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theitapprenticeblog · 2 years ago
🔗 Visit TheITApprentice.com
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trend-nu · 2 months ago
Tjek din internethastighed med Ka-net 🚀
Er du nysgerrig på, om du får den internethastighed, du betaler for? Med Ka-nets hastighedstest kan du nemt og hurtigt måle både download- og uploadhastigheder på din forbindelse.
Hvorfor teste din internethastighed?
Internethastighed kan variere afhængigt af flere faktorer, og det kan have stor betydning for din streaming, gaming eller arbejde. Med Ka-nets hastighedstest får du et præcist overblik over din forbindelse, så du kan sikre, at dit udstyr og din forbindelse fungerer optimalt.
Sådan gør du:
Sørg for, at din computer er direkte tilsluttet via kabel.
Luk alle unødvendige programmer, der bruger internet.
Klik på "Start" på testsiden, og få resultatet med det samme!
Optimer din internetoplevelse
Hvis din internethastighed ikke lever op til forventningerne, kan det være tid til at opgradere din router eller opdatere dine enheder. Ka-net hjælper dig med at få mest muligt ud af din forbindelse.
👉 Prøv hastighedstesten nu: ka-net.dk/hastighedstest
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airtel-wireless-inc · 2 years ago
ST3000DM008 Guide for Understanding and Optimization
This comprehensive guide provides an understanding of the ST3000DM008 hard drive model, including its features, specifications, and benefits. It covers topics such as installation and setup, optimizing performance, data backup and recovery, troubleshooting common issues, advanced tips and tricks, and security measures. The guide emphasizes the importance of regular backups, securing sensitive data, and implementing best practices for maintaining the hard drive's performance. By following the recommendations and guidelines outlined in the guide, users can optimize their ST3000DM008 hard drive and ensure a smooth computing experience.
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editorialge · 9 months ago
🖥️ Unravel the mysteries of and become a localhost expert! 🚀 Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about localhost and port numbers. 🌐 Enhance your networking knowledge and take your skills to the next level! 💻 #Localhost #PortNumbers #NetworkingBasics #WebDevelopment #ITTips
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megamaxservices · 3 years ago
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How has IT security taken a hype in 2021?
The story of complete work from home was started in 2020 due to covid 19 and through which in 2021 people started to- https://bit.ly/36Ye9Kp
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derrickdavidson · 4 years ago
How to Prevent Identity Theft - Basic tips w/laughs
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sdcomputer-blog1 · 5 years ago
Aren't slow computers the worst thing ever!!
Let SD Computer Services help you, follow our expert tips and we will get your computer running smoother than a baby bottom.
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sagoolove · 6 years ago
𝕾𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖕𝖆 𝕶𝖆𝖏𝖒𝖊𝖗
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"Geri dur, geri dur artık bittim..
Bir arabanın önüne seni ittip de gittim.. 
Bu devran adı hüsran gelen gitti..
"Gidenler" varı yoğunu bırakıpta gitti.."
Anlattıklarımdan çetinmiş her şey.. 
Yaptıklarımdan dahasıymış isteğin..
Bildiklerimden farklıymış en gerçekler.. 
Çok zormuş katlanmak zorunda olduklarım.. 
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itbabyeat-blog · 7 years ago
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DOMINGOS DE ORGANIZACION SEMANAL Los domingos son el dia ideal para planear el menú de la semana o para dormir como Baby I (cosa que no me pasa nunca jaja) En base a lo que te quede en la heladera o lo que vayas a comprar podes ir pensandolo. Yo siempre aprovecho para dejar verduras cortadas en tuppers que me duran perfecto 3 dias. Se pierden algunos nutrientes, si,,, pero muy pocos, se pierde un toque el gusto, si, pero apenas.. para mi vale la pena con tal de tener siempre a mano verduras para ponerle a absolutamente todo, a la carne al pollo a los omellettes a los acompañamientos. Lo mismo me pasa con las frutas, siempre las tengo limpias y a mano para que sean la primera opcion SIEMPRE. En el caso de melon anana o sandia por ejemplo, los corto en pedacitos y trato de consumirlos en los días posteriores. Despues si veo que alguna fruta esta demasiado pasada o madura, las hago al horno solas o con canela o con naranja, o las hago compota, o las uso para mermelada o para tortas. Las peras manzanas, duraznos y ciruelas son ideales para esto. Y las bananas por ejemplo, o las uso en tortas o las pelo, cortó y las pongo en Ziploc en el freezer. Las saco, las proceso y tengo el helado mas rico! Pruebenlo, es realmente espectacular! Que verduras suelo tener en la heladera cortadas: Morron rojo Cebolla Ajo Cebolla de verdeo Calabaza rallada (es espectacular se cocina rapidisimo rallada) En cambio los zapallitos los corto en segundo, las berenjenas tb, los tomates tb. Y la palta nunca falta Casi Siempre tengo bien lavada y seca: Lechuga Rúcula Espinaca Y varios dias tengo hechos al vapor: Batatas Zanahorias Calabaza Choclos. Y huevos duros. Si, mi heladera esta llena de colores, cocino una vez para dos convertirlo en dos y hasta tres si congelo una porción, y asi me voy organizando. Y como siempre les cuento, es casa si tienen hambre comen siempre frutas como primera opcion, a la plaza llevan frutas, y asi a todas partes. En mi pagina www.itbabyeat.com tengo una lista de las cosas que compro en la dietetica, una vez por mes o mes y medio. #itbabyeat, #hacheslife, #itfreezer, #ittips, #itmenusemanal, #itorganizacion, #noalaobesidadinfantil, #itfrutas, #itvegetales,
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igxoahx0z7-blog · 6 years ago
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Key Advantages of Using a PABX system in Your Business
A huge majority of small business operate on single telephone lines. As your business expands, you will have to invest in an enhanced telephone system. It is costly to use various telephone lines to communicate in any business. The only way you can save yourself from such costs is investing in the PABX telephone system. Deciding to use the PABX system in your business will help you stay ahead of your competitors in business. The following are some of the main importance you are likely to get from using a reliable PABX system in the business. View pabx system uae
The first benefit of using PABX in your business in enhanced internal communication. In most cases, calling your assistant could force you to physically go out of the office to do so. The coming of the PABX system has however become a major boost in internal communication in many businesses. It is important to make sure that you select a cost-effective pabx system for your business despite the high prices in the market.
The second benefit of using the PABX system in business is centralized control. The systems has a control unit which manages all the calls in your business. Moreover, the PABX telephone system alleviates the number of phone numbers which you can include in advertisements, and instead, use a single number which interested parties use to reach the right person on the business. Although the same can be achieved without the PABX systems, it has limitations such as its inability to reach more than one person at a time. Yet, the PABX system does not block any calls meaning that a number of people can use this communication system at the same time.  Also see telephone system abu dhabi
Even if there is a large number of people using the telephone systems at any particular time, the PABX system is efficient as it can allow a number of users. The PABX system is also automated. This reduces your need of spending money on a receptionist to manage your business calls. The auto attendants in the PABX systems can replace the need of a receptionist in your business, thus cutting down on the cost. The PABX system has a simplified system which helps reduce the time wasted to use the long telephone menus.
Another key importance of using the PABX telephone system in your business is cost control. The ability of the PABX system to keep the call logs in your business is key in controlling your expenditures. The chances of getting shocks due to high costs will, therefore, become minimal. Through the pabx report, you will tell which department spends more money on calls, creating an opportunity for you to come up with clear measures of increasing your ROI.
View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tahfluke6cU
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analoglifevirtualization · 5 years ago
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The "ittip"! Why didn't I think of that! #financialevangelism #makelifemeaningful (at Bakersfield, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UXis7Js6l/?igshid=1tl0ndnvps1au
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photosofusly · 8 years ago
Watch YG's "Tip Drill"-Inspired Video For "Pop It, Shake It" [NSFW]
The alternative video for the rapper’s new single is a send-up to BET Uncut.http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/watch-ygs-tip-drill-inspired-video-for-pop-it-shake-it-nsfw-new-video.41618.html
View Full Article Here: Watch YG’s “Tip Drill”-Inspired Video For “Pop It, Shake It” [NSFW]
Watch YG’s “Tip Drill”-Inspired Video For “Pop It, Shake It” [NSFW] was originally published on CALM | We Drive The Calmest, Strive Regardless
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gecemize · 5 years ago
Herkese çok fazla söylemek istediğim şey var sadece sana değil! Bugüne kadar tüm acılarımdan hesap sormak istiyorum meselâ, sırtımdan tek bir parmağı ile ittip beni düşüren kişilere hesap sormak istiyorum meselâ "ben bunu hak ettim mi?" Evresini çoktan geçtim meselâ çünkü eğer ben olsaydım bu öfkemle bile kimseye sırtından itmezdim ve siz benim düştüğümü göre göre, benim canımın acıdığını bile bile elinizi uzatmadınız, ama şimdi sıra bende bir intikam değil bu ben sırtınızdan itmiycem, siz allahınızdan bulucaksınız bende sizin seyredicem.
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enriquekbevill · 5 years ago
[Tagalog] WiFi IT Training Series - Introduction Video 1: My Hotel IT Solution Project
254 views   34 likes   0 dislikes   Channel: Lou Beltran   This video will be our introductory video on my free WiFi Training series for IT Professionals. I'll be using a blended Ubiquiti, Ruckus, Cisco and Aruba materials para you have a well rounded understanding ng WiFi You might be thinking "mukhang overkill yung solution ko" or "kaya ko yang gawin ng mas mura" but you have to also think of this in terms of a business perspective not just the solution itself. The investment on these IT equipment will actually result in a much more better service to the hotel's users and will increase their hotel's service ratings and at the same time last them much more longer than regular consumer equipment thus improving their ROI. ******************************************************** Hope you enjoyed this video about [Tagalog] WiFi IT Training Series - Introduction Video 1: My Hotel IT Solution Project Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like", "Favorite", and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps me out! If there's something you'd like to see on the channel, tweet us about it! See you next time :) #itwifitraining #itprofessional #pinoyit #ittips #freewifitraining #wifitraining #ubiquiti #ruckus #tagalogwifitraining#loubeltran #theitveteran ******************************************************** Don't forget to Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorO... Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loubeltran.it Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loubeltran.it/ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/loubeltran_it Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/loubeltran/ Video length: 11:59 Category: People & Blogs 11 comments [Tagalog] WiFi IT Training Series - Introduction Video 1: My Hotel IT Solution Project published first on https://careercollegenothernnevada.wordpress.com
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technologytraders · 6 years ago
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Be Careful what you click on! Don't click on email content from an unknown source. #technologytraders #brisbane #booval #capalaba #toowong #computerrepair #laptoprepair #cybersecurity #ransomware #cyberattack #virusremoval #datarecovery #malwareremoval #spywareremoval #antiphishing #phishing #ittips #itprotips #batterysaver #batterysaving
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gtopala · 6 years ago
This is the best image size for email signatures (including what to do about Retina displays) https://t.co/94fePRdCnu #ITtips
This is the best image size for email signatures (including what to do about Retina displays) https://t.co/94fePRdCnu #ITtips
— Gabriel Topala (@gtopala) October 30, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/gtopala October 30, 2018 at 10:39AM
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