#its okay bc matt and foggy and karen are her family now
petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
so I was just listening to Marjorie by Taylor swift(my first mistake really) but then exodus crossed my thoughts for some reason and now i can't help but wonder that when she got out of the Red Room if she looked for her parents/family like idk if she would but if she did I'm just curious to what she found anyway this is just me and my random thought of today!
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she looked for her parents when she got out, yeah. she remembered the stories Melina used to tell her when they were in Ohio, about how Ex’s parents used to take her to all these different cities. so she gets out and has no idea how to start a life of her own but the first thing she thinks is her parents. but this is what happened when she finally found them.
“Hi.” She said awkwardly, unsure of if she had gotten to the right place.
But when she really looked at the man who opened the door, she knew she was right. He had the same shape eyes she did. Their noses curved the same, even their eyebrows had the same shape.
That was her father.
“Who are you?” He asked, clearly uncomfortable.
Her powers seemed to throb as she stood on the front steps. Her mind was buzzing, practically begging for her clear away the thick building tension, but she couldn’t bring herself to use it. She forced herself to swallow that lump in her throat and set her shoulders. She reminded herself that she wasn’t a scared, lonely kid in an unfamiliar place. She was grown now, strong and unbeatable. She could face this.
“I’m looking for Marina and Rafael.” She confessed, though something like dread settled heavy in the pit of her stomach. “I’m their daughter.”
“Rafael?” His brows furrowed. “I haven’t used that name since...” His eyes turned distant as he lost himself in some sorrowful memory. “It doesn’t matter. Marina is dead, as is her daughter.”
“No, I-” She tried but a small boy, no more than eight years old, came running to the door.
That was what she dreaded. It all clicked in her head when she saw the boy, the spitting image of the man in front of her, save for the shape of his chin and ears. Those must’ve come from his mother. He was missing his two front bottom teeth and one of his top front teeth were replaced with a gleaming silver replica.
Her father had a new family. And her mother was dead.
“I must have the wrong place.” She said with a tight but polite smile. “I’m sorry.”
She turned to leave as the tears began burning her eyes.
No, she would not cry. She reminded herself that her father, that Rafael had given her up. He was the one tired of running. Her mother, as far as Melina had told her, was willing to run to any corner of the earth to keep her precious baby girl safe. But that devotion to her daughter is likely what killed her.
“Alexa, wait.” Rafael called from behind her.
“Who?” She turned over her shoulder but kept her body turned away.
“You. Your mother named you Alexa.”
“My mother is dead... As is my father, apparently. Seems like Alexa died with them.”
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