#titans imasgine
You should be scared of me
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Summary: Dad always seem to be adopting boys who reminds him of himself when he was a kid. The first boy he adopted was Dick Grayson. He became my best friend. We were attached at the hip even though he was older than me. After he left I became lonely again. I was alone for a year then dad adopted another boy. Jason Todd.
So it’s been three months since we got to San Francisco. It took about a week for Jason to started talking to me again. He realized what an ass he was. Within the three months I’ve gotten closer to Rachel and Gar. But right now Rachel and Dick were out of the towers and I was with Gar and Jason watching them train. The two had wooden swords and Jason had a blindfold on. “When I give the word come at me and don’t hold back.” Jason said. Gar nodded even though Jason couldn’t see him do it. I let out a small giggle. “Did you just nod?” Jason asked. “Yeah. I got it. Just don’t hold back.” Gar said. “Play fair boys I don’t feel like breaking you two up again.” I said. “Go!” Jason yelled. I watched as the boys started to spar Jason just stopping inches away from hitting Gar every time. Gar looked over to me. I nodded letting him know that it was ok to keep going. I watched as they fight got more intense it wasn’t until Jason had his back turned to Gar that Gar smack his in the back of the head. Jason quickly ripped the blindfold off turning to Gar. “Fuck man!” Jason said. “You said don’t hold back.” Gar said. “Boys.” I said. “What were you doing? I was fucking blindfolded.” Jason said. “You said Don’t hold back.” Gar said as he intimidated Jason’s voice. “Should I get the hose?” Rachel asked as she walked into the room. “What’s going on?” Dick asked following in behind Rachel. “We did what you said the blindfold thing then he went nuts on me.” Jason said motioning to Gar. “He said Don’t hold back.” Gar said. “He did say that Dick.” I said. “Then why do we even learn to fight like this man? It’s idiotic. We have eyes.” Jason said. “In battle anything can be taken from you.Your hands, your feet and your eyes.” Dick said as he ripped Jason sword from him stabbing in down between Gar’s feet and then pointed at Rachel’s eyes. Both Jason and Gar looked at me since Dick never pointed it at me. “You must be able to keep fighting and win. Alright get changed. Attack scenarios in the tech room in five minutes. Then breakfast.” Dick said. I got up and started to walk out with Rachel and Gar but stopped. “Yo look it’s been three months man. When do I get to go back to Gotham City?” Jason asked. I looked to Dick then back at Jason. “Bruce doesn’t think you’re ready yet and neither do I. I’m sorry man. You blew your privileges.” Dick said. “What?” Jason asked. “The batmobile joyrides. The motorcycle on the staircase.” Dick said as he turned to leave putting a hand on my arm to follow him out. “I was practicing my tactical maneuvers. ”And those websites you bookmarked? You know that’s not what the batcomptuer’s used for.” Dick said. “Oh come on man. This gig is a waste of time!” Jason said. “It’s called training. And you know as well as I do it never stops.” Dick said as he let go of my arm. “But all we do is fight each other.” Jason said. “Yeah like equals. When you’re fighting with batman you’re a sidekick. There are no sidekicks in Titans.” Dick said as he made his way over to Jason. “You’re kidding right? Because that’s literally all the Titans are sidekick. I mean it’s practically the fucking motto. Wonder girl, Aqualad.” Jason said. “You’re thinking of the old Titans. This is the new Titans. That was the whole point when Donna and I put the team together the first time. We’re partners. We have each other’s backs.” Dick said. “Yeah well tell that to tiger boy.” Jason said. This made Dick let out a sigh. “Okay look here’s the thing. I could actually use some help with the others. They don’t have the experience you have.” Dick said. “Yeah. Yeah for sure.” Jason said. “Have you noticed how they sort of look up to you? Follow your lead? When you’re on point they’re on point. When you’re not?” Dick said. “It’s true.” Jason said laughing a little and looked down. “They need your leadership Jason. You need to set the tone. I’m not robin anymore. You are.” Dick said patting Jason on the shoulder and started to walk out. “Hey wait. If I’m Robin who are you?” Jason asked. “That’s a good question.” Dick said then walked away. “You okay now?” I asked. “A little.” Jason said. “You know that everything that he told you is true right.” I said smiling. “Yeah I know but I just wish they let me go back to Gotham.” Jason said. “Well maybe if you start trying to be better and not make so many mistakes just maybe Dick and Dad will let you go back.” I said. “You really thing that?” Jason asked. “Yes I do. Now come on we should go get change don’t want to keep the other waiting.” I said as I walked out of the training room and Jason followed me.
The rest of the day went by fast. During lunch I gave Dawn a call to see how everything was doing for her and Hank. She wanted to know when I would come to see them and the horses. Knowing of course if you mention animals I would come running. I told her I would try to come in two or three weeks depending on how much help Dick needs. But then again Dick would have told me that he could handle things and that I should just go ahead and go. Right now the boys were in the living area while Rachel and I finished washing the dishes from dinner since it was our night to do them while we were doing them Rachel asked if she could show me something later and I told her that she could. We got them washed in about ten minutes then we went to join the boys. I heard a helicopter approaching I made my way to the window as one flew by. “What do you think this is all about?” I asked. “It’s probably nothing to worry about.” Dick said. I went over grabbing the remote and turned it to the news. Gar and Jason sat on the couch. Rachel and I sat on the table in front of the couch. Dick was standing nearby with his arms crossed. “Live at a downtown car chase in a stolen vehicle. Police seem to have the suspect cornered.” The new anchor said. Then the person who was driving the car got out it was a girl. She started to fight the officers and shot one. “Now it looks like the suspect.” Another news anchor said. “Who the hell is that?” Rachel asked. “A total badass.” Jason said. I couldn’t help but feel my heart break when he said that. Rachel grabbed my hand giving it a comforting squeeze. The girl kept fight the police as the helicopter got closer. “The suspect does appear to be female she’s got sliver hair. She does seem to be injured we’re not sure how badly.” The new anchor said. The girl had looked behind her noticed more police and decided to make a run for it. “She seems to be making a run for it. Not sure where she thinks she’s going.” The new anchor said. The girl jumped from the parking garage crashing in a nearby building. “Oh my. Okay. Did you see that? I absolutely did.” The two news anchors said. “I’ll be back.” Dick said as he quickly left. I got up from my spot and went to my room.
A few minutes later I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.” I yelled. I heard my door opened and Rachel walked in. “I just wanted to see if you were okay.” Rachel said. “Yeah I’m fine why wouldn’t I be?” I asked. “You just looked hurt when Jason called that girl a total badass.” Rachel said as she sat down next to me. “Rachel its fine. If Jason hasn’t showed any signs that he likes me back than I need to accept the fact a move on.” I said. “Then he’s an ass if he can’t see obviously the best thing to will ever happen to him.” Rachel said. “Thanks Rach. Now what is it that you wanted to show me?” I said. Rachel stood up lifting her shirt up a little turning around to show me four chaw marks on her back. “Oh my god Rach what happened?” I asked. “I was studying before dinner and dozed off when I woke up they were there.” Rachel said. “Have you clean these yet?” I asked. “No.” Rachel said. “Hold on.” I said as I got up from my bed as I went over to my desk and getting the first aid kit from it. “They don’t look deep so that’s good.” I said as I put the first aid kit on my bed and kneeled on the ground. “Are you going to tell Dick?” Rachel asked as I started to get out some gauze. “Only if you want me to. Right now this can just stay between you and me if you want.” I said as I took out some rubbing alcohol. “Thanks Y/n you’re the best.” Rachel said. “Don’t mention it but if this happened again in the next week we should tell Dick okay.” I said as I got some rubbing alcohol on a piece of gauze. “Do you miss Gotham?” Rachel asked. “I do and I don’t. This is going to sting.” I said. I started to clean the claw marks. Rachel let out a wince on pain. “I know but I’m almost done.” I said putting the gauze with rubbing alcohol down getting a clean piece. After wiping the remaining blood away. Then I got a new piece of gauze and some medical tape. I put the gauze hold it there with my hand as I put the medical tape of it. “There you go. Just make sure you change this is the morning.” I said. “Thanks Y/n.” Rachel said as she put her shirt down. “Don’t mention it.” I said as I started to put the supplies away. I picked up the first aid kit as I stood up. I put it away and threw away to gauze that had blood. Just as I did there was a knock at my door. “Come in.” I said. The door opened and Dick walked in. “Hey Dick.” I said. “Everything go okay?” Rachel asked.  “Everything went fine. Y/n can you come with me?” Dick asked. Rachel looked over to me rising an eyebrow. “Yeah sure. We can continue this conversation in a bit Rach.” I said. “Sounds good.” Rachel said. I followed Dick out of my room to one of the spare rooms.
When I walked in the room with Dick I noticed that the girl from the news passed out on the bed. “Is she okay?” I asked. “She breathing but other than that I don’t know how hurt she is.” Dick said. I nodded. “I’ll go get a first aid kit.” Dick said. “Okay. I seeing what we need to do.” I said. Dick left the room and I started to look the girl over and she seemed to just have some small cuts. I started to take off the tape and gauze off of her eye. I was shock to see that what ever happened to her eye was healing. Dick need to get back fast. Dick walked back in the room with a first aid kit in his hands. “Dick you need to see this right now.” I said. Dick rushed over to me. “What wr.” Dick said but stopped.  “What are we dealing with?” I asked. “Once she wakes up we will get to the bottom of this just put some fresh gauze on this.” Dick said. I nodded then started to fix up her eye. Then after I was done Dick let me leave. I left the room and went back to finish my talk with Rachel. 
Rachel and I talked more about me missing Gotham. I did miss Gotham but I didn’t miss being used as lavage against dad. It was long after that Dick came and got Rachel and I letting us know that the girl was awake and more than likely trying to leave. We watch and followed the girl as she went to the elevator trying to use her finger print to leave but it didn’t recognized her finger print. “Access denied.” The automated voice said. We all stood behind her. “Going somewhere?” Rachel asked. The girl turned and looked at us. I was standing next to Rachel I watched as Dick stepped forward. I watch as Jason looked at the girl with a look that I had never seen before. He stepped forward but Rachel stopped him by putting her hand on his chest.  I fought to hold back the tears but when I felt them roll down my face I quickly wiped them away but only Gar and Rachel noticed. “We need to talk.” Dick said.
Taglist: @marvel-gives-me-feels​
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​
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