#its prob just tumblr being a bitch again tho so ill get over it
alittleemo · 4 years
someone explain WHY my own skam tag is broken bitch no one’s posting content for it but me T-T so why isn’t it working
edit: it’s working now I realized I should have just refreshed the page kjhfskhfhvjksdhfjlsjdfjk
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hoekage-chan · 6 years
You should answer all the hella cute questions
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yall about to learn so much about me
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? -uhh someone i went on a date w yesterday lmao2. Are you outgoing or shy? -im pretty outgoing, i only seem shy since i dont want to be cringey lol3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? -my friends ig lmao4. Are you easy to get along with? -yes! i love talking to people5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? -probs not, but like im not close enough to ask that of them, and im gucci w that6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -stylish, confident, funny, good taste in music, seems like they would ruin my life7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? -bih i dont know i always find myself in something so maybe8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? -yee some guy i went out w friday c:9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? -nope im an open book10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? -probably my friends lmao (shout out to the 24hr diner ty for letting us just get fries and soda everytime)11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? -BIH I KNOW OMG IM DEAD12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? -glow like dat, faygo dreamns, killamonjaro, need you, love me13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? -yes omg easiest way to get me whipped lmao14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? -yes!15. What good thing happened this summer? -i met up w all my friends again16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? -uhh some guy i went out w yesterday lol17. Do you think there is life on other planets? -yah the world is too big for it to just be us18. Do you still talk to your first crush? -nope! i dont even know what has happened to them19. Do you like bubble baths? -yes. bath life is the best life20. Do you like your neighbors? -i dont kno my neighbors21. What are you bad habits? -i respond rlly late to things22. Where would you like to travel? -japan, korea, places w good food23. Do you have trust issues? -yah lmao that shit gets thrown in my face24. Favorite part of your daily routine? -my makeup! only reason i get up25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? -everything26. What do you do when you wake up? -regret having an 9am class or regret staying up lmao27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -uhh either tbh, i just dont rlly like the tone in general28. Who are you most comfortable around? -my friends c: i hang out w them for a reason29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -lmfao nope 30. Do you ever want to get married? -kinda... i wouldnt mind it31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -yeeeeeee32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? -... michael b jordan for sure and uhh maybe chris hemsworth??33. Spell your name with your chin. -no34. Do you play sports? What sports? -i used to swim but i just lift now35. Would you rather live without TV or music? -tv omg ill die w out my playlist36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? -ALL THE TIME 37. What do you say during awkward silences? -anything so they dont feel awkward38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -nice, big dick energy, good taste in music, warm in general lol39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? -f21, h&m, khols, target40. What do you want to do after high school? -well i went to college so theres that41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? -sometimes they do, but if they hurt u rlly badly then maybe its best they dont42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? -im tired, high, thinking, or confused43. Do you smile at strangers? -yeee44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? -bottom of the ocean omg45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? -the fear of failing another class46. What are you paranoid about? -my life in general47. Have you ever been high? -yes48. Have you ever been drunk? -yes49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? -not really lmao50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? -navy blue51. Ever wished you were someone else? -sometimes i do52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? -uhh everything lol53. Favourite makeup brand? -juvias place54. Favourite store? -........... i actually dont kno lmao55. Favourite blog? -... imma be real i dont even kno who i follow anymore tbh56. Favourite colour? -green57. Favourite food? -spam58. Last thing you ate? -rice59. First thing you ate this morning? -water60. Ever won a competition? For what? -if i did it was a swim competition61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? -nope im a good noodle62. Been arrested? For what? -nope63. Ever been in love? -yah64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? -i inv my friend to come over, we chill at my house, he asks if we can do something friends dont normally do, we kissed and then we did other stuff >:)65. Are you hungry right now? -not rlly lol66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? -nah lmao 67. Facebook or Twitter? -twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr? -tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? -nope70. Names of your bestfriends? -i dont put names on the internet lmao71. Craving something? What? -spam72. What colour are your towels? -like a teal/sea green color72. How many pillows do you sleep with? -273. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? -yes 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? -5 for sure at my apartment and at least 5 back home75. Favourite animal? -sea otters76. What colour is your underwear? -blue/white77. Chocolate or Vanilla? -choloclate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? -chocolate or matcha79. What colour shirt are you wearing? -.......... 80. What colour pants? -........................81. Favourite tv show? -golden girls82. Favourite movie? -uhh i guess either to all the boys i loved before or the breakfast club83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? -mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? -mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -all too iconic to choose from86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? -crush87. First person you talked to today? -my snap streaks88. Last person you talked to today? -welp days not over yet so....89. Name a person you hate? -i dont rlly hate anyone rn90. Name a person you love? -my friends!! they deserve everyting91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? -dumbass bitches92. In a fight with someone? -nope miss me with that bs93. How many sweatpants do you have? -294. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? -too many95. Last movie you watched? -into the spiderverse96. Favourite actress? -kiera knightly97. Favourite actor? -michael b jordan98. Do you tan a lot? -not anymore99. Have any pets? -i have a doggo back home100. How are you feeling? -fucking cold omg101. Do you type fast? -probably lmao102. Do you regret anything from your past? -yah but i try not to dwell on it103. Can you spell well? -NOPE LMAO 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? -nah lmfao105. Ever been to a bonfire party? -nope but it seems fun106. Ever broken someone’s heart? -probably i can be p distant so i wouldnt put it past me107. Have you ever been on a horse? -yeee108. What should you be doing? -studying109. Is something irritating you right now? -the fact im a bitchass lmao110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? -a couple times111. Do you have trust issues? -yah like i answered eariler112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? -my friends (at the diner lmfao)113. What was your childhood nickname? -shark bait, mosquito bait114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? -yeee115. Do you play the Wii? -used too116. Are you listening to music right now? -heck yeah i got a 15hr playlist on rn117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? -not rlly118. Do you like Chinese food? -yeee119. Favourite book? -uhhh its basic but animal farm (or maybe to all the boys i loved before)120. Are you afraid of the dark? -not rlly121. Are you mean? -nah i cant do it, but i feel like some would see me being distant/roasty as mean tho soooo122. Is cheating ever okay? -depends on the context of everything123. Can you keep white shoes clean? -barely124. Do you believe in love at first sight? -yes125. Do you believe in true love? -yes! i believe everyone has a soulmate out there126. Are you currently bored? -kinda lmao127. What makes you happy? -cute things, blankets, music, food, my friends, cuddling128. Would you change your name? -nah, ive thought about it tho129. What your zodiac sign? -scorpiHOE130. Do you like subway? -its aight131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? -test the waters, you never kno what will happen132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? -my friends (at the diner lmao)133. Favourite lyrics right now? - gusto ko lang naman ang lambing mo (i want to kiss you)134. Can you count to one million? probs in japanese but ill loose focus (esp in english omg)135. Dumbest lie you ever told? -too many to choose from (and i dont wanna expose myself)136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? -closed137. How tall are you? -5′7″138. Curly or Straight hair? -either or139. Brunette or Blonde? -ive been both soooo140. Summer or Winter? -winter (but i like summer style)141. Night or Day? -night all the way142. Favourite month? -november (my bday month)143. Are you a vegetarian? -nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? -dark145. Tea or Coffee? -tea146. Was today a good day? -it was ok (it wasnt bad but it wasnt good)147. Mars or Snickers? -either148. What’s your favourite quote? -getchu a mans that treats you like a queen in the streets and a slave in the sheets149. Do you believe in ghosts? -yah and i dont fuck with them150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -nope that shits a textbook and i dont want to look at it
damn that was a lot to type but uhh now yall know shit about me
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i was tagged by an anon so like here u go
1. drink: water
2. phone call: ummmmmmmmm who uses phones anymore?
3. text message: a human
4. song listened to: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco
5. time i cried: the question is: when am i not crying?
6. dated somebody twice: nope
7. been cheated on: nah
8. kissed someone and regretted it: no
9. lost someone special: mmhm this weekend actually
10. been depressed: constantly
11. gotten drunk and puked: im a minor so...yes
12. ugh black isnt a colour...ummmm...very very very dark blue
14. very very very dark grey
15. made new friends: shoutout to my tumblr fam! oml did i just say fam. fml
16. fallen out of love: i guess so :)
17. laughed until you cried: yeah cause inside jokes ahhhhhhhh
18. found out someone was gossiping about you: ALL👏 THE👏FUCKING👏TIME LIKE SERIOUSLY GET A LIFE
19. met somebody who changed you: yup :) a couple people actually
20. find out who your true friends are: i think so? but i mean...bpd so...i guess we will never know
21. kissed somebody on your facebook list: facebook is for old people
22. facebook friends do you have in real life: get over it facebook is so 2007
23. pets: ive had 7 fish...ive given up all hope
24. want to change name: idk maybe on my dysphoric days but not constantly
25. did i get for my last birthday: a phone + data and a trip to Toronto for dance as far as i know
26. time i woke up: ummmmmmm ever heard of insomnia?
27. doing at midnight: probably on tumblr while watching netflix sometimes talking to friends
28. something you cannot wait for: death
29. last time i saw my mom: 45 mins ago
30. something you wish you could change about your life: being alive
31. listening to right now: grey’s anatomy cause OML THAT SHOW IS BOMB, jesus did i just say bomb...kill me
32. something that gets on your nerves: homophobes
33. talked to a person named Tom: idfk probably ive met a lot of people through acting im almost positive that i had a producer named tom when i was like 6
34. most visited website: TUMBLR. but netflix and youtube comes a close second...not really but like i use them a lot
35. elementary school: i went to 2 and was homeschooled for some reasons but like only briefly
36. high school: im in high school? only been to 1 but homeschooling might happen probs not but maybe
37. college: probably will be dead by then...BUT...if i am unfortunately alive, ill be in LA idk what ill be doing but ill be in LA or NYC but probs LA
38. hair color: dark brown looks black in the light kinda red and brown and black UGH WORDS u need to see it to understand what im saying
39. long or short hair: TOO LONG. TOO FUCKING LONG
40. crush: a cool human
41. do you like about yourself: i am filled with self hatred. there is no room for ‘liking myself’ what are u talking about
42. piercings: nope no nah nuh uh not happening not today boo boo not today FEMALE DYSPHORIA IM SORRY
43. blood type: you would think i knew cause ive done too many blood tests to count but nope still clueless as fuck cause IM A MINOR FUCK YOU MOM
44. nickname: M, some people call me Mandy but if u call me Mandy ur dead to me
45. relationship status: taken? wow thats weird to say
46. zodiac: Pisces
47. pronouns: she/her? he/him? they/them? EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN? depends on the day i guess...or whatever im feeling? still kinda confused LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY
48. favorite show: grey’s anatomy currently but pretty little liars comes really close
50. right or left handed: ambidextrous get on my level
51. surgery: there has been too many i cant even remember my first
52. piercing: ugh refer to 42 ^^^
53. best friend: a couple of them? no names mentioned u know who u fucking are
54. sport: dance, ugh dance, love dance but like love hate, ummmm im really fucking athletic so like everything?
56. pair of shoes: adidas cause i get them for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
57. eating: newsflash im anorexic
58. drinking: nothing? water i guess?
59. im about to: UMMMMMMMMMMMMM
60. listening to: LA Devotee by Panic! at the Disco
61. waiting for: death? thats not original...ummmmmmm summer i guess? no summer = stress ummmmmm fuck it death im waiting for fucking death. refer to my blog to understand WHY IM SUICIDAL
62. want to see: my hw finished on my table
63. want to get married: idk i guess so? probs will be dead :)
64. career: acting i think but dance is an option i mean im already in the business and working actively so why not continue? idk if i actually wanna pursue it tho
65. hugs/kisses: depends on the person ;)
66. lips/eyes: ^^^ but usually eyes cause eyes are pretty
67. shorter/taller: people are cute no matter what
68. younger/older: does it matter? “age is just a number”
69. romantic/spontaneous: romantic but i wouldnt know im making an educated guess
70. nice arms/nice stomach: nice humans
71. sensitive/loud: sensitive
72. hook up/relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker/hesitant: hesitant i think?
74. kissed a stranger: nope
75. drank hard liquor: fuck yes gets u drunk fast
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: dont wear them...yet....we’ll see (see what i did there) (and there again) I AM AN AWFUL PERSON
77. turned someone down: yes quite often actually idk why it just happens?
78. canoodling on first date: first of all, ive never been on a date. second, im a virgin. third, WHY CANT U JUST SAY SEX? LIKE ITS NOT A BAD THING TO SAY WE ARE ON TUMBLR WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT...okay im done now sorry
79. broken someones heart: oops
80. had your own heart broken: mmhm all the fucking time idk why it just happens, i just realized how many times ive said that
81: been arrested: nah
82: cried when someone died: MMHM ALL FUCKING WEEKEND
83: fallen for a friend: who hasn’t like lesbihonest (sorry im just really gay)
84. yourself: of course not who do u think ur talking to
85. miracles: i hope so?
86. love at first sight: ummmmm i think so? i really hope so but idk
87. Santa Clause: no but ummm idk but like no but like maybe but like no
88. kiss on first date: yeah
89. angels: i want to believe that i believe in angels but after everything that has happened to me idfk
90. current best friends name: fucking classified bitch leave me alone
91. eye color: hazel
92. favorite movie: anything disney cause im a disney freak ummmm The Imitation Game cause gay ummm OMG PRIDE GREAT MOVIE also love Tomboy cause it made me cry uggggh coming out ahhhhhhh tears ahhhhh
i tag everyone that reads this cause im too lazy
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