#ive been studying poetry in uni and decided to give it a go myself
nymusings · 11 months
Have I told you I love you yet? No? I suppose I got too distracted, by saying it in as many ways as the dictionary allowed yet perpetually missing the mark.
we writers -- we're strange in that way where we make simple things complex using odd verbiage, tricky tenors and shaky vehicles, mindbending the reader trying to make sense of it before they snap and say the nonsensical was intentional, bargaining with ostranenie, pointing out details that don't matter -- that never did -- but that mattered to us enough to write about them, not caring how we may overwhelm.
We write whole poems and paragraphs and love songs about that one insignificant detail. It's our way of saying that we see you.
But often, we stare at the crook in someone's smile for too long. They won't think you're admiring the genuineness, the unabashedness, the softness of their sunset lips curled upwards too much one way making your own unique smile feel much less insecure and together you share happiness. That is the detail you love; the solar eclipse smile that you write poems about. But they will think you are staring at their teeth. Maybe there's food stuck between them, or maybe you want to kiss but are too afraid to say it. And as the awkwardness stirs, you think, 'Maybe I should show you my poetry. 'Maybe I should explain that 'I am thinking of the best way to say 'that your smile is like the Sun 'and I am your Icarus.' But all you do is stare, and you look dumb.
Maybe you should just get it over with and say: 'I love you. It's as simple as that. And I'm not going to write a poem about it.'
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