#ive been offline all day tho
lesbiandarvey · 1 year
wait i havent heard anything about the new riverdale was it bad
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hangezoeenthusiast · 2 years
well hello anyone who is actually on tumblr and hasnt forgotten about me. ive been offline for a year or so, had personal issues in my life, and also started high school so i wanted to focus on that. life update:
- im in 10th grade now :)) high school isnt that bad and there actually isnt as much fights as there was in past years. also im in a lot of advanced classes now
- i got new friends, and dumped my old ones(they were toxic)
- got into some new fandoms(call of duty, genshin[sorta i barely tolerate some people, I just try to play the game without interacting with the fandom], tmnt[i’ve always loved it], and others that I can't rlly think about rn
- got my working permit today :D after new years I'm gonna look for a job
- well I figured out I'm trans now (f-t-m), after years of question my gender and making excuses, I'm also pansexual :)
- the name I want my legal name to be is kaisen(kai is just a nickname and I dont use j anymore)
- body image stuff, sucks to suck but I'm trying everyday, slowly
- i actually have a girlfriend, we have been together for 3 months, and known each other for around 1 or 2 years. We are long distance(she lives in another country), time zones suck, but we make it work. We also met on genshin, so i guess i owe the game for that.
- im teaching myself how to draw, and also have been reading a lot of books lately
- family life isnt the best, im not gonna elaborate, but i just try to ignore it
it seems like a dream with how i acted a year ago. i seemed way more immature than what i do act now. i was so innocent i guess you could say, and i guess you could also say that i was just figuring myself out. and as im sitting in my bed, listening to The Neighborhood, im reminiscing. i do miss the friends that i had before i dropped them, and i really wish that i didnt push everyone away whenever i was in a depressive episode, but its the past. if i cant get over the past i’ll never be able to move on into the future. im just so glad that past me could get that experience of exploring themselves and meeting new people. also i was very very cringey i realize now, i feel like i was acting a sort of way to get recognition from people.
well anyways i dont think i’ll be writing anything anytime soon, i dont feel the passion i used to back then. maybe someday, but not today, and not the next. also thank you for 300 followers, that might not seem alot compared to other people, but it is for me. also thank you for all the support with the dsmp stuff even tho i stopped writing about them. i rlly didnt expect my stuff to blow up like that :))
well signing off:
kaisen(kai), have a fantastic day/night 😊
(ps: ive never deleted tumblr, and i was reading fanfics on here, i just was being lazy and didnt feel like responding to messages and updating my profile 😉 so to all the people who commented on my posts, i wasnt ignoring u, im too tired and my brain cells are the equivalent of 1 at the moment, but i’ll try to respond)
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Do you have any app or mobile game to suggest? QwQ I wanna try playing something new
OOF there's so many mobile games I'm listing so prepare yourself
BATTLE CATS is the shit. Tough levels at points but there is a semblance of progress to be had. They added a lot of events and extra shit so it might be overwhelming for new people. i have no idea tho I barely started playing it again.
I'm a lover of the solitare genres (klondike and spider) but ugh the ads. I really only like them for the virtual customization of the themes that desktop comps dont provide enough of and having something offline to play on the go. ive been getting better at the four suit spider games, tho- i can feel my brain learning. 😁
Bingo games are fun! I don't have any one in particular I like the best, tho. Been a while since I played them.
Tinker Island 1 has great progression and you have the opportunity to collect the paid currency constantly, building up your gem vault. I like the garden minigame more than the actual gameplay XD.
I like Marvel Puzzle Quest for the match-3 gameplay with the marvel aesthetic. I'd recc. to play this one casually because progression is nonexistent with AND without $.
On the topic of match games, Bejeweled is a classic. 😊 I loved the butterfly rescue one back in the day and poker version was fun too- the tension is just MWAH.
Grand Summoners is for some reason spending a lot of money in ads because I'm seeing it everywhere despite having it on the exact device I'm seeing the ads on??? I'm not saying it's a problem it's just odd, lol. Micromanaging gear and teams will implode your brain but there is some strategy to it, even if you try to auto everything. They have crossover events all the time, on top of progression being kinda slow but still possible, and I'm quite happy with unexpectedly pulling a Hatsune Miku and evolving her. 😊
I would recc. trying out Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links out for a test run to see if the grind is up your alley. Very generous with rarity tickets the last time I played it.
For another simple game, billiards are fun too, and easier to play digitally than in real life, lol. You will be playing against other humans all the time, tho.
Injustice 1 or 2 and Marvel Contest of Champions have their own pros and cons, but both are finger-input fighting/brawl games with IPs so it depends on asthetic and progression i guess? If I had to choose tho, I would say Injustice is more organized in its content than Champions if that makes any sense?
Best Fiends is a cute and neat lil' bubble draw and pop game that has some progression to it, but it's been a while since I played it. Surprising for me that I even like this one since the mascots are cartoony insects.
Color Puzzle is a gradient-building/color-matching puzzle game. I played it during my art class and it made me more aware of how colors react next to each other though it can hurt your eyes.
Visual novel story/chapter games are ones you need to curate yourself to figure out which one you'll want to sit through. Chapters has sexual/explicit stories but a beefy reward system compared to Choices from what I remember, plus community engagement/contests. This likely could have changed now- I haven't checked. Other apps have (slightly) animated characters/establishing shots and some are more customizable in the protagonist and reputation systems (romance or otherwise). They all blended together in my mind like a big soup of colors, but i will tell you that the paid currency choices are never worth it.
(Pixel) Color-by-number games are fun pastimes until they hurt your eyes and drain your device battery.
South Park Phone Destroyer was fun for a bit. Until it wasn't.
Dream Girlfriend is the best Ambition gacha/character simulation game they have, prove me wrong.
side note: have you ever played a mobile game that got deleted? one that was solely a play-to-win that was also fun in general and you were close to maxing out your characters? yeah, it's worse than the pain you feel when you discover your fave fic has been deleted from the internet😢
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nidailylife · 1 year
8.13.2023. I feel like i keep venting too much on my main blog, forgetting i have this sideblog.
My main blog is supposed to be about fandom stuff. ...Unfortunately, a lot of my meltdowns and mental crisises are about famdom stuff. (I dont have too much else in my life. Too much social anxiety.) I must be scaring people on my fandom blog. No wonder even some of my favorite arists blocked me. 😥
Maybe i just need to get back to journaling offline. But it can be a hassel to boot up my computer. And once i turn it on, i often forget to turn it off. It's going to wear out too soon. Sometimes it's just easier to write on Tumblr. It's been so much more dependable than other apps I've tried in the past. Apps that lost everything when my phone died. Like all those notes i took of my symptoms when the pandemic first started. I wish i could still reference those. So many habit trackers that just got bugs and messed up my notes too. Tumblr is just more reliable. And it's not like I'm followed by non-bots anyway (except for maybe like 2 or 4 people). Maybe i should just have a private Tumblr for my journalling and venting. But i never remember the passwords for private sideblogs. And writing my hand is unsustainable for me. There's always too much i want to write and not enough stamina in my hands.
Anyway, i got really annoyed over a fictional character, almost for the entirity of yesterday. I dont want to delete my ranting posts, because those are important personal fandom records for me. But it's also pretty ridiculous, embarassing, and unnecessarily hostile. But you cant Archive tag search private posts. So i went back and hid all my ranting posts under cuts. I just hope leaving my rants posted publically doesn't make me the infamous crazy fangirl they talk about behind my back or on other platforms. ...But it's alwaysba possibikity because I AM a crazy fangirl.
I just feel so stuck as an artist, when all i want to draw and make merch for is my OTP...but Ive probably destroyed my reputation in the fandom. I can't be confident about opening an online shop or selling stickers or especially networking and advertising my art/merch, when i know the fandom i make art for, probably hates me, ON TOP of my illustration skills being objectively bad. But "small business artist" is my only career/financial option right now. And I'm destroying it by expressing my fandom.
The other day, someone poated a list of things to do to have a good reputation online, for small business artists, or maybe it was for people in general. One point was to not post opinions about anything (especially political). I'm a human being. Is that really possible to do?
I keep thinking about rebranding, separating my past fangirl self from my art business. But i hit a wall when i realized almost all my art is attached to my fandoms. Even if i changed my online name brand, it'd be too easy to anyone to find my art also on my art blog or fangirling blog, then realize i eas that crazy fangirl with a ruined reputation. How can i feel confident, sinking hundreds of dillars, making merch out of my fanart, and then advertising it to the corresponding fandom communities, when even a rebrand may not save me. I used to be so hopeful that a rebrand could free me from all my worries. But if you need to advertise your art, it's too easy to use that very art to track my old identity. I really feel trapped and stuck, and unable to move.
...But i guess that's usual with my frequently catastrophizing brain. I still dont know what to do tho. Im still too afraid to open that online shop or advertise my merch.
I think about rebranding to only my original art, cut ties with fandom when it comes to my small art business. But I've watched too many marketing vids to know that not piggybacking off a preexisting community, is the opposite of smart. ...but ive ruined my rep with them...i think...
Just feeling trapped. Paralyzed. Too afraid.
And journalling on Tumblr. Tho even that is stressing me out, in a way, too, i guess.
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chrvstenpress · 4 years
this is the cutest shit ive ever seen
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w-e-b-k-i-n-z · 6 years
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are you uh,, sure that’s the case? sure you got that right?
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honeymoon-bear · 5 years
WOW social media is bad for me
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duodusk · 2 years
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hes actually just like me fr
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newjenns · 2 years
why do you think georges apology is a double edged sword? i thought it was very well said and im glad he made that statement in the last few tweets i think it was something that really needed to be said and from what ive seen his tweets were really well received
bing bong crazy frog
first of i just wanna reiterate that from the beginning i didn’t really think george was in any real hot water based on the bbh ponk gnf clip alone
my biggest general critique with his statement is that he said you can tell from his content he doesn’t make those comments anymore but anyone who watches george and his friends can tell you that his online persona is the most different from who he is offline. so no i don’t really know that about you george i have no idea what he would say offline compared to who he is on camera. We Are Not Friends.
george’s precedent is interesting i want to see how it plays out, but him saying he won’t be addressing things in the future won’t stop people from trying to find them or causing reactions regardless. it’s not the same as dream’s 1628th piece of conservative history being brought up and everyone booing or memeing bc we already know about that and he’s already addressed it at great length. i have no idea what george’s grimy gamer boy history looks like even if i can guess it could be better or worse than whatever i’m imagining
also this more of a personal thing and completely hypothetical but in the event that something does come up that i find to be really hurtful even if it’s old even if this blanket statement exists… like. what if that’s just not something i can move past. like the b slur clip. i’m not mexican but i am latina and it’s been used against me before. its incredibly hurtful. i can move past it and happily call myself a gnfer because the apology for it exists. i mentioned this the other day but a big reason for why i can unapologetically call myself a dream stan even tho he’s said/done things that would make me drop someone else is because he’s a frequent and sincere apologizer (only reason i am using dream as a comparison is because dream and george are on equal levels for me. i do not care about someone like quackity or karl or tommy or even wilbur the same way i care about d&g). of course this is completely hypothetical but if it ever came to pass and all anyone had to say in response was to refer back to this thread it would make me explode. i hope it never happens
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myelocin · 3 years
halo i am sorry for my mia ive just been offline slowly..rlly slowly 🥲...working on comms while still doing life tings. as a little update i started review this week, i’ve been managing stress slightly better even thru this flareup ting, and will focus this month’s comms + march’s to patching up my car situation bc bestie that piece of shit is once again the source of my headaches 👍 but it oki 👍 one thing at a time. ive been writing alot but just havent gotten around to posting (which i will in the next few days). jjk and seijoh mostly so lets pretend to be surprised 😭😭
anyways i love u all. i am still tapping away in my little corner. life has gotten better even tho challenges have come up again. i hope everyone is well
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how did it feel like!! going offline? feeling like a tumblr reporter guy jekeieirud
Hi my love so sorry ur ask has been sitting in my inbox for the past 2 (?) days bcos ive been getting the shit kicked out of me by classes & assmnts but 2 answer ur question it was def worthwhile ! tho i will admit i ended up replacing my socmeds w/ other not-so-social social media apps like goodreads and reddit (i know..) because i was so bored lol. but on the bright side of things i finally made the time to sit and enjoy my books instead of skimming through them every once in a while and spent a lot of time discovering & devouring new music too. ill be honest - personally for me going "offline" was a good choice bcos it meant deliberately cutting myself off from the endless churn of content from tumblr & ig that didnt serve much purpose 2 me esp when i finally had 1.5 month's worth of Free Time to kill. i was pretty drained at the end of last yr from school and people and everything else and i felt that reaching for my phone and opening tumblr first thing in the morning was such a bad way to live LOL . i still reached for my phone in the mornings during my 1 month blackout but not as much.. i think that was a good step in realising ive got to sever myself from the internet and blah blah every once in a while and put my attention somewhere else in real life for a bit. All in all i wld recommend logging out of everything sometimes! yes i do acknowledge that ive always had my foot half out the door when it comes to social media (but not entirely - thats where tumblr comes in) and real life gets boring if you're sitting around the hse all day all week like i was doing in jan (covid cases were sky high in syd!!!!) but its def a good exercise in tearing urself away from the digital jaws of the internet and learning to refocus ur attention to the real life tangible world around you
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hellerism · 3 years
wait what happened today why is everyone talking about Jensen and the finale
i think some bloopers and the deleted scene from the finale dropped early? im not sure tho ive been offline all day
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magical-agatha · 4 years
ive completed like. 90% of demons souls (ps3 not the remake) in the last like. 4 days. new save file. just been burning thru it. even doing almost all the side quest stuff. tho im gonna have to do the assassination sidequest in ng+ bc i impulse killed ostrava in 1-3. cant remember why i did that. lol. also need to lower my character tendency enough to get mephistopheles to spawn and i dont know if i can do that without killing a useful npc. i *should* be able to kill 1 or 2 of the catholics in the nexus to get my character tendency to pure black. then just bring yurt to the nexus, kill him, spawn mephy, then do every remaining bit of content before i can start ng+, including spending every boss soul, and then just. kill the ppl meph wants me to kill. and kill her. then start ng+.
all thats left to do otherwise is uhh. pure black tendency in world 4. finish world 3 and do pure white and then pure black there. then do the last bit if 1-3, do 1-4, then the final boss. then the mephy stuff.
the fun part is im beginning to construct a critical path in my head for this game. i just need to learn how increasing character tendency works and ill have a more or less complete understanding of the tendency mechanics, and ill be able to easily and efficiently complete offline runs and build characters. the question, ultimately. is do i care once i finish this run. will i ever play this game again. fuck dude probably. its good as fuck.
i absolutely hate the remake though for the record. the remake takes sooooooooo many liberties with aesthetic, tone, and basically every visual aspect of the game. homogenising it completely and even changing tone and wording *significantly* in voice acting, changing words in a way showing a direct misinterpretation of the source material, and its context as a spiritual successor to the kingsfield quadrilogy. i rly despise bluepoints remake of demons souls. its not art restoration, its fanservice that doesnt care about the source material artistically. its basically a separate game, the tone and aesthetics are so different i dont even want to call it a remake. its more different than ds2 and ds2sotfs, like. idk im upset about it. its a gorefest which the original demons souls is not. there is gore and body horror in the original but it's used carefully. and its less gratuitous or horrific. even the plague babies and the face centipedes are like. well placed and thought out. they suck! ur not supposed to enjoy them. its not meant to be pulpy and cartoonish like doom.
kind of looking forward to getting a ps5 in a year or two and streaming des and desr side by side. doing a full critical playthrough.
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mommy-imagines · 3 years
Hi mommy! Ive been meaning to send u more asks but i get really anxious or im not in the headspace to interact orz so im sorry ive been so silent! This years just been a lot sjjdjd and its just really kinda hit me in the past month or 2 so ive been very burnt out
But yeah i meant to send an ask when u put up that post about ur experiences! I really wanted to let u know that im so proud of u for perserving thru all that! And that it mustve been so difficult and ik that things can haunt u sometimes but that ik u can def get over them! Im also sorry that u had to go thru those things. I understand that whole attitude of like "u went thru these things for a reason!" or like "ur a survivor uve been thru so much!" can sometimes be upsetting to hear bc sometimes u just want to let it all out or not be so strong for once. And that it can feel cheap sometimes? Bc its such a general statement and reaction ppl always give that kinda feels like its glorifying in a way what you went thru and i just want to say that its ok to feel bitter and sad and angry about what happened and ur valid in those feelings too! Idk i just wanted to make a point of saying both sides of it is valid and that im really happy that youve come thru it so well and ur still trying new things in life and that ur still here!
Im also really sorry to hear about how ur examns went! I was rooting for u and hoping that things were going well during the days u were offline and felt really bad for u when i read that you failed. Ik theres nothing that can really make it feel better esp after u spent all that time preparing and studying and all that but this is just going to be another experience that will help u later on! We all need some fails in life to get more experience so we can get wins u know? (jsjdjd the irony of me saying that after talking about how ppl only say this will help u lmao) but like yeah i understand how devasted u are esp after u invested all that time in! I hope u feel better soon!
Ndjfjf you dont understand i saw that post about me and i had to bury my face in my hands with a blush and a big smile djfjf omg i wasnt expecting that when i came to check on u djdjdj i like curled up in a ball for a splid minute rolling around jdjdjff i never expected to make a lasting impact with my first ask omg but im glad i make u happy!
Djjdjf im sorry to report tho i dont really have a lot of thoughts i can send in rn im going thru a bit of a dry spell rn in regards to abdl/ageplay and also uh haikyuu in general dnfjfn but dw ill still come back and read your stuff and try to interact when im up to it! I think i can think up some mommy and atsumu thoughts later tho theyll probably be pure playtime thoughts sjdnd
(pls prioritize us over ur work!! Feed us that gud gud!)
No but for real take care of urself!
With Love UwU - meian simp 💚💚💚
Hello, my darling! I have missed you terribly.
Thank you for being such a sweet person, I really appreciate everything that you just said, I mean it.
Don't worry about not having ideas about our boy, I get it. I also get the burnout, unfortunately.
I am, as of this day, three weeks from finishing Law School. My finals are this week and the next one, so I'll be cramming for those.
I have a nearly finished self-indulgent Atsumu comfort fic. I'm not going to lie to you here, the only reason for this particular fic to exist, is because I needed to project a bit and pretend to be looked after. So it's still Mommy and Atsumu, it's still part of the original series, but it's very much about Mommy getting some comforting for once. I think that we are all in need of that, in some level.
I'm not sure if I'll post it tonight still, but that's a possibility. If not, then it'll be up some time tomorrow.
All the love, sweetie. I was going to say "stay strong", but I don't think that that's a nice thing to say to someone, it's alright to not be the one having it all together for once - I'm having a really hard time accepting that myself.
I hope to hear from you soon ❣️🌜
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bxstiae · 5 years
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SPEED: fluctuates on my mood. I’m relatively fast? like usually same day reply fast. sometimes it takes me a few days. know that the long it stays in my drafts, the longer i will take on it. my all time record is about 3 years. while granted it doesn’t take that long, don’t be surprised about it. best case scenario, it takes me a couple of weeks, i dont like having things fester. i also sometimes forget too! you are more than welcome to remind me if it seems like i have but please don’t make it a habit. in regards to response time on pms/discord -- short turnover rate. I usually respond to it within the hour. usually within seconds/minutes actually. if i am awake that is. unless im offline and in my happy place, i tend to log out of discord to get away from people when im overwhelmed. blog wise, i dont have him on my app. so messages are only when im on my laptop or have time to check on chrome mobile.  
REPLIES: i dont like drafting them. my dash is slow enough that i can scroll down to it. i will draft it though if i need to. length wise, im an avid writer. i write A LOT. they can get very lengthy at times. i write with a bit of prose -- that prose can get very HEAVY depending on my partners as well. i also format as well. i like heavier formatting without losing the quality of the writing. i dont like one-liners. you will see me with at least two paras or more. please know that i am dyslexic though when it comes to writing, and i have a bad habit of rereading my stuff after i post. so mistakes && errors are a thing for me. i try to catch it when i am rereading as im going through to format the posts. but sometimes things get missed. you are more than welcome to fix some if it is a bad spelling mistake ( better to ask first tho cause i spell with a brit keyboard -- and i specifically choose certain words to be spelt a specific way. )
STARTERS: when i post the starter call, any mutual ( && i really mean ANY of you ) can like it. this goes for if you follow me on multiple blogs. we interact already on one blog? by all means we can interact with one another on your other blog. but if you do, it gives me free reign to do whatever i want. look for my tags to see what i say too. they usually are a key factor in regards to my thought process. i try to get everybody done within reasonable time. dont worry i will never not make a mutual a starter if they like the call. i usually go for the first interaction/meeting with the muse though. if that doesn’t float your boat then you can message me about it. i normally don’t message people in regards to starters because A) im tired, B) i expect you to come to me.
INBOX: inbox is absolutely open to anybody! in fact, if i post a prompt, i ask that you send something in. even if we never interacted! im more versed into throwing the muse into a pre-established relationship. with the inbox, i will sometimes go to you because of that. i really do love to write, && the inbox is a perfect way to send something in without having any strings attached in regards to replies. like i said im an avid writer. i always want to write. sometimes people are slow and i get that. since im faster, i have no problem in doing inbox stuff for you to develop interaction ( aside from plotting ). best way to actually enjoy character interaction for me tbh. cause sometimes threading be hard okay?
SELECTIVITY: i am biased, i will say it now. i have preference over people i talk to ( who i consider my friends ), or people that i like. but that doesnt mean i will blatantly ignore you. people should know that if you talk to me, then the chances are i will give you more attention. sometimes i just click or vibe with people okay? in regards to following. i am on the heavy side of mutuals only and i prefer a slower dash. i give about a week for people to follow back, or ample enough time for them to follow. there will be some people that i will be fine if they arent mutuals though as i like their content. that being said, i try to be super fair to everybody. i give people an equal chance. if i follow you it means i want to interact with you ( there are super rare exceptions ). but go too long without interacting, then i will unfollow/softblock. im not a number for you. i have feelings. and, yes, i will, at random, unfollow those who either dont make me comfortable anymore, or i need time away from them. or im just not getting that vibe anymore. 
WISHLIST: see here && here for some stuff i want. i love his pokemon verse i have. i also love his FE verse i have as well. i have a FE3H AU as well but i will naturally throw him into FEH or FE3H for that verse. i have plotted with a friend in regards to an echoes verse as well. honestly. i just want a lot of stuff for him. i want more wolf interactions. i kinda favour his beast forme anyway. but i also want interactions with the language differences. there is a language barrier with him! but i want those interactions cause he understands you! i have that hc somewhere dug in my blog. gotta find it. other interactions? i want a midna to interact with. link && the links AU?? also what does a man gotta do around here to get people to discuss plots.
HONEST NOTE: if you think im an elitist, then find your way out of the door -- youre probably right and i dont want you here. ive been here for a really long time && i know what i want. all jokes aside though, im tired of people being intimidated by me for different reasons. some people think its my aesthetic ( when really im not that bad ). others are intimidated by the sheer amount of writing i do? like okay?? kindly fuck off please. i write for stress relief. i write to have fun. my idea of fun is writing a lot. if you have a problem with that then sorry but i dont want you here. i have a passion for my muses and if you dont want to hear it, then i dont have time for your complaining. theres an unfollow button. i have a journalism degree so... yea. but really. im just really tired okay. im actually a very sweet person and i wear my heart on my sleeve. anybody who knows me well enough can tell you that. i hate being ignored tbh, so if i find energy && time to like talk to you, at least acknowledge me by saying thank you. btw im not really that much of an an elitist -- i just LOOK like i have a hard shell, but im actually super soft and squishy.
Tagged by: nobody I stole from @pristinette​ Tagging: you do you fam. just @ me as per usual cause pretend i tagged you.
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3 am’s a crazy time for it but it occurs to me i may as well give a heads up that i am like, for real at the present assuming that i’m gonna like, sometime in the very near future here be going offline again, in that sort of my ~plan~ (my one-step plan) is seeing if i can get myself on a bus (hopefully) and see if that can get me to the west coast. and from there i’ll just be like, well here i am in a place i’ve never been before, being unhoused for the second time but this time not living in my car, which is a bit different than living right out in the open, which i’ve never done. this, for example, is why i was looking up how to do makeshift stp devices. way easier to be able to pee wherever you are than have to find a place you can drop your whole pants, or an actual bathroom. apparently cutting the end off one of those plastic liquid medicine measuring things with the sorta spoon at its mouth works. anyways
i suppose it hasn’t necessarily showed but for a few weeks now i’ve def been feeling The Impending Pressure and it was getting down to the wire there not knowing if the Last Day Online would spring itself on me suddenly. but i can at least say i think i’ll have a days warning now and be able to say something with at least a matter of hours forewarning and not like, a matter of minutes. its been sorta wild though like, sorta assuming its like a Two Days Remain situation and in the midst of the unpredictability of depression, trying to just enjoy things as they’re happening, the simple stuff like chatting with people and being able to put my bullshit thoughts online...cranking out a fic chapter because it’s at least a better place to leave it hanging than it wouldve been otherwise.....just consuming this content that’s enjoyable and chill af.......i tell ya what—both in terms of being Fun and Anxiety-Reducing and Good Distractions and also, a great opportunity just to be talking to people on the daily which has been and continues to be absolutely fantastic—having been On that deh/etc will roland train for the past couple months has been a total gift. it was some great luck stumbling into that, seriously
anyways it’s weird! it’s weird thinking just like, i’ll suddenly do this thing and be on the other coast and just step out and be somewhere i don’t know and with no particular destination and maybe the lgbt center i looked up will at least tell me whats the best area to be in, sometimes they’re in the know abt that re: where’s a better spot to be homeless in than others. and from there, y’know, all i’ve been doing for years and all i can continue to do is absolutely wing it. and it’s funny that this all seems slightly less intimidating to me than it wouldve like, a year or two ago (even tho two yrs ago i was technically homeless lol but living in my car so like i said its different from living Right on the street) but honestly, obviously, it’s still very intimidating because how could it not be. i’m maybe not AS anxious but i’m still anxious and even though i know i could do it, i’d be stressed tf out and anxious as hell and shit while i was doing it. i mean, a crosscountry bus ride alone—i’ve never done that!! what if i mess up switching over to a different connecting ride between stations. bus and train bathrooms unnerve me, god forbid i have to get past someone to get to the aisle to GO to the bathroom. and, yknow, just a really long bus ride—how do you manage to sleep, how do i manage not to fall asleep at the wrong time cuz i doubt there’s an attendant telling you to get off at the right stop. though god knows it’s somewhat arbitrary where i’m deciding to go, i have no especial connection in one particular place over another, i think i have an uncle and cousin in CA but i don’t have the first idea where and i don’t know them at all
ugh. like there’s no actual way to feel good about it but if i’m gonna go somewhere it might as well be in a completely different place and i could try the west coast and i’m not one for making careful plans or thinking that making careful plans about your life works unless you’ve already got a lot of control about your situation, which i don’t. and it’s always been p inevitable that i wind up “properly” homeless, and it happens, and i don’t pretend it doesn’t scare me, but what are you gonna do? c’est ca que c’est / la vie. this way there’s a chance that A Big Change might lead the way for something better, and like hey if i die or some shit i die, which has always been a possibility anyways for the past like 6-7 years especially, what with how shitty i’ve felt lol. but i have no attachment where i’m at now and just. it’s hard to explain i guess if you’re not in the kind of place where i’m at but there’s not a lot of choices in the first place so, if i can choose the location, if it can be somewhere new where i MIGHT like to be for once, that’s better than not. and somehow so far i’ve managed to go with the flow surrounding big changes and sometimes wild situations, even if i’ve felt like crap and been super worried sometimes too. i don’t know for how many years now i’ve been Not assuming i’d be alive by the next year, but here i am having gotten this far, at least. it’s fairly impressive even if i don’t have any amazing achievements. believe it or not i’m pretty satisfied with my Achievements as just like, dumbass blog posts and fic/art and occasionally contributing something someone enjoys and getting to talk to people sometimes. it’s how i’ve been able to enjoy myself in the midst of some really awful times for the past like 6 yrs and i’ve appreciated it every day i’ve gotten to surf the net
like i guess it’s like haha, nerd, that half of what i’m worried about is being offline. but it’s a big deal being able to connect w the world beyond your immediate reach and distract yourself and say things and maybe even Enjoy yourself and also actually get to talk to people. but hey sometimes even people who live on the street manage to snag wifi connections somehow. i’d have to ask them how, lol. but, yknow, like i said, for a couple weeks especially it’s been like , Not Assuming I’ll NOT Lose Internet Connection and thus really trying to bear down on appreciating it. not like being offline for 5 months or so didn’t also make me appreciate it extra already. i was gonna say i survived it but i did get wildly depressed throughout like, august? september? probably both lol. anyways. what i’m trying to say i guess is that i’m not actually assuming i’ll be okay, but that only means so much because like, not to sound dramatic but i’ve pretty much never been okay on account of ive been just a half step away from living on the streets ever since leaving my parents house where i’d previously lived my whole life, which was an abusive situation. and also the depression and the years of really wanting to die which, at least 2018 didn’t have TOO much of that, in terms of feeling like it might be impending. now i can’t really be bothered, i’m just floating along and if i die i die, right. what i’m trying to say is, there’s not really any Good Proper option to choose where i’m definitely okay, so it’s basically about choosing between bad options, and with this choice i might at least like the location a little better, change of scenery, not as cold as here, i dunno. there’s not a way to just choose my way into being okay. it’s all a roll of the dice anyhow
also it’s weird but one thing about being on my own is it takes the pressure off me in certain ways and it’s a bit easier for me to Do things. if there’s anyone else to answer to in any way, i tend to just not ever decide anything and definitely don’t pursue anything. i’m one of those ppl who either has to live alone or with ppl they’re really really really comfortable with, and since i don’t have the latter around and nobody especially me can afford the former, it’s like, well, how is not everybody homeless anyway, right? and people do it. because yknow, you have to do it, it’s suddenly just your situation and somehow people get through every day. idk. learn as you go. what can ya do. it’s choosing between various bad options, i could also just wander into the mountains and die, but i’d rather not, and offing myself is Way a hassle, and also would be difficult, same as dying of exposure/dehydration in this middle of nowhere patch of mtns. i might as well try my luck at being in a place where you COULD maybe survive or something, and where i could at least feel like, if i do manage to have any good things happen, i would even possibly want to be in that area and be more comfortable living there. i have no roots anywhere and only have a No Zone (near my parents house) and so its sorta like, pick a random place to be!! lol. ahhhh
what can i say. it also sucks having to think “boy, in addition to not dying, hope i don’t get physically/sexually assaulted—also, how do people get water??” but......such is the way that it is. i don’t know. i don’t think anybody looks at impending homelessness and goes “i’m okay about this and not at all afraid.” and it’s strange to talk about how this is sort of ~by choice~ but it’s not exactly, in that i didn’t choose to only have abusive family and how even though i was working while living in my car it would never have been enough for rent probably even if i had someone to split it with and i also didn’t choose to not be rich in the first place and *the economy...... .png*
sigh. i dunno, it’s hard because i can’t talk about it a right way or long enough and get to a point i don’t feel intimidated or upset that once i Go Offline i’ll for real just be on my own unless and until i manage to get online for a moment again, in which case i’ll still be on my own, but i’ll feel a bit less alone, ha ha
anyways. speaking of trying to appreciate the simple pleasures of talking about whatever weird shit i wanna talk about and pushing myself to draw/write as it feels like it gets even more down to the wire—time to do that! 4 am and time to draw this weird meme & hopefully crank out the rest of this oneshot & maybe even draw again, and maybe again—it’s cool cuz i slept weird the other night and then got again weirdly tired in the afternoon and took a long depression nap w sorta fun, sorta bizarre dreams. augh. so at least i figure i’m just cruisin now, Not Sleeping-wise
i might have to ask a favor eventually in that there’s something really super simple i ought to look up, but i’d have a ton of trouble making myself do so because of anxiety, yknow how it is. but i’ll ask that if and when i ask it
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