#its the first book in a series but the second book isnt coming out until NEXT YEAR???
tipytap · 2 months
what am i supposed to do now. find another book to read???? wack
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 8
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Renarin Kholin- The Stormlight Archive
Renarin is canonically autistic and gay (or at least MLM).
He's canonically autistic + has epilepsy, and he's been confirmed to be gay and have a crush on a male character (which will.be explored more in future books)
Canonically gay as confirmed by word-of-god; canonically autistic and has anxiety.
Renarin is canonically autistic and gay.
Renarin is one of few characters in epic fantasy literature who's canonically neurodivergent or queer - it's rare enough to just see one of those things! He is also the best, just all around. He is so reckless and has such a strong moral compass: like he ran to help fight a giant crab monster with no weapons, no armor, and no training; he jumped into a 4vs1 duel to help his brother, with no armor, no training, and a sword that deals him psychic damage anytime he holds it.
He's autistic and gay; disability is a big part of his story; he's so much of an outcast that he was the first person to join his world's extra-marginalized order of sinister-but-not-evil magic users; and while he's quiet and self-contained, he's full to the brim with suppressed rage. Sidelined second son and quasi-cursed prophet. I fully believe he can take this tournament by storm.
Renarin is autistic, epileptic, and queer as the day is long. As a kid, he struggled to win his dad's approval due to his inability to fight as well as his abled brother -- but these days his dad's wised up and realized that Renarin actually kicks ass. When Renarin gets magic powers, he isn't "cured"; he's still epileptic, he's still autistic, and he still has a crush on the strapping young alien lad in his squad. Not only does he break down class barriers by hanging out with ex-slave humans (he's the prince of a major kingdom), he breaks racial barriers by dating an alien who's entire race was, until recently, enslaved by humans. Overall, he's a complete badass who is getting more confident, more appreciated, and more gay with every book in the series.
Loam Arnault-Entropic Float
she canonically has arthritis and chronic fatigue, and is canonically bisexual and omnigender (using all pronouns)
They're chronically disabled (dont remember their condition :() omnigender, and pan!
i don’t remember what it is (or if that’s even said) but his disability gives her trouble walking some days and on others makes it so they can’t get out of bed. bisexual &nonbinary omnigender!
Canonically disabled, nonbinary omnigender and bisexual
listen. i love him. oh my god i love aer. their disability and queerness are both central to the narrative. due to it being disabled, she is not taken seriously where he comes from. xe has given up on insisting on its gender being respected - every time thon tries, its taken as a sign he is having a bad day symptoms wise, which in turn is taken as though she has never grown up past being eight years old. through the game proper, it hides hir disability most of the time. to ask for help is to let someone know. and throughout their entire life, everyone who knew has treated him as stupid - perhaps not always, but everyone has. this is why she doesnt really want to get out of the anomaly; this is the first time fae has had friends who dont know, and therefore dont have "a reason" to infantilize it. star hides everything behind a chipper demeanour. well, that demeanour isnt entirely a lie; she is really silly and pleasant - one of my favourite things he says in the entire game is "isnt blue super bad for computers? like blue balls of death or something?". upon being asked "where do you come from that computers have balls?", they respond "well, how do they reproduce if they dont?" in conclusion. Loam my beloved.
silly guy... oh he's a lil bit fucked up actually
I’m disabled and queer and Loam makes me feel so seen. He’s an incredible character, I love her dearly, I need everyone to understand how incredible they are.
The qualifications and propaganda correspond, @prinxe-with-no-crown is the first submitter @mythologeekwriter is the fourth and there were two others.
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astarionancuntnin · 28 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thank you for the tag @nyx-knox!! <33
When did you start writing?
Like wayyyyyyyyy back, I technically wrote my first story when i was 11. I didn't write again until i was 15 (original pieces + fanfics), then i stopped and Im back at it again at 26 ayoooo
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
if i really need to search further into my favorite books, i would definitely say psychological horror and dramas
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I don't know writers enough to really get an idea of how to compare myself to any of them, but I do know that i tend to emulate what i'm exposed to, so if I read an entire series from an author, and they used a certain syntax, i'll tend to also do it by force of habit. (i also consider it a flaw cause i see it as hindering my writing creativity ;-;)
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
its my personal pc that doubles as my work space, so its a bit all over the place ngl haha, theres a lot of astarion stickers and posters, all the furniture (keyboard, mouse, desk, etc) is pastel purple (my favorite colour), i have three screens (mostly for work but its also useful in day to day life) and my three wallpapers are astarion, of course. sometimes when i feel a writers block, i found out that writing on my laptop does unblock me! in that case, youll find me typing away on my couch in my living room uwu
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
MUSIC. What I write will be highly dependent on what I listen at the moment, like I was really into boywithuke when i wrote my angsty fics, and then i moved to a dark romance playlist and that got me going for die for you but then i was unable to continue my other fic cause i wasnt in an angsty mood anymore ._. (i swear i didnt abandon it, it just isnt the playlists turn to play on repeat) and rn im a lot into sleep token and ari abdul
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
So. Much. Smut. And angst. not surprising! my writing will also often depict my current state of mind. dw im in therapy, im working on it
What is your reason for writing?
It's my favorite creative output/the one im most experienced in! i wanna start drawing but i never find the time to really get into it and also terrified of failure which brings me to my second reason, its all i think i can do and i get dopanine reading nice comments teehee
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
when people tell me about a favourite part, when they liked the tension i managed to create, how i convey some characters, and most of all when i get told they loved a character i created!! this is so encouraging and pushes me to continue <3
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
i dont know how to answer to that .-. uh, i guess i want to be liked? seen as a good writer if anything? idk man ;-;
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Definitely descriptions, and creating a build up in a scene. I feel like it comes naturally to me and people have often told me that they are never lost when reading my scenes which reassures me so much LMAO I feel validated I also think I make really fun dialogue, especially banter with my ocs/tavs
How do you feel about your own writing?
i often self criticise my own work a lot, and i get that imposter syndrome where ill reread my work before posting and go "what the hell" in those moments, im grateful im not writing on paper cause that sheet would find its way to the trash real quick ^^ ' im sincerely truly blessed that my partner offers himself to read my pieces and beta read them, and tell me his honest opinion (there are things i wrote i wish i could forget and yall better be thankful he was there to stop me from posting first versions)
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
mix of both definitely. initially i wrote my own ideas and if people do end up liking them hell yeah!!! glad im able to find people that vibe the same way i do! then again, when i write for people, even if most of it comes from my silly little imagination, it was initially influenced by the request itself and is going to guide the writing specific to this piece, which honestly makes sense imo
Tagging 🏷️: @marlowethebard @roguishcat @anacdoce @charmandabear @marimosalad
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yinses · 4 years
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| he would make sure that everyone knew who you belonged to |
tattoo artist! sukuna ryomen
rating: t
a/n: this is going to be a three part series. it got too long because i couldn’t shut up. thank you to @teoran for beta reading !! 
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you should have never informed yuuji that you were thinking about getting a tattoo, because of course his first response would be hey, sukuna owns a shop. why don’t you stop there. as if you didn’t already known that. your other friend, unfortunately had not known how to be subtle about it.
its when you go to hand off your card that they gasp audibly, drawing the attention of both yourself and the woman behind the counter.
“you’re not going to ask for a discount? i mean you know the owner, right?”
she jumps back quick enough to dodge the errant elbow you throw her way.
you knew you would regret telling her.
the woman is undeterred as she take your card, looking bored with the news. “so you know sukuna, huh?” the way she said it implied that it wasn’t the first time it had been made known to her.
you had known the man long enough to know where her thoughts were going with that assumption. sukuna wasn’t only popular for his art. a shudder rolled through your body at the idea of being categorized as one of his flings.
it wasn’t as though you were intentionally shaming the women. but it was sukuna. the same guy who locked you and his younger brother out on the patio whenever he was meant to keep an eye on you. and then blamed you for hiding from him when the responsible adults got home.
in hindsight, maybe you should have chosen another location. but now your card has been charged.
you scribbled your signature on the receipt, “uh yeah, awhile now. im not requesting him or anything.”
“his appointment book is full anyway. he doesn’t take walk ins.” its not said snidely, just matter of fact. as if she was seasoned with dealing with these kind of customers.
the man of topic strides in then, carrying a few bags of take-out that he drops carelessly onto the counter. he doesn’t m look unlike any other day, a loose white sleeveless shirt with a low hanging v-neck that just invited attention to his skin. the swirls of black ink made permanent by his hand only. though that was the advantage of this field and owning your own business on top of it.
sukuna was prepared to ignore the clientele planted at front desk, until he did a double take. those vermilion eyes took you in, morphing from speculation, to shock, a pinch of awe, then back to postulation.
“what are you doing here?”
a small frown mars you face. you didn’t actually consider that perhaps sukuna wouldn’t want you here. it was one thing to know the guy, but whether you wanted to accept it or not, you weren’t just another customer. so you unsurely respond with, “getting a tattoo?”
the snort he gives isn't one of annoyance. in fact its almost comforting to see the minuscule curl of his lips until they start to part, “yeah, missing something aren’t you?”
you realize with a frown that he’s referring to his brother.
“i have other friends.”
that slow smile wides as he gives your friend a brief look of appreciation. suddenly all those years of witnessing him cart his flings around rise to the forefront of your mind.  really nothing rarely changed. “ i can see that.”
his gaze cuts back to you, “what are you getting? your boyfriends name?”
you cant tell if he’s teasing, fishing or a combination of them both.
he turns to lean over the counter, arms flexing at the action and pinches the fresh design still hot from the printer. you resist the urge to shuffle in place as he inspects the image with more interest than there were lines. it was hardly all that complex, just as you intended.
sukuna finally voices his opinion, to no surprise of your own. “yeah? kind of small isn’t it?”
“its my first sukuna,” you drawl.
you realize too late that the wording isnt best around him.
“no kidding.”
he tugs a styrofoam box free from the plastic bag before gesturing to you with a tilt of his head.
“alright, lets knock it out.”
you look to the woman expecting her to complain about his pending appointments but she only returns it with a pointed look. when it came down to it, what the boss wanted goes.
right then.
turning, you address your friend who seemed more invested in watching sukuna’s departure. “are you coming?”
her gaze snaps to you and she doesn’t even bother to pretend. she shrugs, “you may not be squeamish about needles but i am.” her hand waves vaguely towards the lounge area near the coffee station and stack of assorted snacks. “i’ll come running if you scream though,” she teases as you turn down the hall.
sukuna’s voice carries from the right in guidance where you find him setting his food off to the side. the room is neat. though you don’t know what you were expecting given the health expectations lining his work. then again, you’d spent the better part of the decade watching him cart week old pizza boxes out of his room so it was hardly a baseless assumption.
aside from the desk of tools and variety of inks the only other defining feature was the wall at the back. there was no rhyme or direction to the madness. the once white wall was littered with varying penmanships and messages. almost like an autograph book. some derogatory, others genuinely thankful for his work - you think you see a few numbers too.
the cushion of the seat protests under his weight as he rolls to the center of the room. he has the stencil of your chosen art held up in expectation.
“where is this pretty little thing going?”
“oh my rib- here on the right.” you think nothing of bringing up the hem of your shirt to expose the skin just under the curve of your breast.
he almost looks impressed, though there is some doubt. he wheels closer and gives no warning as his hand palpates the area. “over the bone? that’s daring for your first tattoo, princess.”
the name was nothing new, an accompaniment to yuuji’s ‘brat’.
part of you actually grateful that its sukuna. the entire shop had good reviews but it was best known for his talent. besides, the charge was already sitting on your card.
“i can handle it.”
he’s still squinting at your side, fingers tickling at your skin.
“yeah?” he answers absently. nimble digits you didn't think had any taste for delicacy carefully peel the plastic from the stencil. he doesn’t second guess himself in the slightest before pressing it to your skin.
when he pulls away, the chair follows him as he collects a hand mirror from his desk to reflect the design back to you.
“double sure?” he’s still rallying your resolve, but there is a hint of warning to his voice as professionalism seeps in.
with a firm nod you seal the deal,” yeah.”
“aright, pin up your shirt out of the way. tuck it into your bra if you want.”
you were expecting this already, given the location you’d decided on. with sukuna that action comes effortlessly without thought. it was no different than the times he’d seen you in your bathing suit, your brain reasoned. at least you still had your pants this time.
sukuna rests back into a lean against his small desk. absently you note that his eyes haven't left you once since you’d entered the room.
“eager little thing aren't you?”
but its sukuna.
you shrug.“ i guess. kind of been saving up for this one.”
the noise he makes is non-committal as he nods to the angled chair.
without your shirt there was no barrier between yourself and the leather. you expected the cold chill but the lack of stickiness kind of surprised you. once again you were reminded of the indisputable list of reviews at your fingertips.
sukuna goes about collecting the materials to disinfect your skin, angling the bottle and cotton over the trash can to catch the excess drops. satisfied with the saturation, he slides back.
you try to absorb the brief shock you feel when he applies the alcohol to your skin. it was hardly a substitute for actual bracing to come but it was good practice. when you look up, you catch his gaze again.
he’d been more observant in these last few minutes than you could ever recall sukuna caring before. maybe it was the job. though the thought of him excelling at customer service has you fighting a snort.
“cold,” you supply and he gives another grunt.
he chucks the cotton ball into the trash with all the efficiency of a man who has made a sport out of it and probably keeps score.
deciding on a solid color eliminated the need for him to break away to change shades, eliminating any surplus time keeping you in this chair.
a gloved hand braces your side, pinching the skin, while the other holding the gun rests against your sternum. when the motor starts you take a careful breath in. sukuna’s eyes raise at the sound.
“not nervous?”
you blink, expecting him to just get to it.
“uh, not really? i’ve never really been afraid of needles.”
he pauses. just when you part your lips to ask what wrong the buzzing starts.
its impossible not to tense at the first bite of the needle. but you fight the urge to jerk. it stings. the vibration of the motor is uncomfortable against your ribcage but it's not unbearable. you certainly wouldn't cry.
sukuna seems to notice it as well.
“not going to lie thought you’d be more of a cry baby? weren't you the one sobbing after you stubbed your toe.”
you latch onto the idle chatter even if it's a jibe.
“i was eleven and i sprained that toe.”
he gives you a quick glance. “sure, princess. completely called for the waterworks.”
you snort. “yeah well it made me stronger. im barely affected today.”
your words are followed by a shift of his hand as it turns to follow a line, the movement pressing firmly against the underside of your breast. you're too attentive to the needle pinching at your skin to take notice.
but sukuna does, eyes narrowing without your awareness.
“yeah, i can see that.”
rather than closing your eyes to block out the pain, you find a more comforting distraction in tracing the lines of his tattoos with your gaze. you can hardly make out the first tattoo he’d gotten at the age of seventeen after forging his parents signature. 
the abstract design had now branched out, interlocking with new styles to map out the formation of a sleeve. it was almost like his own branded language. a dialect of bold shapes and bands. you’d never thought to actually ask what his tattoos meant. nor did you expect an honest answer.  
sukuna works rather quickly and efficiently while your mind wandered. even if he hadn’t squeezed you in during his lunch break this felt like the usual pace for him. he looked so in the zone as he followed the pre-made lines to perfection.
you weren’t the model customer, still having your brief moments of weakness but he rolled with the interruptions better than you expected. sukuna was brash growing up and didn’t tolerate nonsensical people. you’d had your fair share of opportunities to be chewed out by him.
and earned a reasonable amount of them, though your returning attitude said otherwise.
but this sukuna was softer, if you could put it like that. he knew the right time to give you breaks but didn’t let your nerves settle too much. when he wasn’t adding a layer to permanency to your skin, an errant finger would smooth over the swelling flesh.
more than once you heard him throw out a quiet good girl. that you knew was meant to be encouraging but it came with additional implications that tickled your skin.
he tells you that you should be grateful that the artwork doesn’t need any shading. that it was never a good fit for beginners.
your chest expands the furthest it had in the last half hour when he finally rolls back.
“alright, princess, go ahead and take a look.”
you take the offered mirror again and angle it to take in the fresh piece. the reflection you get back is- amazing. you’d been so concentrated?? on micromanaging the pain that you failed to take in the little details he’d added along with the original design.
as if reading your thoughts, he snorts. “it's not my art if i don't leave my mark. you can tell me it looks good you know.”
if you didn't know any better, you’d say he was authentic in his attempt to bait your approval.
and you had no reason not to provide.
your legs are a little shaky but you manage to balance yourself before brining the eldest itadori into a hug. sukuna goes stiff for a moment before returning the embrace and doesn’t resist when you press your face into his shoulder. there’s an awkward pat before they release each other from the hold.
sukuna .. before he’s shrugging you off.
“god, what a noob. at least let me cover it up. you’re going to irritate the skin.”
when he turns back to rummage through his desk you note the hint of a flush creeping up his nape. you know better than to mention it, instead just smiling at his back.
there is a scowl on his face as he applies the cotton square to your skin and tapes it in place.
“please do not itch this shit. i don’t care if you feel like your skin is going to fall off.”
he presses a small tube of antibiotic into your hand.
“and apply this daily. you don't need it drying out. “
you’re grateful for the little slip of printed instructions that follow. you were able to remember the sensible directions but it couldn't hurt to have additional guidance when you started to question the progress.
“oh and no sex.”
that was definitely not on the list.
sukuna raises a brow in all seriousness. “what? if you get your blood pumping too much.”
you call him on his bullshit,” this small? hardly. “
he raises his hands in mock surrender. “alright, try it yourself if you want. i charge for touch ups though.”
the two of you size each other up. just like old times.
with a sigh you relent, “fine, no sex.”
“good, see me in two weeks.”
his words stop you short. it wasn’t as if you needed anything added and he wasn’t a physician checking on your progress. if anything, you would only revisit your artist if there was a problem.
“what for?”
the dawning grin would follow you for the next fourteen days.
“to make sure you didn’t have sex.”
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teamkrissy · 3 years
A coworker lent me 3 books in the kingkiller chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss.
The first book was fine, but long. The series isnt finished yet, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon. It was an interesting journey until the main character gets to go to school. And then he stays in school. Sometimes he thinks he might get kicked out of school, or that he wont be able to afford school, but no, for thousands of pages you better believe that he will be in school. Next page guess what? The story hasnt changed and he is still in school. If you wanted to write Hogwarts: The College Years, call it that instead of KingKiller Chronicle. What king? I've read almost 3 books and you haven't even mentioned a king.
The second book is incredibly boring. Its supposed to be a companion piece about a tertiary character who is genuinely interesting. I would like to know how she came to be the person she is, but instead we follow her around while she practices interior design. Who is she? I still don't know, but she has a very clean living space.
By the third book I had completely lost patience. I could barely maintain interest for more than a couple pages. There were moments of suspense, but always punctuated by a growing sexism throughout the story. I noticed it in the first book, but I shook it off as a rocky start, hoping there would be more fleshed out female characters to come. I threw in the towel a quarter of the way through this book during a moment that made me literally feel ill. A handful of main and secondary characters are plotting in the woods to protect the protagonist from the villain of the story so far. Their scheme includes sending the 'second most beautiful woman in the city' on a date with the antagonist. 1 paragraph after a character mentions that this man beats the women he dates, she is giving the girl tips on how to keep him interested without drawing too much out of him. She is complimenting her breasts, advising her to let him get her drunk. And all the characters are treating it like this is no big deal. The protagonist is thankful for the favor, but I don't think he or the author really understand what they are asking of her. This is after pages and pages and pages of practically every one in the series objectifying her (like a teacher mock groping her in front of class) and she just bashfully smiles through it all and looks at her feet. Like what the fuck. Also I think the author forgot the ages of all these characters, either that or he is cool with talking about 14 year old girls as sexual objects as much as he does.
1/10 only because the lore in the first book was interesting
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
🖊writerly conversation tag
tagged by @j-pping to do this amazing interview/reflections tag. of course she put together one of the most amazing tags ever because she is brilliant. thank you for tagging me angel! 
questions below the cut!
what was the most challenging part of writing this year?
gosh...i think for me the hardest bit was staying both motivated and inspired. a lot of my inspiration comes from being out in the world. im an introvert but i enjoy being out in the city around the noise and the people and the buildings on my own. the majority of my writing used to be done while riding the subway or on a weekend after id gone out somewhere. a lot of my fics are inspired by locations, and experiences within those locations. being inside for the majority of the year made it hard for me to remember how...people interact with or relate to the spaces around them. so i felt like a lot of the time staying inspired was coming from places within just me that felt inauthentic. i think my writing benefits from my ability to see multiple perspectives, so i felt like a lot of dialogue or writing itself was suffering just coming from me alone. it took a lot of work to ensure that it wasnt like that. 
and then, motivation was also so hard. the internet and the news and everything about america, the planet, the everything was unrelenting and draining. we as people were privy to so much trauma this year, to the collapse and fracture of communities, lives, governments. there were several weeks at the end of may and into june where i just...couldnt. i had no energy for anything. it happened again in november after the election and the windfall of it. energetic tensions were so high it just felt so hard to push out words when things were breaking everywhere. like there were more important things i needed to focus on, and healing was one of them.
what was the most enjoyable/rewarding part of writing this year?
i enjoyed the new community of writers/friends i found by writing for bts again. they challenged me and pushed me to better myself. @jamaisjoons is so inspirational in the way she generates community and encourages relationships between storytellers. doing the summer bucket list pushed me out of my hermit hole for camp nano, and i cranked out molotov cocktail and felt so proud of it. it mattered so much to me because it was the first long thing id written after a period of feeling deceased, and it was so enjoyable because there was a sense of community around it. its easy to forget how essential having a support system in your creative community is.
what piece has left the most impact on you and why?
probably ciperion. words cannot express how proud i am of that story and the direction its going in. i read it back sometimes and i realize that my writing was elevated because of that piece. tbh molotov was responsible for that lift, but ciperion was just a whole other tier. ive also never written anything like that story before and it felt so good exploring the themes of seafaring and pirates. 
what have you learned about yourself through the process of writing in the past year?
that i absolutely am someone who took for granted how inspiring the world is even if i see it as a stressor. but also that writing isnt necessarily about being inspired. its about pushing on when its hard. some of my best pieces came from that kind of push this year. 2020 felt like...a slog through most of it, but i kept pushing myself to write even when i was low and tired. i realized that some of my best writing comes from that push, when its not easy and when its difficult and i have to think harder. thats where i grow. 
how has your writing changed in the past year? how have you grown?
i think im more syntax and detailed focused than i used to be. lately ive been experimenting with making the act of reading feel like pleasure. my favourite books are the ones where i read a sentence, and im moved because it felt nice to read or it felt powerful. the sentence itself had power, not the image it was trying to convey. somehow separate, if that makes sense. theres a lot i need to learn before i could go off comfortably and try to write a book, and this is what ive been trying to master. my attention to detail has grown, and sometimes i think thats a detriment. i think sometimes im too detailed and i dont leave my reader enough power on their own. im still finding that balance, but i think im pleased right now with what im trying to push myself to master.
ignoring your wips for a second, if you had all the time and energy in the world to write your magnum opus piece, what would it be about? why is that the dream story you’d write, all other things controlled for?
ive had two books in my mind forever. one was originally being written as a fanfic in a different fandom before i stopped and realized its too big and so much more important, and is worth being a book id like to write. if i wrote an opus like this it would actually be a book id submit to publishers but ~
- hundreds of years in the future, society has learned how to cure most diseases. for those we cannot, the sick person can be cryogenically frozen for a period of time until a cure is found. there is, however, a limit to the length of time they are frozen. no one has ever been frozen for over 100 years, and the main character is a scientist embarking on the experiment to do just that. it is, effectively, time travel. the main character is rash, selfish, sarcastic - not a very nice person; invested in their work and science and little else. they freeze themselves and wake up in the future. during their time in rehab they have to confront the horror theyve made of themselves, the horror people have made of the future, learn to be vulnerable. they end up falling in love with another scientist etc etc. theres so much more to this story and the world is enormous. one day ill revisit it
- a fictional play on orpheus in the underworld where a female main character’s brother was sold by their mother to the goddess of the underworld (helena instead of hades) for eternal youth. the gods all live in a hotel (the concept of this main thing is being used in elysian fields but its not remotely the same) after they were removed from the heavens. main character (ophelia) must gather several totems from the gods to prove her worth and survive her trip into the underworld to rescue him. id like to not focus on a woman finding romance, and instead a woman finding herself, her strength, her devotion to family, her power, and connecting with her history.
how do you want to grow in your writing this year?
this year id like to find balance, like i mentioned above, with my need for detail and my trust in my readers. the balance between detail and dialogue. i want to try to condense my writing again so not everything is a goddamn series. the ideas i have are huge and thats great but i need to remember how to parse things again, while still maintaining impact.
what’s one thing you’d wish to see in the fan-writing community this year?
i want more community, in general. as a multi fan, i see pockets in the kpop fandom where it exists and im well and truly aware that its recently become incredibly hard to foster on the exo side. ill just say that. maybe i dont witness it or its happening amongst blogs i havent found or have not found me. i want to see less dialogue about ‘popular blogs,’ whatever that means; less focus on notes; less worries about statistics. i want people to remember that fandom is not about numbers, and the moment you make it about that is the moment you stop having fun. i want less fear from writers regarding sharing work they read and liked, less shame around it. i want to see more vocal communication for the things people like and don’t like, more engagement and more interaction. the concept of popular blogs is so ridiculous to me, because no one has any control over the metrics. no one has control over who follows them or reads their work except the person doing the actual reading. i want people to realize they hold so much power - a person with 10k notes has as much power as a person with 2 notes because sharing is what fosters community. i want this fandom to remember to share again.
name one new thing you want to try doing in your writing this year.
gosh i really love postmodernism in writing. think like mark z danielewski, who plays with the shapes of words or the act of holding a book - the physicality of it. id like to maybe write a choose your own adventure, or do something that encompasses multiple platforms. or even, more importantly, finish as still as sound and time runner. those are more reasonable goals. time runner actually is done, i just need to stop pressuring myself about it and edit it to get it up. asas, too, is largely done i just need to get my ass together. i have so many other ideas no one has ever seen i need to finish what ive started. thats a real goal.
tagging: @yehet-me-up @jamaisjoons @kyungseokie @jenmyeons @luffles424 @yoonia @shadowsremedy @chillingkoo @onherwings @inkedtae @ninibears-erigom @imdifferentshadesofpurple @readyplayerhobi @ditzymax @sugaurora @snackhobi @yeojaa @sahmfanficbts @xjoonchildx @johobi and anyone else who wants to do this. as always please only do so if comfortable or you want to!
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rosesanthology · 3 years
Senobia (5 star) :
Banner name : "a captain's ambition"
Weapon name : "sea divider" which comes in a set of dual claymores
Attack : freakishly fast physical strikes of both claymores at once except the 5th strike is a heavy one (the claymores combine into one)
Special attack : seno gets close to whatever opponent is near and inflicts hydro with a heavy strike of both claymores
Ult : the claymores combine and she does a spinning hit that summons a wave that can hit up to 5 surrounding opponents (4 waves at C6)
Passive talents : increases space in ur inventory, increased mora drops from mobs and no hydro damage can be taken (as well as wet status cant be afflicted) during the ult
Special dish : i have no clue what her special dish is but whatever she makes increases physical attack pourcentage
Kasto (4 star) :
Weapon name : "princess guard" a geo claymore
Attack : she spins in circle like xinyan if u hold the button but once stamina bar depletes she jumps up and spawns a huge crystal from the ground (sending the opponent flying upwards)
Special attack : traps ennemies in crystal for a few seconds and does damage (time increases with constellations)
Ult : creates a pretty strong shield while a rain of crystal falls around her and inflicts damage on nearby opponents
Passive talent : does it count as a passive if I say that she is naturally able to break the geo hypostasis's pillars in 2 hits at C1
Special dish : she can't cook im sorry
Michi (5 star) :
Banner name : "honor of the tengu" where he has a stupidly low rate of dropping unless u complete his story quest first
Weapon name : "cherry blossom blade" which is a katana with porcelain like decorations on it (also has a low drop rate unless story quest completed)
Special attack : immobilizes up to 3 opponents in cherry tree branches and michi gets a shield that buffs his attacks
Ult : he goes into something similar as the demon mode of the dual blades from monster hunter ? He can't take damage and he can stand on moving branches that run over his ennemies (controls similar to fischl's oz)
Passive talent : u get a double of every flower u pick up no matter the region and he buffs everyone's attack
Special dish : salmon skewers that give u pyro res and buffs crit damage :)
Agnar (5 star) :
Banner name : "the snow leopard of snezhnayan"
Weapon name : none. He comes with his own ice polearm.
Attack : all of his attacks inflict cryo damage and he switches between physical attacks with his fists and elemental attacks with his polearm at random
Special attack : a bit like geo traveler u can aim at ennemies and drop a giant icicle on them that explodes and inflicts cryo damage after 5 seconds
Ult : summons a giant ice leopard that steps on nearby opponents (disappears after animation)
Passive talent : he isnt affected by sheer cold, his crit rate goes up with his attack combos, im sorry but if u put childe or kaeya in the team with him his number of normal attack will decrease (he'll hit less times and slower for the same amount of damage per hit)
Special dish : his own version of the pile em up dish except he makes the steak into a soup with ACTUAL has vegetables in it (stares at diluc)
Mei Lan (5 star) :
Banner name : "eery music of qingyun peaks"
Weapon name : "tales of ancient liyue" which is his fan that acts as a catalyst
Attack : his physical attacks are some of the weakest in game because he doesn't like to move a lot but basically he uses his fan a bit like a sword (throws it at opponents sometimes and it does multiple hits while spinning)
Special attack : sends water blades with his fan and legs (by hitting the ground) which has wayyy higher damage and also inflicts the wet status, it also acts as a mode like childe's blades so he'll only do that until it reaches cooldown
Ult : if his special isn't activated he'll summon a giant fish skeleton that will get rid of 2 opponents at C0, if his special is activated the area he's in floods and the opponents gets dragged under the water (99% crit success rate except he loses hp during it)
Passive talent : when mei lan is in ur party mobs dont see u unless u directly engage combat, rare liyue mobs drop rates are also boosted (u can get 4 star artefacts from hilichurls), BUT if u have wuxiang he'll have a lower drop rate on his banner and lower base stats
Special dish : absolutly nothing. He can't cook he will burn everything u give him and it'll actually decrease ur stats. He gives u food poisoning basically.
Wuxiang (5 star) :
Banner name : "immortal antique shop owner" where he has a drop rate of 40% if u have anything that belongs to mei lan or mei lan himself (he's annoying)
Weapon name : "dream of glaze lilies" which is his catalyst
Attack : fast cryo spells if u hold the button or if u spam it he'll just start hitting ppl with his hands which also does more damage
Special attack : summons a shield and throws ice shards at opponents
Ult : the surrounding area and the opponents gets surrounded by a prison of ice flowers (it doesn't affect wuxiang) and the opponents get cryo damage overtime but hitting them into the flowers just instantly kills them
Passive talent : if u have mei lan on the team he'll just randomly stop attacking sometimes my bad, same talent as xingqiu where when u purchase books u get double of them, also increases artefact quality and can pinpoint every book for the archive on the map
Special dish : he also can't fucking cook but his special dish is his version of adepti's temptation called "suspicious tempation" where the stats u get from eating it are randomized,,,,,the crit rate is still good but anything else could decrease
Junko (5 star) :
Banner name : "beast tengu of loyalty" where he has increased drop rate if noburu or noburu's weapon is in ur team
Weapon name : "destruction of timeless battles" which is his polearm
Attack : slams and swings his polearm around like a madman and it creates a mini explosion everytime and it inflicts lasting pyro damage EXCEPT he's so reckless he burns himself too so his hp decreases slowly
Special attack : he switches to pyro talismans and can make 2 big fire tornados that can mix with junko's cryo only
Ult : transforms into a big dog for a while and mauls everything near him inflicting pyro damage
Passive talent : natural cryo res he can't get cryo damage unless he's straight up frozen after being inflicted wet
Special dish : konpeito,,,,,but with like chili powder on top and it gives him increased pyro damage,,,,he's crazy im so sorry
Noburu (5 star) :
Banner name : "beast tengu of knowledge" where he has increased drop rate if u have junko or junko's weapon
Weapon name : "voice of trials" which is his scythe
Attack : noburu spins his scythe 3 times around slowly and them plants it in the ground fast on the 4th strike and inflicts lasting cryo damage
Special attack : can dash for 10 seconds and leave a trail that inflicts cryo damage (very slow cooldown tho)
Ult : transforms into a big snake for a while and can either bite (inflicts cryo and poison damage) or choke ppl out u choose
Passive talent : 70% drop rate on his banner if ur team is all girls when pulling for him and increased crit rate and running speed when the same condition is met
Special dish : ice cream mochi from cryo slimes that give u increased crit damage and crit rate and increased cryo damage
Ada (5 star) :
Banner name : "the fallen monarchy"
Weapon name : "incarnation of thorns" which is their sword
Attack : in normal attacks she just hits with the umbrella mode of her weapon while inflicting electro damage (very high base elemental mastery)
Special attack : just like childe she van switch from umbrella wacking mode to sword mode where her speed and damage increases
Ult : her sword turns into a bow, the sky darkens and she just summons thunder as an arrow and can inflict damage on a whole group of ennemies
Passive talent : mobs can disengage from the fight without reaching 0 hp and still drop loot (she scares them off basically), if jean in the team she gets increased everything
Special dish : its rose flavored black tea that heals all of ur health no matter how low ur hp is :))
Jiahao (5 star) :
Banner name : "death will come before graduation does"
Weapon name : "a cat's paragon" which is his shotgun <3
Attack : it works like any bow user so he has normal shots and charged shots that make more damage just that his is pyro damage
Special attack : it locks onto up to 3 opponents and fires at high speed without the need to aim (so more like a rifle then a shotgun)
Ult : he just calls over up to 6 (3 until he's at C3) of his flying robot turrets that keep firing at the opponents (so u can switch characters and still have the turrets)
Passive talent : once u find all the volumes of a book series u can get 3 blue fates, and drops from ruin guards/hunters/graders are drastically increased and can be exchanged for other materials during his character event
Special dish : his own version of the fullmoon egg dish thats just ridiculously spicy and as a result it heals u fully and boosts ur attack as much as bennett's ult <3
Najma (5 star) :
Banner name : "oathkeeper, promise of the fool" where he has an increased drop rate by 50% when u actually go to his spot in game🙄
Weapon name : "celestial arcana" which is his personal tarot deck that acts as a catalyst
Attack : he throws cards into a circle at his opponents while levitating and inflicting electro damage, when the circle is completed every opponent in it will take an additional electro strike
Special attack : they'll pick a major arcana card at random and it'll manifest into a mascot that will distract and fight opponents while inflicting electro damage (exemple : he pulls the wheel of fortune and a wheel rolls around inflicting damage)
Ult : they do a 3 card pull and with each slam of the card on the ground opponents take increased electro damage and if they're still standing the cards in the ground will buff any other character's crit rate and damage
Passive talent : increased luck at quite literally everything whether it be drop rates with mobs or weekly bosses or gacha pulls, when mona is on the team they get extreme luck and won't take damage during the first minute of every fight
Special dish : they're vegetarian so they make their own version of the satisfying salad which is also mona's go to dish because they are simply besties
Claire (4 star) :
Weapon name : "crucifix of doom's messenger" yeah :) thats his sword
Attack : claire will either do a succession of sword slashes if u spam the button or do pirouettes and cast a series of ribbons of water toward the opponents
Special attack : up to 3 opponents are trapped into water bubbles and take damage
Ult : its called "odette's death" and he spawns water wings that close in on groups of opponents casting massive hydro damage, at C6 his ult changes and the area changes into a performance scene where they can't fight and all of his attacks get a massive buff
Passive talent : u don't take fall damage if claire's on ur team, he doesn't eat a lot so he can't get healed often with food because he'll be full in one dish
Special dish : meringue that buffs ur defense so u take less damage
Loki (5 star) :
Banner name : "make sure to get an autograph" where they have 80% chances to drop because they're an attention whore
Weapon name : "official fanclub lightstick" just a magical girl staff that acts as catalyst
Attack : alternates between anemo spells that do crazy damage or just beating opponents up with the lightstick and it gives hp to other teammates
Special attack : extra fast combo where he summons 4 blades of wind that hit groups of opponents
Ult : does a cute pose and sends opponents flying in one group except they start beating them tf up with big anemo cat paws
Passive talent : they're cute they don't need to bring u anything. If Barbara is on the team they'll make more damage, if diluc is on the team they'll make more damage except for every wack of the lightstick thats supposed to heal, diluc looses hp
Special dish : sugar cookies with their face and autograph on them that heal u and give anemo damage bonus
Brynja (5 star) :
Banner name : "vocare hostem veneno" (call of the poison foe) where his drop rate depends on the first ending u got on his hangout event
Weapon name : "annihilator of the forsaken" which is his sword
Attack : heavy. Attacks. They do the most physical damage while inflicting lasting poison damage and on the 5th attack brynja hits the opponent with a wheel of fire
Special attack : its a magical attack where they send a wave of poison at their opponent (if u do it in grass the grass will die in the direction it takes)
Ult : sets fire to the whole era who matter the type of ground and their attacks get buffed, the opponents can't leave the fire zone and get lasting damage of everything
Passive talent : brynja can teleport anywhere without the need of a waypoint and at night their attacks get stronger, at C6 u unlock astaroth's power for 2 minutes when brynja dies and he can one hit most opponents, if put in a team with xiao he will get the effect swirl on most of his pyro attacks
Special dish : vanilla fudge that heal :))
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wxsuthorn · 4 years
ranking every single asian drama/series/movie that i have ever watched
(this isn’t 100% accurate cuz I’ve decided to include shows that are still airing and they may move up or down on the list once they’ve finished airing. Shows with multiple seasons/spin-offs will be counted as one unless I decided that they’re too different to be in one rank. And lastly, I don’t dislike the shows that are low on the list—unless I explicitly say so—I’ve just watched a shitload of dramas, so don’t attack me if ur fave is at 26 or smth lmao)
I did my best to keep the explanations short and avoid spoilers
1. The Gifted
Are you surprised? Do I even need to explain?
2. HIStory 3: Trapped
Again, should be pretty self-explanatory. The plot? The acting? The tropes? Utter perfection. 
3. 3 Will Be Free
Haha. 3wbf... is 3rd place. It’s just amazing and so criminally underrated. 
4. Until We Meet Again
5. He’s Coming To Me
a GODLY show !!! SO UNDERRATED. Ugh that rooftop scene TT.
6. The Untamed
I know it’s shocking that this isn’t higher up IM SORRY OKAY but this show was so good i cried so much lksjlfjdsfdjlkf GOD TIER.
7. Theory of Love
G O D L Y. It has the best scenes that just punch you in the gut and make you cry while you think about them at night.
8. Great Men Academy
WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS SHOW. anyways i would die for tangmo.
9. Cherry Magic
MY FAVOURITE ON AIR SHOW. It’s so fucking good and it’s sooooo relatable and cute and fun and just GOOD. Ugh it’s a whole blessing. Literally the concept is also just amazing, plus the representation is actually accurate?? LIKE ITS SO RELATABLE JLSJFKJKJKD AND REAL. AND THE CHARACTERS ARE SO KLJLKFJDLKJLSKJD.
10. I Told Sunset About You
THE SETS ARE SO PRETTY. THE VISUALS. ASTOUNDING. THE ACTING KSLJFKJLDF. It exceeded my expectations holy crap and the chinese culture incorporated into it feels so nice and genuine. literally i watched some of it today before my chinese class lmao. OMG AND THE OST.
11. Mr. Heart
ugh this show stole my heart (pun intended).
12. Dark Blue Kiss
13. Oxygen
14. 2gether
would’ve been higher if it werent for the last two episodes of the show, but still2gether redeemed it quite a bit.
15. HIStory 2: Crossing The Line
16. Where Your Eyes Linger
17. HIStory 2: Right or Wrong
it’s so soft and at first i was so hesitant to watch it with the age gap but it was surprisingly like really healthy? and like the mom with the fruit knife?
18. Love By Chance
IM SORRY I PUT THIS SO LOW its just that klano and tumtar were not my cup of tea and i watched it mostly for aepete only for them to be apart at the end of season 1. I like season 2 but this time i only have tincan...
19. Gameboys
okay i was going to put this way higher because ITS SO FUCKING GOOD LITERALLY but then again i felt more impressed/attached to the ones above... BUT LITERALLY PEARL AND CAIREEL ARE JUST SDLSJDFSKDFL THE BEST.
20. Sotus
If i could put multiple shows in one rank i would but ive decided not too cuz then there would only be 6 ranks with 10 shows in each one... that’s why sotus is so low TT SORRY I LOVE IT BUT I LOVE OTHER SHOWS A LITTLE MORE.
21. 2Moons2
it was enjoyable. I didn’t like the main couple much tho.
22. Red Wine In The Dark Night
omg this movie i really liked it especially the ending it was really symbolic and i really like slight-horror type things. also FLUKE !!!! a KING of acting.
23. Transit Girls
24. My Engineer
don’t get me wrong i love this show BUT it’s yet another engineering concept and i just don’t see it going above the other dramas...
25. Why R U
the plot was messy but the chemistry between the actors saved the entire show.
26. TharnType
I KNOW ITS LOW DONT KILL ME the plot was good but i don’t like how lhong was painted as a misunderstood little boi like HE IS A CRIMINAL DONT GIVE HIM A REDEMPTION ARC AND DONT TRY TO MAKE ME PITY HIM. also the non-con was uncomfy as hell.
27. A Round Trip To Love
THE CINEMATOGRAPHY AND SYMBOLISM ON GOD ISLJFDLJD. i don’t see this movie as like... an example of a healthy relationship... but the story itself is really interesting and the way the characters change yet stay the same is cool.
28. The Shipper
i enjoyed watching it but i dont think i could rewatch it. it was good nonetheless, i don’t regret watching it at all.
29. Together With Me
it’s good. but the side plots/side couples were not it. yihwa is a queen tho.
30. Ingredients
31. The Effect
this show gave me depression but damn the theme was so real. 
32. Guardian
everything was going great until the jin ling dude got a girlfriend and the end happened.
33. History 3: Make Our Days Count
i was spoiled for the ending and it ruined my watching experience TT
34. YYY
i love it
35. Addicted
It was my first bl drama and i really liked it but again the non-con/kidnapping thing makes me uncomfy. also IT WAS DISCONTINUED IM SO SAD SLKDJFLSKJDFKSJD IT ENDED ON A CLIFFHANGER THEN WAS CANCELLED TT
36. Make It Right
fuse took too long to break up with his gf honestly oasflsajdfaldj bUT FRAME AND BOOK.
37. My Gear And Your Gown
CUTE but its another engineering x medical student trope and it’s still airing so i dont have too much of an opinion on it.
38. Pearl Next Door
its still airing (only 2 eps are out as of the time im writing this) and istg if pearlex isnt endgame im suing.
39. Friend Zone
first season was good but season two is gripping me by the throat. 
40. Because Of You 2020
41. The Lover
i only watched the bl cuts but they were cute
42. Lovesick
season one was great but season 2 was too long i skipped so much of it lmao.
43. Puppy Honey
ngl i only watched it for offgun lmao. season one was good and i watched the hets too but season 2 was when i only watched the offgun scenes lmao
44. En Of Love
tossara was my fave cuz they cute and healthy. 
45. As If You Whisper
it was so short but so nice TT.
46. I’m Tee, Me Too 
still airing... kinda pointless?
47. 2 Moons
the acting... oof
48. My Dream
it started out so promising but THE FUCKING ENDING WAS LKSDJFLKS
49. Kiss + Kiss Me Again
I only watched the petekao scenes lmao.
50. History 1: Away From Me
51. History 1: Obsession
52. HIStory 1: My Hero
53. My Day
i dropped it... tell me if i should get back into it cuz i kinda just wasn’t feeling it.
54. Lily Fever
cute wlw but it made no sense?
55. Hotel Stars
sorta dry lmao
56. The Best Twins
i dropped it but thor was epic
57. Reminders
PERTH’S ACTING KSJLFDJL but like what was the point? idk it was kinda frustrating.
58. 2Wish
i honestly don’t even remember what happened lmao
59. The Moment; I Need You
i just couldn’t when the guy faked an od. other than that it was eh. second season was better than the first (idk if it counts as a season tho cuz its so short)
60. Waterboyy (series)
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf chapters 107 - 120 this is one where i give some Opinions. i do overall like hualian a lot but i have some quibbles
wait why am i still taking screenshots? i can copy/paste again afskldfjasad
It really was hard to tell whether people would feel happy after watching such performances. However, in truth, slaughter and the sight of blood did create excitement in people. Whether or not there was fear, after the initial shock was over, a rush of adrenaline would be produced in the heart- me watching horror movies
“Shi Qingxuan said. “Then, Your Highness, Crimson Rain Sought Flower! I order you to—to immediately strip each other’s clothing!” - djslkadjlsd WHY DID HE SPECIFICALLY SAY THEY HAD TO STRIP EACH OTHER THISALSKDJ is this a normal thing is it a wingman attempt what is happening
“I’ll tell you what it is,” he said softly. “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.” ... “Ming Yi asked, “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”- when truth or dare gets a bit too real
On the side, Hua Cheng was still only observing, and was already bored to the point where he’d changed back into his red robes. Then he changed to black robes again. Then to white robes. Almost every time Xie Lian looked back, he would be donning a different appearance, and with every new look there were different hairstyles, and different accessories, and different boots, and so on; sometimes playful, sometimes elegant, sometimes deadly, sometimes glamourous. Xie Lian was growing dizzy from all the colours and kept looking back, unable to look away. - THIS ISNT THE TIME HUA CHENG. YOURE PRIMPING. THE WINDMASTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND YOURE PRIMPING
obsessed with xie lian not being able to figure out to use the windmaster’s fan and just. using it to SMACK
also windmaster??? whats going on??? :( i know some things from spoilers like who is not to be trusted but i really have no clue whats happening rn
anyways back to puqi shrine lets check on those kids also can we PLEASE get some funds for this restoration smh. hua cheng and xie lian doing mundane hard labor together to fulfill prayers.... :pleading:
jailbreak in the heavens 2: dig a tunnel
Sure enough, the moment Ming Yi put pressure on his shovel, a hole opened up before them. With the shovel raised, he burrowed crazily ahead while Shi Qingxuan, in the middle, cheered him on crazily. As the only non-crazy person, Xie Lian brought up the rear. That treasured shovel of the Earth Master was indeed magical, and with only a few strokes, a new tunnel of over ten meters was dug. - anybody remember mulch diggums from the artemis fowl series? this is much more dignified than that but i think this is only the second time ive read a character just starting digging a tunnel as a plot point
okay so much is going on i wish i hadnt spoiled who certain characters actually are for myself but i have no one to blame but me for a) not blacklisting spoilers at all and b) just having a little freefall through the tags. oh well. anyway heavenly college admissions scandal except way worse. the corruption extends to the heavens and the windmaster is having a very bad day
i guess we’re having a high seas adventure now?
im gonna keep it real im getting tired of how often we get told how handsome hua cheng is. i know its all xie lian’s pov and while im not terribly familiar with it i know what genre we’re working with and im assuming thats pretty typical. its something i dont much care for in general and idk maybe it sounds better in the original but ngl its starting to make me roll my eyes. love you goth king but god okay we get it.
i guess what i will say about hualian so far is that overall i like them and i like how they interact in general they have a lot of nice moments and they just genuinely seem to like each other which is really nice to see EXCEPT for when it actually comes to things that could be romantic or sexual which is a shame bc i dont think it has to be like this. again disclaimer that im only reading a translation and dont know everything might not have all the knowledge necessary to accurately criticize etc etc and im assuming a lot of this is expected from the genre (disclaimer to this disclaimer that i cant say that for sure its just based on things ive picked up about the bl genre over the years) but idk like xie lian was so distressed after their underwater kiss scene. it was kind of uncomfortable to read and maybe im being unfair i know his cultivation is based around abstinence or whatever but idk i dont care for it. and that scene alone doesnt have to be a bad thing like idk i guess its his first kiss ever (?) and it would make sense if he feels weird about it but i just have my doubts thats going to be addressed or resolved in a satisfying way. also im like. dude everyone is like centuries old. xie lian’s been on earth for 800 years. has he really never met or heard of a gay person during all this time? maybe he hasnt idk what he got up to yet maybe that’s actually a thing. also same thing with the reactions from the immortals to xie lian in a dress and characters like the windmaster like again you’re all centuries old and its not uncommon to be able to just completely change gender presentation. why are you all weird about a man wearing a woman’s dress? i just feel like that shouldnt be a big deal to these characters idk
also again not going to lie part of this that im not really a big fan of reading romance in general. yes i am reading this book. yes i do read and write a lot of fanfic that includes or centers romance. im multifaceted. but really what im talking about is the like physical side of it and descriptions im extremely picky about it. ill give an example. early on in the torture pit (or whatever it was called i cant remember lol) when xie lian kind of accidentally felt up hua cheng in the dark when he was being carried. i dont think thats a bad thing to have happen between the two romantic leads i think thats fine and good to include that early but i just did not enjoy reading it when it happened idk maybe it was the wording and i do think that moments like these work better in a visual medium. ive definitely read het romance that reads like this and i wasnt a fan of that either lol same with fanfic i get tired when writers go on and on about how hot one characters finds another character. this isnt a huge criticism of it like i said im picky but again like with the way that hua cheng is described it just makes me roll my eyes sorry kings
okay back to the reading. this whole saving the fishermen thing feels like a big set up for something narrative-wise. hua cheng specifically insisted on coming and i know one of the characters involved ends up dying im wondering if thats now it would be a good time tbh if things get just a bit too unfortunate during this heavenly calamity... and the brothers are notably not having a harmonious time... also tho it feels very likely we’ll just have another Hualian Moment (tm)
In such a situation, Pei Ming still acted the same. In the evening, when they rescued a few fishermen girls, so scared their eyes were blurry from tears, he held them in his embrace and soothed them with a gentle voice; a true show of honeyed romance, affectionate and charming. - pei ming please get pickled again.
also its funny that hua cheng is just kinda hanging out and everyone else just has to deal with it
Looking down from above, the entire area was painted in a terrifying black. It was easy to see the collision between the two different-coloured currents. Their fierce battle was what formed this enormous whirlpool. As the eye swallowed the ship whole, the two currents of water separated. However, the battle was far from over. Like two venomous vipers, they continued to snap at each other. Each collision was followed by a mountain of angry waves. - this pretty dope ngl. also love our wind and earth masters just chilling on a shovel i dig it. hehe
Yet, other than discovering Hua Cheng had a fine body, there were no other finds. Xie Lian was at his wit’s end and started to worry. - okay see this one’s funny im just also irritated bc im like WE KNOW!!! WE GET IT HE’S HOT AND XIE LIAN THINKS HE’S HOT OKAY GOT IT
okay kiss #2 again its not the kisses themselves its xie lian’s reaction it just bothers me idk im not saying i need him to be super into it and completely unconflicted about it rn but he’s just so freaked out about it and idk i just dont really like it just feels weird i dont care for that aspect of it. also dude hua cheng is a ghost and he did this exact same thing for you before just chill. i wish instead of xie lian literally running away while screaming that hes sorry he was just like “oh haha youre fine thats cool im gonna go look around the woods i dont feel weird about this at all haha” like idk its kind of funny but when its literally our two romantic leads i just feel like its confusing like it kind of makes me feel like they shouldnt be together if one of them freaks out this much again considering the fact that they are both CENTURIES old. i know i know xie lian is an 800 year old virgin but. he hasn’t been like this about anything else so yeah idk like it still could have been awkward and funny i just dont think it needed to be so :/ that being said it was funny that xie lian was then internally like “oh i did it wrong? perhaps i should ask him for more.. instructions....” if that actually happens i might like it bc it would complete this little watery theme
Before he finished, he immediately remembered. Coffin wood. There were trees here everywhere; and a deceased? There was one right before his eyes. Sure enough, Hua Cheng smiled. “Won’t it be fine once I lie inside? - love that hua cheng just sat on the fact that he can turn anything into a coffin. that would have been really useful information earlier but no he just waited until everyone but xie lian was gone afjaklsdjf
also i do think that oblivious xie lian thinking “wow whoever it is that hua cheng fancies is an idiot for not liking him back theyre totally taking him for granted :/” is kind of funny and sweet. actually the whole conversation they have at the campfire is good and im bookmarking it to think about later
“...You on top and me on the bottom,” Xie Lian replied. “Isn’t top and bottom the same?” Hua Cheng asked. - okay im sorry but. mood whenever theres discourse about top/bottom dynamics for a ship im just like jesus christ i dont care. tbh i rarely read fanfiction if its just sexual and ngl if i see a fic specifically tag characters as top or bottom i wont read it lmfao. especially when people have really strong opinions about this stuff when theres nothing canonical to back it up like headcanon all you want but whenever i see people argue about it im just like no offense but go work out your own sexual issues and dynamics instead of arguing with strangers on the internet about who’s a top and who’s a bottom. sorry to be mean but just thats how i feel lol
this was mostly a ramble with a few excerpts but im getting sleepy im going to TRY to take a break from this for like a day but we’ll see how that goes i do very much want to know what happens. anyway if you read this whole thing hiiiiii sorry for subjecting you to my opinions on top/bottom discourse
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stimmypaw · 4 years
stimmypaw reads the apprentice’s quest, a blog post
A big one, just a bunch of thoughts as I’m reading it, of course, lots of spoilers for the first book in the Warrior Cats series A Vision of Shadows. This will be covering just the first book tho, it’s all in the Read More, let’s gooooooo!!!!
Vision Of Shadows time
Lots of new cats!!! I don't remember these guys as kits or anything wrow!!! I like their names but itll take a while to get used to them
Also cant believe they printed stormcloud's dead name
Omg there's a cat named beepaw
I love these cats all of them so much im going 2 cry
All new names are perfect
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I'm glad leafpool smokes weed
I love reading from Jayfeather's point of view, his grumpiness hasn't grown on me ever but thats just me, I still enjoy it lots he's great and its fun
Firestar and Leopardstar's characterizations are On Point i love it
OOF i feel so bad when jayfeather is mean to others, poor kestrelflight, I love those two
Lovely Jayfeather moments now its time for the first chapter
I like this duo! Also I didn't think I'd ever say this but shut up squirrelflight one can have fun AND learn with their mentors
Sparkkit sounds nice she makes jingling bell noises when she walks around
Alderkit is chadphobic /j
I can see Alderkit taking deep breaths to relax its rotating in my mind its beautiful
God this first chapter feels so good and comfortable, like eating noodles and chicken nuggets. I am so so deeply in love with it, its gorgeous!
Sparkkit is so perfect too, and Graystripe remembering Firestar aaaaaa
DUSTPELT SAID WHAT? PHDHAHAHHA OH NOOOO I don't remember their relationship much, must have been fun, I love young little creature squirrelflight I MISSED HER SO BAD WOW
I started reading the second chapter and died, I think ill take a break now 2 sleep heehhee
I love them describing twoleg stuff its always so fun and alien, like watching an animal planet show about funny sea creatures.
Also I have determined sparkpaw is my favorite, might be my favorite cat ever next to hollyleaf??? I really identify with her and also she's autistic i have decided that
Alderpaw baby noooo hhhh their mentor at least is trying to show its okay, he seems very emotionally distant so far and alderheart feels very emotionally needy, actually both of them do, did I mention I love Sparkpaw??? I might be imprinting myself 2 much on her
I love how like, its clear both of them are absolutely anxious and worried about others opinions on them, which is clearly something they got from being Firestar's grandkids, deputy kids and leader kids. And bramblestar too, I recall him being quite the anxious lad ahhah. Sparkpaw will be showing confidence and being loud but the second anyone isn't approving of her or she does something "wrong" she gets small and quiet, and she ended up setting a high bar for herself by being good at hunting and fighting so I'm curious to see how that will go. Also there's nothing wrong with being guided through a crowded place to meet others Sparkpaw!!! I bet the two of them would be stuck without not knowing how to talk to others had Needlepaw not shown up. I love them, my gf is mocking me saying I'm a Sparkpaw kinnie.
Apprentices will like learn about a thing and tell everyone about it all the time and assume its always true in every situation and thats valid I love kids like that. Also in my head Needlepaw kinda looks like a porcupine. Oh boo she's fatphobic >:(
I love apprentices they are so fun and silly, just making fun of the leaders like its nothing. The way they are clearly learning and absorving everything their warriors say and do like sponges its just ***chefs kiss***
Omg shadowclan is just full of 12 year olds help
And then the old person said "it sure is hard being old!" And everyone clapped
Shout-out to pretty Riverclan apprentice #481977 I love her
Leafpool: 👁👁
Alderpaw: I knew it im cursed and awful and terrible and I will never amount to anything
I wish the cats didn't seem to be giving up on him so easily though
Ah yes the classic thunderclan move "you suck, into the medicine hole you go"
The way sparkpaw changes the things she says and how she does when it isn't the status quo around her oooooooooooooyeaaaaaaa I love 1 autistic cat
Alderpaw considering your problems lesser than other cats won't help you deal with them better bro
I love Needlepaw's excitement about Alderpaw being a medicine cat apprentice, and her sarcasm, she feels like a preppy teenager
Ahhh this is so good, I am so thirsty for family moments like this, just Alderpaw bonding with grandma, I’ll definitely want to draw this one it’s so sweet.
Oh to be young and silly.
I really am enjoying like, Alderpaw’s struggles to seeing how he fits in the clan, how he fits in himself, how he wants to be seen and what he wants to be, it’s really good. I Am Engaged(tm) With This Plot.
SPARKPAW NOOOOOOO but also Yes I want her to be shown vulnerable and weak please 
POP, god watching this stuff always awful, the cats must have thought he broke her ahahah
Also, really great that they learned from Dovewing and now like leave choices and discussions about prophecies between adults
And plus Brambles seemed to take the time to explain stuff to him, seems he wont be going alone either the 1 thing is that he will be the only one knowing what the journey is really about, why though??? I didnt read Firestar's Quest or whatever why does Skyclan need to be secret??? Seems quite silly really!
I could feel squirrelflight nearing explosion here, this was very fun, i wish they werent hiding this though!!!
The secret thing is showing to be a plot point so I am once again Very Engaged
Also, wonderful dialogue bit, someone asked Bramblestar why an Elder is going and:
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Lovely perfect perfect
I miss you dovewing
Oh boy this is it
Traveling book moment
Graystripe: Soooo you're excited to go on the journey to the old territories and Skyclan?
Sandstorm: Yes! It's been ages and-
Graystripe: I'm sure the tribe will love the visit too
Sandstorm, groaning: Oh noooo I forgot about how the tribe is in the way of every journeyyyyy noooooo they're such a racist caricature, please tell me you have a plan
Graystripe: Yes don't worry about it the writers forgot about the tribe in my comic book so you can just use the excuses i did to actively avoid it
Sandstorm: Oh thank Starclan
Sparkpaw's desperation to prove herself oof, her anxiety with understanding the prophecy, oh boy, and Alderpaw feeling too overwhelmed by the questions and not managing to talk!!!! I am so glad they are both autistic
Hoping "Being Leader" wont mean theyre putting nonsense responsibility on the apprentice again
Ah good Sandstorm is on the lead again, as she should, she should have been leader she would have been great
I can't believe Alderpaw thinks I look stupid and diseased :( /j
Everything about this twoleg scene was scandalous I loved it, Sparkpaw just toppled over a trash bag and they are eating from it, iconic, also did those twolegs throw out a whole turkey? Damn
Its not that Sparkpaw is freakishly good at hunting she is very hungry and constantly on the watch for things to eat
BRO Ive never been in a road where the drivers are this wild, throwing bottles out of the car????? Ive seen Fruit being thrown like once or twice, what the fuck!!! I'm glad they are going to wait until the morning to continue
Okay I was not expecting Needlepaw to show up this girl is chaotic I love her
Needlepaw is like Rono from Bambi 2 if he wasnt a mean bully and thats very epic
Very curious character though, how come her mentor isnt teaching her the warrior code properly? Is that an issue with all apprentices?? Is the clan overwhelmed by 12 year olds and they won?
Having lots of fun trying to play the game "what animal are they describing this time" the erins made here, im glad they're in a farm. Worried about Sandstorm though :c
Fuck im worried about sandstorm a lot, her wound hurt on Me
Yeah water is good youre right sandstorm
Aw man I hope she's okay let her at least survive to meet skyclan please
I am so sad
Alderpaw denying it, Starclan shining upon their vigil, everything crushed me i cried
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Alderpaw considers Nihilism
Haven't seen a cat thank starclan for prey in a while its
Oh look they time skipped a journey! They don't tend to do that thats nice
I'm so excited to be meeting The Skyclan that everyone in the fandom knows now
So far they seem kinda mean but thats most clans at first glance really
Okay somethings up
I uh have heard of Darktail pretty sure he's a bad guy so yeah something really bad happened to Skyclan
Am worried
Darktail sounds like an evil himbo* i may be enjoying him actually
*himbos are usually nice by default so he's just evil and stupid and strong
Does needletail know these cats already?????
Oh okay fuck
I've been quietly reading the rest because I am just concerned and I want them to be okay as quickly as possible
Waterfalls are a classic nice
Oh boy time for our unlikely duo of Alderpaw and Needlepaw to get out of a Mess!
I did not expect this to end up with the two of them journeying into parenthood, but I'm happy it did
Well actually I'm very unhappy theyre so lost and there's no sign of Skyclan I am very worried for everyone involved Sparkpaw must be feeling awful!
Twigkit is a great name
Yeah this ended terribly
Overall! Frigging loved it this book was GOOD and a great start for the series I am very excited to read the rest, SO WORRIED ABOUT SKYCLAN THO AAAA the characterizations were great the characters were great the pacing was fun and I didn't get bored once!
I think o only wish I had read this sooner really so I could look up others thoughts without getting heavily spoiled about the last books, I can watch a few videos already though thats a start ahhaha. But yeah it was great and it felt very good to read, haven't swallowed up a book so quickly in a very long time!!! Very happy I finally got my hands on this 💕💖💕💖💕💖 cant wait 2 start the next one
If you read all this, hope you had fun hahaha, ill be making more of these cus theyre fun and I like talking about warrior cats thats just my thing
Til next time
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thedyingtimelady · 5 years
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{An Original Character Introduction}
The dying Timelady -Part 2 (Classic Who)
Relationships with the Doctors
Even after the Soulbond and the Marriage, each Doctor has a different kind Relationship with the dying Timelady. Naturally of course, because each one has his own personality. This is how it looks like:
First Doctor:
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Even she knows this incarnation for her whole life, she still has trouble to talk to him. Because he never accepted her feelings properly, when they were in a younger age, she still has doubt that he really loves her. She is still shy around him, talks sometimes to him like they are just friends or something less. The Doctor realize that often, but dont really do something against it in the beginning. He has the doubts, that he deserves her.
But after a while, both will realize, that they are made for eachother. Their tone between them will change and when you see them, you would believe, they are married together for their whole life. A soft and innocent love.
His nickname for her is „Dear“ or „Dearest“
Second Doctor:
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A human-women would call him „the perfect Husband“ He is best friend, lover and companion in one man.
Travelling with him is just fun, without his companion or with them. He makes her laugh a lot, he shares her tears when something upset her and he is the best listener of all his incarnations.
Being with him charges her life battery really fast.
Even when she loves all incarnations of her beloved husband, she returns at most to this one. Most of the time, when she is upset or had a terrible fight with one of his other incarnations, he gives her advice, how to handle some situations or just giving her hugs, kisses and sweet affections. Someone she always trust, in all situations.
His Nickname for her is „Honey“.
Third Doctor:
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This Doctor is a gentleman. Being with him is a mix from a soap opera and a comedy-series. Because the Doctor is stuck on earth for the most of the time, Catherin is the only hope to being connected with the univers. Every time she arrives on his timeline, he´s making a big deal out of it. ALL THE TIME. She always brings him some science stuff for him, so he can spend his days, when she isnt here, in his laboratory.
When they both are together, they often go out, driving around with bessie and defeating aliens, who coming to earth. The only problem sometimes is, that he want to travel with her TARDIS. They fights alot because of it. Catherin is against it, because its important for the Doctors life, to know, how a human feel „stuck“ on this world.
When the third Doctor starts to travel again, he will apologize to her and understand what she meant all the time. But until this will happend, they will be the weird couple, that everybody stares at, when they buying clothes together.
A velvet suit man and a goth woman? That will be very interesting.
His nickname for her is „Darling“
Fourth Doctor:
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He is mad. She knows very good that he is mad. But sometimes she is madder, thats makes him scared and more curious of his beloved wife. With this incarnation of the Doctor, Catherin shows her madside more often. When they both going on adventures and someone of them has an Idea, that is more crazy that everything else, you know how this will happend. At the worst is it, when both have this bright grin on their faces, that yells at you „RUN! BETTER RUN!“
Nothing can stop them, until everything is over.
But just because Catherin gets madder, doesnt mean she care less. When she realize, something can really get out of hand, she stops the Doctor, when he is getting too high.
And because she is sometimes caring too much, and doesnt really look after her health, he is watching her quiet, just being sure, that he catches her when she falls.
He is always reading her good night stories, when her Heart has problems, and she cant sleep because of the pain. His voices calms her down.
Both love Ice worlds. Its a great time to share not only the big scarf together, but cuddles and talking calmly over their homeplanet.
His Nickname for her is „Baby“ (Because of jelly babys when you dont get it )
Fifth Doctor:
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He is sweet, he is pure, but nobody would believe that this incarnation fights at most with Catherin.
There is not one adventure, were they dont fight! Its because of Catherins health, the dangerous situations they having on their travels or just the food what the doctor is cooking sometimes.
This Doctor always tries to wrap his wife in cotton wool, making sure that nothing, not even a cut from a kitchen knife could hurt her. Because of this actions, Catherin fights more and more against it, making her anger issues worst. She wants to feel normal, to help other creatures on their adventures, but when the Doctors acting up like that, she gets very angry. (He is the main point, why she´s travels sometimes back to the second Doctor again after a visit)
But even when they fighting, their love to each other is unbreakble. Many had the thoughts, to try to rip both apart, when Catherin travel with the fifth Doctor, but everytime they show, how much their care for eachother and how deep the love really is between them. They couldnt live without eachother and they show it everyday.
His Nickname for her is „My Lady“
Sixth Doctor:
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Like said before. She loves all incarnations of her Husband, but next to the second Doctor, she LOVES travel with this incarnation a lot. His clothes are totally her taste (Many people would roll there eyes, because its really not everybody cup of tea. But Catherin loves them!) He is just charming and she loves his stubborn, sarcastic nature. She feed this character with a lot of compliments and just grinning, when he tries to explain something to her, what she already knows. And because of his temper nature and his anger issues, he is someone, who understands her in this part of life. At the beginning, she had doubts, that he maybe is the one, who would care less about her of all his incarnations, but she was totally wrong.
Maybe he doesnt show it very much, but she is everything for him. Everytime she leaves him, he has this sad expression, what is almost heartbreaking. He would throw his moral away for her and kill someone, when she would ask him to do.
His Nickname for her is „Kitten“
Seventh Doctor:
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He isnt only one of the darkest and manipulative Doctors ever, he is obsessed with his Wife. On their adventures he wants her to show everyone the ring he made for her, as a sign of there marriage. He is very protective about her (Even a bit more as the first doctor) When they travel with Ace, he is seeing the perfect family in it. Sometimes, its can get troublesome, when the Doctor wants something and manipulate Catherin or Ace to do that he wants. Its end up in a fight but he always apologize after and feels terrible about it.
Catherin cant really stays long mad at him. He is just too cute for her.
His Nickname for her is „Sweetheart“
Eight Doctor:
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It was a hard time, when The Doctor forgot who he and Catherin was. But his deep instinct told him, that she is important, so he trusted her in the first seconds or their meeting.
They spend a while on Earth, until he rememebers everything. Then both travel around the univers, having one romantic dinner behind the next one. They flirt all the time with eachother, reading books together or just dance in the TARDIS. The romantic and sweetness of their relationship is almost diabetic.
Being together with him melts her pain a lot. She always feels better, when she is around this doctor. Maybe its because of his aura? Or maybe he is secretly working on a medicine, what helps against her Heartfailure?
His Nickname for her is „Love“ or „Love of my life“
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mamusings · 4 years
Supernatural Season 3 thoughts
At the end of this season I was left thinking maybe I just dont understand the show. Maybe I'm reading it against the grain. Or I dont like what its actually saying and trying really hard to fit it into something else. Its infuriating.
The clear main season challenge is how to save Dean. Underneath that is the worrying question of is Sam still 100% pure Sam.
The opening episode is clever in that it does two very necessary things. The first is it demotes the boys standing again. The show needs them as downtrodden outsiders for the narrative to work, so all that regard we were seeing in s2 is pesky. And it's a slick move to use them opening the cage as a reason for hunters to look down on them. That way we still appreciate them as the audience, but have a convincing reason why they arent held in similar regard by their peers.
The second is necessary thing is the switch from a hunting paradigm into a war one. It's a shift in scale that requires different qualities and strategies and it gives the boys something to struggle with. Episode one achieved that smoothly by having the released demons be different. So we are going to need more than book research to know what to do.
The war footing also changes the moral compass in a way that many viewers see as an inconsistency, but I think actually isnt one. With hunting the idea is to lose no innocent lives. In war, it's about weighing up potential losses. It's a new calculus and the key episodes in this season struggle with it. Jus in Bello and No Rest for the Wicked are both centred on this difficulty and I think in both cases are intended as instances in which the boys get it wrong. That feels like a hard one to call, but I think each time the show is actually saying that by not making the harder, less black and white decision, we end up with a less favourable outcome (more casualties and Dean dies).
In terms of the brothers and their relationship we get to see Dean go uber Dean for the opening episodes. It's fun, but sort of frustrating in a way that's seems intentional because it reflects Sam's frustration with him. It lasts until Sam pleads with him to be his brother again in Fresh Blood. After that we get to see Dean be scared. And both of them trying to deal with the prospect of his death and the options for preventing it.
More subtly we see Sam be scared of losing Dean. We see him trying to prepare for life without him. Trying to be more like Dean. Its ambivalent because we wonder whether what we are seeing is a darker Sam - remember we arent clear on the is Sam ok question. The fact that the spector of a dark Sam is raised by him emulating some of Dean's traits puts the family thing in perspective. Fresh Blood highlights again the weakness of 'anything for my family' as a moral baseline - because everyone is someone's family. The vampire is looking to found family and is mourning his own family. It echoes season 1 in that Dean killed Azazels family. Bedtime Stories shows the need to let go of family. When we arent focused on the Winchesters, Supernatural seems to take care to show that "family above all else' needs to be approached cautiously.
While we are on the subject of moral compasses it's worth noting that this season has several moments considering what the value of life is given that Dean's life is running out. The penultimate episode shows us Dean isnt willing to do anything to stay alive. But Dean's wallowing in pleasure also falls short for him. Lisa is introduced to indicate he wants more than hook ups. Bella introduces the question of whether hunting is about more than vengeance or thrills. Her character is an interesting Dean parallel. They are both joyfully amoral in quite different ways, linked to problematic childhoods, with hellhounds coming to collect. What this highlights is a desire to be and do good in Dean, that Bella lacks.
From a more series perspective what's most interesting is the introduction of a more complicated universe. Demons may come in different flavours, if Ruby is to be believed, and that's still a dilemma at this stage. Alongside that we meet a number of creatures for whom we have sympathy, as well as a human going to great lengths to explain away acts that are undoubtedly evil (the Frankenstein doc who only carves up people cos he needs the parts but it's ok cis he only kills when it's necessary..). The message seems to be that good and evil isnt about humans and non-human. But even when it comes to what you do and why you do it, the lines get tangled up and it's hard to know what's right. More than that, moving onto a war footing, Sam is alert to the need to go beyond the hunting approach. He sees the need to find allies, seek information. He knows its slippery and dangerous, he doesn't trust Ruby (certainly not yet) but he understands that without her he can't make any headway against the newly released demons as he has no way of knowing what they are after. It's a big departure and one that marks him out as a leader in my view. But it makes everything very murky.
So it feels jarring by the end to have Dean falling back into the hunter rules he got from his Father. Dean even calls it a 'black and white' approach. Its Dean's choice how to do this one and Sam rightly backs him. But it's a step back. Just as it's a step back that Dean declares that "the only person who can save me is me" to which Sam is reduced to tacking on a solitary "and me"
So we seem to have left behind the moral of solidarity I took as the point of s2. I was left thinking I have to totally misunderstood this show? But I think the fact that Dean loses and dies is supposed to show us that this approach is not enough. And by the time we get to Swan Song I think that's confirmed.
The solutions in Swan Song are all in the grey area. The message seems to be that its about choice. Sam chooses to try to save the world. Dean chooses to love him through it even when Sam is transformed into something Dean has been trained to hate and to kill. Its emphatically not about brotherly love or bromance in the sense of doing anything for each other. Sam chooses to save the world not for Dean, but because he is responsible for letting Lucifer out and he is the only one who can do it. Note also that its this episode gives us the big line that family doesnt end in blood from Bobby. So it's not that Sam and Dean are brothers that's key here. Nor is the point that they love each other. The point is that they are brotherly in their love for each other in the sense that their love for gives them solidarity and support. They support each other to do the right thing, not anything. Without that Supernatural may be entertaining and/or cool, but it would be vacuous.
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fortunatelylori · 6 years
What prophecies do you think will play out on the show? What will be the outcome and which character will the prophecy be about?
Hey, nonnie!
Hmmm … very interesting question. And a multi-layered one. 
Of course the show will have to pay-off the prophecies it included from the books. Then there are prophecies that were not mentioned in the show but by the nature of revealing the endgame and by being ahead of the books, the show will either pay them off or at least give heavy hints for what they might be in the books. And then there are foreshadowing elements that aren’t really prophecies per se but serve a similar purpose in the narrative. 
So let’s get started. Warning: this will get long. 
Prophecies mentioned in the show
Azor Ahai
Melisandre: After the long summer, the darkness will fall heavy on the world. Stars will bleed. The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas and the Dead shall rise in the North. In the ancient books it’s written that a warrior shall draw a burning sword from the fire and that sword shall be Lightbringer. 
This is very much in play, having been mentioned as recently as season 7 and I believe that by the end of season 8 we will have a definitive answer as to who and what Azor Ahai is. 
I’ve talked about this before in this post. Here is an excerpt: 
I think it’s far more likely that Azor Ahai is not a hero. He’s a villain and the elemental opposite to the Night King.  R'hllor followers herald Azor Ahai’s second coming with such encouraging words as: “ he will bring an eternal summer” which sounds great if you worship fire but in reality an eternal summer is about as bad as an eternal winter. If the WWs unbalance the world by plunging it into night and winter, Azor Ahai is supposed not to bring balance back but to unbalance it in the opposite direction.
Considering the placement of Azor Ahai in complete opposition to the WW and the obsession with fire of the followers of R’hllor, I’d say that the best candidate for this position is one D*enerys Targareyen, which doesn’t sound surprising since many people theorize the same. The twist is that AA was never meant to be a hero but rather an antagonist. @trinuviel has a fantastic series regarding this topic and I would encourage you to read it. She goes into a lot more detail than I am able to provide.
One aspect of this prophecy that is not brought up in the show is Nissa Nissa: 
To fight the darkness, Azor Ahai needed to forge a hero’s sword. He labored for thirty days and thirty nights until it was done. However, when he went to temper it in water, the sword broke. He was not one to give up easily, so he started over.
The second time he took fifty days and fifty nights to make the sword, even better than the first. To temper it this time, he captured a lion and drove the sword into its heart, but once more the steel shattered.
The third time, with a heavy heart, for he knew beforehand what he must do to finish the blade, he worked for a hundred days and nights until it was finished. This time, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast. He drove his sword into her living heart, her soul combining with the steel of the sword, creating Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.
People have been speculating for years on who might be the Nissa Nissa in the story but because this isn’t mentioned in the show, I’m not really sure this will be paid off. However, considering Melisandre’s obsession with blood magic and human sacrifice, I think there’s a possibility that a candidate will arise. And in my opinion, that would probably be Mel herself. She foretold her own death in season 7 and because of the nature of her arc, the relation to fire, blood and magic I can see her as a willing human sacrifice for the glory of the prophesied hero. 
However, since I don’t think she is interpreting the prophecy of Azor Ahai correctly and that AA is probably not the person that will end the Long Night, I don’t think this human sacrifice in the form of Nissa Nissa 2.0 will have an effect or at least not the desired one. 
In the comments section of the post I linked above, @trinuviel brought forth the idea that the story of Nissa Nissa and Lightbringer is a metaphorical set of instructions on how to forge Valyrian steel. And I have to say that’s a very intriguing idea and one that sounds very plausible to me for several reasons: 
1. Valyrian steel swords are already magical swords and we know they are effective against the WWs. What could a burning sword do that these other swords can’t?
2. The Valyrians were known to practice blood magic and it’s theorized that’s where the source of most of their power came from, including their bond with dragons. 
3. GRRM has purposefully pointed to the mystery surrounding the forging of Valyrian steel in story several times. There must be a pretty big reason why he hasn’t revealed how these swords are forged. 
The Younger More Beautiful Queen
Maggy the Frog: Oh, yes! You’ll be queen … For a time. Then comes another. Younger. More beautiful. To cast you down and take all you hold dear. 
I believe the last time Cersei mentioned her encounter with Maggy the Frog was after Myrcella was killed. So this will be paid off in season 8.
I’ve made the argument in the past that Sansa is the younger, more beautiful queen that will cast Cersei down and take all that she holds dear: 
Sansa has been intimately involved in all of Cersei’s tragedies even though she is not directly responsible. She was the one that carried the poison that killed Jofferey, the war with her brother is the reason why Myrcella was sent to Dorne, Jofferey’s death leads to Tommen becoming king and eventually killing himself. And, by the end of this series, Sansa might end up as queen of the Seven Kingdoms effectively replacing Cersei.
It isn’t that Sansa is directly responsible for what happens to Cersei but that she ends up taking everything from her in a way that no one could have predicted unless you look back at the events. 
There is an aspect of this prophecy that isn’t mentioned but I think will be paid off as well: 
And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
I honestly have no idea why they chose not to include this in the show since it’s part of the same conversation as the younger, more beautiful queen. They might bring it up in season 8 through another flash-back and I think that they should. Either way, I’m pretty sure we will find out who the valonqar is. 
I’ve made an argument for Jaime because I think it will be a fitting end to their story and because of what Cersei told Ned about her and Jaime back in season 1: 
Cersei: Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb. We came into this world together. We belong together. 
And by that logic … they will die together. Or at least one will be the end to the other. 
The Prince that was Promised
Melisandre: You should kneel before your brother. He’s the lord’s chosen. Born amidst salt and smoke. 
This is a dicey one because it’s only brought up by Mel as an interchangeable title for Azor Ahai. 
In the books, however, the PTWP is also brought up in relation to Rhaegar and his prophecy fulfilling quest. When D*ny visits the House of the Undying, she has a vision of her brother holding his infant son, Aegon, by Elia Martell and saying this: 
Rhaegar: Aegon. What better name for a king?
Elia: Will you make a song for him?
Rhaegar: He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.
From what we know at this time, Rhaegar never brings up the Azor Ahai prophecy and we don’t know that much about the PTWP. But I tend to think these two aren’t related. 
I believe the PTWP is Jon. His is the only story that is linked to both fire and ice. He is the literal product of the song of ice and fire (the son of a Targareyen and a Stark) and his story is connected to both ice and fire through out. He fights against Ice in the form of the White Walkers and he encounters both the false Azor Ahai (Stannis) and now D*ny, who is the person associated the most with fire in the series. If the Dance of Dragons 2.0 and dark D*ny theories become canon, his song of ice and fire would be his titular role in both these great wars that are about to visit Westeros. He also has “salt and smoke” imagery associated with his death (and subsequent resurrection). 
So I tend to see the PTWP and AA as actually being ultimate adversaries. 
What I’m doubting at the moment is whether or not the show will bother differentiating between these two. I do think that by confirming Dark D*ny and the Dance of Dragons 2.0, they will essentially pay off this prophecy but I’m not sure they’ll signal the distinction. 
That’s about it on the show-included prophecies, I think.
Prophecies not mentioned in the show
The Last Hero
Legends of the north state the last hero and his companions went in search of the children of the forest during the Long Night, thousands of years ago. The only survivor of the company after attacks from giants, wights, and Others, the last hero eventually reached the children and gained their assistance. The Night’s Watch then formed and won the Battle for the Dawn. This ended the generation-long winter and sent the Others into retreat, possibly to the Land of Always Winter. The fate of the last hero is unknown
One could make an argument that this is not a prophecy but rather a story but because the Battle for the Dawn 2.0 is fast approaching, this story/prophecy will most likely be paid off in season 8. 
If anyone is destined to be the hero to save the world from the Long Night that character is Bran Stark and his story is linked to the legend of the Last Hero, who is also identified as Bran the Builder. This connection is not fully established yet but I believe the characters of the Last Hero and Bran the Builder to be one and the same. 
Bran is the Three Eyed Raven, he’s traveled to the Lands of Always Winter and reached the children of the forest. That’s enough evidence for me to assume that his role in season 8 and the defeat of the WWs will pay off the Legend of the Last Hero. Incidentally, Bran the Builder is mentioned in relation to our Bran by Maester Luwin in season 1. 
We might also get a pay off for how the Wall and Winterfell were actually built although I do think part of this story will remain a mystery that will most likely be tackled in the Long Night prequel. 
D*ny’s prophecies in the House of the Undying
… mother of dragons, daughter of death …
… mother of dragons, slayer of lies …
… mother of dragons, bride of fire …
Essentially, I believe all of these will be paid off by the Dark D*ny reveal.
three fires must you light… one for life and one for death and one to love… three mounts must you ride… one to bed and one to dread and one to love… three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love… 
I think it was a huge mistake for the show not to include the 3 treasons prophecy in D*ny’s storyline, particularly since they included Cersei’s Younger More Beautiful Queen one. Because the three treasons prophecy works on D*ny’s psyche much in the same way it does on Cersei’s. 
They both become increasingly paranoid and obsessed with these ominous predictions and are actively on the look-out for potential candidates. 
However I think the pol!jon reveal will resolve the 3rd treason aspect of the prophecy as well as this: 
A blue flower growing from a chink in a wall of ice, filling the air with sweetness.
A great stone beast takes wing from a smoking tower, breathing shadows.
Between the parentage reveal and Political Jon, her lover turned nephew, Jon Snow, will turn from the flower that fills the air with sweetness into the great stone beast that will oppose her.
There’s also a case to be made that the three treasons are actually treasons D*ny commits against other people, as @thelawyerthatwaspromised has detailed on her blog. And by going to war with Jon and potentially turning her back on the fight with the WWs, D*ny would essentially become a betrayer. 
So either way, I think we’ll have a much clearer picture of these prophecies by the end of the show. 
The dragon must have three heads
This is the continuation of the Rhaegar vision D*ny sees in the House of the Undying. 
Rhaegar: He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire. There must be one more. The dragon has three heads.
We don’t know much of anything about what this means or how Rhaegar thought it would link to the PTWP prophecy. I wouldn’t have included it, to be honest, if it wasn’t for the Crypts of Winterfell teaser and the staging of Jon/Arya/Sansa as a play on the original three heads of the dragon Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys. In a previous post I said this: 
The “Dragon must have 3 heads” is generally considered the reason why Rhaegar started his relationship with Lyanna and the main reason why Jon was even born. Details on this prophecy are foggy but the theory goes that at some point Rhaegar became convinced that his three children would be instrumental in saving the world and because Elia Martell was unable to bare another child after her two pregnancies, he went after teenage Lyanna Stark, thus looking to fulfill yet another prophecy: that of the Prince that was Promised whose song is the song of ice and fire.
In trying to fulfill it, Rhaegar named his children after the 3 original Targs that conquered Westeros: Elia gave him an Aegon and a Rhaenys so he went in search of his Visenya. Clearly he failed, because instead of a girl, he got a boy.
However, as GRRM points out through out his story, prophecies are tricky and the more you go out of your way to fulfill them, the more blunders you’re bound to commit. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some value to it but it will most likely come to pass in a way that you did not expect.
It makes you wonder just what the “3 heads of the dragon” might actually be about. Everyone tends to think that this prophecy is linked to the war with the WWs. However, by introducing Sansa into the mix, it changes things a bit …
What if the “Dragon must have 3 heads” prophecy isn’t related to the War of the Dawn at all but rather to the Dance of Dragons 2.0? Because in that war, Sansa would truly be instrumental: by making Jon a Stark, because of her political expertise and her strategic connections all over Westeros. So instead of creating the ultimate Targ team to face off against the apocalypse, Rhaegar not only brought down his father’s dynasty and his own in Robert’s rebellion but also created the circumstances by which, years later, his son would face off against the last scion of House Targareyen and bring about the demise of all living dragons.
While this could simply remain something that will be inferred by the way season 8 plays out, I think there’s a case to be made that we will actually get more insight here via flash-backs of Rhaegar/Lyanna. 
I think it’s also possible that through these flashbacks we will find out more about the situation surrounding the abduction of Lyanna, more insight into the year they spent in the Tower of Joy and even perhaps the name that Rhaegar whispered as he lay dying on the Trident. 
The Lannister gold prophecy
The wealth of the westerlands was matched, in ancient times, with the hunger of the Freehold of Valyria for precious metals, yet there seems no evidence that the dragonlords ever made contact with the lords of the Rock, Casterly or Lannister. Septon Barth speculated on the matter, referring to a Valyrian text that has since been lost, suggesting that the Freehold’s sorcerers foretold that the gold of Casterly Rock would destroy them.
This is a very obscure prophecy and I haven’t seen many people discuss it. The few that I have seen talk about this link it to the Lannister’s long lost Valyrian steel sword, Brightroar. The Valyrians, fearing this prophecy Septon Barth mentions, always refused to sell the Lannisters a sword but they managed to get their hands on one by other means: 
Brightroar came into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria, and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to raise an army.
So people speculate that it was the purchasing of this sword that lead up to the Doom of Valyria. However, I don’t really see this as a possibility because GRRM never really plays prophecies this straight. 
However, one thing we do know is going to happen in season 8 is that Cersei will be acquiring the Golden Company, whose banner is simple golden cloth. She will also be paying for it with what can be described as Lannister gold. 
Also since the show didn’t include the Young Griff story line, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the GC is leaded by Jon Connington, one of Rhaegar’s best buddies and also the guy who was in love with him. 
So if let’s say the GC would decide to join Jon’s forces against D*ny during the Dance of Dragons, a case can be made that Lannister Gold did in fact bring about the ultimate doom of Valyria, by killing off its last real member and putting an end to the dragons. 
Then there are a few prophecies that I believe have already been paid off. 
The mummer’s dragon
A cloth dragon sways on poles amidst a cheering crowd.
By essentially removing the Young Griff from the story line completely, I think the show has revealed that this young man is not Aegon Targareyen but a pretender whose lie, and life, D*ny will slay in the books. 
The girl in grey prophecy
I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will.
I think everyone in the Jonsa fandom can agree that the girl in grey is in effect Sansa Stark and she will flee her marriage to Harry Hardyng and join Jon at the wall. 
The show had Sansa fleeing her marriage to Ramsay and reaching the wall where she was reunited with a recently resurrected Jon. She was also wearing grey which is I think the show’s way of linking back to this prophecy in the books. 
The Ghost of High Heart prophecies
In case anyone is not familiar with who the Ghost of High Heart is, she’s a dwarfish, albino woman who was reputed to be a woods witch in the Riverlands. Arya and the brotherhood without banners camp overnight at High Heart, to meet with the ghost to hear her tell the future, and to learn the whereabouts of Beric.
She accurately predicts a few things that have happened in both books and show. In addition, there are also these: 
I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung
In the books, this is Euron hiring a Faceless Man (and potentially paying for his services with a dragon egg) to kill his brother, Balon Greyjoy, the King of the Iron Islands. In the show Euron does the deed himself, on a bridge that swayed and swung. 
I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow.
This is generally believed to be about Sansa because of the poisoned hairnet she wears in her hair that eventually kills Jofferey. I’d argue that by ordering the death of Littlefinger in Winterfell (a castle in the North where there’s a lot of snow), the show has paid off the later part of this prophecy. 
She also says this directly to Arya: 
I see you. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death … You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!
This could be nothing but the woman noticing Arya’s increasing violence and tendency towards killing but because she mentions Summerhall it’s speculated that she is referring to a future and particularly bloody event Arya will participate in. Assuming that, I would say the show has already paid that off when Arya killed off all the Freys in an act of mass murder. 
This is a bit dubious, though, because of the fact that Lady Stoneheart has been cut from the show. It’s likely that it will be LS that kills off the Freys in the books and the show simply gave that particular plot point to Arya. 
That doesn’t eliminate the possibility that the Ghost of High Heart is potentially referring to a future Summerhall-like event Arya will be involved in and if that is the case I fully expect the show to include it.  
And finally we have what are essentially sayings that are mentioned frequently in the show but because of their implications they act like prophecy in the sense that they foreshadow future events but not in a clear cut way. 
The Long Night
Melisandre: For the night is dark and full of terrors. 
This is pretty self-explanatory. We’ve been told that when the WWs first came 8000 years ago, they brought a night and a winter that lasted a generation. So the WWs are back at it and are going to bring darkness and terror. 
We should start preparing ourselves for at least 3 episodes of almost exclusive night time scenes. This is also supported by the actors saying that they had about 40 days worth of night time shootings which is an incredibly long time for that sort of thing. 
When a Targeryen is born, the Gods flip a coin
This is obviously a saying that came about in reference to the Targeryens being or going mad more often than not. 
However, at this point in the story, we have only two Targeryens left so the duality of a coin flip becomes foreshadowing for Jon and D*ny as foils. 
I wish you good fortunes in the wars to come
This has only been uttered in show by adversaries, first in the Stannis/Mance conversation prior to Mance being burned alive and then in the Ned/Arthur Dane flashback. The third instance is in the Jon/D*ny good-bye scene. I don’t know about anyone else but this indicated to me … Dance of Dragons 2.0. 
Sansa’s red comet prediction
The morning of King Joffrey’s name day dawned bright and windy, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds. Sansa was watching it from her tower window when Ser Arys Oakheart arrived to escort her down to the tourney grounds. “What do you think it means?” she asked him.
“Glory to your betrothed,” Ser Arys answered at once. “See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace’s name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey’s Comet.”
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. “I’ve heard servants calling it the Dragon’s Tail.”
“King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son,” Ser Arys said. “He is the dragon’s heir - and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey’s ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies.”
Yeah, Jofferey wasn’t and he didn’t. If only there was a guy in this story who was the dragon’s heir and whose birth name the show incidentally spoiled as being Aegon. Glory to that guy! And to his queen! 
Suffice it to say I think we will get the pay off from this scene in the form of Jonsa. 
Just a small addendum before I finish: A Song of Ice and Fire is littered with prophecies, prophetic dreams, cryptic messages that can be interpreted to signal future events, etc. I probably missed a lot of them. So if there’s something you want to add here please do. 
Thanks for the ask, nonnie!
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homespork-review · 5 years
Homespork Act 2: The Racism of the Conductor’s Baton (Part 2)
FAILURE ARTIST: We don’t get much time to mourn with Dave because the comic flashes to a weird wizard statue. This statue is ZAZZERPAN THE LEARNED. Wizards are another recurring theme in Homestuck. Andrew Hussie once artfully defaced this cheesy book called Wizardology (warning: lots of really offensive humor). Anyway, Rose hates the giant statue and the other wizard paraphernalia her mother collects and believes her mother does this only to spite her. On a platform is a bronzed vacuum (with a place to put alcoholic beverages) that Rose gave her as an ironic present. On the couch there’s a life-sized princess doll that Rose has attached a Cthulhu-type head to. All these things set up Rose’s troubled relationship with her mother. Rose believes her mother is taunting her and Rose taunts her back.
BRIGHT: This scene also establishes that some things (the Cthulhu doll for one) are too big to be captchalogued.
CHEL: Actually, that was noted with the harlequin doll earlier but we forgot to mention that.
FAILURE ARTIST: Rose goes to the kitchen. On the fridge is a crude picture of her late cat Jaspers, who turns out to be more than a family pet. There’s more signs of this cold war between mother and daughter on the fridge.
CHEL: Also, numerous liquor bottles in the kitchen and comically exaggerated displays of wealth, such as a fifteen-thousand-dollar picture frame.
FAILURE ARTIST: After fussing with the fridge, Rose tries to leave the kitchen only to run into her mother. She tries escaping but lands comically in some wizard statuettes.
CHEL: Mom Lalonde is mopping the floor, with no water in the bucket, holding a martini in her other hand. The woman clearly has a problem. Again, this is an issue with the portrayal of the parents; this is pretty funny, but were a real mother behaving this way, it would seriously mess up the kid, and whether we’re supposed to take it as Rule of Funny or not later becomes inconsistent.
BRIGHT: I think a lot of the humour here is supposed to come from the implication that Mom Lalonde actually is a loving if clueless (and drunk) parent, and Rose is reading her badly. On the other hand, something is clearly very wrong, and while Mom Lalonde may indeed be loving the situation is definitely having an impact on Rose.
TIER: Say whatever you want, but when putting on the late game Cerebus Retcon goggles there are probably non-humorous questions to be asked about how screwy Mom Lalonde is as a parental unit if her daughter has ended up interpreting most of her actions as mocking or backhanded towards herself. Like, kids don't just decide that.
CHEL: Back to Dave, he’s chatting with GG and they’re being adorable. GG comments about her birthday present to John, the green box we saw in the car earlier, and…
GG: no!!!!!!! GG: he will not open it GG: he will lose it!!! TG: oh TG: uh TG: wow sorry to hear that i guess? GG: no its good actually! GG: because he will find it again later when he really needs it GG: which of course is why i sent it in the first place! TG: see like TG: i never get how you know these things GG: i dont know GG: i just know that i know!
I think here is when we start to get inklings of the kids’ unusual abilities - I mean, unusual in the context of the weird world they live in. A bit more is established about GG’s home life and Dave’s attitudes, too:
GG: i have to feed bec which is always a bit of an undertaking TG: man TG: if i were you i would just take that fucking devilbeast out behind the woodshed and blow its head off GG: heheheh! GG: i dont think i could if i tried!!! TG: yeah TG: say hi to your grand dad for me too ok GG: ._. GG: yes i guess an encounter with him is almost certain GG: it is usually........ GG: intense!!! TG: well yeah isnt it always with family TG: but he sounds like a total badass
“Intense” in a world where attacking your father with a hammer isn’t worthy of comment sounds worrying. We’ll see how that goes.
FAILURE ARTIST: Dave has the tiniest of smiles here and in Hussie’s annotation he says that one pixel created Dave/GG. Whether or not their connection is romantic, Dave obviously feels great affection for her.
CHEL: Interactions between all four of the kids are really sweet, honestly. Dialogue and character interactions are one of the strongest points of the comic overall. Personally I have a soft spot for the OT4.
TIER: In my unprofessional opinion, the beta humans are by far the most functioning and tight knit group of the various groups within the comic, for what that's worth considering the overall dysfunction junction. They're sweet to one another is what I'm saying.
CHEL: Dave talks to John, who mentions the creepy trails around his house and how he thinks he’s seen monsters, which we the audience have definitely seen; creepy little black imps with fangs and, oddly, jester outfits. They bear a striking resemblance to the Wayward Vagabond, in fact. Dave makes fun, but at least pretends not to disbelieve him, and urges him to keep his hammer at the ready. Dave can’t find his Bro, but can find “Lil Cal”, implying Bro is nearby.
TG: lil cal is the shit EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. that's all i'm saying. WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM: 5
Would a non-white rapping ventriloquist be any cooler? I’m struggling to see how. Ventriloquism, by definition, sucks the cool out of any other aspect of the thing. And now I’m picturing Carlton from Fresh Prince trying to rap with a ventriloquist’s doll.
BRIGHT: Back at the Lalonde residence, Rose attempts to ‘Youth Roll’ out of the front door, but her escape route is blocked by her mother, who appears with martini glass in hand. Time for our second Strife of the comic! (And can I say that I really like the music for this one?)
As with John’s strife with his dad, this strife tells us a lot about Rose’s relationship with her mother. John had the AGGRIEVE and ABJURE options; Rose also gets AGGRESS (PASSIVE) and ABSTAIN. It’s pretty telling that one of these options is an EMPTY SUICIDE THREAT, and ‘Abstain’ has Rose fending off her mother’s insistent offer of the martini glass.
FAILURE ARTIST: I liked the EMPTY SUICIDE THREAT at the time but now I think it deserves an ARE YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY?
BRIGHT: Mom Lalonde may be intended as loving-but-clueless, but she’s offering her thirteen year old daughter alcohol, over Rose’s protests, and something is clearly very wrong if suicide threats are a normal part of life. (Something similar will come up in the future, but in that context it isn’t played for laughs.)
On a lighter note, ‘Abjure’ has her mother offering her A BEAUTIFUL PONY. Rose reacts in the moment like this is terrible, but does later pat the pony’s nose.
At any rate, the strife ends when Mom Lalonde apparently gets bored and decides to do some dusting. This takes all the fun out of using the front door, so Rose goes around the back to make her break for the generator.
Meanwhile, John is trying to read up on weaponizing sylladexes (sylladices?), but is being nagged by a voice to turn around — which he finally does, just in time for a monster to ram into him so hard it turns the panel pixelated. Strife time!
John’s bout with the Shale Imp kicks off with the monster threatening the Con Air bunny. John’s efforts to defend it are intercut with Rose’s progress out of the house and through the rain to the mausoleum. I think this interplay works quite nicely — it keeps both things moving without letting the reader get impatient -- but your mileage may vary.
The imp aggravates John by punching the bunny in the belly and waving it at him. John attacks the imp and breaks his hammer, then attacks it with the handle and gets knocked flat. Finally he weaponises his sylladex and chucks his inventory at it until it explodes into a shower of grist.
PUT THE BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX!!!!!! Now why couldn’t he put the bunny back in the box?
Because he’d set it as his strifekind, it turns out.
In true video game style, defeating the imp causes John to level up! In Homestuck, this is done by ascending one’s echeladder, a series of player levels with whimsical, old-fashioned names. John climbs two rungs, from Greentike to Plucky Tot, and earns 125 Boondollars.
Note how efficient this is: In one panel we can see that the echeladder is a levelling system, that Boondollars are in-Game currency, and that levelling up has increased John’s amount of grist and how much of it he can carry. He’s also got a new kind of grist called ‘Shale’. Hussie does take an extra panel to clarify the grist capacity expansion, but that makes sense as it’s a small part of the original panel. Compare this to the dozens of panels we’ve had laying out how sylladexes work. These panels are much more information-dense, and the comic flows better for it.
CHEL: Exactly what “grist” is and what it does beyond allowing changes to the house, why those changes are needed, and what “boondollars” are for hasn’t been explained yet, but will be soon, and it’s clear they’re something to do with the game so it’s not outright confusing.
BRIGHT: John spends the next few panels sorting his strife specibus out, and stashes the bunny in there for safekeeping. There’s something amiss, but he can’t quite put his finger on it...
Meanwhile, Rose has reached the mausoleum and prepares to activate the generator. The taxidermied corpse of her beloved pet lies in state, dressed in a tiny suit. A sad fate for an animal who should have peacefully decomposed in a flowerbed. Rose kicks it off the pedestal to make room for the laptop.
John discovers what’s wrong when a bucket of water perched atop his door lands on his head. The culprit behind this sudden dousing?
"[S] WHAT THIS IS SO OUTRAGEOUS (HD)" (Watch on YouTube)
Apparently the sprite has a sense of humour.
Next up is a pesterlog between Rose and Dave. There are hints that all is not well in the Strider residence.
TG: hey TG: dont tell john this but i think he might have been right about the puppets TG: theyre sort of starting to freak me out a little TT: You're referring to your brother's collection? TG: i mean dont get me wrong i think its cool and all TG: the semi-ironic puppet thing or whatever TG: or semi-semi ironic TG: man i dont even know TG: im just starting to think some of this shit is going a little far and its kind of fucked up TT: I've seen his websites. TT: I like them. TG: haha yeah well YOU WOULD TG: oh man i wish lil cal wouldnt look at me like that TG: with those dead eyes jesus TG: sometimes i dream that hes real and hes talking to me and i wake up in a cold sweat and basically flip the fuck out
Well, not so much hints as flashing neon signs. Dave’s gone very quickly from insisting that everything his brother does is cool and Lil Cal is awesome, to admitting that he has nightmares about Lil Cal and is freaked out by his brother’s ‘semi-ironic puppet thing’. We don’t know much about Bro’s websites yet, but we do know that Rose has a morbid streak, and Dave is clearly disturbed by the content.
Dave leaves to find his brother’s copy of the game, and we return to John, who, to quote Rose, has ‘just had a bucket of water dumped on his head by the ghost of his dead grandmother, who also happens to be dressed like a clown.’
And yes, that is indeed John’s dead Nanna, returned to help him on his journey through The Medium and beyond -- or at least, she claims she is. John has to take her word for it, as he doesn’t remember her at all. According to his Dad, John was pretty young when she died. Speaking of his Dad, he’s been kidnapped by the forces invading John’s home.
Nannasprite gives John the background of the game and what’s going on. His house is now in the Medium. This place was created by the game software, but is physically independent of it -- and no, he’s not inside a computer. The Medium floats in the Incipisphere, a place outside the normal flow of time in the kids’ universe. Above the Medium is the realm of Skaia.
According to Nannasprite:
Legend holds that Skaia exists as a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. What does this mean, you ask? I'm afraid my lips are sealed about that, dear! Hoo hoo!
Nannasprite is somewhat like a tutorial assistant for the game -- she helps guide John and provides information, although she’s somewhat cryptic.
We are getting a lot of new words here, but Hussie is defining them pretty well as we go, so I don’t think it merits a point.
At any rate, Skaia is defended by the forces of light, while forces of darkness plot its destruction. These two forces exist in an endless stalemate on a stage at the centre of Skaia until a player with a prototyped Kernelsprite enters the Medium. Then the prototyped Kernelsprite splits, with one Kernel carrying the prototyping information up to a kingdom basked in light, and another Kernel carrying it down to the kingdom of darkness. Each kingdom has four Spires, and when the Kernel reaches one, it propagates the prototyping information to the kingdom’s forces.
This is why the imps were dressed as jesters: John prototyped his Kernel with the harlequin doll, and whatever the other players prototype with will influence what forms the soldiers take. When the first Kernels reach the spires, the battlefield gets bigger and the war begins for real.
Oh, right -- and the forces of light are always destined to lose.
So what’s the point? Apparently, that’s for John to find out. For now, though, he needs to head towards Skaia, going through the first of seven Gates. The first Gate is situated directly above John’s house, but the others are going to be harder to reach. We now find out what all that Build Grist is for: To get to the Gate, they need to build the house higher to reach it. And then they can rescue John’s Dad, solve the ultimate riddle, and save the Earth from destruction!
...or not.
Nope, according to Nannasprite, Earth is doomed. Done for. Kaput. There is nothing they can do to save it.
John is pretty bummed about this. He isn’t cheered by Nanna’s assurance that he has a much more important purpose than saving the planet, although she fails to elaborate on that point and instead floats off to make cookies.
CHEL: I think here we earn another couple of points.
HURRY UP AND DO NOTHING: 2 HOW NOT TO WRITE A WEBCOMIC: 11 Failing the Turing Test - wherein the character has no reactions whatsoever While the emotional lives of characters should not be described in their every tiny wrinkle, characters must have emotional lives. When someone boos them off a stage, they should experience chagrin. When they fall from a tenth-storey window, they should feel alarm. The writer should not count on dialogue like “Yikes!” to get the point across.
Brief confusion and feeling “bummed out” by the news that one’s entire planet is doomed does not count as an adequate reaction. I’d expect more fear, more concern. As pointed out before, doesn’t John have any friends other than Dave, Rose, and GG? His Dad has friends, wouldn’t he be concerned for them on Dad’s behalf? If nothing else, more curiosity about this “more important” business?
BRIGHT: Now, I could actually buy this in some circumstances — John is a teenager, doesn’t seem to have close connections outside those we see on screen, and he’s been having one hell of a weird day. I wouldn’t be surprised if grasping the scope of destruction was simply beyond him at this point. It’s a lot to take in, and it’s only been a few hours since life went to hell in a handbasket — not to mention, he’s in an active combat zone. There’s a lot going on, and if he was to shove it out of his mind while he dealt with the immediate crisis, I could see that as pretty realistic.
Of course, that would depend on him actually reacting at some later point, when he had a chance to slow down and it could sink in. As it stands...well, if that does happen, we never see it.
CHEL: Does this also count as “Oh, Don’t Mind Him” for the How Not To score?
BRIGHT: I think so, yes.
CHEL: Then here it goes!
HOW NOT TO WRITE A WEBCOMIC: 12 Oh, Don’t Mind Him - where a character’s problems remain unexplored In real life, people are riddled with chronic problems that are not addressed for long periods of time, if ever. But in fiction, all problems are just the opening chords of a song. If there is a brother who has a problem with alcohol, a child who has lost her dog, or even someone whose car has simply broken down, the reader will worry about those people and expect the author to do something about it.
Technically, this could count for seven billion or so points, minus any people who successfully entered their own game sessions, but we don’t want to get out of hand here and it really only counts as one big problem.
However! I am very fond of this idea in theory. The obvious option would be that the purpose of the game is to save the player’s homeworld. We’ve all seen the “save the homeworld” idea in scifi and fantasy before. Here, the homeworld is beyond saving, but there is another option, and exploring that is the storyline. The forces of light cannot have a traditional victory; the protagonists must find a victory on the terms they have. It’s not a theme one sees often, and I like it.
FAILURE ARTIST: John and the other Beta Kids’ lack of angst of the destruction of their planet doesn’t stick out as much here as it will later when almost everything else is milked for angst.
CHEL: I’m not really sure the planet being destroyed is a great basis for a Rule-of-Funny-based story if that was what he was going for, to be honest. “Billions died, lol!”
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Prisoner - part 1
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Baekhyun x reader
summary: Y/N works in a prison where Baekhyun comes to sit his 6 year imprisonment. He catches Y/N’s attention right away and it’s hard for her to keep herself away from him. Weird events make her avoid him but Baekhyun needs her help. He's the main suspect to a murder but swears he didn't do it. Will Y/N trust him and let her feelings take over?
warnings: violence, mentions of death and blood, cursing 
words: 1,5k 
You were scrubbing the floor of the old part of the prison. There were no prisoners yet, so it was easy to clean it. No staring, yelling or lame pick-up lines. The cells were nasty and had no privacy.; three walls made of concrete and one was just metal bars, so you could see everything they did in them. Two beds and a table were all the prisoners had and nothing else. Maybe two of their personal things that they were allowed to have. It looked hideous and gloomy, no one wanted to be here, and it was understandable. Some prisoners had fights and that’s why there was usually blood on the floors and walls. Of course, you were the one who had to clean them.
This was your second year working in the same place, so it was nothing new to even find people’s ears from the floors. It sounds bad, but this was a cruel prison the black hole were all the despicable criminals were brought. Everything was crazy, and no one was safe from the guards and especially from the prison warden. He controlled the prison with fear and most people feared him. Not everyone though, there were always those contrarians who didn’t believe a work he said.
You were the only woman and the only cleaner and no wonder why. You see, it was lucky for you to be even alive and well. There were many rumors that the previous workers had left after going crazy and some had died here.
“Hey sweetie” a voice said behind you. You got startled as you were so deep in your thoughts. You didn’t turn around, hoping he wouldn’t call you anymore. It was forbidden to talk to the prisoners. The curiosity almost took you over and you wanted to look who it was. You hadn’t noticed him earlier, therefore he must have been brought today. “Don’t you hear me?” he asked raising his voice and tried to get your attention. He called you many times which made you clean the floor faster.
You didn’t want to talk to any of the prisoners today. Sometimes you broke the rule and chatted with the nicest ones, if you were bored. You got in trouble from that but now you wanted to go home in time and it required you to not get in any kind of trouble.
While getting up from the floor you took the sponge and the bucket into your hands and started to walk away without glancing back at the man. “Hey, stop! I just want to talk” He shouted after you and hit the bars which made you wince at the loud noise. He didn’t sound angry rather desperate and you badly wanted to turn back. Luckily one of the guards turned to the hall. He had bed sheets and was taking them to the man. In your head you thanked him for that as the man went silent after noticing the guard.
Later that day your boss, the prison warden, called you to his office. It made you tense right away. He was everything else but nice and caring. If he wasn’t working in prison, you would think he’s a criminal himself. “You called me, sir” you said as you arrived at his office. After closing the door behind, you took a seat opposite to where he was sitting. The smell of coffee and the warm air went through you. I was nice to finally smell something else than just the men’s sweat and sewer that had been clogged for a month now.
“You might have noticed that we just got a new prisoner” He said while rubbing his beard and staring out of the window on your right. “He’s unpredictable and I don’t want him to escape. I suggest you keep yourself away from him. You’ve caused so much trouble and if he escapes, you are in charge of that. You do know what that means, don’t you?” he said turning to you. You nodded slowly “I get a death sentence”
“Exactly. You can leave now” He sighed and started to read his newspaper. You didn’t even get to the door when he stopped you. “Y/N”.“Yes?” You asked, carefully turning around to face him. He had a smirk on his face. “I know you should get out now, but your help is needed at the kitchen. It’s a soup day tomorrow and you need to chop the vegetables”. 
Well there went your free night. He always made you over work and there was nothing you could do about it. You just wanted to wipe that faux-smile off his face. He buried his face to the newspaper and you left the room. You groaned while tying back the apron you had just taken off in thought you were going home.
It was already night when you got the vegetables cut into pieces and you were able to go home. You changed your grey t-shirt, jeans and the white apron to a hoodie and leggings. The cells had no lights in them anymore, but you could see light peeking out from the old part and before you knew it your legs were going towards it. You tried to walk as quietly as you could. They wouldn’t wake up even if you marched down the hall with high heels, but you just wanted to be careful.
After checking that no one was near, you turned from the corner to the other hall. With light steps you got closer to the cell where the new prisoner would be. It felt terrifying to be there with the eerie silence. You were too curious to go back as everyone kept talking about the new guy.
You leaned against the wall that divided two cells. The man’s cell was on your right. Turning your head and getting closer to the cell you could see him. He sat on the edge of his bed while reading a book. His hair was pitch black and his orange prison clothes almost suited him too well. His expression was soft yet so cold. You looked at his lips and they looked sweet and- Wait why am I looking at his lips? You asked from yourself. You lifted your gaze back to his eyes just to find him staring back at you. Rapidly you pushed your back against the wall and cursed under your breath. You froze and felt embarrassed.
“No need to hide anymore. I already saw you” he sighed but sounded amused. You should have just walked out in the first place. As much as you wanted to run away and punch yourself you decided to turn to him. “You’re pretty good at pretending like I’m not here” he said and put down his book to look at you in the eyes. It made your heart beat faster in your chest and you could feel yourself blushing. The fact that he had gotten you red-handed staring at him, his lips particularly. “I’m used to it” You finally said and cleaned your throat. “Why wouldn’t you talk with me earlier?” he asked. “I’m not allowed to”.
“You’re talking to me now though” he said tilting his head to the side with a playful smirk lingering on his lips. “I don’t always obey the rules” You answered and crossed your arms. “Oh, but that’s not very good, isn’t it?”. He leaned his back to the wall behind him and kept looking at you.
You rolled your eyes and wanted to say something back until your eyes met the clock. It was already 1 am and your bus would leave in 5 minutes. “Shit” you cursed. “I have to go, see you tomorrow” you said out of habit without much thinking. “Sure sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere”. You saw his grin go wider and as much as you wanted to correct yourself you had to run to the bus. No way you were walking home.
Once you were back home instead of going to sleep you opened your laptop and tried to find the newest crime news. His face popped to your screen after scrolling through pages for a while. You clicked the link which revealed a clip of the news. “Today the assassin, also known as Baekhyun, that police have been tracking for months has finally been put in prison to fulfill his sentence of six years. As there are no eye witnesses nor enough proof of the people that he might have killed, his imprisonment isn’t that long- “. You cut off the video and shut your laptop. This was something you didn’t imagine him to be.
He killed people. He killed them for money. No matter who it was he would kill them. That thought made you shiver. You curled up in your bed, pulling the blanket on your chin. While staring at the wall, thousand thoughts went through your mind. What if that’s why he wants to talk with you. Are you his next victim?
Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think about the part 1 of my prisoner Baekhyun series :) My first language isn’t English so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes.
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So I have a rant and a half build up of rambling about my very first Percy Jackson Oc Elysia and I need to let it spill so all of you get to hear this info dump about her and my feels
Im putting a trigger warning here I made her when I first read the whole series a few years back. Her backstory isnt the happiest. So im going to put trigger warnings for mentions of (but not going into detail of) abuse, self harm, suicidal thoughts, so if you cant handle mentions of that please dont read this I dont want to upset you
Anyways I have years of work into this bab of mine and I need to get it all out
Also An important thing to note is the timeline of her(and my other ocs) stories. Basically it kinda takes place...as if Trials of Apollo didnt happen?? Sorta? I made her before it ever came out and set her story after Blood of Olympus before trials of apollo was announced so its basically diverges after Blood of Olympus...if that makes sense...I hope it does. 
So basically....At the start of her story Elysia is 13 Nico is 16(from what I remember its been about two years since I read the books so please forgive me)
Ok this might jump around alot because im kinda word vomiting and info dumping about her so if something doesnt make sense please feel free to ask me to clarify I love to
So her full name is Elysia Angela Melina and shes a Daughter of Hades. At the start when she gets to camp shes 13.
Im going to attatch two pictures ive drawn of her to the post here
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This is her with a referrence sheet of her at 13-14 and the digital picture is one of her at the present time that I tend to write about her at age 16.
So Elysia doesnt have things easy. She comes from an abusive household that really fucked her up mentally and emotionally before she got to camp. She ran away at 13 after getting kicked out of her sixth or seventh school and thigs got ugly at home. Stuff happened and she was brought to camp(im refining and probably going to redo how that happens) and well...she doesnt exactly fit in.
Shes on the shorter side for her age and shes lanky and skinny(partially from both skipping meals and sometimes only eating when she can sneak food at home) and she comes onto the scene wearing oversized hand me downs in all dark colors and long sleeves thats got a clear fearful and insecure posture and stance and is always trying to blending into the background and hide from being noticed. Shes got a thick mane of not very well cared for black hair and eyes so dark in color they look completely black, sometimes even in the light with pretty dark bags under them highlighted by really really too pale skin. So it makes her an easy target to be bullied ya know? But she silently takes it like she always does while clutching this beat up little backpack she ran away with as shes put in the Hermes cabin until she’s claimed(which has a 1-3 day delay depending on the god, because a lot of kids come to camp especially at the start of summer) 
When she gets claimed she freaks out and panics because everyone is staring at her and shes suddenly the center of attention because it happened in the middle of the campfire.
So begins the bonding with her big brother.
Shes got alot of inner turmoils and traumas and problems and inner demons and as a result she has undiagnosed anxiety disorders, depression, and some PTSD along with a very low amount of self-esteem and confidence in herself from the ordeals of before reaching camp. Though once shes at camp and she eventually settles in she starts recovering bit by bit. She slowly gets close with nico(it starts kinda awkward for both of them and she comes off really quiet and shy and terrified of sudden movement so its a little hard but they overcome it)
 By the end of her first year at camp shes gotten close to Nico but has a really hard time making friends with other campers her own age so she ends up sticking close to Nico and following him like his shadow because theres a period of time that heś the only person Elysia feels even remotely safe and comfortable around. And as a result at first she spends alot more time with Nico’s friends and various members of the Big Seven and she gets close to them as well(more to her siblings at first but she gets there shes a nervous bean give her time)
Though in the middle of that first year she meets a girl that soon becomes one of her best and closest friends, a daughter of Hephaestus named Karter Becks(the second oc for this fandom I made) and I’ll get to more about their friendship later.
So by the second year at camp shes settled in a little, shes decidedly become a year-rounder because she would rather be eaten by a harpy than go back to “that horrible place”as she dubs it(not to mention its very very dangerous for her outside of camp)
More things about Elysia!!!
At thirteen she had absolutely NO control of reign of her abilities. She couldnt raise or summon the dead, her shadow travel was horribly spotty and half the time she couldnt even do so correctly and her most experience with spirits is that she can sense them and she can hear and speak to them but she cant really see them( they appear as really really blurry shapes that hurt her eyes to look at for too long) of course she beats herself up over this lack of skill, mostly because she(stupidly but understandably) compares her lack of teaching and training and beginner skill level to Nico’s at the time current skill level. Yeah its dumb and yeah in the back of her mind where her common sense is she realizes this but she cant stop herself from doing so, just like she unfairly to herself compares her sword fighting skill to older campers that have been there longer. 
She eventually gets her own sword of Stygian Iron, because no matter what else she tries no other swords feel...right to her. They’re always too heavy or too light too awkward to hold dont work right with her swings or just dont feel right to her so at some point shes overthinking herself to death about it and beating herself up for being too picky when Karter suggests innocently that she tries swinging around her brother’s sword. “After all Elys, whats the worst that would happen, that it feels too heavy?” 
But what ends up happening is that though its too heavy for her, it still feels...right. The best way to describe it is that she feels more connected to her powers and to herself in a way. After hearing that she gets her own of Stygian iron and its...perfect to her. Its not too heavy on her wrist or too light to wield. And afterwards she actually starts getting some more confidence which helps her improve a little faster than before.
Once Elysia is fully apart of camp life it takes a long time for it to fully click that her belongings...are hers and her likes and interests and likes are respected. They wont get taken away or threatened, she doesnt have to hide what she likes or pretend she doesnt like one thing or another. She’s free to be her own person for the first time in her life and she struggles for awhile to adjust to that and accept it. Those struggles result in alot of scattered breakdowns and even one or two...relaspes that for once in her life she has a support system of her half brother and half sister, his friends, her two close friends, and chiron to catch her and help her back to her feet. She has people to lean on and depend on and not have to be afraid of and this helps alot into her recovery and acceptance of herself and her mental illnesses. It takes her two of the three years shes been at camp for her to get at the better place shes at when shes 16, where she now has a small group of good friends, shes managed to bring up some of her self-esteem and self  confidence, shes been clean for a year and shes in therapy for her PTSD and depression and shes opened up more to those around her and shes not the terrified jumps at her own shadow kid but a more quiet but kindhearted and sometimes even giggly teen whose slowly getting her life back together with plans for the future.
But on the topic of things she likes...
This girl loves-no ADORES animals, all kinds mythical or not. She didnt show it at first but she was so SOOOO excited when she realized the camp had Pegasi even though she tried to keep a distance from them because she realized she made them nervous. Oh man you shouldve SEEN her when Chiron took a group of campers her age into the woods and they caught a glimpse of a passing through unicorn. She was giddy about it for DAYS guys. She just...she has so much love and admiration and excitement for animals its so cute you guys.
Elysia also loves(ironically) learning about Mythology, from all over the world. Its her special interest and when she finds and buys a old broken touch screen phone(or one of those touch screen i-pod or something) and gets Karter  to fiddle with it and (eventually after shenanigan filled misadventures of trying to upgrade it to not be detected by monsters and fix the cracked screen) she fills that thing to the brim of downloaded auidobooks of different mythologies as she can and she listens to them when doing schoolwork(she ends up having do be “homeschool” by online classes because things just do not go right when trying to attend schools outside of the protected borders)
She also loves anything soft. Especially stuffed animals. Oh my god she loves stuffed animals, well into her teens. She had one she managed to bring with her to camp that is her ultimate comfort object, a older beat up and been through a life time of ringers and back stuffed husky doll that she cherishes and takes care of like one might take care of gold. Over time (once they found out her birthday--October 5th) she starts getting stuffed animals as presents or just even as little splurges on herself . She also loves soft blankets soft clothes soft anything. She loves the texture and feel of it and it makes her happy.
She’s an aspiring writer and songwriter and can even sing a little but she has no confidence in her ability in any of those. But she has boxes and piles of notebooks and journals filled with little cartoony doodles and pages upon pages of stories and songs shes been writing for years now
Fun fact during her first year at camp Percy and Annabeth dropped by for a visit during their winter break to visit friends and I have this whole little story I might post about hoe when Percy’s walking to go meet someone he finds Elysia sitting alone at the beach doodling animals in her journal and he goes up to her(shes sitting all curled up so at a distance it probably looked like she was crying or something) to see if shes ok and because Nico had been telling him about her via iris messages and updates since she got there but he didnt get to meet her during the summer(stuff happened and she kinda hid from alot of people) but he finds her and he sits with her(after announcing his presence because Nico has told him about her being very jumpy and easily scared and that at that point hes the only one she really opens up to so dont take offense to it) and they sit for a bit and Percy asks her about her doodles and she just, for the first time like ever, she starts to open up because she gets so freaking excited and hyper about it that she just starts babbling away about her doodles and the animals of them and then about animals in general and she goes on this whole, like 30-40 minute info dump/ rant about them complete with diverting tangent questions that she answers herself before continuing with this just lit up and openly happy and ecstatic expression as she goes on and on while hes sitting there just listening to her and smiling down at her partly nostalgically because at that moment she reminds him so much of how Nico was when he first met him and you got him started on Mythomagic and that shes being so open about her excitement and then she looks at him and realizing what she was doing and she shuts herself up now panicking about how much she just word vomited on her big brother’s friend and more importantly this huge shot demigod Son of Poseidon whose saved the world not once but TWICE and who is probably very busy too busy to be hanging around with her--you get the idea of her panicking until Percy slowly reaches out his hand and she nods to let him know its ok and he ruffles her hair and tells her its ok he liked listening to her and holy shit I went on a tangent about that. 
She also has alot of sweet bonding moments with Nico and Hazel because they teach her about having a loving and caring family and what thats like and its really sweet and cute and emotional
Did I mention she likes taking Nico’s shirts? Oh yeah she likes “borrowing” Nico’s shirts, and some of his jackets, mostly t-shirt and long sleeved shirts because once they get close his scent and presence really relaxes her nerves if she gets anxious. Of course its not stealing, its just borrowing and eventually giving back on laundry days...or he just lends it to her without being fully aware of it. Its cute because shes so short that they end up really big on her and she loves flapping the sleeves and the feeling of being engulfed in the safety of his presence without him even being there
uhhhhhhh....yeah thats alot about her huh I think i’ll leave you all with that to take it and make sense of and I might make a part two(or you guys can ask about her too) 
and yeeeeeeeeeee thats my PJO oc Elysia Melina!!
@demidorks (im sorry if im bothering you by tagging you youre one of the pjo blogs I follow and one of my favorites)
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