#its the way canon works so well with this idea. like legit compliments it
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licantropa · 1 year ago
cw: psychological torture, the consequences of forbidden knowledge, and i think thats it
ep 97 {30:00 - 39:54} written
Capsize stands right in front of her. And it isn't the memory of her, or some doodles in her thaumonomicon, or even visions caused by things which she should not have known. It's actually her…It has to be.
The distant muffles of her friends seem to more-than-imply otherwise, with Jordan claiming that it’s his dear pet slime, and Tucker claiming that it’s her in the tube.
Tucker screams in agony and Jordan proclaims that he’s figured out the puzzle, it all becomes background static to her.
She stands there looking up at her. At Capsize. Everything she’s worked towards, all the patience and sanity and sleep that she’s sacrificed, it should feel wasted. But She can’t help the relief, the excitement that overwhelms her in this moment.
Capsize is looking back at her.
Blows air on the glass and writes out ‘iH’, dotting the i with a heart before the message disappears completely. She puts her palm on the glass and leans in towards her. Sonja goes to do the same before she’s all but burned herself on the heat emanating from the glass.
Sonja’s shaking, the situation has finally clicked for her. All her tools and armor and anything useful has been left outside of this crypt. All she is left with is herself, all she has is her own fists to bang and break the glass.
It doesn’t work. Because why would it? When is she ever that lucky? When is it ever this easy?
Knocking brings Sonja’s attention back to Capsize. There’s a smile that graces her features, the slight shake of her head lets her know her attempts at a breaking out has been futile. She blows on the glass again and draws a diagonal arrow.
Behind her is not a door, but an opening. Blood waterfalls down, an exit. Had that always been there? She doesn’t want to go. But, she looks back and receives a wave goodbye.
She moves slowly and swims even slower. The liquid is thick and hard to maneuver through.
She reaches an air pocket in the blood waterfall and she sees her. Again. Just standing there. Glass window looking out to the nether, Capsize died here, back home. Sonja none the wiser, she had to be told, explained to, because she wasn’t there.
It all happened so quickly. We couldn’t do anything. Ianite will fix this, we’ll save her.
Sonja will be faster, accomplish what they couldn’t the first time. She’ll save her.
She runs to her, almost tripping over herself in the process and right when she’s there, so close, arms length away, Sonja falls through the mirage hitting glass.
Doubt -> me: you'll never find out how to keep going
Again. This thing that can't be her but is, is sitting there on this ledge, facing her, reaching out.
Capsize disappears before Sonja could even grab her hand.
Her fist meets hard hot dreamwood, and fuck this. It's all fucked. Maybe she should just go back, that Capsize didn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon, and if she goes back even further than that she could get more supplies, figure out how to break the glass. That'd be so much easier, so much easier than deciphering gibberish magically imbued to be a headache of a time when she wants answers and an even bigger migraine when she when she finds none there for her.
No no no no no no…
That’s Martha talking. She can figure it out, she will, she has too.
Doubt -> me: you can't do this...you can't bring her back
Sonja makes it to a new area, a prison, where she sits and cries…
"Sonj!" Tucker's finally regrouped with them, and the relief he feels is like no other. Sonja's safe and well, and he hasn't doomed her to an awful fate of burning in lava. The far off-look, one that's become too familiar as she delves deeper into forbidden knowledge, makes Tucker uneasy. The dried tears on her face makes him feel even worse. He puts a hand on her shoulder in hopes it'll provide some comfort. "Are you alright? What did you see that's left you so...?"
I don't really wanna rewrite too many canon scenes for my post timeline, but I keep thinking about the bit in Season 2 where they're about to enter Helgrind's nightmare world and need to kill an apparition of a loved one. And I just can't think about that scene but Sonja sees Capsize.
Like she finds herself face to face with the person she's trying to revive, and has to kill her. Even if she knows it isn't the real person, it would still be so difficult to actually do it.
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years ago
What will your monster-au dorm kids be for Halloween? :3 <3
thanks for the ask! hmm certainly one that i've pondered before, but not too intently. in some ways i assume they'd all have an agree'd on theme, much like the dorms in canon during those halloween events - so they'd probs have smth similar to maybe riddle's dorm, with the undead theme. but at the same time i think that's expected and maybe a little too basic, for these monster boys at least. their overall dorm theme would most likely be a more militaristic theme i guess?? but for just these specific boys in a group? personally i think it would be funny if they wore either of these two group costumes: the first group costume would be the ghost busters (the ramshackle perfect mentioned it in passing to cailean, who's in Ramarak's study group.. and Ramarak thought it would be funny! Kaiyō and Taranis find the jump suits uncomfortable due to their tails and whatnot, so they got them tailored. but Kaiyō is on board and making soo many jokes. even convinced the ramshackle perfect to tell him all about the story the costumes are from, and probs becomes a die hard fan cuz any kind of hunt/fighting entices him. Taranis isn't down for costumes that dont look scary but cant go against the dorm head on this.. so just broods in silence. Hikaru is neutral either way, doesnt usually celebrate this stuff, Eleu is usually just here for the food/candy.. the festivities are too loud/crowded for him so he usually disappears for a little bit every hour or so to regulate himself but likes to see everyone else have fun. only Kaiyō and ramshackle perfect understand the references that their making.. well, inside jokes are fun and they dont mind. their friends' confusion is priceless the second group outfit.. def a k-pop band sort of deal! (i might draw that tbh). the k-pop kaiju, lmaoo. this is also probs due to the ramshackle perfect.. who probs got Hikaru and Ramarak into the music (Ramarak is mostly into the aesthetics.. while Hikaru thinks its better then the metal and rock his dormmates blast all the time). Taranis is probs the one that adds a bit of 'punk' or 'delinquent' to his outfit, since he doesnt wanna look like like some preppy goody good boy. that's embarrassing to him, but he does revel in the attention... Eleu is just super frigidity and bashful about it - compliment him, lightly, or else he'll flee with a red face! he doesnt sing much, is mostly just dancing. and Ramarak probs tries to get the group to learn a song to preform infront of everyone while the fireworks are set off (how did he get Eleu and Taranis to agree? no one knows.. some think he's just that good at persuasion. probs offered to do their homework for a week or smth, Eleu has stage fright so is mostly in the back of the group and Taranis doesnt wanna feel like a jester.. but somehow they both end up being the best at it??). legit the group becomes big hit online and people on magicam think their a real boy band?? they get a following but probs arent aware of it unless they go into town and are bugged by fans of the recorded preformence. then again them dressing as the dudes from the princess bride... also works.. and i think would be hilarious. god i can already imagine the comedy potential- but.. individually? well, that might be a bit more tricky, but here's what i think they'd dress as solo:
Kaiyō -- some kind of knight, wanting to be a fighter rather then a noble (that he already is) stuck in a golden cage, since knights are free to roam. probs tried to carry a real sword, but it got confiscated, so not he just has a wooden practice one sold at the school shop. Taranis -- maybe a zombie ?? (ramarack would do the makeup), he think's its scary and he wants to be intimidating (it works, he gives some freshmen nightmares for weeks, which he's proud of) Ramarack -- this thing, idk what it is, he'd do it just for jump scaring as a light hearted prank (cailean gave him the idea). probs tries to eat the most candy/snacks, somehow has no ill effects of all that sugar the next day..
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Hikaru -- either a chef like similar to those outfits in the master chef cooking event, or just taping a bunch a receipts and bank notices to his shirt and calling himself "debt" cuz he couldn't think of anything else (i did that one year, lol) Eleu -- florist <3 need i say more? pretty self explanatory, he'd probs hand out flower crowns to everyone - different flowers for each crown, depending on the person its for.
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eusuntgratie · 3 years ago
This feels a lot like procrastination 👀 but fine, fic writing questions...
5, 6, 7, 14, 18, 20, 25, 28, 48, 51, 73 😁❤
well i was gonna write but then EVENTS TRANSPIRED and i got worked up so i don't think that's gonna happen regardless so no need to feel bad about sending me 392049234204 questions (i think you've been talking to poe too much hmm)
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
answered here
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
answered here
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
OKAY i want to give you a tknp thirst tweets snippet but its not formatted yet BLERGH so here have some pining patty:
They never talked about the slow escalation of what could be written off as buddies with no boundaries - sitting too close on the couch and wrestling with too much touching - into a full-blown friends with benefits situation, neither of them willing (or able, in Nolan’s case) to stop the seemingly inevitable march from a frantic hand down the others’ sweats to sloppily making out during slow hand jobs, Nolan craving TK’s skin under his teeth, leaving bruises they passed off as hockey injuries, to blowjobs and finally, to Nolan discovering that nothing had ever come close to making him feel as good as TK does when he fucks him.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
outside on my laptop. we have these fancy tall adirondack chairs that my stepdad made us and i love writing in mine on the deck. mine has a little thingy added to the footrest bc i'm short af so that my feet can touch the footrest bc normal people furniture doesn't work for my short ass legs.
18. Do you enjoy research? Which fic of yours required the most research?
no, i don't, absolutely not. i do not enjoy my hobbies giving me goddamn homework. i will do research for a totally inane detail that no one cares about (i'm looking at you, LA Zoo map) but will go to great lengths to avoid actual legit research for fic.
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
oooh i like both but overall probably canon fics. trying to fit what i want to write into the canon puzzle is really fun, and i think i'm better at that than transposing canon characters and plot points into a new universe.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
BRAINSTORMING. god so fun. if the fics could just pop out of my brain once i form a coherent idea i'd be the most prolific writer in the world. coming up with 1-2 fic ideas in a day is totally normal for me i live for that shit. and then i want to read the thing i brainstormed about and occasionally actually sit down to write it. SIGH.
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
i write fic for fun, so i don't take myself too seriously or worry too much about what i'm bad at, but i struggle to write kissing? i will jump to something smuttier in a second because writing emotional, hot, exactly the vibe you want making out is fucking HARD. i need to work at it a bit i think.
48. Who is your favorite character to write for? Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
i don't think i have one? wait maybe melissa mccall? if i have an opportunity to work her into a fic i do it. i love her so much.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
no not really. i love to read and write porn, and angst, and sometimes fluff. i like to read and write a variety of stuff. i do love to read longfics, and writing 30k was an act of suffering, so there's an area of discprencancy. i also like reading au's way more than i like writing them. (i'm not opposed if i have an au idea thats just not usually where my mind goes).
73. What do you tend to get complimented on the most about your writing?
oh i don't know. i think i'm so flustered and flattered by every genuine compliment that i'm not capable of cataloguing them.
fanfiction writer asks | ask me
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miraculouskatsukii · 8 years ago
so, yoi creator appreciation day went down earlier and... i didn’t manage to tag all the people i wanted to. not by a long shot. i’ve met so many wonderful and amazing people in this fandom, and the idea of calling out how awesome my friends are has been in my mind for a while now, so: 
@iceprinceofbelair adrian. you might not remember this, but really early on my days in the vwc chat, you helped me out. a lot. i was in a bad place then, it was the start of summer and suddenly i couldn't do anything but think, and you helped me out talked to me gave me options and encouraged my plans. thank you, truly, thank you. not only that but i just noticed you have fics too?? what??? i’m checking them out as soon as i’m done with this. 
@where-his-towel-is omg, you guys. ellen is everything. you helped me out so so much when i was just starting with my superhero fic, i was barely 5k in and yet you cared enough in my idea and actually liked it and you became my beta, and more importantly, a friend. a wonderful beta, with a quick mind and amazing skills, an even more amazing friend with such creative ideas who always supports me and the best wifey ever<333 thank you <3333
@yoyoplisetsky cary, holy shit, i can’t stress this enough, you’ve always been there when i feel unvalidated or unimportant or whatever. that time when you hacked lily’s account particularly stands out right now, but you’ve always been such a beacon of positivity in my fandom life, so thank you <333
@queenofaburiedkingdom lily!! the ultimate admin. no one tops you. no one tops anocily. you’ve always been there for me, always participated in stupid drama with me and doc, always been such a wonderful and amazingly positive person who’s always ready to be positive. thank you <333
@reddyonice red’s always been there!!! red’s always been there for me to bond with, to share my sorrows with, red always gets me no matter what and you’re so so kind and thoughtful and also an amazing writer and ahem gorgeous as heCKITY HECK UHMMM??? you might need to tone down how cool you are. just for the rest of us <3333
@kasumi-chou kas!! has who deserves it all, such a worthy and wonderful person who’s talented and hard working and has given so much to the fandom and honestly kinda needs a break!! you’re always there as big sis, a shoulder i can lean on, so thank <333
@rayrayswimusic ray ray was possibly the first friend i made on the vwc. i barely knew anyone there i was terrified being surrounded by all of these amazingly talented people with actual purposes in the fandom, and i remember talking with ray ray during my first few days there, such a sweet person who was always kind, so thank you. thank you for talking to me <333
@katsukifatale mac!! mac’s so full of positivity (references: immmm positivelyyoi??) and put up with all of our mistakes in the yurionicebigbang, can’t believe what a calm and patient person they are!! amazing <333
@roseus-jaeger rose wow... rose is always there in the chat, i just see rose pop up all the time. answering his messages on #general is like second nature by now. wouldn’t be vwc without rose, i don't even know if i can call you my friend because you’re undeniably The Cool One, but it’s so nice seeing you on the chat<333
@silencedfalcon NOC. HOLY SHIT. holy shit, not you guys. doc is The Popular. honestly how tf did i end up her friend???? hmm no one knows. in so many servers, knows so many people, she’s like the fandom black market, always has blackmail, always has the best and most amazingly refreshing angst and au ideas, i can't even believe. so glad you’re my friend doc, seeing your messages every morning brightens my whole day<33333
@sinkingorswimming dommi, ok wow, what do i say about dommi? um, first of all, her fic, cause I'm a taker bLEW MY MIND ALRIGHT? best version of a inside look at canon, everything feels so real and her writing is gorgeous. we’ve talked sometimes in vwc, not too much but you deserve to be here because you complimented my eyeliner once which, is honestly all i care about in life so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@n3rdlif343va SAM!! ok, listen, sam, you made my day a WHOLE LOT better during one of my horrible times. i’d been hating my writing for ages and then sam goes “oh yeah you wrote that fic so i *had* to read that one” ummMMM I DIED OK THAT S TOP LEVEL TIER OF COMPLIMENTS I DONT THNK I’LL EVER BE ABLE TO REPAY YOU IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, THANK YOU <333
@fallsintograce grace is wonderful. grace is amazingly strong and such a fighter. you’re going through a rough time, and you deserve better, so much better. it’s always so lovely seeing you pop up in the sws, i’m so glad i met you, take care and thank you <333
@domokunrainbowkinz DOMO!!!! domo, holy shit you guys, doom has some of the very best writing i was so amazed from the first time i read her harry potter au, i knew that she would be a wonderful wonderful person and you are!!! i’m always so happy to talk to you <333
@red-heather chloe’s always talking about her au in the chat its so so amazing seeing everyone pitch in trying to help her out with picking designs from photos and listening to what she has planned, a wonderful person in the chat who i’’m super glad to see all the time <333
@phoenixrei MEG!!! meg ok we haven't talked in FOREVER but meg was one of the people i was really close to at the beginning of the vwc, always there to talk about her au (WHICH IS GORGEOUS BTW UMMM WHO ARE YOU IF YOU HAVENT READ IT CHECK HER AO3 @ FullmetalChords PLEASE LORD SHES WRITTEN THE MOST AMAZING ACE!YUURI YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE) and always there when i ask her dumb questions about video editing software, I'm so glad to call you my friend <3333
@teekettle ok i can't tag her wtf anyway i LOVE seeing you in the group chat such an amazing presence here, always helpful with fic info always super nice and kind, i helped her out with a fic idea once and it was BOMB ANGST like it was amazing angst, a wonderful person over all!!! <333
@dramaticmari MARI!!!!! mari we bonded right from the start, you were such a positive and lovely person so helpful and a wonderfully talented artist who didn't fail to make me feel so welcome in this new chat filled with cool people, thank you so much for being a friend, for listening to me, for everything <3333
@krizariel kris has... kris has been there for me. A LOT. even today ifs omg i wouldn’t have been able to do the admin form correctly without you and sasu!!! not to mention what a lovely supportive and uplifting message you left in my inbox when i felt bad about myself. you’re such a positive influence, I'm glad you're my friend <3333
@iced-sass SASU ok literally the only other person within my timezone rip, you're always a wonderful friend who’s there to talk to, to share a laugh with, you never fail to be a talented wonderful human being who’s also hilarious um??? thats how we met i legit complimented you on a joke you said that doc showed me and thats how i got onto the sws, so really thank you so so much for bringing all these new friends and opportunities into my life <33333
@katsuki-skates bas, wow, bas or bass, whatever, is always there to listen, ever present on the vc and no matter what will support you and be super kind and lovely, i can't believe I'm friends with such a wonderful and amazing person. fun fact: i’ve been following you for forever and i kid you not i’ve been low-key stanning you for a good chunk of time. i was slightly terrified when i figured out your tumblr because i loved you so much. <33333
@thehibiscusthief sara, i barely know you, but for the whole short time i;ve known you i have also been low-key standing you. UHM ANOTHER DANCER WHOS APPARENTLY GOING PROFESSIONAL HOLY SHIT AHHHH i’m so so glad you’re going to a dance school, and you’ll definitely be accepted because you’re a talented wonderful person who’s not only a great dancer but also a great writer!!! um what!!!
extra shout outs to people who’s tumblr idk:
kuma, who is the meme dealer of the sis chat. i think we can all agree that kuma’s fucking hilarious, no matter what you might say puma, you're funny as hell and own that please
anna!!! who idrk that well atm, but i always see you on the sws and you're always a hilarious person, i’d say you and kuma are tormenting us with two trucks but i enjoy your humor so much that it would be a lie <333
sammie!!! sammie pls, sammie’s always been such ana amazing person to talk to, a bomb music taste, such a funny and wonderful person I'm so glad i see you in the chat<333
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