#its vacation time
cassatine · 1 year
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DANCING DINOS they're having a party
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Time For Summer Vacations!
It's time for summer vacations but it's important to take a few minutes to give your online security some thought and planning. The bad guys are out there worldwide just waiting for you to let your guard down so they can steal your identity.
It’s time for summer vacations but it’s important to take a few minutes to give your online security some thought and planning. The bad guys are out there worldwide just waiting for you to let your guard down so they can steal your identity or invade your bank account. Compared to last year your risk of being attacked online has increased 23.9%.90% of global cybercrimes are social engineering…
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deanmarywinchester · 1 year
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i like this substack article I found while googling jamie loftus’s book on hotdogs. it’s like a poem on the subject of “you can do whatever you want forever” to me
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iknowicanbutwhy · 4 months
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@chipper-smol I couldn't get the thought out of my head of dragon loop flying on unfamiliar wings away from their problems because obviously that's why they have them haha ha ha
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sporeclan · 4 months
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Finally, we officially have SporeClan's first newborn kitten!!!
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zu-is-here · 5 months
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you've heard of a woman's bag, now get ready for a man's pocket
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sunflowercider · 3 months
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Lloyd has had enough of your stupid self-sacrificing heroic bullshit.
Based off that one incredible post:
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which is SO true
Also, didnt put my whole heart into this one bc i sketched out the idea months ago, and nothing I could draw could ever match up to the perfect expressions from there lol
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Is Kaladin Stormblessed the ultimate fictional example of being so competent and good at your job that you have to do everyone else's jobs, too? Just imagine his resume and references at this point. My dude is Employee of the Eon.
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katydoodles · 1 year
My tribute to my head-canon that Azula and Aang would get high together
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I refenced a painting by Jack Vettriano called After Midnight, of a couple smoking on a couch.
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ereighna · 1 month
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Absolutely the same energy. Legend just has emotional irregulation and control problems, and Wind is 13.
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nomoretumbler · 3 months
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might do a series of drawings like this for the color gang
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liquid-geodes · 4 months
This day after mothers day, and every other holiday where you're running to the grocery store the day before/day of/day after said holiday, please for the love of God be so very kind to your grocery store employees
Some of us are the only person, yes person singular, running three, yes more than one, departments.
Some of us are doing this with no holiday pay for the minor, but busier, holidays.
Some of us have never been home with our families on these holidays while you're scrambling to get home to your family.
Some of us are barely making $11 an hour.
Some of us are very tired.
Some of us are me.
Be so nice to me.
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kuragesoda · 2 months
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rosho sensei !!!!
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elzorton · 3 months
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Richard II
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reillymackay · 1 month
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my fields of mistria farmer, violet💜
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littleplantfreak · 1 month
It’s heavy
Erm its a small thing about wanting to carry Ume’s burdens ig that ive been thinking about (even though i ended up going a whole other direction than i originally daydreamed. When i first thought about it, it was gonna be like stand in the rain dramatic but.)
its sfw and theres no cws i think except it’s kinda spoilery from recent chapters (not in depth tho) Also I read through it once but you know how it goes with proofreading owo)/
"I didn't know it would feel that heavy," Sakura says, mid bite into his lunch.
"Whatd'ya mean?" You swallow your own food before getting a drink. He's talking about Umemiya.
"The resolve to fight. For the town, the people you...love," he grits out the last word, still unused to verbally speaking about affection, but he's been getting better. "The weight of everything on your shoulders makes it hard to move sometimes" Your eyes widen at that. At the change in demeanor since he first came to town. He's really improved since you first met and honestly the change is for the better.
"Is it...a bad feeling?" You wonder, food forgotten now that the conversation has turned serious.
"Not bad, just annoying. And comforting? I don't know how to explain it." He's flushed now, embarrassed by the inability to find the proper words to convey just how it is. It's one of those things you have to feel for yourself to really grasp.
"Exhausting too I bet," you say more to yourself, thoughts suddenly going fully to the white haired man. Two bi-colored eyes look your way as you twirl your fork in your hands thoughtfully. He turns even redder when he sees your dazed look, knowing you're ruminating about Umemiya. You take out your phone, shooting out a text to see where he's at. When he texts back that he's on his way to the cafe from school, you decide you'll meet him halfway, telling Sakura you'll be back in a bit and that he can have your leftovers.
You're jogging really, not caring about pacing yourself when an urge has overtaken you. The anxiety spreads in your chest to your arms and hands, prickling at your fingertips. Nothing's wrong, but at the moment you feel like if you don't see his face soon, you'll never see it again. Logically, you talk yourself down knowing those thoughts are just your brain screwing with you, but the feeling won't go away until you get to him.
The sun warms Hajime’s face as he heads to Kotoha’s, wind blowing the chimes as they clink daintily. He's got an easy walk going, not surrounded by people for once.
The look on his face when he spots you is one of delight, slowly switching to concern from the way you're running towards him, cheeks flushed.
"Hey pumpkin, what's with the running? Somethin' up?" He asks before you plow straight into his chest, arms squeezing around his waist. You shake your head, tightening him in your hold knowing it's not gonna hurt him in the slightest.
"Can I carry it sometimes?" you mumble from his chest after a minute of breathing in his scent, sweat and deodorant mixing into a smell that was so him it calmed the frayed nervous that had been unraveling. When he asks what you'd be carrying, you lift your face to lock eyes with him.
"You? Everything you're carrying? Not all the time, but I don't want you to be the only one shouldering so much weight. I'm not that strong, but," you're suddenly self conscious about it, looking down at your feet for a second before forcing yourself back to look at his face. "but I can do it for you. Whenever you need me to." You finish, waiting on his response. He breathes deep and ponders it for a second, the look on his face a mix of hesitance and adoration at your declaration. For once he’a speechless, but he’s not surprised it’s you who’s rendered him as such.
“…I love you,” he says simply, eyes wide. Like he just rediscovered the fact despite his almost constant mission to let you know that with his words and actions on a daily basis.
“That’s not what-,”
“I know. I know, but I just wanted to say it I think. Or I couldn’t help it.” He kneels down to your level, holding both of your hands in his own, a look of resolve in his cloud grey eyes. “I can try…letting you carry some of it. It’s heavy.”
“That’s fine,” and you release his hands before grabbing his face. “I’ve got you.”
Atlas was punished to hold the weight of the world, but Hajime isn’t Atlas and he has you.
You both drop the subject for a bit, a ghost of the conversation still stays lingering in both of your heads. It's easy to say he'll rely on you like that, but the truth is putting it into practice is remarkably difficult.
He's still wondering how to work this new part of your dynamic when you decide to take the bull by the horns. He wakes up and shoots a text to Hiragi, telling him he'll meet him at the bakery to help paint the new sign, but he receives a text back saying it's been taken care of. Well that clears things up a bit, he thinks. So he goes to Kotoha's knowing she's been needing someone to do a supply run...only to find the first years already carrying the groceries over, and when he tries to help put them away? He's blocked from them, Nirei stuttering that they can handle it on their own.
His sister chimes in, though, that she thinks you really needed help with something over near the park. He thanks her, figuring his two main task for the day were complete, albeit almost immediately without him lifting a finger. By the time he makes his way to you, it seems you've been sitting for a while, passing the time on your phone wearing one of his old hoodies.
"You needed help lovebug?" He's asking, a hand running rough his hair, breath taken at the sight of you. You don't look any way different from any other day, but the feeling he gets in his chest when he sees you has yet to fade and he doesn't think it ever will.
"Yeah. It's a tough job. Think you can help?"
"Anything for you." You can tell by his voice and the look on his face that he means it.
"I want my boyfriend to relax for the day. Do you know how I can make that happen?" Faux innocence filling your expression. A few things click in his head at once. Throughout the week, his schedule seemed to be getting freer and freer no matter how many people he'd heard needed help with something. Every time he checked in with the person, someone had already taken care of it vehemently denying a need for any more assistance. Even today, the two things he planned to do were quickly swept up and deposited for someone else to do.
The look on your face, and your question have the last puzzle piece fitting into place. He'd smack himself for taking this long to notice if he wasn't flushing a bit right now. You were around less during the week or at the very least on your phone a bit more than usual, but he chalked it up to it being a busy week for you. He never would've thought you were working behind the scenes to lighten his load.
He'd gotten more done for himself this week than he had in a while and he had you to thank for that, even though it took him a while to figure it out. He thought briefly about thanking you, but realized this is what you wanted to do, no thanks necessary. So he shrugs before answering your question.
"I could've sworn he said something about really wanting to kiss you right now. He's around here somewhere I think," he's walking closer, hand on his chin, looking around as if to search for himself.
"Great, when you find him, let him know I've got a pillow and blanket fort set up at home with a stack of movies near the TV." You dodge him, twisting out of the way to head in the direction of your place. He huffs a laugh before running up to your side, arm wrapping around your waist, and drawing you in a close hug. He presses a big kiss to the crown of your head, and releases you just enough to keep walking. He feels lighter than he has in a while, and if you'd been asked, you would've told him the same thing.
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