#its some german blog 🤷‍♀️
zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
im getting ads for the working class wgenever i scroll through ur blog. like just, the working class
And you donated to the working class.
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supersabbatical2024 · 4 months
5/26/24: We were in Lisbon from Tuesday 5/21 until 5/26 when we checked out of the Bessa Hotel. What a lovely experience. Claude thought maybe the hotel owners had some German roots, since the breakfasts were full of black bread, rolls, and cured meats, but isn’t that basically European breakfast? There was the fab sheeps milk cheese that we keep having here in Portugal — a singular delight in all of its forms — on bread, with olives, with jam. The coffee machines are extraordinary—big and hulking, with about 10 different options, including macchiata, cappacino, chocolate, chocolate milk, HOT chocolate., hot milk, plus all the usual shorto and luongo espresso options, plus Americano, and others. I really enjoyed the combo, plain chocolate with a short or luongo espresso, and an Americano thrown in to fill the mug. Europeans don’t quite seem to get the American need for LARGE quantities. I don’t mind, their dinner portions are so reasonable and very tasty. But the coffee needs to SuStaIN us, it needs to last a while. Not just the caffeine effect, but the ACT of hanging around and drinking the coffee has to last awhile. Why? I don’t know. Maybe Americans feel we can’t just sit and relax. Once the coffee is done, we must get on with our very important day. SO we need there to be enough coffee to allow us to sit and procrastinate a little longer. 🤷‍♀️
5/26 we walked from our hotel to Hertz and rented a car. Drove back to hotel, grabbed our bags, and headed North to Arraiolos. We settled in at Hotel Pousada Convento Arraiolos, one of the government run hotels you can stay in around this country. They contract with a hotel company, Pesana, and it's actually really nice, we were kind of surprised to find out. And cheap!! No one offered to help with our bags, but no biggie, we were fine dragging them up and down the stone steps as we made our way to our room. It's an ancient convent, with massive stone walkways, and we felt like we were back in the old times. Well Claude didn't feel like a nun, but it was fun to wander around the vast stone spaces. I chose to imagine myself a Friar ambling around, and Claude decided he would have been more of a Broiler. Ha Ha. If you don't get the joke, it's ok...this whole blog is more like one big inside joke written for my travel partner, and I only hope it's mildly amusing for everyone else who peeks at it along the way! (But FYI "Fryer" is a kind of chicken, and, ha ha, so is a ha ha...if I have to explain it, it's obvs not that funny...)
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the-cactus-mage · 9 months
New Introduction!
Gooooood evening Ladies, Gentlemen, and all who may identify otherwise! My name is July, and I will be your host for this evening
About me:
I am the Cactus Mage.
More specifically, I'm a girlflux transfem with Autism, OCD, Depression, and Anxiety. I'm taken by @trombonerman 💜💜💜, and am not looking.
Pronouns: Some combination of She/Her, They/Them, and It/Its (when in doubt, use She/Her)
I am a minor.
People and blogs that are: NSFW, LGBTQ-phobic, Racist, Sexist, or any/all other forms of Bigotry, kindly do not interact 😀
Thank youuu!
About me (continued) and more under the cut
About me (continued):
I am a stage performer! (i.e. I'm a raging theatre kid)
I am also an organist and a percussionist. (For those who don't know what "organist" means, that means I play the pipe organ. For those who don't know what that is, you're too young to have a phone, let alone access to tumblr. For those who do know what that is, it's about time you were put into a retirement home.)
I also speak German! / Ich spreche auch Deutsch!
I make music! Usually I only write for the organ though
I made really cool trans flag art once. That's my only big accomplishment in life. (The related post is on my blog somewhere.)
I'm Myrsexual. To put it simply, my asexuality is constantly in a state of quantum superposition (i.e. I experience most of the acespec at the same time. Sound confusing and contradicting? Trust me, it is.)
What I do on tumblr:
Great question! I don't know. I'll probably mostly just be reblogging stuff, but maybe I'll post something from time to time. Who knows 🤷‍♀️
Feel free to ask me stuff though!
I also like to bug @mushroom-soup-is-my-religion sometimes 🌵
Tags I use:
#the cactus mage - this is used for anything that I post or for things that directly involve me
#the cactus speaks - for asks
#foggycacti - for posts about my boyfriend 😊
Other platforms I'm on:
Discord: thecactusmage (formerly Maki Hayashi#7029)
That's all, folks! Remember, the world is a stage. Break a leg!
Oh, wait, before you go, one question.
Would you like a cactus? I promise you won't regret it 😀🌵
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violetsystems · 1 year
I feel bad for blocking people but I’m also having a seriously horrific time in the real world job market right now. And not in the MTV sense. Really targeted mean social engineering from both the left and the right. I’m only ever on here or LinkedIn really so I’d rather be safe than sorry. I’m seeing these trends in job offers where people have quotes from German poets. That’s a terrible sign in context. The last interview I had for four jobs I never even applied for was with the city where both the offer and the rejection had similar formatting of poetry. Not even sure if it was real in hindsight. The police out here can impersonate anybody from an apartment renter to a real estate agent without a warrant. I’ve experienced this on and off over the years sadly. We live in the ghetto out here. Nothing stopping them from using bad poems as a signature line. Not that I’m hiding anything dead sober other than I’d like steadier employment. But the union activity out here has gone from liberating to radically oppressive. The last job reply I got was kind of salty from Chicago public schools. Submitted via easy apply on LinkedIn. Already got a rejection from them via messages so it felt weird to have to reapply on a weird link. Did the deep dive on the profile and found a Goethe quote which made it weirder. Also found some other stuff similar on TikTok I’ve never seen before. Like I said I barely surf social media outside of here and looking for jobs. I deactivated Instagram, Twitter and Facebook awhile ago and almost feel like you can’t get a job without it but whatever. That’s what I get for having decent cybersecurity skills nobody wants to employ. I do have like six resumes now at the county in the actual system. At least with those you know its in something government related so you pray there’s some oversight involved. You never know who is behind the keyboard elsewhere. Deeon dying is not a shock but sad. This is what djing is all about. Zero healthcare. Which is why I’d rather apply for real jobs rather than get catfished by some dj reality show. On here I’m just protecting myself so sorry if I nuked a side blog or something. One thing deeon always said that sticks with me. Block business, pussies. 🤷‍♀️
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nerdishpursuits · 4 years
RULES: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @aliciaclarkes , @chuckzacharylevi  and @butmakeitgayblog
Thanks you guys 🥂
1. Name: Paula
2. Nickname: I don’t really have one I guess (although there’s one person who sometimes calls me Pauly, if that counts)
3. Zodiac sign: Aquarius (aka. camp for weirdos and lunatics)
4. Height: According to some online converter thingie 5'3.78 (1.62 cm) - the American metric system always sends me into a tailspin 🤦‍♀️ 
5. Languages: Romanian, English, German, Spanish (I can understand and read Italian, French and Portuguese - and also speak a little but I’m a tad rusty in that department)
6. Nationality: Romanian
7. Favorite season: I love them all actually, especially when it comes to symbolism and the feeling each of them conjures; but I’ve a soft spot for autumn with its profound, melancholy streak
8. Favorite Flower: Peonies 🌸 (tho gimme all the flowers, I’m such a flower hoe)
9. Favorite scent(s): the distinctive scent of books - old and new; lavender; the resinous scent of ancient forests, sap and bark and cold, thunderous mountain rivers; anything woodsy (from candles to fresh-cut wood to logs burning in the hearth); honeysuckle and jasmine tobacco on late, summer-nights; the soothing, salt-kissed scent of the ocean; the cleansing fragrance that descends after summer storms; fields of wildflowers in bloom; freshly washed sheets and scented candles
10. Favorite color: Blue (all shades of navy and dusk); Green (shades of dark spruce and deep forest green)
11. Favorite animal: Horses, dogs, wolves, Orca whales & dolphins
12: Favorite fictional character: Lexa
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea (tho hot chocolate is my favorite  winter-comfort-drink)
14. Average sleep: 6-8 hours
15. Cats or dogs: Dogs
16: Number of blankets: 1 fluffy goodness
17. Dream trip: Australia & New Zealand, Alaska & I’d love to see the Grand Canyon
18. Blog established: February 2011 👀
19. How many followers: 6879 (no 🤷‍♀️ why tho)
20: Random fact about you: I can’t stand the ticking of clocks in my room
tagging @i-like-heda , @anonbemetoo , @tinytinydragon,​  @houseofheda, @100hearteyes , @ad11, @syngularitysyn (should you guys feels like it)
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sc52 · 4 years
I was tagged by @annullo13​
Rules: answer the questions then tag bloggers you would like to know better.
Name: _______
Nickname: Bob, Bren and many more.
Zodiac: Scorpio ♏🦂🔥🐦
Height: ~5'10" or ~177.8cm
Language: English; I’ve dabbled in German, I know a very limited amount of Spanish and others I’ve tried Portuguese, Danish and French.
Nationality: United Kingdom/European. 🇬🇧/🇪🇺
Favourite Season: Winter 🌨❄
Favourite Flower: eeehhh Lavender? Roses... i really don’t know.
Favourite Scent: The rain, the sea or thunderstorms.
Favourite Colour: Black, blue, khaki? 🤷‍♀️ 
Favourite Animal: Dogs 🐶 and Wolverines.
Favourite Fictional Characters: None pop into my mind.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: COFFEE ☕, then some sort of herbal tea, and rarely hot chocolate, maybe when its cold and wintery.
Average Amount of Sleep: 7~ hours
Number Of Blankets You Sleep With: 1.
Dream Trip: Pftt like its gonna happen 🙄
Blog Est.: July 2012 i think
# of Followers: 7613
Random Fact(s): Its likely you can’t exist outside your light cone.
I’m not tagging anyone.
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