#ive personally never experienced Neopets but i feel that they would be really into it some reason
realmsalot · 2 years
what's your favorite personal tiny little detail in the Homs au? and what's something insignificant that the Casey's can and will argue with one another abt until the cows come home?
A tiny little detail that I LOVE is Rise Splinter's perception of 12 Shredder or more accurately 12 Oroku Saki. It eats at my mind at night. Because growing up R Splinter only knew him as his cousin. His sometimes strict but fun cousin. He has memories of playing with 12 Saki as a kid, of 12 Saki and 12 Yoshi ganging up and teasing him. It's similar to how 12 Splinter has memories from when he and 12 Shredder considered each other brothers except Rise Splinter never knew what became for his cousins. Because Rise was kidnapped by Big Mama before Oroku became Shredder before Miwa/12 Karai was even born. He knows that there was tension between his cousins because of Tang Shen but doesn't know that it exploded. As far as Rise Splinter knew, as far as he imagined, the tension eventually simmered out. That 12 Saki got over Tang Shen and became a strict but fun uncle to Miwa. Maybe 12 Saki even found love with someone else and is living a nice life in Japan with the rest of Rise Splinter's extended family. He thinks this is the truth for years. Of course, when Rise Splinter meets the 12 gang, he finds out about the monster his cousin became. And it hurts.
AS FOR THE JONES SIBLINGS!!! Honestly, what can't they bicker about? These two can argue about anything if they wanted to, but most of it is harmless bickering. That being said, there is one argument that they get into, and tends to start an honest to god fight. The argument is of course... Who Deleted Their Neopets Account? They tend to get genuinely angry at each other when this is brought up because both believe the other did it.
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