#its like how he never says anything about Robin jumping over the batmobile door
outofcontextbatman · 2 years
It’s a King Tut Episode but heck if I know which one. 
And I don’t have time to actually watch all the episodes 😔 to see where I gathered this clip from. 
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Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t posted in a while but I’m hoping to be more active now! This is a song fic I’ve been working on for a while. Warning it’s pretty much all angst.
Length: 2,156 words
Song: Oblivion by Bastille
Fandom: Batman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne
Ratings: Teen and Up
Trigger Warnings: Major Character Death (Canonical), Blood Mention, Kidnapping, Police Mention. If you would like me to add any please let me know!
Summary: Damian lay peacefully sleeping in his fathers arms, Bruce only hopes his peace could last forever. But nothing lasts forever, especially in a life lived on the edge of oblivion.
Damian’s breathing began to even out halfway through some movie Bruce couldn’t name. He was too busy watching Damian, enjoying a moment where his son truly looked like a child, with no walls, no glare, just peace.
Patrol had been rougher than usual, had been for a while now. Slowly but surely Gotham was losing to the darkness within her, no matter how hard they tried. It was as if Gotham had given up, that she knew the war was already lost.
As the voices on the screen grew louder Damian shifted in his sleep. The man knew he should shut it off and carry Damian up to bed, but he didn’t dare move, didn’t dare risk ending the moment of peace his son had found, wherever he had gone behind his eyes.
When you fall asleep with your head upon my shoulder.
When you're in my arms but you've gone somewhere deeper.
As the end credits rolled Bruce finally shut off the TV, picked Damian up and carried him to his room. It always shocked him how light Damian was, that even with all he was capable of, he was still just a kid.
Gently he placed Damian under the covers and tucked him in, just as Alfred used to do for him. Though instead of leaving he found himself sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing the hair from his sons closed eyes. He never showed this affection when the boy was awake, he couldn’t. As much as he loved him, he knew his child needed a mentor, not a father. And he couldn’t possibly be both.
So, he found himself in times like these crossing that invisible line. Letting himself care and love, but also worry. His son had been forced to grow up far too quickly and yet had so much growing still to do. And in these small moments, no matter how hard he tried not to, he always wondered if it was worth it.
This was a path that had taken so much from both of them, and one miss-step could cost them what little they had left. But hadn’t they given enough? Hadn’t his son given enough? Because as proud as Damian acted Bruce knew deep down the boy still felt like he needed to give more to make up for his past, to prove himself. That no matter what Damian said, he never felt good enough.
Bruce only wished Damian would know that he was proud.
Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to age without mistakes?
Slowly Bruce stood from the bed and made his way out of the room. Pausing only for a moment, he took one last glance at his son, then he closed the door behind him.
He stopped in the hall and drew in a long tired breath, slowly raking his hands down his face. It had been a long day, the exhaustion ached in his limbs. He should sleep, but that never seemed to help anymore.
Bruce released his breath with a sigh and began the short walk to the Batcave. An action he had done so many times he barely noticed when he came to a stop in front of the large computer, and began pulling up today’s files.
Though as many reports as he finished, there seemed to be an ever-growing number behind them. He wondered idly if it would ever end; he hoped so. If only for his children’s sake.
He turned for a moment to the glass case behind him. Inside his suit stood proud, the symbol on its chest unmistakable, even when surrounded by the darkness of Gotham. The symbol that kept some awake at night and yet let others sleep soundly.
At first, he had loved the thrill, the freedom of no identity, of no one knowing who he was. No one judging his every move, measuring him up against a man he barely even knew. He was finally free of Bruce Wayne, but then Batman became an identity of its own.
Sometimes he wondered if he was better off without the mask, but the good they do can’t be done in the light. At least not yet.
Are you going to age with grace,
Only to wake and hide your face?
The daylight came and went as if it had never been there at all and Batman once again found himself jumping into the fray, Robin by his side. As the Bat finished off his last thug, he turned to watch his partner. There were still two men left standing, but it was nothing Robin couldn’t handle. Though as Batman watched he couldn’t help but see the boys that came before him.
Dicks energetic grace, Jason’s ruthless accuracy, Tim’s calculating stare. All of them willing to die for this cause, his cause. And in the end, they all will. One way or another this fight will take them all. Whether it’s their bodies in the field or their minds once they leave it, the people they were when this started won’t make it out alive. Unlike himself who doesn’t have a choice.
No matter what happens to him neither Batman nor Bruce can ever change. Both a symbol, one of justice and one of hope, and both far too needed in these dark times. Neither can ever falter. Neither can ever die.
When oblivion is calling out your name,
You always take it further than I ever can.
The night air was cold in his lungs as Batman watched the fight unfold around him. A small group of thugs had kidnapped a little boy from his bedroom window, hoping to make some money.
They were in an old abandoned warehouse, near the port. If you listened you could almost hear the waves, but Bruce had other things on his mind. There weren’t many kidnappers left standing, there had only been six to begin with, but a few tried to make a run for it.
“Robin, fall back and make sure they don’t escape,” he ordered over his shoulder as he threw a punch, knocking the man he had been fighting out cold.
“The police can handle them,” Robin replied, finishing his last opponent and going to help the child.
“Now, Robin.” The tone of Batman’s command left no room for arguments.
His partner sighed but followed orders, turning his attention to the two fleeing criminals. They had barely made it twenty feet, stumbling around in the chaos, their weapons lost in the fight. Robin went for his batarang when he caught movement in the corner of his eye.
The kidnapper Robin had just fought had gotten back up and was heading for the child. Disobeying Batman’s order Robin abandoned the escaping men and ran for the young boy.
The thug made it to the child first and pulled out a knife. Thinking quickly Robin tackled the man, taking his knife and lodging it in his shoulder. A non-fatal wound but a painful one. The man quickly dropped to the ground screaming in pain, blood pouring out of his arm.
Robin ignored him and turned to the small boy, who jerked back in fear. Slowly, he undid the small child’s bindings and helped him stand. Batman had finished with the other kidnappers and the police were quickly making their way inside.
After handing the kid over to the cops, Batman and Robin left the scene. Their job finished for the night, though the ride home was made in silence.
The Batmobile came to a slow stop and Damian was quick to leave, ready to put the night behind him when a voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Robin, you disobeyed my order,” Batman stated, his voice echoing off the cave walls.
“I saved the boy, doesn’t that matter?” Robin aske, turning on his heel.
“Of course it matters, but you also stabbed a man in front of him, Damian.” Removing his cowl Bruce looked into the eyes of his son.
“I had to take him down!” He replied, the anger and frustration clear in his voice.
“Not like that. We can’t do that; we can’t be like them,” Bruce responded, the frustration growing in his voice as well.
“I’m not one of them, stop acting like I am! I don’t need you or anyone else controlling me,” Damian shouted.
After a moment’s hesitation his son turned back around and marched up the stairs, ending their conversation for the night. This isn’t the first fight they had like this and Bruce knows it won’t be the last.
When you play it hard, and I try to follow you there.
It's not about control but I turn back when I see where you go.
With a frustrated sigh Bruce turned to the computer and started on the night’s files. In the corner of the screen, he pulled up the news coverage on what happened. He paused for a moment when he saw the boy reunited with his parents. He truly is proud of Damian, but there’s more to it than that.
The boy is crying, held in his parent’s arms. Robin may have kept him safe but there are more types of pain then physical. The kid had to watch it all up close; that affects people. They are supposed to be heroes, the ones good people aren’t afraid of, but what happens when you’re scared of the good guys, too? What road will that lead him down?
When Bruce says Robin can’t be like the criminals they fight, it’s not that he thinks Damian is evil, it’s that he doesn’t want people to think he is. His son has a chance to be something new, not just the weapon his mother wanted him to be.
He can make his own future now.
Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to leave a path to trace?
A hand on his shoulder snaps Bruce out of his thoughts, though more than anything he wishes he could go back. Wishes he didn’t have to face reality quite yet. That everything was just as it was then.
Damian lay in his arms again, just as he had the night Bruce carried him to bed, but he wasn’t sleeping. Or maybe he was, that’s how some people choose to rationalize it. But it isn’t rational, it isn’t fair, though what in their lives ever were.
He looked so relaxed. More relaxed than Bruce had ever seen him with his eyes open. He should close them, but he feels frozen in place. Those eyes had been so full of life only a moment ago, now they might as well have been made of glass. But while lifeless they also held no pain. Bruce chocked back a sob; his son was finally free.
A voice spoke behind him, though he didn’t hear the words. The syllables and tones sounded meaningless and foreign, but he knew what they meant. It was time to go, but he couldn’t. The hand on his shoulder grew firmer, the words louder, but he didn’t dare move. His eyes locked on his son, his child. Now forever, just a child.
But oblivion is calling out your name,
You always take it further than I ever can.
The wind blows through the trees, but the sky is clear. No storms or rain, hail or snow. Just the bright light of a new day. A day his boy will never see.
It’s almost ironic, that the one day the sun shines through Gotham’s clouds is the one day no one wants it to. The one day it won’t be cherished. The one day it won’t be remembered, because no one is looking up. Their eyes cast to the ground, to the new stone among the old, to the name engraved upon it. Damian Wayne.
A meaningless name for a meaningless boy. A lie for the people, an act for the world. This name was only a burden to him, an unbearable weight. A brand on his life that forever marked him for greatness. Forced him to surrender himself so that he may be molded into what others wanted. The heir to Bruce Wayne. The heir to Talia Al Gul. The heir to a future of anyone but himself.
No, his son’s true grave lies deeper, under rocks and dirt. A simple glass case, with a small scrap of fabric, a costume covered in blood. A monument to the boy he really was, to Robin. To his hardened eyes and tattered edges. He may not have been free in life, but it was the closest he ever got.
He can only hope the real Damian is remembered, that after everything he’d done, that after everything he fought for, his redemption came. And that the rest will fade into oblivion.
When oblivion is calling out your name,
You always take it further than I ever can.
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
Death Do We Part
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SSA Spin-off ✧ Jason Todd ✧ Physical Link ✧ 1 ✧ 2 ✧ 3 ✧ 4 ✧ 5 ✧ 6 ✧ 7 ✧ 8 ✧ 9 ✧ 10 ✧ 11 ✧ 12 ✧ 13 ✧ 14 ✧ 15 ✧ Notes: The main story of SSA is on hiatus while I figure out how to end it. For now, please enjoy this three-part (or four) spin-off that’s been nagging me ever since Until Death was finished. Words: 2,000+
     A physical link is one of the most dangerous soulmate links around and that’s what you share with your soulmate. Your link with him is also more sensitive than most because sometimes your hair moves with the wind even though you’re indoors or you can taste what he’s eating.
     But what you didn’t know was how much fun your link was going to be. Ever since you started holding pens and doodling on your arm, you’ve been getting replies on the other one. You thought it was such a fun game but it nearly gave your parents a heart attack. When you could form words and read them, you started to communicate with each other.
      Jason, don’t forget your homework this time.
     Oh crap! Thanks for reminding me, Y/N.
     You roll your eyes as you say goodbye to your parents. You rush to the next block over just in time to see Jason stumble out of his apartment building. He falls and scrapes his knee. You both shout and wince at the same time.
     “Jason! I thought you were going to be more careful. Are you trying to kill us before high school?” Jason laughs and grabs your hand. He drags you to the bus stop and you make it just in time.
      Jason was careful. Both of you had your fair share of paper cuts, bumps, and bruises. But neither of you have ever sprained or broken anything. It sucks when one of you gets sick though.
     “If I sneeze, are ya gonna sneeze too?” Jason says with a nasally voice lying in bed next to you. His dad was always out and his mom had to work so your parents offered to take care of him while you’re both sick. They basically only have to take care of one child anyway.
     “I don’t know. We haven’t tried that one,” you smile and rub the bridge of Jason’s nose. He purrs. “That feels good, huh? It feels like I’m unblocking your nose.” You and Jason laugh.
     “Y/N with the magic fingers. Gotham criminals beware!”
     Your parents hush the two of you and threaten to make you sleep on the couch while Jason sleeps in your bed if you two don’t rest soon. You grab each other’s hands under the blanket and immediately close your eyes until they leave the room.
     You open your eyes and Jason is staring at you, pouting. You take out your other hand and stroke his warm cheek. He closes his eyes to lean into your touch then opens them again. “Pops hasn’t been home in days. My mom thinks he’s run away or dead in a ditch somewhere.”
     You frown and pull Jason close to you. “You’re always welcome here, Jason.”
     He knows that. He knows you mean it but he couldn’t just take advantage of your kindness like that. So when his mother runs away and he’s left alone in an empty apartment for three days straight, Jason decides it’s time to be a man and take care of himself.
     You don’t know what’s going on with Jason. He would still come out of their apartment building and go to school with you but you know he’s a little off. The first signs you pick up on are the pangs of hunger. No matter what amount of food you eat, your stomach growls and it feels like it’s eating itself.
     When your mother asks you to bring a pot of leftovers to the Todds, that’s when you realize who the real culprit is. You march over to their apartment building and find the door unlocked, the lights off, and there’s a silhouette of a boy crouching in the corner of the unfurnished apartment.
     You kneel down next to him and find that he’s awake but refuses to look at you. You call his name but he ignores you. You pinch your arm hard and it makes him jump. He hates it when you do that.
     Jason devours the food in seconds, eating straight from the pot with a big wooden spoon. Little by little, he managed to survive by selling their furniture but he still had to ration whatever money he had so he only ate one meal a day. Jason laughs, “but when ya pig out, Y/N, I get so full. I don’t even have to eat more than that if ya think about it.” You don’t find that funny because you don’t think the link actually works that way.
      He frowns and looks at his hands.
      He wants to tell you that he’s being kicked out of the apartment tomorrow. He doesn’t want to use his meager amount of money to pay for rent when he can just survive in the streets.
     He doesn’t say a word. He lets you stay with him until it’s late and he walks you back to your place.
     He doesn’t go to school the next day. You go to their apartment to scold him but find that’s it locked because new tenants were moving in soon. You ask the landlord about Jason and he tells you he’s been gone since last night.
     Jason, you idiot. Just stay with us. Mom is making your favorite tonight.
     He doesn’t reply to your messages anymore and it’s making you more angry than sad. You sit in your quiet room and close your eyes, “Where are you, Jason?” you mutter before concentrating on what you feel. You try to distinguish the sensation inside your room to what he’s feeling outside.
      You can feel humid air around your skin and sweat drenching the tips of your hair. He’s outside under the Gotham summer heat. You concentrate harder and you can hear footsteps and voices in the background. Foot traffic, so the streets? But which one? Then you hear it. The unmistakable sound of gunshots and running and police sirens. He’s in one of the worst parts of Gotham. Then you smell it, the lingering scent from Marco’s Bakery. He’s in the Narrows
     You grab the leftovers and sneak out through your window. You try to make yourself small as you enter one of the worst parts of the city. You would take the alleys and hide behind dumpsters every time you hear shouting. Then you finally find him lying on flattened cardboard.
     You kick him in the knee, bracing yourself for the sensation. He gets up quickly and his eyes widen at the sight of you. You drop the leftovers in front of him and glare. “If you don’t want to talk to me anymore, then fine. But at least eat.” 
     Walking away from Jason is hard but you know his pride won’t let him eat the food in front of you. You’re nearly home when you suddenly feel satiated. You do this every night. Leaving him food in that particular alley even when you stop finding Jason there.
     It suddenly becomes something Jason would count on because you have always been the only one he can rely on. After a day of thievery and barely surviving he would smile on the way back to his flattened cardboard where your family’s homecooked meal would still be warm.
     One night, Jason is astonished to find the batmobile in his alley. He’s admiring its size and fortress-like structure when he realizes that it had run over the food you left for him. Motivated by anger and vengeance, he finds a way to steal the hubcaps off of the batmobile’s wheels.
     “I’m sure you know who you’re stealing from.” The menacing voice shocks Jason and he turns around with a screwdriver in one hand. He takes a moment to appreciate the sheer size and intimidating stature of Batman.
     Then he glares at him and kicks his shin, “Yeah! Yer the big boob who ran over my dinner!”
     Batman is instantly puzzled. He narrows his eyes to one of his wheels and finds pasta littered on the floor and a ruined plastic container.
     Two nights after that, you’re dropping off Jason’s food and you’re surprised to find him standing in the alley in fresh clothes and a wide grin on his face. You narrow your eyes in an instant, “Did you finally inhale too much Joker gas or something?”
     “Y/N, you’ll never believe it. Oh boy!”
     Jason walks you away from the Narrows and back to your neighborhood. He tells you about running into Bruce Wayne the other night, leaving out the fact that he’s Batman.
     “He said I reminded him so much of himself when he was younger that he couldn’t imagine not adopting me,” he boasts with his thumb brushing the collar of his new shirt.
     You roll your eyes and of course, you don’t believe him. But then you arrive at your house and there’s a limo in front of your building. The door opens and Bruce Wayne steps out. Your mouth hangs open as he approaches you.
     Jason smirks and snaps his fingers in front of your face, “Y/N, I’d like ya to meet Bruce Wayne. Brucey, this is the friend I was telling ya about.”
     “It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N. Once Jason’s settled in at the manor, we’d be more than happy to invite you and your family over for dinner.”
     You gulp. Because honestly what else can you do? The richest man in Gotham is outside your house and he’s Jason’s new father.
     But Jason never did invite you to the manor. In fact, ever since he became a Wayne, you saw him less than never.
     I miss you, Jason. Why are you avoiding me this time?
     For Jason, that was anything but an easy decision. It was never really Bruce that invited him to his home. It was Batman. And Jason knows that if Batman finds out he has a physical link with a civilian, he would stop letting him be Robin.
     So he dedicated all of his time to being a good son, a model student, and a fierce sidekick. Subduing criminals before they get the chance to land a blow on him. Whenever Bruce tells corrects his movement and his fighting style, Jason always takes his criticisms to heart because it’s not just his life on the line.
     Whenever you’re missing Jason and it gets too much, you lie on the floor and close all of your senses again. You imagine him lying on a thousand-thread-count cotton bed or warm in front of a crackling fire while laughing and drinking tea with Bruce Wayne and his butler.
    But all you get is whiplash. The wind is strong and harsh against your face. Your hair is flying up while you’re lying on the floor. You can also smell the smoke of the steaming sewers wafting into the Gotham air. 
     Jason’s out in the night and from your heavy breathing and aching muscles, you can only guess that he’s happy and exhilarated. Your breathing labors against your chest and you can feel the muscles along your jaw strain hard. Jason’s laughing.
     You roll on your side and smile at the thought of Jason enjoying his life. You miss him.
     Then it happens.
     You’re out with friends at someone’s sweet sixteen party and you’re wearing a dress just like everyone else. At first, you’re laughing, something someone said about a joke you haven’t yet heard. 
     Then suddenly your whole body is thrown back as a blow to your head knocks you against the table. You use your elbows to support yourself and you watch as everyone stares at you.
     A phantom weapon hits your back and you’re kneeling on the floor, coughing out blood on someone’s shoes. That’s when the screaming starts. But you can’t listen to them now. No, you need to focus on Jason. What the hell is happening to him?
    Another blow to your back makes your body drop flat on the ground. Your lip bleeds when your teeth tear into them as you hit the ground. You groan. This is the most pain the two of you have ever been in and you think you can also feel Jason’s fear.
    “Hand me a pen!” you scream before a blow to the side of your ribs flips you onto your back. You cough more blood and you desperately try to sit up as one of your closest friends hands you a marker.
     “I called your parents. They’re on their way. What’s happening, Y/N?”
     You don’t know. You don’t know. You try to write as legibly as you can.
     Wats wrong
     You wait for a response. Then something happens. It forces your eyes to look up and you think you see something intangible floating in the air. A crowbar? Then it comes crashing down against your ribs and you hear bones crack. Your friend screams, too afraid to touch you.
     You think one of your ribs splintered and your lungs have collapsed. It’s too hard to breathe. It feels like no air is coming into your lungs. You rest your head to the side, staring at your arm. 
     Slowly, words start appearing, smeared in crimson blood.
     I’m sorry, Y/N. I lov
SSA Spin-off ✧ Jason Todd ✧ Physical Link ✧ 1 ✧ 2 ✧ 3 ✧ 4 ✧ 5 ✧ 6 ✧ 7 ✧ 8 ✧ 9 ✧ 10 ✧ 11 ✧ 12 ✧ 13 ✧ 14 ✧ 15 ✧
✧ Watchtower Masterlist ✧
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You should be scared of me
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Summary: Dad always seem to be adopting boys who reminds him of himself when he was a kid. The first boy he adopted was Dick Grayson. He became my best friend. We were attached at the hip even though he was older than me. After he left I became lonely again. I was alone for a year then dad adopted another boy. Jason Todd.
So it’s been three months since we got to San Francisco. It took about a week for Jason to started talking to me again. He realized what an ass he was. Within the three months I’ve gotten closer to Rachel and Gar. But right now Rachel and Dick were out of the towers and I was with Gar and Jason watching them train. The two had wooden swords and Jason had a blindfold on. “When I give the word come at me and don’t hold back.” Jason said. Gar nodded even though Jason couldn’t see him do it. I let out a small giggle. “Did you just nod?” Jason asked. “Yeah. I got it. Just don’t hold back.” Gar said. “Play fair boys I don’t feel like breaking you two up again.” I said. “Go!” Jason yelled. I watched as the boys started to spar Jason just stopping inches away from hitting Gar every time. Gar looked over to me. I nodded letting him know that it was ok to keep going. I watched as they fight got more intense it wasn’t until Jason had his back turned to Gar that Gar smack his in the back of the head. Jason quickly ripped the blindfold off turning to Gar. “Fuck man!” Jason said. “You said don’t hold back.” Gar said. “Boys.” I said. “What were you doing? I was fucking blindfolded.” Jason said. “You said Don’t hold back.” Gar said as he intimidated Jason’s voice. “Should I get the hose?” Rachel asked as she walked into the room. “What’s going on?” Dick asked following in behind Rachel. “We did what you said the blindfold thing then he went nuts on me.” Jason said motioning to Gar. “He said Don’t hold back.” Gar said. “He did say that Dick.” I said. “Then why do we even learn to fight like this man? It’s idiotic. We have eyes.” Jason said. “In battle anything can be taken from you.Your hands, your feet and your eyes.” Dick said as he ripped Jason sword from him stabbing in down between Gar’s feet and then pointed at Rachel’s eyes. Both Jason and Gar looked at me since Dick never pointed it at me. “You must be able to keep fighting and win. Alright get changed. Attack scenarios in the tech room in five minutes. Then breakfast.” Dick said. I got up and started to walk out with Rachel and Gar but stopped. “Yo look it’s been three months man. When do I get to go back to Gotham City?” Jason asked. I looked to Dick then back at Jason. “Bruce doesn’t think you’re ready yet and neither do I. I’m sorry man. You blew your privileges.” Dick said. “What?” Jason asked. “The batmobile joyrides. The motorcycle on the staircase.” Dick said as he turned to leave putting a hand on my arm to follow him out. “I was practicing my tactical maneuvers. ”And those websites you bookmarked? You know that’s not what the batcomptuer’s used for.” Dick said. “Oh come on man. This gig is a waste of time!” Jason said. “It’s called training. And you know as well as I do it never stops.” Dick said as he let go of my arm. “But all we do is fight each other.” Jason said. “Yeah like equals. When you’re fighting with batman you’re a sidekick. There are no sidekicks in Titans.” Dick said as he made his way over to Jason. “You’re kidding right? Because that’s literally all the Titans are sidekick. I mean it’s practically the fucking motto. Wonder girl, Aqualad.” Jason said. “You’re thinking of the old Titans. This is the new Titans. That was the whole point when Donna and I put the team together the first time. We’re partners. We have each other’s backs.” Dick said. “Yeah well tell that to tiger boy.” Jason said. This made Dick let out a sigh. “Okay look here’s the thing. I could actually use some help with the others. They don’t have the experience you have.” Dick said. “Yeah. Yeah for sure.” Jason said. “Have you noticed how they sort of look up to you? Follow your lead? When you’re on point they’re on point. When you’re not?” Dick said. “It’s true.” Jason said laughing a little and looked down. “They need your leadership Jason. You need to set the tone. I’m not robin anymore. You are.” Dick said patting Jason on the shoulder and started to walk out. “Hey wait. If I’m Robin who are you?” Jason asked. “That’s a good question.” Dick said then walked away. “You okay now?” I asked. “A little.” Jason said. “You know that everything that he told you is true right.” I said smiling. “Yeah I know but I just wish they let me go back to Gotham.” Jason said. “Well maybe if you start trying to be better and not make so many mistakes just maybe Dick and Dad will let you go back.” I said. “You really thing that?” Jason asked. “Yes I do. Now come on we should go get change don’t want to keep the other waiting.” I said as I walked out of the training room and Jason followed me.
The rest of the day went by fast. During lunch I gave Dawn a call to see how everything was doing for her and Hank. She wanted to know when I would come to see them and the horses. Knowing of course if you mention animals I would come running. I told her I would try to come in two or three weeks depending on how much help Dick needs. But then again Dick would have told me that he could handle things and that I should just go ahead and go. Right now the boys were in the living area while Rachel and I finished washing the dishes from dinner since it was our night to do them while we were doing them Rachel asked if she could show me something later and I told her that she could. We got them washed in about ten minutes then we went to join the boys. I heard a helicopter approaching I made my way to the window as one flew by. “What do you think this is all about?” I asked. “It’s probably nothing to worry about.” Dick said. I went over grabbing the remote and turned it to the news. Gar and Jason sat on the couch. Rachel and I sat on the table in front of the couch. Dick was standing nearby with his arms crossed. “Live at a downtown car chase in a stolen vehicle. Police seem to have the suspect cornered.” The new anchor said. Then the person who was driving the car got out it was a girl. She started to fight the officers and shot one. “Now it looks like the suspect.” Another news anchor said. “Who the hell is that?” Rachel asked. “A total badass.” Jason said. I couldn’t help but feel my heart break when he said that. Rachel grabbed my hand giving it a comforting squeeze. The girl kept fight the police as the helicopter got closer. “The suspect does appear to be female she’s got sliver hair. She does seem to be injured we’re not sure how badly.” The new anchor said. The girl had looked behind her noticed more police and decided to make a run for it. “She seems to be making a run for it. Not sure where she thinks she’s going.” The new anchor said. The girl jumped from the parking garage crashing in a nearby building. “Oh my. Okay. Did you see that? I absolutely did.” The two news anchors said. “I’ll be back.” Dick said as he quickly left. I got up from my spot and went to my room.
A few minutes later I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.” I yelled. I heard my door opened and Rachel walked in. “I just wanted to see if you were okay.” Rachel said. “Yeah I’m fine why wouldn’t I be?” I asked. “You just looked hurt when Jason called that girl a total badass.” Rachel said as she sat down next to me. “Rachel its fine. If Jason hasn’t showed any signs that he likes me back than I need to accept the fact a move on.” I said. “Then he’s an ass if he can’t see obviously the best thing to will ever happen to him.” Rachel said. “Thanks Rach. Now what is it that you wanted to show me?” I said. Rachel stood up lifting her shirt up a little turning around to show me four chaw marks on her back. “Oh my god Rach what happened?” I asked. “I was studying before dinner and dozed off when I woke up they were there.” Rachel said. “Have you clean these yet?” I asked. “No.” Rachel said. “Hold on.” I said as I got up from my bed as I went over to my desk and getting the first aid kit from it. “They don’t look deep so that’s good.” I said as I put the first aid kit on my bed and kneeled on the ground. “Are you going to tell Dick?” Rachel asked as I started to get out some gauze. “Only if you want me to. Right now this can just stay between you and me if you want.” I said as I took out some rubbing alcohol. “Thanks Y/n you’re the best.” Rachel said. “Don’t mention it but if this happened again in the next week we should tell Dick okay.” I said as I got some rubbing alcohol on a piece of gauze. “Do you miss Gotham?” Rachel asked. “I do and I don’t. This is going to sting.” I said. I started to clean the claw marks. Rachel let out a wince on pain. “I know but I’m almost done.” I said putting the gauze with rubbing alcohol down getting a clean piece. After wiping the remaining blood away. Then I got a new piece of gauze and some medical tape. I put the gauze hold it there with my hand as I put the medical tape of it. “There you go. Just make sure you change this is the morning.” I said. “Thanks Y/n.” Rachel said as she put her shirt down. “Don’t mention it.” I said as I started to put the supplies away. I picked up the first aid kit as I stood up. I put it away and threw away to gauze that had blood. Just as I did there was a knock at my door. “Come in.” I said. The door opened and Dick walked in. “Hey Dick.” I said. “Everything go okay?” Rachel asked.  “Everything went fine. Y/n can you come with me?��� Dick asked. Rachel looked over to me rising an eyebrow. “Yeah sure. We can continue this conversation in a bit Rach.” I said. “Sounds good.” Rachel said. I followed Dick out of my room to one of the spare rooms.
When I walked in the room with Dick I noticed that the girl from the news passed out on the bed. “Is she okay?” I asked. “She breathing but other than that I don’t know how hurt she is.” Dick said. I nodded. “I’ll go get a first aid kit.” Dick said. “Okay. I seeing what we need to do.” I said. Dick left the room and I started to look the girl over and she seemed to just have some small cuts. I started to take off the tape and gauze off of her eye. I was shock to see that what ever happened to her eye was healing. Dick need to get back fast. Dick walked back in the room with a first aid kit in his hands. “Dick you need to see this right now.” I said. Dick rushed over to me. “What wr.” Dick said but stopped.  “What are we dealing with?” I asked. “Once she wakes up we will get to the bottom of this just put some fresh gauze on this.” Dick said. I nodded then started to fix up her eye. Then after I was done Dick let me leave. I left the room and went back to finish my talk with Rachel. 
Rachel and I talked more about me missing Gotham. I did miss Gotham but I didn’t miss being used as lavage against dad. It was long after that Dick came and got Rachel and I letting us know that the girl was awake and more than likely trying to leave. We watch and followed the girl as she went to the elevator trying to use her finger print to leave but it didn’t recognized her finger print. “Access denied.” The automated voice said. We all stood behind her. “Going somewhere?” Rachel asked. The girl turned and looked at us. I was standing next to Rachel I watched as Dick stepped forward. I watch as Jason looked at the girl with a look that I had never seen before. He stepped forward but Rachel stopped him by putting her hand on his chest.  I fought to hold back the tears but when I felt them roll down my face I quickly wiped them away but only Gar and Rachel noticed. “We need to talk.” Dick said.
Taglist: @marvel-gives-me-feels​
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Robin’s Requirement’s Chapter 1 / 2
In which Bruce is not okay, Jason is dead and Robin #3 is magic, literally.
He woke up to pain. Ants crawled over his back, nails dug into his wounds, and the weight of the sky pressed down on his chest, making it hard to breathe. Bruce supposed it said a lot about himself that he didn’t even bother to look at the time or the bottle he picked up from the nightstand before a handful of pills disappeared down his throat. His bedroom was light already. By Bruce’s estimation, it was around eleven, maybe even twelve.
He’d been out late last night, hunting down what he thought might be Scarecrow’s new supply chain and he hadn’t been back in the Cave before six or so. He hadn’t been anywhere close conscious when the Batmobile had arrived home. Alfred must have gotten him out of the suit and into his bed.
Bruce couldn’t even recall the last time he hadn’t just fallen asleep in the Cave’s med bay. It was just more practical. Why bother going upstairs (going past that room) when Bruce could also just stay in the Cave. Alfred brought him food and everything else Batman needed was down there either way. He had no use for the life upstairs.
The painkillers kicked in.
It didn’t get easier to breathe.
Atlas’s burden didn’t lessen.
Bruce sat up and observed his surroundings. He was still in the manor, that much he could tell from the view out of the window, but he wasn’t in his bedroom.
Going by the clear view Bruce had of the pool, he was in a room on the west side, the other side of the manor. Getting him here while he was unconscious must have been a lot of work, it was a much longer walk from the Cave to the west side.
Alfred should have just left him downstairs.
Bruce pushed the soft blanket off himself and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He had to hand it to Alfred, he’d prepared the good stuff for him. Last night’s beating had been harsh and Alfred usually disapproved of Bruce taking their experimental pain killers with his other meds, but there was no other way Bruce could keep going. He had to move forward for as long as he could until his body finally gave out and Bruce was allowed to go.
Bruce stood up and used the bedpost to catch his balance. He remained like that for a couple minutes, or so it felt, then headed for the chair standing next to his bed and picked up the red bathrobe hanging from the back of the chair. Slowly he put it on, keen on not aggravating his wounds any further. He might not be able to feel the pain anymore, but that didn’t mean his injuries wouldn’t let him bleed out.
His bandages were still a pristine white at least, no blood sickering through. Bruce walked over to the door. If he remembered last night’s investigation completely, Scarecrow would meet his new benefactors tonight at the docks. Bruce should check the place out beforehand, bug it too maybe. He used to be faster than this. Tracking down a villain, especially Scarecrow, had never taken as long as it did this time. Perhaps he should force the Arkham staff to chip their inmates, it would undoubtedly make life easier for everyone involved.
Bruce reached for the door handle, only to pull back his hand in the last moment as the door opened and he came face to face with Alfred, who was carrying a tray with a breakfast in one hand and a suit with the other.
“Good morning, Master Bruce,” Alfred greeted, pushing past Bruce into the room, acting completely oblivious to the fact that Bruce had been attempting to leave.
It would be one of those days then.
Scowling, Bruce stood at the entrance, refusing to move. He had crucial matters to tend to, he couldn’t indulge Alfred now, but he wasn’t about to storm out of the room like an upset teenager throwing a tantrum.
“I’ve prepared a light breakfast for you. Peppermint tea and vegetable soup. You will finish this bowl and then get dressed.”
Alfred set the tray on the small table and put the suit - the Brioni. Bruce didn’t know what for. He hadn’t worn a suit in half a year, maybe longer.
“I’m not going out today, Alfred,” Bruce said. “I have a case.”
“You always have a case,” Alfred replied, a sharp edge to his voice.
Bruce narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “So? They’re important.”
“Beating a group of men so badly they could die on the way to the hospital is important? The morning papers sure had some interesting things to say about that.”
Bruce could feel the fires simmering beneath his skin. Alfred didn’t know, he hadn’t been there, hadn’t had to witness-
“They didn’t die. And you didn’t hear what they were planning to do to that kid,” Bruce replied.
“No, I did not, but I believe I know you and you are not doing yourself a favor spending twenty-four hours a day dressed as a bat.”
“You don’t understand, I-”
“Nearly flatlined thrice beneath my hands yesterday. Had you arrived at the Cave even just a second later, you would have been dead. I made a promise to your parents. You wouldn’t die on my watch and I refuse to support any matter that gets you killed any longer.”
At the end of his speech, Alfred was breathing heavily. His words echoed in Bruce’s mind.
You would have been dead.
All of it would have been over. Just like that. No more fighting, no more struggles, no more nightmares, he’d just-
“The board of Wayne Enterprises is holding a meeting concerning the plans to begin rebuilding the Narrows,” Alfred continued. His breathing evened. “Many of your board members oppose it, and as the acting head of the company, you should attend if you want a say in how the project goes. Lucius is already busy discussing the Kane Chemical deal in Metropolis.”
With those words, Alfred turned around, marching out of the room and leaving Bruce alone with his thoughts.
Bruce hadn’t been to WE in a while. Lucius had it handled. He did well, negotiating contracts and deals and kicking out a whole lot of ignorant people and hiring some of the recent college graduates. Bruce had kept an eye on things, somewhat. He trusted Lucius, and besides, if he didn’t have to look after WE, he had more time to spend on the streets.
But the Narrows… That project had been going on ever since Bruce had taken over the company. It never moved forward because so many who could afford to live well protested against it.
Bruce sighed and sat down at the table. It was just one meeting, he could do it. Use the time to re-energize at the office so he’d be prepared for tonight. Bruce reached for the spoon and began to eat the soup.
It tasted like cardboard.
His plan had been to get in and out of the building as fast as possible using the back entrance and private elevator, but that didn’t work out. Someone spotted him in the garage and within minutes the whole office knew that Bruce Wayne had shown his face in public for the first time since the-
In a while.
The elevator had been full of over-eager people, all trying to subtly catch a glance of Bruce Wayne, hoping to discover which online article had managed to grasp Bruce’s character the best.
They’d see a non-interested man typing away on his phone, dressed in an elegant suit wearing shoes worth more than their salary, a Rolex watch, and a high color hiding away anything scandalous or exciting.
A secret affair, the newspaper would scream in the morning. Out all night partying again!
And if someone in heels managed to spot the make-up he had put on, they’d expect a hickey.
Nobody would think of bruises and stab wounds, ribs showing through.
Bruce Wayne, the ideal man.
Batman wanted to kill him.
He was glad when the elevator pinged and Bruce could finally escape the awkward space. The meeting had started ten minutes ago, so he was late, but not outlandishly so. It wasn’t like the board wasn’t already used to Bruce never being on time. The past decade had been filled with hasty emails, changing schedules, running into meetings late or having to leave early because he had to go to school for-
His office was on the same floor as the conference room. He passed it, and his secretary Caroline’s desk. The red-haired woman looked up in surprise when she saw him, but didn’t move from her spot.
He’d gotten plenty of cards in the past, but Caroline’s was one of the few he had actually bothered to read and reply to. Usually, her daughter would be sitting beside her right now, coloring in her art book, but Monica had started school in September.
Bruce nodded at Caroline, then moved towards the conference room. He opened the glass door and was greeted by the sight of Lucius looking one more sentence away from jumping straight out of the window.
“-and it’s not like anything worthwhile ever gets out of the Narrows!”
Sharp nails dug into the palm of his hands. Bruce wanted to throw a punch, make something, maybe even himself, bleed. He shouldn’t have come.
“Nothing worthwhile.”
The words were out of Bruce’s mouth faster than he could think. The noise made all heads turn to him, surprised faces stared at the man caught in-between the entrance.
“Mr. Wayne!” Gerry Thipson startled and immediately began to sweat.
He must be aware of how out of line his comment had been.
“We weren’t expecting you,” Thipson continued, glancing at his fellow board members.
“The funding of this project is very dear to me,” Bruce said and closed the door behind himself.
The seat at the end of the table was left vacant, Bruce’s usual absence even more present. Bruce purposefully took his time getting there, enjoying how Thipson started to shrink in his own seat.
“Never mind its importance for our city. Wayne Enterprises has always worked to improve every part of Gotham - and the Narrows need it more than every other part.”
Bruce leaned back in his chair and folded his fingers together.
“The district is criminally underfunded, the schools hardly have enough money to pay the teachers, never mind buy equipment for the students. If we’re not going to change anything, nobody will, and we’ll lose even more bright lights in those streets. Or do you think differently, Mr. Thipson?”
Thipson sat up straight as if he had heard his name at roll call.
“Of course not, Mr. Wayne. But the numbers-”
Bruce stared at Thipson. Numbers. Really.
Did he know how many homeless lived on those streets? How many children had to skip school. How many had died-
“Wayne Enterprises is a transnational cooperation that can afford to pay us quite handsomely and I certainly don’t need another yacht this year if it means getting a handful of kids through High School, or do you?”
There existed no word capable of grasping how much Bruce wanted Thipson to say another word disagreeing with Bruce. He itched for a confrontation, for a fight. But Thipson and all the other board members stayed silent, some of them smiling while the majority was carrying their rage on the tip of their tongues.
Maybe Bruce should show up at WE more often again. Just often enough that he could chase these people out of his company, out of Gotham.
“I thought so. Well, then, Lucius, how far are we actually with the Narrows Project?”
Lucius being looking through his papers, handing a couple of them to Bruce. The man’s brown eyes lingered on Bruce’s frame and for all his exhaustion, he looked relieved.
“We started with purchasing all the abandoned buildings down Napier street, but we haven’t started tearing them down yet.”
Lucius kept going, and every disgruntled sigh was met with a glare. Bruce would pay closer attention now to the people he had hired. He was well aware of what a mighty opponent greed and hubris were (and how much you pay for it) and he wouldn’t let it continue where he could and should prevent it.
By the time Bruce returned home, the afternoon had already come and gone, as, despite summer’s long-lasting heat and days, autumn quickly made itself known with its early evenings and cold. He had loosened his tie in the car and thrown his jacket on the passenger seat. The pain killers had worn off halfway through the meeting and Bruce was fairly sure he was bleeding through his bandages.
He parked the car in the garage and made his way up to the Cave entrance. He could redo his stitches and bandages by himself and he really didn’t feel like entering the manor again. Today’s trip to the office had been more than enough. Alfred was undoubtedly preparing dinner already. He’d have to eat it by himself, Bruce didn’t think he could stomach it. Nausea had been flaring up every once in a while and only water and herbal tea had actually stayed down.
At the touch of a button, a strategically placed bookcase opened to reveal a hidden passage. The manor had many of these secret paths built into it. His father used to tell him that they had been constructed for emergency evacuations or swift servants that shouldn’t be seen. It had been easy enough to add another entrance to the Cave to these passages.
Bruce rarely took the main entrance to the Cave nowadays. It was ridiculous anyway, sliding down a pole like a child.
As usual, the Cave lit up as soon as Bruce stepped inside and all electronics powered up. It didn’t take them longer than one uniform change to be up and running. Time, Bruce knew, was essential. One second too slow and you watch your life-
Bruce headed for the med bay. He took off his shirt and while the bandages were still a neat white at the outermost layer, taking that off revealed red fabric. With iron discipline, Bruce unwrapped his whole torso and then used the bandages to put pressure on the bleeding wound as he fetched himself needle and thread. Combined with another dose of painkillers, sewing the wound shut was much easier than going to WE today. Bruce examined the wound below his ribs and scowled. It would most likely scar and he wasn’t sure he had the patience to deal with Alfred’s disapproval once he noticed.
Once he was finished treating himself, Bruce took his seat in front of the computer, reviewing the information he had gathered in the past weeks. He already knew the deal would go down at the docks tonight, but he’d been unable to pin down which one of Scarecrow’s minions would be there for the exchange. They were all probably on the other end of seriously dangerous. Scarecrow hadn’t been out of Arkham for long, which meant he hadn’t had the time to train his minions properly or earn enough cash selling his Fear Toxin to Gotham’s underground. All his hired goons were going to be too scared of Scarecrow turning on him to actually risk their lives for the job.
Bruce continued researching the meeting place, relistening to the audio files he had acquired while getting stabbed in the ribs. He replayed them once, twice, and nearly a third time, but his common sense stopped him. There was only so much you could gather from such a short exchange as he had listened to.
Satisfied with his gathered intel, though it would have been significantly better if he had gone out this morning too, Bruce headed for his suits. He walked past the Case and for the first time since he had put it up, he didn’t freeze up but could continue his path.
It felt like progress, or something similar enough to it.
He did a quick inventory for his utility belt, restocking batarangs and knock out gas, then changed into his suit and got into the Batmobile. Out of his rear window, he could see Alfred entering the Cave.
Bruce didn’t stay long enough to see what kind of expression the butler made.
Batman left the Batmobile parked down at the shores of one of the rivers running through the city. It was hard to spot it there, but the car could still reach him fast enough if needed. He had another two hours left before the deal went down, which gave him enough time for another small patrol.
The City Hall district was known for its white-collar crimes, nothing Batman could really reach with his fists. Nevertheless, it was never as silent as tonight. It made Batman frown, discontent settled deeply in his chest. Gotham was never silent or calm or peaceful. This ugly city couldn’t rest, not even for a night and yet…
There was something in the air Batman couldn’t pinpoint and it put him on edge.
As the time of the deal drew closer, Batman crossed the rooftops over to the docks, checking out the area. After checking that nobody interesting was lingering outside of the warehouses, Batman began heading for the right one.
The hired goons he had spied on had said they’d meet up at the very end of the long strip, in one of the warehouses the big families used to cover up their drugs. Scarecrow didn’t usually deal with the crime families, choosing to pick less dangerous targets. He must have been desperate for money. Finding a way into the building was easier than Batman had expected, so he searched for a strategically smart place to sit and wait.
It took roughly an hour before anyone showed up. Expensive suit, cheap cigarettes, and slicked back black hair - Maroni’s youngest, his friends carrying two bags. Money, it had to be. 
Maroni didn’t work with any of Gotham’s proper villains. He regarded them as rude annoyances with no honor to speak of. This must be a solo trip of the youngest then - was he trying to steal his older brother’s spot as the heir or establish his own leverage?
Batman didn’t have to wait for long for the next group to arrive. As expected, Scarecrow didn’t show up with many people, merely two guards wearing gas masks.
“Scarecrow,” Maroni began to speak. “I thought we had an agreement.”
“We did,” Jonathan Crane replied. “I’m just not going to stick to it. Now!”
Far quicker than Maroni’s boys could raise their guns, Scarecrow’s men threw modified smoke bombs their way, releasing the fear gas.
Batman put on his rebreather, covering his mouth, and jumped down from his hiding spot. Maroni began to scream once they spotted him. They still had their guns and it was too late to neutralize the effects of the gas, he had to work quickly.
Batman rushed in, grabbing the first one and breaking his arm. His gun dropped to the ground. Then he reached for the next one, shattered hand. Number three he knocked out with a punch to his right temple. Maroni himself he pushed to the ground face first, kicking away his gun in one swift move.
“Batman! Get him!”
Scarecrow’s men both jumped Batman at the same time, far too skilled for random street thugs. Maybe Scarecrow had had more cash hidden than Batman had assumed.
The Rogue in question, meanwhile, was getting away with the cash.
Batman snarled, but he couldn’t shake the two attackers away quickly enough. He’d lose Scarecrow and there was no telling what he’d do with so much cash.
Then, red blurred at the corner of Bruce’s eyes and something threw itself at Scarecrow. The man crashed to the ground, money going flying.
He tried to get up again but was stopped by a kid, dressed like a traffic light, jumping on his back.
His rebreather must have stopped working, Bruce thought. He’d inhaled some of the gas, he must have.
“You- you’re- You’re dead!” Scarecrow screeched. “The Clown said so! Who are you?”
The kid shrugged in a ‘what can you do’ kind of way.
“The name’s Robin,” the kid said with Dick’s smirk and Jason’s accent. Bruce felt ice crawl up his veins. “Always has been, Straw man.”
He was going to throw up.
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You’ve Got So Much Heart: Chapter 11
I forgot to post the chapter here yesterday so sorry
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first chapter (x)
last chapter (x)
“In my pockets,” Jason yelled as he followed Damian through the halls on the way to Dick’s room, whipped cream in hand. “Do you have any idea how long this will take to get out? You two are going to have to get the stain out before Alfred can see.”
“If you think I’m going to do your laundry then you have even fewer brain cells than I thought.” Damian turned the corner to the hallway with all the bedrooms.
Jason examined the ruined pockets of his second best sport coat. “Maybe I should just burn it, cut my losses. Alfred wouldn’t notice one lost suit, would he?”
His older brother smirked and knocked against Dick’s bedroom door. “If you have to ask, Pennyworth’s already won.”
Dick didn’t answer the door, so Damian opened the door himself. One look inside Dick’s room had Damian stopping in his tracks--- which only made Jason run into his older brother. Jason rubbed his pained nose; Damian was built like a brick wall.
“Hey,” Jason yelled, but around Damian’s shoulder he saw Dick’s empty room. “Fuck, will we have to find now?”
Damian only nodded, but when he looked back down the hall his eagle eyes spotted something. He walked over to a shining object embedded in the dry-wall. Dread infested the air when he watched as Damian slid the object from the wall. A Talon’s knife.
Batman and Nightwing rode in the Batmobile with Bluejay and Batgirl flanked either side on their motorcycles. They had searched all Dick’s usual hiding spots and all the safe houses set up around Gotham. Bluejay wasn’t even in the same car as Batman, yet he could feel the anxiety pouring from the Batmobile as it pushed going ninety-five through the streets of Gotham. There was only one place left to look, a recommendation from Batgirl, the fairgrounds.
He doubted Dick ran off or sought safety from the Court at his old circus. His younger brother never showed any interest in Haly’s Circus after he came back. Whatever he did remember Dick kept to himself. Maybe things changed, its been weeks since Jason actually spoke to Dick.
That thought only made Bluejay drive faster. The circus came into view.
“Be on the lookout,” Batman said over the intercom. “The Court will have the circus under heavy surveillance.”
“Why?” Bluejay asked. ‘What’s the reason behind doing that?”
“For once,” Nightwing sneered. “I am as confused as Bluejay.”
Silence over the comms, but the certain flavor of silence only meant one thing. Batman had information that he should have told them, but he didn’t. Moments like these, when shit goes topsy-turvy when it didn’t need to, Bluejay remembered why he spent most his time in Jump.
“Now would be a feat time to share, Bats.” Jason’s voice had a hard edge to it. “While we still have some chance at brining Robin back.”He heard Batman weigh out his options, even when Batgirl spoke. “Haly’s Circus works for the Court.”
“You knew about this?” Damian accused his father with a hate in his voice they hadn’t heard in years.
“There was some evidence that William Cobb had made a deal with the original circus owner.” He spoke without emotion, or, at least, he masked everything he did feel. “I didn’t want anyone to know until we had more evidence.”
“Who’s we?” Bluejay asked. “Because I feel like I would have remembered if you clued me in on any of this.” He looked over to Batgirl who kept her eyes on the road. “Oh, so I’m guessing there wasn’t actually any urgent business across years these past few years. How typical---”
“Enough,” surprisingly Nightwing said. “Robin is top priority, and I won’t listen to any arguments until he’s safe. We’ll continue this when he’s safe.”
“And if they already have him?”
“They don’t.” Nightwing snapped at Jason, but there was a coldness to his voice. Jason only heard it once before--- the last time Damian found his little brother’s room empty with the window open.
They found Dick sat alone in the center ring with his back towards the entrance. The spotlight left Dick, still dressed in his suit, illuminated in a ring of white light surrounded by inky darkness. He held something in his lap, but with Bluejay’s angle he couldn’t see what.
“That’s not creepy at all.” He whispered only for Nightwing to smack him on the head. “What? I’m right.”
“You knew.” Dick said without looking back. He barely spoke louder than Jason had, yet his voice filled the big top. “You lied.”
Batman took slow steps forward. “I didn’t want you to have any reason to doubt them if I were wrong.”
Dick turned around. Silver lines dripped down his cheeks. Bluejay could see the knife in his hand. “You lied. I was supposed to trust you. We were supposed to be partners, but he told me. Not you. Him.”
Nightwing spoke gently. “You’re talking about Cobb.”
Dick looked back to the knife. “He was at the party. He ordered me to get answers, so I did.”
He threw the knife to his side and cut a rope that dropped Mr. Haly from the trapeze above. The old man fell until the rope grew taut again a few inches from the ground. His face looked red and he hung by his feet. Dick also placed a gag in his mouth before they arrived, and he yanked it out.
“Tell them.” Dick never yelled, but when he produced another knife he may as well have shouted.
“It’s not my fault--- ah!” A knife cut flew pass him and left a cut across his cheek. “Shit!”
“Richard, stop.” Damian yelled, and Bluejay doesn’t think he had ever heard Damian give Dick an order before. If only Dick listened.
“Tell them.” The ice in Dick’s voice reminded Jason of when Mr. Freeze locked him in a walk-in freezer for three hours before Batman found him.
Haly looked a Batman for help, but Batman wasn’t in charge of the situation. All he could do was nod and tell Haly to go ahead and speak.
“Alright,” Haly said in utter resignation. “Every few generations the Court adds a new Talon into their ranks. The Court got to William Cobb decades ago. He used to be a trapeze artist with the circus. He did well in the Court, exactly what was asked of him. One day, he shows up to the circus, my dad hadn’t seen him since Cobb was a kid. They struck a deal that the next time the Court needed a Talon the circus would provide.
A batarang but the rope that held Haly up causing him to crash to the ground. Batman grabbed him by the collar and pulled Haly to his feet. Their faces were only inches apart.
“He’s a child.” Batman growled.
Haly looked to the former Robins. “You’re one to talk. “
Batman dropped the old man to the ground. “Don’t even try, Haly. You and I are not the same.”
“No?” Haly rubbed his throat. “You’re right. The soldiers I create live forever, and you’ve had some trouble with that recently. Haven’t’ you?”
Batman growled, geared up to punch Haly, but Batgirl caught his arm. “Control yourself.” She said then turned to Haly. “Why Dick?”
The old man paled and turned to Dick. “You should know that your parents had no idea.”
Dick nodded, another tear slipped from his fake blue eyes.
“Damian saw that and lost his own self-control. “What are you saying?”
“Cobb and Richard are related. Its always been his legacy to become a Talon, what he was born to do.”
All eyes fell on Dick, a child born to kill, with a knife in his hand and hatred in his eyes.
“Richard,” Damian said, moving to put himself in front of Haly. He moved slow to avoid startling him. “Put the knife down. He isn’t worth killing.”
“He helped kill them, my parents.” Dick was near hysterics--- over his shoulder, Jason motion he would cover Dick from behind. “The Court couldn’t just have me disappear, so he got Zucco to kill them. He told the Court where I lived.” His grip on the knife tightened. “He should see what he killed my parent’s for, what he ruined me for.”
“Richard, look at me.” Nightwing tore off his mask and kneeled down, hands out. “I know how it feels to have a legacy you don’t want, but a legacy doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to. That’s your decision. Right now, you get to choose. Do you become what he created, or do you put justice before vengeance?”
Dick looked at Haly for a long time. This had been the closest Dick ever got to confronting his abusers, and he must have itched for blood. But all around him stood his family. They wanted to help. Dick screamed and threw the knife.
Nightwing shouted as Bluejay grabbed Dick groom behind. But the knife embedded in the ground between Haly’s legs. Dick didn’t aim to kill.
“I hate you!” Dick shouted and cried without trying to free himself from Bluejay’s grasp--- which was lucky for Bluejay who didn’t want to get thrown down by Dick. Holding onto that kid was harder than holding water.
“Batman’s shadow fell over Haly. His tone sounded calm, but underneath that calm a fire burned and crackled. “You’re going to tell me everything you know about Cobb and the Court, and only then will you get to spend your life in Blackgate.”
“No,” Haly hugged in the effort it took to stand; his back touching the darkness that escaped the spotlight. “I won’t. Dickie,” he said to the boy that paused in cursing Haly’s very existence. “I don’t blame you for what’s about to happen. Remember that I love you like you’re my own.”
Mr. Haly jerked and clutched his chest before he fell to the ground. Out from the shadow came William Cobb with Haly’s sputtering heart in his hand. He threw it on the ground in front of Dick.
“You aren’t ready, maybe next time.”
Batman lunged to grab Cobb but fell to the ground empty handed. He had already disappeared.
Dick broke free from Bluejay’s shock weakened hold to run over and kneel at Mr. Haly’s side. He looked like he wanted to punch the man and lay flowers at his grave. Torn straight down the middle, all Dick could do was wail on his knees in Haly’s Circus like he had a lifetime ago. Only now, no one had the strength to pull him away.
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