#ive never experienced this much snow before scary
concernedbrownbread · 2 years
I get off tumblr sometimes to venture into other social media.
And then I look that the comment sections.
Athen I come back.
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
even disregarding anything beyond s7, they literally live such joyless lives. like, the grief they have experienced is overwhelming, how could they ever truly be happy with that grief always hanging over their heads, the discomfort that would bring is enormous
well, no. they did not have joyless lives. like everyone, life happens to them and that means pain & grief but that doesn't mean their entire lives & existence are joyless.
we really only see them at work, we don't know what goes on outside of it.
they're actually really happy in season 1 & season 7. in season 1, they're getting to know each other, they become best friends quickly. the smile & laugh constantly, they tease each other. they always enjoy their debates & most cases. even when they're scary, even when they don't get all the answers. they get to know each other so well in that time and it's a gift to them both. they still have light moments in every season and you can't love like they do and be just miserable. in season 7, they're together. they're experiencing so many new things in their relationship that they've wanted for a long time and finally let themselves have. they're constantly flirting & smiling and talk about their feelings more openly than they have in the past.
and the other years, they find so much in each other when the world turns their back on them. mulder is scully's light when she loses melissa, when they close her case, during her cancer, with emily. he fights so hard for her and holds her up when she needs it. scully is mulder's light through every hard case, when he loses his mom, helps him find closure about samantha. she is always pulling him from the depths. he tries so hard to tell her what she means to him in his mulder way, and she finds so much meaning in a keychain & he's in awe of her. she's always asking him to get out of the car because the truth & work doesn't have to be all their lives are. and eventually he starts to learn and they play baseball and they dance and have movie nights and exchange gifts.
mulder & scully learn what to do with their grief, the love they can't give to the people they've lost. mulder fought for every child & family they came across and never gave up until they had answers, or were safely returned to their families. scully goes back into the medical field and helps every child & family she can. they go home to each other and they have a quiet life for a while.
yes, mulder was sick for a while but he comes out the other side more able to relax and he lives. he asks scully on dates, they go back to the work they love and it's much lighter than it was before. until they come across their son. there was pain in that, but there was also so much relief in knowing that jackson was loved. he had parents who loved him and took care of him and tried to get him help when he needed it. he played baseball. and for a little while they thought he was dead, but scully realized the moment his body disappeared that he wasn't really dead. and they sought him out and he gave scully small little gifts that he could. the snow globe, the knowledge that he was alive & could protect himself & that he really wanted to know her. he heard every word she said to him. my struggle iv ends very open ended. they think jackson was shot but scully is pregnant again, and they have a chance to be parents to another child like they always wanted. and you can believe they never see jackson again but that just. can't be the truth. it's open ended to leave room for them to come back, because the x files never gives us all the answers. because the fact that jackson is alive & they're having another baby is so hopeful. maybe we don't see them as a family in the end, but i think they made it clear mulder & scully never give up and jackson wants to know them. he wanted to protect them but he's just a teenager.
grief is hard but it's a part of life and it doesn't mean they can't be happy. it might never be pure, but there's no such thing as pure, untainted happiness. it's the human condition. we get to feel the whole spectrum of emotions and life grows around grief. you learn what to do with it. you learn ways to share the love you can't actively give to the people you've lost. but the connections & love don't go away. that love is belongs to you and there are so many ways to honor it, to share it with others and it can still be all about that person. that's what the x files is all about for mulder & scully. it's always what the show was about. chris carter was right: mulder and scully are the light in dark places. the show is all about their love, the way they love each other & the world & all the love they're surrounded by.
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tifarobles · 6 years
Video Games That Shaped Me
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Video games have been a huge part of my life as far back as I can remember. The first game I ever played was Fischer Price’s School Bus Driver when I was about 3 years old. From there, video games began to shape my life. From the relationships I built with my family to the career I went into, video games were there every step of the way. 
Super Mario Bros 1 & 3
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While we didn’t play the 2nd game very much, my brother, mom, and I played both Super Mario Bros 1 and 3 more times than I could count on our classic Nintendo. My mom and I were both terrible. We never could beat the game. However, my brother rocked at figuring out where all the secret one-up mushrooms were, finding all the shortcut tubes, and beating all the boss battles. Some of my best memories include playing these games, having the goal of seeing every level, and laughing with my mom when we got as far as we could without my brother’s help.  
Mortal Kombat
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With Mortal Kombat on the Super Nintendo, my love of fighting games was born. We played through as many of these games as we could get. My brother even had the official Strategy Guide (this was a hard copy magazine before the internet was easily accessible). I went from playing Sonya (because she was the only girl option) and Scorpion (because he’s rad) to Kitana being my absolute favorite character to play. As a little girl, I liked that she was pretty, mysterious, super tough, and used gorgeous fans as weapons. Her Kiss of Death Fatality was a huge plus, especially because I had enjoyed Sonya’s in the first game. I also really liked that she ended up aligning as a good character and that her twin sister was he archnemesis. That storyline blew my little mind. 
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, & XI
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Obviously, Final Fantasy VII was going to be on my list. I was obsessed with this game. I’ve probably started FFVII over 100 times in my life. I absolutely loved the characters and all the deep backstories. I wanted to be Tifa, wanted someone like Aeris as my best friend, and dreamed of someday meeting my Cloud. I experienced my first bout of depression with Aeris’s death and did my first cosplay as Tifa, both as a child in my bedroom and at my first gaming convention (PAX 2008). This game changed my life more than any other game ever has. It led me down the path to be a gamer.
My love for Final Fantasy didn’t stop there. I have to give credit to the love story and graphics in FFVIII and the thematic elements and amazing characters of FFXI. All of these games inspired me to create my own characters, which eventually turned into my novel (launching on Kickstarter next year!). When I was given the nickname of Tifa upon moving to Seattle, I gladly accepted it. 
Crash Team Racing
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This game was simultaneously the closest I got to being good at a Crash Bandicoot game and the closest I ever got to being good at a racing game. My mom and I would play this game for hours. I was already a big fan of Crash Bandicoot’s adorable face, silly characterization, and his little sister Coco, but when this game came out I loved the franchise even more. I enjoyed playing Coco (again, the only girl option) because her driving style fit mine and I thought she was really cute! Usually, my mom and I would sit down and play until we played through all the racing tracks. Some of them were miserable and sometimes I was actually pretty good. This game will always have fond memories for me. 
Soul Calibur II & IV
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The only arcade game I ever really got into playing was Soul Calibur II. There was only one arcade that I remember going to while growing up, and it was on the bottom floor of my favorite mall in Spokane. There was a machine with Soul Calibur II and I always played Xianghua. With so many woman player choices (finally!) I was drawn to the small, modest brunette with a sword. I liked that she played fast with a feminine style. I picked her up quickly and could pwn random teenage boys that walked by wanting to play. It was the first time I felt confident playing against people in a game. My love of the franchise continued with IV and I even considered trying my hand at tournament play. Instead, I buried myself deep into the character creator, making over 150 characters in the game. Sadly, my skillful muscle memory wasn’t retained for the most recent release of Soul Calibur VI, but at least the character creator is even better.  Wolf Among Us
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The Wolf Among Us was the first game in adulthood to captivate my attention in the way JRPGs used to. I fell in love with Snow White and rooted for Bigby to end up with her. In fact, I was a big fan of all the powerful female characters in the game, from Faith to Bloody Mary. I was impressed with the dark setting mixing with beloved classic fairytales and the unique aesthetic of Telltale games. I was deeply involved with the story, anticipating each episode as it released and playing through them in one sitting. From there, I read the graphic novel and played through most of the other Telltale games. Wolf Among Us remains in my top two favorite games that I have played as an adult. From a story perspective, it’s number one by a long shot.  Stardew Valley
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My other favorite game of adulthood. I’ve already talked about how Stardew Valley has helped me with anxiety and insomnia, mentioning the 140 hours I played during maternity leave. However, I didn’t mention that it was also helping me through the depression of losing my “dream job”. This was two months after Xander was born and the day before Trump was elected. That November was one of the hardest times of my life, full of scary uncertainty and doubt. I had three things to rely on: my precious baby boy, my loving husband, and my farm in Stardew Valley. The citizens of Pelican Town were there for me whenever I needed a reminder that there was good in life. 
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Overwatch is the only First Person Shooter that I have ever liked. I was fascinated with the story and characters the first time I saw a trailer come through while working on the Xbox dashboard. The graphics were beautiful, it felt like the characters would have complex backstories, and I’d heard that the play style was interesting. If only it wasn’t an FPS, I kept saying. When it released, Overwatch was all people around me talked about. Eventually, Mike and a few friends convinced me to try it. They had explained that Reinhardt didn’t even have a gun, that I could hold up a big shield and swing around an hammer. I learned quickly that I could play Reinhardt as a tank. My favorite part was riding the payload to the finish line. I was hooked! I put in a good 25 hours with Reinhardt before branching out, playing Bastion, Mercy, and Junkrat. Mike and I played online with friends many times while Xander was really little. It was the only game I have ever experienced that way and I’m so happy I gave it a chance. 
I can’t imagine my life without video games! What games have shaped your life?
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hellomygf · 4 years
when my own words aren’t enough
okay so you know that one direction song that’s made of other song titles, “Better Than Words”. same concept here except not really and you just listen to the lyrics of the songs LMAO. anyways sometimes the words of others can convey better what im trying to say to you so enjoy 19 songs that do so. i highlighted some of the lyrics that really made me think of you/us. click on links on then click on togepi
Love Like This - Ben Rector
“Never used to get excited to sit here in the silence Holdin' on to somethin' the way I'm holdin' you Didn't used to know how fast time walks and runs and flies by I never thought I'd feel so deeply, but damn, I do
i never knew i could feel so happy just doing the mundane things with you. walking and talking, going out for drives, sitting and eating food. time goes by so fast when im with you. i always wish time would slow down and let it stop for awhile just so i can have a couple moments of just us yeno? you make me want to spend more time with you even when we just finished spending a whole evening together. there’s so many new feelings that ive experienced since ive been with you and i cant wait to keep feeling new ones 
All I’ve Ever Known - Eva Noblezada and Reeve Carney (Hadestown)
All I've ever known is how to hold my own But now I wanna hold you, too
for the past couple years i learned how to love myself again and how to be okay with being alone. alone doesnt mean im lonely but it did mean that i had built up my walls again and letting someone in new again was so scary. you made it seem okay though. you made sure that when i was opening up to you and being vulnerable that it was okay to do so. that i wouldnt be hurt and that i was safe. i learned how to love romantically again and learned what it feels like when you arms wrap around me and hold me. it’s currently my favourite feeling and i dont think i ever want it to end
roses & sunflowers - Timmy Albert
You're a flower that's blooming every season with spring I fell in love with your roots, the whole you, everything
i mentioned before that falling in love with you was like how the seasons changed. like you know it comes but it’s always different. this isnt my first time in love but it’s most definitely something very different. a good different. im in love with every part of you. from the way you make your puns to the way you buy me things that show you care (my favourite foods, my ddr adapter, and most recently itch cream) to the way you sing in the car to me to how you tell me about your good and bad days. i love it all!
Favourite Girl - Jesse Barrera and Tori Kelly
My baby, She still drives me crazy After all this time, You better believe that Nothings greater, She still makes me better After all this time You're still my Favorite Girl
BONUS:  I remember when, You didn't know how to kiss  (hehehhe) Now you know me well, And nothing compares to this 
best girl. favourite girl! is maxbean hehe jkjk.. maybe. we both do some whack ass stuff but there’s no one else i would rather be having fun with than you! you make me better in every way. you encourage me to keep going even when days are rough. you support me on my good and bad days so im here to remind you too that im here for you always okie?
No Matter Where You Are - Us the Duo
I will stand by you Even when we fall I will be the rock, that holds you up and lifts you high so you stand tall
whatever the world throws at us, whether that be a pandemic or people who dont support us, im going to uplift you and us in every way that i can. i want to be a pillar of strength for you and show that even though am baby and that i am smol that i am a girlfriend that you can count on to show up by your side. i got your back from now till however long
Tattooed Heart - Ariana Grande
You don't need to worry about making me crazy 'Cause I'm way past that So just call me, if you want me 'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be On your tattooed heart
honestly this is just one of my favourite love songs ever so i just wanted to add it into the playlist lmao
Lemonade - Jeremy Passion 
She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes She's exactly what I need She's my smile when I'm feeling blue She's my good night sleep when my day is through yeah
i say this all the time but i love looking at you oh my god skjskjs like YOU. ARE. LITERALLY. MY. TYPE. lmaooOOSKSKJkj. other than physically being my type you really do embody everything that i need in a partner. kind, compassionate, genuine, good communicator and listener. you make sure that i dont fall asleep sad and you make sure that im okay on my not so good days. i love you so much
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly ft. Ed Sheeran 
A stranger's hand clutched in mine I'll take this chance, so call me blind I've been waiting all my life
i took a chance on someone i really didnt know anything about but my god i think it’s the best thing that ive done 
Ger Here - Sam Smith 
I don't care how you get here, just get here if you can
this reminds me of the time you bused through a snow storm just to study with me at utsc. also just in general whenever you make the effort to come all the way here to my house just to spend time with me and even then you end up driving us downtown or to different places too. you are truly the definition of “if there’s a will, there’s a way”
goodnight n go - Ariana Grande 
Oh, why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you Why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well Just say goodnight and go
“why do you make it so hard to say good bye” something we both always say haha. one of these days we’ll have a night together and we’ll fall asleep together and wake up together too. one day! very excited for that day where we can say good night and stay
While We’re Young - Jhene Aiko
I'm tellin' everybody you're mine and I like it And I really hope you don't mind, I can't fight it
I'm giving you my heart, please don't break it Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love
i tell everyone youre my girlfriend because haha im so happy to be dating you and telling everyone you make me so happy so yeno just a subtle flex. it’s also so scary fully giving myself to someone physically, mentally, and emotionally. to trust that you will safeguard my feelings and that you wont hurt me but i know youre scared of the same thing too, i guess even more so since im your first girlfriend. i promise i’ll protect your heart too. water it, nourish it, and let it grow into something even greater
Blessed - Daniel Caesar 
And yes, I'm a mess but I'm blessed to be stuck with you
ive told you since the beginning that i didnt want to bring you into this until i could fix and improve my mental health. i think that way of thinking was me associating my ability to love with how healthy i am. that’s not fair because i am capable of loving others even when im not at my 100% best. im so very grateful that you are there with me when im dealing with my mean/negative thoughts and that you can help ground me and be there to let me ride out my sad days. 
Runnin’ Home to You (cover) - Jake Spencer 
Can't say how the days will unfold Can't change what the future may hold But, I want you in it Every hour, every minute
i can see you in my future for a long time my love. i hope you can see the same as well 
Please Keep Loving Me - James TW 
For all the mistakes I'm making, I don't mean (I don't mean them, I don't mean them) For all the little things That I fail to see
please be patient because sometimes i wont be able to get things right the first time around. i tend to be a little slow when doing things and i come quite late to events. so even on days when i may be difficult to be around, please do your best to keep loving me and i’ll do my best to make it easier again.
Nothing - Bruno Major
There's not many people I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to But there's nothing Like doing nothing With you
no need for an explanation.. -_- 3rd date. d&b. mario kart. fan... hhh but i mean guess this also applies just in general whenever we play games and i lose lmao. honestly though doing nothing with you is still so fun for me. from making puns in a grocery store, to watching movies on my couch, to watching the sunset together by the water. nothing is better than doing nothing with you :)
Teenage Dream (cover) - Boyce Avenue 
Before you met me I was alright, but things Were kinda heavy You brought me to life Now every February You'll be my Valentine, Valentine
i think this applies to both of us in a sense that we were (and still are) both dealing with some not fun stuff when we first met each other, but we have each other now to get through it together. at the time, it had already been a few months since my falling out with you-know-who and just a couple months since i had decided to get help for my mental health stuff. i remember feeling so touched when i first told you about everything because you had made the conscious effort to reassure me and soothe me by holding my hand and looking at me when i got anxious talking about it. that was the moment i knew that you would be someone special in my life and someone i wanted to keep for a long time as well.  so im hoping that next year (and for the next foreseeable years) you can be my valentine haha
Only Us - Lauren Dreyfuss and Ben Platt (Dear Evan Hansen)
I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go But if you really see me If you like me for me and nothing else Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer that you could possibly know
while i have grown up with some great and amazing people who have made me feel so loved. ive also grown up and have come across some not nice people as well. they made me feel like i wasn’t worth it or made me feel small and not wanted. it’s not a nice feeling being shut down when youre just trying your best to get to know others or when you talk about the things you like and people become uninterested. i guess you can say that’s what contributed to why i dont want to show my whole self yet to new people at first. im scared that i will scare them away and they wont like me. so when you, a total stranger at the time, wanted to get to know me more, genuinely enjoyed my company, and wanted to spend more time with me, i was like “wow someone new actually LIKES me for ME?”. you dont understand how much it means to me that you made the effort to get to really know me and to still make the effort now to make me feel comfortable so i can be my whole self around you. i cant thank you enough. you make me WANT to talk about what i like and share my joy with you. thank you for letting me be me.
Take on the World - You Me at Six
I can see, see the pain in your eyes Oh, believe, believe me and I have tried No I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been through You should've known, I wish it was me, not you 
i know there’s things you dont want to talk about and things you really cant talk about. knowing all the pain and hurt youve gone through has made you tough and strong but it sucks thinking of everything that youve had to face on your own. i wish i could take that pain away from you if i could. take it, ball it up, and throw it so far away that it never hurts you again. it is so very unfortunate that the saying goes “why do bad things happen to good people”. you dont deserve any of that. a good person like you deserves a life filled with unwavering support from those around you and days filled with boundless joy. i cant change the past or what other people think of you but what i can do is to do my best to make sure that even when you are hurt that you still feel loved and you still want to fight another day. you can do it, and i’ll be with you now for every new challenge that you face. your’re not alone
She Keeps Me Warm - Miranda Lambert 
She says I smell like safety and home I named both of her eyes forever and please don't go
And I can't change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to My love, my love, my love, my love
those first two lines are just so very nice to listen to. 
you and i both know that we cant change who we are and who we love. i think we’ve both had countless nights and thoughts of wanting to be straight so we wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of loving the same gender. i know this past month has been especially hard for you though. im here to remind you that there’s nothing you need to change about you my love. i love you just how you are. your family may not understand it yet but i hope they will. i hope they understand that you make others around you feel so welcomed and loved. that you are the most selfless person that a lot of us have met. that you stick up for those who are mistreated and that you care for them. i wish they could see just how deeply you love and i feel like ive only scratched the surface of what your love is and can be. i want them to see how much i love you too and how you have made me a better person in all aspects. my parents, my cousins, and friends have all said that they have seen me change and become a softer person. my cousins say that you compliment me in the best ways and sand down my rough edges. i hope one day soon that they see all the love that emanates from you and that they can support you at least even a little bit. i hope they can see that love is love is love and that they learn to love all aspects of you too.
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