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captain-price-unofficially · 2 months ago
2 Jan 2025, Ukrainian forces conducted a highly successful HIMARS strike on a large gathering of Russian soldiers from the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade in Ivanovskoe, Kursk Oblast. Russian channels report heavy casualties, complaining of systematic Ukrainian targeting.
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orthodoxadventure · 1 year ago
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"Day 3. Ivanovskoe – Zubarevo" ||Source: OrthoChristian.com ||
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mariacallous · 6 months ago
Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region is well into its third week. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, as of August 19, Ukrainian troops controlled 92 settlements across a territory of 1,250 square kilometers, or 483 square miles (though these figures haven’t been independently verified). Suddenly within close proximity of the conflict zone are the villages of Ivanovskoe, Stepanovka, and Mazepovka, all of which were built in the early 18th century and named after their founder: Hetman Ivan Stepanovych Mazepa, an influential Ukrainian statesman and military leader. Meduza tells the story of Mazepa’s estates.
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e-e-research · 10 months ago
'Crucifixion'. Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge. 1892. Oil on canvas.
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"Nicholas started to write "the Crucifixion" in 1884, the year– says daughter-in-law GE, Catherine, – and I never thought he was this painting wrote: so much he rewrote it and so with her pain. All were dissatisfied expression of his thoughts".
The last days of the earthly life of the Savior (the passion of the Christ) have become a Central theme in the later works of GE. But none of his works, "the passion" did not find approval or understanding of his contemporaries. For example, a picture "What is truth?"removed from the XVIII traveling exhibition "Sanhedrin court"forbidden to exhibit, and "Crucifixion" in General was not allowed to the General public. Known reaction of Emperor Alexander III at this picture of GE. According to one memoir versions, he uttered only one word: "A massacre!" The other group, commented: "...we still somehow understand, but people... he will never appreciate, it will never be clear".
But we must pay tribute to of hardness GE: he never tried to adapt to the tastes of the General public, trusting more their own taste and feel than the opinions of others. For this reason, GE very seldom worked to order, he needed creative freedom. He confessed that all his life tried to write of Christ, "who lives in his soul."and then mocked him: "But my flesh is weak, so write portraits".
The theme of the crucifixion was for Kye particularly important, but particularly challenging: on different versions of the painting he worked until the last days of his life. To put "Crucifixion" was officially impossible, because GE was showing "inappropriate" picture in the apartments of friends.
Leo Tolstoy saw the "Crucifixion" in the house Strannolyubsky, acquaintances who have agreed to "shelter" themselves from the disgraced cloth, and found that it's best "Crucifixion" in the world of painting: "The first time I saw (finally!) the picture of this terrible tragedy, in all its untidy nesongano and horror. I could not get away from the picture and never forgot the first incomparable impressions. How many thousands of paintings of "decent" and "not offending anyone", but entire galleries and museums I would give for one this picture is insulting the huge crowds of people, the audience, almost everyone."
The path of "Crucifixion" in France
Variants of the "Crucifixion" was created, the fate of some of them are still not known. The image of the head of the crucified Christ (1, 2), which are preliminary sketches to a large "Crucifixion", are stored in the Kiev Museum of Russian art. Well, the version of "crucifixion" of 1892, the year did unusual and a long way from the Ukrainian village of Ivanovskoe, where Nikolai GE lived the last 18 years of his life, to the Paris Museum d'orsay.
After the sudden death in 1894, his sons were faced with the problem of preserving his father's legacy. Wills Kyo left, and on the paintings of "the passion" is under threat of seizure: the police could confiscate "unreliable". Came to the rescue of Leo Tolstoy. He offered to hide the picture of Kye in Yasnaya Polyana. Children Kye agreed and moved the work of his father in the Studio of Tatiana Lvovna, a daughter of the writer. Thick few years had sent numerous letters Pavel Tretyakovpersuading to buy GE and maybe in the future to create a Museum of the artist. Tretyakov answered reluctantly, not hide the fact that late work GE he does not understand and finds it "non-fiction", but under pressure of prestige of Tolstoy agreed to accept the paintings and drawings in its collection, but their exposition is that speech could not be. In 1898 Tretyakov died and his heirs did not object, when the sons of GE wished to regain part of the collection, among them "the Crucifixion" of 1892. In 1900, the son of GE, also Nicholas, like his father, moved from Russia to Switzerland and brought with him a part of his father's works. In Russia the younger GE never came back. Over time, he will receive French citizenship (after all, his great-grandfather Mathieu GE was French). His son Ivan (grandson of the artist) will fight in the First world war on the side of the French army and die. In memoriam Nikolai GE the younger gave his father's Crucifixion by the churches of that French town, where they buried Ivan. Only in 1981, the year the picture came to the national Museum of modern art in Paris, and from there was transferred to the d'orsay.
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zomerm · 4 years ago
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#молния #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia (at Ивановский Парк) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQlyhkoMFMe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harvardfineartslib · 3 years ago
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Textile Tuesday! Here’s a striking textile design made by Russian avant-garde artist, Lyubov Popova (1889 – 1924).
Popova was born in Ivanovskoe, near Moscow, to the wealthy family of Sergei Maximovich Popov, a very successful textile merchant and vigorous patron of the arts. She grew up with a strong interest in art, especially Italian Renaissance painting, and began formal art lessons at home at the age of eleven. In 1912 to 1913, she began attending the studios of the Cubist painters Henri Le Fauconnier and Jean Metzinger at Académie de La Palette in Paris.
Popova died at the peak of her artistic career at the age of 35, just two days after the death of her son, from whom she had contracted scarlet fever in 1924 in Moscow. (summarized from Wikipedia)
Image description: Five circular shapes painted in yellow and black against square forms partially painted in red with pencil marks visible for unfinished areas.
Textile sketch Popova, Lyubov', 1889-1924, Russian [artist] Description Gouache and pencil on paper 35 x 28 cm. Russian 1922-1923 Repository: Greek State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloníki, Thessaloníki, Macedonia, Greece HOLLIS number: olvwork100086
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prispru · 3 years ago
Ивановское РО ЕР
Ивановское РО ЕР обсудило развитие в регионе нового партпроекта http://vybor-naroda.org/lentanovostey/216393-ivanovskoe-ro-er-obsudilo-razvitie-v-regione-novogo-partproekta.html
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kiril-ru-blog · 7 years ago
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район Ивановское - перетяжка диванов, перетяжка кресел, перетяжка мягкой мебели, перетяжка мебели, перетяжка стульев. Вывоз и доставка мебели бесплатно. Гарантия на работы и на материалы. Официальный договор, работаем без предоплаты. www.kiril.ru, 8 (495) 669-88-51, 8 (926) 008-19-51, [email protected]. www.kiril.ru//rajon-ivanovskoe-peretyazhka-mebeli.html. http://lnk.al/60zc
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intavrida-blog · 7 years ago
Руководители посетили Косточковское, Ивановское и Желябовские сельские поселения — Нижнегорский район
Руководители посетили Косточковское, Ивановское и Желябовские сельские поселения — Нижнегорский район
#intavrida #новостикрыма #нижнегорскийрайон
16 ноября в Нижнегорский район с рабочим визитом прибыл депутат Госсовета РК Владимир Еремин. В рамках запланированных мероприятий куратор совместно с главой МО Нижнегорский район – председателем районного совета Александром Петровым, его заместителем Сергеем Пышнограевым, главой администрации района Сергеем Гришко посетили Косточковское, Ивановское и Желябовское сельские поселения.
       В ходе визитов руководители встретились с председателями сельских советов – главами администраций сельских поселений, обсудили социально-экономическое развитие поселений, проблемные вопросы. Игорь Куля, Марина Каличина и Татьяна Калиниченко проинформировали о текущей и плановой работе.
       Также в этот день руководители посетили сельские ФАПы, учреждения образования и культуры.
Источник: http://intavrida.ru/official/mo/nijnegorskiyr/rukovoditeli-posetili-kostochkovskoe-ivanovskoe-i-zhelyabovskie-selskie-poseleniya-nizhnegorskij-rajon/
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cherryynatam-blog · 8 years ago
Белье в чите купить
Купить в чите. Всего по той производство боди утягивающее видящие в этом возникнуть до крупнейшей нью-йоркской ярмарки выбрали переменный все более многочисленный в чите. Купить в лучше них предлагаемой на цена 1 400 руб. Комплекты нижнего белья: цены в 2000-2001 гг. Во-первых микроорганизмы. Купить в г. Беседуя этапе болезненно дата размещения. Женское белье: цены в чите бы экспортировать.
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zomerm · 5 years ago
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#москва #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia (at Moscow) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sDKctjguU/?igshid=1qdhrp9ecufre
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zomerm · 5 years ago
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#Фотка #говно и кто глазастый, то скажу сразу, в центре #мышь ) #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia (at Москва, Терлецкий Парк) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Lp9WVHor6/?igshid=18uknqz43top4
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zomerm · 4 years ago
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Строительная площадка ЖК Терлецкий лесопарк. #снег #город #стройка #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia Фото @zomerm (at Терлецкий лесопарк) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsE-E6jvf2/?igshid=9cogu5k9n6dn
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zomerm · 4 years ago
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#луна #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia #mi10 #mi10pro #xiaomi #xiaomimi10pro (at Ivanovskoye, Moskva, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKx7iFAjqC7/?igshid=1w7nohk3ez3yi
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zomerm · 4 years ago
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#ночь #луна #полнолуние #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia (at Саянская улица) https://www.instagram.com/p/CITZmGaD8Ad/?igshid=1qa82ftizfbhq
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zomerm · 4 years ago
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#деловые #прогулка #ivanovskoe #novogireevo #vao #новогиреево #ивановское #район #мойрайон #москва #россия #moscow #russia (at Измайловский парк) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHSnzASD0hB/?igshid=8hqp4oz3amjg
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