#its very important to me that people see the soft and fluff of these two
nugatorysheep · 27 days
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They're sweet and cute and they love each other, your honor
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reverieblondie · 6 months
Nobel Blood
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Pairing: Rolan x Fem!Tav Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Fluff and Smut with Plot, Penetrate sex, Tail rubbing?, Desk sex, Cream pie.
Summary: High society has never been your thing, and now your having to go to the Raven Ball...Maybe you will see a familiar face trying to conduct himself in a new landscape...
A/N: This might be completely self indulgent...but I liked it...
Word Count: 7,370 (I got carried away...)
“What about this one? What do you think?” 
Rolan appears from behind his changing screen in a new blue jacket with silver embroidery and buttons. The collar and cuffs are lined with silver. His pants are black and a bit tighter to his body than he is accustomed to. The boots he’s wearing are shining and new. Giving himself a once-over in the mirror in his room, he turns around, holding out his arms. 
“Be honest… Thoughts?”
A very bored-looking Cal is lying on Rolan's bed. He turns his head, looks at his brother, and gives him a once-over. 
“Like I told you about the four other outfits… You look fine. Please just pick one!” 
Rolan scoffs, “Cal, this is important. I have to look my best to make a good first impression. There will be a lot of important people there today. This could lead to some great opportunities.” 
Cal looks at Rolan, a bit worried, “Rolan, you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Just go and relax, maybe meet someone, make friends. You know, have fun!” 
Rolan rolls his eyes as he does his hair in his usual tight, twisted bun, “I’m not going to waste the opportunity to have fun!” 
Once he had finished with his hair, he adjusted his collar before turning to have Cal assess him once more. When he turned, he saw the prominent frown on Cal's face. He sighs, “Cal, you know how people look at us. This is a chance to change people's perceptions.” 
“The right people, you don't have to change their perceptions…” 
The room is quiet, and a silent understanding fills the space. The silence is cut by Lia busting through the doors of the master bedroom. Looking at them like they have lost their minds. 
“What are you two doing? Rolan, stop fussing and get going! You get invited to a ball and waste your time primping!” 
Rolan sighs as Lia dusts off his shoulders and places his invite in his jacket pocket. Pausing, she looks at his hair and starts to pull and loosen his usual style, making it softer looking with some strains to frame his face and the tips of his ears poking out a bit more, 
“What the hells Lia! My hair was fine!” 
“No, you always wear it so tight you want it looser, rugged.” 
“I’m going for cool and collect.” 
“Yeah, but ladies like a bit of ruggedness.” 
Rolan swats away her hands and starts to leave, 
“I'm not going there to get a date!”
Lia huffs at his leaving figure, “Hopeless…” 
Cal looks over at Lia, “Any chance he’s going to loosen up and have a good time tonight.”  
Lia takes a moment to ponder the question, “If the right person talks to him.”
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The sudden noise tries to break you from your slumber, but only briefly before you lol back to your dreams…magic hands…a soft warmth…a husky whisper…
The dream is ripped from you as your eyes are popped open; on pure instinct, you reach for your knife under your pillow, but as you look towards the noise, you pause. 
The Falcon blinks and tilts its head at you, curiously fidgeting and hopping closer to you. You pull your hand away from the blade and sigh at the familiar bird, “Hello, Rune. Do you have something for me?” 
Rune turns, revealing a message carrier just like you expected, “Clever bird,” 
Reaching over you, you scratch her neck while you retrieve the message from the red tube. The tube has an emblem very familiar to you: a golden long sword with vines and two golden roses by the sword's hilt. The paper is thick and white, wrapped with a red ribbon. Unwrapping it, you see the fancy script, and it clicks to you what is happening. 
“An invitation for the Raven Ball…and I'm guessing they are hoping for me to attend?” 
Rune kaws in what seems to be agreement; you nod at her. 
“Well, I guess I should head that way… she's bound to be waiting for me.” 
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Walking up to the massive mansion lined with guards and littered with candles. The entryway is opened for the invited to shuffle in and out of the party. Just deep breaths, smile, and be pleasant…have grace, and don’t throw punches to the face; saying the rhyme in your head brings back fond memories, and you have to stifle a laugh breaking from your throat. One of your two companions notices you hiding a smirk; he notices everything, and it never fails to drive you crazy. 
“Nervous Darling?” Astarion smirks, his red eyes observing you as if he could read your mind. 
“Nope, are you?” You challenge. 
Astarion fakes a laugh and smiles, showing his long fangs flashing in the candlelight. “Never” 
Walking through the entrance is like walking through time; these balls have always been the same. The host and the house may change, but the overcrowded rooms are filled with the rich and self-important. Deep breaths… keep taking deep breaths….
Arriving at the main hall of the home with Astarion and Shadowheart in tow, you pause with them as they marvel at the grand space. It truly is a beautiful event. Servers glide around the room with their pristine trays, serving fine wines to everyone; Astarion is quick to grab himself a glass as they walk past. The center of the room is filled with people clapping and turning, floating along to the music. Shadowheart keeps her green eyes scanning the dance floor; she is looking for someone in particular…it is the only reason she decided on attending this ball, along with your pleading. Moving your eyes around the space, the candles light the room brightly and make the gilded arches and decor glimmer in an almost magic shine. Knowing how these people love theatrics, they probably had wizards put on some spells for the grandeur of it all. 
Turning to your friends, you see they are entirely taken in by the atmosphere, though when Astarion meets your eyes, he plays his wonderment off as if this is nothing to him. As they continue to stroll about, you continue to fuss around with your dress, the corset's tightness starting to irritate you, and the flowing skirt and sleeves feeling like they're going to wrap around your legs and trip you. You curse under your breath as you have a small battle with the dress picked out for you. 
“Dress issues?” Astarion teases 
You roll your eyes, and you adjust the bodice up, but you find the action is in vain as your cleavage is still on full display. It's been years, and it makes sense the dress wouldn’t lay the same, but the high golden necklace always sat tight on your neck, forcing you to keep your head up, the exposedness of your chest and shoulders always made your cheeks flush, and the tight bodice lined with gold down to your hips always made your breath short. You did like the ruffled white skirt with the red front panel and the matching red sleeves that go from bust to cascade down your arms; it did look nice. But the part you constantly fidget with for comfort is the emblem at the center of your sweetheart neckline. It's that same one it's always been, a golden longsword with two golden roses…
“Just…adjusting…” you smirk back to hide your irritation. 
“These corsets are murder but do wonders for the figure at least?” Shadowheart chimes in 
Her silvery white hair contrasted beautifully with her lilac silk dress. The fabric looks like it drapes and flows effortlessly off her polling elegantly at the bottom, and as she moves, it reveals a long slit over her right leg. For a dress she picked out today, it looks like it could have been custom-made for her. She had fussed about the dress and her hair, wearing it in a different style than usual, but you assured her she looked terrific and would catch the eye of a certain soon-to-be duke…
Astarion places reassuring hands on yours and her shoulders. “Well, the dresses are definitely an improvement from the drab, caked-up with, grime outfits I had grown accustomed to seeing you in.” 
You both look at each other before looking at him unamused. “Thanks, Astarion…” you say in unison, not completely happy that he pointed out your dirty states on the journey you all met on. 
“Anytime Darlings~” 
Shadowheart’s eyes go back to the dancefloor, and you think for a moment that you see her getting on her tiptoes (despite being in heels) to look over some heads. 
“I think I might stroll around the room…see if I can find any…interesting company.”
You and Astarion look at each other, knowing what she truly means; translation: Shadowheart is going to look for Wyll. They are such an opposite duo, but they are just drawn to one another. Astarion always teases the names Shadow Princess and the Horned Prince when talking about them and their longing for each other. 
Shadowheart turns to see your smirking faces and she rolls her eyes before walking off. Good luck you silently wish for her… 
You watch as she makes her way through the crowd, a part of you wants to go with her to help navigate the space but you know she wants privacy for this and you don’t blame her. While you watch the floor a familiar sensation of red eyes and a fiendish smirk being placed in your direction makes you shudder. Looking up at him you see a very well-dressed Astarion looking like a vision in all black except for the wine-colored small jacket and gold and ruby necklaces hanging from his neck. When you asked about the jewels he just chuckled and left a quick poke on your nose, a way to irritate you and avoid your questions. He continues to stare and smile at the devious thoughts running rampant in his mind. 
Astarion looks away with a slight laugh, “Oh, nothing nothing…just curious if you were going to go look for anyone special tonight. Any fine suitors on the line for you to turn about with?” 
When asked only one person flashes in your mind, but you shake it off not wanting to get your hopes too high. He would probably find something like this a waste of time. 
“No, I’m planning a rather dull evening of just watching the grander, saying hi to familiar faces. No suitors eager for my hand. You?” 
Astarion looks around the room piercing his lips, “I might also be having a rather drab evening…nothing seems to catch my eye, which is too bad I was in the mood to make some trouble.” 
A slight laugh escapes your throat and Astarion looks at you with a raised brow, “Something funny?”
“Well, I just think you have changed a lot since a certain bear tagged along…come to think of it you just came back from the old shadow lands and are planning to go back…” 
Astrion narrows his eyes at you and you grin widely knowing he’s smitten. 
“Very clever…well, I will leave you to it, going to go find some more wine and maybe go rub elbows with some important-looking people…” 
“Play nice Astarion!” 
“No promises! Ta Ta!” 
With both your friends gone you're now alone in the ballroom and now it definitely feels like old times. Memories of your childhood flash through your mind as you watch. In your memory it's a younger you, biting her lip in disdain and fumbling with her dress, head sore with the elaborate braids that were decorated with trinkets and jewels. The biggest thing you remember? The feeling so isolated and unwelcomed by people meant to be your peers. You can recall two gentle hands placed on your shoulders as people just passed you by…
Shaking off the memories you look at the huddles of people near the walls engaged in conversations, “Well, better go say hi to mom and dad…” Gathering up your skirt and taking another deep breath you go on the prowl. 
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It was overwhelming and Rolan had to stand to the side to recollect himself. It turns out that coming to socialize with people from the upper city was a lot more difficult than he initially expected. He was starting to wonder why the hell he came here. Yes, he had been formally invited but the people didn’t seem to know who he was or they were staring at him and whispering amongst themselves. Was this all a joke…was he just a thing to be stared at and mocked for the night's entertainment?
Looking down at his crimson hands and long nails…his tail twists around his leg as he balls his hands into tight fists. He shouldn’t have come here, he didn’t belong. Cal and Lia had been so excited about his invitation and were eager to help him get ready with high hopes of him growing his name to the city's lords and ladies. He had promised to make friends and get them invited to the next ball, but now that seems like a silly fantasy. 
Unraveling his tail and holding his head up, he decides to leave until a familiar figure catches his eye. Astarion? The pale elf has his red eyes on Rolan while keeping a smug smile on his face, instead of waving or greeting him; however, Rolan's thoughts trail to something, someone else. Scanning the room he’s hoping to catch the sight of a particular hero…
“If it isn't the Archmage of Ramaziths Tower, I figured you would see these parties as a waste of time.” 
Rolan's body immediately tenses and he turns around quickly, You smile for having spooked him. You watch as his shining eyes widen as they trail over you, his lips slightly parted and you think you hear his tail fall to the ground. From his reaction alone you're suddenly no longer lamenting having to wear the dress and in fact decide to stand a bit straighter. Once he realizes he’s staring he averts his gaze from your chest and neck, clearing his throat. 
“Tav, what…why?”
“What? Not happy to see me? 
“I- no…I mean I am! Well not happy, I mean I am happy but not super happy, but a surprised happy! Uh…pleasantly surprised….” 
His eyes meet yours and winces at himself, understanding how these parties can whine someone up you decide to ease the tension. Giggling at his rambling you gently punch his shoulder breaking the awkwardness threatening to set in. The force of the punch causes him to stumble and smile. 
“It’s good to see you, but I’m a little shocked. I figured these parties would be far too stuffy for such a great adventuring hero of the gate.” 
You shrug looking out to the party where you see Astrion watching you two, you give him a look of ‘what?’ and he shakes his head with a smirk and walks away. You turn back to Rolan, 
“Actually I’m pretty used to these stuffy parties.” 
Rolan’s brows furrow as he looks down at you confused, you do the same as you look up at him, and then it clicks. 
“Rolan, I’m from Baldur's Gate. I grew up having to go to these parties and having to take etiquette classes. My mother is a countess, from a long line of nobility and my father is a general for a regiment of the city's army.” 
Rolan's eyes widen as you nonchalantly explain your past, “Your… a lady from an important house of Baldur's Gate…and you were out slumming it in the wild? Wielding swords and blowing up goblin camps?” 
Thinking for a second you nod “Yeah, my dad used to take me camping and taught me how to fight. Mom wanted me to be a proper socialite but I didn't exactly fit in… Once I got older they told me I could go travel the swords coast, get the wildness out of me before finding a suitor, ya know?” 
Rolan shakes his head with a smile, “So you left all of this to adventure and ended up getting a tadpole in your head. That inevitably leads you back here…” 
“Hey, I had adventures before that! But I will say that one was my favorite.” 
Rolan smirks and looks down at you, “Because it made you a hero?” 
You look up at him, his gentle gaze and soft loose strands of hair cascading around his horns making your heart flutter, “Because I got to make friends, and meet you.”  
Rolan's face gets slightly darker as he thinks of something to say. With him tongue-tied you take the opportunity to tease him more by sticking your tongue at him. He rolls his eyes and turns away, you swear you see the tips of his ears a light hue of marron now. 
“Why are you here? And are Cal and Lia with you? I miss them and their tormenting of you.” You continued to tease. Though you see Rolan’s face slightly drop. 
“Well…I was the only one to receive an invitation and I didn’t realize I could bring anyone…I wish I would have, with them around I wouldn’t feel so…” Rolan shakes his head as if to shake away his thought, “I came here to meet people to get them interested in the tower's knowledge and to show that I am a worthy archmage. But I haven’t been able to talk to anyone “ 
Your heart sinks as you listen to Rolan, you remember having to go there alone at times…Rolan is always trying so hard for his family, it's quite honorable of him and one of the things that drew you to him. Thinking for a moment you try to think of a plan before it hits suddenly, “Rolan I can get you a formal introduction to someone who is very important and that I know would like to hear about the tower.” 
Rolan’s face lights up, “I would, I would be so grateful.” 
Smiling you wrap your arm around Rolan’s elbow, a part of you thought that he would recoil but he seems to welcome the gesture by straightening his posture and tightening up his arm. Your hand creases his bicep and it takes every part of you not to start teasing him about his surprisingly muscular form. Act like a proper socialite, for Rolan’s sake. 
As you two stroll about the floor you keep your eyes peeled. Though you do see some people staring at you and Rolan as you walk arm in arm, you figure people are just wanting to gawk at the hero and the new archmage. 
“Seems like we are popular sights tonight.” 
Rolan hums, “I think you are the popular sight, I’m probably more of the skeptical…” 
Looking over to meet your eyes Rolan just gently squeezes your hand, “Never mind, uh, so who are we looking for?” 
Pointing out your finger you lead Rolan’s eyes to a group of women fanning themselves as they scan their eyes like hawks around the room. They are all dressed immaculately and as the two of you approach they keep their eyes locked on you both. One of the women quickly whispers to a taller woman, the taller woman turns and Rolan has to hold back his gasp. 
She looks like you…well an older version but still stunning. Rolan feels his throat instantly dry and when he looks over to you with a panicked expression, he admittedly comprehends what's happening and he’s never felt so unprepared in his life. Feeling him tense you keep a soft smile and gently rub small circles on his hand, trying to ensure he’s calm when meeting your mother. 
In front of the intimidating woman (he sees where you get it now) you release yourself from his arm and give a curtsy. Rolan follows your lead and gives a bow. 
“Countess, I would like to formally introduce you to Archmage Rolan, Master of Ramaziths Tower. Rolan, this is the Countess, also known as my mother.” 
You feel your cheeks grow red, you're introducing a man to your mother…you never thought this would be happening, it’s very proper of you. Looking up at her face you see a soft smile, for her that’s practically beaming. So far so good. 
“I heard about the last master's passing…” she says casually. You and Rolan exchanged a glance before she continued “Can’t say I wasn’t fond of the news, he was always a poor representation of the tower. A bit of a cad.” 
Rolan’s jaw practically drops and you are quick to continue the conversation for him while he recollects himself, 
“Well, I will have to tell you Rolan is quite proficient in magic, self-taught and self-disciplined. He plans on studying and cataloging the tomes in the tower to then share the knowledge with the realms.” You praise 
“That's quite the honorable aspiration for a young man. I am sure everyone would be quite pleased to have access to its knowledge. I have been to your tower once before in my youth, the smell of the weave in the air and the majesty of all the books still leaves me with pleasant memories.” 
Meaning: ‘Invite me over to see the tower again because ladies do not invite themselves places’. You're not a bit surprised your mother is taking a fast liking to Rolan, he has a title, is respectable, and usually can hold his own in a conversation but today he seems to keep getting tongue-tied, we’ll chop that up to nerves. With a subtle nudge to his arm, you break him out of his daze where he can give her a proper answer. 
“Well, th-thank you. I think everyone should have access to knowledge if they want it. Also, you and Tav should join me at the tower for tea. I will have to prepare a bit but I would be delighted to have you two there.” 
Two of her ladies-in-waiting mutter something to each other earning them a prompt glare from the Countess. They quickly scurry away. 
“I would be delighted to just name the date. Plus I would love to hear about how you two met, knowing my daughter that story will be filled with twists and turns.” 
Rolan giggles and you look at your mom in shock as she openly teases you. You have never seen her be so casual with a stranger, well for her this is casual. You can’t help but feel a warmth in your chest, you never were one to crave approval from anyone but it does feel nice when your Mother seems to improve the boy you like. 
“I will have you know I handled myself with dignity and grace-“ 
“I watched her punch someone in the face for defending my kind, it was a lasting impression, a good one,” Rolan says with a laugh and causes your mother to let out a giggle -that woman never giggles!
“Well I will have to forgive her for that, sounds like that punch was well deserved.” Your mother looks at you and you see a softness in her eyes “My tough girl.” 
The moment is soft before your mother changes the subject. Ladies must keep the conversation flowing after all.  
“Now Tav, why don’t you introduce Master Rolan to your father? I’m sure he would love to meet him.” 
With a curtsy and a bow, you two make your way to find your father. 
“Never seen you so proper…” Rolan leans down to whisper in your ears, you have to fight the tingling that threatens to show on your skin. Nothing quick like his mockery so close to you. 
You take Rolan's arm so he’s leading you through the room, “Never seen you so tongue-tied…” you mock back.
“She's intimidating… I see where you get it from…” 
“You should see when she doesn’t like someone, that’s intimidating.” 
“Any warnings about your father? Or do you plan to surprise me again?” 
“Oh but you do look so cute lost for words, I didn’t know wizards had that capability.” you coo back now blatantly flirting, very unladylike. The scandal…
Feeling bold Rolan tightens his grip on your arm where you can feel his nails against your skin, it is mind-numbing this sudden game. “And I didn't know how ravishing you look in a dress so tightly wound to you.” 
The sudden boldness of his words makes you pause, and your cheeks redden. Rolan nervously clears his throat unsure if he overstepped… he brings his eyes up for a distraction and lucky for him he finds one. 
“Tav look”, Following his gesture to the dance floor you see a heartwarming sight that distracts your thrumming heart. Wyll spins around the dance floor holding Shadowheart close to his body and he leads her through the dance. They look like a vision together, everyone seems to pause and look at them as they command the space with little effort. 
It's while you're watching them you feel a warm hand wrapping around your own. Looking up to its source you see Rolans gleaming eyes on yours taking you in slowly. You swear it’s a secret spell of his to become out of breath and feel sparks when you look at him. The feeling rushes through your veins like it has since you first met him at the grove and all the moments after. Rolan's lips part gracing you with a quick view of his sharp teeth till suddenly you feel yourself being grabbed and thrown into the air.
“And! There is my wayward daughter! Our righteous hero graced us with her presents! Ha Haaa!” 
The voice is loud and booming as the large arms wrap around you forcing your body into the air before crashing you back down to your heeled feet. Your father, as bostress as ever and completely uncaring for these parties 'etiquettes’ as always. In a lot of ways, the apple did not fall from the tree. 
Taking a moment he scans over you, it's been far too long since you saw him, and from how you ramble and rave at each other it shows. Then his eyes start to scan around you till they are meeting with Rolans, and your father smiles like a Cheshire cat. 
“Ah, and I see the rumors are true. You have a gentleman escort this evening.” 
“Actually I have two others but one is dancing with the Duke's son while the other is bound to be causing trouble.” 
“Trading in for different companies.” His eyes go to Rolan and you see him tease over your father's gaze, “Now to see if this man was worth it.” 
“Well, he is a wizard…” Your eyes go to Rolan and you two are now assessing him
“Meet plenty of spellcasters,”
You continue, “Archmage of Ramiths tower…he got the areca artillery working in the battle saving my and my friends' necks. 
“The Fire Rainer!” Your father yells, making Rolan and nearby people jump.
Before Rolan can properly process what is happening your Father is grabbing his hand in a crushing grip that Rolan returns. 
“My men, We were all in awe of your work getting those dusty turrets to work. And for helping my Tav. Good man.” he continues to shake Rolan's hand for a long moment before letting go and placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“He’s good company to keep, strong grip and with fire in his eyes.” 
You look at Rolan giving him a nod of a good job before your father is turning to both of you. With a wide grin. 
“Now! Rolan, if you walk around with my daughter you must ask her for a dance!” 
Rolan stutters over his words as you look at your father like he’s lost his mind. 
“Dad, You can’t make him dance.”
“Why not? He wishes to be near you; he must dance with you.” 
The words make you flush as you avoid Rolan's eyes, “He’s not the dancing type…” 
This causes Rolan to lift a brow, then you feel Rolan’s warm hands on yours leading you suddenly towards the dance floor. In a swift flourish, Rolan spins you and grasps his hand in yours, placing the other on your hip and smirking at your shocked expression…
“Looks like he is!” your father calls barely audible through the music. 
The transition to the dance is effortless as you two glide across the floor. Watching his glimmering eyes on yours is spurring your heart into a rush. Your body feels like it’s on fire as he effortlessly glides you through turns and claps. Eyes never leaving one another. 
“I didn’t know you knew how to dance?” 
Rolan scoffs, “Of course, I know how to dance, you don’t think I haven’t gone to parties before?”
lifting a brow, you look at him with an unamused expression, “OK, I might have practiced…”
You laugh and let him spin you out, then catching your hand and pulling you back to him. His hands in yours, your back flushed to his chest. The dance is completely intertwining, his scent, his warmth, the purring of his chuckling laugh. You want more, your hope is for this dance to never end so you can stay in his arms.
With a twist and a sway of your hips, you smile at him as the blush rushes to his speckled cheeks, a reminder that you are experienced at these dances and you will not hesitate to spice up the moves if it means rubbing against him. It makes his heart thum as he turns you around again, his tail wrapping slightly around your dress as he steps with you till plunging you down to a dip.
A perfect dance partner, finally.
You two stay locked within each other's snare, a small feeling of leaning forward towards each other causing your mouth to water in anticipation of a kiss. Then breaking you two from the moment is roaring applause that fills the room. He lets you rise, and you two join the applause of the musicians as well.
A normal socialite would worry if people could tell how much you liked him. You don’t care, however, Rolan is magnificent, and you would scream it at the top of your lungs, but you know this is his chance to impress rich bastards and prove himself worthy of his new illustrious Title. Of course, the right people already know this, he doesn’t need to impress them.
As you look to the crowd to make your way to your dad to give him sass (and maybe a pat on the back for making that happen for you) you see Rolan Pointing to the front part of the dance floor, music starting to swell up again and your father and mother swaying to the song. Another set of perfectly matched dance partners. 
Offering his elbow to you again, you curtsy at Rolan's gesture and let him lead you off the floor. A perfect gentleman, If your mother is watching she is beaming with pride (though she will talk to you about that hip swaying later). Off the floor, your dry throat hits you,
“ I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?”
“Oh I can-“
“Rolan I can grab drinks, I’m still a hero of the Gate, not a delicate flower.” You tease him.
“A glass of wine sounds great then,” 
“I will be a quick second, wait here” With that you gather your skirt and shuffle away. Both of you trying to hide your dorky grins for one another. 
Then a stray voice catches Rolan off guard, “Dancing with a noble…but don’t forget you're just hellspawn trash…” 
Roland’s eyes widen, and he turns around quickly, but he is met with nothing but a crowd of people wrapped in their own world. One that some are not willing to invite him to. He watches them so clearly, trying not to stare, others staring, and sharing whispers. Then his eyes meet yours.
Golden eyes that you can always catch in any crowd. They shine his brilliance and never fail to make your heartbeat rush. Anyone would be lucky to have him look their way and right now that’s you, drinks in hand, you pick up your speed to get to him faster, but then his starburst eyes shut in something that resembles pain and then he’s gone…Rushing out of the room away from you.
Pausing you watch him leave, your heart sinking to your stomach. Swallowing down the feeling you place the cups on the nearest waiter's tray and run after him.
The hallways are dark as you follow after him. It only gets darker and darker, till you see him dipping into a side room, shutting the door behind him. It takes a bit of self-control on your part, not to rip the door off its hinges as you open it, but the site makes you slow down.
His tail twisted tightly to his leg, hands in his hair, and talking quickly in infernal. Gently you close the door behind you, and with a click lock giving you two privacy in the dark office. Rolan's shoulders tense at the sound of the lock, he can’t bear to look and see your disappointment. You carefully approach as he braces his hands down on the desk. His body so tight you think he will snap two.
“Rolan, wh-what happened?” 
Turning his head, his golden eyes shine through the darkness. And they see you perfectly. Face contorted in worry as you gently approach. Your face is the one he knows, the one he saw shining in the sunlight of the Grove, the face that saved him from shadows in the cursed land, the one who held his bruised face so gently promising Lorroakan would never hurt him again… the hero of the gate…his hero.
Then his eyes tail down, his Tav, the hero, dressed in the finest fabrics, a lady of Noble Birth, someone too good for someone like him.
In your eyes, you see him for what he truly is, a strong dreamer, someone who you would walk through the Hells for. A man so dedicated to the ones he loves, you want to love and care for him till your last breath.
“I don’t belong here…I am a joke…a monster for everyone to gawk at.” He finally confesses. 
Your eyes grow wide and all you feel is anger, “Did someone say something to you…do something?! Who? I swear I will-“ 
Before you can, march back into the ballroom and demand reconciliation with blood, you feel warmth wrapping around your shoulders and around your ankle. Rolan's warmth envelops you in his arms, holding you tightly to his chest. Clinging to his forearms you lean into him letting yourself calm.
“You're better than any of them…” you whisper
“Is that what you think?” he mutters in response
“Rolan it’s what I know, you're extraordinary.” 
Rolan’s arms tighten around you making you never want to leave his caress, but you still turn to look at him. placing a hand on his face, he’s perfect in your eyes…
“We are different…” he almost pouts
“I like our differences.” 
Rolan’s hands slip down to your waist. 
“Won’t they slander you, and your family's name?” 
“Not the people who matter to me…” your words like a promise
You lean into him rising to your toes to be only a touch away from his lips. You feel his breath fan across yours, and a rush of desire floods your body and mind.
“They will say I tainted you…” his hands caressing your face so gently
“They can go fuck themselves” 
The smile you two share is perfect, right before he presses his lips to yours. His lips caressed yours, setting your body a flame, his nails digging into the sides of your dress, and as you felt their points, you gasped and let him trail his lips sloppily on your jaw to your neck. Your mind melted at every rush of his lips, becoming more breathless as the pleasure of this moment crashed over you then pooling into an aching need in your lower stomach. All the blood and the thoughts rush to your swelling bud, leaving your mind in a haze of lust.
Rolan’s tongue licks down at your clavicle while his hands move to cup your breast. You can’t help but shake as he presses kisses and sucks marks to the tops of them. Rolan’s lips find yours again in hunger this time as his tongue seeks to taste more of you. Eargery you met his passion with your own tasting, his wine-laced tongue burning against yours. Undoing the buttons of his jacket you strip it off him in a rush. Once it’s off and tossed to the floor he breaks the kiss and whimpers against your lips, his chest vibrating under your fingertips in a purr. 
Turning you quickly, your thighs meet the side of the desk as his lips continue to caress your neck, removing your necklace to nip on your most sensitive spots, all you can do is moan and chant a series of ‘yeses’ and sweet mews of his name. He hums as he spoils himself, touching all over your form. 
“More, Rolan…I want to feel more,” your pant 
“Here?” The question is raspy and sends shivers through you to your sex. 
Rolan responds by peppering kisses all over you as he quickly gathers your skirt around your hips. Bending over you feel your face burn as you hear is breath hitch, 
“F-fuck…” he whispers 
You're already bare opting for no underwear, a destination you made on a meer whim but are happy with now. A whimper escapes him as he views you slick and puffy cunt for him, in a deep dialect he mutters something you can not understand that causes your slit to quiver. he no longer has patience his want takes control and you hear his frantic hands undoing his belt. 
The moment is eager and full of hunger, the want between you two building to this moment of passion. Rolan has your skirts gathered in a fist as he pushes his burning erection through you making your head spin. The moment is raw and hungry as he hisses from your walls so tight and soft around him, fuck, nobody told him how…soft humans were…
The feeling of the stretch is eye-watering as a lewd moan erupts from your throat, then the feeling of every ridge sliding and reshaping your velvet insides. The curve of his cock brings his sharp tip to find your sensitive spot, nudging and coating it in his burning precum, your toes curl in your heels as your vision blurs, tightening your grip on the oak desk. It's hot, intense, and the best pleasure you have ever felt. 
Rolan whimpers and moans as he pushes into your heat further. His face comes down to bury himself into your neck grunting in what sounds more like a whine. Sweat is sheening both of you now in this heated moment your only reprieve of coolness is his panting breath on your neck. Then his hand comes down to yours bracing you and he intervenes his fingers with yours before he gives a final thrust, his blazing tip now nudging on the deepest parts of you. Your slit is taut and your insides flutter against him as you get accustomed to his rigged girth. 
“Gods, you feel amazing. Practically sucking me in…” his rich voice rasps into your ear making you shudder. 
Taking a second to breathe in the scent of your sweaty neck and your cascading hair; further getting drunk off you. He rolls his hips back, and the drag of his ridges on your gummy walls is an unimaginable pleasure making you arch in a scream to your god. 
Pulling to the tip it’s only a second of emptiness before his hips are snapping back into you forcing all the air from your lungs. Continuing to thrust into you back and forth at a constant pace, you mew and grip his hand so tightly. Your arousal drips down his cock and your thighs as it's fucked out of you, desperate to coat his cock. 
“Their mighty hero…sweating and dripping for me. You're my girl…you have always been…”  
You can’t even think coherent thoughts only able to respond by arching your back further. The room is drowned in your cock drunk moans and his deep growling as your pussy continues to get ravished by him. Hot waves start to build up in your stomach leaving tingles in their wake as you approach your ecstasy. Rolan feels your trembling against his cock making him angle it in deeper. He’s right in his sentiment…you are his…as he is yours…the bond you share led to this moment of passion—the ultimate satisfaction of the want you have for each other. 
It's bliss and you rock your hips to meet his thrust, a chuckle escapes him before you feel the rough dragging being rewarded to your clit. It's warm and soft with lines of ridges dragging against you. It only dawns on you as you feel its spaded tip you realize he’s grinding his tail against your sticky sex. Both sensations make spots blur your vision as drool begins to pool in your agape mouth.  
In a silent scream, your orgasm crashes over you as all your essences coats him dripping down to fall on his boots and pooling to the floor. Rolan guides you through your high not stopping his thrust while your sex desperately grips him. A ring of creamy arousal forms where you both connect. The sight and feel of your overstimulated pussy fluttering is enough to cause his hips to still and his cock to throb shooting blissfully hot cum in thick spurts, filling you to the brim. The growl is guttural and vibrates through him as he comes down from his high.
Rolan presses his forehead to your shoulder blades as he stays within you for a moment longer letting his ridges smooth as his cock softens till finally pulling out. You can feel the mix of both releases leaking down your legs uncomfortably resisting the urge to beg him to finger it back in. 
“Wait one moment,” he says quickly with a soothing rub to your waist as you hear him digging around for his discarded jacket. 
Then very gently you feel a soft cotton cloth whipping you down to clean you. Soft ‘shhs’ and coos leave his lips and he is careful over your spet sex. He takes his time, then once you're cleaned and your dress is back down you face his back as he cleans himself, looking over his shoulder with a smile as he retucks himself. Leaning back against the desk you relish in watching him rebutton himself up so elegantly. 
His golden eyes stay on you as he gently caresses your sweaty face. Before he leaves he will snap his figures with a spell to clean you two of any lewd residue, but for now, he wants to relish your afterglow. You two stay in silent bliss and his eyes roam over your face, your fingers gently playing with the loose strains of his hair. He’s the first to speak up, 
“I want to court you properly.” 
Your eyes grow wide, and so does your smile, your heart racing, and sparks burst into your stomach. 
“If you were planning to court me, we have already messed up. You're not supposed to have sex beforehand.” 
“I don’t care; I’m not of noble blood, so I will do this my way.” there's that confidence.
Rolan pulls you in for a slow kiss that causes your heart to flip and your head to cloud in a pleasant fog. 
“Good,” you whisper 
Rolan backs up slightly and bows, causing you to giggle as he reaches for your hand. Placing your hand in his, you gently squeeze it as he brings it to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly like a suitor would any proper lady.
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osachiyo · 1 year
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.* ࣪.⋆ ❐ OH, DARLING ! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
﹙ ✿ ﹚── includes : dazai, chuuya, kunikida, ranpo, fyodor & nikolai x fem!reader
﹙ ✿ ﹚── content warnings : sfw content (very rare from me ☠), fluff, nikolai being an amazing father, a bit of crack, a teeeny tiny suggestive bit but nothing too bad, and ummm children?
﹙ ✿ ﹚── synopsis : bsd men as daddies 😍
﹙ ✿ ﹚── author's note : lmk if y'all want the baby making part aswell 😼
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DAZAI ୭·࣭࣪̇˖  
Dazai as a dad in one word is definitely 'silly'. He always knew how to make his baby girl's frown into a smile in mere seconds. He knew her like the back of his hand, always knowing how to calm her down when she's crying or throwing a fit. During your pregnancy he'd try to sing his famous suicide song to his soon to be born baby, only to get smacked in the head by you. He'd always keep a hand on your swollen stomach, excited to feel her kick.
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You and Dazai were in your shared bedroom. His lips were on your own soft ones, plump and swollen from him softly nibbling on them. He gently laid you down on the mattress, kissing and nibbling on your ear as he whispered sweet nothings to you. He was about to lift your shirt when suddenly a cry came from the other room. You both jumped and sat up straight on the bed before you rushed out to comfort your crying baby. You picked her up from the crib and shushed her, bouncing your daughter in your arms in hopes for her to calm down. "Its okay, darling. Mommy's right here, see?" You smiled, wiping the tears and snot off her face with a towel. You sighed in relief when she stopped crying, only staring at you with a pout. "What's my princess crying about?" You turn around to see Dazai leaning against the door frame. You walk towards him and hand her over, pouting, "guess she missed her daddy?" He cooed at her, making her giggle and squeal. "Oh, is that right? Aren't you a naughty girl, interrupting mommy and daddy's spicy time like this?" He pinched her nose softly, his tone playful but holding so much love. He truly adored this baby. You huff playfully, crossing your arms. "I'm the one who carried her for nine months but you're her favourite?! This is so unfair." He chuckled, kissing your cheek. "Don't worry, love. You'll always be my favourite." You made a disgusted face, "I'd rather not." "Wha—Why?!"
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CHUUYA ୭·࣭࣪̇˖  
This man is the best dad any kid could ever ask for. He was genuinely so damn nervous when you first told him you were pregnant, almost thinking it was a prank until you told him no, you were actually having a baby. He was excited and scared at the same time, but you reassured him that he would make a wonderful father, and he did.
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Chuuya was taking care of the baby today since you had to go and run some errands. He silently stared at his son absolutely demolishing the Barbie doll Dazai had gifted him, foolishly assuming you guys had a girl. His son, who had just turned two, straight up decapitated the doll and is now trying to rip off it’s arm. Chuuya debated whether he would stop the child before he accidentally hurts himself. He finally decided to just take a video and send it to you with the caption, “this is what we raised.” He placed the phone aside and strode over to his son, gently trying to take the downright brutalized doll away from him but he wouldn’t budge, tightening his grip on the toy, “mine!” Chuuya sighed, wondering just where this kid got his stubbornness from.
You arrived back home just one hour later, "I'm home!" You first placing the groceries in their designated spots before heading to the livingroom to see your husband and son. The living room was...a complete mess. Barbie limbs were scattered on the tiled floor, some even had teeth marks on them, indicating that the little boy was chewing on them. You sighed and your eyes landed on the sofa, where the two most important people of your life were sleeping peacefully. Your eyes softened. You walked over to the couch and gently kissed your son's cheek before doing the same to Chuuya. You noticed there was a Barbie head somehow stuck to his ginger hair. You laughed quietly, he definitely took after him.
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KUNIKIDA ୭·࣭࣪̇˖  
When you told him you were pregnant, he was absolutely over the moon. He was very protective during your pregnancy, not letting you go to work or do any household chores. He wanted to be the ideal husband and father for you and the bundle of joy you were giving birth to. He was with you every step of the way, reassuring you that everything would be fine and you were both in this together. He knew you'd be an amazing mother.
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Kunikida woke up from the sound of a chair scraping against the floor. He squinted and reached for his phone, '2:16 am'. He sat up straight, blinking the sleep away as he got out of the comfort of the shared bed. He glanced at you, leaning in to kiss your forehead before walking out of the bedroom. He quietly headed towards the kitchen only to see his 3 year old daughter standing atop a chair infront of the fridge, tub of the cookie dough flavoured ice cream in her stubby hands. She tries to scoop it out with an ice cream scooper but alas, the ice cream is too hard. His heart clenched at the adorable sight of her pouting, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she tries her best to scoop the cold treat out. He snaps out of it and clears his throat, hands on his hips while he interrogated her, "and what're you doing up so late?" She whipped her head towards her father's direction, startled by his stern voice. She quickly tries to hide the ice cream tub behind her, the scooper falling out of her grasp in the process. "n-nothing!" He sighed and picked the metal tool up from the floor, walking over to the sink to clean it before getting a bowl and returning back to his little girl. "Give that here," he takes the tub of ice cream, scooping a healthy amount in the bowl before giving it to her. "Don't tell mommy, okay?" She nodded, too busy savouring the sweet taste of the ice cream. He pinches her cheek playfully, "you're such a messy eater..and do not think you'll be getting away with this everytime, young lady." He scolds, flicking her forehead, making her whine. If only they both knew you've been watching the entire time, heart doing backflips at the cuteness of it.
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RANPO ୭·࣭࣪̇˖  
Ranpo was...an interesting father to say the least. He wasn't terrible but he definitely wasn't the best. You didn't expect anything more, considering he's a full grown adult with a toddler's mentality. While your pregnancy, he helped you with most stuff but he would not tolerate your mood swings. He once called you bratty while you were in your trimester and you smacked the shit out of him, which was deserved according to Yosano while he whined about it to her. He bought you your flowers and chocolates as an apology later. This man almost cried when he held the baby in his arms for the first time but he'd rather die than admit that.
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Ranpo stared at you breastfeeding your baby boy in utter focus. His eyes were narrowed to slits as he observed his son stealing your tits from their rightful owner. You deadpanned at him, "honey, is something the matter?" He pouted, "I want milk too~" You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, mentally patting yourself on the back for dealing with his shenanigans every day. "You're not a baby, Ranpo.." "but you said I'm your baby! You call me baby every day, no?" Your son side eyed his dad for a second before going back to drinking peacefully. "Did you see that?! Did you see how he looked at me?!" Ranpo accusedly pointed a finger at the small child and you shook your head. "He's just a baby, darling. I don't think he can give you a nasty look at this age..." Your husband only crosses his arms angrily before crawling towards you on the bed, reaching for one of your boobs when his son side eyed him again, judging hard. Ranpo ignored the look and leaned in to take you in his mouth when your son started crying, waving his arms around in clear distress. You tried to calm him down, bouncing him in your lap and kissing his chubby face., "aww baby don't cry~ daddy is a weirdo? I know, baby, I know." Ranpo gasped, grumbling something about 'sharing is caring'. "so sharing is caring until it comes to you sharing your snacks?" You commented, giggling mischeviously with your son, who was now beaming as he watched his dad sulk away.
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FYODOR ୭·࣭࣪̇˖  
Fyodor was an amazing husband to you as long as you obeyed him like a good wife should that sounds borderline sexist but ok. He was also very caring and protective during your pregnancy, always looking out for you, making sure you're well fed, not letting you do chores by yourself, you get the idea. Fortunately, the whole process went very smoothly, he was there almost every step of the way. When he held the small child in his arms, he felt a joy he didn't know he could. The small bundle of sunshine got fyodor's raven hair, your eyes and his face structure. He just loved that kid so much and you could tell by the way he spoke to her so gently, cradling her in his arms as he promised her that would take good care of you both.
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Fyodor was currently busy with giving his precious daughter a bath, the three year old jumping in excitement as she loves her bathtime. Usually you'd be the one helping her bathe, but you couldn't do that today because of a fever. So your dear husband took over the household duties for today. You tried to reassure him that he didn't have to, but he wouldn't budge, forcing you to lay down and rest while he took care of everything.
Now here he was, trying to choose which bathbomb he should pick for his three year old daughter. He settles on a sparkly purple one with pink swirls, "How's this one, love?" The toddler's eyes widen, curiously gazing at it with her big, doe eyes. He smiled and plopped the bathbomb in the tub, watching his daughter squeal as it fizzes up. "Oh! 's pwetty, daddy!" She giggled, splashing some water at him. He chuckled, head resting on his palm, thinking about how adorable she was.
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NIKOLAI ୭·࣭࣪̇˖  
Bro went to get the milk faster than lighting itself.
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, likes and reblogs are very appreciated♡
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vagabond-umlaut · 5 days
summer collapsed into fall
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summary: gojo satoru has no favourite colour. he feels no need nor interest to have one, either. pairing: gojo satoru x reader [unspecified gender] tags: slight undertones of teacher-student relationship BUT there is NO ACTUAL romance between them; can this be called pining? idk; character study like fic of our sweetest satoru *cries* he deserves sm better; fluff but with a mild serving of angst; wc 0.8k notes: fic title inspired by a quote by oscar wilde; fic inspired by this lovely post i saw on pinterest; jjk isn't mine; loosely related to 'you make my heart flutter and fibrillate'; tumblr hates me using dividers hence the new fic format ^_^
satoru doesn't really have a favourite colour.
it's never quite crossed his mind. and even if it has, he has never seen it to be important enough to allow it be anything more than a passing thought, a meaningless thought---it is not like his life will be impeded should he not have a favourite colour, nor is anyone ever going to ask him what it is, so why bother?
but now, as you peer up at him expectantly, having already listed your top five favourite colours and why you love them so, satoru wishes he did bother back then.
he decides to feign confusion.
"what what?" you shoot back, eager gaze not wavering one bit, "i just told you my favourite colours; aren't you gonna tell me yours? it's fine even if you have just one, sensei."
but is it fine if he has none?
throwing his watch a quick glance, he turns back to you. then exhales a quiet sigh, tired but the farthest from annoyed, when he sees you're still waiting for his reply... shutting the bus window beside, he turns to lean against it, shifting to face you properly.
and sighs, decidedly noisier this time, "this isn't the type of questions one asks their teacher, y'know? they are too casual, meant more for a friend than for a teacher."
"you got to be the last guy to lecture me about etiquette, sensei," you retort without missing a beat, huffing a quiet, amused laugh.
"and after the time i had to bring you to ieiri-san after you passed out from drinking a bit too much: i guess we're a bit more than a teacher and a student, aren't we, sensei?"
not really... no.
while satoru believes your first point to be a debatable topic, he does not think the two of you are anything but a teacher and a student, no matter how much help you extended to him or will in the future---it's not like he isn't grateful, though. he is; he really, really is---it's just his belief that few acts of kindness do not necessarily cause a friendship between people, and he intends to tell you this very clearly---
but finds he cannot. he simply cannot.
not when you say, still so eager but with an undercurrent so achingly soft that even the strongest wonders if he can handle its weight: "i'm not that bad a friend, y'know---you can ask others if you want; they'll tell you i'm a good friend, not the best but a decent one---"
"why don't you guess what's my favourite colour?"
rude, yes, horribly so. satoru knows, he knows this very, very well. but what can a man do but divert when he's being unsettled by words like the ones you addressed to him, by the tenor you employed for him---
although now that he observes you consider his suggestion, the man wonders if diversion was the right tactic or not.
he could have just lied and told you any random color. he could have chosen to be honest and told you he has no favourite colour like you and probably the rest of the world have.
but no, he doesn't.
satoru does not opt either of the above two painfully simple, painfully easy options. choosing instead to ask you to guess what his favourite colour is... satoru never really anticipates he'll end up being this much more unsettled, thanks to his decision of diversion:
if there was a subtext of a haunting softness in your manners before, the sorcerer reckons it is the text now, typed out in bold letters then underlined and highlighted in neon---you too shift to face him, even moving the bag kept in between to your lap and shifting a bit closer, but still a respectable distance away---only to punctuate your effort with a keen stare, much too gentle, at him.
it's scary, he thinks. yeah, undoubtedly scary. but somewhere in the back of his mind, something says it's also comforting.
many eyes look at satoru throughout the day. they gape, they gawk, they study the man and every small aspect of his person with many different kinds of reasons behind them. but before today, there has never been anyone who has regarded him with this much care, that too for a nonsensical cause like yours...
he wonders, just what are you seeing in him?
just who are you seeing in him?
"it's orange, isn't it?" you exclaim abruptly, leaning a touch forwards with a snap of your pointer and thumb. voice too loud. smile too big. eyes too bright, way too bright---
satoru takes not even one whole second to decide:
he now has one favourite colour.
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willows-escape · 4 months
Phantom HCs - Cherik with a Chubby!Reader
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Pairing: 1990!Erik x GN!Reader
Warnings: fatphobia and nsfw content (has its own section)
Word Count: 2,370
Notes: This was a request that somebody sent me that I was really eager to write, as somebody who is plus sized/chubby myself. I might do it with the rest of the Phantoms I write for, but I don't know if that's something people would want to read?
Also, the series I spoke about in an earlier post - it’s still being worked on, but it shouldn’t hopefully be much longer. I’m looking to write around 11-ish parts, probably more, and I want to have three solid chapters written before I post the first one. Just so I can have the chapters to post while writing the next few. Having both female and male versions to write is also slowing it down, but I hope the wait will be worth it !
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⟢ Erik does NOT care if you're chubby, skinny, average size or whatever. Your size isn't even a thing to him.
⟢ This Erik isn't as focused on stereotypical beauty as the others - he originally takes notice of Christine due to her voice, and the fact she looks like his mother is only an extra added bonus lol.
⟢ So I feel like your appearance is just not an important factor to him. It would be other things about you that would attract him first. Anyone could be stereotypically attractive, but not everyone could be you.
⟢ But don't be mistaken, he definitely thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world.
⟢ If you worked at the Opera Populaire, and he saw the way other workers teased you or gossiped behind your back, he'd be scratching his head in confusion.
⟢ He may be hopelessly infatuated, but he couldn't see anything about you that was laughable.
⟢ I'm not trying to imply this Phantom is ignorant or unaware of societal norms - unlike the others, he has a strong relationship with somebody who links him to the outside world. He hides due to his own flaws, after all.
⟢ He knows being slender and thin is the current ideal, but he also knows that ten years ago having a bigger body with soft curves was also largely desirable. So he didn't like to pay much attention to societies trends. They changed like the wind.
⟢ Which is why he'd sometimes forget that not everybody looked at you as if you were an angel that was sent from heaven to grace the earth.
⟢ If people's teasing and rude comments ever affected you so deeply that you brought it up to him, that would be the only time he ever acknowledged your body type. And his acknowledgement would only be vehement reassurance and exclamations of his affection towards you.
⟢ "But my cheeks are so fat, it makes my face look like a ball!"
⟢ "A very beautiful and loveable ball!"
⟢ He wasn't great at the whole reassurance thing.
⟢ After a while of courting you and as he began to realise how cruel some people could be to the most gorgeous person he knew - he began to feel a sense of solidarity with you.
⟢ He believed he was beyond hope and that he could never be accepted into the real world, and he wouldn't ever insult you by trying to say you were as repulsive as him. You were anything but that. Yet he felt as if you two were on some kind of wavelength.
⟢ You were both looked down upon for things as flimsy as physical appearances, and he felt a little closer to you due to that.
⟢ And he had a few existential crisis' where he laid awake at night thinking about how maybe society is the problem, not him, because how can they even ridicule you when you were perfection!
⟢ Then he'd take off his mask and look in the mirror and be like nope, he's definitely the problem.
⟢ Anyways. Less sadness and insecurity, and more fluff!
⟢ He loved how comfortable and soft you were. Erik had never held another person in his arms before you, never laid with his head on somebodies lap while they read him a book and mindlessly ran their fingers through his hair.
⟢ And he loved it.
⟢ His favourite time of day was when it came time to go to sleep, and he could lay with his head on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist and drift off into sweet sleep.
⟢ It took him a while to become so comfortable with this, though. It was weird enough that you two didn't have a chaperone during your meetings, never mind sharing affection. But if you asked him enough and tried to sneak in lingering touches and small caresses, he'd fold.
⟢ "Want to hold my hand yet?"
⟢ "Same answer as half hour ago, no."
⟢ "Am I truly so horrid that you do not wish to even hold my hand?"
⟢ "That is not what I said."
⟢ He didn't understand that couples followed these courtship rules in public, but were definitely smooching and snuggling in private. Even if you tried to explain that to him.
⟢ But eventually he caved.
⟢ He was touch starved beyond belief, so it didn't take him long to give in. Maybe a month or so. But it was also an awkward experience for him at first, so expect to give him a lot of guidance.
⟢ "This just doesn't feel right, why on earth would somebody lay like this when they are far more efficient and comfortable positions for somebody to lay?"
⟢ "That's because your arm's meant to be behind my neck, Erik, not over it."
⟢ "Ah. Yes, that feels better."
⟢ But once he got the hang of it, he was obsessed. Every part of you just fit so perfectly in his arms, you slotted together like puzzle pieces. It was glorious.
⟢ If you ever lived together, whether that be you go down below to stay with him or he manages to somehow bring himself to live with you amongst the real world (which would take many years and a ton of hard work), your evening conversations may look a bit like this:
⟢ "Excuse me, but when are you retiring to bed? Your scarf can wait until the morning." He was subtly glaring down at the knitting needles cradled in your hands as he spoke.
⟢ "Not long, just give me a few more minutes. I just want to complete this row of stitches."
⟢ "Alright, but when you come to bed, can you wear some of your summer nightwear?"
⟢ "But why? We're in the middle of winter, I'll freeze."
⟢ "I'll keep you warm." *leaves*
⟢ He definitely didn't just prefer the thinner fabric of your summer nightwear, which meant he could feel your body press against his and also allowed him to feel every curve of your figure with no barrier.
⟢ If you ever got married, expect him to just ask you to sleep naked. Not even for sexual reasons, he just loves the feeling of you.
⟢ You'd have a hard time refusing him in the colder months.
⟢ Also, imagine him singing you to sleep? His back resting against the headboard while you snuggled up against him, his hands delicately trailing over your skin and leaving goosebumps in their path as he sung to you.
⟢ That's an idea to elaborate on for another day.
⟢ Returning to the previous topic of his love of physical affection, kissing you would be magical.
⟢ And he'd be terrible at it.
⟢ The first time you kissed, you'd be the person to lean in first. And he'd look at you as if you'd grown two heads, but he wouldn't deny you. He'd go through many mood swings in the two seconds it took for your lips to touch.
⟢ "Erik," you'd eventually have to pull away, "Pucker your lips, and close your mouth a bit."
⟢ "My apologies."
⟢ That also has nothing to do with the head canon topic, I just wanted to include that.
⟢ Erik would love to draw you. Before he ever approached you, he'd spend his time making sketch after sketch of you, trying to immortalise every vision of you he had in his mind.
⟢ He'd get frustrated that he couldn't properly capture your true charm, but after a while of drawing for hours a day for a long period of time, he'd soon become an incredible artist. He wouldn't use this particular skill for much, unless you asked him to.
⟢ He also couldn't really draw anything that wasn't a person, considering his practice was very limited to one subject.
⟢ He'd have to send Gerard on trips to the store often to keep up with his new hobby.
⟢ "Erik, why do you suddenly need all this paper? The store clerk said he's had to order an earlier shipment of the stuff, because I'm buying up all his supply!"
⟢ "You wouldn't understand."
⟢ He'd also design and create the prettiest clothes for you, ones that would flaunt and uhm, extenuate, your best assets. So much material and thread would be stolen from the company in his pursuits.
⟢ He'd start doing this before you two even properly met, and when you began courting, you'd be taken aback by his display of clothing that he kept scattered around the catacombs.
⟢ Those dresses were probably not intended for him.
⟢ You'd grow especially suspicious when he began offering you these items of clothing, and how they all seemed to perfectly fit you like a glove.
⟢ "Erik, why are all these clothes my size? It's as if you took a measuring tape and made these clothes specifically to fit me."
⟢ "Just things the costume department had laying around."
⟢ "The costume department definitely does not keep clothing in my size."
⟢ "Well, they did when I got them."
⟢ Moving on lol
⟢ There are many reasons somebody may gain weight, but assuming you don't have a condition that causes it and simply appreciated food, Erik would be floored at all your weird and wonderful ways of preparing and eating your meals.
⟢ "What is in this bottle? It looks grainy, you aren't planning on putting this on your food, are you?"
⟢ "It's seasoning! Come on, try it! It makes the food taste a thousand times better!"
⟢ "Seasoning? Isn't that expensive?"
⟢ "Hey, you give me the money for the food, you don't tell me what category of food it needs to be spent on. I'm sure your salary is more than enough to cover the cost."
⟢ He'd grumble about how he was saving it for more important things, like wedding attire and a new instrument that he wanted to learn, but he wouldn't actually mind. His salary was definitely generous.
⟢ One time, he caught you sitting in the sun in the woods, and he was about to approach you when he saw the most baffling thing. You had a cloth splayed on the grass, covered in a weird brown substance that you were dipping strawberries in!
⟢ "What the hell is that?"
⟢ "Melted chocolate! *nom nom nom, gulp!* It's delicious with strawberries, would you like to try?"
⟢ "I'm quite alright, thanks."
⟢ Okay, your food choices were pretty normal, but for sheltered Erik who only ate things in their original state with no added flavour enhancers, he was shocked.
⟢ He might eventually expand his food palate, but it would take plenty of convincing on your behalf. He was perfectly happy with his unbuttered bread, thank you.
⟢ He was exceedingly stubborn.
⟢ But he's a fool for you, really <3
⟢ You'd either have to be the most seductive person to walk the earth before Erik agrees to do anything sexual with you, or you'd have to be married.
⟢ Considering his intense attraction to you, it wouldn't be hard for him to consider you the first option.
⟢ For the purpose of this head canon, let's assume either one is true and he says yes.
⟢ The moment the first article of clothing comes off of you, he's starstruck. He can't believe he didn't say yes sooner.
⟢ He's torn between being regretful that he waited that long and feeling euphoric that he's really about to worship your body to his hearts content.
⟢ He's incredibly touchy feely. Consider every part of your body groped and kissed at least five times.
⟢ Favourite position is definitely you riding him. He'd have a few hang ups on it at first, as missionary back then was the only sex position that the church approved of, and he felt guilty about making you do so much work.
⟢ But he'd learnt his lesson about denying you by then.
⟢ You always had the greatest ideas, if those strawberries dipped in chocolate were anything to go by.
⟢ His eyes were greedy, watching the way you'd lower and lift yourself up and down his aching length. The way your skin stretched over your muscles as you chased your climax, eyebrows furrowed and shoulders hunched as you rested the palms of your hands on his chest.
⟢ He didn't know whether he wanted to keep his eyes locked onto you, or where your bodies were connected down below.
⟢ Just the thought made him so worked up and flustered he'd break a sweat.
⟢ His hands fit so perfectly in the dips of your waist, encouraging your movements as you rutted your hips against his. You looked like a painting, your plush thighs pressed tightly into his sides as you worked yourself into bliss.
⟢ He'd run his hands over every part of you, being extra cautious of being gentle. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you.
⟢ He definitely finished early the first like. 20 times you did that position. He felt terrible, but you considered it an amazing confidence boost. All apologies would die on his tongue the minute you'd lay down and ask him to finish the job by other means instead.
⟢ And speaking of thighs - his head being crushed by your thighs as he went down on you? God yes. He was used to the feeling of something constantly covering his face, and your legs were a welcome addition.
⟢ He's definitely messy and obviously inexperienced, so his rhythm would be uncomfortable and all over the place to begin with. But he'd figure out what drives you crazy in no time.
⟢ He's very, very eager to please. He'd worship every inch of you at every opportunity he could.
⟢ And have you seen this man's hands? Yum.
⟢ If you ever surprised him by wearing something skimpy or risqué? I hope you didn't have any plans for the next few hours. He's definitely taking his time with his gift.
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deakyjoe · 2 years
Stormy Skies
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (no pronouns used I think)
Category: friends to lovers
Summary: Din breaks you out of an Imperial prison (loosely based on chapter 15).
Warnings: angst, fluff, touched-starved Din, helmet is off, prison, nasty guards, restraints, bad men, talks of death, separation, loose implication of what bad men can do, pet names (cyar’ika), canon-divergence (I guess??), when I say loosely based I mean very loosely based
Word count: 5.5k
A/N: Sad, brown-eyed, pathetic love of my life. (He's not pathetic but I’ll make him pathetic.) Din is slightly out of character but only because he's head over heels in love and feeling all soft and squishy inside about it. He's also a little insecure. Poor guy. It's purposefully ambiguous about how long reader has been imprisoned, so guess however long you'd like.
Consider buying me a coffee :)
It took three weeks, four days, sixteen hours and twenty two minutes before you realised that the inside of this Imperial prison would be the only thing you saw for the foreseeable future. The three walls and one row of bars now being your home. After that you resigned yourself to the idea that you'd be there forever so you stopped counting the days, the weeks, the... months? You didn't know how long you'd been there and you didn't want to know how long either.
All you knew is that you wanted to leave. Not because you were scared of death or scared of never seeing the outside world again. But because you missed two very important people in your life. The big, scary Mandalorian who had hired you just under a year ago as his mechanic and his strange green son who had weird superpowers who you sometimes babysat. The both of them meant the world to you and the idea of never seeing them again hurt you. You feared for the child's life as he had also been taken at the same time as you but had been imprisoned elsewhere, probably to be experimented on. And you feared for the state of your Mandalorian who would be lost without his kid.
The announcement made your stomach lurch as it knocked you out of your thoughts. A small plate, with a pile of something in the middle, was pushed into your cell - probably the most unappealing thing in the galaxy but your only source of nutrition. Your mind strayed to nicer things as you desperately tried to ignore the revolting taste.
You thought of days spent in the Razor Crest, your Mandalorian's ship, as the three of you travelled from planet to planet in order for bounties to be collected. The memories of attempting to teach the child to speak some words in Basic but only getting baby babbling in response, it didn't matter as his eyes always shone as if he knew what you were saying to him.
You ached for your clan of three to be reunited, but realistically you knew that was unlikely. If anything, you just wanted Grogu to be safe. Back with Din and safe. And there was no place safer for him than under the care of Din Djarin.
A guard walking into your cell had you scrambling back against the wall as he took your plate from you and laughed, slightly muffled by his helmet. He kicked at the chain bound around your feet and walked out again, locking the bars behind him.
He was your least favourite of everyone who served in your section of the prison. He didn't seem to like you very much, and wasn't afraid to show it. You feared that one day he'd use the power he had over you to do something awful. So, for now, you tried to play as nice as possible with him.
The sound of low chattering caught your attention, the unmistakable noise of Stormtrooper armour bashing against itself making its way down the corridor. Plastic against plastic made an unbearable racket. You looked up to peek through the bars of your cell and crawled towards the sound, hoping that they weren't coming for you. If you could guess from the sound of them alone, you'd say there were about three or four of them. Definitely more than two and probably less than five.
Your assumption was proven correct when three Troopers turned the corner at the end of the hallway. One was clearly in charge, leading the other two. You thought his name was... you didn't know actually. And you didn't care either. But he was their superior. But the other two... They were low ranking officers, obvious by their uniform and the way they looked around as if they'd never seen the inside of a prison before. Maybe it was their first day on the job? Boy, were they in for a surprise.
The bald one seemed vaguely familiar, although he looked like pretty much any other guy in the galaxy so you didn't dwell on it too much. The other one, however, held no resemblance to anyone you'd ever seen before. He had sad eyes.  That was the first thing you noticed about him. Sad, brown eyes. Along with a strong nose that matched his face. Golden skin. And messy hair along with unkempt facial hair. Very un-Trooperish. You wondered how he managed to get away with it. He was rather beautiful to look at. You pushed the thought away with a reminder of what he was - Empire.
As they got closer, you began to overhear their conversation. They were talking about some battle that had been fought a while ago, lots of soldiers lost. Baldy appeared mildly upset as he disclosed that some of his friends had died. Brown eyes wasn't listening and clearly searching for something. And he seemed to find it when his eyes landed on you.
He paused for the smallest fraction of a second before he carried on walking with the other two. He stared at you but you didn't back down, staring right back through the cell bars. You wouldn't let a Trooper intimidate you, especially not a new one. A sense of achievement hit you when he finally looked away, swallowing thickly and averting his gaze as far away from you as possible. He nudged the bald guy next to him with his elbow and tilted his head in your direction.
What the fuck did these guys want with you? You shivered at the thought, a million horrifying ideas running through your brain. You relaxed slightly when they disappeared around the next corner.
The rest of the day passed slowly, as they all did, and soon enough the lights were going out and all prisoners were warned to stay silent for the next few hours. You shifted to get your body in the most comfortable position possible, pretty difficult when you had chains restraining your limbs, and laid down, resting your head in the crook of your elbow.
You drifted off easily, the low drone of the power running through the walls and the floor lulling you to sleep. With nothing to do all day, zero access to natural light and limited portions of food you were tired all of the time. And the little energy you had was reserved for keeping your defences up when guards entered your cell on rare occasions.
Your dreams were full of Din and Grogu, as usual, and you often wondered during your conscious moments whether your brain was reminding you of happy moments to keep you sane or telling you what you'd had and what you'd lost as a way of punishing you.
What you didn't expect was to be awoken a short time later by your cell door being unlocked, the clanging of the metal shocking you out of your dreams. You sat up instantly, freezing when two looming figures walked in, whispering to each other in hushed tones.
The two Troopers from earlier.
You felt sick.
They were both wearing their helmets now and their heads snapped towards you when your chain scraped across the floor painfully. The broader one, who seemed to be leading the team of two, stalked towards you slowly.
"No, no, no, no!" You kicked at him as he went for your ankles trying, and failing, to fight him off. The breath spilling from your lungs was panicked as you failed to notice the other guy groaning and sticking his arms out to tell you to be quiet.
Your name came through the Trooper helmet in a familiar, reassuring voice. It was Din. Your Mandalorian. You'd never felt such a sense of relief race through your body as you relaxed underneath his touch.
"Mando?" You avoided using his real name around other people, as you'd agreed when he first told you. It was a small price for such a wonderful gift. His name. "You're here. You came for me?"
"Yes." He fumbled with your restraints, managing to get the ones off your ankles and moving to the ones on your wrists.
You looked at the other guy who had slipped his helmet off at some point. The bald guy. "Hang on. I saw you earlier. You walked through here with that guy in charge and-" Your eyes snapped back to Din. "That was you."
He was looking at you through the helmet, you could tell. "Come on, we don't have much time."
"B-but... you... your face." Your voice was weak, mind scrambling back to the memory of him. Brown eyes. Sad eyes. Messy hair. Unkempt facial hair. Strong nose. Golden skin. Beautiful.
He faltered. "I know. I did what had to be done."
"You broke your creed." You were almost crying. "To save me."
Hesitation. "Yes, of course. Come on."
The shackles finally fell from your wrists and you launched yourself at him, embracing him even if you were in a life or death situation.
"Thank you."
He seemed uncertain at the gesture as his arms slowly wrapped around your waist. "You don't have to thank me."
You pulled away quickly, not wanting to push it and make him uncomfortable. "Yes, I do." Looking back at the bald guy as you stood up, you squinted at him. "You're familiar."
"Mayfeld." He had a smirk on his face as he watched the interaction between you and Din, sticking out his hand in greeting but you ignored it. "You're welcome for this, by the way. I'm the main reason we're here right now saving you."
His name reminded you of who he was, a scowl settling over your face. "I appreciate it. But we're not out yet. They have people guarding everywhere. And I mean everywhere."
"It won't be a problem." Din's voice was low as he straightened up.
"How do you know so much about this place, hm?" Mayfeld asked you, stepping slightly closer.
"I may have attempted an escape... once or twice." You shrugged and kicked your restraints away from your feet. "That's why I was chained to the wall."
The two men were silent as they stared at you, Mayfeld looking surprised and Din's gaze burning into you despite being obscured by the helmet.
"I know their rotation schedules, how long of a gap there is between shift changes and which Troopers like me best so will leave the handcuffs a little looser." You looked between the two of them. "What? I had time to plan."
"And what have we got now?" Din questioned, glancing back at the open bars. "Anything scheduled to happen?"
You thought it over for a moment, glancing at the clock just outside of your cell. "Shift change in about six minutes. There will be a thirty-three second gap where the doors are unmanned."
"We can work with that." The Mandalorian replied, producing a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket.
A sick feeling settled in your stomach at the sight of them. "Ah, so I'm fake prisoner. Right?"
"In case we come across anyone." Mayfeld explained, a smug grin on his face. "Need to make it believable that we're moving you to a new cell."
With a nod, you looked back up to Din. "Be gentle, okay?"
"Of course, cyar'ika."
You sighed, storing away the nickname to ask about it later. "Where's Grogu?"
His fists clenched by his sides, the leather of his gloves squeaking. "They still have him."
Bile rose in your throat. "What?"
Why was he here if the child was still missing?
"Maker, why are you here?" You asked him, pushing at his shoulder. "You need to save him!"
"I'm here to save you." He was already bored with you again, you could tell by the lack of emotion in his voice. Maybe he was regretting saving you.
"I could have waited! Grogu's a baby!" You cried, worry settling in your stomach at the thought of your poor, poor Grogu possibly being tortured and experimented on whilst you were swooning over Din rescuing you.
"They had information on the kid's location here as well." The Mandalorian offered.
That made more sense. "Ah, so it wasn't just to save me."
"I would've come for you even if they had nothing on him." He sounded annoyed now, frustrated at your questioning.
"Grogu's priority." You turned to Mayfeld. "Why did you let him come here when the child is still missing?"
His hands raised in surrender. "Hey! Don't turn this on me!"
"Be more grateful." Din stated as he walked towards you and turned you around, pulling your hands behind your back to secure them in place with the cuffs. "I could have left you here forever."
You didn't want to admit out loud that what he had just suggested was your worst fear and something you truly believed until he'd showed up. A part of you thought you'd be there for the rest of your life. But you couldn't tell him that. So you offered a weak joke.
"You know what they say... third time's the charm. I'm sure my next attempt at an escape would have worked." The cuffs clicked into place and you tried not to focus on the feeling of being restrained again. You'd spent too long like this, and here you were about to escape and you were back in the same position. It was almost funny.
Din could sense your unease and placed a gloved hand on the small of your back in reassurance.
"Let's go." Mayfeld chimed and marched out of the cell in front of the two of you.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and followed behind, Din's hands locked around yours to make sure the restraints didn't pull too harshly. Weaving in and out of corridors was dangerous, especially with the guards constantly patrolling. Unfortunately, it didn't take long before you bumped into a couple of them.
"Halt!" They shouted, raising their weapons to the three of you. "What are you doing with prisoner five six one?"
There was probably too long of a pause between the question and the answer that was finally given, setting off the initial seed of suspicion.
Mayfeld stepped in with his sly smile. "We were instructed to move the prisoner to a new cell."
The two guards bowed their heads together, mumbling a quick debate. Your hands twitched with nerves behind your back and you felt the Mandalorian trace a thumb over them in comfort. It somewhat worked.
"We'll need you to come with us to confirm." One of them said, straightening up and re-aiming his blaster right at you.
"I'm sorry, cyar'ika." Din grumbled with a sigh behind you before there was a slight squeeze on the side of your neck and you were out.
When you awoke you were surrounded by the sounds of a humming engine and the whirring of the inside of a ship. You jolted up and almost hit your head on the top of the bunk you'd been placed in.
Wait. A bunk?
You looked around you rapidly to suddenly realise that you weren’t just in any bed. You were in Din’s bed. On the Razor Crest.
You jumped out of it and stumbled once you landed on your feet, leaning on the wall for support.
“Woah, woah! Slow down, take it easy.” A modulated voice appeared behind you as strong arms wrapped around your torso to keep you steady.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” You slurred, still slightly groggy from being unconscious. “How long was I out?”
“A few hours.” Din replied, letting you turn to look at him. He was back in his Beskar armour, looking as shiny as ever. The sight of him made you smile.
“You knocked me out!” You cried but there wasn’t an ounce of real anguish in your voice. In fact, it was rather playful.
He didn’t seem to pick up on that. “It was necessary.”
You waved your hand at him, showing you weren’t really bothered by that. So you approached the subject you were really affected by. “You saved me.”
“Yes.” His voice was a gentle rasp as he spoke the singular word. He was never much of a talker. But you hung on to every word.
“What do you mean why?”
“You removed your helmet to save me.” You frowned at him, like you were annoyed at him for breaking his creed.
Another rasp. “Yes.”
“But what?”
You laughed like it was obvious. "I don't understand why. I'm just me."
"And it's just a creed."
Your head reared back. "Just a creed?"
"Just you?" He answered back, imitating your tone and inflection.
"That's- Din, it's your life. Being a Mandalorian is everything to you.” You cried, hands waving in emphasis. “Why would you risk that? For me?"
His head tilted to the side in his usual expression of emotion. Or lack of. "This is the Way."
"No.” You snapped. “The Way is not showing your face under any circumstances. And you- you showed your face!"
"To save you."
The helmet tilted even further. "What part do you not understand?"
"I'm not worth it." You said, hands wringing together in front of you. And you truly believed what you were saying.
"Why would you do that for me?"
"I'd do anything for you."
Your mouth snapped shut, the protest you had prepared dying in your throat.
"You and the kid. I'd tear apart this galaxy for the both of you. You're... you're part of my clan."
A part of you wished he'd left you in that prison. If he'd done that then your head wouldn't be spinning and you wouldn't be overwhelmed with emotions at what he was throwing at you in that moment. His clan. You were a member of his clan.
His name was soft from your lips and he sighed slowly at the sound.
"The only way to explain is-" He cut himself off and inhaled, taking a step closer to you. Placing his hand under your chin, he tilted your head up to face him and lowered his helmet so your foreheads rested together. The cold of his armour sent shivers down your spine. Although it might have also been caused by the action of what he was doing, what he was saying.
Din had explained this to you before when you'd asked about affection between the people of Mandalore. It was a way for Mandalorians to kiss without having to show their faces. It was... intimate, to say the least.
Your eyes fluttered shut when the reality of what he was telling you dawned. "Din..."
Another soft whisper of his name had him sighing again.
Unfortunately, he took it the wrong way and pulled back. "You don't have to- The kid and you are important to me. That's... that's what you need to know. About why- why I did this."
You shook your head and smiled at him, hooking your hand around the back of his neck and tugging him down towards you again so your foreheads touched. "And I was willing to die in that prison to keep you and the child safe."
"They... they were planning to kill you?"
"I kept refusing to teach them how to get the kid to use his wizard baby powers. And I wouldn't tell them where you were either. Or how to contact you."
"What did they need me for?"
"See you as a threat. Or to use me as bait. I'm not sure which. Maybe both."
"It would've worked. You as bait. If I didn't already know where you were, of course."
"Of course." You grinned at him and hoped he was smiling back. You tended to guess what his facial expressions were, normally hoping that he was returning whatever you gave him but usually settling on the fact that he was probably bored and his face would show it. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, cyar'ika."
Your stomach flipped at the Mando'a. "What does that mean?"
"It's Mando'a."
"I guessed that. I'm asking for a translation." You rolled your eyes, finally pulling back from the Mandalorian kiss to look at him properly again. "I hope it's something nice."
You could tell he was smiling when he said his next words. They were hesitant, but tender. "It means darling or sweetheart. A term of endearment."
"Oh... that's- that is nice." Mentally berating yourself, you bit on your lower lip to hold back an excited giggle. Nice? There were so many words that were better than nice. "I don't have anything like that where I'm from. If I did I'd-"
He cut you off with a hand cupping your cheek. "I know, cyar'ika. I know."
There was a moment of silence as the two of you just looked at each other. It was broken when Din sighed suddenly and dropped his hand from your cheek.
"I never wanted you to see my face that way."
"Din, I-" You cut yourself off to contemplate your words. "I'm sorry that you had to reveal your face. And that I saw. If I'd known... I wouldn't have stared at you."
"No, I didn't mean it like that." He exhaled loudly. "Do you remember? What I look like?"
The memory of his face flashed in your mind. Of course you remembered. Every single detail. And you'd probably secretly treasure it for the rest of your life.
His head dropped for a second, helmet aimed at the floor, before it suddenly shot back up to meet your gaze. "And?"
"And what?" Having no idea what he was asking of you, your brows scrunched together.
He was so close now that you were sure you'd be able to hear his breathing even without the modulator. "Was I- was I a disappointment?"
"What?" Disbelief ran through you. How could this wonderful, gorgeous man ever be a disappointment? With or without the helmet obscuring his face he had always been and would always be perfect to you.
"Well, you must have had some... some image of what I'd look like in your head."
You immediately disagreed with him. "No, never."
"Don't lie. It's okay. You can tell me."
"I'm not lying. And I am telling you."
Your heart did somersaults in your chest. "No, I never conjured up some fantasy of what you'd look like. Because this here-" You gestured at the whole of him, hand waving up and down his body. "-is my Din. This is you to me. Why would I ever warp who you truly are for some made up version?"
"You must've been curious."
You shrugged. "Maybe at the beginning. But who you are on the inside is all that has ever mattered to me."
"So what did you think when you saw my face?"
Your eyes snapped away from his on instinct, embarrassment crawling through you as you recalled your immediate thoughts of him. Thoughts you'd pushed away at the time because you thought he was a Trooper. Thoughts that had resurfaced when you found out that it was really him.
"Oh, no thoughts." Your voice was weak, barely coming out as more than a squeak. It was clear you were lying. "Just that you were a man..."
A flush racked through you at the use of the term of endearment. He knew how to make you weak in the knees, how to make you break, you were sure of it.
"Calling me that isn't fair."
"Don't avoid the question." His head tilted to the side. "Tell me. What did you think?"
Unsure at how he'd turned from insecure, sweet Din to a version of Din that had you swooning, you shook your head at him. "I told you. No thoughts."
"And I can tell you're lying. Look at me." He placed his fingers under your chin to angle you to face him. "Tell me."
You started with a small truth. "Your eyes were sadder than I thought they'd be."
He seemed slightly taken aback by that but didn't hesitate too much in answering. "I was scared I'd lost you."
"But I thought you said you didn't know they were planning on killing me?"
"It was always a possibility." He shrugged. "We were getting towards the end of the cells when I saw you. I was... getting nervous. Thought maybe they'd transferred you somewhere else and I'd never find you. Couldn't live with that idea."
If it were possible, you softened even more under his touch. "But you did find me. And I'm here. Safe. Because of you."
"Hmm." He just hummed in agreement, shifting his hand so it moved to cup your jaw instead. "What else?"
You huffed, hoping you'd got out of the line of questioning about your opinions on his appearance. Whilst having openly admitted a whole spout of feelings for each other, you weren't quite ready to declare how absolutely breathtaking he was.
"Don't make me say it."
"Say what, cyar'ika? Hm? I'm just asking."
You leaned into his touch, the warmth from his palm along with the sound of the Mando'a pet name set off a spark within you. When his gloved thumb swooped over your cheek gently you were sure that your brain short circuited.
"You're beautiful, Din."
The statement was breathless but held certainty in it. The Mandalorian didn't reply, too shocked by your confession. He honestly hadn't been expecting you to be so open. And to say that of all things.
So you kept going. "It was never going to matter to me what you looked like underneath the Beskar. Because who you are as a person is the only important thing. But I have to admit that I thought you were gorgeous when you walked past my cell. And then I immediately felt guilty because I thought you were a Trooper." Your head dipped in shame for a moment. "You are beautiful, Din Djarin. Inside and out."
He still said nothing, hands just lifting to the bottom of his helmet.
When you heard the hiss of the seal, your hands slapped across your eyes. "Ah! What are you doing?"
"Taking off my helmet. What are you doing?" He sounded amused.
"Covering my eyes so I don't see obviously." You scoffed and scrunched your eyes beneath your palms.
"Cyar'ika, you've already seen my face."
"So? I might have remembered details wrong."
"Thought you said I was beautiful?"
You huffed, not liking how he was turning that against you. "I did but revealing your identity is a big no-no, Din! That's what the Way says, right?"
"Right." He was holding back laughter.
"Exactly! Doesn't matter if I've seen you before. Might not remember you completely correctly." You remembered him completely correctly. "So we cannot risk you revealing yourself a whole other time."
The way you were so respectful of his creed, no matter how ridiculous you were being at that moment with your hands pressed tightly over your eyes, had Din tingling inside.
"I don't think it's a risk if you've seen me before and you're a part of my clan, hm?"
You grumbled something underneath your breath. "I can't argue with you on Mandalorian culture because you're the expert. But I feel as if you're finding loopholes here."
"Perhaps. Just look."
The sound of his helmet hissing and the dull clang of it hitting the floor had you hesitating before slowly peeling your hands away from your face.
He was exactly how you remembered.
Every line, every scar, every eyelash, every inch of skin, the deep brown of his eyes, the angle of his nose, the unruly tufts of curls atop his head and the uneven patches of facial hair peppered across his jaw and down his neck. This was your Din Djarin. Stood in front of you, everything exposed and exactly how you remembered him. Exactly how you wanted him. Perfect. The whole of him was perfect.
With a stifled sigh of relief, you reached out your hands to cup his face, hesitating for a moment when you realised he might hate that. "Can I?"
He nodded, his eyes looking sad yet hopeful - an improvement from the last time you saw them.
Your palms settled on his cheeks, thumbs swiping over his cheeks and across his bristly stubble. A smile broke across your face when his eyelids closed and he leaned in your touch.
"Oh, Din..." Tears sprang to your eyes yet you couldn't exactly explain why, the flood of emotions was overwhelming.
"Cyar'ika..." He breathed against the skin of your wrist, turning slightly in your grasp to plant his lips against your palm.
You took a step closer to him, encouraging him to duck down and rest his forehead against yours. A Mandalorian kiss, stripped of the barrier between the two of you. He let out a shaky sigh as you made contact, his hair tickling your brow.
"When was the last time someone touched you? Skin on skin?" You needed to know, he was acting like he'd never felt the warmth of physical contact before.
He hummed lowly in his chest as he thought about it, eyes shut tight in contemplation. "My parents, I think."
Your heart ached for him. It had been decades. You wanted more, to give him more, but worried that it might be too much too fast. But you yearned to touch him, to show him how good it could be.
Broken out of your thoughts by a rustling noise between the two of you, you glanced down without breaking away from him to see that he was removing his leather gloves and throwing them to the floor beside you.
You stared at his hands, scars littering both the palms and the backs. You'd never wanted someone to touch you with their hands more.
Din appeared to have the same thought as he hovered them over your sides, fists clenching open and closed. "Can I?"
"Can you what, hm?" You wanted- no needed him to say it, to be as clear as possible between you.
"Touch you. Can I touch you please?" His eyes were still closed but you could see he was restless behind his lids, almost worried even.
"Of course you can."
You expected him to just place his hands on your hips or waist, which he did technically. What you didn't expect was for him to slide his hands underneath the hem of your shirt and place them directly onto your skin, squeezing slightly when he made contact.
You hummed contently in acknowledgement to tell him that it was okay and stepped closer to him, your chest pressing up against the Beskar now.
“Can I kiss you?” The question was sudden, hushed, almost unsure.
You didn’t hesitate in tilting your head upwards and reassuring him of how much you wanted exactly that. “I’m so glad you asked.”
Then his lips were on yours, a relieved sigh exiting him and a content one leaving you.
You moved together in time, like you knew how the other worked and what they wanted. And maybe you did. Maybe you knew each so well, or knew that the other wanted the same thing you did. Din’s thumbs stroked gently at the skin of your waist and yours swiped over his cheeks, brushing away a stray tear that had fallen from his eyes. His sad, brown eyes. You hoped they’d be less sad in the future.
He broke away for a moment to mumble against your lips. "I was so scared I'd lost you."
You shook your head and kissed him again. "I thought I'd never see you again."
“I wouldn’t have left you there.” He promised, hands gripping you impossibly tighter. “There isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t have done to get you back.”
You just nodded at him, believing every word he was saying, and pulled him closer to kiss you again. The way his lips melded against yours and the way your tongues curled together had you convinced that this was meant to be. It was so utterly perfect that it felt as if the stars had written it centuries ago, always destined to happen.
“Cyar’ika…” He hummed to you when you both broke away again for some air.
As much as you wanted this moment to last forever, a thought suddenly re-entered your mind. “Grogu!”
“It’s okay. We know where he is and we’re on our way to get him back.” He smiled at your concern for the child, understanding it completely. He felt the same after all.
You nodded gently, relieved that the child would be back and safe soon enough. Then things really would be back to how they should be again. The three of you - you, your Mandalorian and your green child. Perfect.
A/N: this has been under works for agessss… hope you enjoyed!
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redr0sewrites · 6 months
HI HI!!!! if you do ever decide to write for the archangels i would LOVE sum michael hcs.!!.!!.! i would gobble him up yum yum
jumped skipped and hopped over all my other requests to get to this one LMAO- considering he's non-canon i just went off my own hcs soo yea!!!!
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, bible lore™️, possible religious trauma?
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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Michael has lived a long, long time, he's been alive since before earth was even created and has definitely seen some things
he knows that many mortals experience love, yet he never really felt such a strong connection until he met you. of course he loved his "family", but michael was a stranger to true love
HES SUCH A GENTLEMAN! michael definitely puts your needs before his, and i hc his love languages to be quality time and acts of service. he loves having you by his side more than anything, and is always spending time with you.
he's the type to give you lots and lots of flowers! you two probably have a garden that he goes to get flowers from, because he just loves how happy you get at such a seemingly simple gesture
michael is very protective, but not in a limiting way, he just wants to make sure your safe. after lucifer fell from heaven and created original sin, michael had to step up and take on even more heavenly duties. he knows how important it is to keep you safe and he loves you a lot, so he worries about you a lot
he honestly misses lucifer a lot, but he would never admit it. he talks to you a lot about his other siblings and family, and tells you stories about the beginning of earth and heaven's creation. he definitely introduces you to the other archangels, seraphims, and heavenly virtues, and loves that you get along with them. i definitely think you'd become buddies with azrael or gabriel, and y'all would cause shenanigans together (much to michaels dismay)
michael is literally so patient with you, and it's genuinely so sweet. everyone can tell he's WHIPPED, and he honestly doesn't mind. he'll listen to you ramble for hours on end, he'll try more modern food for you, he'll even adopt your music taste once he starts dating you! michael loves you as a whole and wants to enjoy everything you're interested in
HUSBAND MATERIAL. he definitely takes it upon himself to cook for you, he helps you clean, anything you need help with he volunteers to assist you.
michael is SUCH a morning person you can not tell me im wrong. he wakes up really early, and loves watching you sleep peacefully. he makes you breakfast in the morning and when its time for you to wake up, he always wakes you up with kisses or tickles or both! he loves holding you in the morning, but he's a little strict about getting up on time, he does have heavenly duties to attend to after all. if you do manage to wake up before him, you might manage to convince him to stay in bed with you for just a few more minutes. he honestly has such a soft spot for you
you are one of the few people allowed to touch his wings, which is a HUGE sign of trust on michael's part. he usually keeps his wings hidden, but there comes a time when they get so irritating that they just need to be preened. he gets all huffy about it because its "such an inconvenience", and you get to laugh at his pouty face while you gently preen his wings!
i think all the archangels have 6 wings, so it definitely takes a while. michael probably falls asleep halfway through, the feeling of your soft, smaller hands on his wings just makes him feel soft and drowsy. preening often transitions to.... other activities if yk what i mean bc of how sensitive angels' wings are. because michael keeps his wings hidden so often, his wings are especially sensitive and its one of the few times you'lll ever see him blush hehe
he has a really soft, smooth voice, and you LOVE listening to him speak. michael will definitely read to you if you ask, and you can't help but nod off to the sound of his melodic voice. i definitely think most abgels are very musical or at least enjoy music, and if you beg, you may get him to sing for you. his voice is lovely, and he'll sing you soft lullabies in old languages that you can't understand but know are loving
you two very rarely argue, and whenever you do come to a disagreement, michael adamantly refuses to raise his voice at you. he would never yell at you or say anything harsh, and is more likely to opt to just spend some time apart to think on the disagreement. he never lets you two go to bed upset, and will always sit down to have a conversation with you about any clashes you two have. i dont see him as too stubborn and i think he's willing to compromise on most accounts, but its very rare that you two argue anyway because he's so sweet all the time
michael is 100% a giver in bed. he loves giving you oral and always prioritizes your pleasure over his own. he's always focused on making you cum first and really enjoys pleasing you
i see him as a switch, he could definitely be a pleasure dom but i also see him as a bit of a sub as well. sometimes all of his work and overall stress gets to his head, and he trusts you enough to let you take the reins and get him out of his own head. when he subs, he's definitely much louder and a lot whinier. he's definitely not a brat and would probably do anything you ask him to
he has a praise kink both ways, and loves showering you in praise. michael definitely likes mirror sex, and will tell you to call yourself beautiful of pretty or handsome as he fucks you.
"darling, look at how pretty you are. c'mon, i want to hear you say it. look in the mirror, don't you see how pretty you are?"
eye contact is important to him, and he enjoys a lot of basic positions like missionary and things like that, but i also see him being into lotus position because he loves being so close to you.
michael isn't very loud when it comes to sex, but he is big on talking to you. he loves whispering sweet nothings to you as you cum, and praising you in how well you took him
he isn't ridiculously vanilla, but he hasn't been very adventurous either. while i don't think he's had any official relationships before you, i dont see him as a virgin. he's probably slept with a few people, so he has some experience, but he's still learning as well. i think he's down to try most things as long as you're into them, but he wouldn't want to hurt you too much
michael may feel a bit awkward about sex, sure he knows its not a big deal, but a part of him doesn't want to overstep any of your boundaries either. he wants you to know that he's with you because he loves you, not just for sex and will make that abundantly clear. y'all definitely have a serious conversation about it before the first time you have sex, and you definitely have a safeword
GUYS HEAR ME OUT but i think he'd have a bit of a corruption kink. he'd never admit it but the thought of him being your first is SUCH a turn on, and he really loves when you get so fucked-put that you're incoherent. i think he'd be down for a bit of role play, but only if you're into it and it would definitely relate to some sort of corruption or religious corruption
i don't think he'd degrade you too much, but i do think he might mock you a bit. "oh, you were such a devout little thing, i wonder what the others would think of you now darling. sucking in my cock like a vice, you really aren't so innocent after all, aren't you dear?"
he loves overstimulating you until you're incoherent, but i don't think he's big on orgasm denial. he loves pleasuring you and he loves rewarding you more than anything. the only time i see him really denying your orgasms is if you've been a major brat and have pushed him over the edge, or if you ask him to. either way he's gonna mock you a bit on how filthy you are, but will still praise you for taking it so well
he has definitely bought you a lot of pretty little necklaces and loves seeing you in nothing but the gifts he bought you. the way the charm bounces against your chest as he fucks you, it drives him crazy! especially if theyre gold or if theyre cross necklaces, bc its so similar to his color scheme
he likes holding your hand during sex. its very intimate, and he always gives your hand a little squeeze as he's coming
i think one of the few things he's against during sex is hurting you. sure, he'll mock you here and there, but hurting you? no, its just a turnoff for him. your the most precious thing in his life, he'd never want to hurt you even in jest. if you really, really wanted him to you might get him to tie you down or maybe hold your throat/face while he fucks you, but he would never go as far as to hurt you
when it comes to you fucking him, he loves to be praised and pampered. its a bit embarrassing, but he's often so overworked and pent up that he really loves being treated sweetly. he might cry a bit during sex, trust me he's ok, he just gets overstimulated really easily. michael definitely enjoys it tho!
speaking of overstimulation, PLEASE touch his wings during sex! you'll get the sweetest moans and whimpers from him, and he'll get so whiny. its one of the few times he'll beg, and he both loves and hates when you make him cum untouched by only stroking his wings
aftercare is very important to michael, and he always takes time to clean you both up. it's an unspoken agreement that whoever tops cleans up the other first and starts the bath while the person who subbed takes a minute to catch their breath. he always wipes down your thighs and cleans you off, and when it comes to baths, he'll always make sure everything is ready before carrying you to the tub. when he's subbing, he'll probably try his best to help you but may push himself a bit too hard because he's so tired. PLEASE kiss him and pamper him in the tub, tell him how much you love him!!!!
hes genuinely just so sweet in bed and during aftercare, and overall cares about you a lot
PLSSS THE HYPWRFIXATION IS INSANE. I LOVE ALL THE ARCHANGELS AND HEAVEN AUS SM!!!!!!!!! CRYING BEGGING PLEEEADING FOR YALL TO SEND IN REQUESTS FOR ANYONE FROM THE HEAVEN AUS. the one im most familiar with is @esbellesantos au and my fav is azrael so PLSSS feel free to send in azrael reqs 😇 anyways hope yall enjoyed!!! i loved writing this sm!!!!
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brights-place · 8 months
Can I request queen barb with a cute subby soft reader sfw & nsfw headcanons pls.
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Barb dating an SUB! Reader
Pairings: Barb X Reader Warnings: Fluff, NSFW, SFW A/N: I LOVE BARB SHE IS SO AWOOGAAAA! I love this so much it's everything to me and plus I need to write some of this so I don't cry cause matpat is quitting...
Sfw Headcannons for barb
- When you first met your interaction was sweet "hmm. I like your ears" You said smiling "M-Mine?" You nodded "Mhm!" "Thank you! I-I like your spots...!" You tilted your head blushing "Really? I use to cover them up but Y'know" you shrugged - She is always by your side and making sure you are ok in public areas.
- Would flex about having an partner to everyone mainly to other rock trolls but when she introduced you to her dad she was so shy but she knew he was supportive literally nearly teared up but sucked it up quickly seeing her two favorite people together - Barbs father is such an important aspect of her life so being introduced to him is a major privilege so meeting him is an whole thing its important to her and him accepting you makes her happy - She likes holding you close to her knowing your beside her makes her relax - she wrapped her tail around your own tail she would wrap your hair with hers but I don't think they use their hair a lot like using it to catch themselves so they just wrap each others tails together - if your an different genre of troll she'd love you and try to listen your own music even though she finds it weird... but she'd do her best but if your the same genre with her that's just an bonus - out of all the rock trolls you were the most soft hearted and welcoming which was what made her fall for you - On trolls world tour you didn't really like the idea of taking all the other genres and making them all - Barb is very hands-on and at times quite hyper so the two of you seem to always be doing something but when needed to you might have to walk over and tug her arm to make her relax for an moment - Barb lives in the moment, never really taking too much time to think about the future. - She makes sure to make you flustered whenever she can at any moment. - She loves having you either sitting on her lap or you being on top of her in general to hug you She just can’t have you away from her too long she's clingy - Loves how you melt into her arms if she shows you the slightest bit of affection or compliments you
- When you're in public, Barb is touching you. - Whether a subtle touch or not, she's either holding your hand or having her arms wrapped around you
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Nsfw Headcannons for Barb
- SHE IS AN DOM! I TELL YOU SHE IS AN DOM! - Thighs and Boobs woman she loves them so much squish them against her face she'll giggle and please the shit outta you - She loves how you submit to her so fast when she glides her hands on your waist and whispers lustfully in your ears - She’s an rough kisser and would pepper your face with kisses whenever she can - I BET! She has an tongue piercing that would eat you out so well! - This chick is an HUGE teaseee - She’ll grab you by your waist and say the most gut retching and suggestive thing in the world while holding you
- If you ask her to man handle you or hurt you in the process of the doing the devils tango SHE WOULD DO IT! - Literally loves teasing you any chance she gets but would wanna be reassured every once in a while to make sure she’s not hurting you too bad and would make sure you feel alright - Hate sex and jealousy sex is everything like have you seen her? She gets mad real easily!
- What are her turn on's? Biting, Kissing her neck or cheek, challenging her, and affection - What are her turn offs? talking about your ex regularly, Cheating, bad breath, and Poor hygiene - favorite positions are the slider, the lean in, the rocket, Cowgirl and doggy (When she wears an strap on) - Her kinks would be BDSM, Marking You, Biting, Bondadge, over stimulation, and anything else she is open to anything to do - she loves how you melt into her arms moaning and whining - When she overstimulates you she smirks and enjoys how your eyes roll back - She traces her fingers down your cheeks and wipes away your tears. she whispers gentle words that will comfort you and make you feel at ease while making you feel good. - When you cum on her tongue she smirks and makes sure to overstimulate you more gripping onto your thighs as you moan loudly gripping her hair - When done she praises you with an huge smile and hugs you - She carries you to the bathroom to clean you up for after care. Makes sure to give you her shirt for you to sleep in
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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messrmoonyy · 1 year
thinking ab ‘holiday spirit’ w jackson! tess where r sees decorations cause maybe they decorate for the holidays and its cute and sappy and romantic and maybe a private proposal (SAPPYYY))
ur writing makes me shrivel into a tight little warm ball AHHHH much love!!
Christmas in Jackson
Tess Servopoulos x Fem!reader
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A/N- messrmoonyy being soft again????? Not writing filthy smut???? Oh???? Lmao look. I wanted this to be a drabble. I got carried away. Though it is still short but. This absolutely helped me kick my writers block in the ass so thank you for that! Hope you enjoy this sickeningly tooth rotting fluffy fluff of my beloved Jackson Tess and hopefully this little thing will give me the motivation to go back to my other requests
This is a ‘ follow on ‘ kinda to my fic holiday spirit but it can be read alone
Warnings- none. Other than Tess is slightly OOC because she’s very. Very. Very. Soft.
Word count- 3k
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Reblogs and comments are always welcome and encouraged. Support your fic writers <3
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You loved Christmas. You always had done for as long as Tess had known you. Always forcing her to celebrate it with you in that dingy little Boston apartment, using the handmade and ancient decorations she had gotten from Frank, and a few other things she had picked up on the market of Boston. She still hadn’t fully admitted to you the things she had traded for a few of the items. In fact she’d threatened the people she had traded with that if they dared breathe a word of it she’d come for them in their sleep.
She didn’t need people thinking she was soft after all.
But that had been then. And now? Well. Now she didn’t care if people thought she was soft. She would happily let people think that cause who cared now? She had no one to be tough for. She had no reason to hide her emotions for you away from prying eyes.
Of course she hadn’t let herself go so easily but you had been in Jackson nearly 4 years now. And she had managed to shake most of her QZ ways.
She hadn’t really liked Jackson at the start, couldn’t get used to the new way of life. Too familiar with running things her way back in the zone. But seeing you safe easily brought her around to the idea of staying there. Seeing you happy and not having to constantly fear for your safety… it was a relief to say the least.
Though the generosity of the people felt alien to you both, you seemed far more willing to accept it than she was. She didn’t like the charitable gifts left on the porch. The breads and pies and even a casserole once. The shirts the boots. You had always had a gentler heart than she, had always been so much more… hopeful for peace.
You were the reason any of your little group was there. The reason Ellie was a part of that group in the first place. It had been your willingness to hope and think positively that had convinced her to take Ellie to the fireflies. And you two could make Joel do anything you wanted so he followed without much convincing when you all agreed to head for Tommy in the process.
So it wasn’t much of a surprise when you accepted the gifts. When you tried to mingle in with the town, telling Tess it was beneficial. And she supposed it was.
And of course, what seemed to be the most important thing to you, was that Jackson didn’t go half’s when it came to Christmas. Maria and the council went all out, string lights and multiple decorated tress. Handmade wreaths on doors and Christmas cookies. They even had Christmas movies for the weekly movie night.
Tess didn’t understand the hype. Didn’t understand why anyone would want to celebrate Christmas in the current climate. But she loved you. And you loved Christmas. So it had grown on her over the years. And she guessed there were worse things to celebrate. A holiday to celebrate peace. And joy. Something she had so been lacking.
The first Christmas in Jackson you had actually cried at the sight of the town, eyes watering as you’d walked down the Main Street of town and saw the lights, saw the tree. She’d almost welled up herself just watching you. Which was stupid.
She’d never quite understood why you loved Christmas so much, she didn’t know what past memories you were holding onto that made it so important to you. She’d never asked either. If you’d wanted to tell her you would’ve by now. You were nearing 2 decades in each others company and you both still had things you kept from the other, that was how things were now. People had new life’s and they had to keep their old ones to themselves. For their own piece of mind and sanity at least.
Her own Christmas memories were fuzzy. She didn’t remember much from her childhood, had blocked it out as much as she possibly could. And the Christmas memories she had from before the outbreak that she could remember? Small hands decorating the low branches and silly little kids toys that flashed and beeped and that she more often than not forgot to purchase batteries for… she didn’t like the think about those ones.
But the ones with you she liked. The ones with you making her dance to Bills mothers ancient cassette of Christmas songs, kissing you in the flickering glow of the string lights, trawling through every damned abandoned building in the zone she could get to with the excuse of looking for stuff to sell. Only to be searching for a gift for you. A book you might like. A piece of jewellery that wasn’t entirely rusted or broken.
She liked those memories.
So she indulged you. She let you get giddy like a little kid, let you yank her around the whole town each year to see the decorations. Once Maria had found out of your love for the holiday she’d enrolled you in the decorative committee and you took joy in showing which wreaths around town you had made. And she followed you happily, a smile on her face, noting how she had never seen a smile like that back in Boston.
Year 4 in town was no different, she had let herself be given the tour around town, had commented on every wreath you had pointed out. She’d even let you drag her into the Bison for dinner and watched in amusement at Ellie as she tried and failed to hide the fact that she was head over heels for Dina.
The walk home was peaceful. There was that fine misting of snow in the air, the kind that told you a heavy snowfall was incoming. It seemed to sparkle under the lights as you both walked, arms linked with your gloved hands trapped between your bodies in an attempt to keep them warm. She’d told you fingerless gloves were a dumb idea. But Ellie had given them to you two years ago for Christmas and so you wore them every winter since.
You had always been Ellie’s favourite. Maybe it was because at first you had been the only one that’s immediate response wasn’t to shoot her in the face. Had tried to see reason in why Marlene would hand over an infected kid. You had been the one to grab Ellie’s arm and pull her along, Tess’ own deeply buried ability to hope and see the positives of life worming their way out as she followed.
Ellie had stuck to you like glue. And even now that she had grown into that stage of being a teenager where she was almost an adult, moody and acting as if she didn’t need her pseudo family around her… she still let the childish side of her out around you.
But maybe you had that affect on everyone. Made them happier. You certainly made her happier. She would never let herself be so pathetically sappy and soft around anyone other than you, the kind of soft that made Joel tease her and made a younger Ellie wrinkle her nose in disgust at the affection.
It was almost annoying actually how easily you did it.
“ heavy snow on its way “ you mused, looking up at the sky “ gonna make that mountain patrol hellish “
“ I can ask Joel to swap with us? “
“ no no it’s fine. The mountain routes have to pass through that village with the library. I wanna find a new book “ maybe that would be a good idea. Maybe she could find a little extra something to give you for Christmas.
The pile under the tree in your living room was growing bigger by the day, you’d had to move some of the lower hanging ornaments up a few twigs to stop them catching. You’d organised it perfectly. A pile for Joel. A pile for Ellie. A pile for you. A pile for her.
She was growing ever curious on what exactly you had gotten for her. And where you were finding them too. You were incredibly sneaky. You could go on patrol together and bring stuff back she’d never even noticed you pick up.
Like the monstrous singing Santa that sat on the fireplace for the last two Christmases you had found in a store in one of the towns on patrol. It had been well preserved, still in its box in the back store room with a bunch of other things you had told Maria about to be collected for town. But you had taken a small stowaway into your bag
Tess despised it. She hoped and prayed each year you’d plug it into the socket and it’d stop working. One of its eyes was slightly off centre and more than 20 years in a store cupboard had meant the voice box was a little off. It was creepy. But you liked it. So she put up with it, but it was always the first thing to go away.
Maybe one year she would gift you a hammer with the precise use being to smash that fucking Santa to pieces. Not that that would ever happen.
Maybe she could find something else to replace it.
Tess watched you as you walked together, the fine snowflakes catching on your eyelashes and sticking to the woolen material of your scarf. Eyes practically sparkling as you looked at all the decorations along the street.
Some kids had built a snowman, others had pushed piles of snow together and had clearly been sliding down it. She looked back down at you again, the smile on your face as you passed the snow creations.
The cool air had kissed at your skin, redness glowing on your cheeks and nose. She never got bored of looking at you. In 20 years she hadn’t. And she knew another 20 could pass and she would still be no closer to being tired of how you looked.
“ sweet “ you said softly, knocking her from her admiration, and she looked down to follow your line of sight landing on an old couple also returning from the bison. They had stopped to kiss under the mistletoe hung above their door frame, the sweet small kisses that old couples did. The familiar kind “ that’s gonna be us “
“ old, married and tipsy on Tommys questionable mulled wine? “ she teased, though deep down it did make her heart swell. She’d never thought about getting old with you before Jackson. She didn’t think she’d last that long. Thought she’d be infected or dead in a ditch somewhere, or laying with a bullet in her skull because she had lost you. She’d never thought you’d get old together. But now she did. Now she thought about it. Thought about dying from old age and not infection.
Thought about being safe and content for the rest of her days. With you right at her side.
“ weird to think about getting old huh?” You asked as if reading her mind
“ I’m already old “ she sighed. She wasn’t much older than you she could count the gap on her fingers, but she seemed to be taking it harder than you were. She felt ancient some days. The cold affecting her aching bones. Back in the QZ that would have scared her. Now it didn’t really bother her that much. Only when she thought about the possibility of leaving you behind.
“ shut up. I’m trying to be romantic “ she gave a small laugh and shrugged
“ okay. Forget the old. What about the marriage part? “ she asked, the words leaving her mouth before she could stop herself.
Marriage had been on her mind for a while. Which was absolutely ridiculous. The world had ended and she was imagining what it would be like to call you her wife.
God she had gotten so soft. Joel would never let her hear the end of it.
Marriage wasn’t really… a thing anymore. But there were ways. Maria and Tommy were married after all. And so many other couples in town. And she didn’t want it to be a big deal. She wasn’t the sappy romantic type. Not the type for big crowds watching her display her affections so openly.
But she wanted you to be hers. In more so than just words.
She even had a ring. Had done for months. She had found it when snooping around the lockers in the Lodge on patrol with Joel. Only rich, fancy ass people went to fuckin ski lodges. She knew she’d find something interesting left behind. She didn’t even know if it would fit you. Or if you’d like it. Maybe she could find an old necklace chain for you to wear it on instead. It’s not like the rest of the marriage would be traditional anyway, so why should the ring?
But it was stupid. Of course it was stupid.
You gave a small laugh at her words and shrugged.
“ careful there Tess. Almost sounds like you’re asking me to marry you “
“ maybe I am “ she heard you stop in your tracks at her answer, slipping out of her embrace and she came to a halt too, a step or so ahead of you. The words had left her mouth before she could stop them, her brain forcing her to voice her desire to have you as…. Hers. Properly.
“ Tess “ she turned around to face you, your cheeks and nose were even more rosy from the cold, or was it blush? Your eyes wide and watery. She couldn’t tell if it was from the cold air or your emotions either. Maybe it was both “ are you serious? “
She shrugged in some attempt to appear nonchalant about the entire thing in case you thought it was stupid.
“ nothings really… ‘ legal ‘ anymore. But Maria told me about what they can do here and… it was stupid I’m sorry. Too much of that shitty Christmas ale. Come on let’s go home it’s cold “ she held her hand out to you but you didn’t take it. Still standing there shell shocked.
She was embarrassed and didn’t exactly know what to do in the situation. Her old self would never have ended up in a position like that. And for the first time in years she craved Boston again. She wanted to be back to her stern and hard self, the self that could hide her embarrassment easily. That wouldn’t have been asked the question in the first place.
“ you didn’t drink anything “ was all you said, grabbing onto her hand finally and yanking her towards you.
Your lips were freezing as you kissed her, your fingers the same. Icy fingertips slipping to the nape of her neck as she melted into you, tugging you closer by your waist. She’d happily shake off her embarrassment by kissing you. Even if your cold hands did feel like they were giving her frostbite.
She let you kiss her until you had to pull away, your breaths coming out in small white puffs between you both.
“ ask me again “ you whispered
“ I don’t remember asking you in the first place “ she teased, earning her a slap to the arm from you. But she was cold enough that she was certain she was numb from the neck down and didn’t even feel it.
“ ask me “ she scanned her eyes over your face. Your beautiful, beautiful face. The face that had been looking back at her for 20 years. The face of the only person in the world she trusted more than herself. The face of the woman she loved, the face of the woman that had made her realise love was possible even in the shitty disgusting world she lived in.
Your face. You.
“ you wanna marry me? “ your smile was brighter than she’d ever seen, your eyes watering again. And that time she didn’t tease. She meant it. She did.
“ sorry I didn’t quite.. didn’t quite get that what was that? “
“ sweetheart- “
“ I’m sorry? “ she couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips, shaking her head at you in amusement. Her embarrassment had vanished, knowing you weren’t making fun of her. You genuinely wanted to say yes. To agree to her stupid little idea.
“ marry me? “ she asked again, cupping your face in her hands your face was as cold as the rest of you.
“ what was that? “ she pressed kisses across your face with a smile, grabbing you by the waist again and pulling you back when you tried to squirm out of her grasp as she kissed every inch of your face she could get, pulling you back against her as you giggled.
“ marry me “ she said against your ear, voice soft and gentle “ as good as you can right now. Marry me? “
“ I’ll marry you “ you whispered, turning around in her arms and holding her face in your cold hands again “ in whatever fuckin way you wanna “ she kissed you again before she could do something pathetic like cry, holding you tight against her and wrapping you into the warmth of her jacket with her.
She wondered what a sight you both looked like. Standing there, kissing in the snow like a pair of lovesick teenagers. And she wondered what her past self would’ve thought. What 10 years younger Tess would’ve said about kissing you in public, the thought wouldn’t have even crossed her mind. What 15 years younger Tess would’ve said if she knew the woman she was pretending to have no feelings for was now agreeing to marry her. What would pre outbreak Tess have said. That Tess that had a son and had married her husband because it was expected. Because she had fallen pregnant young and it was what seemed like the best thing to do. That had loved her husband so much but deep down had known it wasn’t what she wanted.
If 10 year old Tess, that proudly declared to everyone she met that she was never going to get married. That marriage was for idiots and love wasn’t real. If she knew… If she knew that even in the face of a fucking apocalypse, she would find you. And would learn that yes love might still be for idiots, but it was real. So very real. And that you would make living in the middle of hell bearable. That you would make her carry on. Make her live.
She couldn’t help but wonder.
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jedi-princess-kestis · 3 months
Sunsets and You
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Pairing: Crosshair/ Tiha Wenn (F!OC)
Summery: On a quiet and calm summer evening, Crosshair and Tiha share a soft moment together at their home in Pabu when Tiha has Crosshair braid her hair.
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: soft Crosshair, fluff. Mega fluff.
A/N: here it is, another installment for the @summer-of-bad-batch prompt challenge! And look at me, I used TWO prompts! For this story I used "Can you braid my hair?" And "comfort zone" to make this story and I actually kept it short this time 😅. I hope you all enjoy! (And Tiha is back!)
@kybercrystals94 @mp0625 @cellythefloshie @lila-rose @sunshinesdaydream @dystopicjumpsuit @gothicgirl100
It had been a few years since they had settled onto Pabu, putting the war and the Empire behind them. The years had tanned their skin more, softened their hardened soldier training, pushing them outside of their comfort zones to pursue families, hobbies and new adventures the island world has to offer. War hardened soldiers bred for pain and endurance now fished and laid about the island's sands, letting their worries for once slip away with the tides.
Tiha sat on the little balcony that hung over cliffs that overlooked The Cove, watching the sun start to set on their home casting a warm glow in its wake. It took some time, but Wrecker had built strong little houses that sat along the cliffs, away from most of the hustle and bustle of the villages. Each family had their own little cottage house, each with a yard, a view of The Cove and something most important to the Clones and the Jedi… privacy. Tiha found comfort in the silence, with only the ocean below and the sea breeze in the citrus trees the only sound to fill the airy home. Years of living in the Temple, then Venator ships for the years of the War with people always about, with noise always floating on the air, the silence was a welcomed change she still to this day thanked the Maker for.
Leaning her elbows onto the stone balcony railing she leaned forward, letting the salt air fill her nose and softly caress her face. Closing her eyes she found peace, feeling the Force dance and dip around her, as though it too was happy to have the silence. As Tiha let the warm glow of the Force fill her mind and wrap around her body, she felt a presence coming from behind. A smile pulled at her lips as the Force seemed to leap and bound with joy as the presence grew closer, enjoying the added energy in the air.
Two strong arms wrapped around her middle, tugging her close to the lean body that enveloped her. A chin rested itself onto her shoulder, pulling her smile wider on her lips. Soft puffs of air tickled her neck, before soft tender kisses were placed just below her ear. Leaning into the touch, placing her hands on the strong arms that wrapped around her, Tiha opened her eyes and tilted her head back so she could see the brown eyes of her lover.
"Hello, Cyar'ika." Crosshair's raspy voice filled her ears as he kissed her cheek. He smiled down at her, enjoying the feel of her warm skin of her sides under his hands. Tiha had always favored light fabrics due to her humanoid species coming from a very hot planet, and since moving to Pabu, she wore crop tops and light pants or shorts most days. Crosshair has also started wearing lighter and looser fitting shirts and pants more often, his shirt usually unbuttoned a good portion of the way, letting his tan chest catch the sunlight. Over time he has gotten used to his prosthetic hand, and didn't feel the need to wear a glove over the metal anymore. The cool metal now laid against the skin of her side but she paid it no mind.
"Hello Dear. How was your day?" Tiha asked as she leaned her head back against his chest, letting the soft rise and fall with each of his breaths soothe her. He hummed against her hair, placing a soft kiss to the top of her head before resting his chin there, his arms now shifting up so they crossed over her chest, pulling her tight to him.
"It was good. Took Omega, and the twins out fishing with me while Wrecker and Hunter worked on the new boat." He answered her as they watched the sunset. Wrecker had married not long after they settled down, taking an island girl as his wife. A year later they had twin boys, Rift and Tawny who were now a few years old. Hunter was currently dating a young woman that had found refuge on the island from the Empire two years ago. They had recently moved in together and Tiha knew marriage would soon be in the works for the two. She hummed a happy sound as she felt his lips kiss her hair once more. They're lives hadn't been easy ones. They had endured so much over the years, so many losses and battles that seemed to age them faster than anything else. Scars still marred their skin and their minds but the years had slowly dulled the nightmares. Now they had all the time in the galaxy to find peace.
The wind picked up slightly, making the trees rustle around them. Tiha felt it tug at her hair, the warm salty air making her feel peaceful in that moment. Crosshair ran a hand over her green hair, careful to skip over the point of her ear as his fingers combed through the locks. "Your hair has gotten much longer." His thick voice broke the silence as he let the green locks fall from his fingertips to her shoulder once more.
"Should I cut it?" She hummed in response, turning around some in his arms so she could better see his face. Over the years he had let his silver locks grow out on the top, letting them fall slightly to the side, covering his scar a little. A slight 5 o'clock shadow made his already set jawbone even more pronounced. His honey eyes looked down at her, his flash hand still wrapped around her waist, his thumb skimming over the smooth tanned skin.
"Do you like it longer?"
"It's the longest I've ever had it."
A smile cracked across his lips as he gave her a knowing look. "That didn't answer my question, Darling." He tipped her chin up with the knuckle of his metal hand as he looked her in the eyes.
With a sigh she smiled up at him softly. "Yes, I do like it. I'm learning how to manage it this long."
A larger smile now took over his lips, before he bent down and kissed her softly in a tender but quick kiss. Pulling away he kept their faces close, his warm breath still on her lips. "Then keep it." He purred before kissing her softly again, his hand still under her chin. Upon breaking the kiss Tiha grabbed his metal hand in her flesh one and looked it over carefully before looking up at him.
"Can you braid my hair?"
Crosshair's face was blank, save for the slightly confused look in his eyes. No one has ever asked him to braid their hair before. Omega always just kept her in a ponytail or bun and Hunter had forbidden anyone to ever touch his hair even as cadets. He had no experience with it.
"I mean…. I've never actually done it before. I'm not sure how good I'd be at it."
Tiha gave a soft laugh, leaning forward so her chin rested on the warm smooth skin of his chest that peaked out from the opening of his shirt. "It's like braiding rope together. I'm used to braid some of the Padawans' hair at the Temple but never actually did it on myself. My hair was never long enough." She pulled back, taking his hand in hers and led him over to the table and chairs on the balcony. "I know it's kinda out of your comfort zone but I'd like it if you tried." She plopped herself down onto one of the chairs and glanced up at her partner. She saw the unsureness in his eyes but also the look of determination.
Finally he broke the silence, "Okay, but don't cry to me if your hair turns into a knotted mess." He joked as he started to run his fingers through her waves of electric green hair. She chuckled and let her body relax in her seat, enjoying the feeling of his long fingers combing her hair.
"If that happens then we just cut it. It will grow back again." His huff of a laugh was her only answer. They fell into a comfortable silence as the breeze made the sea reeds and citrus trees move softly, their leafs and rods making a soft hum around them. The sun continued to set, the warm orange and red glow that fell over the balcony held onto the last rays of warmth from the day. Crosshair finished combing her hair with his hands, before breaking it into three thick strands down her back. His long fingers begin to weave her hair into a thick braid down her back, his work slow as he made sure each pass was tight and even with the rest of the braid. Tiha smiled as he lightly hummed to himself as he continued to braid her hair. She reached out with the Force, feeling his strong and yet calming aura fill her senses. It brought her peace to feel him so at ease, to feel happy in their home. A light tap on her shoulder broke her train of thought, so she turned in her chair slightly to see him.
"I can feel you, doing that Force thing." He smirked down at her. When they first met and she would reach out to feel the members of the squad, her Force signature lighting poking at theirs so she knew they were safe and well, it had unnerved him. He had hated it at first, but over time, especially when they were so far apart from each other, that connection they had soon became a comfort to both troubled and broken souls.
Tiha hummed, reaching up to squeeze his hand before he went back to the braid to finish it off. "It's a force of habit. I like feeling your warm aura. Even if you are next to me."
"I didn't say I minded. It's what got me through some of those hard times, feeling you in my mind… feeling like you were close to me. It's just been a little while since you've done it." Crosshair told her as he tied off the braid, running his hand over it one more time to make sure it was tight and even. Bending down he placed a kiss to the crown of her head, letting his lips linger there for a moment before pulling back. Tiha smiled up at him, the warm glow of the setting sun making him look younger, his eyes alight like embers on a fire. Time hadn't been kind to them, the war and the Order had taken its toll, left its scars, and haunted their dreams for years after. But one thing always stayed certain… the love that they had always endured through the bad and the good. It made them a home, forged them in the fires to be better and stronger people. Their love, the promise they made to each other brought them to a place where they could finally have what they always wanted: Peace.
"Where did you go, my love?" His warm, raspy voice pulled Tiha from her thoughts. A smile tugged at his lips, he was now moving to sit beside her on the wide chair. His arm looped around her shoulders, his hand smoothing her braid over her one shoulder with his hand. The tips of her ears poked out of the green hair, which felt different as her hair almost always covered them.
"Just thanking the Marker that through it all, we found our peace. Even apart we kept our promises and found our way back." Tiha turned her head to look at him, the fairy lights that hung on the balcony and above it on the roof of the house now shined as the sun finally set beyond the water, the last little light of day slipping into darkness. The soft glow of the lights bathed them in their light, giving the balcony a romantic glow. Crosshair reached up with his metal hand and gently took her chin with it, pulling her closer till his lips touched hers in a soft, tender kiss that made her heart flutter. Pulling back his warm honey eyes shined, his nose bumping her lightly before kissing the tip of hers, making her smile. She looked up, running her hand over the stubble of his cheek, his head leaning into her touch.
"Thank you for braiding my hair."
His eyes crinkled as he smiled, turning his head to kiss her palm. "Anything for you, My Love."
With a smile she kissed him quickly on the lips, rubbing her nose to his in a tender embrace. "I love you."
"I know."
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celestesblossoms · 10 months
𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 & 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 - 𝓖𝓸𝓳𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓾
omg HI BBYS its been so long!! well I'm back (and i have new silly obsessions) currently I've been obsseeeesssed with jujutsu kaisen. and ya girl knows u little hoes love gojo (me too) so enjoy some soft gojo smut bbys <3 I'll mark where the nsfw starts so all my sfw bbys can enjoy some fluff! also im sorry i could NOT be bothered to proofread this im so tired. LOVE U BBYS
pairing: fem! reader x gojo satoru
warnings: (ns)fw, its l o n g, foreplay, breeding, unprotected sex, p l o t
you've been dating your boyfriend satoru for quite some time now, and you had to admit, it was pure bliss. his childish demeanor and carefree personality made him extremely easy to be around and trust with your feelings, and you truly loved him.
However, when the two of you had started dating, you informed satoru of your views on sex, and how you wanted to wait until you had been in a relationship for a while. you believe that sex is a very intimate connection between two people, and how you hate that its so overlooked and discarded.
luckily, satoru happily complied, for he was just happy to call you his girlfriend. he never wanted to risk making you uncomfortable or upset with him. however, that didn't change the fact that he loved to fantasize about you in all sorts of ways. he wanted you so bad, he wanted to have that deep bond with you that having sex with someone creates. so, he would wait for you.
yesterday, you and your boyfriend had discussed the topic of sex, since the next day would be your 1 year anniversary. as you got into bed together, you turned toward satoru. "hey, satoru..? I wanna tell you something, its kinda important.." you said sheepishly, semi-nervous to talk about the topic. "Hm? whats wrong my love?" gojo flipped on his side, facing back at you. you started anxiously messing with the bed covers as you spoke, "i uhm... i think i might.." you stumbled through your sentences. "It's okay, doll, use your words." your boyfriend replied, gently cupping your cheek with his hand. "I'm ready to.. have sex with you, satoru." his face lit up, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips. he was so so happy, he couldn't express his joy through words, so instead he pulled you ontop of him and started kissing you all over your face and hugging you tightly. After he was done with his little love attack, he smiled and looked at you eagerly.
"sooooo does that include tonight?"
"satoru its already midnight, wait till tomorrow I'm sleepy."
He let out a childish 'awwwwwww' and placed you back in your spot on the bed. you turned of your lamp and kissed your boyfriend goodnight.
"goodnight darling." he whispered
"goodnight baby." you whispered back
Its now the next morning, and you are woken up to see satoru already awake, eagerly waiting for you to wake up. you notice a vase full of lucsious pink roses, lilies, and snapdragons on your bedside table, with a little white ribbon wrapped around the vase and a tag that says "to y/n, love your boyfriend~!" in satoru's hands, there was a small bag from the convinience store
"Happy one year, y/n! I don't know what I'd do without you, youve made me the happiest person in the world, my love." he leaned down to kiss you, as you were still laying down. you stood up out of bed and kissed your boyfriend on the forehead, having to get up on your tippy-toes to reach it. "Happy one year, satoru!" you smiled at him. you then directed your attention toward the bag from the convience store. "whats in here?" you asked, as your hand reached out to peek inside the bag. Satoru swiftly stopped you, grabbing your arm and raising it up, preventing you from opening it. "its a surprise for later honeyyyy no peaking!" he exclaimed with a childish tone. you rolled your eyes playfully and he set the bag down next to the table.
he then placed his around your waist, pulling you closer to him, his other hand on your chin. His demeanor was changed. you hadn't seen this side of your boyfriend- the lustful, passionate side that was absolutely crazy about you.
(nsfw starts here) ~<3
"you have no idea how long ive waited for this.." he muttered under his breath, shortly after pulling you into a loving kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back shyly, nervous of messing up your first sexual experience with Satoru. he continued to deepen the kiss, picking you up and then sitting down on the side of the bed, placing you in his lap. he grasped the bottom of your shirt, look up at you for a nod of approval to remove it. as soon as you gave him consent, he swiftly pulled your top off of you, staring at your body in pure awe. you were his definition of ethereal, beautiful, stunning and everything in between. he moved his hands from your waist up to your breasts, fondling and gently playing with them. your face was red, as you let out quiet moans caused by your boyfriend's touch. he proceeded to unhook your bra, exposing your chest completely. at first you covered them, still feeling nervous about messing up around gojo. he looked up at you and gave you a reassuring "its alright baby, its just me." you eased up and uncovered them, and satoru proceeded to play with them. "fuck baby... I just love your body so much, I wanna touch you all dayy.." he muttered.
he then flipped the two of you over. Now you were underneath him, and his slim figure towered over you. he proceeded to take his shirt off, exposing his abs and well-toned body. you couldn't help but to stare, and he found that quite amusing. "see something you like darling? hmm?" he teased you playfully. he slowly started moving his hand down your body, gently running hsi fingers against your bare skin, untill he got down to your panties. you didnt have any bottoms on, since you slept in your underwear and a tee shirt. Satoru then moved his fingers in soft little circled around your clothed clit, absolutely adoring all the noises you were making. You moaned softly, inhaling sharply and biting your bottom lip, trying to not wake up the people in the apartment next to you. Gojo then moved his hand into your panties, slipping one finger inside you while using his thumb to play with your clit some more. He went back in to kiss you, to try and muffle your moans. "come on now.. baby.. don't wanna. wake the.. neighborsss ..~" he teased you, muttering each word between kisses.
After using his fingers to loosen you up a bit more, satoru pulled down his sweats and boxers to reveal his throbbing, hard dick. He'd been waiting so so long for this, and it felt like what was happening wasn't real for the both of you. he moved the seat of your panties to the side, rubbing his tip against your entrance. you looked up at him with desperate eyes, "please satoru. I need you so bad right now.."
Satoru didn't know what about that statement turned him on so much, but the next thing you know his entire length is fully inside you. you inhale sharply and moan, trying to contain your noises. "fuck, baby... you feel so good. I can feel you tightening up around my dick." he smirks at you, amused. before you can respond, gojo starts thrusting in and out of you, his hips hitting yours in a deep, steady motion. you grip the sheets tightly, as the burning sensation quickly turns into a feeling of absolute bliss and pleasure. gojo's dick hits your g-spot multiple times and you can feel him slowly start to pick up his pace.
"uhg, I love your pussy so much...I could fuck you all day long baby.." satoru moaned out softly, watching the area between your legs become an absolute mess. "I'm close baby.. were do you want me to cum?"
"cum inside me, please.."
"huh?" satoru questioned your response "baby, are you sure? like your positive.."
you cut him off. "I'm on the pill already baby, I take it to help with cramps! please just cum inside me!" you begged and pleaded him
"whatever you please, princess." he sped up a lot, his stroke getting sloppier and sloppier with each time his hips hit yours. The room is filled with sounds coming from the two of you- moaning, slapping, heavy breathing, grunting. You both reach your climax at the same time, feeling his hot cum fill up your pussy. He pulled out, and proceeded to lay down next to you.
"fuck baby.... I love you so much, you know that right?" he tells you, out of breath. "of course baby, I love you a lot too." He swiftly gets up, putting his boxers on. "Let me clean you up honey. I made quite a mess of you~" he jokes. "I'll start a bath for you baby. Oh! and that bag you were so interested in earlier? Its filled with your favorite chocolates. I thought it would be nice to have during aftercare" he smiled at you, picking up the bag and handing it to you as you sat on the edge of the bed. Your eyes lit up as you looked down at the assortment of chocolate inside the bag, picking out a raspberry jam square. You smiled at your boyfriend as he went to go into the bathroom to start your bath
"hey satoru?"
"yes my love?" he turned his head around
"I love you."
"I love you too, baby."
a//n: bro no joke wrote this on a whim in one night LMAOOO enjoy you guys
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year
swan lake
kyle gaz garrick x reader
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"take me home, to where i belong"
summary: swans, tulips, and gaz.
warnings: none, fluff, cute, comfort
note: i know most of those are not realistic (i read about it for accuracy) but let's pretend it can actually happen for the plot.
this one for my pookie @puff0o0 hope you like it 🫶🏻
"4, old bricks"
This type of message wasn't unfamiliar to you. In fact, it made you happy, knowing you would be meeting your beloved man in your favorite place. The dryness of the message didn't make you any less excited. You knew how busy he was, being a part of a very important task force, yet he never neglected you. He always spared time for his little darling and checked on you when he was away.
The "old bricks" wasn't, as the name might suggest, some old cranky wall located in the desert. It was a magnificent park rarely visited by people nowadays, as the youth preferred bars and discos. It was the ideal meeting place for you and your beloved—a safe, calm, and beautiful place. Originally named Forrest Green (you two shared countless laughs about the dull name), Gaz preferred referring to it as Old Bricks for security reasons and because of that time when an elderly person sitting on a brick made a comment about you two. Gaz cussed him, saying, "zip it, old brick." The awkward silence was enough for the man to walk away, while you two burst into laughter and had a five-minute moment of knee-slapping.
It was pretty cold outside, and the October weather was one of the many reasons why you loved coming to this park. Walking through the alleys, feeling the small rocks under your boots while the soft wind cut through your hair and face. The shy sun, almost setting, reflected its warm light, promising a comeback once the rainy season was over. Despite being a grown-up, you were still a child at heart, finding satisfaction in stepping on the dried orange leaves as you headed to your favorite spot close to the lake, further into the park.
From a distance, you noticed a tall figure. He turned as you got closer to him, and Gaz smiled. He was wearing civilian clothes and held a bouquet of flowers in his arms. He wrapped an arm around your waist, grinning as he lovingly kissed your forehead.
"I'm glad you came, love. I missed you a lot," his voice carried sincerity, making you smile and coo at his blushing face. He handed you the bouquet of white tulips, freshly cut and neatly collected. The delicate plants were hypnotizing, almost pure and untouchable. Gaz cleared his throat, smiling as he rubbed the back of his head.
"I might be a soldier, but I know how beautiful these are and their meaning. Seeing them reminded me of you—how delicate you are. You remind me of humanity and kindness, dear. If anything, this would be the millionth way to tell you how much I love you."
His words made you tear up, holding the bouquet to your chest, as if promising to protect it just like he protects you every day.
"You're perfect, darling. You make me feel at home. Words can't even describe how glad I am to have met you."
His eyes flickered, a soft blush creeping onto his cheeks as he hugged you tightly. Gaz ran his hand through your hair, taking in the familiar fragrance you both chose together. He had a mini bottle of your perfume, keeping it in his gear to smell when he missed you, as if the sweet sugary scent made him feel at home, where he belonged—by your side.
You sat on the bench, holding hands. The wind blew, making you shiver slightly. Your thin jacket wasn't enough to keep you warm. Gaz wrapped his arms around you, his warm flesh providing some comfort.
You nuzzled closer to him, taking pleasure in watching two swans swim in the lake. The magnificent creatures moved swiftly through the water.
Perhaps, in some other world, in another parallel, you and Gaz were those two swans, journeying to every corner of the world in search of where you belonged. But in the end, you knew, without a doubt, that you belonged together. It didn't matter how heated your arguments got; you always came back to each other, falling into each other's arms and whispering apologies mixed with sweet affection.
Later that night, you lay back on the bed with your beloved, sipping the tea he had made earlier. Sinking in the warm sheets and the dim light of the room, Gaz sighed.
"Do you think they ever get sick of each other?" Gaz whispered, referring to the swan couple.
"Well, they might. I'm not sure. Will you ever get sick of me?" you asked playfully.
His head snapped up at your question, as if offended. He held your chin, looking straight into your eyes as he promised, kissing you softly.
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(let's ignore that joke at the beginning i was feeling silly lmao 💀😍 hope this made sense cuz i know i sometimes write non sense)
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layla4567 · 11 months
Let me take care of you
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Pairing: Bruce!Wayne x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are very close to Bruce but lately he seems very distant or cutting, one day he will come to the mansion beaten and you will have to heal him.
Warnings: Not proofread, Injuries,bit of blood mention, secrets, fluff, worry/angst,
Word Count: 3k
︶꒦︶꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶꒷꒦‧ ₊˚・
You hadn't known Bruce for long, but it seemed like he had been in your life from minute zero. You didn't have the pleasure of knowing him personally when he was just a child, but he grew up and met you. It was pure chance, you were late for work looking at the ground as usual and you didn't notice the people crossing in front of you until you suddenly collided with a boy with hair as dark as his clothes. He looked at you sad and apologizing profusely, you only had eyes to see and admire that beautiful serious but worried face. After that you two became good friends, you saw each other often, sometimes he invited you to his mansion. You had met his butler who soon took a liking to you. In Bruce you had found peace, a rare and pleasant serenity in contrast to the chaotic city of Gotham. And you could say that the feeling was mutual, young Wayne had found in you a light of hope, someone to cling to, it is true that he already had Alfred but he was someone already older and Bruce was afraid of losing him. Besides, what he felt for you went far beyond a simple friendship. In him he discovered a new rebirth, a soft and tender side that he never dared to show, you were his light in the middle of the darkness and he didn't want you to go out. In a city like that full of dangers, you had each other.
He had never told you about his "double life" that is, that he was Batman. When he met you and realized how important you were to him, he promised to protect you with his life. With so many villains and crimes on the loose, Bruce couldn't risk losing the only good thing he had ever had in that city of death, the only thing that gave meaning to everything. his life. You. And that's why lately he had been behaving strangely, he was still affectionate with you but you still noticed something strange and different about him.
You two had met in a park under the treetops, you were walking aimlessly admiring the vegetation, you were both arm in arm like an adorable old couple, from time to time you would rest your head on his shoulder since you were shorter than him.
"I missed these days like this". You sighed, squeezing his arm affectionately.
"Me too". He said looking at you and smiling slightly.
"You've been very busy lately, does your company demand so much of your time?"
"My company? Oh yeh, yeh, lately unemployment has umh risen its numbers…". He said, clearing his throat nervously.
You looked at him confused, was something wrong with his company? Had you said something bad? You never saw him so hesitant, he was almost always a person sure of his words. You didn't want to worry too much, he was always someone enigmatic and you loved him for that, you respected his silences and spaces. You two sat on a bench watching the people walk by, but you noticed that Bruce was serious and thoughtful, well, more than usual.
"All good?". You asked anxiously, taking his hand.
Wayne seemed to wake up with your touch, as if he had been in a trance. He looked at you surprised, meeting your worried look, he smiled, downplaying it.
"Of course, don't worry." He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb and brought your hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly.
That gesture brought the heat back to your cheeks and you smiled, sighing in relief, maybe he had just had an exhausting day, to tell the truth, your work also tired you sometimes. They continued sitting trying to bring up topics of conversation other than the insecurities of living in Gotham or the horrible crimes that were committed there. You told him about a new book you were starting to read and he listened attentively as if his life depended on it. He loved listening to you talk about things that were so mundane but that were clearly exciting to you.
"I'm just starting to read the first pages but it's already exciting! It's full of adventure and fantasy!! and the protagonist must face a mystery from his past and…"
The words came out of your mouth like an uncontrollable torrent, you gestured with your hands and your smile widened as your eyes lit up. Bruce admired your passion and charm for reading among other things, your cheeks heated by the speed at which you spoke seemed to him to be the cutest thing in the world.
"Maybe one day you can bring it so we can read it together."
Seeing how your eyes opened brighter than the sun and your cheeks turned even pinker was his most precious treasure, and it made him laugh softly. You, surprised, accompanied him with sweet giggles. When you decided that it was too cold to be outdoors, you two got up and you tenderly approached behind him and hugged him, squeezing his stomach a little to which he let out a grunt of pain. Startled, you quickly turned away, looking at him.
"What was that? Are you ok?"
His face was trying hard not to contort in pain but he had a deep frown on his face.
"It's nothing, I must have torn a muscle while exercising"
His voice seemed calm but he was holding his stomach with one hand, that alone was enough to dampen the good mood and nice moment the two of you had had. In silence they each returned to their homes.
On another occasion, Bruce disappeared for several days without showing any signs of life. You understood that he had his life and was independent, but it was worrying that you didn't hear from him for so long.
"Come on, come on answer"
You were in your apartment with the telephone in your hand and the other on your hip, moving your legs nervously. Bruce didn't even answer your calls, much less your messages. You were already thinking the worst and you didn't want to be panicked so you decided to do the only thing you could do, find out if he was in his mansion imprisoned like a mole.
You put on a hand-knit cardigan and headed out to Wayne Manor. You walked in a hurry so you arrived almost breathless at the great mansion. It was a miracle that no one had jumped you before. You knocked on the door three times and an elegantly dressed older man opened the door for you. Seeing you, a soft smile filled his lips.
"Miss Y/N, how lovely it is to see you here, tell me, can I help you with something?"
Alfred was always happy to see you hanging around Wayne Manor, many times you had even stayed over to sleep, it was a pleasure for him to serve both his master and you, you could say that you were almost like family. And if you made Bruce happy, the butler was pleased with that. But more urgent matters prevented you from noticing the warmth and kindness with which he greeted you.
"Actually, yes, there is something…Is Bruce home?"
A subtle shadow appeared on the butler's face but he quickly added
"Masterr B had to leave urgently due to work issues but I'm sure he'll be back soon"
"But I haven't seen him in days and he doesn't even answer his phone!"
You were starting to get nervous so Alfred put a warm hand on your shoulder.
"That's because he has had to move from one city to another to attend to important… matters. And you can guess that's also the reason why he hasn't used his phone, he doesn't want distractions."
"Please Miss Y/N, come in and have some tea, you can wait for him on the couch."
Almost forced, you entered the mansion with the butler's hand gently pushing you from behind to enter. Although it was not the first time you visited the building, you were always surprised by finding new details, whether it was a painting that had been moved or a new, clean carpet. The mansion exuded opulence and good taste and that always surprised you no matter how many times you had been there. You sat on the couch waiting for tea while you played with your fingers anxiously. You turned your head and looked out the window, scanning the landscape outside, hoping to see Bruce walk and return to his house. Alfred arrived with a tray on which rested a cup of tea and a sugar bowl with sugar cubes.
"I brought some chamomile tea, it's good for your nerves." He said with a knowing wink.
You thanked him with a nod, trying to smile. You cupped the cup with both hands, feeling its heat, which calmed you down a little, it was like being near a smoking fireplace, those memories made you aware. The cup was finely painted porcelain and decorated with small blue flowers and green leaves with their stems intertwining with each other. The steam from the infusion rose to your nose and warmed your cheeks.
"Are sugar cubes okay or would you prefer honey?"
"The clods are fine, thanks Alfred"
The tea seemed magical to you, it managed to calm your darkest fears and you could even say that you enjoyed your short stay in the mansion. But you still remembered why you had come there. You were about to finish your drink and put the cup on the table when a figure wearing a black coat appeared in the doorway like an apparition.
"Bruce!". You stifled a scream
Bruce was a mess, his battered face had a bruise on his eye and a cut on his forehead, his hair that had previously been combed back was now messy and fell forward a little. Hearing you distressed, Alfred arrived as soon as he could to see what was happening, of course he already imagined it, when he saw Master B standing there looking tired, his face contracted into a frown. Bruce took slow steps entering the mansion.
You covered your mouth with one hand, swallowing your tears, and ran to hug him but you did so with so much force that Bruce gave a pitiful moan, contracting his face and tensing his body slightly. Scared of hurting him more than he already was, you turned away from him.
"For the love of God, what the hell happened to you?!"
Bruce, without removing his grimace of pain, sat down heavily on the sofa near where you were. Alfred left them alone so that the two of you could talk in peace. If you needed anything, the butler knew that you could always call him.
"It's nothing Y/N, leave it at that.". Bruce said with a whimper
"Are you serious Bruce?! It's nothing?! You have a bruise and cuts on your face, what do you call that nothing?!"
The anguish of knowing that someone had hurt him made you scream in desperation, added to the fury you felt at the habit he had of minimizing everything so as not to worry you, well, it wasn't working this time.
"Please let me at least check you over."
"No, wait"
You ignored his complaints and grabbed his face softly and delicately, even so he gritted his teeth when he felt your fingers rubbing his bruise. You didn't understand what the hell he had done to end up like this, but you suspected that it wasn't because of his work issues. After checking his face you came to the conclusion that his bruise urgently needed ice and that the cut on his forehead was not that big but it needed to be cleaned or it could get infected.
"Well, I'll tell Alfred to bring the first aid kit, now will you tell me what happened to you?"
"Some thugs hit me in an alley when I was coming here…" He said avoiding eye contact.
You knew it was a lie because of how he avoided looking at you, but you didn't know how to get him to tell you the truth. You frowned and touched his arm when you felt something wet, you noticed that a part of the sleeve of his coat was slightly darker. You ordered him to take it off and when you saw his arm you gasped. He had a cut deeper than the one on his forehead and it was bleeding. You urgently called the butler who arrived quickly with the first aid kit.
"Fuck! Will you also tell me that that cut was the fault of a thug?"
"I must have cut my arm on a loose nail or glass… I don't remember"
You sighed frustratedly trying to control your temper, you hated when he lied, especially in such a stupid way. A cut like that couldn't have been from a simple nail, it seemed more like it was made by a knife, you shuddered when you thought about it. You opened the first aid kit and took out everything you needed: gauze, disinfectant, cotton, etc. You took his chin with your thumb and turned his face to get a good look at the wounds. You weren't a nurse but you knew how to heal certain wounds. You wiped a cotton ball with disinfectant and Bruce tensed his jaw and closed his eyes, frowning.
"I'm trying to be delicate."
"I know". He sighed and one corner of his mouth turned up.
Luckily Alfred also brought ice so when you finished the cut on his forehead you gave him ice wrapped in a towel to put on his eye. But the worst part remained, the cut on his arm that was beginning to stain his clothes. You rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and grabbed a clean cloth soaked in clean water. When you ran it over his cut to clean the blood, he quickly removed it, complaining.
"Ouch". He growled loudly.
"Sorry, this hurts me more than it hurts you". You said sadly
"Oh really?" He said, mocking slightly with irony.
But when he saw your distressed face, he stopped smiling and extended his arm to you so you could heal him. You tried in every way to do it gently but Bruce would squirm slightly or moan and make the job more difficult. When you cleaned the wound the cloth had turned red. You put some disinfectant and bandaged the wound. Bruce, despite being hurt and bruised, looked at you with tenderness, how you took the time to heal a poor boy like him. You were so worried and focused on your task that you didn't realize he was staring at you until you raised your head, a warm smile spread across his face and it infected you, but you were still angry and that's how you let him know.
"Bruce I need to know the truth, who did this to you?"
He opened his mouth but you interrupted him again.
"And don't start with that they were thugs because you and I know that's not true.". You warned him
He looked into your eyes, getting lost in your long-lashed gaze while he thought about what he was going to say. You looked at him worriedly, waiting for an answer, a real one this time. He sighed and lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.
"Y/N I can't really tell you what I did today because it would put you in danger and I don't want that. When I met you I swore to myself that nothing bad would happen to you and that I would protect you no matter what, well if I tell you the truth that I could break my promise and I don't want to see you hurt."
You looked at him stunned by his words, now with more reason you wanted to know what was happening but you didn't want to risk someone hurting you…or killing you. Suddenly you couldn't help but think of terrible things that Bruce could be involved in, as if he read your thoughts, he said.
"I'm not involved in any shady business if that's what you want to know. What I do is something more complex than a mafia, but it's not bad at all, I assure you."
Bruce saw that this was confusing you even more and he could even glimpse a hint of fear that he wasn't sure if it was because of him or because of what he was doing. He quickly took your hand and caressed it.
"I understand that this is all confusing but you must trust me please. I assure you that I would not do anything to hurt you, in fact it is just the opposite."
Bruce gave you pleading looks and he sounded so hopeless that his silences spoke for themselves, he begged you to believe him. You pursed your lips thoughtfully and then placed a hand on his uninjured cheek and caressed it carefully.
"Bruce… I trust you, and I really want to believe you… but, it hurts me to see you hurt like this."
You sighed and he nodded, closing his eyes, feeling the warmth of your hand bring him back to life.
"It's okay, I know you know how to defend yourself. But I ask you for the love of God that whatever you're doing, don't get too involved. I don't want to find out one day through the mouths of others that you're in a hospital or…-"
Your words got stuck in your throat, stifling a sob and he hugged you. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his perfume, that seemed to calm you down. It was ironic how Bruce being so hurt could still comfort you even though it should be the other way around. You slowly broke away from the hug.
"By the way, thank you for healing me and being so nice to me."
You smiled maternally
"Of course I had to take care of you and it was a pleasure."
Alfred, who was actually in the kitchen listening to everything like a gossip, approached with stealthy steps and proclaimed
"Oh no, I think I should watch my back or Miss Y/n will take my job.". He said mockingly playfully
The three of them laughed in relief, feeling the tension dissipate. If your life depended on it, you would take care of young Wayne every day of your life without once complaining. Bruce smiled at you even though the bruise still hurt and his face contracted a little into a grimace, you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and he invited you to stay the night if you liked, you nodded delightedly, maybe that way you could keep an eye on him even closer.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hi there! Love your writing! 💕 I would like to request something for flufftober! You go with Flo to Venice Film Festival for the DWD premiere and you propose to her one night before, so she's wearing the engagement ring you gave to her at the premiere and everybody freaks out 🤭 thanks a lot in advance!
Shiny Surprise || Flufftober
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader 
Summary: The Don’t Worry Darling Premiere at the Venice Film Festival gets more than expected.
Fluff | 1.2K | No Warnings |  
AC: I’m still not over how beautiful Florence looked that day oh my god!!! I hope you enjoy x!
Flufftober Masterlist
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Nothing ever made you as nervous as you felt last night when you got on one knee and asked Florence to marry you, you knew early on in your relationship that she was your person. The one you could count on, the one to make you laugh on your darkest days, the one to wrap you in her warm arms when everything seemed to be crashing down around you, the one who understood you and never made you feel unworthy or unloved, the one who you would do anything for, it was her, it always was her. It was a long time coming but the timing never felt more perfect than last night. 
"Are you ready, darling?" Florence asked, breaking your thoughts. She was break taking, the dress she wore only made your excitement for the wedding grow even more. "You look so beautiful" you smiled softly as you took in the scene before you, she gave you a twirl before wrapping her arms around the back of your neck, playing it the tiny baby hairs that she loved to twirl her fingers through. "Thank you, honey" she replied while looking into your eyes, "You're gonna knock em dead" you smirked, your hands resting on her hips as you pressed your lips against hers. 
"I wish you'd come on the carpet with me" she pouted. "I know darling, but we've been asked to not do so" your tone was full of disappointment. Given the drama circling the film, it was requested that there be nothing that would take the attention away from the movie and for some reason you walking the red carpet with your fiancé was going to distract reporters from the movie. "I'll be waiting for you at the end of the carpet though" you kissed her once more. "Plus, I think Granny Pat will absolutely love it!" 
"She is very excited" Florence chuckled.
The 10-minute boat ride to the premiere was beautiful as you took in the sights with Florence beside you. You noticed she kept toying with the engagement ring as it complimented her hand beautifully, you were sure that people would notice its importance. "Are you nervous?" You asked as you gently placed a hand on top of hers, she shook her head and looked at you with a soft smile, "No, I'm excited" she replied, "excited to share this with you to share the rest of my life with you" she adds. You brought her hand to your lips and kissed it softly, "I love you" you whispered as the boat came to a stop, "I love you too" she smiled and kissed you once more before the two of you got off the boat. 
Cameras were quick to snap as many photos of the two of you alongside Florence's family as you followed her to the red carpet. Fans called out to her as she walked by, stopping to take photos and sign things as she made her way through. You always loved seeing how loved Florence is by everybody. Once on the red carpet you waited by the side with her family as Florence did her thing, posing for photos, waving to fans and even blowing kisses with a wide smile. You were deeply in awe as you watched her knowing she is the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with.
"Florence, show us the ring!"
"Florence is that an engagement ring?!" 
"Are you and Y/n engaged?" 
The questions from the paparazzi caught your attention as Florence ignored them and came over to you and Granny Pat with a smile, "are you ready Gran?" She asked hugging her grandma tightly, "I'm always ready!" She chuckled and grabbed Florence's hand. You smiled softly as you watched Florence take her gran to the marked spots on the red carpet. 
Your phone started to buzz with notifications from friends and extended family, all asking the same question, "Are you and Flo engaged?!?", only Florence's family and yours knew about the engagement as it hadn't even been 24 hours since she said yes with tears of joy in her eyes. You knew the internet would be buzzing over the news before you both even had the chance to announce it yourselves, but you didn't care. 
"Honey, come over here" you heard Florence call you over with a hand gesture, you shook your head with a smile as Florence came over to you, "darling, I don't care about the rules, let me show the world how beautiful you are, please" she gave you her best puppy eyes that she knew you couldn't resist and before you knew it she was dragging you hand in hand to the cameras. The flashing lights where blinding but Florence knew just how to fix that. Gently she cups your face and kisses you with her all. 
The paparazzi ate the scene before them up, taking as many photos as they could, calling out your names and asking the same questions as before. Fans freaked out and cheered loudly. You smiled against her lips before the two of you posed for more photos. "I love you so much honey" she whispered taking your hand and leading you both off the carpet.
Florence stood for a couple of short interviews, the question of the night making her cheeks glow with redness as she wanted to share the news but not without you by her side so she changed the topic and avoided the question until the last interview where she dragged you with her, your left hand rested on her left hip as she answered the questions about the movie and what it was like to work with her co-stars. 
"The cast were wonderful, we had so much fun, and we are all just excited for everybody to see the film" she smiled. 
"I'm going to ask, I'm sorry" the interview chuckled lightly, "We all saw the ring before, is it safe to say that the two of you are taking the next step? Are you guys engaged?" he asked with a soft smile. Florence looked up at you and smiled, "It's okay" you spoke softly. Florence looked back at the interviewer and nodded. 
"Yes, we are" she smiled widely. 
After the premiere you joined Florence on the jet back to the set of Dune part 2, you had her wrapped in your arms as she intertwined her fingers with yours and placing soft kisses on your cheek and jaw as you told her over and over how beautiful she looked and how proud you are of her. 
"Will you be quiet for 5 minutes and just kiss me already?" She cuts you off with the softest smile. "Oh, I'm sorry" you chuckled before kissing her with passion.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | 
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teaandransacking · 2 years
hii!! could you do an anthony lockwood drabble where reader is having a stressful day and its just a bit of comfort from him ? thank you ^^^
Of course! I had a bit of a shitty day on Thursday so I sympathise.
I hope this ticks all your boxes!
Words: 1k ~ content: Straightforward Fluff.
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You closed your bedroom door, wondering if screaming into your pillow would be audible for your housemates downstairs.
It’d been a hell of a day. First you’d accidentally tumbled loads of books off a shelf in The Archives when the hardback you wanted was stuck. Then when opening your purse in Arif’s shop, the coins had jumped out of a rip in the seam and rolled under the baking goods shelf, some of them never to be seen again. And then, when you’d arrived home and shut yourself in the basement to blow off some steam with rapier practice, a fuse had blown, and no one else was home, so you’d spent a frustrating half hour trying to change it, something you’d never done before.
After  all that, you were so thoroughly frazzled that just one more thing would’ve been the last straw, so when Lucy, George and Lockwood arrived home after a recce on a nearby mansion, you’d pleaded a headache and retreated upstairs. They’d wanted to hear the results of your research, but you’d asked them to wait until tomorrow.
You loved them all, but you were going to have a meltdown if today threw one more spanner in your path. 
As intent as you were on escaping, you hadn’t noticed Lockwood’s concerned frown as you went.
In your room, you lay on your bed, gazing at the ceiling. There was a small spider making its way around the plaster of the ceiling rose, and for a moment you longed to trade places with it. No responsibilities, no clumsy accidents, no embarrassment or stress.
As you’re contemplating a nice little life as a spider, there’s a soft knock at the door, and then you hear Lockwood utter your name.
When you don’t reply, he adds, “Are you all right? We were worried.”
It’s on the tip of your tongue to ask if he means he was worried, but you decide not to read too much into it.
“Can I come in?” he says after a few moments.
The door opens slowly, and he stands there in his shirt and tie and smart trousers. Purple socks today. He’s holding a tray with a steaming pot of tea on it, a little china milk jug, and two cups.
One of them, you note, is your favourite cup, shaped liked a cat with the handle fashioned as a tail.
That makes you smile, and you sit up.
Lockwood comes to the end of the bed and places the tray down.
“There’s the smile I wanted to see,” he says. “Can I sit?”
You nod, and he does, folding his long body next to the tea tray. 
He pours deftly, not a single drop wasted, and adds the amount of milk he knows you like, then offers you the cat cup. You watch his hands as he works, hoping he doesn’t know how often you’ve thought of them on you, how his rapier-calluses would feel on your skin. On your most sensitive places.
“Thanks,” you say instead.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?” he asks, his hazel eyes searching your face.
“Just a lot of little things getting on top of me. You don’t need to worry.”
He frowns. “But I do. You’re part of this team, and-” he cuts himself short and looks down into his cup of tea.
You reach forward and pat his thigh. “And what?”
He looks away as he adds, softly, “And more than that, you’re very important to me personally. So if you’re upset, in any way, I want to be here for you.”
You smile. “It’s admirable, that you care about your employees so much.”
Lockwood sighs, setting his cup down. “You know it’s more than that. Or, if you don’t know, it’s because I need more practice letting people in.” He holds your gaze as he sets the tray aside and moves up the bed towards you, making sure you’re okay with his proximity. “Do you want me to stay?”
“Yes,” you say, leaning into him as he sits next to you, and then he curls his arm around you, and you snuggle in, and he smells of earl grey tea and hot buttered crumpets, and home, and everything inside you unfurls, and the knot in your stomach relaxes.
“Just to check,” Lockwood says, resting his cheek on your hair, “There’s no one that needs to meet the sharp end of a rapier after today?”
You chuckle, sipping your tea. “Nothing like that.”
“Because if Kipps-”
“I swear, nothing like that.”
“Good. That’s good.” He stands up for a second and you worry he’s going to leave, but instead he grabs a thick blanket from where it’s slung over the foot of your bed and brings it over, sitting down again and tucking it around you both.
You snuggle back into him and he sighs, tugging you back against the headboard.
Through the window, the sun is setting, filling your room with blood orange and gold hues. Shadows spill on to Lockwood’s face, kissing his cheekbones and the set of his mouth, and he’s almost too beautiful to look at.
You sit there together for a long time, his arm around you, his cheek warm on your hair. You can feel his heart beating under your palm, and it’s a steady, sure sound. It makes you feel safe. Wanted. Loved.
At some point you realise, “Lockwood! Your tea’s gone cold.” The tray is still on the floor, where he put it earlier.
He shrugs. “I can always make another cup.”
This, from the boy who is all we only have so many teabags and one biscuit per agent, makes you melt a little bit. Especially when he adds, in that buttery smooth British accent, “I only have one priority at Portland Row right now, and it’s you.”
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woozihaes · 1 year
pairing: mingyu x f!reader warnings: a:tla au. mingyu as a firebender, reader as a waterbender, talk of an arranged marriage. i wrote parts of this back in... 2018? or earlier? i don't know. i just wanted to post it. no plot, lots and lots of fluff, though it's suggestive at the end. notes: two fics from me in a span of two weeks? who is she?!
at the end
dusk had begun to settle over the fire nation.
the view from their window was spectacular—the capitol glowed orange, and though she couldn’t see the people milling about as the palace was too far from the streets, she could see street lanterns light up one by one, thanks to sharp, precise strikes of fire by the resident benders.
the edges of the sea that touched the land—yours now, you reminded herself—was painted purple, soft curves of white cresting back and forth over the shore in a soothing sight. a flock of birds swelled over a patch of trees in the distance and flew over the island, and out of your line of vision.
the fire nation was magnificent. its people were alive and passionate, its land rich and fruitful. its cities were warm and inviting and interesting, filled with good food and celebrations yet teeming with secrets. it used to be such a scary place to you, because compared to the vast white tundra you'd called home for all your life, a foreign land that looked like a prison from far away, with its black houses and dark palace.
at the time, it felt like you was giving your life away.
someone called your name, and you turned to smile at your husband. he was still wearing the fire lord's pin on his head, but he'd already taken off the robes he often wore to meetings. "hello."
mingyu shut the door behind him and rubbed his temple as he walked into your bedroom. “hi. um, i'm sorry about earlier. i didn't mean to snap.”
you shook your head. "it's fine. i shouldn’t have been a nuisance to you in the middle of a meeting.”
pulling his hand away from his face, he sent you a tiny scowl. “you’re not a nuisance. you’re my wife.”
you cocked your head, walking over to him. "still. you're the fire lord. there are more important things for you to deal with."
his face soured. "i know you're trying to tease because i got short with you earlier, but please don't remind me. i just got over that meeting."
you suppressed your laugh. while mingyu's heart was in the right place, he often found himself at the mercy of the bureaucracy that ran the fire nation. he'd tried to keep his frustrations from you, especially that as the fire lady you'd had inadvertently signed up for the obligation to serve the public in some capacity, but you would always pry. at one point, you'd gotten into a rather heated argument about how he didn't seem to care about your opinions, which had led to a very upset mingyu because that wasn't the case at all, he just hadn't wanted you to see how hard of a time he was having.
you'd understood, really. running a nation was hard. but he didn't have to do it alone.
"you can always call me to come in, you know," you teased, laying your hands on his shoulders. "you know i love terrorizing old geezers."
mingyu's chuckle was deep and pleasant. "i'll remember that next time." he leans forward to kiss your forehead. "but seriously, you should join more meetings."
you hummed when he trailed his lips lower to place them on your mouth. you accepted his kiss before pulling away and walking towards the bed.
when you turned, you caught his open-faced admiration: the way he looked from your bare feet up to your exposed shoulder, peeking from beneath your robe. he didn't even try to hide that he was checking you out.
mingyu had always been such a gentleman to you since the day you'd met him that it still catches you off guard whenever he looks at you that way. it was such a guy thing for him to be caught doing, but you weren't going to lie and say that you didn’t like it.
as soon as mingyu put his hair ornament down on the dresser he walked over and stands in front of you. his hand came up to pull up your robe. "cover this up," he pouted. "people might see and i might get jealous."
you laugh. "sorry, fire lord."
he takes off his undergarments and you unabashedly admired his body; the way your husband kept himself up was very… easy on the eyes. the hard planes of his chest and abdomen finally revealed themselves, and you reached out to trail your fingers from his navel up to gently press against his chest.
mingyu hummed and changed the subject. “what were you thinking about by the window, my waterbender?” 
"the fire nation," you answered truthfully. "how it's so different from the south pole but just as beautiful."
"that's all?"
you climbed your hand up from his chest to his shoulder. "how scared i was when i had to move here after marrying you. it felt like i was giving away my soul." you climbed your hand higher, until it rested on his jaw. "in a way, i was."
"i'm sorry," mingyu murmured.
you shook your head. "don't be. i—" you caress the curve of his cheek with your thumb. "i think it's the best thing that's ever happened to me." you smiled. "you're also here, which is a bonus. gives me something nice to look at every once in a while."
mingyu snorted out a short laugh before letting out a comically loud sigh. "i knew it. you only married me for my body."
you kissed his cheek. "being a queen is nice too, but yeah. the main thing i'm here for is your body."
he sighed again before pulling away and dramatically falling against the bed, eyes closed and arms outstretched. "do what you must, wife," he cries, "i'm prepared to be ravished for the good of my people."
you laughed. "'for the good of your people'?"
he opened one eye to look at you. "whatever. i've had too long a day to come up with something less lame. can we skip to the ravishing part now, please?"
"i never agreed to ravish you."
"can you do it anyway?"
you laughed again. "is it okay if we put the lights out, then?”
"what?" mingyu's head popped up. "why?"
"to set the mood. hey, i'm doing the ravishing here, aren't i? lights off, please."
he pouted. "but what if i want to watch you?"
you rolled your eyes. mingyu was by no means an idiot, but he had a tendency to lose common sense when he was preoccupied with... other things. "then light them up again later, mingyu."
"oh. right." he cleared his throat. with a wave of his hand, the candles and sconces flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness, which was a mistake in hindsight.
"wait, mingyu, it's too dark! i can't see!"
you heard him snap his fingers and two of the furthest of lamps from the bed lit up.
"thanks," you chirped, climbing atop of him.
he gave you a pointed look. "i was promised a ravishing and i still haven't gotten it."
"you can never run a country if you're this impatient."
"we're wasting precious ti—ime!"
"can i start ravishing you now or should i wait for you to finish whatever you were saying?" you asked.
his answer was squeaky. "no, i'm good. i'll take the ravishing, please. thank you."
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