thedevilsblogger · 11 years
how dare you, flower crowns are cool. ~Harriet
They're just as cool as giving your kid a cowboy hat after getting shot. 
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carriehasablog · 11 years
Me: why do women have to shave ugh
Emma: long ago the women of the world lived in harmony with unshaven legs then everything changed when society attacked
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angelmanagementissues · 12 years
✈ >.>
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
SIDEBAR ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
POSTS: okay | good |great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | INFINITY
FOLLOWING: Nope, Sorry | Yeah | I Am Now | forever+ever
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thedevilsblogger · 11 years
It is my job as your wise sister to tell you that you look stupid with a mustache. ~Harriet
It's also my job to tell you that wearing flower crowns are stupid. 
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carriehasablog · 12 years
I was tagged in this thing.
Tagged by: dustychica
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
1) If you could have a crossover episode of 2 TV series, which 2 would it be?
Definitely Wholock. I have all of the wholock headcanons!
2) 3 most hated ships?
Holmescest, Wincest, and Thorki. Notice a trend? I don't "hate" them, actually. I just... don't like them. They're not my cup of tea. 
3) 3 OTPs to end all OTPs?
Johnlock, TenRose, and Caskett<3
4) If you could save just one character from any book/ TV series/ film/ anime/ etc, who would it be?
I'm not going to say who I'd really want to save because spoilers. So, I'll go with my second choice and say BOBBY SINGER
5) If you could kill just one character from any book/ TV series/ film/ anime/ etc, who would it be?
I've never wanted to kill a character before? So... erm.....No one.
6) Sexual orientation? (I don’t care or judge, just curious)
Pansexual. Love all of the people, all of the time.
7) If you could have 3 actors together in a film, who would they be?
Anne Hathaway, Catherine Tate, and Jennifer Lawrence. 
8) TV series/ book/ film/ etc you would most like to have a college AU of?
The Avengers!
9) If you could live in a fictional world for one day, which would it be?
10) What would you do there?
I'd attempt to help Sherlock and John solve crimes. And bake cookies with Mrs. Hudson.
11) Finally, what is your favourite quote?
"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." -John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
And now the ones from itsallstarstuff:
1) If you could do anything with your life (without worrying about money or education) what would it be?
I would move to England. I've wanted to since I was a little one, and I still want to. I will, one day.
2) What country are you from?
3) What is your favorite school subject?
4) Do you have a (non celebrity) crush?
5) Do you have a pet? If so what’s it’s name?
I have a cat named Sylvester. But there are also 2 dogs, one other cat, and a bearded dragon in the house.
6) If you could go to any planet in the solar system, which would it be?
Pluto. Because it will always be a planet in my heart<3
7) What’s the question to life the universe and everything?
The question? But silence will fall when the question is asked …
8) If you were a serial killer, what would be your signature that you left at every crime scene?
I think I'd probably graffiti a quote from a relevant classic work somewhere near the body.
9) If you had to describe your life only using the name of a band, what band would it be?
Big Time Rush
10) If you were a superhero what would your super hero alias be?
I'm going to let someone come up with a superhero name for me because what is creativity 
11) What is your favorite fanfic that you’ve ever read?
Easily Alone on the Water
And now here’s a few more for you!
1) What is the worst sound ever?
Chalk on a chalkboard. /dies/
2) What character do you ship with yourself?
Loki. Mwuahahahahaha
3) What was your first kiss like?
4) How did you come up with your blog url?
I'm a whovian. And a cumberbabe. Thus thewhoviancumberbabe. I was originally thewhoviancumberbitch, but then Benedict was all "noooooooooooooooooooo respect yourselvessssss" so yes
5) Do you have a favorite item of clothing? What is it?
I have 2. One which I wear frequently, and one that I have never worn. The one I wear is this stripey purple and white shirt thats super comfy. The other is a t-shirt that was given to me on my last day as the president of the GSA in Highschool. It has a picture with all of the kids on it, making hand hearts <3
6) Ever been to a convention? If yes, which one? If not, is there one you’d like to go to?
I have not! But I plan on going to Connecticon this coming summer :D 
7) Do you have any religious beliefs (or lack thereof)?
I consider myself agnostic.
8) What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
A receipt! It was the receipt for The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, which allowed me to go to the Tour De Nerdfighting. Best moment of my life so far. 
9) Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No. I have a small tongue.
10) Which fandom is your favorite?
11) If you could become any other species (real or fictional), what would it be and why?
1) What is your least favorite word? (Mine is Moist)
2) What's your favorite animal? 
3) Favorite author?
4) If you could be the God or Goddess of anything, what would it be?
5) What was your first fandom?
6) First OTP?
7) First blog URL?
8) If you could switch places with one fictional character, who would it be and why?
9) Why is there something rather than nothing?
10) If you could meet anyone alive or dead who would it be?
11) What's your biggest 'What if'? Tag me so I can see your answers and stuff.
0 notes
Harriet/Andrew for the domesticity meme
Who cooks normally?
Harriet. Andrew isn’t the best cook in the world, it’s for the greater good that he stays out of the kitchen unless he’s pouring a bowl of cereal.
How often do they fight?
Not often, but when they do, they don’t stay mad at each other very long. Andrew always feels absolutely terrible when they fight, and he goes as far out of his way as he needs to in order to make it up to her.
What do they do when they are away from each other?
I’m not entirely sure what this one is asking, so I’m going to assume that it means if one of them is gone for a lengthy period for whatever reason. They Text each other frequently, and Andrew would be sure to call her each evening, and they would proceed to tell each other the details of their day. (Like on HIMYM)
Nicknames for each other?
Andrew calls her the fru fru things: Darling, sweet heart, honey, etc.
Harriet calls him whatever the mood tells her to call him.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Andrew always pays for dinner.
Who steals the covers at night?
It depends. Normally, Harriet, but Andrew doesn’t mind. But during midterms, finals, and when he’s sick, Andrew steals the covers. Because of reasons.
What would they get each other for gifts?
Andrew likes to get her funny little baking things. (For instance, I saw mustache cake tins at the grocery store today and decided that he will get them for Harriet at one point.) Usually he makes mental notes when Harriet mentions something that she really likes or wants, and then he will casually come home with them one day.
Harriet usually gets him things that include terrible grammar, or can be manipulated that way. Or books.\
Who remembers things?
Andrew remembers very important things, while Harriet remembers the little details.
Who cusses more?
Well, Andrew generally doesn’t cuss. So. Harriet?
What would they do if the other one was hurt?
Andrew wouldn’t leave Harriet’s side. He’d do anything and everything she wanted him to do until she was better.
And I imagine Harriet would magically turn into a doctor if Andrew was ever injured.
Who kissed who first?
Andrew kissed Harriet first. Because he was so overcome with feels that he couldn’t help it.
Who made the first move?
I actually have this headcanon that they both did simultaneously. 
Like, on one of their “dates” (Andrew wouldn’t call them dates because he was stubborn and they were strictly friends before they were actually in a relationship. She was his friend who he just so happened to be head over heels for.) They would both go to grab each others hand at the same time, or something of that volition.
Who started the relationship?
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thedevilsblogger · 11 years
You look like that weird uncle Albert that used to smoke cigars and eat cheese all the time. ~Harriet
I'm not shaving it Harry!
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upinmynest · 12 years
itsshortforharriet replied to your post: Short. Blonde hair. Leaning on the thick side. Wears jumpers. Has a nice sister. Totally has the hits for you.
Aw the anon thinks I’m nice ~Harriet
Well, in my general experience, you have been nice. Hell of a lot nicer than your brother.
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carriehasablog · 12 years
If movies about Periods were a thing:
Me: Carrie- An unexpected Period. A trilogy by Peter Jackson.
Me: Carrie and the Never Ending Period. A trilogy by Stephen Spielberg.
Emma: Carrie and the Prisoner of her Period.
Me: Carrie and the Order of the Tampons.
Emma: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Cramps.
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Would it be too cliche for me to say your smile?
If so, then I will have to say that your curves are to die for.
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itsshortforharriet · 12 years
I like how the itsshortforaharriet tag is like 
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thedevilsblogger · 11 years
Please don't grow a mustache. ~Harriet
Why? I like it. Only thing I don't like about it, is it blocks my view.
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askhipsterbobama-blog · 12 years
itsshortforharriet started following you
harry watson
im going to your wedding 
im not giving you a gift
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