#its unrelated waaah
osk-idv · 7 months
Salutations, all! We're the OSK (stands for "Outer Space Kids"), an Identity V friend group, here to bring chaos and calamity to the public! This masterpost will have links to all our members individual introduction posts and any other things we want organized :).
( masterpost created by Alex , last edit: 03/10/2024 )
links under the cut !
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
today's wonsho channel. my thoughts as we go. nobody asked but let's do it
ohhhhhhh the proseka next submissions are so cuteeeeeeeee!!!! right up my alley, when they come to en server i will spam the heck out of them in co-op lobbies waaah
OMG OMG OMG O MG DGGFDKDFJJJN is that a rabbit top hat!!!!!! aaaafhshdfgsfahsg minori you look so cute!!!! this is so cool actually!!!! cute outfit!! (my dreams of a card suit-themed set are temporarily curbed)
boys outfit..... WOAH. rui sweetie you look like a ghost. i think that might have been the point but like... it's cute!!!! i like it on him. also love the artstyle and colouring its so soft :) omedetou 634-san!!!
AYO AYO THE OUTFIT RUNNER UPS THO. the one by 417-san is SO COOL???????? and the butterfly one too!!!!! waaaa........ AND THE BOYS RUNNER-UPS TOO??? the one on the right looks like mysta rias??? snort (they look rlly good tho ughh the sheer amount of artistic talent in this community makes it so hard to choose a fave!!!)
vocaseka ranking... woah woah WOAH THIS FIRST ONE EXCUSE ME????????????????? ohhhhh the tuning on this is. WOAAAH yes rin growl into my ears omg. OMG!! THE ART ON THIS ONE IS ALSO SO GOOD HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and the pv looks like a fever dream. in a good way. what do you MEAN this is marasy. MARASY. LIKE. 88* MARASY. ohhhhhh the range of this man. is the tuning bibi-san again. holy shit that's why its so good. i love bibi's tuning. otsu marasy and bibi!
next one. oh its so cutee!! awwwwwwww look at those characters tho!! has a very denpa feel!! they look like little hamster aliens!! which vocaloid is this btw... namiguru-san! never heard of them until today, i'll go check it out after the stream >< they have a really fun and cute sound!!! zunda zunda
hooooooh boi proseka news lezgo. oh crap yeah ena's birthday's in like. five days. and saki's and tsukasa's next month....... i can't prepare things that fast lmaoooooo. golden week login campaign for jp! (too bad i don't play jp huh.)
YES YES YES CONCHITA IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!! its the best of all the evillious songs imo (it's also the only other one i've heard besides daughter and servant of evil. and enbizaka tailor). and the sleeping princess one too (oh nevermind this one SMACKS.)!! AND ENBIZAKA!!!!!! lets go. AND GALLERIAN'S SONG!!!!!!! yeaaaaaahhhhhh!!! i guess sega heard us when we said we wanted more hehehe. enjoy the beatmaps jp players!! <3
unrelated but i love hina kino's hairclips >< they're cute on herrrrr
BE THE MUSIC VSINGER VERSION YAAAAY!! (i am the only person who has not heard be the music) kinoshita you are an absolute chad of the vocaloid scene thank you for the food!! oh yeaaah its coming to streaming services too!! ty for the food sega....
hehe stopify
CONNECT LIVE LEONI!! THAT'S HAPPENING SOON!! someone record the best bits pls. also the merch looks so cute!! and this is probably expected but the logo for it is so clean and nice omg... god i love graphic design.
3DMV brushups yay!! this will be hell for the people playing on low storage haha... hang in there guys... actually i don't know what they're saying here haha it might not be an update to the graphics after all... ehhh i'll find out later. anyway have fun with that!
ooooooh adeliae's song is in the game!! it sounds really cute! kind of leoni-esque!!!
YAY MORE ORANGESTAR!!!!!!! 3dmv too!! and with meiko!!! orangestar never misses :) and also the 3dmvs just keep getting better with every new one so im excited to see what they do for this one ><
sharing the world in jp :) have fun jp bros <3
sagashi ni yuko setsuna STOP STOP STOP ITS SHANTI. full vbs. FULL. VBS!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg i was literally listening to this like. five days ago wtf. manifestation works!!
hhh. hhhhhhhhhh. next..... commissions............... my favourite..... part................
niigo!! cats!!!!! TSUMIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa is this mafuyu's event?????? oh its sounding so good already aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! (tsumiki left a rlly long comment tho lmao) also does this confirm niigo catpeople. whatever the case SQUEALING SQUEALING WAILING SCREAMING
oh no i just finished my bubble tea. we're not even at the goods section yet oh no. my hands are......... shaking............................. idk whyyy......
oh god who's the next commission. hh. hhhhhhhh.
wxs. sea. coral. its nene. no no please no. ITS NENENENNENENENEN. KOYORI??????? OF HITORINBO ENVY FAME. omg. omg omg omg.... ohhhhhhh it sounds so sweet and nice............ im gonna cry when this comes out won't i. wansho fans please cry with me :,) this will be a banger and if any of you say otherwise i will cry. god its so warm and fuzzy. AND THIS IS JUST THE PREVIEW. i need to go outside.(anyway sega please give them a NICE. NICE. NICE FLUFFY EVENT WHERE WE CAN STOP THINKING ABOUT THE GROUP SPLITTING UP IN THE FUTURE. PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS)
hh showtime ruler comes out on wednesday... LOOK AT THE LEONI ART!!!!!! love that for them <3
oooo second live on bluray!! that'll be fun
ok i'm gonna stop talking now but just know that may is about to screw us all over.
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sibillascribbles08 · 6 years
This is a crack fic I wrote the previous night under the influence of alcohol and also under the influence of my terrible friends who kept giving me awful suggestions. There was a rule that I could not delete anything apart from the word I was currently typing.
I am begging you not to take this seriously.
This is the third out of three.
It’s a Ma.rio/TBoL Au somehow
Mario is Manolo, Peach is María, Bower is Joaquín, Wario is Xibalba, Donkey Kong is La Muerte, Luigi is the Candlemaker, Toadworth is Posada, Waluigi is Carlos, Daisy is Carmen, Live Action Bowser is Chakal
SO FUCKIN once upon a time two gods of death? I think were hanging out in the graveyard their names were Wario and Donkey Kong. They’re in the graveyard and talking about a bet. And then they decide they’re gonn place their wager on some kids and who this girl is gonna marry even though she could potentioallly marry someone compeltely unrelated to whatever they’re wagering, whatever. SO anyway. Wario bets on Bowser to marry Peach. And Donkey Kong bets on Mario. Yay.
So um I think Peach lets out a bunch of YOSHIs into the streets and causes a fucking MESSS um Bowser and Mario both fight a big yoshi and manage to beat it yay. But then Peach is getting shipped off to spain because ?? manners.
Boys r sad.
SO GROWING UP montage I think with Mario learning to fight CHOMP CHOMPS and Bowser just learning to fight in general. There’s music.
ANYWYA we get to the first chomp chomp fight for Mario UM Peach ish ome again yes and Bowser for some reason gets to show off before the fight riding on a horse??? or uuuuuh idk what could replace a horse. So everyone’s swooning. The entire stadium is gay. So then Mario comes out with his cape he’s gonna fight the chomp chomp. Manages to write some romantic letter for Peach in there I guess?? however that works, animation cheats. So he doesn’t write Peach’s name in the sand he draws a peach emoji which kinda looks like a butt?
But then Peach swoons anwyay jsut cause. SO THEN Mario’s supposed to stab the fuckin chomp chomp but he doesn’t cause that’d be awful, KILLIN THE CHOMP CHOMPS IS WRONG. WAAAAAH Waluigi cries in despiration.
Crowd bows. Mario gets knocked out by guitar.
Wakes up and his dad, Waluigi is shaming him WAAAH, along with his grandmother, Rosalina. Rosalina calls him a bitch.
SO THEN he sings I’m a Creep by Radiohead and Peach is swooning even more, thinks that’s hat.
OKAY SO WE cut to a dinner at um Toadsworth’s house and um Bowswer is trying to flirt with Peach but he’s sound a little sexist. Peach tells him to piss off and she’s going to feed her ........ birdo cause she’s better company than this.
So Bowser knows he fucked up and Mario starts serenading Peach with a guitar song. AND IT”S REALLY HAT LIKE SUPER HAT OH M YGOOOOOD.
But she don’t kiss him cause meh it’s funnier ot push him like ten feet onto the ground and watch him get crushed by his bandmates. Mario loses a life.
SO then Peach goes downstairs and is going to give Mario his guitar back but Bowser has a sonic ring out CHAOS EMERALD IN IT, ITS” FANCY so then Peach is like oh fuck I don’t wanna fucking commit already I just got home. SO THEN mario stumbles in and he’s like ??? drunk or slightly concussed, and leans on Bowser it’s kinda gay.
Mario gets stabbed loses another life.
So then they argue about who’s better for Peach but BANDITS OH MY GOD IT”S THE  GOOOMBITOS THEY’RE COMING. So they go out to fight them but then Bowser shows up out of nowher with some sick kick flips and beats their asses and has some medal of immortality. THE GOOMBAS NOTICE. They flees.
The towsns people think they’re saved and Bowser is a hero. And Peach goes to talk to him because uuuh marriage for the tower??? but also they used to be friends so you might as awell. Toadsworth wants the bowswer D.
So Mario’s moping cause he fucked up he didn’t  win Peach over. He gets hit in a head with a pinapple. Rosalina chucks a pinapples at waluigi. CARLOS.
So Rosalina gives Mario the GOOD advice. Sad wah in the background
Bowser takes Peach home actually sincere for once and Peach thinks he’s cute. Mario calls Peach out to the fuckin uh fuck where?? MEET ME BY THE BRIDGE AT DAWN. Peach be like damn that freaky but okay.
Bandit cave scene.
So then Wario’s stressing out cause he’s gonna lose the bet so he sends his snake??? uh thing to kill Mario.
So then there’s a romantic scene on the island with candles and shit. But then the snake shows up and tires to bite Mario but ends up biting Peach instead. So she passes the fuck out. MMMM WATCHA SAY.
So Mario’s fucking devestated carries her comatose corpse DID ANYONE CHECK FOR A PULSE? Bowser is pissed about this I guess. Mario feels like shit even more.
So he wanders back to get his guitar but rain + depression + death god saying you can be reunited with your loved ones makes it sound pretty tempting. So he lets the snake bite him twice yay he fucking dies.
OKAY SO he wakes up as a skeleton and gets taken through land of the remembered. I guess Daisy is his mom? So he meets his mom and talks about how he needs to find Peach who should be dead but you know she’s not.
SO they go to the castle which doesn’t look much like a castle but I can’t judge either way. And Mario’s like yo uh Donkey Kong can you help me find Peach but then it’s. . . WARIO!
so then everyone’s like oh my gosh no and Wario reveals the bet that um Bowser was going to marry Peach so Peach isn’t actually dead shes’ fine uh Bowser smooched her forhead and she’s fine.
So Mario cusses Wario out and Wario flicks him acros sthe room. And the YEETS OUT through the roof.
So then Mario and his family who I didn’t establish just Daisy decide to go to the CAVE OF SOUUUUUUUUUULS so they can find Donkey Kong.
It’s some long journey they climb a statue uh idk what it looks like they get to the top and there’s MAZE with uh death balls YES and the moon from majora’s mask is chasing him. BUT he manages to best it and the skull face door is like YOU’RE HAT COME ON IN.
So they go into the cave of souls. SO LUIGI shows up talking to them and a puddle. And then they all go into the cave of souls full of candles is very pretty. And there’s the Book of Life TITLE DROP AHA and mentions that apparently Mario’s pages are blank case ?? special. fuck you he’s mario.
SO Luigi helps them get to the land of the forgotten.
MEANWHILE I FORGOT UH Peach agreed to marry Bowser to protect the town and uh Chakal is coming anyway fuck no Chakal um giant goomba. LYOU’RE FIGHT FUCK it’s live action bowswer I forgot.
SO in the land of the forgotten they find Donkey Kong who flips the FUCK out when he finds out his husband cheated he’s throwing barrels and shit.
Wario shows up with wine cause he thought htis was adate for HEYAH HE THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA FUCK HIS HUSBAND.
So they argue about this shit bet that was kinda wobbly from the start tbh?? And then Wario agrees to give Mario his life back if he passes a test cause Mario challenges him like a dumb shit.
SO THEN um we have to cut to live action bowser raiding the town and wait so Peach is in the church with Bowser they’re gonna get married but then BOOM I guess osomeone launched a bomb? kind of a warning if they’re gonna raid a town. Is that how Carlos died he just get blown up idk.
it’s a cold and it’s a borken waluigi.
OKAY ANYWAY so Mario’s fighting a bunch of bone chomps chomps ZOMBIE CHOMPS and um then um his dad Waluigi shows up and it’s like bruh you’re dead??????
So MARIO fights this giant bone chomp chomp. and then serenades it with uh despacito. CHOMP CHOMP I AM SORRY. This is sosad.
ANYway so um Mario passes the test and gets sent back to the land of the living while some fight is going on, uh Bowser’s getting his ass kicked by live action bowser. BOWSER FIGHT.
So yeah Mario shows up and smooches Peach YAY and then the rest of his family shows up they’re going to fight the goombas. FIGHT SCENE!!
Mario and Bowser almost kiss.
Peach is getting taken up the tower  by live action bowser. So Mario’s gonna go after her and Bowser has to find the medal of immortality. So then they combat dancing they have combat dancing on the roof so then Mario punches live action bowser off the roof, and then UH SOME BOMB DROPED AND THE TOWER IS COLLAPSING. THE A BOMB they all died.
SO Mario and Bowser pin live action poswer to the the wall under htis bell right??? okay so they do that and then MarioOOO pushes Bowswer SO LONG GAY BOWSWER
Mario??? fuckin dead? bombomb went off. But Mario emerges alive covered in live action Bowswers bloody chunks.
But he’s alive yay
SO wedding scene some more music and everyone’s happy or some shit
the end
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eponinexx · 7 years
one of my best friends is going through a stressful time professionally n like i’m trying very hard to be there for him but in return he’s being a shit friend but noticing that makes me feel like the shit friend??? i let him rant down the phone to me n he barely asks how i am, he has these new creative friends who he like puts on a pedestal and who are plan a to my plan b - spoke on the phone with him yesterday n he said he had invited one of them for lunch. then today he asks me to lunch. i said not today (because i’m a dick n didn’t want to be the second option), so suggested tomorrow at my work, n he said “tomorrow works” and then tonight on the train home at 11pm after reading his emails for a second opinion i was like ‘so are you popping over for lunch tomorrow’ and he said
and i just. feel like. if i said to him a) half the things i wanted to say to him or b) things that he said to me we would b arguing all the time.................................. BUT he’s stressed out. but so am i!!!!! i am stressed out about genuinely like myriad things!!!!!!! but he never asks me!!! fuckin ell i now don’t want to see him at all tomorrow. sometimes we’ll b hanging out and i’ll say something and he’ll respond with something entirely unrelated about his life not covering up that he’s not listening to me. 
like how are you gonna say “probs” when someone asks if we are having lunch together??????????? like what the fuck!!!! 
when he finished his last creative proj with these people he texted me like ‘aaaaaaah what am i going to do when this is over waaah” and that’s the closest i’ve come to telling him what i think bc i was like ‘i will be here’ and sometimes i feel like i’m done being his friend??? then other times i’m like come on charlotte friends forever??? i am so angry wow.
OH AND. like he brags so much in such a stagey way. he was at a directors bday this weekend with people you reading this have heard of and just straight up showing off jfc that’s such a juvenile thing to say but???
and when ok last thing when this tour cast was announced he sent me a screenshot of the article which i HAD READ but its fine with the message (and only this message) “she told me on sat” like???????????????????? ok well done?????? congrats for u u found out before me but now we both know why do u have to tell me u knew before me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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