#its the roadtrip playlist youve hit the jackpot!
thinkingnot · 1 year
HOODIE!!! you are my first victim of a social experiment!
Do you believe in giving people second chances, and why?
well depends on the situation but im leaning towards yes! (unless certain circumstances such as the person has crossed my personal moral compass, ie: do simply irreversable damage towards another person intentionally)
now the reason for this is that im a person with many flaws, and people are beings with many flaws, the only way to grow would be to realize and work on and fix their mistakes. I picture most people as concrete, acient Roman’s concrete, the kind that was use to build the colosseum.
The extraordinary property of self repair that it has, when a crack exposes the inside of the concrete, limestone chunks mixed in the concrete would have chemical reactions with water and outside’s air, mending those fractures.
People cracks, and make mistakes, but they can be fixed, exposing their vulnerbility to find ways to mend themselves and what they’ve broken.
Another reason that I believe in giving people second chances is because I myself would need them to do the same for me.
A proverb I’ve learnt, “chừa lại cho người khác đường lui chính là thiện đãi bản thân mình” - traslation: to leave for others a way out is to be lenient to oneself - by giving people an out you’ve saved yourself an out.
All these reasons are to mostly rationalize the true boiled down fundamental arguement with is me being a people pleaser and my attachment issues 💀💀💀 (ive never left a friendship/relationship first in my life and honestly idk if its always a good thing, im working on it <- a lie 😭😭😭 <- idk how i just cant be the first to let go i cant help thinking of reasons and very reasonable explainations for why some people are assholes 💀)
love to see your view on this too! yay social experiment >:) (stealing this question to ask my irls later to study them)
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