#itty bitty wolfstar fic rec masterlist
hp-fanfic-archive · 25 days
Remus/Sirius Humor Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words [1/2]
find the full masterlist directory here
last updated: 08/14/24 | links last checked: 08/14/24
13 paper boats floating in the sea (+2 that reached you) by justprompts [T, 4k]
It's like this. Sirius loves Remus. Remus loves Sirius. Lily thinks Remus and Sirius should date. (She also thinks James Potter is quite fit.) Meanwhile, James thinks that Sirius and Lily are snogging behind greenhouse three. (podfic available)
*A Proposal by Bob_The_Other_Zombie [G, 2k]
Sirius has a love problem and asks James for advice. What happens when you add in pregnant Lily, pantsless Peter, candles, one pot of nearly-boiled water, snogging, Remus’ favorite record, multiple unknown kitchen devices, and a very bad pun? One very confused werewolf, is what!
A Short Summary of Things That Are James Potter's Fault by xylodemon [T, 2k]
In which the mistletoe is hexed, Remus would rather not spend the night in a broom cupboard, and several things are James Potter's fault. (podfic available) | (chinese translation available)
A Sirius Case of Jealousy by WolfstarPups90 [T, 1k]
Remus has a new job and Sirius has a bit of a jealousy issue.
*All Dogs Go to Remus' Flat, Apparently by iamsiriusblackserious [G, 1k]
“Now, before you murder me and distribute my body parts across Britain, you should know that he followed me home and none of this is my fault,” Sirius says. “Your defense is that a strange dog followed you home and so you had no choice but to let him into our flat?” “Well, when you say it like that, it just sounds irresponsible!” “Brilliant, that’s exactly what I was going for.” or Remus comes home to find a strange dog sitting on his couch and he's Not Happy.
And a Peacock in a Glass Tree by Tpants [E, 4k]
Remus probably shouldn't have thrown Sirius out of bed. Lily helps Sirius out. Sirius learns to carol.
*baby in boots by pixelated [M, 1k]
“My… my boots—” Sirius stutters stupidly. “Can’t leave without ‘em,” Remus replies with a wink, calm as can be.
Boys by oliverdalstonbrowning [G, 2k]
Remus is reminded of the truth and Sirius plays Space Oddity.
Dadfoot & Moomum by jlpierre [T, 4k]
A four year old Harry Potter, in the care of his guardians Sirius and Remus, experiences a series of Halloween activities to distract the adults from their grief.
Dancing Lessons by remuslives23 [M, 1k]
How Remus became an incredible dancer.
*Daring, Brave, and Genius by elle_stone [G, 1k]
It’s been a month since they’ve seen each other, all four Marauders—daring, brave, genius—and prone to dreaming up ridiculous plans and then jumping into them without thinking any of the details through.
*Ever After by busaikko [T, 3k]
Non-magic AU. Once upon a time, an astrophysicist was wooed by the gay Scheherazade. . . (podfic available)
Eyebrows by BeesKnees [T, 2k]
In which James seduces Remus (sort of), and Sirius blames the whole bloody mess on James (mostly).
Fluffball by orphan_account [T, 2k]
Stolen toasts, arses, cages big enough to hold all of Narnia, unorthodox methods of confession and thirteen bunnies that are only twenty-one percent evil. Sirius Black tries to tell Remus he loves him but it was one hell of a long process.
Friends, Lovers, and Various Permutations Thereof by Tillikins [T, 2k]
Celebrating the end of NEWTs! Sirius asks Remus to room with him after school.
*Going As Planned by lionturtles [G, 2k]
Camping, drinking, awkward kissing.
Have a BEARY Happy Valentine's Day by Amuly [T, 1k]
Valentine's Day during MWPP's 4th year happens to fall the day after a full moon. But it's Remus and Sirius' first Valentine's Day as a couple, so Sirius is determined to make it memorable.
Hey There Little Red Riding Hood by WolfstarPups90 [E, 4k]
The marauders throw an annual Halloween party in Gryffindor Tower. When Lily and Mary tell them about the muggle tradition of dressing up in costume, Sirius gets an idea…Remus pretends not to be amused.
ice cream and swimming pools by beespiesandplaid [Not Rated, 2k]
James wears some obscene swimming shorts and Remus and Sirius quietly fall in love.
In The Middle by Blossomwitch [Not Rated, 3k]
James is the natural confidant of both Remus and Sirius. When they both swear him to secrecy on the same topic, James is stuck watching his friends pine for each other without being able to say a word to bring them together. A lesser man might shrink from the challenge of finding a way to break his promise without breaking his promise, but not James Potter!
Letters by beespiesandplaid [Not Rated, 3k]
The summer is long and boring, so Sirius starts writing to Remus.
Meeting The Guardians by jlpierre [T, 3k, Harry/Draco]
Will Draco meeting the 'Dad's', Sirius and Remus, go down well for Harry?
Midnight Conversation #1 by Thistlerose [T, 1k]
A few days before winter hols begin, Sirius gives Remus a unique going away present.
*mixed signals by dalembertio [T, 1k]
“Wait,” Remus says, looking at James through narrowed eyes. “What, exactly, did Lily tell you?” “That you fancy Sirius.” James pauses. “Wasn’t that what we were talking about?”
Mutual(s) Pining by hue & reachthetree [T, 3k]
Sirius finds inspiration and lots of whale puns.
*denotes personal favorites
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hp-fanfic-archive · 2 months
Remus/Sirius Angst Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words
find the masterlist directory here
last updated: 07/29/24 | links last checked: 07/29/24
All Roads Lead Back To You by victoria_p [G, 3k]
Six ways it could have ended less tragically.
Apollonian and Dionysian. by rearwindow [G, 2k]
“Yeah… Well, it’s like I’m light and you are darkness.”
da mi basia mille by scioscribe [t, 2k]
“There’s a Roman bloke, Catullus, who wrote about snogging a lesbian, or something like that, and anyway, he said da mi basia mille, give me a thousand kisses, and I spelled it. Ensorceled it. Made it into a thingy.” He pushed the envelope up towards Remus’s mouth. “Say the Latin part and kiss it.”
Dadfoot & Moomum by jlpierre [T, 4k]
A four year old Harry Potter, in the care of his guardians Sirius and Remus, experiences a series of Halloween activities to distract the adults from their grief.
*Distillation (the Anticlockwise Remix) by Raven [G, 2k]
Peter makes a mistake, a discovery and a decision, but not in that order.
Into eternity by captainhurricane [G, 1k]
A peek through seventh year, through Harry who didn’t have to grow up unloved and through Sirius and Remus who had, after all, always had each other
Failed to Send by spaceflowrr [M, 1k]
Texting AU, in which Remus is a sarcastic little shit and is very much in love with his boyfriend, Sirius. Or: Heartbreak is unanswered texts.
*Longsdune by imochan [T, 3k]
He supposes that this is what is expected of him, to sit here and listen to wetness sinking into the earth and remember how it felt when it was sunny, and there were four of them, and Sirius Black looked at him like he was a piece of the universe he wanted to understand so badly that he was willing to take Remus apart completely and then put him back together.
More Than You Could Possibly Know by WolfstarPups90 [T, 1k]
They were twenty years old, and they were in love and they should be together every single night like this instead of out fighting, unsure if the other was still alive or if they would come back.
My Faithful Handyman by softiejace [T, 1k]
non-magic au in which Sirius gets harassed for putting on make up in the men’s room and Remus defends him
Night: Shadows from Five Billion Trees by Amuly [E, 3k]
Every childhood is filled with magic – school of witchcraft and wizardry or no.
*Oh, We Lost Magic by nerakrose [G, 4k]
The year is 1985 and Sirius, Remus, James and Lily are working as paramedics in muggle London, living seemingly normal lives…except there's really an awful lot of weird things going on.
*one for the road by rojohbi [G, 4k]
Piling into the car was uncomfortable and cramped, but there was something oddly satisfying about sitting on ratty blankets in the backseat, a box of fresh comfort food at his feet and Sirius’ legs splayed over his lap as the other backseat-inhabitant nestled himself into the corner and almost immediately began snoring. James met his eyes through the rearview, and this time when he saw the knowing smile, Remus smiled right back.
One Heart by cottonpadenthusiast [T, 1k]
Remus hates Valentine's Day. He has always been alone and this year is no different. With the whole of Gryffindor tower at the Valentine's party, Remus feels more alone than ever and the slight problem of being in love with Sirius Black seems ever more present on a day like today. However, after tonight, Remus might change his view on Valentine's Day…
Paper Birds by nevermindgrantaire [G, 3k]
"Dust is dancing in the sunlight, the light filtering through the leaves and turning everything sunny yellow. It shines off Remus’ pale skin and makes him look even more pallid in comparison to the others. James is back from a holiday in some muggle town, tanned and skinny and grinning; brimming over with tales of hot local birds and the things they let him do to them on the beach. Sirius was with him too, he knows, but he is nowhere near as vocal in his boasting. He just lounges back against the tree, eyes heavy-lidded and smiling at nothing, last minute reading for McGonagall’s class balanced over his face as he drifts off in the summer heat." Remus is stressed, tired and in love with his best friend. All he wants is for things to work out ok, and for an explanation as to all the paper birds that seem to be following him everywhere he goes.
Shelter by ygrainette [M,3k]
The storm-clouds of the First War are gathering, and Sirius and Remus shelter each other.
*Soul Signs by cottonpadenthusiast [G, 1k]
Everyone has a Soul Sign; the Patronus of your soulmate painted on your skin. Everyone is destined to find love. Yet Remus seems destined for someone who doesn't have a soulmate at all.
Thicker Than Blood by Thistlerose [T, 4k]
James has tried to be reasonable about his best friends’ relationship, but he’s not comfortable with it. Then something happens that helps him put things into perspective. (This fic is part of the midnight conversations timeline by Thistlerose. I recommend reading this after Midnight Conversations #1)
*To Want for Nothing by oxfordlunch [T, 2k]
There are no family members singing, no happy returns. Nobody tells him to make a wish. He thinks of one anyhow. He closes his eyes and pleads silently to whoever could possibly listen that he might be taken away from this. He wishes for red and gold and warm, clean air, and for someone to sing on his birthday.
*Unified Theory by montparnasse [G, 3k]
New Year's, 1982. A house, a bed, a room at the top of the stairs. A lever, and a place to stand. (podfic available)
Where Rain And Smoke Mingle by smallestbird [T, 1k]
It doesn't matter if they've disowned you, they're still your family. It doesn't matter how often you walk away, it still hurts.
*with everything the way it is by camarauderie [G, 4k]
remus says it would be better to stay friends. sirius knows why.
Winter and Happier by orphan_account [T, 2k]
Spending a weekend house-sitting for James' parents, the two couples have some plans. But when Remus is given a slight set-back, Sirius is determined to make his boyfriend feel valid, and very loved.
*You Were My Spring, My Summer Too by RS_Games [T, 3k]
When Sirius receives news that things have gone very wrong on an assignment, he heads north to bring Remus home.
*denotes personal favorite
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hp-fanfic-archive · 1 month
Remus/Sirius Fluff Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words [2/3]
find the masterlist directory here
last updated: 07/31/24 | links last checked: 07/31/24
*Going As Planned by lionturtles [G, 2k]
Camping, drinking, awkward kissing.
Have a BEARY Happy Valentine's Day by Amuly [T, 1k]
Valentine's Day during MWPP's 4th year happens to fall the day after a full moon. But it's Remus and Sirius' first Valentine's Day as a couple, so Sirius is determined to make it memorable.
*Heat by LadyAmina [T, 2k]
The summer air is too warm. The campfire isn't helping. Neither is Sirius's head in his lap. Neither is the burning blood in his veins. Remus is overwhelmed and something has to give.
Honey by Evandar [T, 1k]
Sirius’ reality has changed. And while he’s never needed sex to know that he loves Remus, now that they’ve done it, the world seems more concrete.
*Hopeless by OfficialStarsandGutters [G, 2k]
You see, it is all very sudden and unexpected. When they parted ways after fifth year, Moony was just good old Moony. Soft, warm, a little tattered around the edges; smelling of old books, chocolate, and a light wolfish undertone that Sirius has only been able to pick up on since Padfoot came around. Moony with his comfy, oversized jumpers, his cardigans, of all things (really, what teenage boy wears cardigans?), his common sense, dry wit, and secret wicked humour. But when they come back for sixth year, Moony is hot.
ice cream and swimming pools by beespiesandplaid [Not Rated, 2k]
James wears some obscene swimming shorts and Remus and Sirius quietly fall in love.
if you're gonna be the death of me that's how i wanna go by accioromulus [E, 1k]
Seventeen year-old boys do not fall in-love, especially with one another.
In The Middle by Blossomwitch [Not Rated, 3k]
James is the natural confidant of both Remus and Sirius. When they both swear him to secrecy on the same topic, James is stuck watching his friends pine for each other without being able to say a word to bring them together. A lesser man might shrink from the challenge of finding a way to break his promise without breaking his promise, but not James Potter!
It'll be okay by captainhurricane [G, 1k]
Being escorted to the Hogwarts-train by your anxious father figures wasn't on top of Harry's list of favourite things to do. (sequel to Into eternity)
Laundry by andonlythinkofme [T, 3k]
“If it makes you feel any better, I think your scar looks wicked.”
Letters by beespiesandplaid [Not Rated, 3k]
The summer is long and boring, so Sirius starts writing to Remus.
Light a Candle by orphan_account [G, 1k]
Remus has disappeared round dinner for the last three nights, and now Sirius is convinced his boyfriend is hiding something.
*Like Us As We Are by orphan_account [G, 4k]
When Lily drags Sirius to a Werewolf Rights rally, Sirius isn't sure what to expect. He certainly doesn't expect to fall for the head speaker with the adorable dimples and impossible curls. But who could ignore that passion? Certainly not Sirius Black.
*Love Online by NeonDomino [T, 2k]
Sirius is in love and wants nothing more than to finally hold his on-line boyfriend in his arms. James is convinced that Remus is really a fifty-year-old man who is misleading Sirius and refusing to meet because Sirius would find out the truth. The truth is much more simple. Remus is in love, but scared that if Sirius finds out how much time he spends in hospital, Sirius would leave him.
*Love Whilst Looking by orphan_account [G, 4k]
When a new shop opens up across from Remus' office, he starts to pine for the gorgeous baker. His affections are returned when Sirius and Remus start exchanging window notes to each other. Eventually Remus' best friend Marlene has had enough, and tells Remus it's time to take the next step, and with that courage, their entire worlds change.
Maple Syrup by iamsiriuslyriddikulus [E, 1k]
Domestic fluff.
Meeting The Guardians by jlpierre [T, 3k, Harry/Draco]
Will Draco meeting the 'Dad's', Sirius and Remus, go down well for Harry?
Miles To Go Before I Sleep by orphan_account [G, 4k]
Working the front door at a posh block of flats, Remus Lupin spends their nights watching the door, and occasionally taking a sleep-walking Sirius Black back to the arms of his flatmate. Pining quietly, everything changes for Remus one night when Sirius' sleep-walking leads to comfort and emotional revelations.
*mixed signals by dalembertio [T, 1k]
“Wait,” Remus says, looking at James through narrowed eyes. “What, exactly, did Lily tell you?” “That you fancy Sirius.” James pauses. “Wasn’t that what we were talking about?”
More Than You Could Possibly Know by WolfstarPups90 [T, 1k]
They were twenty years old, and they were in love and they should be together every single night like this instead of out fighting, unsure if the other was still alive or if they would come back.
Music Is Moonlight by orphan_account [G, 2k]
Make-up Artist Remus Lupin is both frustrated and desperately in love with petulant Rock Star, Sirius Black. Having pined for a year, he's content to let things be as they are, but Sirius has decided he's not having that any more.
Mutual(s) Pining by hue & reachthetree [T, 3k]
Sirius finds inspiration and lots of whale puns.
My Faithful Handyman by softiejace [T, 1k]
non-magic au in which Sirius gets harassed for putting on make up in the men’s room and Remus defends him
*Notice by Remy_Writes5 [T, 3k]
The Marauders need a new guitarist while Sirius's hand heals. Remus is more into classical music than Punk Rock. Somehow he finds himself joining the band anyway.
Number 4, Privet Drive by Manage_mischief [G, 1k]
Today is Harry's 5th birthday, and his godfathers have a surprise in store. AU: In which Sirius Black and Remus Lupin raise Harry, and Number 4 Privet Drive is his happy place.
*Of Motorbikes and McGonagall by sqvalors [G, 2k]
In which Remus does a lot of a eye-rolling, Sirius pushes his luck and Christmas turns McGonagall to their favour.
*Of Tinsel and Nice Starts by nerakrose [G, 2k]
Mysterious clouds and strange coffee abounds. Office romance.
*oil smudged by jackgyeoms [T, 3k]
modern au where remus is an art student and sirius is an unwitting model.
*On Behalf of the Souls by orphan_account [G, 4k]
When Remus gets into an unwitting row with a couple of drunk men at the pub, the last thing he expects is for the gorgeous person at the end of the bar to come to his rescue. But the Universe seems to be interested in seeing them together, as Sirius Black finds something he likes very much about Remus Lupin, and aims to keep him.
On Werewolves and Bisexuality by Knightfrog1248 [G, 1k]
In which the long-suffering Remus painstakingly explains to James what bisexuality is as they go down to the lake to tease the giant squid.
Once Upon A Time (A Wolfstar Fairy-tale) by WolfstarPups90 [G, 2k]
Sirius can't sleep. Remus tells him a story, and any characters, places and incidents portrayed are fictitious and any resemblance to persons dead or alive is purely by coincidence.
One + One = Four by little_werewolf [G, 3k]
The journey of how Remus and Sirius got puppies a family of their own.
*one for the road by rojohbi [G, 4k]
Piling into the car was uncomfortable and cramped, but there was something oddly satisfying about sitting on ratty blankets in the backseat, a box of fresh comfort food at his feet and Sirius’ legs splayed over his lap as the other backseat-inhabitant nestled himself into the corner and almost immediately began snoring. James met his eyes through the rearview, and this time when he saw the knowing smile, Remus smiled right back.
One Heart by cottonpadenthusiast [T, 1k]
Remus hates Valentine's Day. He has always been alone and this year is no different. With the whole of Gryffindor tower at the Valentine's party, Remus feels more alone than ever and the slight problem of being in love with Sirius Black seems ever more present on a day like today. However, after tonight, Remus might change his view on Valentine's Day…
Padfoot’s Seven Step Plan to Ensnare Moony for Life by Remy_Writes5 [T, 3k]
Sirius realizes during his fourth year at Hogwarts that he's in love with Remus. He decides to formulate "A Plan."
Paper Birds by nevermindgrantaire [G, 3k]
"Dust is dancing in the sunlight, the light filtering through the leaves and turning everything sunny yellow. It shines off Remus’ pale skin and makes him look even more pallid in comparison to the others. James is back from a holiday in some muggle town, tanned and skinny and grinning; brimming over with tales of hot local birds and the things they let him do to them on the beach. Sirius was with him too, he knows, but he is nowhere near as vocal in his boasting. He just lounges back against the tree, eyes heavy-lidded and smiling at nothing, last minute reading for McGonagall’s class balanced over his face as he drifts off in the summer heat." Remus is stressed, tired and in love with his best friend. All he wants is for things to work out ok, and for an explanation as to all the paper birds that seem to be following him everywhere he goes.
*Prompt No.46: Star by Anythingtoasted [T, 2k]
In which Sirius finds a record player.
Punk Rock Suburban by GoldandScarlett [G, 3k]
Sirius follows Remus around all summer because he is his screwed up self, James is touring Europe, and no one actually likes Peter.
*Puppy Love Forever by Amuly [T, 3k]
Sirius promises to love Remus forever, and means it.
*denotes personal favorites
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hp-fanfic-archive · 24 days
Remus/Sirius Humor Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words [2/2]
find the full masterlist directory here
last updated: 08/16/24 | links last checked: 08/16/24
Night: Shadows from Five Billion Trees by Amuly [E, 3k]
Every childhood is filled with magic – school of witchcraft and wizardry or no.
Not So Invisible by Marie_Thomas [T, 4k]
James Potter gets a lot more than he bargained for one Saturday afternoon in his seventh year at Hogwarts, when he decides to hide under his Invisibility Cloak in the Restricted Section of the library so that he can play a practical joke on Sirius…
Nothing On by LadyACDoyle [T, 1k]
The two-way mirrors didn't always unite James and Sirius. Before doubts and decisions came into play in the shadow of Peter's betrayal, Remus was the keeper of the other side. And maybe, the keeper of Sirius' heart.
*Of Motorbikes and McGonagall by sqvalors [G, 2k]
In which Remus does a lot of a eye-rolling, Sirius pushes his luck and Christmas turns McGonagall to their favour.
On Werewolves and Bisexuality by Knightfrog1248 [G, 1k]
In which the long-suffering Remus painstakingly explains to James what bisexuality is as they go down to the lake to tease the giant squid.
Once Upon A Time (A Wolfstar Fairy-tale) by WolfstarPups90 [G, 2k]
Sirius can't sleep. Remus tells him a story, and any characters, places and incidents portrayed are fictitious and any resemblance to persons dead or alive is purely by coincidence.
Padfoot’s Seven Step Plan to Ensnare Moony for Life by Remy_Writes5 [T, 3k]
Sirius realizes during his fourth year at Hogwarts that he's in love with Remus. He decides to formulate "A Plan."
peer pressure by xylodemon [T, 1k]
In which Remus is not interested, Peter didn't forget the monkshood, James would like everyone to hear him out, and Sirius thinks the plan needs a little more Furnunculus. (podfic available)
*quandary by miastree [T, 4k]
There's also the small.. big… problem that Remus has, other than the furry one and the grades one and the worrying-about-the-future one and the money one, and that's his Sirius Problem. He's come to the conclusion that the fluttery feeling in his chest will never really go away.
*Quiet by merlywhirls [Not Rated, 2k]
Remus and Sirius enjoy a rare moment of peace in their dorm on Christmas the day after a full moon.
Self-Insert by Wereflamingo [T, 1k]
Remus and Sirius both write self-insert fics in the same fandom. One day Sirius asks to borrow Remus's OC for his new fic. What could he possibly be planning, and what is the mystery pairing he promised to introduce?
Sirius Black and the Incident with the Babbling Bush by MonkeyZero [T, 2k]
While helping Remus with his chores, Sirius finds someone, or rather something to confide his feelings to. “But the point is, Remus is so gorgeous and sexy it drives me wild just being close to him. We’ll be doing something perfectly ordinary, like breaking into Filch’s office to embroider his awful overcoat with pink hearts, and I’ll just look over at Remus and think Oh Merlin I want to bang him.
Sirius Possibilities, aka The Logic of Sirius by Tpants [T, 3k]
Sirius buys a "cottage" for Remus and him. Obviously, there is a lot of work to do and Sirius has some high expectations.
Snogging Nog by Ineffabilitea [T, 2k]
In which Sirius pulls off a Christmas prank, Remus makes a list, James is over-dramatic, and Peter is concerned for Remus' health.
*Tartan Tribulations by sqvalors [T, 1k]
In which Remus' clothes mysteriously disappear, McGonagall is surprisingly collected and Sirius is, as usual, insufferable.
Texts From Last Night by christabellamotte [M, 1k]
(Sirius): I woke up in your kitchen with my ID in my hand and my nails were painted electric blue. Dude…. never let me have firewhisky again. (James): The nail polish was Lily’s. You insisted it brought out the sparkle in your eyes. (Remus): For the record: it did not. (Sirius): It does too! (Or, a texting fic from your favourite very small gang based around some of TFLN's best offerings.)
the charm of your arms 101 by driedupwishes [T, 3k]
“Should’ve known,” Sirius continued, “that boring old goodie-goodie Remus would rear his head eventually. He always does…” Remus went still, tension suddenly back in his shoulders. Sirius lifted his head to grin at him, broad and pleased and completely unapologetic, because there was nothing more Remus hated than being cast as the kiss ass and Sirius Black fucking knew it. Remus didn’t even pause. He threw himself across the couch, slung his arm around Sirius’ neck, and hauled him up in one gangly limb tangled stumble. Sirius squawked, fingers curling in Remus’ jumper as he floundered to his feet, and for one fucking brilliant moment they were nose to nose, breaths mingling, Sirius’ eyes going warm and soft in the dying light of the fire and Remus forgot what it was he was trying to do. “Is this part of the lesson, teach,” Sirius whispered, waggling his eyebrows like the annoying git he was. Remus loved him all the same.
*the doc was called Halloween babeyy by dduucckk [T, 1k]
a self indulgent halloween fic with pumpkin shenanigans, meet cutes, and texting. “They’re battle scars,” Remus repeated. “And you can’t call him just ‘pumpkin’ anymore, his official title is the PumpKing and he requires it to be used at all times.” Remus finished carving out the last scar, and picked up the sharpie to draw the outline of a crown near the top of the pumpkin. One he was satisfied, he picked up his knife and started cutting along the lines. “In that case,” James said, “Mine’s the PumPeasant and he looks like this because of a childhood disease.”
The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss [T, 3k]
Everyone is born with Words on their arm that connect them to their Soulmate. James finds his, Sirius had everything figured out back in First Year, Peter doesn’t talk to girls anyway, and Remus thinks he’d very much just like to put his earmuffs back on and disappear. (russian translation available) | (chinese translation available)
The Great Golden Gormless Worm of Flobber by sheafrotherdon [M, 3k]
A lovesick Sirius is a desperate thing, and Remus Lupin insists on being oblivious. (podfic available)
The Incident by lindsaylaurie [T, 2k]
Remus rejects Sirius’ advances because he’s afraid of things changing between them.
The Night Before by jlpierre [M, 3k]
Sirius Black has lost his wand, and using limited memories of the night before, he has to retrace it before Remus loses his cool.
*The One Where They Got Married by Sonamae [T, 2k]
Walkies, Tea Time, and Showers, Oh my.
The Talk by WolfstarPups90 [M, 1k, Harry/Draco]
Sirius and Remus think it's time they give Harry "The Talk" when they find he's been sneaking out at night to see someone special. (russian translation available)
The Wardrobe by KinugoshiDofu [M, 1k]
“I can’t believe that of all the places we could be hiding, we’re actually hiding in a closet,” Sirius huffed, “the irony.” Except Remus is pretty sure that it is not a closet, but in fact a wardrobe and there is nothing ironic about this situation - they will not be laughing joyfully about it later, later they will be dead.
We Live Here Now by NeonDomino [T, 3k]
Sirius and Remus turn up at Privet Drive and decide they live there now, much to the Dursley's distress. Whatever will the neighbours think!
Welcome to the Family by Jencala [M, 2k, Harry/Draco]
Remus turned to face his husband. “Your godson is engaged to a Malfoy. He’s used to the finer things in life and I, for one, would like to make sure this dinner is not only pleasant, but that he knows we are not peasants.” Sirius barked a laugh. “So the truth is, you want to show off for the little bugger!”
*denotes personal favorite
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hp-fanfic-archive · 1 month
Remus/Sirius Fluff Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words [1/3]
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last updated: 07/30/24 | links last checked: 07/30/24
13 paper boats floating in the sea (+2 that reached you) by justprompts [T, 4k]
It's like this. Sirius loves Remus. Remus loves Sirius. Lily thinks Remus and Sirius should date. (She also thinks James Potter is quite fit.) Meanwhile, James thinks that Sirius and Lily are snogging behind greenhouse three. (podfic available)
*A Proposal by Bob_The_Other_Zombie [G, 2k]
Sirius has a love problem and asks James for advice. What happens when you add in pregnant Lily, pantsless Peter, candles, one pot of nearly-boiled water, snogging, Remus’ favorite record, multiple unknown kitchen devices, and a very bad pun? One very confused werewolf, is what!
A Sirius Case of Jealousy by WolfstarPups90 [T, 1k]
Remus has a new job and Sirius has a bit of a jealousy issue.
all alone on the edge of seventeen by nikkiRA [T, 3k]
He is seventeen and in love.
All I Want For Christmas by REwrites [T, 2k]
Sirius chews the inside of his cheek as he stares down a row of Christmas cards in the shop around the corner for his office and tries not to feel like the world’s biggest arse. He wishes he hadn’t waited to the last minute to do this, but when he pulled Remus Lupin’s name out of the hat for the office-wide Secret Santa exchange he’d panicked. A short story in which Sirius is awkward, Remus is sneaky, and James is no help at all.
*All Dogs Go to Remus' Flat, Apparently by iamsiriusblackserious [G, 1k]
“Now, before you murder me and distribute my body parts across Britain, you should know that he followed me home and none of this is my fault,” Sirius says. “Your defense is that a strange dog followed you home and so you had no choice but to let him into our flat?” “Well, when you say it like that, it just sounds irresponsible!” “Brilliant, that’s exactly what I was going for.” or Remus comes home to find a strange dog sitting on his couch and he's Not Happy.
Already Fallen by LightsOut [E, 1k]
Remus Lupin had a plan. He was not going to fall for Sirius Black in any sense of the word.
And a Peacock in a Glass Tree by Tpants [E, 4k]
Remus probably shouldn't have thrown Sirius out of bed. Lily helps Sirius out. Sirius learns to carol.
And When You Get the Choice by iamsiriusblackserious [T, 3k]
After weeks of studying for and sitting their NEWT exams, Sirius finally gets some quality time with his boyfriend. That is, if Remus can actually manage to stay awake. Winding down after NEWTs, slow dancing but not really, and symbolic key bequeathing.
Apollonian and Dionysian. by rearwindow [G, 2k]
“Yeah… Well, it’s like I’m light and you are darkness.”
*As It Should Be by remuslives23 [G, 2k]
John Lupin had expected it, had been waiting for it ever since he caught Remus sneaking soiled sheets into the washing machine when he was thirteen and, at his wife's amused insistence, had sat him down for a halting talk about the birds and the bees.
Bad Day by orphan_account [G, 1k]
Professor Remus Lupin's day had been one of the worst. All he wanted was a nice relaxing bath and a few moments to forget. Luckily he's got a very doting husband who can help him do just that.
Bandages by FreakishWhale [G, 1k]
A world where everyone is born with the First Words their soulmate will ever speak to them inked onto their skin, to be kept hidden until they are spoken and burn black.
between the moon and the stars by llassah [M, 2k]
The summer before their sixth year, and everything changes and stays the same.
*Black Winter and Golden Dreams by huldrejenta [G, 2k]
When you're young and in love, sometimes even Sirius Black would like some advice.
Boys by oliverdalstonbrowning [G, 2k]
Remus is reminded of the truth and Sirius plays Space Oddity.
*Breathless by NachoDiablo [T, 2k]
Sirius is confident that their first date with Remus is going to be memorable, and it is… just not in the ways they expect. (sequel to Worth the Itch)
Built My Dreams Around You by templeg [M, 1k]
A deeply embarrassing lapdance in the middle of the Gryffindor common room leads to much more.
*Caught by Phiso [G, 4k]
Sirius Black was the thief no one could catch – at least, not until he met his match in Detective Inspector Remus Lupin.
Chocolate Love by therunawaypen [T, 1k]
After serving a night in detention, Sirius brings back a sweet treat for Remus to enjoy while he's studying. If Sirius enjoys it too, all the better.
Common Cuddles for a Common Cold by LadyAmina [G, 1k]
Most of the student body has fallen ill with a common cold. Sirius is just feeling it a lot louder. But Remus helps.
copycats by ybrows [T, 1k]
Sirius is a trend setter. Sirius is a trend setter that doesn’t seem to notice it, or care, or make any comment towards the fact that he wore his hair in a ponytail last week and now half the school have styled their hair in exactly the same way. Remus cares.
da mi basia mille by scioscribe [t, 2k]
“There’s a Roman bloke, Catullus, who wrote about snogging a lesbian, or something like that, and anyway, he said da mi basia mille, give me a thousand kisses, and I spelled it. Ensorceled it. Made it into a thingy.” He pushed the envelope up towards Remus’s mouth. “Say the Latin part and kiss it.”
Dadfoot & Moomum by jlpierre [T, 4k]
A four year old Harry Potter, in the care of his guardians Sirius and Remus, experiences a series of Halloween activities to distract the adults from their grief.
*Daring, Brave, and Genius by elle_stone [G, 1k]
It’s been a month since they’ve seen each other, all four Marauders—daring, brave, genius—and prone to dreaming up ridiculous plans and then jumping into them without thinking any of the details through.
Despite The Lightning by A Sirius Crush On Moony [T, 1k]
Remus and Sirius are dating. It's the first day back at school and Remus just wants one thing.
*Drunk on Love by muse_in_absentia [T, 4k]
Post second war AU in which Remus cheats at baking, Padfoot plays in the snow, and Christmas jumpers combined with mulled wine may lead to something old becoming something new.
*Ever After by busaikko [T, 3k]
Non-magic AU. Once upon a time, an astrophysicist was wooed by the gay Scheherazade. . .
Eyebrows by BeesKnees [T, 2k]
In which James seduces Remus (sort of), and Sirius blames the whole bloody mess on James (mostly).
*Finest in Fairford by bluepeony [G, 4k]
Remus Lupin's job in a Fairford coffee shop is always uneventful, until an exotic new customer begins leaving messages with his tips.
*Fiery-Coloured World by orphan_account [M, 2k]
And though Remus had a thick jumper and coat, they were still soaked and frozen as they ran across the pavement, laughing with their cold fingers clinging to each other like it was Noah’s bloody flood and they were about to be swept away. Then someone—Sirius was never sure who, though he often liked to take credit for it—closed the distance and lips met lips. And that was all it took, really. Besotted. Smitten. Twitterpated—the word Remus liked most of all. Sirius knew it would be minutes, moments, seconds before his heart told him he was in love and there was no going back from the emotional tidal wave that was Remus bloody Lupin.
Friends, Lovers, and Various Permutations Thereof by Tillikins [T, 2k]
Celebrating the end of NEWTs! Sirius asks Remus to room with him after school.
*denotes personal favorites
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hp-fanfic-archive · 4 days
Remus/Sirius Hurt/Comfort Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words
find the full masterlist directory here
last updated: 09/10/24 | links last checked: 09/10/24
And look where it got us by Zoeff [G, 1k]
Sirius pressed his lips together. “I don't want him at school at all to be honest." Remus barked out a laugh. “Excuse me, who are you?” “What!? Look at the track record of this kid! Year one: Willingly fights his way through hundreds of dangerous tasks to end up nearly getting killed by You-know-who in an attempt to save a bloody stone!” “First of all, it was not 'hundreds of tasks' and secondly, that 'bloody stone' happened to be the Philosopher's stone and if I recall correctly you threw Harry a 'Congratulations, you're a badass' – party when he came home.” Wolfstar raising Harry AU in which Sirius worries and Remus has no idea who he is talking to.
Apollonian and Dionysian. by rearwindow [G, 2k]
“Yeah… Well, it’s like I’m light and you are darkness.”
Bad Day by orphan_account [G, 1k]
Professor Remus Lupin's day had been one of the worst. All he wanted was a nice relaxing bath and a few moments to forget. Luckily he's got a very doting husband who can help him do just that.
Boys by oliverdalstonbrowning [G, 2k]
Remus is reminded of the truth and Sirius plays Space Oddity.
Common Cuddles for a Common Cold by LadyAmina [G, 1k]
Most of the student body has fallen ill with a common cold. Sirius is just feeling it a lot louder. But Remus helps.
Flannel by victoria_p [M, 1k]
The knowledge that only two thin layers of flannel separates them is driving Sirius crazy.
Have a BEARY Happy Valentine's Day by Amuly [T, 1k]
Valentine's Day during MWPP's 4th year happens to fall the day after a full moon. But it's Remus and Sirius' first Valentine's Day as a couple, so Sirius is determined to make it memorable.
He Was Theirs by orphan_account [G, 1k, James/Regulus]
Coming home from a frustrating day, James Potter seeks comfort in those who love him most.
*Heat by LadyAmina [T, 2k]
The summer air is too warm. The campfire isn't helping. Neither is Sirius's head in his lap. Neither is the burning blood in his veins. Remus is overwhelmed and something has to give.
Life Affirming by WolfstarPups90 [E, 2k]
Remus just sat there, still shaking, staring at his lover and replaying the scene in his head. Sirius knocking him out of the way. Sirius successfully casting a killing curse to protect him. Sirius falling down, hurt. He needed to feel and taste and smell Sirius surrounding him. He needed the memory of his lover’s body falling lifeless on the ground like a puppet who’s strings had been cut to be wiped away and replaced by memories of heat and passion and love and sex. He needed to know how alive they both were.
My Faithful Handyman by softiejace [T, 1k]
non-magic au in which Sirius gets harassed for putting on make up in the men’s room and Remus defends him
Night: Shadows from Five Billion Trees by Amuly [E, 3k]
Every childhood is filled with magic – school of witchcraft and wizardry or no.
Punk Rock Suburban by GoldandScarlett [G, 3k]
Sirius follows Remus around all summer because he is his screwed up self, James is touring Europe, and no one actually likes Peter.
*Soul Signs by cottonpadenthusiast [G, 1k]
Everyone has a Soul Sign; the Patronus of your soulmate painted on your skin. Everyone is destined to find love. Yet Remus seems destined for someone who doesn't have a soulmate at all.
The Pitch by KinugoshiDofu [T, 1k]
Remus is not into Quidditch at all, but when you have a secret boyfriend that plays, there’s not much to do but watch and pray to Merlin you won’t have to see him crash. And when he does, there’s nothing left to do but kiss the booboos.
Thicker Than Blood by Thistlerose [T, 4k]
James has tried to be reasonable about his best friends’ relationship, but he’s not comfortable with it. Then something happens that helps him put things into perspective. (Sequel to Midnight Conversations #1)
*To Want for Nothing by oxfordlunch [T, 2k]
There are no family members singing, no happy returns. Nobody tells him to make a wish. He thinks of one anyhow. He closes his eyes and pleads silently to whoever could possibly listen that he might be taken away from this. He wishes for red and gold and warm, clean air, and for someone to sing on his birthday.
*Unified Theory by montparnasse [G, 3k]
New Year's, 1982. A house, a bed, a room at the top of the stairs. A lever, and a place to stand. (podfic available)
Where Rain And Smoke Mingle by smallestbird [T, 1k]
It doesn't matter if they've disowned you, they're still your family. It doesn't matter how often you walk away, it still hurts.
Winter and Happier by orphan_account [T, 2k]
Spending a weekend house-sitting for James' parents, the two couples have some plans. But when Remus is given a slight set-back, Sirius is determined to make his boyfriend feel valid, and very loved.
*denotes personal favorite
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hp-fanfic-archive · 1 month
Remus/Sirius Fluff Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words [3/3]
find the masterlist directory here
last updated: 07/31/24 | links last checked: 07/31/24
*quandary by miastree [T, 4k]
There's also the small.. big… problem that Remus has, other than the furry one and the grades one and the worrying-about-the-future one and the money one, and that's his Sirius Problem. He's come to the conclusion that the fluttery feeling in his chest will never really go away.
*Quiet by merlywhirls [Not Rated, 2k]
Remus and Sirius enjoy a rare moment of peace in their dorm on Christmas the day after a full moon.
Self-Insert by Wereflamingo [T, 1k]
Remus and Sirius both write self-insert fics in the same fandom. One day Sirius asks to borrow Remus's OC for his new fic. What could he possibly be planning, and what is the mystery pairing he promised to introduce?
Shelter by ygrainette [M,3k]
The storm-clouds of the First War are gathering, and Sirius and Remus shelter each other.
Sirius Black and the Incident with the Babbling Bush by MonkeyZero [T, 2k]
While helping Remus with his chores, Sirius finds someone, or rather something to confide his feelings to. “But the point is, Remus is so gorgeous and sexy it drives me wild just being close to him. We’ll be doing something perfectly ordinary, like breaking into Filch’s office to embroider his awful overcoat with pink hearts, and I’ll just look over at Remus and think Oh Merlin I want to bang him.
Sirius Possibilities, aka The Logic of Sirius by Tpants [T, 3k]
Sirius buys a "cottage" for Remus and him. Obviously, there is a lot of work to do and Sirius has some high expectations.
Some New Memories by LadyAmina [M, 4k]
While Christmas shopping one Hogsmeade visit, Sirius decides that Remus needs to make some really good memories to balance out the bad ones.
Someone To Love by lumosinlove [T, 1k]
Sirius trips, Remus catches him, and maybe they won't have to spend Christmas alone this year.
*Sparks by ssstrychnine [T, 3k]
Remus is a librarian at a university library and Sirius is a student with a lot of fines.
*Stripping Solution by Ineffabilitea [E, 4k]
In which James pulls off a Christmas prank, Remus writes a note, Sirius reads it, and Peter indulges in schadenfreude. (Follows Snogging Nog)
Summer Skin by escribo [G, 1k]
First bike, first kiss, first making up.
*Tartan Tribulations by sqvalors [T, 1k]
In which Remus' clothes mysteriously disappear, McGonagall is surprisingly collected and Sirius is, as usual, insufferable.
Texts From Last Night by christabellamotte [M, 1k]
(Sirius): I woke up in your kitchen with my ID in my hand and my nails were painted electric blue. Dude…. never let me have firewhisky again. (James): The nail polish was Lily’s. You insisted it brought out the sparkle in your eyes. (Remus): For the record: it did not. (Sirius): It does too! (Or, a texting fic from your favourite very small gang based around some of TFLN's best offerings.)
the charm of your arms 101 by driedupwishes [T, 3k]
“Should’ve known,” Sirius continued, “that boring old goodie-goodie Remus would rear his head eventually. He always does…” Remus went still, tension suddenly back in his shoulders. Sirius lifted his head to grin at him, broad and pleased and completely unapologetic, because there was nothing more Remus hated than being cast as the kiss ass and Sirius Black fucking knew it. Remus didn’t even pause. He threw himself across the couch, slung his arm around Sirius’ neck, and hauled him up in one gangly limb tangled stumble. Sirius squawked, fingers curling in Remus’ jumper as he floundered to his feet, and for one fucking brilliant moment they were nose to nose, breaths mingling, Sirius’ eyes going warm and soft in the dying light of the fire and Remus forgot what it was he was trying to do. “Is this part of the lesson, teach,” Sirius whispered, waggling his eyebrows like the annoying git he was. Remus loved him all the same.
*The Day by DevBasaa [T, 2k]
Sometimes the worst day can turn out perfect in the end. Written for a "Promise Ring" challenge, set Marauders' Era, summer before 7th year.
*the doc was called Halloween babeyy by dduucckk [T, 1k]
a self indulgent halloween fic with pumpkin shenanigans, meet cutes, and texting. “They’re battle scars,” Remus repeated. “And you can’t call him just ‘pumpkin’ anymore, his official title is the PumpKing and he requires it to be used at all times.” Remus finished carving out the last scar, and picked up the sharpie to draw the outline of a crown near the top of the pumpkin. One he was satisfied, he picked up his knife and started cutting along the lines. “In that case,” James said, “Mine’s the PumPeasant and he looks like this because of a childhood disease.”
The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss [T, 3k]
Everyone is born with Words on their arm that connect them to their Soulmate. James finds his, Sirius had everything figured out back in First Year, Peter doesn’t talk to girls anyway, and Remus thinks he’d very much just like to put his earmuffs back on and disappear.
The Firewhiskey Interrogation by TheLonelyPoet [Not Rated, 3k]
It's James' birthday so his friends plan a night full of drinking and laughter in the Shrieking Shack as a present. But under the influence of firewhiskey some quite unexpected things happen…
The Game of Gay Canines by orphan_account [T, 1k]
Remus snaps and insists that he is not "boring" or a "chicken", thank you very much. Sirius dares him to a game of gay chicken to prove it.
The Great Golden Gormless Worm of Flobber by sheafrotherdon [M, 3k]
A lovesick Sirius is a desperate thing, and Remus Lupin insists on being oblivious.
The Incident by lindsaylaurie [T, 2k]
Remus rejects Sirius’ advances because he’s afraid of things changing between them.
The Night Before by jlpierre [M, 3k]
Sirius Black has lost his wand, and using limited memories of the night before, he has to retrace it before Remus loses his cool.
*The One Where They Got Married by Sonamae [T, 2k]
Walkies, Tea Time, and Showers, Oh my.
The Pitch by KinugoshiDofu [T, 1k]
Remus is not into Quidditch at all, but when you have a secret boyfriend that plays, there’s not much to do but watch and pray to Merlin you won’t have to see him crash. And when he does, there’s nothing left to do but kiss the booboos.
The Talk by WolfstarPups90 [M, 1k, Harry/Draco]
Sirius and Remus think it's time they give Harry "The Talk" when they find he's been sneaking out at night to see someone special.
The Wardrobe by KinugoshiDofu [M, 1k]
“I can’t believe that of all the places we could be hiding, we’re actually hiding in a closet,” Sirius huffed, “the irony.” Except Remus is pretty sure that it is not a closet, but in fact a wardrobe and there is nothing ironic about this situation - they will not be laughing joyfully about it later, later they will be dead.
The Witching Hour by muse_in_absentia [T, 3k]
Sometimes birthday wishes can come true.
things that should be unappealing by nightswatch [T, 3k]
In which kisses are shared even though Hogwarts is plagued by the yearly flu epidemic.
Thunder by showmeyourtardis [T, 1k]
Sleeping in Gryffindor Tower is not always easy. Especially when the sky insists on having a war with itself, and the heating charms are refusing to work. It's hard to sleep alone.
*Unified Theory by montparnasse [G, 3k]
New Year's, 1982. A house, a bed, a room at the top of the stairs. A lever, and a place to stand. (podfic available)
We Were by Charlie9646 [G, 1k]
Remus imagined tons of directions that his life might have gone in, but being a parent wasn’t one of them. But, with the Potters gone him and Sirius have to do just that. The life Harry should have had.
Welcome to the Family by Jencala [M, 2k, Harry/Draco]
Remus turned to face his husband. “Your godson is engaged to a Malfoy. He’s used to the finer things in life and I, for one, would like to make sure this dinner is not only pleasant, but that he knows we are not peasants.” Sirius barked a laugh. “So the truth is, you want to show off for the little bugger!”
Winter and Happier by orphan_account [T, 2k]
Spending a weekend house-sitting for James' parents, the two couples have some plans. But when Remus is given a slight set-back, Sirius is determined to make his boyfriend feel valid, and very loved.
*Worth the Itch by NachoDiablo [T, 2k]
Sirius is smitten with the adorable curly-haired boy who stops by their booth at the farmer's market every week.
*denotes personal favorites
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