#ive at a LOT of inspiration from rdr2!!
hyolks · 1 year
omg! You answered so quickly I didn’t even think you were going to respond! Thank you thank you!
Btw I do have a few questions, you never do specify if they still have alchemy or if this wastelands au has another power system but even if they do have alchemy I was wondering how Al got all fucked since I have a few ideas for that
(Alchemic) Al didn’t get his whole body taken and only most of it which definitely traumatized Ed for sure
(non-alchemic) Al got the same sickness as their mother which would actually spread through the blood slowly and once it got to Al he had enough time to chop off most of the infected parts and save his life and give him prosthetics and such
In this wasteland au they work as sheriffs if I’m not mistaken and I’m guessing mustang team and everyone else does as well and I see that this is a town where they are only present but they are part of a bigger organization where it is basically the military in canon but I’m opt for just kicking the whole military and having it be domestic life and no homunculus
But I don’t mind following canon but I have a few ideas on a different plot line that could work for the boys but tell me what you think :)
fjlgd OF COURSE!! :'O
i havent mentioned alchemy yet bc tbh I'm. still up in the air about it? some of the ideas i tossed around was like. very particular alchemy use? like ed being able to transmute his gun into another kind of gun, but not sure about that since it feels weird for them to have guns yanno? i feel like it would be a very last-measure kind of thing... i don't think they'd actually shoot to harm ppl, but like--shoot at an overhanging beam to make it fall down and pin their opponent or something
but your non alchemic idea is pretty similar to what i was thinking!! like. ed al and trisha all got this weird infection that ate away at them (not sure if its like a legit disease/infection dealio or like. similar to a chemical burn), kinda visibly similar to how transmutation occurs on skin, or like regeneration on homunculus
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like this! but the skin would be like. dying or something.
and it eventually got trisha fully, and al's was getting REALLY bad and they had to salvage what they could to keep him alive!! like what you mentioned :")
i knew i wanted roy and his posse to be sheriffs/law enforcement, while ed and al were kind of bounty hunters in some way? so they would interact in the way that roy would be like pst. hey. fix this for me and get this guy. and then they would. but they would still have some kind of autonomy, separate from law enforcement, and could still get in hot shit with other town sheriffs lol
BUT YEA all in all i didn't really think about the military or the military coup too much? i tbh have very little knowledge on wild west politics n all that, so i don't even know if it could even GO as big as it does in fma, since i'd imagine it mostly be limited to small towns.
most i've thought about homunculus is like... lust being one of those saucy ladies in a saloon, but literally nothing else lol. maybe they could be. crime lords? bandit leaders? the kind of fellows who organize attacks on trains/townsfolks/carriages?
everything i've got isnt set in stone and totally up for interpretation!! i haven't even thought much about a storyline for the au other than little bits of ed and al being chaotic on bandits lmao I'm really interested what ideas you have!! 👀👀
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sushisocks · 1 month
i need help for something im making so just a quick question what do you think darraghs age range was when sean was a toddler? your just the peak expert on them both tbh😭
ohhh boy let me think, here. FYI im gonna be referencing/working off of the ask you sent a while ago where i went into some of the confirmed history regarding darragh & sean lolol
My working theory is that Darragh was in his mid-to-late 30s when Sean was born. This is MOSTLY based in the timeline we know about Darragh -- he was very 'politically active' if you wanna call it that lol, in the 1860's, setting Galway on fire and traveling to and fro America of all places. I've long believed Sean's birth to be in the mid-late 1870's, so-- Like, follow me on this thought-path, okay?
What makes sense to me is that Darragh was rather young when he started doing the things he did, think late teens; both because that IS the age a lot of kids not only start thinking about the world they live in but also feel moved and empowered to try to DO something about it. Angry at the political sphere + stupid teenage bravery + a couple drinks DOES sound like a fair recipe for setting some houses on fire, doesn't it?
So let's say he was about 17 in 1860. That would put him at about 35 when Sean was born, which I've put at 1878 here to be consistent with the linked post. Meaning he'd be in the 37-40 range when Sean was in his toddler years!
I hope that made sense! It's at least what makes sense to me 🤓 You can definitely adjust some of these numbers a little up or down, since we're working from very few specifics and a LOT of theorizing, but the ages I ended at made sense to me!!
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tuxebo · 13 days
FORGOT TO SAY IT but yes! you have improved a lot, your bots are just so detailed and your writing is just chef's kiss! REALLY YOURE SUPER TALENTED. back then when atsv was at his peak, you inspired me to start making my own bots, i quitted cus studies got me stressed as f back then, now I just make private bots for myself when I have some little time for myself. (uni got me stressing too 🤌 english grammar [sentence structures and all that] my worst enemy fr)
p. s (again): if you make the wolverine bot, can it be gender neutral user? I remember a time ago you said that your bots was for a feminine audience (or idk if I'm confused or I don't remember well) but I'm not a girl so,, yeah KSNDN have a good day night
You're too sweet, I can't 😭😭❤️❤️ And I'm glad to have been an inspiration! I also still have my personal bots because sometimes I just want to be in control of everything about the bot. It is stressful making public ones sometimes, I don't blame you (as you know Ive quit like 1000 times atp 😟)
I'll post an answer the first ask when I'm done with the request; but that is actually really cool! English is definitely one of those hard languages (and I was raised speaking it 🙃) so I have a lot of respect for those who learn it. To this day, I'll be writing and I have to go to "How to write better sentences" on youtube... 🤦🏽‍♀️
And dubbing is so cool, it's like voice acting, right? But I'm guessing more professional. Is there a certain media you're thinking about or just whatever?
I try to learn Spanish (+ like ten other languages at the same time cause I never know when to stop) but I'm far from good enough to say anything without absolutely embarrassing myself... 😔😔 all my teachers have taught it differently so now I'm just confused. Pero, lo intento aunque es no buena. Uno día, yo sera buena. I hope, at least :)
I've actually never got into animal documentaries as a kid, the guy speaking always put me to sleep, but I'm really into them now. Animals are just so animal-y in their own animal way, it's hard not to just want to observe from the safety of home.
Lastly, I don't know if I said they were for women? If so, I'm sorry cause that is not entirely true. All of my bots are coded in 2nd pov, but when I come to choosing between ma'am or sir, wife or husband in the greeting, I default to ma'am or wife. I don't do this too often, though, the most it happens with rdr2 or COD if I'm not misremembering.
You also have a good night, rest well! :)
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helivscroc · 2 years
Adding a vehicle
I want to implement a vehicle into my game also, so you can traverse the map easier, as well as using the dash ability.
A few games that have inspired me to do this are:
GTA IV; I bought this recently and love the different vehicles and I really like how you can just enter and exit the car whenever you feel like it.
RDR2: Played this a lot and one of my favourite games of all time. Although its a western game and doesn't have any 'vehicles', technically the horses in the games are used as vehicles as you can traverse the map with them.
I don't think I have the skills yet to create my own custom vehicle as I would have to either create one from scratch in Maya and then rig it, or just find an already made one and rig that, and also that would take up a lot of time.
I do know that UE5 has an already built car game mode, so if I can import that somehow into my project that would be great.
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hotshotshitshow · 5 years
Have any of your original characters been previously based from fan-characters? Or otherwise, what is your main source(s) of inspiration behind some of them?
yes!!! technically sev’s and norm’s families were all originally fantrolls (YES i KNOW sldkfmsdlk) that i turned into humans for my own personal story purposes. this is the same for my character buck
my character quoia is basically all my burgh from pokemon headcanons copied and pasted, except when i first recycled them they were turned into a steven universe oc and now theyre just their own lovely little thing. i have another character who was originally an su character, Humbug Mountain
my characters maude, ingrid, vivi, dhaval, and duff were all once pokemon fancharacters and my characters griselda and spunky were once my headcanons for skylla and elwurd respectively . i also have a character (his name is purdy) who is essentially my headcanons for marsti but i never talk about him, at least here. and i guess you could count bushrod and vera as fan characters too, because i made them with the intention of them first existing within the rdr2 universe but not really any longer
writing this all out really makes me realize that the bulk of my characters were fan characters at some point. v interesting...
my main source of inspiration? i like to make characters who i think would be real people. i like fantastical stuff and things to be sort of exaggerated and cartoony but to me its also important to make a character that is believable as a real person. there are so many elements of my characters that are based on people i have known at some point in my life. it is hard for me to do face/voice claims because usually those are influenced by people ive met, not like, celebrities or anything. also i have been leaning more and more into just creating characters so i can give them an aesthetic that i like and then running with it. idk how else to describe this other than ill be minding my own business and then sometimes come across a particular person who has a particular flavor to their energy and i just get a certain vibe from them that i cant really explain and my brain goes “i need to capture that essence and make it a character so i can further explore it” also music helps a lot lol. 
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outlawnurse · 6 years
He Insists - Chapter I
A RDR2 Modern AU Written by: @ninja-nurse, Inspired by: @heart-of-gold-outlaw, and with special thanks to @ceruleanchillin
Warning: Language, Violence, Spoilers
Introduction | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V
Hosea hopped down from the wagon, helping the two girl's down. "Thank you, Mr. Matthews."  Caitlin said. "Of course."  He put his arm out, "This way." "Where are we?" "It's called Horseshoe Overlook."  Hosea said. "Are we still in West Elizabeth?"  Sophia asked. "They call this The Heartlands.  You're in New Hanover, Ladies." "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto."  Caitlin looked around. Sophia shook her head, slowly, not sure what to make of the place. "Well, well, well."  The man walked over, "What do we have here?" Dutch cleared his throat, "They're going to be staying with us for a while.  This is Caitlin and her sister Sophia.  Ladies, this is Micah Bell." "It's always a pleasure to meet beautiful women."  He grabbed the woman's hand, bringing it to his lips. The woman jerked her arm back, stepping back suddenly, bumping into the man behind her, gasping, turning to face him. Arthur caught her, putting his hands on her shoulders, moving her to stand beside him, "You're alright, girl.  This one's bark is worse than his bite." "You say that now."  She mumbled under her breath. "She's a bit high strung, that one, isn't she?"  Micah laughed. "It seems to me like hatred for you transcends generations, Micah."  Arthur scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means if I'd been here, you'd still be sitting in that jail in Strawberry."  Caitlin snapped, standing just behind Arthur, as if he were a shield. They all looked at her. "I think I'm gonna like this one."  Arthur snickered, turning to look at her. "How did you know about that?"  Micah snarled. Sophia shot a look of discontent at Caitlin, who mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' "Who are these girls?"  Micah asked, glaring at the woman. "We'll get to introductions shortly."  Dutch ushered them to his tent, "Miss Grimshaw, can I have a moment of your time?" "Of course, Dutch."  She walked over. "Mr. Morgan, can you fetch Mr. Marston?" "With pleasure."  He nodded. To say that the members of the Van der Linde crew were bewildered after being introduced to the two women was an understatement.  John seemed almost distraught by the girl's presence, while Abigail wanted nothing more than to get to know the woman.  To her, they were a symbol of hope.  They were a sign that everything would work out for them.  John, while struggling to comprehend what was happening, decided that family was family, and accepted the girls.  
A tent was put up that the two would share.  They were given clothes and basic supplies.  In an effort to make the two of you comfortable, Dutch planned a welcome party for that night.  Charles and Bill had brought back two deer from their hunting trip.  Sadie helped Pearson prepare food for everyone, and there was plenty of alcohol to go around.
Sophia whispered to Caitlin, as they changed in their tent, "Can you please try to turn back on your filter?" "What?" "You can't just go shooting off your mouth with these guys."  Sophia snapped, "Did you see the look on Micah's face when you threatened him?  He looked like he was going to shoot you in the face." "First of all, I didn't threaten him.  Second of all, he wouldn't dare."  Caitlin pulled the skirt on, "Arthur Morgan is looking for a reason to end him.  I'd be happy to give him one." "This isn't a joke."  Sophia seemed genuinely worried, "You romanticize our family's history, but they're criminals.  Their jobs are literally to rob and kill people.  You know what Micah did to the people he supposedly cared about.  Do you think he'll hesitate to kill you?" "I don't romanticize anything.  I know, probably better than you, who I'm dealing with." "You can't save them." "I'm not trying to." "You are.  It's what you do, Cait.  You try to save people.  It's why to became a nurse.  You know the fate of almost every person out there, and you want to save them.  You need to let history happen.  There are just some things you can't fix.  You can't interfere." "We already have, Soph." She looked at her. "As incredibly detailed as Arthur journal is, never once did he mention two time traveling great great granddaughters of John Marston.  I'd say that's journal worthy wouldn't you?" Sophia sighed, "Just... be cool, ok?" "Fine." "...and here... take this."  She handed her a handkerchief. "What's this for?" "Because you drool every time you mention his name." "Shut up." "It's unhealthy." "When in Rome, bitch."  She tucked the piece of cloth into her dress pocket. "Don't..." "What?" "You have a crush on a man because of his diary, which, I should add, was written a hundred and some years before you were even born." "Don't you judge me!"  She squint her eyes at the woman, "You see what he looks like." "He's fucking terrifying."  She said, "He literally drew a gun on you not even six hours ago!" "Well," she waved her off, "he didn't know who we were." Sophia shook her head, "That dress looks nice on you by the way." "Thank you."  She posed, "You look nice too." "Thanks!"  She twirled in the skirt. Cait smirked, "I bet old Artie's amazing in..." "Don't say it!"  Sophia covered her ears, quickly, "For the love of God, don't say it!" Caitlin laughed. "You're not going to sleep with the one hundred and fifty five year old outlaw." "I'm pretty sure he's like thirty-six." Sophia just made a face, "You're going to end up with syphilis." "That's a risk I'm willing to take." "You're such a whore."  Sophia laughed. Caitlin shrugged her off, "That's what antibiotics are for." "...and when were antibiotics created, Nurse Cait?" "Nineteen twenty four?" "...and what year is it now?" "Eighteen ninety... Oooooh." She nodded, "Syphilis." Caitlin laughed. "Are you ready?"  Sophia asked. "Yeah." "Remember ... be normal until we can figure out how to get home." "Normal.  Got it." "No threatening Micah." "No threatening Micah."  Cait repeated. "No getting syphilis from Arthur." Cait just laughed. "Say it." "He doesn't have syphilis." Sophia put her hands on her hips. "Fine.  No getting syphilis from Arthur."  She made a face. "Be. Normal." She put her hands up, in defeat, "I'll be on my best behavior, Mom." "Good."  Sophia pointed at her, leaving the tent. Many of the group sat around the camp fire, chatting and laughing, while Javier played his guitar.  Some of the men sat at the table playing poker, drinking and smoking.  Caitlin was silent, taking everything in, as she was far more socially awkward than she let on, despite her earlier interactions.  Sophia chat with a few of the girls as she sat at the fire.
"Are you ok?"  John sat beside the woman. She nodded, "I'm just, umm, overwhelmed, ya know?" "I imagine this is a lot for you." "I might also ... still be a little hung over from last night." He chuckled, lifting a bottle of whiskey, "I can help with that!" She took a drink from the bottle. He raised his eyebrows, "Oh..." She lowered the bottle, touching her fingers to her lips, wiping off the excess, as she swallowed, "I'm sorry." He laughed, "You must be my blood." She chuckled, as he took a drink, handing it back to her, "You know, whenever the family gets together, they tell stories of you and the Van der Linde Gang, and Jack ... The family talks about it often." "Yeah?" "Yeah."  She smiled, taking another drink of the whiskey, "I feel like I know everyone here, but I also... I don't." He looked at her. "The stories made you all so real, but I never imagined being here... with you... being able to touch you.  I get a real chance to get to know you.  It's so surreal." He smiled at her. "As overwhelming as this is for us, though, I can't imagine how weird it must be for you guys." He scratched his head, "It's... something alright." She took another drink from the bottle, before handing it to John. "Did you ever get to meet Jack?" She shook her head, seeing the boy sleeping, in Abigail's lap, "He passed before I was born." He looked sad, "I know you can't tell us anything, but...  Does it all work out?" She looked at him for a minute, not sure what to say.  She looked at the fresh scarring on his face.  She realized for the first time how much her own father looked like him, "Well, I mean, you have a direct bloodline a hundred years from now, so I mean...  It couldn't have been all bad, right?" "I'll take that."  He nodded.
Caitlin looked up to see Sophia laughing with Abigail and the girls.  She knew that at any moment, all of this would be ripped from her.  She looked toward the table, where Arthur played poker with Dutch, Hosea, and Sean.  The man held his cigarette loosely between his lips, as he placed his bet.  His gaze shifted toward the fire, making eye contact with the woman.  She smiled, nodding to him.  He removed the cigarette, nodding back to her.
"Hello?"  John waved his hand in front of the woman's face. She startled, looking back at him, "What?" "I asked if you missed home." "Honestly, I want to stay here as long as I can." He nodded, finishing the whiskey, "Well, we're happy to have you for as long as we can." She smiled.
To Be Continued............
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entergamingxp · 4 years
The Inexplicable Link Between Mafia 2’s Cars & Red Dead Redemption 2’s Horses
June 4, 2020 10:00 AM EST
After playing through Mafia 2 again, I couldn’t help but think its cars had a distant cousin in Red Dead Redemption 2’s horses.
The Mafia series tries to perfectly encapsulate the power of working outside the law and having no rules apply to you. It deals with the upsides and downsides of this bygone line of work. But one of the core tenets of any Mafia-inspired piece of media (see The Godfather, The Sopranos) is a lack of care for those outside of “the family.” The everyday man doesn’t matter, businesses don’t matter, and any fun characters…well, they all go the way of any supporting character in a mob movie. All that matters is the money. In Mafia 2, there is only one thing left for players to care about outside of their wallet, and that’s their ride.
Mafia 2 is very much a period piece, and as such it faithfully recreates the cars of the 1940s and ’50s. And while American culture around this time was more akin to a roaring garbage fire than what it’s developed into now (a regular garbage fire), it did produce some gorgeous cars. But it takes more than good looks to care about a vehicle. It has to be vulnerable and unique in some way. For a player, it has to be theirs.
“Mafia 2 is very much a period piece, and as such it faithfully recreates the cars of the 1940s and ’50s.”
Accomplishing this sense of ownership is easy; it’s as simple as letting a player store something. If you can open up an inventory and access an item, it is no longer some nebulous thing found in the world: it’s yours. In Mafia 2, you always have a garage for that, and mechanics take care of the rest. When your favorite car is beaten up, drive it in for repairs. When cops have your plates, go there to change them so you can drive around in style care-free.
After finishing Mafia 2 and spending so much time in my own favorite car, I realized it has a distant relative in Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar’s game is unique in so many ways, with one being how it handles horses. They aren’t simply beasts of burden, but companions, partners out in the mud and dirt of the Old West. And in a lot of ways, the gameplay features attached to these two forms of transportation made me feel the same way when it came to how I treated them.
“You develop a connection with your horse, and it elevates itself from ‘mode of transportation’ to ‘your horse.’”
Horses in RDR2 are — much like everything else in the game’s excruciatingly detailed world — living, breathing things. They get dirty, tired and hurt, and eventually you need to take a break from riding across the west to take care of them. And besides carrying all of your weapons, you never really want to get rid of your horse. Especially not after you name it and customize it until it looks like one of those cheesy shirts you can get at a flea market. You develop a connection with your horse, and it elevates itself from “mode of transportation” to “your horse.”
The same phenomenon happened during my playthrough of Mafia 2. At some point, I’d find a gorgeous car and fall in love with it. Soon enough, I’d spend a boatload of cash suping up my ride and giving it a custom paint job. The only downside was how carefully I’d have to drive from then on. For some reason, cars in Mafia 2 are made of paper-mache, and a single bump can mean a crumpled up hood.
“Mafia 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 are the only titles that made me actually care about my vehicle.”
That fragility is what ties my hot rod in Empire City to my trusty steed in Ambarino. Neither are invincible things with limitless potential. In Mafia 2 I had to fill my car’s tank with gas (which is the only time I’ve ever done that in a game), while in Red Dead Redemption 2 I had to feed my horse. In Empire City, speeding past cops leads to a chase, and likewise, pushing your horse too hard causes them to rear up and knock you off. All of these limitations, imposed by the “vehicle” or by outside forces, made me think more carefully about how I was using and treating whatever mode of transportation I used to get from objective to objective.
What’s shocking is how many games treat the way players get around in such a meaningless manner. Mafia 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 are the only titles that made me actually care about my vehicle. Even Grand Theft Auto, a series whose name directly references cars and puts a great deal of importance on them through gameplay, doesn’t actually care about them.
For a second, let’s step back to Grand Theft Auto IV. It’s 2009 and you’re playing with your friends on Xbox Live. You want to cruise around Liberty City but the only cars around you are brown sedans. But you know exactly where to find the Sultan RS, a badass sports car that spawns in only one space on the entire map. You get it, drive around for a bit, and then it’s summarily blown up by a random player. Thus the cycle repeats. In GTAIV, you can have your favorite vehicle, but it will never be “yours;” and when it’s gone, you’ll have to look for it again.
Grand Theft Auto V challenges the sentiments of its predecessor, but only slightly. In that title, you could finally customize your cars and even store them in garages. But once they were destroyed, and boy is that common, it’s gone. In Grand Theft Auto Online that was somewhat remedied by insurance companies, and being able to buy back my precious ride; but it all felt cheap. Show me someone in GTA Online that took a leisurely drive in their supercar, and I’ll show you someone that got blown up two seconds later by an MK 2 Oppressor.
“Even Grand Theft Auto, a series whose name directly references cars and puts a great deal of importance on them through gameplay, doesn’t actually care about them.”
Mafia 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 have a perfect blend of vulnerability and personality in their vehicles that other games simply lack. They’re the only two titles where I’ve gone out for a ride at a slow pace following behind other horses in the town of Valentine, or simply obeying traffic laws in Empire City. They’re the only games where the way I got around felt like more than that. In some ways, I found them to be an extension of my character, or even myself. I personalized these things, kept them close and spent time with them. At some point, I gave them meaning beyond “machine” or “horse.” They became part of me, an extension of my character beyond themselves in a virtual world.
June 4, 2020 10:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/the-inexplicable-link-between-mafia-2s-cars-red-dead-redemption-2s-horses/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-inexplicable-link-between-mafia-2s-cars-red-dead-redemption-2s-horses
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outlawnurse · 6 years
He Insists - Chapter II
A RDR2 Modern AU Written by: @ninja-nurse, Inspired by: @heart-of-gold-outlaw, and with special thanks to @ceruleanchillin
Warning: Language, Violence, Spoilers
Introduction | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V
"Where's the other one?"  Arthur asked Sophia, coldly. She raised her eyebrows, "The other what?" "Marston sister?" "I have no idea."  Sophia shook her head, "The last time I saw her, I was going to bed, and she was drunk dancing with Sean by the fire." He nodded, remembering seeing the same thing. "Why are you looking for her?" He seemed confused by the question, "I don't...  I just wanted to make sure she was doing ok.  She was pretty drunk last night, and seemed ... sad." "She's literally like a hundred a fifty years younger than you."   "I thought she was thirty-seven?"  He scratched the back of his head.   She shook her head, taking her coffee back to her tent, "Keep your syphilis to yourself, cowboy." "What did I say?"  Arthur put his arms up, somewhat hurt, "I don't even have syphilis."  He turned to head back to his tent and saw the woman stumble out of the woods.  He walked over to her, "Are you ok?" She looked at him, fixing her skirt, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to pee with this skirt on?" "I can't say that I do."  He shook his head, trying to to laugh at the woman. "...and why are there so many layers to this thing.  What is even happening right now?" "Are you still drunk?" "No!"  She snorted out, finally looking up at him. He just looked at her. "Yes."  She let out a nasally giggle, as she walked toward the table, sitting down, "I think we stopped drinking like ... just when the sun came up." He snickered, "Would you like some coffee?" "I would love some coffee, Arthur Morgan.  Yes, I would."  She stretched her arms out across the table, laying her head down. He shook his head, walking away. "Is she ok?"  Hosea asked, seeing the woman laying across the table. Arthur shook his head, as he prepared the coffee, "She's still drunk from last night." "She's not the only one."  Abigail rolled her eyes, joining them. Arthur looked to see John passed out in his tent.  He shook his head. Hosea sighed, "They had quite a shocking couple of days.  I can't imagine that Caitlin would have ever imagined getting to meet her great great grandparents."   Abigail sighed, "I was talking a lot with Sophia last night.  She doesn't seem to know as much about us as Caitlin does, but they both seem like good girls." "I suppose she has a heavy burden to bear."  Arthur was intrigued by the woman, "She knows ... everything." "Could you ever imagine knowing what happens before it does, good or bad, not being able to do anything about it?"  Abigail shook her head. The two men looked over at the woman. "What does he want?"  Arthur grumbled, as Micah walked toward the woman. "Easy, son." "I don't like him, and more importantly I don't like how much she doesn't like him."  He gestured, "What does she know?" Hosea shrugged, "I don't...  I don't know, Arthur, but you need to try to at very least be civil with him." "Me?"  He gasped, almost childishly, "Tell him!" The man walked over to the table, seeing the woman lay there.  He ran his hand across her back, "Good morning, sunshine." She smiled to herself, opening her eyes, slowly, "Good morn...."  She gasped, seeing the man, trying to stand up, only to fall out of the chair with a thud. The man laughed, "You are a little drunken mess, aren't you?" "I can do it myself."  She snapped, slapping his hand away, as he tried to help her up. "I'm just trying to help you." "I don't need your help."  She held on to the table for balance, as she stood up. "What is your problem?" "I don't like you." "You don't even know me!" "I knew enough." "Someone tell Marston he better come and get his girl!"  Micah barked.
Arthur and Hosea looked up quickly, as did several of the others. "Why is he messing with her?  It's too damn early for his shit."  Arthur growled. Hosea looked at him.
"Fuck you."  She pushed him. Enraged, the man grabbed the girl by the throat. She put her hands on the man's wrist, scared for her life. "Not so tough now, are we, sweetheart?"  He laughed. "Cait!"  Sophia gasped, coming out of the tent to see what the commotion was. "Let her go."  Arthur clenched his teeth, aiming the gun at the man's head, as he walked toward them. He pushed the woman away from himself, causing her to fall to the ground. Arthur holstered his gun, punching the man in the face, "If you ever put your hands on her again, I will fucking kill you." Abigail helped Caitlin up, Sophia walked over, "Are you ok?" "I'm fine."  She was still angry.   "You're going to regret this, Morgan."  Micah sneered. "I doubt it."  He shook his head.
She took a step toward Micah, as the man walked away, only to have Arthur grab her arm. "No."  He looked at her. "He..." "No."  He pointed to her. "You should have let him hang in Strawberry!" "Yeah, well..." She tried to pry Arthur's fingers from her arm, as his grip, "Let me go!" He let go of her arm, "Are you done?" She nodded. "Caitlin, what was the one goddamn thing I told you to do?"  Sophia yelled at the woman. She looked up suddenly, "Uh oh!  Mom's mad!" "You're still drunk?" "You're still mothering me?" "I wouldn't mother you if you didn't need mothering."  She snapped, "You've been perpetually drunk since mom died." "I have not!" "You have.  You need to get your fucking shit together.  You're going to get yourself killed." "I'm fine!" "He literally almost just killed you!" "No, he didn't."  She waved her hand in the man's direction. "So... What... He was choking you for funsies?" "You know what, Sophia..." "Yeah... You're a Marston alright."  Arthur grabbed Caitlin's arm again, having enough of the girls' bickering, pulling her toward her tent, "Go sleep it off." "I..." "Go."  He lead her to the tent, gently pushing her inside, "You'll be fine, girl." "Arthur..."  She stood with her hands on her hips. "Good night."  He pulled the flaps closed.
"Is she always like that?"  Arthur asked, as the woman reminded her of John. "Hot headed and stubborn?"  Sophia rolled her eyes, "I mean, yes, but it has gotten worse since our mother died." They just looked at her. She nodded, "Our Grandpa Arthur died eight years ago and our father seven years ago ... I don't think she ever fully dealt with all that.  She was very close to them.  She's just always so... angry." "Grandpa Arthur, huh?"  Hosea smirked, looking at Arthur. She nodded, looking at Arthur, "Jack named his son after you." The man stood a little taller, smiling, puffing his chest out with pride. "I suppose he never really forgot about you." "Why would he forget me?"  Arthur asked, almost child-like, "Where would I go?" "I-I, uh... I should go... check on Cait..."  Sophia walked away. Arthur just watched her walk away, wondering what his future held for him. *One Month Later*
It has been a month since the girls appeared on the side of the road outside of Valentine.  They had both settled comfortably into camp, doing their part to help with chores, but tried their best not to interfere with their lives.
"Do you miss home?"  Mary-Beth asked. Caitlin shrugged, "I guess.  I don't know.  I mean...  My sister is all I have left, and I have her here with me, so...  I guess not." "You two are close?" "We always have been." "Less chat and more work, ladies."  Susan ordered, as the two women were doing laundry. They looked at each other, chuckling. "Will you miss this when you're gone?" "Doing laundry?"  She looked at the girl curiously, "You know we still have laundry in my time." The girl laughed, "No, I mean...  Living like this... Here... with all of us." "More than you know."  Caitlin said. Sophia walked by, dropping a pile of clothes on the ground, "Miss Grimshaw wanted me to give this to you." "Of course she did."  Caitlin rolled her eyes, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
*That Afternoon*
Abigail spoke with Susan, "I'm worried about the girls." She just looked at her. "Caitlin looks so sad all the time, and Sophia...  She misses home so much.  I know there's a trip into town today for supplies.  I thought maybe it would be a good idea for them to go... to get out of camp for a bit." "I think that's a great idea."  She nodded.
"Sophia!"  She called out, "Caitlin!" Arthur looked toward Susan, then at the girls, as he sat in his open tent, looking through his journal. John shook his head, eating a bowl of stew at the table, "No one escapes the wrath of Susan Grimshaw." "I did my chores, Susan!"  Caitlin pointed at her, "You're not gonna get me today!" Sophia laughed. Susan smiled, "I know you did, dear, and I also appreciate you helping Mr. Pearson with the food the last couple weeks.  I have to tell you that it's been tasting much better." "Thank you."  She smiled, "Which reminds me, we're running low on spices." "I've asked Arthur to pick some fresh ones while he's out." "Arthur Morgan," Caitlin joked, "outlaw, gunslinger, spice picker!  My hero!" They laughed at her. "Well, you're in a good mood today."  Arthur released his ever elusive smile. She looked back at him, "I am, Mr. Morgan.  Thanks for noticin'." He nodded, looking back at his cards. "Ladies, Mr. Williamson and I are going into Valentine for some supplies.  I thought you would like you join us." "Sure."  Sophia nodded, "It'll be nice to get out of here for a while." "Alright."  Susan nodded, "Mr. Williamson, are we ready?" "Yes, ma'am."  He said, as he finished hitching the horses to the wagon. "You two behave yourselves."  John called out. "Yes, Grandpa John."  Caitlin waved. Arthur let out a snort, as John smiled, "Grandpa John." "Shut up!"  He snapped, at his friend, his smiled turning into a sneer. Sophia snickered, "He's younger than us right now." "That's what makes it so funny!"  Caitlin laughed at herself.
The two girls looked around the general store, as Bill loaded the wagon. "I have a present for you girls."  Susan said. They looked at each other, then at her. "I know you've been stuck wearing those pieced together outfits for the past month.  I thought it would be nice if you each had a dress of your own." "You don't have to do that."  Sophia shook her head. "I know."  She said, "I want to.  You girls are so far from home, and are burdened with so much.  I thought it would cheer you up a bit." "Thank you!"  The girls said, together.
The two tried several dresses on, finally settling on ones they liked. Sophia held up the purple and white dress, whispering, "Do you think we can keep them when we go home?" "I hope so!"  Caitlin said, holding the blue dress up to herself, looking in the mirror. "Can I wrap those for you, ladies?"  The store keeper asked. "Yes."  Caitlin handed him her dress, "Thank you." "Thank you."  Sophia nodded, as the man took the dress from her.
Bill walked in as Susan paid for the dresses, "The wagon is all packed.  Should we head  back?" The woman nodded, "We'll be out in one minute." "Ok."  
"I know you ladies would probably like to go home, but it's been nice having you here."  Susan said, "I always appreciate the extra help with chores, and you two really carry your own weight." They both smiled, politely. "It's also been good for John.  I never thought that boy would grow up, but he's really starting to take his responsibilities seriously.  He's been spending more time with Abigail and Jack, and he's been keeping up on his chores.  It's good." Bill laughed, "I have to say, I'm impressed with you girls too.  You've been here this long and haven't run, screaming for the hills yet." "It's not so bad."  Caitlin shrugged. "Well, I don't know how long we've got ya for," Bill said, "but it's nice to have ya.  I'm gonna be sad to see ya go when the time comes." "Thank you, Mr. Williamson."  Sophia smiled, "We'll miss you too." Caitlin smiled politely, but it faded quickly, as she rolled her eyes. Sophia looked at her, questioningly, whispering, as Susan and Bill spoke in the front of the wagon, "Do you know something about him that I don't?" She nodded, not saying what she knew. Sophia sat up, "No wonder you're miserable.  You know too goddamn much." "You think?"
They arrived back at camp and immediately started unpacking the wagon.   "We've trained all our lives for this."  Sophia said, "All those times mommy and daddy went food shopping and made us carry in all the bags and put everything away." "Miss Marston," Pearson called to her, "There's no more room in my wagon, you'll have to put..." Caitlin put her hand up, "Worry not, Mr. Pearson.  I will tetris the shit out of your wagon.  It'll all fit." "Tetris?"  He repeated, "I don't... understand." "No, she's like the queen of getting things to fit in spaces they shouldn't." "That's what she said."  Caitlin chuckled to herself. Sophia laughed. "That's what who said?" "What?" "You said, 'that's what she said', but who said that?" "No, Mr. Pearson, it's...  No one said it."  She hopped down from his wagon, after some rearranging, "It's just a thing people say." "I don't think I understand this future world of yours." "Yeah."  Sophia shook her head, "We don't either."
As the girls walked back to their tent, Dutch called over to them. "Would you ladies care for a game of poker?" "I'm good."  Sophia shook her head, "I'm not much of a card player." "I'll play."  Caitlin shrugged, "I don't really have any money though." "I'll lend you a couple of dollars to start."  Dutch pat the chair beside him, "Come.  Sit."
She looked around the table, as Hosea and Micah turned in their cards from the last game. "I never met me a real lady that could beat me at poker."  Micah said. "Something tells me you've never spent much time around a real lady, Mr. Bell."  She retorted. "I had a woman once."  He sat a little taller. "Whores don't count."  She raised her eyebrow. "Hey!"  He stood up, banging his hand on the table, pointing at her, "She was a good woman!" Arthur looked toward the table, hearing the man's voice. Caitlin put her hands up, "My bad..." Dutch looked at the two, "Are we going to have a problem here?" Micah clenched his jaw, "No, Dutch.  Of course not." "I'll deal."  Hosea said.
They played a few hands.  Caitlin studied the men, looking for any sign of bluffing.  She decided to play the hand she was dealt.  She looked at the cards.  She held a two of diamonds and a seven of clubs. They all placed their bets before Hosea turned the first three cards over on the table.  It was the queen of hearts, the ten of spades, and the nine of hearts.  Her face remained unchanging.  They all bet again and the forth card was placed on the table.  It was the four of spades.  After one more round of betting, the final card was placed on the table. It was the two of hearts. "I fold."  Dutch dropped his cards on the table. "Fold."  Hosea shook his head. "Well, how about you future girl?" "I'll call and raise you a dollar." She dropped money into the pot. He grinned, "I'm all in, baby." She nodded, pushing the rest of her coins in. He grew nervous. Dutch and Hosea leaned in closer. "Ladies first." "A pair of twos."  She laid her cards down. "Oh, my..."  Hosea looked at her, "Caitie, dear, that's not...." "Son of a bitch!"  Micah threw his cards down. Dutch looked at them, "You went all in with nothing?" "I thought she was bluffing and would fold." "I was!"  She let out a squeal, "Ah ha ha!  I won!" "This is horse shit!"  Micah stormed away from the table. Caitlin sorted the money, "Here's what I borrowed from you, Mr. Van der Linde, and here is a bit of interest." "Thank you, my dear.  It's been a pleasure doing business with you." "...and also with you."  She bowed her head to him, stuffing the coins in her dress pocket. Lenny walked over to the table, "Have a good ride, Arthur!" "Yup."  He called back. He looked at the table, "Y'all got room for one more at this little party?" “Where’s he going?”  Cait watched Arthur tacking up his horse. “He’s going on a job for Strauss.”  Lenny said, as he took Micah's seat, “Apparently this man owes him money, and he wants Arthur to shake him down.” “What man?” “Downes I think?”  He shrugged, “I don’t know.” "Thomas Downes?" "That sounds about right."  Lenny looked up at the woman, "He's got a farm West of...  Valentine.  Where's she going?" Caitlin’s heart sank, “No!”  She took off running, before Lenny could finish his sentence. Sophia looked up, as she chat with Javier at the camp fire. “Arthur!  Wait!”  She yelled, as he mounted the stallion.
The entire camp looked up, hearing the urgency and desperation in the woman's voice. “Ssssssshit!”   Sophia stood up, mumbling under her breath. Arthur looked at the woman, almost amused by her urgency, “Hey, girl, what’s gotten into you?” She held the horse’s reins in one hand, putting the other hand on his leg, “You can’t go!” He felt her small fingers gripping his ankle tightly.  He grinned, but after seeing the look of terror on her face, the grin faded away. “Cait!”  Sophia called after her. “I won’t be gone long.”  He looked at her curiously, "A day or two at most." “Please.  I’m begging you.”  Her eyes filled with tears, “Don’t go.  Don’t go on this job.  Just let him be.  I’ll ... I’ll pay the debt.  I’ll do anything.  Please, just don't...” His brow furrowed, suddenly feeling uneasy.  
They all looked at her. Abigail looked at Tilly, grabbing her arm, "Get John." She nodded, rushing down the path, as the man was guarding the camp.  It was only a minute before the two came running back. John handed Abigail his rifle, "Keep the boy here.” She nodded.
“Caitlin!”  Sophia scowled, “What do you think you’re doing?” “I can’t let him...  He can’t go!” “You can’t interfere.”  She pushed the girl hard. She fell to the ground, “Just give me this one....  I promise I won’t get involved in anything else!” “What’s he to you anyway?”  She gestured toward the man. She shook her head, crying, unable to speak.
Arthur dismounted the horse, standing behind the arguing women as John came over, “Your girls are out of control, Marston.” John shook his head, "What the hell is going on?"
“Please... just.... let this happen, ok?”  Caitlin cried out, "I swear I won't interfere anymore.  I won't!  Please." Sophia threw her hands up, walking away, “Whatever.” “You don’t understand.”  Caitlin gasped out, calling after her, suddenly realizing everyone was staring at her, “I’m not crazy!” "No one thinks your crazy."  Arthur shook his head. "I mean, she's a little..."  Micah gestured to his own head, twirling his finger. "Piss off, Micah."  Charles snapped standing beside the man. John sighed, “Come here, Sweetheart.” She cried into his chest, as the man knelt in front of her. He smoothed her hair. She pulled away sniffling, “Mr. Morgan... Arthur, please promise me you will leave Thomas Downes alone.  You can’t go after him.  You can't go anywhere near him.  I will pay the debt.  I will figure out a way to make money and pay back Strauss myself.  Please, just...  Promise me?” John looked at Arthur. Arthur's gaze shifted from the woman, to John, to the rest of the camp, then back to Caitlin. She stood up, still crying, “Please?” “I won’t.”  He said, nervously, “I promise.” She flung herself into his arms, hugging him tightly, around his neck, clutching at his shirt, as if to bring him closer to her. He looked stunned, his arms out.  His whole body tensed, but relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her, “Sssh.  It’s ok.  You're alright.” Leopold looked worriedly toward Reverend Swanson, “What does that girl know?” “Everything.”  He said, calmly.
“What have you done?”  Sophia pushed her sister hard, again, after joining her in their tent. “I can’t let him go there!  It’s a death sentence.” “Caitlin, you’re changing too much of the past.” “I can’t let him die!” “We all have to die sometime."  Sophia put her arms out, "You saving him now doesn't change the fact that he won't be there when we go home." "...but maybe I can give him a better life." "A better life?"  Sophia shook her head, "Listen, I’m so sorry that you fell in love with him.  I truly am, but you need to stop interfering.” “They deserve better than what happened to them.” “They’re criminals.  They knew what they were getting themselves into.  Do you think they were sorry when they robbed that ferry in Blackwater?  Do you think Dutch was sorry when he killed that woman?  Do you think Arthur was sorry when he pointed his gun in your face the day we got here?" “Arthur was fourteen when Dutch took him in.  John was twelve.”  She said, “They were children.  They didn’t know any better.  You think Dutch is going to let them walk away?  That man is slowly losing his goddamn mind.” “...and you’re not too far behind him.”  Sophia stormed out.  She stopped suddenly, seeing John standing on the opposite side of the tent. “Are you ok?” She just walked by him, saying nothing. "Give them a little time, son."  Hosea said. John lowered his head, walking away.
*Late That Night*
Arthur tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep, unable to stop thinking about the woman, and how desperate she was to keep him from going on that job.  He couldn't help but wonder what she was trying to protect him from today.  He looked out, seeing a figure standing near the cliff side.
Caitlin wrapped her arms around herself, as she stood, looking into the darkness.  She could hear coyotes in the distance. "There she is."   She closed her eyes, as she heard the voice behind her. "You ok?"  He asked, standing beside her. She nodded, slowly. "You wanna talk about it?" "I made a fool of myself today."  She said, "I had a complete meltdown in front of everyone." "No one thinks any less of you, darlin'." She was quiet, unable to look at the man. He couldn't stop looking at her, "Why didn't you want me to go on that job?" She looked at him, her cheeks streaked with tears, "I can't tell you." He sighed, feeling as though he knew the answer.  He cupped her jaw with his hands, wiping the tears away with his thumbs.  His heart broke seeing the pain in her eyes.  There was something about this woman from the future, the great great granddaughter of his friend John Marston, that mesmorized him.  He kissed her on the cheek, still holding her face, "Thank you for saving me." She looked up at him, her heart pounding in her chest. He looked at her for a minute, before pressing his lips to hers. She looked up at him, before resting her head on his chest, as he hugged her, his arms wrapped tightly around her neck, as she put her arms around his waist.
To Be Continued…………
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outlawnurse · 6 years
He Insists - Chapter III
A RDR2 Modern AU Written by: @ninja-nurse, Inspired by: @heart-of-gold-outlaw and with Special Thanks to: @ceruleanchillin and @teumessianfox
Warning: Language, Spoilers
Introduction | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V
"If those girls are going to be with us," Dutch said to the men, "they're going to need to learn to defend themselves." "What are you suggesting?"  Arthur asked. "I want you and John to take them to the gunsmith in Valentine.  Get them both a pistol and some ammunition, and teach them how to shoot." John smiled. Arthur hit his arm, as he stood next to the man, "You should bring Jack too." He nodded. "They're going to need horses too."  Arthur said, "I know where I can get a couple good horses and tack real cheap." "They'll have to learn to ride." "I think they already do.  I know Caitlin does."   John nodded. Dutch nodded, "They're a part of this family now, albeit we don't know for how long, but they're John's blood.  We need to take care of them."
Sophia crossed her arms, "I don't want to go." "Sophia," John tried to reason with her, "you need to protect yourself out here." "I'll pass."  She looked at the man, seeing the hurt on his face, "Thank you for the offer though." He sighed. "I'm sorry.  This was never my... thing.  I don't like guns.  I don't like riding horses.  I don't appreciate that our family line is a bunch of criminal misfits.  No offence." "Little taken."  He furrowed his brow, looking at her. "I'm sorry, John."  She looked at him sincerely, "You're my great great grandfather, and for that I love you.  Without you...  I wouldn't be here, but...  I don't want to live this life.  I just want to go home." "I get that, but...  You're here.  You can't change that.  I'm just trying to keep you two alive, so you can go back in one piece." She sighed, feeling badly, "Fine." He smiled, "Good."
*That Night*
"I'm proud of you, John Marston."  The woman said, putting her hand on the man's shoulder, as he sat alone at the fire. He looked up at her, "Yeah?  For what?" "I've seen quite a change in you since our girls got here."  Abigail said, "You've been very attentive to them.  You've really been a father to Jack, which... is all I've ever wanted from you, John." He sighed, holding the beer bottle in his hands, "I'm sorry I left, Abigail." She looked at him. "I'm not going to make excuses, and I don't want to talk about that time, but...  I need you to know that I'm sorry, and I'm here.  I'm here for this gang.  I'm here for you.  I'm here for Jack." She smiled. "What?" "You're an idiot, John Marston."  She hugged him, kissing him. He smiled, kissing her back.
*The Next Morning*
"Where's Arthur?"  Caitlin asked. Sadie looked at her, "I don't know.  He left a while ago." She nodded. "What is it about him?" "What?" "I mean, you're clearly in love with him." "I'm not."  She scoffed. "Then why are you trying so hard to save him?" "I'm not."  She became defensive. "You put an awful big production into stopping him from going on that job for Strauss a while back for someone who isn't trying to save the man she loves." "I'm not having this conversation with you." "Fine."  She said, "I just want you to think about this." Caitlin looked at her. Sadie stood close to her, almost whispering, "You get your sad, angry little cowboy.  You make him fall in love with you.  You go home."  The woman raised her eyebrows, putting her arms out, "What happens then?" Caitlin's eyes filled with tears. "That man has had enough loss in his life.  He doesn't need..." "Did Sophia put you up to this?"  She interrupted the woman, not wanting to hear anything else she had to say. "No."  She said, "I'm just looking out for a friend." "I'm not doing this with you, Sadie."  She shook her head, walking away from her. Sadie watched her walk away, shaking her head.
Sophia dropped a pile of clothes next to Caitlin, "I'll wash.  You can hang." Caitlin nodded. "Are you ok?" "I'm fine."  Caitlin sighed.  She was quiet for a few minutes, "Do you think anyone is looking for us?"   Sophia nodded, "I would imagine they would be." "Maybe this is just all a dream, and we're going to wake up in the morning at home, in our beds." Sophia shook her head, "A nightmare is what it is." "It's not so bad." "I have a job, Cait!"  She gasped, suddenly, "If I still have a job.  I have... a family.  I have... a life!" "...and I don't?"  Caitlin raised her voice, bringing attention to them, "Who do you think has been running that ranch you've been living at... rent free I may add?  Who do you think has been taking care of those animals, and keeping everything in repair, and paying the electric, and every goddamn thing else.  The place is over a hundred years old.  It sure as hell doesn't care for itself." "I just think you're a little too comfortable here." "Comfortable?"  She laughed, "How comfortable is it that I was almost sprayed by a skunk this morning because I had to squat behind a bush to pee.  I'm fucking starving.  I haven't had a decent nights sleep since we got here.  How comfortable is it that I know what's going to happen to every one of these fucking people, and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it." "You had no problem saving your wannabe boyfriend from death's door.  Why don't you just save them all, Cait?  It's what you want, isn't it?" "You know what,"  Caitlin growled, "Fuck you, Sophia!" "Girls, Grimshaw is coming."  Karen got involved, "You might want to settle." Sophia reached her hand back, slapping the girl. Cait gasped, blood trickling from her split lip, "I didn't bring us here!  You have no reason to be mad at me!" "What are you two going on about?"  Sean got between them, "That's enough." "I just want to go home."  Sophia stormed off. Caitlin's face burned red, as she realized everyone was looking at them. "You alright?" "Why the hell is everyone against me today?"  She yelled at the Irishman, "I didn't fucking do anything.  I didn't cause this!  I didn't bring us here!  Everyone wants to tell me the ramifications of my actions, but what about how I feel?  I'm the one that has to live knowing what's going to happen!" Sean looked at the woman, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, "Here." Caitlin snatched it from him, wiping her mouth, "Thank you." "Keep it."  He gestured. Caitlin looked away from him, "You're a good guy, Sean.  Don't let anyone give you shit for anything... ever!  Not even Arthur Morgan.  He cares more about you than you will know." He looked at her, as she turned back to her work. Karen shook her head, pushing him away, gently, "Let her be."
"What the hell is going on over here?"  Susan looked at the woman, "Where is your sister?" Cait didn't answer. "Why are you bleeding?" Cait turned away from her. Susan grabbed her wrist, "Look at me when I'm talking to you." Cait looked at her angrily, pulling her arm back. "I know that look."  Susan pointed at her, "John doesn't scare me when he does it and neither do you.  Why don't you go take a walk and cool off a bit?" "I have work to do." "Go take a walk."  She shook her head, taking the piece of clothing out of the woman's hand. Caitlin took a breath, walking off.
Caitlin looked at the ground, kicking the same rock, as she walked down the path.  She had no idea how far she'd strayed from camp when she finally looked up.  She looked around, not recognizing her surroundings, "Crap." She quickly lowered her head, as she saw two men riding toward her on horse back, turning around to walk back.
"Excuse me, ma'am."  They stopped. She looked at them briefly. "My name is Agent Andrew Milton.  I'm a member of the Pinkerton Detective Agency.  Perhaps you've heard of us?"  He said, "This is my partner, Agent Edgar Ross." Her eyes shifted between the two men, nodding slowly.   "I'm just wondering," he pulled a piece of paper out of his coat pocket, unfolding it, as he handed it to her, "have you seen this man?" Her face remained untelling.  She looked at the wanted poster, there was a poorly rendered drawing of Arthur, with his name, and a large reward sum, "I can't say that I have." "We've been looking for him for quite some time now." "Five thousand dollars is a lot of money.  What did he do?" "He's a very bad man, ma'am."  The man said. She raised her eyebrows, handing him the paper back, "I'm sorry I can't help you." "What did you say your name was again?"  The agent asked. "I didn't."  She said, growing nervous. "Care to share?" "Not particularly." "Why are you so nervous?" "A lady... by herself... approached by two men.  You'd be a little wary yourself, Agent." "I suppose."  He didn't trust her, "We're agents of the law, Ma'am.  We aren't here to hurt you." She started to walk again, "Good luck with your hunt, gentleman.  If I see this Arthur Morgan, I will be sure you tell him you're looking for him." "Ma'am, we're not done here." "I think we are." "Your acting a bit suspicious."  Agent Milton glared at her, dismounting his horse. She stood tall, putting her hand on the gun on her hip.  She was thanking her stars that John had taught her to use it, "Well, you're making me very uncomfortable.  Don't come any closer!" The man stepped closer to her, only to find himself staring down the woman's pistol. "That's a big mistake."  Agent Ross dismounted his horse, quickly. "Get away from me."  She screamed, as she was suddenly grabbed from behind and disarmed. "It's illegal to draw on a federal agent." She sighed, "Please, I just want to go home." "You should have thought about that before you pointed that gun in my face."  Agent Milton sneered.
Arthur cleared his throat, "Have you seen your sister?" "Not you too."  She rolled her eyes, walking away, "Did John send you to talk to me?" "No," he was confused, "why would he...  Did I miss something?" "We got into a stupid argument, and I may or may not have hit her.  She lost her temper, so Grimshaw sent her to walk it off." "Ah," he nodded, looking down, smirking, "the old Marston temper transcending generations." She sighed, rolling her eyes, "Whatever, Arthur.  You're not funny." "Aww, don't be like that, darlin'."  He chuckled. She sighed, "The point of me telling you that is that she went for a walk and she still isn't back." He looked at her, suddenly serious, "What do you mean she still isn't back?" "I mean, no one knows where she is." "Dutch!"  Arthur walked away from the woman. "Good talk."  Sophia shook her head, as the man rushed off.
Dutch listened to the man, "Now, just relax, son." "I am relaxed, Dutch, but that girl is out there...  She has no idea where she is.  She has no idea..." "She'll be fine, Arthur."  Dutch said, "Miss Grimshaw already told me what happened between the girls.  I'm sure she's just camped out somewhere, laying low, licking her wounds." "She's not like us, Dutch.  She doesn't understand...  She's not from here." "What is your interest in this girl?" "I don't have interest in the girl.  She's Marston's blood.  She saved my life... apparently...  She deserves for us to look out for her while she's here." Dutch grinned, "That's... all." "That's all." "So...  You didn't kiss her by the fire last night, when you both thought everyone was sleeping." "Ahhhh."  The man growled, waving him off. "Good for you, Arthur."  The man laughed, "Why don't you take John and Sean and see if you can..."
"Dutch!"  The two men rode quickly back into camp, "We've got a problem." "What is it, Charles?"  He asked, walking toward the men, with Arthur just behind him. "Caitlin's been arrested." Everyone within earshot looked toward the men. "We were passing through Valentine on the way back to camp," Lenny explained, "and we heard some folk talkin' in the saloon about some woman that got arrested this afternoon for trying to shoot a Pinkerton agent." Sophia's eyes grew wide, "What the fu..."  She looked at John, "All of the things she could have inherited from you, and it was your goddamn temper!" "Morgan!"  John rushed toward the man. Arthur nodded, putting his hat on, as they made their way to their horses, "Let's go." "Where are you going?"  Hosea looked at them. "I'm going to get my," John hesitated, not knowing what to call her, "girl...back." "Now, boys," Hosea called out, "you can't go running into town playing hero." Arthur turned to the man, "She tried to kill a Pinkerton.  She'll hang for that." "Calm down."  Dutch said, "We need a plan, and I think I have just the thing." The two men looked at him, as Sophia worried for her sister. "That sheriff's office is going to be crawling with agents.  If the two of you storm in there guns blazing, you're as good as caught yourself."  Dutch said, "We need to send someone in who will remain cool, calm, and collected, and not bring attention to themselves.  Someone who they wouldn't be suspicious of." Hosea smiled.
Caitlin sat in the cell, her eyes red and swollen from crying all night. "Here's your food."  Agent Milton slid the plate under the door. She didn't move. "Eat.  Don't eat."  The man laughed, "It don't matter none to me.  I'm not the one gonna hang in the morning." She glared at him, angry, "You'll get yours, Milton, don't you worry." The man laughed, "Ok, sweetheart."
"Gentleman," the door opened, "how are we this fine morning?" "What can I do for you, Sir?" "I'm afraid I have to report a missing person."  The man smiled, holding a bottle of liquor, "My daughter... she's gone missing." "Missing you say?"  The sheriff looked at him. "Yes.  She went for a walk yesterday afternoon and never returned.  She's about this tall."  The man held his hand in the air, "Brown hair, grey eyes...  She's ... special." "Special?" "Her mama, bless her heart, dropped her as a baby, and she's just not... right, if you know what I'm saying." The man nodded, "Pinkertons found this one wandering in The Heartlands yesterday.  She threatened one of them with a gun." "Oh!"  The man gasped, "Elizabeth!  Elizabeth, my dear girl!  What have you done?" She looked up at the man.  She gasped, standing up, going to the cell door. "Sheriff, please.  This has all been a big misunderstanding.  I'm sure the girl was terrified.  She's never been out by herself.  Please..." "She didn't seem so inept to us."  The agent spoke up. "She's got quite a temper."  Hosea smiled, looking at the woman, "It runs in the family, I suppose." Caitlin made a face at him. The men looked at the woman. Agent Milton looked at the man, "It's illegal to threaten a federal agent, Mr..." "Jones."  He nodded, "Matthew Jones." "The penalty for assaulting a federal agent is death, Mr. Jones. "I mean," Hosea handed him the bottle, "was anyone actually hurt?  Did she even fire off a shot?" Agent Milton looked at the men, then at the woman. "Please?" The man snatched the bottle from his hands, groaning, "Fine, but keep a close eye on her!  I don't want to see her again!" "Of course!"  
Hosea held the girl's arm, tightly, as they walked down the road, to the waiting horses, "Just keep quiet.  Arthur and John are waiting just outside of town to get you home." "They're looking for him." "What?" "When they stopped me.  They're looking for Arthur.  He's got a five thousand dollar bounty on his head."  She said. He nodded, "Don't we all, Caitie.  Don't we all."
"There she is."  Arthur grinned, leaning on the horn of his saddle, while holding the reins of the girl's horse. "What were you thinking?"  John dismounted quickly, hugging her, "You could have been killed!" "I wasn't."  She shook her head, "I'm sorry.  I panicked." "You can't go wandering out here alone.  You have no idea where you are.  It's not like in your days.  It's not safe." She lowered her head. "Promise me you won't do that again!"  He held her shoulders. "You sound like my father."  She scolded him. "Well," he threw his hands up, "I'm your... grandfather." "Great great grandfather!"  Arthur correctly him, amused. "Shut it, Morgan."  He snapped, "What does that make you?" "Nothing."  He laughed, "She ain’t no relation to me." Caitlin shook her head, "You two..." "Did you really shoot at him?"  Arthur asked. "No."  She made a face, "I'm not that stupid.  I just drew on him." "Of course."  Arthur sat up, raising an eyebrow, "What was I thinking?" "Can we just go home?"  She asked, coldly, feeling suddenly tired. He handed her the reins to her horse. John helped her up.
"Where'd you go earlier?"  Caitlin asked. "I took little Jack fishing." John looked at the man. "Son of a bitch!"   Arthur looked at the woman, "If I'd known you liked fishin' so much I'd've asked you along.  I’ll bring you along next time." She sighed, "I don't.  I mean, I do.  I enjoy fishing, but...  That's not why I'm mad." They looked at her. "Those Pinkerton were coming for you, Arthur." He looked at her, squinting his eyes. "They were coming to offer you a deal."  She explained, "You ran into them when you were fishing with Jack.  I guess I intercepted them." "What deal?" She didn't answer. "Did I take in it your little future world?" "No."  She said. "What's the harm in tellin' us then?" "You have a five thousand dollar bounty on your head, Arthur.  He was going to offer you and everyone else in this little family freedom." "...for what?"  John asked. "Dutch."  She answered. The two men were silent for a long time. "Five thousand dollars for me?"  Arthur sound almost amused. She nodded, "Five thousand dollars is a lot of money even in my time, Mr. Morgan."  She looked at him, grinning, "I was tempted to turn you in myself." "You would never, Miss Marston."  He glared at her. "I'll split it with you?" "Deal."  He pointed to her. John looked at the two, furrowing his brow, hoping he wasn't seeing what he thought he was.
To Be Continued.........
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