#its my first time using after effects so if there��s mistakes sorry lol
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
pairing: belphegor x GN! reader, hints of everyone x reader
words: 8.1k+
genre: angst, fluff at the beginning and a bit at the end if u squint
warnings: mentions of mc and lilith’s death, foul language
preview: “I’m sorry,” He begins, voice much weaker than anticipated. “I know that will never cut it, and it will never be enough, but I’m sorry.”
“You’re right, Belphegor. It won’t cut it.”
hey guys what up. so... i’ve done a lot of thinking about belphegor’s dynamic with MC, and, like many others, was really bothered by the sudden switch after... he killed them. u know. typical stuff. i wanted to fill in the gaps!!! if im being completely honest, this has sat in my wips for.... like half a year. it’s my first time writing for obey me, so i hope that everyone’s not too terribly ooc LOL
anyways yeah. i mention how belphegor killed mc a couple of times, so proceed with caution! hopefully, if i get any ideas, the next stuff i write will be a lot lighter. hope you enjoy! (also requests r open soooooooo)
The weight on your chest crushed your rib cage, threatening to snap your bones like they were nothing more than twigs. All you could see was the pitch black of eternal night, and whether your eyes were opened or closed you couldn’t tell. What commanded your attention was the searing pain in your lungs, growing exponentially every half-second, and the unrelenting grip that was slowly shattering your esophagus. No matter how hard you struggled, squirmed and fought against the weight holding your body down, there was no use. It was pointless. The pain spread from the raging fire in your lungs to the tips of your fingertips, and everywhere felt as if you had been set aflame. Slowly, a light illuminated the force keeping you down.
You couldn’t make out much, save for the cackle that rang insufferably through your ears, and the intense eyes that were staring you down.
They held no remorse.
Bones ache as you rest against your bed, finally allowing the tension in your muscles to melt away. You’d never mistake this feeling for regret of a busy day, having spent so much time with the people you care about, but it certainly took its toll on you.
It began with Satan, who’d asked you the night before to accompany him on an early morning walk. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence — he’d invite you to join his morning routine on every day off, and you’d never refuse — hence, at the wonderful time of 7:00am, you were venturing around the Devildom, hand in hand with the Avatar of Wrath. The two of you would walk, occasionally resting on a park bench for longer than either of you would like to admit, for about an hour and a half before you took an official break. The time was filled with pleasant chatter and comfortable silence. Every so often he’d squeeze your hand, and when you’d look over, the fondest of smiles crossed his face. It was a reminder of how glad he was that you joined him.
At around 8:30, he took you into a café for breakfast, and two of you spent only about thirty minutes there chattering away happily. For the most part, he was vividly and excitedly discussing a book he’d just finished the night before…
Until you were interrupted.
“Hello, lovely!” Asmodeus wrapped his arms around you from behind, just before pressing a kiss on your cheek. Satan sighed, resting his head in his hand as he watched the interaction.
“My selfish older brother’s been hogging you all morning, I couldn’t help but want to whisk you away!”
Despite the glare Satan was sending his way, Asmodeus took a seat next to you, happily engaging in conversation as he completely ignored his brother. He told you that the mall was opening in about an hour, and Asmo desperately wished to get his perfectly-manicured hands on a new makeup product being revealed that day.
“But of course I can’t go alone! How positively dreary that would be.” His fingers twined with yours as he looked at you hopefully, and you ran your thumb across his hand. A sheepish smile crept its way onto your lips, and you looked over at Satan. He simply nodded, flicking his hand as a gesture for you two to leave, and Asmodeus didn’t hesitate. He was quick to stand and pull you with them, holding tight to you as he whisked you away. You called out to Satan, now alone at the table with a reluctant smile on his face as he waved goodbye.
“Thanks for breakfast! Get home safe!”
You almost missed the chuckle that left his lips, the café door closing behind you.
Asmodeus kept you until noon. He got a hold of the lipstick he wanted almost right away, but insisted on buying an outfit to match the colour. Regardless of what you’d initially thought, the outfit wasn’t for him.
“Oh, we’ll look positively stunning together!” He exclaimed after about two hours of forcing you in and out of changing rooms, putting his hands all over you to “adjust the clothing” as he deemed necessary. Near the end, you could feel soreness deep in your muscles creeping in from such an active morning, but Asmodeus’ cheery face and constant flirtations helped you forget about it almost completely.
It wasn’t until you got home that you truly felt the effects of on-and-off walking since early in the morning. Be that as it may, your stomach was growling, loudly reminding you that it was now past lunch. As much as you wished to give up on food for the time being and instead head to your room to collapse, the pain in your belly was enough to urge you to cease any arguments, instead ready to try and ignore the ache in your bones in order to quell the angry rumbling of your stomach.
Unfortunately, when you finally made it to the kitchen, there was no food prepared. Instead, what you found was a dejected Beelzebub, frowning softly as he once again was at the receiving end of a lecture from the eldest of his brothers. As quiet as possible, you snuck into the kitchen, trying to listen in on their conversation.
There was silence, followed by a sigh.
“It’s easier to simply ask what’s going on as opposed to trying to eavesdrop, MC.”
You jumped, then bashfully made your way into the kitchen, a sheepish grin on your face. Lucifer was rubbing his temple.
“Beelzebub was supposed to be on lunch duty, but ended up ‘taste-testing’ to the extent that he ate it all. Again.” Lucifer sighed. The typically perfect eldest brother was being run ragged, if the bags forming under his eyes told you anything. “So, instead of working on the papers I have to get finished for tonight, I’m stuck making lunch while he cleans up.”
Beelzebub’s frown tugged at your heartstrings, and in spite of the exhaustion clawing relentlessly at your bones, you relented.
“Why don’t I help? Four hands are better than two,” you proposed, and a small smile graced Lucifer’s face. He lifted his hand to brush the disheveled black hair out of his face, and your chest ached just a bit at the sight. You made a mental note to drag him to bed for a nap the next time you saw him like this.
“That would be more than welcome. Please, if you may.” Already you turned to start working, but Lucifer’s voice made you pause.
“But no feeding Beel. He’s eaten more than his fill already, he can wait until we’re all done.”
Needless to say, every so often you’d slip Beelzebub a piece of chopped vegetable or cooked meat, and he’d very happily (but quietly!) munch away, his expression radiating warmth and joy. And Lucifer, who seemed to almost be omniscient at times, never once mentioned it. Once the three of you were done cooking, Lucifer placed his hand on your head, patting you gently.
“Good work, MC. I must leave now, but I trust that the two of you will be able to clean everything up. Your help was much appreciated. You will be paid back in kind for all of your hard work.”
If nothing else, the slight blush on Lucifer’s face as he ever-so-gently pressed his lips to the crown of your head was more than enough payment.
“Thank you.” Beelzebub cleared his throat, washing the dishes as you dried them. “I… Thanks for helping. And feeding me.”
His smile warmed your heart, and you nodded, bumping your arm with his gently. The small bit of pink that dusted his cheeks compelled you to coddle him, but you resisted the urge. Barely.
“Anytime, big guy.”
After you ate lunch, the only thought in your mind was the prospect of curling up under your covers and passing out. The fretful, broken sleep the night before wasn’t helping at all in keeping you awake, and that on top of the rest of the day’s events had you yearning for the feeling of your pillows.
Unfortunately, you hadn’t even made it through the door when your phone began to blow up, one notification after the other in quick succession.
You found yourself in Leviathan’s room, sat in his lap as he explained the event to you. Your half-asleep brain did its best to keep up with his quick speech, but that, along with the warmth of his chest against your back, became the most soothing lullaby.
“Hey! Normie! I agreed to let you sit here so I could easily help you through the event, but if you’re going to fall asleep on me, I’m pushing you off—“
“I’m awake! I’m awake.
...Now, what was I supposed to do?”
The unintentional giggle that escaped your lips at his expression caused Leviathan to huff, exasperated, despite the flush of his face. Diligently, however, he thoroughly explained the event, for the second time, and the method to obtain the rare prize: a level 2000 I’m Going To Murder You So Hard That You’ll Come Back To Life Just To Die Again Death Sycthe, the strongest weapon ever released in the game. It was a partner event, which explained Leviathan’s desperate and urgent request for aid. You didn’t mind though. While yes, you’d probably never be able to get to his level of gamer, you were more than happy to go along for the ride. It made him happy!
Leviathan rested his chin against your shoulder as he played on his phone, focused to such a degree that the usually easy-to-fluster demon was completely unphased by your proximity. Your phone, set to AutoFight, rested untouched near Leviathan’s leg, abandoned on the floor. You watched him expertly take out enemies that would have one-hit KO’d you through heavy eyelids, and every time he beat a wave of enemies, his attention would momentarily avert from the screen, looking at you from the corner of his eye expectantly. A kiss on his cheek was more than enough to motivate him to continue on, albeit with a pink glow on his cheeks until his attention was once again completely wrapped up in the game at his fingertips.
“Levi! I said open up, goddamnit!”
The pounding against the door was enough to distract Leviathan from his game, subsequently killing his character in the process. He groaned, cursing the demon who interrupted the two of you as he gently lifted you off of his lap, before getting up to open the door.
“The hell do you want?!”
To be completely honest, you were so wrapped up in watching Leviathan play his games that you had forgotten about your weekly movie night with Mammon, who had come over to his younger brother’s room to drag your ungrateful ass back to your own. Leviathan had cleared the event in Mononoke Land hours ago, but not wanting you to leave just yet, invited you to keep watching him play. Setting aside how tired you were, how could you say no? You’d wanted to spend time with him, too.
Unfortunately, you lost track of time, and your phone, battery completely drained from the event, rested uselessly in your pocket. A consequence of this happened to be missing the countless messages and calls Mammon had sent your way, before he began his hunt for you throughout the house. The last place he checked was, of course, Leviathan’s room.
“Come on, human, I ain’t got all day. No one keeps the Great Mammon waiting!”
“Except for MC,” you heard Leviathan mumble under his breath, and a laugh escaped you before you had the chance to slap a hand over your mouth. Mammon flushed deeply, before striding into his brother’s room.
“Hey, wait, you moron! I never said—!”
The force of Mammon throwing you over your shoulder wasn’t enough to hurt, but it certainly was enough to leave you breathless for a moment. “Let’s go, fragile human. I picked the perfect movie already.” Mammon’s words came out in a bashful mumble, but he had enough courage to lift his head and smirk at Leviathan as he carried you out of the room. All you could do was smile apologetically at the blue haired demon before Mammon turned, bringing you out of sight.
Mammon was all complaints as he carried you to your bedroom, but you knew it came from a place of love. Even though he’d never admit it, you could tell he was hurt by you unintentionally ignoring him. Because of this, instead of demanding he let you down, you allowed him to hold you like this, not a single complaint leaving your lips.
When he brought you to your room, you were set on the bed you’d missed dearly and he went to put the movie in the player.
“Hey! No sleepin’ on me, alright? I wanna watch the movie with ya, and I can’t if you’re passed out, now can I?”
And so here you are now, bed frame creaking as Mammon climbs onto the mattress. Rubbing your eyes, you nod, and lean into him once he gets close enough for you to.
“Seriously, I’m gonna hafta have a serious talk with Levi,” Mammon grumbles, slipping his arm around your waist and pulling you in so that you’re almost in his lap. He pulls the blankets over the two of you as you rest your head on his chest, and hum quietly in return. “He used up all your energy, and now we won’t be able to get to enjoy the movie as much! Honestly…”
The vibrations of Mammon’s words can be felt through his chest, and you simply cuddle into him more and try to train your bleary eyes on the television screen. The Avatar of Greed shuts up completely when you take his hand in yours and press a gentle kiss to it, before doing your best to focus on the movie. As time passes, however, the idea of giving into your whims grows more than tempting, and oh-so-easy for you to do.
“Hey! Yo, MC! Seriously… You’re hopeless.”
A chiding, yet gentle voice draws you from the confines of rest. You puff air from your nose in response, cuddling closer to whatever it was that had been so comfortable in the first place.
“MC… Come on. Ya gotta wake up, ya didn’t even watch any of the movie! It was really good, y’know.”
Mammon’s hand rubs circles on your back as you mumble incoherently, a noise to acknowledge the fact that he‘s been talking, and that you are indeed awake now.
It takes a good amount of time, as well as some gentle encouragement from Mammon, to get you to finally open your heavy eyes, and even longer for you to be able to apologize to him for missing out on the movie he was so excited to watch. He pouts a bit, but the blush on the highs of his cheeks lets you know that he didn’t mind all that much. You smile and yawn, and his chuckle resonates in your ears.
“I gotta go now, otherwise Lucifer’s gonna kill me for staying so late. Sorry I woke ya up, but ya look so tired now that you’ll probably fall back asleep right away.”
And so, after a quick goodbye and a kiss on the cheek (which made Mammon turn the prettiest shade of red), you close your door and… sigh. If you had been able to stay asleep, the fact that you aren’t in pajamas and haven't brushed your teeth wouldn't be that much of an issue. Now that you‘re slightly more conscious, however, it’s hard to convince yourself to simply climb back into bed. Your breath is bugging you a bit, and the jeans you’re wearing certainly aren’t at all as comfortable as your pajama pants. For that reason, to your own dismay, you begin getting ready for bed — properly this time.
A small “finally…” tumbles from your lips after you finish your nighttime routine. Lacking any form of grace, you plop into bed once more and pull the blankets to your chin, nuzzling into the pillow. Your bed still smells like Mammon’s cologne, and you hum softly to yourself before closing your eyes and waiting for sleep to take over once more, and hold you hostage until late in the morning.
Alas, sleep seemed to be evading you now, similar to how you had ignored it during the day. The mattress you lay on simply isn't comfortable anymore, and the blankets that hug your body cause you to overheat. Unfortunately, if even one limb is out of the blanket, you get so cold you start shivering. None of your typical sleeping positions are anywhere near as effective as they typically are, and you’re left to wrestle with sleep alone, hoping to beat it into submission so you can finally get some proper rest.
After about 45 minutes of tossing and turning with no results, you finally relent. The nap you’d taken while watching the movie royally fucked you over, and you groan. Eventually you decide to give up on trying to fall back asleep, and huff as you sit properly on your bed.
Blanket dragging behind you as it drapes from your shoulders, you slowly make your way through the silent hallways of the House of Lamentation. The only sounds floating through the walls were the light buzz of electricity running through the wiring of the house, and your own footsteps as you began walking up one of the many staircases in the large building.
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been walking, the passage of time different at night to a hazy mind, but eventually you arrive at your favourite area in the house, second only to your lush bedroom. There are no artificial lights, only the gentle cast of the night sky providing the ideas of shape in the planetarium. You’ve never seen stars so vibrant and bright, and there are so many more in the Devildom than anywhere you could go back home. Even though the only light comes from the stars, it’s enough to create soft, fuzzy edges around everything in the room; this includes the bundle of various blankets mussed in the centre of the floor. Slowly, cautiously, you make your way towards the pile.
Since you’d arrived in the Devildom, the planetarium at the top of the House of Lamentation became your safe haven. Your room, without a lock on the door, was way too easy for intruding demons to enter without permission, and on nights when everything became too much for you to handle, you’d head up to the planetarium to clear your mind. There’s just something so calming about a starry sky on a clear night that releases you of your fears and anxiety, and helps you get a grip on the situation around you.
After freeing a certain someone from their attic-based captivity, however, you learned that the planetarium was a place favored not only by you. Since he’d been freed, you’d been kind, but there were still fears plaguing your mind, reminding you of everything that has transpired between the two of you. It’s something that you can’t escape, following you even - especially - in your sleep, when you wished you’d be the most at peace. It makes sense, considering the sin he embodies, but you wish it wasn’t like that nonetheless.
Once you’d learned that this was one of his favourite rooms in the house, especially on nights when he can’t fall asleep, you found yourself avoiding this area. It’s not that you hate him; it’s the opposite, really. Nevertheless, you can’t help but feel the tightening of his fingers around your neck, and the burning sensation in your lungs that’s screaming for oxygen, and the desperation to alleviate the seer of deprivation.
Still, you trek on. Closer and closer to the pile of blankets, your gut cries to you to run away. You ignore it. The nearer you get to the nest of blankets, the faster your heart beats, the more lightheaded you feel. But you continue.
Eventually you get close enough to make out the shape of a familiar pillow, the cow print on the case worn and well-loved. From the moment you walked in the room, you knew he was here. All the same, you walk on, and the only sounds in the room are the gentle taps of your clothed feet against the tile, and the quiet noises of your quickened breaths.
You’ve avoided being alone with him since… Since you… Since the event. Your heart screamed at you to forgive him, to love him just as much as you love his brothers. That said, there’s nothing in you that can stop your stomach from churning whenever he gets too close.
Butterflies beat aggressively within your heart and stomach, and it’s years before you get within his range of sight, but you sit down on the floor, holding the blanket tight to your body.
There’s one beat,
two beats,
three beats of silence before you can hear him sucking in a breath through his teeth. In your peripheral you can see his lips parting, closing, parting again as he tries to find the words. He heard you walk in, and was pleasantly surprised when you didn’t immediately bolt in the opposite direction. However, this proximity leaves him with an entirely new predicament. He wants to talk to you, he wants to laugh and joke with you the way his brothers do, but one look at your face and he notices the dark bags under your eyes, and the frown that tugs at your lips as you stare up at the stars. He can hear your heart racing, and feel his own in the tips of his fingers. He opens his mouth again, but the crack in his voice betrays his usual collected personality.
“I’ll go,” Belphegor begins, begrudgingly starting to gather his blankets. His body freezes when his eyes pass over your figure and you’re looking right at him, through him, and he swears he can feel the blood in his veins stop pumping. Your expression is unreadable, almost scary, and he’s never in his life been in fear of a human until this moment.
The seconds pass as years do, both of your bodies chilled to the bone but neither of you able to look away. In the end, the one who casts their gaze somewhere else is you, and he exhales loudly.
Your reply is simple, but he’s stuck in place. Slowly, he nods, sitting down again the way he had been prior, and pulling his beloved pillow close to his chest. He can’t breathe, the tension suffocating. It doesn’t help that now you refuse to look at him.
“... If you want,” he replies dumbly, staring at the floor. He feels trapped in place, afraid to move and scare you off. Despite every nerve in his body screaming at him to leave you be, he stays. You told him to, after all. Slowly, you sit down, his blankets creating a low wall between the two of you.
It’s only now that he gets a good look at you. You're tired, he knows, watching as your eyelids droop and your lazy movements when you get more comfortable under your blanket, but there’s more to it than just that. You seem so fragile, like sugar glass, breaking with even the slightest amount of pressure. He feels he can reach over and shatter you with the gentlest of touches, and that thought alone roots him in place. Since you came back, he’s never seen you without a smile. Your genuine smile was the prettiest, he decided rather early on, one that lights up your face and brightens those around you. Belphegor really, truly loves your smile.
He knows there was a point in time, not long ago, where he could have made it so no one saw it ever again. He can’t help but be grateful he didn’t succeed when he sees you smiling at his brothers.
That’s never the smile you show him though. It’s not for lack of effort; you certainly try, and he loves you for that. But the smile you show him is always plastered on, and he knows you’re doing it for his sake. With Belphegor, your smile never reaches your eyes. Be that as it may, you’re never weak around him. Fake smiles prove exactly how strong you really are, but your heart races every time he enters the room. As much as he wishes your palpitations are out of excitement, he knows better than to give himself false hope.
That’s why he’s so taken aback when he looks you over and you seem so vulnerable. Never, not in a million years, would he ever let himself believe that you’d allow yourself to look weak in front of him, not after what he did. Even so, here you are, shaking, knees drawn into your chest, and his heart soars because you’re showing him a new side to yourself. It aches at the knowledge that you’re feeling so vulnerable because of him.
His eyes burn holes in the side of your head. You know he’s watching you, studying you, but you can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze. Not when the hands he uses to pull the blankets over his body are the exact same ones that led you to your untimely and violent demise, and not when every time you look at his face, you can also see Mammon’s above you, sobbing as he tries to will you not to fade away into nothingness.
There’s no putting it nicely. You were murdered, and Belphegor was the one who killed you. As much as he tries to pretend it never happened, to act around you the same as his older brothers do, you would never forget. Neither would he, regardless of the effort he puts into pushing the memory out of his mind. His chosen way of coping was to laugh with you, to get close and have you forgive him without acknowledging the situation. It was too painful to talk about, after all. He willingly, happily snuffed out the life of someone his brothers love, and someone he’d find himself loving too. You became someone who changed him, helped him grow and be better. It was easier, simpler to act as if you’d met him the same way you’d met any of his brothers.
Belphegor killed one of the last remaining parts of his past, a part that, while once warm and light, mutated and infected him, causing his anger to grow out of control, like a weed that suffocates any flower that tries to flourish. He killed a descendant of his sister, and the fact that you’re here now is more of a second chance than he thinks he could ever deserve in all his millenia of living.
And yet, here you are. Scared and shaking, but here. The silence has stretched on for longer than he’d like; he wants to be able to love you, openly and happily, but knows it won’t happen. It can’t, unless he does what he thought was the very last thing he’d do.
“I’m sorry,” Belphegor begins, voice much weaker than anticipated. He can hear your heartbeat pick up, and he curses himself mentally. Your lip between your teeth, you remain silent. His nerves force him to speak more.
“I know that will never cut, and it will never be enough, but I’m sorry.”
There’s more silence. He feels like he can’t breathe, the tense atmosphere forcing its way around his throat and tightening its grip. He doesn’t know how long it takes you to even contemplate replying, let alone allow yourself to respond. Belphegor’s ears ring almost deafeningly loud. He can’t take it.
“You’re right.”
His eyes, which he trained to the ground, dart up to your profile once more. You pause, wetting your lips.
“You’re right, Belphegor. It won’t cut it.”
There’s not enough time to process your words before he really, really looks at you. Almost fearlessly, you meet his eyes.
Almost fearlessly.
The shaking of your hands betrays the strength of your voice. Belphegor’s chest aches.
There’s a pause as you speak. He can’t look away again, even as your eyes meet the stars once more. There’s no chance he’ll miss a word you say, even if it tears him apart.
“It’s… it’s really difficult. I know you know that, but…”
Each time you pause, Belphegor’s mind begins storming. He can’t figure out what you’re going to say, or how you’re going to react, and it drives him crazy. He’s usually so good at reading people, but you’re an enigma. It sends a chill down his spine.
His throat is caught. Even if he had words to say, they wouldn’t be able to come out. So he sits in silence as you find your own.
“I don’t want you to feel worse than you do.” You lick your lips. “Or maybe I do? I… I really don’t know. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about you, Belphie.”
The nickname tugs at his heart, more than he could ever admit. He wants to cry, wants to scream, wants to do anything other than look at your melancholy face, knowing he’s the problem. He wants to run and hide, to sleep forever. He can’t, though. Not when you’re here. Not now.
Knuckles turn white as he clutches desperately onto his pillow. His breath shakes as he draws in air.
“I want to love you. I want to love you as much as I love your brothers, and care about you as much as I care for them…”
You struggle to find the words.
“... But it’s hard.”
You curse your lack of eloquence. Now, of all times, when your words are the only thing that enable you to communicate how you truly feel, they fail you. This might be your only chance to ever properly show Belphegor how you feel, what makes you so conflicted every time he walks into the room with a smile on his face, and yet all you can say is “it’s hard”. Obviously.
A breath finds its way into your lungs, and the sound of your lips parting in the otherwise silent planetarium echoes in your ears.
You continue.
“It’s hard because every time I see your face, or I hear your voice, or I-”, you falter, heart catching in your throat, “or you touch me, I can’t help but be reminded of what happened.”
Belphegor doesn’t dare tear his eyes away from your form. The grief that settles into his face perfectly matches your own, eyebrows upturned and bottom lip quivering just the slightest bit. Even the trembling of your hands is replicated in his own. He’s never seen you like this, so incredibly vulnerable, and it tears him apart inside to know that he is the cause of it.
A shuddery breath comes from Belphegor, and you fight your instincts to check if he’s okay. You know he isn’t.
The silence deafens you, thundering in your ears so harshly that you're tempted to place your hands at the side of your head to muffle how quiet it is. You don’t, however, and whether it’s because you don’t want to look crazy, or because you’re afraid you might shatter if you move, you’ll never know. Do you want him to talk? Do you want him to say anything? Do you want an apology?
If you had an answer for that, you’re sure that things would have patched themselves up much quicker than this. You caution a glance at Belphegor, and the weight pressing down on your chest gets heavier at his expression. It feels almost as if you can inhale the guilt he feels, the emotion radiating off of him in waves.
“I… Logically, Belphie, I get it.” Again with that cursed nickname. Usually, hearing it from your lips makes Belphegor feel warm and goddamn near giddy, but now it only seemed to drive the knife in his gut further.
“I understand what happened and why you did it. I may not agree… but I get it, you know?” You swallow.
“In the end, I’m still here. And… and I’ve come to learn that you’re nothing like that anymore. You’ve grown, and changed, and the guilt and anger that consumed you took control, and that's why you-- that’s--”
You pause, clutching the blanket around you to try and ground yourself. The shakiness in your voice is not missed by Belphegor, and even if it had been, there’s no way he’d be able to ignore the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. Slowly, subconsciously, one of your hands comes up to rest against your neck, a phantom of the grasp that once threatened to crush you.
“S-So… I understand why you did it. And I’m alive, and we’re friends, so it should all be okay, right?” Belphegor casts his glance away.
“But Belphie… as much as I want to forgive you, I also know that I’m never going to be able to forget what happened. It’s there in my dreams, and it’s there in your smile, and it’s there every single time your arm brushes mine and I flinch like a total loser.”
A weak chuckle makes its way out of your chest, and the halfhearted smile that follows forces a tear from your eye. You’re quick to wipe it away, hopefully quick enough so that it goes unnoticed by Belphegor.
It does.
What he does notice, however, is the frustration that holds tight to the edges of your sentences. The frustration is not directed at him, no. You would be yelling if that were the case, and maybe that would be easier for him to hear. No, this frustration is directed at yourself. You’ve been trying so hard, and all Belphegor has been doing is running away. His teeth dig so hard into his bottom lip, trying desperately not to show any anger he feels at himself, that he tastes iron.
“And then we became all buddy-buddy, you know? Like I was never lied to, or used, or manipulated, or-- or--”
Belphegor is torn from his self-pity when you continue, and he almost wishes you’d stop speaking. The thought that you might break him with your words has him shaking, and a feeling similar to fear courses heavily through his veins. Please, stop. He wants to go back to running away.
But you continue, as you always have.
“And I’m left not knowing how to feel. I’m so mad at myself for being such a coward and not being able to just get over it like everyone else, and I’m so fucking pissed that I can’t just exist around you like I do for everyone else. I mean, I used to be terrified of Lucifer, too.” Another fragile laugh, and you sweep the hair from your eyes with a shaky hand. Belphegor swallows hard.
“But I… I can’t pretend like nothing happened. As much as I want to be near you, and hug you, and take naps and play pranks on Luci with you… I can’t. I can’t act as if what I feel isn’t real, and what you did didn’t happen. It’s so hard, Belphegor.” You sigh, and finally look at him once more. He can’t meet your gaze, slumped over himself and hugging his pillow so tight to his chest it seems as if he wishes to disappear into it. “Especially because I really, truly want to understand why everyone loves you so much. And I want to love you, too. I want to know why Beel smiles every time you’re brought up in conversation, and I want to smile just the same. But… But right now, I can’t.”
Talking has gotten easier. The words that used to escape you have become accustomed to being used again, and confidence has restored in your gut. You sit a bit straighter as you watch Belphegor carefully, a sad smile lifting your cheeks.
Belphegor knows that this is when he should swoop in, say something so intellectual that you’re caught off guard, and he can save you from… himself. This knowledge does nothing to save him from himself. He can’t even open his mouth to mime a sentence, let alone actually speak. The thought of how pathetic he must look settles under Belphegor’s skin, and he can feel his irritation rising. Not at you though, never at you. Not even when… When it all happened. His anger was misplaced, but he has never been angry at you.
Finally, when the quiet becomes too much, he forces himself to meet your gaze. The way you look at him, just as vulnerable and bare and scared as he is… he feels safe. He knows, even though your words sear his heart, that you never mean to hurt him, especially now. You’re being honest, and simply expect the same from him.
Belphegor inhales a deep breath, before willing himself to speak.
“I thought--” he croaks, and quickly clears his throat. Fuck. “I thought that if… if I could pretend that nothing happened, then I wouldn’t have to face any consequences.”
He curses audibly. Just how pathetic can he sound? Belphegor’s voice is hoarse and quivering, and weak. “Weak” is never a word that he would have used to describe himself, but now it echoes hauntingly against the confines of his skull. One of the most powerful demons in existence, and he finds himself quaking before a mere human. He cares for you, though, and he cares for you viciously. Something in Belphegor knows that he’s never going to be able to prove that to you unless he pushes his way through this.
So he forces himself to continue, even with every cell in his body desperately screaming at him to stop.
“I did what I did out of a place of guilt… and regret. I couldn’t stand the fact that it was because of me, that it was my fault, that I’m the reason that Lilith--”
Belphegor stumbles over his own words, and he sets down his pillow before he accidentally tears a hole through it. Instead he braces himself on the cool floor, in need of something steady to hold onto. This whole conversation shook him to the core. He can hardly believe he’s talking about his sister. She’s a topic that he’s avoided even around Beelzebub…
But if Belphegor ever wants even the possibility that you’ll forgive him, he knows he has to. Everything is on the line. His blunt nails press against the tiles and he focuses on steadying his voice.
“I couldn’t accept that it was my fault.” A newfound steadiness weaves its way around his words, and he finds himself sitting a bit straighter. “I’m the one who introduced her to the human world, and kept bringing her back. I’m the reason she suffered, and why the war started, and why we fell, and why she…” Belphegor coughs. “In the end, I couldn’t accept that I’m the one who killed her.
Your heart yearns to tell him that no, he’s wrong, it’s not all his fault. You know it won’t help right now, though, and that it isn’t your time to speak. Settling back a bit, you let your blanket fall from your shoulders.
Belphegor’s heart stutters, and pounds so hard that he feels like it's trying to tear through his chest. Even so, he doesn’t miss the way your hand reaches out to smooth over his own, and for a moment he feels himself wanting to melt just from the simple touch.
Belphegor pulls away. He doesn’t deserve your comfort, not yet.
“So… So when you said that you’re a descendant of Lilith, I-- I couldn’t help myself. I jumped at the chance to get to know you, learn about what makes you similar and what makes you different. Her blood flows through your veins, and I was quick to ignore what I did in favour of getting to know you, and… and inevitably, becoming just as fond of you as my brothers… but that can’t erase what I did.”
The feeling of understanding floods you and you find yourself nodding at his words. To be completely honest, even now, you’re scared. Your heart beats for many reasons, fear one of them, but you don’t run away. Not anymore. You couldn’t bring yourself to even if you wanted to.
Your hand, abandoned next to Belphegor’s, lay dormant. The need to comfort wills you to once again place your hand on his, but you don’t move. When he’s ready, if he ever is, you’ll be there.
Just as he’ll be there for you.
“I killed you, MC. And in doing that, I killed Lilith. Again.”
Countless emotions storm their way through Belphegor’s conscience, despair clawing at his throat, regret snapping his back, and guilt slowly crushing him under its weight. How is it that one can feel so empty, and yet so filled to the brim with misery?
“And not only that, but if I succeeded… I would have completely missed out on getting to know you, and caring about you as much as I do now. It would have been a loss that I never would have understood, but know for a fact that I would have felt. Even… Even when I was proud,” he spits out the word as if it’s poison, “of what I’d done, watching my brothers’ hearts break at the sight of your body… Even then, I felt it. The ache. It’s so fucking stupid.”
His tone, now bubbling with anger, stills you. It’s not directed at you, and you know this, but despite yourself, you freeze. Belphegor notices, and quickly clears his throat, relaxing his shoulders. He allows your heart a moment to slow as he regains his composure, and you find yourself breathing again.
“I know that me saying sorry is never going to cut it.” Belphegor turns his body to fully face you. He’s no longer running from his feelings, or from you. He knows he can’t anymore. Hesitantly, he lifts his trembling hand to place over yours. The muscles in your fingers tense, and he pauses to gauge your reaction. When you slowly nod your head once, he delicately places his hand on yours, using his thumb to gently begin massaging the tension away. “And I know that even if I do everything right from here on out, that there’s a chance that you won’t ever forgive me. And I understand why.”
Your heart sinks at his expression, his gaze locked on your joined hands. As aloof as he normally is, you can see none of that on his face now. When you turn over your hand he quickly pulls away, but your shaky movements to bring his hand back and intertwine your fingers urges him to go on.
“But I want to try. And really try this time. I want you to be honest with how you feel, whether I’m frustrating you or scaring you or anything like that, and… and I want to be honest with you too. I…”
Belphegor trails off, but you squeeze his hand. He draws in a slow breath.
“No matter what happens, no matter how you feel, we’re stuck together for the next few months. I want to spend that time getting to know you, and I want us to be as close as you are with any of my brothers… but I also want you to know that you shouldn’t feel forced. If it’s ever too much, I need you to tell me, and I promise I’ll back off.”
The smallest of smiles makes its way onto your face as you quietly agree. Belphegor doesn’t allow himself to try and figure out if it's genuine, out of pity, or sadness, but in spite of everything, it makes him feel a bit lighter. Just a bit.
“This won’t fix everything right away,” you say, and he now knows that your smile is a combination of the three. Along with this, though, Belphegor also knows the small sparkle in your eyes is hope, and he’s willing to take that hope and nurture it for however long he must.
“I know,” he sighs, but even he can feel the small tilt of a smile on his face, “but I’m willing to take as much time as you need to decide how you feel about me. And… And if you decide you hate me, which is fair, and that you never want to even be in the same room as me, I’ll respect your wishes.
Until then...Until you decide that you really, truly hate me, I won’t stop trying.”
There’s no way of telling how long his words linger in the air around the two of you, circling around your heads and making their way through your body. Even so, Belphegor diligently watches you, wanting to make sure he’s not overstepping his bounds. He even contemplates letting go of you, but is reassured when slowly, almost unnoticeably, you begin smoothing out the lines on the back of his hand with your thumb.
As much as you want to tell him that you could never hate him, you also know you can’t promise anything. Still, for now, just as much as him, you’re willing to try. You stay in silence, more comfortable than you’ve ever been in his presence, gently caressing the hand held in your own.
Eventually, Belphegor clears his throat once more. The vulnerability has made him tense and rendered his voice weak.
“Can… can you hug me?” He all but whispers, fragility making his body quiver once more. He was completely open about his feelings for the first time in a lifetime, and the intensity of it left him craving affection. He knows how unfair this is to you, but he can’t help himself. He wishes to be held, for his fears to be quelled by someone so much stronger than him. “If you don’t want to,” he falters, speaking quickly, insecurely, “I won't even touch you. I-If you do, I promise I can keep my hands behind my back, and I won’t even--”
His words end abruptly as he feels you release his hand, and his heart sinks. He debates running away again, until he hears you moving towards him, and he finds he’s frozen in place. Slowly, but surely, with more courage circulating through your veins than you’ve had all night, you make your way over the blankets that divide you and position yourself right next to Belphegor, pulling him into your chest. Even now, he can feel how quickly, persistently your heart races, and yet you stay. True to his word, Belphegor rests his hands on the ground behind his back, but he doesn’t stop himself from nuzzling into your chest… and he cries. The complete, uninhibited release of his emotions hit him like a truck, and he sobs heavily into you, tears slowly but surely staining your shirt. You adjust yourself so you can hold him closer, slowly and reassuringly rubbing his back as he lets go of everything he’s been holding on to for longer than you can even imagine. This is a man who’s run from his emotions for centuries, and the fact that he’s willing to face them for your sake comforts you, cradles your heart and presses gentle kisses against the cracks. You know that you’re not going to wake up tomorrow with everything okay, but for now… for now you’re comfortable with his touch. Heaving in a deep, steadying breath, you reach down just enough to take Belphegor’s arms, and guide them to rest his hands on your hips. At this silent permission, he slowly, delicately wraps his arms around your waist, despite craving your body closer, wanting to hold you tight and never let go. He cradles you like you’re made of the most brittle glass, and you smile. The gesture touches your heart, and… and you feel safe. You know that all he wants to do is embrace you as tight as he can, but he doesn’t, even with permission.
Here, in Belphegor’s arms, you feel safe. Here, where Belphegor’s grip on you is so gentle that it wouldn’t even crumple paper, you feel loved. As he cries into your chest, holding you as if you were an antique, hope slowly fills your heart.
Everything is far from perfect, but it’s still on the right track, here in the quiet planetarium.
#tw: death#tw: murder#obey me#swd obey me#swd belphegor#belphegor x reader#obey me fanfic#obey me x reader#swd#shall we date#obey me belphegor#obey me beelzebub#obey me asmodeus#obey me satan#obey me leviathan#obey me mammon#obey me angst#obey me fluff#obey me smut#otome game#fanfic#ju writes#obey me lucifer#juwrites
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Sunset Swerve - Part 8
Pairing: Luke x OC
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: some light swearing
A/N: For some reason I really want to say ‘We’re in the endgame now” about this chapter but its not true? We’re in like the mid-game lol. Anyway, shoutout to @meangirlsx who unknowingly inspired some of the dialog between Luke and Jordan in this chapter with her tags on a previous chapter. Send me a message if you’d like to be added to the taglist and, as always, let me know what you think!
Part 7 Masterlist
When they arrived back in the studio, they had not expected it to be filled with music.
Julie grinned at them from behind her keyboard and everyone else stopped playing at their arrival.
“Grab your guitars, we’ve got work to do.” Even without saying it, it was obvious that the girl had forgiven Luke and Jordan wondered what Alex and Reggie had said to her.
Jordan did as she said, heading to her stand and slinging the strap of her electric across her body while Luke headed straight toward Julie.
“What made you come back?” He asked the question Jordan had been wondering herself.
“I realized how much music meant to all of us, and we’ve lost so much already.” The way Julie said it made it seem like she knew more than Jordan would’ve expected and she wondered again what the boys had told her. “We can’t lose this too.”
“Thanks,” Luke nodded thoughtfully, slipping the strap of his guitar across his body. “Alright boss, where we at?”
Julie smiled, settling into her place at the keyboard before leaning forward again. “Oh, and by the way, happy birthday.”
The genuine smile that drew from Luke sent a pang through her chest and she frowned, wondering if it was another one of those jolts. However, as she looked around she noticed none of the boys felt it. Oh hell, she cursed herself silently. She was so lost in her thoughts that she nearly missed Julie’s instructions to start at the pre-chorus.
Jordan was grateful for the distraction of the music, all her focus going into singing and playing, no room for stupid thoughts about stupid boys. Practice ended too quickly for Jordan���s taste but she knew realistically that Julie needed time to get ready and travel to the venue while they could just poof around. She just needed Luke to do something stupid so that she could remember why she hated him because her stupid smooth brain (Julie taught her that) had forgotten it.
Instead, he turned and directed his dopey smile at her and she swore she nearly swooned.
“We are gonna rock those managers’ faces off!” He exclaimed as they put their instruments away.
Jordan grinned back at him, silently blaming it on the rush of playing well and having a performance soon. She was always more agreeable around music. Out of the corner of her eye though she thought she saw Reggie and Alex share a knowing look and she glared at them suspiciously.
“Yeah man, it’s gonna be awesome,” Alex responded to Luke and the rest of the ghosts nodded in agreement as they shuffled around the studio getting ready for the performance.
Jordan decided to keep the outfit she’d been wearing all day, fishnets and her old black Madonna t-shirt under a pair of overall shorts and her Docs. With her outfit and hair already taken care of thanks to Past Jordan, she was just left to slap on some makeup, thankful that she hadn’t done it before she’d spent the afternoon crying. Luke sat down on the couch next to her, watching curiously as she worked.
“Do you mind?” She asked, looking away from the small mirror Julie had lent her to stare blankly at the boy.
“Nope!” He responded cheekily and she groaned, turning back to her mirror and her eyeliner.
She’d finally managed to get the wings down again, making only one mistake this time, so the process went by fairly quickly.
“Do you need me to do yours?” She deadpanned, turning to stare at Luke who was still watching her.
“Nah,” he breathed, smiling cheekily at her as he flipped his imaginary hair over his shoulder. “I’m naturally gorgeous, I don’t need makeup.”
Jordan gasped.
“Asshole!” She exclaimed, smacking his shoulder but laughing anyway. “You’re lucky it’s your birthday or it would be on sight for that.”
“‘On sight’?” Luke asked, puzzled.
“Some twenty-first-century lingo Julie taught me,” Jordan explained superiorly. “Basically means I’d fight you as soon as I saw you.”
Luke nodded lightly, eyes going wide at the threat but slowly a mischievous look began to take over his face.
“Hey Alex, Reg, who would win in a fight? Me or Jordan?” Luke called out and Jordan rolled her eyes, putting away her makeup stash.
“Jordan,” they both answered at the same time and Jordan laughed, giving them both high fives as she returned her makeup to her designated cubby in the back of the studio (they’d had to create an official organization system because the boys tended to just take anything they found and claim it as their own).
Luke pouted, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed like a petulant child as he glared at his bandmates.
“Sorry, man,” Alex shrugged, “Have you seen her boots? She’d absolutely curb stomp you without a second thought.”
Reggie nodded and Luke huffed, standing up from the couch and making his way to the door.
“You guys are mean,” he whined. “I’m gonna tell Julie.”
He’d meant it to be a threat but the other three ghosts weren’t fulling listening, only hearing Julie’s name.
“Oooh, I wanna see Julie!” Reggie exclaimed and Alex and Jordan responded with a chorus of ‘Me too!’s and ’Same!’s as they began clamoring around the furniture in the studio in a race to the door.
Luke rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath as he followed after them.
When they arrived at Julie’s door, Reggie held his arms out dramatically, effectively halting the movement of the three ghosts behind him. Once he felt sure they weren’t just going to barge in he stuck his arm through the door, knocking three times while the other ghosts rolled their eyes or laughed.
“What are you guys doing?” They heard Julie ask through the door and Reggie stuck his whole torso through.
“We’re being classy,” Jordan snorted at that and Luke huffed, pulling Reggie back through by his belt loops.
With Reggie out of the way, Luke stepped through the door but at the sight of the girl sitting on her bed, all thoughts of tattling left his mind.
“What’re you doing? We go on in twenty minutes,” he asked as the rest of the ghosts stepped through.
Julie was sitting on the bed doodling on her mic, still in her clothes from earlier.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?”
“I lied to my dad,” Julie explained forlornly, “So now I’m stuck in my room all night.”
“Yeah but like, the venue is packed with VIPs and managers,” Alex protested and Joran hit his arm.
“She’s grounded, the presence of VIPs and managers isn’t going to change that,” she huffed and Julie gave her a tight-lipped smile.
“What’re we gonna do about my aunt? She’s right downstairs.”
“Your aunt,” Luke repeated, chuckling as he crossed the room, throwing open her bedroom window. “You’re not taking the stairs.”
Jordan opened her mouth to defend the girl, never having been as big a fan of going around her parents’ backs as the guys had been, but before she could say anything Julie grinned at the group of ghosts.
“Okay. Let me get dressed, I’ll meet you guys there,” she said and the guys all grinned while Jordan looked at her nervously.
“Are you sure, Julie?” She asked warily and Luke whacked her arm with the back of his hand.
“Moss, don’t change her mind!” He hissed and Julie laughed.
“Thanks for the concern Jo,” she said, giving the girl a kind smile and Jordan felt her heart warm at the new nickname. “But it’s fine. We have managers to impress.”
She nodded and the ghosts prepared to poof out to the venue when Jordan stopped them again.
“What now, Moss?” Luke groaned.
“I wanna grab my flannel.”
“It’s chilly.”
“You’re a ghost you can’t-“
“Shut up.” She said, ending their back and forth by poofing into the studio and grabbing one of her flannels from her cubby.
When she poofed back to Julie’s room the boys were gone and Julie was sifting through the trunk in her room.
“The guys went ahead to the venue,” Julie explained and Jordan nodded.
“Alright, I’ll see you there then,” Jordan nodded. “By the way, that vest is super cool.”
Julie smiled in thanks before Jordan poofed away to meet the guys at the venue.
The announcer had just called Dirty Candy to the stage when Julie arrived.
“Am I too late?” She asked, slightly out of breath.
“Too early,” Flynn huffed, gesturing up to where Carrie was taking the stage.
Jordan couldn’t figure out how she felt about Dirty Candy. On one hand, Carrie was the spawn of a fraud who she’d always hated and Carrie was mean to Julie and Flynn but on the other hand, the group was really talented and she loved their sound. She supposed it was like her feelings towards Sunset Curve, she loved the music but hated the musicians.
“Wait, did she just make a big show of putting on sunglasses just to throw them away in the first verse?” Jordan laughed, furrowing her brow in confusion at the choreography.
“Shhhh,” Alex hushed her, staring enthralled at the performance.
Before they knew what was happening he was on the stage, dancing with the group.
Jordan whooped excitedly, cheering him on while the rest of the group exchanged looks of surprise.
“You having fun out there?” Julie questioned when Alex poofed back to the group.
“It’s not my fault. It’s my, um… it’s my feet.” Alex gulped.
“Yeah,” Julie said, clearly not believing.
“Put me back in coach,” Alex breathed, poofing back to the stage.
“Why have we been keeping him behind the drums?” Jordan joked as they watched him dance out the rest of the song. “He’s got moves.”
Reggie nodded enthusiastically in agreement, their eyes never leaving the stage.
“I was just doing that for you guys,” Alex said when he returned and everyone expressed varying forms of disbelief.
“Mhmm,” Julie hummed while Luke and Jordan rolled their eyes.
“Yeah, you can’t stop smiling now,” Reggie smirked knowingly and Alex blushed.
“That was, actually kinda good,” Julie admitted, looking as though she’d rather cut her tongue off than admit it. Jordan knew what that was like.
“Yeah, I forgot why I hate her so much,” Flynn agreed.
“Hi girls,” Carrie said in her overly-perky voice as she made her way over with her entourage in tow. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Now I remember,” Flynn pursed her lips, glaring at Carrie and Jordan snorted.
“If you’re looking for nick, he didn’t come,” Carrie addressed Julie coldly.
“That’s not why I’m here,” Julie scoffed, squaring up to the pink-haired girl.
“Okay, we have one more act tonight,” The announcer called, reading off the list on stage. “Julie and the Fat Ones?”
Dirty Candy snickered while the rest of them turned to glare at Luke.
“Yeah man, my handwriting sucks,” he admitted and Julie shook her head, making her way onto the stage while Carrie and her group stomped off.
“Hey. It’s actually Julie and the Phantoms,” Julie greeted the audience, quickly realizing they didn’t seem to care. “Okay.”
Jordan rocked back and forth on her heels excitedly as Julie placed her hands on the keyboard, beginning the song.
“Hearts on fire. We’re no liars, so we say what we wanna say,” she sang, the apathetic audience starting to pay attention. “I’m awakened, no more faking. So we push all our fears away.”
“Don’t know if I’ll make it cause I’m falling under. Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.”
Jordan took a deep breath, steadying herself as their time to join in approached. She reached out, grabbing Alex and Reggie’s hands on either side of her repeating the small ritual Apollo 81 had always done before going on stage.
“I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine,” As Julie sang the refrain Jordan squeezed the boys’ hands comfortingly, letting go just in time for them to poof onstage.
“I got a spark in me. Hands up if you can see and you’re apart of me. Hands up if you’re with me,” Luke joined Julie for the chorus as she made her way out from the piano to center stage. Jordan immediately made her way over to Reggie, the two ghosts rocking out together in front of Alex’s drum set. The mood in the venue had become electric, everyone’s interests piqued by their sudden appearance. “Now till eternity. Hands up if you believe. Been so long and now we’re finally free.”
Luke joined her and Reggie on Alex’s platform, giving Julie the stage as she sang the second verse. As arranged, Jordan hopped down, joining Julie for the pre-chorus.
“We know we can make it, we’re not falling down under,” they sang together, Jordan taking the lower harmonies. They’d bonded a lot after the dance, they could see it in each other’s smiles. It felt good to be performing together. “Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.”
“I wanna fly, come alive,” Jordan started the refrain with her before backing off to give her the final line. Rejoining Luke and Reggie in the back. “Watch me shine.”
The three guitarists jumped down from the platform as the chorus hit, Luke immediately taking up the mic next to Julie as he joined her in the chorus again, Reggie and Jordan singing the background vocals on either side of them and Alex in the back. At one point in the chorus, Reggie made his way over to Jordan’s mic, the two singing together briefly before he bounced over to Luke, finally returning to his own mic as they hit the bridge.
Luke and Julie took up center stage as they shared a mic, singing through the call and response bridge. The two had obvious chemistry and as Jordan watched she felt a pit forming in her stomach. She passed it off as just nerves, she was about to pick up the chorus after all, and exchanged smiles with Alex and Reggie, the two boys calming her down.
The crowd roared as they hit the chorus for the final time, Reggie and Jordan leaning into their mics as they joined the chorus.
“I got a spark in me. Hands up if you can see, and you’re a part of me. Hands up if you’re with me…” They sang through the chorus, Jordan taking up Julie’s part so that she could riff off the vocals. They’d decided the final run-through of the chorus was the perfect place to really show off Julie’s pipes.
As the song wound down, the three guitarists backed off again, leaving Julie to sing the last “Finally free” on her own.
The crowd erupted into cheers when the song ended. Jordan sung her guitar to the side as they all took a bow, the four ghosts disappearing. They reappeared at the back of the venue, sitting on the countertop of the bar and giving Julie huge thumbs-ups as she finished out their performance.
“Thank you. We’re Julie and the Phantoms,” she said into the mic, soaking up the applause before adding with a wink to her ghost band, “Tell your friends.”
The four phantoms nearly lost their minds at that, all of them whacking each other’s limbs as they yelled excitedly. They were only starting to calm down when Julie bounded over to where they were sitting behind Flynn, giving her best friend a hug before grinning at the ghosts.
“You were incredible!” Flynn gushed to her friend.
“Yeah, we were!” Reggie exclaimed and Julie rolled her eyes slightly with a grin.
Just when Jordan thought the night couldn’t get any better, a woman in a power suit started making her way over to them, gracefully dodging Dirty Candy on her way.
“She looks all business,” Alex whispered and Jordan nodded.
“Wait! Who should do the talking?” Reggie panicked before looking around at the group, all of them giving him looks that said ‘really?’ “Oh, right, Julie.” He nodded.
“You’ve got this,” Luke whispered as the woman approached, sticking out her hand in introduction.
“Hi I’m Andi Parker and I would love to-“ she began but was cut off.
“Julie,” Ray called sternly from behind and everyone’s eyes widened.
“It’s time to go.” He said and Julie gulped, dropping Andi’s hand.
Oh shit.
Part 9
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx
Sunset Swerve Taglist: @oopsiedoopsie23 @angryknightstatesmantrash @onlygetaway @deni-gonzalez @advicefromnixxxx @brooke0297
#jatp#jatp fic#julie and the phantoms#julie and the himbos#julie molina#luke patterson#luke jatp#jatp luke#luke patterson fic#luke patterson x oc#reggie peters#jatp reggie#alex mercer#jatp alex#flynn jatp#jatp flynn#dirty candy#carrie wilson#sunset curve#sunset swerve
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Working My Way Back To You 7/10
Killian gets captured. When Emma finally rescues him, he’s traumatized and nearly broken from the torture he endured. Angst and h/c galore as Emma helps him through it.
I tried to go easy on the whumpy side of it since it’s supposed to be for Comfortember, but it’s me so I probably failed lol
Happy new year! And good riddance to the absolute mess that was 2020. Here we are back into the angst and the hurt, for the prompts “flashbacks,” and “hot cocoa.”
Warnings for this chapter: referenced rape. (it's super vague though)
Unbetad as always so mistakes are all mine.
Tagging @cocohook38 as requested.
Read this chapter on AO3
Working My Way Back To You
Flashbacks + Hot Cocoa
Christmas wasn’t as bad as Killian had worried. He was careful to ensure his back was never left unguarded, because he was still too easily startled by anyone touching him from behind, and David and Snow White hadn’t brought up any difficult topics, and Killian had only caught Snow staring at his splinted hand once. He’d had a good day, everything considered. They laughed, and talked, and ate good food and exchanged gifts. Though between imbibing a bit too much alcohol and the strain of being so hyper-vigilant for that length of time, by the time their guests had left Killian was barely still on his feet. But it was okay because Emma was there to brace him when he wobbled precariously on his way upstairs. And he thought that was a good metaphor for their relationship, really. Heh. It seemed he was a little drunker than he first believed if he’s getting this maudlin.
Early in the new year, the doctor declares Killian’s fingers healed enough to have the splints off, and shortly after, Killian concludes that physical therapy is not far removed from torture. His fingers have become too used to remaining straight and flexing them hurts. And his therapist, Stacy, is completely indifferent to his suffering. Her hands on his own are sure and relentless as she coaxes his fingers into different positions and he just barely stops himself from yanking his hand from her grip.
“Bloody hell,” he hisses instead, and at least she has the decency to apologize.
But she doesn’t let his hand go.
“I’m sorry, Captain. I did warn you this wouldn’t be pleasant to start with.”
She had warned him, he’ll give her that. But he wasn’t prepared for how much it would pain him. Or how soon his dark memories would begin to creep out of the cage he’d locked them in. Blood and bone and see how well you can escape now, pirate. He grits his teeth and tries to focus on what Stacy’s telling him.
“See if you can make a fist.”
His fingers don’t want to. He flexes them barely enough to hold a cup instead and Killian’s chewing on his lower lip hard enough to hurt.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just relax a bit, huh? Captain?”
He’s not trembling. There’s definitely not a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. His heart is not beating loudly in his ears. Take some deep breaths, Jones, before you bloody lose it.
“Are you okay? We can take a break if you need to.”
“I’m fine,” he lies.
Stacy sees right through him. Of course. It’s not like he’s making a very convincing effort here. She hands him a squishy ball and tells him to try squeezing it. Thankfully Killian has a little more success with that, although it still hurts and his grasp is weak. But Stacy lets him end the session on that “high note,” and Killian silently fumes all the way back home, his boots hitting the pavement with a little more force than required. The doctor had promised his hand would heal, and when he’d been told it would be “almost as good” as before, Killian had assumed he’d actually be able to make a damn fist.
Emma had offered to take the day off work to attend Killian’s first physical therapy session with him, but he’d declined. He didn’t need her to play nursemaid anymore, and he definitely didn’t want her to see what a mess he was emotionally afterwards. And he’s immensely grateful they’d had the foresight to get Henry out of the house for a while, just in case of this exact outcome. Killian had scoffed at Emma’s suggestion, at her insinuation he wouldn’t be able to handle a bit of therapy, but now he’s reluctantly admitting that she was right. Because even once he’s back home, his heartrate still hasn’t calmed down and he can almost feel his captor’s touch on him again, the sensation making him want to claw off his own skin. He takes a long, hot shower and debates whether he should take the pills for his aching hand or drink some rum – rum wins in the end because he hopes it’ll also calm his thoughts. Archie won’t be happy if he finds out Killian hasn’t been using the “proper coping techniques,” but bugger that, Killian thinks he’s earned this. So that’s where Emma finds him when she gets home from work, sprawled out on the couch in dark jeans and a shirt buttoned even less than usual, with a bit too much rum in his blood, bleary eyes watching his fish swim back and forth.
“How’d it go?” Emma asks, before she really takes in the sight of him, “Oh. That bad, huh?”
“S’fine. Just got a little tense afterwards, needed to calm down.”
His voice slurs just a little. He must look a mess, because Emma plucks the bottle from his loose fingers and sets it out of reach before sitting next to him. He doesn’t protest. The pain has settled deep into his knuckles where the rum couldn’t reach it anyway. Perhaps he should have taken Stacy’s advice and put some ice on it. Too late now.
“Does it hurt?” Emma asks, and Killian probably should have done a better job at concealing that fact from her.
But the way his fingers are twitching, and he’s tucked his hand gently into the crook of his left elbow, bracing his right arm against his chest now she’s taken the bottle away leaves no room to deny that it hurts.
“Aye, but not too much.”
Not too much. It’s the truth because he’s felt far worse pain. He can handle a few spasms, a few shooting pains through his fingers. At least he still has any fingers to feel pain in. When his captors had maimed it, and then continued to target it throughout the following days, he’d honestly thought that would be the end of his hand. He can feel his heartbeat quicken again and he tries to distance himself from that memory quickly, and thankfully Emma provides the distraction. She conjures something from somewhere without leaving his side, a bottle of liquid that smells heavenly as she tips some onto her hand and rubs them together. Killian watches her with weary curiosity.
“Let me help?” Emma reaches for his hand and he gives it to her without hesitation.
She’s always so gentle, her hands so soft and careful with his wounds. And now, as she works her warm hand across his in soothing patterns Killian wonders what he did to deserve this beautiful woman. Emma watches his face for any signs that she’s hurting him, and he gives her an encouraging smile. Her ministrations, even without her magic, are pulling the tension from his muscles in a way neither the rum nor the medicine could ever do. He lets out a quiet sigh and rests his head on the couch, closing his eyes, surrendering completely to the pleasant sensations and the feeling of total safety he has with Emma. The scent of the oil washes over his senses, calming and balancing.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Emma asks, her quiet voice a balm over his tired soul.
“Not really.”
He knows she won’t push him. He doesn’t want to think about therapy or trauma or any of that right now and she lets him get away with it, pressing her lips lightly against his temple. He hums a faint sound of satisfaction.
“I wish I could take away your pain,” Emma murmurs, “I hate seeing you suffer and not being able to do a damn thing about it.”
“Believe me, Emma, you’re doing plenty. This is wonderful.”
His voice is barely audible. He feels blissful and content. He’s not sure how much of the feeling is the rum finally taking effect and how much is Emma’s gentle touch and how much is the scent of the oil. Her fingers are still moving steadily over his own, tracing lightly over the still-healing scars.
“Do you want to move this upstairs? And I can do the rest of you.”
As loathe as Killian is to move on from this delightfully tranquil moment, the thought of Emma doing the rest of him is too tempting and he hauls himself off the couch. Though logically, he knew that Emma wouldn’t get to do much more massaging once they relocated to the bedroom. But he didn’t mind that at all. Their kisses are heated and passionate and he knows he’s setting her every nerve ablaze, even though they’ve barely started. He knows all her sensitive spots; where to stroke and to squeeze, where to press his lips, his tongue, where to bite and where to suck, how to roll his hips against her in a way that makes Emma grow wild with desire. She’s losing herself in the sensations, he can see in the darkening of her green eyes, her hands shaking as she frantically unfastens his belt and tugs at his trousers and- Panic claws its way up his throat. Killian’s movement stutters, then stops completely. He closes his eyes tightly, trying to calm himself down, trying to breathe. It’s okay, you’re safe, it’s just Emma the rational part of his mind says, but he could be still in the cellar right now, bent over and they’re about to-
No. Those are Emma’s hands touching him. Holding his hips to steady him because he’s trembling. But suddenly he can’t, he can’t, his stomach is twisting into a nauseating knot and he pulls away from her touch.
“S-sorry, love, I don’t think I can…”
Killian gestures vaguely, and he can’t even look at her as he scrambles off the bed, his hand shaking as he awkwardly holds up his jeans. His arousal is fading, all his intentions of a moment ago swept away by his fears. By his memories. Just look at yourself, Hook. Can’t even please a woman. You’re broken. You’re a coward. The thoughts don’t feel quite like his own, more like a memory of words spat at him by others, though he whole-heartedly agrees with them. Emma stops him with a gentle hand on his arm before he can move out of reach. It’s altogether too much and he wants to tell her to stop, but the words he wants to say are choking him, because Killian Jones doesn’t beg.
“Killian, look at me,” Emma says, and waits for him to reluctantly lift his gaze to her own, “It’s okay. We don’t have to do this.”
He swallows hard and he’s still shaking, but he doesn’t run. No matter how bad he wants to.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t… I just…” Killian struggles to explain.
She stands and reaches up slowly to stroke his cheek, but he can’t help flinching away from her touch. Emma drops her hands to her sides again immediately and Killian’s heart cracks in half at the look of guilt on her face.
“Sorry,” he whispers.
“It’s okay,” Emma repeats softly, “Just stay with me.”
Killian had never spoken of it to her, but it was no secret what he’d been through during his capture. Emma had probably seen the blood, and the bruises on his hips from where they’d held him still. She knew. Killian swallows hard as he watches the emotions play out across her face. He loves her so much it hurts. But gods, he can’t do this right now, as desperately as he wants to. Because they’ve ruined him, sullied his mind and his body and broke him so thoroughly that now he’s utterly dependant on Emma, and tonight he can’t even give her the one thing she wants in return.
“What do you need me to do, Killian?” she asks softly.
Words fail him. And he’s not sure what he would even say if he was capable of speech. What does he need? He needs to forget, just for a while. To drink until he blacks out. To lose himself in Emma’s scent and her touch. But he can’t. He can’t do anything. He’s helpless. Emma lets her hands drift to his belt again, buckling it again in slow, deliberate movements because his hand is shaking too badly now to do it himself. Killian chews on his lower lip hard enough to hurt, wants it to hurt, anything to feel something that isn’t the blinding terror of someone else’s hands on his body. It’s just Emma, being so careful and gentle like she always is now so why can’t he move past this? Why is he shaking so badly?
“It’s okay,” she assures him, “Don’t worry about this. Do you want some hot chocolate?”
“Yeah,” he says, and takes a sharp breath like he’s been holding it too long, and maybe he has, “But add some rum to mine, will you?”
He laughs on his exhale, a weak and breathless thing. She smiles back, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes – eyes that are full of something akin to sorrow, and far too much sympathy. He hates knowing those emotions are directed at him, he’s not worthy of her compassion and he can’t bear to look at her anymore, his eyes darting away to some point across the room. Emma doesn’t bother putting back on the clothes he pulled off her, just pulls a robe around herself to ward off the evening chill, and Killian trails behind her down to the kitchen, tries to breathe as she fills the jug and sets it to boil. He can’t stand still. Everything feels wrong. His whole body is a tightly coiled spring, aching with a need that his traitorous mind won’t allow him to fulfil. It’s going to drive him mad. And worse than his own need is the thought that he’s leaving Emma unsatisfied as well. Then Emma turns to him, reaches for him slowly, and when he turns his face away and his pursed lips out of reach but doesn’t step back, she changes her strategy, presses a tender kiss to the smooth line of his throat. He’s still trembling, but her touch draws a desperate almost-whine from him. Bloody hell, he needs her like he needs to breathe.
“Stay with me, Killian,” she murmurs, “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. But I need you with me, right here.”
Her hand settles over his heart, and even through his shirt he’s certain she can feel how quickly it’s beating. But she waits for him, looks into his eyes and waits for him to move. When Killian does move, it’s with a rush as he takes her mouth with his, eyes closed, his hand cradling the back of her head. Emma’s hands are light, her touch soothing, letting him take what he needs. And she’s as intoxicating as ever, just the taste of her mouth sending a delicious heat through his body and he never wants this to end. But this is as far as he can go tonight. Killian can still feel the memories in the back of his mind, like a dark chasm he could easily tumble into if he takes the wrong step. He’s been trying to keep them contained in a box, an imaginary cage he can throw all the trauma into, but it seems the strain of physical therapy had loosened his mental lock on it.
“I’m sorry, love.” His voice is rough when he releases her lips and turns his face away again in humiliation. “I want to, but… I’m- I’m sorry.”
He tries to step away, his shame overwhelming, but Emma isn’t going to let him go so easily. Her hand presses lightly against the small of his back, coaxing him back to her, feeling the tremors still skittering down his spine. She lifts her other hand on his face, fingers caressing his tightly clenched jaw as she draws his attention back to her.
“It’s okay,” she tells him again, and he knows she’ll tell him as many times as she has to before he believes her, “We don’t have to do anything tonight. Just breathe, Killian. Just… Just stay.”
“I’m here, Swan,” he says, cursing the way his voice shakes.
His thumb brushes her cheek, before he lowers his forehead gently against hers and breathes deeply, breathing her in, the curve of his hook resting against her hip. Emma gives a soft sigh as he does so. He can feel himself calming, settling into her embrace, soothed by her caresses. The moment is broken by the bubbling sound and subsequent click of the jug as it finishes boiling the water, but although Killian’s hand still trembles a little when he takes the cup of cocoa, he gifts her with a smile of gratitude. She’s too good for him, far more kind than he could ever deserve. And yet here she still is, smiling back at him over her cup, her lips almost hidden behind the pile of whipped cream she’s scooped into her drink.
(Later, he uses his mouth to satisfy her needs, and at least he can still do that, but for himself? He’s reduced to finishing off in the shower alone, like the coward he is.)
To be continued
#comfortember 2020#cs ff#cs fic#killian whump#angst#flashbacks#ptsd#hurt/comfort#killian jones#emma swan#captain swan#my fanfics
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Say, what's your thoughts on Dick's Harem of Morally Ambiguous Older Men (TM)?
Not a fan. Tbh, I just hate the trend of ‘surround Dick with uneven power dynamics and never ever let him interact with someone on an even playing field, and requiring every relationship in his life to be heavily loaded with advantages the other holds over him, or obligations he feels towards them.’
But even more than that, I hate the fact that said harem exists not because of canon, but because of fandom’s absolute INSISTENCE that Dick’s ‘suitors’ all be predatory and so much his better in terms of fighting, experience, strategy, that they’re usually written as more toying with him as much as they are....engaging in an actual relationship. Because, idk, that makes the relationships ‘dangerous’ and that’s sexy? Meh.
But the reason why that bothers me so much in particular, is because like.......the vast fields of difference in skill and expertise that we so commonly see in S/ladin fics and the like.....
This dynamic where Slade is wholly Dick’s superior who has so much to teach him if only he would deign to learn from him.....like, the ONLY place that actually exists is the one Teen Titans cartoon from like twenty years ago, and its fine if people want to go with that for whatever reason, but when everything else about the fic screams “this is very much a comic-based story except for that one element”....that’s when it gets frustrating.
Because you can do what you want of course, but I’m always gonna wonder WHY it was deemed so necessary, that Dick always be at a sizable disadvantage to Slade instead of an enemy he respects as being equal in threat to the threat he poses himself.
Because as I’ve said many times....Slade does NOT consider Dick a relative novice, still years away from being an actual threat to him in combat or capable of interfering with his plans.
The entire REASON Slade started out as a Titans villain, a nemesis for the whole team, and eventually just became Nightwing’s enemy and occasional ally, but with all of Slade’s attention usually focused on him and ignoring the other Titans entirely most of the time....
Is because Slade views Dick as being personally responsible for the times the Titans defeated him or foiled his plans. He chalks it entirely up to Dick’s strategic mind and leadership abilities, as well as his effectiveness in combat when the two of them engage hand to hand.
Slade focuses on Dick not because he thinks he has so much to teach him or Dick still has so much to learn or ‘could truly be a threat someday’.....but rather, because Slade ALREADY VIEWS DICK AS THAT THREAT AND HAS FOR YEARS.
He’s compelling and frustrating to Slade in equal measure because of all the Titans, Dick is the one Slade views as an actual threat, the one he has to either get out of the picture or else get on board with him if he wants to proceed with his agenda of the moment without it being thwarted by someone aka Dick Grayson.
Like yeah, Slade’s decades older than Dick with the experiences to match that, but the Titans and Dick himself have always defeated him or driven him off ON THEIR OWN, without having to call in ‘the adults’ to back them up or be the cavalry or whatever......so how do you figure they can manage that, if their leader and strategist and the one most directly/immediately targeted by Slade each encounter.....is like.....at the same time, significantly lesser than Slade in skill, expertise and ingenuity?
What, like Slade just ‘lets them win’ all the time out of the goodness of his heart? This is the same guy who nuked Dick’s whole city just to spite him personally!
But anyway, my point is, using Slade as my primary example here though it applies in some form or another to all of the members of the Harem of Morally Ambiguous Older Men.......
Dick doesn’t need to ‘level up’ ten or twenty years into the future before he’s finally on Slade’s level. Slade doesn’t view him like a college recruiter scouting for talent and going ‘hmm, that one could have potential after putting a certain amount of work into getting him to a higher level.’
Slade ALREADY views Dick as his primary threat and personal antagonist, and that’s 100% the reason why he focuses on just Dick off on his own doing the solo hero thing just as often (if not more) than he takes on the whole Titans. Because for all the Titans’ vast powers, Slade has a way to beat each of them. He’s studied them, he knows their strengths and weaknesses, how being dependent on a superpower rather than acquiring a broad arsenal of skillsets can make them particularly vulnerable if their power is countered or negated in some way.
Dick is the wildcard. Always has been. Right back to their very first encounter in the Judas Contract, where Slade decided the fact that Dick alone had escaped being captured was a negligible problem, because he figured Dick presented the least threat out of all of them. And was proven very definitively wrong, lol.
Because Dick’s ultimate strength is in his adaptability. In how his life has shaped him to be a fucking paramount grandmaster of thinking on the fly, reacting to changes in his situation, environment, and anything else that disrupts his own plans, and requires he adjust to a new status quo and make new plans based on that.
Dick has been doing this to EXTREME degrees since before he was even ten years old, and he is fucking GOOD at it by now.
And the ultimate threat to a meticulous planner and strategist like Slade.....is always going to be a genius strategist whose specific strength lies in thinking on his feet. Someone capable of upending the whole chess board and rendering all pre-planned moves irrelevant, and then already being ten steps into a new plan before his opponent has wrapped their mind around the fact that most of the preparation that went into this encounter is useless and irrelevant now.
A lesson Dick taught Slade in their very first encounter, in the Judas Contract, when he was the only Titan who slipped free of being captured by Slade....and when Slade made the mistake of thinking this was no big deal, as he viewed Dick as posing the least threat, especially on his own without the rest of his team.
And its a lesson Slade has never forgotten.
And see what I mean, just from my phrasing there? How often in S/ladin fics is it framed as though there’s even the CHANCE of Dick having anything to teach Slade instead of just being taught? Or even just surprised and having his ego checked by the fact that this decades younger hero has just defeated or outwitted him AGAIN?
They don’t do that, in my experience. Because they’re written to DELIBERATELY be imbalanced, like the uneven playing field is basically the POINT of the relationship, given that......the authors have to reshape Slade from the archnemesis of equivalent standing to Dick, into this vastly more skilled and experienced figure who Dick has no prayer of defeating on his own, unless Slade like, decides to stop toying with him on his own, or Dick’s saved by the intervention of family and/or teammates.
And to me, that defeats the entire point of Dick Grayson. The guy who saves himself time and time again, the survivor who doesn’t NEED anyone to save him or for those with more power than him to take pity on him and stop rubbing it in his face while not changing the power dynamic in the slightest.
I mean, that’s LITERALLY the basis of my being so invested in his character, lol, so even though I’m not a fan of sizable age gaps in romantic relationships in general, in this case, SPECIFICALLY - there was never a chance in hell that any of those relationships were ever going to interest me.
Especially since, as I said with Slade.....the entire actual dynamic Dick has with the other character has to be altered specifically so that Dick is in a more vulnerable position than they occupy, in any relationship they form.
Sorry not sorry, but I will never understand why a fandom that talks such a good game about Dick’s status as a survivor, seems at the same time to be constantly fixated on finding new ways to stack the deck against him....all while continually eroding his ability to fend for himself - thus REDUCING him from a self-saving survivor who picks himself up and dusts himself off each time he’s knocked down, to a victim who is measurably less powerful/skilled/capable than the threat he faces, and thus doomed to fail if he’s on his own, meaning he inevitably needs to be saved by others.
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It’s fanfiction time!!
A mini crossover between @kuttiesstuff‘s Human Candy AU and LanternDay AU (but mostly LanternDay).
I found out about LD Sans's story a few days ago looking through Kuttie's art tag (I had seen him in the Twitchy Timeloop comic but didn't really know what he was about). Aaaaaaaaand somehow a fanfiction happened XD
I've taken some liberties with the AUs, especially since there's only so much revealed about LanternDay (as well as some things I didn't notice went against canon until it was too late WHOOPS), but I hope it's fun anyway. ...Pretend everyone speaks German lol I don't want to butcher it with my attempts
(Also....this is the first fanfic I've actually completed since like....2009 o__o;;; I'm not much of a writer. But I still enjoyed myself c: )
Title: Tastes Like Home
Chance wasn't used to the stares he was getting from monsterkind on his long trip back to Snowdin from the surface. In fact, he wasn't used to any part of the journey--that's what teleporting was for! But today that wasn't an option. Not for a human.
Of course, he had been human all along! But now it was visible to the outside world (even if no one recognized him anymore as "Sans"). Ever since he found that one universe with its unique candy... Well, it had only been a day, but already it was a new chapter in his life--he just knew it! He'd finally be able to go home, whole, in his body... The universe had promised him.
When it would happen, he didn't know. But in the meantime, he explored the surface. This time, where other humans could recognize him as such, and he could fit in! Malls, movies, food........he could be just another human teenager.
But human teens had to sleep eventually, so it was back to his house in Snowdin. A big grin spread across his face as he walked. He couldn't wait to tell Papyrus about his day.
Papyrus pounded the bread dough with all his might. And again, and again. It made an odd crunch each time.
It had been two days since Sans came home from another universe, ate some strange magic food, turned into a human, and ran off excited! Leaving the Great Papyrus behind!!
He punched the dough so hard it flew off the counter, joining half a dozen others on the floor. He sighed and started on another. At least one loaf of his surely soon-to-be-famous spaghetti noodle bread had made it to the oven.
Sans had seemed so happy in this human form. But there was no reason he had to go off by himself. He would have gone with him, if he even knew he was going somewhere! It frustrated Papyrus to no end. But most of all, he was worried. Worried at how long Sans had been gone. Worried that he was alone as a squishy human. And worried that....
Papyrus didn't want to think about it, and he threw himself back into breadmaking. Grillby was out there looking for him anyway. Sans would come home one way or another.
Then came the sound of the front door.
The moment he opened the door, Chance was swooped up in a huge hug. "papyrus!" He smiled and wrapped his own arms around the taller brother. Before he could get out any more words, Papyrus spoke up at his typical volume.
"SANS!" Papyrus, stern, put him down quickly (but gently) in favor of putting his hands on his hips, and stomped his foot down. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?"
"oh, uh..." He should have expected to be taken to task for something like this. "sorry paps, phone ran out of power. i didn't think too much of it since it was only a day--"
His good mood was slowly deflating. Had he really lost track of time that badly? No wonder he was so tired. "sorry. i guess i got too excited at the thought of going home."
"H....home?" He realized his mistake immediately. Papyrus's shoulders sagged, and his face looked less angry than....scared.
"i, um, papyrus..." His mind struggled against the twinge of pain in his heart. Of course he'd be going home! That was how it always was gonna be. Papyrus knew of his origins too, so...so....why was this so hard!? Not being able to bear the look on Papyrus's face, he looked to the side. Leaving him staring at the house he'd lived in for so many years now. But...not for much longer, right? He'd have to say goodbye to it.
"Sans?" Papyrus was waiting on him. Looking back at his little brother just made his heart hurt more. For years, he hadn't wanted to think about it, but with the promise of going home closer now than it ever had been, the fact was unavoidable, standing in front of him. If he wanted to go home, he'd have to leave Papyrus behind too.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he shot forward to hug his brother. "don't worry about it, paps..."
Papyrus returned the hug. "I'm going to worry about it if you......" There was a strange pause. "Sans, your body!"
A quick glance at his hands confirmed it. Skeletal, again. Back into the strange magic costume he'd been trapped in for years. "....oh."
He pressed back into his brother, tears flowing in earnest. Somehow this wasn't a shock to him. It made sense. Despite everything, he was too attached to this place and the people who came with it. In this moment, being here, as Papyrus's brother, even in monster form, was more important than going home. That was what what his heart told him. But it still hurt.
Papyrus held Sans until he calmed down. There was a lot he didn't understand. Sans's mood had changed so quickly. Was it related to where he went? Did it have to do with being human? Was it all those "mood swings" teens were known for? He didn't know. He was still worried about what Sans said, about going "home"...but it could wait for now.
Sans's breathing finally evened out. "you're the best, paps."
"NYEH??" That brought a smile to his face, and some of his usual attitude. "Well...OF COURSE! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS."
A loud beep sounded from the kitchen. "...MY BREAD!"
The brothers sat on the couch with a plate in front of them, as Papyrus put on the finishing touches. Bread, full of spaghetti noodles, marinara sauce on top, and a sprinkling of herbs.
"MY CREATION IS COMPLETE!" Papyrus sprang to his feet for dramatic effect. "THE FIRST SPAGHETTI BREAD!" He cut off a slice and held it out for Sans, looking at him expectantly.
Sans took and bit into the slice, bits of dry crunchy noodle crumbling out of it. The bread's contents scraped against the inside of his mouth, and he found out the hard way an entire bay leaf made it into the bite as well. "it sure has a lot of texture, paps."
"yeah you always know what a dish kneads." He took another bite.
"what? my puns are the yeast of our problems." Another bite.
"just roll with it paps." Crumbs and sauce were getting everywhere.
Sans burst out laughing, and kept laughing, until tears streamed down his face. He kept grabbing more bread, and shoving it in his face as best he could through the laughter and tears. Papyrus had to wonder again if he was okay.
Was he okay? Sans really wasn't sure. He so desperately wanted to go home, but it just wasn't happening. He felt like he was given an amazing opportunity, and he missed his chance. He couldn't prove to the universe that he wanted it enough, and so not only could he not go home, he couldn't live life as a human either.
All he could do was laugh, cry, and eat more and more of this bread. It hurt. But somewhere inside him, he didn't want to admit, he couldn't help thinking maybe this was what home was like. A home anyway. The taste of the bread...the old couch...a little brother. And, maybe home hurt sometimes. A reminder that he couldn't have everything to make him whole. Torn between his origins and his current life.
At least this life came with a cool brother.
He curled up against Papyrus, still slowly attempting to munch on bread, and drifted off to much needed sleep.
The end!
.....Papyrus eventually remembers to call Grillby to tell him Sans is back.
I didn't know how much canonically Papyrus knew about Chance's past as a human, and how Chance expected to go "home" someday. I just kinda made him know here....and be low-key anxious that someday his brother would leave D:
I might have seen too late that Papyrus doesn't make his own bread, but.....it's spaghetti bread??? XD Which I found out after writing IS A REAL DISH!? ...WHY XD I thought for sure I was making it up but no...real life beat me to it. But at least the version in this fic is a true Papyrus original 😉 Also going under the assumption here that these skeletons can taste cuz...why would they love bread so much otherwise?? Well, doesn’t matter so much in the actual fic anyway.
I had Chance stay human for so long, longer than in the Human Candy comic, cuz of the magic that makes up the candy. Using hypnotism to trick the soul into thinking its human. Chance already believed he was human so strongly it enhanced the effect.
In fact I wonder if it could possibly work so well he could be in that form for weeks, or indefinitely, so strong is his conviction. But, well.... Some things are more important to him. (Yeah, this picture was a big inspiration for the direction the fic took).
Because the candy would have naturally run out well before he actually turned back, this wavering in his conviction was enough to end its effects. So...while Sans wasn't correct in thinking the universe had something to do with it, he was a little correct in that his mindset had an effect.
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Mistakes (Part 2)
Hello, everyone. I want to thank you all for your positive feedback and comments about the first part of “Mistakes”! Here is the second and final part of the story. I hope that you all like it! :)
Fair warning: It’s rather lengthy. Lol.
Click here to go to Part 1.
The tone of her voice is tensely calm. And it chills you.
"Kamilah..." You trail off, unsure of how to even begin.
For several moments, you continue to grasp for words. "I ---"
You hear her take a breath. "Stop." She says. "This isn't the place to have this conversation. Get in the car."
With her back still turned to you and without another word, she strides towards the exit of the Cavern and makes her way to her sleek black automobile. You hurry to follow her.
The ride to her apartment building is long and silent. The tension between you two hangs heavily in the air.
You silently follow her to the elevator and into her apartment. You stand in the middle of the living room, unsure of what to do while Kamilah rummages through her liquor collection at the bar.
Kamilah slams a glass on top of the counter and pours bourbon into it. She takes the glass and walks to the wall-sized windows. She takes a long sip.
“I’ll ask you again. Why?”
Her voice is still eerily calm. You feel even more chills running down your spine.
“I…” you begin to stammer.
She swirls her drink. “Go on.”
“I… I… I’m… sorry.”
She downs all of the bourbon. “Oh, you’re sorry?”
In the blink of an eye, the glass goes sailing through the air before smashing against the wall. Kamilah rounds on you, eyes smoldering.
“Is that all you have to say?! That you’re sorry?!” Her beautiful face is twisted with anger. Her eyes are narrowed down to slits, and her forehead is creased with lines.
“Why? Why did you do it?” Although she is no longer shouting, her tone is still laced with rage.
You freeze – terror and guilt force you to remain still even as Kamilah glares at you.
“I don’t know what else to say right now.” You manage to say after a moment. “I am so s-sorry.” Your voice begins to tremble.
Your response only seems to spur the vampire even further into a spiral of rage. "Not only did you sleep with someone else, but you also slept with Priya Lacroix of all people! Do you know how stupid and foolish that was?! She could've killed you!"
She looks at her hands, which you see are trembling with anger. “Am I not good enough for you?” She asks. “Have I been lacking?! Haven’t I been good to you?!”
Haven’t I been good to you?
Amidst your feelings of fear and guilt, the last question causes you to snap out of your stupor.
And it also causes something else inside to snap. And before you know it, you blurt out your answer.
The single word stops Kamilah dead in her tracks. “Excuse me?” She responds in disbelief.
“I said…” You begin to speak – the terror you initially felt beginning to subside to give way to something else entirely. “… no. You haven’t been good to me.”
Your answer seems to have rendered Kamilah speechless. So, you decide to take advantage of the silence to elaborate before she gets the chance to retaliate.
“Lately, you’ve done nothing but act coldly towards me.” You begin, gaining momentum. “Whenever I try to talk to you, you brush me off. Whenever I text you, you always reply with “Not now.” Whenever we’re in the same room, you act as if I’m not even there! The only time you actually acknowledge me is either when you need something from me or if you want me to shut up whenever you think that I’m talking too much!”
You notice that your voice has become raised and high-pitched. But right now, you don’t care – all the hurt and pain you’ve bottled up have started to spill over.
“So, no. You haven’t been good to me! In case you haven’t realized, you’ve actually been treating me like crap!”
Kamilah remains stunned for a few seconds. Then she comes alive again with indignation.
"In case you haven't realized, Gaius is on the loose! And he wants to conquer the world and destroy everything as we know it! The others, Adrian and I must do all that we can to stop him at all costs. I don't have time for anything else!"
Undeterred and feeling indignant yourself, you retaliate.
"You don't think that I know that? He kidnapped me, Kamilah! He used me to get the information he needed! I know what's at stake! I’m fully aware of how dangerous he is!"
"Then why are you mewling about not getting enough attention?!”
Her statement was like a slap to your face.
"I'm not asking that you dote on me or baby me 24/7! All I'm asking for is a little consideration! Even though the others are busy, they still take time to check on me. They talk to me. They make me feel that they care.
"You, on the other hand? You barely look at me! You act like you don’t care at all!"
Your retort causes her to pause for a moment. A flash of hurt similar to the one you saw in the Cavern crosses her features.
"How can you say that?! Have you forgotten all those nights we spent together? All those conversations we had?"
At the mere mention of those moments, memories begin to flash in your mind. The smiles you shared as lay entangled in each other’s arms. The small laughs during the most unexpected moments. The kisses you trailed across each other's bodies as the moon shone brilliantly from outside the windows.
At this point, the hurt you’ve been feeling seems to have reached its boiling point. You feel tears beginning to prick your eyes. “Honestly? With how you’ve been acting? I’ve started to think that you only give a damn about me whenever you want to have sex!” The tears start to flow freely. “I feel like your dirty little secret!”
At your words, all traces of fury immediately evaporate from the Egyptian vampire's face. A look of shock and hurt instantly replaces the rage.
“Are you… blaming me for your affair with Priya?”
You’re caught-off guard by her question. You stare at her with tear-stricken eyes, unable to utter a word.
Your silence seems to be the only answer Kamilah needs. She walks over to her desk and picks up a phone.
“Samuel. It’s Miss Sayeed. Take a car and come to my apartment. I need you to escort Miss Amy Walsh to her home.”
She sets the phone down.
“I called one of my Clan members to give you a lift.” She speaks in a monotone without so much as a glance at you. “Go downstairs and wait for him.”
“Kamilah…” You finally get the strength to say something.
“But –”
“I said leave!”
It was all too much to bear. You turn on her heel and leave Kamilah’s apartment in tears.
Three months later
It appears that the Council’s plan is working – the rotation of hiding places has kept the vial of the First Vampire’s blood secured and safe. So far, none of the already utilized hiding places have been disturbed – a good sign.
Yet, the Council refuses to become complacent. Knowing the danger and threat that Gaius poses, they regularly meet to discuss updates and strategies. And as Adrian’s assistant, and also because you are already deeply involved in their plans, you dutifully attended each meeting. No matter how difficult it is for you.
You and Kamilah haven’t spoken to each other ever since that fateful night months earlier. The memory of that night is still fresh in your mind as if it had only happened yesterday. You feel hurt, angry, and regretful all at once.
Kamilah doesn’t acknowledge you at all during the meetings – you’ve shared absolutely no eye contact or any form exchange whatsoever. Even during the times that Priya tries to make a move on you again, she doesn’t react. Due to the effectiveness of the rotation plan, she seems less tired and less on edge. But she still leads the meetings and strategy discussions with focused calculation and silent intensity.
She’s doing well. And she seems to have placed everything that’s happened between the two of you behind her.
That’s what hurts the most.
The others have noticed your sullen demeanor and have tried to coax into confiding in them. Lily, being your best friend, kept insisting that you can tell her anything. Adrian offered to give you some time off from work and assured you that he's always there to listen of you ever needed someone to unload to. Jax tried to cheer you up by touring you around the Shadow Den and by engaging in all sorts of the activities with the former Clanless vampires.
But you insisted that you were just tired and stressed because of everything that has happened and because of the possible dangers. The others, knowing that anyone would be distressed by those circumstances, accepted your explanation. But they still insisted that you go to them if you ever wanted to talk.
One day, you’re strolling across town. You’ve just finished having an early dinner and you were on your way to work.
You suddenly stop when a man steps in your way.
“Uh… excuse me.” You try to move around him, but he grabs your arm and lifts you onto his shoulder, and before you can retaliate, you suddenly find yourself in a back alley located several blocks away from where you were strolling.
“Hey! What gives?!”
When he turns to look at you, you’re met with red eyes and fangs. “You’re coming with me, missy.”
He looks around for a moment to make sure that you’re alone, and just as he’s about to make a run for it, you see a pipe leaning against the wall and immediately take it.
“Hiya!” You scream as you bash it into the side of his head with all of your strength
He grunts and drops you in surprise. You scramble to your feet, but before you can run, he lands a blow to your side which causes to fly into the adjacent brick wall. The side of your head makes contact against the dirty cemented surface, and you feel warm blood oozing from your temple.
Through your hazy state of mind, you see a second and familiar figure approaching the vampire.
“You careless fool!” Although you’re barely conscious, you’re still able to recognize that voice. “You could’ve killed her! We need her alive for our mission to be successful!”
“I’m sorry, Lord Jameson.” The other vampire answered while lowering his head.
The scholar takes a breath and composes himself. He then turns to you. “No matter. What matters is that you’re still alive. It was wise that I came along just in case something like this happened.”
He walks over to you and kneels beside you. “Now, to find the vial." He takes hold of your head and suddenly visions of different vampires flood your mind.
…No… Have… to… stop…
Despite the literal throbbing pain in your head and the feeling that your mind was being torn apart, you’re somehow able to stop the visions.
Scholar Jameson notices the abrupt halt of the flow of visions and presses his fingers and palms even deeper into your scalp and skin as he attempts to force the flow through his psychic abilities. But without knowing how, you’re able to counter his powers.
“What?!” The shock was apparent in Jameson’s voice. “How is this possible?!”
Even though you feel weak, you manage to smirk at Jameson. “… Take…that.” You say feebly.
Your feeling of triumph is cut short when Jameson deals a second blow to your head – causing more blood to ooze from your wound. The strike drains you of all strength, thus weakening your mental barrier.
"That's better. Now, on to business." His grip on the sides of your head tightens, and a stream of memories and visions overwhelms you.
Pain takes over all your senses. The combined force of Jameson’s powers and your own, as well as the steady flow of blood that was streaming from your injury, are all too much for you to handle. You barely hold on.
Despite all the random memories you see, you also sense your own memories. You think of the times you spent with Lily before she was Turned. All the inside jokes you and Adrian shared in-between office meetings. The moments you spent with Jax at the Shadow Den along with the other Clanless.
But out of all of them, the memories that stand out the most are your memories of one certain Egyptian vampire.
It was all too much, so you start to drift away, but before unconsciousness takes over, you hear a third voice from a distance.
“Get away from her!”
Those words are all that you hear before you black out.
When you start to regain consciousness, you suddenly notice that your back wasn’t leaning against cement anymore. Instead, you find yourself lying on… cotton and silk?
You blearily open your eyes and see Adrian, Lily, and Jax by your bedside.
Lily wraps her arms around you. “You’re awake!” Her happy exclamation causes your head to throb.
“Lil… not so loud…”
“Amy.” Adrian takes one of your hands. “I’m so glad that you’re okay.”
“Yeah.” Jax moves to sit at the edge of your bed. “You scared us back there.”
You smile at them. Relieved to be out of danger and to be surrounded by friendly faces. You then move your right hand and notice that an IV line has been attached to it. “How long have I been out?”
“Girl, you were out cold for two days!”
“Two days!? W-what? What happened?”
Adrian is the first to speak, as he does, his face hardens. “You were attacked by Scholar Jameson and one of Gaius’s other followers.”
Flashes of the encounter suddenly reappear in your mind. “Oh, no!” Your own exclamation causes your head to hurt again.
“Easy there.” Jax says. “Don’t overdo it.”
You nurse your bandaged head and take a breath. “Jameson… tried to use his powers to use me to look through other vampires’ memories. He tried to get information about the location of the vial.”
The three vampires suddenly become alarmed. “Was he successful?” Adrian asks, dread lacing his voice.
“No.” You say, recalling what had happened. “I passed out before he got what he was looking for. If he saw it, then I would have seen it too.”
They visibly relax. “That was a close one.” Lily comments, her shoulder sagging in relief.
You notice Adrian’s eyes narrow in calculation. “It was. But we need to move the vial again. As a precaution.” Adrian looks at Jax.
“Already on it.” The black-haired vampire moves to stand. “I’m going to contact my Clan members and coordinate with the other Clan leaders. Lily, I’m going to need your help.”
“You got it.” Lily looks at you and hugs you again. “We gotta go, Amy. I’m so glad that you made it out okay. Get well soon.”
“I will. Thanks, Lil.”
Jax moves to place a hand on your shoulder. “Take care of yourself, Amy.”
You give him a smile before he and Lily leave.
You then start to notice your surroundings for the first time. You take in the polished marble floor and the soft king-sized bed. In front of you is a large screen TV, a mini-fridge to the right side of the room, and a liquor cabinet to the left. But what really caught your attention was the room’s distinctly Egyptian themed decor…
You tense up, not daring to hope. “Where are we?”
“We’re in Kamilah’s private suite in Ahmanet Financial.”
The mere mention of Kamilah’s name causes your heart to beat faster. “What?!”
Adrian leans back against his chair and smiles at your reaction. “Yes. Kamilah also has private living quarters in her company building.”
You blink unable to process what you’re hearing. “How… how did I even get here?”
The amusement disappears from his face. “When Jameson…” his expression hardens again, “… was attacking you, a member of Clan Sayeed was looking for you. Fortunately, he got there just in time.”
Your heart starts beating even more quickly. “A Clan Sayeed member saved me?”
Adrian nods. “Yes. His name is Samuel Cavanaugh – he’s one of Kamilah’s strongest clan members. Kamilah told me that she tasked Samuel to watch you closely just in case something happens. Kamilah was afraid that you might be targeted by Gaius again. It was a good thing that she had the foresight to do so.
“When he found you, he immediately brought you to Kamilah and she placed you here to keep you safe.”
You can hardly believe what you were hearing. It all felt too unreal. “Where is Kamilah?” you finally ask.
“She and some of her Clan members are on a man-hunt for Scholar Jameson.”
She’s on a man-hunt?! “So, Scholar Jameson escaped?”
He nods gravely. “I’m afraid so. Samuel was able to kill the other vampire, but Jameson managed to get away.”
Panic and anxiety suddenly start to shoot through your nerves. “But what if Jameson has more lackeys with him?! Kamilah and the others could get hurt!” You start to sit up, but a sensation of pain causes you to double over.
Your boss places his hands on your shoulders. “Calm down. It’s going to be okay.” He gently settles you down onto your pillow. “Kamilah can more than handle her own and her Clan members are not to be underestimated. And they’re also armed with UV flashlight beams and other weapons.”
You take a long and deep breath to calm yourself. “Okay.”
A phone suddenly vibrates in Adrian’s inner pocket. When he checks it, he frowns. “I have to go. Something urgent came up.” He places his phone away. “I’ll visit again as soon as I can. For now, get some rest.”
You give him a small smile. “You got it, boss.”
He returns it and leaves. Soon, you’re lying restlessly on the comfortable bed with your racing thoughts. It all seemed surreal. Things between you and Kamilah ended badly, but you just learned five minutes ago that she sent someone to protect you and that she’s on a man-hunt for your attacker.
Drowsiness and fatigue eventually overtake your senses. You soon drift off into a dreamless sleep.
You’re in a state of relatively peaceful slumber when you feel something brushing your hand. You open your eyes to see a tanned hand stroking yours with a manicured thumb.
When you lift your gaze, you immediately see a familiar pair of brown eyes looking at you with worry.
Your own eyes widen in surprise. “Kamilah…”
With great effort, you try to sit up and Kamilah reaches out to grab the pillow behind you.
“Here. Let me.” She adjusts the pillow so that you can sit more comfortably before she pulls at the comforter to give you more room to move. You lean back against the headboard and look at her. You notice that her normally well-kept hair is slightly tousled and that the collar of her blouse is ruffled.
You know that you’re wide awake, but you feel as if you’re dreaming. Kamilah is sitting at the edge of the side of the bed and is holding your hand.
“Amy…” she says your name softly as a relieved smile forms on her lips. “I’m glad that you're safe now.”
You look at her for a moment, still processing her presence. “Thanks.” You then glimpse at your joined hands before glancing back at her again. “You… sent one of your Clan members to keep watch over me?”
“Of course.” She begins to stroke your hand again. “I promised that we wouldn’t fail you again.”
“Right. You did say that…” you trail off. “Did you get Jameson?”
Fury flashes across her face briefly. “Sadly, no. He managed to slip away.” She then sighs.
You spend a few moments of awkward silence together. After everything that happened, you don’t know what to say, much less know how to continue your conversation. You look at the blank screen of the plasma screen TV while Kamilah stares at your still linked hands, lost in thought.
She’s the first to break the tension. “Amy…can we talk?”
You take in the uncharacteristically troubled look on her face and you nod. The Egyptian vampire lets out a breath before speaking again.
“When I heard that you were attacked, all I could think about was our fight… And when I saw how badly hurt you were, all I could think about was how things ended between us.
"With Gaius still on the loose, there's no telling what could happen. Or who would survive. And...”, she pauses for a moment before looking into your eyes.
“I don't want our last words to each other to be words said in anger or hurt."
You practically feel your heart quicken its pace at her words. “Kamilah…”
She gently tightens her grip on your hand. “I thought about what you said. And you’re right. I’ve treated you poorly. Ever since we learned that Gaius has returned, I’ve been focused on nothing but stopping him at all costs. I’ve been so pre-occupied that I forgot that there are other important things…” she trails off.
When she continues, you notice an unusual tone of vulnerability in her voice. “I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I realized that it’s not enough that I actually care. I should also make you feel that I do care. I didn’t show you just how much I value you… and I-I’m sorry.” Her voice cracks slightly as she says the last words.
The sincerity of her words overwhelms you, and you feel tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes. "Kamilah. I'm sorry, too." A tear slides down your cheek. "I don't blame you for what happened between Priya and me. That was my choice." More tears flow. "I'm so sorry for hurting you that way."
She gives your hand a gentle squeeze. "You did hurt me. But then again, I also hurt you... And I'd been hurting you for a long time."
Hesitantly, she lifts her other hand before using it to take your other one.
"We both made mistakes, Amy. And what's done is done..." She pauses as if she's contemplating what to say next.
"The only thing that we can do now is to try to put all of it behind us and move forward."
Your heart thunders as a mixture of anticipation and anxiety curl in your stomach. "What do you mean by that exactly?"
Kamilah stares at you with an earnest and exposed expression - a look that rarely graces her features. "I... want us to try again."
"What?" You ask again, hoping that you heard her correctly the first time.
"I want us to try again, Amy. I want to be better for you. Be better to you. Regardless of what happens. Come what may. I want to be with you."
You feel a huge smile slowly starting to form on your face as streams of tears begin to flow freely from your eyes.
"Oh, Kamilah... Yes!" You're unable to suppress the happiness you feel. "I want us to try again too.” You sniffle as more tears wet your cheeks. “I want to be with you again."
A wide, brilliant, and joyous smile begins to form on Kamilah's beautiful face as well. Her own eyes also start to glisten over.
She gently takes you into her arms, and you brace yourself against her shoulder, weeping tears of joy and relief as she strokes your hair from behind.
Her embrace is warm and comforting, and it melts all the hurt, anger, and pain away.
One week later
You've recovered from your injuries, and you feel strong enough to attend the latest scheduled Council meeting. Despite Kamilah's protests, you insisted on going. And knowing that you couldn't be persuaded, she eventually relented.
You walk side-by-side as you enter the Cavern. And you see that Priya is already there, waiting for the others. The fashion designer's eyes light up when she sees you.
"Look who's finally up and about." She purrs. "Glad to see that you've recovered, gorgeous." She saunters towards you.
In a flash, Kamilah is between you and Priya. "Back off, Priya." She quietly glares at the younger vampire who raises a perfectly-shaped eyebrow.
"Well, look who decided to play hero again." She laughs lightly. "Stand down, Kamilah. Amy's a big girl." Priya leans around Kamilah to grin at you. "She can make decisions for herself."
You look at her intently. "You're right. I can." You step forward to stand beside Kamilah and hold her hand. She responds by lacing your fingers together for Priya to see.
The fashion designer's eyes widen in surprise. "Wait... seriously?"
"Yes. Seriously." You reply firmly.
The shock eventually gives way to curiosity. "Oh... so, does this mean that she's all yours now, Kamilah?"
"Indeed, she is." You can’t help but smile at how she replied without missing a beat.
You then turn to Priya. Steeling yourself, you address the other vampire. "What happened between us was a mistake, Priya. It shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry."
The fashion designer scoffs. "Hmph. It's your loss." She turns to Kamilah again, smiling mischievously. "Well, I hope you enjoy her, Kamilah... I certainly did." She laughs before stalking away. Kamilah's eyes flash red and you grip her hand tightly to stop her from attacking the younger vampire.
"She's not worth it." You tell her softly.
She lets out a growl before taking a calming breath. "You're right." She glares at the vampire who is now typing away at her phone on the other side of the room. "Besides, if I kill her, I'd just start a Clan war. Which is definitely not what we need right now."
You chuckle, and she cranes her head to look at you. Her eyes, now back to their brown color, soften. "Are you okay?"
You smile at her. "Yeah. I am. What about you?"
She gives you a small but warm smile before raising your joined hands to her lips. "I'm more than okay." She places a kiss on your knuckles.
#bloodbound#kamilah sayeed#kamilah x mc#bb kamilah#choices#choices: stories you play#mistakes part 2#choices kamilah
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Aikatsu Stars! Episodes 45-50

When dreams become true.
And the end of season 1 of stars is here. Before anything, I must apologize. It’s raining like crazy and I feel like the power can go out at any time now so I’m gonna keep this short and sweet so I don’t have to do this tomorrow in the morning.

So starting with the odd one out that is episode 45, if I knew this one would be so dislocated from the entire rest I would’ve watched it yesterday. It’d also fit wit the wholesome content theme that was happening yesterday because this episode was very adorable and I loved it. Of course, I could’ve gone without the Kanata and Subaru shenanigans, but Ako’s going after a venue for her show and choosing the little kids over Tsubasa’s event was more than enough to overcome the bad caused by shipping scenes.

Episodes 46 through 49 are the S4 elections and I’m gonna just do a huge block of commentary about the whole thing.
I don’t know how but they managed to rush this event and still feel like it was very dragged and slow and boring to watch during most parts. Like, first mistake, we didn’t get to Yuzu perform. Okay, Dance class doesn’t have a first-year representative so show the first day in its entirety would be dumb but still, we should’ve seen her.

Second mistake, they didn’t know how to space the performances out so we can have enough time in between performances to let things sink in and absorb the emotions going on. This is a problem they had with season 4′s SQC and they still are doing it wrong.
Third mistake, why make such a big deal of Ako and Yume not winning when the second place would guarantee them their spot on the S4 anyway? And Fourth mistake, this is one of the most boring line-ups S4 could have ever, especially when you consider that half of the members got in not by their own efforts but because of the circumstances. I won’t say who deserved to be in or not, but they could’ve made more interesting choices that weren’t composed only by the protagonists. (My ideal S4 would have Lily, Yuzu, Mahiru, and a random girl from Teather class that would be a cute type to give us some variety and still keep the balance, or then have Kokoro in Mahiru’s place with Ako overtaking the Teather class spot to give us the same effect)

With that being said, there’s also some good stuff happening here. First, I like how Ako didn’t magically get her glitter and had to perform with an old coord, it consolidates that choices have consequences. Second Mahiru’s win feels like a good climax not only for her but for Yozora as well, and as boring as this episode was in the parts taking place outside of the election, the moment the sisters share on stage at the end was very beautiful. And as much as I was bored by the two episodes focused on the Song Class, I can’t deny that Lily, Yuzu, and Hime really shined and they all had great moments that helped me to keep going. And of course, finally seeing Koharu again was also very nice.
And I think that’s pretty much all I had to say.

Episode 50 is the graduation episode and it’s very emotional for the old S4 I feel. If the episode was only focused on them maybe I would’ve liked I better since they’re the ones who actually have the cathartic moment of the episode.
It's also unclear if Four Stars has a high school division or not, and I think that this causes me some headaches because if they have a high school division, Tsubasa and Hime could still be S4, like is the same thing with Starlight having a high school division but the top of the academy aren't the older students you know? This is something I never understand and I think I'll never will, but let me regress because I'm ranting about something unrelated lol.

Like I said, I would've liked it better if it was just for S4, but I guess we need to have these baton pass moments here so that we don't waste time setting things up during the next season.
In any case, this was season one of stars! I wanted to make a big comment on my feelings about this season but I guess it's unnecessary giving how negative I was in this post. I'm sorry stars fans, but this season wasn't for me. Thankfully season 2 is a thing so my conceptions on Stars can still change, and we gonna see that tomorrow. Bye-bi~

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Morose Mononokean II 4 - 7 | Mob Psycho 100 II 4 - 7 | My Roommate is a Cat 4 - 6 | Double Decker! EX 1 | Egao no Daika 5 - 7 | Shield Hero 4 - 6 | Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4 - 6 | Royal Tutor movie
Morose Mononokean II 4
Aw, another little fuzzball to steal away my heart? I’m being spoiled, aren’t I?
For some reason, this episode was meant to be really emotional, but I felt pretty restless while watching it. Probably because I was thinking about playing Merc Storia all that time.
Mob Psycho 100 II 4
Didn’t expect Shinra to be back after his previous appearance…
Notably, you’d expect Matsuo’s name to have the kanji for “pine tree” in it, but it doesn’t - it has the kanji for “demon” and then one more.
I loved it when FLCL and SGRS went into manga mode, but for some reason, the transition into manga mode didn’t land as well here…hmm.
“I’ll go inside her…With an out-of-body experience.” - That sounds majorly wronggggggggggg, Mob, y’know? Even with context.
I find it interesting Mob perceives himself to be naked…as in, unguarded. He’s fine as he is and doesn’t need to change…in some ways, anyway. He could probably do with a few more emotions, but you get what I mean.
Wha-wha-wha-whoaaaaaaaaa. You mean, Mogami just got rid of Mob’s powers??? That is a nasty cliffhanger!
My Roommate is a Cat 4
Just seeing Hiroto near Kawase’s armpit…so unfazed…it’s kinda funny, but only mildly.
Tuxedo cat…ergh. The differences between American and British English never ceases to trip me up…I mean, the term makes sense…it’s just the differences between the types of English I’m annoyed at.
If you observe the OP, you’ll see Haru has that collar…I’m not sure if that’s meant to be a spoiler then…
Haru basically has the mindset of Kaguya and Shirogane, which makes this hilarious (and yet it’s still justified due to being a believable mindset for a stray!).
S-Smug dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out of the way of Haru-chan!
Shield Hero 4
“Draw your swords!” – Wasn’t there a rule saying Naofumi can’t use a sword anyway? Plus, Motoyasu has a spear, not a sword…
Balloon? Now, that’s funny!
Using magic to intervene is the cowardly action, methinks, Myne.
I find it interesting Naofumi sees Raphtalia as a little girl – it’s a perception of vulnerability, potentially weakness – when things are shown through his perspective.
Falling Through Starlight is beautiful, y’know that? Be-a-uuuuuuuuuuu-t-i-ful!
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4
Interestingly, Francine kinda looks like Mami (Madoka Magica).
Wait, is this woman Miura? (Sorry, I’m just wondering why Abigail – the blonde evil magical girl – would choose to use yakiniku to threaten people…)
Oh dear…it’s that train question (save one or save many).
Neding authority before you can actually do anything legal…now that sounds like Double Decker.
“Chef”? I was mortified when it came to the rusalka scene…but I think we already know why Povar is a chef…
CQC? Close quarters combat? Ooh, I’ve never heard it abbreviated before.
Well, I like how Povar and Rusalka Man (can’t spell Russian to save my life) always keep their salaries in mind. Makes them easier to see as evil.
Egao no Daika 5
Oh, this series has two moons? Kind of like Double Decker’s two suns, yeah?
I just realised Lily’s the only one with a skirt on her suit…
Morose Mononokean II 5
I don’t think I’ve seen a Fuzzy-centric episode ever since the first time we met the furball…
That hand on neck thing is apparently a CIA technique if I interpreted it right…just, it’s applied to a purple/white lion, so it’s hard to tell whether it’s the real thing…
Fluffy tadpole is best tadpole. All fluffy things are cute to me, even the lethal ones…I guess.
Seriously, if someone doesn’t call the animation of the Executive sakuga, I don’t know sakuga! That crow is some fancy animation!
Hanae’s mother is scarier than most youkai, given she can give me a nasty jump scare!
Mob Psycho II 5
This episode’s called Discord…which maks me think of the chat program of the same name…weird, huh?
Notably, it’s Dimple’s voice coming from Mob’s mouth…hmm.
That episode was real cool…it’s too bad by turning off the volume at the wrong time, I missed the Sajou no Hana song…
My Roommate is a Cat 5
Roku, Nana, Hachi…haha.
I noticed Haru has smaller eyes than Hachi…aside from the collar of course.
Aw…reunion too cute. I honestly think that this show has a fairly effective use of “filling in the gaps”, as it were, and thus making good use of cuts.
Double Decker! EX 1
Yep, we’re back with Double Decker!!! I’m glad to see it back, really.
Wait…ohhhhhhhhh. So Double Decker! doesn’t just refer to the bus in this show or the system. It means “2 Detectives” in Japanese (in a codeswitching sort of way). It was wordplay all along! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! I get it now!
This Deana assassin stuff must be a lie…
(after the commercial break) C’mon, Kirill, buddy. You’re drunk, y’know that, right…? Right??? Update: Oh, not drunk, dreaming. My mistake.
Oh, I was just saying that My Roommate is a Cat dos a nice job “filling in gaps”. Didn’t realise Double Decker did it as well. Also, how the heck is Doug unpopular with women???
So…Kirill actually got hired based on his feminine looks? Geesh, that Travis…
The thing I missed about this show was not being able to play the ED after an episode, so I’m glad to have it back!
Spec Ops Asuka 5
Having Kurumi fix up Nozomi’s arm kind of erases the consequences…but that’s what Kurumi’s for, right?
Barber Scissors…? Is this what happens when you take Kill la Kill way too seriously?
Wowee. Din’t think Sacchuu was capable of dealing nasty punches as well.
There’s gotta be some sort of parallel between Abigail and the queen vs Asuka and Kurumi…
Post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Shield Hero 5
Headbutt to the nuts! Oof!
When it comes to races, the one tune that comes to mind is one from the Dog Island (track 22 from this YouTube playlist).
I swear there was CGI during the race…on Filo.
Please don’t make jokes about Naofumi liking lolis, people. This is not that type of show…
Mononokean 6
Is it just me, or has this epiode been relying on the use of blue speech bubbles for humour more than normal?
It’s Mononokean: Sports Anime edition!
For some reason, I find the name “trashboat” hilarious. It was probably just “ponkotsu” (piece of trash) in practice, but the variation in English is really something to behold…
Ashiya sleeps like an old man, LOL. It must be cosy in that bed…
Moja is just adorable in whatever scene it appears in! Even Moja being dragged down a stream is cute~!
Relaxing your shoulders, huh? That reminds me that that’s a destress technique I haven’t used in a while. My head’s been spinning while I was trying to watch this episode, so I should probably get back to trying to do that stuff…after this episode, of course.
Price of Smiles 6
You think Spec Ops Asuka looks bad? Look at Price of Smiles melt in this “Yuni! You should recover!” scene.
For some reason, this one dude (I forget his name) being a father surprises me. He looks like the type to be single…
The female version of the name “Noel” is Noelle…get that right, people!
Layla’s right when she says one of the main causes of war is the struggle for resources and wealth.
Mob Psycho II 6
I noticed instead of a Mac or something, the computer is a “One” computer.
The board says something a lot more complicated than Saitama’s routine…which means One likes exercise. Maybe…probably.
“Codomo” phone, LOL.
The last time I heard of tofu in anime that I remember…was Boueibu. Something about Ryuu killing a man with tofu.
Somehow it didn’t occur to me until the eyecatch was over but the block…was tofu!
How do you even get drunk when there’s no alcohol in the drink??? (LOL)
Oh! Shinra again!
…Also Jodo Kirin!
Shield Hero 6
Naofumi is giving 0 f**ks about the dressmaker’s love of Filo.
Why is Filo CGI…? It looks unnerving, to be honest with you.
My Roommate is a Cat 6
Eleventh grade…16? 17? Heck, Yugo looks 27, not 17!
Notably, “Comic Polaris” is the name of the magazine that publishes the manga of this. Hence “Novels Polaris”.
Heck, Subaru. In the internet age in particular, people write to affect others. I should know, as someone who did just that just a few years ago!
Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine movie
Yay, we’re back! Crunchyroll bringing over movies is definitely increasing my workload for these commentaries, so with all the new things I’ve added to my lists of priorities as of late, I wonder if I can keep up…
Hitting us with CGI in the first minute of the movie…oh man, how far does CGI go these days???
Honestly, in my brain Wagner (Classicaloid) = the twins (this movie) = the Beppus (Boueibu LOVE! LOVE!). They’re very similar in terms of personality…
In the same way, Bruno = Schubert from Classicaloid (but swap one’s Sensei for the other’s Senpai).
Licht = Motz.
It seems like someone liked ponytail!Licht enough to keep him here. So it really wasn’t just me, huh?
Seriously, what’s this “God of War” stuff anyway???
Man, vocal exercises? This takes me back to my piano-playing days…I was a sightreader and only had to do one of the two (out of sightreading and vocal stuff), but there was someone else who had to do both.
This piano is bugging me. Its white keys are black and its black keys are white!
Somehow, Heine’s small top hat suits him. It’s probably because he wears a small beret in that same position usually.
More CGI background characters…*sigh*
Hmm…soft power at its finest(?)
Seriously though, why did that evil Duke guy appear in this movie again??? He has zero use plotwise. Sure, he was important in the first season and if we ever get a second he’ll be important there, but here? Nada!
Have you noticed Heine is in all those dance positions a girl would normally be in??? Hmm! Interesting! But still…if there’s one thing I ever missed from the anime’s experience, it would be-oh, scratch that! This is my cue to watch the cheesy live-action dance ending! I missed it so much!
Egao no Daika 7
Seriously…who is Eins talking to??? Whose emperor???
They still haven’t revealed what this new guy’s name is, even after his introduction…well, technically he was introduced at the River Deese, but we still didn’t learn his name then. (Did we?)
Spec Ops Asuka 6
Is Mia just this show’s version of Kyouko (from Madoka Magica, but American of course)???
Oooooookay, that (with the kissing and stuff) is so not what foreigners are like, people…
Oh, goodness. Have I really been living with this stuff (girl x girl teasing, with Kurumi in particular being one of the more extreme examples I’ve seen) in my magical girl anime for years now? I mean, Suite PreCure is laced with the stuff…
If ordinary rigor mortis business is at work, then I’d say the heater is to speed up the rotting of the corpse…
LOL, there’s Halloween-class…and then there’s Voorhees-class…how appropriate for Disas.
“Only one of the Magical Five would’ve known about that phrase.” – My bets are on Peipei, but we’ll find out for sure…someday.
Mononokean 7
As much as I found the pillow fight scene with Fuzzy in it funny, I swear Abeno is a bit too sadistic for my own good. What is it with some women and their sadistic kinks…?
Abeno calling Ashiya “hunk of junk” makes me think Ashiya isn’t much of a Sousuke (from Classicaloid), but they do have a lot of similar character traits, now that I think of it…hmm.
For some reason, I think Abeno knew the conditions of the deal and what the deal entailed in advance, hence the training camp.
Seiza…means sitting on the floor in the position Ashiya was in (knees to the floor etc).
Mob Psycho II 7
“Cheeseburger Tornado”, LOL.
When Reigen got angry at the TV, I was just like, “It’s Shield Hero (Mob Psycho version)!” I.e. you con the conman and not turn the conned into a conman…or something like that.
Those microphones are so obviously CGI, people…
I know I’m a fan of Yuzuru Tachikawa, but episode 5 actually didn’t do too much for me, to be honest (even though it was visual spectacle, which is Tachikawa’s strong suit). However, while episode 7 looked less punchy overall, it was miles better…
“First-press limited edition? That is the absolute best decision.” – What is that referring to??? Update: It’s referring to the BDs...or DVDs...or both.
Update: Forgot to add Double Decker to the title and tags.
#simulcast commentary#mob psycho 100#Mob Psycho 100 II#the rising of the shield hero#tate no yuusha no nariagari#Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka#Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka#my roommate is a cat#doukyonin wa hiza tokidoki atama no ue#oushitsu kyoushi haine#the royal tutor#egao no daika#the price of smiles#Chesarka watches Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine#Chesarka watches MP100#Chesarka watches MGSOA#Chesarka watches Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari#Chesarka watches Doukyonin wa Hiza Tokidoki Atama no Ue.#Chesarka watches Egao no Daika#fukigen na mononokean#the morose mononokean#double decker#Double Decker! Doug and Kirill#Chesarka watches Double Decker!
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I hate this

I hate this : Memes

your passport photo and copy of passport At my school, the homework was to color the picture. So very true... In my school it’s so bad, the teacher projects it on the whiteboard ah, nightmares Soo true XD They say that because you cropped it out. And that is a fact They use plotters I get it! Lol that’s good shit Im sory Toad The homework that steals your time and your lunch money 99% of sane teachers shows u the color image on smart board No teachers want to show u crappy print Just understand it. Color printer is expensive. You’re telling me that teachers give out free black children? Bet, already got three in the basement itsa me, Noir-io Facts tho It'sa me, a-Copyo! We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo. Come back in ten years And they pop in a “do you see the ... in the picture” question Why mario on the right looks like he's about to wake me up at 3 am saying with deep demonic voice It's time for me to turn you into my spaghetti Is this the new "We have ____ at home" ? Since im in school this is to relatable The math graphs were the worst though 30 years of saving princesses, 30 years of smashing brown mushrooms. And for what? Cake? Mario!? Why does this remind me of the fearsome Llapp Goch Master. There's a good chance this is unique! I checked 103,921,185 image posts and didn't find a close match Whenever I got bad copies I'd always split the best copies around the room so every student was at least near a good copy and keep a bad one for myself... Remember when you were the chosen one to go out of class and get em papers wonderful If Mario was in Papers, Please AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA printer companies: see you little shits? this is why your printer needs colored cartridges! My name is paublo Yes Is that pablo It's supposed to be not centered Based on a true story Itsa me, Marijuanio! he looks so sad:( NVM took a secound look he looks like he bout to ask me if i wanna buy WEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDD Kinda looks like Hitler though Noah get the Death Star. My kindergarten teacher wife has to print shit at home for this reason. Effectively costs $300/year in paper/ink and another $100 to replace whatever broken down color ink printer we have in a given year. I want her to transition to laser, but haven't been able to convince her. More like the board of Education, principal and superintendents wanting another raise so the kids get B&W copies. At our large school we have 1 color copier, the rest are black and white. More often than not, kids are not getting color copies. Budget. Why is this too true Don't you be knocking LaserJet. Those things were a tank whose toner lasted a long time. DeskJet is what you are looking for. Made with HP LaserJet 100 color MFP Same Mario on the right side looks like sleep paralysis demon, ngl. Mario and Noireio. Top 10 hollywood stars ruined by drug addiction. It looks like if he ran into me he'd try to stuff me into an animatronic suit where I belong Mario looks like he's going to go on a mugging spree Too true Me looking at my paper: HERE WE GOOOO One more gram common u can do it is fentanyl the new drug to go? i only appy the fentanyl patches on them cancer patients at work, so they don't suffer 24/7. a couple of months ago there was a problem at our elderly home, bc some crazies tried to dig them used patches out of our trash..have fun with patches which are covered in shit and piss You should have done 64 or 69 Bro youd die before you even got through half a gram of fentanyl wtf do you even know what fentanyl is lmao A true epic gamer moment God I wish I had some pure fent Issa me, Black tar heroin Mario! Come with me and meet my gang of druga dealers! I really Was expecting a rickroll lmao And this is probably what he's listening to on his alone time https://youtu.be/ijBrulQXE2U It me mrio I jst snrted one mre grm and I jst deid DO IT FOR THE GRAM Go ahead and do another gram just one more gram Legendary The homework that steals your time and your lunch money............... Luigi says: do the coke to get the smoke Betta tell your moms your dads your ministers... WOOOMP WOOOMP WOOOMP!!!! Justa what me the Doctor Mario prescribed Mama mia I a need a more of that a shit YAHOOOOOO!!!! And remember kids - when you do drugs, you go to hell before you die! It’s a me druggooo Mario! I have snorted 68 grams of pure fentanyl and I am going to die. Itsame itsame I’m literally studying for an exam right now and my professor put that on his own notes... like bro nobody gives a shit about your stats notes I had a professor just say “don’t waste your money on the book. Just google book name pdf and it should be the first link.” Then he did in in class go show us And then you have the ones that sell their own 40 page notes in 2 sections for €20 each at the college book store. Or the ones that make class notes and give them out in the first class. Even better are the ones that accidentally send a pdf of their own book that they make no money on due to a shitty publisher to one or two people in the class. my favorite kinds of professors A full commitment is what I'm thinking of A lot of emulators come with a warning like "Use a bios file from your own console. Do not download one for free from the Internet!" I saw something on TIL a while back, during the prohibition era of the United States, some companies sold grape concentrate. They had a warning on them that said something to the effect of "after adding the concentrate to water, do not let it sit for two weeks as it will ferment into wine." As if...they wanted you to do it! That's a pretty calculated statement for them to make. *mobile errors I had calculus profs who would tell us 'I legally cannot advise you to steal copywrited material so under no circumstances should you go to this website and torrent the textbook for free instead of buying it from the overpriced book store and wasting your money' I always love those blank pages that just have in like size i font "Do not write here" for no fucking reason. Then the teacher tells you that they didn't see it I like when it’s in huge, WHITE print in the middle of the fucking page so half the assignment is cut off I like when it says on the side of the paper COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL DO NOT PHOTOCOPY OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS Or the "here's a form that was made in Excel, if you could fill it out so that we can input the information back in Excel that would be great." "yeah..." "But the image gets worse!" Work in Japan. Teachers give me a copied paper. "just copy it. They have the file on their damn computer. Which is where we are sitting. -20 points. I can’t even read the damn question At my school, we get lectured for printing a class set rather than just a master. They say it’s about toner being cheaper and the copier cartridges are much much bigger. There are also a lot of places where teachers don't have access to a shared laser printer like that and don't have any option but to make photocopies, so stuff like the OP can be unavoidable sometimes. Genuinely not a problem in my school - we have a fleet of MFDs for bulk printing. We have an admin assistant in charge of the reprographics room who can interrupt jobs if needed as well. It's just an old mindset that they can't get out of. Yeah but then you have to be the asshole that released a print job with 200+ pages while others are waiting to use the copier since this is the only one you can print to. What is full sending? huzzah, a man of quality Have you tried full sending it? From an IT perspective, usually it's not that they want you to know what triggered the problem, they want you to provide concise information on what exactly you were doing up until the issue occurred. Though I do understand that IT technicians are notoriously unsociable lol I'm sure thats a great suggestion but that's the thing is that IT acts like its up to the enduser to already know whats causing the issues and what needs to be done to fix it. Also this doesn't solve his/her issue of getting staples on the copies. Have your IT reinstall your driver and you can select the options that your printer has. likely you are on a global driver, or it wasn't installed correctly! Or if I want staples. We can only select staples on our copier itself. It would be easier if the print queue thing was reliable. But I can't keep running back to my room if it didn't send it, so I make extra copies from my first one. Or if I need front/back from different originals I work in IT support for a school - teachers, for some fucking reason beyond my understanding, seem to print one copy of something, then photocopy it for their classes. Telling them that just printing it for everyone keeps the quality better doesn't sink in. It costs the same, comes out of the same device, and it's less work, but I'm the insane one. Th s rin er se ms o æ run ing lo n ink To the knee And my axe! And my sword! Take mine too! Fuck off take a useless arrow Actually it seems this printer is low on incas. Damn u incas "I'm so sorry kids, our ancient printer is not working properly again" Read the full article
0 notes
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 he's a siren or something seriously
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 :O au where he IS and he's got scales and shit all up his back
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 OOO this.... is his curse
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 is gabe a sailor or just a regular dude
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 ffff Gabe is a pissed off force of fucking nature, the rage of a whole stand of dryads whose forest was burned down and Jack is a half human dryad who gets washed up along the banks of a river where the forest used to be i dunno
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 ooooo i dig it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 **jack is a half human SIREN F U C K
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 LOL gabe is so pissed off and then jack shows up and fuckin hypnotizes him LOL IT'S OKAY I GOT U
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 XD just fukkin into the trash
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 XDDDD yay gabe angst about whether or not jack actually cares or if it's just bc he's a siren!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 Jack has fallen in love with anger incarnate, and it's a damn good thing his inhuman side has given him enhanced healing abilities, 'cause gabe is not a gentle lover at first You think they're both maneaters? Like, Gabe gobbles up the soul and Jack gets the meat? Maybe Jack's full siren. He starts luring men in to replant the forest, then him and Gabe have a romantic dinner. They have a lovely white picket fence made of bones. I have found this humerus. XD
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 LMAO JESUS THAT GOT KINDA DARK
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 the sweet and horrifying monster AU no one asked for would it be better if the men who burned the forest knew they were killing dryads, so jack only goes after the ones gabe tells him are responsible?
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 yayyyy jack gets weirdly horny after murder
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 XD jack is a monster of many appetites
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 so i started watching buffy the vampire slayer of all things today this is not what i thought i would be doing LMAO Concept for half siren Jack: he doesn't know he's half siren, he just thinks he's really good at getting guys into his bed LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 what happens if someone figures out what he is and accuses him of coercing his partners? what happens if that comes up shortly after he realizes that he might actually be in love with his most recent conquest, one Gabriel Reyes?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 !!!!!! awwww jack is all like "holy shit gabriel is kind of the Best Ever maybe i want more than a one night stand with him" and then whoever-it-is accuses him and he's like oh,,,,,, okay yeah that makes more sense than gabe actually liking me,,,,,,, meanwhile gabe is wondering when tf is jack gonna call
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 ; ;
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 When Gabe finally gets sick of waiting and gives Jack a call Jack is like nO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 okay, so if Jack won't talk, is Gabe gonna push? 'cause if Gabe takes no for an answer, how are they gonna get this resolved??
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 Gabe probably realizes something is wrong, Jack is acting weird
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 . . . how can he tell? XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOL good question Oh maybe Jack makes up an excuse like he's sick or something and gabe is like oh no Jack's sick!! Let me go take care of him!! But you see Jack ISN'T SICK XDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 was being mean to jack. 's prolly 'cause jack is no longer trying to set the world's record for most sexual partners w/in a week
AH!! Stupid panicking jack!! XD that one! THAT ONE!
and then he's like 'shit i have to play sick wtf i don't get sick how does this work???' and he makes a complete mess of it
and gabe figures it out right quick and is kinda pissed, but also way curious now 'cause there are tons of easier ways jack could've blown him off, so why'd he make this crappy effort?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 gah my phone died right after i sent that XD kay back!! LMAO ja c k lol what if gabe gets back at him pettily by pretending to believe him and going over the top w the caretaking
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 omg YES. PLS. sicfic EXTREME EDITION XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOL awwwww oh no what if jack thinks gabe is trying so hard to take care of him bc of the siren shit qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 OHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X'D
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 gabe insists on tucking him into bed and making him soup and getting a heating pad and cold washcloth and everything jack is wincing internally (and a little bit externally)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 he really wants to confess but he doesn't know how and it feels so nice to be cared for (when he pretends that Gabe is doing it for realsies and not bc of the siren shit) also, ngl, when I read gabe insists on tucking him into bed my brain immediately supplied: and tips over face-first into Jack's lips XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 AHAHAHAHA awwwwwww gabe carries on until finally jack just like blurts something out probably lol like I'M SORRY YOU REALLY DON'T NEED TO DO THIS SORRY FOR MANIPULATING YOU all in a rush
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 and Gabe's just: 'Well, it was a pretty poor attempt at manipulation. I knew you weren't sick. Wanna tell me why you were faking it after ignoring me all week, though?' Jack: . . . n O ?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 But Gabe sitting on the edge of the bed, and thinking maybe Jack was just shy and didn't know how to say that he likes gabe so he put on this big show for attention, and Gabe is a bit flattered by that thought, so he's mostly just amused at this point and thinking that things will be all right. He reaches out to where Jack is wringing his hands, and gently takes one of Jack's hands in his. He's looking back and forth between Jack's downturned face and the contrasting tones of their skin as he plays with Jack's hand.
"Tell me what's going on," he urges. "I won't laugh, I promise." He can hear the smile in his voice, though, and he leans closer to rest his head against Jack's.
Jack is slowly filling up with misery as his magic continues to work its effect on Gabe even though he'd never, ever, ever wanted to do anything so horrible. Especially not to Gabe.
pass. :D
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 QOQ sobs quietly
gabe's confidence falters as jack only seems to retract further and further into his shell instead of opening up
jack slowly removes his hand from gabe's and inches carefully away, looking around skittishly
gabe tries to maintain his smile but it's getting more difficult. "whatever it is," he adds, "it's okay, you can trust me."
jack groans and hides his face in his hands. "it's... this is super cliche, but it's not you, it's me."
"that is the vaguest explanation you could have possibly come up with."
jack sighs and drags his hands down his face. "this isn't real, gabe. sorry. you can go home."
that doesn't clear anything up for gabe LOL
"i... don't understand," he says with a surprising amount of evenness.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 Gabe: have...have i entered the matrix or...?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOLLL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 XD I'M SO SORRY PLS CONTINUE
jack flops back on the bed miserably. "i'm not..." he struggles for words for a moment. "i'm not what you think, gabe. i'm not human. not... not completely."
gabriel has question marks above his head at this point he's so confused that they have manifested in reality
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 Jack stalls for another minute and then finally gets out "I'm half siren and I manipulated you into sleeping with me by accident, it was a mistake, I'm sorry, I'm probably manipulating you right now, you can go now,,,," OKAY PASS XDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 FUCK THAT NOISE XD uhm... gimmie a minute ((this is why i don't rp X'D))
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 plug it in, plug it in~! it's gonna take me a couple minutes
Gabe takes a moment to process what Jack's just told him. He understands the words, but... "Wait, wait, wait. That doesn't make sense. You're...? Jack, I've seen you. You're definitely human. Where did you get this idea from?"
Jack draws up his knees and locks his arms around them. He's made himself as small as possible--which isn't terribly small, given his size--and is huddled as far away from Gabriel as he can manage. He's the picture of misery as he talks, face hidden against his knees and voice muffled. He tells Gabe about the person who revealed his heritage to him and explained why he's never had an issue hooking up with anyone who caught his interest. Jack's ears are burning red at that admission--Jack, who had never shown any hint of self-consciousness before. Gabe feels sick at heart watching him. He isn't sure yet if he believes what Jack has told him, but it's obvious that Jack believes it.
"Even if--" Gabe pauses, knowing how skeptical he sounds while Jack is apparently baring his soul. "Even if that were true, do you really expect me to believe that the effects lasted all this time when you hadn't done anything on purpose?"
"I don't know." Jack's gruff voice is almost a whine. "Gabe--Gabriel. Even if it wore off, if I did.... If I actually...." He curls in even tighter on himself. "Please go. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do."
"You mean like leaving you here like this?" Gabe asks, deadpan.Jack flinches and looks up at him, wounded and uncertain.
"You can't trust me," he insists.
"I can trust my own judgment. I trust your sincerity right now, and I trust that you're hurting because you don't want to hurt me. You're the one with trust issues."
Jack opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, although he looks as if he'd like very much to argue that.
"You don't trust that what I feel right now is genuine. How about I confess something to you?" Gabe reaches out, catches one of Jack's hands and pulls it close to press it against his heart. "I felt something for you before you ever came on to me, back when all I knew about you was what I saw with my own eyes everyday and what I heard from the others. I've had you on my mind all week, wondering when you were going to call, but willing to give you space and not push if that's what you needed to be comfortable. I played your game, I heard you out, and I'm still here. Maybe you don't trust what's going on in my heart, but I do, and I'm the one living with it."
okay quick how do we make gabe immune to sirens so that it's all good for sure?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 SOBS LOUDLY sorry for disappearing lmao I was actually socializing irl uhhhhhh hmmmm
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 haha no worries! ^^ i've actually been trying to turn that gabe-with-hanahaki thing into a thread ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 ooooo!!!! Still thinkin about siren immunity
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 hrmmmm...
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 I consulted friends and all we could come up with deafness Oh how about Gabe offers to like put in noise cancelling ear things while they have sex to prove he wants it fun sensory stuff :DD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 XD but, like, if Jack isn't doing it on purpose, then any old flirting could be his siren song, right? I'm just imagining him and Gabe trying to talk this out, and Gabe suggesting 'well, just don't try to seduce me, I guess' and Jack being all 'But I WANT to seduce you! ;-;' and honestly upset by the fact that he can't do it fairly, and Gabe is just //// FUCK i want him RIGHT NOW
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 AWWWWW OMG
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 oh how about it's like... jack genuinely likes gabe vs not genuinely liking all those other dudes so maybe those feelings like. are an automatic shut off to his powers?? idk
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 maybe like the siren powers are activated by hunger, you think? and while Jack's sexual appetite motivated all his other conquests, in Gabe's case he's motivated by love? 'cause he's fukkin' smitten like a goddamn loser? sorry it got too goopy XD
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 AwwwWWWWW yes how do they figure that out tho LOL maybe there's some visual cue that shows up when jack is doing his siren thing and he's unaware of it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 haha what if it was Genji that told jack all like 'lol nice powers bro here's what you're doing' and then hanzo comes along all 'i heard my idiot brother was spreading half truths' oooh...i like the visual cue idea, tho or maybe it's a voice thing? maybe his voice goes a bit smoother, but it's always rough around Gabe, and he gets tonguetied sometimes, which he never did before.
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 AWWWWWW sweeeet gabe starts noticing it when jack sweet talks other people into doing shit without thinking about it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 XD What if Jack, like, just knows stuff about other people--like what would work best to bribe them? But with gabe, he has to discover it or be told. The intuition doesn't switch on, either.
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 boiiiiii
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 'cause, like, sirens were supposed to tempt with stuff other than sex, right?
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 yeah!!! jack staring intensely at gabriel and when gabe is like "what are you doing" jack grumbles about how he can't figure out what gabe wants gabe grins and pulls jack into his arms and is like "you, you idiot" all smoothly
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 al;jbhf;akl meep. <3
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 <33333 jack works so hard and like takes notes on all of gabe's likes and dislikes and favorite things he has a little notebook of lists there is a very extensive nsfw section LMAO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 when gabe discovers the notebook he scribbles "JACK" on the first page surrounded by cute little hearts jack totally didn't cry (he did a little)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 omg orz please you're killing me
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 >||3c oh earlier i sent a message and it never?? idk posted???
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 what, on here?
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 yeah lol i was just plunging the siren one back into angst by wondering if like. when their relationship is going to shit jack gets desperate and accidentally uses his powers on gabe without really thinking about it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 D= WHY WOULD YOU NO WONDER IT DIDN'T SEND FOR SHAME!! we'd have to either re-work the trigger for his siren magic or have it so that he went and learned to actually use it, though. 'cause that's still a different impetus than just hungering for the D lol
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 hmmmm i was thinking like they've been getting emotionally distant for awhile but still having sex just for the sake of it but then gabriel is like "i need to take a break jack i can't do this" and like a combination of jack having practiced his powers for the needs of his job to get what he wants and just the primal Thirst triggers
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 ; ; i have a sad
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 oh nooo
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 you caused it
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 I'M SORRY BUT not that sorry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 jeezus XD
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017
jack doesn't realize what he's doing until he becomes aware of the fact that he's been talking the entire time while gabe has been uncharacteristically silent
jack by now knows why he hadn't used his powers on gabe before, when he didn't know about them. it was because it was about more than just sating a hunger. the fact that he's doing this again - with gabriel - is a scary slap in the face about the state of their relationship
he's also scared by how much he doesn't want to stop. this is wrong for so many reasons but the worst part is that he just wants to let it happen. thankfully though, he gets too caught up in his internal monologue and stops talking. gabriel slowly snaps out of it.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 oh god does gabe realize? or does he just think it was nostalgia and that he was missing Jack? so he's all 'well, maybe things are okay after all and i was just tired before' or something. so they sleep together, and it's almost like it was when they started seeing each other. Gabe is more tender than he has been for a long time. but Jack knows why. He knows that he went and messed with Gabe's head, confused him, and even though he stopped, the effects lingered.
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 SOBS LOUDLY jack had lured him back with a song about how they used to be
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 i'm upset
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 ASFASVSDHDFH when gabe falls asleep, jack has to get out. gabe's arms are wrapped loosely around him and he feels sick. he goes and curls up on the couch in his office.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 s toP orz
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 IDK HOW TO FIX THIS SDGSFBDFNVN
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 I do. Gabe is now magically immune. The bad stuff was a nightmare Jack had about his powers going wrong. He wakes up and Gabe comforts him by complaining about all the annoying shit Jack does until he's more mad than upset, and then Gabe gives him sleepy kisses, assures Jack that he still loves him, tells him to shut up and go back to sleep, and wraps an arm around him to hold him close on the soft mattress beneath the covers.
Jack eventually gets comfortable with what he is, enough that he can turn on the charm, flirting with Gabe, and humming, which should work pretty well, but only bounces off Gabe. He can focus his bedroom eyes and hum and sway his lean hips as he crosses the room to sink down onto Gabe's lap, and Gabe will smile and settle his hands at Jack's waist ad lean up as if to kiss him and whisper against his lips: "It's still your turn to take out the trash."
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 afasvdsbdfhfdb even tho this is a cop out it's so cute that i don't care what if they're able to reconcile bc the song was literally just about "let's be in love again" and gabe is like oh goddd mistakes have been made we love each other idk how we forgot that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 what's love got to do, got to do with it? what's love but a secondhand emotion? orz
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 akcjnasasxknj cries
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 yah TT^TT XD i'll take the fucking cop out fix idgaf tonite
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 you know what me too LMAO jack trying to use his magic to get out of chores and failing is hilarious
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 XD and continuing proof that he hasn't actually mindfucked gabe or whatever so he has to work, but at least he knows that his boyfriend loves him for realsies
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 yay!!!!
firesonic152 - 06/22/2017 we never fuckin WE NEVER MADE A "VORE ME JACKIE" JOKE WHAT A MISSED OPPORTUNITY
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Having Trouble Part 1 This person who I have been very close with for almost 6 years now and we have been best friends and as I said, super close. We are both very recluse people and met over the internet and live far apart from each other and I suppose bonded over that and can really talk about anything. I would say our bond is a lot stronger than some married couples I used to know. We are both mid 20's. She recently went out w/ people got drunk and had sex with someone.
Having Trouble Prt 2. She is fine with it but says she was really drunk, enjoyed the sex but remembers not wanting it at first, and not remembering how it started or a lot of it went. I guess Im just getting all of this off my chest. Because what advice could there be? She is cool with it. Its just kinda sad I guess lol.
Was it Having Trouble or Having Issues? Prt. 3 I obviously left out before how like Im really in love with the person after like 6 years, they have seemed to show affection of sorts to me and they know how I feel and they care about me as a friend... I suppose. They actually just told me they added the person they had sex with on FB and are thinking about asking them to hang out again. Again, I move, What advice could there possibly be? This is kind of the worse thing to ever happen to me imo.
I wrote in back in April before you closed the box to answer the build up. I got excited a month or so later when you opened it back up. I thought my thing would have been answered(tho I was like, how did they answer all those asks?) I get you have a lot, but my thing was Urgent. I just have poor self esteem and didnt think it mattered. But it was, and something about it is effecting me hardcore tonight, this very second. 4 parts called Having Trouble, or Issues or I made it both by mistake.
Hey love,
Sorry for the late response but we do answer what we have in the box by the order that they comes in unless the person sending in needs immediate attention from suicidal thoughts, anxiety/panic attack, etc. If it’s an emergency, you should always contact your local emergency service first. Other than these circumstances - and others listed in our guidelines - everything is answered by the order that they come in.
As for your trouble, I think you should decide for yourself what you want to do about this. Yes, it’s disheartening when someone we love and care about has sex or falls in love with someone else. But I don’t know if she knows about how you feel. Do you want to tell her how you feel? Do you want to move on? What do you want to do? Because unless you know what you want, I can’t help you as well as you’d like me to.
She’s her own person and she’s entitled to her choices and her mistakes. If she enjoys having sex with people, she should have the right to do that even if it hurts you. It’s also hard to convey your feelings because you live so far apart but I don’t think anything can be assumed about people’s feelings. Even though you’re both fairly close and can talk comfortably with each other, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s romance. Is she someone who is interested in romantic relationships?
If you want to just vent, just cry about what happened, you’re more than welcome to but I think there comes a time when you have to decide on what to do about your feelings. Because keeping it quiet and not moving on or moving forward will only hurt you more. I understand that the fear of rejection is real but would it be worth the risk? Would staying here, loving silently, and hurting be worth it? If you decide to confess and gets rejected, try to understand her decision. If she’s just not interested in you in a romantic way, it doesn’t mean that you’re lacking in some ways. Some people we just can’t imagine doing things like kissing and dating with. They’re our friends and they’re like family. For some people pursuing a romantic relationship with a close friend is not worth losing what they had. They fear that when things go sour they’ll lose everything. Love between friends become a gamble. You have to decide what’s worth the risk.
For the time being, it might be best to hang out with some of your other friends. Talk to them about what happened even if you only let them in vaguely on the matter. Having someone to talk to would help even if they can’t offer some advice. Do something that make you happy. If you’re feeling insecure, pick out some of your good points and remind yourself of it. Remember that intelligence, kindness, courage, and other personality traits can be good points. Your skills in various crafts can be good points.
Always by your side,
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Aoi Shouta LIVE 2017 WONDER lab. ~prism~ Osaka/Tokyo 2017-02-04/2017-02-12 - Report
Two reports in one post! The majority of the live was similar ✨ Osaka parts will be in italics, Tokyo in bold, plain text means it happened in both lives! Most the official photos I've used here are mainly from Tokyo.
As usual not 100% accurate!
At Tokyo Live
*Thanks to those who responded to my post! ^^* So I got to my seat and after I was ready I messaged @jeanette-ting seeing if she got to her’s ok (we applied for tickets separately so never got to sit together 😢 ). And not long after she told me she spotted Chiharu!!! Here are screenshots of our convo 😂Thought it’d be easier than trying to explain it all lol Hopefully it’s not too small and you can all read it! (Probably better to read on mobile devices since you can zoom in!) Please excuse the spelling mistakes, as you can tell I was really excited 😂😂

And~ then the live started!
If only I could have recorded him 😂 It’s not in the convo but I also saw Agematsu Noriyasu, BROCCOLI’s composer (third photo) he was sitting next to Naru, Shoutan’s kouhai in S Inc (second photo). And I couldn’t tell who it was next to Agematsu-san, but since they were next to him and Naru, I guessed it must be Satou Hiromi, S Inc’s president (third photo). Araki Hirofumi, Kento’s actor in Smile Mermaid was also there (last photo)

I seen Japanese fan reports saying that Onoken was also there but I never seen him.
The live started with a video of painter/artist Shoutan in an art studio. His Budokan Prince outfit was also displayed in the room ☺️ He was drawing a white, space-like outfit. He then turns and look straight to the camera with this expression (noticing us)

(ok not 100% this expression, he was more happy looking) and then he smiled beautifully~
Suddenly he sees something unusual and wiped his eyes to check that he wasn't seeing things. Sparkles started coming out from the drawing, he then smiled again Then Shoutan appeared on stage in that white outfit!!!

North Star
“Please don’t be afraid, one day surely it will get brighter~” Shoutan: HEY! Fans: HEY! HEY! HEY! If anyone has seen his performance in T-SPOOK, the way he performed was about the same ^^ The dress part of his outfit flowed really beautifully
I really, reeeeeeally love this song! Most of us chanted along to the “Wow wow wow” parts
There weren't many people who did the short choreography for both lives :(( But we all chanted "3, 2, 1 LET'S DIVE!!!!" really loud and clear!
Shoutan welcomed us and he looked round happily seeing how his live was full ^^
He said that the theme of this live is to make everyone's dreams come true~ He said that they've asked for fans to send in postcards with their dreams handwritten/drawn on it. Shoutan: Who has sent one in?! Fans: YAYY!! I also cheered since I sent one!
He said even in the video he was painting his dreams, like the outfits, and magic was casted making it come true~
As usual we asked him to spin XD Shoutan: "I was prepared for this lol" He spinned slowly to show us the beauty of his outfit
He said he wanted to be a robot when he was young which inspired this costume Ai-chan? lol, plus the outfit reminds me of his 5th Stage outfit but even more elegant and over the top. It was so beautiful, he suited it SO well.
Every now and then he went back to drink water XD Fans: OMIZU OISHII??! (Is the water nice)
Fans: SHOUTANN!!! Shoutan: Hai~ Shoutan desu~~
Fans: OMIZU OISHII??! Shoutan: Omizu desuka? (The water?) I'll~ leave it up to your imagination~ XD
After thinking, I realised we never got him to spin in Tokyo...
I’m always amazed when Shoutan sings this live. Because he properly hits the “Get away!!” notes and doesn’t sing them softly.
Just before the song started he took off the dress part of his outfit! So kakkoi!! It really does look like a battle plug suit XD I wasn’t sure whether to mention this or not. Shoutan stood in the middle of his dancers, as the music started, a ball from the stairs rolled down towards Shoutan. Shoutan didn’t see since it was behind him. A dancer noticed it and went to roll it away behind them straight away, then got right back into the dance, preventing an accident. I couldn’t see who he was from where I was sitting. I want to thank him for his fast reflexes and for making the performance run smoothly! The ball is really big, the size of his palm, it also looked heavy.

Shoutan's dancing gets even better and better by each live! His dancing was so slick and smooth!
Painter Shoutan went to sit down, rocking his body side to side, kicking his legs back and forth, he was super adorable here! He wasn't sure what to draw, then he looked out the window and decided to draw the beach (Smile Mermaid????)
He drew a tail near the shore MARINASAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He went to get a pot of water for going over the watercolour on the drawing. He looked at the little owl ornament sitting on his desk, smiles cutely and bopped its nose with his brush XD
He painted over the drawing and then focused on the tail.
Then the waves of the painting started to move. Shoutan who was amazed by it, smiles~
Endless Song!!!
Shoutan wore a outfit what was a mix between Marina-sama and Kaguya He wore long black hair extensions which again suits both Marina and Kaguya He had 2 blue feather rings on his right hand
He appeared at the top stage The shape of the Japanese style trousers made it look like Marina's tail He did hand movements (spin/twist) like he did in Smile Mermaid
He's so beautiful!!!!
Shoutan appeared floating above stage!!!!

He's so elegant He started to float forward and then I looked up and noticed the extension goes all the way to the bottom of the stage! 😳 He- he- he's going to come all the way over?!?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He slowly made his way to the end and was lowered down
During the instrumental part he waved to everyone really elegantly *MARINA-SAMAAAAA!!*
Near the end of the song he was lifted up again and was floated back to the top end of the stage and landed there.
There was a long silence before the next song
*??? Is Shoutan ok?* Everyone else was also whispering to each other
He's taking too long before Ai No Sasamaki Goto (compared to Osaka) I can hear faint noises coming from his mic.
*looks through my binoculars*
I think he's stuck or something!? >< Since it was dark I couldn't see clearly, but I seen his silhouette and he was struggling fixing something >< *me whispering* "Ganbare! Ganbare! Shoutan ganbare!"
Shoutan speaking calmly and softly: Minna-san
He said something else which I've forgot >< And then the lights came on
Shoutan: I always ask for costumes to be long, and you can't turn round with long costumes. *looks at his back* Mawaranain desu yo ne. (You really can't turn round in this)
Ai No Sasameki Goto
He stayed at top stage and he sang in a dome(see photo above), the effects were so beautiful, the dome rotated to open up. I was really, really happy to hear this since it's one song which I really love and was a little disappointed when he never sang it at Budokan. During the instrumental part he waved to all of us really elegantly
Sora Wa Toumeina Chika
Shoutan was still at the top and he walked down during the first verse of the song.
He said that he showed us umi no sekai (sea world) again~ He was really formal and elegant with his words when he started to talk XD Lol he said even his way of speaking has changed with his outfit XD He mentioned about his outfit and talked about the extensions, he said he also got to design the outfits this time again
We asked him to spin, as usual XD He slowly spinned round and stopped to show us the details of the back✨ He said he selfishly wanted a train for the outfit (for Marina) ii yo Shoutan!! It's beautiful! ^^
There was a slight pause again before the talk.
Shoutan: I'll be honest with everyone. We are having some technical difficulties just now, I'm really sorry.
Shoutan: During my second live, there was 2 performances, afternoon and night performances. And during the afternoon performance we had technical trouble too, so I ended up singing Tenshi No Inori in acapella.
Shoutan: Ah, chotto matte... (Wait a second) *bends down to the floor to pick something up*
Shoutan: ...re's a... *holds mic properly* There's a ladybug here
*The camera zooms in* He used his two index fingers to pick it up. He was trying so hard! But it kept falling because he had no nails!
After so long, Shoutan gave up and swept it away with his hand instead!!!
He was trying to save it at first but looks like he may have ended up killing it instead 😂😂😂 Poor ladybug
Shoutan got up and he talked a bit more about his outfit
He walked round in a huge circle so that he could turn round without getting tangled in his train.
It looked so funny and we all laughed XD
Shoutan: Nani waratteru no? (What are you laughing about?)
Shoutan: So in December last year I starred in a Stage Play, a story about a Mermaid Princess Shoutan: Aoi Shouta wa otoko de wasurenai yo ne (You guys haven't forgotten that Aoi Shouta is a guy right?)
Shoutan: There were some who've said/thought, "ah, that's right, Aoi Shouta is a guy" Shoutan: Yes, Aoi Shouta is a guy 😂😂😂
Shoutan: Ja otoko rashiku utaimasu (Then, I'll sing like a man~)
Shoutan: Mairimasu!! “Hito yo~ hito yo ni hitomi goro~” He never did Murasaki dance again this time either, the end of the song was the same a the MV where he twirled his hands
We all changed colour from red, blue to purple well✨
I seen the wire coming down and the fabric behind and under him *is he going to fly again and like Budokan?!?!*
Turns out it was just to raise all the fabric, but it was truly beautiful! *__*

Ai Uta
He held his mic like he did in Budokan again while singing
He also went down to perform on the extended stage, at the last chorus, he laid down in the middle of the circle that his dancers made. The camera shot a aerial view and the effects along with the dance were amazing! If I seen correctly, that part of the stage spinned him round
Dancers and band members intro In the video, Painter Shoutan wrote each dancers’ name on the screen and introduced them one by one as they did a short solo performance It was the same for band members
He wore a purple hoodie with checkered shorts and orange trainers. His hoodie had 29 on it for his age XD Pompoms were attached to his back it looked so cute like a tail XD He then took them and danced with them Half way/three quarters through the song he threw the pompoms away and took a huge prism flag (it was taller than him), he spinned, threw it up and caught it when it came back down! So amazing!!! Seeing him perform this live made me love this song even more!
He sounded even cuter in the way he sang this! And he looked so adorable waving the flag around in his outfit! We chanted “Let’s START!!” in the chorus. The flag looked really heavy though and you can hear him getting a bit tired from time to time ><
Again we asked Shoutan to spin XD He jumped and spinned to show his outfit XD
He spinned and then made a peace sign XD
So there's 29 on this outfit Yep, I'm 29 until August this year! He talked about Hajime (keyboard player) lol his hair is still amazing as ever XD Shoutan: I'm going to be 30 soon~
So there's a number written on my outfit, what is this "29"?? Fans: Shoutan's age!! Shoutan: This number, is my age until August 11th this year!! XD I'll be even more otona- otoko like!! (Lol otona is adult but he wanted to say be more manly otoko 😂)
Shoutan: Daisuke na minna san he(To everyone who I love)
Shoutan: Douko ikouka? Fan: Nani tabeyouka? Shoutan: Koko ga ee na? Fans: Kore ga ee na~
The lyrics is "ii na" but he changed it to "ee" because that's Kansai dialect!! So cute! ^^
Shoutan: Mada neteru no?
Fans: Sakki okita toko Shoutan: Chikoku suruyo?
Fans: Heiki dayo ^^
Usually we only sing the second verse with him! I was so happy to sing the first and second verse too!
He gave us a chuu~ at the end ^^
He turned around after he finished singing and stayed still for a while Touch To Take Trico?? And then I seen a staff handing him the flag Yes it is!
Touch To Take Trico
I managed to get my glad ready in good time and so did everyone else “Lalalala lalalala lalala~” Shoutan: Oh you all managed to properly get ready!
*music starts* Already had my flag ready~ Shoutan: "Jyaa!! I'm going to sing close to every one!!!" Ehh what?!?! 😳 He runs to the right side of the stage and gets on a cart!!!!!!!!!!
He sang and waved to everyone in all directions while slowly going round! Wait, wait, wait! Is he? Is he going to come here too?!? >___< *thinking back to 5th Stage, because Saitama Arena is too big, you can't make it round the arena in one song* he's going to come here!! 😭 I think he looked over to my direction when he was at the bottom right of the stadium 😭😭😭 When he made his way over to my side he was so close!!!
He looked like he was about to fall at one point!! *Shoutan be careful!!!* O__________________________O
Shoutan being professional as he is, never seemed to react, I don't even know if he looked at Chiharu or made eye contact since he had his back towards me
Oh yeah, I looked over to Chiharu every now and then from the start of the live, and he was actually pretty chill throughout the whole live and didn’t wave his light stick much lol. Guess he is sitting at the special section after all, he’d attract too much attention with no one else waving their lights XD
At the end they extend the music and Shoutan got us all the song the “lalala” parts a few times ^^
Painter shoutan couldn't think of what to draw and was pretty down 😢 He starts working out doing stretches, sit ups, then he tried weight lifting but couldn't do it, it was so cute 😂
Then he finally came up with an idea and started drawing and painting the outfit He had a big satisfied smile He was drawing a prince outfit
Shoutan goes to sleep. Wakes up and sees the sparkles coming from Budokan prince outfit and sparkles from the drawing mixing together The magic sparkles gathers on Shoutan Once again, he showed a really beautiful smile
The stage was dark and he appeared at the top of the stage in that Prince outfit.

We all cheer and then it was silent while he made his move, slowly but coolly. He walked to the right side of the stairs. He sat at the top of the stairs
He walked a bit further down before sitting
Kimi No Kotoba Ballad ver
The music starts Shoutan slightly missed the start of the song because he walked further than he was supposed to 💦*me whispering ganbare!* He forgot some of the lyrics near the start *ganbare Shoutan!!* but he picked himself back up
The performance was so beautiful and I was so touched by it once again
Himitsu No Kuchidzuke
As usual, fanchanting to this was so amazing and fun!!!
*Saying this fast*"Fukaku... "karemete ageru?" He said ageru in a higher register sounding like a question
He gave us 3 kisses instead of the usual 2! And we got to hear them loud and clear 💕
He said the lines more aggressively than usual, he was too kakkoi!!! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
If I remember correctly he came to the bottom of the stage for parts of song!
Couldn't quit hear his kisses here, the same happened in Budokan
And the ending instead of a kiss, he held his index finger to his lips (like shhhh) >///<
Now, chanting to this was also amazing!!!!! We were all so hyped up! Shoutan was extra kakkoi, and aggressive as he said in his blog ✨ He performed part of the song at the bottom of the stage.
Shoutan: *sighs* Boku mo ningen datte, tsukareru toki mo aru (I'm also human, there are times where I'll also get tired)
*Ganbatte! Otsukare!* >__< rest if you must!!
Fans: Omizu wo nonde!! (Drink water!) 😂
Shoutan: I always will be/want to be everyone's Prince (can't remember which one he said)
Shoutan: For the girls... Please always let me be your Prince For the guys... Hime-sama ni... Zettai narenai (I'll definitely never be able to be your princess) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I was so tempted to shout "HIMEOUJISAMAAAA!" 😂
Shoutan: This part is called the first floor right?? Fans:Yeah! XD Shoutan: Jyaa! First floor! Fans: YEAHHH!! Shoutan: Second Floor Fans: YEAHHH!! Shoutan: Third floor!! Fans: YEAHHH!! Shoutan: Girls! Fans: YEAHHH!! Shoutan: Guys! Male fans: YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!
The guys were amazing and that's when I noticed there was a guy sitting not too far from me. His cheering was amazing XD
Shoutan talked about the band members Shoutan: Everyone loves curry and only eats curry We usually have lunch box meals prepared, even today the meal they had was curry.
Shoutan to Taka-nii (drummer): What did you think of the fans? Taka-nii: Yappari dansei no koe ha sugokatta (The guys’ voices were amazing after all XD)
Shoutan spoke to Masu papa calling him papa as usual XD Masu papa: Papa wo yamete (stop it with the papa) 😂 And we all shouted papa XD He talked about Shoutan's talents again and also mentioning how Shoutan had 4 outfits
Shoutan: Even years ago I wouldn't think I'd be here like this like this, it’s really thanks to everyone. We all cheered and thanked Shoutan too Shoutan: No, I mean, without everyone I wouldn’t have been able to hold a live! You can’t hold a live with no one attending!!
He said he won't let go of us
He said that time really flew by and its time for the last song :(
Shoutan: I'll sing another song Shoutan: Keep following me
The dance!!!!! It was SOOOO kakkoi! and then it went cute and girly during “Everybody go~ Everybody now~” parts!! Choreography during instrumental part: he walked from left to right in line with the dancers, each dancer stopped one by one as Shoutan walked on.
Shoutan: I said before that the time will fly by and the time has really gone by, it's nearly the end
He performed it the same as his MV and it was perfect!!
We chanted: Shoutan! Shoutan! It felt really long and it was tiring, but 3/4 through it I decided to cheer even harder!! The girl to my left cheered from time to time, but when she did she was loud and clear (have more confidence and don't be afraid to cheer for Shoutan!!!)
Not many people around me cheered, but even when it went quiet where I was, I never stopped once (apart from when I kinda choked a bit lol). It felt long but not as long as Osaka.
Shoutan came back! And of course in the Live Tshirt! He wore the same bottoms and boots as his Prince outfit And... WHAT IS THAT ON HIS HEAD?! XD He wore an Optopus hat, he looked SO cute!!
Everyone's postcards showed on screen! They’re all so cute! 90% of them drew illustrations and wrote a message. My Japanese friend’s one was shown! ^^ I didn’t see mines appear, maybe in Tokyo!
I can hear Shoutan but where is he???? HE’S ON THE CART AGAIN BUT THIS TIME BETWEEN 1ST & 2ND FLOOR!!! So high up! The cart has so many of our postcards stuck on it!! Not many people did short choreography, but we all chanted “SHOW TIME!”
Half way through SHOT A LOVE, TRUE HEARTS started! Towel out!!
Summer Dreamin’
The song switched to Summer Dreamin’!
There's also a short dance to Summer Dreamin which @moirica taught me before hand (thank you!) and I did noticed quite a number of people knew it as well which was good!
Back to SHOT A LOVE!
As usual, he ran round stage really cutely during the instrumental part ^^ I didn’t see my postcard here either, but I may have missed it as I was looking back and forth between Shoutan and the screen ^^;;
I can’t remember which song the confetti bursted and fell down. I tried really hard (1. because I promised some friends that I would try to catch one 2. because I never got any from Budokan and I wanted to get Prism’s for the memory) but I managed to catch ONE strip!!!

@kuroitsukinohime I’ve been so busy that I can’t even remember if I told you, but I got us one!!! I’ve already split it all between all my friends and don’t have any left ^^;;
He said he heard us calling Shoutan Shoutan and thanked us
He said it’s his first time performing a live in Osaka and he's really happy and glad.
About his hat, he said he went looking for something with Osaka in mind, he found the big one first, then he found the smaller one and decided he had to put them both together (on top of each other) XD At first he said takoyaki (it's a food) and then he corrected himself and said he meant tako (octopus) instead 😂 He said he wanted to sing close to everyone so he road a cart, and even asked to be on the 2nd floor, the staff helped moved him along. He said everyone’s dreams (postcards) was stuck on the cart and the ones that couldn’t fit in got shown on the screen.
Shoutan: It's my first time performing a one man live in Osaka, and to be able to participate in this theatre. Shoutan: Let's take a photo!
At first he said to do a peace sign Then him and the staff got into position and he turned round again, and asked us, we said we wanted to make an "S" instead for Shouta ^^
So we went with that again ^^ Cameraman: Hai! 3, 2, 1, cheese~ *Silence~* We took about 3 photos or so and it was the same each time 😂😂😂

That’s the Octopus hat lol He said that last year he got to perform in Anime Kouhaku Utagassen, and it was in Yoyogi too, he thought it'll be nice if he could hold his own live there too one day~ And he's here!!
Shoutan: Then to celebrate/for the memories! (I can't remember which one he said) let's take a photo together!! I don't want do be alone so let's take one with the dancers and band too! As usual, let's make an "S"!!
They got into position Shoutan: Ah, a bit further back?? *moves back more*
Shoutan: Make sure your right hand is on top! If it's left we won't know lol Shoutan: Ok 3, 2, 1~ *shoots*
Shoutan: Oh we'll take about 3 shots *picture gets taken while he turned round to tell us that* 😂 Shoutan: 3, 2, 1~ *shoots* hai okay~~

Thankfully I’m not cut out in the photos, but you still can’t see me. Shoutan, thank you so much for letting me be in 3 photos with you (including Budokan) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
He took off his hat and fans expressed their dissapointment. Shoutan: I can’t wear this anymore~
He made announcements which I’m sure you’ve all seen: Tokyo Prism Live will broadcast on TBS Channel on 03/26! 2nd Full Album will be release this year! 2nd Fanclub Event will be held in Yokohama PACIFICO on 08/12!
Shoutan: So this is really, really the last song Fans: Ehhh ><
Shoutan: Kiite kudasai, Melodia (please listen)
I started tearing up during the instrumental part after the second chorus He sang "Minna ga ireba" just like he did in Budokan instead of "Kimi ga ireba" ^^ The music to Melodia played in the background and Shoutan introduced all the members once again. He lined up in the middle of them, hand in hand *Without a mic*Shoutan: TRULY, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TODAY!!!!
His voice cracked so much because he was shouting so hard! Poor Shoutan!! Some of us laughed. Shoutan waved and said thank you to all of us, he went to every side and every direction, thank you Shoutan!
He blew us all a kiss before he left for good. Once the live ended they played the instrumental of flower.
This Live lasted just under 3 hours (shorter than Budokan). I’m not sure how long Tokyo Live lasted as I never kept a tab on times.
Some things I’ve forgotten when it happened
Shoutan was meant to say he changed outfit, but he made a mistake and said something else which sounded similar and it was so cute!
Instead of getting each floor to cheer, Shoutan got: everyone, girls and guys. Again the guys’ voices were amazing, and again there was one guy really close to me XD Some guys on the 1st and 2nd floor on my left cheered really hard at times and they REEEALLY love Shoutan 😂
It felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO short!! Both times as well! As soon as he said it was the last song after S I couldn’t believe it!! Both lives were amazing, but I wasn’t quite feeling it in Osaka for some reason? I couldn’t remember much very well either :/ I was able to enjoy Tokyo Live a lot more and felt more emotional (which is normal for me) Poor Shoutan though, there was so much trouble at Tokyo!! But things like that makes it more fun and interesting! Fav performances: DDD Endless Song Ai No Sasameki Goto Murasaki RUN!! RUN!! Zutto... S Checkmate flower I was disappointed that he never sang Brilliant Moon (super grateful he sang it at Budokan!) and Why, pessimistic? It would have been the perfect set with Checkmate and flower!! But I guess 3 dance songs in a row would be too much ^^;;
Fav parts of the live? It’s the same no matter what event it is. It’s to be able to see Shoutan’s smile. I always look forward to that and he gave me another happy day to remember ^^ I would still say that I love Budokan Live the most. Prism was amazing but that happiness I felt at Budokan cannot be replaced. Every single moment was precious and I received so much when I expected nothing. Even when I received Shoutan’s sign at Hatsukoi Monster Event, I was extremely happy of course, but Budokan is still the happiest day of my life.
Tagging for people to read ^^ @showta0811aoi @chiyamabunny @gloriouscrowncreator
Also thanks again to @kuroitsukinohime because of you I was able to go to Osaka Live!! Cheering for Shoutan together was the best!!
So I’ve changed my style a bit and tried to make it more report-like than my usual personal ones. I skipped out way more of my reactions and thoughts compared to my Budokan report. I skipped out about buying goods and things in between. Haven’t included much photos of my own.
If anyone is still here reading this (lol) please let me know your thoughts, and what you’d prefer :)
#Aoi Shouta#Shoutan#Seiyuu#WONDER lab. ~prism~#Aoi Shouta LIVE 2017 WONDER lab. ~prism~#My report#Sawashiro Chiharu#Never forget#Oujisama Shoutan
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farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
"farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Do you have health insurance?
Do you have health insurance?
Geico car insurance !?
i have car insurance with Geico, on the policy was said Effective date : 12/20/2009 ... ( just bought insurance from Geico on 12/29/2009 ). i got accident today,( 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump into the front of my car and the front bumper messed up really bad... i know on the policy its said the effective date is 12/20/200/9 but still i wonder am i cover when i just recently bought the car insurance from them ( for 1 day and a half i guess ) ?!!! am just so ... panic and .. confuse right now !""
Which candidate do you agree with on Health insurance?
A=Mandatory universal coverage in first term. Tax credits for working families to make insurance more affordable ensuring premiums do not exceed a percentage of income. Business would be required to offer insurance to employees or pay into a pool for people without it. Expand Medicare and federal employees' health insurance plan to cover those without adequate workplace insurance. Raise taxes on wealthier families to help pay estimated cost of $110 billion a year. Also, raise taxes on a portion of very generous plans covering people making more than $250,000. B=Mandatory coverage for children, no mandate for all. Aim for universal coverage by requiring employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage similar to that in plan for federal employees. Says package would cost up to $65 billion a year after unspecified savings from making system more efficient. Raise taxes on wealthier families to pay the cost.""
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
Motorcycle accident - How much insurance money will I get?
I recently had an accident on my motorbike where a car did a U-turn in front of me and I went over the handlebars. I fractured my heel, broke a finger and tore the ligaments in my legs. I've been in pain since it happened and am only just getting well enough after 2 Months to walk without crutches. I have not had any sick pay as I work for agencies and have lost around 500 a week. This has almost caused me to lose my house. I want to know how much money I should expect to get as a payout? I'm not expecting to be back at work for a few weeks yet and I still have limited movement in my legs (I can't crouch down).""
Life insurance question?
If someone were to get life insurance in their twenties, how would that benefit them later in life when their old?""
What kind of insurance would I need for this?
There is a private residence that I would like rent out for my daughter's wedding. I am going pay him a certain amount for use of the house but then I'd like to take our a short term insurance policy in case the house is damaged or someone is injured.
What types of car insurance are there?
I'm a confused soon-to-be licensed driver. My mom just got my sister (who is 18) some type of insurance for driving. From what I know, it's expensive. But I know that our car has insurance. What kind of insurance did my sister possibly get and how does it differ from the insurance for the car itself? Is there personal insurance for each driver? Is it required or is the car insurance only the main requirement? Which type of car insurance/s is required???...(sorry if my question doesn't make sense. I dont know how else to word it lol)""
Help me lower my car insurance!?
im a 17 year old male driver, i was thinking of buying my neighbors 2001 car, but apparently insurance is gonna be 6000 a year with me as a primary driver. my parents both drive and both have vehicles, is it possible for them to be the primary driver on 2 vehicles if we say its for work/convenience and myself as the occasional driver on one car? my friend said i can if my parents list the honda as a secondary vehicle and their the primary. is this true/possible? orrr if anyone else knows any way to lower insurance in past experiences or just know help please! :)""
Totaled MINI Cooper. How does insurance value it?
I totaled my wife's 2004 MINI Cooper last night. Waiting to hear back from insurance company. NADA and Kelley both list the retail value about the same. Is that what I should expect in terms of the insurance settlement? I want to be prepare when the call me next week.
A first car for a 16?
i am wanting a 97' Toyota Camry with 150,000 miles on it. It is $4,300 is this a good first car? And how much does insurance on it cost? I also like saturn l200 are they good cars?""
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
Car insurance?
hi last week i reversed into a piller and wrecked the back end off my car after paying 411 to get it fixed my b/f was coming home from work and a van went into the side of him and wrote my car off. we are getting a courtesy car today but apparently i cant drive it until my details have been sent to dvla and they get an ok back b/f reakons it will be a couple of days but i need a car is this right and does any1 know how long it will be cause i havent had a car for nearly 2 wks now and am lost without it. thank you
What coverage to get for car insurance for my son with ' L'?
what coverage to get for my car insurance , my son jest got his L. so what insurance coverage do i need to add to my car if i want him to drive it whit me , because I'm afraid if a crash happen. I live in british consulate vancouver ( ICBC ) this is the web site of the company (http://icbc.com/) so please help me .""
Any cheap car insurance company's for first time drivers?
can you help trying to find some cheaper car insurance companys for first time drivers.
Stopped for no car insurance but we do have insurance car seized not fair?
11.30pm last night pulled over said no insurance.Did not have insurance document in the car,just the license.Because of the time they seized the car because they could not phone the insurance company.Told them only way i can get proof is bank statement as i was 20 miles from home,but that was still not good enough.I have paid insurance by direct debit for the last 2 years and no problems.so i am well cheesed off this has happened. Have produced the lenience at local station,and shown them documents,they phoned the insurance company and have now give released papers to pick up the car.I am very unhappy with this whole situation and now out of pocket. Is there anyway of claiming the costs from police or insurance company,whoever it is to blame,as there is no way i can be liable for something i am paying for,and to pay 30in taxi fares another 20 to get to the car compound and another 170 to release the car.There must be a way i claim this money back as i feel i am in the right.plus have to fight the 200 fine and 6points also totally unfair and messed up situation this is. I just can't except the inconvenience and the costs that i have to pay when i am legit on the road.surely i can claim if anyone knows""
Questions about insurance?
1. What are some of the important questions to ask before deciding on the amount of life insurance to buy? 2. How can you determine if you are under-insured or over-insured? 3. Is there any benefit to a single student without children, who is living with his or her parent(s), who is still going to college, having life insurance? Why or why not?""
Minor car accident (not at fault) - should I go to my insurance or small claims court?
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Last week I was involved in a minor car accident. I was at a stop light and the car behind me decided they could not wait and they tried to get by my car to make a left turn. They did not have enough room and scraped against my car with theirs. No one was hurt and no police were called. We pulled over and I got their name, phone number and address. They did not give me their insurance information and said they'd like to settle outside insurance because there are only scratches. I know it was stupid but I said okay. Also I do not have the license plate number of the car. I thought I wrote it down but I did not (I understand this is a big mistake on my behalf). We made contact over phone throughout the week and discussed repairs but suddenly they stopped answering my calls. I believe they are avoiding me. Now I am at a loss of what to do. Should I take this issue up with my insurance (at the risk of raising my premiums) or should I take this to small claims court? In either case I do not have the car's license plate so if it isn't their car will that be insufficient evidence to prove they are at fault (my word against theirs)? Thank you in advance for all your answers.""
""Insurance Claim estimate lower than expected, what do I do?""
An elderly lady backed up into my car a few days ago and we decided it'd be best to file an insurance claim. After the claim was ruled in my favor I was sent to a body shop for an estimate of the repair. The damage was to the rear quarter panel of my car which consisted of a scrape across the panel and a quarter sized dent in the panel. The insurance adjuster gave me an estimate and check for 855$. My question is in regards to the repairs, I feel that since this is 100% the other party's fault and since I am the person who has to drive the car that I am entitled to the maximum premium in repairs. I have been reading on Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and most will say that its the cheap way of making a repair. Does anyone know if it would be possible to go back and get a new estimate/settlement for a new rear quarter panel? Basically my logic is this, if you damage any of my property it should be 100% my call if I want to settle for a compromise or not.""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.
Will my motorcycle insurance really be 145 dollars a month?
i did a quote online at progressive just to get an idea of how much the insurance would be for a 2005 yzf r6. i am 18 years old had my motorcycles license for 2 years and have been riding smaller bikes for 2 years now the r6 i am looking at costs 6000 with very low miles and an aftermarket exhaust from a dealer and i will be making a 2200 trade in which will go towards the bike but the rest will have to be financed. i heard the online quote is wrong because i didn't use my social security number and is different from the real quote i should get. also the loan will most likely be under my parents name and if u know of what type of coverage i will need since it is financed ive been doing alot of studying but thought id ask on here. i live in wisconsin which isn't a very populated area which should also make a difference if u know anything or need to know anymore just ask thanks alot
Why do insurance companies hate performance/modified cars?
It seems like the ideal insurance company wants you to drive a safe and slow bumper car and have absolutely no fun driving to and from wherever you are going. They assume that any sports car or car with performance enhancements means you will crash. It means you are a reckless driver and no good to the general public. It means you will blatantly violate the rules of the road and have no remorse for doing it. All of that is a load of crap... Most of the major car companies don't even offer, when getting a free quote, to see Ferrari's or Lamborghinis prices, they just won't insure them! Your expected to report any and all modifications to the company so they can jack up the premium. So why do they hate those types of cars so much?""
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
Car insurance for new drivers?
I'd like to get a car insurance but since i will be buying a new car soon, i'd like to have the insurance for just a few months. Is this possible? if yes, then which company would you recommend and how do i get it? cheers!""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
how important is it every month to pay your car insurance? what could happen if you don't
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
Car insurance and crash?
so i am 17 and i got in my first car crash since ive got my license about half a year ago. the car crash damages were about 5 thousand on a 8 thousand dollar car. does that mean my insurance is going to shoot up? and im not gonna be able to drive?
How do I get Certificate of Insurance for photographers?
Which insurance company should I go to for a policy for photographer. A million dollar coverage in NYC. How much does something like this cost for a year coverage.
Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?
I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more""
I am looking for the website for the Illinois Insurance Auto Assigned Risk Pool?
This pool provides insurance for high risk drivers on a rotating basis.
How do insurance companies classify sports cars?
I plan on buying a scion tc, but I want to know if state farm considers this a sports car. and if so, how much will more will insurance cost? I am a teenager, so i know it will be high to begin with, but will having a sports car make it much higher?""
How do I find out how much the annual income of the CEO of State farm insurance is?
I was hit by a car by one of State Farm Insurance insured. Their first offer was $4 thousand dollars. Now that we are close to going to court the offer is up to $45 thousand. The problem with such a small settelment is I am having sever back pain. I would also like to know if anyone has been in the same situation. I know that they cheated a lot of people when Katrina hit and they were really slow at paying off with the fires out west. My case is finally going to be heard June 2nd after almost 5 years of dickering with them. These ATT will use anything to win a case. They are trying to say that because I was wounded in Vietnam it is left over from that. If anyone has any input please contact me. Thank you Lonney D.
Insurance and tickets?
I got pulled over for being on my cell phone but the cop gave me a ticket for not wearing my seat belt which is only $46, i can pay online, and i dont have to go to court. Will this ticket be reported to my insurance?""
Buying insurance to drive someone elses car?
My dad says if I want to drive his car, I need to pay for my own insurance on it incase I get into a car accident. How much would you think it would cost per month with the cheapest and best insurance company? - state farm and ect.""
UK car insurance for 17 year old male... Please Help...?
Hello, I am 17 and I am a male and now I am learning to drive and when I pass my test (well I hope I do) I want to get a car for transport to and from college and if I can get an Apprenticeship then also for use to get to that job. I want a car that will be safe and cheap to insure that has low running costs. Been 17 and male I know that insurance is high and this is why I am posting here for advice on cheap insurance and low running cost cars. Please do not say things like you are 17 and no car will be cheap or any stupid comments as this is not helpful. The lowest quote I have had is over 4,800 and that is on a Chevrolet Matiz. Thanks for any help and advice.""
What if: Driving without proof of insurance?
What if someone BORROWS my car and gets caught driving without proof of insurance (my insurance card?) NOT saying there is no insurance - the car is insured. But what if the person gets caught without my insurance card? Who gets charged? Will my insurance go up?
""What would be a cheap car insurance company for me,19 yrs old?""
I did some quotes but some companies couldn't give me a quote.. don't know why though but I am trying to find out what would be a cheap good company for me. The car I was going to buy was the Pontiac grand am year 2000-2002. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks!""
Will I need SR 22 insurance?
Almost five years ago I got my license suspended in Ohio for a wreckless endangerment. As soon as it got suspended I did the classes I was required to take and paid my court fees. It took me a few years to pay all of my fines and the only thing keeping my license from being re-instated was the need for SR22 insurance. I never got the insurance. I'm now in California and looking to get my license back and I heard somewhere that three years after the suspension the need for the SR 22 bond drops, but I'm not sure if that's true or not? Does anyone know the laws for this situation in Ohio and will I still need to get the insurance in order to get my license unsuspended?""
Insurance cost for Corvette?
Hey I'm 16 and have quite a bit of money saved for a car so im gonna get a decent one nd i was thinking a corvette. I was wondering about (I know no one knows exactly) how much the insurance is going to be on like a 00 or 01 model. Also if you know insurance cost of a 350z too that would be great. Thanks for the help
Minor car accident with no car insurance?
I was in a minor car accident last month and i was the one at fault. I was backing out of a parking space and a lady with her son who was driving pulled up behind and was going pretty fast. I left a minor dent in the front part of her car and a few scratches. She has been harrassing me since the day it happened and finally she contacted me and i agreeded to pay the cost of the damage because i didnt have insurance at the time. But then she sent me a sheet with the costs of the damages, 1,000 dollars!! I think it's way over priced and a lawyer doesnt want to do anything about it. She keeps calling and harrassing me and threatening me with the law. what can the law do? what can the judge do to me in court? will i go to jail?""
Is there any user friendly and cheap motorcycles out there?
Hi, I'm 17 years old and looking to get a motorcycle. I have good grades and will only drive a motorcycle when the conditions are right. Like weather, cars on the road Sat. Sun. which has less cars, and going to school and to work. I don't care if I die and I'm not afraid to die. I have $7,000 saved up in the bank and would like to buy a Ninja 250 for $3,500 -2008. Plus $400 for gear and classes. I will get my driver's license this December and will take the MSD courses in spring of 2010. I can't find any used or cheap ninja 250's around my area and I think I would rather go stright to the dealer rather then the seller because of too much red tape and work. I think my insurance will be cheaper because I will ride only to school and work and I have good grades. Even though I am young. SO, is there any place I can find any user friendly bikes or cheap ninja 250's?""
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.""
I cant find car insurance that will cover a learner driver and a passed driver for a month?
I am trying to pass my test as soon as possible but didn't have access to a car to do extra practice between lessons. So I have bought a car before I have passed so that I can go out practising with my mum. However I cant find any short cover (1 month) insurance which will insure us both, they seem to only do learner driver insurance which has to be bought on top of the normal insurance OR only insure drivers with a full license. However buying both together is over 300 for only 28 days for the ones I checked. Can anyone come up with an affordable way to practice in my own car? Thanks""
How much would the insurance cost for me?
I am a 19 year old boy. I got my driver license last year, and I never got ticket from police. I want to buy a Honda CR z. The car is two-door hatchback with manual transmission, which is considered as a sporty car. Besides it's a hybrid car.""
The cheapest life insurance policy?
I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums
How much is my car insurance?
Im 17 i want a vw golf mk4 tdi, it will cost me for the car 800-1600, i wanna no how much is the car insurance""
""Would insurance be more expensive for a Nissan Sentra, or a Ford Fiesta?""
I live in Pa, either car I get will be financed. I got an offer for the Sentra for 72 Months for $275 a month, and the lowest car insurance for that would be $180 so far for that. I did not yet go out to look for a Ford Fiesta, but from what I hear they are less expensive on car insurance. I aparently have til Monday to give the Dealers my decision before the deal drops which I highly doubt , I think they were just telling me that to pressure me into making a quicker decision/mistake. Please give me your advise. Can they really only give me a certain amout of time for the offer? They claimed it had to do with other customers possibly taking any of the money toward loans from the banks... I am new at this stuff and what is more expensive to have insurance on?""
Would my health insurance cover for vision?
I currently have Aetna Health Insurance. On their insurance plan, they say they cover vision for free. However, when I was filling out my insurance plan, I forgot to check the box that said I wanted vision covered because it said it was free. Now when I went to get a prescription for glasses, the insurance company said they wouldn't cover it because I did not check the vision box. Would the company still have to cover it, because they said vision would be covered for free.""
Renting a car for prom insurance question?
Ok so im 18 and i currently don't have a license but prom is in like 3 weeks and i will have my license by then. The problem is that i want to rent a car but i dont have auto insurance and i wont have it when i get my license neither because my mom doesnt want her insurance to go up... Is it possible for me to be added as an additional driver to any rental car companies if i dont have any auto insurance and the fact that i just got my license(wen i get it). My Dad is willing to pay everything for the rental car(i dont live with him though) btw i have already found a place where i can get a rental at the age 18(Ez rent a car dot com) but i just want to know can i rent without insurance, like by using there insurance if they have any I refuse to get dropped off to prom by a parent Lol""
""Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?""
I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.""
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
What car insurance company should I go with?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old who has a clean driving record
Teen car insurance in Las Vegas?
I'm going to be 18 in January, and I'm moving out and going to be having to pay my insurance on my own and just wanted an estimate of how much my car insurance will be. I don't have my license yet (because I currently live in the Bahamas) but I'm getting it the second I go back to Las Vegas. How much do you think my insurance will be? I'm just going to have a simple little car, nothing big. But what's the best insurance to use, for one, and two how much will it be a month? And do you get student discounts or anything like that? Any information will help... thanks""
Could you give me a rough estimate of my teen auto insurance?
I want to get either a honda civic or toyota corolla (those have best insurance rates supposedly) and I am 16. Great student, no record, no driving problems etc. Could someone give me just a really rough estimate. Thanks!""
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
My younger borother owns a moped how much would it cost for me to be put on his insurance?
i have a full driving licence i only need to be put for for 2 month or so not even that
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in ..Oregon?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in Oregon?
How accurate are online auto insurance quotes?
For example, Geico, Progressive, or Esurance? Are they accurate if you are honest about the information? And even though they don't ask for the VIN number?""
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
How will my speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I am a Florida resident. I am temporarily in Colorado for work. Today I got a ticket for 80 in a 55 (looks like it's 6 points in CO). Currently, I pay around $100 per month for insurance (125k/250k) on two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 Subaru Forester). How will this ticket affect my insurance?""
Insurance: Average yearly mileage exceeded?
When I brought my car insurance (after being without a car for many years), one of the questions was average yearly mileage , I input 12,000 thinking that that figure was ...show more""
How much will car insurance cost for a 17 year old in the UK?
I'm 16 years old, and 17 in a few months. I have a car already, in the garage. It's a Peugot 106, and my mum bought it for 350. I live in Newcastle, and I would like to know a rough price on the insurance? Realistically, around the region of 1000-3000 ect...""
How do I find out how much my car insurance per month is on USAA?
How do I find out how much my car insurance per month is on USAA?
""What company in ON, Canada will insure my 1976 corvette?, im only 17?""
What company in ON, Canada will insure my 1976 corvette?, im only 17?""
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
Debit prepaid insurance or prepaid expense?
dec 2. issued check no. 1103 for $2270.00 to miami insurance company for the premium on a 30,000 policy for the year beginning dec 1. would it be: debit Prepaid Insurance 2270 cedit Cash 2270 ??? thanks!""
Is it compulsory to buy home insurance?
I'm going to move to my first house soon. There is one thing I want to ask you here. Is it compulsory to buy home insurance? If it is a must, then do you have to get an insurance before you move in?""
Whats the cheapest way to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
im a 17 year old boy learning to drive whats teh best car for me to get and cheapest way to insure it cheapest companies best cars for my age to insure thanks
Can I get insurance and buy a car using Irish drivers license living in New York?
I will eventually sit the test and get a NY drivers license, but in the meantime can I buy a car and get insurance based on my wholly clean Irish driving licence?""
Which insurance is cheaper for 19 years old person?
is it state farm(the one i have now) or geico. or please tell me what is the cheapest insurance company?
Relief based health insurance in MN...please help?
I am considering garnishing wages of someone that I won a judgement against. The court administrator told me that the person is exempt if they are currently or have recently been a recepient of relief based on need. She could not answer whether or not MinnesotaCare (health insurance) is relief based. The insurance related examples listed on the form she gave me are: Medical Assistance, General Assistance, General Assistance Medical Care, and Emergency General Assistance. I know that Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare are separate things, but can anyone tell me if MNCare is considered relief based??""
Will the insurance payment be higher if?
Will the car insurance be higher if theres two drivers instead of 1?
What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida?
Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like.""
How can I get my first ever used car if I don't have any auto insurance b4?
So here is the conflict: I can't drive the used car off the lot if I don't have insurance. But to get the insurance, I need to have the car purchased first. Am I missing something here?""
""No insurance fine, help!!?""
It was stupid and careless, but I went out, with an expired sticker on my car, as well as no insurance on my car either. My luck, I was pulled over and givin a $110 expired tickect fine, as well as a summons to court on the 12th of November. I was researching the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance Act section 2(1)(a) and It has came to my Knowlege that when I attend the court date I'm looking at a $5000 -$25000 fine, I have currantly been laid off and if i did have a job, Istill can't afford that. Is there any way that it can be reduced due to income, any information would help, Im very scared, I have never broken any type of rule before and im already in debt. Also, how many demarite points could i lose due to the expired ticket and lack of car insurance. Please only mature answers. I know I was wrong so that info is not needed. thanks so much in advance""
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
What can I expect to pay for car insurance? details inside.?
I'm 18, First time car buyer, And I know little about buying. (I feel like I'm writing a personal ad haha). Here's the deal, me and my parents don't see eye to eye on buying a car, so i have to prove to them can afford car insurance BEFORE I even look at the car. So I don't have the car yet, and I called several places. they won't give a quote unless you have the car and then I still have to give them a lot of info about me first. So I'm stuck lol. Can you please give me a rough quote on what I will pay? Also make sure you include the price and for how long (Meaning tell me if that price is for 3, 6 months, year, etc.) Here's the car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html Details: I live in Aberdeen, Md 21001 (Town of 15,000 people, low crime, only busy certain times of day because of the military base we have) I will use the vehicle for driving to work mostly, about 10-15 miles day (I never leave town really). Clean Driving Record No Credit, but I have a co-signer ready for buying the car I want average liabilities, not state minimum but not expensive. PS I am already planning on having a mechanic check the car out before buying, please don't go on a rant about the car itself or Craigslist lol.""
Best Apartment insurance?
Hey I need apartment insurance. What are the top five best apartment insurance places? Thank you!!
What is the cheapest car insurance company to use when im 17 and just passed my test?
any cheap companys or specialist companys for young drivers? in the UK (england)
Is credit used in determining health insurance rates?
I am licensed in GA for property & casualty insurance, so I know credit is used to help determine rates for auto & homeowners insurance, but it is considered in health insurance?""
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?
How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 18 year old?
iv just passed my test, and bought a citreon saxo 1.1, iv been on many comparison sites and the best quote i get is 3500 third party only which is way too much. Can anyone help me find a better quote Thanks""
Car insurance for 19 year old driver?
Hey guys, So I'm a 19 year old student looking to buy a car, more specifically a 1996 Pontiac Firebird. I'm not gonna ask the regular question about how much this costs, 'caus i already tried quotes from geiko, farmstate and all those, but to get a car insurance on that car it's going to cost me around $4.000 at geico which was the cheapest.. Main question: If i don't care about my own car, like if it breaks down or gets destroyed stolen or whatever I don't care caus' it only costs like $4.000 itself. Can I then buy just the required insurance to cover third party damage ? I think it's called a Liability insurance? Problem is that I've searched the internet, and can only find complete packages, but I heard there's a lot of money to be saved that way, and by a lot I mean A LOT, is this true? If yes, where would I find insurance that only covers third party's losses?""
Would any car insurance company insure a 17 year old with a 1988 BMW?
I'm just curious if any insurance companies would insure a 17 year old 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know it will cost a lot but I would like to know if it would be hard to find an insurance company that would accept a 17 year old to drive it under their policy!
Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
How much is it for insurance if its your a first time driver?
Im going to get a car on my sweet 16 but theres a catch. My mom and dad want me to pay for insurance. If your a first time driver how much will it cost annually for insurrance in Canada? Im not turning 16 for a little while but im just curious...
Will insurance points carry over to another company?
I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?""
I hit my neighbors parked car and it's going to cost $2400. How much will my insurance go up?
I have Geico Insurance. 22/m and out of school. 1 at fault accident already on my record from 2005 and a ticket that should be off my record but shows up on motor vehicle report. Just got Geico Insurance about 2 months ago. Paying about $1150 every 6 months. Would it be better just to pay the guy off?
Do you think my car insurance would go up?
I am 18 years old. If my father were to buy me an Eclipse, do you think my car insurance would raise?""
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
How much will my insurace cost i'm 17.?
This summer I'm going to be getting a audi a5 2010 as a gift but how much will the insurance cost if i join my parents plan with 3 car? Im 17 in New York and they have All State
How much is Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 october 2 and I was wondering how much it is for me? My family has like the lowest one which is the liability. How much is it for me about? I havent got a car yet, but I have the money I just have to pick one out. It will probably wont be any younger than like 08. Also can I get my license with out have to pay insurance right away? I dont want to drive yet (I dont like driving). I am also a female.""
""Who is the best, but affordable car insurance out there ?""
Just bought a new vehicle and have state farm insurance. But with the new vehicle, my insurance went up.""
""A good car for 2000, Cheap to run but not bad looking.?""
Right as the title suggests. I am looking for a new car which is a cheap insurance group (7 max) and a cheap tax band. theyre would be leeway on the right car. Now it has to be good looking i am a 23 year old bloke and don't want to be driving anything boy racerish equally anything which is quite old looking! If anyone can help, many thanks :)""
How much on average do you pay for your pro-rated car insurance premium?
I'm buying a new car in a few days and i was quoted about $1100 every 6 months...I'm a female driver btw....Do I have to pay the whole $1100 when I buy the car or a portion of it?
Do auto insurance brokers/agencys lie . they said ill pay 49 monthy and 134 down for insur. could this be lyin?
ya basically this auto insurance agency asked sum ? in person and compared rates and the lowest price was some company was offering $49 monthly and $134 down .. i was trying to get 40 a month and shes like there is nothing i can do .. then i was asked how can i be sure that this will be the monthly fee and they wont charge more and she said there will be no hidden fees this is what they charge . we are ligitiment insurance agency ... but i dont know i feel like the down is probly profiting them big time and i feel like the monthly payments will some how be higher than 49 monthy and she is lying about hidden fees
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
Insurance or Registration?
I can only aford one or the other. I live in a very expensive state, california. I can only aford either insurance or car registration. am i better of to drive with insurance and no registration, or registration and no insurance.""
What would be the average insurance per annum for a kawasaki zxr400?
if you could specify sites and types of insurance that would be awesome cheers
""Wow, car insurance is like 3-4 times more expensive than car payments.?""
I was looking to lease a new lexus is 250 which would cost me 369 a month but i went to get a quote from geico, it said that the insurance would cost about 1600 a month. I think that is pretty insane considering you could finance a porshe 911 for that much money. I am 20 and got my license last summer. is there a time period when the cost of insurance goes down?""
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
farmers insurance insurance quote phone number claims
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Eps 13-14 (we decided to combine these two eps because yet again there wasn’t much happening in ep 13)
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether armies are useless when it comes to hungry peasants?
Whether the Hwarang are actually useless?
Whether it pays to be nosy?
Whether the best way to flush someone out is to start killing people?
Whether anything has really happened in this drama so far?
The Rule(s):
Always. Look up anything in history. Peasant Mobs > Armies.
Apparently so. What were you guys doing while Scarface/Peasant Mob was stealing your food and gifts?
It never pays to be nosy. Minding your own business keeps you out of unnecessary trouble.
Not really. There are much better, more effective ways to flush someone out than killing people. Carrots > Sticks.
Again, not really. It’s been 14 episodes and the plot has quite literally CRAWLED. Nothing earth shattering has happened.
RedRosette J: Guys. Honestly, this drama is really starting to get on my nerves. Whenever I think of Mondays, I now associate it with Hwarang and the annoyance of having to watch it. It’s not cute anymore and it’s just dragging its feet. When you have a very busy schedule, this snail’s pace plot doesn’t help. Episode 13 was especially brutal and slow except for the major plot development as far as I’m concerned being the kiss that we were Ban Ryu-Soo Yeon shippers were all waiting for! Yay! Finally. It was a bit of an awkward kiss, but I love these two so I’ll take an awkward kiss over no kiss. And omg smiling Ban Ryu will be the death of me. Thank you. Other developments in episode 13 was this whole thing to send the Hwarang guys on a road trip with the Pointless Princess and Sun Woo getting more of an inkling of Ji Dwi’s secret.
Jubiemon J: I agree too that Hwarang is beginning to feel like a chore. After I finish an episode, I always wonder whether anything has even happened. I keep asking RedRosette this question as well. Has the plot even moved along? Nothing major comes to mind. Episode 13 at least had that cute kiss.
Girl who’s team are you on???
This scene was super cute!
*rolls eyes*
Ye olde road trip
*even more squeals*
OMG that smile!!!
RedRosette J: Episode 14 was even harder to get through. The whole robbery thing and the evil Crown Prince and it was all so meghhh. The only decent thing in episode 14 was we got to see Soo Ho and Ban Ryu bond and it turns out that Soo Ho knows about Soo Yeon’s crush on Ban Ryu. Super cute these two. We also got to see Ban Ryu making the choice to stick with the guys rather than follow through with his dad’s nefarious plan. You Go man! #teamHwarang. There was some other stuff with Han Sung and Dan Sae and a bunch of stuff with the Queen that I just skipped (Ugh!).
Jubiemon J: Episode 14 . . . was cringe-worthy because of that robbery. Hungry peasants vs army . . . hungry peasants win? All of a sudden . . . Hyungsik said not to kill them and then they run off. Later at night, the peasants steal food and Hwarang did nothing? Huh?! What a mess! And now from light-hearted bromance stuff we were promised, we have the heavy political things going on. Aiya.
Aww look at you guys bonding!
Please just get over it and be friends already!
When you and your bro about to get told off by gramps…
Not totally cringey…
Issue 1: Whether armies are useless when it comes to hungry peasants
RedRosette J: I would argue yes. Angry peasant mobs are quite effective in achieving results. If anyone has seen any episode of Spongebob, they would know that those angry fish people mobs are super effective achieving results. Similarly, hungry and angry peasants are way more effective than armies. I would think that it would also render an army ineffective against them. That is, a well disciplined one; an army led by a tyrant probably wouldn’t give a shit and would just kill everyone, but one led by a leader with half a brain would be unlikely to kill off all the peasants. Also, if people’s revolutions have taught us anything, its that common folk do have the power to get what they want. The only caveat to this is that is almost always involves some sort of violence. or Twitter. So yea, arguably an army would be useless when confronted by hungry peasants.
Jubiemon J: I think so too. In the end, they outnumber the Hwarang. What bugged me here was that the peasants spontaneously backed away after Ji Dwi was saying that they couldn’t kill them. That made me think that it was pointless for the peasants to have tried to steal food. The next day, Hwarang peeps were saying how all the food was stolen… Okay . . . so you guys were in charge of guarding stuff and you just let them take things . . . ugh…. I mean I know the peasants are starving, but the way they phrased it seemed like Hwarang was totally ignorant of people coming in to steal things in the middle of the night.
Dem peasants tho
Issue 2: Whether the Hwarang are actually useless
RedRosette J: So there’s plot hole that bothers me in this. These guys are supposed to be the smartest bunch of people, yet they are outsmarted by Scarface and his posse of hungry peasants? Really? You expect us to believe that they left a whole carriage of gold and expensive treasures and food unguarded while they were on a road trip to a neighbouring kingdom who may have threatened war on yours. Hmmm. Let’s think about that for a second. Does this make sense? considering that these guys are supposed to be super educated and receiving all this warrior training that they would make such a rookie mistake? I’m sorry but if you really needed to advance the plot in this whole ‘lost everything while on the road’ direction, you could have done it so much better. Have the peasants steal while distracting them or something. This whole scene was iffy and wasn’t working. It made the Hwarang seem useless. If they can’t safeguard a carriage of gold, how are they supposed to safeguard a whole Kingdom?
Jubiemon J: Hwarang doesn’t seem to be very effective because as soon as they all hear that Aro is imprisoned, they start fighting the guards. Okay, Ji Dwi was like no, you cannot use your swords, but you are still fighting? Same thing as provoking some war? Ugh. Really, the evil Prince from the other country was right. They were all fighting for 1 woman that was accidentally imprisoned? Lol . . .
Nice move guys -_-
Issue 3: Whether it pays to be nosy
RedRosette J: No. This is like a basic grade school level concept: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Again, they have to go and make Aro a martyr character who makes friends with the “help” and tells stories to the “poor” and is so perfect and nosy that her nosiness gets her in trouble. Ugh. It doesn’t pay to be nosy. Why are you in everyone’s business? I think even if you had to be nosy, you need to think about it carefully before you act on it. Aro’s actions put everyone in jeopardy. There’s a difference between being a nice person and then putting an entire Kingdom at risk. I’m not a fan of Aro and her shortsightedness. *sigh*
Jubiemon J: I feel like Aro is the type of person that thinks she is super smart but in reality she is not. (Pet peeve here.) I mean look at V’s character. He knows he’s not as bright as others and accepts it. Aro, on the other hand, often has a know-it-all vibe. Unfortunately, she doesn’t think deep enough or far enough.
All this means is that you’re a gossip -_-
*rolls eyes*
This is what happens when you don’t mind your own business!
And this happens
Issue 4: Whether the best way to flush someone out is to start killing people
RedRosette J: Not really. Killing people just creates so much unnecessary drama and can cause international incidents. It’s one thing to try to get someone to confess to being the ‘Faceless King’ or whatever, but it’s a whole other story when there’s diplomacy on the line. In this case, the delegation from Silla went to Baekje to avoid going to war and if the psycho Prince of Baekje starts killing off citizens from Silla for a pointless reason, I think that that would be a reason to go to war. But then again, this is when it’s looked at from a modern diplomacy point of view. I guess during Ye Olde Times, a few peasants getting killed probably wouldn’t warrant an “inter-Kingdom” incident. I still think that there are much better ways to try to get the King to show his face rather than killing people. They could have taken Aro hostage (which is essentially what happened anyway. Those poor peasants were collateral damage *shakes head*). Or they could have induced him with some kind of benefit (not that that would happen given Ji Dwi’s character, but still it would be worth a shot). Regardless of the strategy, anything has to be better than killing people. It’s so extra and unnecessary.
Jubiemon J: I guess what the show really wanted to illustrate was how messed up the Prince was? There’s just more drama when you start doing mass threats. It’s kind of funny in a way because he went from . . . Princess, marry me and then after a few mins, he changes to . . let me kill all these peasants. -0-”
The delegation
The psycho
Issue 5: Whether anything has really happened in this drama so far
RedRosette J: Jubiemon and I were talking about this because we’re both so frustrated about how slowly this drama is moving and about how nothing really seems to happen in the episodes. The plot is very very slow and as for the significant developments, I can count on one hand the major things that happened. We’re currently at episode 14 and nothing mind blowing has happened. *sigh* It’s very disappointing considering that there was so much hype around this drama. I also recently found out that there are 20 episodes and not 16 like I had initially thought. OMG. I’m not going to be able to write anything decent on these posts unless the plot picks up in the next episode -_-
Jubiemon J: Yup, I’ve mentioned this before but this drama is just so boring now. I liked the bromance between Do Ji Han and Choi Minho, but now that there’s so much heavy political tension . . . *yawn*. I also think Aro and Sunwoo’s romance hasn’t even been fully developed or nothing interesting or cute has happened between them. Sigh. Can’t we keep it lighthearted for once? Skip the politics.
Our expressions are worse than this every time an episode starts
RedRosette J Aside: The only other characters apart from Soo Ho and Ban Ryu that I like are Dan Sae and the Old Helper dude. Hands up for awkward friendships!
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 2 = Yell At The Writer (Please write something, anything to make the plot move faster!!)
File No: Hwarang: Poet-Warrior-YOUTH-EPS-13-AND-14 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Eps 13-14 (we decided to combine these two eps because yet again there wasn’t much happening in ep 13)
#action#bromance#bts v#comedy#critique#cute#do ji han#dojihan#drama#drama recap#drama review#dramarecap#dramareview#flower boy#go ar a#go ara#goara#history#hwa rang#Hwarang#hwarang poet warrior youth#hwarang the beginning#hyungsik#jo yoon woo#k drama#kdrama#kdramareview#kim hyun joon#kim ji soo#kim tae hyung
0 notes
Osomatsu-san 17 – 25 | ReLIFE 1
The idea for ReLIFE from now on: Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ep 17)
Apparently Jyushimatsu was pretty popular in Japan, so they went with an entire episode on him…
Cup Noooooooooooodle, LOL.
I didn’t get the Comiket one…both times I saw it.
Oh yeah. This “my little Jyushimatsu” was hella popular after the guitar scene. I think.
Philosophical Jyushimatsu…but it doesn’t work without the volume.
Is Jyushimatsu Pan Jyushimatsu Bread or an actual Jyushimatsu…okay, I know what it is now.
Baseball references galore, so I’ll let this page explain it.
Omohide IIRC is an old fashioned term for omoide (memories).
(ep 18)
Well, it was true that Iyami was the protagonist of the anime in one series, alongside Chibita.
I really don’t want to explain references you probably know, okay?
If you stop at just the right moment (NSFW), it reminds you that “this anime is at your own risk”. There also seem to be comments from most of the other characters, including “fight dayo!”.
Hujistu (sic), LOL.
Three way explosion shot!
Crab shell, LOL. Plus, you’re not, Jyushimatsu.
The phomosis is apparently a piece of skin on the…erhem. Check it up yourself.
Chargin’ my lazor!!! (Once you notice they animated Todo during that lasering, you have to appreciate how much they upped the budget on this…)
Second lazoring!!!
I went back a few times through the ep, only to find Osomatsu’s sign says “Prank successful”.
(ep 19)
If I remember right, the episode was called “Shonosuke Hijirisawa-san” by CR standards, but…there’s no name to this episode for AnimeLab. Update: It’s called “Untitled” by both. My mistake.
Matsuo Basho was a poet who made haikus, hence the “dayon” making it have too many syllables.
Suiton-no-jutsu unfortunately has no Naruto-related resources that are on it, so I had to use the Naruto thing to find something on it…the one about duckweed (on the link) is the one you’re looking for, apparently.
The ghost one…haven’t you heard about the ghost who counts plates, Okiku?
The “Jyushi” in Jyushimatsu means 14, hence the motif.
There sems to be a sad undertone to the Joshimatsu segment this time. Like Showa Genroku or something.
Michiko Yokote was on staff this time. No wonder the Choromatsu Rising part actually made me laugh both times I saw it.
(ep 20)
There was a flag on the title.
It’s a taco, not a kebab.
There is such a thing as horumonyaki, hence the yakisoba having “hormone” on the sign.
The pigeon is at least well animated.
The school segment is one of the more notable ones…in that it got even more boring the second time around. I know it’s meant to be funny by how spontaneous it is, but it really is a waste of timeto watch twice…part of the joke here is that they’re meant to be yankees (delinquents…Japanese delinquent have a very specific style that takes off after American schools).
Ichimatsu speaks in arrows for the CR subs, but he speaks in mashed keyboard keys in the AnimeLab subs. Doesn’t matter anyway because it’s gibberish, but nice to know.
“Funny” is subjective,so really, Iyami, just do what can garner you the most laughs.
Dekapana and Dayon are treating the sextuplets like novice rakugoka.
Why are Iyami’s audience all girls?...Oh, I answered this question myself on the TV Tropes fridge page.
(ep 21)
There’s something long behind the title (two of them, actually), but I don’t know what they are. Update: They appear to be hachimaki (headbands normally used to psyche a mahjong player – or person doing any sort of other activity – up) or mahjong sticks.
I know nothing about (physical) mahjong…so sorry, I can’t explain anything here. There is a Detective Conan OVA that explains this stuff though (though I can’t remember anything I learnt from it since I watched it a while ago…). Basically, I’m just watching for the sake of (second) completion right now.
ESP Kitty! Hello again!
Is this an Akagi parody?
Karamatsu dabbed!
Okay, now I’m sure it’s an Akagi parody.
I’d like that life too, except with bishonen, Choromatsu. Unfortunately, you speak the truth…
Shehkai Teio appears to be a pun on something that I don’t know…The crowd at the races looks hilarious, though.
(ep 22)
Apparently the name “Totty” was meant to be a one-off.
Where’d the skirt come from? Don’t tell me Totty raided his mother’s closet! Now that’s the lowest of the low!
“…they were thrown off their pace?”
What’s the song for? At least it made me laugh, which in this second runthrough seems to be a lot rarer than the first time.
The mixer is at a place called “Maruya”.
Latematsu can be read “Osomatsu”, if you didn’t get it.
How does Osomatsu fit in a pot?
“Shiei” meaning “Death Shadow”…at least with those kanji. Likewise, “Shiya” means “Death Arrow” and “Shiyu” means “Death Oil”.
Well, these guys have absolutely no geography skillls either…because the globe showed Iyami and co. were in India when they were hauling around Chinese stereotypes.
(ep 23)
Sibling sabotage. Also known as the “bystander effect”.
I wonder whether Choro was barfing at the Dayon girl, too.
I think the Dayon lady on the very left of the chase scene is probably the creepiest one yet…
I never liked vomit humour, by the way.
I still don’t get any of Jyushimatsu’s jokes…
Fear and Drunkenness in Las Vegas…kinda sorta.
There’s a flag on the back wall in the Dayon girl’s house which says “effort”. At least, by the Chinese standard of the word.
You can see the younger three brothers trying to fit in by stretching their mouths, LOL.
Did you ever notice the chalk Matsus are drawn by a person wearing a Matsu suit?
There was a post-ep scene, but it was just a reshowing of Osomatsu sticking a piece of tissue up Ichimatsu’s nose…what.
(ep 24)
Ongaku meaning “music”, so...
First I’ve heard of this song…welp, here you go.
“Bottom feeder” takes on a whole new meaning for the fish idol.
The…the feels…I know all your feels, Choromatsu…
Everyone! Are we all on the feels train right now?
Leaving that half…is surprisingly considerate of Ichimatsu.
Hey! It’s the couple from the Christmas episode.
(ep 25) [Trigger warning: Brief mention of seppuku…but you knew that already, didn’t you?]
Welp. Last ep. I may have complained about how the humour in this is pretty much sucked out by watching (most of) it a second time, but…every anime is an adventure. Remember that.
Wait, what’s an invitational?
Ichimatsu apparently got caught in the flow of “Nice!”s, only to get caught up in Karamatsu’s one. LOL.
The Koushien is a high school baseball tournament. For some reason, baseball is crazily popular in the Japanese world.
Owch, Osomatsu…
Karamatsu! He dabs!
A bean ball?...Oh, a bean ball. Okay. (I don’t quite get baseball, but I understand this, at least.)
French people don’t even play baseball…well, most of them.
Iyami’s shirt has 183 on it…or in goroawase, i-ya-mi.
Apparently Totoko did the male version of seppuku…which suits her character very well.
What in great Dante’s inferno, Karamatsu…?
Welp, that’s the end of that. The JRA special was excluded because I got bored of the series before even getting this far, as well as it not having anything I can talk about.
(ReLIFE ep 1)
Ah…the nostalgia only an anime can bring…It’s always extremely satisfying to see an anime of a manga you’ve known since it was an unknown.
Did you spot the cat on the TV a few seconds into the episode? It’s Hishiron’s LINE cat!
Haha, I know your feels too well, Arata.
The humour in this is quite quick, but it hits when it needs to.
Yoake was my Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs) before I knew about Dazai. Why? Gadfly traits.
“Yoake” means “daybreak” and is apparently the name of a train station in Japan.
Interesting how they leave Arata in shadow until the reveal. The reason why I decided to start this series was because it was somewhat like Detective Conan.
I’ve always though the showing of a phone is integral to a show set in modern times, but in order for a show to be timeless, you can’t show too much of its or what model it is…That’s why “White Parasite” is the only one to feature a phone out of 3 Honeyfeed stories.
The iconic thing about ReLIFE is the clean, minimalistic designs, so the OP really suits this show.
A-hah. I thought they were organised according to hiragana character (roll number), which is fairly usual in anime…hence the thing I left on the ReLIFE Fridge page.
Formal speech is too formal if you’re using it with classmates (regardless of language)…so yeah.
Note Kariu and Oga are close in physical proximity to Kaizaki.
The Going Straight Home club, as I’ve mentioned in earlier times, is…no club at all.
Scanlations called Oga “Flashy Oga”, but “Showga” seems to work better than that.
Notice the word used in the CR subs is “pencil box”. Pencil case in Japanese is fudebako, the bako bit meaning “box”.
CR subs are acting up sometimes (they change font at the end of sentences)…what in Dante’s inferno…
Rules of Japanese: never use a first name unless given permission. For girls, it’s much more likely you can get permission. Of course, if you’re good friends, you can get permission easily too.
#simulcast commentary#osomatsu-san#relife#Chesarka watches Osomatsu-san#Chesarka watches ReLIFE#tw: seppuku
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