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mmhcs · 2 years ago
Miles Morales x Reader On Their Period
Because I am not living la vida loca right now
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He panics.
Not because it's your period and he feels uncomfortable or disgusted; he panics because he feels that he has no idea how to help you.
The first time he sees you, holding your stomach or doubled over in pain he just stands there, frozen and unsure of what to do.
It gets to the point where he's so in his head that it comes off as a little rude because, sir, why are you just standing there? Please, do something. Say something. The longer you stare, the more I think that you're put off by this.
After a while, Miles comes to his senses and rushes over to you, asking you if you're okay, if you need help, if there's anything that he can do to help.
He'd stay with you, doing anything he can to make himself useful (i.e. his hand on your stomach, cuddles, back rubs, massages).
When he goes home, he goes straight to Rio. Though, because it's Miles, he comes to her blurting out words and asking for help in a nervous rant rather than a coherent narrative.
Rio gives him tips and tricks, tells him that the best thing that he can do is pay attention to you. She also gives him some medicine for cramp relief.
The next day, Miles comes to you, cramp relief in hand, and everything that his mother told stored up.
He encourages you take two pills (if you want to) and then he puts you on bedrest.
If you suffer from temperature flashes, best believe he's right there with a blanket (no matter how hot is) and he's ready to have the A/C on for you at a moment's notice.
I cannot stress this enough: His hand stays on your stomach. If you use a heating pad, yes, he'll relent but other than that, you have your own personal Afro-Latino heating pad.
Miles most definitely gets you irritated. But it's not on purpose, though; he just has a stupid (but well-meaning) mouth sometimes most times.
"Are you sure you should be doing that? While you're on your period and everything?" "Man, those cramps must suck. Couldn't be me." "Yeah, but look on the brightside of all this! Your body works so hard every month-" "I don't know how you do this?"
At the end of the day, Miles just tries his best to be useful and make you comfortable. He gives you extra attention and tries his best to give you whatever you want.
When you tell him that your period is over, he rejoices alongside you.
"That's it until next month." "Next month? Next month!"
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kairiscorner · 2 years ago
omg I LOVED your Drunk Miguel hcs! Is there any chance of you writing some for the other Spdier people? Especially Spider Noir?
AAAAA SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT ANON ! and ofc, consider it done <333
when drunk noir :>
drunk noir headcanons
ok, the stages in which noir get drunk are: slightly drunk, giggly, undergoing a midlife crisis, lovesick, and sleepy
the slightly sober stage is the stage when noir should really stop drinking. i headcanon that it doesn't take him long to get drunk, like maybe... 3 to 4 shots, and he's entering the slightly drunk stage. he kinda dissociates when he's in this stage, like miguel in the drunk miggy headcanons, he kinda goes quiet and speaks only when spoken to, but it's a whole lotta gibberish that comes out of his mouth instead of coherent words. he'd look like he's staring into space, when actually he's just focusing on how fuzzy the world looks like right now as the liquor is settling in. past this point, you are now entering the harder than manageable peter parker drunk.
his giggly stage is when he's had a couple more than 3 to 4 shots, and he laughs his ass off at the most out of context shit ever. like he sees a little fly on the table and he just chuckles to himself because the liquor is making him think, "oh shit, what a funny fly, it's not purple." and when he's told a joke he laughs THE FUCK out of it, even minutes after the joke was said, he's still laughing about it to the point of tears. if he remembers the joke, he'll laugh about it randomly and not explain at all because he forgets soon after what he was laughing at, like, "wait, haha, why am i, hah, laughing again?" his smile when he's drunk is so fucking precious though
after the laughing fit, he enters the depressing midlife crisis stage. he rambles and mumbles a lot to himself about how shitty his life has been, how he wishes uncle benjamin wasn't... you know, how he really regrets being distant and aloof towards a lot of people he's loved in his life and how he can never catch a break with all the horribleness in his life. he cries during this stage, but it's a quiet kind of crying. like he sniffles a little but when he cries, by default, he isn't loud. he must've learned how to cry without attracting so much attention, because it's only when you pay attention to the right details, his eyes, his nose turning red, his lips quivering, and the small sounds he makes when sobbing that you realize he was crying this whole time.
but after sobbing for a little while, if he's still drinking, his hormones change from the sad and depressing ones to the "i need to be held and to hold someone right now" hormones in the lovesick stage. if you're really close to peter, he'd kinda get a little handsy and talkative, still stuttering gibberish. he'd just go on and on and on about how purple is a pretty color but every color on you is by far the prettiest colors he has ever and will ever witness. he incessantly asks if he can hold your hand or hug you, he just wants to feel your warmth because the alcohol makes him feel colder. when you agree to hug him, omg, you are never going to be let go by him, i swear. like MAN HAS A TIGHT GRIP, EVEN WHEN DRUNK. but he holds you with the intent of making you feel loved, not pained nor burdened, just a gentle reminder he loves you. he gets a little giggly here too, but that's only because he's so happy he's with you right now and you didn't reject him, 'cause if you did, he'd be back in the midlife crisis stage.
and finally, the last stage of them all, when he gets sleepy. nothing much happens in this stage, save for peter just slowly getting tired and just drifting off to sleep, letting the alcohol in his system take him away to dreamland. but his favorite place to sleep is against your shoulder, nothing's more comforting to him than to feel you close next to him as he sleeps, knowing you're there for him for whatever happens while he's knocked out due to his inebriated self.
a/n: sorry i had to give him angst... it's my instinct <:[
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @connors-cumslurper
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koolaidmansbabymama · 1 month ago
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something about fine ass best friends and fine ass brothers just make me wanna..
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sweetimpurity · 3 months ago
I Think I'll Keep You 5
a/n: Thank you again for your patience! I hope you guys enjoy and the next chapter is already underway and will come very soon! And some more art and bots coming out as well so look out for that!
w.c.: 10.2k NSFW MINORS DNI
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
“...accurate and efficient methods of decoding… further aiding us in understanding… um… complicated genetic codes… pushing preservation and conservation. Uhh… yeah.” Miguel sighs, sitting up in his seat and peering over your arm as you type away on his laptop. Sitting at a table in the middle of the library during tutoring hours. Your fingers typing for him as he speaks what he wants written. He can’t type. Not with his right hand totally out of commission. So he’s come to your open tutoring hours. And now you have a student to work on so you can get paid and he can get help with his work. It’s Saturday and the two of you have been practically connected at the hip for the past two days.
You woke up beside him yesterday afternoon after that late night emergency room run. Lazily, sleepily taking the rest of the day slowly. Walking across campus to get food since all you both ate the whole night was a few pieces of candy. Smiling and talking, shoes splashing in shallow puddles along the concrete. A refreshing feeling having moved on from the mess of the last few weeks. The bubble has popped. That bubble of sex and ignorance that felt so great for the both of you. Sitting in the dining hall, among the hardwood and tall, ancient windows of your old university; looking over the school grounds turned fall shades and the autumn breeze blowing in through the window. Trying to talk about anything that won’t add any more stress or tension. No talk of friends, or family, not even school. Really just talking about whatever comes into your mind. And the conversation is just so easy. It’s different to spend time with him outside of the dorm room. It didn’t happen very often before. A lot of your conversations were pillowtalk. It’s different talking about the other parts of your life that don’t take place right after doing the deed. Miguel is funny. And he’s a good listener when his mind is clear and he’s focused on you. Only you. 
Feels like things are going back to normal. Well not how it was before. A new normal. 
“I think it sounds good… it’s a little awkward in the intro still but we can fix it up later…” You assure him, fixing a few typos and reading it over. The library is nice and quiet as always. You didn’t have any other students come this afternoon so you have time to focus on this and help Miguel since you know he can’t really do it himself right now.
“I don’t know… feels like I’m missing something. I’m gonna include the research but it doesn't feel like enough.” He sighs, leaning his elbows on the table, pushing his frames further up the bridge of his nose and looking over the notes in his hand. His knee is bouncing under the table and you can feel the vibrations of it in your seat. He’s applying to the Alchemax grant program. A huge grant with a long essay to go with it, multiple letters of recommendation and a personal profile piece. Tens of thousands of dollars for his research project. And he’d basically be an intern there. Able to use their facilities and labs to complete the job and create a brand new study of his own. It would start right after graduation and almost definitely lead to a great job at Alchemax Industries. He sighs, leaning back in his seat, draping his arm over the back of your chair. 
“You okay?” You hum, observing his clearly distressed behavior. His knee bouncing, his brow furrowed, the sighs. He looks over at you, in your eyes. Don’t lie. “Yeah I’m fine… just… want to get this right.” 
You nod. Knowing that’s not all there is to it. But accepting it for now. “Well, maybe you should include some of your… personality…traits…” You suggest with a small smile, knowing that it will be like pulling teeth with him, clasping your hands in your lap and looking over at him next to you. 
“Like what. I mean… Tyler knows me. He’s the one that told me to apply.” [Tyler Stone. President and Ceo of Alchemax Industries.] He sighs, pushing his glasses up on his head, his dark curls becoming a little messy with the metal pushed through them, and rubbing the sides of his nose with his fingers. The ache of wearing his glasses for a while when he usually doesn’t like wearing them at all. But he’s worn them more often the past few days. He can see you more clearly now.  
“Yeah but he’s not the only one who’s gonna be working with you or deciding if you get the job or not. You want people to know who you are… know the kind of person you are. More often than not, that’s more important than the research when it comes to something like this. I mean, you’re not just applying for a grant, you’re applying for a job…” You explain kindly. He looks up, in your eyes, his eyes raking over your pretty face. He loves feeling like he can be close to you again. He loves feeling like he knows what’s going on in your head. Or maybe that’s just his need for control seeping in. Like venom in warm blood. Just sitting next to you like this. Even if he hasn’t so much as kissed you since everything went down. It’s only been nearly two weeks but it feels like an eternity. He wants to so badly. But he reminds himself that this is how things are right now. He messed up and he’s getting a second chance. He won’t take your forgiveness for granted. “Yeah, you’re right.” He admits, dropping the graphs and charts on the table.
“Maybe talk about family… inspirations… personal goals. People like that kind of stuff. People also want to know that you can be a part of something bigger than yourself…” You say, fingers brushing over the keys and ready to type what he says. “Uh…” He sighs, running a hand through his hair, trying to pull this out of his brain. He doesn’t really want to talk about his family. Doesn’t want to give them the satisfaction of being considered inspiration. But his upbringing and his parents’ names alone have opened a lot of doors for him in the past. His fingers fidget on the back of your chair, catching a few strands of your hair, playing with it so softly that you don’t even feel it. And he watches the side of your face to make sure you don’t notice, your eyes focused on the computer screen. Curling the strands around his finger and getting lost in touching you. Hanging on desperately to this morsel of touch. Knowing he probably shouldn’t but he just can’t help himself.
“I guess… we could say I grew up watching my parents with their business. But that’s more… financial services. When I was born, OLI was just taking off and now… I’ve watched them build it into what it is today.” He explains. You keep typing, writing it down in the notes to keep it straight. You can hear the sigh in his voice like he hates to be talking about it. You don’t know why. Mostly because he’s never spoken about this before. But if he’s applying for such a big opportunity then it’s important to include.
“OLI, I’ve heard of that, I think…” You look over at him, unsure what that stands for but you know you’ve heard that acronym before, or maybe you’ve seen it somewhere? 
“O’hara Legacy Investments.” He says with a nod and sigh, a level of disdain in his tone. He leans forward, his mind still on this essay. On beefing it up with info that might secure him this grant. Even though he’s confident his connections will get him in. There’s always a chance things might not go his way. He wants to prepare for every possible outcome. He hates to feel out of control. You stop typing. That sounds like investment banking. Like the kind of thing that makes people billionaires. 
“Is that the… that tall building downtown?” You ask, looking over at him and he nods, a blank stare in his eyes as he’s looking down at the research notes. “Your family runs that?”
“Yep.” He sighs, not offering more information so you don’t ask for more.
“Okay sooo… how would that influence your work at Alchemax?” You prompt, trying to veer back on course. You can tell he’s losing steam, you’ve been at this a while. 
“So I guess it’s not really the same as what I would be doing at Alchemax but… Watching how that runs… how many people it takes to keep something running like that. I guess something about leading teams of people working towards a goal…” He keeps thinking out loud and you keep typing, interpreting his words into organized notes and ideas. “So.. maybe about you as a leader? You think you can be a good leader…” 
“Yeah. I think so… and soccer, we could include that too.” He says, perking up and sitting up a bit straighter. Although the topic of soccer does bring his anxiety levels up a bit. Watching you type while playing with a piece of frayed material on his cast. “Yeah, captain of the soccer team, sports is always something they want to hear. If you’re a leader… organizer. And coming from SU especially, they love to see it.” You agree, typing and compiling the thoughts that come to mind. “And to know you can work in a team…” 
Miguel nods. Feeling relieved that you’re able to help him with this. He did all the more technical notes for it over the past few weeks. Organized lots of thoughts and data to start the writing process. Then he broke his fingers and that put a wrench in the process. It’s due next week and without you he’d be screwed. But it works out sort of perfectly, and a little selfishly, that now he’s spending more time with you because of that. “I think also…” 
He starts. You look over, ready to type whatever he suggests. “I’m an older brother too… that’s… I don’t know…” He mumbles. You find yourself smiling. “I feel like… maybe being a leader in that way is different.” 
“It’s very different, yes…” You nod, looking back at the laptop screen, a smile dancing on your lips. “Maybe something about… protecting… looking out for those that are important to me. Or being a good role model I guess…” He sighs. Thinking. About Gabriel. About you. Pretty much the two most important people in his life. I guess I haven’t been a very good role model as of late. 
“Loyalty… role model…” You say and nod. Typing those words in the compilation of notes you’re making in the margins. His knee is still bouncing.
“I also think you’re very passionate…” You say. He looks over at you, the side of your face, watching you type more things in the notes. Trying to create a section of his essay that can portray him as not just another applicant. “I think I’m just generally angry… I don’t really think before I do things…” He scoffs, shaking his head and leaning forward, his arms on the table, his head resting down on his forearms, looking at your pretty face from this angle. You grin and nod, giving him a look. “Yeah but we don’t have to include that… passion works…” 
He laughs through his nose, blinking softly and admiring your face. Watching your pretty eyes, the light of the computer screen reflecting in them, making them especially sparkly. It’s quiet for a moment, just the clicks of keys and fingertips. He thinks, reflecting on all that’s happened in the past few weeks. That thing with Dana keeps coming to mind. That was really a moment of lost control. Is that the passion you’re talking about? That he loses control and can’t get it back until it’s almost too late? He worries about that. Not remembering most of it because he was so angry. It sort of feels like a dream. Especially since he fought with you right after that and then everything went right to shit. 
All he knows is that Dana made it back to his dorm. He knows for a fact nothing happened. He wouldn’t have wanted it anyway because he despises her and she was drunk off her ass. But she did lie on his bed. Her perfume was all over him. And he remembers standing over her and wanting to make her hate him. Just so that she would leave him alone. That’s a level of anger he never wants you to witness, or anyone really for that matter. It scares him a bit now to think of it. All he knows is that if you think he’s loyal, he’ll be loyal as a dog. If you think he’s passionate, he’ll be a raging, burning fire to keep you warm. You think he’s anything, he’ll be that. If you want him to be. 
He fidgets with the fray on his cast. Coming off the blue material. His gaze caught on the little cursive “mine” you wrote. That night in the drug store. When you were both so deliriously tired, sitting in the middle of the floor. Having this on his arm is like a reminder. Or a promise. That maybe you’ll be his or he’ll be yours again. He’ll just have to be patient. His thumb brushes over the word, like making sure the letters won’t fall off, making sure they’re stained into the blue permanently. Do you even remember writing this? He thinks. Or were you so tired it feels like a dream? His bouncing knee still vibrates against your chair. 
“Anything else for today? We did a lot…” You ask, looking over at him. Bringing him out of his thoughts. “No, I think that’s good, thank you… but maybe next week we can finalize things and you can help me edit it?” He asks hopefully. “Yeah definitely, I’ll block out some time for you…” 
He nods, sighing and pulling his glasses off his head. Folding them up in his hand and collecting his papers. You just save the document, debating in your head the words on your tongue. Closing the laptop so he can pack it up in his bag. 
“So… you wanna tell me what’s stressing you out?” You ask, turning in your seat to face him and leaning your elbow on the table, head in your hand. He stops what he’s doing, putting down the stack of notebooks. “You can read my mind…” He smiles. 
“No, you’ve just been bouncing your knee against my chair for the past hour.” You sigh, smiling soft but sympathetic at him. His shoulders slump. “Oh sorry…” He shakes his head, feeling embarrassed for being so obvious, pinching the bridge of his nose in his fingers. 
“It’s okay… Is it the grant? I think your essay will be good enough…” You hum. Noticing all of his distress and not wanting him to be freaking out over something he’s already spent so long working on. “No it’s not… I… I’m really glad you can help me with it. Thank you… I’m just worried about the game tomorrow…” He nods. And it dawns on you. “Ohh…”
“I actually should get going… have a meeting with the coach. Figure out how we’re gonna pull this off…” He sighs, getting up from his seat to gather his things. He’s been wracked with anxiety about the game ever since putting two and two together that he’s out for the next few weeks. It’s against the rules for someone to play with a plaster cast on and he’s nowhere near getting that removed. So the team will have to supplement him. 
“You’re not gonna play are you? You shouldn’t… not with your hand like that.” You insist, watching him get up, pulling on his jacket precariously with his one working hand. He can hear the concern in your voice. “I can’t. It's an instant disqualification… so I have to talk to Coach and maybe I’ll just assistant coach tomorrow, I don’t know…” He sighs, knowing it’ll be a struggle for the team to play without him. And they very well might not win. This is a university proud of its win streak so far. 
“If it hurts, let Coach know… you don’t have to do anything that’s uncomfortable.” You advise softly. Wanting him to be comfortable. Always. That look of care on your face makes him feel a little warm. Making him feel a little soft and fuzzy inside. He can’t remember ever being worried over like that. He clears his throat, trying not to let that feeling get to him too much, shoving his laptop in his bag and zipping it up. “I will… don’t worry about me…” 
He says it but he doesn’t really mean it. Although he doesn't want you to be anxious; he definitely doesn’t need to inflict any more emotional pain on you, he’s done more than enough of that over the past few weeks… he does want you to care. Or it’s more like… once he realized you actually do care, now he doesn’t want to lose that. 
“Just be careful… I know you’ll do well and the team will be fine…” You smile gently. Clicking your pen and watching him getting ready to leave. His bag slung over his shoulder. “Thank you… yeah I just need to chill.” He sighs, moving his hurt hand around absentmindedly to soothe the ache. “Well… the feeling you’re having just means you care. It’s a good feeling, even though it’s scary…” 
He looks in your eyes, down at where you’re still sitting. Feeling struck by your words. You’ve always been so good at that. You always know exactly what to say when he needs to hear it. He hopes to do the same for you one day. If only he can figure out how you manage to do it every time. He just nods in thanks, a renewed sense of relief inside. 
“Dinner later?” He inquires, brow raising as he’s starting to walk away. Walking backwards away from the table, his eyes on you the entire time. 
“Sure, I’ll meet you there…” You rest your head on your hand, watching him go from where you’re sitting. Watching that look on his face. A sort of satisfaction in that he’s leaving but already thinking about when he gets to see you next. He nods. Turning towards the library doors and smiling to himself, making his way out. Sneakers tapping on the hardwood floors of the academic building, sparing you one last glance. Finding your eyes still on him. A stupid sort of giddy feeling in his chest. Lopsided grin on his lips as he leaves the library.
“O’hara! Dude.” Peter’s voice brings him out of his flurry of thoughts. Watching his friend march down the rest of the hall to him. “Where you been? You disappeared again…” Peter chuckles.
“Oh yeah I‘ve just been… busy in the lab and stuff… and my application.” He lies. While it’s true he has been working on his application and piles of homework, he’s also been actively avoiding all of his friends ever since your fight. Unable to handle even the slightest of social interaction. His mind set on you and only you. But he won’t tell Peter that. 
“Dana said you were being crazy or something…” Peter huffs, his brow quirked in disbelief. Miguel’s heart starts to beat a little harder at that. Did Dana tell everyone what happened? Or her version of what happened? “What did she say?”
“Well… she’s kinda implying that you two hooked up after the party last week…” Miguel’s eyes widen at that news. It’s just not true. But that seems to be the story everyone believes so far. “MJ thinks she’s full of shit bu-"
“She is full of shit.” Miguel sighs. Pinching the bridge of his nose. Or trying to with his cast. It was a foolish thing to give into his anger and take Dana back to his dorm. But he didn’t sleep with her. He’s not surprised though that she’s spreading that rumor around. It wouldn’t be the first time. 
“Shit, what happened?!” Peter flips, looking down at the cast engulfing Miguel’s forearm to the tips of his fingers. Looking at the seemingly broken hand, his eyes scanning over Miguel as a whole. Feeling like he has no idea what’s going on with someone who’s supposed to be his closest friend. “I broke my wrist but it’s fine, doctor says it’ll be fine even without surgery.”
“It’s fine?! What about the game?” Peter asks in panic, running a hand through his previously neat light brown locks. It’s against policy rules to play with a hard plaster cast for the safety of the other players and teammates. But Miguel’s the captain, their top offense and shooter. 
“I’ll be on the sidelines and Miller and Durante can take care of it.”
“It’s Princeton, Miguel. We’re gonna get fuckin’ smoked out there…” Peter huffs, going on and on but Miguel just shakes his head, feeling that anxiety rising again. The anxiety you were able to dampen only moments ago. “I know it sucks… I know. But those new drills have been helping… I’m gonna talk to coach.” 
“Alright… but Marco and Santiago need to get their asses in order before tomorrow. I’m not playing defense because they can’t pay attention to the fucking ball.” 
“I know, I know…” Miguel sighs and nods. Knowing this is all bad timing. They’ve been preparing for this game for a while now and it’s a pretty big spectacle. The stands will undoubtedly be full to the brim. It makes him tense and anxious to think about.
“Okay…” Peter huffs, running a hand through his hair. “Well, text me what Coach says…” He sighs, lifting his fist. Their knuckles colliding as he’s starting to walk off to where he’s going. “No more disappearing…” Peter chuckles, looking back as he starts walking down the hall, pointing a finger at his friend. “Yeah, yeah…”
“Alright, I’ll see you later.” Peter says with a nod, his hands in his pockets as he rounds the corner, walking into the library. Miguel sighs, feeling that tension, that tomorrow might not go well and it’ll be all his fault. Because he can’t do more to help the team he’s supposed to be leading.
He jogs down the stairs, down another hallway and outside. The fall breeze and smell of the trees and crisp autumn air flows past his cheeks, blowing back the little curls by his ears. Hunching his shoulders up when the brisk air cools his neck, pulling his collar up and walking across the commons to get to the athletic building on the other side of campus. To meet with Coach about the game plan for tomorrow. 
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“Come on guys, one more time!” Miguel calls out to the team. Dressed in his uniform, dark blue and silver stripes, school colors with the Sterling University crest on his arm, a C on his chest. Number 99 on his back. Cleats and his cast to match. It does suck he has to miss out on actually playing but he does a lot of assistant coaching as captain anyway so it’s nothing he’s not used to. Coach Dean is talking with the referees anyway. Schmoozing on the sidelines, convinced it’ll earn them less whistles through the game. 
Miguel sighs, anxious, shaking his head and directing his attention to the mobs of people filling the stands. The sun is setting, the field lights coming on and a slight chill filling the air. A buzz with that too. College soccer fans here as well as lots of students from both universities. People are excited. The team is excited as well as anxious without Miguel playing beside them. Knowing they’ll have to supplement him being out. Miguel huffs, stretching his arms and wincing slightly at the remnants of ache in his wrist, his breath fogging in the cold air.
“Come on… si yeah! ¡Mantén la posesión!" He shouts from the sides, watching the team warming up with the drills and keeping order, following them up and down their half of the field. “Marco!¡Sigue presionando! Call for it!" A mix of Spanish and English naturally leave his lips. Dark eyes follow their form and technique. Keeping everyone in order. They’re doing really well as always. But Miguel would prefer perfection. “Good! Alright break!” He shouts.
The team all relaxes, sighing in relief and collecting on the sidelines near the bench. Some passing the ball back and forth. The goalie is doing some technique in the practice nets with Durante and Miller. Others glancing at the opposing team warming up on their side of the field. “Marco, you’re gonna break you’re fuckin’ ankle doing that. Keep it light, it doesn’t have to be so fast. Slow down and go through the steps, alright?” Miguel instructs calmly, grabbing a ball and demonstrating on the turf by the benches. Marco nods, wiping his brow with the edge of his jersey. 
“Just like that… keep it loose and look at Miller, he’s the one you’re paying attention to. Don’t look at Durante, he’s gonna be looking at Miller for that pass down the field. But that was still good, keep it up..” 
“There’s a lot of people here…” Peter comments, squirting some water into his mouth, catching his breath. Miguel walks over from helping Marco, standing beside his friend and looking out at the people in the stands. It’s a little more than they’re used to. Little intimidating considering this stadium seats thousands of people.
“It’s a big game…” Miguel huffs, grabbing his water bottle. Wish I could fucking play… he thinks. Glancing at Coach, still talking to the refs near the midline. They have a little while before everything starts.
It’s the end of the first half and it’s been a good game so far. Princeton is good but so is Sterling. They’d be better if Miguel was on the field to help them. He finds himself getting frustrated on the sidelines, disagreeing with the refs calls and calling out to his teammates, trying to lead and instruct. The whistle blows and the team finally relaxes. Panting and walking over to the sidelines. 
“They’re fast…” Marco pants, plopping down on the bench to catch his breath. “We have to be faster… but we’re holding our own…” Miguel says, hands on his hips and looking over the team, trying to keep the edge from his tone. He’s here to lead, not berate.
“You good?” He sees Peter covered in grass stains. Peter’s the one that’s been scoring pretty much all the goals so far. Princeton’s defense is good. It’s one of those games where no one’s going to score very many goals, it’s all about making sure the other team doesn’t get too close. “That was really good, keep doing that. And if it works better for Marco to go up the right side, then do that.” Miguel says. 
“I will… they’re so fuckin fast…” Peter pants, grabbing his water bottle and squirting some in his mouth. Breathing heavy through his nose. The team takes a few minutes at halftime to refuel and plan for the second half. Peter and Marco will have to be smart about the next plays. They’re down by two and the other team just keeps getting closer and closer. 
“I got a girl in the stands…” Peter says with a lopsided smile, still out of breath, spraying some more water into his mouth. “Yeah?” Miguel’s brow quirks at that information. He knows Peter has a lot of girls around him and friends that are girls. Makes sense, he’s very smart, an athlete, loud and the life of the party. Everyone always trying to get a piece of him. Not a foreign concept to Miguel himself. Miguel grabs his water bottle too, raising it to his mouth. “Who is she?” 
“Her name’s y/n…” 
“...yeah you should meet her… she’s really pretty and smart and funny...” 
Peter keeps talking, tossing a ball to someone else across the bench. Not even registering the look on Miguel’s face. Like shock and something else. Something Miguel himself can’t put a finger on. And Miguel can only half listen to Peter’s words. “She’s head of the tutoring club… did I tell you I started doing that? Dude, I’m getting paid to do some freshman’s homework and get course credit. It's like the easiest shit in the world…” Peter laughs, talking on and on. 
Miguel doesn’t understand. It’s like his brain can’t process this. Staring at Peter silently and waiting for him to say it’s a joke. But how could it be a joke?
“She’s riiiiight… there-” Peter turns, pointing at the stands. Turning stiffly, Miguel looks out to where he’s pointing. His dark eyes searching the stands and looking for your face. Hoping to see some stranger who happens to have the same name as you. But no. It’s you. 
He watches your gaze snap onto them, seeming surprised to have both their attention now. How did he not notice? You’ve been here this whole time, sitting nearly 15 rows behind him and he didn’t know? But Peter knew?
He can’t help that his immediate reaction to seeing you is relief. Seeing you up there and he just wants to smile. Wants to disappear with you and forget this stressful game. You’re like… his best friend in the whole world. But then that relief is quickly quelled when he realizes Peter is the one who invited you, he’s the reason you’re here. 
Miguel huffs. Nearly getting hit in the face when Peter starts waving at you. Stepping back and trying to make sense of this. There you are, waving back their way. What is this? He wonders. Unable to help the scowl that appears on his face as he observes Peter waving. What is this happening that he doesn’t know about or had no idea could even happen? Another bubble has popped and he didn’t even know it. 
He looks back up at you. Your eyes looking his way. But are you looking at him or are you looking at Peter? He hates that he can’t even tell. He hopes it’s him but it’s too much distance to know for sure. He just holds up a hand weakly. Waving at you. Feeling like an idiot, a total fool. And here Peter is waving at you, thinking Miguel doesn’t even know who you are. Fuck.
“Alright boys! Let’s huddle up!” Coach yells, coming over to the bench and motioning for everyone to come over. Peter moves to head over, gently kicking a ball on his way. And Miguel can’t help but keep glancing at you. Feeling self conscious. You’ve been watching him and witnessing all of this, this entire time? He didn’t even know you were here and half of the game had already been played. And all he’s done is stand on the sidelines while Peter played big shot scorer. 
Your hands wave at him, mouthing something he can’t make out. His brow knitting together as you try to communicate something to him before Coach snaps again. 
His eyes snap to the team huddled by the bench. Taking long strides to get over there. But his mind is a mess. He didn’t even know you knew each other. 
The second half, the rest of the game, it’s hard for Miguel to focus on coaching. He’s watching the team play but it’s like a delayed reaction in his mind. Like his body is here but his brain is trying to tap into some invisible signal stretching from you to him. Peter scores again and Miguel flinches at the sound of the stands erupting. Cheering and echoing through his head. Pounding the sides of his skull.
He can’t help but glance your way every chance he gets. But every time he’s able to spot you in the sea of colors and foreign faces, you’re looking at the ball on the field. Which is always in Peter’s possession. And he can’t focus on anything except what he doesn’t know. What he can’t control. 
“Wooooo!” Marco hollers, the team gathering in a huddle on the field and celebrating their close victory. They won, but it was a tough game. Miguel stares almost blankly as the team all slaps hands and says good game. And by the time he snaps out of it, turning to find you, the stands are already emptying out and you’re gone from your seat. 
“O’hara!” The team shouts, bringing him out of the mess of thoughts. The players crowding him in celebration on the sidelines. Cheers and loud voices. Talking about moments in the game, highlights, certain techniques that had Princeton on their toes. All in all it was an exciting match and Peter was definitely the savior, scoring more goals than anyone and making the game. And Peter is all smiles. 
The team heads back to the locker room. Showering and warming down from the game. Miguel stands at his locker. His new locker since the punched in door wouldn’t close properly on his old one. Pulling off his jersey carefully with one hand and hanging it up. Wiping down his broad chest with a towel and hearing Peter with some of the boys walking in from the showers. His movements slow, brow furrowing, grabbing his change of clothes and pulling a tank top on, the black material bunching down his toned abdomen against his deep skin. Listening to Peter’s voice. 
His mind races. Since when did you two become such good friends? And why wouldn’t I know you were coming to the game when I saw you all day yesterday? Does Peter know that? Does Peter know we spend countless hours together? Does Peter know we have this deep connection that I’m actually working really hard to repair? He ought to. 
He listens to Peter’s conversation, as if waiting for him to say your name to confirm he’s talking about you. But he can’t make it out all the way. Something about a party, something about his car, something about the game. He watches the rest of the guys leave the locker room. Peter walks by with the guys and he just subtly, silently glares as they pass, not noticing him. pulling his hoodie on and shutting his locker gently. Pulling his phone off the charger and slinging his sports bag over his shoulder, walking out. 
He slumps down the concrete steps, the hallway leading to the exit doors, opening out to the athletic parking lot. Raking a hand through his hair, his mind a mess. He’s not used to feeling so beaten down after a game. They won, he should be happy. He should be glad. But he just feels indifferent. Or he just really needs to see you. 
When the door swings from someone else leaving, he catches a glimpse of you through the opening. The bright lights from outside assault his eyes as the door swings again. Seeing you for just a moment. Just a split second. Talking with Peter against the fence. He stops. What is he walking into? What’s about to change? You’re gonna be there right when he goes through that door. He stands in the dim concrete tunnel, feeling his heart race. He doesn’t like this feeling. This is the loss of control.
“Miguel!” Peter smiles, making you turn to look back. And there he is, walking out the door. You want to just run into his arms and tell him how great he was. Even though he didn't get to play he still coached very well and played his part in the victory. But Peter is talkative and gets in there before you can. And you don't really want to interrupt when he's talking with his friends. Since this is the first time you've been around his friends with him. 
“We’re gonna get drinks, you have to come” Peter says, ushering Miguel over to where you’re standing. “This is y/n… y/n this is Miguel” 
“Yeah we know each other.” Miguel says immediately. Not a hint of a smile on his face. He’s annoyed with Peter. Annoyed that it’s not a known thing. He wants it to be known that you two are an item. Or… that there’s something going on… he’s not even sure of at the moment. At least that Peter should know to back off. “Oh cool, so drinks?” 
Miguel’s a little astonished with how easily Peter just brushed that off. Eyes flicking between you two and hoping to god you don’t accept the drink invite. But he bites his tongue. Friends. Really good… friends. 
“Uh… I don’t know, I’m kinda tired…” You sigh. Part of you not wanting to go since it’s not your normal scene but a bigger part needing to go so you can feel like you’re really one of Miguel’s friends. Not someone he has to hide. That you can get along with them and be a part of his life. That’s all you want to prove to him. 
“Come on… please?” Peter pouts. And Miguel wants to scream. Trying to tell you with his eyes that he doesn’t want to do this. Not right now. Maybe later when he’s had time to mentally prepare himself. It doesn’t help that you look adorable right now. In your Sterling Uni hoodie with a scarf to keep warm. He doesn’t want to do this. He’d rather just go to dinner. Like always. Talk for hours and maybe even fall asleep talking in your dorm like always. Not this. Please not this. 
His eyes burning a hole right through you, trying to communicate it without using the words since he can’t right now, not with Peter standing right there. Part of him wants you to come and show you off. The other part of him wants you all to himself, not wanting to share you with anyone. But he’s trying to be better. Trying to control himself rather than try to control everything else around him. 
“It would be fun, right Miguel?” Peter asks, bringing him out of his thoughts. He wants to say no. Wants to say fuck no and disappear, taking you with him. But he can’t do that now. So he just nods stiffly, forcing a smile. Almost painfully. “Yeah… come…” 
Your eyes light up and Miguel knows he’s done for. “Oh great!” You smile and Peter is instantly excited too. Talking about how great it’s going to be and how many people will be there. Miguel’s heart is pounding, seeing how easily Peter was able to get you to come. How Peter is smiling and looking at you. A sense of dread filling his chest.
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It’s the usual bar. The college bar around the corner from campus where the sports teams usually congregate after a game. Or the general student body on a Friday night. Loud music and conversation, the place is packed. Football and UFC playing on the multitude of TVs hanging in the place. The team filters in all acting like they own this place. Playing pool and getting drinks, talking to girls in corners and at the bar. It’s a crazy night at least for you. Miguel’s seen nights like this before, but this time you’re here. And he won’t let you out of his sight. Even as people talk to him, trying to strike up conversation and catch up. Since everyone knows who he is and knows his name. He still keeps his attention focused on you. He doesn’t care about anyone else in this bar tonight. 
Drinks flow the second everyone is in there, laughter and loud voices, trying to be heard over the music. Miguel keeps his arm barred at your side to help get you through the density of people. Like a shield to make sure no one bumps into you. Not wanting you to be too claustrophobic or crowded. Staying nearby until you find two seats at the bar miraculously. As you sit down, Miguel quickly scans the room. Looking for one face in particular. No sign of Dana and he can relax a tiny bit. Sliding into his stool seat beside you. 
He sits down, watching how you observe the place, looking a little out of your element here. It’s clear you’re not a party girl. You’re a smart, intelligent tutor and it shows. It would almost be comical if Miguel didn’t have a fierce determination to protect you in this place. 
He leans over, getting closer to your ear to be heard over the noise. The smell of your shampoo mixed with your perfume, so close and familiar, filling his senses and almost making him dizzy. His mind flashing with moments of you in his bed. Your body under his and his face buried in your soft sweet smelling hair. He’s the only one in this bar that knows what you sound like when you come.
“Drink… Do you want a drink?” He asks, trying to be heard over the noise, his cheek brushing against yours. Pulling back to hear your response. “Yeah! Whatever is fine…” You smile, trying to speak over the chaos of people and stimulation. A bit out of your element but doing fine. Excited to be here with him and feel like you’re fitting into his world. 
He gets the bartender's attention, ordering you just a beer in a bottle. He doesn’t know if you’d want anything fruity, not that this crappy bar would have anything that good anyway. He’s never drunk with you before. He slides it over to you, watching you take a gulp and smile. You’re so out of your element here. He sighs. A swell in his chest. 
Even though he would normally be drinking a couple beers himself, he just has water in front of him. He wants to stay relatively sober. Enough to keep watch over you and make sure no one else talks to you. “Oh, I thought you were gonna get the same thing…” You chuckle, leaning your elbows on the bar and watching him sipping his water from a plastic cup. 
“Someone needs to be responsible for all these people right?” He chuckles. As captain of the team he actually does feel that responsibility. To keep people in line since he knows they’ll listen to him. “And I need to be sober if I’m carrying you out of this place drunk off your ass…” He jokes, teasing you. 
“I’m not getting drunk tonight, no way. No thank you…” You sigh, shaking your head. Looking down at the label on the bottle in your hand. Then your eyes dart around the crowded room a few times. He just looks at your face. You’re so pretty. Especially pretty in this low light. 
“Well how is the beer at least? I know it’s not something sweet but it’s probably the best thing they have here.” He huffs, keeping his eyes on you, studying you. He’d love to just be all over you and show people that you’re his. But you’re not right now. You’re his friend and that’s the boundary you both set. He’s trying his best to uphold that after his mistakes. “It’s fine… I don’t ever drink much anyway so I’m not picky…” 
He nods. Learning more about you all the time. The two of you have never been out to a bar or club before so this is all brand new. He can see how you’re a little nervous in this place. It’s not your usual hangout spot and he can tell. “Yeah, this place is pretty chaotic tonight…” He comments, looking around then back at you. “You’re okay though, right?” 
“Yeah I’m fine…” You smile. Clasping your hands in your lap. He’s attentive, more recently than ever. It’s true that he’s become like your best friend over the last month and a half. Even though it hasn’t been that long, it’s felt like a lifetime. And with how much time you spend together, it still feels like he separates you from a lot of the other parts of his life. Friends, family, everything else. You spot Peter across the way standing with some people. The only other person you even know in this place. 
Miguel follows your gaze over towards where Peter is and he can't help but wonder why you're looking at Peter or what you're thinking. He looks at the group of people around him, recognizing teammates and classmates, but notices Peter in particular.He tries to remain cool, looking back at you. "He's a great friend… isn't he… "
He says it with a little bit of annoyance in his voice, thinking about how you two have gotten really close as friends and he didn't even know it.
"Yeah he's really sweet," You smile, not really noticing his expression. You want Miguel to know that you can get along with his friends too and you can be a part of his life. "He's funny…"
His brow twitches just a bit. He doesn't know how to feel about the fact that you two are friends in and out of the tutoring club. And that you’re calling him sweet. And funny. He knows how charismatic and charming Peter is, knowing he could get any girl he wants. "He always gets the girls��  he's quite the flirt…" He mumbles.
"Oh really?" You smile and scrunch your nose up, looking back at Peter and seeing that yes, there are many girls around him right now. And he must be very popular with the girls, you think. You hadn't really noticed that Peter was a flirt but you think he's charming. Maybe you're just so focused on being his friend to prove to Miguel you can be part of his friend group.
Miguel can feel his patience slipping. How you seem so oblivious to the fact that Peter is a huge flirt and that Peter was flirting with you earlier when he invited you to the bar. But he's been Peter's friend for years, of course he knows the girls flock around him. It just annoys him that you’re completely oblivious to it. He watches you watching Peter across the room, trying not to let it show on his face how frustrated he is.
"How's your hand?" You ask, taking a sip from your bottle. Gesturing towards his cast in his lap. Trying to talk over the noise in the room. The topic change gives him some relief. Grateful to think about something other than the image of Peter taking you home tonight. He lifts his hand, flexing a few fingers. "It's fine. Doesn't really hurt much right now. It's a good reminder to not lose my cool again… "
"Yeah, that locker room hates to see you comin’…" You joke with a smile. Shaking your head. Punched his locker like some guy in a movie.
Miguel can't help but smile, knowing you’re referring to him punching the front of his locker like a crazy person. He sighs, knowing it was stupid and a loss of control. "That locker had it coming though…"
You laugh at his words, his eyes lighting up watching your head throw back a bit. The fluttering sound of your laughter carrying slightly over the noise in the room and hitting his ears. He wants to make you laugh like that all the time. Make you smile like this every day. And  Peter works his way through the room over to the bar. 
"There you guys are! I thought I lost you…" Peter's face lights up when he gets closer, excited to see his best friend and you, the pretty tutor. He stands behind both your chairs putting his hands on the backs of them. Miguel’s eyes flick back-and-forth between you two. You're still oblivious. Smiling at Peter like you don't know what he's doing. Every instinct inside of him telling him to make Peter back off. But he's trying to be better for you. Trying not to lose control or act impulsive. 
"Spending the night bragging, are you?" You smile and tease Peter lightly. Leaning over the back of your chair. He did score a lot of the winning goals tonight. Peter laughs and loves any attention from you. Miguel can only listen and watch this interaction between the two of you. It's like a nightmare come to life. And he's feeling claustrophobic in this crowded place with all these people. He just wants to take your hand and go back to campus, go back to your dorm, go back to the library.
"Well you all played very well…" You hum. Looking between the two boys. You can't help but notice Miguel’s body language. Thinking he must just be upset that he didn't get to play because of his cast. But he did very well on the sidelines. 
"Peter here was especially on his game today. Princeton is tough…" Miguel says with tension in his tone, finally joining in on the conversation. His eyes flicking between the two of you but landing on you mostly. Watching your reaction to Peter's words.
"It's all in the foot work really. Reading the opponent… Gotta think about 10 steps ahead." Peter says with a grin, in his element. Miguel has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. As much as he loves Peter, he wants him to fuck off right now.
You giggle softly at Peter's joke and his obvious love for attention. Loving the way you can so casually hang out with Miguel and his friends for the first time ever. Miguel clenches his jaw, sipping his water and trying to keep his cool. You take a sip of your beer finding it's the last one, putting the empty bottle back on the bar. It seems both boys take notice. 
"Can I get you another? "Peter asks, His eyes lighting up.
“Um…" You're thinking. You don't really do this that often and you're finally getting to hang out with Miguel and his friends. What the hell… "Sure!"
Peter flashes that charming smile at you and Miguel can feel his control slipping again. Now he's buying you drinks? 
"I got it." Miguel suddenly says, waving to the bartender for another round. If anyone's getting you drunk tonight, it's gonna be him. So he can make sure you're okay. “Okayyy…” Peter huffs softly, raising his brow at Miguel’s rivalry. But Miguel doesn’t care. Grabbing the fresh cold beer bottle and sliding it over the bar in front of you. Looking back up at Peter, a stern expression on his face. 
Over the next hour and your next two beers, Peter just won’t go away. He’s practically hanging on your chair, talking to you about whatever. And because you’re so nice and sweet you just keep giving into him. Smiling at Miguel too like you want him to be in on the conversation. But it just makes him feel worse somehow. Is he really losing you to Parker? Is that how this is gonna go? 
“So… you guys are like best friends?” You ask, your words slightly slurred, cheeks pink and flushed. You’re tipsy and Miguel’s watching you like a hawk. Your beer shined lips as you smile up at Peter. So damn cute and pretty. “We are… best friends…” Peter says in a cocky way. Grabbing Miguel’s shoulder and shaking it a few times, a beer in his other hand. Miguel might be the only sober one in this place and it’s getting annoying. 
He fidgets with the same fray on his cast, pulling on it and pulling on it. Watching you talk to Peter. Forcing a smile when you look his way. It’s getting unbearable. Eyes flicking around the crowded room and just wanting to get out of here. 
“One more round?” Peter asks and Miguel groans internally. You’re both drunk, everybody is drunk and he just wants to get you back somewhere it’s safer. Peter gets to chatting loudly with some other people down the bar.
“Do you wanna leave?” You lean over, getting closer to Miguel, right up to his face and he just gives you a soft look. Admiring your pretty flushed features. He can see you’ve been having fun. “No, I’m good, we can stay if you want…” He hums gently. 
“Don’t lie, Mig…” You whisper, barely loud enough for him to hear over the noise. And his brow knits together, hearing the nickname, your soft warm voice, wanting to reach out and brush your hair back, kiss your pretty pink lips. Anything. “I’m a little tired…” He admits. And even in your tipsy state, you know it’s time to go. 
“Let’s go then… it’s too loud…” You sigh, a distracted Peter now talking loudly with Marco and Miller down the bar. Relief, Miguel thinks. He does really want to make sure you get back to your dorm okay. 
“Wai-I ‘ave a question…” You slur, hanging onto him and pressed up against his chest as he’s trying to get you over to bed. His big strong arms around you and it feels so good, feels so right. What you’ve been missing all this time and now it just feels like everything is perfect and everything is good and… and your tongue still tastes like beer and… and he smells so good. 
“Yeah, what's your question?” He asks so soft and gently. His voice is like smooth melted butter mixed with sweet brown sugar. Bringing you over to your bed and sitting you down on the edge. Making sure you don’t topple over. “Hold still, I’m gonna take your shoes off…” 
“D’you think… that… um…” You sigh, the alcohol clouding everything making you instantly forget what you were about to ask him. But the thought is mixing around your brain just waiting to come out. After all, it’s all you were thinking about all night. “M-my shoe is stuck”
“I know, I’m trying to get it off…” He sighs, unable to stop the smile when he hears your little whine. You are pretty cute like this and he likes helping you. Kneeling down in front of you and taking your shoe onto his knee to undo the laces, slipping it off.
“Do you think that… all your friends… that they like-like it?” You sigh, wiggling your toes in your socks as he slides your shoe off. His hands on your calves, absentmindedly caressing up and down, having you in his hands like this is too good to pass up, but he looks up at you at your question. His brow furrowing, wondering what you mean. “Do they like what,-?” He almost called you baby right there. But stopped himself. Maybe it’s just being like this with you right now. Being close and finally being needy for his help, needing him in any way. Or the way you seem so soft and fragile right now he just wants to protect you. 
“That they like me…” You sigh. Pushing a hand through your hair and he pulls your other shoe off, your feet freeing and legs dangling off the side of the bed. 
He looks up at you, piecing together your broken sentence. Do his friends like you? Peter? 
“Like P-peter… does Peter like me?” You ask and his expression goes serious. Swallowing thickly and setting your shoes to the side. He knows the answer. He knows that Peter obviously has a thing for you. It’s becoming more clear you have a thing for him too. 
Miguel straightens back up, standing over you and listening to your drunken rambling. Your mumbles. “Cuz I think Peter is really nice and I think you and I can be friends… and I can be friends with your friends too…” 
He doesn’t understand what you mean. Towering over you and feeling so blocked up. Like he’s miles away from where he wants to be with you. He wants you to want him. Not think about Peter. 
“Uh… I think Peter likes you, yeah…” He mumbles. Looking down at your face. The way it lights up and his heart falls. “Really? So we can all be friends?” 
His heart hurts, looking in your eyes. So confused, not knowing what to think. But wishing he could just kiss you right now and make your thoughts stop. Or to fill your thoughts with him. If he kissed you right now would you forget Peter ever existed? If he kissed you right now, if he laid you down and pumped into you until you were a crying trembling moaning mess like all those times before, would you forget Peter and think about him again? 
“I’m sweating…” You huff, moving to get up off the bed and his arms come to steady you. “Woah woah slow down, sweetheart…” The words ooze off his lips. His hands guide you before you reassure him you can walk. He huffs, watching you walk over to your closet. He sits down on the edge of your bed, head in his hands. Feeling pathetic and so lost. Not even knowing what to do at this point. Has he actually lost you for good? Will he actually only ever be your friend now?
You’re sweating, pulling at the material of your hoodie and ripping it off over your head. Slipping your pants off and sighing in relief. Standing in your panties and bra by the dresser and looking for some comfy clothes. Your mind filled with the thoughts of being Miguel’s again. You’re friends with his friends like any girlfriend would be. So what’s stopping him? What’s stopping both of you from just being together again? Since you’ve proven to him, you can fit in. 
“Miguel…” You hum, his head coming out of his hands and looking up at you. Eyes widening seeing you in just your underwear. Gulping thickly. “Yes?” He whispers. Like beckoning to your call. Like a plea for you to just put him out of his misery already. 
You walk over to him, trying to half haphazardly pull on a big t-shirt. His hands unable to stop themselves, coming up to help pull the material down. You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re doing. This all just makes him feel somehow worse. Your body taunting him, teasing him with everything he needs and no way to get it. 
Your hips slot between his legs, standing between them and getting closer. Fingers clenching into his shirt and smashing your lips against his. His fingers splay out, shock and surprise. His eyes wide and heart seemingly stops. You’re… kissing him… you…
Heavy breath through his nose and his eyes flutter closed. Kissing you back, feeling your eager tongue tasting like alcohol come into his mouth. Letting it swirl against his lips and his tongue. His big hands snaking around you, holding you for the first time like this in so long. You gasp and hum against his lips and a chill goes down his back. He must be dreaming. 
But your hands go to his chest, pushing him back on the bed, and he’s so weak to you. His back hitting the mattress. He wants this so badly. Wants you more than anything in the entire world. You climb on top of him, clambering over his body, sitting on his abdomen and leaning down to kiss him again. 
He’s silenced by your lips, trying to be dominant and licking into his mouth. You never did that before. That was always him. But right now it’s like you’re hungry for him in the exact same way he was hungry for you all this time. 
“I need you…” You whisper, pulling back from his lips with a smack. His eyes wide and breath heaving. It’s everything he’s ever wanted and yet it’s not right at all. “No baby… you need to go to sleep… you’re drunk…” He whispers, feeling so weak, his hands running up your warm bare thighs, like medicine. His cast is slightly scratchy on your thigh. Finally your body on his, your warmths feeding off of each other. 
“No please… say you want me, please you have to, don’t you want to?” You whine. Leaning over him and kissing his cheek, burying your face in his neck. He’s speechless. Doesn’t know what to say or think. He thought you were done all this time. He thought you were pining after Parker. 
“I want you… I do want you…” He whispers before his mind can even think. His hands falling from your thighs and flat on the bed. It feels wrong to touch you this way. His love for you overshadows his own selfish need. You won’t remember this in the morning. 
You won’t remember this in the morning. 
“I love you…” He whispers. Into your hair. Choking back a lump in his throat. 
“Mm?” You groan, pushing yourself up drunkenly on your hands, your hair dangling into his face under you. 
“Nothing…” He whispers. Swallowing thickly and wrapping his arms around you again. Pulling you to his chest and hugging you. Keeping you there, knowing you’ll pass out in a few minutes anyway and he can tuck you into bed safe and sound. 
To be continued…
Reblogs and comments very much appreciated!! Let me know what you think or your theories!
Taglist (thank you my sweets 🍬) :
@miguels-cock-piercings @queerponcho @club-danger-zone @bossva @softcrayon
@nommingonfood @bruhhvv
@jessies-unrelagated-thoughts @mauvecherie-writes @haveclayeveryday @kimivixen
@jadeloverxd @chiikasevennn @mvlanchqly @resident-cryptid
@x0tw0d57 @vampyboys @miguelspriscilla
@francesca-the-1st @migueloharasbbm @razertail18 @laysmt
@tojiragdoll @maiyart @wazawazooo @mun-2996 @marshhbs
@curious-randomlr @safixiovi @daddyfroglegs @theplaid-wearingmoose @reader-1290
@yeanika @elysiumsangel @rinnako @mangoslushcrush @twwcs
@izakopanyi2 @migueloharasoulmate @slut4oscarissac23
@miss-loomis @genny101
@aphinthestars @webshooterrr9 @m4dyy
@jdbxws @roserfz27 @ohara-whore @oharaslove @daisy-artfield
@mooreaey6yem @peachey-pie @migueloharacumslut @pxtched
@yougavemeyourheartyouknow @julia4today
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brights-place · 1 year ago
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Miles Morales Dating Headcannons
Pairings: Miles X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Miles dating headcannons since my friend and I re-watched the ITSPV and ATSV together - When he had a crush on you! it was WILDDD! - he would act like a stupid nervous lovesick fool around you and it would be so cute !! - He would definitely stutter a bit when talking to you cause you're just so pretty! and handsome and gorgeous and... He could honestly go on forever about how you made him feel - Miles is the type of person who likes psychical touch and also like doing stuff for his partner
- In public Miles will hold your hand, but in private he's more touchy and likes to hold you in his arms as much as you would allow him to if your comfy!
- He loves cuddles! He especially likes to cuddle with you while watching movies, shows etc. _ He is also kinda into holding you while you play video games. When you play on your bed and just casually sit, he won't be able to help himself and hold you from behind with his head on your shoulder 
- Miles is the one to give you random compliments, they would be really cute and he would tell then only only, because of the fact that he things that stuff and wants to make you feel good about yourself 
- But another reason is the fact he just want to see you all flustered and red
- If you're a civilian, he won't let you get near battles at ALL! He doesn't want you get hurt and fear of losing you makes him overprotective more than usual at times he is spiderman and his job is to protect you
- Even though he doesn't want you to get near battles, he's aware that sometimes something might happen and he won't be able to be with you all the time to help you or protect you - Miles would try to teach you self defense to make sure you would be able to handle yourself when needed
- If you're a Spiderman like him from a alternate universe he is happy cause you know his struggles but when your paired on missions besides focusing on it he will also look after you
- this boy does not play with his girl and mom so you better believe that he was so happy that his mom loved you so much.
- at first he was worried that his mom wouldn’t accept you or get along with you because in that case he would’ve panicked abit yeah he is worried about his fathers opinion but not as much as his mothers!
- kiss him and he'll immediatley melt like putty telling you how much he loves you
- I KID YOU NOT! 1000%! homeboy would probably have a spotify playlist that has songs that remind him of you
- you guys would also maybe have a shared one of your fav songs
- His idea of a date is probably you guys in his bedroom or yours, you either laying on him or cuddling with him, maybe while he doodles or you guys watch a movie
- he doesnt do extravagant dates and gifts, but its the little things that count
- Love language is Acts of service & Quality time
- He likes to call you nicknames, but in Spanish, Especially when flirting with you when he's bold enough!
- I love miles so much I will act up! by act up I mean I would hug him and cry at how adorable he is
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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satinestales · 2 years ago
better to stay quiet (I?) | miguel o'hara x fem!reader
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summary: miguel found a universe where you and your daughter were safe and happy and decided to visit. for months, he pretended to be your husband, but you slowly started to realise some things were different.
warnings: S M U T, soft and subby miguel if you close your eyes, also english is not my first language so yeah, enjoy ig <333
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You were lying underneath your blanket, reading a book you recently bought last week, waiting for your husband to return to your room. You last heard of him four hours ago when he decided to put Gabriella, your daughter, to sleep. It was close to midnight when you put your book down thinking about what could be taking so long. It was already past your bedtime, and you wanted to do some things before you went to sleep.
Right as you lowered your foot on the floor to find out what he was doing, the door to your bedroom opened, your husband standing in between them. White, see through, shirt tight on his body, and grey sweatpants which he wore almost every day. You didn't complain.
You turned your head to him, smile playing on your lips. His hair was messy, and dark circles started to appear under his eyes. "What took you so long?" You laughed as you watched Miguel slowly approach your bed and throw himself on it a few seconds later.
"Bria wouldn't listen," he whispers, enjoying the soft matress underneath his back. He watched as you towered over him, looking him deep in the eyes, full of amusement. "she demanded I read her a bedtime story but wouldn't stop asking questions." He smiles at the memory, sitting up to be face to face to you. His brown eyes stared deep into yours, scaning your face like he just saw you for the first time.
"Well, she takes after her father." You joked, pushing the strands of hair back to have a clear look at him. He was obviously tired and not in the mood to do anything you were planning. "You also ask awful lot of questions." You murmured as you lightly kissed his forehead and went back to lean on the bedframe.
"I ask the important ones," he responded, sass in his voice, not taking his eyes off of you. "She asks everything." Smile appearing on his lips as he moved to be closer to you, sitting right next to you, shoulders touching. You smiled to yourself, resting your head on his shoulder and your arm on his thigh. You couldn't not notice how bigger he had gotten. A few months ago, he was almost as tall as you, now? Now, he manhandles you without struggle, his size is your height twice, and his strength increased incredibly. Now, his one hand can hold both of your wrists while still having space. You didn't understand this rapid change but you didn't complain. In some things, you liked it more. In some, places.
"She's still a child, Mig." You looked up at him, catching him staring at you. "But you ask questions that you already know." You snorted, caressing his cheek. "Like, last week you asked me when's my mother's birthday." You pointed out, sitting straight. His furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Honey, you went to her funeral."
"Yeah," he laughed at himself, remembering the incident. He was so beautiful, looking down, sitting next to you, not doing anything. You could stare at him forever.
Among his change of size, you also couldn't understand his change of relationship with Gabriella. A year ago, they hated each other, Gabriella always running to you because Miguel didn't know the right thing to say. Now Gabriella adores him, always being with him, playing sports together, planning on how to prank you early in the morning. You adored this change, making you change your mind about him being a bad father. Maybe he just needed some time to adjust. Even you needed time.
His change of actions towards you. At work. In private. In bed. He never really paid attention to your needs in bed, you always have to remind him, followed by him rolling his eyes. Now, he takes you without warning. Always thinking about you, sometimes even forgetting about his own needs and falling asleep, you smushed in his arms. His fingers and tongue dancing between your legs, making you feel things you never knew existed. Whatever made him change, you loved every second of it.
And you wanted to feel that way tonight again, so you got up to straddle his lap, your hands on his shoulders. His shocked face made you smile, overwhelmed of how cute he was without even trying. "Is Bria asleep?" you asked, trying to make sure not to cause any future trauma. Without hesitation, Miguel nodded his head, looking into your eyes like some lost puppy. It made you go crazy.
You mumbled to yourself before taking his face into your hands and drowning him in your kiss. His hands automatically moved to your waist, pushing you against his crotch which grew bigger with every minute of you kissing passionately. Another thing you noticed that changed. He got bigger. Thicker. And fuck, you couldn't get enough of him. Taking him into your mouth, letting him spread your cunt causing you to cover your face in the pillow, trying to stay quiet. Letting him fuck your tits. Letting him fuck you against the kitchen counter. Letting his cock destroy you.
Him biting your lower lip and moving his big hands under your clothes made you moan against his mouth and make the wetness in your panties grow stronger. His hands were wandering underneath your shirt before they found what they were looking for, grabbing your tits, his thumbs playing with your nipples. His lips moved to your jaw, then to your neck, down to your collarbones. You nails digging into his shoulders, you were sure you left a mark on him. But this was one of the things you loved. You marking his back with your nails, making sure to leave scars the next day for everyone to see. And him leaving hickeys on your neck and stuffing you with his cum everytime he fucked you, marking you as his.
"Fuck Miguel," you moaned as he ripped your shirt in two, throwing it away on the floor. You couldn't count the number of shirts he destroyed with his hands or his teeth. You could swear he had claws. As soon as your shirt was off, he attacked your tits, taking each one into his mouth, teasing you. His hand slipped down to your lower belly, playing with the hem of your panties. You moved your hips against his crotch, making him moan against your nipple. You loved how much control you had over him.
But after a while of his teasing, you ran out of patience, taking his hand and pushing it under your panties, his fingers quickly metting with your wet clit. You moaned at the sensation, closing your eyes as he started to move his fingers up and down your slit. Your hands travelled up his head to pull on his hair to hold yourself onto something. His lips moved back up to your neck as his fingers started to make circles around your entrance. You cried out, wanting nothing than to feel his fingers pumping in and out of you.
"So wet," he said, mocking you but not stopping the movement of his fingers. You leat out a whimper when his fingers moved away from your entrance, teasing your clit again. You decided to torture him too so you quickly put your hands inside of his pants, grabbing his thick cock, already covered in pre-cum. You smirked to yourself.
"You're worse," you managed to say before his fingers came back to your entrance, this time thrusting them inside of you. But even he couldn't contain himself as you started to pump him, bring your hand to your mouth, wetting with saliva before bringing it back, stroking him faster than before. The room started to be filled with moans coming from both of you, his fingers deep inside your cunt and your hand around his throbbing cock. Both of you felt your orgasm approaching and decided to stop. Unspoken rule. Cum only around his cock.
"Y/N, please," Miguel's whiny, begging voice almost threw you over the edge. His cock out, lying on his abdomen, his hair messy and forehead sweaty. Fuck, you could cum just from the view. You quickly pressed your lips against is, distracting him, before taking his cock back to your hands and aligning him with your entrance. You could feel the tip of his cock spreading you lips, having to contain yourself to not make any sounds. Like Miguel could read your mind, he pressed his lips against you harder, devouring you, giving you the chance to sit on him without making any noise. You listened and sat on him hard, his thick cock spreading your cunt, your walls almost crushing him. Both of you couldn't stay quiet and moaned into each other's mouths. His cock felt so good, so deep inside of you, spreading your little pussy. You could stay like this forever.
"Y/N, please move," he whimpered against your lips, encouraging you to move your hips, moving up and down. His cock sliding out of you, so satisfying to watch your cunt devouring him back. It's like he was made for you, to fuck you hard with his thick cock. His hands moved to your hips, helping you to bounce on him faster and faster. Your tits bouncing with every thrust, his hips moving up and down for more friction, for more pleasure. His eyes fixated on you, bouncing up and down, enjoying how his cock spread your tight little cunt, making you cry from the pleasure.
Your hands moved to hold your tits, your thumb playing with your nipples, not stopping fucking him fast. The room filled with moans, whimpers, and your ass meeting his balls.
"You feel so good," you cried out loud, feeling your orgasm approaching as you kept bouncing on him, sending waves of pleasure through your body. And Miguel decided to make it worse by bringing his two wet fingers to your cunt, rubbing your clit. You screamed at the sudden action, his other hand quickly covering your mouth. Tears running down your cheeks from all the pleasure, his fat cock inside of you while his long fingers kept rubbing your clit. Not to mention his large hand on your mouth, keeping you quiet. All of these things made you shake on his cock and with his next thrust into your cunt, your walls clenched around him, cumming hard. Your head fell on his shoulder, orgasm taking over your body. But Miguel didn't stop pounding into your cunt from below, causing you to cry from the overstimulation. Not so long after, Miguel reaches his peak too, his cum spreading into your cunt, filling you up.
Both of you sit there for minutes, trying to recover from your orgasms. His fat cock still inside of you, your walls surrounding him. You didn't want him to move, so you laid on him, pushing him to lay down on the matress, you lying on top of him.
His strong arms surrounding your body, still shaking after you fucked him hard. His fat cock staying in you, still spreading your tight cunt.
"After you recover," he whispered into your ear, biting into your earlobe, his voice now more firm and steady. "can we go round 2?"
You smiled to yourself, lifting up your head to look at him. Your lips lightly touching his. "See, if all your questions were like this, I wouldn't complain at all." You proclaimed before taking his head and kissing him once again.
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1lenii · 2 years ago
Is that my Hair Tie?
42/1610!Miles x F!Reader
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basically everytime miles is over, he take something to remember you by when he’s on prowler duties (more often then not a hair tie)
Not really angst(?) but definitely fluff
Reader knows Miles is the Prowler ‼️
Translate the Spanish line Might do another part to this
“Miles!! Hey baby, why you over so late?”
(Y/N) was wrapped in a towel seemingly ready to shower as she greeted Miles who was coming in through her window
“Just wanted to spend some time with you before I left for…”
Miles trails off averting your eyes, looking at the feet of your bed frame, while leaning on the window pain in the process.
(Y/N) clicks her tongue in acknowledgement shuffling from her previous spot
“Oh.. lemme shower first, yea?”
“Oh yea go for it” Miles mumbles
Giving Miles a light kiss, she made her way to the bathroom closing the door behind her, few seconds later hearing the water hit the bathtub floor, going down the drain
Miles is left with his thoughts as he scans (Y/N) room, noticing the rhinestone covered headboard
The boxes of Jordan which he bought a while back so they could match
The pile of folded clothes ready to be put away
The way the stuffed animals sit organized on her bed from biggest to smallest
And the jewelry pieces on their respected hangers on her vanity
Out of all of these extravagant things Miles takes particular interest in a hair tie.
A spiral hair tie, the colors of purple and pink melting into 1 with a detachable heart charm
Pushing off the window pane, Miles makes his way to the desk with the Hair tie, carefully grabbing it and slipping it on his wrist which is now dangling in front of his face admiring it
Only breaking out of this trance when he heard the running water shut off, he quickly took a seat on (Y/N) bed
Not long after she comes out of the bathroom refreshed and her nightwear now making her way over to Miles
Taking a seat next Miles, embracing in a tight warm and heartfelt hug
“How long”
“How long are you gonna be gone for?”
“..3 days max”
“I’ll miss you oka?”
“Y yo mucho más”
“Estoy enserio Miles, quiero que te cuides”
“I will ma, when have I ever not came back”
“Not presently”
“And never will”
Miles ended the conversation by pressing a kiss to (Y/N) lips, urging her to take comfort in her bed, slipping in with her.
(Y/N) wraps her arms around his torso pressing her forehead against his chest making sure to not let go.
Holding him till the morning.
Till he had to leave.
*3 days later, Miles came back from his duties as vigilante, and here we have Him and (Y/N) cuddling as soon as she cooked him to eat, now they are in each other embrace on the verge on sleeping*
“Hey Miles”
“Is that my hair tie?”
“It totally is isn’t it, so you had it the whole time I was looking for it”
“No fake sleeping you faker” (Y/N) said poking at his face
“Not as fake as that stuffed rabbit you got there” he’s says opening one eye
“Your gotta be nice to mister hopps”
“You named it…”
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scarthefangirl · 2 years ago
Admit it
Hobie brown x fem!reader
Request: Can I get a hobie brown x stubborn fem! reader. Like they obviously like each other but won’t do anything about bc of her. Hobie keeps asking what’s up and she just brushes it off. Turns out, she just wants to protect him.
Warnings: Some language, angst, poorly written lmao, not proof read
Story type: Blurb
PART 2 |
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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After a particularly pressing mission, your new focus was on the grumbling in your stomach.
I grab a tray and fill it with food, rushing to an empty table. As I take my first bite, hear a tray slamming down across from me. I glance up and see Pavitr smiling at me over the table.
"So," He says cheerfully, drawing out the 'o'.
"Yes?" I ask, mouth full of food. The second I have enough swallowed, I take another large bite.
"You and Hobie…. What's the deal?" He inquires and my face immediately heats up. I take a moment to swallow my food and reply simply,
"There is no deal."
"You guys flirt all the time! You obviously like each other." He presses. My heart races at the thought of Hobie and I consider confiding in Pav. Nausea twists into my stomach and I just shake my head and take another bite. The topic is not up for discussion. "Y/N, you deny your feelings every time someone asks. Why won't you admit you like him? You guys could be so happy." My chest tightens and for a second I nearly forget how to swallow.
"There's no feelings." I shrug.
"Admit you like him and spare us all this agony of waiting!" He exclaims and luckily I am saved from Pav's interrogation when Hobie takes a seat next to him, Gwen and Miles plopping down next to me.
"Admit she likes who?" Hobie asks with a smirk, although he already knows who he was asking about. I just stuff my mouth with my lunch, barley taking a break to breathe. Throughout lunch I catch his gaze on me, not attempting to hide it, and I feel my stomach churning.
I survive lunch unscathed and head to the only place I feel like I can really breath, the roof of the building I was just eating in. I sigh in relief the second I step into the open, freshness of the outdoors. I take a seat, dangling my legs off the edge. I breath in and out evenly, staring out at the vast view of headquarters. The spider people walking and flinging around look like ants from my elevated position.
I sit like this for a while. Calm and away from the stress of headquarters. But it is ruined when a voice calls out behind me, drawing nearer.
"Y/N what are ya doin up here?" The familiar British voice rung in my ears, immediately placing butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
"It's peaceful," I say, looking at Hobie as he sits next to me. "Or, it was." I tease. We settle into silence, both staring forward. He bounces his legs as they dangle and I can hear his heavy breathing, subconsciously matching it. His proximity causes shortness of breath and I am about to get up when he speaks, breaking the silence.
"Its a beautiful view." He states and I nod. We both turn to face forward again, the wind humming in my ear and blowing my hair gently. I wish we could be here forever, sitting in each others quiet presence. But we can't.
I notice him scooting closer, slowly. If I blinked I wouldn't have even noticed him closing the gap between us. I can't help the sick feeling overcoming me, making me want to free fall off the edge.
We both look at each other, holding eye contact. Normally one of us would ruin the moment with a snarky comment, but instead he begins to lean in slightly. I feel his breath and it sends shivers down my spine. For a minute I want to kiss him, well, I always want to, but for a fleeting second I almost do. I wish I could freeze time, just like this, and stay like this forever.
"I- I can't." I whisper, heart breaking as I pull back. I turn away, missing the hurt flash across his face. This isn't the first time I've ended a moment before it can begin. I know I'm leading him on, but he makes it hard not to succumb to the moment. But a certain spidermans voice rings through my head in these moments, clearly saying "You have to keep your distance."
"This is one fucked up game darlin," He sighs with a humorless chuckle and I know he's right. He doesn't understand how bad I want to be his everything. He doesn't understand how much it hurts me to be the bad guy. He doesn't understand the longing I feel.
"You're so good at games though," I laugh, and he knows what I'm getting at.
"I flipped the board one time in the game of Life. It is a major misconception of real adult hood. Not everyone wants to get married or have kids or go to university," He rolls his eyes, and I don't mind his rant. I chuckle and like that, it's like the almost kiss never happened.
"You guys completed the mission?" Miguel questioned harshly. Everyone nods and he continues, "How was the performance?"
"Everyone did well," Gwen says and everyone hums in agreement. "Pavitr and Miles did exceptional with getting the people out." She adds.
"Y/N you specifically disobeyed orders and went into the building when you were supposed to be helping Gwen." Miguel snaps and I feel embarrassment bubbling in my stomach.
"She don't follow rules, if she did she'd be boring." Hobie says which earns a vicious glare from Miguel. Hobie puts his elbow on my shoulder, head in his hand, and leans his weight on me. I feel scarlet crawling up my neck and spreading onto my face. I catch Miguel's fixed glare on me and look to the ground.
"Hands off Brown." I grin and step to the side, causing him to loose balance for a moment. He passes me a dirty look and I laugh at him.
As everyone is leaving, Miguel tells me to stay back. My shoulders tense and I can't bare to look him in his red eyes. "Y/L/N. Have you been following my orders?" He demands.
"Hmm, what were they again?" I pretend to forget, scrunching my face and holding my chin to annoy Miguel. It works, his scowl deepening.
"Y/L/N, I tell you everyday. You can't date Hobie. You have to keep your distance. It's better that way."
"I know. I know, okay?" I groan, wishing he wouldn't stress it so much. It only makes it hurt me worse. He just pinches the bridge of his nose, no doubt mentally cursing me.
"You can't disrupt the canon." I roll my eyes at his comment.
"I know." And with that I turn around and stomp out. I can't stand this. Not being able to be with the boy I'm head over heels for, all because I'm supposed to have my first kiss with someone else.
That's my fucking canon event. My first kiss, and then other bullshit. I can't kiss Hobie because that's not my canon first kiss, and have to keep my distance because its canon that my first kiss happens on my first ever date so I have to wait to go on my first date for some idiot from my universe.
I'm so entranced in my thoughts as I walk aimlessly around, not knowing where I plan on going, when I bump into Hobie. I nearly fall but he catches me and helps me get my balance. Again, blush creeps onto my face.
"Now you're literally falling for me," He smirks, the lighting causing his rose ring to sparkle. I narrow my eyes and snort. "You alright?" He asks in a mocking way.
"Yeah, sorry," I grumble and step out of his grasp.
"Didn't you fall on me the first time we met?" He reminisces, walking with me as I shuffle forward. I remember as well, I had just joined and I had pissed off a spider cat, I was running from it when I bumped into him and took him down. I immediately fell for him, ironically.
"I can't forget when we first met." I start and his eyes widen in surprise at my sentiment. "But I'll keep trying." Which causes him to glare at me andd flip me his middle finger.
"Aren't you miss snarky?" He elbows me and I laugh. We walk together for awhile, to nowhere in particular. Eventually we catch up to Miles and Pav, who wiggle their eyebrows at us.
"Ooh, look at the love birds." Miles nudges Pavitr, a sly grin on his face. Although I know where they are coming from, it doesn't stop my heart from dropping.
"Where?" I play dumb and look around with a fake jaw drop.
[Two days later]
We have finished working for the day and a lot of my spider friends are chilling in one of the many living rooms in headquarters with me.
"Anyone else starving or just me?" Peter b asks, Mayday crawling on his shoulders. I nod hastily in agreeance. "Im going to get some dinner, who's with me?" He stands and a few others do too.
"I think I'm just going to head home to eat, but thanks!" I smile and wave them off. They linger outside for a moment, trying to decide on something.
"Want to go back with me and grab a bite together?" Hobie asks, staring into my eyes. I avert his gaze, cheeks burning.
"I'm okay, thanks though." I say with a faltering smile. My eyes fall to the floor as I hear the murmurs of the group quiet at the sound of my rejection.
"Another time then." He smirks but I notice the grimace behind his expression.
"Maybe," I lie for his sake and head back to my universe as quickly as possible.
"I can't believe you did that!" Pavitr gags in disgust.
"it's not so bad," I shrug and take another bite of the mayo lathered corn. Miles shudders in disgust and Gwen rolls her eyes. I lift another spoonful to my mouth when the spoon is snatched from my hand as Hobie takes a seat next to me. He stuffs it into his mouth and swallows, then makes a scrunched up expression that leaves me staring slightly.
"That's putrid." He grimaced and I shrug once more.
"You just don't have an exquisite palette like I do." I puff my chest out and grin. He digs into the contaminated corn again, scooping another bite and eating it. "I thought it was putrid?"
"I don't believe in consistency," He gives me a side eye and I roll my eyes.
"Why don't you just admit you guys are in love?" Gwen blurts then turns pink in embarrassment. I immediately turn my head from Hobie, praying he doesn't notice the fluster evident on my face.
"Yeah Y/N, admit it." Hobie mocks and I shake my head.
"there's nothing to admit. I don't like Hobie." I say.
"Yes you do." The table says at the same time, including Hobie.
"No i don't."
"Oh please, admit it already." Miles groans.
"No, there isn't anything to admit."
"Yes there is," Hobie smirks and I fight the burning sensation that stings my cheeks.
"No." I press.
"Yes." He continues. Gosh, I just want to strangle him.
"No. Stop it." I say, heart dropping. I can't like him why can't he be okay with that? I can tell he feels guilty for pressing, which makes me feel bad for snapping. "Sorry, I'm sorry." I close my eyes tightly and sigh, getting up from the table and going to my safe place. The roof.
I am welcomed with a gush of wind that blows my hair into my eyes and mouth. I have to continuously brush the hair away as I sit in my usual place. Even with the hair in my face and the wind burning my skin slightly, its still calming. Until its not.
"Y/N!" Hobie calls in a sing-song voice and I close my eyes in aggravation. He takes a seat next to me and I feel a lump growing in my throat. I just want to hold him and kiss him and hug him and never let him go.
"Do you pretend to like me, or pretend not to?" He asks and it takes me a second to understand.
"I don't do either." I say flatly, standing up to leave. Miguel would want me to walk out and keep my distance. And that's what I am doing, walking away, until Hobie uses his webs to bring me tumbling into him. I gasp in fear that I'll fall over the edge but Hobie catches me. I pant to catch my breath as i sit wear I was before.
"I should push you off this damn roof, Brown!" I shout.
"Oh please, you're fine. You're just proving my point. I know you, if you didn't like me than you would've pushed me." He chuckles and then gets a serious look on his face. "Why do you act like you don't like me? Am i-" he groans, embarrassed of his next question. "Am I doing something wrong?"
He's looking at me with the saddest expression I've ever seen him make and it nearly causes the lump in my throat to escape into a sob, but I manage to keep it down.
"You're not doing anything wrong Hobie." I sigh and gaze into his eyes, my own glossed over.
"Then what is it?" He demands, "You owe me an explanation!"
"I also owe you like 40 bucks, so what?" I try to play it off, despite the crack in my voice, hoping we can toss this in the bin of 'forgotten' moments. We have a lot of them.
"Y/N." Is all it takes for tears to spring out of my eyes. He looks surprised, scooting back slightly. I rub extremely hard at my eyes with my hands until I've relatively stopped.
"Sorry the wind got in my eyes." I laugh, but its not even half hearted. When he looks at me I know he doesn't believe a thing I say.
"Just tell me the truth." I meet his eyes as he speaks and feel my heart breaking at how badly I want to smash my lips against his. We stare into each other's eyes so deeply it makes me want to shuffle off the edge. My face twitches towards his and then I pause.
"I can't Hobie." I whisper but it is pointless to say anything, the look we're sharing tells enough truth. Before I realize what we're doing I am swept in the moment and we begin to kiss. Its better than I've ever imagined. His kisses me delicately, like I am fragile. I suppose I am, considering this may be the only time we kiss. We should savor it.Despite his gentleness, I kiss him with urgency and desperation. I need this. I need him.
After a moment, reality comes crushing in. I'm kissing Hobie. My first kiss, Hobie Brown. I can't do this! This is it, I've ruined everything. It's self sabotage. This is just making it harder than it has to be. I am about to pull away and tell him it's a mistake, but before I get the chance Miguel's voice booms from behind us.
"Y/L/N!" He shouts an I flinch, scrambling away from Hobie. Immediately I burst into tears. Its too much. "I've told you countless times not to do this. You had ONE rule." He yells and confusion clouds Hobie's face.
"I've ruined everything." I whisper to Hobie, but really to myself. Tears stream down my face as Michael's large shadow covers me in shade. "I'm sorry." I tell Miguel, throat tight as I keep myself from sobbing.
"It's too late Y/N. There's no going back now." He says it dangerously low. "Get up." I obey, and as I turn to follow him away I glance back at Hobie, who is no doubt utterly confused. I'm sorry, I mouth to him sadly.
I tried to stay away from him, but I couldn't.
part 2 ;)
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messylustt · 1 year ago
v.07.10.23 day four: thigh riding ( nsfw )
spider noir brainrot
noir’s always busy. but your needy pussy is just far too wet to leave him alone. he’s a polite man, always such a gentleman to you. but as you crawl across the bed and over to where he’s seated at his desk, and the way that you eye him, tracing your finger along his collarbone, his shirt loose and lazy, his ‘respectfulness’ falters. he hates tending to you when his focus isn’t entirely on you. even if you’ve stated that you don’t mind, he wants to take care of you in a way that puts you first. it’s sweet, but right now the concept ‘sweet’ isn’t exactly radiating off him. “keep working, it’s fine.” you murmur as you straddle his thigh. “i can just use this.” then you begin to grind your hips, slowly at first. his hands fly towards your waist and you think that he’s going to stop you, but he instead begins to move you, making your pussy lips drag against his pants. he doesn’t want you doing the work. if you’re gonna use his leg to get off then he’s in the right to control your movements. your whimpers stutter. “i can just do it — ” you try, knowing he’s busy, but in response he pushes his leg higher up into your cunt making your words cut short. “you’re gonna make my pants all wet...” noir murmurs, but there’s no protest in his actions. making you rut against him quicker, his lips parting as he feels your heat rub along his thigh. though he’s a respectable man, sometimes all he wants is to see you pathetically getting off on him.
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@spiderst4rgirl @buttertubz @nayylas @cultrise @miguelsslut @eddieslooneymoonie @duckyduck25 @chysalxsm @lusttszn @lemonlotem @siidmm @Horror_sl*t @urmotherlvr @carlixa @jackdawwaquarium @vampsired @kaitoliu @diyag @shadowarchon @zabac69 @alucards-no-life-queen @certified-stargirl @andrealuvsmiguel @freehentai @vic0dyn @raexy @awniie @slut4drudy @ramiiroll @briefrebelfanalmond @kuujo @LittleAbyssGirl @oyaapeach @matchayuii @zaunsin @pinkghost222 @kodzuminx @iite-cool @urabotlmao @missbeverlyhills @winteringfalls @rostarblog @chocolatechiipsworld @mcinava @br0ken--ruby @burningpeace @myrcella-maximoff @shadowarchon @coffie-witch @die4niyahhh @oilfics @hawunts @i-do-be-vibinn @2099rk @notasadgirlipromise @Littlemissdilfloverr @3xclusive_.y0ni @killvaswrld @lynnxnnyl @hk11 @oharasmommymilkers00 @ttlynotme @mindscape123
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sepptember · 11 months ago
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐌 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 :: spiderman smau.
characters included :: gwen stacy, hobie brown, miles morales, pavitr prabhakar.
cw :: probably ooc characters, but other than that none!
a/n :: goobysnoober is y/n's username!! there will be no faceclaim for reader, and I'll try to keep the description as neutral as possible! <3
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goobysnoober :: spending time with @.centamiles aka stealing his skateboard. (also I wanted to share the pretty leaf I found!)
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centimiles :: and that's the reason you have holes in your pants!
-> goobysnoober :: shut ☝️
pivotingpavitr :: the heart leaf is definitely hinting to something!!
-> gwenenough :: that's what I'm saying
-> centimiles :: @.gwenenough @.pivotingpavitr y'all have got to be on something 😭 it is just a leaf
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gwenenough :: im already missing band practice
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goobysnoober :: my girlfriend is soso pretty omg. I'm gonna kiss you the next time I see you.
-> gwenenough :: STOP saying I'm your girlfriend on social media!! you're scaring the girls away.
centimiles :: uhm, where is my credit for taking that picture of you??
-> gwenenough :: omg thanks for clicking a button! that must've been so hard.
bobiehrown :: fuckin knew you were on your phone during practice. shame on you gwendy.
-> gwenenough :: oh boohoo as if you haven't done the same thing
-> goobysnoober :: I NEED to know when your guys next practice is. I miss hearing your music and I'm suffering withdrawals.
-> gwenenough :: @.goobysnoober no, you're having withdrawals from the snacks we have during practice.
-> goobysnoober :: @.bobiehrown can't believe you'd assume such a thing. you think so low of me :((
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year ago
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miles morales [ 1610 ! ] x reader
◗  basically miles has a crush on someone he sees around school
◗  thsi is inspired by @/moonpiies fic but it's #REVERSED!! her fic was so cute i was kicking my feet and giggling while reading it but with that aside miles is so real for changing his whole walking schedule to see a cutie patootie :3
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miles yearned for the past time between fifth and sixth period. for no particular reason of course….is what he tries to think but in reality it's just to see you. now you don't share any classes together. maybe the same lunch period? but only on thursdays. the walk from his fifth period to his sixth is only about a couple minutes, one if he's feeling a bit more athletic than usual.
'okay.. just got to take a left from here..' he thinks as he walks downstairs. as he's doing this, you glance at him, only because you swear you've seen him during passing time last period, but whatever you walk off towards your classroom failing to recognize miles' silent victory. you made eye contact with him! for two more seconds than last time!
he arrives at class a minute before the late bell rings. he can't help but feel giddy as he thinks about the next route he can take to meet with you again.
anyone with a heartbeat can see from a mile away that he has the hugest crush on you. hearts basically popping from his eye sockets whenever you two cross paths in the hallway. he sees you usually walking with a friend laughing at something they said or rolling your eyes because– again— of something they said. embarrassingly enough, he imagines it's him making you laugh or smile.
the bell rings once more and miles and his friend, ganke, walk out of the classroom to go to their shared final period.
"wait, let's take the long way." miles says, already leading the both of them to the longer hallway.
"oh my god miles do you even have a class with them?" ganke comments, frankly quite annoyed that they might be tardy.
"no, but… we follow each other on instagram!" he replies.
"whatever man. do what you want." ganke rolls his eyes, continuing to follow miles.
you scroll on your phone, changing the song you were walking to and see miles again. you only know his name and that you seem to find each other after every passing period. you hoped it didn't look like you were stalking him, but nevertheless you walked into your class.
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mmhcs · 1 year ago
Child of Divorce
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Warnings: Angst with a (bitter)sweet ending. Mentions of divorce and anxiety.
Hey, are you okay?
Can we talk?
I'm sorry.
You stared at the string of text messages, trying to decide what to do next. One moment, your fingers were moving, crafting out an explanation that could rival a Shakespearean monologue, and the next you were deleting it.
How did you two even end up in this position? You hated fights. You hated arguing. Every time you were placed in a confrontational situation your heart grew heavy and sluggish and your armpits stung with the premonition of sweat. It was why you stopped going to Speech and Debate halfway through sophomore year.
Well, that and because you found it to be too logical and time-consuming. But still: how did you end up in a fight with Miles?
You didn't get angry often but when you did you went all out. It was like a balloon finally popping after poking it with a needle for the thousandth time; you exploded in a frenzy of rash words, raw emotion, most notably anger.
Again, you hated being angry. Just the word took you back to the nights in which you would hear your parents arguing over Lord knows what. It was like the more you tried to block them out, the louder their argument got. And just when you thought it was over, they would start up again, louder and angrier than before.
The quietness after the divorce was unnerving to say the least. As stressful as it was living in a household where a WWE match was just one dirty dish away, it didn't compare to living in the opposite environment.
Nowadays, the house was quiet. You and your mother barely saw each other. Sometimes you startle awake at the presence of footsteps, only to remember that you, in fact, did not live alone.
"Love isn't the fairytale the movies show you," is what your mother said within the first week of the divorce. That was almost two years ago, but it sticks to the forefront of your mind for a variety of reasons.
Number one being that it's the last time you really heard your mother's voice. Nowadays, you only heard her muffled sighs as she headed in and out the house, and the occasional yell for a grocery list.
Secondly, because what if she's right?
They say mother knows best, after all.
And it wasn't just your parents' marriage that had been tumultuous.
Nobody in your family seemed happy in their relationships. You had aunts and uncles that pulled up to family functions arguing. They would try their best to avoid each other during events, standing on opposite ends of the room as if they didn't share a damn house together. The only reprieve were the few aunties and uncles in between who had sworn allegiance to the "single life", which essentially meant dating apps, flirty text messages, and a never-ending rotation of lovers. But even then, you could see the unhappiness on their faces. Feel the loneliness in their spirit.
That's why you hated fighting and arguing. Before Miles, you used to avoid romance and commitment like the plague, too. But something about him made you crumble in that resolve...
At first, you thought that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. You ignored the jeers and jokes from your relatives, pushed your mother's grim words to the back of your head.
And now look what happened.
You liked Miles (more than you'd care to admit), yes, but you should've known.
Of course you would get into a relationship with a guy who constantly flakes. A guy who, despite his intentions, still leaves you to wonder where the hell he is. A guy whose text messages become sloppy and incoherent halfway through your conversations until they just stop coming altogether.
Unluckiness in love; it was a generational curse.
You sighed deeply, your fingers moving across the keyboard for umpteenth time.
You stopped typing as you heard your bedroom door open with so much force that it slammed against the wall.
Your heart stammered at the sight of him.
Despite the force, he stood at threshold of your bedroom silently, his chest heaving with anxiety. He fucked up once. He wasn't going to do it again and take a step further without your permission.
"I'm sorry," was all he said after a beat of silence. You two stared at each other, your eyes searching within his and vice versa.
When you looked into his eyes, you found fear. Sorrow. Determination. Warmth. Love.
You could only imagine what he saw in yours.
Lack of sleep. Fear. Confusion. Disbelief. Distress.
"I'm sorry." He quickly apologized again for cutting you off and then continued, "Wait, no. Sorry. Hey. Hi. How are you?"
You had told Miles a little about your family's history with relationships. He knew of your parents' divorce and the anxiety that their marriage had planted within you.
You couldn't help but chuckle at his insistence on greeting.
"It's been...yeah,"
It killed Miles to see you like this. It was like something was pressing down on his heart. He was Spiderman and yet he'd made you feel like this. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be the other way around. He was supposed to make you happy. Make you smile.
"Baby, I am so sorry. I didn't listen to you when I should have and instead I was--"
In the time that he'd been speaking, you'd rose from you bed and started walking over to him. He'd watched you the entire time but was caught off guard when you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head in his chest.
"I missed you." you said.
"I missed you, too," Miles returned your hug, wrapping his arms around you. "And I'm sorry."
"And I'm sorry, too," you sighed into his chest. "But can we talk about it later? I just...I'm just a little anxious right now."
Miles started to rub circles on your back. "Yeah, of course." he said, pressing his lips to the top of your head. "Anything you want."
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kairiscorner · 2 years ago
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
ok but imagine, noir's favorite part of you are your eyes. it doesn't matter what color they are, he loves them.
though he's colorblind and struggles discerning which colors from which, he always gets lost and entranced by those stunning orbs of yours. they're a color he can't explain, not because he can't see it, but rather because it's not just the outward color that he sees in you--your eyes make him think of all kinds of colors, colors he feels, if that makes any sense (though it doesn't have to).
he feels a bright pink when he looks into your eyes, you could say he feels that way because he's blushing whenever he catches a glimpse of your irises or your pretty eyelashes, with or without mascara; but it's has a deeper meaning to him, actually.
he sees pink because you embody that color, even if it's your favorite color or not even close, he can't help but be reminded of fresh carnations in the morning sun on flowery fields when your gaze meets his. he can't help but imagine how lovely you'd look having a begonia tucked behind your ear, as your eyes meet his and pull him into a loving hypnosis, and how a flower crown with a few notable dahlias in your hair would make you look like an absolute angel.
he dreams of seeing your eyes in the right color that they are, but no matter what color your dazzling irises are, he'd instantly fall in love and find ways to express his affection for your enthralling orbs that he could just stare into and love until a whole eternity passes.
a/n: he definitely gifts you pink roses (at least he thinks they're pink) on your anniversary.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @k4tsu3 @sabcandoit @connors-cumslurper @maxoloqy
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koolaidmansbabymama · 1 month ago
Me reading old ATSV / ITSV fanfics and watching the edits I saved in my camera roll of my hot wookie poos, knowing that i wont get any new ones until the next movie comes out 💔
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cyberg4n · 2 years ago
✧ 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐀 — a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self.
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paring: earth1610!miles x fem!reader
warnings: none
a/n: not proofread so i’m sorry if there’s any mistakes 🤧
summary: miles confesses his undying love for you.
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you knock on the front door, patiently waiting for a response. you hear miles and rio arguing about something. “basta, miles. lo tengo!” rio shouts, “¡mama por favor!” the door swings open, rio welcomes you in with open arms. “oh hello, it is so nice to see you sweetie!” she quickly pulls you into a hug, patting your back. you awkwardly laugh, looking over her shoulder. miles drags his hands down his head, an exasperated expression painted on his face. you pull away, giving rio a large smile. “it’s so nice to see you too, mrs. morales.” your eyes dart over to miles, pleading for help. he quickly runs over to the two of you, looping his arm around yours. “okaayy, we have to go study now, mama, so…” miles drags you over to his room — instantly shutting the door behind him.
he sighs in relief, watching as you examine his room. you pick up a pink beaten up plushie, giving him a funny look. “what? he’s my comfort plush.” he jokes, scratching his neck. you laugh, placing it back down. you swing off your backpack — grabbing a few papers out. you sit on his bed, laying out all the study materials. he sits down next to you, grabbing a pencil from the bedside table.
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you and miles have been studying in his bedroom for the past hour. you’re working on a math assignment, and he's helping you understand a difficult concept. you’re so focused on your work that you don't notice when miles puts his pencil down and turns to look at you. “could i ask you something?” he says softly. you look up and meet his gaze, noticing how beautiful his eyes are. “yea, what’s up?” you inquire, you're breath shakes once you see how close you are to him. miles deeply inhales and inches his hand closer to yours. “we’re friends right?” he asks. you stare at him, you can’t help but laugh. “of course we are, miles.” he nods in agreement, he looks almost more nervous than you. “well, i’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. i can't stop thinking about you, actually..”
your heart skips a beat as you began to realize what he's implying. you’re not sure how to respond. you always thought he was cute, but you never thought of anything beyond that — but now that he's said it, you realize you might have feelings for him too. “miles, what are you saying?” you ask, feeling a bit overwhelmed. “it’s just whenever i’m with you, i feel safe. i feel like i’m at home.” he says earnestly. your eyes widen, feeling a flush on your cheeks. “you’re my home, y/n. i can be myself around you without having to feel like i have to hide anything.” he studies your face, searching for an answer. “i won't be upset if you don't feel the same way. i just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me.” you blinked, taking a deep breath — looking into his eyes. “i’m not sure miles. i don’t know what to say.” you mumble honestly. his face pales, hanging his head low. “but, i think i feel the same way.” miles’ face breaks into a huge grin as he leans closer to you.
he hesitates for a second before kissing you. miles slides his hand into yours, rubbing his thumb over your skin. it’s a gentle, tentative kiss — the kind that feels like a promise for more. for the rest of the night, you and miles talked more about your feelings for each other rather than your actual studies. after you finish packing your stuff up. you say goodbye to miles, walking over to his door. your hand hovers over the doorknob before you turn around. you stand there, pausing. he looks back at you, awkwardly rubbing his arm. “did you forget something?” he asks. you nod, stepping closer to him before giving him one last peck on the lips. he melts into the kiss, hugging you tightly. he gives you an amused look, smiling wide. “thanks for tonight, miles.” you whisper, kissing his cheek. “i think i’m really going to ace that math test now.” you giggled. he beamed — nodding. “of course you will.”
as you walk home, you realize that everything feels different now. you’re not just friends anymore — you're something more. and even though you're nervous about what the future might hold, you know that you're excited to see where this new relationship takes you.
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please do not copy or repost my writings to any other sites !
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brights-place · 6 months ago
I noticed how you did miles (1610) with a sister but what ab 42?? Also if you do this can you add uncle Aaron hc too???
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42! Miles Morales & Lil Sister! Reader
Pairings: Miles & Lil Sister! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: I'd say the same rules reply from the head-cannons for 1610 miles but also with this one!! if you want to see it I'll put it here 1610! Miles & Lil sis!, 42! miles & lil sis (your here!)
- You and Miles as siblings are Chaotic like REALLY! fucking chaotic I mean one moment you two would be loving siblings next when mama rio turns her back your brawling with your brother who is 3 years older then you - You surprisingly won and you would cheer but Miles would let you because you were his younger sister - In this universe you are trying to learn spanish but Miles who is older KNOWS spanish so would laugh and mock you - Miles would chuck you around the house as you shout You and Miles do rock paper scissors to see who does chores like others - Miles is a Mama's boy and your a Papa's Girl well you WERE a papa's girl... - after what happened with Jeff you and your mother struggled along with miles because in this nasty ass crime ridden town you were all you three had left and Uncle Aaron - Uncle Aaron and Miles grew close though taking a vow to protect not only to Rio but also YOU - Uncle Aaron would give money to Rio to help her out and for you he would sit down ask you how your doing and you'd say fine - too be honest Uncle Aaron and Miles knew that you were an expressive person very animated when talking but after Jeff is death you bawled your eyes out with your Mother - You lost your father and your mother lost her husband HOW FUN!! FAMILY TRAUMAAAAA - When you were learning still he would flex how he was able to speak fluent spanish to piss you off as you shout at him to stop speaking in spells - He stares you down when he see's you steal his clothes because you claim you wear it better then him "Hey big bro can I borrow this?" "No" "WHY!" "BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS WEAR AND STEAL MY SHIT!" "NUH UH!" "YUH HUH! YOU SEE ME WEARING YOUR CLOTHES!" "NUH UH CAUSE YOU CAN'T WEAR GOOD SHIT!" - Mama rio came in with her sandal and chucked it at you too shouting "¡TRANQUILIZARSE! ¡Estoy intentando chismorrear con la tía!" (CALM DOWN! I'm trying to gossip with Auntie!) - You both break into eachothers rooms just to piss the other off - You were once on your laptop talking to friends on call but he broke into your room and entered laying on your bed as you side eyed his ass before he literally SLAMS YOUR LAPTOP SHUT !! and runs out of the room as you chase after him - Another time was when he is drawing or building something for his prowler duties and you enter his room eating something or sipping a drink as he pauses what he's doing staring at you as he turned to look at his work and back to you once more to see you slowly closing the door before swinging it open quickly and running away as miles shouted you to close it properly chasing after you - He can hear that gremlin cackle that he finds so annoying - You want to be an amazing artist like him cause you find him amazing but you never say it to him
- Miles was going to put on his prowler costume and you told him how he looked like an edge lord and good luck on comic-con but thing is - You respect him and want to be like him an amazing artist and get to a amazing school just like him! He pretends he doesn't see you trying your hardest - When he became the prowler he tried to hide it from everyone especially you and your mother :<< - Him and Uncle Aaron work hard for you and mama morales aka RIO - When he goes out on nights as the prowler he always makes sure to check if you're asleep or distracted - Sometimes when he comes back after doing all that he'd check up on you and if your not asleep he'd walk in and force his lovey little sister to sleep even though you have beef with him "I'm going to finish this last game" "no go to bed" "but-" "get your ass in bed" - When stressed he makes you braid his hair as a way bonding time together sometimes you ask to try hairstyles on him and he'd deny but then he's having his little sister show no remorse yanking his hair and braiding it - When Miles and Aaron sometimes leave out of nowhere you ask them to come back with food because well FOOD - You'd notice him and Uncle Aaron speaking to each other sometimes privately as you look at them but Uncle Aaron would close the door - Uncle Aaron would take you and Miles out to eat sometimes when Rio wasn't home and working late shifts - You would chat away eating ice-cream happily as Uncle Aaron would listen to you ramble about your Interests and how fun you've been having with friends even in this shitty city you were a glowing gem - sometimes you are in your room staring at the crime ridden city scared for you and your family and miles would come over and hug you as the amazing older brother you are - BLASTING YOUR FAVOURITE SONGSSS - Sometimes arguing over who gets to have the speaker as you guys drive around the city to get food - Always being high on Alert around you. Miles takes care of you he is your brother he doesn't wanna see his sister or his mother hurt - he wants to keep his family safe as his younger sister he protects you and as prowler with the help of Uncle Aaron he makes sure you and your mother never get hurt.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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