#ive been rereading some of my favorite fanfics lately and
morewyckedthanyou · 1 year
I was tagged by @lovelesscherub, thank you soooo much, I love to be tagged 💖 (even if I don't always answer these because I forget or don't feel motivated at the time ).
favourite colour(s): Green (especially emerald green but all shades, really) and also yellow and orange. 💚💛🧡
favourite flavour(s): I have a sweet tooth, so if it's something is sweet... yes please. But also, I like savoury things too, and things that are a bit spicy a well. And garlic in anything usually works great! 😋
favourite genre(s): Whether we're talking about movies, tv or literature, I mostly prefer horror, sci-fi and fantasy. Oh, and mysteries (whether it's crime or something supernatural).
favorite music: I lean towards metal more than anything, but I actually also like a lot of different types of rock (especially if it was made 'in the old days', so in like... 50's to 90's) and pop as well.
favourite movie(s): So damn many tbh! But I will try to list at least some favourites that come to mind immediately. Here we go: Alien, Brokeback Mountain, Pacific Rim, Titanic, Flatliners (1990), Back to the Future-trilogy, Star Wars episodes IV-VII (but especially The Empire Strikes Back and The Force Awakens - the latter had so much potential ok!), Mamma Mia!, The Blair Witch Project, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jurassic Park, Crimson Peak, IT 1990 (which is technically a miniseries but I think of it as a movie so), The Faculty, Thelma and Louise, Girl Interrupted, Stardust, Pitkä Kuuma Kesä, Spirited Away, Young Guns 1 & 2, Monty Python's Life of Brian, The LotR-trilogy, Hot Fuzz, Sinister, Maurice, The Breakfast Club, Kingsman 1 & 2...
favourite series: I don't watch a lot of tv (other than true crime "docuseries" sometimes) because I can't concentrate on following a plot that goes on and on most of the time but here are some favourites I've enjoyed in the past: Twin Peaks, The X-Files (seasons 1-7), Mash, Black Books, Doctor Who (the new series seasons 1-4), Spaced, Good Omens... Also I guess I should say Cobra Kai, not because I think it's particular good but because I just love the karate dads so much.
last song: GOSSIP by Måneskin
last series: Probably some true crime murder-series, I honestly can't remember, haven't even opened my tv in like a week or so
last movie: Can't remember if I've watched anything else in full since I watched Big Eden (2000) a few weeks ago.
currently reading: I wish I was reading an actual book because that's what I want to do more this year... But nah, I have started some but none could hold my interest more than a couple pages. 😩 I am however rereading a very good Cobra Kai fanfic feat. Daniel/Johnny/Amanda written by my very talented tumblr mutual and once I've finished reading I will leave a loooong comment because it looks like last time I was dumb and didn't comment at all and I am disappointed in myself.
currently working on: Writing letters to my penpals. Also trying to work on having a proper rhythm in my days even now that I'm unemployed and have nowhere to be during days. It's going alright I think. I should also try to work on my anxiety which has been quite bad lately.
I will tag: @catzy88 @disdaidal @icanhasnaow @leyley09 @an-sceal @ashyyboyy @dull-c @valastaja @marley-manson and @vonderbarr But if you have already done this recently or just don't feel like answering then no pressure! ❤️
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effervescent-fool · 2 years
tagged by lilly! @inochian hi thank u!
favorite color: green (specifically olive green!)
currently reading: decided to reread the entire wheel of time series and might just end up switching over the the audiobooks anyways because oh my god is it painful. so many words <3
last song: euthanasia by will wood (i was having a sad one last night)
last series: the sandman. i have yet to watch the new bonus ep but im gonna get to that today and will most likely liveblog the experiece. sorry <3
last movie: alien (1979)
currently working on: oh my god i have been so unproductive lately its pathetic. but still i endure. i just started a portrait of the corinthian and i have several other WIPs collecting dust, including the destiel kiss, midam as cats, my friends dog, my other friends OC, and conan gray. as for writing i have a midam post-canon au and a drarry fanfic that ive been working on since march and still only have a few paragraphs. i also have some of my own original works like Skeletons in the Cupboard, some AUs of that, and The Sorcerers Knife (a series ive been working on for 3+ years.)
tagging @ormymarius @heavensmostadorableangel and @archangelraphael (not sure if yall have been tagged or not if so dont mind me) and anyone else who sees this! feel free to just say that i tagged you <3
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cr-yellow · 11 months
1, 4, 17, 27, 33, 49, 58, 61, and 70
Despite the fact I've started an extremely long and detailed multi-chapter fic, which I love dearly, it is no secret that I prefer one-shots. I have a hard time finishing fic and one-shots leave no room for incomplete fics when I get too busy! They also tend to do better for me somehow.
4. My new ideas... I get a lot of inspo from other people, from other fics, and from fanart! I thrive off of other people a LOT. Sometimes I do just love rewatching something and letting my mind wander tho
17. When writing becomes difficult for me (which it often does) I usually just try to center myself with things that make me feel better about it. Rereading the fic itself to remember why I loved it, talking to other people about the fic, trying to be patient with myself to actually have fun with it, re-reading the heart-wrenching comments left for me (SERIOUSLY I LOVE THIS SM), and most of all remembering that creativity is an ebb and flow and I won't always be creative!
27. My favorite part of writing has to be when I actually complete something and put it out into the word. Whether that is a chapter or a one-shot, when I finally get to share this thing that I've been doing with others... it's so good. I also love being able to see the surprise when I give them a twist. My least favorite part has to be.. well sometimes I get to a scene, right? I've done some research, have to do more (ugh!) which feels like a lot. Then when I finally get to writing it, I don't know where I want the scene to go what's going to happen next. Even the tiny details like how they're going to stand. Getting over those little hurdles takes me a while sometimes. All I want to do is get into the meat of the dialogue! Ugh!
33. I do actually want to be published some day! I have something I've been working on for a long, long time but I've never had the confidence to really get into or finish. Lately I hit a slump with it and it kind of bummed me out for a while. I'm glad I can write other things like LWH.
49. Rude reviews... unfortunately for me I don't have a big enough pull in order to get comments like that. Usually I have an overwhelmingly positive response to my writing. There was once when I was just starting to write... *shudder* they dragged me all over Twitter. It was a whole thing. I kind of deserved it.
58. What part of writing do I like the most. Hm. This one is tough. Going to be totally honest here, I only outline fics like LWH that have a lot of details I don't want to mess up and I barely use or stick to the outline. I guess if I had to pick it would be between brainstorming and reading the final product. I get caught up in brainstorming a lot because I have so many ideas so quickly and its usually main plots and relationships. I have so many ideas that die in this phase and it kind of sucks, but I love the rush that comes with new exciting ideas. Reading the final product would probably be my fave part though- not the editing. Just. I like to come back to my fic after a while, like a few days or a week or so, and then reread it. And its like I get to read that fanfic I was looking for that tickles all the right spots. Because I did that. (Sometimes, if Ive waited long enough, I forget what happens and its all new to me!!)
61. I guess I continue writing fics for two reasons. (Im so sorry I'm indecisive). 1- I love being able to share them with people and see their reactions. it gets me every time. 2- recently I've been really into writing for me. It isn't just about other people. Especially with LWH where I've done so much research, it feels like. Heres this thing. I want to do it to finish it, yeah, to share it, maybe. But I really wanna do it because I like seeing where it goes and I like being able to apply my research in interesting ways.
70. I am So embarrassed to tell people I write. Like if I know you IRL there is NO way I'm telling you anything about my writing. Maybe because of being on Tumblr? IDK. But online I'm way more willing and happy to share cause. you're never going to look me in the eyes and know I wrote smut fanfiction about Sans/Komaeda. You're never going to know about the terrible things I've written about. If I just had LWH on my page, maybe, since I'm mostly proud of that even if it is a little weird, but... I have so many others.
Thank you so much for the Ask! I realize I don't talk much on here about my writing and my process. It's so fun!
Feel free to ask me more questions from here!
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solange-lol · 4 years
hiii in celebration of AUctober, what are some of your fav solangelo AUs?
Anonymous said to solange-lol:
Hi! Kinda a random question: do you have any favorite riordanverse fanfics that you’d suggest reading? I’m looking for ones to read, but I’ve been having trouble finding new ones! Thanks!
rec list #1 | rec list #2
all recs can be found under the tag ‘lizs solangelo fic recs’ on my blog!
technically its past auctober now, but better late then never to drop my third solangelo rec list!! especially considering the state of the world rn ... lets just say its a celebration of me actually participating in sw for the first time in a while
rec under cut as always!! its not all aus but its the count that thots
Find Another Place to Stay by @unwieldyink
personally i think breakup fics are incredibly underrated, and i also think annie is incredibly underrated, so enjoy ur little cry if you read this one (tw // violence in this one)
Hershey’s kiss by @unwieldyink
we love a godswap!! it’s actually been a while since ive read this one and i reread this while making this rec list and can i just say that zeus!nico and hermes!will are both such valid concepts and this just has a rly good dynamic to it
Actors by @buoyantsaturn
i could talk about this fic for hours but lets just say ao3 has told me ive visted this fic 40 times. im not kidding. fake dating is just a godtier trope
start of something new by jinniefic
if you know me, you know that i fricken LOVE high school musical, and this is literally just the start of the first movie but solangelo and honestly a little more iconic please read even if ur not a hsm fan
paper/plastic by @rosyredlipstick
the fact that this is from 2018 and took this long to get into my rec list is tragic because i think about this fic a lot... a lot. mortal au. very chill, strangers to lovers, very good vibes, will be rereading soon (everything rosy writes is amazing we already knew this)
10:37pm by @buoyantsaturn
surprise another cj fic! fun fact she debated with us for a good half hour about what to title this fic so go read it so you can tell her you like the name (and the fic itself... its a very good fic) (tw // alchohol and drug use for this one)
Sunflower by ChiseHatori
3 days in the infirmary is probably the easiest trope u can find in the solangelo tag but i have to say this one really made me soft just bc it feels a lot more in character than some of the others ive read, and it basically picks up right where they ended in the books
Will You, or Will You Not? by @thebluesideofmyworld
marriage fics... also very soft. just boys bein boys. dual engagements. mortal au. all that good stuff vv soft i loved it
let your heart win by @justanothervampiregirl
this one is short but its also probably one of the most in character fics ive ever read and i really like this style of writing mixed with canon compliance so :)
The Magic of Naomi Solace by Sweetymomo
naomi solace, underratted legend. i aspire to have her relationship with will. lots of familial background if you like that!! and its set at a bnb!!
forget all the shooting stars and silver moons by itotallyreadthatbook
when i saw this in the tag i was SO excited bc we love high school aus here and it was!! very good indeed!! this trope is one ive never seen before and i recommend 10/10 good banter
They won’t always live by Phantomxlegend
will overworking himself and coping with loss always makes me :(( so if ur okay with some will angst then buckle up
“I am fully capable of kicking your ass” by @unwieldyink
i remember i saw the email notification for this one and immediately was like yup absolutely im in and it 100% lives up to its title we love capture the flag solangelo
the night we met by peachyytomlinson
a lil ooc but also very angsty and did make me emotional when i read this late at night. i think i wrote something similar a while back but i just aaaaa will angst man
“look how hard i can cry FWSHHH”  by @buoyantsaturn
call me biased bc i like to claim that i originated the idea of demeter!will and cj dedicated this fic to me but like BRO its so soft and i love it here nico leave the plants along challenge failed
femboy hooters, or the time percy jackson failed to keep a secret by luciethebean
its all fun and games until the fic turns out to genuinely be really good. like, yes the title is exactly what you think it is but it doesnt matter bc its so fricken well written im^@*#&(*)($_$#&^@$(@*)* yeah
Of Ties and Significant Annoyances by seokjinvilla (@thechampagnecocainegasoline)
we dont support jkr in this household but what we do support is this bc this plot is genius and i love it
everything’s going swimmingly by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
fun fact i posed the idea of a sports/team prompt to the sw mod crew literally just so someone would pull through and write a swim au and ethan DID without even knowing. i love them and their writing style is so !!!! please read it
when you smile (the whole world stops) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
another ethan fic!! this is the perfect fic for a rough day where u just want some cuddles bc thats literally the plot of the fic. i love this one with my entire heart its very fluffy 10/10 do reccomend
pumpkin spice (i hate it, it's not nice) (ok maybe it's a little nice) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
ethan fic part 3!! bc i binge read these all in one night!! literally again their writing style is so amazing and the witty banter!!!! also we love a retail bookstore au 
Burnt Plastic (and Other Bad Ideas) by More_of_This
so this one isnt exactly romantically solangelo but it is hilarious in my opinion and i absolutely adore well written college aus and while i know nothing about college this fic is so funny to me (if you read the tags there is, in fact, a raccoon involved) (tw // drinking for this one)
all because you kissed me goodnight by @buoyantsaturn
i have been WAITING for a mortal counselors au and im sure theres some out there already but y’all already know im a cj stan! lots of slowburn, friends to lovers, coworkers, all the good stuff (and i named this one and offered cj a lot of materials from my own camp so this one especially hits!! i reccomend for those good ol summer vibes!!) (tw // drinking for this one)
Waiting With You by @buoyantsaturn
oh boy buckle up if u want an angst ride because this fic tore me apart. i keep threatning cj with “dont pull another waiting with you”. that being said, very much feels like a movie while youre reading it, very fluffy in the middle, we love mutual pining. 
Little Italian Boy by @buoyantsaturn
stream little italian boy by grace gilmore. youll get it. thats it.
The Clues by @thebluesideofmyworld
secret dating when done well is legit one of my favorite tropes of all time and this!!! this!!!!!!!!! its outsiders perspective also which is another one of my favorite tropes, and just little views on nicos life and i love it
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) by @buoyantsaturn
will solace, sponsered by kitkats, cj edition
no but if you read tower of nero you’ll really like this missing pieces pre-ton fic this is a really soft little fic with a bunch of easter eggs from the book in it, so i highly recommend! if you havent read ton yet and are still avoiding spoilers, come back to this one!
reaching for the sun (you, you, you) by moonswords (@tortadelimao)
i just read this one about 2 hours ago for the first time and i am Still thinking about it. its like the getting together that i literally feel like is canon and the vibes are Immaculate (also william “what about me looks straight” solace)
“Are we on a date right now?” by @unwieldyink
overworked will, nico helping out in the infirmary, first dates & hikes, canon compliant, we love to see it (also its an annie fic so ur required by law to read it)
Outrunning karma by Phantomxlgend 
more will angst! featuring angry overworked will!
Everlasting Ring by minyoongurt (@blueblackslowtown)
i was Very excited when i read the summary of this one, and i think minyoongurt did a really good job!! healer will, injured nico, the whole dynamic. also i love the idea of nico only knowing “thank you” “go away” and “fuck you” in sign language. im pretty sure thats canon
The Little Thing by Rainbow_Mess
i belive this is also a pre-toa fic thats just exploring all the stuff we found out about will in ton and its very short and sweet :)
and of course, a few of my recent works for your consideration
who is he (and what is he to you?)
just doing my silly little tasks
i don’t need three bars to tell me we’re meant to connect
truly, madly, deeply
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lesmismignon · 3 years
replying to anon messages
In this post I shall reply to the messages that have been sitting in my inbox for a regrettably long period of time. (It is loooooong. Please click “keep reading” at your own risk.)
I’m not a very good correspondent. I’m very sorry. I never know what to say right off the bat, and then during 2019 and 2020 when I was mostly on hiatus, I would just post a chapter or two and poof back out, and on Tumblr I would browse a few things and then poof back out. I do not have a good track record with social media and online presence in general. And with real life problems (mostly due to work), at worst it was impossible to muster even the strength to write. It was maddening.
But there is something about Hellsing and its fandom that reels me back in even when I am far away. Excuse me if this sounds cheesy, but for me fandoms are like the orbit of a comet. If it is something that you loved, and will continue to love even when you are not “active” on it, you will come back to it, someday, somehow. I’ll always be grateful to Hellsing, for being an inspiration to write, for being a bridge to some of my dearest relationships, for some of the kindest messages I’ve ever received in my life.
you freed yourself for a job that was not good for you and related to toxic people (Integra-like – demanding the respect you deserve). That is badass brave – and that doesn’t become less by that fact that maybe the next job you got is not the end of the journey but still part of the way. And you are brave by sharing your work, sharing your stories revealing parts of your emotional world to the outside – that is totally bad as too. I think you can be very proud of you, really. So maybe right now, you might be in situation that does not yet make you happy in way you deserve it. But you know- there is big chance that this is part of your journey to this place – imagine, in some time from now, you may be a successful (brilliant you are already) author and in an interview you say something like “yes, back there in 2016/17 I went through some tough times, that influenced the work very much I got this price for today”. So just in case you maybe cannot see it right now yourself – please allow me to tell you – you are brave and wonderful. And re. the brave decision you mentioned – I know I am not in the position to tell you anything – but please do not do any harm to you. So, thank you so much for your work you share with the world, my life is better with it. Take care for yourself, you deserve the best. (so sorry, I am really not good with words, hope you get my point….)
Anon, this was the kindest thing you could have ever done for little 2016/17 me. Oh God. Time does fly by so fast. I want you to know that I read this message a long time ago, and it gave me strength to go on, even though I’m not sure if I am so brave, to be compared to our lady Integra >< I hope you are happy and safe, wherever you are. I hope you know how brave and wonderful *you* are. Thank you so much.
just wanted to drop by and say I love all your fanfictions! You capture Integra and Alucard's characters so well; I LOVE it. Take all the time you need updating. You deserve it. And good luck at your job! <3
Ah, I probably changed jobs like twice since then. But they have been all good and meaningful in their own ways. I really did not mean to take THIS long in updating but I hope that you enjoyed the recent updates if you are still reading, thank you so much!
Why can I not write here? I just wanted you to know I am grateful for the reading joys that are 'Snow White' and 'Satis'...
Thank you Anon! I am so glad you enjoyed them!
Thank you Anon! You give me too much praise, but I shall indeed try to keep it up!
Hey so please don't take this as me pressuring you but I absolutely adore Satis! Is there any chance we might know when the next update is coming in? Totally understand if not- it sounds like work is taking a lot out of you and I understand that you're writing fan fiction purely for fun but DAMN IF I DON'T WANT TO READ MORE OF YOUR FIC OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH ASDFGHJKL!!!
I’m sorry it’s been ages! I’ll tell you my schedule(???) for this year instead! For this year of 2021 I really hope to average maybe at least 1 chapter a month but I don’t know how I’ll fare during the busy months. I hope you enjoyed the recent chapters if you are still reading!
@fierce-little-miana Can you believe that I have just noticed that I had given you any kudos for Snow White or Satis?! Sorry! Your stories are really worth all the praise we can give them. (so I corrected it) Have a nice day!
Thank you! I’m terribly sorry for this late reply. You’ve been so kind and sent so many lovely messages. Thank you again for each and every one of them!
@sinish-tem Hey sorryy for bothering you but. That ALutegra fic was AMAZING!!I LOVE IT!Amazing job sport<3
You’re not bothering me at all! Thank you old sport!
So I don't mean to rush you or be annoying or anything, but is Satis still happening? (plz plz say yes)
You’re not being annoying! I’m sorry it took so long! Yes :)
Hello! So, um, I have to ask... is Satis going to be updated? It’s just that it’s one of my absolute favorite stories by my absolute favorite author!
Thank you! I’m honored! I hope you enjoyed the recent chapters if you’re still reading!
Hi! Are you still around? Are you doing ok?
Yes, I am fine now, thank you :) I hope you are doing well, too!
@aniphine Hi! First off, I want to say that I absolutely love your writing style and am so looking forward to diving into all of your fics! I just finished Satis and it’s definitely in my Top 10 Fanfics ever, which is saying something! Thanks so much for writing it. On that note, I wanted to ask if you had plans to update it? If not, that’s totally cool - what you’ve written already is fantastic. But if so, I’d pledge my life to you in order to get a chance at reading more. 😆 Anyhoo, you’re awesome! 👋
Thank you so much! You are awesome too! I’m honored that Satis is in your top 10!!
@dontfuckingfollowmeifpornblog You still around?
I am now! Thank you!
@comixqueen Hello have I told you that I really love your Hellsing fics? ;u;/ They're among the best out there and I reread them often!
Thank you very much. That means a lot to me from you. Thank you for rereading, I’m always wary of my earlier writing but I’m glad if people still enjoy them.
I have never squealed higher than when I received the notification for the new chapter of Satis. You are a true blessing <3 thank you for your words
You are a blessing! Thank you so much!
Hello! I know you're not very active around here, but I just saw a trailer for a movie based on the letters of Vita and Virginia, and I was immediately reminded of Satis and the quotes you so expertly used in the narration, and I thought I might tell you in case you're interested in the movie (the title is literally Vita and Virginia) <3
Thank you Anon! I did see the trailer! I haven’t seen the movie yet though, but I will, eventually! I am so glad you think I did the quotes justice! It’s such a beautiful quote.
Not sure how to start this, might be a little bold, and yet; let me simply say that I am in love with your written works. In fact, so much so that I read it all again, and again. It never ceases to amaze. And as for you, the person behind it all, you do seem immensely precious as well. I hope that you have the most fantastic day, you deserve no less.
Anon, you are so very kind. Thank you so much for your lovely words. I am just an ordinary person unusually invested in a particular set of fictional characters xD and I am often late to things and a bad correspondent, but I must be doing something right if you’re sending me a message as lovely as this. Thank you again, I hope you are having fantastic days as well.
Honestly ive read your snow white fic years ago but I loved it insanely much and im about to read it again today ^.^
Thank you Anon! Ah, Snow White. I am very glad you still enjoy it. It is so old, and I wish I had the courage to edit it and spruce it up, or even update an extra or two...
Are you ever planning to continue Satis? I’m in love with that piece of work.
Thank you Anon! Yes! I hope you enjoyed the recent chapters!
My literal text to a friend of mine that's also a fan of Satis when I got the AO3 mail about the new chapter was: "NOW THEY'RE FINALLY STARTING TO BE *HAPPY* HOLIDAYS"
I am very glad I was able to bring you holiday cheer. Would it be bold of me if I say I aim to bring you non-holiday cheer as well, now? xD Thank you so much!
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gothamstreetcat · 4 years
things i’ve been tagged in as of late (a masterpost):
I. tagged by - @avacrwder
hardcover or paperback / rent or buy / reads in silence or reads with music / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / ebook or physical copy / dog ears or bookmarks / mismatched series or complete set/ going to the library or taking whatever editions they have there / cover matters or you don’t judge / lend books or keep them to yourself  / enjoys lit classes or despises them / browses shops or orders online / reads reviews or goes in blind / unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once was enough / fanfic enthusiast or a stickler for canon / deep reader or easily distracted / must read the book before seeing the movie or order doesn’t matter / has neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves / skips ahead or resists temptation / reads aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming
II. tagged by - @marthaskane
describe my blog tag meme 
icon: camren bicondova wearing black lipstick with her hair tied up and in a turtleneck shirt aka the closest embodiment to me i’m going to get. i did try to recreate this photo for my blog but i suck at taking pictures of myself
content: i think when i started this blog it was a lot of spooky content and caryl content (walking dead). i am so sorry for the people who followed me for walking dead content and are still here, somehow. my blog has more or less morphed into a gotham blog and i am very happy about that. however, i will reblog any other content relating to the goth aesthetic, patrick melrose, good omens, and whatever holds my interest for more then five seconds
letter color: white
url: gothamstreetcat
header: an edit i did featuring batcat in an old catwoman comic no one can seem to stand
blog title: ‘bruce wayne die-hard’ I saw the word ‘die-hard’ once and decided i was going to use it
III. tagged by - @harlee-n & @lgbtrogues
Rules: tag 8 people you’d like to get to know better!
favorite colors: mostly black but i do like other colors in certain circumstances 
last song I listened to: yesterday when i wrote this my playlist landed on taylor swift’s ‘peace’ and i’m sticking with it! but i’ve been listening to a lot of her last two albums these last couple days. particularly; london boy, cornelia street, illicit affairs, and i forgot that you existed 
favorite musicians: i don’t think this answers the questions but i really like rock and roll and usually listen to the same bands and whatnot constantly. it’s shameful 
last film I watched: fantasy island and it honestly wasn’t that good
last tv show I watched: degrassi 
favorite character: do you want to see how many times i can type bruce wayne’s name onto this post? selina kyle is also top tier for me. lucious fox and alfred are both criminally underrated. death from sandman, crowley from good omens, joel miller from the last of us, lara croft from tomb raider. i love bridgit pike, harley quinn, poison ivy and jason todd because he needs more love then fans give him + probably a dozen or so other character’s i’m forgetting
sweet, spicy or savoury: savoury and sweet
sparkling water, tea or coffee: coffee first and foremost, sparkling water second (i like polar the best) and (iced) tea last
pets: i have a cat named isis (from batman tas) and a dog named coco
IV. tagged by - @avacrwder
rules: tag some people you want to get to know better
ships: mostly batcat 
last song: betty by taylor swift 
last movie: answered above
currently reading: not really anything right now
currently watching: right now i’ve been replaying the last of time in my free time
V. tagged by @avacrwder
top ten favs (i suck at top ten anything since there is very little that sticks with me and I ‘love’)
it chaper one (2017)
birds of prey (2020)
joker (2019)
aquamarine (2006)
13 going on 30 (2004)
the rocky horror picture show (1975)
Holloweentown (1998)
it (1990)
spiderman into the spider-verse (2018)
spiderman (2002)
BOOKS: (i don’t even read books like that anymore but i’m also putting books i have on my audible)
good omens - neil gaiman & terry pratchett
between the devil and the deep blue sea - april genevieve tucholke
patrick melrose - edward st. aubyn
nos4a2 - joe hill
it - stephen king
miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children - ranson riggs
the perks of being a wallflower - stephen chbosky
ellen hopkins YA novels
perfect- natasha friend 
milk and honey - rupi kaur
elana tonra
dilly dally
hayley williams 
taylor swift (i’m putting taylor on this list because even though i don’t listen to her as hardcore as others, i genuinely do think she is very naturally talented)
ozzy osbourne
the cure
TOP TEN (CURRENT) (TAYLOR SWIFT) SONGS: (since that’s all i’ve been listening to the last couple days)
my tears ricochet
illicit affairs
paper rings
london boy
i forgot that you existed
cornelia street
the man
jenna marbles (youtube)
good omens
the harley quinn show
birds of prey (2000)
desperate housewives 
batman the animated series
the last of us
the last of us part II
life is strange
life is strange II
the tomb raider franchise 
particularly angel of darkness
elder scrolls: skyrim 
the sims 4 
alice madness returns
the batman games
VI. tagged by - @avacrwder (i am so sorry but i just copied this from the post you tagged me in)
Elements | tag
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan*  / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
* i’ve been making more of an effort to add vegan alternatives to my life. i want to go vegan completely but lately i’ve just been really down and wanna eat whatever i want. however, my favorite switch that i made was finding a vegan coffee creamer i like! it’s the silk almondmilk creamer and if bees had knees they would live wherever that creamer is made. it’s the best. 
i am so sorry for everyone who tagged me in things and didn’t may it onto this post. thank you all so much because it does mean a lot to me. i am going to tag everyone i love but please know participation is always optional. you can either do one of these, all of them, or none. i also think one of these asked for my current time, it is 10:32 in the afternoon 
tagging - @avacrwder (you know i had to tag you just one more time) @marthaskane @brvceselina @apple-grass-and-smiles @stevie-harrington @waynesmanvr @saltybatman @queergordon @keepswingin @sonyarebecchi @selinascatnip @jennasmarbles @twoheartsoneclara @drawing-cookie @harlee-n @yoko-goto @honestmrdual @clara-oswin-oswald @callmeredhood (+ anyone who wants to)
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weedhorse69 · 5 years
- ̗̀8 people to know better ̖́-
gay rights!!! i was tagged by @mirukuyu (my wife) and @helpfuldilemma (my brother) and im evil but not evil enough to not say thank you so thank you!!! 
name: Thalia
birthday: january 1
zodiac: capricorn
hobbies: watching videos ive saved, browsing my later tag on tumblr, watching chemistry youtube videos in an attempt to teach myself organic chemistry, reading over old textbooks, and writing (ive been writing another self insert fanfic for my friend ximena where she dates Snape) 
favorite color: cyan, cerulean, turquoise, blue-green - just that range 
height: 5′3″ lol 
favorite book: i still love the artemis fowl series and i recommend u guys read the book.  let the right one in was a banger too.  the one i have been rereading lately is hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 
last song i listened to: Lazy Mary Jane by Yeseo 
last movie i watched: in theatres? once upon a time in hollywood and it was surprisingly good! it wasnt as corny as i thought it would be at all.  it’s about the charles manson murders.  
inspiration or muse: honestly my friends.  whoever is my favorite person at the time will deeply influence what i do and what i try to learn.  its because of kathleen and marco that i started to mess around with learning korean, though i never got too far into it.  its because of Austin that i learned how to skateboard and started learning how to play the guitar.  its because of maddy that i studied japanese.  its because of lauren that i wrote that fanfic filled with meat puns.  its because of lauren and michelle that i compiled that shitty document with a description of the homestuck classes and aspects.  its because of michelle that i took computer science and started getting into technical stuff.  its because of joana that i travelled to germany and started giving more of an eye to romantic stories.  its because of ximena that im actually trying to write a decent one for once.  but mostly they manipulate what i write.  usually you will see my favorite people in the characters.  
the other muse is usually just whatever i think would be the most outlandish thing to do at the time
dream job: having the freedom to do whatever the hell i want.  right now im an intern at a lab working for the government.  i was about to say the name and then i was like alskfjlsdfj i dont want this blog to be tracked or red-lighted or anything.  i have paranoia the size of manhattan.  and i realize now it sounds like im lying sxnksnsknxknksnsknxkn.  whatever.  but yeah working on nukes is dope af but i wanna have the knowledge to heal too.  already ive been learning a lot just from studying for the mcat.  i didn’t know penicillin was a good antibiotic against syphilis! i didn’t even know syphilis was caused by bacteria! 
meaning of url: i was weedhorse69. that url came from a post i saw where some dude was like “weedhorse69 is more likely to be a real person” so i was like “thas me now.”  i changed it to queer for pride month and i havent changed it back since.
i tag: @thetaabster1​ (im so glad shes back.  shes literally one of the funniest people on tumblr im sobbing)  @officiallyallmight @dykeamatic @jeangreyce @casperillion @brekf1st @taketheringtolohac @nymphofnovels
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You’re one of my favorite writers I’ve ever encountered during my two decades on this planet. I could go on and on about what I love about your writing and story telling style but these msgs don’t give nearly enough room for that. Ive reread many of your fics over&over again and think of them outside the internet. I’ve had your blog notifications turned on since I started following but I took a break from tumblr for a while so I haven’t been keeping up as much. It makes me very sad that you (1)
have fallen out of love with fanfic & u feel that people aren’t appreciating your writing recently. I’m out of state at the moment so I’ve only read a few chapters of iata so far but as soon as I’m home I’m reading all of it and I can already guarantee I’m going to love it. I wish I weren’t only one person so I could give your writing the exposure and recognition it deserves. (2)
Even if you decide to stop writing or updating this blog in the future I hope you know I deeply appreciated your writing. Your presence on the internet has been a blessing!! I’m sorry you’re feeling discouraged lately but remember that your writing is for you, don’t ever let it be a source of unhappiness. I will never know you but nonetheless I adore and admire you bcs of this blog. I could go in and on but I’ll only get more cheesy. Thank you for everything ❤️❤️❤️ I wish the best for you (3)
ahbdshfgsfh thank you so much that truly is such a kind and heartwarming thing to hear in these trying times. and i just want to take a moment to say that i know i bitch and moan a lot but the feedback i DO get is usually positive and like every once in a while ppl do send nice messages and stuff to tell me that they like my writing and i want all those ppl to know that they do not go unnoticed or unappreciated! i see u and i love u all and i am so honored that u read and enjoy my work
i do still like writing fanfic and i probably won’t give up on it entirely (i have a couple half finished good omens oneshots tucked away in a notebook that i need to get around to finishing and typing up) but at the same time i really want to branch out and work on my skills as a writer and come up with my own original ideas and stuff like that but there just doesn’t seem to be as much of a place for original writing on tumblr and i haven’t been able to find writing communities/websites that aren’t mainly focused on or populated with fic writers. and i’ve never really been that popular on tumblr even when i was solely writing fic so i suppose i shouldn’t be surprised that an original story that’s shaping up to be very long and weirdly biblical isn’t all that appealing to the couple hundred ppl that followed me for scriddler writing haha. 
at the end of the day like i KNOW that my writing is for me and social media doesn’t matter or whatever but it is very demotivating to put my best efforts and attention and energy into something that i’m passionate about and interested in and then...... like no one reads it. if u look at my ao3 it has the least kudos and hits of anything i’ve ever posted (except one random unfinished thing that i didn’t even realize was still on there and i just deleted bc i’m never going to finish it lol). and thats a sad thing to see! it makes me sad when i look at the notes on a post and it has 2 likes and 6 reblogs that are all from me and my various other blogs.
like this is an idea that i’ve been messing around with and trying to write for years and i finally figured out an iteration of it that mostly works and that i’m proud of and want to keep writing but i have no one to share it with. and i can’t talk to anyone about it because no one’s read it and i am having a very hard time trying to persuade anyone to read it. and then it feels like... like why am i putting all this effort into something that’s just going to end up sitting on my computer forever?
i don’t want to stop updating this blog but like. posting things and getting no response makes me feel like shit but i can’t control what people think or do so i’ve either got to stop caring (which probably won’t happen any time soon) or stop posting.
idk this was a very long, very “woe is me” response to a series of very sweet messages but the point is i probably won’t be gone for good and if you do want to read my weird novel-ish thing that i’m working on i’ll continue to post it on ao3, but this blog will be less active because I’m mostly focusing on continuing iata before i move onto other projects. i’ll keep reblogging fanart and fanfic and such (with some of my own fic thrown in if i’m inspired) but like i’m gonna work on the projects i want to work on and if no one wants to read them then they’ll just have to wait until i want to write the kind of thing they want to read which may not be for a while. 
thanks for everyone who’s been supportive of this blog and my writing! i would literally die for u
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@timefire25 tagged me in a thing (and I was just thinking a tag meme would be nice; seems like I have a bunch of new people following me rn)
Anyway, this one you answer 20 questions (which you can change if you like) and tag 20 followers you want to get to know better. Probably not going to tag that many, but hey, this is all voluntary anyway!
Actually, I stuck it under a cut because 20 questions is a lot. And I’ll tag @randomcat1832 @underseriesfan @sredmund @cuandollueven-mapaches @queenbovine @millie-likes-art @followerofmercy @dancing-vulcans @galatic-dragoness @caffeinefreedietbepis and @profoundlytenaciousgalaxy
Completely optional, of course, or dive in anyway if I didn’t tag you!
I. Nickname?
Alexandra I use as a pen name, but it’s also my Latin nickname (yeah, I can speak Classical Latin conversationally -- placet me valde latine dicere!). Teanjel is my confusing-to-pronounce online nickname. (I like the idea of Tea as a shorter version, but no one’s called me that yet. :P) My real name is short already, so I haven’t had many nicknames.
II. Gender?
III. Star sign? Meyers-Briggs?
INFP (My sign is Pisces, but that’s never really meant anything to me)
IV. Height?
V. Favorite feature?
Eyebrows. (Generally pretty happy with how I look now, but teenage me thought they were my only interesting facial feature)
VI. Favorite color?
I don’t have a consistent answer to this question. I keep wanting to draw in shades of blue since that Secret Santa gift.
VII. Favorite animal?
About as hard as the color question. Some bird of prey maybe? Let’s say kestrel.
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
Idk. Really varies. 
IX. Dogs or cats?
Cats. Mostly indifferent to dogs.
X. Number of blankets you sleep with? Morning person or evening person?
Surprisingly, after years of assuming I was a night owl, I’ve discovered I’m much happier and more focused in the morning. I just have terrible self control going to sleep on time. 
XI. What’s your dream trip?
Switzerland or Iceland come to mind first. I’ve been both places already, but I’d love to go back. Someday I’d like to go caving in a huge cave.
XII.  What’s your dream job?
Storytelling of some kind. Books, webcomics, video games, I’m not sure what I’m most interested in anymore (though I like how designing a game combines a lot of kinds of creativity). 
XIII. When did you make this account?
This March. (I’m totally fine with people scrolling back to like/look at my first posts, btw. I just pretended I had followers and dove in!)
XIV. How many followers do you have?
32. @unexpected-gaster has 34, and it’s been feeling like a race lately! Gaster’s definitely winning, though; my main tends to attract a lot more bots and I’m inconsistent about blocking them. 7 people follow both; not as many as I thought!
XV. How many pets do you have?
My family has a cat and a dog. Will finally be renting a place that allows pets this fall; hoping to get a cat with my roommates.
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or country?
I’m from Alaska, and if you ever vacation here, you should take the local ferry system between towns in the Southeast (that part next to Canada). The views are beautiful (mountains with glaciers right next to the ocean and lots of little islands), the boats are large in calm water so it’s not going to get bumpy, and you can just relax in a nice chair by the window. That’s how I like to travel!
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Ever since I worked in an ice cream shop, I’ve known that’s an impossible question. But green tea and raspberry sorbet are special favorites, and I’m always happy with coffee chocolate.
XVIII. How often do you read?
Not as much outside of school as I used to, since my degree has involved a lot of reading and it’s harder to relax and read now. Trying to keep up with a daily Bible reading plan and a few fanfics at the moment. I keep meaning to start an audiobook.
XIX. Favorite study locations?
Coffee shops in the morning, right when they open.
XX. Favorite book series?
The Chronicles of Narnia. Some of the first chapter books I read on my own, and I can still reread them now and be inspired or notice new details. That’s a rare quality, and I can’t name another series that has seemed deeper as I’ve gotten older. The Silver Chair is my favorite.
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riskeith · 3 years
you just responded and i nyoomed to answer. yes my days consist of waiting for you. yes i’m not ashamed to admit it. <3
that makes so much sense actually? like A Lot of sense. i don’t think you should feel bad about that at all i mean if you are comfortable with how you perceive them then by all means! haha! what’s fun about fanfics is that people can take one character and shape them in so many different ways. canon doesn’t anyways give us depth to characters yet writers do which 🙏🏽 godsent. but then again, it can feel weird if someone makes them behave like ~someone~ else haha. i remember it used to be a hot topic in voltron actually, where people would portray lance as a weak and emotional guy only even if he’s arguably the bravest and most bamf... people didn’t like that very much. do you know what i’m talking about?
I’M SO EXCITED TO READ ALL OF THESE. thank you so much you just set my late night weekend plans 😏. and oh god esselle is the ao3 writer. i love their bnha fics so much. can’t wait to read their haikyuu stuff as well. kagehina too... 🥺 dude, i saw some oikage things last night and i have my eyes open.. 👁 i know you like them a lot so hm... i’ll definitely read that as well i love the summary already.
he’s puppy-like so would he like to play in the water? i want to say so, just bc i think it would be cute for him to splash around 🥺
just one?? wow now i get what you meant in your earlier messages, shskdhsk. all my current friends i’ve known since we were children, i don’t even know how to make new friends irl tbh.... AND SAME!!!! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS GO BRR. and god the best thing is how things change but at the same time they don’t? like they start to notice little things and realize they’ve always liked them? or the ‘i thought best friends felt like this towards each other’.... aaaaaaaah. 🥺 but then again enemies to lovers.. the tension and the yearning? the moment everything just snaps? god i couldn’t pick my favorite i don’t think. i just love those two so much equally hahah.
if it’s cyberpunk vibes i will combust. i love those aesthetics so much.. (waiting for ps5 to restock so i can run around in night city in cyberpunk 2077 forever.) but yeah it makes sense for it to be themed like that but it’s so funny to think about transporting from the whispering woods to like... large billboards and grungy streets. AR 35?? oh that’s must earlier than i expected. so i take it the main story isn’t done yet?
how sexy, even though this blog is just our messenger app at this point snskdhkddhj.. once again, i’m sorry riskeith stans.. 🙏🏽
i wish i could get you all the cotton candy in the world. and wow kenma HAIR!! sounds so cute but wait oh my god,,, do you have short hair,....... 😳💗💓💕👁💘💝💓😭💗👀💖💓💘💝💞 do you? 😳💢 how was it shaving everything? must’ve been such a big decision!! 😳
ikr? like most of the fics i’ve read portrays them as a angst ship which i do love a lot but you’re right it’s funny bc in canon they’re just.. supportive idiots. i think it’s the oikawa fangirls thing and iwa being annoyed by it that people get hooked on. at least i think since it’s almost always there in the fics... :+ DO YOU LIKE IT? i’m so obsessed with it i saw a edit on ig with klance and that song earlier and it fits them so well too... 🥺 anyway back to iwaoi, i think i like writing from iwa’s pov actually? i haven’t tried writing much from oikawa’s yet but idk.,, iwa’s personality just speaks to me. also i like that oikawa’s personality is so complex to understand, it’s easier to spice up the angst that way. (I DON’T 🥺 it’s such a sad topic for me bc it’s my ultimate dream to drive but it costs soo much money to get it here and i’ve been too busy to invest... 😭 wbu?????) I KNOW MEMO AND OH MY GODNESS? i’m sure the fic is sooo good oh god.... the vibes. 😭 please tell me what it’s about. please. 🙇🏽‍♀️
OH it means that i’m just gonna reread your fics until you post something new... here i thought i was being clever and cute shshskdhdks
STOP YOU KEEP MAKING ME SO EXCITED aaaa ma’am please... think about my heart. 🥺
here’s a new topic to discuss; are you a coffee or tea person? (or neither.. please don’t say so)
kiss, m.a. 💘
i keep forgetting to check whether you’ve responded or not before shutting down my laptop and i’m left to answer on my phone 😭😭 and i too spend my days awaiting your responses <333 but i always forget to check after a period of time HFJSKFKSKCKNC i swear i’m checking like once every 5 min but the moment i forget you respond NCKSNDN
bro (do you mind being called stuff like that lol) writers give us everything canon is too cowardly to give.… truly blessed 🙏🙏 yeah i do!! there are a lot of complaints about mischaracterisation in hq fandom too actually… which i think is fair enough but at the end of the day just let these people have their fun you know.. it’s not harming anyone and if you don’t like it just don’t read! lol
i haven’t read much of esselle’s bnha actually (aside from tdbk) but i just know they’re absolutely amazing!!!!!! absolute legend i hope (i know you will tho hehe) you enjoy her kagehina toooo. and yes oikage!!!!!! omg pls 😭😭😭 i wish they were more popular aaaa
🥺🥺🥺 razor in one of those baby pools.. RAZOR WITH POOL FLOATIES!!! my goodness 😭😭😭😭
fjksnxksndm yeah but i think i might be an outlier in that… LOL oops. and you’re so right like they just grew up together and like grew in love it’s so natural and just comes to them like they were always supposed to be together and they are <333 bc soulmates <33333 BUT YEAHHH THE MOMENT EVERYTHING SNAPS YOU KNOW IT!!!!! god when person A SAVES person B even tho they’ve “hated” them the entire time...… but when they were faced with a tough circumstance they realised they couldn’t bear the thought of being without them 😩😩👌👌👌👌👌👌
omg ps5.… ngl i considered buying a ps console so i could play the last of us 2 chxjjskskxjxjs. have you seen all the cyberpunk memes tho? lolol. nah main story isn’t done!! i think the main story is supposed to develop all 7 worlds until we find our sibling so like.… it ain’t gonna be over for a LONGGGG time (lol omg could you imagine if mih*y* pulled a me and like 4 worlds in was just ‘ok soz i’m uninterested now you can imagine how the game would’ve gone’ HFJSJFKSKFKDJ)
HAHAHAHHA it legitimately is. riskeith who??? more like marriage anon stan account. fjdkfnnd anyways to my other followers hope y’all are enjoying the show 🤪
i do have short hair rn!!! lowkey a bowl cut but i’m also trynna grow out a mullet djksndksnd. and having a shaved head was so nice.. i literally just couldn’t stop touching it after cjskckksnfks. and it wasn’t that big of a decision to me tbh i’m not that fussed about my hair like i know some other people are djskkd the biggest obstacle was getting my parents to agree 💀💀💀 (much like i am trying now..…) i used to have my hair long for ballet, but once i quit i just kept getting it cut shorter and shorter and then voila! shave. GJDJKSKDND
true.. jealous iwa.. i have that in one of my wips i believe FJSJJCKSKDK (it might even be in the memo fic?) AND UHHHH i didn’t love the song ;–; it’s just… slow HFKALDLAKDK and not the mood i was in when i heard it cjdkslxllskcjskcnkscnkzmxmcm omg no not klance 😭😭 they have a lot of angst too.. (i say, as if there isn’t a single klance fic of mine that doesn’t have angst JFJDJSKDJ) OMG YOU LIKE WRITING IWA POV TOO???? you 🤝 me iwa kin. i joke that it’s because i, much like him, am very much in love with oikawa. (aw no i’m so sorry for bringing it up 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but i’m on my learner’s rn!) IVE POSTED THE OUTLINE ONCE (not a good sign… LMAO) https://kaheyama.tumblr.com/post/190015338287/yall-want-some-iwaoi-angst THERE!! also wait i just realised it has manga spoilers.… maybe don’t look fjdknfjd (you could stop after “pining iwaizumi hajime” but i don’t want to accidentally spoil you 😭😭)
JFKSKSLAKFKSKCJLSKD IM so sorry it WAS clever and cute my brain was just not big enough at the moment to understand 😭😭😭😭😭 but thank u as always i appreciate 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 so honoured you would even think about going back to them lord knows i don’t KFKSJSKA
HEHEHE NO MERCY!!! but ok ok i shall lay low until the day comes 😋😋😋
tea!! simply bc i can’t sleep if i drink coffee fjskfjsj. but that’s been happening with tea too so i haven’t even had tea recently 😭😭😭😭😭 flavour wise i think i like coffee more but also you get so much more variety with tea? hm. HAHA. hbu??
hugssss, c.r. 💝
0 notes
dryasiulia · 7 years
August 21st: Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day
This idea is fantastic and I want to support it as best I can.  I’m constantly amazed that you guys take your free time to provide this for us; so this is quite literally the least I can do!  There’s a lot more below~~~~~~
I wish I had the time today to reread everyone’s work; AND to read everything I haven’t yet.  You all deserve pages and pages of praise; I’m sorry this is all I can do today.  In roughly the order in which they were originally consumed:
@claudeng80 Even if it hadn’t been my fanfic introduction (If you don’t count watching GoT), Noble AU would still hold a special place in my heart.  Honestly everything you’ve done is amazing.  I still haven’t made it through the RIDICULOUS amount of happy you made for us during bingo.  And that’s not even considering the ones I DID get to that I want to reread ASAP (omg that fairytale obi dragon one).  And of course Snowdrop~~~  No words~~~~  I even enjoy the stuff you do that is outside my wheelhouse *cough* star trek.  Plus, Akagami on the Bayou is literally perfection.
@sabraeal It’s lovely to see someone who is so talented spend so much time appreciating and supporting others.  The comments/reviews that you (and Joanna and Andi) leave in the community are literally as entertaining as the stories.  That said, obviously now I’m going to mention Seven Suitors because duh.  It is Canon But Better and I hope there isn't a sekrit counter somewhere that shows how many times Ive read it....maybe even with the Haki B-sides inserted timeline appropriately~~~~  And I don’t have enough time to get into Truth In Masquerade (Or In Which There Will be Ascots; yup, I’m pretty sure that was promised, even if it was just in my head it still counts), modern AU, OFC fae AU (why am I capitalizing AU?), high school, daemons, the kiss of life (I may think about randomly at times) all the bb obi backstory stuff, the amazing haki stuff, and the one shots!  Your 100 prompts was frankly, astonishing, and during a Very Bad Time for me.  It was so amazing to have something like that to escape to.  This workings of this site remain a bit of a mystery to me; things that are original and amazing frequently get missed or ignored; and a picture of a shoe with a cat in it like breaks the internet?
@superhappybubbleslove again with the “someone who is so talented spends so much time appreciating and supporting others” For me, watchtower is like “Uncomfortable RL Canon but Won’t Ever be Canon Because Shoujo”  You do such an astonishing job of like Easter Egg Multi Level Pains.  As if the over-arching pain isn’t enough; there are little poison barbs expertly sprinkled in specially designed for the utmost torment.  Of all the pains (main story pains; not touching the B-SIDE pains because I’m still recovering from Friday) the little ones stick with me the most.  Ugh, that part where he drops the spoons is honestly like the worst for me…..I’ve just upset myself again.  And likewise with the I REALLY REALLY don’t want to know my reread count xD  I don’t have the time to even get started on what Melt, the Mountain Lion au, and everything else deserves.  (Like, I’m still kind of angry about how much I enjoy the ballet au - I mean wut?!)
@infinitelystrangemachinex your commentary is ALWAYS +100~  Automation Heart……I love your Shirayuki so much.  She’s always a science badass.  And the chemistry with Obi, LITERALLY no matter what the set up, is ALWAYS perfect.  I’m not comfortable admitting 1. how many times I have read Analysand 2. how many times I then REREread it when you did Overflow — also rereading Overflow obviously and 3. How many times I read St Elmos Fire once I finally realized I hadn’t read it.  Let’s just leave it at….a lot….  There are still a few things from last year I haven’t gotten to; someone might point out that I MAYBE would’ve had more than enough time to read those I had I skipped a rererereread or two….don’t pester me with your logics~  I’m sure they are equally amazing; I can’t wait to get to them!
@nebluus Apparently I’ve missed a few things on the classic “you must read” obiyuki lists.  However, I have at least read Blizzard.  ~~~~A FEW times.  It most definitely belongs on the list.  Everything about it is perfect.  Ugggh….the part about how he would be a great father… “Are you the fire Obi?”  Dead.  Even though no true relationship stuffs happens it literally kills me every time.  
@xaphrin sometimes I worry from your tumblrs you don’t understand how awesome you are; but then I think surely you see how many people tell you your awesome….right?!?!  I can be a little bit of a cinnamon bun when it comes to reading sexy times, but I feel like you always try (nay succeed) to include it as part of the Whole Relationship.  AND AND AND can we talk about how phone sex AU obi is. the. hottest. obi.  Which is so weird…I mean if someone would’ve told me I’d love “phone sex” au I would’ve rolled my eyes.   BUT ITS SO GREAT.  And obviously diplomacy.  OBVIOUSLY.
@ruleofexception for me you are like a box of cakes.  (real talk, some chocolates are gross, all cake is delicious)  “dead obi with oxygen shirayuki” nuuu please don’t do that….omg that was amazing.  Hunger games?!?!?….moar pls all of the hunger games.  Disembodied voices??…..amazing yes please (I loved Knowing You so much!!!).  Whew and there are many things I haven’t yet said about Fall of the Crown….but I super love it’s gothic feels and I am super excite~~  (The knife naming/giving?!?!!)  And you have more I haven’t even gotten to yet; I can’t wait~
@akai-vampire you take the bare-bones of canon and breath life into it~  When the smallest obiyuki bit happens, my initial reaction is “oh god nina will make me pay for this shortly”  Late at Night is so lovely; I feel like “what happened if Shirayuki didn’t make it out” isn’t explored much~  And omg that blurted confession in Dreams…..  And honestly, if you seriously SERIOUSLY get to 50 in “The Fifty Times You Stole My Heart” you WILL kill me.  It’s only at 6 and I can barely make it now~~~ Srs.  All of it.  
@vivianwisteria okay, the “how Obi and Shirayuki met as kids” canon mystery is ongoing…  However, the way you handled it in Adagio Appassionato is my absolute favorite~  (Canon needs to retcon Violin Shirayuki if Sorata ever actually gives us the backstory there.)  I love it so much that when you dropped that bomb chapter I MAY have put off a serious work assignment to go reread everything IMMEDIATELY.   I LOVE all of Conductor Obi with Issues so much~ Okay, and Love and Other Monstrosities I mean WUT.  There are no other words for that…just WUT WUT WUT!!! Whew, and Impasse, the Damon Lindelof (but better) bad guys here are very mysterious and exciting.  And OF COURSE I love found in translation…. And obviously I am SO VERY EXCITE about Ex Gratia~
@jaygirl987 The “worldbuilding” for Neighbors is astounding.  For srs, you have fleshed out Bruce, THE CAT, more than most fiction manages to with human side characters.  I literally can not wait to see where this goes; everyone’s been established so beautifully.  I adore your obiyuki relationship one-shots as well.  I can’t wait to catch up on the bingo stories I missed!!!!
@meibemeibelline I haven’t finished all of Apple Red and Gold yet…I REALLY need to make a obiyuki “to read” list post it note.  However, I did get to Counting Coins and Motel on the Hill during Bingo.  I LOVE your storytelling.  Your descriptions and atmosphere are wonderful.  Counting Coins was adorable, plus Obi as a hot teacher yes please.  Motel on the Hill is so lovely~~~  It’s beautifully melancholy.  I can’t wait to read the rest; I’m sorry it’s taken me this long!!
@codango obviously the road to Clarines is gravel is amazing.  You succeeded where 18 years of my real life experience did not…you made the cowboy aesthetic attractive~  I adore your characterization of EVERYONE in this and I’ve been super excited for every chapter.  Seriously, the individual elements should not appeal to me, but your skill and ability made them in to something I love.  
@glitter-and-golden  Okay, I never knew that I needed a mithra obi, BUT I DID.  If I Walk It's With You Beside Me is a pleasure to read~  SO, I’m also a sucker for fictional food; and after I read this the first time I totally had to eat breakfast for dinner~  I love everything about this, Ryuu, their cottage, Zen, sassy mithra Obi.  I am so excite!
OMG this was supposed to be faster… -.- I’m past out of time, so please forgive my abbreviated loves:
@onoheiwa  - both your kiss stories were absolutely adorable~~ And I loved the amusement park; Obi’s disappointment when the park was closed was perfect.  I can’t wait to read the rest of your stuff!!  
@krispy-kream - I loved haki as the amyrlin and izana as forsaken SO MUCH.  My memories of early WoT are mixed to say the least….If you want to go ahead and redo all the early books I’d be %100 on board with that.
@another-miracle - your intermissions are beautiful~  your prose is also lovely in general,  I’m so sorry I’m behind!!!  I’m VERY MUCH looking forward to reading everything you’ve given us~
@littleaverill - your role reversal au was great~~~  I love the idea of obi growing up in the shop~ I can only imagine how he’d be different.  I REALLY love your style; there’s an element of the unknown and the implied that always leaves me like I just had a piece of cake that was EVER SO SLIGHTLY smaller that I would’ve cut myself — super delicious but if you even want to send me another slice I��d be okay with it! xD
@nonstopdoodle - The Spice of Life was so cute!   Ryuu as AI was perfect~~  There was something very nostalgically Firefly about it that I loved so much~  And just ftr, your ponies are SO SO SO CUTE
@rebeccaravenroth - okay, the balcony-plants story for bingo was so adorable.  I am fluent in passive aggressive post it notes.  I adore your writing style and storytelling~
I’m sorry I left out a few AO3 people that I don’t know their Tumblr blog name or may not be on Tumblr!!!
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reuenthals · 7 years
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