#its pokemon so obviously theyll only go so far
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midyearflowers · 7 months ago
listening to the scarlet/violet soundtrack and vibrating intensely about area zero and all the untapped potential
you cant give me an area of a game that is off limits to the public and mostly a mystery that descends into the depth of the earth and contains things and creatures that the people of that world cannot begin to comprehend and in studying them you only get more questions and some are more horrifying than the last and there's giant crystals that are leaking out of the center that have mysterious powers that affect the wildlife that seemingly stem from one organism that's essentially alien and -
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colonelbaryl24 · 6 years ago
Pokemon rant
So I'm gonna rant about the news pokemon recently put out and a fee other things.
TLDR: im still hyped about the games and cant wait to play them.
So pokemon let us know that not every single pokemon is going to be in sword and shield, and it seems like a lot of people are mad because they cant transfer in their pokemon from previous games into the new games. But the main reason why im kinda mad about this is people are upset about things they arent 100% percent sure of yet.
"Theyre cutting half the pokemon from the games!"
- when did they say half?
"They can just import the models from the old games, and focus on making models for the new pokemon"
1. everyone complained when they did that from x and y to sun and moon.
2. They are focusing in giving the pokemon new animations so they seem newer and unique and not just the gen 6 and 7 models.
"Theyre just being lazy, if they really cared they can just delay the games"
They could do that... if pokemon was just a video game. If they delay the games then they'd also have to delay the anime, trading card sets, toys, and all other forms of merch. This would result in them losing loads of money. And even if they did delay the games i garuntee the people who are mad about the pokemon home stuff would be FURIOUS about a delay.
Okay thats all the stuff that is directly about the sad news. Its not the best news we've gotten, but i understand and am not mad at gamefreak, it was as a tough call for them too.
So here's a bunch of random tangents ive encounted when hearing about this news, and my opinions on them.
Pokemon is getting lazy because the animations arent as in depth as pokemon stadiums animations.
-heres why i think this is stupid: stadium is mainly focused on battling, like theres the battles, minigames, and menus those are the only things you can interact with in the game. Where as in the 3ds games you have the battling, moving your character around, every single location, the fact that pokemon are randomly generated in places where you encounter wild pokemon theres a lot that actually goes in the games.
-the stadium games only feature the first 2 generations of pokemon, whereas the 3ds feature every single pokemon up until generation 7, so like 251 models is obviously easier to animate than 807 (that doesnt even include form changes).
This might be a little hard for me to put into words, but ill try. The main focus of the pokemon attack animations are the attacks themselves. This makes it so different moves can easily apply to different pokemon, so it makes the games not take 8 years to release (think about how long it would take if they made every single move cater to thenexact body structure to every single pokemon)
My final point about the stadium games is that the battle animations dont even look that much better? Id understand if the pokemon actually made contact with each other, but nope. The specific example ive seen is charmander and scorbunny both using double kick where scorbunny does his physical attack animation and charmander just kinda jumps and kicks the air. If anything id say the fainting animations were a lot better, not the attack animations.
So now that rants done time to move onto the next. People are complaining about how (and ive heard this about 12 times in several different threads) that they are mad that half the pokemon are being cut out and theres no way they'll ever get to play with the old pokemon ever again!
1. chill they know "everyone" hates this, they will probably fix this in patch updates (to me thats the best case scenario) if not they'll probably just put them all in the inevitable optimal version of generation 8.
2. Why is everyone so sure theyre going to cut exactly half of the pokemon? I get that avengers endgame happened a while ago but this isnt thanos. Im sure they are gonna bring in as much as they can, especially because they have stated that THEY ALSO HATED THIS DECISION.
3. I also dont understand why people think that gamefreak wont figure a way to fix this? Like it happened a lot in the history of the games. We didnt have a way to get a lot of the gen 1 and 2 pokemon in ruby and sapphire, but then they released fire red and leaf green with its new post game that was possible. Repeat everything but with genrations 4 and 6. Also remember when sun and moon first came out and pokemon bank wasnt working for the first like 3 months after the games came out? Yeah you couldnt get every single pokemon upon release....and no one cared because gamefreak didnt address it. But they fixed it, and theyll probably fix this too.
Another complaint ive seen is people specifically not being able to bring the pokemon that theyve EV trained, bred to perfection, or raised to level 100 into sword and shiled upon release. And to that i say....why would you want that? That would make the games way too easy something i know every fan complains about. And if you bring up the competetive aspects to it i guess thats fair, but like if you want to do an official competetion the rules dont instantly change upon release, you'll still have to wait until thats all settles and players have had time to actually make their teams incase they wanted to use any of the new pokemon. Also if you said competetive, but you meant just playing against a couple of friends pokemon showdown exists, and even in that you dont even have to breed or train.
Personally when i get a new pokemon game my first concern is mainly all about the new pokemon to which im pleasantly surprised cuz they all (so far) look really amazing! And my very last concern (and i mean i'll find every single tm, and npc to talk to before i do these) last concern is bringing in old pokemon from older games.
Anyway sorry to whoever ends up reading my thoughts on this, i hope i didnt upset anyone. I just wanted to get my thoughts out without yelling them at the same 3 people for the 5th time this week.
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