#ive spent hours looking at Pinterest references for this
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Reworking my hcs (I'm going insane)
they hold hands too ig
#cries#screams and cries#ive been thingking about them nonstop#ueoauagagehehahe#ive spent hours looking at Pinterest references for this#genshinimpact#genshin impact#lumine genshin impact#traveler genshin impact#venti genshin impact#venlumi#lumiven#messy but idrc abt that rn
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Oooo jumping off the previous anon ask, do you have any websites/books that good for reference that you’d recommend?? Or is a simple Google search/going from there good enough to start with
I’ve always been interested in uniforms n stuff but idk where/how to actually FIND info (especially for accuracy) but idk if Wikipedia/Google is the best for that lol
i’ve talked about this (here) and (here) before, but i will elaborate a bit more (a lot more) for you!
again my first response is to ask, what kind of uniform are u looking for? bc there’s just more info on some types than others. like, ww2 american paratroopers? sooo so so much stuff out there, maybe bc there was a wildly successful miniseries that is often listed as one of the best tv shows ever made and it mythologized the paratroopers and now everyone has a big ol boner for them and their uniforms and you can’t got two searches deep without tripping over those jump boots (said w all the love in my heart). but that being said, sometimes just a google search is enough!
this is where being familiar w each of the components of the uniform comes in handy. like oh damn i need ref of that one specific small pouch the marines have on their guns, what was that called?? oh duh it’s a carbine butt stock pouch, sometimes they wore it on their belt, i can just google that and get the exact result i want
buutttttt sometimes the online sources/pics u get are undated/unlabeled, and you have to piece together what ur looking at based on ur own knowledge of a uniform. this is especially true the older you go, and ive run into this issue with ww1 stormtrooper uniforms specifically, where you don’t have an exact date and u have to be like “welllllll i can’t be 100% sure if this is from early or late war, if this is german or austrian, but it’s close enough to what i need and i can’t find any other source that even comes close and ive spent four hours looking so im going to use this” and then you get someone in ur dms like “well actually 🧐 they didn’t wear those specific suspenders/have that patch on their uniforms/use that limited issue pouch in this theater” and then you feel kind of silly. but it’s like damn dude i spent hours looking for ref and found the only like five jpegs still remaining of this uniform pls cut me some slack. ig this is just me saying that i dont get it right all the time and inevitably there will be someone out there who has a better grasp on it and will clock your tiny error from 200 yards
to stop my pointless rambling and actually get to your question, google is a pretty good place to start but u gotta know what to be looking for. wikipedia can b helpful for kind of an intro/getting names of items. pinterest is a big one for me, i mostly like that you can save pics and organize them. i’d also check out reenactment websites/forums; those guys are dedicated to being 100% accurate and can also provide some good action shots. youtube is also a resource that i forget exists haha. following artists who are into that kind of shit, taking notes from the uniforms they draw (careful w this one, as i said earlier even ppl who draw uniforms a lot still mess up occasionally). honestly any big website is bound to have some military history enjoyers and so u can do a general search and see what comes up, that can help point to users/a community that will often have their own sources/discussions that can be helpful. ive said it before but watching movies/shows about the specific era ur looking for is great, you can see how a uniform sits and moves with a person 👍
also books! there isn’t a single catch all book for uniforms, again (again) it’s all by era/country you’re looking for. ebay is GREAT for finding super specific books on topics only you and five other people care about. sometime u can get lucky at an old used book store but that’s a real gamble and only happens veryyyyyy rarely hahah
i always use these sorts of references in tandem and double check to be sure, i swear i have like 12 tabs open and two books open per drawing just so i can get everything as close to accurate as i can. but like ive said im kind of obsessive about details (negative) and can’t be chill about anything ever. what a super cool and very practical skill set that makes me very popular amongst my peers and interests everyone once i have two beers and won’t shut up about it
ending this with my standard “did any of this make sense?” i’m going to turn on my computer now and spend the next eight hours staring at reference pics and drawing my silly little war boys have a great day everyoneeeeeeeee

#asks#anon#reference#i talk like i actually know shit but im tripping over myself constantly#my workflow is genuinely a “damn bitch you live like this?” situation
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・゚゚・。 ( ester exposito, cis female, she/her ) — 𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 ALECTO CARROW, the NINTH year SLYTHERIN student ! i hear that the NINETEEN year old is known to be BEGUILING and AMBITIOUS and also very SADISTIC and DUPLICITOUS. however, if you ask me, the fact that they are a PUREBLOOD and leaning towards the side of the DEATH EATERS is a lot more telling.
disclaimer: names & details may change slightly but the end product remains the same so here we go. also the headcanons are all included from my application.
alecto was born and raised with the purpose to continue pure bloodlines. her childhood was filled with the finer things in life; galas, dinners and not to mention the never ending etiquette and dance lessons. she was taught to be attentive and intelligent enough, but not to show off.
it really hasn’t worked out for her parents the way they had planned. not because alecto doesn’t care about bloodlines. but, because she hates playing dumb for the benefit of someone else’s ego.
to top it off she thinks there are other ways, better ways, for her to ensure bloodlines in the wizarding community remain pure that don’t involve becoming a housewife and popping out children for a husband decided for her.
alecto has had a fascination with fire since she was eight years old and accidentally, somewhat on purpose, set her mother’s greenhouse on fire because she was told she was no longer allowed in there.
it extends further, and she wants to work with dragons.
personality wise alecto is pretty cold. she prefers solitude and her cat over rambunctious parties. but at the same time she is also very caring in a more gentle and intimate setting. she cares for a few and when she does her care goes deep.
she is unpredictable and chaotic, keen to set things on fire when distressed or upset about something, throwing things around and breaking whatever she can get her hands on when she falls into her fits of rage.
so while she seems calm and almost apathetic a lot of the time it is preferable to the opposite, because no matter what when alecto shows any feeling it is extreme.
alecto does not have the dark mark, yet, she is intrigued by it though and could very easily be convinced to get it now rather than wait longer.
just suggestions and highly wanted, all come from the connections page linked earlier in the post.
betrothal ;; her parents tried once before with a poor fellow from france. this time they've looked closer to home in hopes that alecto won't find a way to chase them off; they're betting on their own social circles to be enough to control her.
best friends ;; a partner in crime, the ying to the yang. the pair or more that are typically attached by the hip, consult each other, and couldn’t live without one another.
childhood friends ;; friends since the diaper days, could be a brother/sister or sister/sister type connection. may or may not still be friends.
frenemies ;; they’re nice to each others faces and act like friends but are constantly talking badly about each other.
friends with benefits ;; friends who hook up and either have or haven’t blurred the lines between the physical and emotional connection.
on again, off again ;; (ariana’s voice) make up, break up, total waste of time. this is basically a couple that you’d get whiplash from on whether or not they are together.
exes with lingering feelings ;; exes that broke up but still have feelings towards each other and can’t help but feel jealous/hurt seeing the other with someone else.
i. theodosia carrow - cat.
at sixteen years of age alecto walked through diagon alley a young woman on a mission. it was no mission most other people would not have found it as important as she did. but alecto carrow was about to buy her first cat, the first pet belonging to only her and not in any way any other family member. this wasn’t the owl bringing their mail she affectionately fed treats at the kitchen table only to get a light nip in return.
walking into the store alecto looked around at the cats, a small bengal kitten perking up at the sight of her, curious eyes staring into her own bringing a smile to her lips. after that there was no question about who was coming home with her, and moments later alecto carried the kitten in her arms as she made her way home.
alecto named the cat theodosia and since she came home with her they have barely been separated. the feline has chosen alecto over anyone else, often climbing up on her shoulders to wrap around her, purring softly in the crook of her neck as alecto reads in the common room. when alecto is distressed theo curls into her, meowing and pawing at the teenager to get her attention, refusing to stop fussing until she can feel alecto calm.
ii. herbology.
ever since she was a little girl life and death has intrigued alecto. she looks at the flowers blooming in spring before slowly decaying as the cold comes during the autumn months. when she was young she spent countless hours in the gardens around the carrow manor, she planted seeds of flowers and made sure they got attention, they got water and sunshine. alecto learned about life and death from plants, she learned how she had the power to keep them alive, but also how some of them had the power to take hers. she found beauty in all of it, and it’s been close to her heart ever since. even when she started school and it became about books and essays rather than lying in the gardens at the manor.
iii. fire.
if you play with fire you’ll get burned. alecto knows this, in part because she has literally played with fire and gotten herself burned more times than she can count on two hands before the age of thirteen. but, she understands it metaphorically as well. alecto understands that when people say fire they are referring to a chaotic event capable of ruining something good happening to people, something of your doing which can turn the world upside down.
alecto has always liked chaos. she has liked turning the world upside down. but more than anything she has liked fire. it’s been made obvious since she was eight and set her mother’s greenhouses on fire after the woman told her she was no longer allowed in them. in a fit of white hot fury alecto lost control of her magic and before she could react the buildings were in flames. instead of screaming alecto had smiled, she stood serenely watching the flames with a calm smile on her lips as if she was just watching a sunrise.
since then that’s the way it’s been, fire calms her. watching the flames dance and the smoke billow, watching how it can transform almost everything to ashes, she loves it.
iv. althea carrow - mother.
like any teenage girl alecto has had her fights with her mother. they have fought since she was a child. they have fought about alecto’s attitude, how she came home with ripped clothes and dirty elbows, how she didn’t speak to her elders with enough respect, how she didn’t speak to her peers with enough respect. then there was the potential fiancé from france, she definitely got in a fight with her mother about how she spoke to him. the fight they had after alecto scared him off is the angriest she has ever seen her mother.
but they love each other all the same. at least alecto knows she loves althea, at times she is unsure whether or not her mother actually returns the sentiment. it was her mother who introduced her to the art of herbology, her mother who taught her which fork to use at the dinner table, who reminded her of her posture, who protected her when she had a bad dream and checked for monsters inside her closet.
so yeah, over the years they have fought and when they do it is explosive. but alecto loves her mother. it is that love which has caused her to rebel so many times because, when alecto got older her mum stopped checking for monsters and stopped reading to her. the one thing that didn’t stop was pointing out her flaws so alecto makes sure her mother sees how flawed she is, that way she doesn’t loose her completely.
v. father - nicolas carrow.
when alecto was a little girl she had a tradition with her dad. while he was reading the newspaper she would sit underneath the table and once he had finished one section he would hand it to her, she would read it and fold it together before her gave her the next. it was their thing. she was his daughter and they read together every morning. until they didn’t.
alecto couldn’t understand when her dad suddenly appeared to stop caring about her. nicolas carrow didn’t look at her the way he once had, when she was six and came home with scraped knees crying he comforted her. when she was twelve he didn’t look her way beyond a disdainful glare. she was a disappointment and alecto could not even tell when it had changed, when she had started to do things all wrong in her father’s eye.
what she knows now is that she isn’t doing anything wrong. she is doing things her own way and her way isn’t compatible with the way her father wants for her. he wants her to marry, to have children, to carry on a pureblood legacy. alecto wants more than that and it’s not something her dad can come to terms with.
vi. amycus carrow - brother.
there is no one else in the world alecto thinks could ever really stand her the way amycus does. she knows she is a lot. she knows her mood swings from serene and smiling to hurricane like destruction is exhausting. she knows that her constant need to be right is annoying. she knows that it is too much when she tries to decide everything about everyone all the time. but those are things which makes alecto who she is and without her brother she knows she would be so much worse.
to alecto her brother is less of a sibling and more of an extension of herself. he knows her secrets and her flaws, he is her strengths and the sides of her that she actually likes. while alecto always wears her heart on her sleeve, she truly is terrible at hiding them, it is her brother who she actually opens her heart up to. amycus knows her and she loves him, throughout her entire life of protecting each other the only thing that has made sense is knowing they’re in it all together.
alecto looks at her brother and sees hope. she sees her ability to love and can be surprised that is even a possibility. she didn’t think she would be able to love someone like that. but, she looks at him and knows she is not a lost cause. she is not all destructive chaos, she is a person capable of opening up her heart if only to the right people and maybe someday that capability will let her fall in love as well. one thing alecto knows is if she ever does fall in love it will be because her brother taught her she is worth it.
vii. thestrals.
when alecto was thirteen years old she walked into the forbidden forest and stumbled upon a clearing. she had been upset. it was the anniversary of her grandmother’s death and she needed to get away from everyone, including her brother. so she ran, ran into the forest and hoped no one had seen her and was off to tell on her to one of the professors. they didn’t find her but she found the clearing and the winged, black, skeletal horse creatures standing there with understanding in their eyes.
her heart was captured the moment she saw them. alecto saw a beauty in their cold and harsh appearance. she saw the softness in how one of the younger ones bumped into her playfully with their head and kept doing so until she was laughing. they cheered her up and then hours later when she got back to the castle she went to the library and found out just what the creatures were - thestrals.
since that day the clearing in the forest is one of her safe spaces. when alecto needs a break she’ll go there, she’ll bring apples for the creatures and she will sit, watching them live their lives and it helps her ground herself in her own life.
viii. the future.
the future quite honestly terrifies alecto more than anything else in the world. her future has been decided for her since the day she was born. she is meant to learn how to dance and play the piano, and speak eloquently and stand up straight, know which fork to use at what point during a dinner, to take care of a home, to have children. she is meant to be the perfect wife. but since she was a little girl alecto has known that what she is meant to be and what she wants to be, have never been the same things.¨
alecto wants to go to mainland europe, or north america, she wants to work with dragons. she has read about the dragon sanctuaries, where they look after the creatures and rehabilitates them when they have been harmed by other witches and wizards. that’s what she wants to do. she wants to help these creatures that have been hurt and care for them.
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If you wanted to make edits as a beginner, how would you start?
i. get familiar with the program you’re using. whether it’s photoshop, gimp, pixlr (I used this before I got ps, and it’s pretty good), or any other program. make a canvas, then, one by one, use the tools that are in it. paint, smudge, the different shapes of brushes, etc. I know photoshop has a lot of tools, so it can get overwhelming not knowing exactly what can be done.
ii. look at tutorials. @yeahps and @itsphotoshop are blogs that provide/reblog resources. here is a page that lists a bunch of tutorials + there’s more on their blogs. I’ve made three tutorials: character posters. checkbox. applying a doodle gif. moodboard tutorial by @lilyevanehere are some more tutorials.
iii. have the correct dimensions for the canvas. that’s really, really important because if it’s too small, tumblr will make your image blurry. here is a link that can help you out. also (idk if anyone else does this oops) I sometimes save someone else’s photo from their edit to see what dimensions they’ve used - bc when you’ve saved it, your computer will tell you details of the image. but!! delete the edit afterwards ofc!! you can always do that on my edits btw if you intend on only look at the dimensions!
iv. if you’re looking for movie screencaps, you can google “______ hd screencaps” and a link should come up!
if you’re looking for aesthetic photos, use pinterest. if you’re not familiar with it, you have to make an account (it’s free) and you can scroll through pictures and add similar photos to groups (called ‘boards’). an example would be finding a bunch of pics that fit hermione, and calling the board ���hermione granger’ or whatever. here is my pinterest for your reference! tip: add the word “aesthetic” with whatever you’re seaching, like “hermione granger aesthetic”. this will help quality photos to come up for your use!
a note: looking for good pictures is probably the most time consuming part. don’t worry if you’ve already spent an hour looking around, because it’s normal. to help out, listen to music! time passes by easier that way, and it’s not as frustrating!
v. have an idea of what you want to make. it doesn’t have to be super fancy. but knowing what you’re planning on making helps a lot! you can also look at other people’s edit and get inspiration from them! but, please, credit them! you’ve probably seen “insp” in captions that are linked, right? people do it all the time, so it’s fine, but please give credit!!
vi. tag your post! all fandoms (except the ones that are barely known) have edit tags, like #hp/edit, #soc/edit, #mcu/edit (without the /). also tag any people you follow/mutuals. I track #meraudurs if you’d like to tag me! have these tags before any comments you’re making in the tags! if you’re talking in the tags and it gets long, your edit might not appear in the edit tags bc they’ll be too far down.
vii. not all your creations will get lots of notes. it’s like that for everyone, even me. some will flop, some will blow up your activity. I know notes do play a big factor in wanting to make another edit or not, but keep making stuff. you’ll get practice and improve. make the edit because of your love for the topic, not for the notes.
I really hoped this helped you out!! if you’d like any specific info on anything, let me know!! x
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Texts Between Strangers
Note: female/woman ‘reader’
Hey, it was really nice meeting you last night. Maybe we can grab lunch tomorrow? This is Cisco btw.
The text pops up on your phone screen as you're scrolling through social media. You've been lounging in bed on this rainy Saturday morning planning on doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day but binge watch The Walking Dead and order thai take out later. You just stare at the text for a minute, blinking.
You definitely didn't give your number to anyone last night because all you did yesterday was pull a double shift at Jitters because they've been short staffed lately. A long day at work usually left you looking a bit wrecked so you're damn sure there wasn't anyone slipping their digits your way either.
This person has the wrong number.
You frown a little bit for them because you wonder if the wrong number was intentional. You've had to give a creepy dude the wrong number on purpose before just so he'd leave you alone. You finally reply after another minute.
Hi I didn't give my number to anyone. Sorry dude, they gave you a wrong number.
You figure that will be the end of that and roll out of bed only to shuffle your way to your comfy couch for some TV time. The notification on your cell pings again and you glance at it, brows raising when you see it's wrong number guy.
For real? This isn't [Girl's Name]? And you weren't at Stanley's Bar last night?
You've actually been to Stanley's a lot over the past couple years since you moved to Central City but last night was not one of them.
My name is definitely not [Girl's Name] and even though I love Stanley's for the sole fact drunk me can make peanut shell confetti rain everywhere during karaoke and not get in trouble, I for real wasn't there last night.
You felt like you were a tad on the sassy side with that text but he was a stranger who apparently one girl had already blown off so you figured he must not be worth much niceties anyways. You were always for girl power so even though you had no idea who [Girl's Name] was, you were going to go with her assessment of wrong number guy, what'd he say his name was? You scrolled up in the message feed, ah—Cisco.
Best peanuts in CC, read his next text which came with a peanut and praise hands emojis.
You laughed and said aloud “Agreed.” as you typed the same reply.
You're flicking through saved episodes of Walking Dead on your DVR, trying to find where you left off when another text comes through. You already have a suspicion its him again before even looking.
I must have heard her say the wrong numbers, it was so loud in there last night :(
Your brow furrows at this one. You remember why you avoid Stanley's on Friday nights. It's usually two for ones and they aways try to get local rock bands to come play. It tends to get too crowded, too hot and yes—too noisy, in there. You read over the text again and find yourself frowning along with his sad emoji.
Next time, you gotta just hand her your phone. No mistakes can be made then. Unless you have an embarassing wallpaper.
His reply is immediate, Pfft no way. It's followed by a screenshot of his actual phone background and a typed No shame along with it.
You're not sure if its a Harry Potter lightning bolt or a reference to Central City's local hero, The Flash. Either way, you're impressed. Wizards or Superheros, a cute guy could totally score your number if you peeped that wallpaper on his phone. Well, the jury is still out on if this guy is cute, you think.
You're right, that is legit. Maybe you did just hear the numbers wrong.
Of course I did. You make it sound like something else. You can't tell if his text was meant to sound cocky or confused.
You bite your lip and reply. Well...
??? is shot back instantly and you sigh.
You decide to just keep it real with him. Guys tend to be overbearing when picking up women. You sure you weren't reading her wrong?
I happen to read people's vibes quite accuratley. She totally was feelin all of this. There's even a smirking emoji.
Alight, cocky it is. You laugh and decide to challenge it. All of what? You send the eyes emoji along with it and wait patiently for him to chicken out.
That's when he sends a picture. Your phone drops into your lap and your mouth hangs open.
It's him.
It's the Jitters customer you've been crushing on for the past year. And that's his name? Cisco?Everytime he places an order to go he always thinks it's hilarious to use the name of a famous fictional character. You've been trying to psych yourself up for months just to work up the courage to ask him for his name and maybe out on a date.
Your mind races with all the daydreams and fantasies you've had starring him. They range from adorable ones where you accidentally bump into him, coffee spilling all over him and you both blushing profusely while you attempt to clean him up; to downright explicit ones where you're the only one on closing shift and he's the last customer so you lock the doors and ravish him right there in one of the plush accent chairs.
You take a smooth five minutes to freak the hell out.
What finally pulls you away from your panic is the muffled sound of your cellphone. You hurridely dig it out from the depths of the couch.
You pass out from all the hotness huh? Lol
You just stare at the message. All language escaping you in that moment. You hadn't attempted flirting since coming to live in Central City. You left a pretty toxic relationship behind and wanted a fresh start. You had spent the past couple years focusing on finishing your MA but now that graduation was right around the corner, you suppose you could actually start dabbling in that real life stuff again. How many hours had you spent making unrequeited heart eyes at a stranger in a coffee shop? You weren't too sure about the mechanics of fate and destiny or whatever.
“Of all the wrong numbers in all the towns in all the world he texts mine,” You blink, “Err, or something like that.” You say to your phone.
You're startled out of your dramatic monologue by another text from Cisco. My self confidence is increasingly deflating :|
Crap. You realize you haven't sent anything back to him in fifteen minutes. You just type fast and without much thought because you're scared if you think too hard on it you'll back out. Being behind a screen is supposed to make people a little more fearless, right?
Haha no it shouldn't. Its just that I've actually seen that handsome face before. :)
“That's only mildy creepy.” You say to yourself upon rereading your message.
That's... not creepy at all. Is his response, follwed by a How?
Well, we do live in the same city and I work at a popular hang out. You decide to tease him.
Oh, are you that redhead from Big Belly Burger? I told you the offer was flattering but I don't date high schoolers.
You have a good laugh at that before replying, Um, not a BBB employee or a high schooler. I assure you, you're texting a grown woman.
Oh yeah? A grown woman who can do whatever she wants? ;)
You think there's a Beyonce reference in there. Yes is your simple reply.
Idk. I could be getting catfished rn.
You scoff at that. If anyone could be getting catfished, it's me. You texted first.
True, but I genuinely did think you were someone else.
It's followed by another text. Hold up. On reinspection, I've actually have been incredibly generous. Ive given you my name, wallpaper AND my picture. The only thing I know is one place you don't work and that you're karaoke friendly. I think you have to pay some dues miss.
You scoff for a second but then realize you have withheld more than what he's given up in this conversation. You're nervous as you type back, What do you want?
Simple. Even trade. Name, wallpaper, and picture. Gimme.
Another text bubble appears, Please :D
You text him your name and hold your breath wondering if it will spark any memory. You have taken his order countless times at Jitters.
:D One down, two to go!
You sigh and nervously smile to yourself. You snap a screenshot of your phone background, which is just a quote thats partially obscured by your apps. You picked it to ground yourself, to make you never forget your self worth again. You haven't changed it since you moved to Central City. It simply reads 'I am too full of life to be half loved.' You send it on it's way and then go scrolling through your recent selfies to find a picture of yourself looking somewhat decent.
That's some sage advice. You should send me the actual pic so I can pin that to my quotes board on pinterest :)
You smile while sending over the original for him.
Thanks! Now last but not least...
You've picked a picture you took right before going out to a show a couple of weeks ago. You felt confident that night because of your new show stopping outfit and the fact that your hair did absolutely what you wanted it to do. You held your breath as you sent the picture, knowing that for sure he'd have to know who you were. The awkward, babbling barrista that often times tripped over her own two feet.
A minute went by without a reponse. Your nerves were catapulting all over the place while you just sat there and stared at your phone.
Finally a new message notification pinged and you swallowed hard as you opened it. Then, your heart stopped for a second.
Its you. The text simply reads.
What's that supposed to mean? You think. Before you can form a reply, he's sent another text.
I mean, you work at Jitters. I've definitely seen that beautiful face before. :) He mimics your reply to him earlier.
You feel a blush blooming across your face along with what your sure is a goofy smile. Yeah, surprise haha
Would it be weird to say my original question still stands?
You blink in confusion. Excuse me?
It's just that, I've always thought you were cute and you laugh at all my made up names when I order. It's a beautiful laugh btw. You're mouth has dropped open and you just reread the message a few times and then reply.
Hold up. Why haven't you asked me out before?
I've um... had some bad luck in the past with Jitters barristas. Figured I'd steer clear for a while.
And now?
Well now fate has given me your number so I figure I should just go with it :D
You bite your lip to try and control the goofy smile that's forming. Lunch sounds great.
Your phone slips free of your graps and you look up to stare out the window. The sky is clear and bright.
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