#its like the kid with a gun meme every time I block someone I can never be sure
loosebaron · 1 year
PLEASE if you’re a real person tumblr user PLEASE change your pfp or bio or do SOMETHING to your blog to indicate you’re not a robot im begging u please it’s getting so hard to tell
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
let's talk about lily evans and the marauders, aka moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs. given that i didn't use their actual names, i think you can figure out where this is going. it's also long as hell, so. canon vs fanon, marauder edition, except snek is sleep deprived.
now, before we begin, i don't dislike the marauders. or lily, tbh. if I'm being perfectly, genuinely honest, i still go back and forth sometimes but they've been growing on me for a while now. the canon versions, at least. fanon does them real dirty, and that's part of why i'm writing this, because i'm genuinely tired of it. it's an injustice.
you can at least make excuses for james and lily, who were so undeveloped that jkr practically dropped a fill-in-the-blank sheet of character information in our laps, but sirius, remus and peter were around long enough for y'all to get real acquainted with them.
in canon, sirius black is an unhinged mf. genuinely. this isn't to say he's a bad guy, in fact, we see that he's still capable of doing good things, still capable of love, still capable of all the things that prove he's actually not bad at heart, just,,, severely traumatised and very steeped in negativity from his time with the dementors. what i'm saying is that this man is absolutely, no questions asked, no holds barred demented, and how could he not be? the guy sat wrongfully imprisoned in azkaban for twelve years, a good portion of which he spent as a dog in order to protect himself from the dementors. he certainly wasn't completely insane, but you cannot tell me that he was all there. he got out of azkaban fuelled almost solely by the intent to get revenge on pettigrew, tried to commit murder in front of three witnesses who were also children—one of whom was his godson—ate rats and was also malnourished, which i'm certain did not help the situation any. this man is off his goddamn rocker, and you know what? you love to see it. good for him.
oh, but, snek, that's what he's like as an adult. what about when they were at school? before azkaban? my guy, the reaction he has to grimmauld place is not the reaction of someone without trauma. i don't believe that walburga and orion were the type to physically abuse their children, but whatever happened in that house helped to fuck him up enough that he skipped the joke of part of practical joke, and pranked snape by telling him how to meet a werewolf that he knew would be fully transformed and dangerous to humans. more than that, the werewolf was remus, whom he's friends with, and who—best case scenario—would be facing a trial if james hadn't stepped in. you can say that maybe he didn't think about or understand the gravitas of his actions, but at the end of it, that's not how properly sane people react to people they dislike, and that's not how they treat their friends. if anything, it reads like he was in the middle of a breakdown and absolutely losing his shit and he wasn't thinking at all.
my guy went through some serious shit, and was in no way completely mentally stable. we can see pretty clearly that he's got a serious dark side to him that probably would have gone unbridled had he not disagreed with his family, and yet, fanon took one look at him and went, "teehee, uwu bad boi go vroom."
fanon said padfoot is a pretty boy with nice hair who is tastefully traumatised from his horribly abusive household. sirius rides his motorcycle and plays jokes and flirts with anything that moves, but he can do no real wrong and always comes back to his soft, bookish, chocolate-loving boyfriend remus, who will laugh about his lycanthropy and quietly disapprove but secretly laugh at his friends' antics while hiding his smile in his cardigan.
respectfully, what in the absolute fuck.
i'd put that meme in here if i could, the one that's like, "well done, you've broken _______ down to its bare essentials," but no. i can't bc it doesn't even apply. this isn't a meme, it's theseus' fucking ship.
fanon broke it down, and replaced the pieces one by one until we got to this point, where we need to sit down and ask ourselves, "is this even the same character?"
the answer is no, by the way. it isn't. when people talk about woobifying characters—you know, taking away every flaw they have, romanticising everything they do and making them only capable of doing good, wonderful, lovely things?—this is what we mean.
and it'd be one thing if it was just the one character, but, no. fanon went all in and made them all squeaky clean and boring, especially peter, who draws the shortest of the straws.
remus got fucked, too. not just because fanon insists on sticking him into a relationship with sirius. which, we'll tackle wolfstar in a bit, but that's not even the worst of it. here, we have yet another example of blatant, rampant woobifying. again, is he a bad person? no. we know he's a good guy, we know he's generally kind and well-mannered, we know that he wants to fo the right thing but hey, fun fact. did you know that you can be nice and a coward? did you know that you can be benevolent and good and kindly and have the greatest of intentions and still be shady as fuck? no? ask dumbledore. the man played people like chess pieces when he needed to, and he was a twinkly grandpa. these are things that can coexist.
teenage remus is a coward who, understandably, does not stand up to his friends, likely for fear of being ostracised, and doesn't uphold his prefect duties as he should and takes part in their bullying of snape as a result. he lets them romp with him in werewolf form while they are in their animagus forms and then, he lets them continue to do so even after they have multiple close calls, which, again, had anything happened, would have resulted in a trial in the best case scenario.
grownup remus is still a coward, he tells no one that sirius can move about the school in his animagus form despite wholeheartedly believing that he's a mass murderer, he tries to run out on his wife and unborn kid. he isn't deliberately making attempts to harm anyone, but he's content to sit back and let things happen to him and around him so he doesn't rock the boat, although he is capable of action, which we see when he is more than willing to help sirius merk pettigrew in the shack. he can be careless, he runs out to the shack knowing he hasn't taken his wolfsbane and ends up transforming in front of the students he, as a teacher, is meant to be protecting. of course, this doesn't negate his good qualities, it just bears repeating that his flaws do exist, and they're pretty serious.
fanon moony is always pleasant and kind and soft-spoken and bookish, and he always has to have his chocolate. he knows when to tell off his friends, and he'll do it, even if he's secretly amused by everything they do and laughs about it with his best friend, lily evans, who coincidentally spends all her time with them so he and sirius can go on double dates with james and lily and no one has to remember peter exists.
why. theseus' ship 2.0. does the actual character still exist or is this something entirely different thing bearing the same name?
as for peter, who needs peter pettigrew, the actual, legitimate, fourth marauder when you have lily evans? canon pettigrew is opportunistic as fuck. he's latching himself to the biggest bad on the block and he's going all in. for teenage peter, that was james and sirius, and for adult peter, that's voldemort. canon peter is good enough at transfiguration to master the animagus transformation, just like his friends, and he's good enough at potions to brew the potion that gives voldemort a body. and honestly, you can't say he wasn't brave. he could've run off somewhere and died, or changed his identity or something after he faked his death and framed sirius, but, no. he goes and resurrects voldemort. that's fucked up, yeah, but it happened and honestly, i respect that it. he stuck to his guns.
fanon wormtail is lucky if he exists beyond being a spineless sycophant for james and sirius, or an evil conniving little rat who's looking to toss his entire friend group to the wolves at eleven.
of course, this isn't meant to negate his bad qualities, he still murdered people and framed sirius and sold out the potters to die, but his good characteristics do exist, and james, sirius and remus genuinely were his friends.
and now, we get to lily and james.
we have hardly any information on either of them. they're a pair of cardboard cutouts that we can paint and stick flyers to and colour outside the lines however we want. we can do whatever the fuck, as long lily is brave and smart and somewhat kind and james is brave and willing to die for his family. we were essentially handed a pair of ocs.
and yet.
what little bits of canon we have are thrown out of the window regardless.
james is privileged and rich, and he throws hexes for fun. he's willing to hex lily when she disagrees with him, and then, he goes behind her back to continue hexing snape after she believes that he's stopped doing so. and that's all we know about him until he dies for his family at twenty-one years old. once again, say it with me: this does not negate his good qualities. he definitely had them, he took sirius in when sirius ran away from home, he became an animagus to keep remus company as a wolf, and he saved snape in the shack, thereby saving remus and sirius by extension. him having flaws does not make him a bad person.
fanon prongs is a feminist. he fights for equal rights for women everywhere, and he constantly treats his girlfriend, lily, like an absolute queen. he's the hottest boy in school and everyone claps when he walks through the halls. mcgonagall and dumbledore are always patting him on the back and making jokes with him. he has a built-in dark detector that helps him sense when someone is a evil and needs to he punished.
give me a break. the dude's cool and all, but was the gary stu treatment necessary?
...oh, he needed to match fanon lily? right, right.
canon lily is a contradiction unto herself. she's supposedly a great friend, but since we see her at a point where they were already drifting apart, we see her putting little effort into keeping their friendship afloat. she victim blames based on rumours, she doesn't seem to care over much about what snape has to say about the people who have been tormenting him since day one. and she's justified, of course, she doesn't have to stick around. canon lily is a bit of hypocrite, she says that snape calls everyone of her birth mudblood, but then that begs the question why she still hangs around with him if that's the case. he calls her mudblood, she retaliates by calling him snivellus, and finishes up with a dig about his underwear, which, sure, it's kicking a man with a rusty spoon and pouring salt in the wound, but she's, again, justified. i get where she was coming from. and then, of course, she dies for her kid after marrying the guy who relentlessly bullied her quote-unquote best friend for their entire school careers. but, like i said, canon lily is, in many ways, a contradiction.
lily is basically a plot device. she pushes everyone's narrative but her own, and does little else.
of course, this trend would continue in fanon. fanon lily exists to be the perfect girl who gets really angry over the slightest injustice, and of course, she gets to be one half of one of the oldest enemies-to-lovers "it was just sexual tension" cliche pairings in the book. she's just,,, a mary sue. in so many fics, so many headcanons, she's just pettigrew's stand-in, a girl to form a gang with marlene, mary and dorcas—who happen to be more undeveloped ocs who also get the woobify mary sue treatment—to parallel the marauders. there is nothing compelling about her character when she's presented as a saint, and even less when she's supposedly the other moral compass for the marauders that doesn't actually work because she thinks that james is cute.
and this brings me to the next topic. jily. what, why, how. this was supposed to be a healthy, happy relationship that would have lasted in the long run? absolutely not. even for its time, i can't say that i see it lasting.
first of all, jkr presents james' crush on lily as just that: a crush. a mildly obsessive one, but a crush nonetheless, which she tries to liken to the pulling of pigtails. and then, we see that james' way of getting her to go out with him consists of blackmail, and when that doesn't work, he resorts to threatening her. this could have been set aside if he had actually, genuinely changed when they started spending more time together, but as we're told by sirius and remus, he didn't. he just got better at hiding what he was up to. and it has to be that he hid it, because if she knew, this further damages the character that she's set up to have and paints her out to be either unable to stand up to him or an enabler.
regardless, they get married. and while i have trouble believing that it was out of genuine love, there are scenarios that could make some semblance of sense. it's wartime, after all, and maybe lily is worried about her stability in the wizarding world, so why not marry into an established family whose son is already showing interest? or perhaps, she falls into the trap of every bad boy cliche ever, and she thinks to herself, well, i got him to be better then, maybe i can get him to do even better in the future. or maybe, she doesn't get into a relationship with him immediately and sees him on and off, until eventually, she accidentally gets pregnant and they scramble to have a shotgun wedding so as not to leave lily alone at nineteen with a baby. or maybe they marry each other because they're there and sure, neither of then is ready and they don't know what love even is but what else is there to do when there's a dark lord about? anyways, the point is, they get married.
and then what? if we count pottermore into canon, he goes on to further damage her relationship with petunia and vernon, to the point where she ends up crying. if we don't, she fades into the background enough that nobody has anything to say about her. she's harry's mum, she's james' wife, lily potter, she was kind and smart and brave and that's it. her agency is gone, anything else we have of her personality is gone.
jily just,,, wasn't built to last. and, yeah, this,,, this is a hill i'll die on.
same with wolfstar, honestly. there are so many reasons why it wouldn't work, but fanon has made it so fucking prevalent that it's literally everywhere no matter where you look.
first of all, i've said it before and i'll say it again. sirius is more likely to get with james that he is to ever end up in a relationship with remus. their chemistry is just,,, underdeveloped. net zero for a relationship.
secondly, sirius instigated the werewolf prank, and lupin would have paid the price for it. this could have been overlooked, but he doesn't seem the slightest bit guilty about any of it when it's brought up in poa. he could have been responsible for lupin losing the security of his place at hogwarts in the best case scenario, and in the worst case, his life. and he seems to look forward to full moons, even though they clearly aren't pleasant for remus, which,,, yeah, you're going to have fun, but like, maybe be concerned about the fact that your friend undergoes excruciating pain and it isn't a pleasant time for him? read the room, my g.
thirdly, they don't trust each other as much as fanon seems to think they do. they were both willing to believe each other the traitor before ever suspecting pettigrew. sirius thought remus gave away the potters, hell, he thought remus was a spy for voldemort, and remus was convinced that sirius was a mass murderer. neither of them needed to be convinced.
fourthly, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but like. sirius had money. remus had no money, since, yk, he was a werewolf and struggling for cash and still, sirius,,, did not leave him any money. i feel like if you had money to spare, you would give to your friend who is literally poor. but, again, maybe i'm reading too much into it and this isn't as valid a point as i think it is.
and ehh, the fifth reason is that it's,,, actually very much not the representation for the ltgbt community that fanon says it is but y'all aren't ready for that conversation.
anyways, just,,, even when you set the couple shit aside, the power dynamics between everyone here is fucked. like, james and sirius are clearly at the top of food chain calling the shots and egging each other on. then there's lily, who isn't even a marauder, but is always ever-so-slightly above remus but still not on their level, because, well. neither of them actually listen to her. remus is the novelty friend, the friend who's,,, alright, i guess, but you keep them around specifically because they're funny or they can dance or they have something that you can either show off to other people or keep as your little inside joke, your little secret, yk? and peter is just sort of there. like, yeah, he can do what we can but does that make him as good as we are? no. does he have a funny little something about him that we can exploit? nah. therefore he sits at the bottom. and like, yeah, james and sirius are on the same level, but james is yanking sirius' chain, not the other way around. anyways, like i said. power dynamic's fucked and it bothers me that we were given all of this, and fanon decided to take it all and throw it away so they could give us flamboyant!badboi!sirius black x softboi!motherhen!remus lupin going on double dates with feminist!trustfundbaby!james potter and saint!lily evans while ignoring peter pettiwho?
theseus' fucking ship, indeed.
anyways, this needed to be said. it might not make as much sense as i want it to, considering it's 4:12 in the morning as i'm posting this, after taking a break from writing to do some research and coming across way too much content about fanon marauders, but it's here and it still makes enough sense that you can read it and understand what i mean. and like, at the end of the day, you can go ahead and headcanon whatever you please, you can write fic and make art and do whatever you like, just,,, remember that they're exactly that. headcanons. stop presenting fanon as canon. please. i'm literally begging. we actually have evidence against it. just,,, acknowledge that they're headcanons and stop putting them forward as though they're able to fit into canon. please.
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tootiredmotel · 3 years
spoiler alert: she keeps it
A coda fic of my beloved 10x20 "Angel Heart" bc Cas and Claire are my everything, for @emeraldcas 's celebration!
Prompt: meaningful moments
1.2k words – read on ao3 or below
First, it's a matter of where.
Dean says that the mall is a safe bet, and he’s probably right. It has options, a wide array of stores with near endless possibilities, so Cas asks him for a ride to the nearest one.
As Dean pulls into the parking lot, he asks "You really think you'll finally win her over like this?"
"I'm not trying to "win her over", Dean." Cas air quotes. "It's her birthday. A present is customary, isn't it?"
It's not a rhetorical question, and Dean seems to understand that after studying Cas's gaze on him.
"Yeah. Yeah it is, buddy."
Once inside, the number of options becomes overwhelming rather than comforting. Hundreds of people bustle about, bumping into them with reckless abandon. Cas pauses a few steps from the entrance, breathing heavily and looking every which way, trying to figure out where to begin and coming up blank.
He’s never been to a mall before. 
Dean, staring daggers at the back of someone who almost trampled them, puts a hand on Cas’s back. “C’mon. Let’s try this way,” he says, leading him down the hall to their right.
They walk for a while. Cas quietly studies every store they pass, while Dean speaks up every two minutes with a new idea. Tech store? A new phone. Clothing store? A jacket, hers is looking a bit worn. Shoe store? Do you know her size? We can get her some boots or something.
“Dean,” Cas finally says, stopping in his tracks and grabbing Dean’s arm. He's grateful for the ride, and he's grateful for Dean’s suggestions. Really, he is. “Thank you, but… This is my gift to her. I need to choose on my own.”
Dean starts doing that adorable thing where he can’t decide if he wants to shake his head or nod. “Uh, yeah, no. No problem, angel. You got this. I’ll shut up.”
Right now, Cas is less focused on the gift itself and more on finding a store that feels fitting, one that Claire might pick out on her own. He puts his hands in his pockets and scans the stores in sight. Further down the hall, one storefront stands out. The walls are black, the windows dimly lit, and the sign is made of backlit block letters. It feels… edgy. She’d like it.
“There.” Cas nods toward it. “The Hot Topical.”
The other thing is the matter of what.
Luckily, the Hot Topical seems to have a bit of everything. Dean sets off on his own soon after walking in, saying something about some Star Wars character or other. There's an overwhelming amount of pop culture merchandise, most of which Cas now recognizes. But he's not sure what kind of shows or movies Claire likes, so he opts against those.
Walking deeper into the store, he comes across the jewelry displays. Claire might like some, maybe stud earrings or a necklace, nothing too frilly. But if she's going to keep hunting, and she is, it's not very practical to wear things that can get caught and slow her down. He keeps walking.
The music section is mostly t-shirts. This is where he finds Dean, eyeing the wall curiously, but not looking like he's going to buy.
“Find anything?” Dean asks when he feels Cas next to him.
“Not yet.”
“You will. You got this," he says again, and Cas greatly appreciates the vote of confidence.
Dean turns his attention back to the shirts, and Cas, who isn't all that sure about Claire’s music taste either, goes over to the furthermost wall.
The back of the store is where they keep the miscellaneous things, apparently. One half of the wall is full of small, bobblehead-ish figurines whose heads don’t bobble (as Cas discovers when he picks one of the boxes up and shakes it). The other half of the wall has quite a few things: bags and backpacks on display, a few accessories such as mesh gloves that wouldn’t keep one warm in the slightest, and unnecessarily intricate belts. At the bottom of the wall, however, he spots some shelves with plushies.
That’s where something catches Cas’s eye.
Dean is already at the back of the line when Cas gets there. He's buying an enamel Scooby-Doo keychain and says it's because Baby's is old and he needs a new one; the unbridled delight in his eyes gives him away, though.
"A stuffed animal?" He asks when he notices what Cas is holding. There's no judgment in it. A bit of amusement and maybe, just maybe, a hint of fondness, Cas thinks.
Cas holds up the cat for Dean to take and examine. "It's an... inside thing."
"Right," Dean says, and hands it back.
Dean asks if he even has any money, to which Cas doesn't answer, realizing he doesn't. Dean happily pays for both items.
"She kept it, y'know," Dean says behind him, the next day. He pats Cas's shoulder, then heads back to the car, keys jingling against the new keychain.
Castiel stands there for a second, watching the cab roll completely out of the parking lot and out of sight, and he's wishing he could have hugged her longer. Despite having him and the Winchesters and soon Jody Mills, despite knowing she'll always have them… Claire is more alone now than she's ever been. Cas knows she's tough, tougher than she should've had to be, but she's still a kid (as much as she insists she's not). 
He… doesn't pray. Not anymore. But he hopes. He hopes for her every day, hopes for her wellness and safety, hopes he'll be able to see her face again and not just read her words or hear her voice through a phone. And right this second, he's also hoping that his present to her, (which she kept, Cas thinks fondly), will be able to serve its purpose. That it'll be a small source of comfort if she were to ever need it.
That night, as Claire settles into a motel bed, she gets a text from Cas. It's a Grumpy Cat meme, one of many cat memes she's received from him since they agreed to stay in touch more. In this one, the image is the cat lying in bed with that face of his, and it says "How many people got trampled on Black Friday this year? Not enough". 
After having cried herself out in the backseat of the cab, she actually smiles for the first time all afternoon; it's not a wide or toothy smile but it's a smile, and she lets out an amused exhale through her nose, so that's something.
She texts him haha and the eye roll emoji.
Are you safe? Cas shoots back.
She double-checked all the locks on all the doors and windows. She's got a knife under the pillow and a gun under the bed. She's all set to get to Jody's by tomorrow. She breathes deep, squeezing the plushie tighter against her chest, and texts back.
I am. Night Cas
She doesn't have time to put the phone down before it dings again.
Good night, Claire. Sweet dreams.
They probably won't be all that sweet. They haven't been sweet in years. But at least now, when the bitter dreams inevitably wake her up, she's got something to hold. Or maybe strangle. Depends on the dream.
Plus, she's got an angel-dad watching over her, too. In a sense.
Claire lets the dryness in her eyes and the heaviness in her body take over, and she falls asleep. Grumpy Cat in hand.
Fic taglist: ask to be added or removed! <3
@casismymrdarcy @youcaneven @zorelle @spooky-floral-cas @lilcasx @oh-in-italics @theehunterhusbands @knifelesbianjo @spoookycastiel @shakespeareintellectualbadass @stressedtaco @aniridescentdreamer @mishacase2003 @spookymixtape @dykekingofhell @evermorecastiel @autumncastiel @nightandwine @doyouhearthedestielsing @all-or-nothing-baby @hauntedrederadean @ciderdean @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @heres-to-evil-skanks @wormstacheangel @the-boy-kings-crown @10x02 @the-moon-loves-the-sea @ghostlynatural @one-more-offbeat-anthem @spookynightdeancas
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okay, y’all, i’ve gotta back on my tl;dr bullshit soapbox about something:
so, the other day, i was just mindlessly scrolling through my corporate & capitalist hellscape facebook™️ (i.e. LinkedIn) and came across this totally trite mostly bullshit meme that was shared by some corporate executive search man (whose name i decided to crop out bc eh):
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so i obviously agree with the last three points on this list, bc god yes my life would’ve been a bit better if I didn’t get all my dialogue about mental health only from teen mags and horrible portrayals in teen tv shows (and also this hellsite). and hell yeah everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs to learn that failure is okay many situations (like failing a class in uni or school) bc everyone fails at something sometimes. and dealing with failure is HARD. and time management is something that I’m pretty sure everyone lies to fuckin hell about on their resume, bc lots of people really suck at it, myself included. so yeah. that needs to be taught. and i also agree with the “how to manage your health” point. bc thats becoming ever more prevalent and important with career burn out etc.
but entrepreneurship? people management? conflict resolution? creativity? how to manage money? public speaking? like y’all. three of those ARE taught/learned in school, who the fuck wrote this meme? 
for anyone who actually paid attention in maths class, (which is probably very few people outside of the top performing classes), there WAS A WHOLE FUCKING UNIT that focuses on financial maths (in australia anyway). I ignored this unit as well as maths in general at school, bc I generally hated maths and was convinced that I was somehow never going to get a job. but i remember the gist of the overall topic and its subtopics. one subtopic teaches you how to calculate your wages in various contexts (overtime, double-time and a half, holiday payments, im pretty sure maternity leave pay was jammed in somewhere? idk if other countries would have double time & a 1/2 like australia though). another subtopic teaches you how to calculate interest on bank loans and credit rates on credit cards. a third subtopic teaches you how to calculate savings (obvs in terms of discounts in shops)....im sure there was a bit about budgeting in there somewhere? im pretty sure there were some questions were about tax payments somewhere as a subtopic enrichment exercise? but you get my gist. are these not money management skills? in some sense? like if i could find one of my old maths textbooks or old maths books i’d give an example of a question, to make my point stronger. but the problem, like i said before, is that a load of people (myself included) just zone out in maths in high school and stop trying with it. they forget what they’ve learnt, and just remember how much they hated algebra and how they’ll never use it again. maths was one hell of a fucking strong bitch, guys. but maybe i’m wrong.
creativity? excuse me? have people forgotten about art classes? drama classes? english classes? music classes? need i go on? okay don’t get me wrong, most of these classes did focus a lot on memorising quotes or facts about people (artists/writers/poets/composers/dramatists etc) or specific  periods/movements in art or theatre or literature for example.... but the amazing sculptures/paintings etc people created in art for their final projects in year 12, or even in year 10 were works of their imagination. the scripts people write in drama or maybe english (if you had a fun teacher who did a screenwriting unit, for example) are creative asf. especially in year 12 when they do their major projects, where they may produce a monologue or a short movie, and then there’s a group piece. drama students might even make their own costumes for these performances. LIKE AIN’T THAT A LOT OF CREATIVITY RIGHT THERE Y’ALL????? and english. lowly old english. THEY HAVE A WHOLE FUCKING TOPIC ON CREATIVE WRITING FOR FUCKS SAKE. the original music people might create for their final projects too in year 12? does that not count as creativity? like yes, i know a lot of these things do still have to meet bs assessment criteria (especially in catholic schools, where the main things are you don’t offend the catholic education office and jesus/god lmao) to be considered worthy of a mark for your year 12 exams. but FUCK. HOW THE FUCK AREN’T ANY OF THESE SUBJECTS COUNTED TOWARDS BEING CREATIVE???????? like fuck your corporate creative ideation or w/e bullshit, Callum. drama and english even lend themselves to improvisation in some instances, like public speaking, which is examined further, below.
next, we move on to public speaking. this shit is basically taught from the first goddamn day of “show & tell” in kindy/kindergarten, and this fucker has the gall to say that it’s not fucking taught in schools? someone call in miley cyrus/hannah montana to throw the fuck down in this motherfucking hoedown BC THIS STUPID-ASS MEME-FUCKER HAS NERVE. i hated public speaking. absolutely hated it. even though it was ironically one of the places i ended up excelling in in english classes. even when i fucked up in my english speeches with like “oh, fuck.... said nelson mandela,  i’ve seem to’ve lost my palm card. wait, shit! there it is... excuse me while i pull it out of my ass. whoops, sorry miss” *bats eyes and finger guns at my year 9 english teacher who has her head in her hands and is done with my shit, while the class laughs at my gaffe* i’d still end up with like 73% or like 26/30. it was baffling. but for people who weren’t the class clown/smart alec like i was from years 7-10 (and like i actually wasn’t once i moved schools).... public speaking is like the leading cause of anxiety, right? like by the time i got to doing speeches/presentations at uni i was having panic attacks... the thought of presenting to my classes made me fucking sick with fear and anxiety. nearly every subject i did at uni (even when i tried to avoid subs with public speaking assessments) and throughout school had some type of presentation/speech whatever you want to call it project/activity in it. even fucking SPORT/PDHPE at school and even philosophy at uni. and these fuckers are saying its not taught in schools. FUCK  OFF. like yeah, i get that they actually mean it in the professional sense.... where people can give the sappy bs motivational speeches or an insightful ted-talk worthy 20-minute presentation... or a great sales pitch. but like??? save that for mike “my dad phoned in to EY and i have a job waiting for me after uni” mcfuck in a business major or law degree? or for clubs like toastmasters? fuck. ok enough of the skills we learn in school. let’s move onto the businesslike-sounding ones of “people management”, “conflict management” and fucking “entrepreneurship”. like. what the fuck? okay in some sense people management and conflict management could potentially be used in managing friendships and relationships in your personal life. but like. i can feel the business underpinnings and i dont like it lmao. like why do you want fully functioning adults straight out of school, franklin? and there’s extra credit conflict management subjects at uni??? or at least my home uni had it... and i never did them bc they were intensive courses during summer break lol. but the one that pissed me off the most was entrepreneurship. LIKE ARE KIDS NOT FUCKING ALLOWED TO BE KIDS NOW????? well  apparently: “NO! YOU MUST ALWAYS THINK OF MONEY MAKING WAYS TO BE RICH! YOU MUST BE ENTREPRENEURIAL!!!!!! YOU MUST GENERATE BUSINESS IDEAS FROM THE TIME YOU CAN FUCKIN’ WALK!!!!! AND SPEAK!!! CHILDHOOD AND BEING A TEENAGER DON’T EXIST WORKER BEE!!!! CAPITALISM FOR ALL!!!! WORKER BEES!!! CAPITALISM IS YOUR FRIEND!!! OWN A BUSINESS BY THE TIME YOU’RE 8 YEARS OLD!” like it’s insidious asf. and it doesn’t acknowledge that most entrepreneurs are already privileged people anyway, who usually have some type of money to start off their venture (or that’s what it feels like anyway). and yeah throw all the “THIS BOY IS AN ENTREPRENEUR AT 18!!! 18!!!???? BY STARTING HIS OWN BUSINESS AT 12!!!! WHAT A CHAMP! 😁🙃” clickbait news stories at me, but i don’t fucking care. the concept and perceived over-importance and almost preaching mindset of entrepreneurship is slowly becoming insidious and toxic asf. call me paranoid. but that’s what it feels like.
but with those last three topics, i want to make a point that school curriculum’s (in australia at least, and probably worldwide) are so jam-packed already with sport (which is pointless and shitty), geography (ok how to read maps is important, but i never bothered to learned to do it properly), history, science, english etc etc etc..... that like.... where the actual fuck are the gonna jam the above bs (people management”, “conflict management” and entrepreneurship) into the curriculum???? and also teachers are already over-worked enough as it is, they don’t need another load of shitty subjects pushed onto them. and they sure asf don’t earn enough (especially in the states) to have this bs pushed into their subject schedules either. keep them at uni, where they should be. or just in the workplace/in the general public where they belong. and if people suggest that you could probably push these subjects into the year 11/12 business studies programs or elective commerce courses in years 9/10, save your goddamn breath. like i remember looking at business studies hsc papers in years 11/12 to see what they did.... and it was pretty chock-a-block anyway. and my experience of my year 9 commerce was horrible, to say the least. let kids be kids, for fucks sake. they shouldn’t have to be fully functioning adults in the workplace, by the end of high school, for fucks sake. AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT AN ESSENTIAL SKILL????!!!! FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT, WILHELM. anyway. that’s my rant over about how i hate how corporate people are trying to be #relatablewiththeyouth🙃 with their shitty versions of “10 things i wish we learned in school” memes.... and failing.... without realising that this is why millennials are suspicious and cynical about meme usage by corporate people/corporations.
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Well, either of your ideas that you had written was already written before (albeit differently) by someone else a while back basically (out of the fact that I made questions similar to the ones I gave you which resulted in tumblr bloggers giving me different answers to them). 
gingerly-writing: to this ask I filled out for them. I’m pretty fucking pissed off, and I’ve had my fury checked out by uninvolved parties to make sure it was righteous. It’s righteous.
Me: Not entirely so.
gingerly-writing: First off, feel free not to send people rude-ass messages after they’ve put time and effort into coming up with a response to you? 
Me: The top comment there (the “Well, either of your ideas” comment) wasn’t really the rude comment I typed out. The other one was (which I’m sorry for) which you didn’t copy paste in your third post so other bloggers can see it as that public evidence is vital for context.
gingerly-writing: Also, I thought you were going to use my idea and have me to thank you or something for it when I came up with something like my asks I gave you and something to the equivalent of your “heroes and villains school” stuff before I replied to your ask box sometime ago. Basically, wanting me to give you undeserved credit for my very own idea. I certainly didn’t know you were going to make comments like this either.
So, I actually have a hero and villain school in my own original superhero works, and I did come up with a solution to this one. If you’re writing your own original stuff, please change this up, but if you’re writing fic I don’t mind if you nick it wholesale (as long as you tag me in it! I’d love to read it).
Y’know, for me, this was just background information, but now I kind of want to write a whole book focusing on it.
gingerly-writing: It took me a good 45 minutes to get tumblr to accept my answer to your damn ask, so you’ve just made that a waste of my time.
Me: Maybe. But, from below, you were not bettering the situation.
gingerly-writing: Also, feel free to simply not respond rudely to people’s posts, at all, ever, especially if you were the one who sent the ask in the first place. I didn’t need to know how shit my ideas are, thanks.
Me: Yeah...not really sure where you’re going with this. Are you saying your ideas were horrible because they were based on my idea and how I spread more around on tumblr? Or do you think I’m saying your ideas were horrible because you think I’m somehow saying, implying or thinking that? 
Either why, that comment of yours was not helpful for anyone. Yourself included.
gingerly-writing: Also, as a more general PSA, feel free not to send identical asks to multiple bloggers. 
Me: Not happening. As I can sent any ask at any time by my own free will. As is my right.
gingerly-writing: Seeing someone else answer the same ask really disincentivizes me to answer it, even if it’s in my queue: I worry about stepping on the other responder’s feet, 
Me: Well, to be fair, I can understand the sentiment there. Still, what you say next will lower that sentiment.
and also, it’s motherfuckin rude, you absolute assclown. 
Me: Childish name calling. So...how is it you’re any better with what you had said. What would you benefit from doing that other then venting out your anger. ...Which ironically enough I didn’t even do here and wouldn’t now just so I won’t sink to your level of rudeness. 
gingerly-writing: And if you do send multiple asks and get similar responses, maybe it’s simply because it’s a good fucking idea. If you get different answers, maybe it’s because we’re all different fucking people with awesome different ideas that I’m not sure you deserve.
Me: You know what, I’ll be upfront, and say that I should have not jumped the gun and assumed the worse and could’ve worded my comments better (or just replied privately about the whole matter), you, on the other hand, didn’t do much of anything to resolve the situation as best as you should’ve. In the end, you basically became me. But a little worse.
: feel free to block me on the way out
Me: Already did. I’m hoping you don’t treat other bloggers the way you had treated me. Especially if they were nicely bringing up stuff to your attention among other things. And especially, even, in the ‘ginning once they asked you something.
gingerly-writing: #I try to be nice on this site #but I have my limits #and now I'm in rage mode #the asks and the answers #rude #ungrateful
Me: As if you were better with your own fair share of rudeness that might be on the level of hackedmotionsensors’. 
hackedmotionsensors: THIS PERSON IS SO WEIRD!! All they ever do is send these bizarre questions about the DCEU being in MCU!
Me:  Actually, that's not ALL I do. I asked other questions too. And my qs aren't as weird as any one else's either, hacked. Best to not go by assumptions and call people weird for what they say or do. Be it in front of their faces or behind their backs. Also, don't like me or my qs? Then either block me or just blacklist my name.
See ya...never, I guess.
Here’s some context on what I was talking about on this post:
TumblrFrostbite: How would you want schools for villains' kids (for Marvel villains' kids, for DC villains' kids, etc) to be ran? And who would you want to run those schools?
gingerly-writing: This is one of those things that I’ve put way too much thought into after you sent this, because I love stuff like this. The question is, are the villains running this school for their kids, or is this something the heroes are putting on to try and rehabilitate the kids while their parents are in prison? I’ll assume the former, but the latter is also super interesting to me.
Disclaimer: this will have a strong DC bent because I have little to no interest in most Marvel villains, whereas I could yack on about DC villains for month. In fact, I might just stick to DC in its entirety because other than Loki (who would be the worst teacher ever, he would encourage so much shenanigans) most of the Marvel villains I know are Nazis or space monsters. Second disclaimer: I’ve watched a lot more animated DC movies and read a lot more fic than I ever have comics, soooooo these depictions might not be comic book accurate. Fanboys, please don’t come for me…but I also don’t really care that much tbh. I like the incarnations that I like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actual answer under the cut because this got hella long. Hope you like it!
Sponsor: Lex Luthor. Funds the school, shows up to speech day to give speeches and hand out prizes, gives the brightest and most stable kids scholarships to work at Lex Corp in the holidays. Absolutely 100% has his own ends, no one knows what they are. Chucks buckets of money at every problem. Likes to bring the school up at fancy soirees in front of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen just to piss them off.
Headmaster: Deathstroke (or rather, Slade from Teen Titans). Has no idea how he wound up with this job, complains about the pay 24/7 even though it’s in the range of millions of dollars a term paid in untraceable cash from 50 different countries. Basically ends up like Gordon Ramsey: threatens to assassinate the teachers and parents all the time, has actually taken out some abusive parents, but is weirdly, gruffly nice to the younger kids. Teachers self-defence to all the non-powered kids and weapons to anyone who’s interested and has the discipline for it. Grudgingly tolerates old man jokes.
Deputy Headmistress: Talia al Ghul. Absolutely terrifies all the older kids, mothers the younger ones. In charge of who graduates and who doesn’t; will only let kids graduate if their villainy won’t critically endanger their own life. Sometimes shows up in the backs of random classes and lurks there for ‘assessments’; shows up in more than 50% of Deathstroke’s classes to harass him about his technique. Keeps a photo of Damien on her desk, refuses to acknowledge it’s there if someone asks about it.
Biology: Poison Ivy. Excellent teacher, surprises both herself and her students at how brilliant she is. Everyone wants to take biology with her even if they have no villainous interest in the subject. Litters her lectures with feminist rants, eco-warrior tirades and talks about LGBT+ rights, will gently but forcefully correct anyone who disagrees with her. Runs a vegetable outside the school and encourages the kids to get closer to nature. Just enough passing knowledge of memes to make her older students roll about with laughter: ‘Batman’s homophobic because he inconveniences me and I’m gay’. PDAs with her girlfriend in the corridors.
Women and gender studies: Harley Quinn Ivy’s girlfriend, part time teacher. Wanted to take up the psychology post, but after she seriously suggested sharing it with Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) no one wanted to let her anywhere near it. Knows every meme. Gives great relationship advice, will kill anyone’s abusive boyfriend with no questions asked. Brings her hyenas to school in a ridiculously massive handbag. Has her own locker.
Thievery, sneaking around, Gotham safety: Catwoman. Definitely brings in her cats to act as therapy/comfort animals for the kids. Unofficial therapist; absolutely mothers anyone from Gotham, no exceptions. Brings the kids super expensive (stolen) jewellery to wear on prom night and for big dances, charges in secrets about their parents.
Business and Economics, with a side in mind control: Maxwell Lord (in the more business-orientated editions). Keeps to himself, is one of those teachers who doesn’t actually seem to like kids. Always wears a freshly pressed suit. Bit of an asshole. Selina tripped him down the stairs once.
Magic: supposedly taught by Felix Faust, but Klarion enrolled as a student just to show up in his lectures and argue. Every. Single. Point. Magic classes have turned into a magical war several times. They can only get along when someone else turns up claiming magic isn’t real. Faust has a lecture prepared for the non-believers, Klarion has a fireball. Circe often shows up in these classes, ‘borrows’ all the female students for private lessons and turns all the boys into pigs. Pig-Klarion does not appreciate this.
Physics and advanced thermodynamics: Killer Frost. Gets on really well with the Gotham City Sirens; they have cocktail parties in the staff lounge every second Thursday. Is paid by other villains kidnapping Firestorm so she can feed. Absolutely has favourite students and students she hates with a passion; has been known to freeze some students to their chairs in lieu of detention.
Other random villains that show up from time to time: - Flash’s Rogues Gallery. Created the infamous ‘Rogues week’ at the end of the year where every single one of them shows up and helps the students wreak absolute chaos across the school. Can never be stopped from showing up and starting this. Captain Cold comes grudgingly, sits in Slade’s office and has a drink with him; the rest of the Rogues join in with the chaos a bit too enthusiastically. Best week for the seniors. The younger rogues would totally be students and help to smuggle the older ones in for Rogues week.
- Black Manta: shows up sometimes, teaches a few lectures, leaves. Always on super random topics, often tangentially related to his latest evil scheme. The students have a betting pool that reawakens after each visit on how his talk will relate to his next scheme. Literally no one understands why he shows up. Doesn’t get paid, doesn’t seem to enjoy it. ?????? Has great on-land fashion sense though. A lot of the older students have lowkey crushes on him
- Cheetah takes advanced genetics and many other complex of aspects of science. Only shows up to teach special classes for the seniors. High fives Ivy in the corridors.
- Deadshot. Sometimes shows up and interrupts Deathstroke’s guns lessons (poor guy can never teach a lesson in peace), always gets chased out of the school. Gets teary eyed over the young female students kicking ass. Doesn’t seem to do anything useful but somehow gets paid a salary. Sleeps in the gym when he’s on the run from Amanda Wakker/Batman.
- Hugo Strange keeps showing up in disguises and trying to get the psychology job. Last time it was just a fake moustache. What is he even hoping to achieve.
- Merlyn shows up when he’s bored to host archery competitions on the front lawn. Mostly does this when Oliver Queen is in town. Keeps saying he’s going to pick a protégé out of the best archers and never does because the Arrow Clan kids annoy him so much he’s wound up thinking he hates kids. Actually loves kids, pretends to be snooty and above them though. 100% has to prove he’s still the best archer at every competition, even the one for 12 year olds.
TumblrFrostbite: If the super villain academy children, by the time they hit twenty, had to do some VERY impressive villainous in order to graduate, what type of villainous stuff would you have the rookies villains do to not only graduate, but also to be considered as full fledged villains?
gingerly-writing: So, I actually have a hero and villain school in my own original superhero works, and I did come up with a solution to this one. If you’re writing your own original stuff, please change this up, but if you’re writing fic I don’t mind if you nick it wholesale (as long as you tag me in it! I’d love to read it).
My thought was: all villains are going to be different, with different strengths and gifts. Sending them all to, I don’t know, infiltrate an island or fight Black Canary (which no one would win, let’s be honest) doesn’t seem fair on those it doesn’t suit. I was really struggling to come up with something that could work for everyone that didn’t force them to work in a team, because, well…villainous teams never work so well. Too many egos and whatnot.
My solution was: have the kids pick their own challenges. Make it their end of final year project. They submit a fully researched plan, all the way from the developmental stages to the final polished article. Plans like ‘killing Batman’ or ‘blowing up the planet’ are swiftly vetoed, but as long as they’re convincing enough the plan can get as elaborate and dangerous as they like. Half the marks come from the plan itself, and half for execution. Sometimes, my particularly vindictive kiddos make their plan to screw over their nemesis’ plan; I particularly enjoy when their plans are both to screw over each others’ plans. That gets entertaining.
They’re assigned a teacher whose knowledge base best fits with the plan the kid wants to execute, and they submit and resubmit and re-resubmit it to improve and refine their scheme until it’s as perfect as it’s going to get. Then, with no further outside help, they have to execute it.
This method lets you titivate the grand finale to best suit your plot needs. Your character has a serious nemesis? Pitch them against each other. Parental grudge? Make their aim to foil their parent’s plans. Hero that they hate? Plan to ruin their day. Plus, you can shove in bureaucratic nightmares and whatever other problems you can dream up (sabotage, indecision, dreams too grand to execute) into the planning stages.
I’m not sure you could do anything in a school situation to make the outside world consider them ‘real villains’: that would take time, money, and a body count, all things a school probably can’t afford to have on their books, villainous or not. But a huge, large-scale, dramatic graduating plan probably wouldn’t hurt any young villain’s rep!
Y’know, for me, this was just background information, but now I kind of want to write a whole book focusing on it. xx
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foodcourtdetective · 7 years
The Connor Project: American Tour (Chapter One)
Warnings: Swearing Word Count: 1,461  Summary: Girl goes to the mall. Girl reconnects with high school friend during suicide awareness concert. High school friend offers girl a spot on the tour bus. Girl agrees because of cute boy. Cute boy has a girlfriend. Five young adults drive through the US. What could go wrong? Hopefully the author will come up with a better summary for the next chapter. Established Evan/Zoe. Leading up to Evan/OC.
Chapter 1: Let’s Go to the Mall
It was a simple mission: Get in. Get a black shirt. Get out. Claire sighed, frustrated with herself for spilling pasta sauce on yet another collared shirt at work. The Olive Garden had an easier uniform than most and while the stains certainly didn’t show, Claire was too exhausted to do laundry every night (especially since the laundry room in her apartment building was a bit spooky). Having a fourth shirt in the rotation would lengthen the time between washes and maybe give Claire that extra amount of sleep needed to keep herself from being as clumsy as she was.
But like many of Claire’s projects and day-to-day activities, she soon faced distractions. For example, her best friend from her old high school kept texting her.
Al the Pal: Heyyy Claire! You’re never gonna guess where I am! Al the Pal: Okay, since you’re not responding, I’m assuming it’s taking you some thought figure it out. Al the Pal: Okay, you better not have blocked me after the Jello incident of 2013. Al the Pal: Girl. Al the Pal: I’M IN YOUR TOWN! Text me ASAP.
God, she really hadn’t changed since the last time they were together. Claire loved Al, but life had gotten too hard and she didn’t want to hold back her Ivy League bound friend. They still stayed in touch, but it was usually the Instagram comment or DM message here or there. It was rare to get a text, never mind several, unless Al was really excited about something. But why would she be here in September? Doesn’t she have college orientation? Come to think of it, Claire hadn’t had the time to check Facebook or anything that would update her on her friend’s future. She made a mental note to log on later. Spotting the J. C. Penney, Claire picked up the pace to the store. Maybe if I make this trip quick enough, I can grab some food from the food court.
Thirteen minutes later, Claire was making her way to the food court. But strangely, the relatively half-full mall was packed around a decent-sized stage set up right next to the food court. It was hard to see through the crowd, but it sounded like a Christian teen group singing. Claire tried to push through to the food court on the right, but soon stopped when she heard a familiar voice.
“There’s a place where we don’t have to feel unknown. And every time that you call out, you’re a little less alone!” Almost immediately as she turned her head toward the stage. There was her childhood friend Alana Beck looking as passionate as usual on the electric keyboard. Claire then started taking in the other members on stage. Was that Jared Kleinman on the drums, the kid who once got kicked out of her freshman health class for refusing to refer to the male genitalia as its scientific term (“what do you mean I’m not allowed to refer to the penis as a sex sword?). She recognized Zoe Murphy playing the electric violin, a step up from their days together in the middle school band with plastic instruments. There were a few other instrument players who looked older; Claire didn’t think they went to her old school. They looked like actual band members. Inevitably, the blonde’s eyes drifted to the boy center stage, gripping the microphone tightly like he was trying not to lose his balance in a subway car. He looked familiar; the sweaty upper lip, the tight nervous smile, the blue striped shirt. She couldn’t put a name or voice to the face though. His voice was rather beautiful though as he sang the last line.
“You will be found.” His words gave Claire a genius idea. With a mischievous smile, she took her phone out of her back pocket and finally responded to Alana’s texts, the crowd roaring around her.
Claire Bear: Heyyy Alana! You’re never gonna guess where I am! Claire Bear: I’ll give you a hint: You have been found. As she tried to make her way towards the front of the stage, the cheering audience resisted, trying to nudge or elbow her back. Claire persevered, shoving her way to the side of the stage. Before she could call for Alana, her foot caught on something, possibly the wheel of the nearby Annie’s cart. The clumsy blonde began hurtling towards the ground when someone caught her, their hands rough on her. As they helped her back to her feet, Claire soon recognized the smirk and nearly laughed out loud.
“Woah there, M’lady. Looks like you were falling for me for a second there!” Almost immediately, Alana rushed over to Claire’s rescue, rolling her eyes.
“Jared! Don’t hit on her. She’s not gonna react like your little fan girls!” Jared took a step back to get a good look at the blonde, nodding in approval.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Dossett the Vet? Where did you run off to last year? I was gonna ask you to the Prom!” Claire laughed at the old nickname, shrugging off the strong emotions associated with the events of last year.
“You know I would have said no. Besides, Al here was a more organized date anyhow!” At the mention of her nickname, Alana reached over to hug her old friend.
“Where have you been? I’ve texted you several hundred times, Claire!” The blonde shrugged, ruffling Alana’s hair playfully.
“I work at the Olive Garden now. It’s a very demanding job. I work forty hours a week plus overtime to earn minimum wage plus tips!” Alana gasped, suddenly coming up with a better idea.
“Zo and Evan! Get your lovebird asses over here!” Sure enough, Zoe and the lead singer wandered over holding hands. When he saw you, his grip slipped.
“S-sorry, sweaty-“
“I know babe, your hands get sweaty,” Zoe quipped, her attention hyper-focused on the other three.
“So you know that while I’ve been the sole soul keeping the website for the Connor Project up to date and everything, we’ve been having some issues with our social media pages run by our very own Jared Kleinman,” Alana began as everyone looked pointedly at the aforementioned Jewish dork. He shrugged.
“Hey, you wanted a cool Instagram, right? The meme machine is still on it!” He finger-gunned, but only Evan half-hearted gestured back. Alana rolled her eyes, continuing her speech.
“Anyway, so Jared and I could really use some help on the online front. We could spend hours and days posting flyers, reading applications, interviewing strangers. Or… we could vote to accept Claire Dossett, high school friend of most of us, into the ranks effective immediately?” The applicant in question’s mouth dropped a little, shocked at the sudden impulse of her usually methodical best friend.
“Alana’s right as usual. I’m cool with Claire,” Zoe announced, flashing a grin to finally acknowledge the blonde band geek she remembered.
“Only if majority rules,” Jared decided with a smug smile, glancing over at his hopelessly awkward and anxious male companion. As Evan began sweating and stuttering, Claire instantly remembered Evan Hansen, the sweet but terribly anxious boy in her public speaking class junior year. Still cute.
“I v-vote with Zoe. She can s-stay, stay here with us! That is if-f-f she wants to? She never exactly s-s-said yes, so I guess it’s up t-t-to her? I mean, I want her to s-stay. Not in a weird way… just in a not mean way because I think you’d be a good f-fit for the job?” Evan covered his face with his hands, clearly embarrassed. Claire’s heart went out to him; he was clearly struggling. Everyone turned their attention to the blonde, anticipating her decision. She smiled at all of them gently, sighing in disbelief before she took out her cell phone.
“I guess I’ll call my manager right now and tell him I’m not doing my 10-7 shift tomorrow!” Alana clapped giddily, immediately drawing up plans for the new sleeping arrangements. Zoe and Jared scampered off to help the band put the equipment away, Zoe patting Jared on the back as he muttered: “but now the boy-girl ratio is uneven.” As Claire dialed the memorized phone number one last time and pressed the phone to her ear, she caught Evan’s eye. His lips parted for a moment until his brain caught up with him, forcing his eyes to her all-black sneakers. The blonde quietly smiled to herself; perhaps this spontaneous life decision would work out after all. But as her boss answered the phone, it suddenly hit her: am I gonna get paid for this?
(Author’s Note: Let me know if I should keep this going. I tagged the two people who liked the post I made about this fic. If you guys want off, just hit me a DM, I won’t take it too personally. I was thinking of also publishing on AO3 once my invitation is processed. The link will be put here x.)
Tag List:
@thequeenhaslanded, @liyahisdabomb
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northpolenotes · 6 years
How To Become The Cool Aunt
Becoming an Aunt and subsequently the Cool Aunt is a rite of passage that many women will be lucky to experience in their lifetime. We aren’t the moms. There’s no moral or legal obligation for us to be present in their lives. Rather, our role exists as a matter of choice. Being an active and positive female figure for our nieces and nephews means they will grow up with more than just their parents as influencers and supportive figures. There’s strength in numbers. Being active in their lives means they have the potential to be stronger as they grow up. A strong female who plays an active role in their niece and nephew (niblings) lives is what I call the Cool Aunt.
I have been a self proclaimed Cool Aunt for 13 years now. It all started when my cousin gave birth to Lola (my niece by choice). Then some years later, I was gifted with three more beautiful niblings, Layla, Jayden, and Julian from my sister. I’ve committed a good portion of my life cultivating a unique relationship each of them and adapting to their needs and interests as they have grown.
So how do you become the Cool Aunt?
Becoming the Cool Aunt takes time and dedication, but it’s achievable for everyone. Every child will be slightly different in how they connect and bond with their Aunt. However, there are certain universal truths and guidelines for starting your journey to Cool Aunt status.
1. Start young.
The easiest way to establish that you’re someone to be looked up to is to be present in their life starting from a very young age. Ideally this with begin when they’re babies. If they constantly see your face, hear your voice, and feel your loving touch, a bond will immediately begin to be formed.
To read more about bonding and attachment click here.
2. Be their friend no matter what their age.
Once they become active little people, the best way to get to know them is to be their playmate. It doesn’t matter their age, we all like to play in our own way.
Toddlers are highly active and sometimes unpredictable. They are fickle little critters, so you have to be ready for that going in. Get down to their level and play with whatever they’re playing with. This may change every 10 minutes or so but on the upside, you can save a little money and cancel your gym membership. Toddlers are a workout all on their own.
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As they grow into preschool and school age years, they’ll take more interest in coloring, drawing, crafting, playing sports, and creating make-believe games, etc. Wherever their interest lies, so should yours.
Listen to their music
Play their games
Watch their shows and movies
Once they become teenagers, they’ll most likely have their “thing” figured out. If they’re musicians, ask them to play you a song. If they’re artists, ask them to make you a picture. If they just love playing video games, ask them to teach you how to play. The common theme here is to make them a priority. That’s what all Cool Aunts do.
3. Spend time with them – without their parents.
At all ages, people tend to be completely different when they’re around their parents. I can freely admit to still being this way at 36 years old.
It’s a good idea for Aunts to plan for time with niblings away from their parents so you can get to know each other better. When they’re young it’s easiest to do this by babysitting. However, when they no longer need a caregiver, you can take them out for ice-cream, get a manicure together, or offer to be their ride when they want to go somewhere.
Also, if you have the means to, inviting them to your house for visits and sleepovers. Showing the initiative that you want to spend time with them makes them feel special. In addition, it gives you another tally mark in the Cool Aunt column.
4. Be adaptive in your relationships.
When you have several niblings, no two are exactly alike even if they’re the same gender. Their ages will most likely vary and so will their interests. For example, one of my nephews LOVES his nerf guns and could play war with me all day. However, my other nephew is really into playing video games and watching others play them too. Instead of trying to get everyone to play the exact same game, or even a game that I like, I split my time with both. Chances are one of them is going to take interest in the game anyway because kids will go wherever the action is, but nevertheless, make the conscious effort to divide your time.
Even if what they like isn’t your favorite thing to do, try your best to put in effort so they associate your presence with someone who cares about them. My niece was really into Barbies, but I’m not a girlie girl. It wasn’t something I took to naturally, but I played them with her anyway because she wanted me there.
5.) Stay open minded.
Much like the world was different from when your parents were growing up, it’s the same for the kids now. How annoying was it to hear the judgmental, “When I was a kid…” Don’t be that Aunt. Play along with how the world is operating now instead of being stuck in past.
Let them be who they are – not who you want them to be. Even if you’re a younger Aunt, the internet, social media, and cell phones have all changed the way we communicate.
If they have an Instagram account, follow them and like their pictures, but be weary of over commenting. If you’re thinking to yourself, “Is this too much?” – it probably is.
If they have a cell phone – text them regularly. Yes, I said text, you’re most likely going to get the best response that way. Share a funny meme, let them know you’re thinking about them, but avoid the group text with their Mom. No one likes group texts.
6.) Take a queue from the late George Michael – Listen without prejudice.
Without a doubt, at some point, you’re gonna hear things that you don’t want to hear. There will come a day when an uncomfortable conversation comes about like, dating, bodily functions, fighting with parents/siblings, changes in their bodies, etc. There’s bound to be something that’ll make your eye twitch. Cool Aunts will just let them talk.
It’s better that they come to you to confide in and to seek answers instead of google. They’ll probably still look up things like “How do I divorce my parents?”. However, google isn’t going to wrap its arms around them or dry their tears when they’re upset. Cool Aunts have the answers like google but with emotional support. You’ve been where they are. Don’t judge them for needing to vent, be the nonjudgmental listener they’ve even seeking.
7.) If you’re a Long Distance Aunt – Get creative.
There’s no reason why long distance Aunts can’t also be Cool Aunts. I was a long distance Aunt for 9 years before my shrimps moved to New York. Now they live 20 minutes away from me. It took more effort for sure, but it was an investment in our relationship which was very important to me.
I found ways to stay connected to them like FaceTiming for Dinner, exchanging refrigerator art, writing letters to them as Santa Claus, sending voice notes at bedtime. All those little things add up. There’s no such thing as I can’t because we’re far away. You can if you put in the time. Here are some ideas in my post on 10 Smart Phone Activities To Bond Long Distance.
8. It’s better late than never.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to get to know your niblings from a young age, don’t lose all hope. People form relationships at all different stages in life. Some people get married and inherit big families. Others may have separations that cause them to be away for extended periods of time.
It doesn’t matter when you start in this case. What matters is that you make the efforts to form a relationship. The biggest determining factor in Cool Aunt status is having the desire to have a relationship. If there’s a will, there’s always a way.
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honestlyscreeching · 6 years
Things I have learned about being with a commitment-phobe.
        Let me preface- this is not a story about my current significant other. At this point in time, I’m about to marry my high school sweetheart and everything is going swimmingly. This is a story about someone that I had rescued from Canada, their name shall be Finn for anonymity reasons. 
Finn and I always had a tumultuous relationship. It seemed like every week we had the highest of highs- which were followed immediately by the lowest of lows. As nerdy as it sounds, we met on a game which had been popular at the time called: “Gmod”. Thus started a series of cheating on eachother, screaming matches, and blocking/unblocking eachother every week. One thing I can say is that our fights now at least make sense; back then they consisted of two very immature people each trying to get their own way. 
And then I asked him to move to Michigan which in hindsight- was a terrible idea. Why did I move this random man to my hometown to live with me? His mother is schizophrenic and wouldn’t allow him to leave the house. This man is two years older than I am, and he wasn’t allowed to leave the house. Let that sink in.
At this time, I was dating somebody who I was embarrassed to be around and to be honest- I used to get over my ex. Not proud of that fact, but its the truth. This is where things start getting fucky. Sometime in April(?) of 2016, Finn came to live with me. The weeks leading up to this day, I had moved out of my boyfriends apartment to find a place for Finn and I. The reason that this was okay with him was that the apartment I was staying in was crowded with other roommates, and I was not a leaseholder. 
So the day arrives, I have to pick Finn up from the airport, so I pack up my shitty 2003 Pontiac Vibe and take my happy ass to Detroit Metro. When Finn and I saw eachother for the first time, I knew that we were going to be inseparable. After we had met up, we stayed the night at my cousin’s place in Lansing. That whole night we toured downtown East Lansing, held hands, laughed, and drank copious amounts of liquor. Thing I learned number 1: commitment-phobes love to pressure you for sex. Finn at the time was a virgin. Now not all virgins are super pushy and want to plead to you for sex, but Finn was. The more drunk we had gotten, the pushier he would be. 
Finn: I really want to have sex, we don’t have to tell your boyfriend
Me: No
Finn: Okay well lets just drink more... Can I just kiss you?
Me: No
Everything after that I don’t remember. But I do know for a fact we had sex as the next day we had woken up next to eachother naked.
Fast forward some time, Finn and I had stopped talking because we both did some fucked up shit. Lesson number two: If you cut off contact with a toxic person, it probably isn’t a good idea to bring them back into your life.
Lesson number 3: If he is prioritizing his friends over being with you, he probably isn’t that into you. 
Lesson number 4: If he hides the fact that you are talking or have some sort of friendship to his other friends, he doesn’t actually want you in his life. 
These are all very important points for the next segment. Finn and I reconnected, I think I showed him a meme (I’m an idiot) and he had begged (not really begged, it didn’t take much convincing) me to hang out with him. Of course, I gave in because the rose colored glasses were on and I thought that maybe he had changed. Surprise surprise, I was wrong.  
After awhile of being just friends, I had realized that I was in love with Finn. Which really fucking sucked because he wanted nothing to do with me. The thing that makes this really ironic is that at the beginning of the relationship, Finn warned me that he doesn’t like relationships/didn’t actually want to be with me. My dumbass thought that “Oh I’m different, we were made to be together”. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Lesson 5: If he states that he doesn't want to be with anyone and you begin a relationship anyways, don’t be surprised when he doesn't want to be with you.
I wasn’t special to him. I don’t think that I’ve ever been special to him. Which, he warned me so I guess it was just divine retribution coming to bite me in the ass. Finn and I had a somewhat functioning relationship. It was a lot healthier than it had ever been, I will say that. But Finn and I are two very different people when it comes to how we love, interact, and show empathy. 
Lesson 6: If you are an empath and the person you are dating is a narcissist, chances are things will not work out in your favor.
I’ve known my fair share of narcissists. My father being one of them. So dealing with people that constantly think about themselves is kind of my forte. 
Finn always put his needs/wants before my own. In a relationship ideally you give, and you take. Most of the time I feel like Finn used me for whatever he needed me for (sex, company, someone to listen, etc.) and then I’m useless to him. Its like a never ending roller-coaster of trying to guess whether or not I’m useful to him that day. 
From day one, the relationship was kept by his standards and rules. We were both allowed to sleep with whoever we wanted, we could do whatever we wanted, but at the end of the day (or week since he usually only wanted to see me once a week) we belonged to eachother romantically. As I grew more attached to Finn, I had expressed my desire for more serious commitment. 
“But I like what we have”
Lesson 7: If he tells you that he likes what you currently have, he has no intention of ever committing to you longterm.
Everyday I felt like a sidechick. Just another girl that he occasionally sleeps with. At this point he refused to say that he loved me, he refused to say that we were in a relationship, and he refused to change his ways. But I stayed. I stayed because I loved him more than he could possibly ever understand. 
Annnnnddd then he tried DMT. 
I know, kind of a curveball. 
The nature of our relationship changed dramatically after Finn had tried DMT. Albeit after three sessions, but still. He said that he loved me while he was in a drug induced psychosis. Out of the entire time Finn and I had been together, I think this is the only genuine moment where I could feel that he cared. Maybe the DMT had made it so that I knew some part of him was telling the truth? Who knows. All I know is that after this, things were good for awhile. We almost never fought, which was a stark contrast to how things used to be. Everything was good. He started saying I love you more, we started going on dates, it felt like we were in a real relationship. 
But all good things come to an end.
Lesson 8: If you tell them to stop hanging out with a girl that they had slept with in the past and they do it anyways, they don’t respect your feelings or your relationship.
Things started going downhill after we had tripped together at a concert. While I felt very connected to him, he felt very distant from me. After we had gotten back, he had been acting strangely. Generally, Finn is always an irritable person. But you have to understand we went from wanting and loving eachother to all of a sudden almost no contact, and when there was contact it went sour. Thinking I did something wrong, I brought him a pizza to try and make up for whatever I had done. Was I too pushy with my affection? Was I being bitchy? Did I do something wrong? What did I do? 
And then he told me that he had two girls over, one of which he had a previous “affair” with. 
So why is this an issue if we had an “open” relationship?
At this point in the relationship I had expressed that I wanted him to be monogamous for a time until he could prove to me that he wasn't going to leave or go behind my back.This woman was married and with two kids, which I also found a huge problem with (the husband was unaware of her infidelity).
All night I begged and pleaded for him to just go home, just leave, she wants to sleep with you and you know she does. So what does he do? He got drunk at the bar with her and took her back home.
Lesson 9: Getting cheated on really, really, REALLY hurts.
For weeks I tried to cope with the betrayal. I could physically feel the emotional pain. Off and on I would go into hysterics and throw up as a result. I stopped eating, I stopped caring, I even skipped a semester of college. 
Why did I love someone that continued to hurt me?
Lesson 10: He will only want you if you threaten to leave.
Over that time, Finn and I debated back and forth about the prospects of staying together or not. It was absolute hell. Being on the ropes about whether or not someone wants to be with you and having no sense of security put you in a spot where you’re constantly preparing for that person to leave your life. Finn never asked me to hang out, he never tried to atone for his mistakes, most of the time he just yelled at me or treated me like an annoyance. Until I started actively trying to leave him.
Lesson 11: If you’re going to leave, LEAVE. DO NOT respond. Use your willpower, stick to your guns, remember all the toxic things that he would do to you.
I was a dummy. I didn’t leave. I refused to leave. Failure was never an option in my eyes. By leaving, it meant that I had failed him. I promised to always be there, come hell or high water and I had no intention to ever break that promise despite how much pain that I was in. 
So- Finn and I still yell at eachother back and forth to this day. We’re great friends but he is a terrible lover. Over time, I slowly just started to realize that Finn would never love me the way that I loved him. 
Which brings me to my next point, acceptance.
Lesson 12: Accept that the situation is pointless.
Arguing back and forth will not solve anything. Repetitive reinforcement, proof of change, a caring attitude are all things that will solve the problem. If you genuinely love your commitment-phobe and you want to make things work, it will take a lot of trust exercises and communication. Now if your partner is anything like Finn, they will NOT want to communicate with you. At what point do you call it quits? If they are unwilling to cooperate, unwilling to communicate, and unwilling to make a change in the relationship then what can be done?
Long of the short is, do what you feel in your heart is right. If your head wants them and misses them but you know deep down in your gut that something is wrong, always follow your gut feeling. Don’t try to make it work with someone who is unwilling to make it work with you.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
as our hero’s make vacation plans, unknown forces begin to move. and two sisters reunite with lost family..
Kid: (holds her hand) "Thank you for listening. I think it is very important that we are careful, and I...Stocking, I would love nothing more than to have a child with you. But I want to be ready." stocking: i do too. Kid: "..." (hugs her) "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kid. Kid: (pulls back, strokes her face) "Well, onto other topics: you have done great work on your new bedroom." stocking: thanks. i made it a mix of my room back at my dad's and my old apartment. Kid: (smiles at photographs in her room) "Perhaps we should have your father over for dinner." stocking: maybe, but he's busy right now. Kid: "Oh?" stocking: but we could spend some time in here for now. KId: (smiles, holds her hand) -in her room is a desk, a bookcase with a reading area, a walk in closet, her bed, a dresser, a vanity, and a TV with a dvd/bluray player as well as a wiiu- Kid: "Quite a variety of items. What would you like to do? Read together? Watch TV? Play a game? Talk?" stocking: well, i did just get some new games as a roomwarming gift. Kid: (smiles) "Can I be your Player 2?" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (takes a controller) "Which game would you like to play?" -they ended up playing splatoon- Kid: o_o "Must...make...every...floor...symmetrical..." stocking: hehe~ --Then an opponent inks his floor-- Kid: "...Ffffffffff..." (blasts the enemy away, then throws down an ink bomb to fix his patch of land) stocking: *smirks* Kid: "Must...cover it all...with ink!" (smils) "There. This spot is finished. How much more do I have?" (stares at his map) o_o "Oh boy..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "How do people play this game? My weapon is so erratic at painting all of the floor..." stocking: here, like this. *she shows him* Kid: "...Oh, okay..." (fires his gun as she demonstrates) "Hey! That is easier!" stocking: great job! Kid: (blushes a little, smiles) "Th-Thanks...Well, care to team up against some people online?' stocking: sure. -elsewhere- Black Star: (serves ramen and drink to Tsubaki) "Enjoy!" tsubaki: why thanks. *she smiles* <thanks for the meal> Black Star: "Right back at ya!" (sits down to his own bowl--which he scarfs down very fast) "I hope you like the meal..." -later- Black Star: "...Tsubaki? What did you think of that lesson today?" tsubaki: ./////////. -her ponytail turns into a blade- Black Star: (cringes, backs away a little) "J-Just curious!" (holds up his hands) "I-I learned a lot today! That's all! Just wondering whether you did!" (backs up more) tsubaki: y-yeah... *her hair changes back* Black Star: "G-Good..." (rubs back of his neck) "Nygus had given me the sex talk...repeatedly. Having to act like a nurse all the time..." tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "Tch. It's like she thinks I'm going at it like a rabbit or something. Some trust..." -elsewhere- Hiro: (sitting on the stage in the DWMA auditorium, reading some lines) "Jeez...Marlow just is not as good as Shakespeare." eternal feather: um.... h-hi hiro. Hiro: "Oh! Um, hey, Eternal Feather. H-How are you?" eternal feather: alright. i thought you went home already. Hiro: (nervous laugh) "I wanted to practice some lines for the next play. It's hard sometimes at home, so I try to practice where I actually am going to perform. Kind of silly, huh?" eternal feather: i dont think its silly. it makes sense, as to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Hiro: (smiles) "How about you? Why are you still here after school?" eternal feather: i just finished as the secretary for the therapy sessions. Hiro: "Oh, really? How's that work?" eternal feather: it works pretty well. i think it helps the other students too. Hiro: "I think it would. You thinking about going into therapy?" eternal feather: i...i'm not really sure yet. Hiro: "I think you'd be good at it. You're helpful talking with people." eternal feather: m-maybe.. .////. Hiro: (stretches) "I'm about done practicing tonight, and I told Mom and Dad I was going to get dinner on my own tonight. Have you eaten yet?" eternal feather: i did save a bento for later... Hiro: "Oh, okay..." (stomach rumbles) "Heh. I guess I better go get dinner..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Mio, would you like some tea?" mio: sure.... Meme: "Goody! I've been having trouble sleeping again--not sleep-walking, just tossing and turning. So I thought sleepytime tea would help." mio: ah. Meme: "Do you have trouble sleeping? Any nightmares?" mio: usually just insomnia. Meme: "Aw, that's no good." (deposits the teabags into the hot water) "I hope this tea helps you sleep tonight. Maybe you'll get some good dreams!" mio: maybe... Meme: "Or maybe you need something else: you ever sleep with a stuffed animal?" mio: no, that's for little kids. Meme: (giggles) "Well, I'm older than you, and I would love to have a try sleeping with a stuffed animal--if it helps me sleep, all the better! Or would you rather just hug a pillow to help you sleep?" mio: maybe... Meme: "When I was younger, I used to sleep in my mother's bed, and she would wrap her arms around me, and I felt safe there..." (smiles sadly) "I miss that." mio:................ Meme: (sighs, rubs her eyes) "Well, here's hoping we both get some sleep tonight." (holds up her teacup to toast to her and Mio) -the next morning, elsewhere- Patty: (exits the shower, smiling happily) "All done, Sis!" liz: alright. Patty: (goes to her room to get dressed, and passes Kid and Stocking) "Morning!" Kid: *yawn* "Morning..." ("That video game tired me...") stocking: zzzzz.... Patty: (blinks) "She's still asleep?" Kid: (pushes her shoulder a little) "Stocking?" stocking: *yawn* mhmmm.. Kid: (smiles) "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: *her eyes flutter open* Kid: "Hi..." stocking: *she snuggles his arm closer* Kid: "Sleep well?" Patty: (shrugs, exits to her bedroom) stocking: yeah. Kid: (rubs her back a bit) "Thanks for a great game last night." stocking: no problem... what day is it? Kid: "Wednesday, I think." stocking: ah. Kid: (stretches) "Hope it's a good day." (looks around the room) "Have you liked it? Is there a bathroom with your room?" stocking: yeah, its really nice. Kid: (smiles) "I'm glad. Want to wash up?" -elsewhere- Giriko: (staring at himself in the mirror) arachne: fixed up your body, i see. Giriko: (smiles) "Had to. Was lucky I could move..." arachne: *chuckles* it was just beer gut. Giriko: (pats his stomach) "I probably still drink as much...just work out a lot more." -he still looks more or less the same- Giriko: "Think I should shave?" arachne: *she kisses his cheek* as long as you're fine with it. -elsewhere- soul: *he wakes up screaming* Black Star: "Soul?!" soul: *panting* f...fuck..... Black Star: "I could hear you screaming from outside. Almost ripped the door off before I realized I had your spare key." soul: oh.....................damn.... it was another nightmare again.... Black Star: "...Maybe you should see someone..." soul: the dream......remember the london incident with free?.... i saw maka die in front of me there...... but she had this weird orange crystal impaling her..... Black Star: "Man, I'm sorry...Wait, isn't an orange crystal already 'weird'? Was there something else about it?" soul: when she fell to the ground..... i saw that weird girl....kohaku.... with her hand out with this shit eating grin on her face... Black Star: "That's weird...I think it would help to talk with someone about this..." soul:.......... Black Star: "...Well, get dressed. I'll make you some breakfast...and we can talk more, if you want." soul:......yeah....... -where to look around- [] kitchen [] bathroom [] living room [x] maka's room Black Star: (glances at Maka's door...sighes...) "I wonder how it looks now...since she's been gone." soul: ................... [the room looks frozen in time, with maka's jacket folded neatly on the bed.] Black Star: "..." (pats Soul's back) soul:..... *gets a text* fuck...this fuckin..... *ignore* Black Star: "Work?" soul: no. the other meister i had temporarily. she's such a pain. Black Star: "Oh. I don't know much about her. Why is she contacting you?" soul: just to annoy me as always. *chuckles* remember those times when me and maka had those fights, like on the bridge? well, she's like that....24/7. Black Star: ("Hmm...Maybe Soul needs to be fighting more: at least if he was just arguing with this girl, he wouldn't be only pounding his fist into Arthur's face...") "Well, what does she say to annoy you? Why not just block her number?" soul: i've tried to, but she keeps making new accounts. i should get a restraining order on her or something. Black Star: (looks at the phone, reading...) [text from 'hell bitch'; YOU HAVENT EVEN CALLED ONCE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT? WE HAD MISSIONS MONTHS AGO!] Black Star: "...Dude, have you told her that you're not doing missions with her anymore? She acts like you two are still meister and weapon officially...Wait, have you even told the DWMA that you two aren’t partners anymore?" soul: yeah, but she's delusional. Black Star: "Hmm...Get that restraining order. I don't want to stop by your apartment and find out she's got you tied to the wall or something." (returns the phone) "What you want for breakfast?" soul: you know what....fuck it.... *he gets out some black coffee* i need this. Black Star: (nods) "Better add some protein and carbs to your meal--give you some more energy. Maybe you can take a nap when classes are over today." soul: yeah... Black Star: (cooks some eggs, bacon, and serves it with some orange juice and an apple) "Eat up, dude." soul:....thanks. Black Star: "..." (smiles) -at school- Harvar: (looking over bulletin board) kim: hey harv, how's it going? Harvar: (shrug) "Bored. Thought I'd look at missions in case there was something interesting." (solemn) "How are you?" kim: doing alright for the most part. Harvar: "Good. ... Ox keeps wondering if you are okay." kim: *sigh* of course. i'm doing fine. Harvar: "I will give him a detailed report as to that effect." (taps on the bulletin board) "You see this mission?" kim: *she examines the board* Harvar: "Some queen over in Europe needs help containing a werewolf. Offering a lot of money, too." kim: well, i think i can help on that~ looks like.... Harvar: "Small area near Germany. But a werewolf? Why would they be causing problems?" kim: who knows. Harvar: "So, you taking that mission?" kim: looks like. -and so- Black Star: "Yahoo! I get to fight another werewolf!" Jacqueline: -_- "No one asked you to come..." eruka: how are we getting dragged into this? Free: " 'Cause I'm a werewolf. And if you didn't come, I'd probably get lost--given my sense of direction." eruka: ..... (thinking: what are you, the werewolf ambassador?) -///-; Free: (sniffs) "Woof! And this werewolf has _not_ bathed! I think they went that way!" (points to the left path of a forest) -after a while, they arrive at some ruins of a building- Free: "The scent ends here..." Black Star: (looking around) "I don't hear anything..." kim: ........ Jacqueline: (points) "Um, anyone else notice the giant pile of bones? With flesh still on them?" eruka: *gulps and sweats* ox: *hurk* --Scratching heard-- Harvar: (turns to the sound) "That's not ominous in the least..." kilik: ok, get ready... *HOWL!* Free: "Oh, rude!" kim: ok.... take it nice and easy now. --A bone is thrown at Kim's head-- kim: OW! oh what the fuck?! --Slobber falls upon Eruka from above-- eruka: *SCREAMING* WHY?! --Eruka is seized by the wrist, by a metal claw-- eruka: h-hey!! kim: !!!! --Alone pulls her upward, sniffs...but he has metal shoved in his nose-- Alone: "Tell me...do you smell good?" eruka: Q_______Q;;;;;; Free: "Hey, bro! Let her go! She's all stringy anyway!" eruka: D : < Alone: (sneers) "Then she'll be an appetizer..." (opens his jaw over Eruka's head) eruka: !!!!! kim: *flies up and kicks alone in the jaw* Alone: "Grrowr!" (tooth knocked out) "What the hell?!" eruka: d-dieh- kim: dont mention it, pay back later. Black Star: (wielding Tsubaki) "Sorry, Fido, but we have to put you down." Free: -_- "Dude, I'm right here. That's just hurtful." Alone: (dashes at Kilik) kilik: *jumps+dodge* Alone: "Grr?" ox: hyah! *slashes with harvar* Alone: (he is almost furless--so he has some of his hair cut off) "Damn it!" (clutches Ox by the throat) "Baldy!" ox: gack! Harvar: (zaps electricity at Alone, causing him to release Ox) "You okay?!" ox: *cough cough* im ok. Alone: "The hell are you doing with these humans, Brother?" Free: "Passes the time..." (transforms and tries to bear hug Alone) "A little help here, Eruka!" eruka: right! *gives free a srength buff* Free: (chuckles) "Handsome." (slams his fist into Alone's snout) Alone: "Ouchie!" (slaps Free in the face) "That hurt! I was just going to eat you all!" (points at Kim) "Can I eat her?" kim: *she flips him off* Alone: o_O (growls, barking as he rushes at Kim) Free: "Hey!" (tries to hold Alone down, but he slips loose, coming at KIm) kim: uhh sit boy! Alone: (leaps up to come down on Kim...) kim: *jumps away* i said sit! Alone: (slashes at her) "Stand still, prey! I'm gonna gobble you up!" -kim's jacket gets slashed- kim: THAT WAS A NEW JACKET YOU PRICK! Alone: (spits out the fabric) "Tastes cheap." kim: *aims jackie and sends a fireball at him* Alone: "Crap!" (flame to the face, as he clutches his face) "My face!" kilik: yeesh. Alone: (uncovers his face--the metal has melted) "Witch!" kim: *rolls eyes* Alone: "My face! I'm already bald, scrawny, and now you took away my looks!" (slams his foot to the floor) "Fine! Then it's time I release _them_!" eruka: i have a reeeeally bad feeling about this. --The ruins shake, as something crawls from under the floor--biting at Ox's legs-- ox: OW FRICK! --Giant ants. Giant freaking ants-- Harvar: o_O "Oh, fuck no!" kim: WHAT THE SHIT?! Harvar: (starts firing electricity at random while shrieking) "GET AWAY! BURN THEM! AH! AHHHHH!!!" Free: "...Huh. Don't see that everyday." Alone: "Ha ha ha! Enjoy the buggies!" (tries to escape...) kilik: *punches alone in the spine* nah. Alone: (Scooby voice) "Ruh-roh..." (collapses) Free: (laughing, petting an ant) "Aw, what a cutie! Eruka, look! Aren't they adorable?!" (the ant is biting his hand...hard...) eruka: O_______O;;;; Jacqueline: "Free, keep one as a sample to take back with us! Kim, incinerate the rest!" Free: (hugs his ant) "No one is hurting Free Junior!" Free Junior: (bites Free's ear...) kilik: ..... *sweatdrop* (thinking: i fear for their future children.) Harvar: (sobbing, blasting indiscriminatingly at ants...) "I. HATE. BUGS!" kim: so you and jackie have something in common then. Jacqueline: (frowns) "At least I'm not pissing my pants over it..." (incinerates another ant) "But these things are creepy...Let's get this over with, drag the werewolf to the Queen, and collect the money." Free: "Hey!" Jacqueline: "The _other_ werewolf." Free: "...Oh." -and so- Harvar: .\\\\. kilik: dont worry, we wont tell anyone. kim: at least _they_ wont Harvar: (frowns) "How much is this going to cost me?" kim: weeeeellll~ Harvar: -_-; Jacqueline: (eyeroll) -in the shadows- ????: this is quite a development... what should we do? ???: "He's going to want to know about this. You know how obsessive he gets with every little detail." ???: yeah. ???: "And she'll want to know, too. Let's get back..." -later on, back at the academy- Kid: o_o "What happened to you?!" kim: tl;dr. ants. big ones. Patty: "What, no uncles?" liz:.................................................... Patty: "...Too corny? I'm not trying to..._bug_ you!" -ba dum tish- liz: PATTI! Patty: "No need to be so _antsy_!" liz: patti stop. Patty: "Now, now, there's no need to make a mountain out of an anthill!" Kid: (tying a handkerchief together, as he approaching Patty...) liz: why are you doing this? Patty: "Just can't let these jokes..._fly_ by! Ha ha ha--" liz: no! --Kid puts the handkerchief around Patty's mouth, tying it, then tying her hands together with another one-- Kid: "No. More. Puns." Patty: (muffled screaming) liz: thank you. stocking: well seems your sister wasnt _ant_icipating that! Kid: ._. liz: stocking why would you betray me like this? Patty: o_o tsugumi: *chuckling* Anya: "...Philistines." Kid: (pats a hand on Stocking's shoulder, whispers) "I would bound your hands together and cover your mouth...but doing so here would be inappropriate..." stocking: *griiins* -that night she would be on the receiving end of a whip- Kid: (chuckles, whispers) "Later..." (to everyone else) "Let's get back to studying, please?" (picks up Patty over his shoulder, taking her to class) Patty: (mumbling angrily, trying to kick herself loose) -later on- Patty: (glaring at Liz) "Vengeance. Will. Be. Mine." liz: sure sis. Patty: "You won't know when. You won't know where. You won't know how. But I assure you, it will be glorious." -after a while, elsewhere- Yumi: (relaxing in a bathtub) "Ah..." maid: do you need anything? Yumi: "Would you mind turning on some music? Something relaxing?" -she turns on some classical music- Yumi: (smiles, as she massages her belly) "Good music, yes, Little One?" -the baby seems pleased- Yumi: "Wait until you are here with your father and me. There is so much music waiting for you." (tearing up a bit) "And so much love for you..." -elsewhere- Giriko: (looking out the window) kirika: whats up with you? Giriko: "Nothing. Just thinking about...the future." kirika: with arach-errrr 'charlotte' here? Giriko: (eye twitch) "Y-Yeah..." kirika: !! s-sorry. 7-7;; Giriko: -_- "Just...one day at a time...So, Squirt, what's been going on in your neck of the woods?" kirika: same as usual. folks decked out the nursery. my loser brother's girlfriend moved in with us, so thats a thing. Giriko: (chuckles) "Hilarious. You do anything to mess with him and his lady?" kirika: soon. -she loosened the screws on kid's bed- Giriko: (smirks) "Let me know how that goes..." (pats her back) "Come on. I feel like sparring a bit." kirika: alrighty then *cracks knuckles* bring it. -elsewhere- Kid: (puts the last dishes into the kitchen cupboard) stocking: that was delicious~ Kid: (smiles) "Father is quite good at cooking. He doesn't do it enough..." stocking: unlike my dad, haha. Kid: (kisses her cheek) "He tries." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Well, that takes care of my chores, and I have the evening free. How about you?" stocking: looks like~ Kid: (holds her hand) "Any plans for you, my busy lady?" stocking: maybe some snuggling~? Kid: (kisses her other cheek) "I'd love that." -they enter his room- Kid: (shuts the door, locks it...and stands there, placing a soft kiss on her lips) stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (pulls back, strokes her cheek...) stocking: why dont i give you a show~? Kid: (smiles) "Oh? What kind of show?" stocking: sit down and you'll see~ Kid: (strokes her cheek, down to the tip of her chin, then tickles a bit) "Very well..." -when he sat down, a small creak was heard- Kid: "???" stocking: *she starts to undress down to her underwear- Kid: (smiling, as he feels himself getting hard...) stocking: *she crawls on top of him* Kid: (leans forward to kiss her lips...) -CRASH- -the bed falls apart- Kid: "Ah!" (the back of his head falls against the mattress) stocking: ahh! *she lands on top of him, her chest squishing his face* Kid: o\\\o (flails his arms..."I don't want to die like this!...But..." closes his eyes and sighs with a smile..."There are worse ways to die...") o\\\\\\\\\\\o (flails again) stocking: *she gets up off him and looks around.... she tears up* Kid: (blinks) "St-Stocking?" stocking: *cries* i'm such a fatass! Kid: o\\\\o "No you aren't! Why would you ever think such a thing?!" stocking: i broke the bed! Kid: (frowning, looking around, while still feeling really turned on at seeing Stocking...) "That doesn't make sense in the least! I know we ordered the sturdiest bed possible! You could put three elephants in it and it wouldn't break!" (slaps a hand over his mouth, as he realizes what he just said) stocking: Q~Q *PUNCH* -later, after stocking calmed down- stocking: *knocks the bathroom door* kid. are you ok? Kid: (sitting on the edge of the bathtub, holding a cloth to his forehead to stop the bleeding) "...I'm fine." stocking: *sigh* i'm sorry for punching you and getting mad at you... turns out the screws were loosened. Kid: (lifts his head up) "What?" (rushes to the door, throws it open) "Loosened?" stocking: *KNOCKED OUT BY DOOR* ow..... and yes. Kid: D: "I'm sorry! Sorry sorry sorry!" (picks her up--and hugs her) "You beautiful goddess--you are not fat. I told you so." stocking: kid.... *she pats his head* Kid: (kisses her forehead) "I want you to be happy in your own mind, body, and soul. Whatever you want, I want--because it makes you happy. I love you." stocking: *she smiles a bit* t-thanks... Kid: (smiles at her...then sees the bed) "So, I have three guesses who messed with the bed..." stocking: patti and kirika being on the list. Kid: (nod) "Third candidate? Doesn't seem like Liz?" stocking: no, black*Star isnt here...maybe that weird kid, gordo? Kid: (shakes his head) "How would he get in? Like Kirika would ever invite him in..." Kid: "Maybe it was only one of those two...unless we can think of another suspect." -later- Patty: T_T "Why would you think I would do that?!" -elsewhere- Harvar: (looking at items at the grocery store, when he sees...) "Oh, Soul." soul: sup dude. heard you had a mission recently. Harvar: "...Yes. Do you know where the bug spray is?" soul: yeah, in the gardening isle. Harvar: "Thank you. Um...How are you?" soul: alright.... !!! ah shit its her. -a girl with pink hair and skull earrings enters- Harvar: " 'Her'?" soul: excuse me. psst, akabane keep her distracted, will you? Karma: "Tch. Fine. You owe me, though." soul: fair enough. girl: *taps her foot* Karma: (stares at the girl, putting on a sincere-looking smile and assuming a pleasant voice) "Pardon me, ma'am? Do you require any assistance?" girl: yeah hi, is soul evans here? Karma: "Sorry, he's not available today. I could pass along a message the next time I see him." girl: oh really? well i'm sure i saw him in the window. Karma: (smiles) "Must be your eyes. Tell me, ma'am, have you had your eyes checked recently? We have a wonderful optometrist here who does free eye exams--and we have a sale today on glasses: buy one pair of frames, get the lenses for free!" girl: exCUSE me? is this some kind of joke? WHERE. IS. HE? Karma: (keeping the pleasant smile) "He's not available. May I take a message?" girl: *she grabs his collar* tell him to answer my calls and emails and to stop ignoring me! soul: *cringes* Karma: (keeping the pleasant smile...but his voice chills) "You let go of my collar, or your next ride is in the back of an ambulance." girl: !!! how dare you! do you even know who i am asshole? i'm motherfucking Veronica Willson, DWMA student and heiress to the Willson company! Karma: (wraps his fingers around her wrist, tightening his grip) "I am Karma. And I do not care how much money you have, rich girl..." (the smile turns into a sneer, his eyes narrow) "...let go of me, or that ambulance will be a hearse." girl: !!! manager: ok, time out, whats going on here? Karma: (resumes his pleasant smile, letting go of Veronica's wrist) "Sorry, sir. I was rather excited to tell our customer about our sale on eyeglasses this week." manager: *he saw everything* really? well great work on that. *smiles* veronica: actually i was about to call you, where the hell is soul? manager: soul? white hair, sharp teeth? if so, i hear he's on a mission in russia. Karma: ("Sigh...I should have lied--but I didn't want Soul to pop up and undermine my cover...") veronica: *ugh* excuse me, i have a plane to catch. oh, the service here sucks anyway! *she slams the door and leaves* manager: *sighs* wow that was scary. Karma: "You just covered for Soul, sir. That is surprising." soul: um...t-thanks sir, for doing that. manager: no problem, i know what its like having an ex girlfriend like that... long story short, she messed me up preeetty bad. soul: thats not how it is! Karma: (" 'Ex-girlfriend'?") -in the back room- soul: yeah, so thats the situation. Karma: "Hmmm...Maybe you should call the cops on her." soul: i might have to get an investigation on it... i had to get my phone worked on because of her. Karma: " 'Worked on'? Did you tap it?" soul: took it to a geek squad, she apperantly bugged it. Karma: "She's insane. I should have just dragged her out of the store." soul: i'll send a report tonight. -elsewhere- Yumi: "Death, have you seen Kid?" lord death: he's in the study, why? Yumi: "He and Stocking still seem troubled." lord death: hmm... well, kirika did fix the bed so.... -study- stocking: *she's comforting kid* we should sleep in my room for a while. Kid: (nods) "Keep the door locked...maybe even add or change the locks." stocking: *she nods* Kid: "..." (hugs her) "I'm sorry." stocking: i forgive you kid. Kid: (holds her) "Thank you." -after some time, and veronica is transfered to another branch- Black Star: "Bet you're feeling relieved, Soul." soul: yeah.... looks like i'm not going to russia anytime soon. Black Star: "Hope not. If you ended up there, she'd probably tie you to a wall and make a shrine to you out of your hair." soul: ......................dude what the fuck. Black Star: "What? You saying she wouldn't? If I was a crazy stalker, that's what I'd do." soul: dude, tmi. tsubaki: O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Black Star: "Stop looking at me like that! I said it's what I _would_ do! I'm not a crazy stalker!" soul: >_>;;;;; -elsewhere- Patty: "Hey, Sis? Guess what I've been doing?" liz: what? Patty: >:3 (shoves her hands on Liz's abdomen--and her hands are freezing cold) liz: *SCREAMS* Patty: "Ha ha ha!" (tickles with the cold fingers) liz: PATTI NO! STOOOP! Patty: "I shoved them into the freezer just for this purpose! I'm not letting go for a bit!" (shoves hands along Liz's neck) liz: IYAAAA! TT~TT Patty: (lets go, laughing) "Revenge is a dish best served cold!" liz: Q~Q Patty: "Now we are even!" (holds out her hand to shake Liz's) liz: you're gonna buzz me, arent you. Patty: (frowns, removes the joy buzzer from the palm of her hand) "Kill-joy." -elsewhere- Anya: "Oh, Tamaki, there you are." tamaki: nyah? oh sup, whats new? Anya: (hands over a Tupperware container) "Here. I made some cookies in the dorm, and we had so many extras, that I am giving some to a few people. These are for you and your squadron." tamaki: oh. thank you. Anya: (holding another container...with a fancy bow on it) "You're welcome." tamaki: *she nods and exits* Anya: (blushing...) "Okay...I can do this...Just giving it as a friend, that's all..." --Anya spots her target...and he's talking with Shinra-- shinra: dude, there's no way that's going to work! Arthur: "Come on, I can't go to a museum exhibit by myself--I'll look like a loser." shinra: oh, as if you dont already? Arthur: -_- "First, rude. Second, are you telling me you are not interested in the history of medieval swords?" Anya: (overhearing...she peeks at her cookies...which are in the shapes of dragons and swords...) shinra: i have other stuff to do, i promised to help the commander check stock on supplies. Arthur: (grumbles) "Fine. I guess I'm on my own." Anya: (blushing as she walks up behind Arthur) shinra: ??? *watching* Anya: "A-A-Arthur?" Arthur: "??? Oh, Anya. Hey." Anya: o\\\\o "THESE ARE FOR YOU!" (shoves the Tupperware at him) Arthur: "...What are they--?" shinra:.... *JAWDROP* Anya: "COOKIES!" Anya: o\\\\o "..." Arthur: ._. (opens...blushes) "Oh...dragon-shaped cookies..." Anya: "G-Ginger..." shinra: .................................................................................................. wat. Arthur: .\\\\\. "I-I like ginger. Th-Thanks." Anya: "...WELL, GOOD-BYE!" (runs--and slams into someone) shinra:.......ow......... Anya: (backs up) "S-Sorry!" (bumps into someone else) "S-Sorr--" (blushes) Arthur: (catches her) "You okay?" Anya: o\\\\\o "MUSEUM! EXHIBIT!" Arthur: "Uh..." shinra: oh my god...anya are you dying? Anya: "I AM NOT!" (tries to push Shinra away--and ends up punching him in the face) D: Arthur: .___. "This is either awesome or frightening." shinra: ow why! Anya: "SORRY!" (takes his hand) "I'll take you to the nurse now! Goodbye, Arthur!" (drags Shinra, goes around a corner--but he is too slow, and ends up slamming face first into the wall) Anya: D: ("Tsugumi did not say it would be this hard!") -elsewhere- --Two Ant-Persons enter an abandoned church...-- grimoire: and what do you have to report? Ant-Person #1 ("Anthony"): "Alone was apprehended by the DWMA." grimoire: *sigh* unbelievable, and typical for that fleabag. Anthony: "And...the DWMA took one of your ants." grimoire: *glares* what? Anthony: "...A werewolf adopted it. As a pet." grimoire: oh? Anthony: "Yes...to research the ant's properties, powers...who knows what else." grimoire: *grumbles* well, encountering the DWMA was inevitable... looks like war is on the horizon. Anthony: "We have alerted the soldiers, sir. Merely give the orders..." grimoire: once i report to her highness, i shall do so. *he goes underground* Ponera: (smiles) "Hi, Grimoire! What news do you have to report?" -he explains the situation- Ponera: (clutches her ant plushie) "...They took...one of our ants?" grimoire: seems so. Ponera: "...I am tired of hiding in the shadows. I want our dominion back. I want our world back. And I want my ant back!" grimoire: i understand. *he holds her hand* and we will. Ponera: (blushes a bit) "Good. Send orders to the troops." grimoire: *to the troops* send a battalion to the germany branch. Anthony: "As you command." grimoire: send one to the france, spain, and Italy branches for good measure. Ponera: (sneers) "Just wait, Death: we're coming." -later- Stein: (staring at the ant in his lab) "Eruka...Do you notice anything about this creature?" eruka: well, besides the fact is a giant ant thing? free jr: *ant noises* Stein: "Yes. Aside from having a far sturdier exoskeleton, much more than the ratio to its size, I cannot determine its other properties. What magic does this creature have?" eruka: that's what i've been trying to find out. Stein: "You don't recognize it?" Stein: "You don't know what kind of magic it has?" eruka: hmmm.... ........... hmmmm.. Stein: "Sigh...Great. Some magic we can't even figure out...must be a pretty old magic." eruka: hmmm... maybe i should see if i can get an expert from the witch world... Stein: "That may help. Who were you thinking?" eruka: hmmm.... i-i'll find someone. Stein: "...Okay." (guides Free Jr back into their pen) eruka: ...... Stein: "Let me know when the expert arrives. I'll get to work on other projects." eruka: alright..... (thinking: free's busy, mizune has her job, and i dont want to go alone!) Stein: (opens books, begins reading...including one on "toddler care") -and so- Akane: (staring at Alone in his jail cell) "What was this werewolf trying to do, Nygus?" nygus: we've been interrogating him, but he's only attempted to bite at us.....he bit off sid's arm. Sid: -_- "I'm waiting for it to be reattached." Akane: "Perhaps he needs to be convinced otherwise...We can try interrogation...or...'charms.'" kinuta: HAH sorry, i dont date pooches. Sid: "That's surprising, since you are already a bitch." kinuta: D : < clay: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!!!!! *slamming his hand on the table* Akane: "Perhaps if that witch assisted us, her conditions in her cell would be less grim. Maybe a change of clothes? New shampoo? Better food?" kinuta: a proper dicking? nygus: no. Sid: "I'm sure there has to be something that would improve your time here. You know you aren't getting out. You know on the outside that no witch is going to help you, not after your actions. So, what would make life better in your cell?" kinuta:....a working shower and some decent clothes. Sid: "Nygus, can that be arranged?" nygus:....very well. Sid: "Okay, witch: get ready to work your magic on that werewolf." -after she is locked, with both chained to the other side of the table- kinuta: so, what were you doing in a decrepit building? Alone: "Man, you are really pretty..." kinuta: yeah i know. so, are you gonna answer the question or not? Alone: "Hmph. I was in that decrepit building because no one would go there. Duh. Hey, your voice is really pretty, too." kinuta: fitting for your name. now, about those little ants... what were those doing there, huh~? *winks* Alone: *blushes* "Um...Well, I can't do the work on my own. And they are good at building tunnels..." kinuta: tunnels for what? Alone: (frowns) "I tell you, I might as well be dead." kinuta: oh~? Alone: (blushes again) "These are powerful people...a powerful witch." kinuta: really~ do tell~<3 *wink* Alone: (red face) "An ant witch...who needs the tunnels to get in undetected, traveling through the underground." nygus: ant witch? Alone: "Yeah...Ponera." nygus: ponera? *she looks at sid* kinuta: ponera huh? i think i heard the name from my mother, but didnt she get wiped out? Alone: (smirks) "Guess you'll find out." kinuta: cant you tell lil ol me~? *she presses her chest together, flashing her cleavage* Alone: "..." (wolf howl) "Sh-She's alive! Really alive! Still up and kicking with a ton of ants and an axe to grind against humans--and the DWMA!" nygus: !!!!!! Alone: (cackling) "You'll all fall! How are you going to fight back when you can't even stand on the very ground beneath our feet falling away from you?! You're all going down!" nygus: alright. -they both went back to their cells- kinuta: did it work? Sid: "It worked. The shower installation will finish tomorrow morning, and your new clothes will arrive then, too. Good work, witch." kinuta: i have a name you know. eruka: hi, um.... is kid on the campus? Sid: "Oh, hello, Eruka. Yes, Kid should be in the Death Room." (thumbs at Kinuta) "You can tell him that _Kinuta_ just got us a lead on this werewolf and his ant." eruka: awesome! so who is it? Sid: "Some ant witch named Ponera." eruka: sounds familiar. i'll go now.... *glances at alone* ...... ._.; Alone: (cackles, licking his chops at Eruka) eruka: O-O;;;;;; Alone: "Come back, Little Red Riding Hood! Let's get closer!" eruka: no thank you! Alone: "That charm witch got closer. If that wimpy werewolf isn't doing it for you, come on back my way!" eruka: *cringes and exits* (thinking: so says the very malnourished wolf.... i'm not even _wearing_ a red hood!) Alone: *chuckles* "Hey, Zombie Guy! What reward do I get for that information?" Sid: "You're still alive, aren't you?" (shuts the other cell door, keeping Alone completely...alone.) Alone: (frowns) "Jerk." -in the death room- Kid: "Father, any news on that odd ant Kim and her teammates recovered in Germany?" lord death: actually yes...... -he explains what sid told him over the phone/mirror- Kid: "Ponera?" lord death: yes. Kid: "Hmmm...'underground tunnels'...Father, have you checked the tunnels of Death City?" lord death: we're doing an extensive search as we speak. Kid: (nods) "And I would advise the same in Germany." lord death: i just sent the message out. Kid: "Thank you...Now I guess we have to wait for more information. I'll see what I can read about this 'Ponera.'" -later- -DWMA SHANGHAI BRANCH- DWMA Agent: (studying her nails) agent: Cho? what'cha lookin at? Cho: "Oh! Sorry. I've been distracted by this new nailpolish...the color seems off." agent: 'hihana violet', must be a bootleg of hibana's new nail polish out. Cho: "W-What?! I thought this was authentic!" agent: where did you get this from? Cho: "This very nice vendor at the local bazaar. She said it went great with my eyes." agent: hmmm.... *looks at their pager* ah, looks like the boss wants to speak with me. Cho: (still studying her nails) "Yeah, okay..." -in the boss' office- agent: you called for me? Cho: *still studying her nails* boss: there have been reports of people in the slums behaving oddly and attacking people. Cho: *starts to sweat a bit...* "Is the A/C even on in here?" another agent: yeah, its on... kinda chilly.... boss: the odd thing is, when we apprehended some, their nails- Cho: *takes off her jacket* "Huh..." (shakes a bit) "I'm sweating, and got the chills..." (shaking a bit...as something forms along her eyeball...) other agent: m-miss cho? are you ok? Cho: (convulsing...panting...) "I-I-I..." (slams her fist on her desk) boss: ??? <cho? what's gotten into you?> Cho: "Get back!" (shoves the boss away) boss: ?! agent: cho? whats wrong? Cho: (panting, panicking, and then...transforms her arm into a blade) agent: c-cho?! Cho: "H-Help m-m-me..." (screams, slices at the Agent) agent: *changes arm into a spear blade and block the attack* ?!?! Cho: "P-Please!" (she feels her body getting warmer...and so is her blade...) -elsewhere- Traitor: "Lady Shaula, we have turned another one." shaula: an excellent job. hmmm.... looks like a DWMA brat... this will prove useful~ Hibana: (opens her fan, starts fanning herself) "Delightful...I was hoping we would possess one." shaula: *writing down notes* side effects include...chills....and sweating... Hibana: (chuckles) "An odd mix of symptoms. Do the victims also run temperatures?" shaula: that depends, but the first batch seems to be working smoothly. the first 'bootleg' batch anyway~ Hibana: (pouts) "I was hoping that their strength would increase, and that their abilities would manifest. After all, in this batch, we had included some material from my specimens..." shaula: lets just keep watching for now. -elsewhere- Meme: "And then I heard Anya tripped Shinra as she escorted him to the nurse's office!" tsugumi: ouch. Meme: "But get this--she asked Arthur to go out with her to the museum!" tsugumi: ehhh?! ao: oh? Meme: "Maybe she lost a bet." mio: she'd have to. Meme: "What do you think, Tsugumi? Would Anya and Arthur be cute together?" tsugumi: hmmmm.... i'd give it about 60% probability. Meme: "At least we know now why she was baking those sword and dragon cookies." (smiles) "So cute!" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Ha ha ha! And the whole bed just fell?!" kirika: yep, and kid got punched in the face.... she did forgive him though. Giriko: (laughs louder) "That's hilarious! You know how much I'd have to pay to get my bed broken and get punched in the face?!" kirika: O_O .................................. Giriko: "So, how much punishment did you get from your new mommy and daddy?" kirika: they made me fix the bed. Giriko: "That's it? Man, if you were my kid and pulled that, I'd laugh--then make you do hard labor in the front yard for a month." kirika: well albs is cleaning toilets for bangin kim's mom. Giriko: "...He's being punished for _getting_ laid? What the fuck?" kirika: she did kinda try to kill a bunch of people so... Giriko: "Not like he helped her--not on purpose." kirika: keep in mind, this is albs we're talking about..... he's not the most smart person. Giriko: "True." (sips on a glass of water) "Man...I could go for a beer right now." arachne: *she enters with some liquor* kirika: hey charls! Giriko: o_o "Is that booze?!" arachne: *she nods* Giriko: (stands up--and hugs her) "I love you so much!" arachne: !! *blush* Giriko: "It's not every woman who'll bring booze to a guy!" arachne: ^^; Giriko: "Well, let's drink up! Here, Kirika, let me pour you a glass..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Hey, Stocking--what's that in your locker?" stocking: hmm? *she looks* ?? --It's an envelope addressed to her, in Kid's handwriting-- stocking: *she chuckles and opens it* --Inside is an RSVP ticket for "A Relaxing, Invigorating Evening (with Dessert)." Location: Your bedroom. Time: (left blank to be filled in and returned) )) stocking: *she chuckles* kid you dork. Patty: "What does it say?" stocking: oh nothing~ Patty: "...Well, okay..." (pouts) "I don't get any envelopes in my locker..." -later- --In Class-- Kid: (seated at his desk) "Ah, Stocking! How are you?" stocking: great~ *she slides him the letter.* Kid: (smiles, blushing a little) "You received it? Did you complete it?" stocking: maaaybe~ -time; whenever you're ready~<3- Kid: (smiles) "Tonight? After dinner?" stocking: sure. Kid: "Then it's a date." (lets his hand rest over hers) -later- Patty: "Sis, have you picked your classes for the fall?" liz: yeah, yours and kid's too. Patty: (smiles) "You're so organized! What did you pick?" -liz picked history, child care, and fashion design as her courses- --Patty decided to add drawing as one of her courses— liz: so what are you picking, kiddo? Kid: "I'm going to take advanced drawing and a poetry class." liz: ah. -stocking would take advanced culinary/baking and sword fighting classes- Kid: "I'm happy with the class schedule. I'm surprised I was able to fit so many classes without conflicts." liz: wow. Kid: (smiles) "I will miss sharing so many classes with you and Patty." liz: well we cant coddle you _all_ the time. stocking: seems we have a lot of classes together kid. Kid: "I'm glad for that. Which ones?" -poetry, history, literature, cooking, tactics, etc- Kid: (Charlie Brown squiggle smile of happiness about being in poetry with Stocking) liz: hehe. Patty: (sees the hearts fluttering around Kid's head) "Uh..." -later- Kid: (finishing the dishes) stocking: alright, now you said you had something planned~? Kid: (smiles) "I'll just need an hour to set things up in your room...But in the meantime, I have something for you..." stocking: oh? Kid: (hands her a giftwrapped box...) "Enjoy..." stocking: ?? *she opens it* --Inside is a new 3DS-- stocking: awesome! *shiny eyes* Kid: "I hope it keeps you occupied for an hour. Now then, may I have an hour in your bedroom to get everything set up?" stocking: you may~ Kid: (kisses her lips lightly) "I will see you in an hour..." -later- Kid: (waits for Stocking to knock...) stocking: *knock knock* Kid: (calls out) "Come in." -she enters- --The room has low lighting with candles around the room (but positioned so not to fall and cause a fire). The bathroom door is open, with more candles obviously in there. The room smells sweet. The bed has rose petals along it. There is a cart with a robe, slippers, towels, and bottles of lotion. And Kid stands, in just black boxers and a black bowtie.-- stocking:......... *stoic face+nosebleed* Kid: (shuts the door, locks it, holds tissue to her face) stocking: so~ how shall we start~? Kid: (smiles, gestures to the cart) "Care for a massage? You can change out of your clothes and into the bathrobe." stocking: i would love that... though the robe wont be needed~<3 Kid: (puts a finger to her lips) "It builds the anticipation..." (winks) "Go into the bathroom and change out of your clothes and into the bathrobe...and into something else I left for you in the bathroom.~" stocking: ok~ *she goes in* --Stocking takes the bathrobe with her into the bathroom...and in there is a pair of see-through black silky panties and bra. With it is a card...-- stocking: .///. *she opens the card* --The card: "You are so beautiful in whatever you wear--and these panties may be the death of me. Maybe this will give you some ideas..." Along with the card is a gift card to a lingerie store-- stocking: oho~ --Kid waits for Stocking to change...-- stocking: well~? what do you think~? Kid: (looks at her in the bathrobe) "As I said..." (traces his finger along her neck) "No matter what you wear, you are beautiful..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (tracks a finger along her robe, which hugs along her hips) "Shall we begin your massage, madam?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (guides her to the bed, turns her around, tugs a bit on the robe's collar, and kisses her neck...and reaches down to untie the belt around her waist...) stocking: mmm~ Kid: (gently, slowly, pulls down the robe off her shoulders...letting it fall to the floor...he's stares at her beauty) "My God..." stocking: impressed~? Kid: "Yes..." (traces a finger along her bra strap, as he stares at the sheer, translucent, silk panties...) "Do you like the underwear?" stocking: yes, its really nice~ Kid: "They complement you well...Please, lie on your stomach..." stocking: ok *she does so* Kid: (lays a towel over her panty-clad backside, keeps her bra on...and slowly drips lotion on her lower back...) stocking: ooh~ Kid: (smirks) "This lotion is designed to luxuriate the skin...pull out the tension..." (begins to massage it along her lower back, as he whispers into her right ear) "...and it is great for other purposes..." stocking: *she licks her lips* Kid: (puts a bit of lotion along his hands, rubs them together, and massages her legs) stocking: *sighs blissfully* Kid: (continues massaging for a few minutes, easing the tension out of her...his fingers approach her bra) "This is in the way..." stocking: *blush* Kid: (unfastens the bra...easing down the straps but leaving it on her, as he now massages her shoulders and upper back) "Tell me, have you felt a lot of tension in your shoulders?" stocking: yeah, especially when i study. Kid: (massages along her shoulders) "I wish I could carry that weight on my shoulders for you..." (rolling out a knot in her back) "Anything I could do to help with your studying?" stocking: maybe studying together? Kid: (moves to her lower back) "Yes, let's do so..." (removes the towel, revealing her backside...and puts lotion onto her thighs to begin massaging) stocking: ooh~ Kid: (continues massaging her thighs...) "Your legs are wonderful..." -elsewhere- Black Star: (sips on his milkshake) "So, Soul, feel relieved that Psycho Ex-Meister is off in Russia?" soul: yeah. hopefully she becomes a bitch-cicle! tsubaki: yeah... she was not the most pleasant. (thinking: HELL YEAH GOOD RIDDANCE!!) Black Star: "...So...Any meisters you thinking about pairing up with?" soul: actually, i dont want to. Black Star: "...Oh. Um...So, you'll be a one-man weapon wrecking machine?" soul: guess so, i mean, if justin can do it without any hassle, then so can i, right? Black Star: (smiles) "Right." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: (stretches) "Well, that was a good meal. See you at school tomorrow, Bro?" soul: sure thing. Black Star: "Cool--night!" -the next morning- --Stocking's bedroom: clothes everywhere, candles extinguished, an empty tray where a delicious cake Kid made has been consumed-- --Kid also installed a fridge for Stocking for desserts~-- stocking: zzzzz..... Kid: (sleeping, wraps his arms around Stocking's waist) liz: *she looks in*.....*sigh* Patty: (looks in, whispers) "Yikes...Did a hurricane blow through here?" stocking: ???? o///////o h-HEY! GET OUT OF HERE! Kid: (sits up--sees Liz and Patty) "Ah!" (cups Stocking's breasts to cover her up) stocking: o////////////o liz: .......................... Patty: .\\\\\. Kid: o______o "I am scared...Do I let go, or not?" -BWAM- liz: U///U# Kid: (upside against the wall, nose bleeding, no boxers on...) stocking: *puts a compress on his head* Kid: "I had that coming..." (too concerned to bother covering himself up...) -after this nonsense- Patty: (makes bacon and eggs in smiley faces for Kid and Stocking) "Sorry about earlier." liz:.................................................... >>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kid: (large bandage in the center of his forehead) "Thank you, Patty. I forgive you." (glances at Stocking...) -meanwhile, iris walked in on shinra as he is getting into the shower....he was only in his boxers- stocking: .////. Kid: "...I'm sorry to you as well, Stocking." stocking: i-its fine. Kid: "...I just wanted last night to go well..." Patty: :( stocking: and it did. *she smooches his forehead* Kid: (smiles--then winces at the bandage on his forehead) "Owie!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (smiles meekly) "Well, I guess we had best get to school..." -at school- Anya: o\\\\o Arthur: .\\\\\. shinra: .////////////////. iris: .////////////////////////.;;;;; tamaki:........ well say something dammit! Anya: "I DIDN'T MEAN TO KNOCK OVER THAT SUIT OF ARMOR!" Arthur: "I WASN'T TRYING TO HOLD YOUR HAND! WHY WERE YOU FREAKING OUT SO MUCH?! AND WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, SHINRA?!" shinra:............n-nothing.... iris: i didnt see anything.... i didnt see anything.... i didnt see anything... Arthur: "...What was this 'nothing' that you didn't see, Iris?" iris: oh dear! i left the phone on i have to go fix that! *exits* Anya: "...What did she do, walk in on you in the shower?" shinra: *nervous smile+sweats* Anya: o\\\o "I just remembered--I have to go to class. Bye, Arthur!" (runs) Arthur: "...So Iris thought what you had was 'nothing.'" (smirks) shinra: shut up mr 'right handed' Arthur: (frowns) "It was just the one time..." -later- Yumi: (looks into Stocking's room) "Death, do you think our children have major problems?" lord death: define 'major'. Yumi: "Kid's imprint is still lodged in the wall where Stocking threw him out of her bed." lord death: actually that was liz who threw him. Yumi: "Hmm...Maybe they should go to more counseling." (looks at her stomach) lord death: perhaps... Yumi: "...I heard about the report out of Shanghai." lord death:..... this is very troubling. Yumi: "Agreed...I feel useless. I should be back at the East Asian Branch..." lord death: shhh... we'll send spirit to check it out after he finishes cleaning toilets. Yumi: "...I think we need to assign someone else to the East Asian and Oceania Branches. I cannot be there when I am here so often now." Yumi: "A new Death Scythe..." lord death: *he nods* Yumi: (hugs Death) lord death: *he hugs back* Yumi: "..." (rubs his back) -elsewhere- Jacqueline: (sparring with Kim) "You sure you're okay?" kim *pants* y-yeah. Jacqueline: (blocks an attack) "You just seem a little stressed. You're just swinging your arms wildly." kim: *she sighs and sits down* sorry....i'm just a bit on edge right now... what with her being here and all... Jacqueline: (sits as well, hands her a water bottle) "She is contained, and she can't get to you...Except here..." (taps Kim's head) "...and here." (taps her heart) kim:.....say.... how many souls have we gathered? Jacqueline: (sips on her water) "79." kim: ah... Jacqueline: "...You think I'll ever be a Death Scythe?" kim: maybe.... Jacqueline: (finishes her water) "Where would I go? Which branch would be best for me?" kim: who knows... but i'll go with you if it helps. Jacqueline: (smiles) "Thank you." kim: no problem. Jacqueline: (fans herself) "Good workout...You ready for the showers?" kim: yep. -elsewhere- Spirit: T_T "I hate this punishment..." marie: aww. Spirit: (smiles at Christa) "At least this makes my day..." christa: peewee! hehe~! Spirit: p_p "Don't remind me, Christa..." christa: speewee! marie: i think she's trying to say your name! Spirit: "Awww..." christa: speewee speewee! Spirit: (crying and smiling) -later- Meme: (stares at Mio) Meme: "Mio, have you done something with your hair?" mio: its like this every morning.... Meme: "Oh...I guess I haven't paid enough attention...I like it." mio: ..... 7///7; Meme: "I was thinking of getting mine cut...Hey! Why don't you come with me?" mio: uhhh. o-ok. Meme: "Great! Meet me after school." -later- Meme: "Ready, Mio? The salon is just a few blocks from school." mio: *following* Meme: "How were your classes?" mio: alright i guess. Meme: "So many of our classmates are going to college--it's kind of weird how far along they are now, huh?" mio: yeah... Meme: "You think about going into college here at the DWMA?" mio: maybe, but i could never get in... Meme: "Why not?" mio: i'm not the smartest person. Meme: (pouts) "Maybe you just need tutoring..." mio: hmm... Meme: "I could help--I could share my study guides..." mio: well...i guess.... Meme: (smiles) "Good!" (takes her hand) "Here we are! Let's also get our nails done!" mio: uhhh.. Meme: (approaches cashier) "I'll have a haircut, and we'll both be having our nails done." (smiles at Mio) "My treat." mio: .///. Meme: (takes a seat as the hairdresser shampoos and cuts her hair) -later, mio got orange, meme got pink- Meme: "So cute! Here, let's take a pic!" mio: 7///7 Meme: (holds up phone, puts an arm around Mio--SNAP) mio: o////o Meme: "And...Send! Oh, Tsugumi wrote a comment already!" [SpringBird12: so cute! ^v^] [ForgetMeNot: Thx!] -elsewhere- Giriko: (drinking another glass of water) "So, the drinking got so bad at the wedding that I may have done something untoward to Gopher--he's Kirika's boy-toy or something--and ended up getting my ass kicked by, of all people, that guy Eibon." kirika: poor lil bastard still hides behind me. arachne: eibon, hmm? so he's still alive? Giriko: (pours another glass of water for himself) "Yeah, weird, right?" arachne: perhaps....nevermind. -elsewhere- Hiro: "Tamaki! Wait up!" tamaki: nyeh? whats up? Hiro: "Hey. Have you noticed anything weird about Arthur?" tamaki: weird? you're gonna have to be specific. Hiro: "...Good point. Well, he's been really quiet and nervous." tamaki: oh? Hiro: "Yeah. He looks all red and sweating, but he won't tell me what's up. How about you--you have any idea what's going on with him?" tamaki: must of been that failed date with annie. Hiro: "Wait, seriously? I thought everyone was joking they went on a date. What, did Anya lose a bet?" tamaki:..... *shrugs* Hiro: "...So...how do you feel about Arthur dating someone else?" tamaki: nyeh?! w-what do i care? i mean, i have my own problems! its not that i like him or something like that! Hiro: "...So, you're saying you like him." tamaki: o///o s-shut it, nya! Hiro: (holds up his hands) "Okay, okay! Sorry! J-Just...If you see Arthur in trouble, could you let me know? Please?" tamaki: w-whatever! i have to go do stuff. Hiro: -_- "Right. Sorry. Well, good luck..." -later- Patty: "We still on for that road trip to Las Vegas or Salt Lake City?" liz: yep. Patty: "Sweet! When do we leave? Do we have hotel rooms booked? You got any singles?" liz: this weekend, i got reservations for a nice hotel.... wait wha? Patty: "Well, when in Vegas, what else am I going to do? Don't you want to check at least one male stripclub?" Kid: o\\\\o liz: oh my GOD PATTI! >///<;; Patty: (smirks) "You telling me you don't want to see a musclebound stud gyrating his hips in your direction? Stocking, back me up on this!" stocking: eh, i prefer to have someone more...slender. *wraggles eyebrows at kid* Kid: o\\\\\\\\o Patty: "...Eh, whatever floats your boat. What else do you want to do in Vegas, Stocking?" stocking: i guess playing games and attending concerts and shows? Kid: "Oh? Such as a magic show?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Something like this?" (holds open a hand, then flicks it--and instantly a bouquet of flowers appear, which he hands to her) stocking: woah! haha! kid is this another of your reaper powers? Kid: (blushes) "No, this is just a practical magic trick, just sleight of hand...I used to do a few with Father when I was little." stocking: aww. *she chuckles* Patty: "...You just carry magic tricks in your suit for random occasions? Sis, do you think Kid, like, keeps a rabbit in his pants or something?" liz: patti no. we dont need a repeat of the snake pants incident. Kid: "..." (ﺧ益ﺨ) Patty: "Oh, so you're saying the snake in Kid's pants already ate the rabbit." -later, elsewhere- Harvar: "Hello, Ox. How was your visit?" ox: it went well. i brought some new flowers for her room, i think she likes them Harvar: "That's good. How are the nurses and doctors tending to her?" ox: they're doing pretty well too. Harvar: (nods) "Okay...I made some dinner. Just need to heat it up. Also, I think Kim seems...bothered." ox: yeah...... maybe we should do something for them? Harvar: (nods) "Aside from money, what does Kim like?" ox: hmmm... i think she likes playing games at the arcade. Harvar: "Maybe give her tokens? Or do they have gift cards?" ox: we'll have to see. Harvar: "Too bad you can't afford to buy an arcade machine for her. But knowing Kim, she'd never leave her home..." ox: *sweatdrop* Harvar: "Hmm...I suppose you could put an arcade machine in our apartment--then you'd have an excuse to invite Kim over." ox: hmmmmm *glasses shine* Harvar: o_o; "Um, Ox...?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: (shudders) kim: hmm? you ok jackie? Jacqueline: "Y-Yeah...I just sensed something...foreboding." kim: oook? Jacqueline: (shakes her head) "Anyway...Have you picked your college classes yet?" kim: still looking through them. Jacqueline: "Best hurry, or else those classes will fill up and you will be stuck in a useless or frustrating class." kim: alright alright, haha. -later- Kana: "Mail, Tsugumi." tsugumi: ah! my package arrived! Kana: "Oh? From whom?" tsugumi: i ordered something online. Kana: "Hmm..." (pulls out a letter for herself--and her eyes widen) "Uh..." tsugumi: hmm? what is it? Kana: "L-Letter from family..." tsugumi: oh? (thinking: i thought her parents died....?) Kana: "Th-That makes no sense. Why would someone do this?" (tosses the letter) "This is some sick joke." tsugumi: ...... *she examines it*..... (thinking: perhaps i should bring this to sid...) Kana: (sniffs loudly, rubbing the back of her hand over her eyes) "What kind of a person does that?" tsugumi: ..... *she hugs kana...* Kana: (cries for a bit before calming down...) -that night, miss misery would spend the rest of the evening with her- -elsewhere- Black Star: (groans, covered in sweat) "Okay, I'm done with my pre-dinner workout. Hey, Tsubaki, you need the bathroom? I'm going to take a bath." tsubaki: go on ahead. Black Star: "Thanks!" (takes off his shirt as he leaves for the bathroom) "Oh, what's for dinner?" tsubaki: we're having some paella tonight. Black Star: "Cool!" (enters the bathroom, closes the door behind him, and bathes) tsubaki: *humming* Black Star: (finishes pre-bathing, goes into the hot water...) "Aaaaaah..." (muscles relax) -knock knock- tsubaki: who is it? Patty: "It's us!" liz: hey~ tsubaki: oh, hey girls! i'm getting dinner ready, we're having paella tonight. Patty: (looks at Liz) "Can we?! Can we stay over for dinner?!" liz: well.... *sigh* alright, let me just call kid and let him know you're staying over. Patty: "Squee!" Black Star: (hearing voices outside the bathroom) "Wonder who's visiting..." -later- Black Star and Patty: (asleep on the floor with big, stuffed bellies) liz: i should bring her home now. thanks for having us over. tsubaki: no problem. -at the mansion- Kid: (sighs) stocking: zzzzzz..... Kid: ("She fell asleep on the couch..." Smiles. Picks her up and carries her to her room.) stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: (lays Stocking in her bed, puts the sheets over her, and enters the bathroom to prep for sleep himself) stocking: .....zzzzzz.... Kid: (finishes brushing his teeth, exits the bathroom, opens Stocking's dresser where she keeps some of his pajamas...) -what does he find?- Kid: (pulls out his pajama pants--and finds underneath...) o\\\\o ("...That is the largest vibrator I have ever seen...") stocking: *sleeping* Kid: (He also finds an unmarked box, but he thinks better of opening it... "I'll just change..." Takes off his clothes and slips into his pajamas) -the next morning- Kid: "Zzzz..." stocking: *she yawns and looks at kid.*...... (thinking: so cute.) *she kisses his eyelids* Kid: (smiles...) "Stocking..." stocking: wakey wakey, handsome~<3 Kid: (yawns, opens his eyes) "Hello, beautiful." stocking: i got something for you~ *she goes to the drawer* Kid: o\\\\o; "O-Oh?" stocking: *she takes out the box* here you go~ -it was a new shirt to replace the one kirika ripped- Kid: (twinkling eyes) "Th-Thank you!" stocking: no problem~ Kid: (kisses her lips) "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kiddo~ Kid: "I can't wait to put this on!" -later- Kid: (in his new shirt, smiling widely as he walks to class) soul: mornin' Kid: "Good morning, Soul. How are you?" soul: doing pretty good. excited for the trip. you? Kid: "Same. It'll be an excellent way to cap off the last summer before college. How is work?" soul: doing good. gonna have to let the boss know about the trip. Kid: (nods) "How are you packing? I was planning to have some casual clothes, some more formal attire for a date, a pair of swim trunks for the pools..." soul: some casual clothes, pajamas, swim trunks, other stuff. Kid: "Oh, right, pajamas..." (thinks what he would do without pajamas--eyes widen, blushes) "And, um, I better make sure to leave extra space in my luggage for any souvenirs." soul: yeah, same here. Kid: "What's the first class today, anyway?" soul: looks like math. Kid: (glances at Stocking...) "Math?" stocking: *grumble* -at lunch- Kid: (pats her back) "You survived." (holds up a spoonful of ice cream to her) stocking: *nom+pouts* QnQ Kid: (smiles..."So cute...") "Tasty?" stocking: *nods* Kid: "Care for another spoonful?" stocking: QxQ yes please. Kid: (smirks) "Say 'Ah...'" stocking: aaaah~ Kid: (passes the spoon into her mouth, letting the ice cream fall onto her tongue) stocking: mmm... mmmmmm~! <3 Kid: (laughs a bit, has a spoonful for himself) "What is the next class?" stocking: music i think. Kid: (smiles) "Excellent." -later- Kid: (reviews his sheet music) stocking: hmm. a duet piece, huh? Kid: "Hmm...Interesting...I wonder how it will sound." soul: .................. Patty: "Soul? Um...Is your brother the teacher for music class now? Or is someone else?" -after school- Kid: "Stocking, you were amazing!" stocking: aw thanks. Kid: "Have you considered performing with the Academy's music club?" stocking: do you mean the light music club, band or the orchestra? Kid: "Maybe light music or the orchestra." stocking: i dunno, i usually do music as a small hobby. Kid: (holds her hand) "If you ever need an audience, I'm there..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: (smiles) "Any plans for after school?" stocking: today or...?? Kid: "Today. I was hoping to finish packing for our road trip." stocking: sounds good. Kid: "Anything we don't have at home that we need for the trip? Anything to shop for?" -elsewhere- Spirit: (collapsed on the floor, conscious but demoralized) "Am I done? Have I finished my punishment yet, Lord Death?" lord death: seems so. now that the punishment is done, you have a mission. Spirit: "My mission?" ("I think the toilet fumes got to me--I can't remember...") lord death: why dont i get you some coffee? Spirit: (nods, sits up) "That would help." -one coffee later- lord death: now, you have a mission in shanghai. our branch there has run into some trouble, and we need you to investigate since yumi is incapacitated at present. Spirit: "...Shanghai? That's...pretty far, sir." lord death: take all the time you need.. Spirit: (nods) "Understood. I guess I'll have someone house-sit for my apartment...I, um...I have something I want to do first. Well, two things." lord death: oh? Spirit: "...Say goodbye to some people..." lord death: ah. well, keep in mind this isnt a permanent transfer, just a quick check up for about a week or two. Spirit: "I know...but in this line of work, you never know when your last goodbye will be...I will be updating my will as well." lord death: ...... Spirit: "Well, I better get to the first of these meetings...I will see you when I return, sir." lord death: of course. Spirit: (nods, turns, departs... "First stop..." Spots someone. "There she is...") "Kim." kim: hmm? oh. hey mr a. Spirit: "Hey...Um, how're you?" kim: alright, you? Spirit: "...I'm going away for a while. A mission." kim: ah. Spirit: "...I just wanted to let you know...and I hope you are hanging in there." kim: i've been managing. Spirit: (nods) "...Have you...tried speaking with her?" kim:............... Spirit: "...That's a no, then. I don't think that's the wrong decision. Take it from...a bad parent, I know when a child has to cut ties with someone like her..." kim: ................ *she hugs him* ............... Spirit: o_o "Um..." (pats her back) "It's okay, Kim." kim: you....you're not as bad as you think you are.... sorry, was that too sentimental? 7_7;;; Spirit: (smiles) "Yeah, that was schmaltzy..." (pats her head) "I appreciate hearing that...If you need anything, call me. I can't answer all the time, but...I'm going to try." kim: t-thanks....d-... n-nevermind.... .///.;;; Spirit: (smiles...) "I don't have to get going yet. I'm going to get lunch...You hungry?" kim: sure. Spirit: "Okay...So, what do you like to eat for lunch here?" -after lunch- kim: thanks for the food. Spirit: (checks his wallet..."Man, she is expensive. T_T ") "No problem! Well, I guess you got to go back to class...Um, I'll see you when I get back, okay?" kim: ok... b-be careful, ok? Spirit: (cocky smile, goofy dad grin, thumbs up) "Definitely!" (bishi starburst) kim: *rolls eyes* see ya. (thinking: same ol' mr a.) --Later-- Spirit: (knocks on Blair's door) blair: coming~ *she opens up* oh, hey spirit. Spirit: (waves) "Hey...You mind if I come in?" blair: come on in. *she smiles* Spirit: "Thanks...How are you?" blair: doing well. nagisa's sleeping right now. Spirit: "Oh..." (sits on the couch) "That's too bad...I'm...going away on a mission." blair: ah... Spirit: "I wanted to actually see a few people in person before leaving..." blair: *she nods* Spirit: "...I'm going to miss being around here. It's been awhile since I've had a mission this far out of the country." blair: yeah....be careful, alright? Spirit: "I will...I have one more stop I want to make..." -and so- Spirit: "..." (leans down to Maka's tombstone) "Hello, Maka." Spirit: (puts a hand on her tombstone, sits there for about an hour...) -silence- Spirit: "...I'm going to be a better person, Maka. Just be patient with me." (rests his hand on the tombstone again) "I miss you. I love you. And I will be back..." -no response- Spirit: (chokes up) "Goodbye..." (turns and walks away) -later, elsewhere- Patty: (folding her clothes into her luggage) liz: ok, that should be everything. Patty: "Yep! Oh, Sis, I want you to take this..." (hands Liz $400) liz: ....thanks sis. (thinking: i'm afraid to ask where she got this.) Patty: "I'm just worried I'm going to bet all our money in Vegas, so I figured you should hold onto my cash for me...You know what, take these, too--" (hands her three ATM cards and eight credit cards) liz: ok. Patty: "Just...don't ask why the ATM cards aren't in my name...and don't tell Stocking I stole her dad's ATM card..." stocking: SHE WHAT?! Patty: o_o "Well, I must be going." (tries to run away) -grab- mephisto: i think you have something of mine. *calm smile+dark aura* stocking: o_o;; Patty: ._____. (holds up a plushie) "You mean this? I won it for you at auction." -later, after the ATM card is returned- Kid: "...Your father did _what_ to Patty?" stocking: she was only in there for about 5 minutes....she'll be fine.... mostly. Patty: (rocking back and forth, wide-eyed) "I saw things that no mortal should see...and they didn't even give me a t-shirt..." -later- --Patty is asleep in bed-- Kid: (passes a hand along her hair) "Get some sleep..." -elsewhere- Anya: "...I'll be going to bed, now." tsugumi: night. ..... (thinking: i wonder if sid found who sent the letter yet..?) Anya: "...Night..." (gets into bed, turns away...a small sob heard) tsugumi: ..... ?? Anya: "I'm an idiot." tsugumi: anya? Anya: "Why did I bother asking Arthur to go with me to the museum?" tsugumi: i dont know what all happened, but i guess maybe you wanted to try knowing him better? the important thing is you tried your best, and i'm proud of you for that, ok? Anya: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I think I'm going to go downstairs and make some tea." tsugumi: ok. *she follows* --In the kitchen-- Anya: "Here..." (hands her a saucer and teacup) tsugumi: *she smiles* thanks. Anya: (sips...) "So, any news from your friends back home?" tsugumi: they're doing well. Anya: (nods) "Did any mail come for me?" tsugumi: doesnt look like it, unless you ordered anything...? Anya: (shakes her head) "Just curious..." (finishes her tea) "...I guess I'll try to sleep again." -the next morning, elsewhere- Spirit: (holding his airplane ticket, standing in line to board) kami: *reading a magazine* Spirit: "..." (looks back--and cringes) "K-Kami?" kami: !!! *she tries to look away* (thinking: oh god DAMMIT! can i never get away from this idiot?!) Spirit: (approaches) "Um...Hi?" kami: *hides her face in her magazine* what? Spirit: "I didn't know you were flying...Hadn't you left Death City after...that?" kami: well, i was heading elsewhere, but alas, this plane made a stop here... Spirit: "...Oh. Um, where are you heading?" kami: does it matter? Spirit: "...I'm going to Shanghai..." kami: running away again? Spirit: (frowns) "No. Lord Death assigned me to a mission there, as Yumi cannot go." kami: ah.... how is she doing? Spirit: "She's doing pretty well, actually. She seems really ready for having a kid." kami: good for her... Spirit: "..." ("This is going to go badly...") "Um, you aren't going to Shanghai, are you?" kami: no. europe. aka. far far away from you. Spirit: ("Just breathe...Don't get upset...Not in an airport...") "I hope the trip is enjoyable, and I hope to see you in Death City soon." kami: doubt it. Spirit: "...Okay. Well, I better wait at my terminal. It was good to see you..." kami:.......... -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: (opens his eyes slowly...) *Yawn* (smiles) "Morning, Stocking." (kisses her cheek) stocking: so cute~ Kid: *Yawn* "We have anywhere to be?" stocking: classes, then we leave for the road trip on saturday... Kid: (pouts, small groan, hugs her) "I wish I could stay in bed a bit longer." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (smirks) "Shower?" -at school- Black Star: "Anything we need to pick up after school, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: just some toilet paper. Black Star: (nods) "Nothing else you wanted for the trip?" tsubaki: maybe a disposable camera or two. Black Star: "I think I'll get a few more snacks. How about you, Soul?" soul: sure. might take something to read. Black Star: (nods) "Hey, in Vegas, you up for a magic show?" soul: eh, why not. Black Star: "Sweet! There's this one act, someone claiming to be a witch--but no one really thinks she is, that it's just stagecraft." soul: oh? Black Star: "Yeah. Totally large number of conspiracy theories online, trying to prove whether she is a witch or not. She doesn't release her Soul Protect, but can still somehow perform magic, so no one is sure. Weird, huh?" soul: maybe? i dunno. Black Star: "And maybe check out the pools, too. Impress some ladies..." (eyebrow wiggle) tsubaki: *bonks his head* behave. Black Star: T_T "Just jealous of my awesome flirting skills..." soul: *chuckles* Kid: (overhears) "Best not to antagonize your weapon, Black Star." (to Tsubaki) "What time should we pick you up for the road trip?" tsubaki: we'll come over around 10-11-ish. Kid: (nods) "Stocking said her father's vehicle will be there at 9. I'm hoping to have my suitcase on the vehicle by then." tsubaki: ah. Kid: "Well, I guess we should finish our reading for this class...Hmm...I wonder what our next class is." -later- Patty: "What will there be in Salt Lake City, Sis?" liz: *she checks the travel guide* Patty: "Maybe shops? Or theaters?" liz: they have some mining tours. Patty: o_o "We could find diamonds! Gold! Or maybe it's a mine full of rock candy!" liz: maybe *chuckles* Patty: "Man, if we tricked Stocking into thinking one mine was full of rock candy, imagine what would happen..." liz: oh boy. Patty: (takes out paper, starts drawing a map) "This is my most brilliant prank ever..." (stops) "Um...Do you think Kid will kill me for this prank?" liz:....... Kid: (slowly emerges from behind the couch...) "And why would I do that, Patricia...?" Patty: o_________o liz: O_______________O Kid: > : ( "Have you two finished your packing?" liz: just about. Patty: (nods vigorously, hides behind Liz) Kid: "Good..." (opens travel brochure) "Oh, it looks like there will be fireworks while we're in Salt Lake." liz: ooh. Patty: (emerges from behind Liz) "C-Cool..." Kid: "Vegas should be interesting as well...Liz, can I trust you and your sister will behave yourselves?" liz: yes sir! Patty: (pouts) "What's the worst that we can do in Vegas?" (whispers to Liz) "No, seriously, what can we get away with in Vegas?" liz: patti no. Patty: (pouts more) "What, you saying I can't go skinny dipping in a hotel fountain?" -elsewhere- Yumi: (lying in bed, sleeping) "Zzz..." lord death: *also asleep, holding yumi close* zzzzzzzzz Yumi: (begins to toss and turn...) "Death?" lord death: *yawn* yeaah yumi? Yumi: "I'm hungry. Could you get me some cookies and milk?" lord death: coming...*YAAAAWN* right up.... *he gets up, stretches, and goes to get it, still in his boxers* Yumi: (smirks) "Lovely view..." -once he brings the cookies and milk- Yumi: (munching quickly) "Hmmm...Um, sorry to make you go back downstairs, but could you also bring up some anchovies?" lord death:....ok? -1 delivery of anchovies later- Yumi: (puts anchovies on some cookies, and dips them in the milk) -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: still tired kiddo? Kid: (nods) "Not sure why..." stocking: *she picks him up bridal style* come on, time to get you to bed. Kid: o\\\o "Th-Thank you..." Kid: (holds onto her) stocking: *smiles* Kid: "You are so strong..." stocking: almost there kiddo. Kid: (smiles, yawns again..."My strong angel...") stocking: ok, we're here. Kid: (smiles) "Thank you, Love." stocking: any time. stocking: *she lays him down* Kid: *yawn* "Hmmm..." (smiles) "This bed is so comfortable..." stocking: it is...*she lays next to him* and it doesnt break~ Kid: o\\\o "O-Oh..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "..." (leans forward, puts his arms around her, kisses her lips gently) stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (rubs her back gently as he continues to kiss...) stocking: ah~ Kid: (slips his tongue past her lips) -meanwhile, elsewhere- Hibana: (taps at a scorpion in a container) scorpion: > : ( Hibana: "Tiny, yet dangerous..." shaula: dont mind him. paul gets cranky when he doesnt get fed. Hibana: "...'Paul'?" Hibana: "Hmm...In any case, I would have thought your venom would have stronger control over people already...The side effects are disappointing." shaula: oh? how so? Hibana: "Through my company, I have donated considerable amounts of money to advanced medical companies and hospitals--and I have used those connections to garner results from many of the nail polish customers...Symptoms include a high temperature..." (looks at Shaula) "I think my addition to your venom has an unfortunate effect..." shaula: did they go up in flames or something? Hibana: "No, but I would not be surprised that such is the next symptom." (points at Shaula) "You have to contain it." shaula: alrighty. lets see here... -elsewhere, in the ruins of an ancient and lost city- medusa: *panting* Noah: "Enough?" medusa: aww, getting cold feet already~? Noah: "No, just bored...I feel like I'm always the dominant one..." (smirks) "Don't you desire to have some power?" medusa: *smirks and vector arrows him to the floor* if you insist, honey~ Noah: (cackling) "Yes...Let's see what you can do now...see whether my lessons have paid off." medusa: *she sits down and rubs the tip of her foot against the shaft* Noah: (sighs) "Yes...Tell me, why are you always barefoot?" medusa: snakes dont have feet. Noah: "Not a desire to get closer to the ground?" (smirks) "Or to someone else?" medusa: ............ *steps firmly on the shaft* Noah: o___o "Ah!" medusa: heh~ Noah: (grins in annoyance) "Haven't you considered a more delicate touch to get the results you want?" medusa: with you? Noah: "Heh...How are you going to get off just slamming on my dick?" medusa: like this~ *she changes her clothes into snakes that wrap around her, one of them turning into a phallus that slides into her* ahhh~<3 Noah: (growing harder) "You don't like someone else pleasuring you?" medusa: jealous~? *fondling her own breasts* Noah: (licks his lips) "I am greedy..." medusa: *continues fondling herself with tentacle snakes* ahhhh~ Noah: (licking his lips) "You bitch...Hogging all of that to yourself..." medusa: maybe if you broke free from your restraints... but i doubt that~ Noah: (starts panting, huffing, as he tries to pull loose from the straps..."Good, she is getting stronger...and more cocky. Everything is falling into place...BUT GODDAMN IT, I AM HORNY!") "Come on--stop teasing me!" medusa: too bad~ *she fingers herself* ahhh fuck that feels good~ and so wet too~ Noah: "Fuck you!" (writhing in the restraints) "I could make you wetter!" medusa: oh yeah? just try me~ Noah: "Arg!" (beginning to tear at the arrows...) medusa: ahhhh~ *she squirts, licking some of her juices* Noah: "NO!" (rips out of the arrows) medusa: !!!! Noah: (stands still, erect) "I want some..." medusa: nah. *starts to walk away* Noah: "..." (grunts, turns his back to her, begins to stroke himself) "You fucking bitch..." medusa: *she just stands there, whistling* Noah: "...You want to watch?" medusa: *not answering, still naked* Noah: (turns, facing her, as he continues stroking...gazing at her) medusa: what? Noah: "I remember you begging me to go deeper inside you..." (keeps stroking) medusa: dont recall~ Noah: "..." (strokes more vigorously) "God, you look amazing..." medusa: you just gonna stand there? Noah: "...I want you on me. I'm waiting for you to make the move, Medusa...I want you." medusa: *she lays down on her back before rolling over, shaking her rear* ...... satisfied? Noah: (walks over, lies down alongside...and rubs her backside) "You tell me...I'm following your directions this time..." medusa: heh. if you really think you can make me scream, then prove it~ Noah: "Do you want this...?" (spanks her) medusa: *wince* ah! w-what am i, a 4 year old? Noah: "Not with what comes out of your mouth..." (spanks harder) medusa: ..... hmm... tell you what.... if you can catch me, then you can have your way with me. sound good? Noah: (smirks) " 'Catch you'?" medusa: *she takes off* Noah: "...Damn." (runs towards her) -after about 15 minutes- medusa *she turns a corner* Noah: (whispers in her ear) "Found you..." medusa: !!!! Noah: (his hands wrap around her--and pull her in a hug) medusa: ?!?! .///.; Noah: "What? No arrow through my gut?" medusa: *she elbows him* Noah: (grunts, smiles) "That's more like it..." (tries to grab her again) medusa: *she dodges, punches, kicks until she loses her balance* shit! Noah: (catches her at her lower back...holding her, as he strokes a hand along her face) medusa: .////.# *she tries to bite him* Noah: (brings his lips to hers...) medusa: !!!! Noah: (pulls back his lips) "Surprised?" medusa: s-shut up. Noah: "A deal is a deal..." (he rests his hand along her hip, as he kisses along her neck) medusa: 7///7 Noah: "How shall I pleasure you?" (massages along her lower back, as he kisses the crook of her neck) medusa: bet you cant~ Noah: (places a hand along her right breast, massaging it) "I've fucked you sensless so many times...I know every bit of your body..." medusa: *blush* Noah: (pinches her nipple) "You are beautiful, my serpent..." medusa: mmm! *she bites her lip* Noah: "I've thought so for so long..." (kisses her shoulder, as his other hand slides down her stomach...) medusa: *blush* i know. Noah: (brings his lips to hers again, a bit harder, as his fingers continue to work her nipple and his other hand now reaches for her folds...) medusa: mm-mmmmm.... Noah: (slips his tongue past her lips, and three of his fingers inside) -elsewhere- arachne: *sleeping* Giriko: (snoring) -elsewere- eibon: *working on something*..... *looks around and sighs* seems he's gone to play with his friend again... *small smile* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Zzzzz..." (eyemask over his face, as he lies back in airplane seat) -back at the mansion- kirika: *asleep as mocha sleeps in a kitty bed next to her* Kid: (purrs happily...) -something is sneaking into the mansion- kirika: zzzzzzzzzz........ Gopher: (slowly rises over the edge of the bed, looking at Kirika...) kirika: zzzzzzzzzzzz....... Gopher: (what he is thinking: "Oh, my darling. You are still under the sway of Morpheus, far away from me and yet so near...I hope your dreams are pleasant, and worry not: I will guard you at all times against the shadows of this world. I shall be your angel of light.") (And what he looks like: a blushing, sweaty, nervous boy) kirika: ............. (dreaming about stuff) zzzz stahp hoggin all...t-the crescent rolls....then there ...wont be any for everyone else...y-ya assholeeee... zzzzzzzzzz *drooling* Gopher: (gulps..."At least I know what I could buy her for a gift...") --Gopher stares at her for a long time, still keeping his distance...he backs up a bit, towards Mocha's kitty bed...-- kirika: zzzrt.... thirsty. *she gets up and sleepwalks to the fridge* Gopher: (freezes in place, struggling not to move...) -she returns with a mini-carton of milk, which she proceeds to drink* ahh that was good. *throws the empty carton into the garbage can* Gopher: (hiding behind the bed, trying not to make a sound...and the empty carton hits his head on its way into the garbage can) kirika: back to bed... *she crashes out onto the bed, snoring* Gopher: (sighs with relief, smiles, stands to get up--and trips on Mocha's bed) mocha: *le scratch* Gopher: "Owie!!!" kirika: *still asleep* Gopher: "..." ("For real?! I just screamed and--and--And I must be incredibly lucky..." Then he sees Mocha glaring at him...slowly backs away--then feels his back hit something) -the edge of her bed- Gopher: "Wow!" (the back of his knee hits the bed, causing him to fall backwards...) -right in the bed, his back on her side, making an X shape- Gopher: 8< ("Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God...I don't want to die!" Tries to slowly ease out of the bed, as he delicately places his arms down to give himself support to push himself out of bed) kirika: zzzzzzzzzzz *drooling* Gopher: ("How is she still asleep?!" Notices the drool...) : < ("I had best wipe that drool..." Removes a tissue.) kirika: zzzzzz..... Gopher: (gingerly wipes away her drool...His ^ frown curls up into a w-smile..."So beautiful...") kirika: zzzzzzzzz *she opens her eye at him* .................. Gopher: OwO;;;;; (sweats, frozen...) kirika:...................... *she gets up and calmly choke-holds him, taking the clock on the night stand* you can read a digital clock, right? Gopher: (suffocating, struggling to nod) kirika: what does it say, then? Gopher: "I can't tell--I think I'm going blind..." kirika: ..... *she lets go* god you're such a wuss... Gopher: (gasps for breath, falls forward--onto Kirika) kirika:............... *PUNCH* Giriko: "Ooooow FUCK!" arachne: ?? Giriko: "S-Sorry. Felt like someone I know just got punched hard in the face..." --Elsewhere-- Gopher: "Ooooww...Why do you bruise me so?" kirika: .......... U,U# Gopher: "Is my nose broken? Am I going to die?" kirika: of the love of- you're fine dumbass. you survived worse. Gopher: "...Oh. O-Okay...M-May I leave now?" -later- eibon: *gives him some tea* Gopher: "Thank you, sir." eibon: do try to be more careful, alright? Gopher: "S-Sir? I-I should not be going into her bedroom...I think I should be punished." eibon: if you insist.... *tiny chop* bad. Gopher: T_T "Thank you, sir. May I have another?" eibon:.... *tinier chop* Gopher: .w. "Thank you!" (tears of happiness) eibon:......m-my child? Gopher: "I never had a good disciplinary figure in my life who cared!" (sobbing) eibon: ..... *he hugs him* Gopher: "T-Thank you...I have appreciated your guidance and mentorship..." eibon: *he nods* you still have much to learn. but for now, i think you need to rest. -the next morning- kirika: ............. .n. Kid: "What's wrong with you?" kirika: nuthin.... Kid: "earlier this morning did not sound like 'nothing': Stocking and I could hear noise from your room." kirika: THATS NOT HOW IT IS! >///////< Kid: o_o "I-I wasn't implying that! ..." (smirks) "So, you feel affection for Gopher?" kirika: DO YOU WANNA DIE?!?! lord death: ok, settle down, settle down. Yumi: -_- "Could everyone please stop yelling..." -at school- kirika: ........ --Gopher is hiding behind a trash can-- marcy: *staaaaaaaare* *hiding behind the trashcan as well* Gopher: :< "Hey, get your own trashcan!" marcy: shhh! *covers his mouth and stares at soul, who is getting a pepsi from the vending machine* Gopher: (grunting, struggling to get released...) soul: ......??? Gopher: (makes more noise, trying to get loose) -later, during class- Black Star: "Man, I can't wait for classes to be over--I want to be on the road NOW!" liz: we should be out by tomorrow morning. Black Star: "But this class is so boring already!" -at lunch- Black Star: (frowning, chalk dust stuck in his hair) "All I said was class was boring--Sid didn't have to throw an eraser at my head." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "You can wash it out of your hair after gym." -at gym class- Kid: "What's up for today? Basketball? Swim laps? Track?" liz: looks like we're doing a marathon run around the city. Patty: "Man, that's going to be exhausting...Don't suppose we can cheat?" -and so- Kid: (sweating, panting) "Quite a long distance...How are you holding up, Stocking?" stocking: doing good. Kid: (smiles) "Good. And you, Liz?" liz: *panting* good. Kid: (looks concerned) "Please take it easy...Wait, where is Patty?" liz: *she points ahead* Patty: (lying back in a rickshaw pulled by Meme) "Faster! You want to take off those last few pounds, right?!" Meme: "Right!" (pulls faster) Kid: o_o "She is so going to get a failing grade in gym..." kim: wow. hmmmmmm.... Jacqueline: "Kim..." -later- Patty: "I don't see why Sid had to punish me." (changes out of gym clothes) "I wasn't the one who was pulling the rickshaw..." liz: at least he was nice enough to delay it till after our road trip. Patty: (grabs her towel, heads to the shower) "Yeah, but a college student in detention? That's just embarrassing." liz: detention served running laps. Patty: (frowns, turns on the hot water for her--and then turns the cold water onto Liz) -later- Kid: "Here are my last books to return to the library before our trip." librarian: ah. you enjoy your vacation sir. Kid: "Thank you..." (passes by a shelf and spots...) "Tamaki?" tamaki: ?! *she looks away* Kid: "??? Are you looking for something?" tamaki: no. *she's reading a book on arthurian legend* Kid: o_o "Please tell me you aren't seeking the Holy Sword." tamaki: the holy sword? Kid: "...He who shall not be named... (ﺧ益ﺨ) EXCALIBUR." tamaki: oh, you mean arthur's stupid beam sword? Kid: "No! That annoying sword that Hiro had! The one that transforms into that albino penguin looking creature!" tamaki: *laughs* what?! Kid: (grabs her by the shoulder, shouting in the library) "He is real! Really annoying! If you see him, run! Run from that abomination!" tamaki: sure... librarian: SHH! Kid: (sweats, whispers...) "Sorry!" (back to Tamaki) "Why, then, look up Arthurian legends?" (pauses) "Why was your first thought Arthur Boyle?" tamaki: *cat tail* sh-shut up! Kid: o____o "O-kay...Well, have a good break..." tamaki: 7-7;; Kid: "Are you doing anything during your vacation?" tamaki: maybe. Kid: "...Ever been interested in visiting Las Vegas?" tamaki: maybe, but if your inviting me, no. i have other plans. Kid: "Understood. Well, good luck with...reading." tamaki: .............. -later- Black Star: (cleaning his locker...and pulls out a brown paper bag that is soggy and growing mushrooms) soul: o__o Black Star: "...You think this is safe to eat?" soul: fuck no. Black Star: (frowns, tosses it into the trash) "Let me see what else is in here..." (pulls out a photograph frame...and looks sad: it's him, Tsubaki, Soul...and Maka) soul:........... Black Star: "..." (finishes cleaning, then sets the frame in his locker so that it is now visible, front and center) "...Remember that day?" soul: yeah... Black Star: "You and Maka were whining at each other all afternoon...then you just were laughing and all smiles." soul: yeah, maka actually threw up from the roller coaster, and i ended up laughing. then she made me ride that spinning wheel... i thought i was gonna die! Black Star: (laughs) "Yeah, you were struggling to stand upright! Almost knocked down Maka!" soul: yeah. it was a good day. Black Star: (smiles, pats Soul's back) soul:..... Black Star: "...I think you should see her before our trip." soul: yeah... Black Star: (packs his bag) "I'm done with my locker. How about you?" soul: getting to it. Black Star: "Need help? I'm really good at keeping things clean!" (the brown paper bag has somehow crawled out of the trash can, slithering along the floor...) -later, after soul cleans his locker- Black Star: "So, anything in Salt Lake City you plan to check out?" soul: not sure yet. Black Star: "There's a cool planetarium there--maybe big enough for a star like me!" -elsewhere- Yumi: (sitting in a rocking chair in the baby's new room) lord death: how are you holding up? Yumi: (smiles) "Okay...Just sore..." (yawns) "And tired." lord death: aww... *he rubs her stomach* Yumi: (blushes a bit) "What do you think she'll look like?" lord death: who knows... Yumi: "Oh, come on--can't you imagine her with golden eyes?" lord death: oh i can see that. i hope she looks like you. *he smiles* Yumi: (sad smile) "I wonder if I will see my family's features in her..." lord death: .... *he hugs her* Yumi: (quiet for a bit) "It's going to be quiet here, with the children going on this trip...Do you worry?" lord death: of course i do. especially given kids... *ahem* condition. Yumi: "...Would you feel more comfortable if they had a chaperone? I know they are too old for that sort of thing...but maybe they don't _have_ to know someone is following them?" lord death: hmmmm.... Yumi: "Someone who can be good with children...who knows enough about Las Vegas..." -later- soul: hey maka... its me again.... --Silence-- soul: we're going on a road trip to vegas and salt lake city... can you believe we're actually gonna be in collage? i just wish.... you were here with us... --Silence-- soul: its weird.......can i be honest?........if you were still here.... after we graduated collage.... i would have asked you to marry me. --Silence-- soul:....*he whimpers and clings to the grave* --Soul feels something along him...like a warm embrace...-- soul: .... ?? --Nothing is there...but a wind blows through a tree, and something familiar feels like it was just there...-- soul:.........well.... see you later... i miss you. --Silence-- -elsewhere- Kid: "What kind of a vehicle is your father providing for our trip, Stocking?" stocking: welll..... *excalibur face* -a large van with an animatronic of mephisto laying seductively on top of - Kid: "??? Are we going to have to do any work on the vehicle before we leave? Does it run well?" stocking: dont worry, it runs well. and its got plenty of space. Kid: (nods) "That's good. Anything else you need to pack?" stocking: i'm just about done. Kid: "Same. I'm really looking forward to this trip...I just hope everyone behaves themselves." stocking: yeah. Kid: (smirks) "Will you behave yourself?" stocking: if i dont, will you punish me~? Kid: (holds her chin) "Yes." stocking: oh~ Kid: (draws her to him, as he kisses lightly on her cheek) -elsewhere- Arthur: (practicing with his sword...) "Damn." (switches back to his dominant hand) "I just can't be ambidextrous..." shinra: dude, it was one time, you dont have to lose your shit over it. Arthur: "You never know when it may come in handy. After all, what if I lost my right arm in combat?" shinra:..... robot arm? arthur: (sighs) "You've been watching too much Star Wars." shinra: TnT Arthur: "You should be practicing as well." shinra: i have! Arthur: "Wouldn't know it looking at you in combat." (continues practicing his sword-work) "Your reaction time seems slow." shinra: alright. here i go! Arthur: "?!" shinra: *he takes off* -elsewhere- Anya: (looking at the sunset...) kim: hey. Anya: "..." (sighs) "The sunset does look nice, but..." kim: but? Anya: "Just feels like something is missing." kim: how so? Anya: "Just feels like something is missing." kim: how so? Anya: (puts a hand over her heart) "I can't believe this...but I think I'm sounding like Tsugumi: in love with love..." kim: ?????? anya are you sick? Anya: "N-No, I'm not sick! I just...wonder whether I should...be dating, or if I'm not interested in boys or girls or anyone...I'm just really confused what I want." kim: hey, if you arent sure, then just take things one day at a time. it takes a while to know who you really are. Anya: (pouts) "I'm just impatient..." kim: you'll find someone. maybe. Anya: (sighs) "Maybe..." ("I'd ask about her love life, but that's a whole complication I don't need to pry into...") "...I don't know...I think about...people I find attractive. And maybe that's all I know: just that I find them attractive, not that I want to go any further than that...Why can't these things be predictable? The sun sets everyday, but I have no idea what to expect in a relationship." kim: hmmm.... who knows. i'm not exactly a love expert. if anything, if it were me, i'd want to be with someone who accepts me as i am. Anya: "That would be nice..." (shudders) "I can only imagine who my parents would want me to marry. The 'regal' type doesn't appeal to me..." kim: hmmm.... what do you think your type is? Anya: "I don't know. Someone...simple. I mean, I don't mean dumb--just someone down-to-earth, practical. Someone who...can pull me back when I'm being too silly." kim: i see... Anya: "...I couldn't even have a good date with Clay: Akane tricked him into it. So embarrassing." kim: try again maybe on your own terms? who knows? Anya: (squirms) "Maybe...Just not now. Now, just watch the sunset." kim: yeah.... -elsewhere- Black Star: "Done!" (holds up luggage...with a shirt poking out of it) tsubaki: *her luggage is more organized* Black Star: "What do you want to do in Salt Lake? Maybe rafting?" tsubaki: sure. Black Star: "Oh, and Kid wanted to know whether there were any stops we wanted to make on the way to Salt Lake and Vegas. We each get to stop at one tourist spot, but no one more than one." (holds up a postcard) "Ogden, Utah, has a one-day arm-wrestling competition! Guess who's going to win that?!" tsubaki: ah. Black Star: "Want to go swimming in Salt Lake?" tsubaki: like rafting? sure! Black Star: (smiles) "Awesome! Good thing I packed some swimtrunks." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: (thinks of something) "Oh, and Olympic Village in Salt Lake City, too! That'll be great! Imagine the cannonball I could make in the Olympic-size pool!" -elsewhere- Kid: (sips on tea) "Thank you for making this, Father. Will you be okay with all of us gone on this road trip?" lord death: we'll manage as best we can. Kid: (sad smile) "Any souvenirs you desire?" lord death: if you can get one of those souvenir collector spoons, i would love one of those. Kid: (nods) "On it." (smiles) "I was thinking of stopping by a magic shop in Vegas...I mean, a stage-magic shop, not magic-magic." lord death: oh? Kid: (nods) "I've...felt inspired lately...Father, I used to not write poetry like I do, draw like I do, perform magic tricks like I do...I'm not ignoring how difficult things can be for me...but I feel happy." lord death: that's wonderful kiddo! Kid: (blushes) "Thank you." -later- Patty: (asleep on top of her luggage) liz: zzzzz... Kid: (sighs) "They tired themselves out." -the next morning- Kid: *yawn* liz: welp, today's the big day. Patty: "Yep! So eat up!" (slams down a stack of pancakes in front of Stocking) stocking: mmm~! Kid: (bites into his pancakes) "Excellent work, Patty!" Patty: *griiiin* -later- liz:.........wow.......... Kid: O_____O stocking: *excalibur face* yeeeeah... Patty: "...Well, now we know where Stocking gets it..." liz: there are many things i wanted to see in my life.... this is definitely not one of them. Kid: (frowns at Patty) "Just...It's a nice gift from Mephisto...Let's just get our luggage on board..." -and so- soul: please tell me that isnt our ride. Kid: "This is our ride." soul: mother of god.... Kid: "Look, it was nice of him to provide us with _anything_." Patty: (poking the Mephisto atop the van) "And it'll fit in in Vegas!" tsubaki: its....nice. Black Star: ._______. soul: i have stared into the abyss....and it fucking winked at me. Kid: "Would you just inside the Mephisto-Mobile already?!" (...) "I can't believe I just called it that..." stocking: its better than what my dad calls it........... Kid: "...Do I want to know?" stocking:.......................'van-service' (BA-DUM-TSH) Kid: "..." (facepalm) Black Star: "Dude, Stocking better be worth it for this..." stocking: ,////,;;;; Kid: (frowns at Black Star, holds Stocking's hand) "She's worth everything." stocking: *she blushes and smiles* Black Star: (eyeroll) "Fine. Let's just get going." tsubaki: awwww. -inside- soul: holy shit this thing is huge on the inside! Kid: "It must be similar to the Death Room spatial manipulation." stocking: well, my dad is called the demon king of time and space... Kid: (nods) "Who will be driving?" -there is a driver up already- Patty: (frowns) "It's like someone thinks we can't go on a roadtrip on our own..." -meanwhile- Yumi: (lying on the couch, reading) kirika: *playing with mocha using a cat toy* Yumi: (smiles at Mocha) "Kirika, do you wish you were going on this road trip?" kirika: eh, i can entertain myself here. Yumi: (nods) "Maybe you and I could do something with your father?" kirika: like what? Yumi: "Well, maybe we could go out to dinner, or go out for the day. Was there anywhere you wanted to visit in Death City?" kirika: *shrugs* Yumi: "Do you like going to the theater? We could see a play?" kirika: eh, too stuffy. Yumi: "A movie?" kirika: nah. Yumi: "...Burgers and shakes?" ("...I really do not know what she enjoys...") kirika:...sure. Yumi: "...Okay." (closes her book, tries to sit up) -later- Yumi: "Which flavor did you get, Death?" lord death: moose tracks! Yumi: "Tasty! I had orange with jalapeno sauce." kirika:............ Yumi: "How is yours, Kirika?" kirika: good. -she had black cherry- Yumi: "...How have classes been?" kirika: same as usual. Yumi: "Which class has been your favorite this semester?" kirika: *shrugs* Yumi: "When I was your age, I enjoyed math and drawing..." kirika: figures... Yumi: "Death, which subjects do you like?" lord death: as a young lad, i was instructed in many subjects, such as foreign language, history, arcitecture, the likes. Yumi: "I'm sure learning architecture helped with building the Academy, yes?" lord death: indeed it did~! Yumi: (smiles at Kirika) "And a lot of my studies helped me be an expert shot and to finish paperwork quickly and properly." kirika:........ Yumi: "...I really liked school...more than, well, being outside of classes..." kirika: ............. Yumi: "..." (starts crying) lord death: sweetie? are you ok? *worried* Yumi: (nods) "I just really liked my classes, I liked studying, but...I felt alone outside of class." (sniffs) "I'm sorry, it must be hormones." kirika: hmph....at least _your_ parents let you go to a decent school during childhood... Yumi: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore what you have gone through." kirika: eh, its like, whatevs. Yumi: (shakes her head) "No, it's not..." (moves her chair--and hugs Kirika) kirika: !?!? Yumi: "We will do whatever we can to provide for you, Kirika." kirika: ..... Yumi: "..." (lets go...wipes away a tear) "How about another burger? I'm still hungry." kirika:...*nods* -elsewhere- Patty: (looking out the window) "Are we there yet?" liz: not yet. Patty: "Man...Isn't there anything entertaining in this sex van?" Kid: "Stop. Calling. It. That." stocking: there is a tv. Patty: "Oh, sweet!" (puts on the TV) "I wonder what's on." -seems to be anime.- stocking: ah. -elsewhere- Spirit: (skimming Mandarin-English dictionary) flight attendant: do you need anything sir? Spirit: (smiles) "Could I have another orange juice, please?" flight attendant: of course sir. *she smiles* Spirit: (returns to his book..."I really hope I can get the accent correct. It's been awhile since I had to speak Mandarin...") -elsewhere- tamaki: ok, this should be the place. ~Cave of Eternity~ tamaki: ok....just a little further now... Fairy: "Oh! Hello!" tamaki: !! ah! huh? a fairy? Fairy: (chuckles) "Why, yes, I am! And you are?" tamaki: .... name's Tamaki Kotatsu. i'm here looking for the holy sword. Mainly to prove an idiot boy wrong. Fairy: "..." (ﺧ益ﺨ) "Oh." tamaki: (thinking: that face again?) so.... where can i find it? Fairy: (sigh) "Just follow the stream to its source--you can't miss it." (shakes head..."Poor deluded soul...") tamaki: ok thanks. *she follows the path* (thinking: heh. soon i'll get to prove that idiot kid wrong, gain glory and power, and arthur will finally notice me!....wait what?) --It gets brighter in the Cavern as Tamaki reaches a pedestal...-- tamaki: wow.... it's.... *ahem* ok.... lets do this.....*she inhales and pulls the sword out* --Removing the sword was easier than expected...-- tamaki: YES!!!! ???: "Congratulations!" tamaki: *victory dance* tamaki: SOON I WILL GET THE GLORY, RESPECT, AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I DESERVE! and arthur.... he'll.... *fantasizing a shoujo romance scene of her and arthur* ???: "Welcome, young one! How good of you to come!" tamaki: huehuehue- huh? --The Holy Sword glows, pulling out of Tamaki's hands-- tamaki: eh-eh?! ???: "Allow me to introduce myself!" ???: "I am the Holy Sword, Excalibur!" --Blinding explosion of light-- tamaki: KYA! *she falls on her rear* owww.... what the heck?! --Standing over her (...not really...) is a short, white, penguin-looking creature-- tamaki: *blinks and tilts head* huh? Excalibur: "Fool!" tamaki: h-hey! Excalibur: "What is your name, young one?" tamaki: !! *she gets up* name's Tamaki Kotatsu, member of the 1st brigade serving under Leonardo Burns! i'm here to prove a stupid boy named death the kid wrong and- excalibur: "My legend begins in the Twelfth Century!" Excalibur: "From the looks of you, you are a Fire Being from the 1st Brigade." tamaki: yes. thats what i just said. Excalibur: "Fool!" Excalibur: "You have come to bast in my glory!" tamaki: ?? Excalibur: "Would you like to hear my heroic legend?" tamaki: look i just- Excalibur: "My legend begins in the Twelfth Century!" tamaki: you just said that- Excalibur: "Where did you come from?" tamaki: like my childhood or just recently? Excalibur: "I was born on the Fifth of December!" tamaki: i didnt even ask when- Excalibur: "Of course, that was before the changes to the calendar, so my Fifth of December is technically your Thirtieth of February." tamaki: there's no such thing as- Excalibur: "That is why everyday is my birthday! Now, then, where are my presents?" tamaki:.... -elsewhere- Hiro: (shudders) hime: hmm? whats wrong bro? Hiro: "I just sensed...something wrong...Really wrong." hime: ?? -back with the group- liz: looks like a tourist trap up ahead. Black Star: " 'The Bottomless Pit'? Dude, let's go inside it!" -later- tsubaki: it was only 30 ft deep... at least there was an elevator. Black Star: "Dude! I could punch the ground into the center of the earth and make a deeper hole! What a ripoff! Hey, give us back our money!" -elsewhere- Arthur: "And that, Lord Death, is why you should have a Round Table in your office." lord death: zzzzz..... Arthur: "...Sir?" (approaches, pokes his shoulder) lord death: snrk geh huh wha? *yaaawn* oh, hello arthur. Arthur: "I have been here for two hours! Explaining why you need a Round Table!" lord death: i get the table itself, though when you started rambling, i must'a dozed off~ Arthur: "...That's very hurtful, sir. I thought my opinions would be valued here." lord death: though i will consider it. Arthur: *beaming smile, gets on one knee* "Thank you, My Lord!" -elsewhere- justin: *he's talking a walk* Giriko: "Hey! Priest!" justin: ?? oh. good morning. *smiles* Giriko: "Yeah, whatever. Look, I, um...I need your help with something." justin: oh? and that is? Giriko: "I, uh, want to try to find a better apartment..." justin: well my home always has plenty of room. Giriko: (blink) "Your home? Um, I'm not looking for a roommate. I, um...I found someone." justin: oh? Giriko: "Y-Yeah...So I was trying to find a place that wasn't so seedy." (smirks) "I mean, I bring my own sleeze wherever I go..." justin: ah. well, i'll see what i can do. Giriko: "You mean it?! Thanks, man!" (hard pat on the back) justin: of course. *after that, he continues on his walk until he spots something* hmm? *he investigates it*.... ah!! -elsewhere- Meme: (wipes her brow) "There! Finished watering the garden!" tsugumi: *humming* Meme: "What are you working on, Tsugumi?" tsugumi: just watering the pumpkins. Meme: "Just a few months until Halloween. I can't wait for the dance!" tsugumi: not sure who i'm going to ask out... Meme: "Maybe a certain man with eyeglasses..." tsugumi: ... o/////o -her pigtails stiffen up- Meme: "?! If you wanted to! N-No pressure!" tsugumi: ./////. Meme: "T-Tsugumi? Do you think I should ask out..." tsugumi: hmm? Meme: "...Mio?" tsugumi: ...totally! mio: !!!! *her foot turns into an axe blade, causing her to fall onto her back* ow.... Meme: o\\\\o "Has she been there the whole time?" mio: i was gardening with you guys....uh... tsugumi: mio-chan! you grew a blade! Meme: o_____o; ("I forgot...Maybe I'm losing memories...") "CONGRATULATIONS ON TRANSFORMING!" (hugs her, then runs away) mio: wha- .//////////. .......................... *NOSEBLEED+faints* Anya: "..." (dumps water can's contents over Mio) "Wake up!" mio: *screams* why. -elsewhere- Excalibur: "Provision #41: Teacups are to be arranged in order from largest to smallest, then by color, then chronologically." tamaki: ............. *her soul is desperatly tries to flee her body* Excalibur: "Finally, you will sign this abbreviated contract, pledging you as my meister..." (shoves a stack of 2,000 pages into Tamaki's hands) "...which you will sign with this!" (holds up a pen--with an Excalibur topper) tamaki:................say, can i see your sword form for a moment? Excalibur: "Aw, you wish to marvel at my splendor once more--of course!" (transforms with a blast of light, his sword form elevating over her, waiting for her hands to reach him) tamaki: *she puts the sword back in the pedestal*...................................... Excalibur: "Um, excuse me, young warrior? What are you doing?" tamaki: *muttering* its not worth it.......its so not worth it....... -later- tamaki:............... Fairy: "Oh, hello! Did you find the Holy Sword?" tamaki: .......................................... what do you think....? Fairy: "...Oh. Yes, that reaction is rather typical. Even the young Shinigami reacted as you have." tamaki: ...... *GLARES* Fairy: o_o "Y-You aren't the first to have tried and failed! There was one boy who managed to be his meister for a few days...but even that boy, Hiro, ended up disowning Excalibur." tamaki: whatever... i'm going home...... i'll take one of these glowflowers as a souviner. Fairy: "Well, I guess it's only fair after putting up with...him." -later, elsewhere- Patty: (asleep in Van Service) liz: so when do you think we'll arrive? Kid: "In Salt Lake? Another half hour." liz: ah. Black Star: "Hey, Stocking? Any tourist traps you wanted to check out?" stocking: not sure. *she checks her phone* --Black Star sees the wallpaper on her phone-- Black Star: "Cute pic of you and Kid.” stocking: *she smiles* Black Star: (glances at Tsubaki...blushes a bit) "So...what kind of tourist traps do you like, Stocking?" stocking: *shrugs* shops, graveyards, supernatural stuff. liz: ^^... O___O;;;; Kid: (smirks, whispers to Liz) "She likes being around Death himself: I got lucky." liz: Q-Q;; Black Star: (whispers to Stocking) "What would you recommend if I wanted to...take Tsubaki somewhere she would like?" stocking: oh? well, i guess gardens and stuff like that? as much as we hang out, i dont know her that well, just a little bit. Black Star: (nods) "Yeah, gardens would be good. Maybe Salt Lake has a botanical garden or something..." stocking: maybe. Kid: (looks out the window) "This is lovely scenery. It's good to see more than just a desert all the time." stocking: *she looks out the window, what does she see?* --There are hills, mountains, and a river running through them. The trees are a vivid green, the sky large and blue.-- stocking: wow... soul: its like that time i went camping when i was in boy scouts. Black Star: (snort) "You were a Boy Scout?" soul: 7///////////7;;; hey, i was like... 5-7 years old during the time.... Black Star: "So, if we need camping expertise, now we know the expert to turn to.  " Kid: -_- "Stop teasing him." Patty: "Zzz..." Kid: (looks at the water reflecting off the river, looks at Stocking) "It is beautiful, isn't it?" soul: alright, but i dont remember much of it.. stocking: yeah... Patty: *yawn* (wakes up, looks out window) "Oh, are we there now?" liz: *she looks at the map* Patty: "So, the sign outside said we are here--" (points at the map) "How far is that from Salt Lake?" liz: about 3 and a half miles. Patty: "Woot!" (accidentally hits a button on the van's wall) "Um..." stocking: *she looks up* OH GOD NO! -she activated boxer's mode- Kid: o_o Black Star: "What the heck is boxer's mode?" -the animatronic is now in its boxers- liz: dang stocking your dad is ripped. stocking: STOP LOOKING AT IT!!! Patty: "...I'd tap that." stocking: NO! Kid: "Just push the button again, and it will stop!" (pushes the button again) -they veered a wrong turn and end up someplace- Black Star: "...So, where are we?" (looks outside at a sign...) " 'Fort Douglas: Haunted Military Base.' ...Creepy." liz: Q____Q stocking: *she looks at another sign* 'Lysandra City'.... 'turn back now?' weird... Kid: "...Ominous." -liz, stocking, patti and kid went to investigate- -the city is in ruins, no signs of life anywhere- Kid: "I can't sense any souls...not even ghosts." liz: Q_______Q stocking: seems we have a mystery to solve! Patty: "Scooby Gang: go forth!" liz: whyyyy... Patty: "Because the plot says so!" (holds Liz by the hand, pulling her along) Kid: "Hmm...What could have caused this kind of destruction?" stocking: ...... Kid: "We better keep moving. Keep an eye out for anything abnormal." stocking: yeah.... Patty: (holds something up...) "Hey! I found snake skin! Looks like one of them shedded it!" liz: snake skin?..... stocking: guys....hide in the ally, now. Kid: "?!" (grabs Liz and Patty) "Stocking, come on!" -a large hound like creature sniffs the air and looks around....it seems.... wrong....- liz: Q_____Q Kid: "...Transform. Now!" liz: uhhh.... stocking: shhh! we need to sneak around it. Kid: (nods) -the creature looks, then leaves deeper into the city- Kid: (whispers) "Stocking...You know what that is?" stocking: not a clue....but something told me that thing wasnt very friendly...instinct i guess... Kid: "We should alert the DWMA as to this location..." stocking: *she takes out her phone.....seems the signal is jammed* Kid: "?! Let me try my mirror..." (removes pocket mirror, flicks across the surface...What does he see?) lord death: how----do! ho------ing? Kid: (whispering into it) "Father? You're cutting out? We have an emergency..." lord death: cou------eak up? i----fuzz ov----here. Kid: (trying to focus his soul, in hope to augment the signal...) "Emergency: we have spotted a creature, coordinates 40.7500° N, 111.8833° W..." lord death: a creature? what kind? ????: dont.... move.... Kid: "...?" -a young woman stands before you, holding up a gun- Kid: (frowns) "Identify yourself." woman: identify yourselves first. you have 10 seconds..... 10....9... Kid: "Death the Kid, DWMA." -an older woman appears from behind a hidden door- ???: heather? whats going on? girl: i found these two hanging around out here, saying they're DWMA or something. Kid: "???" woman: well whatever the case, you come on in.... its dangerous out here... Kid: (looks to Stocking) stocking: ....... -gingerly, they enter- -inside is a small house, an older man and a young girl are there as well.- Kid: (stands in front of Stocking, waits for the door to be shut behind them, and for one of the occupants to speak) -the girl walks up to them- child: did mom and sis invite you to come play fort too? Kid: (looks to Stocking) "...Yes." (smiles at the child) "We did." -the older girl puts her gun down, said gun then turns into another girl, younger than the meister, but older than the child- Kid: "Liz, Patty, revert..." woman: ?? Patty: (emerges out of weapon form...waves meekly) liz: um....hi? woman: well i'll be..... *she walks up to them and hugs them* liz: ?! Patty: "...Have we met?" older girl: mom? what's going on? woman: you two have grown up to be lovely young ladies. Patty: "...!" woman: *she looks at the 3 girls* Heather, Riley, Julie. meet Liz and Patti Thompson; your cousins! Kid: o_o liz: wait what?! Patty: o___o stocking: well, i can see a little resemblance. -later- Patty: "It's great! It's like a family reunion!" (stares at Heather) "Can I borrow 50 bucks?" heather: no. Patty: (pouts) "Well, I disown you, then." (turns to Riley) "You are now my favorite cousin!" Kid: -_- "Please behave." riley: 7-7; heather: -_-; is she always like this? liz: yes. yes she is. Kid: "...Stocking, maybe we should give them some more time..." -in the van- soul: wonder what's taking them so long... Black Star: (tapping his phone) "Man, I can't even get a signal..." tsubaki: ...... driver: just a little longer, and we should be good to go. soul:.....*he notices a full length mirror in the back* huh.... Black Star: "And what about Kid and the rest? Man, I should just go find them..." soul: *he taps into the mirror and calls kid* yo dude! Kid: "Sou--? Are y-- the--? Hello?" soul: *he knocks the edge, which seems to even out the signal* sup. Kid: "Hello. Are you still in the van?" soul: yeah, the driver is working on fixing the car so...where are you guys? Kid: "...Hiding." soul: from what? Kid: "Some creature is navigating the nearby ruins..." -back at the 'fort- liz: wow... woman: and that's basically what's happening here... Patty: "I didn't expect _this_ to be our vacation surprise." liz: well, we cant just leave you guys here with those....those things wandering outside. Kid: "Have you determined weaknesses?" heather: as far as we can tell, no... -in the other room, stocking and julie are coloring- Kid: (taps a finger) "I have been able to use mirrors to send people from one location to another...but I would need one big enough, and I don't know whether we have one here." man: there is a mirror in the back store room, though it's pretty dusty. Kid: (follows) "I'm sorry that this has happened to you..." liz: so... aunt...roxy was it? roxanne: yeah? Patty: (stares at Roxanne, trying to see family resemblance) man: ...... we told julie we were going to play fort. she's just a little kid, she shouldnt worry about these things. Kid: "I understand..." (sees the mirror) "Is this the one?" man: yep. Kid: (removes his pocket mirror, which is still connected) "Soul, I am going to try to link another mirror here to the one on the van. Step back and let me know whether your mirror changes color." soul: ok. Kid: (breathes onto the mirror, forming a fog, then holds his pocket mirror to its surface) "Death calls..." soul: ok its changing to purple, is that good? Kid: "Yes...I'll have to test it." (to the man) "If I am not back in 10 minutes, notify Liz, Patty, and Stocking." man: of course. Kid: (inhales, exhales, and starts walking towards the mirror...) soul: hey dude. Kid: (breathes in) "Hey...Good. This is how we are getting them out of there. Black Star, toss me a rope." Black Star: "...What makes you think there is rope in here?" Kid: "...It is called 'Van Service.'" soul: OH GOD! Black Star: "...I hate you." Kid: "Just give me the rope!" -back at the fort- man: looks like we're going to be getting someplace safe. roxanne: for real? jack that's wonderful! heather: should i get the knapsacks? jack: yes. go do that, ok? Patty: "...Sis?" liz: yeah? Patty: "Was this fated?" liz: i dont know.... Kid: (having returned through the mirror, holding two ropes, tied together at the end, that have passed with him through the mirror) "I am taking each of you back one at a time. Stand in line, be orderly, and be quick." (looks to Liz and Patty) "You two will transform and stay on my person." (to Stocking) "I'll need you to be the last to return, and you'll need to keep an eye on everyone left here. Okay?" stocking: ok....take julie first, ok? julie: *with a backpack on* *she smiles* Kid: (nods to Stocking, then looks with a smile to Julie) "Okay, I'm going to tie the rope around you, then the other one around me, and I'll be holding your hand throughout our walk through the mirror. Is that okay?" julie: ok mr. --Kid ties the rope around each of them, nods to the others, and speaks to the pocket mirror-- Kid: (to the pocket mirror) "Soul, I'm bringing the first person through. Be ready." -soon, julie goes in, after that, riley, then roxanne, then heather, then jack- Patty: "Wow, that's gone well!" stocking: the place was thoroughly cleaned out. Kid: (smiles, hugs her) Patty: (leans down to Julie) "Welcome to Van Service, kiddo!" -once everything was double checked, and the van was fixed, they went on their way- julie: ??? heather: *covers julie's ears* Black Star: "Um...Not to interrupt the happy family reunion..." --Black Star is pressed hard against a window-- Black Star: "BUT COULD WE MAKE THIS VAN BIGGER! I'M GETTING SQUISHED!" stocking: its plenty big! -and so, they are on the road- Patty: (smiling all the way at Liz) roxanne: well, now we just need new living arrangements... riley: *playing her ds* Kid: "...Liz? Do you think Death City would be an option for your family?" liz: yeah. we should give them a place in the mansion. Kid: (smiles) "Exactly what I was thinking." julie: but what about the fort? *she is hugging her stuffed doggy* Kid: "...Well, um...our home is like a fort?" liz: more like a castle almost. julie: wooooah! *shiny eyes* Kid: (laughs) "You like queens and princesses?" julie: *she smiles* stocking: she does have a coloring book on stuff like that. Kid: "Then I think you'll like it." (looks to Roxanne) "If that is acceptable for you and your family?" roxanne: of course. i think it would be a nice change of pace. Patty: "I'd say so after where you were staying...So, um, where to next? We sticking with going to Salt Lake, or should we get my most wonderful extended family to their new house first?" -they did the salt lake trip, but skipped the vegas trip- Patty: (holds up 'Salt Lake City' shirts for Julie and Riley) "For you two!" riley: neat. roxanne: that thing on the van.... stocking: long story. Kid: -_- -after a while, they arrived back to death city- Yumi: "...Death? We have company." lord death: welcome! *he had a small party to welcome the new residents* Kid: ^_^; "I know these weren't the 'souvenirs' you were expecting..." ellen: we'll prepare some rooms for you. roxanne: this is....quite the property. hello, roxanne thompson, nice to meet you. *she shakes yumi's hand* Patty: (puts Julie on her shoulders) Yumi: "Yumi Azusa. Likewise. I am Kid's mother, and this is my husband, Lord Death." kirika:..... hey. riley: yo. kirika: nice hair. riley: nice eyepatch. Kid: ("They're like twins...") -soon, they settle into their new rooms- Patty: (bouncing on Julie's bed) julie: ...... this is a big room. but i dont have enough stuff to fill it up. Patty: "Want to go clothes shopping tomorrow? We can get you a princess outfit..." julie: yay! roxanne: this feels nice... a lot better scenery than a fallout shelter, haha. Yumi: "I can imagine. Roxanne, what exactly did you encounter?" roxanne: well, we did make some sketches of the creatures. Yumi: "Care to show us?" -the drawings are of various mutants; 'baskers', 'banshees', 'lickers', 'big bubba', etc- lord death: ..... (thinking: low ranking clowns....) Yumi: (sighs) "You are lucky...Roxanne, are you the only survivors?" roxanne: as far as we know... Yumi: "...I can't imagine what losses you experienced." roxanne: at least my family is safe and happy....*sigh* that must sound so selfish... Yumi: (puts a hand over hers) "You kept your family safe: that is all a parent can do." roxanne: *she smiles* so....have you decided on a name yet? Yumi: (smiles) "Yes..." (looks to Death) lord death: we were thinking 'Shiori’ Yumi: (nods) -later- stocking: that was quite the vacation, huh? Kid: (nods) "I'm happy for Liz and Patty...Stocking? This 'family' is getting bigger: Heather, Riley, Julie, my sister..." stocking: it sure is.... Kid: "...Stocking? I'm sorry to ask this again, but in the future, are you still interested in having children?" stocking: of course i am. Kid: "As am I...I looked at Julie, and I just felt this desire to take care of her. I see how Patty is around her and Riley, and I want to be like that for my sister." stocking: *she smiles* yeah, i felt the same way... Kid: (smiles) "I hope we can babysit." (kisses her forehead) "You are so great with children." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (sad smile) "There was at least one thing I had hoped to give you while we were in Las Vegas..." stocking: what was that? Kid: "...I don't know...Would you be in the mood for it?" (smirks) stocking: depends on what 'it' is~ Kid: (kisses her cheek, guides her to his bedroom, and has her take a seat in his desk chair) "Here..." (hands her a blindfold to put on) "And wait until I tell you to take it off..." stocking: *she blushes and puts it on* --Noises are heard as items in the bedroom are moved around...and the door is locked. Stocking can feel something...like fog?-- stocking: ??? --Club music starts playing-- Kid: "Paging Dr Hottie! Take off the blindfold!" stocking: *she takes it off* uhh.. --Kid is in short-shorts, a nurse outfit...and there is a fog machine and a stripper pole-- stocking: ......... *NOSEBLEED* Kid: (dancing to the music, then talk into his fake shoulder walkie-talkie) "We got a nosebleed! I have to administer medical attention..." (rips off his shirt and holds it to her nose) stocking: huehuehuehue~ -later- Patty: "...Huh. Thought I heard something, like loud bass music..." (shrugs, falls back to sleep) -in kid's room- Kid: (panting) stocking: *naked, panting, sweating* ahhhh.... *twitching* Kid: "Oh, God..." (continues to complete her...twitching) stocking: *moans as he cums inside of her* ahhhhh~<3 Kid: (grips her behind harder as he finishes thrusting and cumming) stocking: AHHHHHHHHHHH~<3 Kid: (pulls out...) o_o "Oh no!" stocking: huh? Kid: "...I didn't put on a condom..." stocking: 0__0 uhhh... Kid: "A-Are you on the pill?" stocking: no! Kid: ._____. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap--" stocking: kid. kid breathe. Kid: (holds her, the side of his head pressed against her chest) "Okay, okay...Um, do you...We have tomorrow off. First thing in the morning, do you want to get the morning after pill?" stocking: yeah...for now, that may be best... Kid: (nods) "S-Stocking? I do want to have children with you--really. I just--I mean, are you ready for that?" stocking: of course i want children but.... i want to wait on it. Kid: (nods, kisses her lips) "..." (gets out of bed, goes to his laptop) "I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until I find a pharmacy with it..." stocking: well....we'll just roll with it as it comes.... ok? Kid: (looks back, stares at her...nods) "Stocking, I'm sorry." stocking: its ok kid. Kid: (staring at the computer as he searches...) "I-I-I screwed up...I just..." (finds it) "Okay. The nearest pharmacy with it is Death Mart. Over-the-counter." stocking: ...... *she hugs him* Kid: (pulls back from the computer, leans against the back of his chair...and wraps his arms around her...) -the next morning- Kid: o__________o stocking:.....*sigh* looks like i'm not pregnant.... Kid: (sighs) "That is what we wanted...right?" stocking: i guess but..... Kid: "???" stocking: i did want a baby....but i know i'm not ready for one yet... Kid: "...I would rather wait. We are very young compared to many parents. I mean, look at Father. I mean, I'm not saying wait 800 years--" stocking: hahaha... *she smiles* yeah. Kid: "...Stocking? Have you taken the birth control pill before?" stocking: no. Kid: "Oh...Would you want to?" stocking: i dont know... Kid: (nods) "Then I'll continue to use protection..." (puts his head in his hands) "I'm an idiot." stocking: kid..... *she hugs him* Kid: "I don't want to make that mistake again. I want to learn from this, and I am sorry to have put you through this." stocking: its ok.....and if i did get pregnant unintentionally.... i'd want it to be from you. Kid: (strokes her cheek) "Me, too." (kisses her lips) -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hey, Soul." soul: yeah? Black Star: "How is post-Salt Lake treating you?" soul: alright i guess. Black Star: "Well, it's about to get better, dude!" (holds up two tickets) "Bam!" soul: oh? Black Star: "Hockey! The all-American beat-'em-up sport! Front row center! You up for it?" soul: ....sure. Black Star: "Sweet! Clear your schedule for Friday!" ((It's, I don't know, Saturday right now.)) soul: ok. Black Star: "So, how are you doing get back in the swing of things at your job?" soul: doing good. we got a new guy working there. not much of a talker. Black Star: "Silent type? What's their name?" soul: *shrugs* Black Star: "Well, are they weird? I mean, given Death City, silent people tend to stand out since everyone is so loud and noisy around here." soul: *shrugs* but this guy....lets say lookin at him would give kid a heart attack. Black Star: "What, asymmetrical?" soul: oh yeah. Black Star: "Jeez...Well, if you see Kid around your job, try to kick him out or something, I guess." soul: and miss him shit himself? as if! Black Star: "Bro, that's not cool, man...Not without filming it!" soul: oh boy. Black Star: "Well, I'm going to pick up some snacks--we're having a movie night! You're invited if you want to come along!" soul: ok, sure. Black Star: "It's a great film, too--fighting, ninjas, romance, a dog!" soul: ok? -elsewhere- Meme: "..." Anya: "..." Meme: "We're cursed." Anya: "Completely. Absolutely." ao: now what seems to be the trouble? Anya: -_- "Dating is complicated. How do commoners do it?" ao: ?? -elsewhere- Hiro: (whistling) "Ah, what a great day! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and nothing can go wrong!" tamaki:................... Hiro: "Oh!" (smiles) "Hello, Tamaki! Isn't it a wonderful morning?" tamaki:...... *she grabs his shoulders and knees him in the crotch* Hiro: ._O "EEEEEEEEE!!!" tamaki:.......... *she walks away* Hiro: (collapses on the sidewalk, high-pitched) "Whyyyyyyyyy...?" -elsewhere- Arthur: (panting) "Good work out..." (takes off his shirt) iris: *watering plants* Arthur: "How're they growing, Iris?" iris: quite well. shinra: they're nice. Arthur: "What do you call these plants?" shinra: tomatos. Arthur: "Ah...Nutritious." (stretches) -elsewhere- Patty: "Ready or not, here I come!" julie: hehe. *she's hiding under the bed* Patty: (hearing the sound, but ignoring it) "Hmmm...Where could Julie be?" (opens the closet doors) "Is she hiding in here?" julie: *quiet* Patty: "Hmmm..." (picks up a large teddy bear off of the toybox) "No, she's not under the giant teddy bear! Darn--she is one good hider!" julie: hehe. Patty: (tiptoes to the bed) "I wonder..." (sits atop the bed) julie: >w< Patty: (hangs upside down over the edge of the bed) "Found you!" julie: eek! haha! Patty: (picks her up carefully, hugging her) "Hee hee hee!" heather: that sister of your's is a strange girl. liz: yeah, but she's family, you know? Patty: "What you want to do now, Julie? I know where Lord Death hides his secret stash of gingersnaps!" -elsewhere- kirika: *having just finished training* Giriko: "Man, how many more people you going to fit in that house?! When your mom has that baby, it's just gonna get more crowded." kirika: yeah, then again, place is huge as fuck. Giriko: "Tch. Doubt Lord Death has room for two more, huh?" kirika: i doubt 'lottie's’ gonna be let in. Giriko: "No kiddin'. At least the priest got me some leads." kirika: typical. Giriko: "Yeah. Need a fair housing law in this city or something." (tosses her a bottle of water) kirika: this being said to a girl who lived in an abandoned motel for 4-6 years. Giriko: (sips) "Too-chee." kirika:.... *she senses something* >_> Gopher: -w- ("Oh, sweet light, bathe me in your rays, so that I, your lowly dandelion, may grow in your garden...") kirika:........................ T_T# Giriko: "..." Gopher: (inches closer, trying to hide behind objects: fence post, boulder, a tumbleweed...) Giriko: "This is just sad..." kirika: 3.....2.....1.... Gopher: (awkwardly stands up, sweating and shaking) "H-Hello!" (awkward wave) kirika: *turns and punches him in the face, not even shifting her expression* Gopher: o_O (knocked to the ground) kirika: what did you want from me now? Giriko: (sips on his bottle) "Good form. You applied the maximum amount of force right at the point of impact." Gopher: "I-I-I just wanted to see you! See how you are were doing! Um, how are you doing?" kirika: doin good. got more people living at my house, so that's a thing. Gopher: (pops up--not even shifting his legs, just as if you were pushing down on a rake to make it erect again) "R-Really? Oh, um, are they...good people?" kirika: eh. *shrugs* alright i guess. Gopher: "Your parents were okay with more people moving in?" kirika: its a long story, jr. Gopher: "I-I-I got time! I have all the time! Want to talk about it over lunch?" kirika:........... *she suplex's him* Gopher: .\\\\\. ("She is hugging me! Yay!") --CRUNCH-- Gopher: ("...Still a hug...") kirika: T-T Giriko: "...So, you like this little v-mouth dude a lot, huh, Kirika?" kirika: THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS! >///< Giriko: (smirks) "He's submissive, you’re dominant. I think that's cute." kirika: are you being serious right now?! Giriko: (shrug) "Maybe half-serious." Gopher: "...I require medical assistance. I think I stopped breathing. Someone give me mouth-to-mouth..." kirika: *drop-kicks him in the stomach* Giriko: "That's not how you do CPR, Kirika..." (finishes his water bottle, burps, tosses the bottle into the dirt) Gopher: T_T "Why does everyone I love hurt me?" kirika: come on, get up dummy. Gopher: "..." (holds up a hand) kirika: *she rolls her eyes and helps him up* honestly... Gopher: "Thank youuuuuuuu--" (as he gets up, he slips on a pebble...) kirika: ?! Gopher: (he falls--and his hand is still clutching hers) -later, elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *nuzzling up to him* Kid: "I love you." stocking: i love you too, babe. Kid: (holds her) "I did enjoy last night...despite my grievous error." stocking: me too.... and i forgive you.... it did feel nice though....having you take me raw. Kid: o\\\\\o "I was afraid to say it felt the same for me, too...Like when you hold me in your mouth, or between your breasts, only...Well, I mean..." stocking: y-yeah... *bluuuuuuuuuuuush* Kid: "...You feel amazing." o\\\\\\o stocking: >///////////< Kid: "S-Sorry...Maybe we should talk about something else." -later- Black Star: "Soul! What do you want to drink?" soul: i'm down for whatever. Black Star: (brings out three waters) "Tsubaki, how did your day go?" tsubaki: pretty good. Black Star: "Cool. Hey, did you see Tamaki today?" tsubaki: no. Black Star: (frowns) "I did." tsubaki: oh no, what happened? Black Star: (pulled up his shirt, showing a large bruise on his stomach) tsubaki: !! what did she do?! Black Star: "She punched me! I said, 'What's up?' and she straight up punched me in the gut! I didn't do anything, I swear!" tsubaki:..... Black Star: "And she made this face, while mumbling something about Arthur or something." tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "I think she saw...Excalibur." tsubaki: o_o oh.... Black Star: "I already texted Arthur as a warning, but I don't think he understands." -elsewhere- Spirit: <Pardon me? I'm here to check in.> clerk: <of course. right this way sir.> Spirit: (wheels his luggage behind him. "At least the DWMA makes sure I can get a decent hotel room...") -at the 8th brigade- Arthur: "...I have no idea what he is talking about. Excalibur is fine!" (holds up his Excalibur) "See?" shinra: *shrugs* Arthur: "Black Star also said to hide from Tamaki. But why? I mean, she's weird, but she's not homicidal or something...Right?" shinra: >_>;; Arthur: "...Maybe I should stay indoors for a bit...Um, if Tamaki comes by, tell her...um...I got transferred." -SLAM- tamaki: WhErE iS bOyLe?! shinra: canada! Arthur: o_O (hides in a closet) tamaki:.......... *PUNCHES SHINRA then leaves* Arthur: (sigh of relief...then knocks over a broom in the closet) tamaki: *SNAP* what. was that? Arthur: o_o ("Don't move...Don't do anything..." (the broom then knocks over an entire stack of paint cans) "ARG!" (falls out of the closet, landing on the floor...) -what happened next is too violent to describe- Arthur: (pixelated mess) -that night- iris: tonight, we mourn the loss of a valued member of the 8th brigade. Arthur: (mumbling through face bandages) "I'm not dead. I'm getting better." maki: SHH! Q-Q shinra: (thinking: cant believe we're holding a funeral for a potted plant...) Oubi: *sniffs* "Keep it together, Akitaru...Don't cry, man." takehisa: .................... *stoic* Arthur: (groan) shinra: shh! Arthur: (muffled) "You 'Shh'!" -later- Patty: "Zzz..." Kid: "...Who drew on the wall? _With crayons?!_" liz: patti and kirika. thats who. Kid: (pinches the bridge of his nose) "They know better...When children younger than them know not to draw on the walls...Sigh...I'll deal with this tomorrow." liz: yeah.... -they would be made to clean the walls- Kid: "I'll just have them wash the walls...No point prolonging a punishment." -the next day- Kid: "--And it is your responsibility to set a good example for children, so you cleaning these walls will help you." kirika: 7__7 Patty: "Next you're going to tell me I can't curse in front of children." -elsewhere- Hiro: (whimpering) hiro's mom: *giving him ice* honestly, what's wrong with that girl? Hiro: (voice still pitched up a bit) "She's pretty violent, even among DWMA students. And I'm not the only one she hit--she attacked Arthur, too!" -elsewhere- Sid: (reviewing paperwork) "Great. When I was alive, I had to deal only with students' misbehavior at school. Now, I have to give detention for students' off-campus behavior." kinuta: uuuuuuugh i'm boooooooored! Sid: "Then do something productive..." (throws a book at her) kinuta: *grumbles* you people are savages! right mutt? *she looks at alone* Alone: (shoveling his meal into his mouth) "Food's okay, though." kinuta:.... its barely cooked! Alone: "I like raw meat, though." kinuta: *she rolls her eyes* Alone: "...Want some?" (offers the slop in his doggie bowl) kinuta: ugh, no thanks. Alone: (shrugs) "More for me! I don't get why you're so annoyed: three square meals a day, shelter, good conversations." kinuta: ...... *she notices a crude drawing that alone has made* ?? Alone: "...Oh! You like my masterpiece! It's us!" kinuta: how....nice.... *forced smile* -there is another drawing of him and eruka- Alone: "And that's me and the cute frog witch." kinuta: i see.... -she examines it- --They are holding hands with a heart over them-- kinuta: ...... Alone: "Wait 'til you see my next artwork! That's when things get interesting!" kinuta: oh....really? Alone: "Yeah! I was thinking of drawing our next date, then our wedding, then our honeymoon, then us having little wolf-frog hybrid babies!" kinuta: wow. Alone: "Hey, what do you call wolf-frog hybrid babies? Tad-puppies?" -elsewhere- eruka: *shudders* Free: "Hmm? What's wrong?" eruka: i felt a disturbance in the force. Free: "...Nerd." eruka: TnT Free: "Er...Want to see Force Awakens again?" eruka: sure. Free: "Cool. Ugh, man, I can't believe there is another Werewolf now in Death City..." eruka: what about that green-haired chick from the school? Free: "Yeah, but she's not an embarrassment like that guy. Trying to hold a conversation with him is like talking to a tree stump." eruka: at least he doesnt leer at you and drool like he's fantasizing about something really reeeeally unsavory. *shudders* Free: o\\\o "Yeah, that'd be bad..." eruka: free! D : < Free: "What?!" eruka:..... 7////7 n-nevermind. Free: (looking away) "I'll just get some snacks for the film..." -elsewhere- Meme: (looking around the corner of the dorm hallway...) "Okay, the coast is clear." mio: *blushing* *in a dress* Meme: (blushing as well) "Um...A dress?" mio: blame gumi. tsugumi: aww, but it looks nice. red's a good color on you. Meme: "Y-Yeah, it is..." Meme: "But did you lose a bet or...?" mio: its...f-for the dance... Meme: "Oh...I, um, really like it." mio: t-thanks.... 7////7 Meme: "Um...Maybe someone will get you a new necklace to go with the dress..." -elsewhere- Yumi: (reviewing documents) "Shanghai...What is going on there?" -in shanghai- agent: we're not sure what happened, she just started attacking us... Spirit: "What is she like? Any problematic behavior in the past?" agent: a little bitchy sometimes, but not too bad. Spirit: "Any recent changes that you know of? Maybe in her habits, her diet?" agent: she did get some new nail polish recently. Spirit: "...Nail polish? That's all you can give me?" agent: we did keep it though. *he hands him a plastic baggy that says 'evidence'* Spirit: (looks at it) "What's the brand of it?" agent: looks like a knock-off on hibana's new nail polish she debut at a fashion show recently. Spirit: "Hibana? Hmm...Makes sense people would make knock-offs. Do you know where she bought this stuff?" agent: sadly no. Spirit: "Get to work navigating through every spot where you think knock-offs are sold: street corners, private sales, flea markets. Keep it undercover, contact any informants you have." (thinks) "There any bars near here?" agent: just the fox den a few blocks down. Spirit: "Good--we're going to need drinks." (marches towards the exit) "You can tell me more on the way." -elsewhere- Kid: (wearing a tiara, sitting at a very short table, holding an empty toy teacup) "May I have some tea, Princess?" julie: of course. *she pours some lemonade* Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." (sips--and it is mostly sugar, as he grimaces a bit and forces a smile) "Um...Tasty!" julie: ^^ stocking: this tea is delicious~! Kid: (still forcing a smile..."Of course it is..." he finishes his drink, smiles at Julie) "May I have a snack, please?" julie: *she gives him a chocolate cupcake* Kid: "Why, thank you! Did you make this yourself?" julie: mommy got the cupcakes when she went shopping. Kid: "That was very kind of her. How do you like the cupcakes, Stocking?" stocking: mmm~! Kid: (smiles) "It sounds like Stocking likes them, Julie." julie: she's pretty. are you gonna marry her one day? stocking: o////////o Kid: (spits up his lemonade) "Wha-What?! I mean, it's just--That is to say-say-say..." .______. (falls backwards, unconscious) julie: waah! Q.Q Patty: (pokes her head in, sees the scene) "...Julie, did you kill Kid?" -elsewhere- grimoire: so you understand your mission, nals? Nals: "Of course! You need only ask, and I shall fulfill your task!" (over-acting) "I will complete the mission so well that it will take your breath away!" grimoire: T-T;; um... yeah. although keep in mind. milia will be accompanying you. Nals: "..." (struggling to force a smile) "That's...good." grimoire: she should be in her room as usual. Nals: "...I am looking forward to this mission. Thank you. I will go see her." (screaming internally as he walks to her room and knocks on her door) -seems the door is open- Nals: "..." ("My eyes have died...") "Milia? Are you here?" -TACKLE-GLOMP- milia: NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALSIIIIIE~!<3 ^w^ Nals: o_o; ("Wrong wrong wrong!") "Please let go of me. We have a mission." milia: ooh! what're we dooooin'~? Nals: "Surveillance and extraction: we are to gather information by observing targets--their patterns of behavior, their friends, their locations--as well as acquire a certain item." milia: oooooh sounds cool! who're we watchin'? Nals: "We are following a target in Shanghai." (removes a photograph from his pocket to hand to Milia) milia: SQUEEEEEEEEeeeee...... who's this loser? Nals: "The Death Scythe of North America...who for some reason is in Shanghai. We're going to find out way." milia: ohhh. Nals: "You will need some of your best magic." (dramatic flair, as he now is holding a rose) "Whereas I will commence with my brilliant performance to deceive this individual, acquire the information he has, and capture the artifact he seeks." milia: wowie~! *heart pupils* Nals: (dramatic flair as he gets into his role, holding her hand) "Let us depart!" milia: huaaaaaaa =w= <3<3<3<3<3 Nals: -_- "I'm just acting. Learn to read the difference between artifice and reality." milia: =w=..... owo huh? were you saying something? Nals: "...Nothing. Get packed: we leave in an hour." -elsewhere- medusa: *panting* haaa..... Noah: (kissing along her back) medusa: f-fuck... Noah: "Hmm?" (puts his hands along her breasts) "What's wrong?" medusa: i-i'm fine... (thinking: like hell i'm going to admit it feels good....which it does.) Noah: (notices something...) "You seem tense, though...Maybe you need to let out some pressure..." (he grinds against her from behind) medusa: o////o h-hey! Noah: (stops) "Sorry. Would you prefer from the front?" medusa:......... j-just keep doing that then. Noah: "Medusa, I want what you want..." (kisses along her neck) "Tell me what you really want..." medusa: *forced smile* go fuck yourself. Noah: (frown, as he leans against her from behind) "You could do the same..." (He takes her hand, guiding it down to her slit, as with her fingers and his own he massages her) medusa: h-hey!! .///. Noah: (frustrated groan) "What now?" -elsewhere- eibon: hmmm.... hmm? my child? is something wrong? Gopher: (shivering) "I feel...Cold? Or maybe a phantom pain? Or..." (taps his head) "Something's in here! Not what should be!" eibon: ..... *he hugs him* would you like some tea to calm the nerves? Gopher: "..." (nods) -mother?: its ok sweetie.... it's going to be alright... i'll take care of you.... i promise....- inori: *studying* Gopher: " 'Sweetie'? I don't--Why would--?" (beats a hand against his head) "Not right!" eibon: shhh. there there... Gopher: "I see someone..." -mother?: *she smiles warmly*- Gopher: "She's...smiling..." inori: ?? -elsewhere- medusa: *panting* Noah: (panting) "Was that better?" medusa: alright i guess...... say, what ever happened to that weird servant child of yours? y'know, the one you had with your previous servant... ilyana was it? Noah: "..." (sneaks through his pants' pocket, removes a carton of cigarettes and a lighter. Lights up.) "I threw him away, like the trash he was." (holds the carton to her) medusa: so you killed him? Noah: "Tried. Then some little cunt ran off with him." medusa: oh? *she takes one* Noah: (lights her cigarette with his own) "Some annoying girl got in my way. I had to escape, so I cut my losses: leave the little shit for dead. I saw him recently, when he helped that shinigami invade my Book." medusa: really now? Noah: (frowns) "I batted him around. Then the shinigami's little shits rescued his whore." medusa: did you knock her up? Noah: (smirks) "Wouldn't be surprised..." medusa: haha. you slut. Noah: (puts out his cigarette) "You whore..." (puts his mouth against her neck, throws an arm around her, tackling her) medusa: !!! -elsewhere, away from this debauchery-
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