#its so weird bc it feels like im trapped in a weird place where im forced to feel that way
adambomb82 · 1 year
one thing that ive learned about trauma and grief is that it will literally reshape how you feel and process your emotions
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ganondoodle · 5 months
sorry i keep coming back to totk rants, but something that utterly baffles me from a game design perspective especially is
who, in their right mind, would think to put similar objectives with the same characters in the EXACT same place as its previous game when already reusing the same exact map (no, single rocks springkled around isnt a meaningful change, fight me)
like from a purely logical point of view its just ... not logical?? and TWICE so when most players will have played the previous game, so now that the exploration, which was the main driving point of it, isnt as satisfying simply bc you know most locations and what is what, the thing you need to do is subvert it as in you go to that location and theres something else now or something that leads to a new reveal, but not NOTHING either, bc you likely cared about what youd find- the satori mountain was such a cool mysterious place, so now you head to it to see what is now and its nothing but maybe an obvious treasure chest? thats both lazy (i realy use that since its way overused by people missusing it) and just ... it might be meant as a lil nod so that there isnt nothing at all but to me it feels even more condescending as if there were literally nothing instead
satori isnt here anymore? thats weird if its always been there, so you go find a cause, maybe theres a fissure somewhere you can enter a large cave system, an hidden entrance to the underground that reveals there is something corrupting the place somwhere nearby but not exactly in the same spot- make it into a bossfight at which end satori gets cleansed- maybe it got captured and taken somewhere else, to a place that was kinda neat but didint serve a big fucntion in botw like maybe it was dragged somwhere into the big tabantha canyon, or to the forgotten temple
you try to visit rito village but the snow and cold there got so bad that you cant even reach it without special gear, and when you do reach it its utterly frozen in thick ice and not a single soul is there, the perch of vah medoh is knocked over building a bridge as a subtle hint as to in what direction perhaps, its intriguing bc clearly they have to be SOMEWHERE, maybe they tried to use vah medoh to evacuate but bc its losing power and doesnt have a skilled pilot they crash land it into the mountains, now trapped there and due to the storm not able to send anyone out to get help, maybe some did but they didnt make it and you can find them on your way and rescue them, and bc of the storm being so bad no one can get out and no one can get in (except for our special boi linky ofc) and even after the storm has weakened they dont immediately go back and act like everythings normal, maybe theres an extra mission afterwards helping them rebuild the village but not exactly the same as it was but fortified, different to account for things like this happening again, establishing the crashsite of vah medoh as a second outpost, or a temple, to thank it for bringing them out of immedaite danger but couldnt go all the way
theres so many places that are so clearly modeled around botw that are entirely unused now bc they had to remove all things shiekah for no reason, the holes they left jsut being holes where somethings clearly missing or some chest with a gem in it while the new shrine thing is within view distance a few meters away, might as well have put them in the exact same place bc it really doesnt make a difference
(like alot of those ideas im using for the rewrite which changes many things but you get the point right??)
and its even worse imo with the building stuff, bc now you dont even have to journey there you can fly glide and literally drive there instantly like a giant skip button so you cant even appreaciate the way to it, you skip to one important part to the next
and then points of interest are REPEATED AGAIN, like with shrines and lightroots and settlements and big mines- that is the opposite of satisfying gameplay, you dont have to explore shit bc its all in the same place which is probably why they only did tiny changes to those few spots and nothing else bc they knew most people would run right to those so it gives the illusion of changes (which are half reversable or barely a change at all) and even those are STILL meaningless
its right up there with having even MORE grind with less substance to it than in botw, the shrines and krogs got a lil old but at least the environment, its subtle storytelling etc were something- and totk just bloated everything with more little meaningless collectables while not changing anything meaningfully (and instead pretends that some things where never there and those new boring things were always there)
more shriens with shorter puzzles or none at all, more krogs with the same reward system, over a hundred tiny caves that all blend together bc they are all so similar and you really only do them for yet another colelctable for old gear and ONE cool new one with a bad effect after which the things collected become uselessreally, souls to collect to buy you a single armor set, rewards being largley reused old stuff from botw (imo you should have a chest in your house, yes YOUR house, that got most of the standard versions of botws armor in it so you dont have to buy it all again??? but you gotta think of going home first and dont have to use it- make new versions of them alternatively so you can choose if you want the old one or new one and also LEAVE ONE AT YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT HAVING TO SELL IT SO YOUT INVENTORY ISNT AS ENDLESSLY SCROLLING AS YOUR STUPID ARROW BAR)
theres new effects from food and armor thats largely useless (like the attack when hot?? why wouldnt you you jsut combine an armor and a potion- put on hot armor and drink an attack potion? its way more efficient no?? idk i found it to be yet another effect thing to bloat my inventory especially when NPCs keep giving you shitty effect food)
the whole sonanium (zonaite?) collecting with multiple ways to convert it into yet another currency??? huh???? AND have it be the thing for you to autobuild with?? when you need it upgrade your battery which takes an insane amount of those stones?? wells, while finally an actual well are NOW ALSO LIKE A COLLECTABLE and im gonna take a wild guess that the reward is utterly disappointing too
the fairies are all blocked by much more annoying means than in botw (like i wouldnt want to carry those NPCs three meters away in their little cart antoehr time please) and the amount of material AND MONEY NOW you need is so much higher for no reason (if its their attempt to make the game harder its the lamest way to do it)-
all while instead of expanding on the foundation of botw they ripped it out to build a new one while pretending they are both there (im so so slaty about this .... a sequel like this should expand upon the stuff of the first game, both in theme, narrative, mechanics and more and not ... replace it with slightly different versions of it while abandoning everything established before and really only using it as a way to skip having to make you care about some characters bc you might still care about them from the other game)
i could go on, as always lol, anyway, i really really dont get why this got into the final game ..
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Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ (Sɪʟᴠᴀ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Silva × Male Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2,4 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: When you notice some stuff disappearing in your house, you decide to put a quick end to it. What you didn't expect was to fall in love with the cause of your problems.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: fluff, allusion to smut, allusion to reader being top and silva bottom, (just a little) angst, mentions of alcohol, getting drunk, abandonment, shots being fired, spoilers for Strange Way of Life, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N (reader is referred to as Lost). (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: ATTENTION ALL SINNERS, this is a prequel, but it also contains references to the other fic, so go read it right now if you havent yet! aside from that, i wont say im happy with this fic but im not disgusted by how it came out? i feel pretty normal about it tbh. its got some fluff and some angst (just how i like it hehe), also bc im preparing myself to write the next fic which is gonna be pretty... idk how to describe it lol. ENOUGH TALKING. enjoy <3
𝕡𝕥 𝕚: 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕟
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚 (𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕝): 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕣
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Sunlight came through your window and hit you right in the eyes. You groaned when you opened them just to find a burning, stinging pain as the light pierced your pupils.
Reluctantly, you got up from your bed. Your left foot kicked an empty bottle of wine by the floor. Headache hit you like a truck, just like your memories of the night before, when you had arrived home from a long day and got as drunk as you could. Great, now you didn't have a single drop of alcohol in your place.
You looked through the window as one of the horses outside whined. As soon as you were dressed, you walked outside to them. You approached to one and scratched his nose, mumbling some praises before walking into the stables to feed them. Still, you found their sacks of food empty. Another grunt came out of your throat. 
Just when I thought I wouldn't have to go to town for a while, you damned yourself.
Getting back into the house, you looked for any breakfast you could have before walking all the way to the town. To your surprise, you didn't find anything in your cabinets. That was weird —you had just gone to town the day before to get some food and you suddenly didn't have any?
You tried to shrug it off as you walked back outside to grab one of your horses. You galloped to town and bought anything you needed for a couple days, so you really didn't have to go back until a week or so. You hated going to town. Too many people in one place at once. The saloon was the only place where you could be without complaining about people bothering you and taking too much space for your liking. Yes, you had some friends down there, but it was all more of a convenient friendship than anything else.
You went back to your ranch a while afterwards —and after going to the saloon to say hi to your best girl friends with a promise to go back in a couple days to give them a good time. First thing you did after leaving your bags in the house was feed the horses. You let them run around for a bit before taking them back into the stables, then you went back inside the house.
As soon as you started putting your recently bought food into the cabinets, you noticed one of the bags was missing. You refused to think you were having hallucinations. You new you weren't crazy.
So, you decided to secure the ranch. 
You prepared traps by the stables, the kitchen and the entryway. In case anything —or anyone— appeared and stepped into one of them, you would hear it and prevent your food to be stolen. You also hopped that whatever or whoever it was that was robbing you wasn't taking more than just your food —mostly because you hadn't set any traps where there wasn't any. And after making sure it was all safe, you went to sleep.
In the dead of night, just as you had expected, you were awaken by a brief explosion and a loud grunt. You immediately got up, grabbed your shotgun and ran downstairs to the stables.
Between the darkness and all the dust from the recent explosion, you were able to see a silhouette, which you aimed the gun at.
"Hands up and turn around!", you made sure the sound of the shotgun being loaded was heard loud and clear. "Slowly".
You saw the silhouette put their arms up, though you could barely make out the way they were turning around. You took a step back.
"Now you're gonna walk in my direction, slowly", another step back. The silhouette kept walking with you.
When you were finally out of the stables and the moonlight hit his face, you scanned the now visible silhouette up and down. It was a man —very handsome, actually— with ragged clothes and disheveled hair. A small moustache was beginning to grow on his face, along with a stubble from a couple days without shaving. His skin was stained with mud, and he still had dirt all over his arms and face from the explosion trap he had triggered. His plush lips were half open, breathing somewhat heavily.
"Sorry", he mumbled. His voice made your stomach drop for a moment, but you kept your composure. "I didn't mean to be a burden", he approached slowly, still with his hands up. "I don't intend t—".
"Don't come any closer", you held the shotgun high, still aiming at his head. "One more step and I blow your fucking head off".
"Okay, no need to fire, I won't move", he took a step back.
"Why were you stealing my food?".
"I didn't want to", his words made you raise an eyebrow. "I had to survive. I have been traveling for a month, I come from a town far away from here. I didn't have anywhere to stay at, or money to buy food with", he looked around. "Your ranch was the first place I saw and I needed shelter. So...", he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry".
You scanned the man upside down. He had no guns on him, nor did he seem dangerous. Even more, his face and body language made you think he was harmless. Perhaps he was telling you the truth.
"You can stay", you lowered your shotgun. "For tonight only", you kept the gun loaded as he lowered his arms, just in case. "I'll give you some food and you'll leave tomorrow", you stared into his eyes. He did so, too. "Are we clear?".
"Yessir", he turned around and went back into the stables, coming back out with a leather bag on his shoulder. "Lead the way".
And so, you let him spend the night with you in your ranch, on the condition that he would do it on a sleeping bag beside your bed so you could keep an eye on him —in case he tried something. It wasn't too useful, though, since you fell deep asleep as soon as you hit the bed. Still, he didn't seem to be much trouble. In fact, he had woken up before you did, but he just stood by the door, waiting for you to get up before doing anything. When you did, he told you he didn't want you to be suspicious of him doing or stealing anything, and that is why he had waited. You hardly believed it, but you finally decided to, since you later on searched in case he was lying, though you didn't find anything missing.
"My name is Silva, by the way", his voice took you out of your thoughts as you took a bite from your bread. A smile formed on his lips when he saw your surprised and confused expression. "Sorry, I know you didn't ask me".
"Oh", you processed what he had said as fast as your mind let you. "No, don't apologize, it's fine", you swallowed the bread, then cleared your throat. "I'm Lost", you smiled back. His lips curled further upwards.
After you both had eaten breakfast, you took him to town with you. Many people asked you who he was. You told them he was a business colleague. Many looked at you with disgust, other many gave you a knowing smile. You just shrugged, shook your head and tried to finish shopping as quickly as you could. 
After making sure you had bought everything you needed for a week or so —and that no one would try to steal it all from you—, you went back to the ranch with him. Then, you gave him a horse and a bag with a bit of the food you had bought earlier that day. He looked down at the bag, then up at you, still with his head down.
"I can't take this", he said, his eyes hidden behind his eyelashes. The way he looked like that made your stomach flutter.
"Yes, you can", you grabbed the bag back from his hand and shoved it into his chest. You heard a soft gasp coming from his mouth. "And you will. You'll find a way to repay me, if we ever see each other again".
After saying that, his eyes grew wide and his lips opened slightly. You felt your own face going all red when you finally realized what you had said, you immediately made him turn around and pushed him towards the horse.
"Come on! I wanna get back all the hours of sleep you took from me last night!", you shouted as an excuse. Silva turned around and grabbed your hands to keep you from continuing to push him.
"What if I repay you now?", he stared intently into your eyes. The way his pupils dilated sent shivers down your spine. You know what he meant.
And it scared you.
"What are you talking about? Just head off, hope to see you soon—".
"You know what I'm talking about", he squeezed your hands. Your heart skipped a bit. "I will be honest", he breathed deeply. "I have been alone for too long, and you seem to be pretty alone, all by yourself in this ranch, too", his eyes shifted to your lips for a moment before going back up.
"Do I look like that kinda guy?", you lifted one of your eyebrows. Silva scanned you up and down with a knowing look.
"Do you want me to lie?", he scoffed.
How the hell does he know? He's only been with me for a day!, you cursed yourself.
But he knew he was right. You hadn't gone visit your best girl friends in a while, you were already lacking some attention. And judging the way he was looking at you —and as he had told you— he felt pretty lonely as well. He was right. You two needed relief and you had the answer to your problems right under your noses.
With a quick move of your hands, you freed yourself from his grip and grabbed his own wrists. Then you stared into his eyes.
"I top", you said, more of an affirmation than a question. You saw his eyes lighting up and his lips curl into a wide smile.
Forgetting about the bag of food left by the stables, you ran up to your bedroom and made sure to give Silva the best night in a long time. At least that's what he said when you were done. He thanked you multiple times —also giving you a pretty good time. He even made sure to clean you both up and offered to change your bedsheets next morning, if you let him stay another night.
When you came to realize, you were letting him live with you in your ranch. He took care of the animals when you were busy, accompanied you to run your errands to town, you ate together, slept together...
And when you came to realize, you saw yourself being so in love with the man that you could barely open an entire hour away from him. You had grown so used to him being close to you that you genuinely couldn't imagine your life without him anymore. Truth be told, you never imagined liking someone like him. In fact, you really thought you would spend the rest of your days going from your ranch to town looking for the same girls at the saloon to satisfy your needs —or at least some of them. So being in love with Silva made you feel part scared, part uncomfortable.
But also part happy.
You thought of telling him many times, but the feeling that he would reject you made you retreat many times. Maybe he was just sleeping with you so you let him stay, maybe he was pretending to like you for the food, the bed, maybe he was just there so he would have any kind of stability before killing you, taking your ranch from you, maybe—.
"I always wanted to live at a ranch when I was younger", his voice made you come back to reality. His lips were curled in a wide smile as he looked around the bedroom, sheets covering his naked body, his hands tucked under his head. "That is another reason why I hid here when I first came", his eyes stopped on you. "I like it here".
"If that's your way of telling me you're staying here—".
"No, I didn't mean that. I just do. I like being here", he grabbed your hand and gave you a sweet smile. "With you".
This is it, you thought.
So looked down for a moment, thinking and trying to keep your breathing steady while you tried to find the words to tell him what you had tried to take off your chest for the last months. Then you looked back at him.
"You can stay here", you swallowed the panic that was starting to gather in your throat. "With me. We can have a life together", you looked down at his hand grabbing yours, and you took his other hand as well. "I like you being here with me. I... I haven't been this happy since I was a kid", you let out a nervous giggle. "I want you here with me", you swallowed again. "I love you, Silva".
Your words made his eyes widen for a moment. You even swore you had seen tears in them, but then he cupped your face in his hands and gave you the sweetest kiss someone had ever given you, making your heart skip a beat —again.
When he pulled away, he looked down for a second before looking back into your eyes. He then nodded.
"I will stay", his thumb stroked lazy circles on your cheek. "I will love you, until my last day", he nodded again. You pulled him in for another kiss that left you both breathless, and then you spent a while laughing and immersing yourselves in the other's embrace.
When you opened your eyes again, you looked at him with a wide smile. He did the same. You both knew there was a great future ahead of you, with only the cowboy in front of you and the ranch to give you two shelter where you could grow your life and your love.
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Maybe that's what he liked about me, you thought, gulping down the rest of your glass of whiskey.
You looked around the saloon again. Another day with the same shit. And you were not over him yet. How could you be, when after six years together everything had gone to shit in one single afternoon?
You lifted your hand to the waitress, ordering another round. And you made sure to be very drunk before going back to your brand new home.
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bathroomtrapped · 4 months
ohmygod i literally just made an account on letterboxd bc i watched saw (2004) and loved it so much and ur interview was so inspiring to me and ive been on an absolute craze trying to reblog like every single saw post on tumblr and i somehow found your account what the heck?!!?!?! ur art is AMAZING and i absolutely love ur takes on saw as a franchise and its significance to the queer community. i hope to be as knowledgeable of this franchise as you are one day despite me only being a baby saw fan!!
i had a quick question; i found on the saw heritage post blog that they thought leigh/james/someone else confirmed that saw (2004) did not actually occur the day before 9/11 despite the phone given to them being set to that date. however, when i asked them if they knew where this source was from (bc im so curious!!! i want to know everything!!!!!!) but neither they nor i could find the actual source for that so i was wondering if maybe u knew??? just curious :3
regardless ty for taking the time to read this and dedicating so much time to this fandom!! i love that horror fans like you exist in a fandom that i previously thought would be weird and slightly disturbed film bros (i had a lot of incorrect preconceived notions about saw that have been quickly resolved i promise)
thank you!! im glad that people feel the same way about it as i do but even if people thought i was some crazy transexual making everyone else woke and pronouns, i wouldnt care. the story, especially lawrences but adams as well, really resonates with me as a trans person for so so many reasons, more than i listed in the interview. to me, i cant read his character without filling in the gaps with trans subtext. it not only explains but also enriches the personal experiences of these characters as well as their dynamics with each other. theyre both characters that are defined primarily by how theyre seen by other people, themselves, and eventually each other. the narrative is soooo focused on perception and masks and who u truly are, i find it hard to separate any kind of queer theory from that.
as for the 9/11 question thats such a dumbass pet peeve of mine. its one of the things that makes me shout UMMMM ACTUALLY at the top of my lungs. my blood pressure sours to inhuman levels when someone confidently says the movie takes place not just in 2001 but the day before 9/11. not because of some interview or confirmation from any of the crew because my knowledge of old fandom history is incredibly spotty. old sites and interviews r a mystery to me for the most part BUT! the reason it is for sure not before 9/11 is because during the flashback of pauls trap (during lawrences monologue about jigsaw) kerry tapp and sing are all at the scene with other officers and i believe its kerry who holds up an evidence bag thats labeled 2004. the scene takes place 5 months before the events of saw 1 so its not possible that it takes place 3 years before that. it just seemed like a funny (but insanely bold considering how 9/11 was only 3 years before) joke and easter egg for people to catch on to, not actual lore meant to be taken seriously.
if u want to look for the interview, i would honestly just listen to the commentary tracks bc it mightve been said there. i know in the one with leigh, james, and cary they discuss plot holes fans complained about, questions fans had online, the fanfic they read (briefly LOL). ive only seen that one (and once) but theres at least 2 other commentary tracks with different people that i havent gotten around to for fear of like. completing saw? idk i cant bring myself to watch all of the commentary tracks but theres a chance they discuss it there! i can only speculate on the reason, all i know is that saw 2004 takes place in 2004 based on actual evidence from the media itself
if u have any other questions let me know. i still have the original draft of the interview which had more questions and longer responses bc i couldve gone on for days abt the lore and saw queer theory and ill never shut up about it
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potatochip-oc-dump · 7 months
i am going to dump a bit of lore on your doorstep (by copy and pasting smth i wrote on discord a few days ago) so i can give context to something i have drawn
disclaimer: it may be long and wordy. but thats what its all about baby
"in short i finally figured out how Arthur gets their name.
so to preface this i must offer. context. be warned this is gonna be one of those Rambles.
before we begin, i am debating on whether or not i should keep the 'arthur possessing gidget' thing, change it to where they possess chip (?), or get rid of it... my reasoning being: i think it makes more sense for arthur to be closer to chip especially cuz they end up as siblings in the end, ALSO i dont remember why gigi had to be the one that was possessed and i think the story would work just fine if it was somebody else.
in fact itd probably work even better with chip not only bc the theming of Being In The Wrong Body and everyone claiming u r somebody youre not works even better if its with chip, it also works cuz chip in the story is frequently like... whats the word. overlooked. or not taken seriously.
but anyways:
two, there is a plot point sometime during chip & gidget's stay in the castelle manor in which everyone but chip is trapped inside a dream by moonlight (in the waking world they are all asleep & cant wake up) bc she is searching their dreams in order to find Arthur (and kill them)
hopefully that doesnt sound. too convoluted. ah. anyways. something something chip teams up w arthur to enter their dreams and wake them up. i think.
i think probably arthur was either forced into going w chip or he agreed relunctantly, but (assuming he is still possessing someone) chip asks arthur if they can see his real face. and he agrees but in a way that makes it clear he is Lying
they wake up in (.....i dont think i have a solid name for this place yet. i think i called it Space 2 in my lore doc for the bit but i think itll be called 'otherside')
and Arthur just looks like a weird version of [whoever they were possessing at the time.] chip comments on it and art's like 'oh you mean my REAL REAL face yeah ok let me. um.' (they change into an exact copy of chip.) 'Better?'
at this point it is becoming clear that arthur might not have a 'real face,' but chip doesnt know that yet
meanwhile there is some chatter between the two, w arthur passively explaining who Midnight and Moonlight are. ALSO there is a fun fact i think about moonlight canonically having a preference for Women & that Arthur's pre-death appearance was modelled after the first human woman. i think. at one point they get onto the topic of art and chip asks Arthur if they like to draw, in which they respond: 'no.' Riveting.
something something climactic point where arthur breaks down and finally admits that they dont have a body, dont have any of their powers, and they cant even remember what theyre supposed to look like. he says that he feels useless!
& then chip says something like 'you dont have to have powers to like. create stuff.'
and then they draw together :]
chip agrees to help give him a "new face" so to speak by drawing him a FURSONA (it is a JACKRABBIT with a RAINCOAT AND UMBRELLA and an EYEPATCH and like. epic scars. and two swords. and a pet dolphin & demon wings. and other convoluted detailed design elements akin to that of a sparkledog) which they lovingly name 'Arthur.' (maybe w a last name like 'skullcrusher' or soemthing)
and arthur like draws his own version of that. which is Close to what Arthur's design is currently. & he's like 'yeah. so um. uhh. close your eyes i cant do it while youre looking.'
(chip puts their paws over their eyes.) 'um ok! what are you doing?'
'im gonna show you the real me.'
& then he looks like the character he drew."
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murdaughter · 11 months
important vanessa emily things below the cut
extreme tw for child death and child abuse given that em is the daughter of a serial killer and just in keeping with f.na.f lore
-so in my canon, vanessa's mother dies somewhat mysteriously when she's about six years old. i personally don't feel the need to expand upon the, like, where and how of it, but vanessa definitely saw something to incriminate william
-it was definitely something at night, where she was like groggy and confused and for that reason it's very easily written off by teachers, therapists, etc.
-vanessa tries to report what she saw but given that in her canon timeline it was the 1970s (she was born in 1973, making her around 27 at the time of the movie) no one took her very seriously. even in a contemporary timeline, the lack of evidence does her no favors
-things calm down, mainly because william realizes he cut it WAY too close. he also realizes he needs to regain vanessa's trust, especially as she gets older
-we'll say that vanessa was around 10 when freddy fazbear's pizza opened up (which would be a grand opening in 1983), and the murders happened around 1985 (which i believe is like canon to the timeline?? idk man)
-because it was a new business venture (and as vanessa would later learn, a trap) william spent most of his time there, which meant vanessa did too. it became an oasis. her dad seemed happy there, and all the staff liked her and looked out for her. nothing seemed wrong, so to her nothing was wrong
-while she still harbors an underlying fear of her father, he has been working very hard to erase it, and by the time fazbear's is open (i'm not including the diner in my canon bc i simply dont have the bandwidth ahh im sorry) vanessa has largely compartmentalized her fear of her father, considering it just like general teen angst
-but when the 1985 murders happen, vanessa is very, very aware
-i'm undecided on whether she witnessed them because this blog is still in its infancy and i need to do more research on ptsd in general but also like what van's trauma would look like specifically as the child of a murderer, etc
-but either way, vanessa knows about the murders within days of them happening (if not The day of) and william knows she knows
-he then becomes an extremely unstable presence in her life, alternating between manipulation, outright threats, and gaslighting. as a result, vanessa is extremely loyal to him and to freddy's out of sheer fear
-its rare that vanessa is at the pizzeria very late, but she has been there after hours and has encountered the animatronics when they are possessed by william's victims
-vanessa quickly figures out how to communicate with them. like we see in the movie, they aren't really violent unless provoked/under william's influence, especially when it comes to kids.
-it's not the healthiest thing, but vanessa actually develops relationships with the kids, and starts to take solace in them. sometimes, she regards them as siblings.
-the bite of 87 closes the place down right when vanessa is entering high school. she has a weird reputation because of it (she definitely goes from being somewhat popular among classmates just because she like has the hook up to like kind of a pariah just because people are freaked out)
-obviously the murders are never connected to afton but there are very likely rumors and that shit does come down on vanessa in school, especially once the place shuts down
-vanessa has a few outcast friends but again, there is a lot of fear that if she gets to involved william might hurt them too
-once she graduates, she goes to state school (idk if fnaf has a canon location but! i'll pick a state eventually probably) but she is very much under william's thumb the entire time
-william brings her into the fold once she graduates college, as he has learned that it's difficult to keep the security guards alive
-vanessa just straight up is not a cop. she's trained in first aid and knows how to use a gun, but this is all by william's design. all her gear is stolen and/or forged and she has had some close calls
-aside from still being deeply afraid for her life, vanessa is almost entirely dependent on william financially, and he does basically pay her as a full time employee keeping the guards in line, etc.
-vanessa has looked for ways out very frequently but often feels too afraid to pursue them or is otherwise intimidated out of it by her father.
-the events of the film go down in my canon as they go down in the movie
-vanessa eventually Does wake up from the coma, and as william is dead (that's right!! he's dead im not letting that bastard survive lol) the case gets opened up and all that
-im gonna look into whether or not she would go to jail for life lmao. realistically she totally might. even though vanessa is a victim of lifelong abuse and threats against her life she is still an accomplice to a lot of crime so? idk man
-BUT for convenience and rp's sake, vanessa undergoes the trial, faces public ridicule and vitriol, and eventually comes out the other side as emily laughlin. the legal name change doesn't protect her from all of the fallout of the pizzeria, but it does help)
-she becomes a barista and tries to keep her head down. shes dealing with a huge amount of trauma and is just generally all over the place, as she's never been given the opportunity to live her own life before.
-she definitely has a continuing relationship with mike (whether that's romantic or platonic is open to whatever) and of course abby, though they are probably her only links to Being Vanessa. i'm still deciding if the ghost kids remain, but i'm thinking with afton dead, they're able to pass on. which on one hand is beautiful, but it's also another loss for emily.
-all in all, emily is definitely very damaged from her ordeal, but at once is very eager to connect once she feels someone is trustworthy. her relationship with mike definitely has a lot to do with that, as he has proven to her that people Can Be trustworthy
-anyway that's my story and im sticking to it! pls love my baby i care her very much ok bye
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wirtsroom · 1 year
a digital circus review but its kind of long and complainy lmfao
tldr: i wish it was good but i didnt like it, may hold hope for the future episodes
okay so. ive been semi following digital circus for a while cuz like. i like gooseworx' stuff! shes got a good flow, sense of style, yadda yadda. and same goes for kevins stuff too!! when they released the mini trailers i was intrigued!
but like. the pilot is. okay how do i start this
the plot: i know its just the pilot, but its really showing its cards way too early and completely unsubtle. its supposed to be all "ahhh ur in the pc scary!" but its so hamfisted in its existential delivery we cant even begin to immerse in the world. like. we have an interesting premise of being in an environment akin to early pc games for kids! theres a whole fun circus! but rarely in the episode do we go for a romp in those ideas, rather we are all just "oh no were all crazy here. mwahahahah" and thats BORINGGGGG. the pacing feels also way to fast for us to truly be unsettled. bam, youre here, the clowns evil, youre in the backrooms or whatever, done. it goes too fast and shows too many ideas at once to be honest.
the characters: theyre standard as far as 00s inspired characters go. they all fit a certain trope in modern psychological horror and nothing is left to the imagination really. jax is your bitchboy tumblr fave, pomni is the fish out of water, ragatha has to be the Nice One, zooble is. well she was there. the fucking chess piece guy was there to allude to viewers the horrors or whatevr and then the comedy face character is just for comic relief. while again this IS a pilot, i have no idea how these characters will be you know. interesting to the plot. like jax is going to just be the depressed self aware guy i can see that but is there anything else he can give? do we have interesting connections to these characters? will any of them have thematic pieces for their designs? I dont know i want them to hit but they feel kind of surface level with little allusion.
the aesthetic: sorry im kind of a cunt for this THEY ARE NOOOT USING THE SETTING TO ITS MAXIMUM POTENTIAL!!!!! THE WHOLE PC GAME THING IS JUST SET DRESSING AND LITTLE ELSE!!!! LIKE "OHHH ARENT YOU SCARED BC THIS IS THE HAPPY PLACE WHEN ITS EVIL?" LIKE COME ON!!! WHERES THE JANK! WHERES THE WEIRD PUZZLE GAMES! DOES NOBODY HERE ASIDE FROM THE RINGMASTER DO ANYTHING? WHY IS IT SO HUGE? and also the animation is. kind of now clashing witht the style. Like not really- obviously all the directors on the animation aspect ARE talented, have industry level experience, but its smooth and modern approach sort of makes the setting even less connected. and in some cases the intentional breakage can be really good!!! but it feels too polished, too clean for its chosen period.
an aside?: i dont know see cuz it has a good idea! horror set within my moms old pc, but it doesnt want to even test out a twist or anything. Everyone here is trapped, everyone is crazy, theres liminal spaces, its all stuff i come to expect with an analog themed horror series, and its horror is very minimal. it has no grip on anything, it just wnats to make you feel sad for pomni and go Oh no isnt it scary? Awww nooo scary void wahh! Like it feels almost on the nose, too empty and too big to really utilize it. also im salty theyre selling 40 dollar tshirts for a pilot like. come on
but yeah i didnt. i dont know as i try to remember it now i cant think of anything that stood out. sure it was pretty looking but nothing horrific is staying with me at all. and AGAIN it IS just a pilot!!!!! things can change!!! i might be wrong!!!! but i dont see any horror in the stuff they are providing me bc it feels too safe
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amandlas · 1 year
gonna share this here bc why not. tonight was this slightly bizarre exposure to a completely different set of people that i dont wanna surround myself with because its weird to be annoyed and then feel bad for being annoyed but end up with nothing but guilt and time wasted. this girl has been trying to be my friend for a while now. shes super nice so i said bet. she flaked on me twice. she said i could have a drink on her if i came. i fell for the bait. it's iced coffee. my known downfall.
she's there with a group of her people. she's a community organizer. i get that it means everyone wants her attention so i'm comfortable at first with being ignored by her. then her fellow men surround me and trap me in vapid conversations about the stupidest of stuff... and i engage at first out of compromise but like. very weird, very awkward, very uncool people. so i think fine. let me sit here and enjoy my drink.
THEN everyone leaves and im left alone for a while trying to keep busy when i realize "why AM i suffering the socialization with folks that i clearly dont get along with, that weird me out, that bore me" and it took very little incentive for me to accept a ride home from said girl.
but then she, like, drives two other people home and drops ME off first. when we get to my place she makes a joke about everyone knowing where i live now and the weirdos at the back play along. what the FUCK.
so im. done with that.
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firstkokon0is · 3 years
okay hear me out that trend where ppl make someone smell their shirt but when they lean to smell they’re gonna kiss their forehead? can i request chifuyu, baji, sanzu and mitsuya for that 😭 thankss
yes hskxuowwhs im adding smiley bc he defo will do that trend
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smell my shirt *muah
gn!reader //// fluff
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its happens to be he’s scrolling through tiktok and saw this trend
“hey can you smell my shirt for a sec-” the guy in the vid said. the girl lean on to smell the guys shirt then all of the sudden the guy kissed her free forehead, earning a yelp from the girl and a laugh
and since he had a s/o too, he thought of doing this to you, he set up his phone on a place where you cant see so he can capture if ever you’re gnna fall for it and kiss your forehead
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he’s all set up, the phone behind something u wont even pay attention to, he cant help it but smile because he cant believe he’s doing a stupid trend to you for his own entertainment. he put his thoughts aside and called for you
“y/n!! c’mere for a sec” he called, you turned to him and paused what you were doing.
“what is it” you said “can you smell my shirt for a sec? does it smell weird? because……” he said pretending to be smelling his own shirt with a weird expression, then he let you smell it, you lean on to smell and with that chifuyu kissed your forehead. “heheheheheheheeheh” chifuyu giggled like he’s proud of himself and you’re standing there like 😧
“I SAW THIS ON TIKTOK” you while looking around for his phone, “i got it on filmed haha” he said leaning over the desk to get his phone behind something, then you rewatch it together and laughed at your reaction. He ended up uploading it then, the video did pretty good mostly the other toman members commenting weird shits under it but whatever.
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he has some plenty of vids, mostly thirst traps and vids with the gangs but he doesn’t have a content yet from you so he’s gonna do this, he didn’t even set it up to hide, his phone is just….there so when he called you you’re so confused why is he filming and what for but you gladly ask what you need to to
“smell my shirt please” he said while flashing a smile, “okay…..baji…” you replied then do as he requested, you lean on to smell his shirt while look at the camera really confused….then his lips met your forehead but instead of stand away from his chest you hide your face on his chest saying “that’s cheesy mr. keisuke”
he chuckled, “im uploading this is it okay to you?” he’s now hugging you reaching for his phone
success he thought, and get his phone to rewatch it, then uploading it knowing it will do good because you guys are cute🙄✋
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this man dont do tiktok often and doesn’t even have a content, so he’s just gonna film it for himself and for his own entertainment.
another one who’s not even gonna hide the phone its just leaning on a water bottle, then he called for you “y/n!! c’mere real quick” he said, you stopped what you’re doing and go to him
“yes?” you replied “can you smell my shirt? i feel like that perfume didn’t even stayed in….” holding a pinch of his shirt up to you, you lean on to smell it then felt his soft lips on your forehead— lets say that you know this trend but you didn’t really imagine sanzu doing this to you, instead of backing away you look up at him in awe, while he’s flashing his smile on you and chuckled at your reaction “you’re liking tiktok so much sanzu” you said still on his embrace
“this vid is only for me you know, you’re too cute” he replied pinching your nose, the vid was saved on his phone and on his favorites too, watching it whenever he feel down or just missing you in general
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he dont upload everyday but he’s always on tiktok and thats how he met this trend. he’s already imagining your reaction while setting up his phone somewhere you cant see, then he’s gonna call you pretending to need your help so you actually come.
“can you smell my shirt? do i smell bad or smthng?” he said pinching a piece of his shirt, without saying a word you fell for it, he kissed your forehead and giggled, an “oh” escape your lips “what is this is this for a tiktok??” you exclaimed jokingly then he nodded
reaching for his phone and rewatched the whole vid, laughing at your reaction and also proud of himself for doing this to you, you agreed to upload it because he’s gnna make money out if it so… and even mentioned to you that there’s a lot of people that wanted to be in your place and be his gf but oh well, you’re lucky
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we all know he’s a tiktok famous, and have some plenty vids with you too just to show you off online, so when he saw the trend he need to do this with you. he didn’t even set up his phone the phone is just on his hand
“hey babe come here, smell my shirt real good” he casually said, earning a what from you he shakes his head and lean the phone on a bottle “wait why are you filming this why am i gnna smell you, you stink” you said “hey c’mon just do the trend with me- smell it i swear i wont seize you” he said, confused so you just smelled his shirt, then his lips met your forehead
“see……im just going to kiss you” he whispered, ur now a tomato y/n…..then when the tiktok’s done he rewatched it over and over like is he gnna upload it or not “god dammit nahoya are you gonna keep on rewatching that” he shakes his head then uploaded the video
“i was just irritating you hehehe, anyways thanks for pretending that you didn’t know that trend” he said earning a laugh from you
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corkisms · 2 years
Dude I am super excited to read about Eldritch Duke and Eldritch Bain’s backstory!!
im soo mad i had such a comprehensive answer to this post and tumblr ATE IT so now i gotta rewrite the whole thing from memory. hell on earth :[
alright i CANNOT take credit for eldritch bain thats @des-paa-cee-toeee BABYY!!! eldritch duke came about on a whim before i knew abt despaa’s take on eldritch bain but it was soooo fun learning abt this bain and throwing ideas at the wall (discord dms) to see what stuck (exploded in the microwave). i cant speak to bain's origins bc im still learning them myself but ive got some eldritch duke facts down. readmore placed below to contain the brainspill ^_^ (and it really is one hell of a brainspill like it got way longer than i intended so sorry in advance😭)
right so dukes a university student in the late 60s/early 70s(?)
hes taking part in an archaeology project with one of his classmates in a forest near his uni (studying bone fragments, arrowheads, just collecting random samples) and keeping audio logs of the whole project
his classmate strays too far and messes around in a bunch of forestbeings' turf
the beings retaliate by possessing/driving the classmate mad
classmate offs duke via rock crimes (fly high babe) and duke gets to spend some time getting acquainted with the spirits in the trees
one of the forestbeings decides that that was kinda fucked up in hindsight and takes pity on duke, searing life and consciousness back into his broken body and resurrecting him from the mud as a nothuman trapped in a mostly mortal vessel (you work with what ya got)
this process might take a while but idk if itll make up the 20 yr gap in his lifespan yet (give that hes 20ish in the 70s and shows up in pd2 in 2017 as a 50 yr old and not a 70 yr old)
i just think hes neat!
tbh idk how i actually feel abt writing this duke au given that i think im also writing some other stuff rn but i looove gnawing on it when im spaced out during class its like my screensaver. i actually started a little smthg as a sort of taste-test for this au where its a police report on the case of duke's initial disappearance in the 70s, documenting the weird facts from an in-universe after-the-fact pov (i am such a sucker for dramatic irony its not funny) and working through the story in the form of aforementioned audio logs. pasting the scraps below
Friends initially report 20-year-old August Lindenhurst missing on August 18th, 1968.
Over summer break, Lindenhurst had been taking part in a month-long personal project proposed by 19-year-old Gillian 'Gill' Dorsey, both students at Dennington University. Classmates became concerned when the project's allotted time period ended and Lindenhurst had still not returned to campus. He and Dorsey were last seen entering the forest behind the main building (see map in addendum 2A) with bags one month prior. Investigators organized search teams, which found their equipment still intact in a makeshift bell tent approximately 1.8 miles from campus, and CSI later noted that the project seemed largely archaeological in nature. Around the same time the tent was discovered, a welfare check conducted on Dorsey's dorm discovered her partially decomposed body still in bed (Dorsey case filed separately, though it shares many unusual circumstances with this one).
CSI recovered a collection of microtapes from the tent in the forest, dated throughout the month as audio logs leading up to Lindenhurst's disappearance. Detective Greene was able to transcribe a majority of the logs’ content despite questionable integrity following recent storms. Following analysis of the tapes, the Lindenhurst case was changed from missing persons to homicide. Transcripts deemed relevant to the case are attached below (transcripts for the rest of the tapes available in addendum 2F).
and then the transcript of the first tape starts! from there the rest of the story plays out over multiple tapes as duke n his classmate (using gill dorsey as a placeholder name for no reason in particular) pick through tiny buried oddities over the course of about a month. all the while we see signs that theres Something In These Woods thrown in (discussing strange dreams in passing, unidentified voices heard on tape, odd changes in behavior seen in casual conversation, etc) leading up to the discovery of The Final Tape later on in the case, recorded on the day the project was supposed to end 
The original recorder was recovered in a clearing approx. 600 feet from the tent. Clear signs of a fight present in surroundings (see addendum 3A-3G). Blood at the scene matched with Lindenhurst. The recorder still contained the most recent (presumably final) microtape inside. Det. Greene reassigned for transcription.
and then we get into the nitty gritty of the day of the attack. the report basically concludes with “well that was fucked up” given that lindenhurst’s killer classmate is also dead under mysterious circumstances (found in bed with their mouth and lungs all full of dirt, more thoughts on that but this post is more than long enough rn) so theres kinda. no one to prosecute. the story itself ends with the whole case file being completely wiped by bain, revealing that we were just reading the report along with him the entire time as part of a background check on duke. hes troubled by the implications to say the least, like sorry man you found more than you bargained for in this funky crime grandpa!! the whole ‘coming back nothuman’ thing isnt super covered in this version of the story bc it is still just a police report and obvs cant have ALL the details but that does still happen
thoughts n suggestions n corrections welcome i love having thoughts and making words i love it to bloody pieces. i love kneading ideas in my brain like dough. also ty for reading this far mwah 😭 😭 😭
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
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oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
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tobi-momo · 4 years
A Comfortable First Date :)
@awmahleebakugou said:
okay so i’ve never asked before (god i hope your requests are open, i’m sorry if they’re not) but i found you just now and your writing gives me life. i hope i’m not missing any rules, but i wanted to req a kind of first date scenario (the date can be your choice but i’m thinking something out of their comfort zone that the reader kinda eases them into having fun and they actually end up having a good time) with bakugou, todoroki, and dabi. a fluff type thing with a fem reader. they don’t have to be all in one, they can be separate but i really wanted to see your take on this with bakugou. thanks for your time, and i hope you can do this req cuz i love your writing :)
a/n: dflhgdfjhgdfkjgh you make me malfunction omg- i jut started writing a couple weeks ago and to hear that you love my writing makes me smile so hard kfsdjgdfkjg omg ty <3 and, lucky for you, my requests are def open and feel free to come back any time! (if you do want to see my rules tho here’s a link: rules<3 (you didn’t req anything out of my comfort zone tho so dw )
Pairing(s): Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff :)
Warnings: cursing, youre uncomfy for a lil- but it gets better- FLUFF SKDJGFJSD dabi’s is SO mf short im sorry skhgdlfg
A Comfortable First Date :)
Man are you glad yall came with ya friends-
You were excited, but anxious. you have never been on a date before, let alone the one and only bakugou katsuki, so ya. you were nervous asf
On the ride, the radio played loudly while you rolled the window down and caught the warm breeze in your face, you were just wildin out in the car, making katsuki laugh in hopes of relieving some stress
when you arrive, it was a different story. there were so many people and the water was dark, and this is gonna be his first time seeing *this much of your body. Your nerves were not helping
“Yo, Y/n, you nervous or somethin’?” Calls Sero, averting your attention from the packed beach
“Uh, no, not at all,” you smile walking over to the trunk of the car, picking up towels
kirishima and mina walk together to find a spot, denki and sero leave you and katsuki alone and immediately start throwing the frisbee around
‘god this was so awkward’ you thought, although it really wasnt, it was just in your head
“Here, give those to me,” katsuki whispers as he takes the towels from your grasp, taking notice of the way you rub your fingers together, the way you keep looking at the ground
He can tell that youre unsure, but he knows that you wont be like this for long- i mean- its bakugou, right?
once yall get to your spot, kirishima and mina catch up to you guys, talking about whats more manly yall cant convince me they dont do this- im convinced mina teaches him how to drink his respect women juice although we know he drinks plenty
You dont even have time to realize katsukis arms around your things, picking you up and throwing you on his shoulders
You play smack his back, laughing and yelping at the same time while he runs towards the water
“kastUKI WHAT ARE YOU DOING??” all he can respond with is his laughter before he sets you down gently in the water
“What, you thought I was gonna throw you or somethin’?” he smirks
“Uh, YEAH? I DID! You scared the crap outta me, babe,” you laugh off, the water suddenly feeling a lot better than you thought it would
He’s still laughing, almost gripping his stomach while kirishima and mina join sero and denki with the frisbee
The face he makes when you splash water on him is-
How do i say it
flabbergasted? no. thats a weird ass word. He was like that tho
His face was like 😂 > 😳 > 😶 > 😐 > 😑 > 😐 > 😏😈
yk? yk
He splashes back
so skip to an hour later when you guys are tackling each other in the water holy shit this is soft i cant
yall are having a mf BLAST and yall ended up playing beach volleyball too- have yall seen the episode in avatar where azula, mai, ty lee, and zuko play beach volleyball?
ya basically that but yall actually have fun and its more playful- but yall DESTROY the other teams
you guys end up staying longer than expected and you sleep in the car on the way back with his hand on your thigh but shhh
ok, this may be dif because i believe movie dates are awkward asFF and i just jfhfkg ugh yk
but anyways~
yall arrive to the theatre, buy your snacks and get your ticket ew ew ew ew
and you literally dont know what to do-
where do you sit? where do you put your hands? what do you do for the rest of the movie? all of these questions filled your head when you guys entered the room, it was empty
You guys take your seats, the commercials starting while you guys start small talk
you and him make fun of the trailers while you guys are literally sitting down like 🧍🧍
So awkward even though yall are talking- like, who takes popcorn first, who gets to put their arm on the middle rest? just overcomplicating everything in your brain
until a skittle falls down your shirt sorry if you dont like skittles but cmon their skittles
coming out the bottom of your shirt, you pick it up, then look at shouto’s soft, playful smirk before he looks away like he didnt do anything
that cheeky bastard
so, you throw it back, knocking his head then falling down the seat to the ground 
he looks back at you with and incredulous expression- not a serious one, but a look of sarcastic surprised
when his hand grabs popcorn out of the bucket, your eyes widen and you quickly leap out of your seat, running out of the isle and up the stairs to the top row of seats, being chased by shouto, and eventually trapped in the corner before getting a face full of popcorn
“Shou!” you laugh out, and you can hear the faint sound of his giggles piercing through yours
Your hands are placed on his chest, and his have dropped down your forearms, holding you in place while you laugh into him
“There’s popcorn in my hair now,”
“Oh,” he takes a gentle hand and takes the popcorn out of your hair, tossing it to the side
“This place is a mess now,” he adds
You just laugh it off, taking notice of the fact that the movie has already started
“Shou, the movie,” you point, him turning around to the big screen
“The movie’s boring”
“It’s barely started!” you chuckle
your voice was interrupted by more popcorn hitting your face, and Shouto holding the bucket
“You did not just do what i think you just did.”
“I’m gonna get you back for that!” you shout as he starts to walk back to your seat, you grab the box of candy and quickly open it, pouring everything on his head before rushing down the stairs to the other side of the room
lemme just say yall were kicked out PFT JSDHGFSDKJHF
ok but yall didnt care shsdlfsfg
you hung out more after that too, not wanting the day to end :)
on your first date
would you go
like- why??? 
when you arrived, you really do be FINE AS FUUUCKK and everyone is thirsting over you periodt get into it
and when you see him, his eyes widen, admiring your figure
you just smile bc you’ve never been to a club before and set your bag on the counter, taking a seat at the bar next to him
what do you do? are you supposed to order something orrrrrrr? are you supposed to talk? are you supposed to dance with him? like wtf
the most awkward feelings are making home in your stomach
just before you could rush off, his hand grabs yours, making your head whip up for your eyes to meet his, silently reassuring you
You smile before he stands up, and leads you to the dance floor, guiding you with your hips to the music
you place your hands on his shoulders, letting him sway you to the beat, before you turn yourself and dance on him, forgetting your problems
he smirks, running his fingertips down your back while you move your hips on him
after a couple drinks you guys were clicking, like really, really, really, clicking and you felt good
so did he, and he wanted to know you more, so after a couple more dances and drinks, yall were giddy and shi 😏
And yall decided it was time to get to know each other more😏😏😏
when you guys woke up with a hangover, you made him breakfast and yall talked ab everything under the stars omg yall are made for each other istg
thats it im sorry dabi’s is so short i just chugged rosé and im hanging out with friends be happy <3
taglist: @toosharkinternet @hitosushi @combat-wombatus @katsuhera @zerohawks
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moveslikejaggeria · 2 years
im very tired, tumblr dot com. im just very much exhausted. i think about how much i wanted to die just a few weeks ago and how happy i am now. but also,,, how i was right. happiness always comes in such fleeting moments. it sucks. the river is smaller, my dear friends, much easier to cross these days. but it doesnt mean its not still there.
i stopped seeing my therapist. and dietician. neither of them really reached out. fair enough. i think we were just dancing around the inevitable. i am therapist-proof: i repel them. its something about me that just pushes them away. its the me-ness.
i want a family so badly. all my friends are dating!! this sucks!! im so happy for them but wheres MY lover dearest. i hate dating apps though, im done with them. i gotta Know someone to date them and thats so hard over dating apps. alas
im so tired. not so much that its reached my bones, but its definitely deep in my muscles. i went and got a massage. it sucked and was expensive. now im sitting in the shower avoiding going to sleep bc as soon as i do tomorrow has to start. bleh
keep this to yourself porn bots but there was this person i really liked last year and god i was pretty infatuated but theyre not single so i had to get over it but sometimes i still have dreams with them in it and its kinda weird. like ik i cant control my dreams but it Feels manipulative to be in a situation where they are at my brains will. even i wont conform to that. plus then i wake up and the bed’s a little colder. alas
the loneliness is so deep in my bones i dont think itll ever leave, like a tumor they cant remove and you just kinda have to live with it and accept your fate. like a constant reminder that youre not normal or healthy and you never will or can be.
UGH i have TWO (2) meetings tomorrow. one of which is gonna SUCK bc i just have to sit there and be silent. i used to be really good at being silent. im twinning with mae from avatar lol.
i wish i lived in fiction. i wish i lived in a story that the author had all planned out and they had this nice little ending planned where everything was gonna finally be okay and id be happy. i think im trapped in a not-happy ending story. where the author tortures their characters relentlessly
how far away is labor day? i think labor day i’ll clean my apartment and finish moving in. maybe i’ll invite some friends over to keep me company, maybe not. maybe they will be busy or not want to. idk
not even a full week of school and im done. BLEH. i wish my therapist had put up more of a fight. or i had a better therapist. but then i wouldnt be talking to you, tumblr dot com! or maybe i still would. thats the question
there are two kind of depressed people: the ones who write happy endings for characters and imagine themselves AS the character to feel whole and those who torture their characters out of catharsis or to not feel so alone. so i suppose this is all karma for my fictional characters. do you think if i become the former life would be better?
OH tumblr dot com, i know you hate the tiky toky app, but they told me i was gonna find a partner this year! oh can you believe it! and if i listened to this one sound and manifested, i would be rich. oh tumblr dot com, can you imagine? someone to just hold and be held by? someone who you can lay your head against and listen to their heartbeat? someone you can trust with your whole you? oh tumblr dot com, how i do love to go on…
one last thing before i let you continue scrolling, mr porn bot. the happiest day of my life that i can remember is that one saturday last semester. i went to the arcade/golf course/gokart place place with my friends and we spent the day there and then we came home and i got to meet lewberger and see them perform and oh! the day before when i got my picture taken with stinger and got ice cream and knew random facts about greys anatomy and oh,,, to be young again. to live in those moments and just be happy. for that fleeting moment
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dog-teeth · 4 years
2 weeks post op top surgery update!! pics & details under the cut!
i had my 2nd post op appointment on monday, getting the stitches off of my grafts and medical tape off my incisions. other than my limited mobility and some mood stuff and scar care, im pretty much back to normal! im v happy with how my chest looks, and my doctor said i was looking more healed than average for the 2-week mark :)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
physical healing:
having the stitches taken off the nipple graft was a bit uncomfy but just felt like a light tugging and only took a few minutes. having the medical tape taken off hurt a bit bc the adhesive pulled on my skin, but it was super fast and not an intense pain at all.
so i had been instructed to keep my nipples very very hydrated with aquaphor (which is why they look shiny here lol), and not to pick at them or rub them. before my appointment yesterday, the entire grafts looked how the nipple does now, all black and scabbed, but i hadn’t been able to tell that it was just dead skin scabbed over & ready to come off because i had been keeping them so hydrated that they didn’t flake off like normal scabs, i thought it was just my bruised healing skin and that the scabbing process had barely started. then, i went into my appointment, and when my doctor took out the stitches, she swabbed the area lightly, and all of the dead skin came off super easily! i was so surprised! turns out almost all of the scabbing of the areola had already happened, i just didn’t know, because it was so different from normal scabs due to the constant hydration. now all thats left is the nipple, which takes longer to heal because its a thicker part of the graft.
you can see the little indentations on my skin from the gauze pressing down under my compression wrap, which i still wear all day every day, and will continue to do for the next few weeks. there is still a light bruise on one side of my chest and a numb patch on the other, plus a bit of swelling around the incisions, especially near the center of my chest. the bruise actually looks more visible in these pics than it does irl.
current physical care:
i’ve started scar care, which is super exciting! i massage my scars twice a day with healing ointment, keeping them nice n hydrated under a thin layer (but still dry enough that they dont get weird from being wrapped up all the time). i also started using silicone scar cream, which is for healing and fading scars.
i massage the incisions for about 15 minutes per day total, for 5-10 minutes at a time. it feels nice, its pleasing to run my fingers over the incisions, it is a bit tender on the place where there is still swelling and a light bruise. i also (very lightly) rub the outside of my nipple grafts when applying the aquaphor, which is to prevent the buildup of excess scar tissue that would raise my areolas up.
i feel much more confident about my healing after having the tape taken off my incisions and the scab tissue wiped off my nipple grafts. i spent the entire past 2 weeks worrying about my nipples falling off, and now i know that won’t happen lmao. im very excited about scar care, being able to massage the incisions and confidently touch my nipples is great. i’m looking forward to my nipples scab tissue flaking off, and for the dissolvable sutures under my incisions to dissolve completely, because i can feel them under my scars which is weird!
concerns going forward:
-spitting sutures, which is when a dissolvable suture gets agitated or rejected by your body and has to be removed, but it’s an easy fix if it does happen, i just have to go into my surgeons office and have them take it out.
-scar care! keeping my nipples hydrated, massaging my scars and the rims of my grafts, keeping everything wrapped under my ace bandage compression with gauze pads over the nipples.
-limited mobility and not carrying stuff- now that i’m pretty healed its hard to make myself not do normal things like reach my arms out, stretch, and lift things up, but i really shouldnt do it even if it doesn’t hurt.
-compression, i still wear my ace bandage wrap and will for at least 2 more weeks, which sucks, i can’t wait to be done with it! but im also glad it’s there because it makes my chest feel protected, i’m still very very cautious and weird about my giant wounds and still-healing nipples.
overall, i’m very happy with how it looks and how it’s healing. im very relieved to be past these first few weeks when everything is at its most difficult. i’ve been really really stressed out about it this whole time, worrying about my nipple grafts failing or not healing right, having full on anxiety attacks when i accidentally stretch my arms out too far or put too much weight on them, and being terribly afraid that my chest won’t look good aesthetically.
i’ve also been depressed lately, idk if it’s post-surgery depression or my normal depression or my seasonal depression. i was in very good spirits the first week, but i’ve been having low moods and low energy more recently :( i think once i’m able to drive and exercise again i’ll be much happier, but for now being trapped inside all day in my room has been rough.
recovery has been physically grueling and mentally very weird, because i literally did not believe it would actually happen until it had actually happened (seriously i was at the hospital getting prepped to be taken into the OR and i still didn’t think it would happen), and i didn’t believe it would be okay until my 2nd post op on monday when i saw how healed my grafts and incisions were. so really, i’m just now getting to experience the relief that i finally got surgery!!!! the more healed i get the more i enjoy it, which i’m sure will continue for the next months and probably years.
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carllisle · 4 years
imagine carlisle c.1920s (post-changing esme but neither of them are admitting their ✨feelings✨) overhearing his coworkers talking about how its weird he doesn't have a wife bc what is WITH that youngish handsome successful man being an eternal bachelor so then he panics and overcompensates like 'hello gentlemen lovely day isn't it you know who else likes lovely days? my WIFE that i definitely have at home who im married to' and then has to go home mortified and be like 'esme? can u do me a favour' and then BAM let the fake dating AU commence
this has been in my inbox for like. 2 weeks. and it lives in my mind rent-free. and i wanted to write a mini fic of this but make it ✨ angsty ✨ . thank U anon for my life!!! 
Esme looked up from the camera she had disassembled on the dining room table as she heard Carlisle’s car turn onto their mile-long drive. It was a complicated machine, the camera, and she was in the process of teaching herself how to take it apart and clean, and put it back together. Carlisle had bought it for her for no reason in particular and initially she had felt very guilty about the gift, but he had insisted that it brought him joy to be able to spend his money on her. He had too much of it, he said, to not spend it on something that made her happy. Shyly, she had accepted the gift. 
He was driving more quickly than usual. “Is he alright?” Esme asked aloud. Edward was practicing a complicated piece ni the next room and he would have heard her. 
“I’m not sure,” he answered quietly. “I think... something might be wrong.” But then he stopped playing and he laughed. 
“What is it?” she asked in surprise. 
“Oh, he'll tell you himself as soon as he gets in,” Edward chuckled, and he began playing again. 
Esme’s frowned and she stood up to greet Carlisle at the door. When he parked and came through the front door, she took his coat and hat from him as she always did. “Welcome home,” she said as she did every day, smiling warmly at him. 
“Hello Esme,” he replied, glancing at her and then looking away. He looked very nervous. “How was your day?”
“Very nice, thank you. I’m cleaning the camera and it’s taking quite a long time. I’m enjoying myself, though!”
“Good. That’s good.” He looked around as if searching for something, and then he stuck his head into the room where Edward was. “Hello. How was your day?” 
“Better than yours,” Edward answered, and Esme could hear the grin in his voice. “Why did you say that? Why on Earth did you say that?” 
“It just happened!”
“What happened?” Esme asked. She was surprised at the indignant tone Carlisle took with Edward. Carlisle glanced back at her and sighed. 
“Esme, I’m deeply sorry. I must ask a great favour of you.” 
“Anything,” she replied automatically. 
Edward appeared in the doorway, grinning. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
“You don’t have to leave, surely!” Esme said in surprise. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry,” he assured her. 
“Stay, please,” Carlisle said. 
Edward laughed again. “Oh, no, I’m headed out. You don’t need an audience for this.” 
Carlisle pursed his lips in disapproval but Edward’s mind was made up. He kissed Esme’s forehead before leaving. She watched him go in bewilderment. “Carlisle, what-?” 
“I-” He looked down at his feet. “I truly apologise for what I am about to ask of you. I spoke without thinking and have put us both in a difficult position.” 
There was a long pause before she spoke again. “Let’s... let’s go sit down, perhaps?” 
He nodded and she led the way into the lounge where Edward had been playing his piano. She took her place in the window seat as usual, and Carlisle sat in the leather chair closeby. He crossed his legs and sat unusually still. Out of the three of them, he was best at playing human, and so it unnerved Esme now that the mask had slipped ever so slightly. She clasped her hands together tightly in her lap. “Please,” she said quietly. “Tell me.” 
“I... I don’t know where to begin.” 
“Anywhere. The middle. The end. I don’t mind.” 
Carlisle took in a deep breath. “I have been invited to dinner by the chief of staff next week. It’s expected that I go.”
Esme was confused. “That... sounds promising.”
He couldn’t hold her gaze. “And it is expected that I will be accompanied by you.”
“By me?” As far as she was aware, no one knew she existed. Although they were relatively new to the city, she was still young and not ready to join human society again, and they had decided that Edward and Carlisle would present themselves as brothers, and Esme simply would not exist. No humans would need to come to the house, and she would not appear in public. It was perfect, for now. “Why?” 
“I... my colleagues are under the impression that I have a wife.”
Her eyes went wide. “Why?”
“Because I told them that I was married.” 
Esme felt herself turn to stone. She did not know if she was angry or upset or both, but whatever it was, was overwhelming. “Oh.” 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. I overheard two colleagues talking about how strange it was that I was unmarried, and then they made some ghastly comment about myself and one of the nurses and I couldn’t bear for them to talk like that and so when I spoke with them I- I said I was ready for the day because... because my wonderful wife had made the best pancakes I had ever had for breakfast and- and-! I don’t know what came over me. By lunchtime word had got around and the chief of staff invited me and my wife for dinner and I had to say yes because, well, he's the chief of staff! And I couldn’t say no!”
Esme missed weeping. Every word hurt more than the last. She loved him with all of her heart and she wanted more than anything to be his wife. But not like this. Not as a charade. To pose as Edward’s wife would make her laugh, it would be like playing dress-up as a child, entertaining and funny, but Carlisle’s? To act out a fantasy that she would never truly live? That was cruel. 
“-and I know that you do not have much experience around humans but I thought that perhaps we could go into the city for a walk around one of the parks and you could see how you feel, and we could go for drives in residential areas so you can grow accustomed to the sound and-! Esme?” 
She looked up at him, stricken. “Yes?” 
“Can you forgive me?” 
It felt far too soon for that when his words had not even begun to sink in yet, but she could not deny him anything. “There is nothing to forgive,” she lied. It didn’t feel like a lie, though. “You were preserving the dignity of a woman you work with. That’s admirable.” 
“I have wronged you. I have trapped you.” 
“Not at all. But I fear I will not be ready to face a room full of humans by next week. I’m sorry.”
He watched her, troubled by her expression. “I... of course.” 
“But,” she added, not meeting his gaze, “perhaps in the not so distant future I will be. Perhaps, in time, I can pretend to be your wife.” She didn’t know why she said it. Maybe it was that a fantasy was better than the reality of her never holding him as her husband. Maybe it was that she couldn’t bear to let him down. Whatever it was, it hurt. But she quickly realised, as she saw his frozen expression melt into a smile, that to please him felt better than anything else in the world. 
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roseworth · 4 years
you thought i was done? you fool
i am very upset that the Dark Prince Eugene plot line was basically forgotten about. i remember watching destinies collide for the first time and eugene found out he was a prince i was so excited bc omg??? its so crazy and cool and i was hoping the show would do a lot with that
but. they did not.
the last time we hear anything about him technically being a prince is the line in destinies collide when he goes "thumbnail: im a prince. probably." then its never brought up again. we do get more edmund, which is cool, but nothing about either of them being royalty (other than people calling edmund "your majesty"). the idea of him being a prince is completely forgotten, along with fitzmom, but ill get to her in a sec.
there was so much potential for eugene being a prince! ive seen some posts about theories people made before season three and its just so disappointing to look at them and realize that none of it happened. imagine if we got dark kingdom history and how it relates to eugene! or if we got any plot line surrounding eugene as the dark prince! that would have been so cool for his character and his arc to need to come to terms with the fact that hes actually royalty and hes part of this bloodline sworn to protect the moonstone
dont get me wrong, i love that he chooses to trust rapunzel in destinies collide. he realizes that he cares about her and her safety, but wont stand in her way. i love it! but i wish we had more about what it meant to him that he knows his heritage now and he realizes that his family now (rapunzel, lance, etc) is more important than his birth family.
also think about how literally nothing would change if he wasnt a prince. i like the meaning of how the lost prince and the lost princess found each other (🥰) but it was never brought up again. if edmund was just a random dark kingdom knight instead of the king, it wouldnt change a single thing. why even bother making him a prince if you dont do anything with it?
honestly, everything about the dark kingdom was completely ignored. they didnt give us any information about what the dark kingdom really was until destinies collide, then never again after that. they even set up an important plot point regarding the dark kingdom with quirin's note, but that was tossed aside too. rewatching that part of qfad is always weird because quirin has such a strong scene when he's alone and looking through his dark kingdom things, and the audience is like "wow i cant wait until we learn more about his past!" and then we dont learn anything other than that the dark kingdom exists and he used to live there. they even took the time to highlight that he was writing a note to varian, assumedly with information about the dark kingdom, then that didnt happen.
we get no information about what the dark kingdom used to be other than that they were protecting the moonstone. and the mind trap just... exists. for no reason. they dont bring it up until halfway through season 3 and they dont give an explanation as to why it exists in the first place (or why it was at the spire and not IN the dark kingdom?) there are a lot of holes to fill in when it comes to dark kingdom history, which is very sad because finding out more about where eugene came from would have been so cool :(
and fitzmom! the way she was treated shows a lot of the problems in the show, but im just gonna focus on how it shows the mistreatment of the dark kingdom. basically, she had plenty of potential. shes eugenes mom, she died because of the moonstone, anything could happen, right? then she didnt even get a name, and she was never mentioned after destinies collide. we didnt get to see her at all outside of that one picture. but the moonstone and the dark kingdom are a huge part of the show, and she lived in the dark kingdom and was killed by the moonstone, so it would make sense if they talked more about what happened to her. but instead they just forgot about her?? we dont even know HOW she died other than that is was related to the moonstone.
but going back to eugene, we barely get to see how finding out about his mom then finding out she died because of the stone that rapunzel is about to grab affects him. hes sad for a little bit, then after he talks to pascal suddenly all his feelings about it go away. i feel like asking for her to be mentioned more than once throughout the whole show should be the bare minimum, but we dont even get that.
this is already a lot longer than i thought it would be so im gonna stop, but i just want to say that i wish we got more canon dark kingdom content. the fact that the dark kingdom wasnt really even talked about in season 3 until the very end when edmund and the brotherhood went back is really sad. and along with that, a major part of eugenes backstory was forgotten about because the dark kingdom was ignored.
tl;dr: eugene as the dark prince should have been talked about more in canon. the dark kingdom as a whole was ignored and it's sad because there is so much heritage surrounding it, and the moonstone is the reason the whole plot of the show is happening.
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