#its so strange how people use the term “white women” as an excuse to intricately describe how much they hate women
sexisdisgusting · 9 months
putting the word "white" in front of the word "woman" doesnt make whatever misogynistic thing you're about to say somehow less misogynistic
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I will go down with this ship: Chapter 9
Sasuke shifted uncomfortably as he felt undressing gazes, he was spooked when someone stood up. He instantly rushed to Naruto and clung to his arm, Naruto raised an eyebrow to Sasuke's action.
"Be quiet" Sasuke ordered, his face lowered out of embarrassment, flushed red. Naruto chuckled.
"Fine by me" Naruto stated. Rather smug about the situation, since Sasuke's frightfulness was favourable to Naruto. Though Naruto had another mission to complete, he and Sasuke went to the back of the cavern, devoid of people. They travelled up the dusty stairs, each creak a story of the cavern's timeworn lifetime. Arriving at a door that seemed to have no place in the setting; its strong oak and intricate carvings excelling its requirements.
"Who exactly is behind this door?" Sasuke whispered, afraid of awaking whatever beast that lay inside. His self still attached to Naruto.
"A man called Ōnoki, he's a Wiseman; he used to be the ruler of Iwagakure, the Hidden stone village, but he apparently went crazy" Naruto explained, Sasuke's eyes widened at the information.
"Crazy? Then doesn't that also make him dangerous?" Sasuke pointed out, Naruto shrugged.
"Maybe, but don't worry I'll protect you" Naruto promised, Sasuke scoffed.
"Oh well, now I feel all better" Sasuke remarked sarcastically, Naruto chuckled.
"Well, if he attacks me then you'll have time to run away" Naruto pointed out.
"Those were my intentions" Sasuke muttered under his breath, Naruto made a sound of mock hurt.
"Aw, and I thought you were coming around, love" Naruto cooed, Sasuke rolled his eyes, the obscurity of his words like a pestering animal.
"As if I ever would" Sasuke retorted, though Naruto chuckled knowingly.
"In my defence, you are sending me mixed signals" Naruto stated, Sasuke expressed confusion, though with a simple gesture of his head and features, Sasuke understood. Sasuke instantly retracted from him, blushing at how he had forgotten he was clinging to Naruto's arm. Sasuke straighten himself out, attempting to cover up his blunder. Naruto found it humorous, but reminded himself of what he needed to do.
He placed his hand on the door, feeling the soft impairment. Sparing one final glance to his companion, who held an expression of preparation, as did Naruto. He pressed forward, the door creaking open, revealing a relatively humble room. Scrolls lay sprawled across the sides, books lay open as well as various maps. Also a hooded figure behind a grimy desk. Naruto tread forward carefully, Sasuke carefully following. The hooded figure didn't move. Once inside, Naruto and Sasuke exchanged expression of confusion. They both jumped as the door abruptly slammed sealed.
"Speak" The figure spoke dominantly, Sasuke looked at the man. He wasn't big, he was the smallest man Sasuke had ever seen in fact. Oddity in his face where his pudgy nose was pink and the rest peach. Trimmed, white, facial hair to create a long goatee and moustache. His eyes spoke disdainful knowledge. Sasuke couldn't see anything else due to the individual's bleak gown, one reserved for monks at monasteries. Though religion wouldn't be associated with this man. His question still hung in the air.
"I am Captain Naruto Uzumaki of the Kyuubi vessel" Naruto answered, the man was silent and unmoving though he clearly wanted more. "And this is Sasuke Uchiha, Ojo of Konoha and Uchiha" Naruto introduced.
"Uzumaki? Your name is Namikaze, Naruto Namikaze" The man stated gruffly, though Naruto didn't take kindly to his words. Sasuke was slightly puzzled by the flash of red that sparked in Naruto's irate eyes.
"I reject that name, I am to my own" Naruto responded, Sasuke's current knowledge was that of Naruto's father, so to reject his family name…
Sasuke felt uncomfortable as the man continued.
"You are a prince"
"I am a captain" Naruto hissed, it stood in this tense atmosphere for a few moments that felt like hours, Sasuke was afraid to even breath.
"You want the map, don't you?" Ōnoki scoffed, Naruto nodded, "Bah! I have sent countless men and women away, none were worthy of this map, what makes you so different?" Ōnoki jeered, Sasuke expected Naruto to burst out in arrogance, peacocking without dignity, he didn't imagine Naruto to remain calm however.
"What do you want in return for the map?" Naruto enquired, Ōnoki looked up and narrowed his eyes.
"A life, and not just any life, it must be a life from the Kyuubi's crew" Ōnoki requested, Sasuke gasped sharply while Naruto kept his countenance. Sasuke couldn't believe that he wanted the life of one of Naruto's crewmates. He looked at Naruto who held a calculating expression, he turned to Sasuke and paced over to him. A strike of fear went through Sasuke heart, though all possible escaping movements ceased as Naruto stood close to him.
"Love, there's something I need you to do for me" Naruto stated with all seriousness, Sasuke gulped slightly, his words caught like helpless fish, "I need you to take the map down to Karin, after that tell her to lead the quest" Naruto instructed, though it left Sasuke muddled. Naruto turned to face Ōnoki. "I accept your terms" Naruto voiced, walking over to him and stood in front of the desk, "And I offer my life as payment" Naruto spoke, Sasuke's eyes widened.
"I accept your payment, hold still" Ōnoki replied, Sasuke couldn't believe what was happening. Yes, he hated Naruto but this seemed extreme…Sasuke couldn't remember when it suddenly wasn't okay that Naruto would die, but it wasn't. Sasuke had never seen a man die, yet here he was about to witness death. There was something surreal about looking at a dead man, one who held no fear. Ōnoki swiftly flashed forward, holding a dagger to Naruto's throat. Naruto didn't flinch at the contact, his eyes hooded and blithe. Ōnoki stared deep into the blue, searching for what remained a mystery. Ōnoki retracted, "You pass" He stated, Naruto arching an eyebrow.
"Oh? Am I not to die?" He asked unconcerned, though Sasuke's heart was beating like a drum.
"No, you've proven yourself worthy" He replied, taking a yellowish square out, drawings and words that lay upon it, "Here, the map to White eye's treasure" He stated, Naruto reached out for it when he spoke again, "But beware of this map, prince, it's been tainted with a curse" He informed, Naruto locked eyes with the man, his hand stopped in the air.
"Care to recite such curse?" Naruto requested, Sasuke now on edge about the situation. Even with his sceptical upbringing, he still felt mindful of the warning of the curse.
"Bear in mind that this curse is…strange" Ōnoki stated, Naruto and Sasuke instantly alarmed curious.
"Strange how?" Naruto enquired.
"Just listen…For all that can hear, heed this verse,
Take the true treasure whom can't be reimbursed,
Two wings to fly,
Moon and sun to sky,
Solitude is your enemy,
Resulting in the death penalty,
It is only those with souls of tender pleasure,
That may take my White Eye treasure…" Ōnoki versed, Naruto stood in bewilderment.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto questioned.
"I'm afraid I can't offer you any answers, but perhaps it'll come to you on your quest" Ōnoki proposed, Naruto looked to Sasuke to see if he had any input, but was met with the same expression.
"Thank you, Ōnoki, we'll return the map once we're done with it" Naruto promised, he and Sasuke walking towards the door, though a low chuckle came from the man.
"That's if you return" He rumbled, his chuckling turning into manic laughing, Naruto saw the panic in Sasuke's eyes and took him out of the room.
"Ignore him, he's just insane" Naruto reassured, but Sasuke still felt a bad feeling tugging at him.
"Right, well, let's go" Sasuke responded, Naruto nodded. Naruto had rounded up his reluctant crew and they once again were aboard the Kyuubi, though his crew had obviously wanted to stay longer. Naruto had called Shikamaru over as well as Sasuke.
"Alright, you two, you are in charge of making sense of this map and navigating us as to where we need to go" Naruto stated, "Understood?" Naruto asked, Shikamaru gave a lethargic reply while Sasuke remained alarm.
"Um, excuse me, you expect me to work with him?" Sasuke questioned, though Shikamaru didn't seem to take any offense. Naruto gave a pat on Shikamaru's back.
"Good luck with that one" He remarked before walking off, Sasuke huffed and glared at Shikamaru.
"You better not do anything inappropriate like that idiot captain of yours has!" Sasuke ordered, Shikamaru scratched the back of his head.
"I'm not like Naruto" Shikamaru replied, Sasuke relaxing slightly.
"Oh, well, then…um, good" Sasuke responded.
"He's too much for me" Shikamaru added, Sasuke chuckled.
"He's too much for anyone" Sasuke remarked. Shikamaru nodded.
"Troublesome" Shikamaru agreed, Sasuke smirked at how Naruto's crew regarded him annoying as well. Shikamaru placed down the map on the table in front of them, Sasuke looked around at the sea in the meantime, hearing its calmness. "How much of this can you translate?" Shikamaru asked, Sasuke looked over it and let his years of tutoring kick in.
"It's a little jumbled, but I should be able to work most of it out" Sasuke answered. So the next few hour or so Sasuke and Shikamaru worked together to try and decipher the map. It was a little hard, but Sasuke surprised himself by actually enjoying talking to Shikamaru. He was by far one of the most intelligent people he's ever met, not to mention how easy it was to indulge in conversation with him since most people didn't match Sasuke's intellect.
"That's why the Futo party's promises are empty, they can't possibly deliver that amount of cargo with such limited resources, so if they are to violate the contract they have with the Hidden Sand village they'll be left with no other choice than stricter boarders" Shikamaru explained, Sasuke listening intently.
"I…never thought of it like that, I was always taught that the Futo party had unquestionable power" Sasuke replied, now usually he would never question his political leaders, but with Shikamaru's calm and clever description and explanation of the situation, it was hard for the impressionable Sasuke to ignore it.
"Well, if they had so much power in the first place, they wouldn't have to lean on the Hidden Mist village like a crutch" Shikamaru pointed out, Sasuke nodded.
"Wow…you know Shikamaru, I never got the chance to discuss politics, I'm just told what I need to know" Sasuke admitted, Shikamaru sat on a crate and leant back to watch the clouds.
"That's the problem with the Futo party, they like to put people on a moving path to one destination, one that benefits the rich" Shikamaru stated, Sasuke almost felt guilty. Since a lot of what he said opposed his own beliefs, making them selfish and cruel. Sasuke never thought of himself in such a light though with Shikamaru's words he couldn't believe that was what's happening.
"When I'm returned, my father is going to be quite surprised to find out what the Futo party are doing" Sasuke chuckled, unaware of Shikamaru almost sensitive glance. "Not to mention my brother, but he also spoke strangely about the Futo party anyhow" Sasuke brushed off, Shikamaru raised an eyebrow about that.
"Strange? How?" He enquired, because he found it hard to believe that a follower of the Futo party would oppose it, harder to believe since it would be an Uchiha opposing it. Shikamaru knew that the Futo party was created by Uchiha, therefore mostly governed by them.
"The last time I saw him he said strange things that wouldn't go well in a Futo party meeting" Sasuke answered.
"Like what?" Shikamaru asked slowly, he wasn't usually this interested in somebody else's life, but it was too bizarre to not enquire. Sasuke thought about the last time he was with his brother and how the conversation went.
"He spoke of 'luxuries of the privileged', 'life favours no one', 'land possesses no master'" Sasuke listed absentmindedly, "I have no idea what he was going on about, but he claimed that we were on the wrong side of history" Sasuke remembered, Shikamaru was listening with some degree of surprise and perplex. It made no sense that the heir to the Uchiha assets would say such things, unless…
"Have you ever heard of the Akatsuki?" Shikamaru asked, Sasuke shook his head.
"I'm not familiar with it, why?" Sasuke responded, Shikamaru was about to further his questioning when someone interjected.
"How are my two navigators?" The blonde asked, striding with a smile, Sasuke returned it with a glare and scowl.
"Perfectly fine, before you came here" Sasuke glowered, Naruto chuckled.
"Missed you too, love" Naruto cooed, Sasuke huffed and looked over the map.
"We've managed to translate it, but it doesn't make sense" Sasuke informed, Naruto looked over the map.
"Are you sure you translated it correctly?" Naruto asked, Sasuke glared at him.
"Of course I have! Don't underestimate my abilities!" Sasuke snapped, Naruto held his hands up in defence, Sasuke turned back to the map and pointed at the translated notes, "Look, it's translated properly, but it doesn't give clear instructions on where to go, it's essentially a riddle" Sasuke explained, Naruto read said riddle.
"To begin the quest start at Forth, then continue to sail until you hit North…" Naruto read out loud, he scrunched his face up.
"I…got nothing, Shika, what do you think?" Naruto asked, Shikamaru sighed.
"This riddle is troublesome, but if I had to guess the 'Forth' and the 'North' symbolise something else, they used capitals as if it was a place rather than its normal definition" Shikamaru analysed, "But that's all I have" Shikamaru shrugged.
"That's right, so if what Shikamaru said is correct, it means that we have to find a place call 'Forth'" Sasuke added, Naruto tried to think but nothing was coming to mind.
"A place called 'Forth'? I dunno, I can't think of anything like that, doesn't the map have co-ordinates or something?" Naruto asked, since maps didn't usually consist of riddles. Sasuke shook his head.
"No, for some reason there is no co-ordinates or any guidance, only a cluster of peculiar pictures" Sasuke answered, Naruto thought Sasuke was exaggerating, but there really was random drawings and scribbles. He found that to be of no use and walked to the banister, overlooking his crew. He gave a loud whistle to get their attention.
"Alright guys, listen up, solve the riddle! To begin the quest start at Forth, then continue to sail until you hit North! Anyone got a clue?!" Naruto finished, it was silent for a moment before Kiba spoke up.
"Can we have a clue?" Kiba called out.
"No" Naruto answered, a small murmur went throughout the crew, it was quiet before Kiba spoke again.
"Can we have a hint?" He asked, Naruto sighed.
"That's the same thing" Naruto pointed out.
"Is that a no?" He replied. Sasuke rolling his eyes at the crew's stupidity.
"Look, does anyone have a sensible idea?" He asked, he was beginning to lose hope when Tenten spoke up.
"Wait! A while back there were these pirates called the Flaming Ox, their boat froze and now it just floats there abandoned" Tenten described, Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"What does that have to do with anything?" He asked.
"The place they were stranded in is called the Helidome; they had a saying, Flaming Ox Rules The Helidome" Tenten versed, Naruto's eyes slowly widening.
"Forth…" Naruto realised, it was a mnemonic! Naruto smirked, "Good work, Tenten, I'll reward you personally later" Naruto winked, Tenten shaking her head, as well as the rest of the crew, "Karin, you heard! Get the ship to the Forth!" Naruto ordered, though Karin scoffed.
"And where the hell is that?" She questioned, Naruto opened his mouth before shutting it.
"Um…Tenten?" Naruto voiced, but she shrugged.
"Sorry Cap, I only know about the Forth from rumours" She apologised, Naruto looked over at Shikamaru.
"Do you think you can work it out?" Naruto asked, Shikamaru nodded.
"Hn, we have some records on here about pirate legends and gangs, I'll look through them to see what I can find, but honesty this all seems troublesome" Shikamaru complained, Naruto chuckled.
"Fine, have a break or whatever, but in the meantime we'll just sail around" Naruto confirmed, he nodded over to Karin who began to casually move the helm. Naruto's mind was now free to relax, meaning he could talk to a certain Uchiha…Naruto swayed over to the raven and smirked. "So, love, now that we got some time to ourselves…" Naruto trailed off, slipping an arm around Sasuke's waist, "Why don't we get to know each other?" Naruto purred, Sasuke growled at him.
"Get off, dobe" Sasuke hissed, Naruto chuckled.
"Aw, c'mon, why not?" Naruto questioned, Sasuke narrowed his eyes at him.
"Because you annoy me" Sasuke retorted, removing Naruto's hand on his own and folding his arms, "Why don't you just go jump in the sea and stop annoying me" Sasuke remarked, Naruto merely smiled.
"I know there's plenty of fish in the sea, but you're the one I want, love" Naruto winked, Sasuke scoffed. Why couldn't he take a hint?
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