#ive mastered front facing and side facing.. now i need to master it in quarters..
buwheal · 5 months
I !!! Think!!! I’ve finally finished the key frames & inbetweens!!!! Kinda was hoping itd be done today but oh well. All thats left to do is rendering, pacing, and text!! Or,, well,, just the first two because im not doing text aha. Its visually carried :-3 should be fast because its not too complicated
Oughh still have to finish storyboarding the next one though aha.. and then the one after that.. because i have no idea what im doing for that one and i PROBABLY should lol
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hello :) how about 12 for the dialogue prompts with snips & skyguy?
Anon, my sincerest of apologies for filling this so long after your request! I hit a bit of writer's block and lack of writing time, unfortunately. But I finally did it! I had a great time writing this, getting back into the groove.
Thank you for this request, Anon!!
I don't know which prompt list this one is from anymore, but my BTHB card is open!
--- or read on ao3 ---
Anakin’s heart dropped through his boots
“When? Are they critical? I’ll be there in three hours,” he said, flicking switches and yanking his ship into gear. Master Che sighed on her end of the holocall.
“Skywalker, when you get here, there’s something you need to know.”
Anakin hadn’t thought more dread could fill his body, but in that moment, he was drowning in it. He didn’t let himself look away from the controls, pushing he ship to its limit. Master Che seemed to understand that he was still listening.
“Young Ahsoka hasn’t left Obi-Wan’s side since they got here. She nearly bit the fingers off one of my padawan healers. I’m not sure how cognizant she is right now. She won’t eat and she won’t let us put in an IV. There’s nothing I can do when she’s withdrawn consent.”
Anakin closed his eyes, letting a rush of breath out through his nose, lips pressed in a thin line he knew resembled his master’s own fed-up grimace.
“You must not get angry with her, Anakin. Obi-Wan put himself in harm’s way to save her, but we lost him twice on the table and Ahsoka saw. She wouldn’t leave the room. All she believes right now is that her grandmaster is on the brink because he was saving her.”
Anakin opened his eyes and met Master Che’s.
“I’ll be there in two.”
He signed off and pushed his ship faster, praying to the Force equal parts in fear and thankfulness.
They’re alive, that’s all that matters.
He made it to the Temple in an hour and a half and parked the ship with the sound of sirens right behind him, but he ran into the Temple without looking back. For now the Temple Guard could deal with them.
Despite both himself and his master hating the Halls, Anakin knew how to get there from any point in the Temple, and he found himself in the entry faced with Master Che within minutes. When he was a child her towering stature was foreboding, but with age and height he’d learned she wasn’t nearly as bad as he’d feared.
Though she never did let him forget that she could and would stick him with hypos, any day any time. The same threat stood for Obi-Wan, and it seemed it might soon apply to Ahsoka too.
Now though, she had a grit in her eyes that Anakin knew meant trouble if the stubborn patient wasn’t dealt with soon.
“Follow me, Skywalker.”
The Halls were always busy nowadays. The war never slept and neither did healers; Master Che’s shoulders slumped, and her usual brisk pace was half a step slower than normal, which meant it had been a few shifts since she’d taken her own medical advice.
They came into the ICU, an open hall with privacy curtains half-drawn around all the beds. Anakin saw the orange of his padawan’s lek before he saw the state of his master. He felt the waves of grief and guilt from Ahsoka, confusion and pain from Obi-Wan. Anakin winced and Master Che sighed.
“We’ve given him all the painkillers we can for now,” Master Che said, slowing her walk to check around a couple curtains. “He’s been here for about thirty-six hours, and so has your padawan.”
“Thank you, Master Che,” Anakin bowed and sent her a tired smile. “I’ll so what I can for Ahsoka.”
She nodded his way, focus already resettled on another critical patient, this one with no visitors by their side. As Anakin walked away she pulled out a stool from beneath the bed and settled beside them.
Turning toward the curtained area with Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, Anakin walked himself through a breathing exercise Obi-Wan had taught him years ago. Now was not the time to get angry or let his own guilt eat away at him. He needed to focus on Ahsoka so they could focus on Obi-Wan. His old master would never let him hear the end of it if Ahsoka’s health was cast to the wayside for his sake.
Anakin stepped around the curtain but Ahsoka didn’t move an inch. She was sat on the edge of the visitor’s chair, hunched over the side of Obi-Wan’s bed with his right hand tucked between both of her own, her forehead resting on top. Her eyes were closed but Anakin could still see the exhaustion, the tension threaded through her. She wasn’t asleep, but Master Che’s word rang in his mind.
I don’t know how cognizant she is right now. She’s refusing medical care.
Damn their stubborn lineage.
Anakin stepped closer to the bed. He saw her lek twitch a mere second before she whipped around, fangs bared and shoving herself in front of Obi-Wan so Anakin couldn’t see his face.
There was no recognition in her predator’s eyes.
“Ahsoka, it’s Anakin.” Anakin kept his voice slow and calm. “You’re at the Temple now, you and Obi-Wan are safe. Can I come sit by you?”
“I—n-no. No! Stay away from him. He’s not okay, he’s hurt, he’s sick,” Ahsoka said, eyes still flashing, boring into Anakin’s, fever bright.
The bandages on her lek and atop her right montral were stained with old and fresh blood.
“Alright, that’s ok. I’ll sit right here, ok? I won’t come any closer.”
Anakin held up his hands and slowly sank into a meditation pose on the floor. He made a clear show of closing his eyes and entering a light meditation. He waited, nearly holding his breath, for Ahsoka to sit back down. Her anxiety still rolled in waves, vast and deep, over Anakin and through the ICU. Her signature rattled with the jitters one only got from staying awake for far too long; she was pressing against his shields, which he let down slowly, trying to gauge the threat he posed to Obi-Wan. He let her probe, giving her as much time as she needed. She was scared and she was hurt. He’d been in her place too many times to count. He knew what kind of reassurance she needed, and it wouldn’t come from being overbearing.
But that didn’t mean every second of the wait wasn’t excruciating.
About as quickly as she’d jumped at him, her eyes finally saw him, and she slipped from her seat.
Anakin was just as quick.
He scooped her up before her head could smack against the ground, cradling it delicately to his chest, shushing her as she whimpered in his arms.
“Ahsoka, it’s alright now. I’m going to take you to our quarters, how does that sound?”
She could only nod.
Anakin stole a glance at his former master, still out cold, bacta-smeared back rising and falling. It gave him the reassurance he needed, and he turned his back before he could change his mind. He stepped quickly over to the curtain he’d last seen Master Che behind. She was still there, reading quietly to the Jedi laid out on the bed unconscious.
“Master Che, I’ve got her. I’m taking her to our quarters, she’ll rest better there. She’ll only get upset if she stays here. What do I need to do about her injuries?”
Anakin laid Ahsoka down on her bed, gently lowering her head and pulling her lek out of the way. He rested his mech hand on her face, hoping the cold metal would do its job.
Her face scrunched, nose wrinkling in a way that made him smile sadly.
“Mmmmph, Master?”
“I’m here, Ahsoka. Don’t try to move too much, ok?”
He went about reapplying bacta and changing her bandages, talking idly of his own mission until he was done. She was nodding off the whole time, but her eyes never stayed shut for more than a few seconds, always jerking back open and jostling her lek against the pillows, making her and Anakin both wince.
“Have you not slept this entire time, Ahsoka?” Anakin pulled the thick blanket up around her shoulders, resting his flesh hand near hers as he settled in the chair he’d pulled in when they’d first arrived.
“Master Obi-Wan needed me, I couldn’t leave him there. He hates the Halls,” Ahsoka said, voice rasping.
Anakin made a small chastising noise in the back of his throat that sent a pang through his stomach. He’d definitely picked that one up from Obi-Wan.
“He already chose to sacrifice for you, there was no use in you forsaking yourself in the face of his sacrifice, now was there, my padawan?”
His gentle tone still pricked her raw emotions and the guilt came rolling back through their bond.
“He, he almost died, Master. He almost died to save me.”
Her words came out a whisper.
“Well, he loves you very much, Ahsoka, as do I. Neither of us want you to do this to yourself.”
“Oh, but he can nearly get himself killed?”
“You know that’s not what I meant, Ahsoka.”
Ahsoka had the sense to looked ashamed. Anakin bent down and kissed her forehead, skin still fever hot.
“Ahsoka, Obi-Wan made his decision. Now you need to let that go, to heal yourself and let me help you, so that when we go see him he can see you’re alright.”
Ahsoka grumbled but nodded her head. Her eyes were drooping.
“That doesn’t go to say that he’s off the hook, though. I’m gonna give him hell as soon as he’s better enough to sit up.”
Ahsoka giggled and Anakin knew he’d won.
“Rest now, Ahsoka. I’ll stay here until you wake, alright?”
“You’ll wake me if anything happens?”
“I promise.”
“Ok,” Ahsoka said, shifting and grabbing Anakin’s hand. He gripped it back just as tightly.
“Goodnight, Ahsoka.”
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH4
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 4: Resurrection Overture (IV)
The man who had made Chen Baiqi feel depressed for so long yet suddenly had come back from the dead abruptly opened his eyes and grabbed her, asking eagerly, "It's a long story. I'll elaborate later. Where's Ning Zhou? Is he back yet? I want to see him! Right now!"
Chen Baiqi's face changed. Ning Zhou had come back, but he’d left again. First, he went to the Holy See in Neverland. Now I'm afraid he’s gone to Purgatory...
The sound of an aircraft came overhead. The two people looked up and watched the small aircraft land beside them. Before landing, the hatch was opened. Al, an executive officer of the Court who was familiar with Qi Leren, jumped out of the aircraft and landed firmly beside the Qi Leren: "Why are you here? Are you not dead?"
"Dead, affected by a special-magic-resurrection-tool, and alive again." With this, Qi Leren remembered Maria's entrustment and asked Al, "Is the Prophet in the Courthouse? Ms. Maria asked me to give him something."
Al and Chen Baiqi looked at each other in disbelief. Chen Baiqi pondered and asked, "Ms. Maria?"
"I saw her... soul? Or the remaining consciousness? I don't know what it was... but it should be her," Qi Leren said.
Al looked solemn. "I'll take you back to the Courthouse first."
Qi Leren nodded, followed Al on the aircraft, and then turned back and told Chen Baiqi: "I’ll be back soon. You tell Ning Zhou that I’m fine… I, I have something to tell him."
The hatch was closed, and the aircraft carrying Qi Leren took off from the beach. Just now, the huge movement had attracted the nearby pedestrians. Fortunately, this area was relatively remote, and the Court issued martial law in the area before the onlookers gathered. Chen Baiqi was also politely asked to leave. She was familiar with the executives of the Court and left the beach while talking about the situation just now.
Looking at aircraft flying farther and farther, Chen Baiqi gave a long sigh. Until Ning Zhou wrote back, she really couldn't contact him.
After many days, Qi Leren once again came to the Court. After the aircraft landed, he was directly brought in front of Si Ling, and Qi Leren was deeply impressed by the Court’s acting chief executive—mainly because he was flamboyant looking and had long hair, and his eyes were still those unsettling snake eyes. Although Si Ling had always been very polite to him, Qi Leren always felt that this was for Ning Zhou's face and that Si Ling didn't really like him.
It should be said that Si Ling didn't seem to like anyone.
After seeing Si Ling, Qi Leren told him about Maria's entrustment but did not say what it was.
"The Master Prophet is sleeping. When there’s no major business, we try not to disturb him." Si Ling said, "You can give us the item and when the Prophet wakes up, we will give it to him."
On the way back to the Village of Dusk, Qi Leren had almost been robbed by an unknown great god. He flatly refused: "I can't violate Ms. Maria's trust. This thing is very important. I must give it to him personally."
Si Ling smiled—let's just call it a laugh. In Qi Leren’s eyes, none of his facial features moved, only his mouth raised: "I'm afraid you don't understand what kind of existence the Prophet is. I’ll give you a simple example: Remember when you went undercover with the Slaughter Secret Society? At the last minute, when the Lord of Slaughter’s believers fled everywhere we sealed off the whole enchantment of the Village of Dawn, but it was still too late and we let two believers escape. Why was it so late? Because even if it was such a thing, we had not awakened the Prophet but had indirectly borrowed his strength. Otherwise, no fish would have slipped through the net.
"If you want me to wake up the Prophet in advance, you have to prove to me the importance of that thing," Si Ling said.
Qi Leren fell into hesitation. Should he tell Si Ling? In fact, he was very clear: if even the boss responsible for guarding order in the Twilight Township couldn't be trusted, there was no one to trust in the whole Twilight Township, or in other words, this human camp had been completely finished. Although he didn't like Si Ling's attitude, intellectually speaking, he understood Si Ling's actions.
"Okay, but I can only tell you alone. The less people who know, the better," Qi Leren said.
Si Ling thought for a moment and agreed to his request. Al shrugged aside and went out, closing the door for them.
There was only Qi Leren and Si Ling left in the office.
"Now you can say it." Si Ling folded his hands on the table, as if he would listen carefully.
Qi Leren looked at the "Scepter of Hell" in his item bar. It didn't even have a description. The description that should have followed the name was three question marks.
Qi Leren said, "Maybe you haven't heard of this thing, but it's very important. On the way here, I met an unidentified person who tried to cheat it from me. This thing is called the 'Scepter of Hell'..."
"...Fuck!" Si Ling jumped up from his chair, one hundred thousand percent surprised, "Say that again?!”
Si Ling’s reaction was too big; the teacups on the table were overturned and the hot water flowed all over the table, but he didn't feel a thing at all, staring straight at Qi Leren as if he meant to take it from his item bar personally.
Qi Leren was shocked and said, "The Scepter of Hell."
Si Ling took a deep breath and covered his forehead: "This thing is in your hands..."
"To be precise, it’s in Ms. Maria’s hands, I’m only responsible for the transfer," Qi Leren corrected.
Si Ling called Al in: "Convene all the deliberation members immediately and hold a meeting in 20 minutes. I’m initiating an urgent agenda requesting to awaken the Prophet."
Al looked at Si Ling with a face of confusion, then at Qi Leren’s face of innocence, nodded, and turned away.
"You wait here, I'll take you to the Prophet in half an hour." Si Ling seems to be sure that this proposal would be passed. He picked up his coat from the back of the seat and strode to the door.
Once again, Qi Leren looked at his item bar. So, this was really something very important? Si Ling had walked so fast that he didn't even have time to ask... Forget it, knowing too much wasn’t a good thing.
Fifteen minutes passed and people came one after another to the huge conference room. Most of them were wearing the uniforms of the Courthouse. One of them smiled at Si Ling: "Boss suddenly called an urgent meeting. Is it because of the holy light that arrived just now?"
A blindfolded woman handling cards said faintly, "The light came from the direction of the Holy City, and the breath should be the Holy Nun."
"Hasn't her Lady the Holy Nun already fallen?"
"It’s normal for field-level master’s consciousnesses to remain in the world."
"That’s true. Is it related to the sudden collapse of the Holy City’s field a few days ago?"
"Ah, I feel certain that something big is going to happen..."
The people in the conference room talked quietly.
Five minutes passed and only one seat remained empty. Si Ling impatiently knocked on the tabletop with a pen: "Where is the Illusionist?"
The middle-aged man sitting next to him said, "I entrusted him to perform a task, I'm afraid he won't be back until tomorrow."
Si Ling said strangely, "How can the work of the heresy-judgment section be handed over to someone of his discipline?"
The middle-aged man replied: "The people who believe in this Utopia are very special, very good at illusions, and they are suspected to have been demonized. Several executives who had dealt with it before couldn't cope with it. Let him be a visionary."
Si Ling nodded: "Let's have the meeting now. The urgent agenda should be attended by the special envoy of the Holy See. However, since Mr. Ning Zhou has left the Holy See, the Holy See has not yet decided on a new special envoy, so everything is simple. I will submit the meeting to the Holy See later.
"Just now, someone brought a message from the Holy Nun back from the Holy City, which is of great importance. It is necessary to inform the Prophet immediately. The specific content is not convenient to disclose. Now vote." Si Ling’s slender vertical pupils passed over everyone's face.
After the meeting, Qi Leren was led by Si Ling, who looked solemn and resigned, and walked towards the Court’s underground. He didn't expect it to be so big here, and there was snow and ice everywhere. Even the elevators were made of ice, carrying them to the endless abyss.
The elevator stopped, the translucent ice door opened, and there was deep darkness ahead, but with their arrival the bottomless and chilly darkness lit up, and a dazzling white light lit the underground ice palace like an invisible sun. Right in front of it was an empty corridor with ice pillars that would need four or five people to reach around them on each side. They were tens of meters high, making one feel that this wasn’t underground but rather as if they were on a planet of ice and snow.
In this cold silence, Si Ling walked forward with Qi Leren.
It should be very cold here, Qi Leren thought, because the air he exhaled quickly condensed into a cloud of white gas. It was strange that his body didn't feel cold, making him wonder whether there was something wrong with the temperature here or with his body.
At the end of the corridor an underground church, which was as tall and majestic as a castle of ice and snow, suddenly appeared in front of him, which was more magnificent than the church on the site of the Vatican. Perhaps it was due to the material. It looked like a giant cathedral. Standing in front of the door, Qi Leren and Si Ling were even less than a quarter of its height.
"Is this a church?" Qi Leren asked.
"No, this is a tomb," Si Ling answered.
Qi Leren eyed him with puzzlement, and Si Ling looked intently at the church door. The vertical pupils like those of cold-blooded animals showed obvious respect and an indescribable helplessness.
"You will meet the Master Prophet in a moment. No matter what he says, you don't have to be surprised," Si Ling said.
"I’ll try my best." As Qi Leren spoke, he couldn't help wondering if the Prophet had the ability to see the future, or else why he was called a "prophet"?
The door of the church opened slowly in front of the two. The people who opened the door were two tall ice sculptures. They opened the huge door silently, and then went back to the sides and stood quietly. If Qi Leren hadn't seen them move with his own eyes, he wouldn't be able to see the difference between them and the other ice sculptures.
Behind the door was the inside of a cathedral, just like an ordinary church with rows of pews, but there was no statue of any religious figure at the forefront, but rather a frozen pool. In front of the pool was a wall as tall as a mountain, with a relief of the Vatican mark on it. Qi Leren had seen this pattern on Ning Zhou's collar, symbolizing that God's authority would suppress demons in hell forever.
No matter how you’d look at it, it was a church. Why did Si Ling say it was a tomb?
Just when he was about to ask, Si Ling led him to the middle of the pool. The thick ice could completely withstand the weight of two people. Qi Leren even suspected that the whole pool had frozen into a large piece of ice.
Si Ling drew a cross on his chest and a faint light came out from him. Suddenly there was the sound of ice cracking at his feet. Qi Leren got a fright and quickly lowered his head—the ice at his feet had already cracked, revealing the blue water under the ice! Before Qi Leren could react, they fell into the freezing cold water together!
With a bang, Qi Leren felt that he had fallen into water, but when he hurriedly inhaled he found that he didn't choke on water, but instead smoothly sucked in a mouthful of air. The water was not as cold as he had imagined, and he had no discomfort except the feeling of floating with his feet unable to touch the ground.
The bottom of the water was faint blue. Somehow there was an ice lotus floating with light blue light, which made this mysterious water seem like a dream. At the bottom of the pool, there was an ice coffin that had sunk to the bottom of the water, and a figure could be seen vaguely through the ice.
Was it the Prophet? Qi Leren felt an “alarm” in his heart when he saw the Master Prophet who had been "sleeping" for a long time. Suddenly there was a bad feeling...
The ice coffin never opened, but there were countless silvery white spots in the water which condensed into an illusory figure. He was dressed in a white holy robe and his appearance was that of a young teenager, just like an inexperienced youth, but when one looked into his eyes, they would suddenly forget their own judgment—because he was like a "God" who had come down from religious murals, not a person with joys and sorrows.
"I didn't expect to meet you again so soon, Qi Leren." The Prophet did not speak, but his "voice" echoed in the waters, ethereal and otherworldly.
"We’ve met?" Qi Leren asked, puzzled.
The Prophet suddenly showed a sly smile—at this moment, his holy and alien temperament was swept away and the part that belonged to divinity was hidden, leaving the part that belonged to humans, which made him come alive in Qi Leren’s eyes for a moment.
He said in a lively and cheerful tone: "Of course, we lived together for seven whole days. You were very shy about taking off your clothes and showing me. We also discussed makeup techniques with each other. Although your mouth was reluctant, your body honestly painted me very beautifully with makeup. In fact, I really want to wear women's clothes and walk around the Courthouse, but for the sake of everyone’s hearts, I still only show my students a reserved appearance..."
"Master Prophet, please try to keep your mouth shut for the sake of the Courthouse and your personal image, okay?" The last two words are almost squeezed out of Si Ling's teeth.
The Prophet, who had revealed himself as soon as he opened his mouth, resumed his divine smile: "No."
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satan-chillin · 3 years
Here, in this moment
Grand gestures of endearment, touches, and honeyed words in public are Wen Kexing's forte, though it doesn't mean Zhou Zishu doesn't have his moments.
(Or, coincidentally, the times Zhou Zishu discovers a couple of ways to shut Wen Kexing up.)
Also available in Ao3
Despite the growing population within the Four Seasons Manor, it was a known tradition of a sort for the Manor Lord to leave from time to time with his Second Disciple in tow. As far as the disciples knew, Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing had been on the road for too long before rebuilding the sect and had met under fated circumstances that brought them together—the younger students were wont to sigh in the inherent romanticism of it all—and might not have fully adjusted yet to the life with a stable abode.
If Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing were asked, they’d simply say that it was a continuation of their earlier promise of tasting all the wine while they lived, and, really, they had to escape the manor from time to time to get a breather. They couldn’t afford to leave the sect for a long span of time, not while it was still young and the Head Disciple a child still. It was the closest they would get to having several children, they supposed, and the experience could wear anyone down.
A stroll around the town was the best way to stretch their legs, so to speak, and for a moment, Zhou Zishu was taken to earlier days where Wen Kexing would follow him and appear wherever he went with what little time he initially had. Zhou Zishu was prone to deliberation these days, he realized, and often it was to match Wen Kexing’s pace in all the aspects of their lives. He was a little better in indulging him too, he thought, mildly giving his input here and there which tassel Wen Kexing should pick as gifts for two of their disciples who would have been with them for a year in a couple of days. He had been told that there was someone else about to have their birthday next week as well, and Zhou Zishu couldn’t help the slight smile at the thoughtfulness as he listened.
“Ah, how about this, A-Xu?” Wen Kexing picked up a fan from the stall next to the one Zhou Zishu dragged him from. “Do you think the color will suit—”
“They’ll like whatever you choose,” Zhou Zishu interrupted. It was true anyway. If Zhou Zishu was the strict and formidable master, Wen Kexing, while no less capable, was known more as the fond and doting one. Zhou Zishu wasn’t completely unaware of how Wen Kexing was called the mother—would that make him the father then? “Let me,” he said, taking half of the packages from Wen Kexing to free one of his hands.
“Eh. I can carry them all,” Wen Kexing protested half-heartedly but relented. He grinned, nudging Zhou Zishu’s side mischievously. “You just want my hand free so you can hold it, A-Xu.”
Zhou Zishu leveled him with a flat stare. “Yes, actually.” Reaching for Wen Kexing’s hand with his left, he laced their fingers that fit together seamlessly. He ignored the look of surprise he received in return. “Chengling said the newest recruit doesn’t have shoes that fit him.”
“Ah,” Wen Kexing murmured distractedly without looking away from their joined hands. “He might have mentioned that.”
Zhou Zishu squeezed his hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Thinking about it, there shouldn’t be anything complicated in holding Wen Kexing’s hand in the first place, though perhaps he should have done it a long time ago. He was determined not to let chances slide in his second time, however.
Fondly, Zhou Zishu led him away. “Let’s go then.”
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Zhou Zishu had been drinking less than his usual. It wasn’t the alcohol itself, fine quality as it was and not the watered-down kind. Mainly, he attributed it to wanting to soak in the pleasant mood and the overall levity of the atmosphere; it had been years since the halls of Four Seasons Manor were filled with joyous chatter and laughs after all.
To his side was Wen Kexing regaling the enraptured junior disciples with tales of his escapades, and the lack of stumble and slur in his words made Zhou Zishu mistakenly thought he was unaffected by the alcohol even if he was drinking for just as long as him, if not in quicker successions.
As if feeling eyes on him, Zhou Zishu was met with a slight tilt of the head and a raised eyebrow. He noted the all too bright eyes—not entirely unaffected then. Absently, Zhou Zishu inched closer to him. “Don’t drink anymore if you can’t handle it,” he reminded, reaching for a pitcher of water instead and filling Wen Kexing’s cup. “You don’t want to be embarrassed in front of your disciples.”
“Lord Zhou should be heeding his own advice,” Wen Kexing tutted and drank. He frowned. “This isn’t wine.”
“It’s water. See, you didn’t even notice.”
Wen Kexing blankly stared at the empty cup in his hand. “Huh.”
Amusedly, Zhou Zishu pried the cup away. “You’ve had enough, I think.”
“A-Xu, why are you being stingy now? You never said no to overindulging, and what better time than in the New Year?”
“You forget that we better learn moderation from now on to set a good example.” Zhou Zishu remained unimpressed at the pout directed his way. “Think of the headache tomorrow,” he said. “Besides, aren’t you exhausted already after preparing all these mostly by yourself?”
That earned him a sigh and a weary smile. “Worth it.” He gestured at the lively company.
“It is,” Zhou Zishu agreed easily.
He wasn’t sure if Wen Kexing was aware of himself leaning towards him. He must be, though his heavy eyes and the sleepy grunt said otherwise.
“Want to sleep,” Wen Kexing mumbled. “Will A-Xu carry me?”
Zhou Zishu snorted but, inured to embarrassment at this point, allowed Wen Kexing to fall on his shoulder and was practically against his chest. Gingerly, Zhou Zishu encircled his arm around his waist, and, after some adjusting, pulled him by the underside of his knees. Wen Kexing barely registered the fact that he was being carried.
It wasn’t until the evening breeze met them outdoors did Wen Kexing shifted with a mild jolt and stared at Zhou Zishu blearily. “Did A-Xu just carry me from the hall?” he slurred. “In front of your disciples?”
Zhou Zishu valiantly ignored the dopey grin forming on Wen Kexing’s face. Truly, his drunken state was merely his less eloquent default. “Did you already forget that you asked me to?”
Wen Kexing blinked slowly, gaze dropping down by Zhou Zishu’s throat. In a lower voice, he spoke, “I remember.” Slumping further against Zhou Zishu, his chin hooked by his shoulder as he tightened his arms around his neck.
Wen Kexing was light in his arms and, oddly enough, quiet without completely falling asleep. Zhou Zishu was certain he could make this into a habit if only to silence him when needed.
“Lao Wen,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
Carrying Wen Kexing this way seemed like an inadequate form of recompense when all was said and done, especially not when Zhou Zishu was treated in return to the exquisite sight of a tender, affectionate smile.
With the kitchen up and running with extra hands, it was common for a pleasant smell to waft over the courtyard from the start of the morning through the evening. Coming from his early meditation, Zhou Zishu followed a unique fragrance and wasn’t a bit surprised to find Wen Kexing at the source.
The first eleven additions of disciples were capable helpers, a fact which Wen Kexing was grateful for since their number grew. And while he still handled food preparation, it had been much easier with the assistance of three to five people. Zhou Zishu observed him putter around the kitchen, intermittently giving instructions to one of the disciples taking inventory of their supplies.
Though careful to move about, Zhou Zishu made enough noise that had Wen Kexing’s sudden attention on him with his arms crossed. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Lord Zhou should wait in the dining hall for breakfast.”
It was a wonder how his demeanor would turn strict when it came to cooking but was otherwise lax in far serious affairs. Huffing, Zhou Zishu ambled towards the cook, glancing at the cauldron with rice. He reached for a spoon. “That smells good.”
Wen Kexing batted his hand away. “It’s not ready,” he chided. “It smells good because of the saffron, but the flavor won’t be settling in for another quarter of an hour.”
Zhou Zishu watched his long fingers sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper, almost enraptured at the way Wen Kexing was in his own element. Catching his gaze, Wen Kexing’s eyes softened imperceptibly. “A-Xu gets the first serving, of course.”
Zhou Zishu hummed. In a stroke of inspiration, he flitted behind Wen Kexing and hovered by his shoulder before reaching a hand around his waist, palm splaying over his abdomen. With Wen Kexing startled at the gesture, Zhou Zishu took advantage and swooped in with his spoon.
Some bits of the sticky rice were clumped but the hints of spice were already present. Without extricating himself from his position, Zhou Zishu added half a spoon of chili and tasted. He let out a small noise of approval, and if it happened to be right next to Wen Kexing’s ear and caused a vague shiver, well. “Delicious,” he muttered lowly.
From the far side of the room, someone stifled a cough and the moment was broken as quickly as it began. Zhou Zishu was already at an arm’s length when Wen Kexing rounded on him. Laughing, he dodged a smack to his side. “A-Xu! You—”
Zhou Zishu escaped before he could be properly thrown out of the kitchen, though not without reveling at Wen Kexing’s red ears.
Zhou Zishu was not completely unaware of the appreciative stare that followed him upon entering the establishment. He could pinpoint the exact direction it was coming from: two tables to his right situated at the corner where a woman—highborn, based from her posture and rich robes—was dining with an elderly gentleman in equally luxurious attire who vaguely resembled her.
Pretending not to notice, he went on to hail the server for wine and food. Wen Kexing was taking his sweet time fetching a bag of his precious walnuts that Zhou Zishu couldn’t understand why he liked so much. Once he was served, Zhou Zishu started on the alcohol while he waited.
What he wasn’t expecting, though, was the abrupt presence of the same woman now at the empty seat across him. Zhou Zishu politely inclined his head in confusion and belatedly took note of the absence of her companion. “Guniang.”
“Gongzi.” She smiled handsomely in greeting, smelling faintly of lavender and jasmine. Judging from her features, she looked a year or so younger than him. Pretty, with practiced manners and grace, undeniably someone who could turn heads. “Pardon this one’s forwardness, but I noticed that gongzi is missing a company… and so am I after my father left me for the meantime. Might this one invite you to share mine perhaps?”
Zhou Zishu doubted that she had not heard him asking for a serving for two people and was obviously waiting for someone. Forward, that was for sure. Definitely a woman who had never been refused once she knew what she wanted. Zhou Zishu smiled amiably when he answered, “Thank you for the invitation, guniang, but I’m waiting for my companion.”
A flash of a frown crossed her delicate features before they smoothed over when she opened her pink lips to speak further of her insistence. Then, as if summoned, Zhou Zishu spotted Wen Kexing approaching from behind. Hearing what basically amounted to thundering steps, Zhou Zishu hid a grin behind his cup.
“A-Xu,” Wen Kexing called, tone deceptively beatific with an underlying sharpness that only Zhou Zishu was cognizant of. “I didn’t know we’ll be having a guest.”
“Guniang thought I’m eating alone, and she’s generous to offer her company,” Zhou Zishu supplied happily. Staring up at Wen Kexing, he added, innocuous, “What do you say, niang zi?”
Wen Kexing’s head snapped towards him incredulously, coincidental with the woman repeating the endearment under her breath in disbelief.
“What?” Zhou Zishu said in mock indignation. “Am I not allowed to call you that anymore after I protested with you calling me xiang gong? That was one time. Doesn’t mean I don’t like it.”
Wen Kexing hardly shifted on his feet even as the woman excused herself with all her ounce of dignity once the two ignored everything else but each other. Feeling satisfied, Zhou Zishu stood, grasped Wen Kexing’s shoulders, and pulled him down to the now free seat.
“Food’s getting cold,” was all Zhou Zishu said before digging in.
Halfway, Zhou Zishu discovered that red complementing Wen Kexing nicely wasn’t exclusive to his choice of garb alone.
Senior Ye had more white on his hair than the last time Zhou Zishu saw him.
“Old demon, you have more white hair,” Wen Kexing boldly said because, unlike Zhou Zishu, he did not possess a brain-to-mouth filter; that, and he wouldn’t pass up any chance to antagonize Senior Ye.
“And you have more wrinkles,” Senior Ye snarked back, giving as good as he got without putting down his meal. He smirked. “Having trouble handling the sect, I see.”
“We get by,” Zhou Zishu replied, interrupting Wen Kexing’s stewing annoyance. “We have yet to complete the numbers, but managing the household with more than three people can be difficult for one person. He’s been alright so far.”
“‘Alright’?” Wen Kexing scoffed. “I’m doing great.”
“Humble, are you?” Senior Ye snorted, popping a slice of cubed pork. “You’re not built for that kind of task, of course you fare barely.”
“Are you sure you want to tell that to the face of the person who made your food?” Wen Kexing sneered. “Freeloader!”
“I’m an honored guest. I deserve to be honored,” Senior Ye declared, and, fine, Zhou Zishu might have told him that. Shaking his head, Senior Ye turned to Zhou Zishu. “You’re a manor lord and unmarried. Why don’t you find a proper wife to manage your household affairs and serve as a positive influence to your disciples? Don’t let this brat run your sect to the ground.”
If Wen Kexing wasn’t angry before, he was positively fuming now. Zhou Zishu placed himself as a stopgap to a boiling pot and addressed the immortal, “Senior Ye is right. Fortunately, I can forgo the arduous process of searching for one, seeing as someone made a promise of marriage to me some time ago.”
Calmly, Zhou Zishu poured tea and drank before mentally counting down in that brief period of silence.
“Master is promised to someone?” Chengling asked with uncertainty. He looked as if he wasn’t sure whether to be happy at the news or be concerned, given the way he was subtly glancing at Wen Kexing who happened to be staring at his master woodenly. Zhou Zishu honestly felt rather bad that he almost forgot that the boy was also sharing their table and was witnessing this exchange firsthand.
Senior Ye, meanwhile, slowed his chewing and was eyeing Zhou Zishu curiously.
In a snap, Wen Kexing demanded, “A-Xu, who? Who has the gall to—”
It was a battle for Zhou Zishu to keep a straight face as he frowned at Wen Kexing bemusedly. “Didn’t you?” He pointed at the hairpin atop his head. At Wen Kexing’s dumbfounded look, Zhou Zishu made a doleful sigh. “Ah. I must have misunderstood your intention.”
“... A-Xu?”
Zhou Zishu straightened his back, twisting to get a proper look on Wen Kexing. It took all of his strength to not snicker in relish at Chengling’s bated breath and Senior Ye’s show of interest, try as he might hide it.
He was about to rectify a blatant mistake here.
Zhou Zishu tsked affectionately, and in a much softer approach, said, “Lao Wen.” He heard Wen Kexing’s breath hitching before he went in for the attack. “Let’s get married then.”
Someone could have dropped a pin at the hush that ensued; or, someone could have made the loudest of sound and Zhou Zishu wouldn’t have paid it any attention at all, not when he was wholly captivated by Wen Kexing whose stare was akin to memorizing Zhou Zishu’s face and committing it to memory, damn everything else.
“Yes,” he breathed, his voice almost inaudible and yet to Zhou Zishu it was loud and clear as the day, as bright as the blinding smile that bloomed on his face. To think that Zhou Zishu used to believe the beginning of spring around the Four Seasons Manor was the most breath-taking display he had ever seen. “A-Xu, let’s get married.”
If Zhou Zishu was completely lost in his own little world with Wen Kexing in the middle of lunch, amidst Chenling’s triumphant cheer and Senior Ye’s rude grumbling of the manor now having two shameless people living under it, no one could have blamed him.
By fortnight, Zhou Zishu was a wedded man.
And just to be certain that the overwhelming feeling of warmth and happiness that threatened to burst out of his chest wasn’t from a fever-induced dream where he would wake with his heavily-crippled body, drunk and alone, he dipped Wen Kexing, his husband, by his waist and kissed him deeply for good measure.
There was no dream to be woken out of.
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to-be-a-spartan · 4 years
To Be A Spartan
Chapter 1: The Myth
18:38 Hours (Shipboard Time), July 20, 2557 (Military Calendar)
Slipstream Space
UNSC Infinity, S-Deck
Sarah Palmer wasn’t quite sure how her day had taken a turn to end up like this, and she damn sure didn’t like it.
The Infinity had picked up a distress call from the Forward Unto Dawn of all things. A ship that had been MIA, presumed destroyed since Operation: BLIND FAITH back in 2552 at the end of the Human-Covenant War. Well, it was a bit more complex than that but Sarah couldn’t be bothered to review the brief she was given on the ship in her head again.
Sarah rolled her eyes as she walked towards the First Officer’s Quarters. The entire ship was practically vibrating with excitement. It was ridiculous. She didn’t understand why they were so excited. The guy was probably dead anyway, because the distress call had been Cortana, his A.I., repeating a single phrase over and over. If you’d asked her prior to 2552 if she even thought the Spartans really existed, it would’ve been a resounding no. She figured the myths of Archangels of Death wreathed in invincible emerald green armor blazing through battlefields and slaughtering the Covenant were just from Shellshocked marines imagining things as reinforcements arrived and gunned down the perpetrators like dogs. She just assumed ONI Section II decided to highly publicize those few and far between victories and craft an immensely complex web of lies and stories to perpetuate the myth of the Spartans and raise morale among the ranks.
But then 2552 rolled around.
The Halo Campaigns, the Invasion of Earth, the Great Schism. So much happened, all centered around a Spartan. Not so much a Spartan, but the Spartan.
Sierra-117. The Master Chief.
One man almost singlehandedly saved the galaxy. That was when she started believing in the Spartans. Of course, Tom had told her stories of the Chief.
About the Covenant invasion of Circinius IV and the subsequent death of nearly all of his friends. Tom always said it was the Master Chief that had rescued them. Sarah loved her friend, she really did, but prior to 2552 she had remained skeptical that he really existed.
Setting those thoughts aside as she reached a bulkhead, she knocked twice.
The bulkhead slid open to reveal a relatively standard UNSC officer’s quarters. About a third larger than regular quarters, there was a steel desk on the far wall next to a wooden bookshelf that was definitely not standard-issue or within regulations, filled with actual paper books. The chair of the desk stood upon a single steel pole that rested in a grove on the deck. That groove contained a small track that let the chair slide along as it was needed and not fall or anything of the sort.
In that chair was Commander Thomas James Lasky, First Officer of the UNSC Infinity, and probably one of the only men who could call Sarah Palmer more than an acquaintance, commanding officer, or one-night stand (and those were very few and far between now).
The fair-skinned man span his chair around to face the door, reaching a hand up to smooth back his hair that was a few shades short of bark brown. He cocked his left leg at the knee and rested his left ankle on his right knee. Holding a datapad in his right hand and resting it in his lap next to the hand he lowered from his hair, he smiled. “I shouldn’t be surprised you’re here, Sarah. What is it?”
Sarah crossed her arms and leaned against the wall on her right side that the door she had entered from was up against. As she looked for the right words, she glanced around the room. Tracing her eyes along the wall, she passed over the small closet allotted to officers. Then along the wall to the door to the personal bathroom all officers were allowed (she also knew Tom despised that officers were given special privileges, so rarely used it for anything other than basic hygiene). From there she looked over to the wall that ran horizontal to the threshold of the door, and the immaculately made bunk pressed against the wall.
He’s nervous.... She thought, glancing back at him. She could see the abnormalities in the rise and fall of his armored chest. It wasn’t consistent. She could easily see the way he dug the tip of his right boot into the deck slightly.
“You’re nervous.” She stated finally, amber-brown eyes meeting his own chocolate-brown ones.
Tom’s brows furrowed ever so slightly, and after a second his smile switched from welcoming to bashful. She recognized the change instantly, she’d known him long enough that she knew every one of his mannerisms like the back of her hand. He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, letting out a soft laugh. “You got me.”
Sarah’s lips ticked upwards in a small smile. Tom never failed to make her smile at least once a day. She pushed off the wall and and moved over to sit on the edge of his desk. “Talk to me, Tom. I may not be very good at helping, but I’ll always listen.”
Lasky turned slightly in his chair so he was still facing her. “I know, Sarah. I know.” Then he blinked.
“We don’t have much time. Let’s go.” The armored behemoth that had killed the alien stated in a deep, gravely, but unmistakably human voice.
“Over thirty years ago, that man saved my life.”
“You’re the only survivors.”
“In the school....?”
“On the planet.”
“He risked his life for a bunch of kids.”
“Get to the ‘Hog, I’ll draw their fire!”
“I’ll never understand why.”
“Don’t stop for anything. Including me.”
“I thought I’d never see him again. Twice, in fact.”
“Lasky, no!”
“First on Circinius during our escape. And again after that, onboard the ship that took us away. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” Lasky sat the datapad on his desk and uncrossed his legs, resting both feet on the ground and both elbows on his knees.
Sarah didn’t say anything, just reached out a hand and rested it on Tom’s shoulder not covered by that odd piece of armor. She squeezed gently and rolled her lips together, still not saying anything. She didn’t have too.
Tom reached up a hand to rest on Sarah’s on his shoulder, looking up slightly and giving her a grateful nod.
She returned it, sque—
“XO requested bridge. XO requested bridge. Commander Palmer requested bridge. Commander Palmer requested bridge.” Came the voice of the ship’s artificial intelligence, Roland, over the ship-comm.
The pair sighed simultaneously, both standing up and smiling at each other before exiting Lasky’s quarters.
Sarah Palmer walked onto the Command Bridge of the UNSC Infinity with a purpose in her step. It was time to work.
Now clad in her MJOLNIR GEN2 Scout Variant, Sarah felt much more at home than in her skivvies. She let her eyes take in the room, the outer circle of consoles on a slightly elevated platform that had small dips in three places leading down to the second tier where the main holotable of the bridge was sat in front of the viewport with Captain Andrew Del Rio and Tom standing next to it.
Sarah walked over, taking a place opposite of Del Rio and truly working to withhold the glare that tries to work its way out every damn time she looks at the worthless piece of shit. Judging by the look Tom gives her, he’s having the same problem.
“Commander Palmer, how nice of you to finally join us.” Del Rio says in his ever-condescending voice, somehow managing to look down at her even though she towered over the old man.
She bit back a sharp retort, instead sliding into parade-rest and nodding. “Of course, Sir.”
“Now, in two hours we will be leaving Slipspace at the location of the Forward Unto Dawn’s distress call. I want boarding teams ready to deploy the moment we clear the slip. Commander Lasky, you will deploy with them. The Spartan may react better to an officer than another team of Spartans. Understood?” Del Rio spoke slowly, still in that arrogant tone. He didn’t care about finding the Master Chief. He was just looking for another promotion.
Tom looked ready to call him out on his lack of using the Chief’s title, indirectly of course, but just under the edge of the table Sarah caught his wrist and almost imperceptibly shook her head. “Sir, it’s against protocols for any UNSC vessel to not have an Executive Officer aboard at all times. Commander Lasky-“
“Commander Lasky,” Del Rio cut her off, puffing out his chest in an unconscious (as if) attempt to assert dominance. “is no stranger to breaking a few protocols.... isn’t that right?” He looked at Lasky’s chest, exactly where his dog-tags hung under his officer’s BDU.
Sarah found yet another reason for wanting to throttle the Captain. She knew exactly what he was referring to. And she also wanted to throttle him for the look that flew across Tom’s face; She knew Tom well enough to understand he wouldn’t dare say anything, but it had hurt him.
“Of. Course. Sir.” She replied through gritted teeth.
Del Rio studied her for a moment, visibly debating whether to reprimand her or not for her sharpness, but decided against it. “Very well. You’re dismissed.”
Sarah felt the deck rumble beneath her feet as the Infinity lurched out of the blue-black of Slipspace.
“Holy shit-!”
Sarah heard the exclamation from one of the flight technicians fueling up the Pelican and peaked her head out of the Blood-Tray to see what he—
Staring back at her through the atmospheric shield of the main hanger bay was a gargantuan metal planet. It had millions upon millions of lights scattered across its surface in perfect geometric patterns, and a large hole in the surface of the planet.
“Oh my God...”
Sarah glanced to her left to see Lasky standing with one foot on the rear ramp of the pelican, the other on the Infinity’s deck. He looked just as mystified as everyone else.
“Now hear this, Now hear this:” Came Roland’s voice over the ship-comm. Then, something spectacular happened: “We have picked up a UNSC IFF tag in the core of the planet. According to all known data on Forerunner constructs, the planet is hollow. All hands, brace for atmospheric entry. We’re going inside.”
And then the deck lurched, and Sarah had to grab the pelican to keep from falling. Tom looked at her, and she shrugged. “Roland!” She barked. “What the hell was that?”
“The planet caught us in a gravity well, Commander!” The A.I. replied, his avatar appearing on a nearby comm pad. “Helm can’t get us out.”
At the same time, his voice came louder iver the ship-comm. “All hands! Brace, brace!” The deck rumbled again and crates went flying as Roland’s avatar vanished.
“Hostile Covenant contacts! All Pathfinder teams are to deploy immediately, we’ll cover you!” Del Rio’s voice snapped over the ship-comm.
“You heard him Commanders!” The voice of Spartan Vixen (Sarah did a double take when she first heard her name to), a member of Gypsy Company, called from the blood tray.
Sarah patted Tom’s shoulder, nodding as they both climbed into the pelican and the engines roared to life.
This is not a good idea.... She thought, but didn’t voice it. No turning back now. Taking a seat next to Tom as the harnesses lowered to keep them in place, she rolled her shoulders.
“Commander Lasky.”
Tom rolled his eyes as Del Rio’s voice sounded over the Pelican’s comm. “Go ahead Captain.”
“I’m assigning your team to locate the origin point of the gravity well that dragged us in-“ His voice got quieter as he turned away from the mic for a moment. “Ready Archer pods Alpha 7 through Bravo 6 and fire!”
“Understood, Captain. We’ll get it done.” Tom replied, then shut off the comm as the pelican arced into a steep dive to avoid a stream of plasma fire, throwing them against the hull.
Several minutes of rapid aerobatics later, Spartan Vixen decided to break the silence. Her deep blue visor turned towards Lasky and she spoke. “First time on a combat flight, Commander?”
The rest of the cabin laughed, Lasky included. He rocked in his harness a lot more than the marines or Spartans, but he seemed fine. He looked at Vixen, smiling good-naturedly. “Quite the opposite, Spartan. I used to be a naval aviator.”
Vixen whistled, nudging another Spartan, Spartan Tetran, with her elbow. “Hear that boys? The Commander here probably gave us fire support at some point.” A holler went around the bay, and everyone knew they were just distracting themselves.
“Commander Lasky, you might want to see this.” Came the voice of their pilot from the cockpit.
Lasky glanced at Sarah, who raised an eyebrow that he shrugged in response to. He raised his harness and stood up, stepping into the cockpit. They didn’t bother to be quiet, so Sarah could easily hear them discussing the gravity well they had apparently spotted.
“Incoming!” The Co-Pilot barked, followed by a flash of gold-orange light, and suddenly they were plummeting towards the surface with fire trailing from their port side wing.
Sarah watched as Tom was thrown from the cockpit and slammed into the ceiling with a pained exclamation before being buffeted into Tetran’s helmet. She unlatched her harness without thinking and grabbed Lasky, holding him against her armored chest. She could take more hits than he could.
“Brace for—“ CRASH
The pilot was cut off as the pelican slammed into the canopy of the alien trees below, the sound of metal being obliterated like wet tissue paper filling her ears as she and Tom were thrown about the cabin. The pelican slammed into something else, causing the rear ramp to fly open and Sarah to be thrown from the bay with Tom in her arms.
She flew through the air, doing her best to ensure she landed first instead of To—
Then everything went black.
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nimsajlove · 4 years
Moments (III/VI)
I think I will do some more, maybe the darker sides of the story? All of this is clearly at the beginning of the war, so I will move on to the end of it.
Brothers-AU  Ao3
Part II , Part IV
"Can you do me a favor?", Rex asked without looking up from his work. Droidbait waited, as if he could turn down an order. To his surprise, however, the captain gave him no work, but a packaged ration and cutlery. “Make sure she eats. I can't always run after her.", he grumbled and Droidbait grinned, then nodded. "Consider it done."
His search began in the hangar, sometimes she was still there, repairing minor damage to the small ships herself. But he only found the usual cleanup work here, so he went on. She wasn't in the canteen either, and the opposite would have surprised him a little. Rex wouldn’t send him off, if he found her here. But when her bunk and quarters were empty too, he was puzzled. His last stop was the medical bay, he let his gaze slide over the beds. Most of them were occupied, the medics wandered among the injured and only looked up briefly when he entered. He took a few steps and looked around. Before he could turn around to leave, as she wasn't wandering between the beds, he saw her. She crouched between two beds, Jesse and Fives. She was slumped against the wall, her face on her knees and wrapped in a dark coat. General Skywalker must had surrendered his robes to her... Kix hurried past him and glanced at the ration in his hands. "Finally! I thought Rex hadn't thought about it.", the medic huffed and stopped briefly to look at the togruta on the floor. "Should I maybe take her out of here?", asked Droidbait and Kix shook his head. “Then she'll be back sooner than you can imagine. Just make sure, that she finally eats something." 
It was easy for Kix to say that, he had a few months more experience with the young girl than he did! He wasn't known for necessarily being the best at comforting either, but he would try. She was one of them after all! His vod’ika. So he crouched carefully next to her and shook her shoulder, she was instantly wide awake and pulled the hood off her face. "Not my fault!", she exclaimed before looking around and blinking in confusion. Then her gaze fell on Droidbait and she relaxed. "Sorry.", she mumbled and rubbed her face, Droidbait sat down next to her on the floor and offered her the meal. "I'm not hungry.", she said immediately, but he still stuffed his cargo into her hands. “We know full well, that you haven't eaten since moving out. Do Rex this favor, okay?”, he muttered, watching her pout. "I'm not a youngling.", she grumbled, but still unpacked the cold ration and began to eat slowly.
There was silence for a few minutes and her eyes kept going up to the beds. "They won't go away.", Droidbait tried to calm her down, instead her look became even more gloomy. Damn it! Somewhere he must have taken a wrong turn... He hastily brought out a set of playing cards from a small pocket on his belt and offered them to Ahsoka. They had played many times before, she wasn't bad. "How about one game, we can stay here too.", he offered and to his relief she gave in, her eyes softened and lighted up a bit. "But only the simple variant, please.", she mumbled and picked up her cards, Droidbait watching her. 
For the first time she realized how attentive the gaze of the clone in front of her really was. And how easily he got her to play a game. Losing to Droidbait wasn't a bad thing for her, he played for calm and not for profit, even if they sometimes lost their dessert. Like most clones, he would do almost anything for something sweet. "Headache?", he asked quietly and took his own cards, unlike the deck of Cutup, his was much simpler and made it possible to play several variants of sabacc. Cutups were also marked and that often made it frustrating to play against him. "Yes…“, she nodded and rubbed her temple briefly, then her fingers ran up her Montreal with light pressure. "Don't worry, just a single game."
One game turned into two, three, even four games. By the end of the fifth her headache was gone and she was leaning against Droidbait, full and warm, it was not often that they were so near to each other. She was already napping again, when the door to the medbay opened and someone came in looking. "Down here, general.", the clone stated in amusement and the jedi peered around the bed, his gaze softened when he saw the two figures on the floor. "How nice to know, that she listened to someone.", he muttered and rubbed hia hands lightly together, Droidbait was always impressed by how well he could read the jedi's body language. Maybe because Ahsoka resembled him in so many ways? "Thank Rex for it." "Okay... But thank you anyway, Droidbait." 
The loud growl echoed through the training hall and froze all clones for a moment. The laughter that followed moved most of them to return to their own business. A few shinys, however, moved to the spectacle that one of the clones and the young girl were offering.
"Come on! Or was that it?”, Hevy grinned and wiped his hands once on his pants before turning back to Ahsoka. She was cursing on the floor and rubbing her ribs, unlike her combat partner, she was covered with bruises. Her arms shimmered in green and blue under the reddish skin tone, her hands were bandaged for protection and she had also wrapped up her bare feet in a similar way. Puffing, she picked herself up again and looked for a firmer stand. "Attack from above commander, remember?", Hevy scoffed and the togruta immediately rushed at him again, her otherwise carefully hidden fangs bared. With a jerk she landed on his shoulders and clutched at them, she only stayed there for a few seconds. When Hevy threw her off again, however, it left red marks on his bare shoulders, it was proof of her strength. Because actually, she should have been stronger than him! Damn she was a jedi, for forces sake!
When her back hit the mat this time she stopped and covered her eyes with one arm, somehow the world turned a little. Steps retreated before coming back. With a puff, Hevy sat down next to her and pressed a bottle into her hand, that raised without a word. Like every time she let Hevy beat her up, the refreshment tasted better than ever! And like every time he got up after a few sips and pulled her back to her feet. "Let's go through that again slowly, the idea wasn't bad.", he encouraged her and she slipped into the defense stand next to him. “Without weapons, your hands have to end up somewhere else. More like here.", he explained and pointed once to his neck and throat, she resisted with all her strength to attack one of her brothers there. "Are you sure?", she asked and he nodded. "Of course, when it comes to survival, I'm not joking.", he explained to her seriously and then added: "And you have teeth, use them against opponents. Just maybe not against the droids, it'll just break your jaw.” Against her will, she had to laugh and tensed again before she was back on Hevy with one jump. Her hands immediately landed on his neck, but when he tried to shake her off again, she clawed his shoulders instead. She stayed there for a full three seconds before landing back on the ground. "How did you kill an akul with such thin arms.", the clone grinned after leaning over her a little. Her growl was as loud as the last one and the few spectators backed away, the shinys had never seen the little laughing girl so dangerous. "I have teeth, remember?", she mumbled and got up again. Every bone hurt her. "Maybe it's enough for today?", suggested Hevy and she nodded. 
It was frustrating to know, that Hevy was actually right. She was average in strength and size for a togruta, but compared to the war she was tiny! Puffing, she hung from the climbing unit and stared at her hands, which were clutching the shiny pole tightly. She was one of the few who used this scaffolding under the ceiling. After training, she usually joined the others on the way to the canteen, but today she was the last one to stay. "Dinner?", someone called up to her and she looked down, Hevy was standing under her and holding up a plate. The rations never looked particularly tasty, but they were warm and richer than the temple food. Her stomach growled loudly and she hastily swung herself down to her brother, instantly practically ripping the food out of his hand.
While she ate, Hevy sat down next to her. "You really need a shower.", he commented as he tugged at her tight top. It was soaking wet. The short shorts didn't looked any better either, they stuck to her in the same way and from the knees down they revealed the padawan's green and blue calves. She quickly swallowed the last bite, and Hevy immediately gave her something else. "Kix will kill me, if you don't use that.", he protested and with a quiet laugh she began to rub the balm into all the aching limbs. There was silence for a brief moment. "I didn't meant that… with the tiny and weak.", the clone suddenly mumbled softly and she looked up, so surprised that she forgot the cream that was still stuck on her fingers. She looked at his embarrassed expression and fought for a few seconds, before she snorted and kicked his thigh with her foot. "I know that, thank you." 
Ahsoka stood a few meters away from the group and tried one last time to memorize the map on her datapad. She was infinitely grateful that her memory was better than her strategic skill, otherwise she would probably never have been able to remember this tunnel system! As steps approached, Rex or Master Skywalker probably, she turned the pad off and stuffed it into her backpack. "Don't worry, I remembered it.", she muttered without looking up. "I hope so, because the captain might be a little distracted.", the person next to her muttered and she looked up, Fives. Now she looked around, Echo looked in her direction and grinned broadly. “What are you doing? I want to take part!“, laughed the girl, if Fives and Echo planned a prank it could only be good! Besides, this mission was a bit of a boring routine, so any variety was welcome. "Do you want to get in trouble?", the clone teased and she stuck out her tongue before she swung the backpack onto her back and draped her lekku, so that not one of them rubbed anywhere. "Oh well, if we get caught I'll blame you two anyway."
Fives snorted in amusement at her side, before holding out a hand and opening it. Googly eyes, lots of googly eyes. She paused for a moment, then enthusiasm overcame her. Helmets with googly eyes, weapons with googly eyes, medkits with... "What have you already done?", she asked, taking a handful of the small plastic parts. Fives shrugged. “Not much, a couple of guns and two helmets. But we haven't gotten to him yet.", he grumbled and gave her a challenging grin. Of course, that's what he needed her for! "Oh, I know how to solve this." 
The tunnel was dark, that was good! Carefully she stuffed her googly eyes into a side pocket of her rucksack, she kept two in her hand. She then threw a look over her shoulder, Fives was just patting a shiny‘s helmet and, with the movement, left two little googly eyes on the side. Then he turned his face to her, despite the helmet she could guess the grin from the tilt of his head. All right, her turn.
"Rexter!", she shouted, took a run and landed on his shoulders. Fortunately, the ceiling was high enough. "Hey, get down kid. You can walk yourself.", he grumbled under her and pouting she leaned forward, propped herself up on his helmet and pressed her googly eyes onto it. "Spoiler.", she sighed and swung down again, Rex shook his head and walked on. She waited for Fives to catch up. "Done?", he muttered and she grinned broadly at him. "Right on the mark." 
"Fives!" Fives, Ahsoka and Echo sat up in their bunks. "Damn it.", Echo sighed, Fives just looked disgruntled. "I'm impressed, it took more than 12 hours.", laughed the togruta and pulled her legs into a cross-legged position, she did not intend to leave her seat. Fives gave her a sharp look, she just grinned wider. "That was the deal!", she reminded him and watched him and Echo leave the quarters.
She had her rest for 10 minutes, then the door opened and someone grabbed her arm. It took her exactly one second to identify the attacker as Rex. "Get up.", he growled and shooed her into the corridor. "What did I do this time?", she asked as innocently as possible, he didn't took it. "You didn't really believe, that you would be spared. Right?", replied the captain and showed her the way to one of the storage rooms. There, Echo and Fives were already dismantling and cleaning weapons. "Besides, he told me.", Rex smiled and left the small group alone during the detention. 
"Traitor.", Ahsoka muttered as she sat down next to Fives and began to take apart a blaster herself. That was the first thing the clones taught her. The reason was simple, everyone should be able to use a blaster correctly. "He figured it out by himself anyway.", he growled and then nudged her lightly in the side. "That belongs there.", he muttered, she started to assemble the blaster again. "Your way of taping up the eyes wasn't exactly subtle.", Echo added and there was silence for a while, then Fives offered her his forearm. Grinning, she bumped hers against it. "But in the middle of his jaig eyes, that was worth it!"
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nosferatvpussy · 4 years
distorted lullabies [chapter IV]
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Word count: 4,113
Warnings: vulgar language
Pairing: Dracula x reader
AO3 link 
Author’s note:  Listen... I wrote this chapter this past week and I must say I'm not happy with it. My brain is mush due to work so that's all I could come up with. I wish I could've done better but I know if I delayed posting it I would never do it. Feedback would be greatly appreciated on this one (good or bad).
  “Oh my fucking God.”
My day had started out fine. I had woken up in a surprisingly good mood considering it was Monday and then I ruined it. 
With the exception of Count Dracula’s visit to my house, my weekend was pretty uneventful. Sunday was spent grocery shopping with Diana and reviewing cases to prepare myself for court sessions during the following week. Occupying myself with work was not only necessary but also served as a good distraction from the deal I had struck with the Count. 
Being arrogant had its advantages in my line of work but after proposing a deal to a vampire, I was starting to think how quickly that arrogance could turn into vanity and plain stupidity. A deal from which I had yet to glimpse a way out of? Could I outsmart a centuries old vampire and wiggle out of that deal? On Saturday night I was pretty sure I could. Now… Not so much.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I muttered, receiving ugly looks from people on the tube. 
My hand covered my mouth so I would stop cursing and to stop it from falling open.
Reconnaissance was part of any good lawyer’s job and that was what I had decided to do as my first course of action against Count Dracula. As soon as I had found a good spot to sit in the tube, I googled him by his title. All of the pages included the interesting moniker Vlad the Impaler followed by his actual name Vlad Dracula. That in itself was enough for a chill to run down my spine but each line I read managed to make it worse. 
He was born in the Middle Ages, more precisely in 1431, which put him somewhere over five hundred years old. So, I had made a deal with someone overly experienced in the matters of life, which wasn’t ideal but could be remedied. But then I was met with medieval drawings depicting him dining amongst a field of impaled people. One particular page had supposed accounts from Ottomans and Saxons describing the atrocities committed by him. Boiling people alive, nailing hats to people’s skulls so they wouldn’t take it off, setting beggars and thieves on fire to “cleanse” Wallachia were just some of his various lovely bedtime stories. Those tales had elicited my first string of curses, which yes evoked the name of God in a blasphemous way but at that point I didn’t care if I offended a higher power or not.
Not only was he abhorrently vile, he was smart. Smart enough to send people infected with the plague to infiltrate enemy camps, using them as biological warfare and weakening enemy numbers. Not many people would have thought of such a tactic in the Middle Ages. Apparently the sight of the impaled people put on display around the city Targoviste was so repulsive that the Ottoman Empire simply retreated. And albeit having half or sometimes a quarter of the army of his opponents, he still managed to win several battles because of his cunning. 
That was the part that made me curse several times as some sort of mantra. A ruthless and smart ruler that had been a monster long before he became a vampire, that was who I was up against. And he had five hundred years of practice under his belt. How nice for me. 
My body took control as my mind raced and I got off at Canary Wharf station, making my way to the overly modern glass plated building where I worked.
The Middle Ages were a long time ago and it was a notoriously dark and violent time. Desperate times call for desperate measures, one could say. It should serve as a logical explanation to make myself feel better but the cold sweat on the palms of my hands was an obvious sign that it wasn’t working. I resorted to my earbuds and played one of my favourite songs to try calm myself but I was barely paying any attention to it. The noise inside my head was far louder.
I willed my brain to catch up with my body once the elevator doors opened to the 17th floor. Work, now , I told myself. I could think about how to escape the Count’s grip later.  
Greeting my colleagues, I made my way to my desk at the far left of the office. We occupied half of the 17th floor while the other half was made up of a café and a small finance firm. Smelling croissants and fresh coffee, I placed my purse and briefcase on my chair and was already making a b-line for the café when Renfield peeked his head out of a meeting room and waved for me to join him. 
I threw my earbuds over my shoulders so the string could hang from around my neck and stuck my phone on my trousers' back pocket. Renfield promptly closed the door as soon as I stepped inside. He splayed his arms over the doorway, blocking it. Eyes with dilated pupils watched me from behind thick glasses. Frowning, I looked out through the blurred glass walls that outlined the meeting room we were standing on. If he was about to reprehend me for something I’d done then at least I wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of the whole office witnessing it. 
Renfield had always been composed and taken great pride in his work and looks. For the past few days that stopped being true. Not only was he acting in a disturbing manner, he also appeared unwashed. His hair was greasy and a few strands stuck to his forehead. His suit had a stain on a lapel and he didn’t have a colourful handkerchief peeking out of his front pocket as he usually did. Overworked, I guessed, but never in all the years I knew him had I seen him this way. When I joined the firm as his intern, he let me write most of his opening and closing statements so I could learn and he would rehearse them on his office as I watched and explain why certain phrases should be changed to provide the necessary punch in court. He taught me the basics and all the clever little tricks one could use to dribble a prosecution. He was in the audience when I worked my first case alone in front of a judge. He was there when I won my first case and he took me out for a beer. And he was there when I lost for the first time and he took me out for whiskey. We still went out to celebrate whenever one of us won a case.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he rasped, barely sounding like himself. “Are the Mast-- the Count’s documents in your possession?”
The Master’s, that’s what he almost said. A little too late I remembered that Renfield was Dracula’s servant and automatically took a step back to put distance between us. The Count had arrived at London a week ago, which could explain my boss’ disheveled appearance. 
“They’re at my desk.”
He nodded and licked his lips in a way that made me think of a lizard. 
“And what did you think of him? Of Count Dracula?”
The lunatic gleam in Renfield’s eyes made my decision before I could think through it very much.
“He’s polite and handsome,” I said in the most neutral tone I could manage. “I’ll get the documents and bring them to you. Excuse me.”
I closed the distance between us with more confidence than I felt. Nudging Renfield’s shoulder to the side so he would make way, I tried to grab the doorknob and then he was on me. He pinned me against a glass wall before I had a chance to push him back and his hand yanked my shirt’s collar down, exposing my neck. 
“Ah! Ah!” he exclaimed loudly. “I knew it!”
I tried to fight him off, terrified of the crazed look on his bulging eyes, but he slammed me back on the glass. It trembled under my weight. 
“ Why … you ?” Spittle landed on my face as he spoke and I cringed. “Why would he bestow such a gift on you?!”
Understanding dawned on me and for a second I stopped trying to escape. He was infuriated because Count Dracula had bitten me and not him, like some sort of drug addict that had his vice taken away. 
“Let me go,” I said, summoning a calm semblance. “Ask him about it. It’s not like I offered him a drink.”
“No, not a drink. If he wanted just a drink he would have killed you. He’ll make you his bride. But I-- I have worked so hard, so so hard. I deserve it, I do, I do,” he was whimpering now and shaking his head to the sides like a child. 
“I know, I know,” I cooed but I had tears on my eyes. 
His hands wrapped around my neck and squeezed. My eyes instantly bugged out of my head and the tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I struggled. My hands found his face, trying to slap him or scratch him, anything that would get him off of me. I hit the glass wall with the back of my heel repeatedly to try to get someone’s attention outside. Air couldn’t reach my lungs anymore and my windpipe would probably collapse if he pressed harder. The pressure on my head was enormous. I could barely see and my face felt like it would explode at any second.
Several figures burst in the room. Two of them tried to pry Renfield off of me and the other three screamed for him to let me go. The crushing force on my neck ceased all of a sudden and I went down like a sack of potatoes, falling on my side as I gasped for air. 
“Master! Master!” Renfield howled, struggling against his captors. “I was good, I was good! MASTER!”
A hacking cough seized me as I tried to will air into my lungs but failed to do so in the speed I needed. Slowly my vision returned and I saw Henry and Mallory kneeling next to me, trying to get me to sit up. Renfield’s deafening screams filled my ears. 
“What happened?!” Mallory asked as Matthew, another colleague of mine, and a security guard tried to pin Renfield to the ground as he continued shouting.
“Not h-his fault,” I croaked, covering my neck with my hand. I would have a new bruise to match my bite now. 
Mallory and Henry started talking about what they should do while I found myself trapped in Renfield’s demented eyes. He wasn’t in there, not anymore. 
“A psychotic episode,” I whispered to Mallory. It hurt to talk. “Call medics, not the police. It’s not his fault.” Mallory and Henry exchanged a look and nodded.  
More people filed into the room to gawk at the scene. Several more people gathered around me, trying to be helpful to the point where they started to resemble vultures and not good samaritans. I allowed myself to be coddled by these people while my mind ran amok. 
My chest tightened as if the sorrow I felt hurt physically as well. The man I had looked up to as an outstanding lawyer, the man I inherited the poise and the commanding voice… was gone. Reduced to the likes of a mewling baby and a deranged man.
I hardly paid attention when paramedics arrived and took Renfield away but when a paramedic wanted to check my neck, I was pulled back to reality by the bond I had to Count Dracula. 
“No,” I told him, one hand securing my shirt’s collar to my neck so it was covered. “I’m fine, really.”
“Miss, please. By what your colleagues described he nearly choked you to death.” His hands hovered on the air around me as a second silent request to let him look at the bruise.
I shook my head vehemently but tears were welling in my eyes again. 
I wanted desperately to tell someone just then. To explain about Renfield and the bite on my neck that marked me as his . But I couldn’t. My voice wouldn’t leave my throat because that too had become his . Even if I was able to tell someone, I knew it wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Bitten by a vampire? Surely I would be thrown in the psychiatric ward as Renfield would.
“I can’t,” I said weakly before pushing him out of my way and running to the restroom. 
    London’s night lights kept me company as I worked overtime on the firm. After spending the rest of my day warding off preoccupied people, I decided that I would need to add extra hours of work. At home I would succumb to my bed’s embrace and wouldn’t get any work done. 
My desk lamp was the only source of light coming from inside the office and it illuminated the papers spread haphazardly in front of me. I had attended court earlier that day only to request an adjournment to Judge Llewellyn, who scowled and immediately demanded I explain myself. Matthew, my colleague, accompanied me to speak on my behalf since my voice box wasn’t strong enough yet to project my words to a courtroom. When Matthew explained the ordeal to Llewellyn I had the satisfaction of seeing the judge’s face dismantle in embarrassment for questioning me so harshly. It didn’t matter how much satisfaction it brought me because at the end of the day my case was delayed which impacted the life of a very dedicated mother who was disputing custody of her children with her ex. Catching up on cases and preparing future statements was my way of rectifying it.
I scribbled on a post-it and stuck it to a page before putting that pile to the side. I still had three more cases to review, draw up a plea bargain and think of a way to escape Count Dracula. I was procrastinating the latter.
The elevator opened with a ding on the other side of the floor and I raised my head to see who could it be at this time of night. A silhouette stepped out, standing in the darkness for only a moment before the hall’s motion activated lights came on. At once I sunk in my chair.
“Renfield... Where are you?” Count Dracula pitched his velvet voice in a mock song as he strolled in the office. 
My heartbeat shot up in response and I shrunk further, trusting the darkness to conceal me. He swiveled his head directly at me as if my fear had drawn him. The lights from the buildings outside only illuminated half of his face.
“Y/N,” he said. My name on his lips sent a shiver through my body. “Working in the dark, are we?” When no answer came from me, he clicked his tongue. “I can’t seem to get ahold of Renfield but I suppose you’ll do. My assets were supposed to have been released today. The bank said I need-” He had been strolling my way as he talked but he stopped abruptly, whiffing the air. “You’re scared. Of me?”
He resumed his pace slowly, almost dragging his steps. Just then, I truly understood the feeling of being stalked by a predator.
“Why… are you... scared?” 
He quickened his pace suddenly and covered over half the distance between us in seconds. I jumped from my seat and backed up as I searched frantically for a way out. The back of my knees hit a desk and I had to reach my hands back to stop me from toppling over it. I let out a squeak as I tried to regain my footing but it was too late. Dracula towered over me, so close I could smell his cologne. My face was turned away from him so I wouldn’t have to meet his eyes. I had a feeling that if I did he would devour me whole. 
“Tell me why,” a whisper. His breath smelled like copper. “I will not have you of all people cowering from me.”
“Renfield was committed to a psychiatric ward this morning,” I blurted. 
“Your voice,” he said.
Another squeak escaped my mouth as he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. I expected to be met with a monstrous face but it was just him. Familiar dark eyes and lush lips. His stare fell from mine to my neck and he furrowed his eyebrows. His bite was well concealed under my shirt but the ligature mark was just beneath my jaw and in plain sight.
“He attacked me,” I provided in my frail voice. “Because you bit me.”
He pulled his lips down. Anger or disapproval, I wasn’t sure. 
“I see,” he muttered.
“Is that what will become of me?” I asked.
“I told you-- I would never make you a servant.”
“No. Will I become a monster like you? Will I be uncaring? Will I enslave people? Kill them, torture them?”
He squished my cheeks between his fingers with every word I spoke. Perhaps provoking him wasn't a smart choice but I wouldn't simply lower my head and accept my fate.
“Only if you wish," he replied.
“You won’t even try denying it?”
“If I did I would be a hypocrite. And you think you are without blame.”
“Me?! How am I to blame for anything?"
He loosened his grip on my face until he finally allowed his hand to rest on the side of my neck. 
“Yes, you. You the lawyer that defends robbers, murderers and rapists. And you know what’s interesting? I haven’t found much guilt about it in your blood. And now you accuse me of such things with disgust in your face? That, my dear, is a hypocrite.”
I swallowed his vitriol and it burned on the way down. Suddenly I didn’t like being provoked as much as I liked doing so. 
“You ruined Frank!” I blinked at using Renfield’s first name. “He went mental today! Never in his life--”
“He’s weak , always has been but you never saw it. One look. One look was what it took for him to practically kneel before me. You shouldn’t hold people like him in such high standards.”
“Doesn’t bloody matter, he’s my friend!" The threat of tears made my voice tremble and I caught hold of myself before they spilled. “I don’t suppose you understand what that means.”
The snarl on his face made me think he would kill me right there. 
“I should kill Renfield for what he did,” he murmured, stare searing into me. “But you wouldn’t like that.”
“Why does it matter what I like, Impaler?”
His brows softened as comprehension crossed his face and his lips parted in a grin.
“That is why you’re afraid, isn’t it? My darling, that was my human life, you have no need to worry.”
“And you’ve been an angel since then?”
“Oh never.”
I shifted uncomfortably. I was still supporting myself with my hands on the table behind me, slightly tipping backwards so the Count didn’t crawl on top of me. 
Did I see a monster when I looked at him? Quite honestly no, yet I knew I should. He had done horrible things and I only knew about the things history had kept record of. I had learnt over the years that people are complicated. I had never met one person that was fully good or bad. If I had to classify myself, I wouldn’t know. My entire job was one big gray area. I swiveled around the lines of good and bad, never fully committing to any of them because I was paid for it. That wasn’t to say I didn’t have my own moral compass outside of the law. Count Dracula however… I had yet to find out if he had any moral compass at all. 
“Will Renfield get better?” I questioned.
“He might. It’s difficult to predict how my power can affect some individuals, but he will remain my servant, that much I know. And he won’t attack you again, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Let him go.”
“I will not. He's quite good at being a servant.”
Renfield’s shouting replayed on my head.
“Let him go and I’ll let you feed from me whenever you want,” I said, shocking myself with my words. “But know this, I will never be yours.”
“Another deal? Tempting.” He licked his lips and my stomach coiled. “So very tempting.”
He reached to my waist, digging his fingers in my skin and I held back a gasp. 
“Take the deal,” I urged. 
Excitement grew within me. I preferred to believe that that was due to the possibility of tricking the Count into another deal but the tingling scar on my neck told a different story. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate and take full control of my body but it wasn’t responsive to rational thought. If he took the deal then it meant freedom for Renfield. That’s where my mind should be, not the rush of pleasure I had felt three nights ago when Count Dracula had bitten me. But by God, that’s what I wanted. I wanted to feel it again, feel his teeth sinking into my flesh and the dreamlike daze that followed. 
Dracula’s arm circled me and smashed my body to his in a single motion, causing the gasp I had been holding to escape my lips. His thumb caressed my jawline while his fingers teased the back of my neck. In the little light between us I saw his black eyes swimming in carmine red. My heartbeat quickened lower in me when his tongue snaked out once again to lick his lips. Suddenly his fingers found my scar and massaged it lightly, evoking a moan from me. I rose my hands to hold his shoulders as an attempt to balance myself.
I felt more than heard his laughter. 
“Look at you," he said. As he spoke I caught a flash of long and jagged teeth before it was gone. “‘I’ll never be yours .’ Liar, liar.”
I collected myself and pushed him away when I realised he was mocking me. He didn't move at fist but when I pushed him again he stepped back of his own volition, still laughing. 
“Are you taking the fucking deal or not?”
“No,” he enunciated the word slowly. “I like this game we’re playing and I don’t want it to be over just yet. As powerful as you think you are, you don’t have the power to control me with your blood. I’ve granted you enough as it is.”
“I wasn’t trying-”
“Don’t lie.”
I closed my hands in fists. 
“Fine. Can you at least say you’re sorry?”
“For what?” He raised his eyebrows.
“For Renfield,” I snapped, as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Do you want me to lie to make you feel better?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do.”
“I wish Renfield hadn’t attacked you,” he said, sticking his hands on his pockets.
“That wasn’t the apology I was looking for.”
“I know.”
Why did I even want an apology? Was I desperate to find some semblance of regret on him? Desperate to find anything remotely good in him to justify my desire for him? I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep the tears away, hating myself for letting him affect me like that. My whole body desired him while I knew I should hate him for what he did to Renfield, for what he was doing to me. It made me feel like his plaything. 
“Can you please leave? I have work to do.” 
He nodded.
“I assume you’ll take over as my lawyer to assort my affairs.”
“Not like I have an option, is it?”
“Quite. I’ll leave you to it. See you Wednesday!" 
He had already turned away, walking back to the elevator when I fully registered what he said.
“What happens on Wednesday?” I rose my voice to get his attention.
"I take you on a date," he answered over his shoulder.
I marched after him and stopped when I realised what I was doing. What could I possibly do or say to threaten a creature like him? I probably bothered him as much as soft wind did.
"I'm not going on a date with you after what happened today."
He slowly turned to face me again, a big grin on his face. A victorious grin. If he was winning, then I was on the losing side - of what, though?
“Oh but you are. Your deal clearly stated that I am to convince you that immortality is worth it. You didn’t express how I should do it. Therefore that end of the deal is mine to fulfill however I wish. ”
I groaned. Had I removed my brain at some point when I made that deal? I was used to being the winner inside courtrooms, and I had stupidly condemned myself by binding a contract between Count Dracula and I. As much as I would like to withdraw it, I didn't think he would be open to the idea. He had made it clear that he would make me a vampire whether I liked it or not. I had no choice but to abide by my own rules until I came up with a way out.
“I’d rather meet you," I said at last. "Where are we going?”
He smiled widely as he walked backwards, facing me.
“I’ll text you on Wednesday. Goodnight, darling.”
“Night, Dracula.”
Taglist: @festering-queen​ @mr-kisskiss-bangbang​ @thorin-smokin-shield​ @hoefordarkness​ @dreamer2381​ @girlonfireice
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katehuntington · 5 years
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Title: Ride With Me (part six) Fandom: Supernatural AU Characters series: Reader, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Ellen Singer-Harvelle, Jo Singer (Harvelle), Benny Lafitte, Ash Miles, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Castiel Novek, and many more. Timeline: 2008 Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually) Word count: ±1900 words Summary series: Y/N is a talented horse rider who is on her way to become a professional. In order to convince her father that she deserves the loan needed to start her own farm, she goes to Arizona for six months, to intern at a ranch owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. Her future is set out, but then she meets a handsome horseman, who goes by the name of Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.  Summary part six: Y/N is getting lost in the feelings that she’s developing for Dean, and it doesn’t take long before Jo takes notice. Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fluff, angst, eventually smut. Swearing, smoking, alcohol intoxication, alcohol abuse. Mutual pining, heartbreak. Crying, nightmares, childhood trauma. Description of animal abuse, domestic violence, mentions of addiction. Financial problems, stress, mental breakdown. Description of blood and injury, hospital scenes, character death, grief. Music: Check out ‘Kate Huntington’s Ride With Me playlist’ on Spotify! Author’s note: Thank you @kittenofdoomage and @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish for helping me. You girls are awesome betas.
Ride With Me Masterlist
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     Okay, maybe the tequila last night wasn’t such a good idea. Neither was that margarita the previous night, or the drinking game the night before that one. Or was it the other way around? Y/N cannot seem to recall, but today is Friday, so at least tomorrow she can sleep her way through the headache. Never ever did she drink as much as she did this week. Normally that would bother her, especially considering she’s not here on Spring break. But when the drinks are offered in a time when she needs a little something to stop thinking about that damned Dean Winchester, she couldn't care less about the increase of alcohol consumption.
     She found the balance quite quickly, too. Intoxicated enough to let go of the complexity that comes with growing fondness of the head wrangler, but sober enough to stop herself from doing anything stupid. The consequence is, however, that on this morning ride, her brain feels like it’s trying to expand beyond the size of her head. Thank God her stomach isn't acting up, because Joplin is trotting under her nervously. Seems like Y/N is having trouble finding the ‘walk’ button this early. The hot-blooded mare fails to respond when her rider asks her to slow down by saying ‘ho’ with a calm voice, but when Y/N breathes out, relaxes her legs, and shifts deeper in the saddle only by a fraction of an inch, the black horse transitions to walk.
     “Good girl,” Y/N compliments her.
     Three days without riding were more than she could handle. Meadow needed some time to recover from the long journey and to get used to her new home, but Y/N needed to restrain herself from climbing on the mare’s back anyway. She imagined this was a glimpse of what it would be like to kick an addiction cold turkey, going into withdrawal from the lack of her drug. As if not being able to train her own horse wasn't enough, it took another extra day before Y/N got onto any horse at all. It wasn't until yesterday morning that the supervisor decided that she deserved a shot at proving herself as a wrangler. She had to earn that by mucking, shit scooping, cleaning tack, and turning horses in and out. Which she gets, of course. Dean and Bobby wanted to see what she is made of before they let her ride one of their animals. But boy, was she frustrated. She even got to the point that Garth almost caught her muttering a promise to herself that if she had to clean up some horse’s massive dump one more time without a reward, she would be out of here.
     Yesterday she finally got to accompany a few guests on a trail. It was amazing to feel the horse move under the saddle again, the experience of the communication that she established within a second, and how the perfect fit on his back felt like home. Apparently, she did well, because on this morning ride, she is allowed to come along too.
     Content, she looks ahead at the large group of inexperienced riders, who find their way down the hill with some difficulty. The respect Y/N holds for the trail horses has grown, because their patience and ability to keep their clumsy passengers in the saddle hasn't ceased to amaze her. Bruce, a draft horse mix, has halted several times already, waiting motionless until his overweight German load has pulled himself back into the saddle after slowly tipping to one side. It's quite entertaining to watch.
     As she smiles at what’s playing out in front of her, the sound of hoofsteps close by on the rocky surface reaches her hearing. When she glances over her shoulder, a beautiful buckskin is just about to transition to an easy walk after catching up. Her eyes glide up until they meet his rider.
     “So, how are you this morning?” Dean wonders, a playful smile on his face.      It takes a short moment for her to answer, taken aback by her body’s response to the sight of the wrangler. A whirlwind starts to twist in her stomach, yet the headache suddenly doesn't seem as tormenting as it was a minute ago.      “I'm okay,” she claims.      He grins. “Sure about that? You had quite a few drinks last night.”      “I can handle myself,” she returns defensively, narrowing her eyes at him a little.      “Oh, I’m sure you can.”
     He chuckles, the warm and low sound rumbling deep in his throat triggering Y/N to peek at him from the corner of her eye. Was that a nervousness she detected? Did she just make him uneasy? He looks down, his lips drawn in a small smile. The sun from the east outlines the sharp lines of his jaw, edged by a scruff; apparently he didn't take the time to shave this morning. Boy, is she glad he didn’t.
     “Okay, I'll admit,” she says, trying to take away his insecurities. “My stomach might be a little… unsettled.”      Y/N isn’t lying, although alcohol has nothing to do with the butterflies that came to life inside of her. He doesn't know that, thankfully, yet he keeps a hold of his intern’s gaze for a little while longer, reading her. As if Dean’s horse wants to help love a little, the Quarter sways closer to her horse Joplin, the two of them now riding stirrup to stirrup. His knee slightly brushes against hers every other step and despite that it's barely a touch, she’s highly aware of the physical contact.
     “Don't throw up on your horse if you want to leave a good impression with me. Believe me, it ain't pretty,” Dean half jokes, half flirts.      She throws her head back in a laugh. “Don't worry, I won't. But please don't tell me you have seen that happen.”      “More than once, I'm afraid,” he remembers, turning in his saddle to face his younger cousin. “Ey, Jo?”      The blonde cowgirl, who is about thirty yards behind them, throws him a confused look, since she hasn't picked up a word of their conversation. Puzzled, she watches, inducing the riders further up to laughter.      “No way!” Y/N cries out.      “I ain’t kiddin’,” Dean sniggers. “I'll save that story for another time. Y’know, when your stomach isn't ‘unsettled’ by the same tequila that started Jo’s tale.”
   �� He spurs his horse, who canters forward to meet the group of guests up ahead. She observes Dean as the morning sun portrays the cowboy and his horse in a romantic light. Out here, away from the city, the Arizona landscape would have anyone believe that they traveled back to the time, when the Wild West was still the real deal. Cacti surround them, peculiar mountain peaks shaped by ten thousand years of wind erosion obstruct the far edge of the world. And in this perfect portrait rides a handsome cowboy, one with his horse, clouds of dust in their wake. An amused smile allows a glimpse of Y/N’s true feelings to shine through. There it is again, that tingly sensation in her belly. Sure, Dean. Blame it on the tequila, she thinks to yourself.
     “What the hell was that?”      Now that Dean left his spot next to her, Jo has caught up, gently pulling the reins as she sits back to bring her horse’s pace down.      Feeling caught, Y/N looks at her, brought off balance by the spite in the cowgirl’s voice. “What do you mean?”      “Oh, c’mon, Yankee. I wasn’t born yesterday, and neither were you. You just completed your master in business, don't act like you're stupid,” Jo counters. “You and Dean, what’s going on?”      The cowgirl eyes her in shock, her jaw dropping unpleasantly surprised. Was it really that obvious? How is she going to talk herself out of this one?      “I - I don't--” she stutters, blood rushing to her face. “There - there's nothing--”      She’s not sure if it’s her shameful expression or the fact that she lost her tongue, but Jo knows enough. She closes her eyes and sighs deeply.      “Y/N…” her friend starts, a mixture of disappointment and pity present in her voice. “Please don't go down that road. He will hurt you so bad you're gonna wish you never gone on that flight that got you here.”      Now the intern sighs too. Denying will not do her any good. Jo is smart enough to see right through it.      “Listen, I really like having you around. You're good company, you're a hard worker, you're great with the horses, and I don’t wanna lose my sis,” the ranch owner’s daughter says genuinely. “I would hate to see you leave because of my heartbreaker of a cousin. I've seen this play out so many times already, don't walk into that trap.”      “I think that ship has sailed,” her friend admits out loud.
     The words startle the woman who speaks them just as much as they stun Jo; she didn't intend to share that with her new friend already. But now that the comment is hovering between them without a way to take it back, a part of her is glad it’s out there. Dean has been about the only thing on her mind since she first saw him. Not being able to talk about that with anyone was driving her mad. She needs to vent to someone, someone she can trust.
     Shocked by the bombshell that Y/N just dropped, Jo turns her head to orient her big eyes towards the man in question. That son of a bitch..      “Well, that didn't take long…” The cowgirl shakes her head, then looks her in the eye after her confession. It's clear she feels sorry for her friend. “I'll talk to him.”      “No! Jo, please don't. Look, I didn't forget about your warning and I’m surely not going to act on these... feelings,” she guarantees, barely able to get out the word. “But I can't shut this off. It caught me by surprise as well.”      “He tends to have that effect on women,” Jo mutters.      “I won't do anything stupid,” Y/N assures her.      Jo glances at the intern from under her hat. “Promise?”
     She looks backs at her new friend. Honestly, she isn’t sure if she’s strong enough to resist Dean, but this agreement might help her stick to the plan. The plan to complete her internship successfully and return home to start her own ranch. It's all she ever wanted, it has been her life goal for as long as she can remember. Is she really going to let some cowboy stop her from fulfilling that dream? A very handsome, sweet, and utterly irresistible cowboy, but nonetheless. She will reach for the stars and she will have her wish, nothing will stand in her way, not even him. And so a reassuring smile forms on her lips.
     “I promise.”
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Well, the cat’s out of the bag. Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to like or reblog my work, shoot me a message or buy me coffee (Link to Kofi in bio at the top of the page).
Read part seven here
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 74 - Reluctance
hey all sorry for the break no reason why except writers block
Kavaraa contemplates her situation as Vallereth get’s closer and closer
Kavaraa stared out the viewport at the depths of space, she knew they were close; they'd nearly reached the end of her quest, with all the shrines activated and a course set for a planet they hoped was Vallereth. What did it mean though when she got there? Was that it was she just gaining trust and then going back to Odessen, back to the situation with the alliance. Maybe they’d need some help at the archive she could stay for a bit longer, but even then how would she spin that to Theron they’d already been away so long they probably had overstayed their vacation at this point. 
She sighed, maybe she’d just have to face Kyradia; she couldn’t run away forever she just didn’t know how she could forgive her, after everything they’d been through she helped the empire stop the jedis chance at rebirth. And she claimed it was a calculated move; Kavaraa severely doubted it took a lot of rumination to sacrifice what was once Nox’s enemy, still she had bad experiences with the republic after Saresh so was she justified? No no the republic wasn’t like that now it may be viable to corruption but the empire was full of evil monsters, Kavaraa didn’t exactly know why Kyradia thought the empire was a better decision she’d stormed off before the argument had gotten too heated. She didn’t want to lose their friendship but knew that she couldn’t abide by what Kyradia had done, there had to have been another way but she didn’t even try to find it, maybe she was just the same cruel sith she’d been rivals with years ago.
Kavaraa rubbed her forehead this was all so confusing she didn’t want to go back on her teachings but she thought she’d seen good in Kyradia, could she really even begin to face her. But she had to eventually Theron was getting more suspicious that this was about more than a quest, the quest was very important as it turns out but still she couldn’t distract herself forever. She took a long deep breath realising she’d just gone through the thought process she’d gone through every day since leaving, she never came to a conclusion she wanted to forgive Kyradia but knew she never could so what now? There was no option left.
She turned around and made her way out of her quarters where she bumped into Kormel who seemed to be meditating “oh um hello Master I was just practicing meditation” Kavaraa smiled trying to put the worrying thoughts behind her.
Kavaraa sat down next to him “sounds good, you at all nervous about arriving on Vallereth” Kormel frowned thinking about the question
He squinted “I guess yeah but also very excited to see the archive” he paused looking away “but also very nervous that the journey is over” Kavaraa frowned a bit confused by that
She cocked her head “what do you mean Kormel?” Kormel rubbed the back of his neck
He looked at Kavaraa “well what happens after this is over, do I go back to Tython” Kavaraa frowned did he seriously think she was gonna just dump him back on Tython
Kavaraa smiled “no silly you come back with me to Yavin IV where we can train properly” Kormel seemed surprised by that
Kormel figited “you mean you’d be fine with me as an apprentice full time” Kavaraa felt bad for Kormel he clearly wasn’t used to attention from others
Kavaraa beamed “of course Kormel don’t be silly I spent a lot on the temple I may as well use it to train jedi” Kormel let out a little chuckle “and why would I get rid of you I still have so much to teach you, there’s a lot more to being a jedi than what I’ve said in my holocrons” Kormel nodded looking a little calmer
He turned to her “really? I kinda assumed it was all there” Kavaraa couldn’t help but smile Kormel seemed so reliant on information
Kavaraa shook her head “no of course not, you never stop learning how to be a jedi and others around you can help you refine your teachings” Kormel’s eyes lit up as Kavaraa began to teach
He questioned “so uh what sorta things have you learned from others” Kavaraa thought for a second
She took Kormels hand “ok here’s something an old friend taught me basically sit still, close your eyes and concentrate on something in the galaxy you can picture and just concentrate” Kavaraa felt suddenly sad she hadn’t seen the Jedi who taught her the technique in a long time she hoped wherever he was he was still helping people find their centre and laughing at every little thing “it can be anything like your swoop bike or something else, for me it’s a little spot on Odessen where me and Theron like to go” Kormel nodded closing his eyes and focussing
She let his hand go and watched as his breathing gradually slowed, she smiled at least this part had been going well apart from the one outburst he’d had, still it’d taught them both something maybe she could teach people. 
She left him there hoping it’d given him some piece of mind and made her way to the cockpit where Theron sat looking a little bit exhausted “hey Ther bear” Theron suddenly woke out of a daze and turned to her
Theron frowned “what did you call me?” Kavaraa smirked at him 
She chuckled “it’s a new nickname I’m workshopping spyboy” Theron narrowed his eyes at her clearly not impressed
He sighed “well I hate it which mean you’re gonna keep calling me it” Kavaraa nodded he knew her so well, he looked at the console “we’re getting close to Vallereth, soon we’ll have finished this mystical quest” Kavaraa frowned not wanting to think about that
She responded “well you never know they may not have everything in order and need a little help, we may need to stay a bit” was that a good excuse? probably not, unless there really was a problem then they would have to stay
Theron sighed “yes but only a bit we need to get back to Odessen Kavaraa we’ve already been away too long” Kavaraa squirmed not wanting to talk about it
Kavaraa sighed “well let’s see if everything is ok on Vallereth then we can discuss going back” Theron gave her a look “I know ok but I promise if there isn’t a problem for the archive we’ll go back” Theron seemed satisfied with that although she didn’t know for how long
But just then she felt a twinge of dark energy nearby and as the ship dropped out of hyperspace she felt a rather substantial dark presence, the planet Vallereth appeared in front of them a desolate pale misty planet with an extensive number of much more vibrant looking moons circling the planet.
Kavaraa took a deep breath “um there may actually be a problem I sense a lot of dark side energy, I’m not kidding it’s strange and substantial” she felt it was very different to normal she’d only sensed energy like this once before… maybe
Theron rubbed his forehead “of course there is… alright well let's be cautious it could always just be the planet right” Kavaraa nodded Nathema had been that way even after Vaylin’s exit. Whatever this energy was it was potent and weirdly familiar...
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Ajax: Birth of the Triple A Chimera IV
 A harpoon nailed Pax’s assailant in the chest.
Someone skidded past Pax, right into the Roman’s knees, as if the harpoon wouldn’t be enough.
“Ajax!” Axel snarled, tossing the Roman, “Chi’naj!”
Pax took a moment to register the Mayan word for “door.”[1] He scrambled past the scuffle. Fortunately, the hinges were still intact, though he doubted they would last long. Other footfalls rapidly approached. This time, he managed to slam it shut. He barred it and went to push a crate—
A body smashed into his selected crate.
Pax almost elbowed the person in the head. Then, he smelled the overwhelming swirl of sandalwood and saw antlers sticking out from the figure.  
“Incantara:glacies fulmen iniectum,:” Alabaster hissed, his voice tight with pain. Bolts of ice gleamed at his fingertips. Alabaster flicked his wrist and three blue-white streaks exploded outward. One shattered against some blurry, massive blob, maybe a yard away. Another lodged into something a few feet below the first. The last one blasted off into the fog.
The glow of the lodged ice sickle came closer until the massive blob solidified into the expansive red rectangle of a Roman shield.
Pax grabbed Alabaster’s arm. He dragged the Witch Boy off the crate—a spear slammed into their previous location. As if Pax didn’t already feel trapped, someone banged on the barred door behind them as the shield and spear wielder approached from the front.  
Maybe now wasn’t the time, but Pax really wanted to gloat, “Oh, and I thought it was just me that screwed up.” Somehow, knowing the door that Alabaster should have protected had also been breached—that didn’t make him feel any better.
The Roman struggled to withdraw his spear from the crate. “Leader of Hecate located!” Something fizzed and made the silhouette of the Roman shield glow.
Pax released Alabaster to fumble for a weapon. Pax never knew if Alabaster collapsed to the floor because he needed Pax’s support, or if he’d strategically wanted a better line of sight on his target. Either way, at the next, “Incantara: glacies fulmen iniectum,” the ice bolts blasted under the Roman shield.
The soldier screamed. The metal shield thunked to the floor.
That glowing object lobbed over the shield.
Before Pax could bat it away, the thing stuck to Alabaster’s leg. It continuously sputtered with red sparks. Alabaster grunted.
“Lion located!” someone shouted in the fog.  
Another fizz. Another spitting glow, maybe ten feet away. Pax’s heart thudded in his chest. Flares. They were using flares to mark their locations.
But the Romans didn’t know where he was yet.
“Are you sure I haven’t found you, little Roman?” came Axel’s stage voice with sadistic glee. Pax heard stories about Axel’s stage persona. He really didn’t want to see it. From the thinning of the fog, he could discern three things: Alabaster was so low on magic that he couldn’t keep the fog thick, Axel’s stage persona was terrifying, and people should not drive in fog. Far too dangerous.
Alabaster tor at the flare on his leg and snarled in fury, “It’s covered in something sticky. I can’t get it off—don’t touch it!”
Pax withdrew his hand. A deep tremble ran through him at the words, “Spy assist located!”
Another fizz.
When this flare lobbed over, Pax fumbled for anything. His fingers wrapped around something cylindrical—the PVC pipe. He must have dropped it when he was knocked prone.
Pax swung the PVC pipe like a baseball bat, hitting the flare. It didn’t bounce off, but stuck. Pax grinned.
Using the last of the fog for cover, he skidded around the shield. There was the Roman, struggling to redirect that spear and balance on one foot (there was a tiny icicle problem in one boot.) Pax nailed the Roman with his PVC pipe in the back. The flare, as he hoped, stuck.
Pax liked to think that the Roman’s jaw dropped.
“Professional Asshole located!” Pax said, mimicking the Roman’s bravado.
“Ajax, drop into a ball!” Axel snarled.
Instinctively, Pax listened. Something bumped into his back before toppling. Two bodies—likely a soldier Axel had thrown into another one—tumbled over him, smashing into the shield user as the Professional Asshole shouted, “Wait—compromised flare!”
“Incantara: excandescunt!”
Flames erupted beside Pax, so close the heat wicked sweat off his skin. This was getting too close. The Romans were closing in.
As though on cue for a heart attack, the door exploded behind him. Fragments chucked into his shins. Pax’s door was breached again.
“Romans!” Centurion Ari’s voice boomed from inside the building, probably from the front entrance. “Una acies. Contendite vestra sponte!”
Pax’s mind scrambled through Latin to remember what Mercedes said that meant: single-line. Your own effort? Wasn’t that the massacre order?! What happened to taking the cute spy assistant alive?!
Instinct should have taken over. He should have ran or fought.
Instead, Pax froze.
With no magic or dry ice to replenish the fog, it dissipated out the three open entrances, leaving the murky shapes of the advancing Romans. Their dark blurs moved inward, one organized line approaching from the front entrance, two disorganized, smaller bunches along either side entrance. As they drifted, they absorbed their injured, dragging them behind the protective line. The Roman war machine. Pax had heard of it, but hadn’t seen it in use.
He, Axel, and Alabaster still had crates to hide behind for cover. They had some supplies left. They could fall back. But, the Romans knew where they were. Alabaster had just smashed the tip off his flare, exploding smoke around his weird horns, but Axel’s fizzed ominously on his right shoulder. Pax might be able to make it to the back barricade, but he would need Axel’s help to move the crates out of the way. Alabaster seemed injured and they weren’t going to leave him. There must have been way more than fifteen Romans. Judging from the lack of Alabaster’s magical reserves (he wouldn’t resort to fire in close quarters otherwise), he must have taken out half a dozen. Pax knew he got three. Axel had wiped the floor with those that got past them. Why were there so many left?
A sob choked Pax’s throat, thinking about the three of them trapped against the back wall, easy practice for the Romans to spear as subjects in an anatomy lesson.
That sob released when he heard a beautiful song fill the room, echoing off the walls and clutching at Pax’s soul. “Drowning in my sea of loathing. Broken, your servant, I kneel.”
Armor shifted. Someone collapsed.
A laugh, more manic than Pax had ever heard it, erupted from the front. “Oh, stupid Romans. Can’t you see? You forgot about little ol’ me. I can see inside you, the sickness is rising. Don’t try to deny what you feel—”
“Jak-Jak!” Pax cried.
It must not have only been Jack.
Screams erupted from Pax’s breached door, the southern door.
Pax tore his eyes from the front to see bodies falling in a cluster. Two Romans had turned on their comrades, literally stabbing them in the back. As the betrayed collapsed, a girl became visible behind them, one with stilettos in her dark hair and a mutilated face. Flynn’s mouth was set in an annoyed line and her arms were folded. “Thanks,” her melodious voice hummed with charm speak. “Now, hold still.”
“Anything for—”
The comment cut short. Flynn wrenched the backup knives from the soldiers’ belts and jammed them into their temples.
Pax flinched and looked away before he could see any blood spurts or brain matter. This was a riveting, exciting rescue, but he’d rather focus on the being rescued portion than the murder portion. At least she didn’t make the last two kill each other. That was courteous, right?
Pax could hear the grin in Flynn’s words as she whispered, “Now, panic, you fuckers. I’m going to kill all of you if you don’t kill each other first.”
The break in the Roman’s Southern line was all Centurion Ari needed to make the call. “Fall back. Northern wall. Redirect!”
Chaos ensued.
Pax couldn’t keep track of everything. He crouched to grab Alabaster. Flynn flew over, the Roman knives glinting in her hand. “No need for weapons. Come here—” her voice sounded as sweet as her gaze looked frenzied.
Jack’s song from the front crescendoed. “Down with the sickness!”[2] Another Roman dropped to their knees, vomiting. One discarded his weapons to walk, open-handed, towards Flynn. His comrades couldn’t grab him in time. Some threw spears at Jack and Flynn. Flynn laughed, using her charmed soldier as a shield, the spears lodging into his back. Jack—Pax was relief to see—must have acquired one of the actual shields. There was a massive rectangle of metal in the front door with a tuft of red hair poking overtop.
The screams kept going after the majority of the Romans had left. Pax tried not to remember any of it. Maybe it was because Pax knew he would be safe or maybe it was because he wanted to tune out the severe amount of trauma, but his mind wandered.
He was the information broker, a spy master’s assistant. He was supposed to gather intel and leave notes like, Our camp’s name is cooler than yours. He wasn’t supposed to hang people with power cords or be on a battlefield, even a small one like this, hearing his surrogate father’s beautiful voice make people upchuck blood, watching his surrogate mother slaughter the charmed soldiers that Romans couldn’t stop from walking towards her, feeling the air pressure pop from his crush’s and his brother’s magic as they picked off those retreating.
He wanted to remember how the people from Camp Half-Blood had caused Jas to get vaporized and had melted the skin of Lucille’s back when they blew up Monster Donuts. He tried to think about the names of the people who died in skirmishes against the Romans.
Not for the first time, Pax wondered if those born into violence and baptized in blood could ever surround themselves with another kind of love, with laughter that was not contingent on the suffering of others.
He thought of the way Axel made Alabaster cover his eyes to break that first soldier’s neck, at the beginning of all of this. Pax burst into hysterical giggles.  
Alabaster swatted Pax’s hands away, bringing him back to this reality.
When Pax tuned in, he got the blurry view of Centurion Ari, covered in feverish sweat, wrestling one charmed Roman into an arm bar and carrying two others across her shoulders, both likely succumbed to fever. She scowled at Axel as she exited the building. Unlike proper hero protocol, there was no “Until next time.” Wise. Most likely, she would have tried, choked on blood or vomit, and ended up with, “Anthills flex dimes.”
With her and the last few soldiers retreating through the Northern door, the building seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Or, maybe that was a dozen Roman eagles flying off into the distance. Highly possible.
Jack’s song cut off abruptly with, “My boys!” He skidded out from behind his shield. Pax couldn’t decide if it was more or less disturbing that Jack’s bubbly grin remained as he tripped over corpses. “Oh, my boys! You’re alive!”
Axel’s shoulder slumped. “Don—” Before he could finish, Jack slung an arm around Axel’s back to drag him to Pax’s level. Jack tried, unsuccessfully considering Axel was now bigger than him, to drag the brothers into his lap for a joint hug. Pax happily complied, wanting nothing more than to curl up in someone’s lap with a mug of hot chocolate, half-filled with marshmallows, and hear stories about magical ponies. Axel grunted in pain.
Alabaster sighed. The annoyance in his tone was shaky. “Jack, his arm is dislocated.”
Sure enough, Axel’s arm was rebellious in its placement. There was more. Jack was horrified to see where Axel had been stabbed twice and covered the wounds with duct tape.
Jack started the typical procedure: snipping off clothing that clogged the wounds, clearing out debris. They would get to Axel’s dislocated arm after Jack assured “there will be no bleeding out on my watch!” Jack gently moved Pax, so Pax could still lean on one of his bowed knees while he twisted to tend to his older brother. Pax stared at the bruises forming along Axel’s chest, especially around his right arm socket. Like usual, Pax hadn’t received any injuries while his brother seemed to receive double. Pax really hoped Axel hadn’t made an arrangement with Satan about that. Satanic deals for short-sighted noble reasons? Totally Axel’s style.
“Torrington!” Jack cried. “I am so disappointed. Does this look like acceptable babysitting to you? What if one of them had been seriously injured?!” Axel choked in pain as Jack set his shoulder back into place. “How am I ever supposed to trust you with my sons again! Alabaster, they’re fragi—”
Alabaster was still half-leaned against a crate, where Pax had left him. Each breath rattled painfully. “Flash… I have a broken… ribcage… and am… out of magic… What do you… want from me… right now?”
“Definitely better childcare!” Jack said. “It’s bad enough that the Androphagoi Darecare program bombed—”
“They’re… cannibals…”
“But now I can’t trust my friends!”
“We’re… not—”
“I want you to know that I won’t heal you until you promise that they’ll never get hurt on your watch again!”
         Now was not the time for Pax to point out how often Alabaster used them—well, mostly him. Axel had too much self-preservation and too little respect for the awesome risks involved in scientific and magical discovery—as test subjects for various potions, some of which had definitely poisoned Pax. Plus, all this madness considered, Alabaster had been against the Pax brother’s plan to distract the Romans and taunt them into an assault.
         Alabaster closed his eyes. “That’s… literally impossible… for me… to assure.”
         Flynn trudged over the bodies, dragging one in particular behind her. Once beside them, she dropped it with a clatter of metal. “We need Alabaster for the war effort. You have to heal him.” The comment was absent. Her gaze scanned the wreckage until her black irises landed on Jack. His healing hum paused as she gently touched his shoulder. “Jack…”
         Pax twisted to see her better. Her brow furrowed with uncertainty. “You were able to distinguish between people you wanted to heal and people you wanted to kill.”
         This was one of the main reasons Luke never wanted Jack on the battlefield. In theory, Jack could bring plague to the whole Roman army. But, he could also bring plague to the Camp Othrys army, and this was one situation were “sharing is caring” wasn’t the answer.
         Jack beamed. He puffed up his chest. “I did! I only killed the right people! My maternal instinct kicked in.”
         Axel opened and closed his fist on the arm that had been dislocated. “I think you mean paternal.”
         Alabaster smiled weakly. “He knows… what he said…”
         “Speaking of which. I want to know how they knew to hurt my boys.” Jack shifted Pax onto Axel’s lap. As Pax had many a time, he thanked the gods that Jack seemed to think Pax was five years younger than he really was. If he was older, they might expect him not to be curled in fetal position. All Pax wanted was to keep close to someone he knew could kick some serious ass. This building felt too exposed. Sure, the Romans had retreated, but what if their reinforcements showed?
         Flynn dragged the Roman in front of Jack. Pax pointedly examined the Roman’s knees, not wanting to recognize a face. What if it was the girl he couldn’t hang? Vomit smeared the soldier’s blue jeans and greaves like someone’s craft night involved one-to-many milk challenges. The person’s breath was so slow and rattled, Pax would have mistaken them for dead on a walk-by.
         “Oh, no! No you don’t—you’re not dying yet. I’ll make sure you live. You—you little—little—you bad person! You—you—” Jack struggled to find a word he found harsh enough. “You jerk!”
         “Let’s get the… boys home.” Flynn never liked to refer to the Pax brothers as her sons, more like her impossible-to-get-rid-of parasites. Her tone was too sweet. “Then we can focus on interrogation.”
         “I want to be home.” Pax meant that he wanted to be back in Belize, in their one-room shack, play-wrestling with his little brother and older sister. Axel ruffled his hair—something Uncle Frasco used to do. This new home was nice. Right? Their real dad wasn’t here. But, Pax didn’t want to consider why Jack would need to be present for an interrogation. Flynn or Lucille could command people to tell them the truth. Why would you need a healer?
         Fingers hovered in Pax’s face. He glanced up. Flynn had set the body down to offer him a hand up. “Let’s get you there.” She almost smiled. The look was painful and Pax wondered if he and his surrogate mother needed to practice facial drills to increase those smile muscles. “I saw what you did to the windows. That was good work.”
         Compliments were like albino tigers from her: so rare that you want to jump in excitement about seeing the fluffy cutie, then remember you should probably run away because it can still eat you.   The melodiousness of her words warmed his bones and relaxed his tensed muscles. Pax felt his eyelids flicker. That had been good work, an echo cooed, forming the shape of her lips in the blackness behind his lids. Papa would be proud.
         He’d be proud of you hanging someone.
         Pax seized, clutching Axel’s knee. Charm speak. Why was she using charm speak? She’d used it on him before, to get him to move faster or stop talking. But, why was she using it now? Nausea battled back the lulling effects.
         When he opened his eyes, her gaze was gentler than normal.
         Pax wanted to laugh, to give Flynn a charming smile, and say, “Thanks, I work out and think of ways to be devious and evil in my spare time.” Instead, he threw up all over his brother’s lap.
         Axel sighed. It wasn’t like this was the first time one of his little siblings had thrown up all over him. As he gathered up Pax, as Jack jabbered about doing something celebratory for Alabaster, Axel, and Pax’s “victory,” as Alabaster bitched about his ruined lab, and as Flynn packed up the near-dead Roman, Pax shuddered. He told himself it was because Jack must have accidentally made him sick.
Thanks for reading! I hope you… enjoyed? Things are about to get pretty dark at Camp Othrys in the character department and scene department and… okay, they’re going to have a bit of a power outage on the happy-go-lucky aspects for this crew. However, when we come back, you get one of the purely fluff pieces in the series. Alabaster’s The Delicate Dance of Chance.
 Thank you to “Psychadelic limbo,” “Thank God It’s Friday” by Ice Nine Kills, and “Dangerous” by Son Lux and a slew of music from Bring me the Horizon and Famous Last words for inspiring this scene.
[1] Technically, this specifically means “door of house.” My Mopan Maya dictionary has a word for that, “door man,” and “door brace.”
[2] “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed. You know, before COVID-19, it was hard to find songs about disease and viruses. Jack was born (and died twice) in the wrong decade.
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The Boys Get Poisoned
Trigger Warning: vomit. The baby boys are sick.
When the ship came in, you expected hugs and cuddles from each Knight. You expected big stories about how they won the battles and took over the planet. Honestly, you got half of that. But when Jaek came off the ramp holding his stomach, you knew something was wrong. Turning to a trooper, you barked out a command. "Get a medic!" The trooper ran, and you turned back to the Knights, you saw Kylo being supported by Shiro, Zakra, and Mika. Jaek gasped, and pushed you away quickly, falling to his knees and spewing bile from his mouth. You squeaked, and seeing it, panicked. You knelt beside him, rubbing his back as he threw up on the ground in front of you. Akai fell, pale as a bone, right before the medics came in, cots and supplies in hand. As they picked Jaek up to move him, he fell limp and you stopped them quickly. "Wait, please! Let them stay in the hangar, they can't move." They looked at you, before chuckling to themselves about your 'medical knowledge', and you glared at them. "When the Master awakes, I'll be sure to tell him of your insolence."
The room went silent as they began to set up in the hangar.
When all was said and done, all of the Knights were laying next to a bucket, and a makeshift bathroom. Droids had come in to set up IV drips for them, and the doctors helped insert them into the Knights' arms. Most of the doctors refused to stay, on account of the stench of bile, but you stayed. After the boys had been set up, you sat next to Kylo, holding his free hand and looking at him, worried. The hangar doors opened, and you smiled when you saw Ava come in, seeing the Knights incapacitated. "Oh, dear. Well, I have good news and bad news. I'll give you the bad news first. Almost none of the doctors can stand the amount of 'sick' in this room..." She grimaced and muttered something under her breath, then smiled. "So if you want to stay, you'll be mostly on your own. But the good news is, the boys just ate some unripe fruit, and all they have are upset stomachs." Someone, you think it was Akai, flipped her off from the other side of the room. "Doesn't feel like it!" You stood to scold him, but Ava laughed and stopped you. "The IV we have them on will make them... Less inhibited. But let me fill you in on some things. First, the Knights will be mostly getting nutrients from the IV, but we want to give them some fruitsauce to make their stomachs less sensitive later. If you try a bowl and they can't keep it down, wait and try another. If that doesn't work, hit the comm on the wall, and someone will come see what's wrong. If for some reason they try to get up or take the IV out..." She handed you two pairs of handcuffs. "'Cuff them to the bed. If it keeps up, get us. This shouldn't last for too long, but are you sure you want to stay?" She looked at the buckets beside each bed and winced. "I can have a droi-" As she said that, Mika groaned, turned to the side of his bed, and vomited. You ran over, making sure he got it into the bucket before grabbing a small towel and wiping his mouth. He laid back down, then smiled softly at you. "An angel..." Rolling your eyes and holding his hand, you looked back at Ava, who looked uncomfortable. "Last thing, Ava. Can I have a droid help me take them to my quarters every night to bathe them? I just want to get the sick off of them, literally." Ava thought about it, then shrugged. "I don't see why not, but let me check with the Head Physician. But they shouldn't be like this for more an a day or two at most. I'll let you know. Anything else?" When you shook your head, she practically ran out of the hangar. You chuckled, then found a chair and sat in the center of the room. You sighed, finally getting a break and turned your eyes around the hangar bay. The doors had been locked, with the exception being the front passage, and your Knights were on cotton cots. They didn't look comfortable, but you supposed with being sick, it didn't matter where they were, they would still feel terrible. You closed your eyes, only to hear someone else throw up. This was gonna be fun...
After that, the room was quiet, the Knights having fallen asleep. A knock on the door had you standing and walking to open it, where you met a tall droid with many bowls of fruitsauce on a tray. Thanking him, you took the tray he held and set it on the chair you had been sitting on. First, you decided, was Kylo. When you kneeled next to him, he cracked an eye open. "Scholar." He whispered, voice sore, making you nod. "Can you sit up? I have something for your stomach." He nodded, and ever so slowly made his way to a sit-up position. As he reached for the spoon, you gently grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Just this once, Kylo, let me take care of you. I won't let anyone know. If they ask, you ate it yourself." Reluctantly, Kylo pulled his hand away and opened his mouth, waiting. You fed him, and he took each bite with grace. When he finished the bowl, you helped him lay back down, and he fell asleep almost instantly. Chuckling, you moved to Jaek. Jaek took some time to wake, but eventually stirred. He sat up on his own, reaching out to hold you in his arms. You obliged for a moment, then pulled away as he relaxed, about to fall back asleep. He whined, and you pat his head. "I have food, Jaek. I'll feed you if you want." Jaek perked up, and called out to the others, boasting. "She's feeding meee!" Kane, Akai and Mika squealed, "No fair!" while Zakra and Shiro sighed in what sounded like defeat. As you smiled, you picked up a small spoonful and held it up to Jaek. He whined as he tasted it. "It's bland..." You chuckled, feeding him another spoonful and frowning. "I know. But eat this and next time I'll make you some soup, okay?" Jaek smiled and nodded, satisfied. He was compliant as you fed him, finishing up somewhat quickly. You stood, helping him lay down, and Jaek whined as you left, grabbing your hand and stopping you. "Wait, don't go. Stay, please." You giggled, sighing playfully and nodding, and stayed until he fell asleep, slipping away without waking him up. While you were walking over, Kane watched as you walked over and helped him up. "Thank you..." He spoke once, and you nodded. "Of course, Kane." Slipping the blankets over him to keep him warm, he gave you a small smile. You fed him after that, both of you in a comfortable silence. As he finished, he reached for the empty bowl. You kept it away from him, giving him a soft smile. "No, but if you want, I'll stay here for a few minutes. When he closed his eyes and laid back, he sighed and grabbed your hand. Kane was happy with your presence, and stayed sitting up, watching you as you left. You walked to Shiro, who lay awake, already having sat up when he was woken up. He was silent, which made you worry. As he sat up, he looked exhausted. "Hey, Dee." "Hi, Shiro... I got food for you." At first, he tried to stop you, insisting he could feed himself, but after that, he slowly let you feed him. "This shit is so gross." He complained. "Do I have to eat it all?" He seemed sluggish, and was slow to sit up, so you shook your head. "No, but eat at least a few more bites." He rolled his eyes, but obeyed, stopping when you let him. He leaned into your arms as you helped him lay down, and before his head hit the pillow, he was out. Akai was ever so jumpy, even in his condition. He sat up quickly, opening his mouth and waiting for you to feed him, making you scoff. "Akai, you're supposed to be resting. Stay still." Sitting next to him with the bowl, you saw him frown. "Come on it's just a stomach bug, besides! Didn't the doctor who came in earlier say it was just a stomach bug?" You laughed, trying to keep quiet, and held up a spoonful. As he ate, you looked at him. "Yes, but since when do you listen to anyone?" He snorted at the comment and you gave him another spoonful to keep him quiet. "Just finish the bowl, you crazy bastard." As you went to lay him down, he pouted and fought against you. "Akai, stop! Lay down!" He chuckled and attempted to pull you onto his lap. With a smirk, you obliged, kneeling over him, grabbing his hands, and pulling them above his head. He moved to bite your neck, and you grinned as a 'click' resounded throughout the bay. Akai went silent, and you pulled away, grinning at your scheme. Akai scowled, pulling at the cuffs you had placed on him as he was distracted. "Now rest, Akai. You need it." Mika was much like Kylo. He was quick to wake, quick to eat, and especially quick to sleep. Not many words were said, but he caught your hand before you left for Zakra. Thinking something was wrong, you sat next to him, only to have Mika put his head on your lap. With words almost to silent to hear, he begged, "Stay. Please." Your heart broke at his tone and you nodded, running your hands through his hair. "Only for a little bit." By the time you got to Zakra, all but Kane and Akai were asleep, and the two awake were talking quietly, almost inaudibly. You couldn't make out what they were saying, but you didn't care much as you turned to Zakra. He seemed to be the worst of the bunch, face pale and body weak, which made you guess he ate the most of whatever food made him sick. You shook him awake slowly, using soft words, and smiling at him when he opened his eyes. "Hmm... It hurts..." He whined, and you paled. Zakra had the second highest pain tolerance, following Kylo. If he said it hurt, then anyone else would have passed out from the pain. Your eyes filled with tears, and you nodded, feeling helpless. "I have food for you, Zaza. Can you it up?" Nodding, he sat up with your help. Each time he ate something, it was only a little, and you made sure he drank plently of water. He swallowed slowly on each bite, as if it hurt. He barely finished, and you lay him back down, rubbing his hand. "Get some rest, Zaza. I'll make sure everyone is alright." As he fell asleep, you frowned and returned to your spot in the center of the room.
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wroammin · 6 years
Fit For A Prince
Chapter 1: The Prince With A Plan
Pairings: Prinxiety, Logicality
Word Count: 1164
Warnings: yelling, arguments, and perhaps abusive parent? just in case
Summary: Roman and Patton Aldric are twin brothers born into the royal family of Sansidia. Roman is the heir to the throne, being older than Patton by mere minutes, but he has dreams of becoming an actor. And so, being confined to the castle and banned from exiting, Roman plots his escape by switching places with his brother. Trouble and romance ensue.
A/N: ok so im really excited for this story cause ive got the whole thing planned out!! i really hope you all like it and tell me what you think because i live off of feedback!!
A symphony of fanfares greeted Prince Roman as he waltzed into the Great Dining Hall. He moved with confident, powerful strides, as a king-to-be must always do. The prince sat down with a flourish and pushed his velvet cape to the side. Roman waited, bored, until the fanfares finished their chorused cry.
He gripped the intricately decorated table in front of him gently as the king presented Roman from the head of the table.
“Roman Aldric, heir to the throne, prince of Sansidia, brother of Prince Patton Aldric,” the king said, the mentioned Prince smiling and perking up at the mention of his name, “and attempted runaway from the castle.” The king finished, a dark glare aimed in Roman’s direction.
“Father, is this really the best time?” Roman muttered, glancing at all of the soldiers in the room. The king noticed and dismissed them, not for Roman’s sake, to prevent any leaks to the press.
“Roman, you do not get to decide when or where you shall be chastised for behaving like a child!” The king bellowed angrily. His low voice thundered throughout the room. Roman’s identical twin brother, Patton, looked increasingly alarmed.
Patton tried to reason, adjusting his glasses nervously, “Dad, maybe you shouldn’t d-”
“Quiet, Patton! This is between me and your brother. Now, go to your quarters.” The king yelled, still glaring at Roman. Patton did not move, his breakfast was still uneaten on the table. “I said, now!”
Patton scrambled away from the table and out the doors, shooting Roman a worried look before the doors slammed behind him with a foreboding crack.
There was a tense silence for a few precious seconds. Roman picked up his fork and took a small bite of his breakfast. Deviled eggs were his favorite.
“Roman,” the king began, seemingly trying to control his anger, “you have given me no choice but to ban you from exiting the castle building.”
The clattering of Roman’s fork echoed in the vast hall.
“You can’t do that!” Roman exclaimed, staring at his father in shock.
“Then you cannot run away to become an actor instead of a king! People would kill to be king, Roman, and I will not have you throw this away all for a silly longing to chase the stars above your head!”
Roman pushed himself away from the table with a loud screech of his chair.
“I didn’t ask to be king! Make Patton king instead, we’re the same age!” Roman protested, gesturing wildly in his panic.
“Your brother is younger than you by a few minutes. He has not been properly trained to be king, and you have. This is not a negotiation, Roman. Go to your quarters.”
“Go. To. Your. Quarters.”
Roman was frightened. The king rarely became so infuriated, but when he did he tended to lash out at everyone near him.
Prince Roman stood up, holding his chin up high to try and retain his dignity. He made his way to the grand doors at the end of the room, gently touching his hand to the door handles.
“Good morning to you, too, Father.”
And then he left.
Roman paced back and forth across his brother Patton’s quarters. Both princes were shaken up by the king’s outburst that morning, but perhaps Roman more so than Patton. Patton had seen it coming ever since he heard of Roman’s disappearance from the castle one night.
He’d heard from a guard that his brother had not been found in his bed at dawn, and a search party had been sent out. It took them about an hour to venture out and find the missing prince hiding in a nearby forest. Needless to say, the king was rather upset.
Luckily, the press was kept in the dark to Roman’s little escapade.
“Patton, what am I to do?” Prince Roman worried, threading a hand through his hair and nervously tugging his red sash with the other. He even fiddled with his cape occasionally, which demonstrated just how stressed Roman was. Roman never ruined his appearance consciously, which always meant he was thinking hard about something.
“Maybe he doesn’t mean it! Maybe he’ll apologize soon!” Patton tried, attempting to comfort his brother. Roman just shook his head.
“I tried to go to the garden to get some fresh air, but I was quickly stopped by a guard and accompanied back to my chambers. He means it this time, Patton.”
Patton frowned at the floor, pondering the best way to respond so as to not distress Roman further.
“I’m sure you can convince him sooner or later, I mean, how will you go to diplomatic meetings?” The younger prince remarked, smiling at Roman.
Roman didn’t even glance at Patton, “The next ten diplomatic meetings have all been scheduled inside Sansidia Castle.”
It was quiet as they both considered their situation. Roman continued to pace, his boots making soft wrinkling sounds each time he stepped. Patton stood up and lightly grabbed Roman by the shoulders, stopping him.
“Roman, it’s going to be o-”
“I’ve got it!” Roman yelled, continuing to pace and leaving Patton with his hands in the air, holding an invisible Roman.
“You’ve got what?” Patton asked, his hands dropping to his side helplessly.
“How I’m going to escape, of course!” Roman scoffed, as if it was all obvious.
Patton blinked. Roman stared at him.
“Yes?” Patton gestured for Roman to continue.
“Oh, yes!” Roman exclaimed, remembering that he should probably explain his master plan to someone who was involved.
Roman rubbed his hands together, “It all begins with you, my dear brother Patton! You will announce that you are going on a two-week vacation in our royal cabin in the woods! But,” Roman turned dramatically towards Patton, “you won’t be going on that vacation. I will!”
Roman smiled excitedly at a confused Patton.
“I don’t… get it.” Patton admitted. Roman sighed exasperatedly and facepalmed.
“We switch places. Since we’re twins and all that? I go out of the castle pretending to be you and I become an actor, while you pretend to be me. I’m a great actor, so I should have no problem, but I understand if you need me to tutor you for a while.”
Patton blinked.
“I… think I’m okay? But, Roman, this is cra-”
“Perfect! Then you’ll tell Father about your vacation plans at lunch!” Roman looked so excited, it was difficult for Patton to say no to him. So he didn’t. Patton just watched as Roman walked out, his cape flapping behind him.
Roman returned quickly and walked up to Patton, plucking his glasses off of his face and placing them on his own.
“I’ll be needing these.” He said. After the glasses were properly adjusted to Roman’s face, which was pretty much the same as Patton’s, he ran off down the hall.
Patton heard faint squealing and excited yells echoing down the hall. The younger brother flopped backwards onto his lavish and comfortable bed, wondering what in the world he had just gotten himself into. He really loved his brother too much.
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jjfantasy · 6 years
Under the wild skies
For a request sick Damerey, taking care of each other. Thanks to my beta, @edenofalltrades. <3
Link to AO3 (x).
The warm breeze of the nearby forest blew in Rey`s face, mussing up her loose hair, the ends of it tickling the skin on her neck. She wiggled on her heels happily as she stood at the end of the tarmac, completely awestruck with this moon.
In the distance, a transporter with Finn and Rose was looming that not long ago Rey waved off goodbye. It was their turn for yet another mission to find more resources for the rebuilding Resistance. Seconds later, the transporter jumped into light speed and vanished from the slightly reddish, afternoon sky.
Rey turned around and slowly strolled back to one of the X-wings parked outside the entrance to the main hangar.
Her heart was fluttering with joy and lightness, she hadn’t felt in a long time, to the rhythm of the forest in the distance. Just yesterday she and Poe came back from a mission to a very cold planet. She was used to extreme temperatures since Jakku, where in the middle of the day there could be a sweltering, unforgiving heat while at night frigid air would freeze her water canisters.
However, this mild temperature, the greenness around, made her almost giddy. She could forget for a moment tolls haunting her, the fights, the explosions, the constant running. As if they never happened.
„What a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Rey chirped, stepping around the fighter’s nose. „The weather is so enjoyable!”
Poe didn’t take his eyes off the part he was currently working on, hands deep into machine’s fuselage. „Yes, it’s nice, reminds me of first days of the dry season on Yavin IV.”
„I’d love to visit it someday,” Rey mused. She already finished her duties, so she leaned over the fighter to watch the pilot at work.
„You will,” Poe replied, his voice apathetic and dull.
Rey focused her gaze on his face. He never spoke to her in such tone, and she almost felt hurt, wanting to leave when she recognized the aura around him. He was doing his best to keep up the tough act, but Rey knew him well enough already to see through his bullshit. His stare was scattered, he was panting heavily through a widely opened mouth and his face was flushed, covered in cold sweat.
It was a pleasant day, but it wasn’t that hot enough for him to strip the upper part of his orange jumpsuit, leaving his torso covered in white undershirt only.
„Are you okay?” Rey questioned cautiously, with worried expression noticing the little vein popped out on his biceps.
„Why would I not be fine?” he replied, sniffing and put his left wrist under his nose. He faced her and faked a smile.
Rey’s brows knitted, mouth set in a hard line. She remembered Poe shaking like a leaf in one of the caves they went into, searching for the supplies their source left for them. At one point, she even hugged him tightly and rubbed his back to make him warmer. The feeling of her body seemed to help so they quickly packed the boxes and ran for the Millennium Falcon.
Poe waved his hand. „Look at you, you’re okay. I’m okay too.”
The young Jedi shook her head. „I’m used to the extreme climate, Poe. Here, let me see,” she said and without more ado she bent over Poe, her lips finding the skin where his temple and forehead met. She could check his temperature with her hand, sure, but he finally stopped moving under her lips.
„Poe, you’re burning up!” Rey exclaimed as she stepped back.
„It’s the weather,” he insisted and avoided her gaze.
Rey put her palm over his forehand, forcing him to stop working. „You need to go to bed.”
Her friend grimaced and huffed in annoyance, „And do what? Lay like a useless timber in an ever hotter bed?”
„Yes! You need to sweat it off,” Rey argued.
Poe didn’t answer, mulling over her words.
„I’ll bring you meds and food if you go right now,” Rey offered gently, seeing his expression shift into a slight smile. „And I’ll keep you company if you want to?”
„Deal,” he agreed and crouched to gather and clear up his tools.
Rey breathed out a sigh of relief and clapped her hands, „Great, I’ll meet you in your quarters!”
Half an hour later Rey knocked on the door to the Commander’s quarters. A faint ‘come in’ echoed on the other side, and the moment she entered the room Rey recognized the tough act completely gone.
„Good boy,” she applauded, and couldn’t stop a worried smile noticing Poe changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, already buried under a blanket.
„Suddenly, the hot flushes were gone and I’m shaking like crazy now,” he began, sticking his nose from under the blanket. „This is a nightmare, there is no time for this. I’m of no use here.”
Rey shook her head and spread some of the medicine she grabbed from the medical point, at the tiny table next to the entrance. Then she sat down in the only chair in the room. „You’re even less of use if it gets worse,” she murmured looking through the pills and herbs. „Here,” she added, before handing Poe a water flask.
He grunted his thanks through the closed mouth and took a sip to swallow the meds. „Go, I don’t want to keep you from your Jedi duties.”
The young woman shrugged and straightened her legs in front of her. „I’m okay, I’m finished for the day.”
Poe eyed his friend, while laying on his side. She was so young, yet so many concerns were already imprinted on her face. Still, she looked relaxed, making herself at home in his quarters. He really wished he’d met her earlier, before she got the taste of the war.
With his left hand, he reached for her calves and put up her feet at the corner of the bed. „Make yourself comfortable, then. I don’t mind.”
Rey’s eyes went wide at the touch of his hot hand against her skin, but she didn’t protest, sighing happily as she sank into the chair.
Comfortable silence followed, filled with Poe’s deep breaths. The young Jedi was certain the pilot fell asleep, so she closed her eyelids. She jumped a bit in her seat when she heard him ask in muffled, sleepy voice, „How do you do that?”
Her eyes fluttered open. „Sorry?”
„How do you just stop and separate your life from your duty?” he repeated, looking curiously at her.
An uncomfortable laugh left Rey’s lips, „Do I have a life though? I mean... Pretty sure I still don’t know what I’m doing, too.”
„Well, to me you’re doing great,” Poe mumbled into the pillow. „You can always ask Leia for some help. She’s an autodidact of some sorts too.”
Recognition dawned on Rey’s face. „I... didn’t think about it before. Thank You.”
When he didn’t answer, she whispered, „Do you want me to go?”
„Nuh-uh. Stay.”
They talked some more until they both fell asleep. Rey woke up to daylight no longer illuminating the room through the narrow, dusty windows.
Poe lay on his abdomen, spread across his bed. Deep but wheezing breaths coming through his blocked nose.
Before Rey left, she readjusted the blanket on him that slid off to one side.
The pilot in front of her knew many sorrows and his daily concerned expression told her as much. Therefore, a view of careless, at ease Poe was unusual. He definitely looked younger, even with the sickness stubble.
The sound of thunder and droplets hitting the ground outside reached Rey’s ears. She squeaked quietly.
„BB-8,” she whispered to the droid at the door, „I’m going to the Falcon, but please check your master’s temperature in the morning. I’ll come back to make sure he takes the medicine and remains in bed.”
The astromech beeped in agreement so Rey closed the door behind her and headed for her metal home.
At the hangar gate a damp, earthy scent reached her nose. Not a single soul wandered into the hangar, as Rey stood at the end of it enjoying the grey landscape of trees illuminated by dancing lightning and the steady noise of heavy rain.
Rey inhaled at the fresh breeze, admiring the dancing leaves at her feet. At one point she even stepped into the downpour, giggling like a child. If only Poe could share this moment with her.
Half an hour passed when Rey started to shiver. Reluctantly, she headed for a bunk waiting for her on the Millennium Falcon.
Sleep came easily. The ripple of the storm was definitely more relaxing than the silence of the Jakku deserts.
Rey woke up to find Chewie long gone from his own bunk in the crew quarters, hearing him work on the boarding ramp. Meaning she definitely slept in.
Choosing to skip breakfast at the canteen, Rey grabbed an energy bar and started her morning routine. Something felt off, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
Although it was early, the Jedi was already drained. When her eyes couldn’t focus and she dropped her staff for the tenth time while training she gave up. Blaming it on poor breakfast, she decided to skip it and visit Poe.
She followed the base’s corridors, hoping Poe felt even a bit better after the night. She also couldn’t wait to tell him about the storm last night. Lost in thought, she didn’t notice Poe coming from around the corridor, and so she ended colliding with his chest.
„What are you doing here?!” Rey exclaimed, seeing his tired eyes and red nose.
Poe ran a hand through his dark hair. „I actually feel a lot better, thanks to the medicine you brought me. I just asked Leia for one more day to get in shape. Another mission awaits.”
„Did she say yes?” Rey questioned.
„Yes,” Poe smiled at her concern. „Wish I could have some more of that herb tea for a clogged nose, the nurse told me we’re out of stock.”
An idea popped into Rey’s head. „I’ll get you some more. Meet you at your quarters?”
The pilot nodded and they parted their ways once more.
Soon, Rey was knocking softly at the door to Kaydel’s quarters.
The door opened and her blonde friend greeted her and invited her in, „Rey! What can I do for you?”
„I was wondering,” she started and followed the woman inside. „Do you still have those dried Behot leaves?”
Kaydel smirked under her nose and grabbed a small pouch from a stash. „Catch the same thing Poe did?”
Rey was about to protest when another shiver ran through her body and sneezed uncontrollably.
The lieutenant nodded indulgently, pushing the bag into Rey’s hands. „Take all of it for both of you. I already ordered some more with the next transport.”
„I’m not sick,” Rey argued but her body betrayed her with another sneeze.
„Right,” Kaydel muttered. „Please, ask BB-8 or one of the medical droids to check your temperature.”
Not thrilled at all, Rey thanked her effusively. Her whole way back to Poe’s room was a nightmare, trying to reign in the twirling sensation in her nose.
Eyes noticeably watered, she entered through the door, feeling like a bubble ready to burst.
Poe was sitting at the edge of the bed and noticed something was off the second his eyes laid on her face.
„What wrong with your face?”
Time and space scrolled in front of Rey’s eyes and she couldn’t take it anymore, giving into yet another sneeze.
„You’re sick too!” he announced in triumphal voice.
„I don’t get sick!” Rey whined and threw the tiny bag of herbs at Poe.
In reply, he nodded in a manner of thanks and threw a couple of leaves into an ewer full of hot water standing on the miniature table in the corner of the room.
„I beg to differ, Master Jedi,” he chuckled and raised an eyebrow. „Did I hear a rain last night through my troubled sleep?”
[Friend-Rey, your body temperature is rising!] BB-8 beeped as the droid scanned her.
Rey’s expression contorted and it was the only answer Poe needed.
„Ah,” he breathed and poured the steaming mixture into a second cup. „You’re gonna need this, as much as I do.”
She threw her hands in the air. „Ugh. I can’t be sick. I don’t have the place to get it out of my system.”
A short silence followed as they both gulped down their brews.
„You could use my bed and I’ll go work in the control room?” Poe offered, staring down his empty glass.
„Don’t even think about it!”
„I’m really feeling better!”
„Or,” Rey paused, longingly looking at the bed, her eyelids feeling heavier and heavier. „We could fit in there together, not spread the sickness around and keep each other warm?”
„Fine by me,” Poe breathed a sigh of relief and made an inviting gesture.
She put the glass aside before kicking off her boots and throwing a green Resistance jacket onto the chair.
Poe crawled into the back of the bed and raised the corner of the blanket for Rey.
Rey lay down in front of him, turning to her side so her back met with his chest. A muffled growl reached her ears.
„Your butt is so warm,” Poe murmured sleepily into her neck.
„Shut up,” Rey spat, however, laughed quietly. “Go to sleep.”
The sneezing eased and everything felt so much better in a cocoon of their bodies, Poe’s arm slowly snaking around her belly.
„Was it worth it?” he asked after a couple of minutes.
„Kriff yes,” Rey admitted before drifting off to sleep.
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Destined To Be
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In the spirit of Episode VIII coming out and I have to wait until I’m back in the States to watch it (a week), I thought I would publish another part to my Kylo story.
| Kylo Ren x OC (Celestia Lux) |
Summary: Celestia Lux is a childhood friend of Ben Solo, who is infamously known as  Kylo Ren: the apprentice of Snokes. Celestia is fine having nothing to do with Kylo, but Kylo has other plans to be reunited with his love.
Chapter IV
Chapter I II III
I ran past some troopers, ignoring everything that Klyo said. I knew this wasn't just a random attack from the Resistance; it had to be from Poe. Which meant that he was here, trying to take me back to Han.I lied to Kylo, just letting him hear what he wanted to hear. It made it easier to get away from him rather than argue with him in the middle of a fight. I went to turn was trying to find my way back to the hanger, to grab one of the fighters to leave. Yet, a hand came from around the corner, pulling onto my arm. I was press up against a wall, having my mouth quickly covered: to muffle any screams that escaped me. My eyes grew as my heart quicken. Poe's hand slowly removed itself away from me, revealing a smile coming across my lips. There before me was Poe, Han, and Chewy in front of me.
"You're a lot of work, kid." Han huffed, placing his hands on his hip, shaking his head lightly. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around Poe's neck, bringing him into a hug.
"That's quite a warm welcoming." I heard Poe say. I pulled away, a little embarrassed by my actions.
"I'm sorry, it's just I thought it would be a while until I got out of this hell hole," I mumbled, turning my face away to hide my blush.
"Well, you are getting you out of here." Poe reassured me, grabbing my hand to his, "I promise you that." Han handed me a blaster pistol. We went down the hall to head back towards the Falcon.
"Has Ben tried anything towards you?" Han asked s we ran.
"Just that stupid mind trick," I grumbled. We reached our last turn, but I knew it was too easy. That he was near. My body froze, I couldn't take another step forward. Poe stopped when he realized that I wasn't moving along with them.
"Celestia! Han yelled, "We need to go!"
"She can't!" Poe explained, "Kylo Ren must be near."
"You catch on quick for a pilot." I heard Hlyo, his voice carrying out behind me.
"Ben!" Han yelled. He couldn't believe that he was finally seeing his son for the first time since heRen went to the Dark Side. I could see Han's grip loosen, wanting to get closer to Ren. "Ben, please come back with us." Han pleaded, "Your mother and I miss you. We're sorry for―"
Kylo's anger rose and I  was the one he was taking it out on, "That's. Not. My. Name." Kylo growled. I tried to get as much air as I could, my mouth left ajar as it took whatever air it could get.
"You're killing her!" Poe yelled. I quickly fell to the floor, rubbing my throat as my breaths were irregular. Poe tried to rush to my side but Kylo threw him to the wall.
"Leave!" Kylo ordered, stepping in front of me; to block me from running with Poe. I looked up towards Poe as I then changed my gazed over to Han.
"Go." I softly spoke, my voice still raspy, "I'll stay."
"Ben, if you're using your mind con―" Han began to state.
"He's not." I  looked down at the metal floor, refusing to meet with any of their gazes. It was better for them to leave me. It would be safer for Han and Chew. "This is from me. I'll stay with him."
With a swift movement with his hand, Kylo pushed back the three of them, towards the exit, "You heard her." Kylo spoke. He quickly pulled me off from the ground, grabbing onto my arm. He forcefully pulled me down the hall to return back to his bedroom. I yanked my arm away from his hold. Moving towards the back of the room. Away from him as possible. I crossed my arms, leaning against the wall; watching him remove his helmet.
That face. The face that loved so much as a child; was now the face of destruction. I hated that my heart didn't want to hate him entirely, that it still had hope for him. His dark eyes wavering over to match with mine, made a small blush appear on my cheeks but I had to repeatedly tell myself: that's not Ben.
"Why am I here?" I questioned him. Kylo came over towards me, removing his gloves.He tilted his head back a little, looking down at me. He narrowed his eyes, pressing his lips together: he was annoyed with me.
"What is your relationship with the pilot?" He asked once more, ignoring my question.
"What does it matter?" I countered. I saw Kylo's hand reach out towards me, causing me to immediately to slap it away. I pointed my index finger at him, poking his chest. I could feel my chest getting tight, the anger towards him was rising, "You're not going through my memories again. Now answer me, why am I here?"
Kylo let out a huff, putting on his gloves once more and headed towards the door. He lifted his helmet from the dress, placing it back on his head. "Hey!" I shouted, removing myself away from the wall. I walked towards him, my hands balled into a fist, "Answer me!" Kylo used the force to push me back into the room before leaving. Not giving me the answer that I wanted nor the one I gave him.
I felt as if weeks had gone by since I've been trapped on the First Order's ship. I wasn't allowed to leave the room and even if I tried―which I have tried― Kylo placed two Stormtroopers guarding the room. Any activity that I did would be reported back to Kylo. He had been avoiding me since the night of the attack, where I didn't disclose my relationship with Poe nor him telling me why I was needed on this hell hole.
I sat on the bed, throwing my shoe in the air and catching it. Giving myself some sanity as I haven't had human contact in days. I heard the door open, causing me to eagerly sit up in the bed to see who it was. I quickly lie back down, knowing that it was only Hux that had entered. "It's you," I mumbled, going back to my game.
"Did something happen between you and Master Kylo?" Hux asked. I didn't bother to answer him since no one would answer to me. Hux took a few steps to come near the bed, smacking my shoe away in mid-air; having my attention fully on him.
"Why do you care?" I replied, letting out a sigh. I lazily turned my gaze to Hux, just seeing him glaring at me. "I thought you weren't his biggest fan."
"His training has been off ever since you arrived on this ship," Hux explained.
"You make it sound like I wanted to be here." I sarcastically answered. I turned onto my side, propping my self up on my arm, "Look, it's not my fault that your little prince can't focus on training or get a grip on his emotions." Hux suddenly clutched my shirt, yanking me to be face-to-face with him. I couldn't help but have a smirk placed on my lips as I saw a frown curl onto his. "Aw, are you trying to be a big boy right now?" I mocked.
Hux grew frustrated with me, giving out huffs as I knew I touched a nerve, "You truly are Solo's apprentice. You act so much like him," He spat, causing some of his spit to fall on my face. I tried pushing Hux away, ready to give him my two cents until the door open once more. We turned our heads towards the doorway to see Kylo had entered.
"Hux," His metallic voice breathed, "What are you doing in my quarters?"
Hux removed himself from me and the bed. He patted down his uniform, trying to collect his composure, "Just having a chat with Ms. Lux."
"Don't come in here without my permission," Kylo corrected the officer, watching Hux leave the bedroom. Kylo took off his helmet, drenched in his own sweat. He ran his hand through his thick raven hair; refusing to meet eye contact me with. To acknowledge my existence.
"Really? You're not going to speak to me?" I asked him, leaning my back against the bed frame. Silence. "And I'm the one acting like a child." I crawled over to the end of the bed, yet his back was still towards me. I heard a small whisper, not being able to catch a word he had said.
"―Sorry," He repeated, still looking away from me. I couldn't believe my ears, that the Kylo Ren had apologized to me. My heart skipped a beat, knowing that the tone he had used was one that I hadn't heard in years: it was Ben speaking.
"What?" Was all I could say, I was at a loss for words. Kylo began to strip while drying himself off with his towel. Making it a little more difficult to concentrate.
"Snokes wants a predecessor," Kylo explained. Kylo finally turned to face me, seeing that my eyes grew, "That's why you're here. He wants someone to succeed if anything happens to me."
"So that's why you wanted to see me." I concluded, "Why we made the trade."
"No," Kylo edited, "It was decided once you were on the ship. It was a way for Hux and Master Snokes not to kill you."
I lightly shook my head, pushing my eyebrows together as I was confused, "You saved me?" I was still trying to wrap around the idea that Kylo decided to save me. Why would he risk going against his master for just some girl? "Why?"
"You mean something to me." Kylo simply said, "Something that I can't replace." I felt my heart pick up, causing my cheeks to burn at his kind choice of words. I haven't been this bashful towards someone since Kylo was Ben. No one was able to make me feel the feelings that I held for him ever again. No one could be Ben. Yet, here he was: as Ben Solo and not a mind control freak.
Kylo sat on the end of the bed, beginning to polish his helmet, "Your father never liked me." He announced.
"What? He liked you." I tried to lie to him.
"Organa was considered trash for having a child with a scammer like Solo. He hoped that you would grow apart from me, moving onto another group of children. Yet, you clung to me." Kylo revealed, "He was planning on marrying you off, to someone like Poe; taking you away from me."
Kylo had stopped polishing his helmet, his fingers gripping onto it tightly. I lightly touched his shoulder to feel they had stiffen caused by the anger he was building. "Is that―" I was scared to know the answer, I was scared of the reason why he did it, "Is that why you killed him?" Kylo remained silent. He went back to his polishing, continuing to being calm about the truth. I pressed my cheek onto his back, feeling his steady heartbeat. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me.
"I would have never had left you." I softly whispered, trying not to be heard. For a moment, I thought Kylo had heard me; he stopped cleaning before resuming to it.
"I'm sorry for what I did," Kylo mumbled, "I wanted what was best for you." I peeled myself away from him, getting off of the bed. I walked over to face him, taking the helmet from him; placing it on the dresser. Kylo looked baffled when I cupped his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me. I ran one hand through his hair, brushing the fallen strains out of his face. It was not possible for my heart to pound any faster. I was feeling that love for him once again; the love that I tried my best to push away.
"Ben..." I quietly let out, the feeling of being scared left me as I called him by the name that I loved. Kylo brought up his hand, placing it on my right arm. He gently gave it a tug, bringing me down to be at his level. I brushed my lips against his, once they made contact, I couldn't help myself. I had to fully cover them with mine. He pulled me into his lap as his hand had moved to my neck, deepening the kiss. He turned slightly, bringing me back onto the bed, having him on top. His kisses were different, not as forced and were sweet yet still leaving me breathless.
We pulled away for a moment to stare at each other, "You're not going to use that stupid mind trick are you?" I knew the answer yet, I still wanted to hear it from him.
Kylo's lips curled into a smirk, brushing the hair away from my face, "Don't need to." He replied coolly. He certainly was still a Solo.
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 27 - Old Men Pressure The Party With Requests
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> 🎵  Covert Victorian Underwater Piano / Sunless Skies OST
In reaction to Keva’s words, Orin shifts and sort of grumbles under his breath. Slowly he lifts up one of his arms to rub at his eyes before he speaks.
Orin:“…I told you lot… im very busy doing my job here, protecting the bossman noble so if ya could just-“ squinting his eyes open he stops once he recognises you and shouts.“Keva!” 
He sits up so fast Keva almost sees in slow motion his forehead about to bash into her own. She narrowly whips her head out of the way just in time for his to not directly collide with her face.
Orin: he stares at you shocked "you're back! man i was worried" he seems to be unaware he almost clocked you Keva: "why are you sleeping here?" Orin: "wanted to ah...take a nap but wanted to stay out in the sun yknow" he starts to stand up and eyes the four of you's wardrobes "glad you're alright though! ive been hearing some weird stuff since you guys left, i was getting kinda worked up so i tried to force myself to take a nap"
Han: damn king u can sleep in that situation?
As the group chat the other three, with Vinny in tow, stare about the courtyard curious as to where the four of them could have gotten off to. Peering around the palace itself and the grand walls surrounding them, they note that there seems to be alot of smaller buildings connected to the walls themselves, though they aren’t really sure of their purpose or what direction to head. 
There appear to be alot of people coming and going, guardsman, dignitaries and others scurrying around. They're at a loss where to head off to, though Vinny seems to be staring at the palace pensively.
Cimmorro: cimm pipes up "where did those rascals run off to..." noticing vinny staring around "you enjoying the field trip so far?" Vinny: “ah…well i suppose its not the first time ive been inside these walls... I’m just wondering” he puts a hand to his chin thinking before making a clearly displeased face “I ought to make my presence here to Jeanne known, if she doesn’t know already anyway. lest she start parading around the grounds on a mad hunt, I don’t want to hear her endless complaining about having to search for me. despite it being what she was sent here to do in the first place” he starts grumbling under his breath inaudibly Keva: SOMEONE MAKE A JOKE ABT VINNY'S WIFE Plum: [JOKE ABOUT VINNY'S WIFE]
Cimmorro: "your wife again huh" cimm squints at vinny's grumbling "what's the deal with you two anyway.. i know you said your group thinks you're an idiot but they seem to look after you anyway" Vinny: he turns towards you and gives you a half-hearted glare "she's not-augh" he pauses for a beat "she part of the upper circle so she thinks she's better than me, not like i want to be part of this damned accord anyway but..." he sighs “I know the palace here has a grand library, if she’s helping the wizards with the current uh…citywide predicament she’s most likely stationed there. or the grand mage’s quarters I suppose” Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny with a curious look ".... so do you wanna reunite with her now or later 🤔 " he shrugs "not like we know where the others are anyway... right guys" @ han and rokka Vinny: "probably sooner is better rather than later....like ripping off a band-aid" he gives the other two curious looks but doesn't say anything
Cimmorro: i was goign to be surprised that rokka and han arent speaking rn i forogt what happene din the bath Han: hans just looking at her shoes Rokka: rokka is looking off Cimmorro: need that forgetful potion that erases ur memory of the last 3 days Han: LMFAO
Han: han kicks a rock at her feet Cimmorro: cimm pokes at han from her side "helloooooo? earth to han?" Rokka: rokka snaps out of his daze "wh-oh uh...yes?" Cimmorro: "what's wrong with you two " Han: han flinches and pushes cimm away with her leg "we can go where you need" Cimmorro: oGJSFDKLGJKSG LIKE PUSHING A CAT AWAY? Rokka: he glances at han real quick "nothing is wrong" Cimmorro: huffing at han pushing him away, cimm looks at rokka before scratching his own head and going "just lead the way vinny. i'm starting to hate the air here" Vinny:  he scratches the back of his head "well...alright if you guys dont mind" he turns and starts leading the way towards the main entrance of the palace and starts to ask around for directions.
Keva: keva gets up with him "alright sure is a word. what'd you hear?" Plum: "yknow where the boss is? finn's looking for him" Orin: "well alot of chatter about corpses suddenly popping up? I don’t envy the job of a city guardsman right now…” he turns his head over to you plum “ah well boss Vorde’s uh, taking a nap. since you guys left I think he’s been up for at least… 30 hours? yeesh” he pouts and rubs a hand through his hair “think the guys going to work himself right into the grave someday if he isn’t careful. though I think he’d want to know if you’re back master finn-" as he gets a look at finn he kinda winces but also is like : D ?  at you holding psalm's hand " maybe we ought to have this chat inside at least… where’s the rest of ya?”  Finn: "Inside...please." Finn says a little stressed. He let's go of Psalm's hand and simply stretches it out towards Orin, wanting to hold his instead. "I've been wondering where my uncle is..." Plum: "yeah you can be the one to wake him up finn" Orin: "doors right there buddy" orin takes your hand anyway Finn: "I can't see Orin..." Finn says with a tinge of annoyance.. but appreciates that Orin leads him now Keva: keva's just >:-| but doesn't say anything
Plum: awwww finn Chip: favouritism Finn: HE'S EMBARRASSED BECAUSE IT WAS SO AWKWARD WITH PSALM Psalm: psalm's just standing there, he's just standing there Finn: psalm: okay stand me up then Psalm: HGHRJDJF yeah 100% Chip: kya this love quadrangle Psalm: maybe keva wants to hold orin's hand Han: THIS ROMCOM MOOD Psalm: wow romcom in one team full angst in the other
The two groups head off to their separate destinations. Orin leads Keva, Psalm, Plum and Finn inside the building he was dozing off in front of, it looks like a branch off a larger building connected to what looks like one of the barracks around the palace.
As they walk in they see servants scuttling about, going to and fro on the ground floor, Orin leads them all up onto the third floor past a set of what look like guest rooms. Finn finally feels the pain in his eyes settle once he’s indoors again. Orin continues on to usher them down to the end of the hall in front of one of the doors. 
Keva, Psalm and Plum opt to wait outside while Finn and Orin head in, inside Finn sees looks like a moderately plush lounge room. He spots Vorde’s bag and cape laying on one of the chairs as well as Orin’s, thrown more haphazardly on one of the lounges, as well as another door leading to what seems to be a bedroom
Orin: "He's in that room over there" Orin points over towards a door branching off the room "did ya wanna wake him master finn or...me?" Finn: he relaxes when his eyes feel better, pulling his hat off unless that kills me here. [editors note: lol] He let's go of Orin's hand and looks at the door. "For how long has he been asleep?" Orin: he thinks "ahhh he laid down about when you all left, so a couple hours now"  Finn: "That is fine enough, our news are urgent after all, I would say." Finn says but in truth he is quite unsure whether he should wake Vorde. Sometimes his uncle seems to be more of a vampire than he is! He goes to knock on the door. "Uncle Vorde?"
Removing his hat and giving the door a knock Finn hears no response, he shrugs and decides to walk in anyway, closing the door behind him. As he waltzes in and looks about he notices Vorde face first on a bed over the covers with his boots still on, though wearing no cravat and vest. The curtains here are also drawn so the room itself is also quite dark.
Cimmorro: i thought he was naked with only boots on Plum: LOL Psalm: OMFG Finn: IUNDFIUGOMJDSFGÖ;DFSG;DSFF:DSG Keva: CAN YOU IMAGINE, GOD WALKING INTO YOUR FATHER FIGURE LIKET HAT Han: 😳 Keva: ENFNRGNKGRKNJRFKJNRNJKFNJR Cimmorro: he just got done fucking with one of the guards Han: VORDE SMASHES FAST
Finn: he slowly comes towards the bed and contemplates how he should go about this. Waking his uncle up is never an easy task. Physically, he can, of course. But emotionally? He knows his uncle needs the sleep. However when he imagines Vorde scolding him for not informing him sooner, he feels a little different. Gently shaking him by the shoulders. "Uncle Vorde... Wake up please..." Vorde: he grunts in response before shifting slightly, moving to sit up "who...." after a few blinks he recognises you finn and quickly sits ramrod straight. he begins eyeing you up and down while patting your shoulders as if looking for something “Safe? Sound of mind? No aches and or mortal wounds you’re valiantly hiding?” from this distance you see the heavy bags under his eyes and one of them almost twitching with unfiltered frustration. Finn: he smiles at the attention Vorde pays to him and how caring he is like this. He nods. "It was a really tough battle..." He looks down for a moment and furrows his brows. Deciding it might be an appropriate time to do it, he closes in to hug Vorde and buries his face in his uncles shoulder. "I had to bite someone to make it. I feel a bit bad about it. ... But I didn't kill them. Like that." He sounds kinda nervous about it. Vorde: he seems surprised at the hug but relaxes and pats your back after a moment "...what we do out of desperation doesn't define us" he slowly releases the hug "i heard a few mutterings before i laid down, but i had not expected you'd go to a battle, or i would have advised more hands" he sighs and rubs his eyes "is it done then? did you and the others stop their plot?" Finn: he backs off a bit when Vorde releases the hug, being grateful for the considerate words, he nods at that. "More hands would have been good, but nothing you could have foreseen, uncle. And I'm still in one piece, aren't I?" He'd say before answering his question. "We did eliminate Theyord and that scum of his cult, but they were able to complete their ritual. I do not know if you had taken notice of it, but briefly, all over the city the dead were raised once more."
Psalm: imagine sleeping through that vorde, real egg on your face there Rokka: jldfsjkd
Vorde: he narrows his eyes "i had not, if they didn't move past that though they you most likely succeeded" he sighs in relief "well one headache taken care of, you can give me the details in a moment" he rises from the bed and stretches "how did the others fare in your battle?" Finn: he watches as his uncle rises and stretches, taking his place on the bed instead while they're talking privately. "I suppose we were successful in the end, but I have to say uncle, it is a scary thought that a devil was able to look into our realm. Even scarier than auntie." He kicks his feet a little in the air as he goes on. "The others?" Finn thinks for a moment. "Badly. We all fared badly. It looks as though that wizard.. Vinny crossed the river of styx more than once." frowning at the memory of his state. Vorde: he listens in as he adjusts his hair and shirt "...yes i have to agree on that. At the very least Arabella doesn't have powers that can raise thousands of the dead, or at least i very well hope she doesn't" he kind of smirks as if he's told a joke in very poor taste "....no deaths however? Finn: he grimaces at the thought. "Do not jinx it!" But he nods at the question. "No deaths at all! Everyone returned from the battle, thankfully. But too many of us were too close to it for comfort." He tries to snort, joking with his uncle. Vorde: he gives an easy laugh "...thats what matters in the end then. for a battle you didn't expect of such scale im surprised thats all you came out with" he turns to give you a proper look finn "...how much would you say you trust them then? with your life or otherwise" Finn: he smiles lots at his uncle's laugh, like this 😊. But when Vorde breaches that topic, his expression takes on a neutral form. He expected his uncle to ask something like this sooner or later now and looks back at him. "They never hesitated to protect me or spare resources for me. Well, that is an understatement. They saved my life already, more than once. I believe it is due to the relationship of your deal with them, however... I think some of them, personally care. Some." Thinking about Rokka specifically. "I think it might just work with them." Vorde: he gives you a long pondering stare finn before turning his head away "...good. all i needed was your approval in that regard." he makes to walk towards the door "if possible id like to speak with them all soon, you can catch me up on what you've seen underground as we walk. Its possible for us to walk about the palace by sticking to the indoor passages if we take the long way" Finn: he now gets off the bed with a little hop and waddles to his uncle's side. "Ah, that would be good. The sun is severely handicapping me today, I had to hold Psalm's and Orin's hands to get here in the first place." He puts on his hat again, unless that killed him earlier. [editor’s note: lol] "Some of the group came here with me, the others are buzzing about in another part of the palace..."
After a bit more brief chatter they decide to look for the rest of the group then bring them back to Vorde and Orin’s temporary room for a discussion. Vorde walks out of the room into the lounge where Orin seems to be idling around for the two of them, grabbing his bag and cloak once again. Not bothered for the moment be places his vest and cravat into the bag. The three then exit out into the hallway where the other three are waiting 
Vorde: "no need to get cold out here for my sake the three of you" Finn: finn trails after Vorde like a puppy Psalm: psalm just shrugs like "I figured you'd want a moment alone to talk to Finn." Plum: "yeah, also orin said you were sleeping, could go for a nap myself honestly" [yawns] Keva: keva gets up from her squat, winces a bit from her muscles quickly becoming sore probably lol Vorde: he gives you a neutral glance psalm "courteous of you i suppose." before turning to look at you plum "i concur, though i feel its best i speak with you all again once before you're called before whatever dignitaries in the evening. If only to clarify a few things now that my end of our deal is complete"  Plum: "sure, we should go find the others anyways"
The group shuffle off to look for the others, Plum tells Finn to lead the way though Finn soon realises he’ll need to hold someones hand again to get around. 
Finn: finn kind of just looks at plum. he cant lead the way really. unless plum is willing to hold his hand. Plum: plum like why is finn looking at me rn “you good there” Finn: "Um... more or less. I just do not think I am capable of guiding us around this castle." he stammers out "You, Keva and Psalm are more suited for that." Plum: "oh why didn't you just speak up" and i grab his hand and pull him along Finn: "Wha- !" finn is dragged along...he has no choice.. he cannot change this.
> 🎵  Labyrinth V - City of Radiant Ruin / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
As they wander around within the palace, Vinny leads the other group, consisting of Cimmorro, Han and Rokka, around to find the library. After a moment of wandering around the tall hallways on the ground floor they find the entrance, a set of open grand double doors. As they shuffle into the library they see a litany of people in blue and white coloured robes flitting about, similar uniforms to the royal guardsman but seemingly less restrictive and looser garments.
At one of the long centre tables they see there Turren, working away at some sort of grand bronze contraption, books and tomes piled high around as she sits upon a tall pile herself.
Next to her, Mardella appears to be reading from a book, reciting a phrase before looking up at Turren who frustratedly shakes her head before she moves onto another passage. The two continue on in this fashion almost comically while, nearby they spy Jeanne leaned over in a chair idly floating cosmetics as she stares into a mirror touching up her makeup.
Cimmorro: "looks like we found her... now give her a kiss" Vinny: he turns to you while hesitating at the entrance "you are making this worse by at least tenfold" Cimmorro: cimm snickers "i'm trying to save your marriage!" in the most joking tone he can possibly make. "i have to have my fun around here lest these two behind us bore me to death and take me to the goddess earlier than i had planned to" he points at han and rokka with his thumb without looking back Vinny: he makes this face at your teasing 😖 Plum: id kick cimms ass ngl Cimmorro: that means everything to me gab
Rokka: rokka mumbles to himself "i can be fun..."  Han: han pushes cimm into the library, NOT HARD JUST LIKE SO THAT HE STARTS WALKING, if he trips well 🙄 Cimmorro: [succeeds on dex save] cimm sticks his tongue out at han while moving out of her reaching distance, would gesture at vinny to go and speak to his lady "go on, shoo shoo" Han: han sticks her tongue back at cimm and also follows vinny
Vinny waddles ahead of the group reluctantly until he enters Jeanne's field of vision, as they go the apprentices gathered around give the group all curious looks before focusing their attention back on their work
Vinny: he waves a hand in front of her before remarking "hello again jeanne, i hear you've been looking for me" Jeanne: she snaps her head in his direction before turning it back to her mirror "oh Vildristin there you are, I’d heard you had found your way to the palace somehow. lovely of you not make me hunt you down myself, always so bothersome.” She clicks a container holding some of her makeup closed before turning fully towards him “charming to see you’re in good….enough health. Last I got a glimpse of you I recall you were cowering against a wall in some rundown hallway. next you time you are unwillingly spirited away could you place yourself somewhere slightly more identifiable for me?”  Cimmorro: behind vinny, cimm looks like this 😬 thinking 'the whole idiot thing wasn't a joke huh'
Rokka: jeanne i have decided you are a meanie mcpoopoo Han: ME RN TRACE Cimmorro: cimm group literally being like booo we hate your pussy @ jeanne rn Han: EMO PHASE OVER WE COME TOGETHER TO HATE ON JEANNES PUSSY
Vinny: he huffs and folds his arms in response to her “I was trying to stay hidden at the time, if you’ve not been informed, the lovely group of people behind me were innocent” Jeanne: she shakes a hand at him dismissively “oh yes yes, but still you were embarrassing me, and in front of the lovely ladies here as well. What to think of poor Beryll’s reputation” she tuts as he shoots a glares at her “hmm right, not that you care much about that, problem child that you are” Vinny: “…you’re barely four years of age on me Jeanne” Jeanne: “and how important those four years are apparently” he lets out a long beleaguered sigh
Cimmorro: cimm's debating if he should intervene rn but decides to hold back another round but he is less pleased at this point Han: one more round of verbal abuse Psalm: this is han cimm and rokka in the bg
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Vinny: a beat passes before vinny folds his arms in front of himself anxiously "right, well I've made myself known then... good luck with whatever it is... you aren’t doing in here" and turns to leave Jeanne: “hold on, you” she quickly extends a manicured finger in Vinny’s direction. “you aren’t shambling off anywhere until I have you report to the Accord, and then we shall be enlisting your help in tightening up the arcane runes around the palace” Vinny: he flinches “w…why on earth do I need to help with the runes…” Jeanne: she sighs before continuing “the great wizards of the accord are happily extending a helping hand to the Dorinian monarchy to resolve such a grand breach of security, of which you yourself are one, do you truly need such reminders? shall I jog your memory also on how to draw magic circle and what sigils make up a prestidigitation spell?” Vinny: he lets out a small frustrated grunt of agony in response Han: han slides in behind vinchezzo "you seem so capable ma'am, and vinny was just injured gravely, you should be fine doing those sigils yourself" takes vinnys waist and gently pushes him further away back to the door lol Cimmorro: cimm gets between han and jeanne "our fair wizard here was at the verge of passing far too many times, i don't suppose it would be uncouth to let him have his well deserved rest"
Han: han and cimm said WE TOP FUCK OFF Cimmorro: han might start a bar fight here he's seen enough Han: HAN SAID SHE TOPS AND CIMM SAID SHE DOES BUT NOT HERE Cimmorro: GKSJDGHSKJHGSJKGSHDGKHJSGD
Plum: han just moving vinny away and him just letting her is destroying me genuinely Han: vinny bottom... Chip: annoyed but liberated Cimmorro: vinny would let himself get manhandled
Rokka: he moves in front of vinny also "yes, i don't think it would look good for an accord that treats their own members in such a way" Vinny: he seems shocked at your intervention but doesn't fight being pushed away much by han. Jeanne: she squints at you all from under her fringe while tapping a finger on the table in front of her "...dont believe i caught the names of our great liberators. So you were the ones looking out for our Vildristin then?" Rokka: "my name is Rokka" he tilts his head up like that hmph motion Han: han noooos inside Cimmorro: "...it's fairer to say that we were looking after each other. vildristin offered great assistance in stopping the underground ceremony, madame" straightening up "so, i, again, implore you to let him rest" Han: keeps dragging vinny out like peace out Jeanne: she leans her head on her free hand atop the desk and stares for a long moment at you cimmorro before clicking her tongue "ahh no fun you lot. Take him away then since one of you seems quite keen too" she leans back in her chair and says slightly louder "waltz down here tomorrow though Vildristin, i mean it!" she sounds slightly whiny as she does. Turren: she gives her a disgruntled look at the volume "Jeanne if you could keep the noise down im trying my best to parse the damn code whatever 100 year old mage encrypted this thing with" Jeanne: she wilts slightly with a laugh "aha my apologies arch mage" she waves the four of you off with her hand Cimmorro: cimm gives jeanne a forced smile before leaving
Rokka: https://tenor.com/view/avatar-last-airbender-sokka-katara-gif-5506067 Cimmorro: ROIAKLLOAKOLKWKOGOAGKOKADGDSG
The group quickly shuffle themselves out of the library back into the tall palace hallways, dragging Vinny along with them.
Han: once hans out the door "well, at least bought a nights rest for you" Cimmorro: catching up to the others with a sprint. "okayyyy then... not saving your marriage. if i knew you had a wife like that i think i'd sabotage it if anything" he keeps his hands behind his head Han: "ye, if you need someone to hold her down while you get a left hook in, count me in" Chip: cimm like ill homewreck fr u anytime vinny Cimmorro: ILL GET CHU OUTTA THERE U DONT BELONG THERE 
Vinny: he lifts his glasses and rubs his eyes "yes well, at least that’s out of the way for now. Suppose i'll be cooped up at the palace for the next few days" he turns to you cimm after "....im too tired to keep correcting you. Gods i need a nap" Cimmorro: "is this how they ALL treat you in the accord? or is madame there a special case?" Vinny: "mostly. some of them aren’t as insufferable as that, she's definitely a standout. were i feeling conspiratorial id almost think they sent her specifically on purpose" Han: "definitely on purpose" Rokka: rokka jsut quietly pats vinny on the back Cimmorro: cimm looking at vinny like damn bro u live like this "i still can't help but wonder why you stick with them if this were the case" Rokka: "yeah, can't you...i dont know... quit?” Vinny: "we all make bad choices when were younger, unfortunately im still stuck with this one" he stares at the ornate looking wall in the hallway tiredly Han: han gives vinny an empathetic shoulder (or i guess hip with her fucking size) bump "if you want to escape and start new life...." Vinny: he finally laughs again at that "I've thought about it i cant deny that, who would i leave the store too though..." at that though he kinda snaps his eyes open "right, i almost forgot with jeanne's yammering" he turns back to you all seriously "im still worried about where ezra and cole have gotten too....they still haven't shown up. I was going to ask since it seems i wont be able to really leave and look around on my own. If uh, you get the chance, could you try and look into it and see where they've disappeared too?" Han: "oh, yeah. i was planning to look for them anyway" Rokka: "yeah, I am kind of worried" Han: "you can do that scrying thing like you were under before?" Vinny: he goes 🥺 "thank you, i really appreciate it" before responding to the question "no, sadly i dont have the ability to cast something that potent. Maybe i could badger jeanne about it tomorrow however.... least she could do for me"" Han: han makes the excalibur face "we can search by our own" Psalm: LOL Plum: LOOOL
Cimmorro: "would she even consider your requests? with the way things were going earlier it didn't seem possible to me" Vinny: "if im going to be forced to work with her tomorrow i can ask at the very least, if it comes to nothing well i'll already be having an annoying morning" Cimmorro: "quite a nice coworker you got, i'll be real... could you not quit the accord and keep the shop going yourself? probably even set up elsewhere" Vinny: "i cant quit the accord period, as least not right now. They dont have control over the shop, just over me... Im sure i could travel as i pleased if i informed them where i'd be heading, but id be forced to answer them if they ever called me. Having the store just makes it easier" he sighs "it hasn't been an issue much for a few years but with jeanne here i get the feeling they'll try and meddle with me again" Cimmorro: "you... really like roping yourself into trouble huh" cimm responds Vinny: "ahh.. i am a man of many talents" he says ruefully Cimmorro: "as I've said earlier, too many hobbies"
As they chat, Vinny’s group spots the others coming down the hallway towards them and start waving their hello’s, regrouping altogether once again.
Rokka: rokka perks up "oH GUYS!!" he waves and runs over Plum: i wave at rokka too Chip: plum getting hugged by rokka while holding finns hand Rokka: THATS LITERALLY WHAT IM IMAGINING RN Plum: what was that shit we said yesterday. sorry i fuck and yall dont   
Finn: "hello rokka... it is good to see you again" finn comments, also relieved to see rokka.. Rokka: "boy am I glad to see you all again" he gently pats finns hat, careful not to tip it Finn: finn laughs quietly at the gesture, not minding it at all coming from him. "the pleasure is all ours." Psalm: "It..hasn't been that long...?"
Vinny: as the groups converge vinny rubs his neck idly "ah i think i'll split off here and go find somewhere to lay down for a bit, in those barracks that had the bathouse under it" he turns to cimm and han "ill let you know tomorrow if i can wrangle jeanne into anything" Han: thumbs up @ vinny Cimmorro: i nod at vinny "see ya" Keva: keva lets her head drop tiredly on orin's shoulder while we all stand around n talk
Vinny ambles off to find some shuteye while the group chatters amongst themselves, soon after Vorde leads them all back to him and Orin’s temporary lodgings within the castle walls. The group inform him and Orin of their goings on’s over the past day on the way before they arrive at the building again, walking up the stairs into the room one after another. Vorde places his bag down before sitting himself down in a chair in the main lounge room as the group all settle themselves.
Vorde: "seeing as you are to be called in to speak with the royalty soon i feel best i get this out of the way now so we may both be on our own ways." he folds his hands in his lap and regards you all
Cimmorro: vorde lookin like this:
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Chip: SJKHEEHJKAGHKJEGAJEJG Psalm: STOP  Finn: uiHOIDMJFGIOD;KGFO;DFG finn goes to sit on vordes side, but he doesn't sit like barock
Vorde: he continues on “at this point I consider my obligations in our deal complete, you’re names are cleared and the royalty is clearly thankful to you, an enviable spot to have landed yourselves within. when they summon you again I’m quite certain it will be to discuss compensation or some sort for your task done” Keva: keva looks at whoever questioned her abt being compensated idr Chip: michelle just knows she has a right to go haha neener neener rn
Vorde: “i feel it is time i speak more on the the job, yes” he sighs and leans further back, fatigue settling into his limbs as he rubs a hand across his face “as you all know I’ve spoken before that it is to take place in Antessa, my hometown” he pauses thinking “you will all need to arrive there within 2-3 months, no later than the 45th of Aestas. In simpler terms you’ve a maximum of 87 days from today, easy enough, I can’t imagine that no matter what route you travel there it wouldn’t take you any more than 60 or so days at the maximum. how you get there or what you do from now until you arrive is of no concern to me, so long as you arrive before this time. i shall not be accompanying you there, I've other matters to attend to before we arrive, Orin and Finn alongside me.” Finn: finn kicks his feet a little in the air again, having known about this he's not particularly affected unless rokka looks at him with sad puppy eyes Han: "travelling together sounds smart, especially by foot" Psalm: “no arguments there” Keva: keva starts chewin on a thumbnail while she thinks Rokka: "finn, you're leaving?" Plum: plum is frowning but they're not saying anything either Finn: "Ah...I must. But we will meet again in Antessa, with a lot to tell each other I'm sure." Finn tries to give Rokka a reassuring smile. Rokka: "ah...I was beginning to enjoy our time together..." he looks down "but if you must then I hope to see you soon" Finn: Finn's smile becomes a little sad at that... Enjoying the time he's spent with Rokka as well. "So was I... But we must simply look forward to our next meeting. Time will fly quickly, I'm sure." Vorde: he’s staring very hard at you all considering something while peering at rokka and finn
Keva: in a low volume @ orin "where are you going to be?" Orin:  he tilts his head towards you keva "boss man's gotta meet with some people and shuffle around some stuff in ackran i think" Keva: "does it have to do with whatever we're doing in what-its-name" Orin: “ayeeep” Keva: she says louder @ vorde "actually you haven't told us yet what we're doing in your hometown" Vorde: vorde looks at you keva "as unfortunate as I’m sure it is to hear, I cannot yet relay details on said job. while I don’t doubt you all are adept at this point, I cannot risk information about this leaking at all. under any circumstances. when you arrive I will be sure to brief you all in full, down to the finest detail, on specifics. until then just know It will most likely involve combat, and if it soothes you, it is for a righteous purpose” as he says the last bit you see him clench his hand on one of his knees almost unconsciously. Han: "really? no information? nothing helpful so we could even prepare?" Vorde: he shakes his head "that is as much as i can say unfortunately"
Chip: vorde gets 5 black psyche locks appear Han: me ripping his psyche locks Cimmorro: lock pick it keva go
Han: "and if we dont show up?" Psalm: "So are we getting compensation for this as well or was clearing our names payment in advance?" Vorde: "then you would be breaking the terms of our deal. of which i would not take kindly too" he gives you a stern expression before turning to psalm "you will be compensated for this job, clearing your names was the advance. the rest comes after it is complete" Psalm: "I see. Well that's fine with me then." Plum: "you have a lotta faith paying us in advance that's for sure 🤨 but i kinda need to be up around there anyways" Han: han has a bad taste in mouth n just sighs Cimmorro: looking over the group cimm is thinking 'stuck with these guys for months...'
Keva: back to whispering to orin ".... you really think we can trust this guy?" Orin: "well he'll pay you thats for sure, and i dont think hes going to drop you in a ditch if thats what you're scared of" Keva:  keva looks directly at orin "it's not me i'm worried about" Orin: he just kinda rolls his eyes Keva: she pinches him in his side Orin: he goes ow ow ow Keva: she grumble at him "you always manage to get yourself into Something." and then quieter and looking at the floor "i don't like being separated that long." n she looks at her thumb before wiping the spit off on her shirt Orin: he kinda rubs his side "ah well yknow, i cant really leave boss man's side at this point, even when finn flutters off i gotta be his second pair of eyes. i'll see ya again dont worry" Keva: keva just sighs quietly thru her nose
Vorde: he continues "theres a place on the outskirts before you reach the town called The Dead Bone Bend, its a cliffface of a sort. at its top is where u can meet me" Plum: [repeats name to self] "gotcha” Celebrity Guest Aqua: Kya meeting vorde at an ass end of nowhere near decrepit ghost town >_< Psalm: PEAK OF ROMANCE Cimmorro: bro ik its like eloping Plum: called bone bend Celebrity Guest Aqua: Well, My bone bend as they say Finn: if it were anyone other than vorde id assume im being killed by a serial killer but vorde? id meet him anywhere Han: yall are crazy Psalm: AND WHAT ABOUT IT? Han: FAIR CARRY ON
As they chat Vorde seems to be lost in his thoughts for a moment, he blinks before turning to address Finn and Orin about something.
Vorde: “Finnian I hate to ask this of you, but could you accompany Orin downstairs for a moment, one of the servants should have some notes for me prepared that I asked after earlier. It should be no trouble to grab them if you announce yourself as a Barvotte” Finn: Finn hops off his seat and looks towards Vorde "But of course, uncle." Then to Orin, as he will request his guidance in just a moment and already walks towards the door.
Cimmorro: were going to die Psalm: damn here we go, he's gonna turn into a lich Han: WE HAD A SHORT REST YOU SAID CHIP
Orin follows after Finn dutifully downstairs to ask around about the servant. After Finn leaves Vorde waits a few beats before turning back to address the group.
> 🎵  The Relentless Melody / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
Vorde: “there is one more thing I would like to ask of you all before you head off to wherever you may. I would like you to take Finn with you on your travels until you reach Antessa.” he stares at you all seriously, his hands clasped on his lap. Plum: plum tries to hide a laugh Han: "....you could have just said that with him here, why was... is this secret. wh" Psalm: 0_0) "Any reason why...?" Rokka: rokka immediately perks up and becomes excited "yeah! made me feel sad all for nothing!" Vorde: "he seemed eager yes but i feel i should ask you all before he is foisted upon you. it is awkward to do if he is staring you all down. i want honest answers" he turns to you psalm and shakes his head “as loathe as I am to be appear genuine here, my nephew has never travelled outside of Antessa unless it was under my watch. I fear he has not had enough experience of the world on his own, never forced to adapt I suppose you could say” he squeezes his hands slightly before continuing "he can be a bit too attached to me, he has to stand on his own eventually"
Cimmorro: what if vorde's going to a dangerous mission and he dies while finn is with us makes u think Psalm: why would you say that, what the fuck are you on dawg Finn: hey jez im going to kill you for real Plum: mentor figures dont always gotta die ! just saying chip ! Celebrity Guest Aqua: just bcs hes a dilf you dont have to kill him its ok
Rokka: "don't worry sir vorde. I will do my best to look out for him" taps his bicep Han: "........ you want us to babysit?" grimacing Psalm: "While I see what you're saying I don't think I'm cut out to be babysitting." Plum: "i mean i don't mind, rather him than some of you lot sometimes [not looking at keva]" Vorde: he nods his head at you rokka before staring at the other two “you have all proven yourselves capable, even strong individuals. more importantly you aren’t quite like anyone he’s been forced to be around before, that is important.” He pauses a moment again before continuing “I think he has proven himself to you now that he is also able of handling himself in more dangerous circumstances, he would not be a burden. or he very well shouldn’t be one, travel wise or monetarily” Keva: after a bit "....fine. if you make sure orin stays safe." Vorde: he stares at you a moment "that i can assure" Psalm: "Money or otherwise isn't really the issue..." Psalm trails off. Rokka: rokka's just like haha its not babysitting when ur just hanging out with ur friend 🤪
Vorde: he turns to you psalm “you do not have to agree to this request, I am not demanding it of you but I would appreciate it greatly, nonetheless” and for once you see some genuine emotion in this old mans eyes Han: vorde like 🥺 Psalm: psalms like
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Han: han is untouched by vorde puppy eyes Celebrity Guest Aqua: bounces right off of han Plum: plum isn't
Psalm: * weak to pressure* "It's not like I'll be up to much before whatever you have planned so." just waves his hand Vorde: he nods at you before turning to the rest of you expectantly for an answer Han: han shrugs as an answer like do i rly got a choice bruh..... Cimmorro: "........... we're all going there anyways so there's no difference if he comes with or not. we'll be meeting together in Antessa and working from there regardless. might as well bring him along" Plum: also yeah i just look at bossman and nod if he doesn't get the impression im down for whatever Psalm: psalms not even gonna bother fixing the misconception that we're a functioning group of acquaintances rn Vorde: at your reluctant approval he tiredly speaks again as if drained from not being detached for once "thank you all. i appreciate it" in a rarity he bends forward and gives you all a bow before lifting his head again "with things more or less settled, i'll be due to leave the city sometime in the evening tomorrow along with Orin. I will inform Finn myself of this change before then, i ask you to not tell him just yet yourselves if possible. He will meet you all in the morning at some point i will make sure of that"
> 🎵  Labyrinth V - City of Radiant Ruin / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
At the tail end of the conversation the group hear Finn and Orin’s footsteps from outside, a knock on the door from Finn announcing their presence again.
Finn: simply comes in without waiting for a reply after he knocks. "Uncle we were able to retrieve the notes you asked for." He says, walking up to Vorde to hand them over and sit next to him again. He's looking forward to not seeing this group for a couple months with the exception of a few select. Cimmoro: everyone looking at finn uncomfortably rn, cept for rokka whos probably wagging his tail Vorde: he takes them from you finn "thank you finnian" he turns back to you all and unfolds them, revealing them to be large maps of the area and written timetables and puts them on a table in front of him "i feel the least i can do is give you some information so you may chart your course as you wish before leaving." he stands from his chair visibly more tired than usual "and now, i am going to lay down for a few more hours at the very least" he turns to you finn "after you speak to the royalty in a time id like you to come wake me for a chat" he pats finn on the shoulder before walking back towards the room with a bed Finn: Finn smiles again at the pat to his shoulder, thinking he and Vorde will just have tea or something. Now that the letterheads are taken care of, some normalcy can return to their lives. Temporarily, at least. It's been a while since they could just talk. And finally they get to travel again! He's missed Orin and Vorde dearly. He nods at his uncles words and wishes him plentiful rest. Plum: jude man, my gawd
Vorde heads out of the room, leaving the group to examine the items he’s placed upon the table. They set about investigating the various routes they could take from here to Antessa.
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Route 1 - 100gp per person for the entire boat journey, then 100gp for a caravan and some horses, 500g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 2 - 1000gp per person for the entire airship journey then 100gp for a carvan and some horses and 100g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 3A - 100gp for caravan and some horses, 1000g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 3B - 100gp for caravan and some horses, 1100 gp for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Psalm: psalm perks up when he sees the airship option "Finn you wouldn't happen to know what your uncle plans on getting up to before Antessa would he?" Finn: "My uncle isn't fixated only on this job. He has his business to do here and there, that's all I know. I guess I can tell you when we reunite in Antessa?" Finn answers plainly. Psalm: "Ah.. was trying to see if I could get some clues for our upcoming mission but alright." Finn: Finn chuckles at that. "Try all you want, I will also not tell you any more than my uncle did." Psalm: "You caught me ^_^ " Plum: i feel like psalm just lied Psalm: was 100% lying yeah, don't even need to hide that lmfao
Psalm: "I vote we take the airship. Well, either way, im taking that. Even if i have to go by myself” Finn: Finn leans back and watches Psalm starting drama, like he's about to watch an entertaining play. Rokka: rokka taps his chin "i've never been on an airship before..." Plum: "ugh.. i don't like the sound of being up in the air, i'm more interested in the boat route" Han: "i dont have that money and people dont take good to that" Psalm: ”Boats aren't that much safer. They're both ships if you think about it." Plum: "i'm not too keen on the boats either” Han: "airship sound kinda boring but whatever" Psalm: “WHAT. How??” Plum: plum looks at psalm like what the fuck Keva: keva also look at psalm from her distracted thinking like [what the fuck?]
Han: "what do you do on air??? stare at sky??? at least i can forage on horseback..." Psalm: "Why would you want to forage? Plus it's faster." Han: "how else do you get food???" Psalm: Psalm just stares at her like ah i see the problem now Keva: "airship rats" Han: han considers airship rats for a moment Psalm: "You buy food." Han: "why would you buy food if you can just hunt something..." Psalm: "I feel like this is going to go in circles so I'm not going to follow up on that." to himself under his breath  "I'm flat broke though...😭  " Cimmorro: "we should find out our compensation before we decide on routes, if we are even able to afford it" snickers 
As the group kill time scanning maps and discussing their preferences, the seven of them are finally once again summoned to speak before the nobility in the evening. As the sun finally sets and after some searching from a harried liaison, they bid farewell to Orin in the room before they're led through the palace floors.
As opposed to being led towards the grand courtroom before, the group are led down a different hallway instead, upstairs within the palace. The ceiling is less ludicrously high on the second floor, though only slightly. They are directed to the end of a hallway before a set of grand double doors by a couple of royal guardsman.
> 🎵  Minor Labyrinth I - The Undiscovered Realm / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
As the group are led inside, in the centre of the room they see a large heavy round oak table, with grand ornamentation carved into its sides. Around the table are bookcases and chairs, as well as banners and shields hung across the walls, and a grand looking window on the far back wall.
On top of the table are books and papers piled up, as well as multiple maps of the city, different angles and sections with small black wooden markers placed upon them. At the doors of the room two royal guardsman stand on guard and eye the group as they walk inside.
Directly across from where they entered, there they see king consort Jeremiah on the other end of the table seated, working away at something as an attendant speaks, bent over next to him. He seems preoccupied until their entrance, to which he lifts his head and speaks a grand greeting. 
Jeramiah: “Ah yes there you all are, Vengaboys correct? Apologies for the delay but there is much to be done within a short amount of time if we want to lift the lockdown by tomorrow...” he idly scratches at his chin as he puts down a quill held in his hand Psalm: "vengaboys correct" broke my immersion Chip: LOL Keva: we did this
Finn: he bows in appropriate fashion for the king consort. "Vengaboys is correct, your majesty." Plum: plum is like my family is not going to believe the shit ive been getting up to this week i'll tell you that, im wondering if i should curtsy or something but i think i will decide against it Rokka: "greetings your great....highness....majesty.......king.....?" how do u speak to the royal family idfk Han: “ya sup” Jeremiah: he nods at your greeting finn and smiles a little at han and rokka's before shuffling a few papers together and setting them aside. He tents his hands in front of him on the table before continuing on “i’ve been informed of what occurred earlier today in detail, what this cult attempted to achieve and how it was stopped by yourselves and the two guardsman who spoke with me. Incredible work, I say this truly, this great city owes you a good deal for the countless people you’ve saved, and those you prevented from witnessing such horror firsthand” at this he stands regally and extends a hand across his chest, bowing his head slightly to you all. his attendant almost appears shocked at his action, flustering slightly next to him. Plum: im also shocked Keva: keva is uncomfortable Psalm: psalm is also uncomfortable Finn: Finn is experiencing anxiety premium rn but nods at the gesture. Hoping thats the right thing to do. Rokka: rokka is also slightly uncomfortable.....thats a lot of eyes and ears Cimmorro: cimm just watching
Plum: “err...i mean...” [wondering if they should say anything] Psalm: "There's no need to thank us..." Rokka: “yeah...” Han: on a lower volume "we nearly died, the fuck are you all on (does a mocking tone of psalm) 'no need to thank us'" Plum: [rolls my eyes at han] Finn: finn glares at you han Psalm: he flips her off behind his back
Han reaches out in an attempt to covertly twist Psalm’s arm behind his back, but he quickly bats her hand away before she can get to him at all.
Psalm: HAHAHAHAH SUCK IT LOOOL, i'm imagining this in my head and it's destroying me Plum: SAME like drake and josh or something Han: HAN TSKS QUIETLY Keva: keva bites her lip trying not to laugh Psalm: he 😏
As Han fails to bully psalm, Jeremiah rises up from the bow and sits again before continuing on with his speech.
Jeremiah: "no need to humble yourselves, i give gratitude where i believe it is due" and smiles before speaking again, unbeknown to the bullshit occurring in front of him “what I would like to discuss first is that you have all been formally pardoned. This was done earlier in word at your court hearing but I’d like to inform you that is now officially on our records." he continues on "i am also having the two guardsman knighted for their efforts but I feel a party as yourselves typically appreciates more material goods in exchange for a task done.” He smirks slightly and turns towards his attendant “Please inform them?”  Attendant: the attendant quickly bows before turning to address you all “The Dorinian Monarchy thanks you for your efforts in securing our grand city of Shorewater. In exchange your party, the Vengaboys, shall be gifted a lump sum of 35,000 gold, in addition to your formal pardon” the attendant finishes speaking Psalm: AIRSHIP HERE WE COME BABY Rokka: ROKKAS EYES BULGE OUT AT HEARING THE MONEY Plum: MY EYES ALSO BULGE OUT Keva: YA KEVA'S JAW DROPS Han: (han counts on her fingers subtly)
Jeremiah: though he continues staring at them as if expecting more “…and?" Attendant: the attendant jumps to attention “ah…your majesty I was unsure if you were ah….and there’s the necessary checks we’d need to…”
The attendant babbles themselves into silence as Jeremiah continues staring at them expectantly before they cough and turn back towards the party.
Attendant: “The monarchy has also seen fit to ah, rehold the Elfonsent Ball in 2 weeks’ time, featuring you all as guests of honour for your undoubtedly heroic actions earlier on this day” they finish, giving a bow Jeremiah: he smiles happily, his hands tented in front of his face. Finn: he wonders if he's the one supposed to represent the group here and supposed to respond, noble and all. balling his fist and unballing it nervously. "W-we are grateful for your swift work and your generous reward, Consort Jeremiah." Finn bows again, a bit more this time. "We would gladly attend the rehold of the ball with great pride." Plum: plum is not really sure what to say, looks at finn and is like "yes.. uh... thank you." and coughs into their fist Cimmorro: "yea this is pretty pog not gonna lie" Rokka: ROKKA KIND OF FREAKING OUT Han: han still counting Keva: she kinda is just like "what the fuck" almost silently to herself Psalm: psalm's like deadpan: "Your Majesty you really don't have to do that." Jeremiah: he smiles at your response "wonderful to hear young barvotte" before turning to you psalm and he laughs "as far as im concerned were underpaying you after that report but we need to manage expenses to deal with the aftermath. there is the matter of corpse location, cleanup and funerary services… sections of the city will need to be sanctioned off until these are complete. funerary services and body identification...we will hold a mourning service once all has been organised but afterwards” he picks up and begins twirling his quill in one hand Finn: finn fidgets nervously at how the king consort seemingly doesn't mind his awful anxiety. tries to smile. keyword tries. Psalm: psalm just ^_^ Cimmorro: "may i ask whose funerary services are you hiring?" Jeremiah: he turns to you "we'll most likely enlist the church of heiron as they have a great base in the city already, but i am considering asking after other churches aid as well, depending on the number we will have to handle" Keva: keva looks up from her daze at the mention of church of heiron Jeremiah: he continues on while still spinning the quill continuing after in thought “…elfonsent spell is about forging connections with one another, deep in the throes of springtime. recent events have no doubt stoked hostility and suspicions, gossip about the perpetrators and despite what information we put out, people will harbour their fears still. After all of this I want to give people something to smile about, and some heroes to shower with praise” he tilts his head with a glint in his eye and smiles “you need not attend if you’d not like to publicly, but it would be a great boon to have you all be present, your free to invite guests as well to your hearts desire" Han: han goes : D at that
Psalm: what's with all the old men pressuring us today Chip: welcome to my dilf pressure cooker
Cimmorro: also cimm's going to pipe up "i come from the church of wee jas. we specialise in funerary services and i'd be honoured to lend a hand if your majesty needs an extra pair" Jeremiah: he raises a brow "oh? is that so? if you would like to i would appreciate the help greatly, as well as if you had any other contact to jasidian temples you could make. i'll assemble information regarding the inspection and cleanup for you at a later date then" Finn: "Oh, I don't mean to appear rude, but is Vorde Barvotte accounted for in this invitation?" Finn manages to work up the courage to ask. Jeremiah: he turns to you finn "yes he is invited as well, just as he was the previous one. it would be gauche for me to retract it now" Cimmorro: cimm would just smile at the blessing of being able to contact other temples and go "awesome! thank you i'm looking forward to working for you, your majesty!" he is genuinely happy abt this all for once Jeremiah: he nods his head at you cimmorro and moves to address you all again "i thank you all again, you may rest at the palace this evening. In the morning you will be summoned to receive your compensation before you leave. Over the coming weeks I will send liaisons with documents for you to sign in regards to your involvement with the events below ground, as well as your formal invitations to the next ball. as you go please give your current lodgings over to my attendant here” he begins turning his attention back to the documents at his hands “have a good evening vengaboys”
The attendant shuffles forward around the table towards the group with parchment and quill in hand, expectantly waiting to take down their addresses. The group all give their current lodgings in their business district inn’s, Keva just gives the inn’s name verbally.
As they all finish off the meeting, the group are all led out of the room and then back down the palace stairs followed by royal guardsman. As they reach the ground floor they nod and take guard at the stairs, allowing the group to then wander as they please. 
The guardsman briefly point them in the direction of their guest rooms, one of the smaller buildings near the royal guard barracks inside the walls. The party find the rest of the evening to themselves to wish as they wish, at a ripe time of 7:30 PM.
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦The Party have been informed on their potential future travel routes to Antessa...
⭐Vinny’s safety has been relayed to the Accord
👤Ezra and 🧰Cole continue to be MIA
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
Bizarrely Perfect
Fandom: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Characters: Riff Raff, Magenta, Columbia Relationship: Riff Raff/reader Request: I have a strange request. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want. But can you write one for riffraff from rocky horror picture show where the reader stumbles on the castel because shes been in an accident or something. And riff raff doesn’t want Frank to see her because he wants to keep her for himself? If you can, can you add in that the readers just broke up with someone and is lonely and wants him? Hi, im the one who requested the riffraff x reader. I was wondering if I could add another little detail? The reader meets magenta and the two become really close friends cause the reader decides to stay with them cause she doenst have anyone else and the two adore her and want to take her back to their home planet? Riff Raff never thought he would come face to face with angel on this god forsaken planet. But as he walked to the main door and opened in, he came face to face with you. You were nearly completely drenched from rain, some rain drops clinging to your long eyelashes. Your bottom lip was quivering slightly from coldness and your cheeks were red. You were wearing a tight, black dress which flared out at the bottom. It was shoulder less and hugged your body in the most sensual way. You had a black coat draped over your shoulders and matching black heels. There was a several small cuts on your body which he could see. One on your forehead, a couple on your neck and shoulders and on your hands. it was really late at night and, if Riff Raff hadn’t need to finish cleaning the stairs, he would have begrudged having to get up. “I am so sorry to bother you, sir, but I was just in an accident and the other car drove off.” You explained, your voice shaking slightly. You didn’t know if it was because you were still in shock, because of the coldness or because of the mans gaze on you. He seemed transfixed with you, like he had never seen a more beautiful woman before in his life. “come in.” Riff Raff stepped aside, letting you step inside. He closed his eyes briefly as you walked by him, your sweet perfume sending his world to heaven. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. My cars completely wreaked. And even if I do manage to get in contact with a towing company, they wont come out in this weather.” You crossed your arms over and rubbed the skin, trying to stop the numbness. But Riff Raffs mind was racing. he knew he couldn’t let the master know you were here. The second the masters sinful gaze fell upon you, there was no escape. And, while Riff Raff couldnt argue his thoughts were any purer, he was selfish and wanted you to himself. The master had went to bed hours ago with a bottle of drink in hand, so he would be dead to the world until late tomorrow afternoon. But Magenta and Columbia were still up. Riff Raff doubted if Columbia would be able to keep you a secret from the master, due to her feelings for him. But he knew he could trust his sister. Riff Raff began to take your coat from your shoulders, making you shiver with chill and look at him in confusion. “The water will only make it worse.” He explained, offering you a crooked smile. He didn’t hang up the coat, but draped it over his forearm. “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” You turned to face him properly, very aware of how his gaze made your heart flutter. “Riff Raff.” He answered. “Im [y/n].” you smiled, noticing the way his lip twitched at your name. “Beautiful, much like yourself.” He mumbled, walking past you. You felt your cheeks flush red at the comment. “Please follow me, mistress.” He nodded to a door. “Please, don’t call me mistress. Im not above you in any way. [y/n] is fine.” You smiled sweetly, although a lustful part of you enjoyed it. Riff Raff didn’t respond to you but smiled and guided you through the large house and down some stairs. “Where are we going?” You asked, suddenly feeling less and less safe on every step. Riff Raff paused for a moment, debating something before signing and turning to you. “The master, he is…” he paused again. “Strange. Much like many in this house. But I have known him to take advantage of women in destress, much like yourself.” He saw your eyes widen and you took a step back up one of the steps in fear. “But, I am not going to tell him you are here. We are the only place for miles. And in this weather, you shall no doubt become extremely ill, or worse. So I am taking to our quarters.” He explained, and you let out a sign of relief. You don’t know why you trusted this stranger, maybe your heart was more powerful than your mind at this point in time. But you were cold, shocked, scared and all you wanted was a warm embrace. You nodded and stepped back down. “our?” You asked, seeing him smile once again. “The servants quarters. My sister can attend to your wounds.” Riff Raff reached out and gently ran his finger close to the cut on your forehead that was no longer bleeding. “T-thank you.” You smiled, shaking from the cold. ------------timeskip----------------- The area Riff Raff had labelled as the servants quarters was a small corridor with a few rooms either side and a set of stairs up the other side. Riff raff had lead you into one room to a lovely and incredibly seductive woman called Magenta. She smirked at him when he entered her room with you at his heels. She smirked even more when Riff Raff told her not to tell Columbia and especially not their master about you. But she never said anything about it. She took your hands in hers and pulled you over to her bed, sitting you down so she could tend to your cuts. She had an incredibly sexy accent that you wished you had. She referred to you as Darling and Sweetie, which made you smile. Magenta insisted she dry your hair for you, so you sat in front of her with your back to her as she blasted your locks. Every now and then, she would move the warm air across your back and shoulders. Warming you up. Now, the two of you were sitting on her bed, chatting. “So, where were you going?” She asked as she idly played with your hair, braiding some parts only for them to fall out. “I was coming back from breaking up with someone.” You told her, shrugging. “And you wanted him to know was he was missing?” She smirked, raising and eyebrow as her knowing gaze flew to your dress and what was left of your makeup. “Exactly.” You giggled turning to her. “Thank you for everything.” You took her hand in yours and squeezed it. “Darling, it is okay.” She brushed away a strand of hair from your face. The door to the room opened and you couldn’t help but jump until your gaze fell on Riff Raff and you smiled. “Feeling better?” He asked, his eyes running over your now clean cuts. “Much.” You answered. “why cant we let her meet Columbia?” Magenta asked as she wrapped her arms around your shoulder and rested her head on your shoulder. “In case she tells.” Riff Raff replied sharply. “She wont, though. You know of her feelings for him. Why would she risk him getting eyes for another woman?” Magenta argued, frowning at him. “I shall think about it.” Riff Raff shook his head at his sister. “[y/n], ive prepared you a room just down the corridor.” He beckoned you. Magenta let you go, but not before kissing your cheek and promising to speak to you in the morning. Before you left, she called for you to wait before going to her cupboard and pulling out some clothes and giving you them. A night gown, a day dress, some tights and other clothes which you thanked her for. “You seem to get along well with my sister.” He commented as he closed the door behind you. “Yes, shes lovely.” You smiled, thinking that if your relationship with her progressed, you could easily see her as a sister. Riff Raff showed you to a room only a few doors from hers. You stepped inside and your mouth fell open. The room was lit with candle night in the most romantic way. It was a large room with a high ceiling. In the centre of the room was a 4-poster bed with a stunning crimson cover and matching throw. In the corner was a desk with a mirror on it and on the other side was a door which you could see led to a bathroom. “Is this to your liking?” Riff Raff appeared by your side frowning as he mistook your shock for disgust. “I cant stay here. Its too beautiful and grand for the likes of me.” You shook your head, smiling as you took a step back till a hand rested on your lower back. “Then its perfect for you.” He said in a soothing voice. You turned to him with wide eyes that began to water. “Mistress?” He asked, frowning at your tears. “Oh im sorry. God, what must you think of me?” You giggled, fanning your face with one hand as he guided you to the bed and the two of you sat down. “Its stupid, me crying like this. Its just, I was driving back from breaking up with someone. and I realise that you have done more for me in the last few hours than he done in 3 years. Your sister took care of me better than my own family.” You confessed to him, looking at your lap as you shook your head. Riff Raff reached out and took your chin between his thumb and index finger to guide your gaze to meet his. “Then he is a fool.” He told you, his voice genuine and heartfelt. “As are your family.” You threw your arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace as you mumbled ‘thank yous’ in his ear. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. Why did this feel to natural with him? “Rest now. The storm does not look to lift for the next few days, so you may stay here for as long as you need.” He mumbled in your ear. You were surprised he didn’t take advantage of you. You were practically throwing yourself at him but he was more concerned about you getting rest. “Will I see you tomorrow?” You asked, pulling back as he stood. “Of course, my sweet.” He mused, his fingers running over your cheek before leaving. --------------time skip--------- Over the next few days, the storm only got worse. And within a week and a half, it was a blizzard. Not that you minded. Magenta had proven to be a joy to be around and had introduced you to Columbia, who instantly wanted to dress you in sparkly clothes. You loved the two women and the three of you could sit for hours enjoying each others company. They loaned you clothes while you stayed which you were grateful for. In the servants area, there was 3 bedrooms, all of equal size but Magenta and Columbia shared so instead of the 4 poster bed were 2 singles. There was a staff kitchen, a living area and a shared bathroom despite all the bedrooms have their own personal ones. the place was like a large flat. the stairs led to a small garden and on the other side of the garden was woods and a road from what Riff Raff told you. He had showed you to the door, but the second it opened, you both were nearly soaked. You thought you might feel like a prisoner here, but you loved it. During the day, you decided to clean your bedroom, the living room and the kitchen. You washed the clothes you borrowed and busied yourself with making sure your presents wasn’t a burden on them. They loved what you did because they spent the whole day running around after ‘frank’ that they really didn’t like cleaning their quarters. Riff Raff seemed to like your company the most. The second he finished his work, he would come to you. The other evening, you and he had sat in front of the fire as you read a book and he sat in a comfortable silence. You must have been here about 3 weeks now and you felt like you belonged here. It was more homely than your own home. tonight, you sat between Magentas legs with Columbia lying across yours. You smiled down at her as you used and eye brow pencil to fill hers. The last few mornings she had come through to you to help her do some of her makeup, even though she was amazing at it herself. Still, you liked feeling helpful. “How long are you staying?” She suddenly asked, her voice a little higher than normal which was a hard to do. “I don’t know. Till this storm clears, I think.” You shrugged, ignoring the dread that filled your stomach at the thought. “Do you have to?” She asked, sitting up. “I have to. I cant burden you forever.” You giggle, shaking your head at her. “You are no burden, my darling.” Magenta brushed your hair to the side as you looked back at her. “Come on, stay here with us?!” Columbia started to bounce on her knees like a child. “You- you really want me to stay?” You asked, looking over your shoulder to Magenta. “Of course! You are like a sister to me.” She smiled widely, wrapping her arms around your waist. “Franks away in a couple of weeks to a party. Me and Magenta have to go but Riff Raff has to stay and watch the house. You could move your stuff in then. And you can help with cleaning down here.” Columbia divulged a plan to you that you suspected she hadn’t just come up with. “and what if he finds out im here?” You asked, looking from Columbia to Magenta. “I’ll protect you. He would not dare cross me. Plus, my brother cares deeply for you and would fight to protect you. The master would be outnumbered.” She smiled, a little menacing but you liked it. “Or, you could meet him.” “No.” you instantly said, making the girls laugh. You had heard him screaming at the top of his lungs. “He is really a sweetheart.” Columbia said, lying back down on your lap. For some reason, she didn’t meet your eyes. you then heard the door being thrown open and Riff Raff stormed in. He was limping, badly and had blood on his clothes. His gaze fell on Columbia. “You told.” He growled, moving towards her as she scrambled to her feet. “Now, it isn’t like that!” She put her hands out as you and Magenta stood up. Magenta wrapped her arms around you. “What do you mean?” Magenta asked, looking between her brother and Columbia. “The master knows [y/n] is here.” Riff Raff spoke in a dangerously low voice. “What?” You gasped, cuddling into Magenta from fear. “Columbia!” Magenta scolded as she pulled you closer. “How could you?” “I just wanted her to stay with us.” Columbia pointed at you, frowning. “Franks fine with her staying.” She huffed. “Really?” You looked to Riff Raff, who looked like he was in a lot of pain. “Yes, he wishes to meet you first. Tomorrow for lunch.” He didn’t look at you. “Will you be there?” You asked, leaving Magentas arms to walk over to. He looked at you, meeting your eyes for the first time. “Of course.” He bowed his head slightly to you, making you smile. “Then I’ll be fine.” You assured him. Magenta said she wanted to ‘speak’ with Columbia and you said you were tired anyway, so you and Riff Raff left. you walked into your room, Riff Raff following you. He walked over and took a seat in one of the 2 arm chairs. His face contorted with pain as he sat. “what happened?” You asked, walking over to him and kneeling in front of him. “punishment. The master likes to flog.” Riff Raff mumbled, looking to the side of you. “I am so sorry, Riff Raff.” You shook your head, resting your hand on his knee. “Why?” Riff Raff asked, looking at you in confusion. “If I have never darkened your doorstep, you would never have gotten hurt.” You mused, guilt running through your body. “I am so glad you did, mistress.” Riff Raff mumbled, reaching out to run a thin finger down your cheek, setting fire to your skin as he did. He never did drop the ‘mistress’ although it comes and goes. Sometimes, he would call you by your name, and some times mistress. “Columbia was asking me to stay before you came in. she said I could be like a maid to you all.” You smiled slightly. “so, technically, that would make you my master.” You giggled, looking up at him. You saw a spark in his eyes as the words fell from your lips. “That is, if Frank lets me stay.” you looked down, but Riff Raff didn’t miss that flash of fear in your eyes. He took you by the chin, making you look back up at him. “He wont hurt you. Magenta and I will make sure of it.” He vowed, moving himself to sit on the edge of the seat. “Riff Raff?” Your voice was barely more than a whispered as you realised how close his face was to yours. You could feel his breath on your lips and it sent a shiver down your spin. “Mistress.” Riff Raff purred. “Do you want me to stay?” you asked, your eyes begging him for the answer you needed to hear. You saw his lip twitch into a smile before he answered you. “yes.” You couldn’t control yourself as you leaned up and pressed your lips to his. You kissed him, desperately. You didn’t know why you were so drawn to him. Why you needed him. But it seemed he was as eager to kiss you as you were to kiss him. He kissed you back, taking control and dominating the kiss. You moved yourself up, desperate to feel more of him. But he didn’t mind. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you up. You were quick to straddle his lap, your arms around his neck as you kissed. you pulled back, panting slightly as you looked at him in the warm glow of the fire. “I don’t care if its insane, me wanting to stay with people ive only known for a month.” You couldn’t help but giggle, more at yourself but Riff Raff smiled. “you belong here.” He mumbled, reaching up and twisting a strand of hair around his slender finger, not realising the impact his words had on you. “You think?” You couldn’t help but smile. “Of course, my sister is incredibly fond of you and Columbia, while misguided, enjoys your company. As will our master, so long as he doesn’t hurt you.” Riff Raff mused, his eyes half closed and a small smile now playing on his lips. “And you?” You leaned close to him, your hands running up his neck and back down. “I adore you.” Riff Raff half growled as he pulled you close and back into a dominating and passionate kiss. a small small part of you wondered about leaving. But then what did you have to go back to? Your ex was a disgusting pig, your family was non-existent, your ‘friends’ were nothing compared to Magenta. You had never felt so at home than you were here. You never felt so loved and wanted than when you were with the siblings. As you sat on the lap of Riff Raff, you knew you couldn’t leave. You knew you were tied to this house, to the people, to him. you ran your hand across his back and felt him wince. You instantly pulled back and saw blood on your finger tips. you climbed off his lap and went around to inspect his back. You made him take off his coat and vest. His shirt was stained with blood. But once removed, you could see the wounds weren’t deep, only just breaking the skin and had stopped bleeding. “You need to rest.” You mumbled, your heart aching to see him in pain. Riff Raff stood up, pressed a kiss to your forehead and started to leave, until you grabbed his hand. “You know, you should really stay here. So I can make sure you don’t lie on your back while you sleep.” You knew it was a weak excuse, but when you saw the smirk on his lips, you knew he knew too. The two of you went over to the bed and crawled under the covers. His arms found your waist and he pulled you into his chest as he lay on his side. You smiled, cuddling into his chest. As you started to drift off, you heard the door open. You look over to see Magenta stepping inside your room with a guilty looking Columbia at her heels. a couple of times, they had come through to you and the three of you slept in the massive bed. You smiled, allowing your heavy eyes to close as you felt the bed behind you dip. You moved to lie on your back, Riff Raff fast asleep now. His hand moved to rest on your hip bone. Magenta wrapped her arm around your arm as she lay her head just above yours and Columbia lay her head on your stomach, sniffling slightly. You reached down and ran your hand over her hair while she mumbled an apology. You couldn’t help but smile as you drifted back to sleep. And as bizarre as it seemed, you felt safe and loved. This was perfect. Bizarrely perfect.
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