#its sinday and this is s i n
bronzebtch · 1 year
It's sinday give us some sinday wishlist or headcanons you have for your muse ✨️
ahhhhhh anon <333 thank u so much for this!!! so i don't particularly have any wishlist per se, because i do prefer discussing any sexual themes quite closely with my respective writing partner(s) who would like to explore such a dynamic with me one-on-one. and while i do have some generic headcanons regarding rhea's perception of sex and experience, i also do believe that any nsfw details could differ with each interpretation and ship ! with that said, have some touch-n-go headcanons which definitely could be expanded depending on its respective relationship(s) <3
rhea comes across looking very dominant, but this isn't true. the more she trusts her partner in actuality, the more she's subservient in bed. the more she wants to be taken care of, rather than the opposite.
she prefers rougher stimulation since her pain tolerance is quite high. this includes rough sex.
i'd like to think she has a quick refractory period, but only during the time when she's really aroused. if not, she tries to shift the pleasure more for her partner than on herself.
doesn't mind public sex — as long as they're in a private setting. for example, it's in a field where they're sure no one is there or watching. yeah, she's probably okay with that. but if there are people around the corner, or they're clearly in public and eyes are on them, she abhors looking anything but modest and professional.
probably likes being praised a lot. ( won't tell you about it though. ) she'll get all red and whiny however, which is a big sign that she does like it.
she does get kind of clingy and needy the closer she is to orgasm (and the more she trusts her partner), which means... she doesn't actually prefer not being able to face her partner while they have intercourse, because she does want to be able to hold them.
she doesn't mind being marked. she claws, herself — though hers are more from the intensity of the moment than any act of possession. ( to add: rhea is not a possessive partner; she's protective, though. )
in modern settings, i do believe rhea indulges in bdsm practises. not often, seeing as she has quite a low sexual need to compare to the average mass, but there are practises that bdsm have which she definitely finds appealing and it is something she does apply to meet her sexual needs. — this includes respecting and utilising subspaces — the usage of rules and punishments in case of disobediences — punishment in forms of spanking, overstimulation, edging etc ( again, i am always continuously learning about bdsm practises from those who are genuinely practising them safely, and i definitely have more intricate headcanons regarding these and they could get quite detailed, so i'm reserving those specifically for any specific partner to which this circumstances could apply to c: )
which is to say, ( applying to canon, using modern terms ) when rhea accidentally slips into "subspace" — or that mindset where she's 100% reliant on her partner — and the intensity of the sex is too much, she may cry? she gets really embarrassed about it, which is why it's important that the aftercare has to be very gentle because........ she really needs it.
again, this all goes back to how much rhea trusts the partner she is sleeping with in the first place. the less invested she is in the dynamic, the likelihood is that she's quite detached from the affair. though the more she's into the act, the more she can be quite clingy and far more open emotionally - especially afterwards.
i do write rhea as demisexual as fuck though. so, in all honesty, it takes a very serious emotional connection for her to even consider engaging in a sexual activity where she's genuinely invested and would react genuinely towards the experience. outside of that, she does come across as having no interest in sex rather than it is an act to 'produce heir', and that's about it. pleasure is something she never believes would apply for or to her.
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honor this treasured sinday tradition and answer with utmost sincerity! ;3
“I love their chest.” A rather red faced Felonious admitted with a little giggle.
“Do you KNOW how HARD IT IS FOR ME???” He took a playfully exasperated look.
“Whenever I see them, just the urge to pull them close and just BURY my face into those soft pillows while I fluff them up, and watch them lose their minds until they’re just begging for more???” Fel gave a cry.
“I-I love Touching Alistair’s belly…” Ceb very, very quietly answered.
“I-It’s soft, and he’s so ticklish and sensitive!” The little brunette then, as equally quiet as before, spoke up again.
“And I love his hair, hi-his hips, his chest. He get-gets so squeaky and n-needy it’s hard t-to resist just-just tying him up so that he can’t cover the prettiest parts of himself.” Ceb frowned.
“I hate that he thinks those parts are ugly, wh-when h-he’s actually beautiful…”
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voltadcmar · 2 years
|| Listen if Kim is really into your muse and they do *gasp* the sex *gasp* and your muse calls him ‘baby’ he will absolutely shiver beneath your muse’s touch and moan quietly into their ear.
But only IF he is really into your muse. Like, really. :3
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navybrat817 · 3 years
This Is the Hunt
Pairing: Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Soft!Dark Female Reader Summary: Ransom likes the hunt, especially when you turn him down. Word Count: Almost 800 Warnings: Threat of sexual assault, non-con touching (do not read it this upsets you!), misogynistic thoughts, implied major character death, swearing, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. A/N: A Sinday treat for @syntheticavenger​ 's 8k Spooky Challenge. Congrats, lovely! It was a fun challenge to keep this to less than 800 words!
Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog ​ for new fics and notifications. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please comment and reblog if you’re inclined! 18+ please!!! - Banners by the lovely @its-just-may ​.
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Ransom didn't like the word no. Call him spoiled or egotistical, but he was a man who got what he wanted. Tonight, he wanted you. And he wouldn't let anything get in his way of his goal.
He knew your type… You looked innocent enough, but the revealing "costume" screamed that you were an attention whore. Hell, you'd probably cream your panties the moment he took control. He wondered if you'd drip when you were choking on his cock. 
His hunger for you grew as you turned down offers for drinks. He was going to have you and you'd thank him for giving you the fuck of your life. You'd probably beg him for more like a cock drunk slut. Maybe, you'd cry when he left.
Flashing his signature smirk as he made his way over, he ignored your feigned look of disinterest. It made the hunt more exciting. "So… What are you supposed to be? A siren? Vampire?"
You glanced down at your dress and cape with a shrug. "Just felt like dressing up."
"And dress up you did," he said, running a finger down your arm. Your skin felt so warm. How hot would your pussy feel? "Let me buy you a drink."
"No, thanks. I'm waiting for my friends," you said politely. 
"You don't have to worry about that since I'm here," Ransom said, putting the right amount of charm in his smile. "C'mon. One drink."
You took a step back, giving him a once over. "I appreciate the offer, but no thanks."
He chuckled after a moment. Were you actually turning him down? "Listen, pumpkin-"
"No, you listen. There are plenty of girls here who would love a drink, but I am not one of them. I would appreciate it if you left me alone."
Blood boiled in Ransom's veins as he leaned in close. Who the fuck did you think you were to talk to him like that? "If you wanted to be left alone, why did you dress like a slut?"
Anger flashed in your eyes as you grabbed the nearest drink and threw it in his face. "Go fuck yourself," you snapped, spinning on your heels and storming away. 
"Bitch!" he yelled, wiping the liquid from his eyes. A few people glanced his way as he pushed through the crowd, looking for you. It wasn't enough for you to turn him down, but humiliate him in the process?
Fuck. That. 
The cool night air hit him as he went outside, looking both ways. His teeth flashed as he spotted you walking, quickly heading in your direction. "Where are you going, pumpkin?"
You looked back for a second before you began to run, your cape flowing behind you with each step. He quickly gained on you, tempted to tackle you on the sidewalk. Would anyone stop him if he did?
He smirked again when you turned into an alley. He couldn't recollect the last time he was this excited, but he'd still make you pay. "Too easy," he chuckled, barely out of breath as he followed. It gave him a chance to take in your form in the dim light, frantically searching for a way out. "Why run if you didn't want me to catch you?" he taunted as he stomped over, grabbing your arm.
You shrieked as he pushed you against the bricks. "Wait-"
"I'm not waiting, you fucking bitch," he snarled as he shoved his leg between your thighs, making your costume ride up. He leaned in close, so you could feel his breath. "You're wet. I can feel it. Knew you'd be a slut."
You trembled as he rocked his knee against your heat. "...I like the chase."
"I don't give a shit what you like. I wanted to make you feel good… but now I want it to hurt."
Your laughter surprised him. "Oh… it'll hurt."
Ransom didn't register the movement behind him until he felt a sharp pain in his neck. He didn't even have a chance to scream as someone pulled him away from you, blood flowing from his wound as his back hit the ground. He sputtered as he tried to cover it with his hand, seeing two pairs of glowing eyes staring down at him. Who, or what, the fuck were they?!
"I told you…" you said calmly as you pushed yourself off the wall and fixed your dress. "I was waiting for my friends. Well… boyfriends. And they don't like others touching me."
"What… the fuck?" Ransom coughed as you crouched down and smiled. He was wrong… There was nothing innocent about you.
"Men like you are all the same. It's pathetic," you taunted as you patted his cheek. "Now stay still. My boyfriends are hungry."
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miioouu · 4 years
May I request Bakugo,Deku and Todoroki Reacting to touch their S/O Boobs by mistake!
Ok a little break from all the chaos, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with all my Lebanon posts, but I'm just trying my best to help my brothers and sisters in need. Ok anywaaaaay, so you sent this during sunday sinday so I don't really know if you wanted smth spicy, so i just went a bit suggestive, hope you don't mind. Thank you for requesting!! ❤️💜❤️
Midoriya Izuku 💚
   He was just sitting next to you on the couch watching a movie. Nothing weird, every couple likes to have a movie night. With the popcorn bowl in your lap, every once in a while, Deku would dip his hand in the dish to have something to munch on. Halfway through the film, you decided to change positions. Setting the bowl aside you were trying to figure out a good and comfortable way to sit. Turning and tossing and yet, Deku was so into the actioms happening on the screen that he didn't notice your struggles. The handful of popcorn now disappeared, he tried to get another one. But instead of feeling the buttery goodness at the tip of his fingers, he felt something else. Something soft and round and.... Is that your boob?! His eyes quickly averting from the movie to his hand, seeing it grope your chest, he turned red. Taking his hand off of you, apology after apology slipping from his lips before you sat up. Giving him a cheeky smile, scooting closer to him "Hm? Why are you apologizing? I never said it bothered me, in fact, I kinda like it."
Todoroki Shoto 💙❤️
He was talking to Deku about something he's really interested in. You could tell because his hands are flying arounf as he speaks and the sparkle in his eyes could be seen a million miles away. And for some reason, seeing him like that made your heart flutter and you just had this urge to just hug him. Strolling to his side, you were being really quite, to the point where he didn't even notice you were behind him. Reaching our to wrap your arms around him, he was talking as with all his hands gesture, he accidentally touched your boobs. His eyes widden and he turned to face you as fast as lightning. But when he realized it was you, he relaxed, a small smirk making its way on his face "Oh it's you, no worries it's not the first time I touch your boobs..."
Bakugo Katsuki 🧡
Was it an accident? Well that's what you'd like to think. You were both studying in his room, sitting next to each other. Whilst he was explaining some things that were too boring for you to listen to, you zoned out, started daydreaming. You only realized that he was gone when you couldn't hear his voice anymore. Turning back you saw that he was heading to the bathroom. Cool, ok. Anyway, being the clumsy human that you were, when you tried to reach for thr pen that was rolling and almost falling off the table, you knocked down the glass of water. As you were starting to dry it off, you didn't see that Bakugou was heading back, phone in hand, not looking where he's walking, so he accidentally stepped on the water, which made him fall. And while you were sure it was an accident, you did see a little mischief in his eyes as he tried to get up. You tried to help him, it's when you felt it. His palm pressing on your chest, fingers grazing the bear part right above your boobs making you go red. And when he was finally up and good, without sparing you another glance and delved back to his book. "Sorry y/n. Also didn't know that you were a no bra type of person..."
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venenorita · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
Mun Name: Mercy      Age: 27      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Bambi, Candice, Giselle, Loly, Tier, Emilou, Nanao, Hiyori, Kuukaku, Yoruichi, Ariugrette Tsetsara (OC), Tatsuki Arisawa, Kobu Merani (OC), Ajora Faengerhol (OC), Medusa Gorgon, Subida Roja (OC), Noriko Tsunayashiro (OC), (I’m gonna stop here for my own sanity @n@) Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Bambi, Loly, Tier, and probably Noriko.  Current Fandom(s): Bleach presently.  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Errr, none really? Not that come to mind at least. My language(s): English Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for:None Really dedicated to any particular genre or theme. Not that I’d be unwilling to make some. AUs are my jam. 
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / Depends / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM  An IM will usually do the trick since I usually don’t go about giving my Discord in most cases. But yea, literally just send me an IM, preferably with an idea in mind. Alternatively if you’re particularly bold you can send an ask or a meme. 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  .  I dunno how to really word this one in particular. I  usually don’t like overplotting, so be open to some flexibility. Frameworking is fine but I don’t wanna script stuff from the getgo. Also please work WITH me? If I’m the one throwing out ideas and all I’m getting is a simple ‘eh’ or ‘no’, or just in general if you’re not helping contribute. Like....I get being anxious but I need something to work with? Suggestions. Recommended alterations to my ideas? There’s nothing more absurd to deal with than someone who agrees to plot with you only to contribute nothing and just shoot stuff down. 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  I’ll try my best to work with it. Some people aren’t great with cranking out ideas, I get that. Heck sometimes I myself don’t feel like coming up with a lot of stuff. But at some point I’m gonna ask them to put in a little effort if we’re not getting anywhere. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?: I at the VERY least give input. Ask questions, things like that. I’ll generally come up with a few off the top ideas to try and get things rolling. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?:  I wouldn’t mind a poke, but I know stuff can be complicated. Wether you’re busy, losing muse, or you just don’t know how to progress a scene? I’ve certainly had plenty of threads, enjoyable or otherwise, where I say to myself ‘.....I think this is fine here’. Or ‘I don’t know where I’m supposed to go from here’. So I don’t mind if you kinda let it slip into the night. Though a heads up is always appreciated.  - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Kinda outlined up above. But MOST of all, don’t be AFRAID to let me know. I’ll understand 
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  . Business, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, not knowing how to progress. Or characters that clearly do not want to interact with my muse icly. I know some people really like playing these sorts of individuals, but like yea...uphill battles of that kind can really take it out of me.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  As much as I don’t really require it, because well, I know people have a lot of followers and such, I do feel like a rapport while not required is definitely very constructive to interaction. And honestly, communication tends to help smooth out drama a bit. Which honestly is one of the only big negatives to this kinda community.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?: Absolutely! I very much encourage people, off anon (though I understand if they prefer the metaphorical mask), to inform me of something they may not like about me or my muses. Even if it may hurt my feelings, I enjoy being able to address and explain things. Cuz it sure beats the hell out of people making assumptions.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:   Enjoyment. This is a hobby, and I think some people take this a bit too seriously. I’m here to have fun, explore my muses, and that of those I interact with. Get messy, make mistakes, and for pete’s sake chill. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  Nothing comes to mind speeeecifically... Honestly for most of my muses, just having someone who WANTS to interact with them is golden. Though I admit to being a bit of a ship goblin from time to time. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  Nothing outright disgusting or gratuitous. Torture, psychological trauma, ect is fine. That’s how things roll, and I don’t mind them being part of a scene. What I don’t get into is something that’s there for the sake of it. Am I ok with my character being tortured for information? Absolutely. Will I indulge in a thread that’s just some kind of weird torture porn? No. Don’t let it get out of hand. I won’t judge you because cmon, it’s rp. But I reserve the right to decline being a part of it. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: Anything tbh. The only real awkward starters are like.....really specific shoehorning. Or like, an immediate conflict at my character’s detriment. I get having an unusual introduction. I’ve had people who start with shit like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE?” Like cmon. Number one, even I don’t know why my character would break into your house, so they probably Didn’t. Please do not assume the worst and START things off on a bad foot. 
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Multifaceted. Not that I judge anyone for being more ...affixed on a particular aspect of their character. Some people are very keen on getting a certain type of rp. Some people just outright play a character who isn’t really shown to be anything other than one thing. But I enjoy exploration of a personality. And a personality, no mater how dull, stupid, or simple someone is, is NEVER monofaceted. I enjoy a muse that has something to dig for or explore emotionally. 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Asocials. I’ve had some decent rp with them SOMEtimes? But like....there’s nothing more aggravating than trying to interact with a character who wants to be left alone and be isolated. Especially ones that are AGGRESSIVELY against it. Especially since I have to WORK to MAKE my character even want to interact with them. 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  MY.......errr....en...thusiasm? I don’t actually know tbh. My malleability with my muses perhaps? Errr I like thinking about stuff. IF you ask me a question, I will do my best to answer it and explore the realm within that question. I dunno what you would exactly call that though... I am ...headcannony?
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I am flaky. Sometimes it’s cuz of real life getting hard. Sometimes it’s because I need a break from tumblr. Sometimes I just poof and forget about tumblr for like a while. But yea. I have a tendency to vanish, it’s something I’m working on but it’s something that happens. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  It can go either way? Sometimes things develop that way because of specific characters. But I’m not gonna lie, sometimes its just for the heck of it. Sinday and all that.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  Interactions with Real life people as a muse. I respect people doing it. If people wanna rp as Miley Cyrus or whatever, more power to them. But leave me out of it, it just makes me uncomfortable. This also applies to a lesser degree with real life face claims? But I’ve learned to kinda make my peace with that one tbh. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO / Sometimes? Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The Nuts and bolts. Sure the honeymoon phase is alright. And bunny-rabbiting has it’s fun times. But what I love most about a ship is finding out how they work as a dynamic. What do they argue about? How do they absolve issues? How do their world views mesh?  - What is your smut tag?: nsfw
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO / Depends - And what kind of ones?: I like a good premise. Just a nice kickoff point, ya know? Soemthing to get past that first awkward phase if anything/ 
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  She’s a bitch. But a bitch for a reason? She’s an absolute piece of shit, but a complicated one. She will never EXPRESS appreciation or affection outside of just sexual indulgence. She won’t ever SHOW fluffy affection, or gratefulness to most people. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t FEEL it. With Loly you will get to see a gal struggle with her own inability to trust or love people, while also trusting and loving people. Also ngl she kinda hot? I guess some people consider that a plus?
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   I mentioned it before, but muses who aren’t interested in interacting.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Anyone willing to interact with her! Wether that’s to help her, harm her, or just witness the mental gymnastics this little centipede will go through to keep her mental restrictions intact. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  Power, Indulgence, Being a rotten Bitch, maintaining the survival of Las Noches,  Hot people, Strong People, anything that can benefit her in some way.  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  She wants to be able to escape her fear of her own kind.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  Wether or not they are a threat to her survival, if they have something to offer her.  - What do they value in a person?:    Lack of Aggression, Visual Appeal, Power.  - What themes do they like talking about?:  Herself or someone else she is interested in. Her Race. The state of the world.  - Which themes bore them?:  Criticism of her, Anything about Aizen. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Aizen’s Betrayal, Grimmjow’s assault on her, Yammy’s attempt to kill her. The Quincy Invasion.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  Grimmjow, Yammy, the subject of Aizen.  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  People trying to kill/maim her arbitrarily.  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Aggressively trying to kill her, making it clear you have no intention to let her live peacefully again. 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Aizen. Orihime. Hueco Mundo. Being a Hollow/Arrancar.  - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   Menoly, People that try to help her.  
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO / Kinda - Best ways to approach them?:  It’s a little complicated. But if you’re persistent enough and you genuinely want a positive interaction with her, she will bitch about it but she will eventually soften up. Especially if she feels no reason to fear you. She absolutely won’t trust you at first and it’ll be an uphill battle, but its doable. 
For Antagonists ehh.....just give her breathing room? Feel free to torment her but like....if you get real incessant about it, or outright try to kill her she will actively avoid you like the plague. And if you corner her she WILL try to kill you, and her venom means that no matter how strong you are, she MIGHT pull it off if you are careless.  - Where are they usually to find?:  Verse dependent, but tbh she could be found just about anywhere. She’s usually in  Las Noches, ut she sneaks off to all kinds of places for some peace and quiet, or just to try and enjoy her generally unpleasant existence. 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Patience WILL pay off eventually? And she’s not a bitch 24/7. Sometimes she’s too tired/bored to be her usual bitchy self. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  Stolen from @pacifv Tagging:  WOOF, this is a REALLY long one lol. So uhhh anyone who WANTS to do it? 
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labyrinth-runner · 4 years
Headcannon- Obi Wan keeps the boots on during sex 😳
I SAID C L E A N S E MY SOUL. But Okay you know what. I’m already in this filth. I might as well own it. it is MY filth. Send me filth, friends. Sinday’s starting two hours early because I love you all.
Yes. I feel like its a power move. I feel like if he keeps the boots on, he wouldn’t have sex in a bed. He wouldn’t want to get the sheets dirty. He’ll still fuck you on the bed, but he’d pul you over to the edge so he’s not actually on the bed. 
I’m also just trying to figure out the logistics of this. Because, logically, he’d just have his pants bunched down to where the boots end. BUT my head went “No, Abby, he clearly takes everything off and puts the boots back on. So he’s buck ass naked but with boots.” And I just... the image... 
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purplesockson · 4 years
In honor of Sinday, I present, "Untitled Artor Smut that's been Sitting in my Google Keep for Several Months!"
Enjoy Argyle and Lotor getting it on below the cut XDD
It had been a very long, dull day. Lotor had been kept busy all morning and afternoon, between performing his various duties as Emperor and plotting with Voltron. He had gotten bored, and worse, he had let his thoughts wander. So now, he was bored and frustrated. That was simply unacceptable. Argyle was passing through the hall, heading back to his room for a well-earned nap, when an arm suddenly snatched him and pulled him into a dark room. He panicked, until he realized the arm belonged to a very hot and bothered Lotor. "Please..." He was now holding Argyle close and panting quietly. His clothes were half off. "I- I need you, right now, please..." There was a whine in his voice that made Argyle's knees weak, and suddenly napping was the very last thing on his to-do list. Lotor was at the top. "Very well, since you asked so nicely." Argyle gave his needy boyfriend a deep kiss. "...What did you have in mind?" The former prince gazed at him, eyes glassy with desire. "I want you to have your way with me. Be so rough with me that I can only whimper your name. Drive me into the mattress until I cannot walk, afterwards.  Please, Argyle, I want to be thoroughly used by you..." Argyle swallowed, his blush not the only thing rising at Lotor's words. "...Wow, um..." He took a breath to regain his composure and get into the right headspace. "No one can accuse you of being cryptic." "Not with you. You know what I want. I want you. Please." Gentle, desperate, pleading in the way that he knew put Argyle into a dominant mood. It worked. Argyle impulsively shoved the taller man against the wall and started sucking hard on his neck. Lotor sighed with relief and melted into his touch. "That's it, yes, please, more..." Argyle smirked against his throat. "What makes me so special, that the Emperor begs for my attentions?" "Because I trust you, and I crave you... Stars..." Argyle smiled and took a step back, much to Lotor's displeasure. "Finish taking your clothes off, so I can satisfy your craving." Lotor happily stripped and helped Argyle unzip his own suit. The sight of all that flushed purple skin made them both even more eager. They stumbled further into the room and collapsed on the bed together in a tangle of passionate limbs. Argyle rolled on top of Lotor with a boldness that would have shocked his past self. "...So good, showing such control and waiting for me." He ran a gentle thumb over Lotor's dripping slit. Lotor shivered, gasping. "...I-I'm trying..." His expression was unapologetically needy. Argyle smirked a little and slipped a finger inside him, earning a moan. "Good boy. Keep it in for another minute. Can you do that for me?" Lotor whined a little, but nodded. "Anything, for you." Grinning, Argyle leaned over Lotor and kissed him again before renewing his attentions to the emperor's neck. Running his hot tongue up Lotor's throat, then trailing a line of gentle nibbles down until reaching the collarbone, which he attacked with the sort of gusto that tended to leave those cute little bruises Lotor was always so proud of. All the while, he worked Lotor's slit with tortuously slow fingers, delighting in the subsequent noises. Lotor's hands clutched at the bedsheets, his head thrown back as he moaned. "I- I can't," Lotor eventually gasped. "Please, Argyle, please..." "You're doing a wonderful job." Argyle pulled back to look adoringly at him. "Just another moment, please?" Lotor looked uncertain, but Argyle's soft voice praising him gave him the courage to nod. "All right. I'll- I'll try." Argyle kissed his forehead, then repositioned himself over him. Ever careful, he pushed his length into Lotor's silt, rubbing against his sensitive member and stretching him deliciously. Lotor arched into the thrust, giving a high pitched noise. The strange mix of partial relief and fresh torment left him quivering. Argyle set a slow, steady pace as he moved in and out, restraining himself from following his own impulse to speed up. He wanted to hear Lotor's reaction, first. "Ha- Hard- Harder!" Lotor moved his hands to Argyle's sides and gripped as firmly as he dared. "You sure?" Argyle hesitated, panting. Lotor whined. "Yes! Completely sure! Please don't stop!" Shrugging, Argyle resumed his thrusts, increasing the pace and force behind them. Lotor's eyes glazed over in agonized pleasure as he gave a series of ever-louder moans. He wanted so badly to extend, to climax, but the inability to do so was such blissful torture. He clung to Argyle, chest pressed tight against his, and trembled from need. But he was determined. He would be good for Argyle. He could do this. Argyle smiled to himself, gazing down at the man he loved. Lotor was so beautiful. Especially like this. So eager to please. So completely trusting. Lotor's trust was not a thing easily earned, much less his affection, and Argyle felt like he'd won the lottery every time Lotor dropped his guard and allowed himself to be vulnerable around him. "You feel so amazing," he breathed. Lotor whimpered louder, digging his fingers into Argyle's back as he tried to form coherent thoughts. This attempt was thwarted when Argyle shifted his weight so that he could free a hand and trail it slowly up Lotor's body. Tracing invisible patterns up his thigh, pausing on the most ticklish part of his ribs. Lotor squirmed away from his hand, yelping. "N-no, please, Argyle! Have some mercy!" Argyle laughed, but relented. His hand wandered onto Lotor's chest. The Emperor's breath caught in his throat as careful fingers brushed over his erect nipple. Argyle, having slowed while he concentrated, chose that moment to renew his thrusts. Lotor arched into him, practically sobbing with pure need. "Y-yesss..." Argyle's hand finished its journey, tangling in Lotor's hair. "You like this, huh?" His voice was teasing, and surprisingly steady in spite of how hard he was breathing. "Giving me control, this way? Being good for me?" Lotor shivered at his words, his desire to be good warring with the throbbing ache between his legs, which was growing stronger every moment. Having Argyle pounding into him was such an exquisite mix of torture and bliss. Even his need to climax temporarily dulled in favor of this delightful status quo, he was so lost in the rush of amazing sensations. Desperate whimpers and whines escaped his throat, sprinkled with the occasional curse or whisper of "more," "harder," "please." To Argyle, these sounds were sweeter than any symphony. Argyle could feel himself getting close and immediately slowed his pace, much to Lotor's dismay. "Nono, please don't stop!" Lotor instinctively started rocking his hips to try and maintain the previous pace. Of course, this was just a little too much to let slide. Argyle pushed him down hard onto the mattress, holding him in place. "Be still." His tone was stern, his every mannerism showing how thoroughly dominant he was feeling. He was not in the mood to be ignored. Lotor sensed this and only grew more aroused from it. He obeyed and tried not to move, albeit not without biting his lip and whining. "Please, please touch me, please..." An approving smirk replaced Argyle's glare. "All in good time. Let me appreciate how gorgeous you are, like this." Predictably, this only made Lotor's situation worse. His blush deepened and he had to focus all his will on not moving. "There's my good boy." Argyle leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "...I want to take you from behind, now. Would you like that?" Lotor's eyes widened and he nodded eagerly. "Yes, please do." The smirk was back. "I have an optional challenge for you. If you're up for it." "...I'm guessing you want me to keep it in while you do it?" "I do, yes. Can you do that for me?" Lotor swallowed hard. "...I can try. I want to try. I want to please you." Argyle gave him a quick kiss for courage. "My brave boy. Dont be afraid to tell me if it's too much." They both turned over, Lotor moving to his knees for support. Argyle was already very slick from their previous activity, but he took a moment to prepare Lotor's hole with gentle fingers. Lotor whimpered into the bed, wishing he'd just get on with it. His wish was granted a moment later, when Argyle slipped into him unceremoniously. Lotor arched his back and moaned, eyes rolling back in his head as Argyle thrust against his prostate. "Please," he whined, "please let me extend, please..." Argyle smiled, finally taking pity on the emperor. "One more minute, and then you can even come, if you like." Lotor nodded, the thought of relief taunting him, so close he could taste it. Made all the more tempting by Argyle suddenly going at a very fast and hard pace, moaning in his ear and pulling his hair. Lotor cried out, almost sobbing with sheer pleasure crashing against his own willpower. He could do it, he could do it, he couldn't do it, he couldn't, he- Lotor's pulsing length practically sprang from his sheath and he came about three seconds later, crying out Argyle's name. Argyle slowly pulled out, stroking Lotor's hair and muttering sweet words. "Its all right. You did so well. You were very close, you almost made it. I didn't make it easy on you, and you did so good." Lotor basked in the praise as he pulled himself together. "S-sorry, just the same. I suppose now you have to..." He pushed himself against Argyle, knowing he had stopped before he was satisfied. "...Punish me?" Argyle's face was flushed, but he was biting his lip and grinning. "Oh, don't worry, I was planning to." He pulled Lotor's head back by his hair and whispered in a low, filthy tone, "After all, you asked me to thoroughly use you, right? Something about you whimpering my name and not being able to walk tomorrow? I'm going to fuck you until I'm satisfied and you're a blubbering mess." Lotor trembled with need, biting down hard on his own lip as he moaned, the mere promise enough to make him fully aroused again. "Please..." Argyle carefully seized a fistful of silken hair and went to town, setting a relentless pace as he thrust deep into Lotor's body. The emperor cried out, gripping the bedsheets. He was already so close... He came again after just a few minutes, shuttering and whimpering, while Argyle didn't so much as slow down. "That's two," he growled low in Lotor's ear. "Shall we see how many you can handle? Remind me, what was your record, again?" "In- in a row?" Lotor gasped out. "Fi- Five." He didn't have a very long refractory period, a fact Argyle loved to make use of. Lotor could feel the sly grin against his neck. "Let's see if we can't beat that, shall we?" Argyle punctuated this with a particularly well timed thrust, and Lotor couldn't answer beyond a sharp groan as he came again. "Good. That's three. You all right?" "Y-yes. Please, Argyle..." His voice broke. Argyle slowed for a moment, touch turning gentle. "Repeat your safeword for me."  Lotor whined softly, but appreciated that Argyle was so careful with him, even in the throes of rough love-making. "Sendak's Left Elbow. Please, don't stop! It's good! It- it's too much but it's so good..." Reassured that Lotor was fully aware of what he was signing up for, Argyle redoubled his pace to make up for lost time. Lotor gave a strangled cry of pleasure, which egged him on. "I- I'm- please, let me-" Lotor babbled, just before his fourth orgasm washed over him. He nearly sobbed as his dick twitched pointlessly, his seed long since spent. Argyle was close; he couldn't hold out much longer himself. He reached around and pumped Lotor with one hand while he slowed down his thrusts just enough to regain control. Lotor did sob this time, overstimulated to a level that was painful but in the best way, a way he'd desperately craved. He soon came again, tears escaping his eyes as his voice cracked on a wordless cry. "Argyle," he whimpered, unable to do much else. Just as Argyle had promised. "Argyle, please... Please..." "You sure? What's the safe-" "It's Sendak's Left Elbow, I know, I remember it, I'm fine, just- do something- harder, softer- I- I don't know just do something please!" Argyle had already pushed himself further than usual, and he knew he didn't have more than another minute or two left in him before he came, too. He pulled out all the stops, thrusting as fast and deep as he could while pumping hard with his hand. Lotor sobbed between begs and eventually weakly screamed Argyle's name as he came for a sixth time and collapsed onto the bed, whimpering softly as Argyle came hard inside him, digging his fingers into Lotor's side and moaning. Argyle promptly fell on top of him when he was done. They lay there, gasping for air and sweating profusely. Argyle soon recovered enough to pet Lotor's hair and mutter praise. "...So good... Such a good boy... So proud of you..." Lotor glowed with the praise and with satisfaction. He reached clumsily for Argyle, who took pity and rolled to the side so Lotor could hold him. Lotor hugged him close, arms trembling a little. Argyle noticed and felt a pang of guilt. "Are you sure you're okay? Was it too much?" "Maybe a bit, but that's just what I wanted." Lotor grinned. "You certainly know how to follow through on a promise. I can hardly move, much less walk." Argyle snickered. "I'll bring you some water, as soon as my knees feel less jiggly. Maybe you can take a sick day, tomorrow. Recover." "I like that plan." Lotor laughed, kissing his cheek. "...Maybe I can even have some revenge on you, for your excellent job destroying me." Argyle swallowed, eyes widening. "I... imagine that can be arranged."
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@zombreaks  ||  sinday edition 
My muse slowly starts undressing yours. &  ‘I want to feel you in me.’
the night begins with her standing across the room from him. both are sore and bruised from the day’s run in with hunters. isn’t the first time and they can guarantee it won’t be the last. it’s just the way of this life and they’ve come to accept it without dwelling at the end of the day. no. they make the most of their time and appreciate in each other that they still breathe yet another day.
he closes the distance, finds his place behind her only to find the hem of her shirt and slowly lifting it above her head. the silky skin shining in the moonlight is underneath his fingertips from shoulder to spine. the only piece of fabric in his way on her upper half now is that of her bra and when he allows his finger to slowly unclasp it, paul leans down to press light kisses along the line of her shoulder up to her neck.
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feeling her breath shudder underneath him sends waves of heat through his veins. these moments are stolen but they are needed to get them from day to day. the pair cherish each other and the time they have. never again taking for granted what they have to live for. one strap after the other is carefully slid down her arm until its allowed to fall to the floor. 
trails of touches and lips crawl across her skin while his arms wrap around her to hold her close to him. there is no place else he’d rather be than right here with her. clara lifts her chin up towards him and when she speaks it unfurls a carnal instinct that is only brought out in him through her. 
                      ‘I want to feel you in me.’  
one palm is flat across her torso resting right underneath her breast and the other reaches to grip her chin. its firm but still soft, hunger brims around the edges of his blue eyes and when he kisses her the that appetite bleeds through. no words are need with a kiss so fierce. and it screams that she’ll get her wish very soon. 
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buildaconnor · 6 years
A dull nail scrapes down the rk800's neck, Ares' pale eyes fixated on his finger travelling down the other's back. His hands find a comfortable hold on the android's waist and pull him closer. Quietly, the rk900 rests its chin on the other's shoulder. "You're far nicer like this," he hums, "When you're not constantly talking back to me with that horrible mouth of yours."
Sinday Shit | @kaiinos
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         Ares had him virtually cornered like this, his systems were barely out of low power and his joints were hardly reacting to his own commands. Why was he touching him? Why was he so close? Coin’s chin lifted as that nail grazed it’s way slowly over his throat, that lovely realistic adams apple bobbing as it passed, Coin swallowing thickly at the feeling. He didn’t like it. He was certain of that.          That Ares rubbed him particularly wrong with how in his space he was.          But soon there were hands on his hips, and a stuttered sound bubbled up in his throat, a protest perhaps? Certainly not a favorable sound, he couldn’t admit to that... Especially as that chin settled against his shoulder and those words fell out like daggers.  That horrible mouth? A scowl affixed itself to his features, as one hand managed to stiffly raise and connect to Ares’ hip, the other hanging loosely at his side.          He wouldn’t stay silent, even if his audio drivers had yet to warm back up. Head dipping slowly, pressing against the other android’s, there was a moment where it might seem as though he were about to nuzzle into him -- But no, instead, his nuzzling only found him purchase to bite into synthetic flesh, lips pressing flush as connection was made and flesh gave way to white damaged material on the lower half of his face, forcing Ares’ own to shift.          Interfacing in that moment, he let his thoughts spill into the mind of the horrible machine that held him in his grasp. I don’t like you. I don’t like you. Don’t touch me. Get away from me. Get away. Get away. STOP. stop. s t o p. Don’t let go. Stop touching me.Please be gentle I’m scared.D o n ‘ t t o u ch m e.
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