#its so much easier to keep ur brain stuck in one area when someone else is excited about it with u
dicaxasinus · 2 years
sometimes the vibe is just burying ur whole head in ur oc daydreams bc u dont wanna work on ur main project bc at least with oc daydreams u can share them with one (1) person and theyll be enthusiastic about it too
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fiftyeightminutes · 7 years
I love to read how kalagang relationship would if they're not sensates can you write this prompt Someone gave me a fake phone number and it’s actually yours and if you can't its okay and I really enjoyed reading your drabbles thankyou
I also got another request from another anon for the same prompt:
“Omfg I saw ur reblog about thrilling au’s and I was wondering if you could do the “someone gave you a fake number and its mine” with kalagang pls and thank you”
First of all, thanks both of you for being so nice. :)  I’m glad you guys like my writing so much.  Also, holy shit this really isn’t a drabble anymore.  This became like 2500+ words.  I really don’t think I know how to do short AU fics lol.  Kala is working inBerlin in this AU because that made things easier for my brain.  Please accept any geographical errors, theonly part of Germany I’ve ever visited was Munich.  (Also holy shit y’all, people are making baddecisions in this fic.  I do not advisedoing what people do in this fic.  Like Imade it fluffy, but IRL this is not a good idea lol.)
When Kala wakes up on Saturday morning, she finds a textfrom an unknown number on her phone.
Do you want to come tomy place? (Received 3:02 AM)
She’s confused.  Noone she knows would have messaged her at that hour.  Kala wakes up early to visit the local templeevery morning, and she doesn’t keep that fact a secret.  Plus, her family is a million miles away.
Who is this?(Delivered 8:39 AM)
Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t receive a response rightaway.  If they were asking someone over at three in the morning, they’reprobably in bed now, she reasons. Kala puts it out of her mind, choosing instead to get out of bed and concentrateon preparing for her day.
Kala has all but forgotten about the stray text message bythe time she’s finished praying that morning. When she gets home and begins to cook herself some breakfast, her phonebuzzes.  She absentmindedly takes it outof her pocket, unlocking the screen to find that she finally has a responsefrom the unknown number.
Wolfgang.  We met at the club last night.  (Received 10:46 AM)
She raises her eyebrow. She’s only been living in Berlin for two weeks or so, but she didn’tthink anyone was actually named Wolfgang anymore.  Kala wonders if this person has given her afake name for some reason.  She dismissesthe thought pretty quickly, though.  Towhat end would they do that?
I think you have thewrong number. (Delivered 10:49 AM)
And with that message, Kala figures her conversation withthis stranger is done.  She puts herphone down on the counter and turns her attention back to her food.  Several minutes pass as Kala finishes cookingand serves herself a plate.  She grabsher phone to listen to music while she’s eating, only to find that she hasanother text.
I just checked.  This is the number that was written on thenapkin.  If you don’t want to come over,I’m not offended.  (Received 10:55 AM)
She chuckles as she realizes what must have happened.  Poor guy.
I’m not sure who youthink I am, but I didn’t go to any club last night.  Someone gave you a bad number.  (Delivered 11:07 AM)
Kala eats her food and cleans up after herself, her phonebuzzing as she’s putting everything into the dishwasher.
Sorry.  My mistake. Won’t bother you again. (Received11:21 AM)
And from there, Kala intends to forget about the exchangeentirely.
A little over a week later, Kala ends up getting stranded ather job.  She had been working late, justwanting to test a few more things before going home for the day.  But before she knew it, thirty minutes turnedinto an hour turned into three, and now it’s dark out.  Normally she walks home, but normally shealso leaves work at 5 PM.  She is a lotless comfortable with the idea of walking home in a strange city at night.  Kala checks her bank statement on her phoneand winces.  She hasn’t received herfirst paycheck from her new job yet, and without that Kala isn’t sure she canafford both cab fare and groceries for the week.  She hasn’t even been in town long enough toreally make friends, either, so she doesn’t know anyone she can ask for a lift.
Kala scrolls through her text messages just for something todo with her hands while she’s thinking over her options when she happens uponthe unknown number from the previous week. The area code tells her the number is from Berlin.  She doesn’t want to contact this person – she’snever met them, doesn’t know anything about them except that they wereaccidentally given her number.  But shefigures it can’t hurt to ask a local for advice.
Do you know a cheapway to get from Rhinstrasse to Haupstrasse? (Delivered 8:11 PM)
When she doesn’t get an answer right away, Kala startsscolding herself.  What am I doing?  You don’t knowthis Wolfgang person and now you’ve told him where you are and where you wantto go?  But Kala considers her otheroptions and sighs.  She can’t come upwith a better idea.  A few minutes later,her phone vibrates in her hands, and she tentatively opens the message.
How cheap are wetalking? (Received 8:17 PM)
Kala thinks about her bank account.
As close to free aspossible? (Delivered 8:19 PM)
She wonders why this person on the other end is answering atall.  But since they’re kind of her onlylifeline right now, she figures beggars can’t be choosers.
There’s nothing reallylike that.  Why do you ask? (Received8:22 PM)
Kala’s wondering that herself.  She’s not sure what exactly sheexpected.  All she knows is she’s gettingkind of desperate.  There’s no food inthe building where she works, but if she leaves to get some, the timed locks onthe doors will stay shut behind her.  Soit’s stay here and go hungry for the night, risk walking home alone, or messagethis person.  None of the choices aregood.
I’m new to Berlin andstuck at work.  Was just hoping theremight be an inexpensive way home.  Thankyou anyway.  (Delivered 8:24 PM)
The next message comes almost immediately.
How stuck areyou?  Is it an emergency? (Received 8:25PM)
She half laughs at that, as if she would be contacting somestranger if she had any other choice.
I mean, I’m not goingto die if I stay the night, if that’s what you mean.  But there is no food.  (Delivered 8:26 PM)
Again, she receives a reply almost instantly.
I’m near Rhinstrasseif you need a ride. (Received 8:27 PM)
Kala considers this. Is she really going to accept a ride from a stranger?  Her stomach growls as if to answer herthoughts.  She hasn’t eaten since aroundnoon and is actually starting to feel a bit light-headed, but she doesn’t wantthat to distract her from the danger she may be putting herself in.  She weighs it against the potential risk ofwalking home in the dark, and finds that both kind of terrify her.  Part of her feels like she should just try tostick the night out in the office without food, but she also wonders what theywould even look like to her boss tomorrow. (She imagines herself, and she knows it won’t look good.  Nothing nearby that sells food opens up untilaround the same time as she is supposed to get to work, which will mean she won’tget a chance to eat until lunch.  Wearingthe same clothes as the day before and possibly sick, she wonders what thatwould even look like to her supervisor. She literally can’t afford to lose this job.)  In the end, she’s not sure if it’s logic orhunger she’s following, but she decides to text this Wolfgang person back.
Sure.  I’ll meet you at the corner of Rhinstrasseand Allee der Kosmonauten. (Delivered 8:30 PM)
She’s only been waiting for a few minutes when a black carparks nearby.  After a moment, shereceives a text.
I’m here.  I just realized I don’t know who I am lookingfor. (Received 8:48 PM)
Kala looks down at her clothes, grateful she’s always had acolorful sense of fashion.
I’m the woman inyellow pants. (Delivered 8:49 PM)
And sure enough, after that message is sent the black carpulls up to her.  When it gets to thecurb, the man inside the car rolls down his window.  “Hello?” he asks.
“Wolfgang?” Kala replies with her own question.
The man nods and she hears the doors of his car unlock.  Tentatively, she pulls the passenger dooropen and gets in.  She clutches her phonetightly, the thought that at least she can still call the police if necessarythe only comfort in her mind.  After shebuckles herself in and they start pulling away, he asks, “Do I get to know yourname?”
She looks down in embarrassment, not even realizing she’dnever given it to him.  “Kala,” she sayssoftly.
Wolfgang doesn’t reply, instead focusing back on theroad.  She looks back up, finally takinga moment to actually observe the stranger she is trusting.  His features are sharp, intense blue eyesframed by high cheekbones and a square jaw. He’s dressed in black from head to toe. She notes with amusement that he’s even sporting a leather jacket to completethe ensemble.  Part of her wonders if she’sjust gotten into a car with a German mobster.
To his credit, though, he is taking the fastest route to theaddress Kala gave him.  (If he’s planning on trying something, shethinks, at least it’s not a kidnapping.)  Never good with silence, Kala feels the needto say speak.  “Thank you for doingthis.  I know you don’t know me and thisis probably a huge inconvenience, but I really didn’t have anyone else to ask.”
Wolfgang shakes his head, giving her a small smile beforelooking back to the cars ahead of him.  “Don’tworry about it.”
Kala shakes her head. Now that she’s out of the immediate panic, she’s frustrated with herselffor even getting stuck in this situation in the first place.  “It’s my own fault.  I just got so caught up at work that I losttrack of time.”
“What do you do?” he asks.
“I work for a pharmaceutical company,” she answers beforeshe thinks about it.  (She wonders whyshe’s telling him any of this, actually. Why is this man she’s never met so easy to talk to?)
“So you make drugs,” he says with a chuckle.
Kala scoffs.  “Idevelop new medicines.”
“The only difference between the two is how you use them,”he replies.
She pauses.  “That’sone way to look at it.”
Before Kala knows it, they’re pulling up to her street.  Wolfgang pulls over at her address and stopsthe car.  The doors are still unlocked,and she realizes he really isn’t going to try anything.  He’s letting her leave.  This stranger really just showed up out ofnowhere to drive her home, with no ulterior motive at all.  She’s kind of amazed at her luck.
“Do you want gas money?” she asks.
He shakes his head.  “Isaid don’t worry about it.”
Kala nods, but she still feels like she should thank himsome way.  “Have you eaten?” she asks.
Wolfgang shakes his head again.
“Just a minute.  Waithere,” she says.  Kala gets out of hiscar and hurries up to her apartment.  She’snot sure if he’ll still be there when she gets back, but she wants to at leastgive him something.  When she gets intoher home, Kala scurries over to her kitchen and grabs some tupperware out of acabinet.  She then grabs some of theleftovers that she had been planning to eat that night out of the fridge andscoops a hearty amount into the new container. It’s not fresh, but she figures it’s better than nothing.
She’s almost surprised to find Wolfgang still waiting whenshe comes back outside.  But there he is,checking his phone while his car idles at the curb.  She knocks on the passenger window to get hisattention, and he rolls it down.
“Here,” Kala says with a smile and hands him the food.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“Nothing special. Just some leftover lamb curry. But I figured it was the least I could do.”
Wolfgang inspects the food for a moment, then puts it on hispassenger seat and smiles up at her.  “Thankyou.”
Kala shakes her head. “You’re the one who came to save me.”
He chuckles.  “I wasin the neighborhood.  It’s nothing.”
She shrugs.  “Well,the food’s there now.  So you might aswell enjoy it.”
Wolfgang’s grin widens. “Alright, alright.”
“Thank you again, Wolfgang,” Kala says.
“Any time,” he replies with a nod.  With that, he finally rolls back up thewindow and pulls away.  For some reasonthat Kala can’t quite place, she feels a bit disappointed.
That Friday, Kala is feeling restless.  Other than her adventure at the beginning ofthe week, she hasn’t had a chance to do anything but go to temple, work, eat,and sleep.  Once she gets out of work,she wants to do something different for a change.  But she still doesn’t know her way aroundBerlin or have anyone to show her, so she’s not sure what to do.
An idea comes to her. Kala’s not sure if it’s a good one, but she just got her first paychecktoday so she really wants to go out somewhere to treat herself.  So even though she has no reason to expectthis to be a necessarily great plan, she texts the only local person outside ofher coworkers that she has in her phone.
Hey.  Are you busy tonight? (Delivered 9:01 PM)
She doesn’t get a response at first, and she scolds herselffor having sent the message at all.  Just because he helped you in an emergencydoesn’t mean he wants to be friends, Kala thinks.  You don’teven know him.
Kala has all but resigned herself to another night in whenshe feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. (She doesn’t admit to herself how eager she is when she retrieves it tocheck the message.)
No.  What’s up? (Received 9:26 PM)
She thinks about how to word what she wants to saynext.  (Kala feels a bit like a teenageragain, analyzing text messages so acutely.) In the end, she scrolls back up to their first conversation and decidesto take a cue from there.
Do you know any clubsnear Hauptstrasse?  Finally got paid and wantedto see what Berlin has to offer. (Delivered 9:28 PM)
Wolfgang’s next answer comes much more quickly.
I can think of acouple.  Do you need another ride?(Received 9:29 PM)
No.  I was thinking more of a tour guide this time.(Delivered 9:30 PM)
If that’s okay, Imean.  Don’t feel obligated.  (Delivered 9:31 PM)
Kala kind of wants to smack herself.  (She wonders why she’s so bad at this, whentalking to him in the car had felt so easy.) Then her phone goes off again.
I think we could worksomething out.  Meet you in 30? (Received9:33 PM)
She pretends her stomach isn’t full of butterflies, but whenshe goes to her bathroom to start putting on makeup, Kala finds she can’t stopsmiling.
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