#its ok though sims 4 manager sorted it all in no time
fabdantes-sims · 2 years
if any of you were wondering where i’ve been, i was trying to clean my 85gb (23′000+ file) mods folder then somehow ended up with a 106gb (25′000+ file) mods folder instead. but now it’s organized so there’s that
also i owe sims 4 mod manager and turning off the boot up checklist my life
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childofhalloween · 3 years
A Story With No Name Aka Why You Don't Ask Idoits for Dating Advice
So this was a short little one shot I got an idea for after binging Graystillplays Sims videos for days. If the formatting or anything seems off it's because I wrote it all on a phone. Well this short one shot turned out 9 pages long opps. So I hope you enjoy. Also writing an Austrillis slow burn not really sure where it goes but if anyone is interested let me know. Anyways onto the show! Thomas Alan Wenis better known as Tommy looked down at the paper in his hand. This address had to be a mistake. He had just flown down to Florida to get away for a while, see the ocean, maybe even clear up his depression. He hadn't brought much with him just an old suitcase and what little money he drained from his savings account.
That was exactly what attracted him to the random message board offering low rent living. With the price of rent all Tommy was expecting was a cot in a closet somewhere. Not that he minded as long as he had a roof and somewhere to put his black boots he didn't care.
But this, this wasn't right. Couldn't be right. The place was huge. Probably the biggest house he had ever seen. 4 floors are least and he could see the corner a large pool in the back.
He checked the address of his contact Melvin, and it matched. This had to be some sort of scheme. He knew it was too good to be true, like everything else in his life.
With a sigh he picked up his bag walking to the front door. Maybe they would be able to at least point him in the right direction.
Ringing the bell he sat out on the front step for a moment before the large oak door opened and a man dressed only in a towel and some sneakers opened the door.
"Uhhh hi. I'm sorry to disturb you but I am looking for someone at this address. His name is Melvin." Tommy said avoiding eye contact with the red haired man.
"Yeah that's me! Melvin Eugene Johnston. But everyone just calls me Florida Man." He said holding out his hand Tommy awkwardly taking it. "You must be Tommy!"
"Uhhh yeah. I'm sorry did I come at a bad time?" He said motioning to the towel.
"Huh this? Nah. Just like to feel a cool breeze if you know what I mean." He joked opening the door motioning for him to come in.
The place was almost too much for Tommy to take in but nonetheless followed Florida Man on a tour around the house.
"I uhhh….I hate to say I think I miss understood about the price." Tommy said knowing their was no way he could ever afford a place like this.
"Oh don't stress about it. Just get me the $300 whenever. Everyone here is pretty cool. We all just pitch in when we can ya know? We all take turns cleaning and cooking….well except for Aussie. Fire department said they are gonna fine us for another kitchen fire." He said casually. Tommy couldn't help but wonder what he was getting into.
"Then toss in some cash for some beers or food when ya can. Everyone just kind of does their own thing. You will see all kinds of people come and go. Right now we got a lot of our 'lifers'."
"How can you afford this place?" Tommy said looking at another large staircase.
"Oh it's already paid for. I bought it with the money from my lawsuit with Madonna."
"You sued Madonna!?!" Tommy said, not believing what he was hearing.
“Oh yeah I did. Her show was supposed to start at 8 she didn't go on till 10. I wasted so much money on overpriced water down beer I don't even remember the damn thing. Next thing I know I'm in the hospital. Apparently I fell down 12 rows of concrete stairs trying to get some nachos from concessions." He said casually as he continued. "Then I used the money I won to buy this place but it got lonely & quiet by myself so I started renting out rooms. Made for one big odd family."
Opening a door he motioned to Tommy "So here's your room. Get comfortable. When you're done feel free to head on down to the kitchen, meet everyone."
Tommy had hoped he could even find his way back down to the kitchen. It was going to take a little while to get used to this place. He still couldn't wrap his mind around all of this.
But unbeknownst to him the craziest part was yet to come. His new roommates.
Finally finding the kitchen he saw Floridaman busy having a beer next to a tall man with the most epic red beard he'd ever seen and a smaller but seemingly louder blond wearing sunglasses. And behind them both a slightly deranged looking man with jet black hair.
They all seemed to get quiet as he walked awkwardly into the kitchen.
"I was wondering if you were going to find us." Florida Man said thrusting a Bud Lite in Tommy's hand not bothering to ask if he'd want one. "Boys this is our newest guest Tommy Wenis"
The blond let out an almost mocking laugh.
"Wenis!?! Ya gotta be bloody kiddin me. Bet that must have been a rough primary career. The names are just endless!"
"Don't listen to him, he can be a jerk but he doesn't really mean it." The redhead said standing up holding out his hand cordially. "Names Tim by the way."
"Ahhh I'm just taking the piss with ya mate...kinda. Name's Trevor but everyone here likes to call me Australian Man. Ya know obvious reasons."
Finally the dark hair man with the slightly odd shaped face spoke up. "And I'm Colono. Colono Scopy"
"Uh huh...so is this everyone who lives here?" Tommy said looking at the motley crew in front of him.
"No the girls are off doing something or another. I think they mentioned girls day. I don't know I wasn't listening." Florida Man said, looking at the clock on the stove. "But they should be back any minute."
As if on cue the door opened and the sound of over lapped talking was heard.
"Speak of the devil mate." Australian Man said slightly in awe of Florida Man's timing.
A brunette wearing what looked to be a thrift store tourist shirt walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Whitley come here meet our new roommate Tommy." Florida Man said.
"Hey I'm Whitley " she shook his hand. He couldn't help but notice the slight smell of cheap bottom shelf vodka radiating off her.
Next a woman walked in with the best blond afro Tommy had ever seen.
"Hey Bab this is our new roommate Tom-"
"Maybe he'll last longer then the others." Bab said almost miserably as she walked out the back door not stopping.
"Sorry she's kin-d of…." Florida Man tried to think of the word.
"Manic Depressive." The girl with blonde and pink braids said matter of factly. "Text book diagnosis really."
"Are you a Dr?" Tommy asked everyone just laughed.
"Not in the slightest. Just been through a lot of psychologists."
"Ellis Dee, meet Tommy." Florida Man introduced.
"Tommy Wenis." Australian Man said with a snicker.
"Oh my God do people call you Tiny Wenis?" Ellis said with a giggle.
It didn't matter though because all Tommy's attention was now focused on the tall blond with golden hair walking in. He had never seen anyone like her. She was like nothing he'd ever encountered. She was…..she was…..she was absolutely stunning.
"Whose that?" Tommy asked Tim quietly.
"Huh? Oh that's Beth. Be nice, she's a sweet girl." Tim whispered back.
"Hey Beth say hi to Tommy the new guy." Florida said.
"Hi name's Beth." She introduced herself in a thick Southern accent.
"I….uhh...I'm Tommy." Tommy managed to mumble out.
All the guys exchanged an odd look.
"So where are ya rollin in from?" She asked with a smile.
"....I uhhh… I come from….places. I gotta go." He said, scrambling out of the kitchen to his room.
"That was odd." Colono said all the others nodded.
As the months went on Tommy found he had more in common with this rag tag bunch then he ever had with anyone else. He spent his days joking with Colono, drinking beers with the Florida Man & Australian Man, discussing art with Bab Ross, hitting the occasional bong with Ellis Dee, and pretty much bonding with everyone.
Everyone that is except for Beth. It seemed like every time they had a moment together his mind just blanked. Like it shut down to nothing and he couldn't figure out what the hell to say so he would say something awkward and just excuse himself.
It became apparent to everyone what was going on, everyone that was except Beth as she walked into the living room one day.
"Mind if I sat by ya hun?" She asked. He looked up at her eyes wide.
"I….uhh….murder show…..its over…..here you go. For you." He said, tossing the remote at her feet before running out the room.
"Ouch that was painful to watch." Australian Man looked up from the card game the guys had been playing.
Tommy pulled out a chair and plopped down not responding.
"Hey man, it's0 ok you will get her next time." Florid Man said putting a hand on his shoulder sympathetically….well really trying to sneak a peek at Colono's cards
"Ughhh. It's like everytime I try to talk to her I look like a total ass." Tommy grumbled.
"Yah we know, we all seen it." Australian Man joked as threw another chip in the pot.
"Well what am I supposed to say? Hey I think you're gorgeous, will you have a coffee with me?" He said, causing all the other men to laugh.
"No, no. You're thinking too much into it. What women love to hear is compliments." Tim Horton said as Bab Ross happened to walk past. "Watch this."
"Hello Bab you are looking positively radiant today!" Tim said, putting on a charming smile.
"Whatever you say Tim." Bab said with a shrug as she kept walking.
This caused all the other men to crack up.
"Laugh all you want but she acknowledged me. That's progress."
"Nah ya got it all wrong mate. What birds really dig on is a badass." Australian Man said getting up walking to the back yard. "This is how it's done boys."
Strutting slightly he slid up to Ellis Dee who was sitting outside enjoying the sun.
"Hey Ellie." He said acting casual.
"Oh hey Aussie what's up?"
"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought off a whole colony of bog frogs?"
"No I don't think you have."
"Yeah I was out with some blokes and came across these wee little bog frogs must have been mating season or something because next thing I know I'm surrounded by the little wankers! So I start beating them off me. Kicking, punching them in their little frog faces. Just throwing them off left and right. Turns out the little bastards were poisonous. Woke up in the hospital 2 weeks later handcuffed to the hospital bed. Turns out those little piss frogs are on the 'endangered species' list. Luckily for me though the judge granted the coma as time served. All I got was probation and I'll be off that by next year." Australian Man said cooly before something hit him.
"Probation…..OH SHIT! My probation meeting!" He said looking down at his watch. "I'm 6 fucking months late! I can not be arrested again! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he said running into the house leaving behind a very confused Ellis Dee.
All the guys watched as Australian Man ran through the house screaming obscenities as he looked for his cell phone.
"Anyways….what about you Florida Man. How do you talk to the ladies?" Tim Horton asked.
Florida Man shrugged and got up walking to the kitchen to see Whitley at the table drinking a large glass of orange juice.
"Bud Lite?" Florida Man offered holding out a beer. She looked at him confused.
"Its only 11 not even noon. Too early for beer." she said.
"Ok." Florida Man said walking back with both beers.
"Mornings are for screwdrivers." Whitley said to herself pour more dollar vodka into her drink.
"No, no I am sure I called. Yeah right when I landed. No I made sure I message with a Shelly? Or maybe a Jan? Or was it a Steven? I'm not sure. Mighta been a new?.....oh maybe a temp! Bloody hard to find good help huh? I'm sure it's there just check the last few months. Ring when this is all cleared up." Australian Man said, hanging up his phone not waiting for a reply on the other end. "Bloody cunts..….so what'd I miss."
"That's it. That's the only move I got." Florida Man said with a shrug.
"You guys are hopeless. No wonder I'm the only one in a relationship." Colono complained before turning to Tommy. "Tommy don't listen to them they are all going to die alone."
"Fuck ya too!
"That was rude….but true."
"Women, they love romance. You can sweep a woman off her feet just by words. Just watch my example gentlemen." Colono said as he sauntered out the door to Flo Cane who was watching tv.
"Oh there she is mi amor. I was looking everywhere for you." He said sliding next to her.
"What is it? On no! Are you having issues again? Is the burning back? Have you been taking your meds? Do I need to call the Dr for you again?"
"What!?! No! That's not it!" Colono said in a panic as the sound of laughter came from around the corner.
"Hey don't listen to them. You know stress makes it worse." Flo comforted.
"It's not that!" Colono said frustrated.
"Are you sure? I know how cranky you get when you forget to take your meds."
"I'm not cranky!" Colono yelled as he stormed off.
"I'm making you an appointment just to be sure! I know you are scared of making phone calls." She shouted after him as he stormed off.
The other guys were currently in a huge pile on the floor in total hysterics none of them were able to stand. It took almost 10mins for them to calm down to breathe.
Finally collecting himself Tommy stood up straightening out his clothes. After all that advice he had finally figured it out. He knew what he had to do. Mustering up all the courage he could he moved forward before he could chicken out.
"Where are you going?" Florida Man asked as Tommy made his way outside.
"I'm going to do what I need to." He said walking out into the back yard where the girls currently huddled together talking about how weird the morning had been.
"Hello ladies. Can I talk to Beth alone please?" He asked.
Suddenly a lot made sense as they gave each other a knowing look.
"She's all yours." Whitley said with a l knowing smirk.
Silence still overcame the 2 as they sat there totally obvious to the group of 8 peering around the corner.
"What did you want to talk about?" Beth asked looking over slightly confused about what had been going on. From what she heard it's been a very confusing day.
"I…..I…." He took a deep breath before blurting out quickly. "I think you're absolutely gorgeous and would you like to get coffee with me?"
It took Beth a moment to even figure out what he had said and then another for it to really register.
"You, you think I'm pretty?" She said shocked no one had said anything like that before.
"Gorgeous actually." He said his face was burning red. "Look if I offended you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Yes." She cut him off.
"I would love to get coffee with you." She said as a big smile crossed her face.
"Ok when?"
"Now?" She suggested.
"Sounds great." He said getting up offering his hand to her. "I know a great place."
They both walked right past the group of the gawkers so invested in their conversation they didn't even seem to notice.
"Oh my God that is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!" Whitley gushed.
"Guys are never that romantic. She's so lucky." Flo said wistfully.
"Man I wish I could find someone who thinks like that." Ellis mused.
"Yeah it was pretty nice." Bab said in her bored Bab tone.
"Are ya fucking kidding me right now!?!" Australian said, throwing his hands up in the air as he stormed back inside.
"Seriously? That? That's it? Thats romantic?" Colono complained following behind.
"Wow guy did have some skills after all." Florida said patting Tim on the back sympathetically as Tim mumbled to himself annoyed.
"What's their problem?" Bab asked.
"Men are weird." Whitley said all the other girls nodded in agreement.
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scoutception · 5 years
Ranking the next 5 animes I’ve recently watched
After many distractions on my part, including playing through Steins;Gate, something that has quickly become something I adore like few others, I’ve continued my descent into the world of anime with 5 more series. The stuff I watched was a lot shorter on average than last time, and my attempts to be “objective” and my personal biases align much more closely compared to last time. With that, I’ll begin. 5. Soni-Ani: Super Sonico the Animation
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Number of episodes: 12. Language options: subs only. Streaming availability: Crunchyroll. When it comes to visual novels, nitro+ is one of the biggest developers out there, alongside Key. Whereas Key is mainly out to make you really, really sad, nitro+ prefers a different approach. To my understanding, at best, their works are really, really dark, and at worst, they’re going straight for your nightmares, with stuff like Song of Saya and Sweet Pool. So clearly, the best mascot for them is the pink haired, constantly headphoned, and downright adorable Super Sonico. Even if it’s not outright official, it’s pretty jarring. Anyway, with that little rant out of the way, here’s the only thing on this list I actually wouldn’t recommend. Produced by White Fox back in 2014, this anime apparently got slammed pretty hard, and honestly, I have no idea why I even ended up watching this one. Perhaps this’ll be a reminder to be less impulsive in my choices in the future. Soni-Ani focuses on, who else, Super Sonico herself, an energetic and kind, yet clumsy college student who should reasonably be dead from stress and exhaustion. Along with college, she’s an idol, gravure model, helper at her grandmother’s restaurant and guitarist and main singer in the band First Astronomical Velocity with her friends Suzu Fujimi, the witty and manipulative bassist and official leader of the band, and Fuuri Watanuki, the mysterious drummer single mindedly obsessed with food. The series just explores some of the odd, extremely fanservice filled days of her life. It’s ok idea on paper, but in practice it’s just not really anything special or even entertaining for the most part. While I can usually ignore fanservice, it’s downright distractingly prevalent in the earlier episodes, to the point of several episode premises pretty much only catering themselves to it. Even without that, there’s just not much to be found; aside from Suzu and Sonico’s manager, the honestly hilarious Kitamura, who constantly wears a hannya mask and is willing to attack people for attempting to take advantage of Sonico, the characters aren’t anything memorable or entertaining on their own, leaving a lot of episodes feeling dry. They do improve in the second half, featuring episodes like a fairly charming murder mystery spoof, and an episode focusing on Sonico’s cats, of all things, but they’re still not something going out of your way to watch. The voice acting and animation, while at least ok, don’t stick out much either. Overall, again, this is the one thing I’d say to just avoid. There’s tons of other slice of life animes out there that are way better. If nothing else, though, I’m kinda glad I stuck to it just for the surprise cameo by Kurisu Makise’s outfit, considering I was already playing Steins;Gate.
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4. Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun
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Number of episodes: 12. Language options: dub (video release only, apparently) and subs available. Streaming availability: Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix. Moving onto stuff I’d actually recommend, here’s a nice little anime adaptation of a gag manga by Izumi Tsubaki, produced by Dogakobo. Chiyo Sakura, a high school student who stands at an impressive 4′9″, confesses her love to the tall and mysterious Umetaro Nozaki, and gets his autograph, of all things, for her troubles. Trying again, Nozaki instead takes her to his apartment... to assist him with his manga. As it turns out, Nozaki is a popular romance manga author, whose interests in life start an end at manga, rendering him utterly oblivious to Chiyo’s feelings. Thusly, Chiyo officially becomes his assistant in order to grow closer to her crush, meeting his other associates along the way. The main thing that must be said is that this is not a serious anime in the slightest, and it’s all just big parody of romance manga more than anything, especially with the characters, like Mikoshiba, who acts like a playboy, but in reality is cripplingly shy, and Kashima, the “prince” of the school who is both actually a girl and an airhead who’s frequently on the nerves of the drama club’s president, Hori. A lot of the humor thrives on miscommunication, and it’s exaggerated enough that it works well. Every character is an idiot, in their own ways, but endearingly so, and each of them stands out, from Chiyo, who mostly plays the straight man but has her moments of over imagination, or the hilariously abrasive Seo. The plots are the right kind of dumb too, like Nozaki and Mikoshiba becoming obsessed over a helper NPC in a dating sim, or Hori gaining an intense hatred for people standing on boxes due to Nozaki’s attempts to fix perspective problems. The jokes can get a bit predictable after a while, especially with Nozaki, but overall it’s a pretty funny time. The voice acting is good, and the animation is charming. Overall, this is definitely a fun watch. If you want a good laugh, or just something that doesn’t take itself too seriously, this is definitely something to check out. 3. Angel Beats!
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Number of episodes: 13 (+ some OVAs not on streaming services). Language options: dub and subs available. Streaming availability: Netflix, Crunchyroll, Funimation. As it turned out, visual novels, or at least visual novel developers, became a theme in the things I watched this time around. As mentioned before, Key is one of the biggest VN developers out there, who specialize in making you really sad. From Kanon, to Clannad, to Planetarian, to Little Busters, Key’s made a lot of great stuff, and had some great anime adaptations made, particularly for Kanon and Clannad. Thus, Jun Maeda, co-founder of Key, conceived Angel Beats to originate as an anime, produced by P.A. Works in 2010. Angel Beats focuses on Otonashi, a teenager who wakes up in a strange high school with amnesia, only able to remember his last name. He soon meets a girl named Yuri Nakamura, who informs him that they’re dead, and stuck in a sort of afterlife, seemingly ruled over by a mysterious girl they only know as Angel. In this purgatory, they’re unable to die, as Otonashi finds out first hand at Angel’s hands, and the school is populated by fabricated teachers and students, but the real people stuck there are at risk of being “obliterated” if they act like normal students, ceasing to exist. Unwilling to accept this, Yuri leads class SSS in opposition of Angel and the assumed God that created this world for the cruel fates that everyone stuck in the afterlife met, Otonashi seemingly included. With seemingly no other path to take, Otonashi joins forces with the SSS. The main strength of Angel Beats is its cast of characters. From the pretty mean yet charming Yuri, to the reliable, yet often abused Hinata, to the crazy and energetic Yui, to even some of the side characters, like Shiina, the ninja girl with a crippling weakness for wind up dog toys, or TK, who speaks in gloriously mangled English and dances constantly. The premise as well is honestly fascinating to me, and makes for some very interesting episodes. It’s got some pretty entertaining action scenes, along with some really funny moments, mostly by playing the “nobody can actually die” tidbit for all its worth, with the second episode devoting a good amount of time to slowly killing off the main group in horrible, yet blase fashions. It delivers emotionally too, with the second half in particular having a good deal of touching episodes, especially episode 10. Unfortunately, there’s one giant problem with this anime that brings it down quite a bit: it’s only 13 episodes long. While I’m not a fan of 12 or 13 episode seasons, I can’t say that’s a problem by itself. What is a problem is that they were planning to have double that amount of episodes, causing the storyline to feel very rushed, and leaving nearly every character in the cast that isn’t part of the main group very underdeveloped. While there’s an entire expanded universe of stuff, good luck tracking it all down, and while Key themselves were making a 6 part visual novel of Angel Beats to expand upon it all, something that’s very promising, only the first volume has been released so far, back in 2015, with no word since, very likely because of Jun Maeda’s health issues. Overall, Angel Beats genuinely is a good watch, but it’s kinda depressing, just because of how much potential was cut short thanks to whatever genius decided to cut the episode amount in half. Unless the VN project really gets going again, it’ll probably just remain a bunch of what could have beens. 2. Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Number of episodes: 12. Language options: dub and subs available. Streaming availability: Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Funimation. Continuing the theme I unintentionally set up, here’s this famous little thing, from the mind of Gen Urobuchi, who, among other things, has worked on several nitro+ visual novels, mostly notably Song of Saya, wrote the apparently horribly depressing Fate/Zero, and was a scriptwriter for Kamen Rider Gaim, which, to my understanding, is one of the darkest Kamen Rider shows out there. Will all this in mind, there’s no real hiding that this isn’t going to be anywhere near as innocent as it tries to appear. Even if you didn’t know that, its reputation probably far exceeds it by now. Madoka Kaname is an average middle school student whose life is thrown into chaos when a mysterious girl named Homura Akemi transfers into her class, whom Madoka later finds attacking a strange creature called Kyubey. After rescuing it, Madoka and her best friend Sayaka are attacked by a strange creature known as a witch, only to be rescued by Mami Tomoe, a “magical girl” given power by Kyubey. Kyubey sees much potential in Madoka, and offers to grant her any wish of her choosing, in exchange for her becoming a magical girl as well and helping fight the witches. Homura, however, is completely determined to keep that from happening. Thus starts a chain of event in the lives of Madoka and Sayaka that, suffice it to say, don’t go very well. Without getting too specific, what starts as a mostly typical, if slightly odd, magical girl show quickly goes to very dark and twisted places, comparative to Neon Genesis Evangelion, though not quite as in depthly depressing with it. Everyone takes a beating in some way, and even with just 12 episodes, it can get a bit much for some people, even when it doesn’t end quite as awfully as you might expect. Still, it’s actually very well done. The characters are complex and flawed, but ultimately sympathetic, the overall plot is fascinating, and it ends in a very fitting way. It’s emotional, and has surprisingly good action. The dub voice work is solid, and the animation by Studio Shaft is as well, especially helped by the abstract designs of the witches themselves. While I’m not quite as passionate about it all as some are, it’s definitely earned its reputation. It’s a great watch, and definitely a big recommendation. 1. Steins;Gate
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Number of episodes: 24 (+ 1 OVA). Language options: dub and subs available. Streaming availability: Funimation, Hulu, Crunchyroll. Finishing off my unintentional theme with an actual adaptation of a visual novel, there was no way I wasn’t checking this one out with how utterly passionate the VN made me. This is at least partially a bias placement, but this anime is a very, very good adaptation, and a great way to experience the story without the VN, and a great watch even having gone through it. Rintaro Okabe is a college student on break living in his “laboratory” in Akihabara. A self proclaimed mad scientist, he whittles his days away hanging out with his friends Mayuri Shiina and Itaru Hashida, inventing useless gadgets in a supposed fight against an evil organization. One day, Rintaro and Mayuri go to attend a press conference by Doctor Nakabachi in Radi-Kan, who claims to have invented a time machine, only for it to end horribly for all involved when Rintaro discovers Kurisu Makise, a young neuroscientist who had recently had her thesis published in a major science magazine, murdered by an unknown assailant. Sending an email to Itaru about the incident, Rintaro suddenly finds the world to have changed. According to everyone else, the press conference had been canceled due to a mysterious satellite that crashed into Radi-Kan, and Rintaro later runs into Kurisu, alive and well. Investigating, Rintaro finds that, by complete accident, his modified microwave has become a device capable of sending emails to the past- and that SERN, a French research organization, has been conducting time travel experiments of their own. In his attempts to understand the capabilities of what he’s invented, and his curiosity as to why his memories appear to be out of sync with everyone else’s, Rintaro rushes into a series of experiments that change his life, and those of friends old and new. This is something I could rant about all day, but putting it as succinctly as I can, I’ve never been as fascinated by time travel as Steins;Gate has made me. As fantastic as it, it’s also shown to be unpredictable, limited, and downright unsettling, especially when nobody knows just how time even works. It’s a story about the concept of time travel as much as a story about using it. The story definitely starts a bit slowly, but it’s well worth pushing past. As an adaptation, it doesn’t even need to sacrifice much, with the most that’s lost being some details in a few later arcs that aren’t worth much in the long run anyway. Beyond that, the main strength of the story is the cast of characters. Rintaro, with his rather severe case of chuunibyou, is a unique protagonist to begin with, but the events of the story turn him into an honestly fascinating and downright tragic character, and easily one of my favorite protagonists in a long time. The rest of the cast is just as good, with Kurisu being a great mix of intelligence, ravenous curiosity, and flusterability, with her and Rintaro’s interactions always being entertaining. As well, there’s the always kind, yet ditzy Mayuri, the outgoing, but odd Suzuha Amane, the endearingly gentle Luka Urushibara, and the energetic and wily Faris, just for some examples. The cast is downright loveable and very easy to get attached to. While I prefer the Japanese voice cast overall, the dub isn’t to be overlooked, with Trina Nishimura as Kurisu, Tyson Rinehart as Itaru, Cherami Leigh as Suzuha, Lindsay Seidel as Luka, and especially J. Michael Tatum as Rintaro giving great performances. Visually, White Fox did a great job giving it a distinct look. While the VN had a gorgeous and unique artstyle, it’s not really something that can be translated into animation. Instead, they used a whole lot of washed out colors and saturated lights that, combined with the sparse use of flashy effects and even music, gives a very subtle atmosphere to it all. Even beyond the style, it looks very good on its own, and it’s especially nice not having Rintaro look like a ghoul half the time, like he does in the VN.
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Overall, this is very much something worth checking out. I’m beating a dead horse here since Steins;Gate is already wildly popular, but it’s that way for a very good reason. There’s also an extra OVA episode, along with a sequel movie, though both are only available via Funimation. They aren’t quite the best, but they make for entertaining watches worth checking out. And with that, that’s the end to my rambling. With the exception of, again, Super Sonico, everything here is very much worth a watch. I’m sure, once I emerge from the hell of Steins;Gate spinoffs, I’ll get to watching even more stuff. Till then, though. -Scout
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Game-loading time replies!
Even though it’s gonna take me a lot longer to reply to these than it will take my game to load. :)
These are for @nuttydazesublime, @tamtam-go92, @nekosayuri, @dunne-ias, @pensblr, @alicenorthernlights-blog, @taylors-simblr, @eulaliasims, @immerso-sims, @fuzzyspork, @katatty-main, @nyshabrokeit, @mswn, @quill-of-thoth, and @worldstarsimblr   Topics range from maligning AGS to custom unis to asparagus to veganism to pixel volcanoes to age mods to making Sim-life more complicated/difficult to...Well, other stuff. :) 
nuttydazesublime replied to your post “OMG, I’M SO EXCITED! :D So we partied tonight and when we came home I...”
Congratulations! I had the same problem for a long time, but not any more now! Yay! :D
I am very happy. The fact that I could not create an empty neighborhood on my old machine/install was very frustrating! Especially because it worked once, using AGS, but then after building a few lots in that empty neighborhood it suddenly decided to add the AL stealth hood when I loaded it once, and then after that whenever I attempted to make an empty neighborhood, it would “Create Magic.” And if I made a regular new neighborhood, it would “Create Magic” twice. So somehow, somewhere, there was a second AL stealth hood template that got created I-don’t-know-how, but damned if I could find it. My game sure could, though. :\ But, new machine, new install and AGS is never coming within 100 miles of my game ever again. Sorry to folks who might not have all EPs (Mac users, especially), but...nope. Nope nope nope.
dunne-ias replied to your post “OMG, I’M SO EXCITED! :D So we partied tonight and when we came home I...”
we need more custom unis!
tamtam-go92 replied to your post “OMG, I’M SO EXCITED! :D So we partied tonight and when we came home I...”
I agree with ias!
I agree, too...but I’m not sure I should be the one making them, at least not to share. I can’t build anything attractive yet remotely complicated without CC for the life of me, and no-CC is really the way to go for this sort of thing. Also, these are going to be built specifically to play my crazy college scheme, with playable classroom buildings and whatnot, so I’m not sure that they’d be appealing for other playing styles. But if I manage to create anything that wouldn’t be a galaxy-sized pain in the ass to share...I’ll share.
nekosayuri replied to your post “OMG, I’M SO EXCITED! :D So we partied tonight and when we came home I...”
Now I'm curious about the thing you wanted to check out!
Well, it was something that could be considered of a rather “adult” nature, so I didn’t want to link directly or anything. (Not that I think genitalia of either type by themselves without anything sexy happening are necessarily “adult,” but a lot Americans people do, so...yeah.) But basically? Much better-looking pixel penises. As a person who likes anatomical accuracy, I was very excited and wanted to see how they looked in my game, so before I napped, I went off and had my playable dudes in the “downtown thing” neighborhood take a shower so I could adjust ‘em a bit. :) (And yes, they are AMAZING. A huge improvement over Crammyboy’s, even though they have fewer options.)
pensblr replied to your photo “This seems to work, so… OK, so here’s the deal. To sum up a long post...”
Have been happily using Hat's mod for a couple of years now, and tweaked it as well after a few months of it being installed. While I wanted adults to have more time (so that I could sort of create a middle-age span), the elder span was just way too long for my taste. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing all of the life stages, but, yeah... elders were shaved down to a max of 50 days. Overall, I love how Hat's mod can be easily tweaked to suit one's own game.
Yeah, aging mods are just about the easiest thing in the world to make, if you can run SimPE. Heck, they’re easier to make than walls/floors! :) The trick, of course, is modding the ACR controller if you use ACR. Then you have to muck about with its BHAVs to adjust fertility curves to match your new lifespans, and since I don’t understand BHAVs, that intimidates me. But since I realized I didn’t have to alter the ACR controller...Yeah, easy-peasy. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your post “Lately, me=long text posts. Sorry. :)”
I also saw that mod, and I would really like to have an age mod (this was the one thing I loved about TS3!) But I always saw the transition to elder in their mid 50s. I don't use ACR so the natural occuring infertility of female sims one week (I think) before they age up would be perfect. I would really like an age mod that was that way, but I really have no Idea how to do such things (I can't even make Simpe work for me '-_-)
Hey, if you want a specific age mod, feel free to hit me up! :) I can certainly make one for you, since you don’t use ACR. :) You’ll just have to tell me exactly how long you want each non-elder lifestage to be and about how long you want the elder one to be. (It’s not an exact science, with elders. :) ) Like I said, easiest thing in the world...If you can get SimPE to run.
That being said, most people who have problems with it are running the UC. If that’s you, then a good place to ask for help is MTS’s help forum. Maybe Leefish, too, if you’re a member there. 
alicenorthernlights-blog replied to your photo “lowedeus: MAXIS HOOD DECO CATTAILS Thickets of cattail (Typha,...”
I would like to have some nice realistic looking volcanoes as deco.
Are you aware of these? They’re deco volcanoes converted from Castaway. IMO, the two larger sizes are too large, and all are a little pointier than they should be. (Volcanoes are generally rounder on top, from accumulated lava flows. Heck, mountains in general aren’t that pointy.) But I have used the “dwarf” size (which are still pretty big) to pretty good effect, especially when they’re half-sunken into the terrain.
nekosayuri replied to your post “The college madness continues. :)”
I love everything about this! So thought out and complicated! Feels kinda like my (Sims) life right now with all the stuff I'm trying to do, but one thing I wanna take from this for my game is making more use of Sims' interests and their actual personalities to decide what will happen with them. For born-in-game, this would be even more fun :D...
Yeah, that was actually one of two “I need to do this better” goals with this “downtown” scenario I’ve been dreaming up as I play it. I wanted to incorporate both hobbies (which I’ve never really done a WHOLE lot with) and interests (which I’ve never done ANYTHING with) into my playing somehow. Interests still aren’t very integrated into regular playing yet, but they will definitely be things of consideration for the spawn of the founders of the scenario, who will be the first eligible for uni. The first of those is 4 or 5 days away from childhood, so I’ll start thinking about her “path” then, seeing where her interests/hobbies lie and how that might dictate how I’ll play her. (I don’t really “play” toddlers much. They run pretty much 100% on free will, only interrupted to attend to their motives or for a parent to teach them the skills the toddler wants.)
taylors-simblr replied to your link “Vegan Lemon Asparagus Pasta | Minimalist Baker Recipes”
Sounds great, I’m always after more pasta sauce recipes :) and asparagus is awesome, we had it for dinner, it was the only thing on the plate that daughter ate, despite there also being pineapple, sweet corn and sugar snap peas to pick from
I’m frankly astonished that your daughter picked asparagus over sweet corn! It has that bit of a bitter taste that I would’ve thought would turn off toddlers, whereas corn and pineapple are just flat-out sugar. (Peas at least have some protein. :) ) So good on her for her good taste! :D
eulaliasims replied to your link “Vegan Lemon Asparagus Pasta | Minimalist Baker Recipes”
Yum, thanks for the link! Almond milk is what I drink normally, so I'm intrigued to try it in a sauce. :D
It works well! I think the key is to slowly add the flour as it reduces. I kinda dumped most of it in in one go, and the sauce came out a little thicker than I would have liked, but I didn’t want to dilute it. (It was still good, though!) Next time, I’ll add it in smaller increments along with the incremental additions of the milk. I’m also going to try cashew milk instead of almond next time, since it’s thicker/creamier to start with.
immerso-sims replied to your link “Vegan Lemon Asparagus Pasta | Minimalist Baker Recipes”
I love asparagus, so will try to make this :) I always do a pureed pea & roasted asparagus soup. Yum!
Cream of Roasted Asparagus is my very favorite soup! :D I never thought to add peas, though. It’s an interesting idea. I imagine it’d be a little sweeter than asparagus alone. Also more nutritious which is always a good thing. :)
fuzzyspork replied to your link “Vegan Lemon Asparagus Pasta | Minimalist Baker Recipes”
I have a mini food processor whose soul purpose is for mincing garlic because I hate doing it by hand! (okay, I also use the mini processor for mincing hot peppers and chopping small amounts of nuts and sometimes emulsifying mayo and... a lot of stuff I guess)
Yeah, but then you gotta wash the food processor. *whine* :) 
I hate washing up. Even with a dishwasher I hate washing up. Especially since we don’t use the dishwasher a lot. Since it’s just the two of us, unless we’re cooking a big, elaborate meal, it takes forever to fill the thing up, and it’s such a waste of water to run it less-than-full, especially since we’re in a state of extreme drought here. :p So, yeah, gimme my tubes of garlic paste! *laugh* I am totally that lazy!
dunne-ias replied to your link “Vegan Lemon Asparagus Pasta | Minimalist Baker Recipes”
even non-vegans can use plant based milk and nutritional yeast :P #milkisforbabies this sounds delicious though!
#milkisforbabyCOWS, even. :)
But yeah, you’re right. I’ve made vegan stuff -- chili, mostly -- that was loved by people who would run screaming for the hills if they were told it was vegan. :) But when it comes to cooking for themselves, non-vegans are far more likely to have cow milk on hand than non-dairy milk, unless they happen to be lactose intolerant. And even then they’re more likely to have that cow-milk-with-predigested-lactose crap instead. *eye roll* And I’ve yet to meet a non-vegan who’s even heard of nutritional yeast, much less had any on hand. :)
nyshabrokeit replied to your post “So. I now have a list of 18 custom Uni majors that I want to make....”
They're easy peasy! ;)
Yeah, I made one just to test out the process and...Very easy! I haven’t tested it in-game yet, but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work. Thank you for that tute! :D
quill-of-thoth replied to your post “Does anyone out there...”
I don't have it, but I use magazines to adjust interests to see if my sims are a good match, and I'll probably use them to increase interests when sim kids have the appropriate "traits"
Well, I can now confirm that the mod works in an all EP/SPs game, but I’m not sure the magazines are working as they should. :/ But I should probably make a separate post asking others about how they work in their game rather than burying it in this wall o’ text. :)
mswn replied to your photo “iCad Does Brainstorming AKA: Curse you, @dunne-ias!! So, Dunne-ias...”
‘If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.’ :p
OMG I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Even though I think baseball is the third-most-boring-game/sport ever (after cricket and golf), I love that movie. And that -- Not “There’s no crying in baseball!” -- is my favorite line from it because it is so very true.
worldstarsimblr replied to your photo “iCad Does Brainstorming AKA: Curse you, @dunne-ias!! So, Dunne-ias...”
I love it! I would definitely like to implement this into my gameplay! Also about the custom careers, mog has that mod that has all the jobs appear on the job board as well as I think Monique's computer (could be wrong) but yeah I love Mogs job board because you're right, they won't ever find a job with the computer or newspaper
Oh, yeah, I have that job board...although I’m more likely to just assign careers using the Sim Blender, where any custom ones you have will show, too, but one of the rules of this particular scenario is that jobs must be found in the newspaper. Just the newspaper, not even on a computer, where you get five possibilities instead of three, AND they’re not allowed to take any other job than the one they have an LTW for. It’s because the whole point of this scenario is to make things harder and to use money a little more realistically than I usually do. But this is partly why it’s age-modded because, even without eleventy billion custom careers, it sometimes takes a long time for a Sim’s desired career to show in the newspaper. Like, one of the founders of the scenario JUST got hers, in the Artist career...after checking the newspaper every single morning for 5.5 seasons, which is just about the length of the normal adult lifestage. (Yay, maybe now she can stop being homeless! She’s the last of the four who still is. I mean, talk about your “starving artists!” Knowing her luck, though, she’ll get fired on a chance card and have to start all over.  :) )
dunne-ias replied to your photo “iCad Does Brainstorming AKA: Curse you, @dunne-ias!! So, Dunne-ias...”
ooooh this is way more ambitious than what I do, but I LOOOOVE IT and would very much appreciate a peek at the spreadsheet when you're done with it!
I will definitely share it when it’s all done. Some of the “requirements” I’m imposing rely on some mods/modded objects I use (Like Monique’s computer, for its article-writing function), but generally speaking it’ll be pretty applicable to even a “vanilla” game. Very complicated, though. But I like complicated. :)
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “EDIT: Oops, I noticed that the file for the Butterfly machine doesn’t...”
Dude, *every* time I send a sim to the gym, I think about how annoying it is that NPCs hog the treadmills and ignore everything else. Thanks for the fix! It's dearly appreciated.
You’re welcome! And yeah, I thought the very same thing and finally got off my butt and fixed it! :)
Although...in my game, at least, the visitors still seem to avoid the “multipress” machine, and I can’t figure out why. They love the separate bench press/butterfly/leg extension machines, but not the “combo” one. Don’t know if I boo-boo’ed or if there’s other things going on in its programming. Let me know if you experience the same thing.
katatty-main replied to your photoset “EDIT: Oops, I noticed that the file for the Butterfly machine doesn’t...”
thanks for this! i've been filling all my gyms with nothing but tredmills because of this problem, now my sims can finally use the other equipment!
Yeah, I’d do the same thing. And even so my playables hardly ever got to use the treadmills because the non-playables wouldn’t leave them alone! I still don’t understand Maxis’s logic with this at all... But, y’know, screw Maxis. :)
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dramaplustautology · 6 years
Edgy Fish Dating Sim - Basic premise + Protag Bio
I’m already stressed and it’s only the beginning of Summer so I thought up some ideas for a hypothetical merpeople-themed visual novel for Mermay! 
So I wanted to have 4 routes but I couldn’t think of another sea creature besides crab and a friend suggested Vincent the lost ninja turtle so that’s a no go. We’re down to three because i never want to hear fuck and turtle in the same sentence again.
Anyways! To the actual thing!
Originally just a cool story idea but when i bounced it off a buddy, they asked me when the freaky fish fucking was going to happen. Well, shape of water got Oscars so I don’t have to hide the fact that I’m a horrific scaley though we’re not going to go super super eggville. 
So picture an endless sea where the closest thing to land you’ll get is the arctic. It’s bountiful with endless forests of kelp, huge coral countries, leaving no crevice unfilled. Lives go on forever and if you get tired of that, you throw yourself to one of the Three Eyes of the Storm. 
If there happens to be too many people around to be comfortable, a storm brews around one of three huge sea monsters. You have the Leviathan, a huge serpent who’s movement through the ocean creates the currents. Then there’s the giant octopus guy (i will come up with better names later) who holds the reefs up with his huge arms. Last is the giant shark with teeth that can tear the sea in literal half. He just goes wherever and eats things. When things get too crowded, they choose which places and which people to cull.
Though they aren’t the only super giants, they hold “something” that makes them able to hold sway over the seas like gods. 
But deep below is the Abyssal Plane. The sunlight can’t reach this place and the inhabitants know death. They survive on marine snow (like leftover food that trickles down from the surface which also includes body parts), bones, and each other (meaning mostly that they eat each other but teamwork isn’t out of the question)! 
The closest thing they had to renewable food and resources were undersea vents that pumped out heat from magma flows beneath the bottom of the sea. Those would be quickly populated and quickly stopped working so the Abyssal Plane inhabitants evolved to become these crazy nightmare monsters that fed on each other. It wasn’t fun even though they’re awesome being translucent, multiple eyes, crazy huge teeth, and all that stuff.
It’s said that the merpeople of the Abyssal Plane are all descended from the first who were born from pearls made by giant clams that lived by the deep sea vents. One of these pearls fell into one of these vents but instead of melting, became tempered by the heat, taking in all of its energy before hatching and splitting the earth. The Merperson that came from this Pearl was the only one who could swim up to the surface, survive in the Sun, and stole from the Eyes of the Storm. They robbed the surface of its bounty in the process, introducing Death to them and taking the Bounty of the surface to the Abyssal Plane. Bringing prosperity and immortality to the bottom of the sea, their attributes were shared among their fellow merpeople who then went on to call them the Progenitor or the God of the Abyssal Plane. 
The Main Character is a direct descendant of the Progenitor, born when their species was on the brink of disappearing. They grew to their late teens in an empty dark city with only their parents and the spectre of the Progenitor hovering over the Abyssal Plane. They have a feeling that the disappearances have something to do with the Progenitor stealing from the surface. Plus, the Progenitor made it clear that they want to keep what they stole despite there being no one left in the Abyssal Plane. Though what they stole keeps the Progenitor immortal, over anything they just want to keep the surface suffering. The Main Character doesn’t feel that it’s right so they decide to take what was stolen back to the surface.
Once they succeed in their quest, the Protagonist knows that they will die. But it’s the right thing to do. 
So the protag is sort of a cross between an Angel Jelly, a Cone Jelly, and some other cute monster traits.
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The MC is a real cutie and the sea creature friends they make at the surface had mistaken them for a cloud that had fallen out of the sky when they first met. Then once that misunderstanding’s cleared up, they’re mistaken for a human that had somehow managed to get stuck in the middle of the Ocean.
I have a thing for white hair so they have snow white hair and huge eyes that the fish friends mistake for gold discs. They’re petite in almost all ways. Tiny mouth, tiny nose, and they’re quite short but are wearing a billowing white dress or some other clothing, I dunno, that trails behind then as they swim.
All of this is a cover for what they really look like. See, they’re in disguise because they don’t want the Progenitor or anyone else to recognise that they’re actually a deepsea merperson.
Their mouth actually splits open super wide with tons of sharp teeth they could use to tear, bore, or just splinter bones like they prefer to do. They have a vestigial nose because their skin is extremely sensitive and can feel a shrimp twitch its leg from miles away. Said skin can also turn almost completely translucent like a lot of the things that live in the midnight zone.
As for the eyes, they’re real and can see very well in the dark but hurt a lot when they try to move around in the sunlight. That’s why they keep the rest of their 12 eyes closed. They got 6 eyes on each side of their face. The two topmost are the huge gold discs and the other ten are much smaller. All of them usually turn red in the dark but after one of the fish buddies tells them that unlike the creatures in the deep, most surface fish can see red from really far away, they try to make them blue like their photophores (like biolights/lines on the body that light up). Related to the photophores is the tastefully frilly white dress. It’s used to hide bulk of their body under the skirt.
During the Progenitors time stealing from the surface, there used to be an island sized jellyfish that drifted from place to place. It could trawl entire civilizations and was big enough to swallow whales but since it drifted, everyone could see it coming and avoid it but it was just a huge nuisance. It was only super dangerous when a whirlpool or storm flung it really fast. That was until the Progenitor killed it and stole its body.
Currently, the giant jelly’s body is furled up underneath the MC’s dress. It’s basically grafted to their skin so their poisonous blood, stinging cells, and photophores line the thing. Plus underneath all of that are their own super long tendrils (like in the pics but wow in that documentary, they’re SUPER long). There are only two of them sticking out of the bottom of their spine but they can stretch for miles and the MC can move them at will. At night, the photophores light up in a pretty blue colour that attracts other fish. They bite, get stung, get paralyzed, and then the MC apologizes because they didn’t mean to let it loose. The tendrils are supposed to be wound up tight around the treasures they’re going to return.
Otherwise, unlike other merpeople or humans even, the MC just has stubs. No tail or legs, just stubs. The dress is also hiding the fact that they got no tail. They use the finials on the Jelly’s body or their tendrils to move. With it all furled up, they have to flap their arms to get around.
Ok but as for a name to refer to them to make this easier for later, I’m going with Lariat.
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briteboy · 7 years
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lmao RIP me (now u know why i take so long to answer)
do you know the game what remains of edith finch? its really fantastic, I just finished the part with lewis, his whole situation with reality reminded me of santi. just wanted to tell you :)
surprisingly no i haven’t ever heard of it! :O but now i’m intrigued, i googled it and i’m reading up on it hehe thank you for telling me, u learn something new every day :~}
Hello femmesim! I'm a new simblr & I see you get a lot of notes on your great story! I guess this probably means you have a lot of followers too. I was wondering if you follow them all back. If not do you check out your followers & how do you decide which ones to follow back? What don't you like. What would make you unfollow them? Oops that was a lot lol!
iiiiiiiii honestly haven’t even looked at my actual followers page in a loooooong time, even on my personal blog i was never good with that lol. i just can’t keep up with everyone and i don’t want to feel obligated to follow everyone back because that would be way too many posts on my dashboard all the time y’know. it sounds mean but...ajksdgdsf i WISH i could follow everyone back but itsjustnotrealistic
tbh i follow people back when they reach out to me, make an effort to engage with me, send me messages, reply, or just frequently interact with my posts because it gets my attention and shows their personality. i don’t mean that as in like...”you can’t be my friend unless you give me notes” (LMFAO NO) i mean it as in like i’m fcking oblivious and it’s too much work for me to go out of my way and check out every single blog that follows me :{ but i love messaging and communicating through replies so even if you’re nervous pleeeease step out of your comfort zone, i promise i’m like a pretty good OK human being and i try to make funny jokes so talking to me isn’t that bad i promise.
as for your other questions...tbh i dunno, i like blogs that interest me. (duh...lmao what kind of answer even is that) i usually go for people that show their personalities in their posts (go figure), like memes (lmfao), have an intriguing aesthetic, HONESTLY IDK...i follow a lot of diverse blogs tbh, not just ones that are similar to mine. i only unfollow ppl if i have no memory of following them and their content doesn’t interest me, if they say/do something that irks or angers me (that’s only happened like twice tho), or if they post like EXCESSIVE nsfw...i didn’t sign up for that lmao
i hope i don’t sound like an asshole for all this but it’s just like...i can’t deny i get a lot of attention on here. and i never expected it so i’m pretty unprepared for it lmao. i try my best tho :{ just reach out to me and we’ll probably be frands ok
so many feelings
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I just wanted to say how much I love your blog but to the Anon who said how she looks white if she's Hispanic. Not all hispanics are brown haired and tan. I'm Puerto Rican and I'm blonde and have blue eyes. Hispanics come in different tones and what nots :)
hell0 thank you <3 yeah hispanic people are very diverse, especially with varying nationalities, and especially with puerto ricans. i personally know a lot of puerto ricans who are white passing so it’s really not that uncommon. everyone’s different, and as eir said, white passing POC are still POC!
papa ya - sunny ; thats your song boo lol
OOH i actually like this...i’m boppin my head rn lmao thank u
So basically the last anon is saying hispanics can't be 'white'? I know many 'white' hispanics???
i don’t wanna twist their words, i think they just meant molly looks ethnically white and i understand that, i’m not denying she’s white passing but tbh...idk, if she wasn’t my own sim i’d look at her and kinda know she’s not 100% white y’know. she has features that don’t look european. plus the fact that i’ve posted her speaking spanish before soooo. anyway yeah it’s very possible for a hispanic person to literally have white skin but that doesn’t mean they’re ethnically white
well if she has family from spain it's normal for them to have blonde hair and green eyes, so i mean that could make sense.
she could, who’s to say lol. it’s rly not that deep tho, she’s half white, half puerto rican, das it. but yeaah there is a wide array of genetic possibilities for every race! who’da thunk it
Hey, I'm a new reader, is it possible you could link some earlier parts to your story. You don't have to if it's problem though I know how tumblr be. I love the visuals style of your sims. That's what caught my eye. I also was wondering what editing program would you suggest. I kinda want to test out editing my sims.
heyo i summed up the story here and here and there’s a lot of posts of key events linked in there! thank you though, that’s so kind ;-; <3 wellll the only editing program i use is photoshop cs6 so i’d recommend that haha. you can find it for free pretty easily, but if you’re not into that, there are plenty of other programs you can use. i know a lot of ppl on here use gimp. 
hi! I need advice and idk where to get it from but you seem like a really good person who has some wisdom lol! so basically i'm in a big financial situation. I had a good paying job but it made me have anxiety and panic attack because i hated it so much. and i quit my job before i had another job lined up. So my bank account is very close to being completely empty and i have bills and i have to move soon. I NEED ADVICE OR SOMEONE TO TELL ME ITS GOING TO BE OK.
omg first of all i’m so touched that you even came to me with this wtf ;___; ily
second of all it IS going to be ok, you shouldn’t force yourself to do something you hate if it’s really impeding on your mental health that much. it’s not good for you in the long run, even if it pays well. like, at what cost do you want to sell yourself in order to make money? my point is you made a good decision but lacked the foresight, which luckily is something that can be remedied easily. (well...hopefully, but job hunting is never easy :\ ) if you’re still in this situation by the time your bills and everything catch up to you, you can always seek help from family and friends or look into loans...find someone (or multiple people) who will stick by you and support you through this, because this is something way too hard to do alone. (if you don’t have anyone, i’m here for you ;-; ) i honestly don’t have any good advice for finding another job because tbh that’s something i always flounder in, and i’m gonna have to do the same thing by the time i finish up school in the next month AHHHHH
i’m prayin 4 both of us, but you especially <3
Hi!!! sorry i remember seeing an ask about Lou's eyelashes but i cannot find it :((( could you please tell me where can i find it???
hey she just uses the kijiko ones! sometimes if it’s a closeup i use these eyelash brushes tho
hi! sorry, this is a weird question but i thought you could help maybe.... i recently started playing ts4 again, but when i am in cas, there is a weird shine on all cc hairs.... do you have a solution for this? thank you in advance!
hmmmmm i kinda get a weird shiny glitch too but it’s only with certain things, and it’s usually remedied by clicking on the sim’s different outfit categories until it goes away lol. but if it’s on ALL of the hairs...hmm...i’m assuming you’re talking about alpha? because i don’t think clay hairs usually have that problem. check if laptop mode is on, if it is, turn it off!! that’s the only solution i can think of :{
i feel like too many people are reading too deeply into things. either way i love your work and just read the entire thing in a day and i love you so much idek.
i think this was sent when i was getting messages about my dialogue haha. i mean i definitely understand their points in saying it has too many realistic vocal quirks, but tbh that’s what i like about it, and i think that’s part of the reason people connect with it. idk. but thank you so much ily ;__;
hi i just wanted to ask how do you manage your time and how do you post frequently without feeling overworked and overwhelmed ? do you have some sort of schedule, because you seem very organized lol . tysm for answering <3 !
hmmmmm how? um poorly LMAO
no but really...it’s hard. i’m glad i’m so into this story/eager to see all your reactions to it because otherwise the chaos of my life would’ve definitely deterred me from moving along with it a while ago. that’s basically the reason i’m so surprised i even made it this far tbh. i accomplished so much more than i ever thought i would. ;__;
i don’t have an answer for this question because i DO often feel overwhelmed and i have to take a step back and remind myself it’s not the end of the world if i don’t have time to go in game or edit or whatever. i think it’s because i set up this timeline for myself in terms of goals i want to reach with my story throughout the rest of the year and i get frustrated with myself when those plans become delayed because of other obligations. (for example i definitely thought baby wallace would’ve been born by now lmao syke) i was getting burnt out very easily before, which is why i’ve been taking it slower lately (that and i’ve been working a lot more so i don’t have as much free time as i used to :\ ) the good thing about having different characters tho is that when i get burnt out on one thing i can just switch over to another thing at an opportune time (which is what i’ve always done with santi and girooni)
anyway yeah i am kinda organized (in my own weird way) in terms of story planning, controlling the pacing and key events, and that’s definitely the reason i’m able to post so frequently. i used to have multiple free days a week where i could go in game for long amounts of time and get lots of scenes done at once, but at this point in my current schedule i just basically go in game whenever i'm free from the clutches of capitalism (jk we’re never free save us bernie) which means i only have time to do like one thing in game but it seems to be working just as well so far.
.............i’m how i wrote a novel to answer this
im glad i pretty much got it. i can really relate to everything going on. i can see a lot of myself in santi and molly & i get it. the movies make you think you fall in love and everythings fixed like they fill that void in your soul and i mean sure they fill parts of it but you need to do that yourself and not rely on someone else. Your story is real and you can tell your writing from personal experience because theres so much feeling. u think ur fixing urself and u end up more hurt in the end
i’m so glad you can relate ;-; i think that’s one of my proudest accomplishments so far. i mean santi has always been relatable for me because he IS me...or at least partly me, just like all my characters are. but i never thought anyone else would feel the same way, so it means so much to me that people enjoy him as a character because of that.
anyway YES exactly. i hate the “no one’s going to love you if you don’t love yourself” mentality, i think it’s a toxic way of looking at the benefits of genuine self love. the sentiment behind it is true, but it’s a backwards way of looking at it. someone’s else’s love shouldn’t be your motivation, your own love toward yourself should be your motivation. when you look at it in the other way, you do end up getting more hurt in the end.
lol anons back the frick off, that scene is perfect, santi is perfect, sunny is perfect, the stuttering is perfect THIS BLOG IS FREAKIN PERFECT
oMG i appreciate the support, but i don’t blame those people for having issues with my dialogue hahahha. i know it’s kind of different and weird but it just feels right for me when i write it so i go with it. i rly like santi’s stuttering tho so *shrugs* THANK YOU THO ILY <333
hey! I was wondering if you have any tips on making(?) light leaks in photoshop? idk if you've answered this already bc I'm on mobile, buT if u have I'll just check when I get on my computer next !!! Thanks !
ummM I DON’T ACTUALLY because i get all my light leaks off google lmao. i have a folder of all the ones i’ve collected over time lmao
you could probably easily make some with the paintbrush in overlay mode with varying opacities tho? i’ve tried to replicate this a few times actually, but the rest of the time i just use light leaks made by other people lol
Do you enjoy more playing the game or taking the photos/making the story? Do you play challenges?
LATELY i’ve been just enjoying playing the game because i’ve gotten burnt out on story things and just playing is such a nice break from it haha. whenever i have to wait in game for it to be a certain time of day for story purposes, i go play with girooni for a few sim hours to pass the time and it’s fun for me lmao. i’m looking forward to my story winding down so i can get back to doing more gameplay things like i did before but at the same time i’ll always do at least something story related because i like the sense of direction it gives y’know.
i’ve never actually tried any challenges, not even just regular old legacies because i would always either get sick of the sims i was playing with or get too attached to them and not want to go to a new generation lmao. i was never interested in any challenges tbh. i like watching other people do bachelor(ette) challenges tho heheh
WHEN DID SANTI BECOME SUCH A STRONK BOI also you are so sweet we don't deserve you??? You are a blessing I love you thank you for doing this aaaaa ;;; you are an inspiration I hope I can do what you do too! OK BYE HAVE A NICE DAY ❤️❤️❤️
OMG HE’S ALWAYS BEEN SECRETLY STRONK (i’m assuming this is about how he beat ugly stepdad to a pulp lmao) he mostly gets his strength from anger and an adrenaline rush. a BLESSING WHAT!!!!!! YOU’RE SO SWEET ILY ;__; don’t thank me, i’m just doin what i love <3 have a nice day/night/rest of your life ily
But why are ur anons so needy lol isn't that like ur third one angry that u haven't responded
ugh i feel bad because i get it, i do, i understand it hurts when you reach out to someone multiple times and you get ignored, but i don’t do it on purpose and i have explained, many times, the plenty of valid reasons why i can’t respond to 100% of my messages. i’m actually trying to answer all of my message right now with these mass answer posts and it’s REALLY a lot for me to go out of my way and do this. so i’m trying ok. but like i’m only a person ajhsdghjdfjhk i can only give so much attention to this y’know. please be patient
from this moment on we should all proceed to take cautions around ppl named dan.... TAINTED
I KNO RIGHT...dan is such an ugly boring name (no offense to the dans of the world) but like if you’re a dane you’re probably evil or are the human embodiment of cardboard
I can not say it enough. Great story. It's life. And life is beautiful, loving, refreshing and sometimes it can be harsh & scary. You take the good with the bad. I look forward to what comes next. --"Run away, run far away" nony (I have to start thinking of new tag line, because I am diggin Santi and Lou together) :)
HELLO FRIEND i kinda love that you keep coming back ehehe. and i’m glad you’re enjoying it so much ;___; these words are so kind and genuine, thank you so much <3333 OMG i’m glad you like santou as well even though they’re on a slow decline right now. i’m really excited about what i have planned in the future tho
omggggg my theory is the first one on that list you posted!! i'm so happy for that but also sad bc of what's going on with molly and santi and i hope that santi will finally just be happy soon. love you and your sims (except step dad dan) 💕💕
OOH HELLO YES you basically guessed everything that happened up until this point hahaha congratulations <33 santi will be happy...eventually. it’s going to be a long hard road in getting there tho. i hope you’ll all be satisfied in the end
fuck you dan stepdad
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thesims4blogger · 8 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (March 23rd, 2017)
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Update: 03/23/2017 – PC Version / Mac Version
Happy March Simmers!
We have a short update here, as we step onto the approach. We’ve picked our ball from the rack, and we’ll try not to hook into a split.
So, without spending too much time on this frame, let’s address the lane…
General Issues
Babies born to parents whose last name includes an apostrophe, will also have an apostrophe in their last name.
Hovering over the name field in Create a Sim will once again cause the cursor to change to a ‘Cursor and Pencil’ cursor.
Non-active Sims with violin and guitar skill will no longer silently horde violins and guitars in their inventories.
We’ve made improvements to Sim interaction selection.
Sims will no longer woodwork to the exclusion of all else.
Teens are now allowed to move out on their own from the Household Management screen.
The lighting created by the combination of curtains and windows will no longer change upon reload.
The ymMakeupEyebrows_Unibrow will now save upon exiting Create a Sim.
Taking a cutting from a wild plant will once again identify the plant from which it was taken.
We have addressed an issue that could cause adults to take a serving from a group meal and just place it in their inventory. They should now, if hungry, take a serving, and eat it.
The Chomper the Devourer toybox will now properly be searched for when using the color filters in Build Mode.
Sims are once again sitting to watch TV.
Sims were incorrectly being allowed to choose a primary aspiration upon age up from teen to young adult, which would result in two bonus traits. This option has been removed.
The Starbroker styled look can once again be found for teens when the feminine filter is on.
And along the same lines the ymHair_EP01LowBun can also once again be found under the masculine filter… it too had been incorrectly unhooked and left in limbo.
The Let There Be Light and The Let There Be More Light windows now have matching frames under any light.
Undo in Create a Sim will no longer change the camera setting.
Switching phone covers will now remember their settings between loads of the game.
We have addressed an issue with emotional aura's incorrectly putting children into a flirty emotion. Children should never enter the flirty emotion.
Addressed an issue that could cause a child Sim aged up from a toddler to be unable to use stairs.
Giving a toddler a bath should no longer become impossible when a baby is added to the household.
puHair_Medwavy (aka the big curly hair) toddler hair will now maintain the chosen color regardless of outfit chosen.
Toddler socks can now be found in formal wear.
Fixed some highlight issues in Create a Sim that resulted in graphical issues when hovering over the feet of some Sims.
Fixed an issue in Create a Sim that would cause the filter display to become corrupted if enough filters were chosen such that the … (dot dot dot) replacement display was needed.
Fixed a seam that could appear on the back of a Sims head when wearing cuHair_SP06StraightSide hairstyle.
Which should clarify the expected action of an “enter name here” field…
…where you could use a pencil to enter your name.
Please, don’t draw on your monitor.
So, we need you to play at this event, do you have your own instrument?
Ok then, we’ve had a few of our violins go missing recently, so if you could just make sure to return this when your shift is over, that’d be great.
Ok then, I’ll just put this violin in your pocket. Are you comfortable with the violin?
Ok, then, why don’t you take this guitar too, just in case. Soooo, I guess that’ll be all.
Klepto Sims interaction test to swipe something was being tested for, even when there were no klepto Sims present, increasing the time it took for Sims to decide on actions to take.
Also, they are allowed to move back in.
However, their room was probably converted into a spa, or something…
Their parents have taken on a new roommate named Barney…
And they make you pay rent.
Just stay away, it’s better.
Alignment over a clear goal was brought to the table, in a face time generation of a sustainable proactive win-win spin-up of the problem. A holistic outside of the box approach was what ultimately brought our synergy to a proper wellness level, and allowed us to break through the clutter for an end of the day exit strategy to this issue.
It had accidentally been untagged, which caused it to only appear when no filters were selected.
Asset Limbo….
Ooooooh oooh.
Ooooooh oh yea.
Asset Limbo.
Yep, I’m currently working on the chorus. I’m thinking platinum this time next year.
No matter whether it be little, more, little more, or more than a little light, the Let There Be windows are letting light be light.
Because even if you understand how the code is put together, this makes no sense.
Also, we have preemptively prevented Sims from spontaneously combusting after storing a salad in the refrigerator while the stereo is playing pop.
Red hair please.
You got it, want brown hair on that toddler?
Thank you, red hair will be fine.
Brown hair coming up.
Red yes, brown no.
Hold the red.
No, I want the red.
Brown it is.
Brown me no “likes”
Red out.
Red in.
Ah, come on, make up your mind!
Okay, okay on second thought…. make my toddler bald.
There was some debate that resulted in a survey of a handful of toddlers, and their thoughts on formal attire. Results varied, as you would expect, but with proper skewing we found that more toddlers preferred to keep their feet covered, than those that desired an open toe approach.
And while this doesn't preclude the open toe option for those with the proclivity to free the digits, it does make one wonder why we keep a handful of toddlers around the office for just these sorts of things.
This issue should no longer occur. (dot)
Though some have speculated on the possibility of the seam being an Edgar suit, it should be pointed at that beyond the seam, there was a clear lack of droopy cheek, wrinkle neck, and glassy eye.
Any desire a Sim may express for sugar in water is purely coincidental.
Get to Work
Lot trait skill icons will no longer appear in the photos of Sims.
Or photos of nature… landscapes, architectural concept pieces, butterflies, flies, dragonflies, bats, leaves, fish jumping, or similar.
Or just photos.
Yea, I guess I could have just said photos.
Perfect Patio
As you can see in this image, there is an odd seam on the surface of the Wickish Ottoman Empire ottoman. We have corrected this seam, and it should now appear correctly for all design modes.
If you are unable to view the issue in the image, then you aren't looking where I'm pointing.
Movie Hangout
We have fixed an issue that could cause Sims to cancel the cuddle action unexpectedly while watching a movie together.
Grab a serving now appears on full popcorn poppers and not empty ones.
Ah, a classic equal not equal variable switch, am I right?
White Picket Gates placed upon White Picket Fences will no longer appear overly bright when a light source is place nearby, instead they will light as expected.
Vintage Glamour
Lisa's Resplendent Receptacle, aka a dining chair, will no longer leave behind its shadow when a Sim scoots in or out of the chair.
This is how it all starts, shadow separation disorder. Then it’s on to parental disgruntlement, and BOOM next thing you know pirates, lost boys, pixie dust... all of it is just one big flight to the dark side.
A New
Create a popular hangout at the ol’ bowling alley, the shops, or just an abandoned home…
It’s like teen catnip.
As always, stay outta the gutter, catch the spare, strike into a turkey, and keep the lofting low,
[Posted on behalf of SimGuruGnome who is practicing his bowling skills to take on resident champ SimGuruGraham.]
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
A buncha replies about high-poly hair, fur-coated vacation locals, evil enablers, laziness, an old game being old, time management or the lack thereof, creepy pizza delivery dudes, terrain defaults that may or may not work, House Hunters and stupid Americans, nuzzling cats, cheap but AWESOME 80s knives, fermented milk and Canadian weirdness about it, forcing TV on people who don’t want it, annnnnnnd...Texas? Yep, Texas.
Quite a list, ain’t it? :) IOW, these go back a bit because I’m...me. 
These are for @immerso-sims, @nekosayuri, @fuzzyspork, @kairisu, @alawren4ever, @ajaysims, @didilysims, @delicatesoul88, @dreadpirate, @treason-and-plot, @jellybeanery, @pensblr, @twofee, @hemfbg, and @penig. Because Texas. ;)
Also, peripherally, @twofingerswhiskey.
immerso-sims replied to your photo “So instead of filling up my queue OR firing up my rebooted Castaway...”
I am guilty of having quite a few high polycount hairs, but I don’t have much CC in general and my Macie seems to handle them well, even with an integrated video card, so all is well, but yeah, 30k is a liiiiiittle bit excessive.
I have a few really high-poly hairs (20+K), myself. My game/computer does seem to be able to handle them without a fuss. (I really don’t know WHY, since both the machine AND the video card are older models, but...Hey, I’m not gonna argue. :) ) Even so, the ones I have are special and unique and very fabulous in some way, and if I later find a similar just-as-nice but lower-poly style, I’ll ditch the high-poly one in a heartbeat.
Mostly, though, I stick to hairs that are ~10K polys or less. I’ll have as many of those as I want because I figure if my game can handle the 30K+ ones without issue, it can handle a bunch of 10Ks. I have fewer that are 10K-12K. 13K is generally (and arbitrarily) my hard limit unless the hair falls into the “unique and fabulous” category and, really, those are few and far between.
nekosayuri replied to your photo “So instead of filling up my queue OR firing up my rebooted Castaway...”
@digitalangels lowered the polycount on Aviary, I'm pretty sure
I wouldn’t be surprised if she has. But really? There are already plenty of quite similar hairs that look just as nice as that one and that have much lower polycounts. I’ll bet it’s one of those that has thousands of backfaces that don’t even show in the game. :\ 
fuzzyspork replied to your photo “Well. This isn’t something you see every day. :) (Guess I missed that...”
The static she will collect on the way down will make that coat look like a tribble.
Yeah, like a tribble...or like they slaughtered a thousand-and-one poofy Pomeranian dogs to make her coat. :)
kairisu replied to your photo “Well. This isn’t something you see every day. :) (Guess I missed that...”
she's sliding in style ��✨
Maybe. But she’s gonna make a mess of that fancy fur coat. :)
alawren4ever replied to your post “So now that the second Blind Date gift I was called upon to make is...”
Fun thing of course!
See? THAT’S JUST NOT HELPFUL! :D I enable myself to do the fun thing quite well, thank you. ;)
nekosayuri replied to your post “So now that the second Blind Date gift I was called upon to make is...”
Get a mouse recorder to do it for you XD
That’s tempting, but the majority of the time spent on the “editing,” such as it is, is cropping the pics in the right place and to (more-or-less) the right size ratios. It’s never the same twice, so it couldn’t be automated.
(Confession: I had to Google “mouse recorder.” I mean, I could kind of tell what one would do from the name, but I doubted that such things actually existed. SURPRISE! :) )
ajaysims replied to your post “So now that the second Blind Date gift I was called upon to make is...”
I really know what you mean. My head is always bursting with a million different hood and story ideas but at the end of the day a lot of the time I just wanna play without thinking about editing pics after.
Yep, that’s me, too. I mean, I have (literally) about 1200 GilsCarburg pics to post. I mean, they wouldn’t all be posted because a good chunk of them are similar, where I took a lot of pics knowing I’d pick the best one of the bunch to post, but still...a lot. It’s going through them and making the posts that I drag my feet on sometimes. I kinda have to psych myself up to do it -- although once I start, I enjoy doing it, so it’s not a chore or anything :) -- and it’s easy to distract myself by, for instance, downloading a bunch of hairs for my Castaway game because I want to try my hand at making defaults for it.
nekosayuri replied to your post “You're my Senpai. Lol jk but for reals I adore you! You make amazing...”
Senpai XD tbh this is one of those things though, people actually PLAY the game AND make cc AND download stuff AND organise downloads folder/Tumblr posts. How do people have time for all of that??
I honestly don’t know how most people do it. For me, the answer’s easy: I’m mostly retired -- I’ll do paid gigs if I get bored and want to, but otherwise? Eh. -- and I don’t have to worry about money. And I have employees. That helps, too. Also, I have health issues that prevent me from doing a lot of things I’d LIKE to do. So, I do Sims-related stuff a lot. And go on a lot of dates with my husband, but he DOES work, so I can’t be doing stuff with him all the time. So, for now, unless/until I decide to do some kind of volunteering, I occupy a good chunk of my time with Sims stuff. And with hanging out with friends and whatnot, too, of course. But...Yeah, I don’t have a “normal” life. I don’t know how people who DO have a normal life manage to do all the Sims stuff they do.
delicatesoul88 replied to your post “Hi there, I’m pretty impressed that you create and use a lot of high...”
@dramallamadingdang I feel like I should print this and place it up right next to my monitors for the next time I take the cc cleanup plunge. The flashing pink bug is real and has caught up to me, I also know its my own darn fault for having so much cc. My computer can handle it but my game can't, and this is the swift kick in the rear I needed to remind me of that.
dreadpirate replied to your post “Hi there, I’m pretty impressed that you create and use a lot of high...”
Personally what works for me (since I love my sims 3 and 4 conversions and my pretty hairs) is playing with smaller lots as much as possible and going easy on the clutter
Yeah, it’s all a matter of prioritizing. You truly can’t have everything because “old game is old” even if you personally own a supercomputer. So, you focus on what’s most important to you and sort of skimp on the other stuff. So if pretty hairs and conversions are your thing, OK, but you might have to sacrifice, yeah, large, heavily-landscaped lots and lots of deco-only clutter and/or a heavily-hood-decorated neighborhood. Or if you’re a person who doesn’t actually play the game and just does, say, decorating, you can have all the converted, high-poly/high-res shit your little heart desires because you don’t need the high-poly hairs and clothing or the neighborhood stuff. Or if you’re mostly a Sim-maker, you can have all the high-poly hairs with gigantic textures that you want because you don’t need anything else that taxes the game. 
And if you want to do everything...Then I say: Separate user accounts/different downloads folder for each purpose. So, if you wanna decorate, you load up the high-res conversions. You wanna make Sims, load up the high-poly hair. You wanna actually play...Don’t go batshit with the big stuff and you’ll generally be OK.  Conscious downloading is the way to go. Know what you’re putting in your downloads before you put it in there and make conscious, aware, informed decisions so you’re not surprised by any consequences (i.e pink flashing) that you experience..
It’s all balance, man. Like, be in harmony with the universal spheres, totally.
treason-and-plot replied to your photo “This pizza delivery dude that my game generated…looks like a pizza...”
He has seen things...
Seen many things, yes. Let’s just hope that he hasn’t done anything...to the pizza... :)
didilysims replied to your photo “This pizza delivery dude that my game generated…looks like a pizza...”
Just as long as he doesn't get any of those long hairs in the food.
Things like that, yes! :) Or, you know, worse. Ah, all those urban legends... :)
jellybeanery replied to your photoset “Happy Monday! Now that Blind Date is over, I’m back to doing Monday...”
Eeeee! Thank you! I'm grabbing this and gonna check it out tomorrow! ♥
Well, I hope it worked better for you than my first stab! :) Please let me know if it didn’t! 
fuzzyspork replied to your post “To be or not to be...a bitch.”
My reply to this sort of thing is "Oo, this is short notice. We already have plans!" Even if those plans are to watch Netflix in our underwear. They are probably just doing the Christian thing by inviting you guys and they may not even care if you come (my sister is of the High and Mighty mindset and she invites out of "duty" but is always relieved with people can't come or cancel, lol).
You know, of anyone else, I’d believe this. But whenever we’ve turned down an invite, there’s always been tons of wheedling about it. So, either they’re really good actors or they really do want us there. I’m pretty sure it’s the latter, since entertaining and cooking big meals and all that is what the female half of the couple lives for, since aside from going to church, she’s stuck at home, homeschooling their 7 kids, ranging from infants to teens. (Which is another reason to avoid their house, as far as I’m concerned. I’m done with kids. I don’t hate them or anything, but I really don’t enjoy being around them. Especially not toddlers. I’m not even goo-goo for my own grandkids, so I don’t want to deal with anyone else’s kids anymore.)
pensblr replied to your post “Random non-Sims things”
Just going to leave this here. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/75/a2/2d/75a22d07e38b1fedd15834c67bea0bb2.jpg
*sporfle* Yeah, that about sums it up, I’d say. :)
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Kitten spam, with captions.”
The nuzzle animation is so cute :3
It is! I think they could’ve done so much more with pet-to-pet interactions, personally. Like, cats and dogs sleeping in piles like they do IRL. Also, pets sleeping on beds with Sims. (I have the mod that enables that for children, but it would have been nice if that was possible for all Sims.) But at least that one interaction is cute. :) 
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Random non-Sims things”
Oh god House Hunters. What gets me is when they decide they don't want to buy "the perfect in every other way" house because the paint/wallpaper/carpet is hideous. I always yell at the TV "THOSE ARE EASY TO CHANGE YOU PRISSY IDIOT!" But we ditched cable TV a few years ago and I've never been happier. It's so much more relaxing to just watch what we want streaming, when we want, not bound to a show's schedule.
Yeah! I saw that, too! I was like, “You know what? There’s this thing called painting. And if you don’t want to do it yourself, there’re even people who you can pay to do it for you!” But when the realtor says something like that (with not NEARLY enough snark, IMO), they’ll say “Oh, we don’t want any big projects.” As if painting one room before there’s anything in it is a “big project.” Stupidity abounds!
And yeah, I’m much happier without squawk boxes around. The only remotely good thing about it is Cartoon Network. And some of the HGTV-type stuff is fun to watch, I suppose, if only to get ideas for my game. ;) But I much prefer no TV. I mean, yeah, I know no one forces anyone to turn it on, but we feel like we should watch SOMETHING since we’re paying through the nose for it. :p
twofee replied to your post “Random non-Sims things”
house hunters international is hilarious because they always want to be in the center of whatever city, pay almost nothing in rent, and at least one person in the couple expects everything to be americanized. plus if they are asking for it to come furnished, they always complain about how its not their style or whatever. i just want to see the pretty scenery of the country youre lucky enough to be able move to. have you been able to guess which house theyll pick?
I can pretty much always tell the house they’ll pick because it’s usually the one that’s most like what the female half of the couple wants. Which is so stereotypical but...there it is.
And yeah, I watched an “International” one the other day. Some chick looking for a place to rent in Spain who was bitching about the lack of central air conditioning (In buildings older than America, that she said she WANTED to live in) and freaking out because -- OMG! -- the washing machine was installed in the (small) kitchen! Americans, SMH. Of course, she ended up in a new place with central air that was very American and also above her budget, but she justified that by saying she’d be more “comfortable” there. :p Moron. Why go live in another country if you just want to drag yours along with you? Isn’t that exactly what a certain sector of American citizens bitch about when it comes to immigrants? But what do American émigrés do? *sigh* Swear, most Americans just need to stay the hell in America because God forbid they deign to adapt to anything else. :p
hemfbg replied to your post “Random non-Sims things”
It's funny that you mention House Hunters- it's playing on the tv in the other room. Sometimes I'll watch it when it's on just because I like to look inside other houses, though I agree with you about it being very safe-for-tv and every episode being the same.
I did actually see a gay couple on it the other day! Of course, they were a white, middle-aged well-off gay couple looking for a place in Palm Springs, CA, which is pretty much a place you can’t live in unless you’re LGBT (and well-off), but still! Gay people, OMG! 
nekosayuri replied to your post “˜Tis reply time! \0/”
Maybe you could suggest it over at MTS to people who actually mod? it is a great idea overall! and it *might* be possible, but wont know till we try right? :D
I did post the idea in the “Hacks & CC You’d Like To See” thread over there. It’s not a request thread, though, because MTS doesn’t allow requests. It’s more like an “I wish” thread, and a lot of the stuff wished-for IS impossible, but sometimes people have picked stuff out of the thread and actually done it, so...Well, it’s out there in the world. Of course, right after I posted it, a little argument broke out about something unrelated, so it quickly got buried, but maybe something’ll come of it. Who knows?
didilysims replied to your post “Random non-Sims things”
3) I need to get me some of those knives! I feel like I'm sharpening my junky knives every time I use them because I refuse to crush my poor vegetables instead of cutting them. Never heard of the brand but I looked it up and apparently they're still making them. Probably not as good quality as back in the day but...I'll keep my eyes open in the stores now. :)
I was amazed to find out that Ginsu still exists. But yeah, those knives are way nicer than their 70s/80s ancestors. Which, yeah, probably means they won’t work half as well. :) Gimme my cheap plastic-handled bread knife made of God-knows-what ANY DAY!
didilysims replied to your post “Random non-Sims things”
1) Pretty sure internet packages try to include TV these days because the TV stations are paying them extra money to force it on people. 2) I say it the American way (never heard the English way in my memory) but I spell it with an H. There are almost as many different spellings as there are different Canadians, however. I've also seen yogourt, which is an odd one.
1) I’m pretty sure you’re right. I’m also pretty sure that most people do still want TV...although I’m pretty sure that, as time goes on, most people will prefer to stream what they want when they want it, so I think standard TV’s kind of on its way to dinosaur-hood. So perhaps one day it will no longer be forced on people. Probably won’t happen before I croak, though. :P 2) Yeah, @twofingerswhiskey reblogged with a pic of a yog(h)(o)urt container spelled “yogourt,” which is apparently how they spell it in Quebec (so I guess that’s how it’s spelled in France? Who knew?), which is apparently where most of y’all’s yog(h)(o)urt is made. :) Which is kinda weird, if you ask me. Why Quebec? Are there no dairy cows in Saskatchewan or Ontario or Alberta? :) I’ve seen dairy cows in BC, so I know they’re there...
penig replied to your post “˜Tis reply time! \0/”
Army bases can be beautiful. Ever go to Ft. Sam Houston? There's a reason all the officers retire here...
Nope, never been there. I’m sorry to say that I avoid Texas as much as I can. No offense to you or to any other individual Texan out there, but...y’all have a lot of bombastic asshats amongst you. And y’all seem to elect sexist, grabby-hands asshats at an alarming rate, too. Whenever I’ve been in Texas, I’ve had bad experiences at the hands of those two groups. So...Yeah, not going there if I can possibly help it. THAT said, I know that the cities are generally better and I’d like to visit San Antonio one day -- and maybe Ft. Sam Houston -- because I’ve heard that it’s, like, the artsy/hippie capital of Texas, kind of like how Santa Fe/Taos is the artsy/hippie capital of New Mexico, but....yeah. *sigh* 
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