “Did I miss it when I went to get lunch?” He used the side of his jeans to wipe the water that got on his hand from the cup. His huge hand. The same huge hand that he then used to move the long strands of hair out of his face. He’d previously told her that she did not like the long hair look on him and always encouraged him to get haircuts and shave. In the moment, Y/N couldn’t figure out why the hell anyone would ever encourage him to change his appearance when he looked like that. The long hair and mustache gave him a much more mature look in comparison to the old pictures and videos she would look at of him. She couldn’t understand why anyone would want to cut the hair that she so desperately wanted to run her fingers through. She quickly snapped out of it and shut her eyes so she couldn’t look at the beautiful boy in front of her.
       “I really do have to tell you something,” she started and stopped because she was nervous. With her eyes still closed, she felt Ruel’s hand grab hers.
       “What’s going on, why are you acting so weird?” he let out a nervous laugh and Y/N realized that he was probably feeling the same anxiety as her in the moment. She knew that someone had to be the confident one in this scenario, and she decided that it would be her. She took one last deep breath and let go of it.
       “Do you remember what I told you when I first told you I loved you?”
       “Yes,” he laughed again, “Do you want me to tell you the story again?” She nodded quickly in a child-like manner and looked at him in adoration.
       “It was a little after a month of us dating and I’d just taken you home after we went out driving and just hanging out. I was almost back in the car when I saw you run out of the house, barefoot, yelling at me to wait.” Y/N laughed a little and felt the tension between the two of them begin to melt away. 
       “And then what did I do?”
       “You went into this whole speech about how you felt and how you were very scared to be vulnerable because you were afraid of being hurt. And then you said something that I’d never forget,” he looked up at the ceiling as if the answers were written on the tiles, “you told me that the fear you felt only grew as you fell more in love with me. You said you thought that it would never go away, but you didn’t want it to stop you from embracing the happiness you felt when you were with me. And then you told me you loved me, and that you were scared of me. You said that I made you wanna jump into the fear rather than run away from it. You said you knew that you loved me as soon as you felt scared. Because you knew you had found something worth cherishing. And if it ever went away, you didn’t think you’d survive it.” He looked down. After saying all of that, it still seemed like there was something he was missing. He looked as if he didn’t manage to not break her heart. He was scared too.
       “Ruel?” Y/N let her hands relax and gripped onto his tighter. 
       “I’m scared.” She began to fiddle with his long digits and almost felt hesitation to do anything next.
       “What are you afraid of-” he began, but was interrupted by the connection of her lips onto his. He freed his hand and rose it up to the back of her neck so he could deepen the kiss. They kissed again, and again. They kissed until their faces were red and she broke away for a moment to catch her breath. She smiled at him and he looked back at her in disbelief. 
       “I love you. I really do, Ruel. And I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long but I don’t want to be just friends. I want you in my life like you used to be,” her eyes dropped to her lap and her expression changed, “before everything got so fucked up.”
       He grabbed her face again and began to pepper it with kisses. At this point, Ruel was halfway onto her bed. She brought up her dainty hands to cup his face and she gently pulled away again. Ruel hitched a rushed breath out as he pouted in confusion as to why she pulled away. 
       “Oh yeah, I’m going home today.” She smiled with her teeth and he laughed in pure bliss before grabbing her face again.
       The boxes piled in the middle of the living room all started to disappear one by one. Y/N watched in awe as Ruel picked up every box and placed it in its proper area. Her legs swung back and forth in boredom while she waited on top of the kitchen counter where Ruel had placed her since she refused to wear shoes on the trip to her apartment.
       “You’re such a good slave,” she told him in a sweet tone as her eyes followed him across the area. He shook his head, barely giving her an ounce of the attention she practically begged for, and continued moving things around. 
        “Honey are you sure you’re gonna be okay on your own like this? You can stay back home a little longer if you’d like,” Y/N’s mother remarked. She looked at her daughter with concern.
        “I’m not alone, I have Ruel. And besides, I’ve already left the nest once before. I should be fine.”
        “Well I guess I’ll be on my way home now. Call me if you need anything. Anything.” Y/N pecked a kiss on her cheek and guided her mom outside.
        By the time she got back into the apartment, the living room was clear of boxes and she moved down the hall in search of her boyfriend. She found Ruel in her bedroom on the edge of the bed hunched over his phone. 
        “What’s so interesting?” She sat down beside him and rested her chin on his shoulder. Once she realized what he was watching, she pulled out one of his airpods so she could listen in. It was from her Youtube channel she started a few months ago. She had faint memories of vlogging herself doing normal things like grocery shopping or going to her brother’s football games. She’d only looked at a few of her storytime videos, including the one where she details how she met Ruel. This was a video she hadn’t seen before, though. It was of her and Ruel together in some resort. It looked like they were on vacation and he explained to her that they were in Amsterdam for some music festival and had decided to make an entire trip out of it since it was so close to their anniversary. They’d coordinated matching outfits for the first weekend and were posing in front of the bathroom mirror together like lovesick idiots.
        “Damn, I’m so jealous of us.”
        Ruel let out a low chuckle at her and skipped through the parts she’d recorded of his performance.
        “Yeah, most people are.” He fast forwarded to a portion of the video after they returned to the hotel. Ruel was in the shower and Y/N was laying on the bed, recently showered, detailing all of the ways she was proud of her boyfriend. He laughed when she poked fun of how he forgot his own lyrics on stage.
        “Well that was almost cute,” he added and locked the phone.
        “Hey, it’s still pretty cute,” she laughed, “You can’t be mad at me for telling the truth, babe.”
        “Babe, huh?” he questioned as he turned to face her.
        “What, is that weird? Or too soon? I mean, you call me ‘bubs’ and ‘love’ all the time,” she looked down and played with the details of her jeans.
        “It’s adorable. I love it. And I love you,” he reassured her as he cupped her face and pulled it in for a puffy kiss. She kissed him back, this time with more dominance. Y/N kissed Ruel like there was a pot of gold hidden somewhere in his mouth that she was determined to get.
        Ruel matched her energy right away. He kissed her back and gripped the back of her neck to guide her face closer into his. They adorned each other with open mouths and full hearts. As they continued, Y/N felt the urge to go further and further with him, exploring his body and getting to know him on a more intimate level. They were so good at making out, it seemed like they’d done it a thousand times before. It felt like she was kissing a lover from a different lifetime, like she’d replayed scenarios over and over which all ended with her loving him. She couldn’t remember ever doing this with him before, but her body remembered. Everything with Ruel came with such ease. Every time he touched her body, she was overcome with euphoria and only craved more. She craved being closer to him, kissing him deeper.
        “Mmm, take this off please,” she tugged on his shirt and he quickly pulled it off before resuming his actions. Y/N felt herself falling into an intoxicated state as she moaned against his mouth. He responded to her by wrapping his hand around her thigh and pulling it closer against him. They both began to move in sync with each other, both giving and taking as their bodies danced a routine they knew too well. Y/N was so distracted by Ruel that she didn’t even hear her mother walk back in through the front door. She only whined when he pulled his face away from hers.
        “Why’dyoustop,” she breathed out. She was out of breath and watched him with puppy dog eyes as he stood up.
        “Your mom is back,” he stated flatly. He was clearly out of breath too and he was trying to calm himself down so he could see what was going on in the front.
       “...so?” she gave him a blank stare and patted on his side of the bed to join her again, “she can let herself out.”
       “Don’t worry, bubs. We’ve got time,” he chuckled to himself and pulled his shirt back on over his head. Y/N sighed and jumped from her side of the bed to join Ruel in the living room.
       “I’m sorry, hun. I forgot the most important box: your things from the hospital.” Y/N’s mother placed a small box on the counter and tapped the top of it lightly, “This is what you had on you when the crash happened. There’s not much in there, just the clothes you were wearing, your wallet, your phone,”
       “My phone?” Her eyes perked up. So did Ruel’s. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. I bet there’s a bunch of clues in there to help jog my memory,” she picked up the box and skipped down the hallway to drop it off. 
       “I’m pretty sure it’s dead, so you’ll have to find a charger for it. You probably have the same kind.” Her mom gestured towards Ruel, who looked like he’d just seen a ghost. His eyes were fixated in thought, emotionless and dazed in a trance.
        “Huh? Oh yeah, probably. Sure.” He snapped out of his guilty state quickly and turned to see Y/N coming back from her bedroom.       
        “Was that it, Mom? Cause we were just about to go out and get some food before it gets dark.” They both said goodbye and hugged Y/N’s mother. Once the door was shut behind her, Y/N grabbed Ruel’s hand with a quickness. His worries were suddenly gone as she led him down the hall. 
        It wasn’t long before they’d continued right where they left off. Y/N was still indulging herself in him and embracing the comfort she felt in his arms. She gripped the fabric of his shirt into her fists to deepen the kiss and felt the vibration from his mouth into hers as he let out muffled moans. With each kiss, she found herself thinking about all of the things she couldn’t wait to do with him before another thought popped into her mind and snapped her out of the daydream. She pulled away from him and turned her head towards the box.
        “I’ve been wondering what was left on my phone,” she gestured to the dresser. “I need to plug it up so I can see what was going on before I lost my memory. It would be cool to see who I last talked to right before my life was ruined, right?” She laughed and began to sit up. Ruel grabbed her hand and lightly pulled it so she could come back down to him.
        “I thought you wanted to do this, yeah? I mean hey, this is our first official night together alone. We can look into the phone later, right?”
        Y/N nodded and laid back down next to him. “Hmmm, you’re right. This first, phone later,” she declared before connecting their lips once more. As Ruel rolled his lanky body on top of hers, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder why Ruel was so against her looking at her phone. Was there a dirty secret in there that he didn’t want her to find? She dismissed her paranoid thoughts and continued.
a/n: okay, so that’s that on that. ugh what is on that phone that he doesn’t want her to see???? i hope this makes sense, i’ve reread it so many times and it seems like crap but i’m still going to post it. thank you for the support of my page, and please send me asks with what fics you would like to see next ;)
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lovelynyeongie · 5 years ago
title: music to my ears
Tumblr media
author: lovelynyeongie
pairing: youngjae + reader
genre: fluffyfluffyfluff + oneshot
summary: youngjae hears you singing in the shower to the song that he recently covered
word count: 1,030 words
a/n: ive been listening to youngjae’s cover of square by baek yerin a lot and pls my heart cannot handle we’ve been waiting for this king (the same with when he covered ’to my youth’ dang pls if you need me im in the corner crying)
date: 071320
”I’m home!”
Youngjae yelled, waiting to hear the sound of your voice but there was no answer.
He heard a bark and looked down, ”Good thing you answered me, Coco,” He grinned and rubbed her head, chuckling at how excited she was to see him.
”Coco-ya, where's my other baby hm?” He crouched down and asked the confused dog cutely.
The pup ran away from him and went into a room, Youngjae smiled and stood up again.
”Ah, I'm so exhausted.” He huffed, removing his bag and placing it onto the nearest table.
He went into the kitchen to grab something to drink when he heard a song playing in the distance. He placed the glass of water on the counter and slowly went where the music was coming from.
All the colors and personalities
He found himself inside the bedroom where the music was getting louder and he was surprised.
”My voice?” He questioned.
You can't see right through what I truly am
He saw your laptop playing his latest cover in Dingo with the speakers connected to it making the song blast out even louder.
”Huh, it's even on loop.” He said.
You're hurting me without noticing
I'm so, so broke like someone just robbed me
Youngjae sang along quietly and roamed inside the bedroom, he brushed his fingers on the Polaroid photos pinned onto the corkboard that you've taken together.
I'm no invincible
I have much memories of getting more weaker
”Where is she?” He asked himself as he laid down on the bed.
No, I'm not loveable
But you know what you'd have to say
He suddenly heard a voice coming from the bathroom, he quickly stood onto his feet and went a bit near to listen.
“Come on let’s go to bed, we gonna rock the night away,” Youngjae heard the sound of your voice inside the bathroom, “who did that to you, babe, if you’re not in the right mood to sleep now then...”
”I didn't know she could sing...” He felt butterflies in his stomach as he discovered something new about you.
He continued to listen, sitting down onto the carpeted floor with his back leaned against the bathroom door, a smile plastered onto his face, and his heart beating fast as he hears how lovely your singing voice is. Your singing kept going until it reached the bridge part of the song where you finished taking your shower.
”You’re the only one, who saw my yesterday,” Youngjae grinned as he heard you belted out the note, ”the one who knows I'm here alive today.”
He felt his heartbeat even faster at how much he loved the small things that you do that he didn't know.
”Comfort me say, what I mean to you,” He closed his eyes as he sang along, ”you should know what you have to say.”
Youngjae’s singing got cut off when he found himself unexpectedly knocked down onto the bathroom floor as you opened the door. He stared at you with wide eyes from the tiled flooring he is laying on.
He promptly stood up and smiled at you nervously.
”H-hi...” He stammered.
”I’m sorry I didn't hear that you came home already, I didn't get to prepare dinner since I showered.” You apologized.
”No it's fine, I can wait.” He smiled at you and kissed your cheek.
You suddenly remembered that you were playing his cover out loud and quickly went to your laptop and paused it, blushing at the fact that he heard you playing it.
”Did you like my cover?” You heard him ask behind you.
You blushed even more, ”y-yeah, I've been waiting for you to sing it since you posted a teaser of it. Plus, it's one of my favorite songs.” You admitted.
”I guess that's why it’s on loop,”
You turned off your laptop.
“And made you sing along.”
You turned to him with wide eyes, seeing his smug expression.
”How long have you been listening?” You carefully asked him.
”Not too long, since the start of the song.” He grinned at you as you looked at him in shock.
You covered your face and sat on the bed.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, sitting next to you on the bed.
”I can't believe you heard me sing like a dying whale,” You huffed, ”I've probably made your ears bleed.”
You heard his loveable laugh, ”why would it be bleeding when it's music to my ears?” (a/n: oH tHeRe iT iS)
You snickered at his response.
”What?” He asked.
”That’s a lie.” You said.
”No it's not! Why would I lie to you?” He said, looking offended.
”Just say you hate my voice. Come on, don't be shy.” You told him.
”Babe, I'm telling the truth. Why on earth would I hate your singing voice when I like your voice in general? Heck, I would ask for you to speak a lot for no good reason and it won't even bother me, let alone sing,” He said, ”when I heard you sing, it fluttered my heart, giving me a lot of unexplainable feelings and all I can just say is I want to keep on hearing you sing cause I didn't even know you had that talent. So don't be shy around me when you're singing, I love everything about you and all the things that you do.” He smiled, holding your hand.
You became flustered at his confession.
”How did I get so lucky to have you?” You asked quietly, intertwining your fingers with his, ”you always know how to cheer me up.”
He flashed you a smile that you grow to love even more, if it’s even possible.
”So does that mean I can hear you sing more? We could do a duet whenever we go karaoke and it’s also time that’s it’s finally your turn to sing a lot rather than me.” He persuaded, softly nudging your side.
”Who knows.” You teased, planting a kiss on his cheek as you stood up to get dressed, leaving him whining.
Since then, you never got shy over showing him your talents knowing that he’s there to support and motivate you in everything that you do.
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lgbtyrus · 5 years ago
Three Fish and a Malfunction
First place price of my fanfic giveaway for @lilaaugenringe ! She wanted a fanfic of TJ and Cyrus at the fair :) This is a post bench scene fic where they’re not boyfriends or haven’t kissed yet. 
Words: 3,122 
It had been about a month since TJ and Cyrus held hands on the night of Andi’s party. Nothing was really official yet, though. It kind of made Cyrus nervous because he didn’t know exactly how serious TJ was about him or if he was even serious at all. He did hold his hand every waking chance that he got and listen to him talk about his day every day. It felt unreal that he got to talk to the boy he had been crushing on for months, knowing that he liked him, too.
He just couldn’t call him boyfriend or anything. He was honestly just scared they were going to end up in another Jonah and Andi situation, and it was all going to fall over.
Cyrus was laying in his bed, about to fall asleep when his phone went off. He checked it and saw it was a message from the group chat. Not only did it have the GHC, but it also had Marty, TJ, and Jonah.
Buffy: Me and Marty were thinking about going to the fair tomorrow and thought it’d be more fun as a group. You guy’s down?
Marty: come thruuu
Andi: What time?
Buffy: 1?
Andi: sure sounds fun :)
Jonah: down
Cyrus didn’t really want to go. He had nothing but bad experiences at the fair. He didn’t want to have to admit to TJ he was afraid of most of the things at the fair and would probably throw up. But at the same time, he wanted an excuse to spend time with TJ and the rest of the crew before summer started wrapping up.
Cyrus: see ya’ll there
TJ: same here
Buffy: this feels fake. Making plans with a friend group this large should not be this easy
Andi: we’re not 20 yet
Cyrus slid out of the group chat and went to go message TJ privately as the rest of them went off on a tangent about growing old.
Cyrus: just so you know, I’m afraid of basically everything at the carnival
TJ: its okay cy. We can just stay low and play some games and share a pretzel or whatever
Cyrus: I mean, I can get on rides if you want. Just not more than three unless the we want the pretzel to come back up
Cyrus: we don’t
TJ: gjhsfjkghs don’t worry cyrus we don’t have to go on anything you find scary
TJ: unless
Cyrus: oh no
TJ: you want to get some carnival rides off your list of things you can’t do
Cyrus: i really put some carnival rides on there?
TJ: just three. We can do one or two if doing three gets too much.
Cyrus: what rides did I put on that cursed list
TJ: you put down the hammer, the haunted tunnel, and the mirror maze???
Cyrus: I think I have a repressed memory in the mirror maze bc I literally can’t remember why ive never gone in there and I guess we can do the haunted tunnel if you hold my hand
TJ: deal :)
TJ: shouldn’t you be asleep???
Cyrus: yah
TJ: goodnight cyrus <3
Cyrus: goodnight teej <3
Cyrus woke up and remembered his plans for the day. He felt like he was going to throw up the breakfast he hadn’t eaten yet. He sighed and got up to get ready for the day. He quickly checked his phone and saw that there was 206 unread messages in the group chat. It must’ve been a boring night compared to their usual 800. Then again, he wasn’t up to double text.
It was a few hours before TJ and his mom picked him up. It was a nice car ride. TJ’s mom didn’t know that TJ was gay, but Cyrus had a gut feeling that she knew something was up between them. She didn’t really treat him differently, but she had that look mothers had in their eye when they knew something was up.
That's the way Cyrus mom looked at him when he first started bringing TJ around. She sort of knew, but she didn't say anything. Cyrus kind of hoped she would say anything else besides, "I like that TJ kid." But she didn't, so he did. It wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. He knew his parents loved him, so he doesn't know why he was so scared, but he still was.
It was like being with TJ. He knew TJ liked him, so he didn't know why he was scared.
TJ and Cyrus entered the fair and sat at the bench that the others would show up. They started holding hands the minute TJ's mom drove away. It was nice. Summer wasn't overbearing, and TJ looked nice in his stripped navy blue T-Shirt and tanned skin. Cyrus couldn't help but stare for a little.
"See something you like?" TJ smirked, leaning back on the bench and pretending to do a hair flip.
Cyrus rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah. That piece of gum stuck on this bench seems pretty appetizing." TJ immediately looked around and saw the piece of gum stick between them on the bench.
"Gross," TJ shook his head.
"Hey, guys," Jonah showed up smiling. The boys greeted him as  they saw the rest of them walk up behind him.
"You guys ready to go?" Buffy grinned, holding hands with Marty who was staring at her the same way Cyrus was staring at TJ.
"Yeah," TJ nodded, "let's go throw up."
"I'd rather not," Andi laughed as TJ and Cyrus stood up. They walked around as a group, looking at carnival games. It was fun watching Buffy and Marty get competitive and end up with too many stuffed animals in less than an hour. They had to hand some out to some little kids walking by.
TJ pulled Cyrus to the side and won him a stuffed frog in a basketball game. Cyrus could've taken the extremely big stuffed animal, but the smaller frog had a tight lip "smile" that reminded him of TJ.
"Thanks," Cyrus smiled, looking up at the taller boy.
"It's nothing," TJ laughed, putting his arm around him. "Let's go find the rest before we get lost." Cyrus and TJ caught up to Andi and Jonah who were trying to get a fish.
"Where are Buffy and Marty?" Cyrus asked as Andi tossed a ball into a fish bowl. It went to the side.
"In the mirror maze," she pointed in a different direction. "I'm trying to help Jonah win a fish."
"It's the only pet the apartment lets us have, so," Jonah shrugged before tossing another ping pong ball.
"Want to do the mirror maze?" TJ raised his eyebrows at Cyrus. Cyrus agreed without hesitation and walked over with him. They didn't have to wait in line and walked right in.
"Why did you put this in the list?" TJ asked him as they held hands through the thing.
"I have no idea?" Cyrus laughed. "Maybe it was about my self-esteem. You can only look at yourself for so long before you start to think that you're ugly."
"Well, you're not," TJ said, squeezing his hand tighter as they went through a corner. Cyrus looked in the mirror ahead and saw that TJ was softly smiling. "You're actually really cute."
Cyrus expressed a content smile as he continued following TJ through the rest of the maze.
"You're cute, too, TJ," Cyrus finally told him after a few seconds of silence. "A lot cuter than a piece of gum."
TJ burst out laughing, "Gee, thanks, Cyrus," he turned back for a second to smirk at him. "My self esteem is through the roof right now."
"I do what I can," Cyrus smiled. They continued walking, the mirrors getting blurrier and some having distorted vision.
"Do you hear that?" TJ asked him. "I think Buffy and Marty are ahead." Cyrus listened and like TJ said, Buffy and Marty were laughing up ahead. They followed their laughter and found them at the exit of the maze where they were laughing at their funky appearances. Buffy turned to them and waved.
"Come take a picture with us," she laughed, "this is gold." The boys approached them and posed for a few photos for Buffy before they all walked out. They went to go look for Andi and Jonah who were sitting at a bench, three goldfish in their laps. "Oh my gosh," Buffy ran up to them. "Why did you get so many?"
"How did you get so many?" Marty asked, standing right behind Buffy.
"I felt bad only having one alone, and I ended up with three," Jonah shrugged. "I already named them Baby Tator, Tator-Tot, and the Patoto Famine."
"One is not like the others," Cyrus said, at they all laughed at Jonah's names.
"It's kind of like the others," Jonah said.
"How are you going to get on rides if you have fish now?" Marty asked him.
"I was going to wait, but I already have an upset stomach from the hot dog smell, and I'd rather not," Jonah smiled.
"Are you sure?" Buffy asked. "We're going on the hammer next?"
"Cyrus can take my place," Jonah smiled. "I'll take care of your guy's things."
Buffy smiled excitedly at Cyrus, "You want to go on the hammer?" Before Cyrus could say anything, she dragged him by the arm away.
"Buffy," Cyrus gasped, "I haven't even agreed yet."
"That's why we're going before you change your mind!"
"Your logic has a lot of faults in it!" Cyrus said as she stopped at the line. Cyrus looked up at the tall ride going as people screamed their lungs out. He looked to the side and saw a girl throwing up in a garbage can. He winced. TJ, Marty, and Andi showed up after a few minutes. Cyrus held TJ's hand very tightly. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
"I believe in you," TJ told him, "it'll be fun."
"You agreed to hold my hand the entire time and if I'm scared enough to suddenly become strong and break your hand, I'm sorry." TJ chuckled.
"It's going to be fine, Cyrus," TJ reassured him, "I promise." The line got shorter and shorter, and Cyrus felt his heart shrink every second. Next thing he knew, he was strapped in and screaming.
"The ride hasn't started, Cyrus," TJ laughed, reaching over to hold his hand. "It'll before over before you know it." Within a few seconds, the ride was on and Cyrus was screaming his lungs off along with TJ. But it wasn't horrible. He started having fun after a few moments after the initial terror. He smiled that he could finally enjoy rides like these with his friends instead of staying back every time.
When he got off, everyone was looking at him.
"Well," Andi grinned, pieces of hair sticking out of her headband, "did you like it?"
"Yeah," Cyrus smiled, "I actually did." The rest of his friends cheered on before walking out to the busy fair to look for something else.
"I promised you that it would be fine," TJ told him, putting his arm around him as they walked.
"It's now noted that you keep your promises," Cyrus told him with a huge smile. His heart was beating extremely fast and both the closeness to TJ and the fair ride had made him sweat. But he didn’t really care. He was really comfortable around TJ.
“So,” TJ said to him, “ready for the tunnel of horror?” Buffy quickly turned around to look at them happily.
“Cyrus!” she gasped. “You want to go on the Tunnel of Horror?”
“Can I say yes this time?” Cyrus raised and eyebrow at her as she jumped back and forth on her heels.
“I guess,” she said, waving her arms around.
“Ye-“ before Cyrus could finish, Buffy was already dragging him to the next ride like she had for the first one. “Do you even know where it is?”
“I know everything,” she said like it was a fact. Cyrus felt content as he heard the rest of his friends trail behind them. TJ and Marty were talking and Jonah caught up to them with his arms full of fish. It was a good day to try new things.
They got to the short line for the tunnel of horror. “I think we’ll be able to go on by the next set of cars,” TJ said as he stood next to Cyrus, holding his hand once again.
“I heard it kind of sucks this year, so it shouldn’t be too scary for Cyrus,” Buffy nudged him. “If not, I wouldn’t bring him in. The last two years have been horrifying.”
“Are you just trying to make me feel better?” Cyrus asked.
Buffy raised her arms up in defense, “The line is short for a reason.” The next set of carts showed up individually every 30 seconds, each one holding two people. First, Marty and Buffy got on one and disappeared into the tunnel. Next, Andi, Jonah, and Jonah’s three kids got on. Finally, TJ helped Cyrus onto the cart and they pulled the bar down to lock themselves.
The car started moving and Cyrus and TJ were being pulled into the dark tunnel, creepy music playing instantly. A fake door shut behind them loudly as they were in, hiding the last ounces of daylight.  One hand on the bar, Cyrus used the other one to hold TJ’s hand.
“How long is this ride?” Cyrus asked TJ right before getting startled by a monster jumping in then out.
TJ strained to hold back his laughter as he said, “Maybe five to ten minutes? Why?”
“I am not having fun in this dark space,” Cyrus said, holding his hand tighter, jumping once more as a fake witch laughed behind him.
“It’s okay, Cyrus,” TJ said. “None of this is real. We’ll be out before you know it.”
Then the ride stopped. Cyrus and TJ looked at each other, barely able to see anything in the dark. Then the music stopped, and the lights turned on. Cyrus knew he looked terrified. He felt stuffed in the cart even if they had so much room. He looked around the tunnel and saw all the fake monsters and lanterns strewn around, the fake bats on the ceiling. A little bit ahead, there was a projection of a wolf howling at the moon. Then he looked at TJ who wasn’t saying anything either.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” someone said over the intercom, “there has been a failure in the system, and we are getting mechanics on the grounds immediately. Both of the main doors can’t open at the moment so please remain in your seats until further notice to avoid getting harmed. If this takes more than hour, we will call 911.”
Cyrus was sweating now. A lot. The tunnel felt like it was radiating nothing but heat, and he pulled his hand away from TJ’s in embarrassment. But in a few seconds, he wanted it back. He wasn’t sure what was going on in his head anymore. He looked forward and saw the projection of the wolf howling. Over and over and over again. And again. And again. And he looked up at the fake bats. They started looking fuzzier, they had eyes now. Cyrus was sweating anymore. Then he realized TJ had been talking to him the entire time. TJ had his arm around him and was squeezing his hand
“Hey, Cyrus. Cyrus. Talk to me? Cyrus? Are you okay?” TJ nervously talked to him. He also seemed shaken up. “I need you to take a few deep breaths for me, okay? Cyrus? Nod. Can you nod so I know you’re listening?” Cyrus nodded.  TJ sighed in relief, “Okay, Cy. Let’s take a deep breath in.” Cyrus breathed in. “Now out.” Cyrus exhaled. They did that a few times. “Good job, Cyrus,” TJ said as Cyrus rested his head on his shoulder.
Things felt fine now.
“Are you feeling better?” TJ asked him. Cyrus weakly nodded. “Just think of good things. Your family, friends, music, the spoon, baby tators… the patato famine,”
“People died, Thelonious,” Cyrus whispered, cracking a tiny smile and making TJ let out a small snort. That made Cyrus laugh himself. “Did you just snort,” Cyrus sat up to look at him. TJ was blushing, hiding his face with the back of his hand. “That was cute.” TJ put his hand down after a while.
“Well,” TJ sat back, “I didn’t promise that we’d be out in a little bit.”
“I think I’d rather go on the hammer again,” Cyrus sighed, looking at him closely. TJ turned to look at the brown eyed boy and smile.
“I like that you liked the other one more. It’s funny,” TJ said, reaching over to brush some hair out of Cyrus’ forehead.
“Why?” Cyrus said, leaning his head into TJ’s hand.
“Just is,” TJ was whispering now, looking between Cyrus’ eyes and his lips. “Can I kiss you?” Cyrus’ heart could have not beat faster any other time in his life. He nodded and leaned into TJ who had already found his lips with his own.
So kissing is supposed to feel like a bunch of stars Cyrus thought to himself.
When they pulled away, Cyrus’ nose was touching TJ’s, and he asked him, “What are we TJ?”
“I was just waiting for the moment, actually,” TJ have him a smile, giving him another small his before saying, “I think now is an alright time to ask you to be my boyfriend.” Cyrus nodded happily, kissing him again.
The two boys were in the tunnel for about forty minutes, laughing and talking about a lot of cheesy things, before the wagons started moving again. Only, the lights stayed on as they heard over the intercom, “Thank you for waiting. We are sorry for the inconvenience. All riders will be taken off immediately as the ride is going to be shut down for the day.”
The group met outside, TJ and Cyrus being the last ones to get off.
“You guys alright?” Andi asked them as they approached them.
“All good,” Cyrus nodded, smiling widely.
“Too good,” Buffy smirked, “dish it out.” TJ and Cyrus blushed, wondering how she figured it out so fast.
“Uh,” Cyrus said nervously, “I guess we’re boyfriend and boyfriend now.” The entire group let out of loud cheers and tackled them both into a group hug, making Cyrus’ heart feel full of love. Maybe fairs weren’t so bad after all. You just needed the right group of people. The right person. TJ was his person.
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years ago
heart of stone (12/?)
Cady waits until she’s on the bus home before she lets the smile drop from her face. Her cheeks actually hurt from smiling so much, and they’re not the only thing that hurt.
She wants to not have a problem with this. More than anything. She wants to pretend that she can’t see any difference, or that she’s not affected by this. But she is, and she feels terrible for it. That’s why she spent so much time preparing herself for it. While Janis spent her first night in hospital, she was spending hours researching, calculating the possibility of her hair falling out and coming to the conclusion that the odds were stalked against her. That was the first time she had truly hated math. But Janis’ hair was going to fall out, and so Cady had tried to prepare for it as much as she could; telling herself over and over again that Janis’ looks don’t matter, trying not to spend too long looking at her head. She had even started searching up pictures of cancer patients and looking at them. Not in a creepy way, or at least she had hoped it wasn’t creepy, just to prepare herself for the inevitable.
But as it turns out, nothing could have prepared her for seeing Janis without her hair. The hair she loved running her fingers through and braiding and playing with. The hair that was one of the first things she had noticed about her; a dual-coloured lion’s mane.
She wishes that the first thing she had thought when she saw those photos was ‘I hope Janis is okay’. That she had first thought about her, rather than her own feelings. Rather than what actually happened; her phone almost falling from her hands, her struggling to catch her breath. She wishes and wishes she were perfectly fine with this, and that she and Janis were going on like nothing was happening.
She’s not, and she must be the worst person in the world.
“Hi, Binti,” her mom greets as she steps into the kitchen, her cheeks still cold from outside. She’s at the counter, pan on the stove and veggies being chopped. Or they were. They’ve taken a backseat as her mom looks at her, all wide eyes and downturned mouth. “How’s Janis?”
“She’s fine,” she replies. She pulls her jacket tighter around her as a lump forms in her throat. “You know. Fine as she can be.” The image of Janis crumpling in on herself in the park flashes through her mind and she tenses. As does the image of her poor, hairless head. “She’s okay.”
“Oh, that poor girl,” her mom sighs. Cady nods, her lips tightly closed and her arms crossed over her chest, fingers digging into her jacket. Her mom leaves the dinner aside and approaches her, placing her own hands on her shoulders. Are you okay?”
“Me?” she echoes. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because this is difficult for you,” her mom goes on. You can say that again, she thinks. “And I just think you should be able to talk to us.”
Cady winces at that. She knows her mom is probably thinking about last year; when she kept everything from her, lied to them, became something she wasn’t. If she wasn’t feeling shitty about herself before, she sure as hell is now.
“Well, I’m fine,” she says. “You know, given the circumstances.” She swallows thickly. “I miss her. I miss having her in school and stuff.”
“Oh, I know baby.” Her mom folds her in a tight hug, letting Cady rest her chin on her shoulder. There, in that brief moment of privacy, Cady can feel as much as she needs to. It’s a rush, but it’s a relieving one. “I know how much she means to you. I know it kills you not seeing her.”
Kills her not seeing her. Also kills her seeing her. But she’s not getting into that now. She can’t. The former hurts far more than the latter does, though.
“Hey, what’s for dinner?” Cady asks, blinking her tears away before they get serious. Her mom eyes her, knowing she’s holding something back, but she doesn’t press her.
“Oh, I got this lamb curry recipe from a magazine,” she explains. “Thought I’d give it a shot. Here, tell me what you think…”
She hands Cady a spoon and lets her taste it.
“Oh that’s good, Mom,” she says. “Need any help?”
“Oh, that’d be lovely sweetheart,” her mom chirps. “Well, we’re nearly done, but if you could keep an eye on that rice-”
As they finish up dinner and start serving it out, Cady diverts the subject to work, listening attentively to her mom talking about her latest lecture series, telling her all about the different species of fish in Kenya, reminding her of those times they spent near rivers cataloguing them when she was small. It’s a subject that Cady is genuinely fascinated by; anything involving animals or Kenya is. While most teenagers probably couldn’t care less about the work their parents do, hearing her mom’s stories about teaching at Northwestern or her dad’s latest research excites Cady in a way few other things can. So she gives them her full attention and refuses to let her mind go anywhere else.
She runs up to her room after dinner, hoping she can pick up where she left off. When Janis and Damian showed up, they had actually interrupted her homework. She made an exception for them, obviously, but now it’s back to the grind. She’s done her research on her dream schools and she dares say she could rival her father in that regard, and the grades they’re demanding are tough. Really tough, even with her AP classes. She’s kept on top of everything so far this year, never dipping below a 90 in calculus, but she’s only a month in.
And it’s not just grades that colleges are concerning themselves with. They’re all eager for extra curriculars. At least the Mathletes provide a good basis for that-
“Oh, crap,” she mutters. She opens a drawer and pulls out her Mathlete folder, looking through the schedule she had made for it. She sighs when she sees she’s more or less on top of that too, although she makes a note in her planner to make a start on training the freshman teams for their competition in November.
“Okay,” she says. She pulls her hair into a ponytail and leans back in her chair. She has it all under control, really. Between Mathletes and tutoring, she’s taken on as much as she can right now. She has thought of volunteering behind the scenes in the musical, partly to hang out with Damian, but also because they must need the extra hands, what with Janis being unavailable.
She suddenly sits forward again, hunched over her work. Her cold fingers pick at her nails, tearing pieces off and letting them drop on the carpet. She squirms in the chair, suddenly too restless to sit still. The numbers on the pages and lines in her notes become meaningless to her, her mind overrun with Janis and Janis and cancer and Janis and her hair and Janis.
She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes tight.
“We’re not doing that,” she whispers.
She shakes her head and pulls her textbook towards her, her breathing getting slower and deeper, her go to tactic to straighten her mind out. She makes a start on the chapter, her eyes going back to the beginning again and again until she can focus properly, pushing her worries to the corner of her mind. Janis always says her art calms her worries, helps her forget the world, and Damian says the same for theatre.
People can say what they like, but math has always been Cady’s art.
Going back to the hospital is always going to be tough and Janis has resigned herself to that. Her weeks at home are still far from perfect, but if she’s going to be half-comatose, she can at least do it in her bed with her dog. At least she doesn’t have to wait until the end of the week for her friends to come around. Every time she goes back to the hospital, she’s reminded that this isn’t over, even if another two weeks are behind her. She gets to spend another two weeks with an IV in her arm and watching the people she loves through a phone screen. No matter how nice the staff try to make her stay it’s a reminder of what’s still happening to her.
So yeah, going back to the hospital is hard. But this week, with this recent development, it’s even harder.
She lets her mom hold her bag as they ride up in the elevator, Janis staring straight ahead of her and hoping for it to suddenly break. She used to be terrified of that happening, but this is a new reality and the swiftness with which it moves only makes her more nervous.
It’s not that she’s worried about anyone judging her. Hell, most of the people here would be in a position to do that and the others would be going against their jobs if they did. It’s not ridicule she’s worried about; it’s the opposite. All that unconditional, unwavering, inescapable love and support. She’s never been good with emotions, her style of communication isn’t suited to everyone, and that’s doubled when it comes to hospital stuff. People fawning all over her, asking if she’s okay, wanting every detail of her life. It’s almost even worse than ridicule. At least if they were being intentional assholes she’d have an actual valid reason to dislike it. But no, this is nothing more than her being stupidly awkward about everything.
“You okay?” her mom asks when the elevator comes to a stop. Maybe her wish is coming true, or not, since the floor number is sitting in bright red letters on the wall. Janis nods and releases her teeth’s hold on her cheek.
“Fine,” she says. Her mom nods, disbelief written over her face, and presses the button to open the doors. She steps out and Janis takes a deep breath, squares her shoulders, and follows her.
The lobby isn’t any more or less busy than it was last time. There’s more staff than patients; doctors and nurses running around in white coats and uniforms carrying forms or pushing carts around, the secretary sipping coffee and typing at twice the average human speed. The rising sun gleams through the open windows on the far side, turning the grey floors dull gold. Just like normal.
Janis pulls her beanie down further over her head and turns in the direction of her room, ready to run practically, when-
“Ah, Janis.”
Doctor Wiley approaches her and her mom, his pace quick and purposeful. His arms even swing in time with his steps, like he’s been choreographed. He comes over and shakes her mom’s hand, the exchange awkward with the two bags she’s holding, and hers as well. There’s a smile on his face but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes, nor does it hold its usual irrepressible cheer.
“I thought you two would be arriving around now.”
“How’d you even recognise me?” she asks. “I got a bit of a haircut.” It’s kind of a mean question, but her filter doesn’t work at this hour and she could use a little enjoyment. He laughs at it though, so it can’t be too bad.
“Funny. But those boots are indistinguishable,” he tells her. She huffs a laugh at that but it’s gone in an instant and they fall into a tight, uncomfortable silence. Janis stuffs her hands in her pockets and shifts from one foot to the other, looking over at her mom in the childish belief that she’ll know what to do. She’s just as helpless as Janis is, Dr Wiley having trapped them both without intending to. She hears doors opening down the hall and sneaks a look up at the clock. Patients are waking up around now, meaning the amount of people in this lobby is going to double. She has half a mind to directly ask what he wants before he opens his mouth, saving them both an awkward exchange.
“Why don’t we talk in Janis’ room?” he asks. “Just want to see how your week’s gone.”
So they go down, and Janis takes a seat on her bed and lets her mom drop her bag down below her feet. Her stomach twists uneasily throughout it all and a nervous sweat makes its way down her back as the doctor finally enters and, as usual, shuts the door behind him.
“So,” he begins.
“My hair’s gone,” she says. The words escape her mouth before she can stop herself and her surprise at herself is the same as her mom’s. She only shrugs at her and swings her feet in the air. Pretending to be casual seems easier than trying to be serious. “That’s the biggest development.”
“Yes,” Wiley says thinly. He straightens up, his eyes avoiding Janis, and for the first time she’s struck with the idea that this is probably no picnic for him too, no matter how many people he’s had to do this for. “How did that happen? Did you shave it yourself?”
“Yes, she did,” her mom answers. She takes her hand and rubs her thumb across the back of it. Janis squeezes it back, giving her a smile.
“Did you help her with it?”
“No.” There’s a hint of laughter in her mom’s voice. Not mocking though. She almost sounds proud. Proud of her? For what? “When I say herself, I mean she did it herself. Alex and I got a bit of a surprise.”
“As did our dog,” Janis adds. “He’s used to being the only one shedding in the house.”
“I’m sure you all did,” Wiley says. He pulls over one of the chairs and sits close to her, his eyes serious behind his glasses. “You probably don’t need me to tell you this, but this is one of the most difficult parts of this process for so many people.” She nods stiffly. “And you probably also know, there are several support systems in place.” She nods again; she could probably recite those support systems from memory. “It may be good to talk about this with people who understand what it’s like.”
“Like other patients?” she asks. She remembers one thing she was told about: a group therapy session with the other kids on the ward. She had struggled to completely dismiss it already and now, after a week of staring at her bald head in the mirror, she worries she might be cracking.
“Maybe. Or some one-on-one counselling,” Wiley explains. “You’ll have met the people to talk to about that. I’m just strictly here for the medical side of things.”
“Typical medical school student,” Janis responds flatly. “Cold and emotionless robot.”
“That’s me,” he replies. “So, how was this week, physically? Any nausea, aches, pains?”
“Um, something like that,” Janis says. “Just you know, felt sick. Uh, I couldn’t eat much some days. Legs hurt. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Well,” he answers with a sympathetic smile. “That’s all fine and normal.”
Janis hums. She’s at a point where feeling sick is normal. Great.
They finish up soon, going over her week and Wiley telling her that he’ll schedule another appointment for her to check up on her weight and her other vitals. She tries not to tense at that. It’s not like her weight is an insecurity of hers, but she’s not thrilled at the idea of weighing herself either.
“Hey, Jan, I’m just going to go have a quick word with Doctor Wiley,” her mom says suddenly, just as he’s opening the door. “You know, adult stuff.”
“Mom, you know where my mind goes when you say, ‘adult stuff’,” she replies.
“You going to be okay here on your own?” she asks, like Janis hadn’t said anything. At her side, Janis’ hand curls into a fist. She’d bet all the money she has that she’s going to tell Doctor Wiley about her little fainting spell in the park. If she had it her way, she’d tell her not to, insist it wasn’t that bad like she did that night. But she can’t have it her way and if it’ll give her mom some peace of mind, fine. Besides, maybe telling her doctor isn’t the worst plan in the world.
“Yeah I’ll be fine,” she says with a resigned sigh.  “I’m going to go hang out in the longue anyway.”
“Okay, kid. I’ll meet you back here.”
She’s barely down the hall when she regrets her decision. Her hands stuffed in her pockets, she turns and looks back at the door, tightly shit, a solid barrier shutting her away from the conversation that is about her. She won’t press it, but she’s annoyed by it. Being whispered about behind your back is never fun, no matter what the subject matter is.
But there’s nothing she can do about it now unless she wants to make a scene, and she can’t hover in the corridor forever, so she turns and marches down the hall, keeping her eyes on the ground and only looking up to smile at nurses. A couple of the one’s she’s familiar with pass her and they kindly avoid the subject of her hair loss, instead cheerily bidding her good morning.
The longue is actually empty when she gets in. The hands on the clock aren’t even at eight yet, so she guesses everyone else is still asleep, or in early morning treatments.
She crosses over to the so-called ‘art shelf’, wrestles out a drawing pad and picks up a Halloween bucket full of pencils. They’re not as good as her own tools, but they’re all safe in her bag in her room, so she’ll make do rather than interrupt. She settles herself in the chair, her feet dangling over the edge and the paper resting on her legs.
It’s actually pretty calming in here alone. Not like it’s overly chaotic normally, it’s always kind of mellow, but it’s quite easy for her to lose herself now. The weak autumn sun is higher now, the leaves on a tree outside creating patterns on the carpets and the voices behind her are a peaceful, quiet kind of backing track for her to draw against. Her pencil moves gracefully across the page and forms the shapes she sees in her mind. She’s had this idea for a few days but never really had the motivation to draw it. It must have been longer than she thought, going without drawing properly. The pencil feels weak and she has to take a moment to give her hand a little shake out at points to get herself back. But she’s missed this, missed the freedom that art gives her. Freedom to create, to escape to her own worlds. Every time, even when everyone and everything failed her, she’s had her art to fall back on.
She’s more emotional than she should be as she sees it hasn’t failed her yet.
Even with the imperfect pencils, she carries on, going over the line she’s created. The outline of her IV is covered in black, the lines thicker than she’d wanted initially with the blunt pencil. Ideally, she’d go over them in fine pen, but the thick lines actually kind of work. Ivy wraps around the pole, coloured in a deep green with little red thorns jagging out from it and piercing the medicine bag. The details are smudged and undefined, these pencils weren’t made for this, but the fully formed drawing is taking shape in front of her and that’s what matters to her.
Besides, she can perfect it later.
She’s not aware of how much time has gone by until she hears footsteps behind her, followed by a familiar squeak. Maddie is hovering in the doorway, a nurse behind her holding her IV, and the clock showing that well over half an hour has passed with her drawing.
“Hey kid,” she greets, pushing herself up and tucking her legs beneath her, more for the nurse’s benefit than Maddie’s.
“Janis! You’re back!” she states as she runs over and plops herself down in the armchair beside her. Her eyes move up to Janis’ head, a question dancing in them but her lips staying silent.
“Hi sweetheart,” her nurse asks. Janis hasn’t seen her around before, or if she has she’s not been around much. Maybe a student, she guesses, going by how young she is and how intensely she’s focussed on the IV. “This your friend, Maddie?”
“Yup,” she answers. “Is it cool if I do my drip in here? And if I turn on the TV?”
“Go ahead, kid,” she says, flipping over the page. Maddie leans over the arm of her chair with wide eyes and Janis chuckles warmly before turning the page around for her. “What do we think?”
“Woah,” she breathes. “That’s so good!”
“Any critiques? Bad colouring? Bad use of space? Awkward shading?”
“Nope, nope and nope,” Maddie insists. “It’s perfect. Look, Maia, isn’t it?”
“Oh hey,” Maia adds, looking at it for a split second before re-focussing. “That’s cool. So you’re an artist.”
“I dabble,” she sighs, twirling the pencil between her fingers and turning the page over.
“So I take it you’re doing that photo project that Maddie’s doing?” she asks.
There it is again. Out of everything she’s heard about in here, that’s the one that’s come up the most and it’s the one that’s stood in her mind the most. Maybe because, well, it is kind of up her street. And since it is… well, why not?
“Yeah, I am,” she says. It feels odd, committing to something like this. But hey, it could be fun.
“It’s meant to be really good,” Maia goes on as she pulls out an IV. “You two probably know all about it, but it’s some fancy art college that’s providing the materials for it. And a professor from there’s overseeing it.”
Janis averts her eyes when Maddie rolls up her sleeves, though she can’t ignore the other girl’s small grunt as the needle goes in. There’s already a little bruise on her own arm. And Maddie’s been here two, three times as long as she has.
“Okay, that’s you set up for an hour and a half,” Maia announces. “I’ll be back in half an hour to check up on you, okay? And here’s your juice and your breakfast.”
“Thanks. See you later, Maia,” Maddie says, her voice the same as it would be if she was leaving to go to school. Maia pats Maddie’s head and tells Janis how nice it was to meet her before heading off, Maddie’s eyes following her in a way Janis knows all too well. Poor girl.
“What?” she asks when she hears Janis’ chuckle.
“Oh, nothing,” she sings. “You just seem awfully fond of Maia.” The way her little cheeks flame pink tell her all she needs to know. Nothing will come of this, of course, it’s a puppy infatuation, but that doesn’t make it any less cute. Janis remembers her first crush of that sort. Remembers how she, just as Maddie is now, vehemently denied it to anyone who asked. “Don’t worry kid. I won’t tell.”
“Okay,” she says quietly as she flicks on the TV. She looks down at the remote and lets out a pained sigh. “She’s just so pretty.”
“I know kid,” Janis replies. “I know the struggle.” They sit in companionable silence, Maddie focussing on the daytime TV and Janis doodling whatever comes to mind across the page, dragons, mermaids, flowers, puppies. It’s random nonsense, but it’s the artistic equivalent of going on a jog, she supposes.
As she draws, she keeps sneaking glances over at Maddie. A lot of things struck her when they first met, and one she’s sad to say was the lack of hair. Not that there’s nothing beyond that, but she noticed it first and it stuck. And despite all her wishes and hopes, it happened to her too.
“Hey, Maddie?” Her throat feels like sandpaper. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
She clenches the pencil so tightly in her hand that her knuckles turn white.
“When did you lose your hair?”
“Oh.” Janis winces immediately.
“I’m sorry, you don’t have to-”
“No, it’s okay,” she says. She turns around to face her, her fingers fidgeting in front of her and her eyes looking at her only to look away immediately. “It was a month ago. Kind of. It started coming out pretty early.”
“In clumps, right?” she asks.
“Yeah. Big, scary clumps. I thought they looked like spiders.” Janis chuckles out of courtesy, but there’s no humour in it. “I wouldn’t shave it though. Everyone told me I had to but… I just couldn’t, you know.” She hears her swallow before she adds “I was too scared.”
Janis nods. She tries to picture it, this little kid scared shitless being told to shave her head. With nothing and no-one to save her. She doesn’t want to cry, knowing how she’d feel if she were in that position, but it gets her. She wishes she could wrap that girl in a hug and tell her she was okay.
“I gave in eventually,” she says. “So much of it was gone anyway. At that point I just wanted it over with.”
“That’s how I felt,” Janis adds. “Like… it was either it or me.”
“Did your mom or dad help you?” Maddie asks.
“No. I didn’t really tell them I was doing it.” She shrugs. “I didn’t plan it. Just sort of happened, I guess.”
“Woah.” Maddie’s hand rubs the back of her neck, a sorrowful expression on her face. “It feels weird doesn’t it?”
“Weird is an understatement,” Janis mumbles. As they sit in companionable silence, Janis doesn’t take her eyes off Maddie. Soon she gets up and pushes her chair closer until it’s touching hers. She brightens at that and curls up even more.
“People keep asking me if I miss my hair,” she tells her after a while. “I don’t answer them. It’s a stupid question.” She rolls her eyes, but there’s more to it. Far more than she should be. “Of course I do.”
“Yeah. I paid 50 for that dye job,” Janis says.
“I can’t wait to look normal again,” Maddie says.
Janis starts at that. It’s a horrible thing to have to say, or for someone to think, but the worst part is she can’t disagree with it. She doesn’t know if she’ll feel completely okay until her hair starts growing back. Her first impulse is to say, “me too”. Or the less tactful “mood”. But she pushes it away because that’s not what Maddie needs to hear. While she’s a disaster, she’s not bringing this girl down with her.
So what does she do? She can’t fall back on her own tricks. That may well only make it worse. So she does the only thing she can, ask herself ‘What Would Damian Do In This Scenario’. He’d make her feel better without sugar coating the reality. So she’ll do that. Be Damian for Maddie.
“Well… that may be true,” she begins. “And it royally sucks ass.” She’s not good at this. “But… just think of how happy we’ll be when that finally happens.” Really, really not good at this. God how does he do this all the time? Especially with her.
It quickly occurs to her that this little trick is so much easier when she’s trying to pick herself up. Picking other people up is harder. It’s mainly why she rarely does it. It also occurs to her that she doesn’t know what Damian would say if he were her. Thank God, he’s never been through this. So she can’t know what he’d say. All she can do is reach inside herself and try to pull out something to help the both of them.
“And you know, at least we’re all normal in here.”
She sees realisation dawn on Maddie’s face and lets out a breath.
“I guess there is no normal in here,” Maddie adds, but it’s without the defeated tone. The opposite in fact. She the smile on her face is relieved and most importantly, real. Janis is relieved as well, and the feeling floods her chest, but there’s something else in there, something kind of unfamiliar and pretty exciting.
Maybe she’s actually quite good at this.
Days later, Janis is lounging in her bed, half-waking up from a spontaneous nap. She props her head up on her elbow and scrolls through Twitter, Purrlock sitting on her shoulder. She told her mom that she just woke up like that and she’s too comfortable to move him. And maybe because he wanted a good view of her phone.
She avoids Instagram like it’s the plague. Her hairless selfie is by far the most popular photo on her page, which annoys her in more ways than one. She didn’t even put hashtags on it, and yet it’s gotten more likes and comments than artwork that she put hours of work into. And selfies where she actually looks good. She has half a mind to respond to the supportive-pitying comments saying “thanks, check out my art and tell your friends I will be available for commission soon”. She only hasn’t because she can’t help but feel like using her cancer for clout is low even by her standards.
Regina is amongst those who left a comment.  According to her she ‘looks like a boss’, and Janis has since spent hours of her time looking for the catch. There always is one with her but she’s now hidden it extremely well. Janis is determined to find it, like a pirate looking for a weird kind of treasure. People can call her paranoid all they want, but she knows better. She knows Regina better than probably anyone at that whole school.
Those are just some of the reasons she avoids Instagram, as well as Facebook. At least on Tumblr, the vast majority of her followers have no idea who she is. To them she’s just an art blog, and that’s why she can’t find it in her to delete that app. Plus, there’s something about the humour that’s comforting.
She’s halfway reading one of those tag yourself games when she gets a text. She wants to dismiss it, too tired for any kind if interaction, but the name on it makes her do a double take.
“Hi! How are you doing? Would it be okay if I came over some time? I haven’t really seen you in forever. I’d really like to. Just let me know if you want to and when you can-Gretchen.”
Gretchen. Gretchen Weiners. First Karen popping in to visit and now Gretchen? She’s collected two out of three Plastics. And hell, given that Regina popped round to her house a while back, she’s kind of gotten them all.
Gretchen is a complicated case for her. She sits right in between Karen and Regina in the Plastics for her. She’s not stupid like Karen. She had to know that what Regina was doing to her was wrong. But while she had the brains to know it, she didn’t have the backbone and Janis can’t not understand with that. But she can’t just forgive and forget either, not completely. And while they have found themselves actually getting along pretty well since Spring Fling, some days Janis can’t shake the feeling that it’s entirely contingent on Regina. That if Regina turns, Gretchen is right there with her. Besides, she always saw their friendship as more surface level than anything else. It was fine by her; they just wouldn’t have any spark together without a third party there.
So Gretchen texting her like this is unexpected to say the least. Especially offering to come over. Alone, it would seem.
Her mind is going through every possible bad outcome, meanwhile her fingers are typing out a response that reads ‘Hey. I’m not exactly going anywhere but Cady and Damian come over on Fridays, so that might be out. I’m also pretty out of it on Monday. But hey any other day you want to come over, that’s cool.’
She has the self-control to pause and read it over again she sends it. As far as she can tell there’s nothing completely wrong with it. Heck she even went out of her way to warn her about when her worst day is. Although as she reads it a third time, that sentence suddenly seems way too open for Gretchen, so she quickly changes it to ‘pretty busy’.
She presses send that time and watches as her message becomes a small blue bubble. So she just committed to hanging out with Gretchen Weiners. In her hospital room. Gretchen responds asking about Saturday, and while she considers backing out, she agrees. Gretchen responds with some heart emojis and that she can’t wait to see her. It’s a sweet message and it makes Janis’ stomach turn.
“What the heck have I done?” she asks out loud.
She mentions it to Cady and Damian when they come around on Friday. She has to since it’s pretty much the only piece of news she has other than “they got new vending machines”. They both think it’s a great idea, which does make Janis feel better about the whole thing. Especially Cady. The way her whole face lights up when she tells her actually makes it feel worth it, whatever the outcome is.  
That’s what she tells herself on Saturday morning when she gets up. She wriggles out of bed and checks the clock on her phone. Half an hour before her first round is due. She doesn’t feel like breakfast, nor does she feel like getting out of her pyjamas. She guesses Gretchen will understand that much anyway. Even she can’t expect Janis to look perfect given the circumstances. But that bring up another problem, one she had stupidly not considered up until right now, when she catches sight of herself in the mirror.
Gretchen hasn’t seen her like this.
Well, she has. The whole school has, that’s kind of the point. But she hasn’t seen her like this. Not in the same way Damian and Cady have, face-to-face, where she’ll try to avert her eyes from it and make polite conversation. Even with her cute little beanie, it’s likely to be a tough one. And given that it’s Gretchen, it might be ten times worse. Not her fault, and Janis can’t say she wouldn’t do the same if she was in her position, but that doesn’t make it any less exasperating for her. Suddenly the one thing she wants to do is text Gretchen and back out, but her stupid pride holds her back. Digging a bigger hole is a risk she doesn’t want to take. All she can do is wait and hope that either a) Gretchen backs out, b) there’s a terrible medical emergency pertaining to her and Gretchen can’t come over, or c) it’s at least over quickly.
Options A and B sadly don’t happen. For once her body seems to be working semi-well and right on schedule he gets a text from Gretchen saying that she’s in the lobby. Her mom took that as her cue to leave and go hang out with the other cancer moms, reminding her to call her if she needs her. And since her mom will definitely not lie about a medical emergency for her, all she can do is sit with the consequences of her own actions. And debate throwing herself out the window, which she shuts down fairly quickly. She doesn’t want to put the nurses through that.
She pretends to be reading when Gretchen comes in, softly knocking on the door. She looks nice; her hair is in some half-up, half-down thing she could never master even if she needed to and she wears a bright yellow top tucked into a blue skirt. Between the block colours and the smile on her face, Janis realises how much she could fit in here. Give her a lanyard and put her in the longue and the volunteers would take her in immediately.
“Hi, Janis,” she greets.
“Hey Gretch.” She puts down her magazine and swings her legs over the side of the bed, nodding at her. “Come on in. Welcome to Casa Janis. Hey, can you close the door?”
“Oh sure.” She comes over but sits down in the visitor’s chair rather than on the bed. Janis can’t decide if that’s better or worse. She’s already small, especially when compared to Janis, but she looks impossibly tiny now. Janis can’t even enjoy not feeling like the smallest person in the room for once. “So how are you doing?”
“Oh you know,” she shrugs. “Powering through it all.�� A soft, sympathetic look creases Gretchen’s face. “I’m doing good, Gretch. How are you doing?”
“Oh me?” she asks. “Uh, I’m pretty good. I mean, school’s okay so far. I mean… I’m on the committee for planning the Halloween fair this year.”
“You are? That’s cool.” She could never picture Gretchen on the committee for anything, but now that she thinks about it, she does have a keen eye for detail. Not to mention she knows how to plan an event, although those skills weren’t forged in the best circumstances. “So what are you guys doing?”
“Oh.” Her tone is so casual compared to the excited glint in her eyes and the way her mouth turns up at the corners. She knows a suppressed smile when she sees one. “Um, your basic Halloween stuff. You know, uh apple bobbing. Scary stories. The same thing they do every year.”
“Uh-huh.” Gretchen opens her mouth, the beginning of her own question just coming out, but Janis holds her hand out to her, nodding to the empty space beside her. “Come on. You know I love that Halloween fair. And if I have to miss it, you need to give me every little detail of it.”
“Oh,” is all she responds with.
“Come on,” she says after she hesitates. “I need to make sure it’s all up to standard. I’m very protective of that fair.”
“Okay,” she says. She scrambles up beside her, her feet even farther from the floor. “Oh wow, this is comfortable.”
“Yeah, they take good care of us in here.” She nudges her with her bony elbow. “So come on. The fair, what have you guys got planned?”
“Well…” She begins. “We got Drama and English to collaborate on the scary stories this year. It’s actually pretty cool, they collected all these folktales from different cultures. And they wanted to do some classic horror stuff as well. So some of the sophomore drama kids are acting them out.” She counts them out on her fingers. “We’ve got one group doing Dracula, one doing Jekyll and Hyde and one doing Frankenstein. Oh, Damian’s helping direct them and he agreed to read out a few stories. He’s really good at it.”
“He would be,” she says.
“Okay so we have that in one corner, then we have the apple bobbing beside that. Then we got a lot of stalls lined up after it. Some of them are doing arts and crafts stuff, I don’t really know the specifics, then we’ve got another one selling treats and baked goods and stuff. I just let them handle that. Oh!” She grabs her arm only to drop it in the next second, but her smile stays bright on her face. “So then there’s the haunted house! We actually looked at a lot of the old ones, like the one you worked on!”
“Well, I am an artiste.”
“I know,” she says softly. “So what we did is we-well, I say we, I mean the art students. Not me, I couldn’t do that. But they took it and they ran with the literature theme. So we’ve got everyone in these really cool old vintage outfits looking like ghosts walking around the halls. And they’re letting us use a smoke machine!”
“I never got a smoke machine!” she interrupts indignantly. “How come you guys get to use it?”
“I planned out the budget,” Gretchen explains. “Cady helped me with the numbers a bit. I worked out that if we shopped at thrift stores and stuff for costumes and got the school more involved, we had more money for effects! Plus they gave us a bit more because it’s a good cause.”
She freezes the minute the words leave her mouth, regret all over her face. Janis doesn’t get it for a while and she can’t say if the chemo has made her brain lag or if she’s just that out of the loop. But quickly gets a suspicion.
“Good cause?”
“Um, yeah.” Gretchen fixes her hair, sliding pins further in and twirling the end around her fingers. Her feet swing farther and faster below them. “Um, the committee agreed pretty early that we should um… we should use it raise money for cancer research.” She shrugs weakly. “We just thought it would have been nice to do.”
“Yeah.” She clears her throat. She might not have an IV in her arm, nor is she knocked out, but she feels acutely aware of her cancer. Even without looking at herself. She can feel the way her blood is abnormal, feel the medicine slithering through her veins. The lost weight on her arms, the lack of weight on her head.
She’s a charity case now. Events she can’t even go to are planned around her.
“Janis?” Gretchen asks, her voice so quiet it’s practically a whisper. “Are you okay?” Before she can answer, Gretchen lets out a loud sigh. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure if I should tell you or not. Damian was worried how you’d react to it.”
“Gretchen. It’s okay.” She shakes her head. “I’m actually kind of touched.” It’s the truth, despite how weak it makes her feel. So many people backing her up, it’s hard not to like it. She just wishes this didn’t have to happen for her to feel it. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” she replies. “And they think they might make it like that every year. Like every year they pick a new cause to donate to.”
“That’s awesome, Gretch.” They sit in comfortable, light silence for a while until Janis finds something. “So how’s everyone else? How’s Karen.”
And that’s when Gretchen’s cheeks turn bright pink, and it’s the most entertaining thing Janis has seen in a long while. Cady’s filled her in on Gretchen and Karen, how pretty much everyone knows about them and they’re none the wiser. Cady said that they might just still be friends, but Damian shook his head. According to him anyone who spends even five minutes in their company can see it. So she has two different hypothesis and she’s just testing them out.
“Um, Karen’s great,” she says. “Really great. Didn’t she come see you a few weeks ago?” She doesn’t mention how Janis puked her guts out that day; either Karen didn’t tell her or she’s being delicate. Either way is more than good with her.
“Yep. She brought muffins. They were really good.”
“Oh, yeah she’s really good at baking now.” The glowing pride on her face could be seen from space.
“It was real sweet of her,” she says fondly. Despite how badly that day ended, she’s glad it happened. “Hey, I saw you two were at her house last weekend.” Gretchen’s cheeks turn even pinker and Janis almost feels bad. “Anything special?”
“Oh yeah, that was nothing. We um, we just went and watched movies in her house. Had a pyjama day, you know.” Gretchen toys with a bracelet on her wrist; a silver chain with a baby pink gemstone in the shape of a heart. Her face is a familiar kind of soft, and Janis realises it’s the kind of soft that she gets when she thinks about Cady. They’re either together or someone has a serious, serious crush. “Karen’s really good. We’re really good.” Then she looks up at Janis and her eyes are brighter than Broadway marquees.
“We’re actually dating now!” she says.
“No!” she gasps. She doesn’t have a B in drama for nothing. “Since when?”
“Just since August,” she replies. “We actually just had our two month anniversary just then.”
“Yeah. We went got sundaes and went to the movies. It was super romantic.” There’s even a hint of a giggle in Gretchen’s voice. The bloom of first love and all that.
“It sounds it.”
“Does it?” she asks. “Sorry. I just don’t know romance very well. I mean, we’re not you and Cady.”
“Me and Cady?” Janis echoes.
“Well, yeah. I mean you two are kind of the it couple when it comes to romance.”
“Really?” she asks proudly. “We never really thought about it like that.”
“You two just seem so… happy with each other,” she says. “Not that me and Karen aren’t happy, we totally are. I just hope we stay that way. That we have a relationship like you and Cady.”
“Woah there.” She holds up her hand to stop Gretchen in her tracks. “Me and Cady are far from perfect. Especially now.” She presses her fist into her palm, chewing the inside of her cheek, unsure what version of events she should give. “I mean… I almost didn’t even tell her I had cancer.” Gretchen’s mouth falls open a little at that. “No relationship is perfect, Gretch. Don’t try to model me and Caddy. You and Karen do you and Karen.”
“Do Me and Karen,” she repeats softly.
“Yeah. You know, move at your own pace. Be happy with each other.” Gretchen nods, her mouth moving like she’s making mental notes.
“Thanks, Janis.”
“Well, not to brag, but Cady and I have been together for seven whole months.” Half a year, she realises. Half a year she’s been with Cady. They never celebrated little anniversaries like Karen and Gretchen, but six months was just a month ago. And neither one realised. “So I’m a bit of an expert.”
“Yeah you are,” Gretchen chuckles.
Gretchen has to leave a little while later and Janis even has the manners (and energy) to walk her to the elevator. She gives her a quick hug before she leaves and though Janis braces herself, it’s nowhere near as awkward as she thought it would be. In fact, while she might be little, she packs a lot into it.
“I’ll see you soon,” she tells her. “Is that cool with you?”
“My hospital room is your hospital room,” she says warmly. Gretchen gives her another smile, one that’s bright and sincere, before disappearing into the lift. The last thing Janis sees of her is a little tiny wave.
Her mom is back in the room when she gets there, straightening up her sheets, and a fresh looking donut sits on her tray table. Rainbow sprinkles and white icing, just as she likes them.
“How’s Gretchen?” she asks.
“She’s good.” She climbs onto the bed and picks up her book. She must have been smiling or something because her mom then asks what the face is for. She hesitates, but she’d almost certainly tell her mom this if they were at home and besides, she can’t keep it to herself. “Well, Karen and Gretchen are sort of….” She wiggles her eyebrows. “You know.”
“Oh they aren’t,” her mom says. “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” She leans forward and tears off a part of the donut.
“Did not expect that.” Janis simply shrugs. She’s not going to sit and act like she ‘always knew’ but at the same time, she’s not entirely surprised. If nothing else, they did always think they’d be a cute fit. “Well, good for them.”
“Yeah,” she replies, tearing the donut again. “Good for them. You want a bit?”
“Oh I’m fine, hon.” Janis frowns. It’s more than just a treat and she knows it.
“Gretchen was talking about the Halloween fair,” she goes on. “She’s on the committee for organising it this year. Apparently it’s going to be quite the affair.”
Apparently, she just can’t hide anything today because her mom rubs her back and groans in sympathy with her.
“I’m sorry kid. I know how much you love going to that fair.”
“Well there’s always next year.” She keeps quiet about the money being raised though. No doubt her mom would love that, but still. Some things she just doesn’t want to talk about. She’s about to change the subject when her mom opens her mouth again, and nothing can prepare her for what she says. “And well, who knows? Maybe here we can work something out and allow you to go.”
“Wait, for real?” Janis asks. Hope sparks up in her chest and she immediately tries to dampen it down.
“Well, maybe,” her mom says. “I was just talking to Dr Wiley and he did say you don’t have to be in the hospital 24/7. Obviously we don’t want a repeat of Saturday-”
“Okay, why didn’t this conversation come up weeks ago when I was climbing the walls?” she asks, although she isn’t mad. She can’t be.
“Because you were just starting out,” she explains. “And you still kind of are. But he did say being out in the fresh air might do you some good. I’d have my reservations about it-”
“Oh please, please do not have any reservations,” she says. Hell, she practically begs. She does everything but grab her mom’s legs.
“But if you felt up to it on the day, and Dr Wiley didn’t see a problem with it, then I don’t see why you couldn’t go around the fair for an hour, maybe.”
An inhuman noise escapes her mouth, something akin to a shriek, but the kind middle school girls use when they hear about their favourite boyband coming to town.
“As long as you don’t overwork yourself.”
“Mom, I will do nothing but eat my veggies and sleep until the fair,” she promises.
“Okay,” her mom chuckles, running her fingers over her knuckles. “What time’s your next round?”
“Oh um, an hour,” she says. They go about their own business. Well, her mom does anyway, picking up her magazine and showing Janis the parts she’d like. Janis opens up her laptop and whacks on something to keep herself entertained, but the idea of going to the fair blocks out anything else.
Going to the Halloween fair. Being with all her friends. Seeing people from school. It almost doesn’t feel real. Scratch that, it definitely doesn’t feel real. And amongst that surreal feeling is worry. Worry that something will come up, someone will say no, and she’ll have to watch the fair through her Instagram feed. It’s the main reason she doesn’t go rushing to Damian with the news. Because what if the moment she does, Dr Wiley pops his head around the door and tells her she can never leave here, ever?
Breathe, she tells herself. Her plans are in the universe’s hands. All she can do is sit back, cross her fingers, and pray no-one says no.
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intricate-oeuvre · 6 years ago
say it before you run out of time || B. Hardy || part II
part I  part II  part III  part IV  part V  part VI  part VII   part VIII  part IX  part X  part XI  part XII part XIII
Word count: 2k
Summary: Ben and the reader have been friends since childhood. And along the way reader falls in love with him. But it might be too late when another girl shows up claiming that she’s his girlfriend.
Warnings: none, horrible writing tho, puppy overload
A/n: huge thank you to all of you who enjoyed the first part! <3 sorry from answering from my main (@saint-hardy) . also tell me if you want to be tagged into future chapters
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Girlfriend??? It rang in your ears.
“Pardon, what?” You tried to compose yourself as lump formed in your throat.
“We have been dating for two months now. Well, he doesn’t want to label it just yet nor to go public about it, but I feel he wants more.” She smiled and looked around. That didn’t sound like Ben.
“Oh, really?” Your voice cracked. Were you too late? Thousand thoughts were running through your mind at the moment. You looked around as tears gathered in your eyes, but you didn’t let them fall.
“Yes. He’s really amazing man… He told me a lot about you.” Nina said the last part with distaste while putting her bag on the living rooms sofa and taking a look around the room.
“He did mention that you might swing around sometime.” Nina said while she checked the photos on the wall. Some polaroids and printed pictures with friends, family, his dog and even you.
“And..?” you asked, feeling that something was coming.
“Nothing. When are you leaving?” Nina turned to you with serious look on her face.
“Tomorrow. Why?” You asked, carefully assessing her. Feeling that you might need to go back to the dorms.
“No reason. Don’t you have like dorms to go and studies to do? Homework? Something?” Nina asked. You could feel that she was not the friendliest type of people.
“I have enough time to do those.” You crossed your arms. Trying to calm down.
“Ben gave you a spare key?” You asked nodding towards the door.
“I wondered the same thing. Of course, he did.” Nina said looking you up and down. The fact that Ben had given you his spare key made you felt special, but not anymore as it seemed.
“I’m here to surprise him when he comes here tomorrow. Show me where is his room.” Nina said looking pass you.
“I’ll better show you guest room.” You said with distaste.
“So, you can take his?” Nina scoffed.
“So, you don’t make mess before he arrives.” You could bite too if you wanted to. And sofa in the living room didn’t look too bad.
“I would advise to watch your tongue before I call him and ask you to leave.” Nina said as she went in the guest room you had showed her.
“Sure. You do that.” You mumbled so she couldn’t hear.
Rest of the evening was silent between you two. She seemed like really possessive person. And jealous of you. She had occupied the guest room as her closet and migrated to Ben’s room to watch TV. You were sure she was planning on staying in both rooms. With slight roll of your eyes you reached under one of the sofas and pulled out a blanket and a pillow. Slipping on Ben’s sweater over your head you nestled on one of the sofas. Too lazy to push the glass coffee table out of the way and pull out the sofa, you tried to fall asleep. 
But the only thoughts that filled your mind where those of Ben and all the good time you two had shared. You stared at the ceiling, hoping that your mind would stop running in circles. Tucking the blanket around your chest you reached for your phone. Checking your IG, your dating apps that you hardly used and only usually checked when you were drunk. And you scrolled through your messages. Your group chat Booty Hunters 69/420 with Maddie and Rose seemed appropriate.
y/n: You guys up?
mAdDie: What happened?
y/n: Ben has gf…
mAdDie: WHAT
mAdDie: THE
mAdDie: FUCK???
ROSAlinda: what? i’ll beat his stupid ass for real
After that you didn’t answer the texts, just let them roll in and shush your friends that you’ll somehow manage. Then you scrolled list and looked at Ben’s contact. Tapping on his name you let your fingers hover over the keyboard. This wasn’t the first time you had been staring at his contact like this. Letting your fingers slide across the screen you started typing.
y/n: im sorry if this wakes you up. But its 1:34 here and all I can think about is you…
You glanced at the text and instead of hitting send, you deleted it, and throwing your phone on the ground, went to bed.
You woke up some time later from someone’s whispers and shuffling near the front door. You quietly sat up, still covered by blanket and glanced behind the sofa to make sure that it wasn’t Nina walking around, but both bedroom doors were closed.
“Shhh… You’re going to wake up Nina, Frankie…” you heard a deep voice whisper near the door. Then the small lamp near the front door lit up. Emitting small glow around the door area. You fucking knew that voice everywhere.
“Ben?” you asked, your voice still full with sleep. He wasn’t supposed to be here until tomorrow afternoon. Did you accidentally hit send to that message?
Upon hearing your voice, Ben froze.
“Y/n?” your name escaped him in a small gasp.
“Am I dreaming?” you mumbled to yourself as you rubbed your eyes.
“Why are you…? If I had known… You’re not dreaming. Hello.” He seemed puzzled but then softly greeted you, stepping closer. You furrowed your brows for a second, munching on what he said. Shit, it was him!
“Ben!” You gasped, jumping off the sofa and sprinting to him, just to crush your body to his.
“I fucking missed you!” you mumbled as your hands wrapped around him.
“Missed you too, sweetheart.” Ben said fondly as his hands went around your waist and picked you up from the ground to capture you in bone crushing hug. For a moment both of you enjoyed each other’s closeness. Stealing that feeling of home that you associated with each.
He gently let go of you and in that moment, Ben realised that you weren’t fully decent. You were only wearing panties and sweater. Without a bra. HIS sweater. Looking you up and down, he tilted his head while biting his lip:
“Lovely number you have going on here.” He grinned.
“What?” you looked down at yourself.
“Shit! Fuck!” you rushed to your bag to grab some shorts.
“Relax. And besides, it looks better on you anyways.” Ben was referencing the sweater and chuckled at your frantic movements. So, he totally knew it was his sweater. Cool.
“Someone wants to meet you, y/n.” Ben said when he heard small whine behind himself. He had finally taken his pup with him. And you were too excited to finally meet the beagle girl he talked so much about.
“She’s here with you?” You smiled like child.
“Of course.” He turned around and urged Frankie to come closer to you.
“Oh, god! She’s so lovely!” you couldn’t stop laughing as the pup gave you kisses.
“Look, she likes you.” Ben smiled and kneeled beside you two.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Both of you heard tired voice from the hall.
“Nina.” Ben was up and looking at her. If you were allowed to guess then you would say that he didn’t seem so thrilled to see her here.
“Boo? You are here?” Nina’s voice turned into unnatural squeak.
“Hey, Nina.” Ben smiled at her as the named girl rushed to hug him and give him kiss on the lips. Awkwardly clearing his throat, Ben pulled away from her.
“It seems you two have already met.” He said looking from Nina to you, but letting his eyes stay on you.
“Yeah, she’s a nice girl. And it seems you have brought your little pet too.” Nina said with smile, looking at Frankie who was excitedly wiggling her tail next to you.
“Yeah, I know you’re not a fan of Franksta here, but I couldn’t leave her behind.” Ben said apologetically.
“Nonsense. It’s alright until she sleeps in different room.” Nina smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder. With small nod he agreed.
“Come to bed, boo. You must be tired.” Nina pulled on his arm.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there in a second.” He kissed her cheek.
“Don’t make me wait.” Nina winked at him and went down the hall.
“Sorry about that.” Ben shuffled awkwardly.
“It’s alright.” You smiled and looked down at Frankie. Still trying to process the fact that he had a girlfriend now. You had no idea how to bring this up. What do you even do in such situation?
“Why are you sleeping here in the living room, I have a perfect guest bedroom that you have never turned down before.” He gestured to the back.
“That’s Nina’s.” You said and petted the pup.
“You know you could just sleep in mine then.” He leaned back against the back of the sofa.
“That’s Nina’s too now.” You said straightening. Ben furrowed his eyebrows.
“Guest room sort of is her walk-in closet now. And I think she sleeps in yours.” You shrugged explaining.
“You could have just said something to her.” He smiled.
“I don’t think that she’s a fan of me either.” You sighed, looking at Frankie with whom you now had something in common.
“Don’t be silly.” Ben’s smile faltered.
“It’s alright, Ben. Your expensive sofas are enough.” You reassured, patting his shoulder.
“I think there might be a horny girlfriend that waits for you.” You tried to joke and not sound hurt. For you it hurt more than it made you laugh.
“Don’t even start. I rather stay with you here that deal with that.” Ben said and walked around the sofa to sit.
“Tired, huh?” You whispered.
“Jetlagged as hell.” He corrected.
“Ben?!” Both of you heard Nina’s voice from bedroom. With roll of his eyes, Ben sighed. You rested your forearms on the back of the sofa and looked at Ben. You quietly admired how he looked even if he was jetlagged. His messy hair, the dark hoodie, the way he sat with resting his elbows on his knees.
“How did- How did you meet—You know, the girlfriend Nina thing...?” You somehow tried to word it, but it only came out as weak whisper. You leaned down, now resting your chin on the sofa’s back.
“At one dinner after shooting. Somehow, she stuck around.” Ben sighed and leaned back, his head laying close to yours as his eyes bore into the ceiling, just like yours couple hours earlier.
“What about it?” He asked turning his head to look at you. His breath hitting your cheek now. You didn’t answer, feeling that your voice would give away how you truly feel, so you only shook your head.
“There’s something wrong.” Ben said as his eyes flickered around the side of your face.
“Is there?” You tried to sound uninterested.
“Yeah.” Ben sat up straight and turned to you.
“Don’t want to talk about it.” You said and walked around the sofa to pet Frankie and distract yourself.
“Is it about Nina? Because I know-” Ben started, but you interrupted him with a hiss:
“I said I don’t want to talk about it! Not now, please.” At the end you seemed almost desperate. With small nod, Ben didn’t say a word.
 “Can I leave Frankie here with you?” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Of course.” You scooped the pup in your arms. The dog nuzzled the sweater with her nose.
“Even she knows it’s my sweater.” Ben chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Sorry, I’ll give it back.” You apologized.
“Nah, keep it.” He stepped closer and pulled the collar of the sweater on your nose.
“Goodnight, y/n.” Ben said with tired smiled. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Frankie’s head, keeping his eyes locked with yours.
“Be good.” He said to his dog and left you there with his sweater over your nose and his dog in your arms. Only now you realised how much the sweater smelled of him.
“Goodnight, Ben…” You whispered and readied to the bed again. Mentally saying to yourself to get to sleep because he wasn’t even thinking about you.
tags: @brianandthemays @queen-turtle-boiii @rogahloveshiscar @radiob-l-a-hblah @scarsout @sara-1705 @babydazz
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flowesona · 6 years ago
Ultimatum Part IV
Yandere! Taehyung x reader
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
With her life falling apart due to debt, she must lean on the support of a man who will reap much more than he sows.
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An eerie silence was their companion in the car. (Y/N) couldn’t bring herself to address the sounds she’d heard or his burning wrath. Luckily he’d calmed down quickly enough, eyes set on the road in front of him and his hand gripping the steering wheel a little too tightly.
“You missed the turn.” She commented, noting that they were in a different part of the neighbourhood than before.
“We’re not going home.” was all he said, still avoiding looking at her.
“Where are we going then?” Taehyung finally met her eyes, giving her a soft smile through the rear view mirror.
“You’ll see.”
The pier was quiet enough to make it a serene setting. The soft sound of waves hitting the shore and the occasional squawk of gulls provided for a scene straight out of a movie, as Taehyung led her along, basking in the romantic moment.
For a second she forgot that she wasn’t here by will. She forgot about the murder, the debt, the cool way the he monopolised her life. All that she knew about him was that his hand was warm and his heart was even warmer.
They sat at the end of the pier with their legs dangling over the edges, a salty sea spray coating the smart shoes they'd worn for the formal occasion but that didn’t matter. 
“I love you so much, (Y/N).” Taehyung’s voice cut through the sublime, and (Y/N) responded by resting her head onto his shoulder. She felt how his pulse seemed to increase at her touch like it never normally did. However, she couldn’t stay in such a position for long as she felt his arm dig around in his pocket.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you, and now would be a better time than ever.” (Y/N) felt herself become tense, knowing what was coming next. He found a small velvet box and offered it to her.
Her fingers shook holding it, and it wasn’t until she received a slight nudge from her partner she realised she’d been dwelling for far too long. Sure enough, when she opened the box she found a ring studded with tiny gems.
“Marry me, (Y/N).”
“I-I can’t!” Most brides-to-be would be pleasantly surprised but (Y/N) only felt the deepest of dread in her stomach. She wasn’t prepared to be bonded to this man for her whole life, not when she had so little knowledge about him.
“Why is that? I thought we agreed you would give me your heart?” Those words snapped (Y/N) back into reality, as she was reminded that with Taehyung choice was a mere illusion with the power he wielded over her.
“I mean, I can’t accept this ring! It’s way too flashy, you know I don’t want to be a show-off!” Taehyung bought into her bluff easily enough, smiling as he slid the band onto her finger ad pressed a soft kiss into it.
“I think it’s perfect. It can remind everyone of who your heart belongs to, because only I can provide this for you.”
Never had (Y/N) hated Jimin more than in this moment.
“I’ve got to talk with the venue owners about payment. I’ll only be an hour at most.” Taehyung placed a kiss on his fiancé's cheek before leaving the apartment, locking the door behind him. Such simple things only reminded (Y/N) how much she was under his thumb, yet part of her was somewhat accepting of it. She couldn’t help but try to normalise their relationship, try to pretend he was the caring partner he presented himself to be whilst brushing aside his more possessive and dominating personality traits.
Today was one of the days she was experiencing a bout of acceptance and love for him. Now that she had the apartment to herself she wanted to explore and find out something about her fiancé that he’d hidden. Childhood photos, a stuffed toy, a diary even. Something that showed his more humane side so that she could fall in love with him like he wanted.
What her search uncovered was quite the opposite. Sure, she’d found some pictures of a dog that he’d owned at some point which made her smile, particularly in the he held the Pomeranian as if it was a baby. Whilst (Y/N) dreaded to think of a future beyond their imminent marriage, the sight comforted her with the suggestion he could be a caring father.
However, hidden amongst other photo albums in his desk drawer was a box, labelled with her name. She forgot all about her search I favour of digging out the box and opening it up. Inside were hundreds of photos. Of her.
Some she could remember being taken. A picture of her sat on their balcony in the morning when he’d asked to capture the moment. Some were less consensual - pictures of her asleep in his bed, hair neatly fanned out around her as if we was being posed for a museum portrait. The worst part was ones that were definitely not taken with her permission. Pictures of her out in public with friends, family - memories of a time before she’d known of Kim Taehyung’s existence.
She emptied out the box with terror running through her veins. Some of the pictures were from months, even years ago showing her with different hair and at different work places. (Y/N) was on the verge of vomiting seeing that they’re connection hadn't begun on pure coincidence through a mutual friend. He had been stalking her for years, awaiting to opportunity to arise for him to swoop in and trap her in his web.
Among the photos was a small USB drive. She picked it out amidst the chaos and booted up Taehyung’s computer, a sick want to see just what he was storing away overriding her instincts tell her to hide everything and pretend she didn't know before escaping at the first chance.
The drive contained many files. As she looked further she realised each was an evidence file, not fully filled out but detailing DNA evidence. The person pinned under every piece of evidence? (Y/N) herself.
He had never truly covered up the murder. Rather he’d hidden it away until further notice, until he wanted to expose her. Blackmail. Just so she could never get away.
It was too late to try to think when she heard the apartment door closing, implying he had returned. In a blind panic she switched off the computer and hid the USB under the mattress before scrabbling to pick up every picture. The blood rushing through her ears was enough to block out his voice calling out for her. She was much too terrified to function, the vinyl photos slipping out from her as she tried to pick them up with sweaty hands leaving the box only half full when Taehyung entered.
“I can see you’ve been up to no good whilst I’ve been gone, love.” The iciness of his voice cut through the room like a knife as (Y/N) stared up at him with a look akin to a sheep staring down the eyes of the wolf. He sat on the floor next to her petrified body, taking the photos out of her hands and tidying them up himself.
“Now, where’s the USB?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Tae.” The eerie calmness of his voice sent shiver down her spine, the excuse falling out of her lips in a desperate attempt to not be a victim of his wrath.
“I’ll give you one more chance (Y/N). Give me that USB back and I’ll go easy on you.” When (Y/N) could not even speak, as a final act of defiance, he snarled and pushed her to the ground, using the weight of his body over her to hold her down.
“You’ve said you'll be my wife. I suppose that means we don’t have secrets between us.” Taehyung leant over to start searching through one of the lower drawers in his desk, an area that had gone unsearched by (Y/N). “We both know that you can’t possibly have anything hidden from me, so I shouldn’t be hiding anything about myself to you.”
He finally found what he was looking for, a roll of duct tape.
“I haven’t told you about all the fantasies I have about you. One of them is to see you all tied up and reliant only on me for everything.” The sound of the duct tape unravelling sparked a new fear in (Y/N), struggling to heave him off her torso, but he was quick enough to tie her wrists together before doing the same to her legs.
“You’re fucking crazy, I hate you-” (Y/N)’s acidic words were cut off when he sealed her mouth, smiling.
“This is everything I imagined it to be.” Taehyung stepped back, reaching for his camera. She glowered as him as fiercely as she could, but he was too deluded to realise how insane his actions had become.
The flash of the camera stung her eyes.
“Ah, so beautiful. You’d be worthy of being in a gallery but this sight is only for me.” Taehyung stared lovingly at the picture displayed on the small screen before it placing down on his desk, his attention returning to his distressed fiancé.
He knelt down next to her, fingers tracing her chin as he whispered into her ear.
“Now, since you’re not going to tell me where you’ve hidden the USB I'll have to find it myself.” (Y/N) squirmed at his touch but was defenceless as his fingers trailed over her face gently.
He observed how her eyes had flickered over to the bed, subconsciously telling him everything he needed to know unintentionally. Taehyung’s echoing steps as he paced around the bed before his fingers inched under the mattress until he found his target were torturous enough but only made worse by the taunting way he held it up once he found it.
(Y/N)’s fiancé tucked the small stick away in his pocket before giving her a look of fake empathy. 
“You can stay here for a while love. This is a punishment for us both.” (Y/N) whimpered as he walked away, leaving her exposed and vulnerable on the floor. Before he closed the door he gave her a final smile. “I love you.”
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bennguinfest · 6 years ago
Spring 2019 Fan Fest Prompt List
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Hey fan-festers! 
We’re happy to say that we received 81 prompts this time around, and we spent the last few days distilling all those amazing and creative prompts down to a list of 63 prompts! (If you’re keeping count, that’s far more than last year’s 48!) 
As with last year, we had some repeat prompts and prompts that were similar enough that it made sense to condense them under one item. Additionally, most of the prompts we distilled down to a few words for the sake of having a concise list! Again, like last year’s fest, we’re providing the full text of the original prompts under the cut, in case you’re looking for more details to get started!
You’re free to create any kind of fanwork based on the below prompts! There’s no minimum word count and no rules on what to create, or even how many - if you want to combine prompts, that’s cool! If you’re called to make more than one thing, that’s awesome too! The only limit is that this fest runs from now until April 15th - so if you’re creating something, make sure you post it and tag it with #bennguinfanfest so we can share it to this tumblr! If you’re posting to AO3, the collection is now open for submissions as well, so make sure to include your work there so everyone can find it!
One final thing: even if you didn’t submit prompts, feel free to participate and join us on the discord! We’ve set up a discord server here: bennguinfest on discord to stay connected, inspire each other, and have fun! It’s a great group and really active, so don’t be shy!
That’s it! On to the prompt list!
Matchmaking dogs
Space AU
Birthday gifts
Coming out/being together in the NHL
Acting like a couple (but they’re not actually a couple)
Tyler as a WAG
Transported to a parallel universe
Abducted by aliens
Superhero/Superpowers AU
Amnesia from an injury
Soulmate AUs: Color-based, name-on-wrist
Thirst follow/Met online
Drag AU
Time loops
Alternate histories
Cop AU
Reality show AU (Survivor, the Bachelor, Married At First Sight)
Jamie Poppins/Single dad AU
Supernatural races (vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, etc.)
Omegaverse: Courting
Delivery boy/Uber driver AU
Tyler gets traded back to Boston
Breaking up & making up
Omegaverse: Bonding drama
Boring office desk job
Road trips
Protective Jamie defending Tyler
College/University AU
Tyler tries to be Jamie’s wingman
Lites’s comments affecting the boys
Taking care of a sick hockey player
Cuddle pile/team bed fic
Harry Potter AU
Fire alarm meet-cute
DnD/Hockey Mashup
De-aged after a fight
Bakery/Tattoo Artist AU
Friends with benefits - and then with feelings
Zombie AU
Homeless AU
Nerds are hot/competency kink
Omegaverse: scents
YouTube channel AU
Bridal shop meet-cute
Beard appreciation
Tornado warning
Figure skater mpreg
Self-conscious Jamie
Winning the cup and a kiss on the ice
Lifeguard AU
Haunted farm
Animal daemons
Surprise/sudden parenting
Jealousy from dating/flirting with someone else
Secret relationship and almost getting caught
Long-lost childhood friends
"Come here."
“Close the door.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“It’s three in the morning and you want me to do what?”
“You could’ve died.”
“I thought you were dead.
Full text of the prompts under the link! If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask - and as always, happy creating! 
1. Matchmaking dogs: Tyler’s dogs want to get their human with a certain cow-eyed captain
“well this is really awkward considering the last time we saw each other, i was screaming at you to never talk to me again, but like, my dog recognized you all the way across the park and literally dragged me over here because she misses you so hi” AU
2. Space AU (ex. Star Trek, Firefly, or something else entirely)
3. It's Tyler's birthday and at first Jamie gives off the feeling that he's forgotten and this hurts Tyler but it turns out that that Jamie wakes Tyler up at midnight on his birthday with two tickets to an offseason trip
4. I want a fic that REALLY captures what it would be like if two NHL players were to come out in 2019. I'm talking teammate reactions, press reactions, social media, family, the whole shebang. I wanna see the real raw reactions and the struggle the guys would have to go through. I would also loooove if you could fit Jamie proposing to Tyler in there somewhere but it isn't a necessity.
Jamie has a hard time dealing with how public Tyler’s life is, with the insta stories and with random people filming him all the time. It feels like it’s only a matter of time before their relationship is exposed because of how much Tyler is in the public eye. Jamie doesn’t want to break up but it seems like that’s the only choice he has. He doesn’t want to do this so much that he calls a press conference and comes out of the closet.
Jamie and Tyler have been dating since 2014 and he’s tired of hiding it. So with Jamie’s consent he posts a cute photo of them being a couple and writes a heartfelt monologue about their story. And the whole hockey community blows up about it. And it’s kinda about how they deal with being and out couple and Tyler posting obnoxiously cute couple photos on his Instagram. Sorry this prompted is a mess I just want Tyler to be a troll and post cute cliche couple photos on Instagram of him and Jamie and the world loading their minds about it.
Jamie and Tyler come out to the team about them dating. Management wants to keep their relationship secret so they make Jamie fake date someone. And him and Tyler struggle with the stress that puts on them.
realistic consequences of being together with the team
5. Tyler and Jamie are super close but super oblivious to the fact that they act like a literal couple. Jamie has a gf and she hates the fact that it seems like Jamie cares more about Tyler than he does her.
6. Fluffy fic where Jamie still plays hockey, he meets tyler and they fall in love and tyler becomes an nhl wife/husband/boyfriend.
7. Parallel universes -- somehow Tyler (or Jamie) finds himself in an alternate universe where his life is radically different (for better or for worse) which makes him realize how much his relationship to Jamie (or Tyler) means.
waking up in the future/alternate reality fic
8. Jamie and Tyler are abducted by aliens and taken to a faraway planet where they are prisoners in a bizarro planet. Is it real or is it a nightmare though?
9. jamie and tyler are in danger and major trouble when their identities as superheroes are revealed and bad guys are after them.
powers/mutant AU (as in pick one, not all at the same time) One hides their ability from the other, and when the other finds out, its...not good
Superhero AU! Are they superhero partners? Is one of them a superhero and can't date the other because he has to keep him safe? Are they both trying to keep their secret identities secret from each other while simultaneously dating in both iterations? Up to you, or anything else!
10. Amnesia angst for the win - Jamie gets a particularly hard hit, wakes up and can remember everyone except for tyler (maybe not explicitly, say they can *remember* them, but not remember that they've been dating for eight months now) cue tyler avoiding jamie because its too hard him to be around him
11. soulmate au! people are born with blackmarks - on their hands, their faces, their skin in general - the black marks is the first place their soulmate would touch them. Jamie was born without a mark. Tyler was born with two pitch black palms. Years after tylers been traded to the stars, Jamie falls asleep, and tyler can't help but run his fingers through Jamie's hair, just once, and then he looks down at his hand and the tips of his fingers are colored, and so are the few strands of Jamie's black hair.
Soulmate au- either abo or name on wrist. No drama, just fluff!
12. Tyler thirst follows Jamie on insta. This can be hockey or non-hockey, but Jamie follows back and they start talking.
13. Rupaul’s Drag Race au. Tyler and Jamie are competing against each other but are constantly talking about how much they like each other/are attracted to each other in the confessional. They’re both single, so why not go for it? Alternatively, one is a queen and the other is a member of the pit crew.
14. groundhog day au (aka, tylers/jamies day keeps getting reset, again and again until they get together finally and wake up the next day)
15. alternate history, tyler is never traded to dallas, but they still somehow meet and fall in love anyway
16. cop AU, where in tyler the rookie transfers and get stuck with Jamie the sorta senior to show him the ropes. Jamie gets attached. And that’s...a problem, in their line of work. Or at least it is for him.
17. Survivor au- same or different tribe, as long as they’re the “showmance”
"The Bachelor" AU
Married at first sight au- either within the parameters of the actual show, or they literally get married the day they meet
18. Jamie!Poppins - tyler is a single father with a new baby and no clue of what he's going to do. enter Jamie Poppins!
19. Minotaur Jamie
The Dallas Stars are a pack of werewolves, and Tyler is the vampire that’s been traded to their team.
Shifter verse!! and ive got nothing else for this other than wanting to see tyler as a tiny lab puppy pls and thanks
20. Alpha Tyler and omega Jamie: “usually when I meet an omega I wanna bone, but with Jamie I wanna fucking hold his hand and feed him bonbons all day, what the fuck”
21. Jamie the delivery boy. Kay hear me out. Like he keeps delivering huge quantities of food to this particular house and it always seems like there should be more than one person. But there’s not. And Tyler orders. All. The. Time. Hopeful it’s jamie. But they’re both too dumb to ask each other out. Lots of pining
Uber driver! Jamie picks up Tyler from a one night stand
22. Tyler gets traded back to Boston AU - Everything hurts and nothing is okay. (except that at least one of them is retiring at the end of the season so it's actually more okay than they think) (also a future fic)
23. breakup and makeup but spanning over seasons - no cheese plots
24. Bond drama (abo) either they bond too quickly, like at the all star game or something and dont know ehat to do because theyre on different teams, or they really want to bond and its not happening as fast as they think it should
25. Boring office desk job
26. road trip to Montreal to visit Jordie
27. while out chilling at a bar celebrating a win, jamie and tyler are having a couple of drinks and when jamie gets up to go the bathroom, a drunk stranger and a couple of his friends decide to harass Tyler, upsetting him. A furiously protective Jamie intervenes and despite holding his own, Jamie is beaten up and him and tyler end up in a dumpster.
28. A University fic where Tyler is out and proud and gay and Jamie is still trying to figure out his sexuality but he's having a hard time. No homophobic Jamie tho please, just a guy trying to figure himself out. Would love if he would rely on his family throughout the fic for advice.
I’m always a sucker for college au, or masters/PhD students etc
'the cops showed up to a party we were at and chased everyone away. You and I happened to run in the opposite direction of all our friends and got lost in some dark and creepy street.’ - College AU
29. Tyler finds out Jamie is gay (outed/comes out/whatever you prefer) and embarks on a wild but good-intentioned quest to find Jamie his perfect man.
30. Tyler is hurt by Lites' comments more than one thinks and Jamie is worried when he sees Tyler crying in private.
31. sickfic? jamie taking care of tyler is- like just how pathetic is a sick hockey player?
32. team bed au omg someone pls
33. Harry Potter au but not as high school student, just something in the magical world
34. "3am and the fire alarm in our apartment building went off and you look cold here is my jacket"
35. Hockey AU but they’re all dnd races. I would love to see half-orc Jamie, and goliath Bishop, and tiefling Tyler. Please be as creative as you want with this!
Hockey AU where instead of going out, a core group of guys plays dnd in their hotel rooms while on the road. Tyler and Jamie’s characters are getting flirty in game, and it’s starting to translate outside of it as well.
36. Tyler and jamie fight - a *big* fight, and the next day Jamie suddenly got a deaged tyler on his hands and no idea how to fix it
37. Jamie owns a bakery and tylers the new tat artist next door plsplspls gimme that slow burn bullshit with this one
38. ty/jam used to have a whole friends w benefits thing that went oh-so-wrong because one (or both of them) caught feelings—as one does—and the fic is kind of that aftermath and trying to repair the broken relationship.
40. Homeless AU w/tyler
41. Tyler is smarter than he leads people to believe, and Jamie is into privately nerdy Tyler
42. Abo verse surrounding scents. Tyler smells like the most delicious thing Jamie has ever smelled, but he thinks he shouldn’t bond with a teammate
43. Youtube channel
44. Designer and single friend of client at a bridal shop AU
45. Beard appreciation
46. a tornado warning hits dallas and everybody is ordered to seek shelter. jamie follows tyler back to his house and hide in the basement with the dogs, frantic and terrified.
47. Tyler is a figure skater, Jamie still plays hockey. They meet and fall inlove but whoops tyler ends up pregnant. The world still isn't 100% accepting of LGBTQIA+ people and even less accepting of men getting pregnant. Tyler feels down at some point cause he has to put his career on hold. but it all ends up great in the end.
48. Jamie feels self-conscious about his ass after some chirping from opposing players and it's up to Tyler to comfort him
49. Wing!fic
50. They win the Stanley cup and kiss at centre ice
51. Jamie's a lifeguard. They meet after Tyler basically drowns himself. (It's not an excuse to have Jamie kiss him. Its *not*.)
52. Haunted farm au- Tyler is a witch that lives on a farm where extremely weird things happen. He ends up rescuing Jamie and Jamie pledges his services for one year in exchange for his life. During that year, they fall for each other hard, but there are outside forces in the farm trying to keep them apart.
53. Animal daemons
Goose daemons
54. Marshall, Cash and Gerry turn into human kids (temporarily or not), Bennguin handle being sudden parents
55. Tyler having a serious boyfriend for a while and Jamie is jealous because he wants to date Tyler but he’s not ready to come out. And he’s also upset because everyone is taking it so well and nothing has changed and he realizes he really missed out. But in the end they still get together.
56. secret relationship and how they almost get caught - many many times
57. Childhood pen pal / long distance childhood friends?
58. "Come here."
59. “Close the door.”
60. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”
61. “It’s three in the morning and you want me to do what?”
62. “You could’ve died.”
63. “I thought you were dead.”
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zombeamik · 6 years ago
okay so spoilers again lol
okay so i thought when you played the scret ending 1? riaks backstory was free? e-e
HAHA NVM WAS JUST THE FIRST EPISODE time to go buy 330 hour glasses ANYWAYS
okay seriosuly thing for people who dont like Rika, for what she did. You should honestly play her backstory.. it really could clear some things up for you, and it may chnage your mind, just abit hopefully.
you shouldnt just say no to story, just because you don’t like her.
Of course, if you really dont want to read it fine, but it can probably really help.
Episode 1
this god lady sounds like Jaehee tbh SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OH Mina is Rikas real name :3 How cute already liking this. WONT BE ABLE TO AFFORD THE RETS OF IT THOUGH
Mina/Rika, they really didnt deserve what happened to them.
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okay gotta buy 330 hours glasses but THEN ILL CONTINUE MY REACTION
the game didnt like me buying more hourglasses o it decided to messwith mu audio.
okay had to restart my phone THANKS ANOTHER SETBACK
Episode 2
okay so, i like Mika back here. BUT WHAT I SAW IN THE V ROUTE, thats not cool Mika. you were kinda okay? you were already a little manipulative to a three year old. “My little sister, should always have short hair” how about you shut up. Twins? All she ever wated was to be loved and not taken away from her “Twin”, Maybe thats why she cared so much for Saeran and Saeyoung before she ddi what she did. Mika no, no. You’re the one who put those awful things in Minas/Rikas mind ugh okay i go back to not liking her, that was very fast.
Okay grown up Rika/Mina, okay rika i like you when you arent doing ur creepy eyes. UGH honestly im so mad at Mika, honestly the fuck. CUTE PICTURES OF V AND RIKA YES okay i know, i like V and all but tbh they were cute together.
excuse me V you shouldve said THATS WHY I ADORE UR SUN BC THATS ALL SHE NEEDED TO HEAR, she didnt want to hear that you loved her because of her darkness.  She wnated someone to love her, or show her a tiny bit of warmth so she could find the light inside her. So, so far, Mika is the one who introducded her to this “darkness” SO UNLESS RIKAS BACKSTORY CAN GIVE ME A REASON TO NOT DISLIKE MIKA AND FORGIVE HER I WILL GLADLY TAKE IT.
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Episode 3
sorry what?
Mina, Serena
Im glad she went with Rika, I like Mina, but Rika ive gotten used to it. Maybe she’ll go back to Mina one day?
Oh. Okay i dont like Rika/Mina/Serena’s Mother. and the pastor, no wonder she started a cult, i mena look at his outfit. WHAT KIND OF SHITTY PASTOR ARE YOU
“NEEDS ALOT OF PRAYERS” how about you shut up, man,  Pastor my fucking ass, Devil worshipper is more fucking likely.
excuse me pastor, your voice in my ears IS FUCKING CREEPY DO YOU MIND
“ your body has grown, is it satan?” HOW ABOUT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE HER ALONE
yep, i fully understamd now why she created a cult. okay im only on 3 of 8 but still
oh, her dads the head of the hospital, okay. all good.
she just wnated to be free from hatred? 
okay gone back to not liking Mika just abit
now i dont know?
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Episode 4
Mika had cacner in her eyes.
Mika lived a while though, so her dad must have paid the bills.
Did she really grow up at the orphange? PROBABLY FUCKING NOT
I was just feeling sad for her, but then she did that.
so she made V blind because of that?
okay no, no new puppy then.
no v, shes brainwashed him.
No V you should focus on saeyoung because ive turned saeran into somebody i regret now.
Rika no.
you didnt have to shut everyone out, 
he asked you to leave?
Ugh im so confused?
right yeah, she only separated saeran and saeyoung because of their parents.
Mika, why. 
she didnt have to lie about the orphanage, and then why you said you made Rika think it was all her fault, and then ugh
the pastor is a creep, a pervert, child molester
dont fucking freak out, you told her to leave because you didnt want sally in the house and now your like THE FUCK YOU GOING SERENA HUH? ugh
Rika no, that isnt the right choice.
oh bad momesnt to mention sally being cute.
listen, all rika every wanted was to love someone.
defo a cult, Believer’s? This some sort of god cult.
oh she was 16.
oh dear.
well that was a roller coaster
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Episode 5
great she started working a church, and became a nun. even more fantastic
I do like the names Mina and Serena but still Rika.
well wjat she thought she was doing was okay. Not wanting anyone to be abandoned?
she just uh turned it into something alot bigger than helping out at a church
She only treated people the way she did was because she didnt know how loving parents acted, so what she thought she was doing was right to her, since she didnt know anything else.
okay so shes 18.
and she wnated to shoe people her light instesd fo her darkness
OH THE CLOUD PHOTO, man when she looked at it she said Mother, because thats the first thing that came to mind. 
yeah she thought that of she didnt protect saeyoung he’d rot just like Mika.
she could see her and mIka in him so she grew attached
she onyl wanted to do good
Rika the Angel but she thought of herself as Rika the Devil ok
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Episode 6
okay so she didnt want yoosung to find out about her darkness
Rika honey, its okay. he still would ahve loved you.
Okay so Oh got it okay.
Yoosung is the son of rikas mothers sister,
she couldnt feel anything? well V is both light and dark rika.
man v still doesnt know rikas real name BUT WE DOOOOO
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episode 7
Man v ur kinda smooth with words but at the same time like you just met.
okay so she modelled for V and then when she was doing that they didnt talk much? man V atleast tell her she did good. how rude.
v the fuck you didnt even say goodbye, just IM GONNA GO GRAB MY CAMERA AND THEN FCUKING WALK OFF
V no.
you didnt even compliment her or anything, you just said heres lets take pictures but we aint gonna talk and thn when your done, i aint gonna say you did well or anything like that.
V you kinda an asshole.
okay shes fine.
V was just curious about me because im not like the rest”
kinda sounds like it,
oh so it was Mina that wanted to be loved.
well shes still a prt of you rika, so that measn you wanted to be loved aswell.
okay so she stopped visiting V
V came to visit her
make up your fuckingmind V
“Heathen Cult”
well yeah basically.
“ can you show me how dark you are?”
okay all good
she told V everything
and she scared she;ll end up like Mika.
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wow thats fast.
okay so saeyoung went abroad and then she stopped disagreeing when saeren was saved
then she met Jumin a year later, sweet.
okay so then she got her aparement
and then she dint know if things to turn to the worst or the best
well id say the worst but you did save alot of people.
you may have brainwashed them but they would ahve probably died without her help.
Mina believed her.
so she agreed.
“I must not use that boy. I must save him”
what kind of bullshit is that.
mika is the dark
mika just please shut up.
okay she died. thats sad but like
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thst was um
one crazy ride
so glad i read it.
even if you dont like rika at all
please do
its worth it.
as you can see my thoughts were jumbled in the actual live reaction
but it makes alot of sense kind aof?
im to lazy to write a review so thats the best you’re gonna get.
Its really good, to actually understand why Rika/Mina/Serena turned out the way she was.
i mena i already forgave her in the V ending
but even though she did those bad things, if someone just loved her and didnt feeed her with horrible views of the world, she was still a caring girl even though the darkness took a hold of her,
Im not glad of what happened to her, but if it didnt we would have never even met anyone. so as mucha s i hate to say it, im glad of what happened, and 100% glad we could help her through with it.
Okay, well that was fun.
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southside-jess-blog · 7 years ago
Secret Vows - Sweet Pea Imagine
Requested by anonymous
‘Heyyy! Okay first of all I love your work so much!!! And I was wondering if you could write an imagine when the reader and Sweetpea gets married, at a young age. But nobody knew, until Sweetpea slips it out by mistake? Thank you!! 💗💗💗💗 xx’
Author’s Note: I loved this idea! Thank you for this, sorry it took a while. Hope you enjoy it, I got so carried away writing it! X
Word Count: 5,084
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Almost a year ago, Sweet Pea and I shared our vows with each other in an intimate ceremony in Greendale. No one there but us, the officiant of our marriage and a witness. The physical symbol of our union being two vintage rings that we bought from an antique shop, just moments before we said, ‘I do’. Our wedding was nothing glamorous, but it was perfect for us.
We hadn’t told anyone about our marriage, avoiding judgement due to our young age. Our rings were worn around our necks, Sweet Pea’s with his signature dog tags, and mine on a simple chain that matched the one that my husband had.
Sweet Pea’s POV
After an afternoon at the Whyte Wyrm, playing pool against Fangs as he had some twisted idea in his head that he could beat me… idiot… it had turned 6pm, the time that my gorgeous wife was due to finish her shift at Pop’s. As much as I loved hanging out with my friends, I couldn’t think of anything better than getting home and cuddling on the couch, watching some crappy TV show, but she loved it, so I could never complain.
Knowing it could take her a good half an hour before she got home, I ordered another drink from the bar, opting for simple glass of Pepsi as I had to ride home and was sure that I was probably already pushing it with the drinks, especially because I had to sneak the beers from Toni due to my age. I grabbed the glass walking back over to my previous position, watching as Fangs collected the pool balls from the machine, smirking as he looked my away.
“Got time for one last game Pea?”
Laughing at his deluded confidence, I put my drink down and picked up my pool cue one more time, leaning on the table as he put the balls in position, ready for the first shot to be taken.
“One. Then I really gotta go”
“I know, I know. I’ll make it quick”.
I rolled my eyes before mumbling under my breath, “no. I’ll make it quick”. Smirking as I aligned my shot, hitting all the balls with force, sending three straight into the pockets, grinning to myself as I heard a disappointed scoff come from Fangs’ direction.
Have to admit, the kid put on a good game, but as always it just wasn’t good enough. He handed over a $10 bill from the standing bet that always stands whenever we play against each other, I folded it over and slid it into my back pocket, glancing over at the clock as I did so.
My eyebrow raised as I took note of the time, Y/N should be home by now, or at least messaged me to say she was running late like she normally did. I took my phone from pocket and pressed the home button just to reveal my lock screen, a photo of us on our secret wedding day, my heart warming as I looked at the smile that complemented her face so beautifully.
I held onto my phone firmly in my hand, in case she was to call any moment, as I advanced towards the bar where Toni was cleaning some glasses.
“Hey Topaz, haven’t heard from Y/N have you?”
She turned to me with concern on her face, knowing it was unusual for her to not text me to let me know that she had finished work.
“Not since she sent that baby photo of you into the group chat earlier, no. Maybe she’s just running late again? You know what her shifts are like sometimes”.
I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand.
“Maybe, yeah”. I perched on the bar stool, my elbow resting on the bar with my head resting in my hand, staring intensely at my phone waiting for it to ring but when it did, it was not the number I was hoping for.
Sliding to the right to answer the call, I slowly raised my phone to my ear.
“Hello this is Riverdale General Hospital. We have a Y/F/N Y/L/N here, she’s been involved in a collision and you were her emergency contact. Do you know her?”
I felt my heart stop as the unfamiliar voice spoke to me through the phone. My hand dropping as my jaw hung low, I was in complete shock.
“Pea?” Toni looked at me in concern, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak, I could hear the muffled voices coming from the phone asking if I was still there, but I couldn’t respond. I was frozen. My phone was taken from my hand as Toni began talking to the receptionist.
After what felt like forever, but in reality, was a matter of seconds, I shot up from my seat, knocking it over as I did so and ran out of the bar, ignoring the calls of my name from my friends and hearing Toni telling Hog Eye to watch the bar as they chased behind me, but it was too late, I was already on my bike speeding out of the parking lot before they could catch up to me.
I didn’t bother putting on my helmet as I sped through the streets of Riverdale towards the hospital, dismissing any speeding laws that I was most likely breaking as I did so. My mind was on nothing but my wife, my poor wife who lay alone in a hospital bed. I didn’t want to imagine how she looked right now but I couldn’t help the picture of her battered and bruised that was so prominent in my mind. A few tears fell from my eyes, I could say it was the pressure from the wind that was against me, but I’d be lying, I was completely terrified. Terrified that I would become a widow before anyone even knew that I was a husband.
Arriving at the hospital, I didn’t even bother kicking the stand of my motorcycle down, simply letting it fall to the ground as I rushed inside the main doors, scanning the hundreds of signs searching for one that would lead me in the direction of my life. I pulled at my hair as I read them, the words becoming a blur as the panic set in. I was so lost in my own panic that I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a familiar hand rest on my shoulder, another on my back.
“Accident and emergency… that’s probably the best place to look”. I looked down at my pink haired friend before letting them direct me in the right direction. It was then that the tears fell again, and I didn’t even bother trying to stop them. This was the most broken I had been in front of my friends, but there was no way I could hide the dread I was feeling that moment.
The corridor went on for miles, at least that’s what it felt like. The faint cries and coughs coming from the wards that we passed causing an uneasy feeling in my stomach. When we eventually reached the emergency room, the line for the desk was too long for comfort, I had to fight the urge to push past everybody else and it’s as if Toni and Fangs could sense it, as their grips on me tightened almost simultaneously but truth be told, even if I was going to, I don’t think I had the energy to. The life had drained out of me as soon as I saw my phone ringing.
As we reached second in line, a woman was bought in on a stretcher, her body bruised. My eyes widened, I knew it wasn’t my wife, her hair wasn’t as glossy as my wife’s is. Her skin not as golden from the tan she had from our beach vacation just last week. Her eyes not as bright and full of life as my wife’s… a terror surged through my body. What if that brightness and life has been removed from her. What if she is unrecognisable, no matter how so, she will always be beautiful to me, but she will forever be miserable herself.
My breathing began to become uncontrollable as I thought about the pain that she was in, she was somewhere in this building and I didn’t know, and that was killing me from the inside out.
I didn’t notice the space in front of me until I felt my body being pushed forward by Fangs, an encouraging expression on his face as I turned to him encouraging me to move.
“Hi how may I help you?” The receptionist had a welcoming smile on her face as she let her eyes move up and down my body, examining my broken character.
“Errr I.. my..” I sighed, the tears falling once again along with my head, as I stared at my feet, wishing for everything to go back to normality and for Y/N to be ok.
Toni’s hand rubbed my back as my voice cracked, “it’s ok Pea, she’s here she’ll be ok”.
I took a deep breath before looking back at the receptionist. “Y/N Y/L/N. She was in a car accident, I had a phone call that she was here?”. Sorrow filled her eyes as she looked at me, turning towards her computer to type in her name.
“Let me find out where she is for you”.
I went to speak again but all I let out was a breathy sob, I leant down, resting my head on my folded arms that lay across the reception desk. “Please….” I looked up again, glancing at the computer screen that looked frozen on the one page. 
”I just need to know where my wife is”. I let my head be lowered again, jolting as I cried on my sleeve, ignoring the gasps that came from my friends behind me, I’m guessing from the revelation that I had just dropped on them, but frankly I didn’t care. I just need to know where she is.
“She’s in room 105. About halfway down that corridor on the right” I followed her arm as she held it out in the direction of another corridor, a warm smile on her face as I nodded a thank you and walked as fast as my feet could take me in that direction, stopping at the door that read ‘105’.
Peering through the small window, I saw her body laying on the bed. Her eyes closed as tubes and IV’s were connected to her. Dried blood and darkened bruises decorated her once so bright and clear skin. Her wedding ring was visible, hanging from her neck on the beautiful gold chain that accompanied it so well.
“We’ll stay out here, let you have some time with her”. I looked over my shoulder at my friends who had found themselves a seat in the hallway, nodding towards them as I pressed down on the handle, taking a step into the room where the beeps from the various monitors and the gentle breaths that left her body were the only things to be heard. I approached her cautiously, sitting on the chair next to her bed, taking her hand in mine, bringing it up to my lips to place a longing and loving kiss on her soft skin.
My eyes scanned over her body, smiling as I watched her chest rise and fall in rhythm with her breathing. Her eyelids moving as she lived an alternate reality in whatever she was dreaming about right now. I used my other hand to reach to her ring, untangling the small knot that had formed in the chain, leaning over to press a kiss onto the metal before letting it fall gently against her chest, placing another kiss on her forehead as I sat back down in my chair.
I sat alone with her for a while, talking to her about my day at the Wyrm, telling her tales about Fangs’ deluded confidence that he could beat me, and I swear I saw the corners of her lips raise into a small smile as I spoke… knowing how many times she’d heard of and witnessed Fangs’ trying to beat me in Pool, no matter how hard he tried, he never succeeded.
Our one-way conversation was interrupted by a quiet knock on the door, and the sound of it creaking as it opened to reveal Fangs and Toni. I smiled at them, letting them know that they were welcome to come in. They grabbed two chairs from the back of the room, situating themselves on the other side of her bed, looks of concern on their face as they took their first look at her.
“Doctor said that her surgery went well, she could wake up whenever’. Smiling as I spoke, my eyes not leaving her body.
“That’s great news Pea”. I looked at Fangs as he spoke, a smile on his face. “Yeah”. I grinned as I let my sight return back to the woman I love, feeling the most content that I had all day, knowing that she was safe, and she was with me. This was all that mattered.
In the corner of my eye, I saw as Toni took a hold of her left hand, toying with the bracelet that rested on her wrist, a matching one that the two girls had bought during the same vacation that gave her skin the radiance that it currently had. “Before she wakes up Pea, we just wanted to ask you something?” Toni spoke with caution, as if she was scared of the words that were leaving her mouth. I just hummed, waiting for her to continue what it is she wanted to say, still watching her in the corner of my eye as she played with a charm that hung from the chain.
“It’s about you and Y/N?”. With that, I looked up at her, my hand remaining tightly entwined with Y/N’s. Toni refused to look me in the eye as she continued to speak. I could guess what she was going to say, knowing that in my emotional high earlier tonight, I had let our secret vows slip, revealing our unknown commitment to each other to our two best friends, who I know should have found out in a better circumstance, but you can’t control how life goes sometimes. You never know what it might throw at you, because if you did, my wife would not have been lying unconscious in a hospital bed.
I let out a deep sigh. I might as well be open about it, and not force my friend to feel even more uncomfortable asking about this subject as it already appeared that she was.
“This isn’t the most ideal situation that we’d have liked to tell you about it in,” I signalled towards Y/N, “but it’s something that was going to have to be spoken about either way”. As I spoke, I noticed two sets of eyes watching my lips intensely as they moved with the word I spoke. I glanced over at them before looking down at the woman who should be sat alongside me, sharing our love story with those who cared about us. Those who mattered in our lives.
“Y/N and I got married last year… it wasn’t planned. It just happened… and it felt so right”. I smiled as I remembered the day vividly in my mind. “It was spontaneous. Unorganised. It was perfect for us”. I found myself toying with my own wedding ring that hung around my neck, hidden amongst my dog tag chains. Toni smiled at my words, such a sincere smile that made me question why we ever decided to keep this private. “We were in Greendale, in an antique shop and there were these two simple bands, and as if it was fate, they fit us perfectly… so we just decided to go for it. It was the sketchiest little registry office ever, but it allowed us to enter this union with each other and take the next step in our relationship. Yeah, we’re young, but we’re in love. And it just came naturally, there was no questions against it”. I took another long breath, looking over at Y/N, feeling her hand shift within mine, her small hands tightening around my large ones, our fingers entangling within each other even more than they usually were.
I heard Fangs and Toni gasp slightly as her eyes opened, slowly revealing her eyes, that were bright and full of life despite the trauma that her body had felt just hours earlier. I moved my body closer to her, brushing a strand of hair away from his face, resting my hand on her chin as she looked me in the eyes.
“Hi Pea”. She sent a painful grin in my direction; all of her energy being used as she spoke my name. I bought my face close to hers, resting my forehead against hers, pressing a long kiss against her lips. “Hello my love”. Planting another kiss on her lips, I pulled away, allowing her to look towards our friends that had sat up straight in their seat as her eyes had opened.
“Y/N, how are you feeling?” Fangs took a step towards her, his hand behind her head as he played with her hair, a habit that he had developed over their many years of friendship. Her head naturally moved towards his hand, her eyes closing as she basked in the soothing feeling that it bought to her. “I’ve been better, but I’m good. I’m alive, and I’m with those who matter most to me. That’s all that matters to me right now”. He smiled at her, shifting his body closer to the wall as Toni leant forward onto the bed. “You’re a tough girl, Y/N”. She grinned, her hand reconnecting with the bracelet that the two had in common.
Y/N smiled before turning her attention back to me. “I heard you”, causing me to allow another grin to crawl onto my face. “And I don’t know why we kept it a secret for so long”. She lifted her hand out of mine to grasp onto her ring, bringing it to her lips to kiss it, just like I had done prior to her reawakening.
Your POV
For the week that I was required to stay in hospital for my recovery period, Sweet Pea remained by my side the entire time that the hospital visiting hours allowed. Telling me stories about what our friends were up to and reminiscing on our relationship and marriage, which we would celebrate the one-year anniversary of the day that I was discharged, like Sweet Pea mentioned the previous week, it was fate.
He had left me briefly to return to our shared trailer to bring me a bag of clothes and makeup, allowing me to feel alive as I returned back to the familiar Southside settings. The door opened as I sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing at my knees that had become stiff from a week of rest and limited movements.
“I picked out that long flowy dress that you liked”, he pulled it out of my bag as he spoke, “I figured you’d want something comfortable to wear as opposed to jeans”. I held onto his waist as he appeared in front of me, pulling him towards me to kiss his heavenly lips, deepening it ever so slightly before my neck became uncomfortable due to the position that it was in, looking up at my tall, handsome husband as he stood in front of me, almost as a silhouette as the moonlight outlined him perfectly.
He glanced at the time, a visible look of disappointment appearing on his face. “I was hoping to take you out to dinner to celebrate these two amazing occasions, but I’m afraid it’s getting a bit too late”. He moved away from me, as he did I snaked my arms back from around his waist, down his arms to hold onto his hands, swinging them from left to right in the small space that was between us.
“I don’t mind where we celebrate, as long as we’re together. It’ll be perfect”. He looked down at me, his eyes full of love and pride. The most beautiful smile on his face, causing me to bite my lip as I smiled back up at him.
“How about the Wyrm? I’m sure Toni and Fangs will want to see you. They’ve been bombarding me with calls all day asking me to take you to see them before we head home”. I nodded slowly, “perfect”.
Removing my hands from his, I stood up off the bed, holding onto its frame for support as I steadied myself on my feet. “You okay?” Sweet Pea snaked his arms around my waist, burying his head in the crook of my neck where he planted an array of short but sweet kisses before pulling away, allowing me to walk into the small bathroom that was attached to my hospital room, where I changed into the long dress that Pea had picked out for me, sliding a pair of simple but comfortable espadrilles on my feet before sliding on one of his flannels, that he had let me have to sleep with, as he couldn’t stay here all night due to hospital rules.
Just an hour after being discharged, we arrived at the Whyte Wyrm, sticking to the promise that we had made to our friends that we would visit them before we went home to celebrate our special day in just each other’s company. Stepping out of the truck that Sweet Pea had borrowed from FP, choosing the mode of transport over his bike to avoid me sitting in discomfort due to my wounds that were still affecting me a week after my accident.
We walked hand in hand into the familiar building, one that I had missed in the time that I was away from it. With a squeeze of my hand, Pea looked down at me, asking through just his expression if I was okay, to which I nodded and continued to walk towards the door. With his hand that wasn’t clasped with mine, Pea reached in front of me to open the entrance, letting me enter ahead of him.
My eyes widened as we were welcomed into the bar by an array of cheers, looking around the bar was full with our extended family of Serpents, Fangs and Toni taking pride position on the stage at the far end of the bar, towering above the rest of the gang members as they cheered in our direction. I turned to look up at Pea where he stood behind me, seeing if he was as astounded as I was, and his eyes told me that he was. He looked down at me, pulling me closer to him by his hand that had made its way around my waist, kissing my forehead before whispering into my hair.
“I knew they wanted to know exactly when we were going to arrive but I wasn’t expecting this”. I giggled, noticing the numerous handmade banners that were decorating the walls, reading things such as ‘Mr & Mrs’, ‘Hitched’ and ‘Welcome Home Y/N’.
I couldn’t hold back the tears that began to fall from my eyes, an overwhelming wave of emotion running through my body. Sweet Pea chuckled before pulling me into his chest, my arms reaching up to link around his neck. We stayed like this for about a minute before we were joined by the door by Toni and Fangs, who pulled me away from Pea to embrace me in another hug as I continued to cry of joy, smiling as I heard Pea say “careful she’s precious” in a quiet panic as I was pulled away from him.
“Come on lovebirds” Toni grinned at the two of us as I was released from her embrace, before we were both pulled in the direction of the stage, some of the older Serpents giving us taps on the back for encouragement and congratulations.
“Listen up!” Giggling as she tapped on the microphone, Toni drew the attention of the Serpents to the stage, even though she didn’t really need to as I could feel all of their eyes piercing into my skin, smiles on their faces as they looked in our direction.
“As you all know, because me and Fangs have announced it to everyone multiple times this week” The two looked at each other laughing, receiving a scowl from Sweet Pea, but of course it was only comical. “These two love birds got married exactly a year ago… WITHOUT TELLING US!”. The crowd booed before breaking into a fit of laughter, Sweet Pea pulled me closer towards him, allowing me to lean onto him as my legs began to get tired due to the week-long bed rest that I had not long been out of.
“And when Y/N was in hospital, Sweet Pea told us all about it… he was cheesy, but it was cute”. I giggled as Toni smirked up at Sweet Pea, causing his grip to only tighten around my body in a slight embarrassment, his usually quite tough demeanour being demolished by her words. “They didn’t have a proper ceremony, no friends or family there to witness their union”.
I saw FP walking towards the stage, sending a warm smile in my direction that I kindly returned. I turned back to Toni as she continued to speak, just as FP reached the stage. “So! We’re going to hold our own mini ceremony right here, right now!”. She stepped away from the microphone, pulling me away from Sweet Pea as Fangs pulled him away from me, positioning us so we were facing each other. The awkwardness of the situation causing me to start to laugh as I looked at my husband as he stood in front of me, looking anything but pleased by the situation that we had found in, me laughing even more as he shook his head at me, smiling slightly.
“Right. I’m no minister, so this is going to be short but sweet… more so because I can see how uncomfortable Sweet Pea looks right now”. FP was now speaking through the microphone, as the rest of the Serpents laughed once again at his words. “So, we are here today to celebrate the marriage of this young couple, well. The one-year anniversary of their marriage”. He smiled at us as he spoke.
“I’ve had the honour of knowing these two young people for a long time, classing Y/N as one of my own children, and I watched their relationship blossom into what it is today. One that I think so many of us would aspire to have”.
He paused his speech as Toni and Fangs approached us once again, reaching around our necks to unclasp the chains that held our wedding bands, removing the rings before securing the chains against our necks once again. Toni winked at me as she took her place next to Sweet Pea, Fangs next to me.
“I know that neither of you wore your rings on your ring finger for the first year of your marriage, and that is going to change. You should feel free to showcase your marriage to one another so from here on out, that is what you are going to do”.
I smiled at FP’s words, all of the nerves that I had felt about people seeing and judging our rings leaving my mind, all that mattered was showing that I had committed myself to the man that I love. I shouldn’t be afraid to flaunt it.
Toni lifted my left hand and placed it in Sweet Pea’s, holding out my wedding ring for him to take as he slid it halfway onto my finger, a cheeky smirk on his face as he felt the light sweat on my hands from the nerves of being in front of the large crowd, despite knowing them all quite well.
“Do you, Sweet Pea, take Y/N Y/L/N as your wife?... again” FP spat out his last words with a laugh.
“I do… again” He smiled down at me, watching intensely as he pushed the ring all the way onto my finger, just like he had done exactly a year ago, before lifting my hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it gently.
As he bought my hand back down, I caught his with my other hand, taking his ring from where it lay on Fangs’ palm. Fangs winked at me, a large, genuine grin appearing on his face as he did so. I did what Pea had done to me just moments prior, sliding the ring halfway down his ring finger.
“Do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Sweet Pea at your husband?... again” I smiled up at him, mumbling “again” as FP spoke it, causing Sweet Pea to break out into a chuckle.
“I do… again” I bit my lip in concentration as I pushed the ring further down onto his finger, holding his hand securely in my own as I did. I smiled up at him, taking a step closer to him.
“Now, as I know your both so desperate to do what I’m about to say. I’ll skip right to it. Sweet Pea, you may kiss your bride!” And with that, I was embraced tightly in his arms as he placed a passionate kiss on my lips, arching my back as he leant down to my height. Our foreheads rested against each other as we pulled away, lost in each other’s eyes as the Serpents shouted with joy.
“I can now show off my beautiful wife proudly and freely. There’s no need to hide anymore”.
And once again we were connected at the lips, this kiss deepening slightly more than the previous one, only to be interrupted by FP’s booming voice through the microphone, “oi. Calm down until you get home you two”. He laughed, hitting Sweet Pea on the back as he leant to hug me. “Congratulations, you deserve all the happiness in the world”.
Part 2
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
February 23, 2021: 3:19 pm:
Controlled environment terror at the Peninsula.
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“Tiger Woods Roll Over at the Peninsula w/leg injuries and surgical extractions”
“Pen, making insulation (insulin, injection, IV User) problems at the dark back nine Egyptian Bangles playground (Pleasure Dome) treasonous money making machine”
now I remember what the name of that little ice cream & hamburger restaurant was called, the one in Simi Valley on Kuener Drive at the Santa Susana drop-in to Simi Valley, at the entrance to Hope Town, and just a short walk from the Village Market there in Simi Knolls.
“The Simi Valley Walk-In“
The place had a pointy roof, was an A-Frame cabin turned into a “eat out only”, “no indoor dining” little hamburger & ice-cream restaurant, where little kids vanished with their parents into the Hope Town that was behind the Simi Walk-In.
That is what the Tiger Woods Roll Over is really about. There are some other tweets that support that, news with a “74“ in it, is “HWY 74″ from Rancho Mirage (Thunderbird Golf Course & Country Club) to Laguna Nigel.
I suspect Woods is a placeholder for Obama for purposes of the terror comm presented there in the Twitter Trend.
I could go on and on and on and on and on about how that story is bullshit, happened already in the past on Beta Twitter, is a “command set” of re-arranged SAG terror communication, and is really about Rocketdyne, Bob Hope, a round house near Hwy 111 at the dog-leg in Palm Springs w/big fish aquarium built into a outdoor swimming pool ...
(airplane flyover to the south at 3:42 pm just now)
... and a whole bunch of other facts about global terrorism and murder of US Military servicemen under Linden B. Johnson, and other presidents since that time.
There is no one watching the baby, no help has come.
It gets increasingly more difficult to survive with each of these Tumblr entries as the assassins are literally lined up on the road I live on taking numbers and drawing straws, to see which of the terror cells are going to run the next attack at my house to kill me and take this account down.
95% of all of the terrorism on earth could be stopped, ended forever if this account were studied and acted upon as is laid out in a number of places within.
Take down Twitter first.
Take out number I O Downing Street.
Take out the Vatican.
Round up all of the SAG members and take them to Easter Island.
Round up all of the US Government Congress, and state Governors and take them to Easter Island. Drop them off.
Put a perimeter around Portugal & Spain.
Take custody of Google Inc.
Just those seven steps would be the beginning of the end of global terrorism forever. Twitter has to go first. nothing can be done while Twitter remains active.
With that done, then you go into Britain and flush out all of the so called British Royalty, emphasis is on all of the so called “Knights”, find all of the House of Lords members, and set them aside for special treatment, take House of Commons members to Easter Island, drop them off there with the others.
SIS MI6 GCHQ needs to be compelled, persuaded, to say what they know.
For every killing contraption they used on US Citizens, return that in like kind to British House of Lords members, Royalty and extended families and associates while SIS MI6 GCHQ is watching and deciding what they are going to say.
Boris Johnson gets to ride the slide first, as a “Pep-Rally” for the others in the viewing audience at the show.
4:30 pm:
“Pixar” trending on Twitter.
It says: “Potential Rollover at High-Center of USPS ‘The Stork’ terror cell“
Also, Jacinda Ardern is inside the truck with automatic weapons, she is stealth, the guns are mounted in the front grill, and there is at least one “Stow Away” child terror soldier riding beneath the truck in the frame work.
You don‘t see that information because you are US national security personnel and were intentionally trained not to see that kind of information. I don‘t mean to hurt your feelings there snowflake, it’s just the way it is, and if you don’t put on your big boy pants pretty soon, everyone dies at the end of the show.
It’s a Quentin Tarantino film. All of the characters die at the end, every time.
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4:52 pm:
That mail truck looks like a good design to me for bringing mail and looks easy on the mail carrier, easy to stand up inside, move things around as needed, less need to get out of the mail car to shift the sorted mail around, is safer, better, for the mail carriers, has a logo on it, lots of visibility, and there is no questioning what kind of vehicle it is or where it came from.
Where I live the mail cars are privately owned vehicles mostly. Only every once in a while does an official mail truck bring the mail. This route on my street has been delivered with a black nissan Quest minivan for that past many years.
This one:
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Of note, is the words: “Black Jelly Bean“ on the rocker panel, and, on the right front door that signage looks a lot like an ice-cream truck menu. There are colorful lights that flash on that USPS mail car, and sometimes there is carnival music that is played when the horn is sounded.
There is also a green one just like that black one that runs on the Monument Drive mail route, and that one says: “Green Jelly Bean“ on the rocker panel, but otherwise is the same as the black one, both are Nissan Quest mini vans.
There is another black nissan Quest mini van at Monroe terror cell. The Monroe Nissan Quest looks similar to that USPS van, but has different markings on it. That Monroe van is filled with the poisons they use to blow into my house that make me cough, causes leg swelling, rash, are like laxative symptoms and sea sickness symptoms caused by the Monroe terror cell poisoning me over the past six years or so. The Monroe black Nissan Quest van says: “A-1 Exterminators Pest Control” on it in yellow lettering.
That USPS Quest Van is known to drive away, and leave an African Lion in the road on the street I live on. Sometimes if I am outside when the mail carrier comes, I wait there by my driveway, then go get the mail as the USPS is getting ready to drive away, the side door opens, and an African Lion comes out of the Quest USPS van, then the van drives away leaving me there about thirty feet away from the African Lion, and I have to fight the fucking Lion in the roadway to get my mail.
Like this one:
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I have been unsuccessful at taking a selfie with the African Lions when the Safari terror cell turns them loose. It’s not that I don’t want to take a selfie, it’s just that a choice between a camera and a fingernail clipper always results in the fingernail clipper for defense, rather than glamour.
I have not received any mail this month at all that I can recall, maybe one ad for something first week of February, but I usually get some mail by this time in the month, at least some coupons, or something from Josephine County Search & Rescue asking me for a donation, but there has been no USPS mail this month. There was a door hanger left in the mailbox by the sheriff’s office, it was not mailed, it was just put into the mailbox by someone other than a USPS mail carrier.
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The mail car photos are a few years old.
I have not seen the mail carrier for quite awhile as it’s too fucking dangerous to take a walk to the mailbox, and is more dangerous after contacting the White House for some help to stop murders of many hundreds of thousands of citizens in Oregon.
6:21 pm:
Local Update:
A walk to the mailbox was cold, overcast, absence of wind.
I encountered Sandy Monroe who was tending to her chicken coup, the large one, with stage lighting, looks like a puppet show stage, complete with curtains.
I passed by there and went to the road.
A car alarm sounded on Russell Road as I was walking by the place where the Monroe cameras are pointed at my driveway.
I continued to the road.
There, I saw the Jerry Sienfeld w/beard looking fellow, with a large woman who was wearing black. They were standing out front of 445 Jackpine near the garage there, and the man was kicking a fallen tree with his foot as I began to walk towards the mailboxes.
I took these photos of the ribbon and pink flags I mentioned a couple of days ago.
This below looks like it says: “NoML” to me, and is written on the ground about two feet away from the Centurylink telephone access terminal box that is located directly across the street from my driveway, and is the one where my phone line is connected to, and is also one of the places where the local terror army have been hijacking my phone line, DSL internet usage service. I should have taken a photo of the terminal access box, but did not, it is visible on other photos on this account.
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This is looking south on Jackpine. Dietricks terror cell is down there on the left, Myers is on the right at 560, Manning at 598 is beyond that on the right, and Fran Taylor terror cell as at the end of the road, dead end, at 600 Jackpine.
The photo was taken from directly across the street from my driveway, that is my property there to the immediate right, and that next clearing on the right is the 520 Jackpine vacant house that has been converted into a terror attack staging area and SAGClubMed Junket house for attacking me at my home.
To the immediate left is 445 Jackpine.
There is left turn you could take to get to Freeberg’s, Sparacino’s, Phillips, and Crowel terror cells just beyond the mailboxes there, is also a dead end.
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This here shows the mailbox plank in it’s current condition, many of the usual mailboxes have been removed over the past few weeks.
Down there at the place where the green ribbon goes out view is where the Centurylink phone terminal access box is at, and you can barely see it there, that is where the orange writing is painted on the ground.
445 is to the right in this view, I live to the left. Straight ahead is north, and the Monroe’s driveway is there were the road is narrow. Beyond that narrow place is Chartrand 376 to the left, and Clyde Baum just around that bend to the right where the road goes out of view.
This is the place where the African Lion comes out of the USPS mail delivery car, sometimes, as I am standing where the photo is taken from, and the mail van has sliding door on the right and left sides, opens the door that suits them best, the Lion jumps out, and the van drives away leaving the African Lion there just to me left in the road.
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This Pacific Power Tree Service notice from Asplunde Tree Service Inspector “Alex Finch” was left hanging on my address sign, is the same color yellow as is the sign, I almost did not see it there, all camouflaged onto the yellow address sign like that. The note advises that Asplunde Tree Service is going to be doing a property inspection on the Pacific Power Line Easement on my property, to clear away dead trees and limbs that are too close to the power line in one to six weeks from today.
That other green door hanger is the note saying I have important legal documents waiting for me at the sheriff’s office, and the specification is for Grand Jury Duty Service. That, as I mentioned before had been put inside of my mailbox, it’s dated 2-18-2021 and is is hand written note, and is not US Postal Mail. I got it out of the mailbox on the day I mentioned it.
Lori Churnside is the Josephine County Courts Jury Fixing Administrator, and would be the person responsible for arranging that when I am killed, there will be a replacement terror soldier person from SAG, or from Canada, that would go to the jury room to check in with their command chain at the court house.
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What you see here with these ingredients has been done exactly the same way before.
That is a Pac-Pow, Asplunde Shnitzel Burger w/Sheriff Assist Murder Hit Arragement, comes with Centurylink Internet DSL Line Cut, so that on the day when the German Sausage Crew Tree Maintanance Chainsaw Massacre happens, I won‘t have internet connection on that day, and, the sheriff will be there, said to be providing protection for me, when he will simply turn, and look he other way, as the new, replacement me is installed at my house.
I have already survived three of these exact same terror hit scenarios before.
There will be dead tree maintenance people or I will be killed. There will be dead Centurylink Trench Cleaners, or, I will be killed, with addition of the uniformed sheriff, I have very little chance of survival on this one. I have survived the Sheriff assisted attack before, but it’s fucking insane, and I am older, and more broken, have been run over by a truck since that last time, and have spinal injuries, and am all weakened from years of Monroe poisoning me and all of the other ways the poison comes to my house.
Even if I survive, they already have the DMV License renewal attack all planned, and, there is one more attack that happens every year when I go to the Chase Bank for doing annual record keeping that I have to do, so, these next few weeks are going to be more challenging than ever before as far as it looks to me to survive.
That, and I have to go to the terror doctor and survive that too within the same time frame as the Sheriff Assist for the Chainsaw Schnitzel Asplunde Phone Wire Cutter Attack Scenario they have all set up.
Monroe will be playing a major role in the attack, as per usual.
It’s all fucked up.
no help has come, no help ever has come to Oregon in the required capacity. They always send four guys into the war zone where they are outnumbered 50,000 to 4 by the people they are trusting as escorts and liaisons.
Inside of my mailbox was my Mortgage bill, which increased at a mysteriously high amount of Escrow impound adjustment last month.
There were store coupons along with the Mortgage bill.
9:32 pm:
This BBC news story on Twitter is about trying to reach Lori Churnside at the local court Jury Fixing, Rigging, and Snuff Center.
Lori is affectionately known locally as “Lori Butter Face”.
Britain is trying to reach “Ms. Butterface”, Lori Churnside, who is a very attractive female special assassin in Josephine County Oregon.
Important detail: The Josephine County Sheriff’s Office is located behind the Walmart on F Street. Local terror operatives often fool federal agents by telling them that the sheriff office is at the courthouse on 6th & C streets. There is a fake sheriff’s office at the courthouse. The Grants Pass Police is centered at the courthouse, and at that police service counter, there is a window marked “Sheriff”. Anyone who goes to that service counter marked “Sheriff” at the court house indicating they were instructed to meet with the sheriff or a deputy there for an appointment, is automatically marked for having been sent to that service counter “Sheriff Snuff Window” at the courthouse. Federal agents who come from other states to investigate are simply sent to the courthouse, told it’s the sheriff’s office, and are killed there at the hijacked courthouse, while the victims boss thinks they went to F Street behind the Walmart. There is way too much evidence of terrorism hanging on the walls at the sheriffs office on F Street, so, they cannot afford to allow any federal agents to go in there, and send them to the Courthouse for take out at the fake sheriff service counter they have installed there at the Josephine county courthouse.
Everything around there is highly protected by many hundreds of scouts, and special operatives. Every time I go near the courthouse, a big crew of county grounds keepers shows up at the nearby county building on B Street to do yard work and gardening. They show up there within the time it takes me to find a parking place for going into the courthouse. Dozens of men, some are wearing orange yard maintenance worker clothing, and they show up in a big work crew van to B Street county building near the courthouse every time I need to go there. I don‘t need to go there more than once per year or less, but those guys are johnny on the spot when an outsider shows up. Every person you see at the courthouse, walking outside, parking their car, going in, coming out, all of the people at the adjacent buildings doing activities that look like normal busiwork is all a very special protection agency terror cell for the county courthouse. Many hundreds of people just protecting the terror cell that took over the courthouse is their job.
If you are investigating the courthouse here, you are investigating a 100% falsified set of repeating scripted activity that continues to revolve in a scheduled repetition over time. All of the court cases are false, actors play role of judge, jury, bailiff (Joe Satriani Rock Star: AKA: Deputy Aaron Porter), stenographer, audience, plaintiff, lawyer and district attorney. Every last detail of each person at the courthouse is performed from a written screenplay. The clerks are fake, they say their lines, use their props, go through the motions of acting. The people waiting in the lobby on chairs and benches are all actors/scouts, saying their lines, using props, wearing wardrobe, acting, watching, releasing nitrous oxide airborne gas when strangers go in there, and among them is someone who says the word: “Action!” loud when a stranger goes into the courthouse, people outside are there to say: “Places!” as a stranger goes into the courthouse. Everyone is connected with blu-tooth smart phone, and they call it “comm”.
This is the “Ms. Butterface” communication where BBC news is trying to reach Lori Churnside of Josephine County Courts.
(In war times, it used to be a valuable thing to have a spy behind the enemy lines for advising about what the enemies plans, language, leadership, and habits are. That is no longer the case. no one is interested. If the spy advised to take action that would save the lives of the people the spy reports to, then, those people would do what the spy advised. I advise strongly to take Twitter offline to save your own lives and mine.)
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Don’t forget: Ron Howard, Hollywood Director, used to be Opie on Mayberry RFD, is the man who directed the collapse of the World Trade Center, not a movie, the actual attack was directed by Ron Howard.
He was on that helicopter that morning, and he is the one who made the video switch from a real live shot, to a live shot with an inserted digitally enhanced series of frames showing the airplane hit the building, and it was done with precision timing to make it work for drawing global attention away from the attack at the Pentagon. WTC collapse was only for a distraction, so the Pentagon could be taken among the confusion in new york.
That report right there, about Ron Howard, is the reason the Asplunde Tree Pacific Power w/centurylink wire cutter and sheriff assist murder hit is being done at my house.
Ron does not want to go to prison for treason, that is why.
8:05 pm:
From Washington Post on Twitter:
Face value of the news item says, Joe Biden is concerned about computer chip production.
Translation includes Gnosis explanation about computer chips. We have all been told that the computer chip is a mysterious silicon tiny thing. Reality, silicon is Sand. Sand, is Thorium. Thorium is terror code that means “slaves”.
Then, the chip itself is not all that complicated as they say it is. The powers that be at Bill Gates terror HQ invented a complex story about computer chips. Truth is that the computer chip is a very small transistor, is the same technology as any transistor is. Tech companies tried to warn us about that when the began labeling the AM Radio’s as “Transistor Radio” in the 1960′s.
So, a transistor is far more simple for an average person with some electrical knowledge to understand than is a “silicon micro computer chip”. It’s a way to keep the club a private club by making a relatively simple thing into a complex mysterious thing. Transistors are beyond my expertise, but I do understand ways society is brain washed, and silicon micro chip is such a brainwash when the reality is that it’s a transistor.
Then, there is the translation of the actual tweet:
Biden is concerned about the “shortage” (think Pleasure Dome Partner Production here) of “Transistors”. That, is in relationship to Biden’s first presidential move, to allow transgender in the military.
Bottom line is Biden is concerned about exposure of knowledge that the US Military servicemen have been used as experimental surgery specimens that alter them to the extent that they no longer resemble human beings.
no one cares about US servicemen being forced into a lab for amputations and plastic surgery for the purpose that the SAG surgeons can practice making experimental changes to human beings.
That is what transgender news is about on twitter presented by SAG news media personalities.
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8:45 pm:
“Real terrorism murder” vs “blockbuster movie terror murder”:
In the movies, the murderers do everything they can do not to make a spectral of murder that they are doing, they don’t draw attention to themselves in the movies.
In real life, the mass murder is a big production, has a lot color, texture, is multilayered, and is loud, draws a lot of attention to things that look as if they are normal and customary activities. When the activity begins, all of the noise, odors, people involved, vehicles, equipment, other stuff, will all be expected to happen by the time the mass murdering begins, work gets under way, and in that work, the mass murder takes place in the daytime, during normal business hours, within the normal and customery activity of a series of projects. The murders of this kind works on large scale and on small scale when the neighbor gets a new lawn mower, and shows that the lawnmower is new, that way, everyone is going to be expecting that the lawn will be mowed right then. Some one gets murdered at the house down the street, while new mower is running. Somehow, innocence is presumed because the new lawn mower was shown off ahead of the murder.
So, the Asplunde Pac-Pow tree service, and the Centurylink Trench Cleaners, and the sheriff have all presented enough confusion that will allow Monreo and Sparacino to come out of the shadows at some point to kill me while the focus is on the easement brigade and the trench cleaners and the sheriff all working together to make a confusion service that puts Monroe, and Sparacino terror cells lower on the personal safety meter than they usually are.
It’s all about advertising, set-up, color, texture, odor, to draw attention in a desired, controlled direction while the other people in the shadow use that as a foundation spring board to leap from on attack day, which is different than the expected day.
If that fails, then the Asplunde easement  and Centurylink trench cleaners w/sheriff assist can take a whack at me at that time.
These people are all trained military, unconventional terror military. Where US military uses a tank and anti aircraft artillery, these people use a road block at a freeway bridge project. It works better as an offense than does a uniformed conventional army that was built for defense. And, since they all look like citizens, they are very difficult to defend against.
0 notes
mychildfreejourney · 4 years ago
This morning I was scheduled for my bilateral salpingectomy at 10AM at a local day-surgery center.
My morning started out decently, I followed the last of my pre-surgery instructions and went to the bathroom one last time before heading out. It’s weird how last night I was *starving* but this morning as we drove to the center I was fine.
Upon arriving they gave me a mask, checked my temperature, and asked me the COVID-19 questionnaire. Satisfied with my answers I moved inside the waiting area and sat until they called me to get my wristband. I waited there for a few more minutes while they prepared my bed.
When they finally took me back they weighed me (fun fact, I lost 3 pounds from doing the day-before surgery bowel prep-- GROSS!) and then I got to put on my fancy hospital gown, mask, and socks (I’m sad I didn’t get to take home my socks).
The nurse that first came to talk to me was great-- she was a little blunt at first but then we started talking about stuff and she turned out to be really sweet. I told her I’m a bad stick because my veins collapse and she said she’d be able to get me first try (I was VERY skeptical). One thing that was cool was they have this hose that runs to a heater so you can be warm while you’re sitting in the bed. Before she gave me my IV stick she put my arm under the blanket with the heater. FIRST TRY! She got me on the first try and I can honestly say it was the best and easiest stick I’ve ever had in my life! She’s a pro for sure!
She then prepped my surgery area, gave me some oxygen, hooked me up to the blood pressure cuff, heart monitor, and pulse oximeter.
We talked about tattoos and what I did for a living then she asked me how many kids I have. I don’t really consider this a “bingo” since most people who have this procedure already have children. When I said I didn’t have any she just went “Oh ok cool! I have two daughters. One has three kids and the other doesn’t want any. I get it! She’s planet conscious, vegetarian, fosters dogs, and volunteers.” It was such a relief to talk to her.
The second nurse, however, asked me the same question and when I answered her with “none” she made a sad sound but refrained from asking why.
I met with the anesthesiologist and his nurse next, wonderful guy who also complimented my tattoos and asked me the same set of questions: *any allergies? any dental partials? any cuts, scrapes, bruises, or sores?* (I got asked this set of questions probably like--- 10 times). He walked me through the process, asked if I had any questions and me (being the mega fan of Forensic Files that I am asked if they were going to use Succinylcholine (they laughed). She said no, but was impressed I knew what that was and I had to explain how many forensic shows I’ve watched and they thought that was cool.
Once they talked to me I ended up waiting about 2 hours in my little room. This process was not fast-- but since I had my little heater and my socks I was comfortable for about the first hour. The second hour, however, I noticed I was starting to get really antsy. The nurse came and sat me up a bit higher and helped me get comfortable.
When the nurse finally came to administer my pre-op drugs she asked me the same set of questions, checked on my oxygen then left me for another thirty minutes.
FINALLY at that point my doctor/surgeon walked by and said “Alright, you’re next!” with a wink. That’s when the nurse came to get me and I got wheeled off into the surgery room.
Now, this part was interesting. As someone who has never had anesthesia before I wasn’t sure what to expect. I remember one of the nurses removing my oxygen tube and placing a mask over my face. He asked me to breathe deep and at that point the nurse put the anesthesia in my IV. I was out pretty quick after that because the next thing I remembered was waking up in the recovery room to one of the nurses asking me how I was feeling.
I think I did pretty good to be honest because it took me probably 20-30 minutes to come all the way to. They wanted me to pee before I left, which I found a little odd, but once I had they put me in the wheelchair and I was with my partner driving home.
The first thing I can say about the surgery is the pain afterward is like a bad period. It feels like bad period cramps. I’ve taken my smaller prescription for now (which is just 600 mg of ibuprofen) and am saving my oxycodone for bedtime since I don’t know what that will be like.
I’ve included a photo below the cut if you want to see.
This is post-op, day of, 09/25/20
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silverschaos · 8 years ago
Forget Me Not | Jughead Jones
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Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Description: After an accident you wake up with temporary memory loss and can’t remember being in love with your boyfriend.
Warnings: mentions of a crash, basically the whole thing is based on someone losing their memory temporarily. 
Word Count: 2026
A/N: first of all i am v v v sorry if this isn’t 100% accurate but it was an idea playing around in my head so i just took things from what i know and shows ive watched. i also wrote half of this while i was in a crap mood and the other half when i was v sick so it might not be the greatest but it’s something. also forgot my tags list on this one i’m the worst. and i almost didn’t wannt post this bc i’m a lil iffy on it and don’t want to trigger anyone or upset folk but yolo i guess. it’s not too bad ???
Forgetting thing is always annoying. Whether it’s where you put your keys, plans with friends, if you'd taken your dog out - simple things like that. Trying to search your brain to see if you can figure out if you can remember is never anyone's favourite thing to do but imagine if you couldn't remember anything at all.
Nothing. Never mind where the keys were. Imagine what it must be like to not remember anybody, memories and everything you used to know. Imagine having everything you ever knew ripped away from you.
Ever since the accident three months ago, that was your fate. You were on a road trip with your family, it had been a pretty bad winters night and the roads were icy. It only took a split second going from singing loud car tunes to the car losing control on the icy road and crashing into the big lorry that had been in front. Unfortunately, you'd hit your head hard and had spent a good month in hospital afterwards. When you'd woken up, you couldn't remember a thing. You didn't recognise your mum, why you were there or where you even were. Nothing. The doctors had explained to you that you had a case of temporary memory less. It was only temporary and your memories would come back in time but for now you remembered nothing. Not your mum, where you lived, who your friends were, your childhood - nothing. Not even your boyfriend. Jughead Jones the third had been your best friend for over ten years up until a year ago when he finally gained the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. You’d said yes of course and never looked back. Before the accident you were so madly in love with the boy in the beanie and he loved you just as much. A match made in heaven everyone would say. After the accident, he’d stayed by your side every single day. He wouldn’t leave your bedside. The only time he ever did was when your parents made him go home for a shower and a change of clothes - school too, of course. But, everyday after he'd be back by your side. He slept there most nights and the moment you'd woken up, he'd been there holding your hand with tears in his eyes. You were finally back with him! However, the look in his eyes when you asked him who he was was something that you'd never forget. He looked so sad. His heart had broken because the girl he loved didn't even know who he was but that didn't deter him. No matter how hard it was that you couldn't remember what he was to you, he was still there trying to help you remember.
The day you were allowed to go home he was the one to walk you into your bedroom for the first time since everything had happened. He’d made you a board on one of your walls full of pictures of you, him and all your other friends that you recognised but couldn’t quite remember. He sat on your bed with you and went through who each person was. It was a lot to take in so he came up with a way for you to try and remember things by writing them down on different coloured sticky notes for different topics. He’d hoped doing this and going through old photos would help bring back some memories but nothing. The look in his eyes that day was one of the things you’d always remember. Why was he so sad? What was wrong with your friend Jughead?
You wrote those little questions on red notes because he was your special friend and red was your favourite colour.
Jughead hadn’t told you that he was your boyfriend… or well, had been. He couldn’t say you were still together if you didn’t know. What kind of person would he be to keep you in a relationship if you barely knew anything. It killed him but he wanted you to figure it out on your own. He wanted you to remember how you felt about him before your brain was a big old pit of nothingness. He wanted you to figure this out on your own no matter how long it took.
“So, first day back at school, huh?” Jughead asked, stepping into your room and helping you pack your bag, picking one of the books up off your desk and shoving it inside. Since he’d been around since you’d woke up, he was one of the familiar faces you wanted around you. Being around him made you feel something - something that you didn’t really know how to explain other than you just wanted him around. He was your friend. He was your best friend or that’s how you thought of him anyway and judging by how happy the two of you looked in the photos, that must be it.
“Do you think people are going to be mad at me for not knowing who they are?” You asked timidly, smiling when Jughead handed you your fully packed backpack.
“If they are, they’ll have me to deal with. I’ve got you, (Y/N). I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. I lo-” He had to stop himself from saying those three words he used to love saying to you. Instead, he gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze and escorted you out of the house.
The walk to school was nice and calm. The light breeze blowing through your hair, the sun shining through the clouds; it was a perfect morning to go back to school. It was peaceful and with Jughead by your side you felt safe. There were no words to describe how thankful you were to have him by your side even though you knew he was sad. You hadn’t brought that up to him yet. How could you even bring it up? Beside the smiles and the jokes constantly trying to make you feel better, you saw the sadness behind his eyes. If anyone in the world deserved to be sad it wasn’t Jughead Jones. He deserved the world and all the happiness within it.
As calm as the walk to school was, the moment you were stood outside the unfamiliar building, you began to panic. This was a big deal. It would be the first time you’d been out for the whole day nevermind at school. With wide, panicky eyes, you looked at Jughead who placed an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. With him by your side, you knew it was going to be okay. He walked you through the front doors and you were hit with a sense of familiarity. It made you smile but at the same time scared the crap out of you because you couldn’t remember so many of the faces you were seeing. The two of you happily walked over to your little squad who were crowding around one of their lockers.
“Hi, guys!” You smiled, focusing on each of their faces as you so desperately tried to remember their names.
“Oh my god, (Y/N), it’s so good to see you back,” the raven haired girl squealed as she threw her arms around you in a bone crunching hug.
“Thank you….” you looked over to Jug who was stood behind her now, mouthing her name to you. “Veronica!”
She pulled away smiling at you letting the others greet you. The only time you messed up the names was confusing Kevin for Archie which they all thought was hilarious causing Jughead to sarcastically come up with the comment “maybe we should just all wear name tags” to which you playfully shoved his shoulder away. The playful touch and laugh coming from you made him smile so big - probably the biggest you’d seen. It looked good on him, you liked it and made a note to try and get him to smile like that more often.
The rest of the weeks passed by pretty similar. You were starting to remember people more and more as the days went on which was making your life easier. The main thing was that the more time you were spending with Jughead you were starting to get you these feelings that you weren’t really sure about. It felt like you’d felt them before but you couldn’t and didn’t understand why. Not only did he make you feel safe and like everything would be okay, he also made your heart beat faster when his arm was around you or when he smiled. Especially when he smiled. When he smiled it was like the sadness you saw in his eyes was gone and he was just a carefree teenage boy like he should be. If you could only see one thing for the rest of your life it would be Jughead Jones’ smile.
As your memory was starting to get better, you were starting to remember more things - your old order at Pop’s, your favourite place to study, why you hated Cheryl Blossom; just little things like that. While Jughead was so, so happy that you were starting to remember things he so badly wanted you to turn around and just tell him you loved him again. He wanted you to remember how you felt, how happy he made you but little did he know that you knew how happy he made you. It wasn’t that you could remember from the old days but being around him made you so happy it was unexplainable.
It wasn’t until one night you were hanging out with him when you finally realised everything.
“I love this movie,” you grinned, leaning on Jughead’s shoulder as the two of you sat on your bed watching (Y/F/M).
“I know you do. Do you know how many times I’ve had to sit through this just for you?” He playfully rolled his eyes.
“Like our third date when you shut down the whole drive in, decked it out in fairy lights and played it on the big screen for me. I think that’s my favourite time.”
Jughead bolted up, staring at you with wide eyes. “You...you remember?”
With a sheepish smile on your face, you nodded your head. “Ummm. I remember that night and...um, the other night I remembered something else but I can’t really remember it completely but I remembered it so I wrote it down.”
As you were talking you leaned over beside your bed, reaching down in the gap and pulling out a notebook. You handed it to Jughead. He looked at you curiously almost like he was scared until you flashed him a warm smile and with baited breath, he opened it. You watched his eyes light up, the sadness you’d seen almost vanishing in an instant at what he saw.
I love Jughead and he loves me.
It was scribbled in your messy handwriting along with other things about Jughead that you remembered on red sticky notes. It wasn’t much just the odd date here and there, things he liked but it was a way for you to keep remembering.
“I love you, Jughead. I’m sorry that I didn’t realise it sooner or that I still don’t fully remember everything yet but I love you,” you spoke quietly, playing around with your hands nervously as you waited for him to speak. The silence seemed almost deafening but then that smile you loved so dearly showed up on his face.
“I would’ve waited forever for you, I hope you know that. You’re stuck with me, (Y/N). With or without a memory, I’m always going to be by your side. I love you. I always have and I always will and there is not a thing in this world that can stop me from loving you,” he placed the book down, cupping your face and running his thumb along your cheek. His words were so soft, so pure and you knew that no matter what you were never going to forget that Jughead Jones was the most incredible person you’d ever met in your life.
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tech-battery · 5 years ago
A Real-World Review of the Canon 1D X Mark III
As many of you know, I have been lucky enough to have a Canon EOS 1D X Mark III in my possession for more than a month now. People have been asking me to review this new top-of-the-line camera, but I really wanted to put it through its paces in order to do a fair review.
There are lots of photographers or tech reviewers who write reviews of a new product, basically looking at the spec sheets, or holding it in their hands for a couple of minutes. But in my mind, there is no better way to review a product than to use it as my primary camera for a while and really get to know it in detail.
Now that I have become pretty familiar with the ins and outs of this camera, it is time to share my findings with all of you.
So… on to the testing.
I took the camera out of the box and was happy to see that the body is very similar to the previous models, with buttons and joysticks right where I expect them. I was also happy to see a familiar battery and charger that is basically the same as the previous model.
The one big difference is that the new camera has two CFExpress card slots, which as many of you know, I was really hoping for. I like this for two reasons:
1. I like having the two extremely fast cards instead of one fast card and one legacy card format which slows everything down. This is really important because I always shoot RAW images to both cards for redundancy.
2. I like having 2 card slots using the same card format. I always found it frustrating to have a CFast slot and a CompactFlash slot in the same camera.
The first photos taken with the Canon 1D X Mark III were taken in my backyard. I like to use a new camera for non-client shoots for a while to build trust and familiarity with the camera and memory cards. The last thing I would do is use this camera on a paying job before I knew how to control it. I need to know that the images will be captured correctly in the camera and stored correctly on the memory cards before using it in a real-world situation.
This was also a time for me to try out the new CFExpress cards from ProGrade Digital. I had inserted a 512GB card in slot 1 and a 1TB card in slot 2, so capacity was not a problem!
The first couple of photos were of my dog, Cooper, who was nice enough to pose for me. It was my first time holding the camera and trying to the new smart controller for moving the focus point (more on that in a little bit). No fast action here, but it gave me a chance to inspect the image quality of the camera, which looked really great.
We were dog-sitting for a friend and our dog Cooper decided to play with Milo and give me some action shots. This was the first time trying the fast burst shooting of 16fps. The first thing I noticed with the 1D X Mark III was that it felt totally familiar in my hands.
Having used a 1D X and a 1D X Mark II in the past, I felt right at home shooting with the new body. The one big difference is that the new model has a touch screen LCD. I have gotten used to this on my Canon 5D Mark IV and find it very useful when shooting in the field.
Shooting at the fast burst rate enabled me to catch this shot of Cooper with all four paws off the ground. (Cooper forgets that he is 8 years old and still thinks he is a puppy).
This was my first chance to play around with the new smart controller. What is the smart controller? Canon took the back button focus button and added a new twist. This button now acts as a virtual joystick, so that if I move my thumb along the back of the button, the focus point will move accordingly. This can be incredibly handy, but also takes some getting used to.
There were a couple of times when I pushed the back button to focus and inadvertently moved the focus point to a location I did not want. But, with time, I have gotten used to this and really appreciate the feature a lot. What I have found is that the smart controller is optimum when shooting portraits, but I still prefer a locked single point of focus for sports.
My last trip, before all this COVID-19 craziness, was to Las Vegas for the WPPI show. I was not planning on bringing my 1D X Mark III to Las Vegas, but right before leaving, I had the offer to meet up with my buddy Drew, Canon USA’s top tech guy, who offered to help me customize the settings to get the most out of the new features of the camera. That turned out to be awesome, and I will tell you more about that in a minute.
While at the show, there was a rain booth set up for people to photograph models dancing in water. I saw this as a perfect time to try out these new settings.
I used the new 1D X Mark III at it’s full speed at 16 frames per second, with a Canon 24-105mm lens to capture the dancers. The super-fast frame rate of the camera allowed me to capture them at the peak of action.
The newer focus system also did a very good job of locking in on the dancers as they moved around at a fairly quick pace.
As I mentioned, Drew sat down with me to give me pointers on the new camera. And there is a lot to learn on this new piece of hardware. The Canon 1D X Mark III looks a lot like the Canon 1D X Mark II, but looks can be deceiving. What is under the magnesium alloy body is very different from the previous model.
One of the biggest differences of the 1D X Mark III is the new face and head detection. I was shown how to tweak the camera to take advantage of the face and head detection covering most of the frame. This means that once I locked in on a person, it would follow them even if they moved off-center from the lens.
I got credentials to shoot the San Jose Earthquakes game and put the camera to a test. I mounted the Canon 200-400mm lens to the 1D X Mark III and found the focusing system to be noticeably faster and more accurate than the 1D X Mark II.
I would lock focus on a particular athlete and then let the camera follow them from that point. As long as I kept the athlete in the frame, the tracking stayed on them, even if someone briefly ran in between them and me. This allowed me to capture images like this, where the Earthquake player is in perfect focus even though he is not in the center of the image.
The camera is capable of shooting 16 frames per second (fps) when using the shutter and 20 fps when in live view mode. This is great except that I can not imagine shooting a sporting event in live view and trying to follow fast action using the screen on the back of the camera. But, needless to say, 16 fps is plenty fast and allowed me to easily capture the peak of action during the game.
Even though I was shooting in RAW mode using the ProGrade Digital CFExpress memory cards, I never once filled the buffer of the camera. These cards can transfer 1600MB/s per second, which is nothing short of amazing.
I kept the camera in Auto White Balance for the entire afternoon and found it to be very accurate in the representation of the colors.
Note: Some of you may be wondering about the video capabilities of the new camera. But since I am primarily a still photographer, I will leave the video review to the experts who know that side of the business way more than I do.
My next test of the camera was in a completely different environment. My niece and her husband asked if we could take portraits of their one-year-old son. This time I was using the camera at higher ISOs indoors and going outside with different lenses.
Patrick did not move at the speed of a soccer player, but he definitely moved faster than a year ago, when I took his baby photos. Once again, the 1D X Mark III (this time combined with the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 lens) was tack sharp on his eyes.
After taking a bunch of portraits of the little guy on the grass and standing, they asked if I could get some photos of him in the swing. As soon as I started photographing him, I realized that this was a perfect test of the new focus system.
The following images really help tell the story of this new face and head tracking.
Using back button focus, I locked focus on Patrick and then hammered the shutter at the full speed of 16 fps. Even though his head was moving off-center of the frame, the focus stayed perfectly on him. You can scroll through the following images to see how accurate this was!
I figured that the black swing would interfere with the focusing of his face, but that was not the case.
This sequence is a perfect example of how I set up the shot. In this image (above) I locked focus on Patrick when he was dead center and the focus point was right on this face.
Then, as he was going back and forth, I just held down the back button and the focus points moved with him.
You can see here that his face is well off the center of the image, but the focus is still perfect. If I were to try this with the previous Canon models, I would have had to move the camera and lens to keep the focus point on his face. This would have been very difficult to do and would have yielded a lot less useable images.
The Canon 1D X Mark III has a newly designed 20.1-megapixel CMOS sensor which is ample for most of my photography. Do I wish for a little more resolution? Maybe. I do like the file sizes of the Canon 5D Mark IV which captures at 30.4MP, but having clean images at higher ISOs is still the most important thing to me. And I know that cramming more megapixels onto a sensor can degrade the high ISO sensitivity.
A couple of weeks ago, I was doing a portrait shoot for a young lady who was about to have her bat mitzvah. Well…until it was postponed due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak. For this shoot, I used the Canon 1D X Mark III with a Canon 600EX-RT flash mounted on the hot shoe of the camera.
Canon has designed a new low pass filter for better lens sharpness, and the image quality of the camera is exceptional, with the colors, skin tones and clarity being everything I was expecting from a pro camera. I don’t fully understand how the new DIGIC X image processor works, but I can tell you that everything in this camera is fast. From focusing speed, the processing of the image, to data transfer to the card.
There was one anomaly though. When I take portraits, I almost always do so in a slow burst mode. There is no need to shoot at 16 fps, and yet I never have my cameras set to a single-shot mode. I don’t like the single-shot mode since I always want to be prepared to shoot multiple images when if a perfect moment arises.
With every other Canon DSLR I have used, the slow burst mode is a predictable sequence of shots. I hit the button and I get “click….click….click”. Weirdly enough, when I had my flash on the camera and I was shooting outdoors, the frame rate was a bit erratic. I expected “click…click…click” at a predictable pace and instead I got “click..click…click.click.click” or “click…click.click…..click”. I am hoping that this is something that Canon will fix in a future firmware update.
After using the new camera for numerous shoots, I felt comfortable using it to create images at a client’s bar mitzvah. For their portraits, I loved using the smart controller to easily move the focus point out of the center and taking full advantage of the 191 focus points.
While spending time with Canon in Las Vegas, I was also shown how to use the 1D X Mark III in mirrorless mode. Since the mirror is locked out of place, this allows me to shoot with absolutely no shutter noise at all. Combining this silent mode with the face tracking autofocus is a real game-changer.
For this bar mitzvah, I was using the Canon 200-400mm lens on the 1D X Mark III, mounted on a Gitzo gimbal fluid head and tripod. It was awesome to lock focus on the boy’s face and let the camera track his movements while I silently took photos.
While shooting this way, I came across another weird anomaly. As I mentioned earlier, I like to shoot in a slow burst most of the time. When taking these photos, I had the camera in Live View mode (essentially shooting mirrorless) and also had the camera set to slow burst. But when I hit the shutter release I saw that the camera was capturing at the fastest burst rate of 20 fps.
This is complete overkill for an event like this. I sent a text to the Canon expert from the back of the Temple and he replied back and told me that when in Live View, the camera will capture either a single shot or full speed. There is currently no in-between. This is something else that I hope is changed in a future firmware release.
When I photograph events, it is quite common for me to shoot full RAW for the service and then switch to a smaller file size for the party. In the past, that meant that I would switch my files from RAW to MRAW. On the Canon 5D Mark IV, that meant that I was switching from a file size of 30MP to 17MP and a resolution of 6720×4480 down to 5040×3360.
So you can imagine my surprise when I got to the party and went to change the 1D X Mark III to MRAW and it wasn’t there. All I saw was RAW and something called CRAW, but both were listed at the same resolution of 5472×3648. It was time for another text message to my Canon contact asking for urgent help.
He explained to me that MRAW has been replaced with CRAW (in the new CR3 files) and that even though they are the same resolution, the CRAW file is more compressed. I recently tested this and found that an image taken in RAW was 25.8MB and the same exact image at CRAW was 14.3MB in size. When zooming in at 400%, I could see how the increased compression decreased the quality a bit, but it was only a slight difference.
I love the idea of having the same resolution with higher compression than a smaller resolution.
There are certain key moments during a bar mitzvah celebration, and the family members being lifted in the chair is one of them. For the last 6 years, I have relied on the Canon 1D cameras to capture this moment. Why? Because the focus system is more accurate than the Canon 5D and the camera can write to two cards faster than the less expensive cameras.
The Canon 1D X Mark III definitely proved that it could lock focus even in low light, and wrote to the two CFExpress cards faster than my flash units could keep up.
With all of this said, there are still features of the Canon 1D X Mark III that I have yet to explore, and I look forward to doing so in the near future. As many of you now know, the Summer Olympics in Tokyo has been postponed. This postponement is a major disappointment for the organizers, the athletes, the public, and me. I was so excited to use this new camera at the Games. But I guess that will have to wait for a while longer before I get that chance.
Looking on the positive side, it gives me that much more time to get familiar with the new camera before the big event.
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topfygad · 6 years ago
We Suddenly Lost Our Dog to Hemangiosarcoma
Our rescue pit bull Scooby entertained extended family with his usual antics on Mother’s Day. He jumped into my husband’s lap at the table knowing that’s where he was most likely to source scraps of the expensive poached salmon I ordered from a restaurant down the street.
We pulled his bed over to the table so that he could snore away, per usual, while we played some card games after our meal. He and I later curled up in bed to enjoy the penultimate episode of “Game of Thrones.” It was business as usual.
Monday came and went without much fanfare. On Tuesday morning, everyone (including Scooby) enjoyed their usual harried breakfast routine before school departure. I went out to yoga, and my husband headed out for beach jog but noticed on his way out that Scooby was a little uneasy, which wasn’t entirely unusual. He was a nervous dog, had just turned 10, and loud construction noise was coming from a neighbor’s house. Noise, trucks, and strange men talking scare him, so he wasn’t behaving out of line.
When I returned home, Scooby wasn’t at the door to greet me. He was lying on the living room rug and wouldn’t even get up for food, a highly unusual event. The dog loved food. I had to coax him up. 
A few hours later, we were sitting in the vet’s office. Fecal and blood tests were run with normal results. His physical exam didn’t reveal anything unusual, either. Maybe it’s his thyroid. Perhaps it’s the result of a hypoallergenic diet including grain-free food, a topic for another day, but one dog owners should be aware of. Dinner was refused, but he slept well and woke up on Wednesday morning with tons and tons of energy.
Relief swept over the entire family. The only thing out of the ordinary was that he was extra hungry from having skipped dinner. I’m so glad we indulged him with a little bit more bacon and other treats throughout the entire day. We took our usual walk, and he eagerly jumped into our bed in the middle of the night to sleep with us. I wrapped him in a blanket, and he snored away until he, per usual, bolted out of bed after hearing my daughter wake up for school. Breakfast came and went, and so did our housekeepers (which causes him stress). 
My radar went up again when he refused his usual midday Greenie snack, which he gets while we make lunch. Instead of being tired like he was on Tuesday, this time, I could tell he was uncomfortable. Maybe he just needed sleep, which seemed to work wonders on Tuesday. Instead, he tossed, turned, and shivered in his bed next to my desk. He still barked to announce the arrival of the mail carrier and moved with me to other rooms in the house.
I knew something was wrong, but at the time it was impossible to tell if it was indigestion or something more significant. After studying him for a few hours (which I regret), I called the vet again and we were summoned in for a chest X-ray to rule out cardiomyopathy. I wasn’t sure if we really needed to go to the vet, given his prior day recovery, but went anyway.
He never came home (or even whimpered once throughout the entire ordeal).
An ultrasound revealed fluid in his abdomen, and a sample taken revealed that it was blood. She told me that dogs with this condition go to surgery or heaven. Given that it was rush hour to the nearest pet emergency room, they gave him an IV of fluids (and lots of hugs — he always held everyone’s hands in the vet’s office which was funny) to keep him comfortable during the car ride, left the catheter in, and sent us on our way. 
We’re not strangers to the veterinary hospital where our local emergency room is, given that we’re there at least every six months to have his hemangiomas (more on these later) lasered off. So, he sniffed the same plants and dog area on the way in and politely sat down as a couple cut the line in front of us. I had to push my way in. We didn’t look like it, but we were as emergency as it gets, which I now understand more than I did at the time. 
An ER tech immediately came to get him. Rather than the usual paperwork I fill out when there, I verbally agreed to certain procedures and a do not resuscitate order (DNR). (This was hard. I had always indicated yes to resuscitate because his laser surgeries had always been minor and the surgeon’s staff agreed with this choice because if things went south, we’d make a decision later.) Our vet had already called ahead and sent the X-rays and test results.
He was rushed away though my husband points out that he walked himself throughout the entire process. Dazed, I sat in the waiting area. Thankfully, the most social and well-behaved cat on a leash distracted everyone in there. People in the waiting room at this time of day are usually not there for happy reasons.
It didn’t take long for them to call me into a room where I waited for the ER doctor. She confirmed that her ultrasound showed fluid in his abdomen. Since our vet extracted blood and he had a history of hemangiomas on his skin, I had two choices.
Ultrasound his entire body. I would only do this if I was consenting to surgery. Surgery with a condition like this typically extends life by a month, if it is even successful. And, he was going to need a blood transfusion first which takes time that he wasn’t going to likely have. The cancerous blood already washed his major organs.
Euthanize him right away because he was bleeding to death.
That’s a lot to process out of the blue.
I called my husband, and we agreed to number two. The ER doctor flat out told me this was the most humane thing to do. I trust this hospital and its staff and do not have regrets about this decision. I spared no expense on Scooby throughout his entire life (including TPLO surgery that he healed brilliantly from). I would have paid ridiculous sums of money to save him if I could have. Number two was about his quality of life. And it needed to be done as soon as possible.
My next decision though haunts me. I wasn’t sure how quickly number two would occur. Is it normal for a 12-year-old to see her best friend euthanized? (The answer, I later learned, is yes.) There was more paperwork (a blur), and then I was led into the room where it happens. It took a little bit of time for Scooby to arrive, and I was told to take as much time as I needed with him. I only took a few minutes because he looked terrible and had obviously slid downhill to the point where there was no question number two was the right thing to do. I was the only other family member there, but he and I were bonded. I was his person.
By the time we were in that room together though, my daughter and husband probably could have fought traffic to be with us. I didn’t make that calculation, nor do I ask what the time frame would be. If you’re ever in the same position, ask how long you have. I wish they could have brought his favorite blanket and held his hands, too. Everything happened so quickly, but no one wanted to prolong his suffering. 
I spooned him like he was used to and told him what an amazing dog he is. A deep sedative put him to sleep, and then a second shot stopped his heart. I felt it stop beating on my arm immediately. It was quick.
A few days, many tears, and many Google searches later, I now understand what happened to my perfect boy.
I’m not a veterinarian. I’m writing this as a pet owner who has gone through a dog’s sudden death by aggressive cancer called hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the blood vessel walls. I hope that if you see the same signs that I did, that you will not hesitate before calling the vet which will hopefully allow you to give your dog the best quality of life and least amount of pain until the very end. 
This silent killer usually shows no clinical signs until the end is inevitable. I’ve now read multiple stories from other dog owners in shock from how their dog can drop dead a few hours after being wholly energetic and fine.
Dogs very rarely die from heart attacks, but they do suddenly die from hemangiosarcoma. The Golden Retriever Club of America National Health Survey revealed that the chances of golden retrievers developing hemangiosarcoma in a lifetime are 1 in 5. Pit bulls, Labrador retrievers, German Shepherds are also prone to the disease. 
The most common place for malignant tumors to grow is on the spleen, but they can grow anywhere there are blood vessels and spread to other major organs. Since you can’t see them, you and perhaps your dog won’t know cancer exists until things have progressed to the point of no return. If tumors are isolated to the spleen and haven’t burst, the spleen can be removed, which may buy your dog some time but not usually more than a month. And, chemotherapy might be recommended to extend life few months beyond that hopefully. It’s a no-win situation. 
I should have known he was at risk for this cancer, given his history of cutaneous hemangiomas. Hemangiomas are the benign form of hemangiosarcoma. I had not linked the two, and it’s a probably good thing because I would have obsessed over his every ailment even more than I already did. 
Cutaneous hemangiomas are likely (but they’re not sure) caused by the sun. They look like blood blisters. He has one on his cheek in this photo.
Cutaneous hemangiomas grew on him quickly and in all sizes, even though we kept him out of the sun and covered him in dog-safe sunscreen when he was in the sun for walks and short outings. They ranged from light red to nearly black. Four months before he died, a rather large one appeared on his leg that had grown to the size of a grape. Our surgeon wasn’t worried, and we always sent the suspicious looking ones to the lab. It was lasered off.
His history of cutaneous hemangiomas combined with burst tumor(s) internally is why the ER vet didn’t hesitate to recommend euthanasia.
Warning Signs to Look For
Scooby’s symptoms were sudden lethargy and lack of appetite. They think the reason why he experienced this on Tuesday and completely recovered for one day on Wednesday is that the bleeding was light, somehow clotted, and he made more blood cells to compensate for the loss of blood. On Thursday, the day he died, the bleeding restarted in a more forceful manner.
I debated whether or not to take him to the vet on Thursday afternoon, and would have taken him in a few hours earlier had I known to check his mouth. Pale gums and tongue indicate anemia which combined with lethargy and lack of appetite signals that something is wrong. His gums were fine on Tuesday as were his labs. On Thursday, his gums were very pale. I wish I would have known to look at them because I’d have known it wasn’t indigestion. Before going to the vet on Thursday, we had no idea that he was ill.
Other symptoms that are common with hemangiosarcoma, that Scooby didn’t have, include a distended abdomen, seizures, collapsing, arrhythmia, abnormal breathing. 
Long Days Afterward
Hemangiosarcoma causes dog owners extraordinary pain because we’re forced to make immediate decisions we’re unprepared for. We question what we did wrong (which is probably nothing) and wonder how we missed the signs (because there weren’t any). The loss is sudden and traumatic. It will take a long time for me to recover.
The other point of this post is to let people going through this same miserable trauma know that they are not alone. There are a lot of us. You’ll soon see what I mean when you start talking about it to others.
One of the many things I need to reconcile with is that Scooby was not the type of dog who would have handled a long term disease well (not that anyone does). He liked to be within a few inches of or attached to a human at every minute, and this does take a lot of moving around given the fact that we have a tween in the house. If I could have carried him in a Baby Bjorn all day, he’d have been cool with that.
We felt he deserved whatever we could give him as we’re confident he was abused before he came to us. We are desperately trying to take comfort in the fact that it was a “good” way for him to go because he likely didn’t experience much discomfort until his final day.
He was so loved, and proof that rescued pit bulls can make brilliant family dogs. It was just his time.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/30S4NaL via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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