#ive actually seen a puffball thing like that
wink-1-8-2 · 2 years
Party Poison’s keychain is the most hideous thing ever, with a mangy fluff ball keychain (thats basically dust and dirt by now) with arms and legs glued on the side, and a really gross-looking Mousekat figurine. No one dares to touch it.
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clownmoontoon · 7 years
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i did a lot of research on the eeveelutions, yes bc i love them, but also bc i wanted to make a more accurate eeveelution personality quiz than the ones ive seen around!
and i wanna share w you guys some neat eeveelution facts most people dont know! ^o^)/
(if you would like to take the quiz i made send me an ask and i’ll link you! ^u^)
♡eevee: the only one of the eeveelutions (and one of the only pokemon that i know of) described as a mutant pokemon. their cells are so strange and unlike any other pokemon which is why they can evolve into so many different types. in other words, by pokemon standards, eevee is a total weirdo. its body automatically adapts to its surroundings! eevees can live p much anywhere yet they are most commonly found in cities also eevees are described as "naive" in quite a few pokedex entries but they are aware that they are cute. they just dont fully know how to use it to their advantage like sylveon does haha but they can learn moves like "charm" and "fake tears" to use their looks to garner mercy from an opponent/attacker!
♡vaporeon: the only eeveelution that can become its element! vaporeons have the ability to actually turn into water when in water  >83c (part of the whole mutant cell thing) according to legends within pokemon lore when people would see vaporeon swimming in the ocean they often believed they saw mermaids! (hence the mermaid aesthetic question in the quiz). also unlike other eeveelutions who actively want to be around people (like eevee, flareon, and sylveon) vaporeon is very comfortable being on its own, while also being very comfortable around people. its never really lonely either way c:
♡jolteon: this poor thing is the most emotionally fragile of all the eeveelutions ;; and its not even like a singular personality trait THIS IS JUST HOW JOLTEON ARE they are extremely sensitive and totally wear their hearts on their sleeves. they love big, and they hate big haha they do a thing where they store negative ions within their fur and then when needed (or when they feel like it) they lash out BIG TIME w a mighty electric attack. supposedly jolteon are the hardest to train out of the eeveelutions bc they take EVERYTHING personal. are you hanging out w one of your pokemon more than your jolteon? jolteon will be hella offended. do you have a new love interest in your life? jolteon is offended and hurt you need someone more than jolteon. etc basically trust is a HUGE issue for jolteon so you really need to have a tight bond/relationship with one in order for it to feel secure and happy. but if you CAN do this then you have a MIGHTY ALLY. bc jolteon is one of the strongest eeveelutions! and is the absolute fastest! a good ally and friend who will always come to your aid UuU i hate how misrepresented jolteon is bc most people try to make it this super edgy/mean pokemon but according to nintendo jolteon is the one eeveelution who really wants a hug the most ;w;
♡flareon: this puffball is the ultimate cuddle beast and will love you most of all the eeveelutions! (except maybe sylveon) it is the shortest, chubbiest and weakest of all the eeveelutions. but gosh darn it tries its best. think of it like a toy breed of dog. it can bark really loud but its not really made to pull a sled or anything. what it wants most is to be by your side but it wont be offended if you dont pick it for battle haha
♡espeon: the only eeveelution that is the MOST mythologically based, espeon's design pulls from about 3 or 4 different legendary mythical creatures found in japanese, chinese and latin folklore! also it is the only eeveelution specifically based on a cat, despite eevee (and the other eeveelutions) being dog based. its the only eeveelution aware of its beauty (besides sylveon) and while it doesnt really use it to its advantage for anything, espeon are known to just...admire their reflections bc theyre so pretty haha its also one of the weaker eeveelutions and not really fond of fighting or anything that would mess up its beauty in any way. it will fight if it has to, or if in battle for you, but theyre content if they never fight at all haha
♡umbreon: THE MOST MISREPRESENTED OF THEM ALL OH MAN umbreon is A TOTAL SCAREDY CAT its scared of EVERYTHING its the only eeveelution who has created a fear based defense mechanism! it has poison sweat :I so if it starts sweating bc its scared out in the wild (which is p often) it sprays its sweat to make a quick get away! ALSO ESPEON AND UMBREON ARE THE FIRST EEVEELUTIONS EVER TO EVOLVE THROUGH HAPPINESS AND FRIENDSHIP umbreon is not some creepy/evil/loner omgg they adore people and pokemon and cant wait to make friends!!
♡leafeon: the only eeveelution described as a "pacifist pokemon" they NEVER want to fight pls dont put them in battle bc you will just make your leafeon very unhappy. it hates the thought of hurting anyone ;; they also always smell good! it is said that young leafeon smell like fresh grass and old leafeon smell like dried leaves. leafeon dont eat like other pokemon. they gain energy through photosynthesis like a plant, so there is always clean air surrounding a them UuU
♡glaceon: the most adaptable of all the eeveelutions! (besides eevee ofc) it can live comfortably in a volcano as well as an iceberg its the only eeveelution that can regulate its body temperature meaning that if it does live in a volcano it can make its body temperature low enough to be comfortable there! also they are similar to vaporeon in that they are happy and comfortable around people as much as they are alone in the wild. either way they can be happy. however if they do make a friend (human or pokemon) and that friend betrays their trust in some way (hurting them or smth) glaceon will literally build a thin wall of ice around its entire body so that the one who hurt them can literally never touch them again if you hurt a glaceon you’ve lost them forever u_u
♡sylveon: THE MOST EXTROVERTED OF THEM ALL sylveon LOVE being the center of attention and would NEVER be happy in the wild they wanna be surrounded by lots of people and pokemon who will tell them they are pretty all the time haha sylveon is the most confident of them all too it is one of the most powerful of the bunch AND KNOWS IT and is one of the most pretty/lovely to look at AND THEY ARE AWARE OF THIS TOO haha they hold the ones they love very dear to their hearts and love to "hold hands" aka wrap their ribbons around the hands of the one they love while they walk around w them. it loves to battle!! p much any chance to be the center of attention is a-ok w a sylveon haha also, even if it is incredibly strong, sylveon still really enjoy outsmarting their opponents they have the ability to trick and outwit them w their sweet looks and they do it often haha sylveon are no angels if you are not someone they already hold close then they will happily try to outwit you to get what they want
AND THERE U GO LOTS OF FACTS!! \(OUO)/ i could go on and on about the eeveelutions aaa i love them so much ;u; i hope you enjoy reading about them!!
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