#ive had my Edd and Tord ones for a few years now
ask-edd · 8 months
((Omg you have an irl edd hoodie!!))
((Yeah! I've got Tord's too, and technically I have a Tom hoodie, but it's a bit too dark n looks black))
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salad-006 · 1 year
btw salad what's ur opinion on eddsworld legacy?
For the most part, i think legacy is Okay. It's not the Best, but its nice to see so many people come together to finish off the show. I can respect all the work these guys did, especially tomska.
If you came for my option on the season and thats it you can leave, because the rest of this is me going crazy mode
My only real problems lie with only 2-3 episodes, and it drives me Crazy because they're By Far the most popular, so they've caused the most problems. This one question ended up becoming a giantic essay SORRY im just passionate about ebbworld
Keep in mind these are Just my options, I'm not going to look down on you if you're the number one The End Fan. If you like it then Cool, you can continue to enjoy it. And i can continue to hate it over in my corner
I'm keeping this section on Fun Dead short, mostly because it's not really the worst offender
The "Obliviously stupid to progress the plot" trope is so bad here. They've seen zombies before how do they not recognize them now. I get them being oblivious to super obvious things is the joke ,but its just not funny
For a Zombie centric episode, there's barely any Fighting. I feel like big fight scenes are what people like most with these. But no we get a 30 second montage, one that's not even animated
They are such wusses in this episode id bully them if i was there i think
The End. Don't even get me started on The End. Legitimately i have never seen such a botched finale in my life. Fair warning this is about to get long and angry im sorry
Let me ask one question: how come in the Finale To Eddsworld Legacy, the season Dedicated to Edd Gould and his work, Edd Himself does not play a prominent role? I'm not even kidding, you could write Edd out completely and Nothing would change. Ive heard people say this was Tomska going out with a bang before leaving the show, but from what i know he also wanted eddsworld to be completely over at The End. If that's true he could have atleast let Edd shoot the harpoon or some shit, come on
This is such a disappointing finale overall. They don't do anything exciting. We just get to watch a little "do you remember this episode?" Montage, all the sudden everything gets crazy then oh! Episodes over goodbye forever.
An end fight might have been more exciting had it been set up properly. They gave us the bare minimum, which was having tords stupid little gang tag appear a few times then having two of his coworkers/soldiers appear a few times. That doesn't hint at a Tord being an evil meglomaniac who's got a giant fucking robot hidden under the house
FUTURE EDD CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AS WELL, AND HE WORKS GREAT BECAUSE HE SETS UP THE LORE IMMEDIATELY. Tords return gave us Nothing beyond "he is manipulating them!!" Instead we get the book dropped on us halfway through the LAST EPISODE OF THE SEASON without ever being given any sort of explanation. That's just it.
ALSO FUCK BRINGING TORD BACK AT ALL. the dude asked to be removed from the show and what did they do? Hinted at his return like 15 times then had him come back as this manipulative mastermind, whos got a bunch of science stuff and a russian accent. At the bare minimum you could have writtten him to atleast resemble something close to Tord. There's literally more evidence that points to him being a clone than there is him being the real Tord, and it WASN'T EVEN INTENTIONAL.
Took a character who had left with all his loose ends tied up, brought him back with completely new unexplained info, then ended the show with both the original and the new loose ends untied. I've read this was Tomska trying to write Tord out of the show for good, but he somehow managed to do the complete opposite by leaving him at a LITERAL cliffhanger. Now all the 12 year olds are @ ing eddsworld begging he comes back for a redemption episode.
I could scream forever about the end but ive already said too much SORRY. This is why im just rewritting it myself to make it good
One last thing: its somewhat heartbreaking to me how Legacy has totally overgrown the classic episodes. Of the top Ten most popular videos on the channel, Seven of them are legacy episodes, with Edds three episodes being at the very bottom of the list
I just don't like it. I dont like how legacy has become like the Face of what eddsworld is. Maybe it's just because Edds work has been one of the biggest inspirations in my life (if that wasn't obvious already) IDK it seems unfair
Tldr: i dont like what legacy has done to the series and the fandom, but it's okay for the most part. Fuck The End though
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cunttom · 2 years
this sucks and nevermind the comics or whatever ill just say whatever. its stupid but ive had this in my head since april
The end is. Different. Tord pitches his world domination plot only to be told it wont work. Instead, each member of the group posits their own thoroughly-structured schemes, and end up seni-collaborating/fighting to executing their plans before each other. Includes: tord and tom madmen chaos violence together.
Finally, sick of being smothered, and at a moment of Argument, tord unleashes his secret weapon: tordbot!
Eventually he seems like he's expressed all his inner rage and how he feels like no one is really his friend because he doesnt deserve it. Edd talks him down (maybe kaiju battle?) and tom and matt were sitting there cheering and sharing popcorn while tord threw his fit. All their new good moods are spoiled, however, when tords robot slips on the grass in the front lawn and wipes out the entire house.
Whoops! All homeless
COUCH SURFING!!! they're not as mad at each other as they were. A little resentment to tord for destroying the house but theres some good catharsis in getting in a giant fistfight. But theyre also couch surfing. As a group of four.
Desperately, in a more organized effort, they try to put their world domination plot under way. Combining each of their powers, they can do anything!
They can't. But, since tom struck a deal with bing and larry to make more clones as his part of the plan, uh, now there's tons of those. And tords brute force + underground logistical strats have very much destabilized a few world powers. And matt has this super cute zombie army. And edd now has this monopoly over meat packing, which hes the boss of in name only. So 
edd gets bored of it in a week. Tom, matt, and tord are very into it, but. Uh. Aren't. Good at it.
in the midst of potential onset of nuclear armageddon, tom and matt (and tord, extremely unwillingly) retire to their new house: an exact replica of their old house. There's still clones overrunning the streets, so they're like, technically in witness protection, but #girl
tord voice eh i guess in my retirement as god of earth im gonna, uh, do mad science
tord is a mad scientist, world domination optional. he operates from his secret lab in edds house, to whom he pays “rent” (halfassedly doing all the cleaning in a maid halloween costume bought ten years prior).
They all live there still because theyre unemployed slacker losers with nothing better to do. also they have to live in hiding. so.
tord did the body mods on tom (lifesaving) and matt (claims it’s cosmetic but his body was rotting apart).
Figuring tom and matt were now indebted to him, tord gave them a prototype time machine. Their assigned purpose is to generally carry out his bidding, including preventing people who inconvenience him from being born, preventing major inventions and world events so he can create or cause them, and harvesting extinct creatures’ organs.
Tom and matt agree but instead they use the time machine to steal historical relics and then alter history so tord doesnt realize theyre misusing his invention. they pay rent thru stacks of stolen gold bars
they used Time Paradoxes to clone the time machine prototype to get one for edd. Theyre working on making tord forget he gave them a time machine at all, but he keeps reinventing it. He’ll probably forget about it eventually, hes been self experimenting and acting a little weird lately.
matts like okay don't commit quantum suicide and edd is like i wont :3 and matts like ok and walks away and he peeks over his shoulder and edds still standing there holding his time machine so matt turns back around and walks out of the room. And then he peeks back in as edd goes MUAHAHAHAHHAAAAA LITTLE DOES HE KNOW IM GOING TO COMMIT QUANTUM SUICIDE!!!!! and travels to the past. And matt sighs
edd and tord are slightly gay. Thats all Thats all i wanted to say :3
The clones still exist, and . That’s why cokes outlawed btw. Trying desperately to kill off the edds. (Matts are easy to kill for obvious reasons.  Toms can be more strategic in combat, and tords are dangerous, but theyve been stopped from overrunning the planet. Edds, however, are impossibly powerful, and satisfying them has become a national problem. depriving them of their main source of survival is the only way to stop them.)
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