#ive reread like 12 stories about her
seksbomba55 · 2 years
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this bipch is so annoying
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havendance · 3 months
I would say ‘Huntress’ as a gimme for you but honestly I think I already know that one; how about ‘Tec runs instead?
13. David Lapham -- I AM grumpy that post-war games instead of getting a tec run that engaged with the changed status quo and the fact that Batman was now wanted by the GCPD, we instead got a 12-part overly depressing and gritty flashback story (and then when we did get something engaging with the post war games status quo it was war crimes :/)
12. David Hine -- wrote a boring joker batman imposter war story that was ostensibly dickbats but really felt like a bruce!Batman story with the details sanded off. I do respect the Question Renee story in the annuals that I'm pretty sure he wrote, but I'm not counting that here.
11. Peter Milligan -- Idk if he really belongs at the bottom here, but I read his tec stuff way back when I was first starting to dip my toe into comics and remember approximately none of it.
10. Andersen Gabrynch -- He wrote some stuff I liked (Bruce buying Jim's old house and some of the pre war games Leslie stuff), however there is also the War Games and War Crimes of it all.
9. Alan Grant -- Honestly, simliar to Milligan, I don't remember a lot of his 'tec comics and didn't read most of them. I remember his Batman and Shadow of the Bat comics more, but he also has the advantage of me liking his other comics.
8. Ed Brubaker -- His tec run was short and not particularly memorable. I remember enjoying it well enough at the time and I have vague memories of pages that were satisfyingly full of explosions at the conclusion of the arc, but I can not tell you any more details than that for the life of me.
7. Chuck Dixon -- I've mainly read his 'tec run through event tie-ins and pre Robin getting a solo series and I don't have any real desire to go back and fill in those gaps. However, those event tie ins were always perfectly serviceable and he also gets bonus points for reintroducing Helena to Gotham and also Steph during it.
6. Scott Snyder -- I agree that his Black Mirror stuff is probably the best DickBats comic, and I really liked the first three issue arc. However, this run also introduced James Jr. (not counting Batman: Year One) for which fact I'm not sure if I can forgive it.
5. Mariko Tamaki -- Her 'Tec run was very fun. I like that she used Huntress. I'm not sure if I'd call it anything outstanding but it was solid and had good art and I appreciated the ensemble aspect in the Tower of Gotham storyline.
4. Paul Dini -- I really appreciate the Dini was like 'I'm going to write so many oneshots' and they were all good. Not sure how much I care about the Heart of Hush or House of Hush plotline or whatever he did at the end, but it was very much one of the highlights of my read at that time.
3. James Tynion IV -- I can really appreciate what Tynion is doing with this run. I like the ensemble, the arts consistently good, and I'll probably end up rereading it when I get to Rebirth in my read.
2. Greg Rucka (first run/New Gotham Era)
1. Greg Rucka (Second Run/Batwoman Elegy) -- It feels a little like cheating to have Rucka in both of these slots but these are two different runs and also it's MY ranking so. They're both very good and different aspects of them live in my head, but Batwoman: Elegy has J. H. Williams art and also Helena and Renee backups so it is the clear winner here.
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gluion · 9 months
1, 3, 12 and 24 for the ask game!! :p
hi bar ily ❤️‍🩹🥳
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
man… i will always always love of linked arms and bruised hearts :’)) i know that the writing style may be just average but i have such a personal connection to that story. maybe its because i definitely self projected but i will always love friendships!!! i feel that its become such an important and recurring theme in my fics, if i’ll be honest <3
another favorite of mine is familiarity (it’s all sticky) <3 definitely an idea ive had for a long time and i had lovely @wuahae betaread it :’)) its very personal to me… idk i like to think of it as a fic that commemorates not only how much i do l*ve that loser but also how much i love cat <3
idk if this is cheating but of guitar strings and peeled tangerines earns its spot too!! the outline i made since the second half of the year and ive really been hyped and happy writing it <3 i feel like its a reflection of the nooks and crannys of moni imo </3 so its crazy that it’ll be even more personal than of linked arms and bruised hearts
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
OH I DEFINITELY HAVE SO MUCH FAVORITE ONES 😭😭 and alot of them will be from of linked arms and bruised hearts im afraid… i have a bad habit of rereading my works to see what i can improve on or what couldve been changed but also its a way to reflect on my growth as a writer
first, we have the scenes where reader and jichang come back to cheongju for the holidays :’) i think its just sooo domestic imo and it really does have u reflect on what reader and jichang have <3 i personally love the scene where reader finds out jichang has been keeping clippings of their articles <3 it does smth to my lil heart <3
another one is of course the train ride back home… idk to me its just a very sentimental scene about the idea of home and how they find it in each other :’))) particularly these passages always do smth to me
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another scene in particularly loved writing is the scene between kevin and reader where they talked about reader’s life… they were discussing editorship and possible topics for the opinion piece and i just thought that the whole reflection of it was beautiful :’)
now for of guitar strings and peeled tangerines… ugh so much to say… first off i loved writing the scene where reader comes back to town… its the whole progression of them getting off the station, meeting juhak again, arriving at their father’s restaurant, u know the vibes :’)) in between every passage, u really see how much grief and resentment they hold towards this town.
The waves are strong enough to tip your balance. You do everything to stand on your own feet. The image of Jacob you drew on the sand has been washed off—it’s your fault for drawing it too close to the shore. 
i know u particularly love this line and i think i do too now :’) smth i didnt know i would enjoy </3
another one i loved writing is the flashback… the first time we see how much peeled tangerines mean between the two… just so much astonishment joy and love <3
12. favorite character to write about this year
rah i think my favorite charas to write abt were definitely the friendgroup in of linked arms and bruised hearts! i also really loved writing moonbae and reader :’))) to me, they just have so much love for each other!!! it was just so nice to see them grow in my eyes as well
if were talking abt members tho, i did love writing about eric :’))) i know i couldnt give justice to the plot with my whack writing style but it was a treat to write abt that lil guy!
24. favorite fic you read this year
we have ofcourse gravity by @wuahae … still a banger i love her forever!
we also have the whole liu series by @sungbeam but special shoutout to off the record which brought me back to deobism and party people for being my comfort fic!! i also love beam’s night terrors… UGHHHHHEHEJS I HAVENT READ A FIC THt hits all the SPOTS I NEEDED DURING MY FINALS SEASON. genuinely saved me
sorry for such a lengthy post <3 just so happy to have spent even just the second half of 2023 here on deobiblr
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iqmmir · 9 months
25 8 12 and 14 for the new years ask game :D
thank youu for the ask <3 ive already answered 8 heree
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
im not gonna talk about my friends here because it is embarrassing for me. irl.. well there's this one guy, but i think ive spoken about him beforee somewhere in this blog.. hm.. im not sure if this counts, cause im not sure if this counts as a 'friend', but i think one of the girls who attends the tuition i go to. she's a bit younger than me (i think by two years?) and she's really fun to talk to :3 ill miss her when i leave
14. Favorite book you read this year?
ive read a grand total of five (rip) including the ones ive reread (which counts because i forgor everything about the plot before i reread it). ig five little pigs by agatha christie? i like how there's so many different kinds of people and it's fun that it's mainly about their personalities as compared to the actual murder
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
i am creatingg mimigram,, other than thatt i have a horrible sense of times so this might even have been last year, but there was this comic thing i was making i think i started it after reading too many isekai manhwas lmao. basically the mc kept being switched between all sorts of worlds, and at all the stories she was being forced to she was one of the side characters. i forgor where i was going with these, but i think i told my friend about it, so she hopefully remembers..
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
hi!! im rereading slwy because im super normal and have a very healthy attachment to it, and i'm just noticing small details that i missed the first time i read it. at first i only saw the connection between yn's arrangement of the blue and purple paints and the balloons on chap 12, but now i noticed things like how hyunjin was carrying a purple bag the very first time yn saw him, the purple hair clip he wore, the blue star yn drew on his cheek and how the heart on her cheek was purple, then the balloons on chapter 12....... i feel insane
also i wanna mention - i love ur writing in general, but i just have to talk about the double date. ur writing is really extremely immersive - the way hyunjin was not "supposed" to pay attention to yn at all, but there were subtle moments where it was so clear that she was always on the back of his mind. i don't really know how to explain it, because you made it so subtle. like, it was clear he was intrigued by her, but it could very well be just her wishful thinking, but it wasnt, but it could be, but i know it wasnt ?!?!?,!!? you get me ?,!?!,!? the only real confirmation we get that he was very much thinking ab her is when he buys her the whole damn menu, but thats like by the end of the date, so when it happens it feels like he was being so successful in hiding his interest in her, but he slipped up bad on that one and made it obvious. so yeah, extremely immersive and i was very impressed while reading it again
and man, i already knew hana sucked, but rereading has made me realize shes legit fucking awful. idek if shes aware of how bad of a friend she is, idk if she does it on purpose but at the end of the day i guess that doesn't really matter, she still sucks ass
i used to think felix was worse, because he's more outwardly toxic, but that's what makes hana that much more of a bitch. she belittles yn in so many moments but its so quick you almost miss it, she crosses every single boundary my good sister tries to set and i KNOW she isnt even that cute alright yn just blindly likes her too much
okay thats it sorry for rambling i have a hard time writing words that make sense
have a lovely lovely day you you talented soul i'll miss you until you blow my notifications up again
hiii. i love this so much, and i love you ! this made me laugh, and ive had a very stressful day so thank you 🥺☹️
you noticed all the colors, it makes me so happy because i love putting little details like that, even if they go unnoticed but just for myself, and the story.
thank you for loving the double date that was actually hard to write because i did not want hyunjin to come off as someone (rude?) for not being interested in hana or not being sweet to her, but i also wanted to push the initial attraction he has for yn. looking back, it was one of my favorite “tensions” to write and the fact that you think this way makes me very proud, thank you! i definitely wanted to leave it up, because he is intrigued by yn but we’re also seeing things from yns perspective so it can be skewed.
felix and hana can be “toxic” in different ways. for lix, it almost always stems from hyunjin, but for hana, her behaviour is the same regardless of the situation, so yeah its about picking the lesser evil 😳
you made sense, dont worry, and you made me so happy with this message.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
RE: your response to my last ask: Yes I have to note take!! I’m definitely one of those people who will get to the end of anything, a movie, show, album, fic, book and just be like “yes, it was amazing! Vibes immaculate!!” But not be able to tell you why. I’ve just enjoyed interacting so much on here, ive started to take notes while reading from authors of fics i like so i can give feedback on WHY it is I like it!
Also, reading this was so therapeutic for me. The starkness of Yoongi’s dislike of himself was so… there’s definitely been moments where i could relate to that. And seeing the similarities and contrast between how reader and Yoongi think really was moment for me to like parallel that in my own life, like the people who care about me are in their own head on some level and not thinking about me like i think about me. This whole series has been pretty therapeutic for me on that level if you couldn’t tell from past comments, so… thanks for that *finger guns of unnecessary and anonymous vulnerability*
Back to the topic at hand, I love the contrast between the things reader is worried about and what Yoongi is worried about, and it’s really highlighted to me in the flashback to sidewalk talk, where he tries to commit to living in the present in that moment instead of worrying about the past. He seems very focused on how his past demons may manifest in the present, that he’ll repeat old mistakes, having regrets about how he’s negatively impacted her already with basketball. Meanwhile she’s focused on the future kind of. What people will think, how strange it will be, what her brother will think and do. Yoongi isn’t even actively thinking about that stuff because he’s blocking any future, that’s just off limits, on top of his worries about the past! That was a really interesting part of him, and them, to see!!
Also loved getting understanding of when he started thinking some type of way about her when she’d come back from college and give him hell!!
I just loved seeing his shyness and nervousness around her come through as well. It was so clear even through his guilt and regret and worry that she still was knocking him off his feet at every turn! He’s very clear even to himself that she’s someone he cares very deeply for on a personal level, even if he believes he can’t act on it. Not that that wasn’t apparent before, but this gave us a whole new look of just how deep he’s in.
I just wish reader knew how much the things she says and does matter to him!! I think she’s starting to, but still!!
It was also great re-reading Stay w Yoongi’s pov right before. I had forgotten a lot of the details in there about how much he appreciated her not testing his boundaries by sleeping on the couch, how shy he got when she called him hot, how nervous he got about asking her to stay when he went into work.
This part specifically had me all in my feels from Stay:
“The point is that, despite having several chances to do so, you didn’t overstep. Despite showing him—and telling him—how much you wanted to be here, you just… 
He might be in trouble.”
But having read some of your responses to feedback already about how this chapter was wanting to portray the turmoil he’s going through AND something you said a while ago about having planned around 12 main parts to this series has me nervous about 3tan9!! I just have a feeling that things are about to come to a head in a really angsty way as a last hurdle to the end!! Ofc i trust you to bring all the feels and in your no unhappy endings policy, and in every good story ive read the darkness before the dawn always makes the dawn so much sweeter! But whatever way it goes im so along for the ride!!!! You always feed us well even if it’s so different then what i guess at!!
Also rereading stay was a kick i needed to do my own job search and applying things this weekend like reader! If only I had a Yoongi encouraging me… His cloud pictures have been nice though… Wish me luck!!
BUS I LOVE THE NOTE TAKING!! it's so smart! when i used to read fics on here, i would literally do live commentary with my author friends or just write down my thoughts on another tab while reading so i didn't forget! i wanted to make long/thoughtful reviews, and that was the easiest way to do so! let's get into this one under the cut bc i may have another essay coming along LOL
therapeutic?! omg.. that's so :')) i'm glad you found it that way. i've related to this, too, sadly. it's not a good place to be, and you really have to claw your way out once you actively work to get out of that headspace.
love the commentary about the different ways of thinking! it's so true. the people that care about you are thinking about their own fears, worries, goals, lives. if you're worried about how people perceive you? guess what. everyone is thinking about themselves and their own problems most of the time, so try not to put too much stock in what people think. at the end of the day, we have our own thoughts about our own lives. all of us are just living our own lives in our own ways. *finger guns back* aren't we all just people?
YES! the contrast between what each of them are talking about omg. he really does try that in sidewalk talk, with the exception of past references being reader's food stand moments. while he's focused on his past mistakes usually, reader's looking to the future. he isn't thinking about the future because, you said it, he's holding it from himself. at least, the future we know he wants. it's like he's stuck in a weird timeframe of the past and present.. he's in both. just not the future. i love this commentary so much wow.
AHAHAH HELL YEAH. reader didn't give a shit back then (at least, from his pov) and she doesn't give a crap who he is now if she wants to bring him down a couple pegs. i knowwww yoongi found/finds that attractive as hell.
3tan yoongi is the shyest confident boy. his aura is legitimately intimidating if you don't know him and don't know what he's going through inside his mind. but around someone he kinda sorta is into? so shy. it's endearing af and i love him. if only reader knew exactly how much she means to him... yoongi if you don't do something, move over bc i'm coming for reader mySELF LOL
OH MY GODDD i'm so glad you brought up those moments in Stay! bc yes, we can already see that shyness coming through! him getting a little flustered when reader called him hot/unfair got me kicking my gd feet dsdkfs if reader only KNEWWWW I WANNA SCREAM. yoongi loves his privacy and boundaries, so when this one person didn't cross them when they had plenty of opportunities to? of course he's gonna start thinking some type of way. especially if they're also caring and smart and just a good person..
DKHVDKF i'm just gonna say.. i'm not holding anyone's hand through 3tan9 LMAO i'm just gonna sit there while y'all read it. and you'll see why when it drops ahahahahahahhelpmehahahah. but real talk, i'm glad and honored that you trust me. we all know there's more to come, including angsty moments, but no sad endings<33
WISHING YOU ALL THE LUCK WITH JOB HUNTING!! omg that's so exciting :D you can do it i believe in you with all my heart. thank you so much for this fantastic review and have a great week!
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autumnleafauthor · 2 years
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I posted 42,275 times in 2022
16 posts created (0%)
42,259 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,250 of my posts in 2022
#like - 12 posts
#hhm - 11 posts
#but - 9 posts
#🥺🥺 - 7 posts
#/j - 7 posts
#garashir - 6 posts
#... - 6 posts
#bruh wtf - 5 posts
#uhm - 5 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#walmart failed in germany because here those practices are illegal and also there is an organisation here that unionizes workers/helps them
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
WIP Tag Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder  regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an  ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little  snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Thank you so much for the tag @xenobotanist ! :D (also holy hist over a hundred WIPS. That is fucking amazing) Tagging @elemental-queen-writes , and I would tag Geese from our discord if I knew her tumblr :/
Anyways, currently working on:
Between This Point and Untime (Two chapters already up, still tweaking the last one)
Sunshine and Rain
Mature Odo One-Shot (even the title is a WIP)
All tied up
Ideas floating around (these are just the names ive given the discord channels where the disjointed snippets currently reside lol):
Garashir 50s/60s spies
Garashir subnautica AU
Symphonie Fantastique
Chore War
Blue Lizard Garak (i havent forgotten about it Lue!)
Ofmd AU
Blasted Federaji
Long Married Couple AU
and i seem to have lost my Defiant story somewhere... hmm.
5 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Got a comment on my fic The Desert calling Julian “principled” - completely reasonable, makes sense - and deadass read that as “pringled”. Reported this to the discord and @zoegraves responded: “Tall, thin, and tastes good? yeah, that tracks“ and i just
6 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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Additional material for my chairfic, Sella Magnus! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40647093
7 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Hey garashir community, you gotta help me out here, cause I’m going insane.
Remember Small White Room by pyrrhic_victory? I wanted to reread it recently and.... ITS MISSING A WHOLE CHAPTER? I THINK?
Last I read it, it was unfinished, yes, but the last chapter saw Julian off on his mission with some emotional smut on the living room cot. But now, well, from the AN at the bottom, I assume it’s the chapter before that’s marked as the last one.
Did I somehow manage to imagine a wholeass chapter? Did someone else write it? Did pyrrhic delete it? Anyone got any idea?
14 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sooo. DS9 ofmd AU when?
please tell me I don’t have to write it myself that would take forever
Edit: I have now started figuring out which character is who. Please - if anyone will take this burden from me, speak now, before it's too late for me!
31 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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softlystarstruck · 3 years
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✩ softly reading, sep 6 - 12 ✩
hello hello! hope this week has been good to everybody- here are the drarry fics ive been reading :) lots of fantastic short pieces this week! short & sweet and pocket-sized are below the cut 💫
✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | purple- reread | blue- self-rec
spotlight rec
✩ Horrible Luck by @fw00shy [M, 2.8k]
Draco is a hit-wizard, and his next target is Harry Potter. It's lucky that Draco already wants to kill his boyfriend. If Harry leaves out his dirty plates one last time...
why i rec this: a birthday week rec for fwoosh! this fic is so quintessentially her writing– quick paced with interesting characterizations and a plot that keeps you hooked until the very end. i love the tone of this fic, and it’s one that i will be reading over and over again (mostly for the FANTASTIC pansy characterization 😉)
longer reads
Harmonised Consciousness by Talizora [E, 24k]
This time it's a spell gone wrong in Charms that will bring our two favourite boys together. Expect Mind-Magic Classic HD Clichés & Soul Mates.
✩ The Heart’s Honest Truth by @bixgirl1 + @carpemermaid [E, 16k] 🔥
Draco is cursed to speak in questions. Well...Spelled, thanks to the stupidly improper archival practices of the fourth century. Harry Potter is there to save the day, but Draco isn’t going to give in to his help so easily.
Burning the Ground by @lqtraintracks [E, 10k] 🔥
"Strap him down," someone said, and Harry felt the rage thicken inside him -- the viscous fear. And then he heard a woman's voice sigh, "Someone, get Healer Malfoy."
✩ It’s Joggers Season (or so the Muggles say) by @carpemermaid [E, 10k] 🔥
Everything about Draco’s life since May has been one bloody long exercise in subverting everything he’s known, that’s expected of him. He’s returned to Hogwarts to take his N.E.W.T.s and everything is different—namely, Harry Potter strutting around in clingy joggers that Draco can’t get off his mind.
short & sweet (< 10k)
✩ heavy by @onbeinganangel [E, 6.5k] 🔥
Potter isn’t nearly as slick as he thinks he is, is all Draco can think about through the alcohol haze and the dizzying atmosphere of the club. He really, really isn’t.
✩ Seven Sins of Drarry by @rockingrobin69 [E, 6.4k]
A collection of seven one-shots, each inspired by one of the deadly sins.
at the end of his tether by @annie--odair [M, 4.3k]
There's a worn page folded in an inner pocket of Harry's robes with a single underlined paragraph. Discrete magical signatures have been observed after the destruction of a Dementor. Some scholars believe this implies that the souls of its victims persist as captives within its form. He’s carried it for nearly two years.
✩ Come as You Are by @peachpety [E, 3.8k]
If asked, Harry Potter would categorize his high school senior year as normal: football, friends, and one devastating crush on his tutor, Draco Malfoy. When presented with an opportunity to help Draco, Harry rises to the occasion. Unfortunately, so does his dick. [Quidditch Fest 2021]
✩ Lighting Matches (just to swallow the flame) by @carpemermaid [E, 2.3k] 🔥
"We'll start off slower this time, I think," Harry commented absently. He said it as if he were just discussing the weather with him over afternoon tea, and not about to spank Draco over his knee. "And if you're good, then I'll make it easier for you to control yourself."
Harry After Healer by @clarey-potter [T, 2.1k]
Harry’s loopy on potions after his procedure. Draco rather likes Harry this way, all open and innocent and awestruck. Oh—and yeah. Obsessed with Draco’s beauty. That part’s rather nice. [H/D Summer Vibes 2021]
Flip/Fuck by @shealwaysreads [E, 1.7k] 🔥
Switch: to give up (something) and take something else in return.
✩ Location, Location, Location by @skeptiquewrites [T, 1.5k]
Harry and Draco need somewhere new to live and Pansy Parkinson needs to sell at least one house.
✩ Space Bodies by @teacup-tai [M, 1.4k] 🏳️‍⚧️
She tastes like a love story.
Doing Life with Draco and Harry by Emrys MK [T, 1.4k]
Draco is less than pleased that Harry wants to go see his aunt and uncle, and Harry is less than pleased that Draco isn’t minding his own business. Can you say awkward road trip?
reaching out, reaching up by me [M, 1.3k] 🔥
Harry Potter is a good lay. Draco wishes that fact was all he had taken away from the situation.
✩ Of course you do by @zigster-ao3 [G, short-form comic]
Harry comes to a shocking realization one early morning.
pocket-sized (< 1k)
Whore Crux by @vukovich [E, 996]
Enunciate your dark curses.
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the-gay-trashmouth · 3 years
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT (and ST) fandom(s)? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works (by others,) please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
I know ive let this sit forever but executive dysfunction got me out of it.
1) i go by Stari/Stars or even Jo Jo if you want. I dont really mind.
2) im on A03 @ Starinights and on insta @ stari_arts
3) for a while i went my allthenewsiesaregay_bitch or something of that sort but that was before i was in the it fandom :)
4) ive sorta been lurking since i was like... 12 because i saw the og movia with my dad and said "oh this is amazing i love it" but didn't really start creating until quarantine last year
5) my favorite characters are 100 percent tie between Richie (because hi yes i am ADHD and i relate), Beverly (I am gay and in love with her) and Mike (country boy i love youuu).as for ships i love reddie, mike/stan, mike/stan/bill, and really poly loser in general. Benverly is one of the only m/f ships with full rights on my blog lmao.
6) i draw and write fanfic (though ive been dealing with a lot of writers block so thats a thing) and i reblog a bunch of content from other it fans.
7) BOY DO I! @tiredluidraws22 and @fuji09 are two really awesome people who i adore.
8) hhhhhhhh links.. Difficult. Check out the above blocks for skme Good Content tho.
9) i wrote a Deer in the Deadlights, and fic that was basically just what if Rich got taken instead of Bev and its the only fic ive felt comfy enough to put out there for this fandom. It didn't end up getting a lot of attention but im still really proud of it and i reread it a lot for myself lmao.
10) i did losertober last year but Never Posted Any Images lmao. Ill prolly do it this year instead of inktober because for some reason inktober stresses me out.
11) i👏want👏more👏mike👏content👏👏👏
I want a day in the life of him working on the farm and being soft on animals. I want stories about him staying behind to protect a town that never treated him right and watch as his friends forgot him, i want mike/stan, mike/bill, mike/ANYBODY. I want him to be LOVED DAMMIT
That and neilbolt kids aus. I love those a lot lmao.
Anywho, thanks for the thing i had fun and maybe this can help me find more It fandom friends :)))
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Sunday Stumped Day 29
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day!
Sometimes we straight out get stumped. So every few months we will pick a Sunday when we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
This time around we have focused on Asks that are looking for specific fics. 
If you know the answer to any of these asks please shoot us a message/ ask/  with the Post number and the fic details and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16, Post 17, Post 18, Post 19, Post 20, Post 21, Post 22 , Post 23, Post 24, Post 25, Post 26, Post 27 and Post 28 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with. 
495. theman189-blog said:
Also looking for a growing together fic where peeta and katniss are painting a room ar one point and they get in a paint fight, at the end when peeta has katniss over his shoulder she draws a heart in paint on his lower back
494. theman189-blog said:
Hi there, just read a fic where katniss and peeta were peacekeepers and fall in love called protect and serve, and I could have sworn there was another one where they're peacekeepers and fell in love but had a more concrete ending and I cant remember it... any thoughts?
493. breakmeaswitchson said:
Hi! So I posted asking about this on a sub in Reddit and got directed here, it's not specifically an Everlark one (I don't think) but if you could help I'd be so thankful! Basically, it took the characters from the 74th Hunger Games, but the twist was that they all had to work together in designated groups? And (I think) weren't allowed to turn on each other until nobody else was left. I'm pretty sure Rue and Clove were on a team together, and I think the setting involved abandoned buildings.
492. jayana90 said:
Hi! I'm looking for a specific fic from Peeta's POV. I read it about a year ago & now I can't find it. It begins at his house in 12 with his family, then traces nearly all of the Hunger Games trilogy. It ends with a chapter with Peeta & Katniss living in 12 years later with their kids and a bakery. I think they loved cheese bread? It was really long and so good, I hope to find it again. V smutty.
FOUND! The Sexual Frustrations of Peeta Mellark by PeetasAndHerondales, which has sadly been deleted. - thank you, mistressnightshade!
491. allflowerscatchthesunlight said:
Fic name needed: I recall Peeta was taken by the capitol and then there was trackers embedded into his skin or something and he was found by the squad while in the capitol to kill snow. They cut it out of him. Also katniss was pregnant, but miscarried.
Found!  Secret Wishes, Secret Kisses by @katnissdoesnotfollowback -- thank you KDNFB!
490. jsth2obooks said:
Hi I read this fix a while ago and now I'm trying to find it. It's Modern day Katnisss and Peeta have to go to a high school reunion an they pretend to be either together/engaged. At the end they end up with a child. Thanks in advance
FOUND! Somewhere That’s Green by Jlala. Thank you, @fangirlingoverquotes
489. uglydora15 said:
I read this fancition about Katniss and Peeta post mockingjay and Katniss was pregnant I think for the second time and Peeta has a flashback and Katniss caught him kissing someone else in the bakery and he had to beg for her forgiveness
Possibly There Are Still Worse Games to Play- The Second Part of Our Journey by panskiss123.  Thank you, @sunsetsrmydreams
488. bad-fad said:
Hi so I think there’s a fix where mr. Mellark like takes in katniss when she’s young (I don’t think prim existed in the story but I could be wrong) and she grows up with the Mellarks but I can’t remember?? If not maybe some recs along those lines
Possibly - “Kinship” by Misshoneywell - thank you @endlessnightlock
possibly Star by HGRomance  - thank you @nightlock-89
Possibly the deleted Lion’s Tooth by Alexabee
487. craftydiva0828 said:
Looking for a story where after the war, Katniss rides the trains searching the districts for Peeta; people search for loved ones by posting their pictures at the train depot bulletin board.
FOUND!  when the far-gone dead return - writingforhugs (Thanks, @ladymurphyevermore!)              
486. bookworm06 said:
I was wondering if you guys know about a fic where Peeta woos katniss slowly, they dare secretly for a long time i think. And then Katniss comes out in this beautiful orange dress(peeta’s favorite color) to announce their engagement. She’s dressed up for a feast or party in the district or something! I loved this story but can’t even remember the name 🤦🏻‍♀️
FOUND! -  I Knew This Would Have Happened Anyway by @abk1973 - thank you, @litharalen
485. cowrintimrousbeastie said:
Hello! This is actually the first time I'm posting a question, I usually enjoy doing the detective work. This time though, I've looked high and low and can't find it... it's a drabble posted on tumblr in several parts. Peeta is living with his girlfriend Delly but during one of his baking workshops discovers that this longtime best friend Katniss is in love with him (she has him as her phone screen saver). She works at the library? He confronts her and she says forget it as he is happy w/Delly..
FOUND!  By @cowrintimrousbeastie herself!  It is How Long by @ra3lynn3.  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 and Part 5.
484. beautiful-harmony1 said:
Hello! Thank for your great work. I am looking for a fic I read a while ago. Post-mockingjay. Katniss is really sick and Peeta comes homes a realises. He takes care of her. On her “death bed” she talks about this that would have happened between the two. I’m pretty sure some bursts in and say “we found a cure”. Thank you so much
483. thehopefuldandelion said:
So I’ve been craving to read this fic that hopefully I didn’t make up and I’ve been trying to remember it’s name. All I remember is that Katinss and Gale(I think) are dating but when Gale would go to sleep Katinss would text Peeta. I’m pretty sure they were coworkers and couldn’t date bc of this. I know that she broke up with Gale but that’s all that my brain can remember. I’m sorry if this is vague or you can’t find it. I just wanted to read this again. Thanks for all you do for the community❤️
FOUND! This is After Hours by SoThere -thank you, @mendontprotectyou!
482. redhoodhungergames said:
I’m looking for a fic where peeta goes to this hotel (or something) and finds Katniss who works there as a singer. I remember when talking we hear that Katniss is from Virginia
481. just-absolutely-super said:
There’s a pre-epilogue fic I read about Katniss and Peeta growing back together. I can’t remember all the details but I think in the fic Katniss finds out Peeta painted Prim and it upset her? Toward the end she’s outside his bedroom door and confesses to him that she loves him. Thank you!
Possibly - The List of Words by MyKonstantine - thank you, @jennagill
480. peetniss27 said:
OK i must be going crazy, but this fanfic is about panem being a bunch of islands and they all do a computer session and are matched with their spouses after being “reaped” and Katniss was dating peeta and ended up with gale. It was called the islands but idk the new name please help!!!!!
Are You Leaving Me? - iloverueforever (*Thank you, @superchocovian!)
479. uniquepizzacollectionblog said:
Hi, i"m looking for a fic where katniss and peeta and best friends and have slept with each other in the past and now the sexual tension is coming back, maybe you guys know of this story?
478. xgetawaycar13 said:
Hiiii so I’m looking for a fic in which Katniss and Peeta get married in catching fire by order of snow and they are also forced to have children but I remember that at some point someone told Katniss about how all the girls at school liked Peeta so she got jealous and have him a blowjob Thank youuu I already look through your master list about marriage in catching fire but I couldn’t find it:(
FOUND.  This is Have Heart, My Dear by monroeslittle.  Thanks @finestunicorn.
477. ochri said:
Hi i'm looking for this fic from fanfiction It's a post-MJ fic and there's this one chapter where katniss peels? her skin off her fingers and then Peeta takes her to hospital. That's all I really remember :/
476. nikki-pondtheauthor said:
hey im curious if there are fanfics in which peeta learns how to use a bow and shoot arrows (taught by katniss). bonus if he does this in hunger games. im sure ive a read a fanfic before, that was awesome in my opinion because it is a bit out of character for him but highlighting the fact that he is a survivor too and can handle weapons even if he is more a friendly persona
475. white-dandelion-seeds said:
Hey, can you find me this story- Peeta helped Katniss to escape when her family was being killed. But he got captured and was made a slave. Later he helps Katniss to take revenge of the death of her family
474. chippedcupsandbrokenhearts said:
Ok do you know the name of Fic where Katniss finally gets away from her abusive marriage with gale and goes back to her family. They didn’t know she was being abused. She falls in love with Peeta and I remember at one point gale found her and her family drives him out of town. I read this YEARS ago and now I just randomly had the urge to reread it but can’t remember the name. Thank you!!!
Possibly - A Safe Place by HavishamWard,but this fic has been deleted. Thank you, @endlessnightlock
473. jillpill55 said:
Hi, I love your page and have read probably a hundred fics because of it. I hoping you can help me find this fic I read a couple of months ago. Peeta was captured and when he came back he couldn't kiss Katniss because of a implant snow had put in peeta's leg. I would be a mutli-chapter and may or not be finished. Thanks
Possibly - Rekindling by ShiningCity.  Thank you, @sunsetsrmydreams
472. svmn14 said: 
There was a story about Peeta suffering from an undetected hijacking attack timed 10 years after the last Games where he was designed to hurt Katniss 
FOUND!  This is Broken:  Scenes from the Sequel by MockingJayFlyingFree.  Thanks @sunsetsrmydreams
471. hiyosakura said: 
Hello! I was wondering if you could help find this everlark fic. I’m not sure if it’s completed or not but it also has hayffie in it a bit I think. So the story is that k and p fall in love before their games and they meet at their tree in school or something but then they get reaped and I can’t remember what happens after that but during the quarter quell Katniss is actually pregnant and Peeta and Katniss are able to communicate with their lips touching.
FOUND! That’s 74th Hunger games Challenge: We Always Were - Jamie Sommers(*Thank you, @superchocovian!)
470. ptx-holic said:
 Hi, i’m looking for a fic where katniss is in a relationship with gale and then she met peeta and they are in a relationship but they caught katniss having two relationship and katniss move to somewhere and then she came back few years later and met peeta again. I’m sorry if this is confusing for you but i can’t find it. Thank you :) 
Do any of these fics ring a bell? Please let us know!
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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tayegi · 6 years
I absolutely adore OC in New Rules 💜 I’d honestly love to be as strong and outgoing about feminism as she is, but I rarely ever have the energy for it. But she’s inspired me to reach out to a therapist, and work on getting to a point where I am capable of helping others 💜 thank you so much for writing such strong and beautiful characters, Lu.
Anonymous said:NR was amazing! I loved how strong she was at the end to turn him away. When she mentioned that she felt like no one would like her for her I felt that in my soul. I hope she loves herself more and contours her face like an Instagram model! Your characters are so relatable and they could be real. Also, Hoseok made me so upset. She was feeling herself and he crushed her! I loved JKs reaction when he saw her! His acceptance of her makes him not liking her even harder! Thank you for this! 💗
Anonymous said:lu, you’re thriving. when i tell you that i’m so excited to see where you’re gonna take the rest of NR!!! ugh i love how you write this so much. the thought process you take y/n through is so similar to my own thought process in these kinds of situations. i LOVED how you wrote the debate in y/n’s head when talking to hoseok and jungkook. i felt the inner-turmoil. ugh you never cease to amaze me w/ literally everything you write. perhaps i’m in love with you
Anonymous said:sooo many things i want to discuss about ch 12 but the most important to me is how much girl love and friendship you included!! Ive been feeling kinda lonely lately watching all my girls fall in love but im reminded how our beautiful friendships are so much more meaningful than exerting energy on finding.a dude. much love to you and your writing is as amazing and powerful as always
Anonymous said:Hey! Just wanna let you know, so glad you updated New Rules! Goodluck and hoping you’ll still continue it even if its next year! Love your writing! All of them actually! Anyway im being such a fan here but i guess i am. Hehe Thank you! 💜
Anonymous said:Even though my heart was aching for the reader when she didn’t take Jungkook back I was so satisfied with how she stood her ground. Reader, you don’t need no man! I hope time will heal her hurt soul, boys just aren’t shit....
Anonymous said:Oh.. oh man.. chapter 12 was absolutely fantastic. The whole bit about why y/n doesn’t do “girly” and stereotypical because she’s insecure really got me. I relate to that on such a high level, like I had a convo like that just a few weeks ago. I love that your characters are so relatable. Thank you for sharing your amazing writing with us!
Anonymous said:u delivered yet again with new rules!! i love it sm and when oc rejected jungkook my heart broke BUT she brought up several valid points that i totally understand 😭 also hoseok omfg i was... SOMEWHAT waiting for some shit to go down w him but i was not expecting that. also i love all the ladies of new rules. thank u
moonchild-love-letter said:Lu, the ending of Ch 12 was so powerful. My favorite part was the dialogue between jk and OC. The conversation was so honest and painful- my heart was wrenching with every word. It was such an honest and realistic conversation, kudos to the amazing author
Anonymous said:Omg I just read the new rules update and I cried! But It wasn’t so many tears at once but I felt a wave of sadness overtake me as the chapter went on, more and more and I knew what was going to happen and my dread for it, the sadness jus built up until tears kind of just fell out gradually just as Jungkook was saying all the wrong things to try and keep her in his life :( I felt the devastation of her denying herself what she wanted and knowing how jk ain’t it right now for her. Arghhhhhhh
Anonymous said:Tear anon here again lol, just wanted to add that I loved the update and thank you for writing such an amazing story, I can’t wait to see what happens next for Newrules!Couple and other stories you write :) I’m off now to reread the whole thing again lol
You guys are the best!!! i love reading your reactions to this so much asldfjdlks im literally rolling around in bed and screaming!!! THANK YOU!
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la-knight · 6 years
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"Alice Alexis Queensmeadow, 12, rates three things most important: Mother, who wouldn’t miss her; magic and color, which seem to elude her; and Father, who always loved her. Father disappeared from Ferenwood with only a ruler, almost three years ago. But she will have to travel through the mythical, dangerous land of Furthermore, where down can be up, paper is alive, and left can be both right and very, very wrong. Her only companion is Oliver whose own magic is based in lies and deceit. Alice must first find herself—and hold fast to the magic of love in the face of loss." "Red was ruby, green was fluorescent, yellow was simply incandescent. Color was life. Color was everything. Color, you see, was the universal sign of magic." "Love, it turned out, could both hurt and heal." "Narrow-mindedness will only get you as far as Nowhere, and once you're there, you're lost forever.” "Alice was an odd girl, even for Ferenwood, where the sun occasionally rained and the colors were brighter than usual and magic was as common as a frowning parent." "Making magic is far more interesting than making sense." So I actually read this book a few months ago and then recently reread it via audio so I could remember all the details for this review. I was first introduced to Tahereh Mafi’s work through her book Shatter Me, her debut novel. Ironically, it wasn’t through any of the ways I normally hear about books - Booktube, Goodreads, my best friend, Booklr - but from my husband’s aunt. She runs - or used to run, not sure if she’s still doing it - a book review blog. And she posted a review of Shatter Me and I was like, “What a weird, interesting writing style, lemme check this out.” At this point the entire Shatter Me Trilogy plus novellas had been published and I devoured all of them (still need to review those, too). So when I heard Tahereh Mafi was writing a middle grade book, I got super excited! Especially because this was during a time when I was too stressed out to read any YA, since most of the YA I like involves having to save the world and all the stress that entails. I need to lay out some trigger warnings real quick: the main character, Alice? Her mom is incredibly abusive, both emotionally and physically. It’s treated as not such a big deal in the book, which is honestly the story’s only real flaw, but it’s bad. It took me seven tries and resorting to an audiobook (and even with a fantastic narrator, that short audiobook took me almost a month to get through) because the abuse was so bad. So:
Let’s get started, yo! First of all, the setting. OMG. See, I love tthis thing called Victorian fairy tales, which is something you can find in books like Mary Poppins - these super fantastical bits of whimsy that just warm your heart and make you grin because they’re so creative and fun. In the Mary Poppins books, you can jump into chalk drawings and go to a circus amidst the stars and make friends with a woman who sells living candy-cane horses. In Catherynne Valente’s Fairyland series, there are shadow balls and talking phonographs. And in Furthermore, there’s light raining down from the sky in literal drops, sticks of magic you use like money, and forests full of invisible berries. The way the world is put together and described, so full of color and imagination, is awesome and beautiful and I could picture it perfectly. It reminded me in all the best ways of books like The Phantom Tollbooth (one of my favorites). But I wouldn’t want to live there, because Ferenwood is full of colorism and ick. Alice, the female lead, is an albino in a world where color is important and the darker you are, the more magical you’re considered to be. So Alice gets treated like garbage. 
Also I think Alice may be autistic, but I don’t know if she’s deliberately coded autistic or if Tahereh Mafi did it by accident while trying to make Alice eccentric, but she comes across as autistic. I’ve actually begun to pay more attention to that sort of the thing in recent years, being autistic myself, and I see it a lot - authors giving their characters autistic characteristics, often without meaning to. I just touch on it here because Alice is already treated badly for being albino, but she’s also considered a freak because of the way she behaves - like an autistic preteen. And I wonder if Tahereh Mafi did that on purpose as a sort of commentary or not, because while Alice is treated badly by the people of Ferenwood for her behavior, the Narrator (who is an actual character in the story; love when that happens) always sides with Alice in this regard. The storyline is sweet and I love it. Alice tries to compete in the magical testing all the preteens do on their twelfth birthday, and so she dances. And her dancing is magical but it’s not Magical, you know? So she fails the test. Well, turns out a boy who passed the test the year before, Oliver (the brat), needs Alice’s help fulfilling a quest - rescuing Alice’s missing dad. So they go on a quest together, although Alice hates Oliver (and rightly so, he’s rude). They go to a dozen different and cool places, all of which are dangerous and all of which are different. I wish we could’ve spent more time in those places but I understand why we didn’t. The only annoying thing is there’s an origami fox on the cover but it only pops up in one of the worlds for like two pages and then it’s gone and I thought we could spend more time both in that world and with that creature since it ended up on the cover. But alas, not. I understand why - middle grade is often cursed to be short, especially if it’s the author’s first MG novel ever. Once you get big and bad like Rick Riordan you can start tossing out gihugic tomes like Son of Neptune or Blood of Olympus on the regular. Oliver’s reason for needing Alice was one I didn’t see coming, nor was her magical talent - a talent they hint at throughout the book but never explain until near the end, at the perfect moment. I thought it was an interesting commentary on how young girls perceive themselves, that Alice hates this marvelous, amazing talent she has of bringing color into the world from nothing...because she can’t use it to change how she looks. Society has trained her already, by the age of twelve, to discount something incredible about herself because she can’t use it to make herself into what society wants her to be. That’s pretty impressive for a book this short. I loved some of the more deliberate messages in the work - the thing I mentioned about society’s pressures on young girls, and also that it’s okay to tell boys to screw off if they’re mean to you, and to have hope and to look for second chances (Alice thinks she only has one chance to pass the test and believes her life is over when she fails, only to find out she can try again the next year). I love all of that, and the lyrical and whimsical quality of the prose, and the world building is so creative and also makes me a bit hungry (people eat magic in this book, among other things; I wonder what it tastes like). Now...let’s talk about the abuse. That’s my biggest issue with the book. Alice’s mother is a total bitch. And not in a cool, kickass way like the lady in the show Empire. She’s vicious, she’s cruel, and she’s abusive. Alice knows - and the Narrator confirms - that she turned bad when her husband went missing, and apparently the worry for him and the strain of raising four kids on her own is making her hard and sad, but I don’t give a shit. I was hoping Tahereh Mafi would’ve gone all Hansel and Gretel on this lady and when Alice comes home with her dad, the wife’s dead or something. She beats Alice (at one point she beat Alice for chasing a boy out of the place where she was sleeping, even though he kept staring at her in her sleeping clothes, because apparently the boy - Oliver - had the right to break into their barn at 3AM and ogle Alice???), she verbally abuses Alice, she sends her to bed regularly without dinner, is constantly criticizing, won’t hug her or kiss her, and - this one really got me, for some reason - forces her to do illegal things. Those invisible berries I mentioned? Alice can find them and bring back whole baskets because of her magical gift, and so her mom sends her out to pick them all the time. If she brings home enough, her mom smiles. If she doesn’t, her mom yells and calls her names and sometimes beats her. Guess what? Picking those berries is illegal. We don’t find this out until much later in the book, but it is. The thing I didn’t like about the berries is that Oliver, who’s thirteen, is less concerned about Alice’s mother beating her for not picking enough contraband berries and instead focuses on how her ability to find the berries in the first place means Alice has really impressive magic. NOBODY seems to care how much Alice is being abused, not even the Narrator. The Narrator sympathizes with Alice’s hurt feelings and despair over her missing Father, but it’s never objectively stated that her mom is abusing her AND SHE IS. Yeah, her mom is sooo glad to have her back after Alice almost dies on her trip with Oliver, but so what? My roommate’s mom is so abusive that my roommate’s clergy leaders, doctors, and psychological therapist all said my roommate needed to cut ties with said mom, even though my roommate’s mom has also exhibited the same kind of “oh baby I’m so sorry, I love you so much” bullshit. That’s what abusers do. So I hate Alice’s mom. She literally makes her daughter feel like if she doesn’t risk her life numerous times AND bring her father back, there is no chance her mother will ever love her. And if she pulls that stuff off (which she does), then MAYBE her mother will love her. Nuh-uh. Nope. Hate that bitch. Other than that, I really loved this book. The characters felt real (Alice is me, but without my anger), Even the ones I didn’t like were still REAL, and well-drawn. The world building and word choice is fantastic. Basically, if you can get past the evil mom, read this book. World Building: 1 star Realism: 1 star Word Choice: 1 star Plot: 1 star Characterization: 1 star - ¼ star because Oliver Newbanks is an obnoxious little creep - 1 star because the mom is AN ABUSIVE EVIL BITCH - ¼ star because NOBODY DOES ANYTHING ABOUT THAT +½ star because Alice is amazing and has a genius brain and I love her Total score: 4/5 stars Would I Buy It: Yes! I own it and loved it enough I got the sequel for Christmas (in...2017...I've been sitting on this review for months...)! Would I Recommend: yes, but with trigger warnings. Again, highly abusive evil bitch mom who somehow doesn’t die.
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crafiet · 6 years
1-50 of the writer’s ask thing, go!
The Basics1.     Do you listen to music when you write?mostly yeah but it depends on my mood2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?both, i was a complete pantser up until recently but ive been trying to outline big scenes so i know where im going3.     Computer or pen and paper?computer for drafting. pen and paper for outlining/planning4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?not published, dont wanna be5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?none but yesterday i wrote 2k /shrug6.     Single or multiple POV?usually single but ive been trying multiple!! its hard!!! idk what voice is!!7.     Standalone or series?ugh again mostly standalone, but ive been dabbling in series8.     Oldest WIPmy spies one which went though a fantasy and scifi phase and was originally dystopian9.     Current WIPmy mages! i have no titles bc who10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?nup
The Specifics11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the mostuhhhh to be fair im v easily influenced so if i read a book and really like it i subconsciously try to implement that style of writing or try out that genre in my own work12.  Describe your perfect writing spacea desktop next to a big open window where i can play music without headphones13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polisheduhhhh i dont have a finished wip yet so idk lol usually: idea→ characters→ plot→ spur of the moment 10k word vomit→ more planning, outlining→ more words→ repeat planning and drafting until finished14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?i just take a break, read some bad books, read some good books, look at writing tumblrs and just marinate for a bit before going back in15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?i perpetually have it and since i dont have deadlines or a publishing contract i just ride it out, writing is strictly a hobby for me16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?i edit as i go, im onto draft 2 of my mages but its technically a rewrite bc i changed most of the plot17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?i have none atm, but i usually pick a time where i know i wont be disturbed/distracted so usually at night18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?idw collab sdkksdlkbnsd die19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?i just really really like my worlds lol conceited 20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?i have!!! 5?
The Favourites21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?oh mannngggg i like all my protagonists, ary is the easiest bc shes the one i work with the most, but its super entertaining to be in remy’s head, and i like calyp’s bc hers is so different AAHH22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?remy and seth orrr red and kieran. if im answering this correctly? or do u mean types of pairings lol idk23.  Favourite authorhummm idk every author i really like have books i dont like so i cant say24.  Favourite genre to write and readfantasy25.  Favourite part of writingworldbuilding *.*26.  Favourite writing programgoogle docs. it would be word but im too poor to buy it lol27.  Favourite line/sceneidk if this is my favourite but“I am at least trying to be civil.”“I am being civil. You want me to yell at you? Turn into a wolf and fight it out like you’d want?”Kieran closed the file and stood. “I don’t—rem—”“Remember.”“I don’t remember you being so—” He searched for a word, but gave up and growled instead. Red got the idea.“Angry? Callous? I ought to reteach you the English language.”“I know how to speak,” Kieran blurted. “Remember, I spent twenty-four years a full human.”“And look how fast that’s disappeared.”28.  Favourite side characterwhat are side characters lol ENSEMBLE CASTS29.  Favourite villainossssshhhh probably michael bc i love him30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yetive started on all my wips im one of those bastards who can multitask
The Dark31.  Least favourite part of writingactually drafting lmao32.  Most difficult character to writeprobably christine bc shes meant to be relatable and down to earth and thats boring smh33.  Have you ever killed a main character?yes, not a pov one though34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?probably any scene that requires a lot of research on a topic i know nothing about, like hacking or sword fighting or whatever35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?bridging scenes suck theyre necessary but they SUCK
The Fun36.  Last sentence you wrote“My plan would go smoother with you involved, but I can find others. Many want his head.”37.  First sentence or your current WIPShe squinted in the harsh light.38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever hadugh this girl who could see deaths coming and she worked for the fbi but she was like 15 so she still had to go to highschool lol39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever hadprobably her, only bc i was 13 when i created her and was reading this banshee series but somehow didnt connect??? and didnt realise she was a banshee?? without the screaming40.  Share some backstory for one of your charactersomg all of my characters have purposefully murky backstories bc i find that trope cool af lol. i guess ary has that typical woe-is-me backstory where her parents were killed, she spiraled and got involved with the wrong people and then was betrayed and arrested lol
The Rest of It41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?literally i swear by: trying anything out. fiddle with pov, tense, perspective, genre, character identity, hell take a story you like and try to put your own spin on it. writing as a craft only gets better with practice and my best work is when im going outside of the box/my comfort zone42.  How do you feel about love triangles?is this even a debate anymore, this trope got flamed so hard i havent seen it in ya in years. i dont really care about it43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?good lol my outlines are usually done on the spot and i come up with more creative plots/scenes if i can think on it a bit44.  How much research do you do?i edit as i go so i research as i go. my pre-drafting research extends to saving links on things i might wanna write about and thats it lol. i would say i dont do as much as i should45.  How much world building do you do?a lot lol i LOVE worldbuilding. but i find it hard to incorporate it into my draft naturally so a lot of minute details get cut 46.  Do you reread your own stories?all the time lol i forget what i wrote half the time47.  Best way to procrastinatetwitter–OR if u wanna seem “productive”, writing blogs are a good way to get distracted48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?bitch there was a time where i only wrote self insert characters lol49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?im too lame to hang out with any of my characters. they would be nice to me but i wouldnt get to know them like how i know them from an author perspective50.  [Other question—ask me anything]u didnt ho
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ghostfiish · 6 years
media consumption update
today i watched the truman show  since i’d never seen it. its refreshing to see jim carrey in a relatively chill role compared to his other wacky shenanigans. 
yesterday i watched re:mind on netflix which is an interesting little japanese horror/thriller series that i enjoyed. kyoko is my favorite character. 
the other day i finally caught up through season 2 of the good place which continues to have some of the most fantastic writing and characters ive ever seen in any tv show ever
ive been playing pokemon lets go eevee and its darling im having a great time with that. check out my recent twitter post (username same as here) for some highlights up through me beating the elite four/champion with little more than a perfect IV starmie. i ended up with it while trying and failing to find a shiny staryu which i might go back to get after i finish the pokedex
i watched bohemian rhapsody with some friends on saturday and almost cried like 8 different times (i very rarely cry at movies and when i do its usually by myself) anyway it is a fantastic movie please go see it multiple times like i plan on doing
lost song (bad netflix anime, which is a genre i enjoy watching from time to time) looks really generic, has this awful color palette with bad pillowshading and overexposure, and the blandest characterization/designs ever. but the concept (song-based magic) is neat and theres a character that drums on herself/nearby objects when she’s excited and i like her a lot and wish deeply that she could have been in an anime with more competence.
last hope (a much worse bad anime on netflix) has no redeeming qualities other than an interesting premise (technology integrating with nature) which they somehow managed to make extremely boring to both look at and think about. this is something that project a.i.c.o. ALSO did but at least it was the kind of bad anime i enjoy watching at least enough to get through a couple of episodes let alone the first 12 minutes, which was about when i stopped watching last hope
side note did anime just stop being even remotely good altogether or what happened here
ive been rereading pokemon special which is adorable and yellow is still my favorite. im up to the part where everyone is flipping their shits about suicune but i think the last time i read it i got to the beginning of the diamond/pearl/platinum arc so i have a way to go. especially if i wanna catch back up, because the story has gotten to sun/moon since then
ive also been rereading homestuck, for the first time all the way through since the dang thing finished and now im kinda hankering for some of the old fanfics i read back when the webcomic was still updating. i wonder if i can find them again...
in the move back to my parents place i got out my old ds and tried playing pokemon black (the only gen ive never actually played) but the ds wont read my game cartridge and my 3ds seems kinda nonfunctional as well for that matter. so i might end up getting myself a 2ds at some point. orrrrrrrrr an emulator for now, at least to play black lol
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orlamccools · 2 years
Answer all the book questions pls
ajdjdkskakal alrighty anon you asked for this!! this is gonna get long
1- Book you’ve reread the most times?
already answered here!
2- Top five books of all time?
This is an impossible question to answer so I’ll do top 5 that i think more people should read!
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould
Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
3- What is your favorite genre?
I’m a pretty versatile reader so I’ll read anything but probably fantasy
4- What sections of a bookstore do you browse?
Fantasy/Sci Fi —> Fiction —> YA —> Political Science/Current Affairs —> True Crime —> Mysteries/Thrillers —> Romance —> Anything else that compels me
5- Where do you buy books?
Well i am both blessed and cursed to work at a barnes and noble so typically there. if not, i’ll go to one of the independent bookstores in my town, or order online thru bookshop.org. I try to avoid am*zon as much as possible, and usually the only time i buy on there is if: a. the author publishes thru amazon exclusively or b. i cant find it anywhere else at a decent price point
6- What books have you read in the last month?
I’m still recovering from a slump so i haven’t read a ton this past month include:
Fairytales of the Macabre by Olivie Blake
Midsummers Night Dream by Olivie Blake
Birds of California by Katie Cortugno
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
7- Is there a series/book that got you into reading?
Not that I remember, to be honest! corny but ive been a reader since i was a small child so i dont know what really got me into it. all i know is that ive loved doing it for my entire life
8- What is the first book you remember reading yourself?
Magic Tree House Dinosaurs at Dawn. i was a HUGE MTH kid (had books 1-30 at one point!!) and i distinctly remember reading that book in one of the little seat cubbies they used to have at the east mountain public library
9- When do you tend to read the most?
I commute via bus and its about a 30 minute ride so usually then, which tends to be mid afternoon. i also try to read before bed, depending on how tired i am. also, whenever i have days off i try to go sit on a bench at my favorite park or on campus and read for several hours in the evening. this gets me out of the house, gets me vitamin d, and lets me tackle my tbr.
10- Do you have a guilty fave?
already answered here!
11- What non-fiction books do you like, if any?
already answered here!
12- Did you enjoy any compulsory high-school readings?
Yes!!! Some of my faves include Unwind by Neal Shusterman, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. My teachers assigned some good books tbh!
13- Do you have a goodreads?
Yes i do!! feel free to follow me :)
14- Do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
already answered here!
15- Recommend and review a book
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang is a brilliant five star debut. It follows Fang Runin, a war orphan from the impoverished town of Tikany as she tests into an elite military academy. While there, she makes both friends and enemies and uncovers a world beyond our own and a power that she can barely comprehend. But these easy days don’t last, for the empire of Nikan is surrounded by enemies. As the story shifts from a simple coming of age to a brutal story about the horrors of war, Kuang is able to create emotional stakes that keep you glued to the pages and invested in the story. I read the last three hundred or so pages in one sitting, simply because i could not bear to leave the rest of the story for the morning. Rin is such a strong character, and one that i found myself empathizing with, even as she made the worst possible decisions (seriously babes genocide is NOT the answer). Her relationships with both Kitay and Nezha hurt me emotionally for different reasons, but one relationship that stands out above the rest is that with her commander and childhood crush Altan. Theres absolutely no way any sort of relationship with the two of them wouldnt be hella toxic, but damn did i understand rin’s feelings for and bond with him. The ending of the story had me wreaked in the most incredible and soul crushing way, and i could not wait to read The Dragon Republic. This isnt a book for everyone (seriously see the attached picture w all the trigger warnings) but its a book for me and one of my new all time favorites. Five out of five stars!
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16- How many books have you read this year?
i have read 9/52 books this year which isnt great but it is what it is
17- Top five childrens books?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
The Phantom Tollbooth by Jules Verne
Wildwood by Colin Meloy
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
18- Do you like historical books? Which time period?
Not a huge historical fiction fan, but like historical fantasy is elite and very up my alley! I don’t really think I have a favorite time period.
19- Most disliked popular book?
already answered here!
20- What are things you look for in a book?
thats hard. as previously stated i will read whatever i want but i guess some main things i look for are strong characters with distinct traits and voices, worlds with magic in them, and books where bad things happen but it mostly ends happily (this DOESNT apply to the poppy war rip)
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