#its like hazardous or radioactive waste
foxpunk · 1 year
oh don't do that. don't give me the banter dialogue option. don't give me that cause i Will pick it and then i'll be bantering with emet-selch and its gonna be all downhill from there i just know it
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
re: ohio chemical disaster
OP of the post I reblogged earlier regarding this turned off reblogs (understandable have a nice day) but I got a request to put the information in its own post, so here.
First thing: PLEASE be careful about claims that "The Media" is suppressing something as part of a malicious agenda, or that an event has been purposefully manufactured by "The Media" to distract from something else.
Not only is this a really common disinformation tactic (not only urging you to share/reblog quickly, but discouraging you from fact checking), treating "The Media" as a monolithic entity with purposeful agency and a specific, malicious agenda—particularly one that manufactures events to "distract" from other events—is a red flag for conspiracy theories.
There's already a post in the tag attributing the supposed lack of media coverage to "reptilians." Please connect the dots here.
Second—"the news isn't focusing on this as much as I think they should" is not a media blackout. Every major USA news source is reporting on the Ohio train derailment. Googling returns at least 4 pages of results from major news media sources. Even just googling "Ohio" gets you plenty of results about it.
This is an unusual amount of media attention for a U.S. environmental disaster.
Because this kind of thing happens all the damn time.
The "media blackout" narrative gives the impression that this is an unusual event that isn't receiving wall to wall coverage only because it's being suppressed—when the reality is that similar disasters happen a lot, and hardly ever get the attention the Ohio disaster is getting.
Consider this example, not too far from my local area: A few years ago, almost 2,000 tons of radioactive fracking waste were illegally dumped in an Eastern Kentucky municipal landfill, directly across from a middle school. Leachate from that landfill goes into the Kentucky River, which is where most of the central part of the state gets its drinking water. As far as we know, the radioactive waste isn't leaking yet, but it could start leaking at any time.
Zero national news sources covered this. Why? If I was to hazard a guess, I would say "because it's business as usual for the fossil fuel industry."
Consider also the case of Martin County, KY, which has had foul-smelling, contaminated drinking water for decades. Former coal country in Appalachia is poisoned and toxic, and laws have little power to punish the companies that created the destruction.
What happened in Ohio is just a little window into a whole world of horrors.
The Martin County coal slurry spill that is still poisoning the water 20 years later killed literally everything in the water for miles downstream (a book Mom read said 70 miles of the Ohio river were made completely lifeless). It was 30 times larger than the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, and it was in some sense "covered up"—in the sense that the Bush administration shut down the investigation because the Republicans are buddies with the fossil fuel industry, and proceeded to relax regulations even further.
Seriously, read that wiki article to get pissed enough to eat glass.
Hopefully the Ohio chemical spill will inspire real action to institute regulations to prevent shit like this from ever happening again. It's not the end of the world. It's not radically different from what industries have been causing the whole damn time. It is pretty bad.
I would urge everyone to actually search up information about it instead of getting news from Tiktok or Twitter, because the more false information gets distributed, the less momentum any effort to respond with improved regulations and changes to prevent future disasters will have. Plenty of facts here *are* public and being publicly discussed and pretending that they're not is actively detrimental.
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dawn-moths · 2 months
I’m curious how your “a storm pairs well with a cerulean gaze” au touya would be with #s 3, 7, 19, and 50 if its not too much??
hi hi!! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
i’d be happy to do those for you, you know that au is one of my favorites heehee~
3. Do they enjoy cooking?
i think, before touya met you, he never cooked. he ordered cheap takeout or picked something up from the local konbini. however, once you two start living together, you start teaching him. he shows an interest one morning when you’re making breakfast, and even though it’s just some simple scrambled eggs and toast, he genuinely has no idea where to start.
maybe, once upon a time, he would have. somewhere in a distant childhood where his mother would've stayed around to help him learn. but those memories have always been few and far between. he's trained himself not to look back.
“c’mon, touya,” you tease him with a look that says you’re not buying it. “you don’t actually expect me to believe you’ve never made scrambled eggs and toast before, do you?”
touya goes quiet, hides his insecurity behind the subtle clenching of his jaw.
he hopes you miss it, but you know him better than that so you don’t.
“touya,” you say, more firmly this time, as you set down the spatula and turn off the burner, little blue flames dying down under the pan. “i mean— really?”
you don’t want to sound like you’re judging him but, well, it’s just he’s always seemed so capable to you. like he could do anything. figure out any problem.
“alright...” you sigh, though it sounds sort of dreamy, like this new information you’re learning about him is endearing to some degree. “come here and i’ll teach you.”
how often did you get to be the one to teach him something? you weren’t going to waste this rare moment.
so, for the next week, the two of you learn to like eating scrambled eggs and toast every morning, though you go through several more cartons of eggs than you normally would on account of most of touya’s early attempts turning out completely inedible and having to be thrown away.
he also nearly starts a fire by turning the toaster up too high, but you promised him you wouldn’t tease him about it after he got upset when you wouldn’t stop laughing. you know. right before you were thrown into a fit of panic when the smoke alarms started going off and you rushed to open a window while he quickly tossed the charred, petrified piece of bread into the sink and under a rush of cold water.
but, lucky for the two of you, touya is a fast learner. once he gets it right, he pretty much has it perfected. he starts taking pride in his new skill, takes on the task of making you both breakfast whereas it used to be your job in the past.
and it’s nice and all but pretty soon you have to start adding new recipes to his repertoire lest you grow to resent scrambled eggs and toast on the principle of eating it most days of the week.
you pat his hand in the middle of the table before lightly intertwining your fingers. “why don’t i teach you some good smoothie recipes next?” you ask as you watch him take another bite of his eggs, the food turned radioactive orange on account of how much hot sauce he’s drenched it in.
touya gives you a sly crack of a smirk, replying once he’s swallowed his bite, “why?” he asks. “tired of me setting the fire alarms off?”
you giggle and take another bite of your toast, the crispy bread holding the perfect amount of crunch.
“i’d teach you omelettes,” you say with a shrug, “but we might get evicted on fire hazard charges before you have time to get it down right.”
touya nudges your foot from under the table, flashes you that embarrassed grin you’ve come to love so much.
“shut up,” he teases. though, deep down, he knows you’re probably right.
7. Do they have any unusual fears?
hmmm… honestly i had to think about this for a long time and i think it probably takes a lot to scare him. i’d say his biggest fear preceeding his encounter with you would probably be that he’d end up living his whole life under someone else’s (in this case tomura’s) control, since he escaped one abusive/controlling situation (his father) and landed immediately in another one. but once you’ve entered his life, his biggest fear becomes losing you or having your well being threatened.
i also think there are still some underlying trauma-based fears from his childhood that can come out at unexpected times as well.
i guess i can't really see him having any small or "unusual" fears though. he's already faced so many terrifying things in his life. his own experiences have made most common phobias feel like child's play to him. if you have a fear though, he'll try and do anything in his power to make sure you won't have to encounter it, and if you do, he'll be there to hold your hand along the way.
19. How easy is it to become their friend?
i think touya is always very guarded, so making new friends is incredibly hard for him, but once someone becomes his friend, it’s probably going to be ride or die. needless to say, he has very few people like this in his life. you’re the person he considers his closest friend and for a long time, once you two move into your apartment and start your new lives together, you’re probably his only friend (especially since whoever he might've hung out with back at tomura's place he'd now consider cut off from given he doesn't want to risk getting involved with his old life again or having you pulled into trouble by association). but you have your own close friends you like to hang out with, so touya ends up finding himself having a little more alone time than he’d like.
i think he’d have one co-worker that he ends up really liking (let’s imagine it’s Jin, in this case) and just vibes with while he's at work. one thing leads to another and pretty soon he finds himself meeting him for drinks one night when he knows you're going out with some of your friends. when he finds himself leaning more into this new friendship and maybe even opening up about parts of himself he normally doesn’t let anyone aside from you see, he gets freaked out. but maybe this comes up in conversation between you two and you explain to him that all the best relationships contain vulnerability. this is a hard pill for him to swallow, but deep down he knows you’re right.
touya learns how to become a better friend as well as navigate and maintain new relationships because of you.
though, he’s still probably a little reluctant to let his new friends meet you, especially if they’re guys. he can try and hide that jealous side he has from you all he likes. he’ll never be able to deny it from himself though.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
ooooooh gosh this is soooo hard!
well, i think the root of what caused this au to form was wanting to feel comforted and protected no matter what (i was going through a super hard time when i originally wrote it and was really needing/craving those things at that time so).
touya is nothing if not protective over you, but it’s not to the point where it’s suffocating either. he worries about you whenever you’re not together but it’s mostly a burden he takes on privately. he doesn’t try to guilt or manipulate you into being with him 24/7 or creating an environment of some sort of fear mongering either (which i’ve personally experienced in some of my past relationships and is a major red flag for me now.)
but touya can also be fun, in his own mischievous, twisted little ways. he can be playful, especially once you two have established a good foundation of trust with one another and he feels he can open up a little more. he likes to surprise you in all sorts of little ways. anything to make you smile. because it’s your smile and your laugh and knowing that he was the one that evoked that reaction from you that heals him more and more each time it happens.
send me a character i write for + a prompt from this list ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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thirdchoiceurl · 11 months
Oh cool whats NAA? Also I've heard of using neutrons to treat nuclear waste, but I was never able to find any recent papers on it? Or maybe I wasn't using the correct search terms.
NAA stands for Neutron Activation Analysis. There’s a few varieties, but in our lab we typically do Delayed Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis or DGNAA. We bombard samples with a strong flux of thermal neutrons from the reactor, and the neutrons are absorbed by all manner of atoms in the material. In doing so, the stable nuclei are transmuted into short-lived radioisotopes that then decay via beta emission and emit gamma photons with characteristic energies. By using a scintillator and photomultiplier with an MCA (or the HPGe setup if it’s available (it never is) and we have the nitrogen (we never do)), we can then build a gamma ray spectrum that tells us exactly which trace elements are in the sample and, through cross-section analysis, we can get good measures of exactly how much of each element is present.
It’s an incredibly powerful tool for detecting and characterizing trace elements, with sensitivity several thousand times beyond purely chemical methods. One of the recent experiments we did analysis for involved mapping ancient trade routes in Central America by using pottery shards to identify the characteristic minerals of specific clay deposits and correlating them with how far they had traveled from their origin point. The amount of information that can be found from the atomic fingerprint of an object is astounding.
My pet project (the “refried beans” theory of nuclear waste as some of my buddies call it) is typically referred to as waste transmutation. High-level nuclear waste is produced from the processing of spent fuel, which is laden with highly radioactive fission products that pose a serious danger to anyone who may carelessly handle it in the present or future. While many of these fission products are short-lived and decay almost completely while the fuel waits in the cooling pool of its reactor, some isotopes (especially Caesium-137 and Strontium-90) have half-lives in the range of decades and product abundance above 5%. These nuclides are in the sour spot of maximum danger, with half-lives short enough to be ferociously radioactive even in tiny quantities and long enough that one can’t simply wait for them to decay significantly in a human lifetime.
My project, which is currently a bunch of spreadsheets and slideshows I use to try to convince someone to let me mess around with some highly corrosive extremely radioactive nitric acid salts, involves intercepting the fission product waste after reprocessing separates out the industrially useful heavy radioactinides and placing that waste back into the neutron flux of a reactor or accelerator. In doing so, preliminary simulations show that significant portions of the long-term waste activity can be reduced as the hardy and problematic long-lived isotopes are transmuted into short-lived ephemeral products that decay into stable nuclei in a matter of days rather than centuries.
This process isn’t without its drawbacks and hazards. Waste to be transmuted must be carefully chemically treated to remove elements like Calcium or Chlorine which can absorb neutrons from the beam and become new nuclear waste. Another issue is that the transmutation process makes the waste drastically more radioactive for a brief period of time. No fission product exists can be transmuted directly into a stable isotope, we can only pre-empt their decay. In time, the refried waste and the untreated waste will release the exact same quantity of radiation, and forcing it to undergo centuries’ worth of decay in a matter of weeks will make it extremely hot both physically and metaphorically.
It’s a work in progress.
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: Adventure Time - The Lich
Code Name: The Lich: God of Death, Destruction, Monsters, and Oblivion/ 353rd Child of the Distortion.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to being an K Class Apocalyptic Hazard Anomaly that can't be contained by normal or even experimental means SCP-AHG has been contained at Site-AR. He is contained within a large block of amber mixed with trace metals such as Telekill and other anomalous metals that suppress SCP-AHG's anomalous properties. The Amber's outer layer is also engraved with thaumaturgic symbols that prevent the amber from taking any damage in its current form. This amber is stored within a 20x20 meter containment cell, the walls of the containment cell are pasted with paper talisman that work well with sealing the influence of demons, dark spirits, entities of the Abyss, and other paranormal entities. For obvious reasons, there is no testing allowed on SCP-AHG. 
In the event of a containment breach Mobile Task Force Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" Division: Sorcerer's Staff are to mobilize to SCP-AHG's containment room at once. If possible one or two members of Division: Oracle's Third Eye are to guard SCP-AHG's cell as well. If SCP-AHG somehow breaks containment, Mobile Task Force Hephaestus-1 “Legion Crafters” has full jurisdiction to reestablish containment or if deemed necessary, neutralize SCP-AHG. They are free to use any experimental methods or technology to deal with an anomalous threat such as SCP-AHG.
Description: SCP-AHG is an undead being that takes on the form of a large skeletal monster with curled horns on its head. Despite being nothing but bones SCP-AHG is perfectly capable of speech, utilize the five basic sense, and can move normally while also being strong enough to break steel with his hand. SCP-AHG also possesses an abundance of anomalous properties including: the ability to command others with his voice, rotting corruption touch, manifestation of cold like death fire, the ability to destroy anything through touch alone, the ability to raise and command the dead, and the ability to corrupt any living organism into his slave.
SCP-AHG is always strong but naturally grows stronger when around nuclear and radioactive waste. It is theorized that nuclear waste makes SCP-AHG makes him stronger because it's a negative aspect of reality something that brings destruction and death generally. As such anything that can bring death and is highly toxic is considered a life source to SCP-AHG. If true, this implies that anything that brings life or extends life such as SCP-006 can be highly toxic to SCP-AHG. Though there is currently no way to test this theory as doing so would require us to release SCP-AHG first. 
SCP-AHG was discovered in 1945 during the testing of the first atomic bomb at [data expunged], New Mexico. After the bomb was ignited SCP-AHG rose up from the ground and created an army of anomalous monsters made of the earth and the nuclear fire and waist resulting from the explosion. PENTAGRAM forces in the area did their best to fight off SCP-AHG but were ultimately unsuccessful. The SCP Foundation, the Horizon Initiative, and the Eight Wings of Mekhane were a part of the Global Paranormal Control Alliance and thus took it upon themselves to combine their resources and stop SCP-AHG. Eventually they were successful but at extremely heavy cost of at least [data expunged] casualties. It was unknown if SCP-AHG could be killed so it was instead contained and given to the SCP Foundation to be locked away forever. During its first containment SCP-AHG showed it was capable of speech and actually had a conversation with O5-[data expunged]. Please see Addendum X-50 for details.  
Addendum X-50
The following is a written transcript of what was said between O5-[data expunged] and SCP-AHG during its first containment.
O5-[data expunged]: Can you hear me? 
SCP-AHG: ... Yes, I can hear you mortal.
O5-[data expunged]: Interesting, what exactly are you?
SCP-AHG: I am death, destruction, oblivion, the end to all, the creator of the abyss.
O5-[data expunged]: Bold words, do you know what created you?
SCP-AHG: Not the bomb if that's what you're thinking.
O5-[data expunged]: I... Wait what? The atomic bomb didn't create you?
SCP-AHG: No, it merely woke me from my slumber, it was a... delicious meal to say the least.
O5-[data expunged]: So if your not a mutant created by the radiation and [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] then what the hell created you?
SCP-AHG: I was born long before time existed, before there was even anything... there was nothing, but even before that. THERE WERE MONSTERS. These beings were everything and simultaneously nothing. We were the original balance but now, there is creation and with-it chaos. 
O5-[data expunged]: Oh my god, are you one of the ancients?
SCP-AHG: No, not entirely... But I am their liberator. Soon I will bring about a destruction so great it will wipe out every star in the sky, mortal. Then... Then it will be YOU and all other children of creation that are the forgotten memories. 
O5-[data expunged]: We'll see about that.
Later on in 2010, SCP-AGO was sighted at SCP-AHG's containment area touching the amber. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" was deployed but instead the Distortion surrendered and offered to explain more about SCP-AHG. This led to an interview with Site Director Wyllt and SCP-AGO, please see Addendum X-51 for details. 
Addendum X-51
The following is a quick recording of Site Director Wyllt interviewing SCP-AGO on his surprise visit. 
Begin Recording
Site Director Wyllt: What the hell do you want SCP-AGO?
SCP-AGO: 1 4M 7H3 D1S70R710N 4ND 1 D3M4ND 7O B3 C4LL3D 5UCH.
Site Director Wyllt: I don't care for what you demand I care for why you are here and what you want with SCP-AHG. 
SCP-AGO: 7CH, 5CP FUCK5... W3LL WH473V3R 4NYW4Y5 1 W45 M3R3LY V13W1NG 7H3 R35UL75 0F MY W0RK.
Site Director Wyllt: ... SCP-AHG is one of your sons?
SCP-AGO: CH1LDR3N S173 D1R3C70R, 17'5 N07 N1C3 70 A55UM3 G3ND3R, N0W 15 17?
Site Director Wyllt: Whatever, the point is you created SCP-AHG, but how? It claims to have existed before the beginning of time when there were only the ancient gods. Did it lie?
SCP-AGO: ... N0, WH3N 1 CR3473D MY G0D 3GG5 1 D1DN'7 JU57 S3ND 7H3M 4LL 7R0UGH 0U7 5PAC3 BU7 7HR0UH D1FF3R3N7 71M35, R34L17135, 4ND D1M3N510NS 45 W3LL. 1 D1D 50 B3C4AS3 1 W4N73D 4 L177L3 B17 0F 3V3RY7H1NG 70 C0N7R1BU73 70 34CH 0F 7H31R GR0W7H. 17'5 P3RF3C7LY P0551BL3 F0R 0N3 0R 7W0 70 3X157 B3F0R3 3V3N 71M3.
Site Director Wyllt: I see, so let me guess. You're going to devour him now?
 SCP-AGO: H4H4H4H4H4, N0, H3'5 GR0WN QU173 57R0NG N0W BU7 7H3R3'5 4LW4Y5 R00M F0R 1MPR0V3M3N7, 1 GU355 F0R N0W 1'LL JU57 W417 4ND 533 WH47 W1LL H4PP3N.
Site Director Wyllt: You're a fool if you think he's ever going to escape. 
SCP-AGO: H3H3H3, W3 B07H KN0W N07H1NG C4N B3 C0NT41N3D F0R3V3R, T1M3 W1LL 4LW4Y5 B3 0N 7H3 S1D3 0F 7H3 G0D5.
SCP-AGO suddenly vanished not leaving a single trace of his existence.
 Site Director Wyllt: ... Tch, Chaos God bastard.
Recording Ends
The O5 Council were later notified of SCP-AGO's involvement with SCP-AHG. It was then agreed that Division: Oracle's Third Eye of MTF Hecta-A will be involved with securing SCP-AHG's containment and if SCP-AGO ever appears again. This will also be the case if Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency ever attacks Site-AR as they are well known backers of SCP-AGO. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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thatboomerkid · 2 years
Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy
Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy
fomor boar (see M20 Gods & Monsters pg. 105) for use with Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, W20 Book of the Wyrm, and Book of the Wyrm Companion
ATTRIBUTES: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
ABILITIES: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Intimidation 2
Willpower: 3
Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -5, Incapacitated
Armor Rating: 1 (seven soak dice, total)
Attacks: Bite (Strength +1 lethal); Gore (Strength +2 lethal); Body Horror Cannon (8 dice lethal; 25 yard range at Difficulty 6; may fire as a single-shot or Three-Round Burst [W20, pg. 295] weapon; see below)
Fomori Powers: Berserker, Body-Horror Cannon (x2), Eat Corruption
Brought to you absolutely free to use, to enjoy, to share, to dick-around with, and to argue about  – as always – by the fine folks of my Patreon.
Hugest of special thanks to Josh Heath and to all of my First Team: Last Chancers & Exalted Vs. World of Darkness players.
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Nothing here is official World of Darkness material.
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art by the incredible Joey Wallace
Berserker: A Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy has a Rage Trait of 5; it may spend & regain Rage exactly as if it were an Ahroun (W20, pg. 144-145) and is allowed a standard Rage-roll to remain active after falling to (or below) Incapacitated. In addition, a Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Gun-Piggy regains points of temporary Rage by consuming corpses, radioactive material, bio-hazardous toxic waste, and other absolutely horrible things (such as, just for example, radioactive corpses soaked in bio-hazardous toxic waste; see the Eat Corruption Power, below, for details). Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Gun-Piggies are vulnerable to frenzy (W20, pg. 261-262).
Body-Horror Cannon: As a standard action, a Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may choose to spend a point of Willpower or Rage, suffer an unsoakable Health Level of aggravated damage, and roll Willpower, difficulty 7. On a success, the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy draws-forth its cannon instantly; on a failure, it begins pulling the cannon free but must wait three full turns before the weapon is fully ready.
NOTE: The Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy is free to act normally during this time: it does not need to spend further actions “drawing the weapon” as the object slowly emerges from the creature’s body. The Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may – should it fail on this activation-roll – choose to pull the weapon free early, but doing so prevents the beast from regaining its lost Health Level of aggravated damage when the effect of this Power ends (see below).
On a botch, the point of Willpower is spent and the Health Level of aggravated damage is dealt, but the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy can’t force its weapon to emerge from its body for the rest of the scene.
If the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy achieves three or more successes on the Willpower roll to activate this Power, the beast reduces all Difficulties to use the weapon in combat by -1.
When this Power is fully activated, the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy gains use of a Semi-Automatic Shotgun (W20, pg. 303) with unlimited ammunition (detailed above).
This hideous biomechanical firearm is pulled from the monster’s body, still dripping viscera and roaring like a chainsaw, and is often studded with weeping human eyes, crafted of compressed car-engines & rotten meat, continually spraying blood – and less-identifiable fluids – as it screams affronts to Gaia; such cannons are usually crawling with maggots & the obsidian-jade balefire of deepest Malfeas: in all instances, the mere sight of such a weapon incites the Delirium.
This grotesque weapon merges once again with the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy’s body at the end of the scene or after one hour, whichever comes first; the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may choose, at that time, to expend an additional point of Willpower (or Rage) to instead maintain its weapon’s existence for one additional hour or for one additional scene, as appropriate.
The Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may always choose to reabsorb its weapon at any time as a free reflexive action.
If this weapon is removed from the grasp of the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy early, the weapon decays to bits of cartilage, rot, and infected, bubbling ooze at the end of the round … then erupts once more from the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy’s body – appearing in the monster’s hands, ready to use – immediately before the beast’s next action.
When the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy absorbs its weapon back into its body and ends the use of this Power, the monster instantly regenerates its lost Health Level of aggravated damage … unless the weapon was drawn-froth early after a failure on the creature’s activation roll, as noted above.
Each unique, individual Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may choose three (3) of the following Special Ammunition Types when it crawls forth to defile & devour Gaia’s children:
Acid-Drenched Thunderwyrm-Teeth: The piggy’s cannon deals -4 dice of damage as compared to a normal Semi-Automatic Shotgun, but the weapon deals aggravated damage rather than lethal; any creature struck by a blast from the weapon also suffers an additional 2 dice of aggravated damage, soaked separately, the following round (difficulty 6 to soak).
Jagged-Razor Bone-Slivers: The piggy’s cannon deals -1 die of damage as compared to a normal Semi-Automatic Shotgun, but the weapon automatically ignores up to three points of armor. This specific Special Ammunition Type may be selected multiple times, and its effects stack: a cannon with Jagged-Razor Bone-Slivers [x3], for example, deals -3 dice of base damage and ignores up to nine points of armor. The Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may always choose to apply a smaller number of “doses” of this Special Ammunition Type to a shot it makes, if it desires.
Nasty, Sharp, and Pointy: The piggy’s cannon deals +1 die of damage. This specific Special Ammunition Type may be selected multiple times, and its effects stack: a weapon with Acid-Drenched-Thunderwyrm-Teeth plus Nasty, Sharp, and Pointy [x2], for example, would deal -2 dice of base shotgun damage, aggravated (rather than -4 dice); the target would then suffer 2 dice of aggravated damage (as normal) the following round.
‘Splodin’ Tumor-Loogie: The piggy’s cannon deals -2 dice of damage to its primary target; when its projectile detonates, however, the shot then deals [-1 die/2 yards out] of lethal damage to everything else in the area: this means 6 dice of lethal to the first target, 5 dice to everything within two yards, 4 die to everything within four yards, and so-on all the way down to one die of lethal damage to anyone 10 yards away from the target (this is, of course, assuming that the blast doesn’t also have the Nasty, Sharp, and Pointy Special Ammunition Type, above, applied to it -- increasing the base damage of the shot -- or any Special Ammunition Type that LOWERS the base damage of the weapon).
Tumor Full of Infected Waste: This unique Special Ammunition Type may only be added to a ‘Splodin’ Tumor-Loogie shot (see above); when the projectile detonates, it also coats everything within ten yards of the detonation-point with a thick layer of bubbling biohazardous sludge, which very rapidly begins filling the same area with toxic gas. Direct expose to the sizzling liquid deals 2 dice of lethal damage each turn, on the target’s action, until it’s washed-off, while exposure to the fumes deals 2 more dice of lethal damage each turn (also on the target’s action). Creatures with any level of poison resistance or immunity to poison (such as leeches and those with the Gift: Resist Toxin) are immune to the gas, but not to the sludge; a creature outfitted in a full biohazard suit is effectively immune to both. The sludge and gas dissipate after about ten minutes unless cleared-away early: use of the Gift: Call the Breeze (W20, pg. 199) can push away the fumes, but not the sludge itself. This specific Special Ammunition Type may be selected multiple times, and its effects stack: each time it’s selected, the sludge and the fumes each increase the damage they deal by two dice of lethal damage.
Tumor of Gore-Slick Calcification: This unique Special Ammunition Type may only be added to a ‘Splodin’ Tumor-Loogie shot that is also a Tumor Full of Infected Waste shot; when the projectile detonates, the sizzling bile sprayed over everything in the area rapidly hardens into a dense, solid mass of semi-organic, contagion-ridden resin: something like pustulent basalt – formed by the rapid cooling of liquid iron – bubbling with hot plastics & liquefied death. Each round on her action, immediately after a creature suffers additional damage from the toxic sludge of a Tumor Full of Infected Waste, the creature also gains one of the following (her choice):
she suffers a one-die penalty on all Dexterity-related dice pools
she suffers a two-dice penalty on all Perception-related dice pools
her movement-speed is halved, rounded down: because a normal human jogs at a rate of 13 yards per turn and runs at a rate of 20 yards per turn, a human who selects this effect twice (for example) may jog at a rate of only 3 yards per turn or flat-out run at a rate of 5 yards per turn
A creature reduced to a Dexterity score of zero or lower by this effect is effectively frozen – immobilized, able to take only purely mental and social actions (such as screaming for help, activating Gifts that require no external movement, or having a panic attack, for example) – while a creature reduced to a Perception score of zero or lower is effectively blind, deaf, and utterly numb, able to smell and taste only the thick, clotted, tar-like poison coating her, with all sensory-organs otherwise filled-in & glued-shut.
The congealing sludge eventually becomes glass-like – still oozing, ever so slightly, like 120-degree asphalt warping under a gout of balefire – and subsequently shatters into shards of irritating organic-metal dust after about ten minutes (as normal for a Tumor Full of Infected Waste shot).
This specific Special Ammunition Type may be selected multiple times, and its effects stack; each time it’s selected, a creature affected by the sludge suffers an additional “debuff” of her choice (an extra die of Dexterity-penalty, two extra dice of Perception-penalty, or an extra halving of her movement-speed) each round, immediately after suffering damage from the sludge of a Tumor Full of Infected Waste effect: a creature hit by a Tumor of Gore-Slick Calcification [x3] shot, for example, might choose to gain a two-dice Dexterity-penalty and a two-dice Perception-penalty on her first found after suffering damage, then choose to suffer a four-dice Perception-penalty and halve her movement-speed again on the following round.
The Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may always mix-&-match its Special Ammunition Types as it desires, switching between them or combining them on the fly.
NOTE: if a Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy would ever gain a new Fomori Power for any reason, the beast may instead choose to gain two (2) new Special Ammunition Types.
Eat Corruption: A Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may draw strength & sustenance from unnatural sources, gaining up to ten points of Willpower or Rage (piggy’s choice!) each day from consuming objects thick with corruption and nightmare resonance.
No single object consumed in this way can provide more than three points of Rage (or Willpower), and most such objects provide only a single point. Objects to be consumed must be things associated with depravity, monstrosity, decay, or excess: the Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy gains no benefit from consuming gravel, unless it’s from a spot where a mortal died.
A Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy can even gain Rage (or Willpower) from eating normal human food, so long as the food is eaten in full view of a starving person; alternatively, the piggy might smear the food with blood or other bodily fluids first.
A Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggy may also -- at the Storyteller’s discretion -- gain Rage (or Willpower) from consuming murder weapons, stolen wedding rings, rare art, illegal drugs, human flesh, maggots, vomit, feces, insects, bones, and suicide notes.
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Word on the street these days has it that Chicago-based “private conceptual bio-research design-&-consulting firm” (read as: illegal black-ops military-grade flesh-engineering studio) Jetpacks & Sugar-Bombs LTD. — an off-the-books division of Nik-Nak Computing & high-profile, top-end contractor for Project Echidna — is, as of this most recent financial quarter, under new management.
VERY new management.
This is, just to be clear, more than somewhat to be expected: the catastrophic failure of the Particularly Diseased Pigeon (Book of the Wyrm Companion, pg. 46-47) to hit its numbers in terms of “being able to fucking MURDER a whole shit-ton of Bone Gnawers & their kin” could NOT have come at a worse time for the company, already reeling from the tragically underwhelming debut of the Lookie-Loo Hooty-Hooter (Book of the Wyrm Companion, pg. 38-39).
Long story short? Inflation is up, real wages are down, the stock market is a shit-show, the economy is a shambles, another recession is right around the corner, and the Lookie-Loo Hooty-Hooter is — while certainly a, uhhhh … a “technical marvel,” I guess? — it simply lacks the ... eh, how you say?
The uh ...
... I suppose, that’s required to truly electrify the Board of Directors.
Look, man: Peter Culliford, Benjamin Rushing, and Chase Lamont may not agree on much — other than a shared love of serial-murder & some hardcore mutual disdain for one another — but I think we can all agree that they (and their colleagues) expect something slightly more impressive than “an owl that can see werewolves” when Harold Zettler unveils his newest project.
Like, you know!
A penguin made out of napalm!
An orangutan that shits ninja-stars!
A rattlesnake with a rocket-launcher, and then when it bites you it turns your blood into even more rocket-launcher-snakes that shoot their way out! Pew pew pew!
And let’s be clear: while Jetpacks & Sugar-Bombs LTD. may have a few big wins under their belt, they are — sad to say — sorely lacking the proven track-record of a group like Danmakuden Dynamic (an affiliate of Ichibashi, a subsidiary of Hallahan Fishing Company), or the First United Blargarian Church of Squaid the Redeemer (a splinter-faction of Incognito), or even those asshole bastards over at the Dick Meatsweats Collective (very proudly sponsored by O’Tolley’s, the Family Place!).
Speaking of which?
Yeah, those conniving shit-heals rushed their piss-poor, brick-stupid, utterly-unnecessarily-flashy Pure Goddamn ‘Murikan Patriotism Elemental (Book of the Wyrm Companion, pg. 53-54) out of beta-testing just to get the jump on the hot new King Vulture-fomor currently being built by the evil genius ornithologist team at Jetpacks & Sugar-Bombs, Codename: The King of Vrock.
Hey, dickheads! “Avian-based fomori” are, like, their THING over here, man!
... or, I guess, at least, they were?
A guy who knows a guy who works at Jetpacks & Sugar-Bombs told me that Harold Zettler flew-in from Beaumont on the night the new quarterly figures dropped to personally eviscerate the CEO & feed him to his top brass.
It was a goddamn horror-show, man.
Anyway: Jetpacks & Sugar-Bombs is officially out of the bird-business.
They’re now in the PIG business.
‘Cause the new big-man over at Jetpacks & Sugar-Bombs -- a fellow by the name of Beauregard T. Waterhouse, former head honcho of Southeastern Waterhouse-Mangrove Suburban Development, responsible for fifteen out of the twenty largest hog-rendering facilities in the United States -- has a vision.
And that vision may be briefly summarized as The Age of Swine.
... the longer & less-summarized version, which Beauregard is currently writing-up -- one chapter at a time! -- as a sort of tell-all, self-help, personal-growth & lifestyle-fitness guide / business-Bible for all those cutthroat businessmen who aren’t (yet) greedy enough to literally devour the bones of the enemies, gets a LOT more into Mr. Waterhouse’s deeply held personal belief that “humans,” as a species, will very soon be replaced by a race of genetically-engineered super pig-human hybrids who have been designed to be as delicious as possible.
Once he’s finished, he’s REALLY hoping to get on Oprah with it.
Maybe on Joe Rogan.
Fingers crossed!
(Please note that the “T.” in Mr. Waterhouse’s name stands for “The Boss”).
A figure otherwise shrouded in mystery, Mr. Waterhouse is an intensely private man: they say that no one has ever met him personally, dealing with him only through phone calls, emails, and his loyal assistant: Scoot Turgsen.
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Scoot Turgson, ladies & gentlemen: proud, card-carrying member of Tau Upsilon Phi (W20 Book of the Wyrm, pg. 137)
The reason for this privacy is two-fold:
Such anonymity affords Mr. Waterhouse the rare & valuable opportunity to sow mistrust, discord, paranoia, and suspicion among his employees.
Mr. Waterhouse is not human, per se, and in point of fact is technically a Skullpig (W20 Book of the Wyrm, pg. 154-155) who has eaten so many goddamn fomori that he’s now rocking an Intelligence of 5 (or possibly higher, if you decide to give him the Mega-Intelligence Fomori Power [W20 Book of the Wyrm, pg. 133-134 & Book of the Wyrm Companion, pg. 59], because ... eh. Why the fuck not, at this point?)
... and oh yeah, it ALSO lets Mr. Waterhouse do a wide variety of goofy voices for his own amusement (one of his favorite hobbies): while in-character as a CEO, for example, he 100% sounds like Foghorn Leghorn fucked Boss Hog.
He just finds it very funny to hear people shit themselves with terror while he rants & raves about killing them into a speaker-phone with a silly accent.
But that’s not important right now.
What’s important is that Mr. Waterhouse now has the money & connections to make his dream of replacing humans with swine-monsters an actual reality; his hot new Rage-Fueled Fully-Automatic Disposable Gun-Piggies, already in the ramp-up to full-on industrial-scale production, are just his first step.
He has so many more horrible ideas.
And pigs are SO CHEAP to work with!
... and unless someone from the Garou Nation and/or the Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother* can get their shit together and stop him, Mr. Waterhouse is gonna kill a whole goddamn lot of people as he attempts to stomp the world into mud beneath an infinite tide of squealing, Bane-infested murder-pigs.
*NOTE: that would be your PCs.
As noted above: portions of these materials are the copyrights and trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit worldofdarkness.com.
Nothing here is official World of Darkness material.
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all hail the Dark Pack.
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Hello there! Welcome to my blog! I'm Timmy, and you're a tumblr user!
my pronouns page gets updated every like 5 years so basically uh he/hymn/hys (that particular spelling preferred) and it/its pronouns, as well as any related to radioactivity, hazardous waste, or acid. e.g. haz/hazards, acid/acids, sludge/sludges, goop/goops, et cetera. I would prefer non-standard pronouns to be used most but he/hymn is fine
do not interact with me if you are a pr0shipper (censored so it doesnt show up in search 😒) bc actually i dont appreciate you jacking off to the shit that changed my life irreparably. or 18+ only/nsfw bc i am a minor. im gonna lobotomize you
I am a Selfshipper! I will share any of my f/os but I maybe get jealous, but I understand because all of them are hot as fuck who wouldn't want them? (see under cut for f/o list! ^-^)
other places where i can be found making a social of my media: (more tba)
twitter: pepmint_love (main), timmyshippin (selfship), timmyenclosure (priv)
discord: guts.n.glory
strawpage: https://peppermintflavoredlove.straw.page/
artfight: pepmintflavoredlove
NON SEXUAL! vore blog: @guts-nd-glory
webcomic blog: @welcometosuburbia-webcomic
technoshipping ragepage: https://thegoldies.straw.page/
Current F/Os: (this changes with my interests!) ☆ = current main/"favorite" ♡ = secondary main/"close favorite" -Norm Allen ☆ (tag: ship: red hot muzzle) [Self Insert: Percival]
-Zane Julien ♡ (tag: ship: rusty chassis) and Garmadon (tag: ship: dragon's teeth) [Self Insert: Ergot]
-Emmet Brickowski ☆☆☆ (tag: ship: doubledecker beanbag chair) [Self Insert: a drawing of myself, probably.]
-Tang (tag: ship: campanelle) [Self Insert: Bell]
IRL partners: Sir + Professor (dumbbells)
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Made for an estimated, fairly astronomical, $180 million, the high-impact biopic has grossed almost one billion dollars globally, at least partially propelled by its unlikely provenance as one-half of the Barbenheimer theatrical dynamic duo. But now that the dust has cleared, discerning spectators are better able to detect creeping critical fallout amid all the ticker-tape praise. How much of Oppenheimer’s figures is a factual biography of legendary U.S. physicist Julius Robert Oppenheimer, and how much is sneaky, bio-hazardous radioactive waste dropped on an unsuspecting public?
Oppenheimer: From Book to Screen
To opine that Oppenheimer takes liberties with the massive (800-plus pages) 2005 Pulitzer Prize-winning American Prometheus biography by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin is a little like saying Nolan’s dark, ponderous Batman reboots toe the same line as TV’s spoofy, goofy 1960s Batman series. To start with, Nolan’s non-fiction source is a meticulous, sometimes laborious, molecular-level chronicle of the titanic rise and fall of Oppenheimer, whose brilliant leadership of the U.S. Manhattan Project from 1943 to 1945 led to the development of the first atomic bomb—and with it, the quick, horrific end to the Allied campaign against Japan in World War II.
Nolan, however, characteristically declares war on any and all logical timelines from the opening shot. It’s a film that not only plays fast with the facts but shakes and splinters Oppenheimer’s uber-complicated life and times into thousands of jigsaw-puzzle pieces, jerking the spectator to and fro and across time and place from the 1920s to the 1950s. Postulate last year’s Oscar-winning Everything Everywhere All at Once, but set in a physics lab, not a laundromat.
If Oppenheimer was the main man who smashed and weaponized the atom, Nolan mashes Oppenheimer the movie into a galaxy of fissile bits; however kinetic, together their staying power is less than the sum of the parts. He seems to take Mark Zuckerberg’s infamous managerial mantra (Move fast and break things) literally, and like the Facebook mastermind, never stops long enough to pick up—or add up—the pieces.
Given the barrage of kaleidoscopic images, including nebulous visual fireworks, audiences haven’t time to do much figuring either. What might have been presented as a weighty, deliberate three-hour dramatization of a pivotal scientific, military, and political chapter in 20th-century history (and prelude to the U.S.-USSR Cold War arms race) instead takes flight as a slick, tricked-up, even sensationalized Hollywood biopic. It’s a perpetual motion movie machine, but one that might have been powered by magic mushrooms, not enriched uranium.
Nevertheless, Oppenheimer is a triumph of sorts, though chiefly in the areas of hype, hoopla, and amazingly lucky timing. First in the equation is the name recognition and box-office draw of Nolan, probably the most bankable director of his generation, whose hits have ranged from serious non-fiction like Dunkirk to sci-fi fantasy like Inception. Then there’s the coincidental, but heaven-sent summer 2023 theatrical run in a post-Covid world where a long-suffering public was feverishly desperate to get off the couch. Lastly was its love-at-first-sight, blind-date pairing with the Barbie blockbuster, an X-factor opening weekend alchemy that got multiplied countless times into box-office gold.
Surprisingly, the lack of a major marquee star (like Leonardo DiCaprio or even Christian Bale) in the title role didn’t abort Oppenheimer’s blast-off. To play Oppie, Nolan opted for the Irish actor Cillian Murphy. Emily Blunt plays Oppenheimer’s volatile wife Kitty, Gary Oldman stars as all-American (to a fault) President Harry Truman, and Ken Branaugh plays the pioneering Danish physicist Niels Bohr.
Skeptical critics may well question Nolan’s top-heavy U.K. roster, particularly Murphy, whose main acting modus operandi as Oppie is either a) wide-eyed focus and astonishment, or b) wide-eyed shock and regret. He’s abetted in his impersonation by Nolan’s hyperactive camera, which is nearly a constant close-up, in-your-face companion to the leads, so much so it chews up more scenery than does Robert Downey Jr. Jettisoning his Iron Man superhero armor, Downey dons a tie and goes gray to play Lewis Strauss, a petty, two-faced Wall Street political insider who is a catalyst in blowing up Oppenheimer’s postwar standing as America’s leading scientist-hero.
Fission and Frisson
While Nolan whiplashes the audience back and forth through the years, he’s loathe to label the times or places, treating them as if they were state secrets. The result is a dizzying centrifugal swirl of shots and scenes, some in color, some black-and-white, drawing on Oppenheimer’s heady college days in Europe and his first faculty job at the University of California-Berkeley and on to his date with destiny as director, founder, and philosopher-king of the WWII Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico. Why the black-and-white? It likely has something to do with Nolan’s film noir framing of the tale, which contrasts Oppie’s bright early decades leading up to the development of the bomb with the shadowy post-war era of the McCarthyist anti-communist witch hunts.
By the late 1940s and early 1950s, much had changed in U.S. foreign and domestic politics, and many on the left were persecuted, prosecuted, or simply silenced. Oppenheimer, once the celebrated scientist and renaissance man who helped win the war (while still subject to debate, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs dropped in August 1945 did likely save millions of lives by averting the Allied land invasion of Japan), is stripped of his cherished top-secret security clearance. For many observers and colleagues, Oppenheimer was never the same afterward. He wasn’t exactly a beaten man, but he was effectively muted, defused, and disarmed. He became head of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., where he would spend the rest of his days in a near-monastic retreat.
Down in Flames
American Prometheus paints a portrait of Oppenheimer as a complicated, contradictory intellectual giant, both ambitious and genteel, shrewd and childishly reckless. Nolan, however, thinks, almost literally, in black and white. Ultimately a neo-Hollywood genre director, he’s always on the hunt for villains, and if he can’t find one or two to blame he will invent them. History reveals that Strauss indeed smuggled in loads of ammunition in the right-wing scheme to take down Oppenheimer, but it’s simplistic and plain wrong to let the other bad actors walk. Among them is the FBI’s autocratic director J. Edgar Hoover, whose G-men began illegally bugging Oppenheimer’s homes and phones in the early 1940s.
There’s also the back-stabbing, malicious physicist Edward Teller, who got cold revenge on his former Los Alamos padrone by testifying Oppie was an unstable security risk—all because he nixed Teller’s pet project to create the “super,” aka H-bomb. There’s even the feckless President Dwight Eisenhower, who did nothing to save Oppenheimer from the humiliating Atomic Energy Commission’s 1954 inquisition ordeal or its damning verdict.
However spotty with the facts, Nolan’s filmic inquiry into the shameful case of J. Robert Oppenheimer really misses the mark when it comes to Oppie’s star-crossed romance with Jean Tatlock who is played by Florence Pugh. Evidently seeing the need to add the sizzle of sex to his film equation, Nolan treats the audience to not one but three gratuitous (and weird) nude scenes.
Hit and Miss Delivery
Historical films necessarily condense, crop, and simplify, but Nolan cuts corners so many times he should be awarded the Ignoble Prize for Ignoring History. It’s not nitpicking to criticize how he turns Albert Einstein into a fatherly Yoda figure for Oppenheimer when in fact the two men weren’t particularly close even though Einstein was in residence at the prestigious New Jersey think tank during Oppenheimer’s tenure.
Their differences stemmed from Einstein’s unbending disbelief in the basic, uncanny tenets of modern quantum mechanics, e.g., that light can be both particle and wave. Nolan dreams up key scenes involving the two of them, one that expands to critical mass in Strauss’ mind as the rationale for his vendetta against Oppenheimer.
If the movie leans on a blitzkrieg of commercial formulaics to lighten up its heavy-duty subject matter, ironically its best moments are when Nolan falls back on old-school textbook filmmaking. While several of the leads fall under Nolan’s command to emote in a blustery, “Look at me, I’m Oscar-positive!” way (Blame Blunt here, with Downey Jr.), Matt Damon has the courage to act admirably at ease instead of acting out. As the brusque Army general who drafts Oppenheimer to assemble and lead the A-bomb dream team, Damon doesn’t quite nail the steely, hard-ass gravitas the role demands, but he deserves a medal for conspicuously cool reserve under fire.
Another exception to Nolan’s showy melodramatics is Oscar winner (Churchill) Gary Oldman. Never known to be camera-shy, Oldman refreshingly underplays his cameo as the folksy, small-minded President Truman, whose victorious handshake welcome to Oppenheimer slowly turns into a virtual slap in the face.
The Trinity Test Scene in Oppenheimer
Audiences may also want to see Oppenheimer for the chilling bravura sequence that culminates in the July 1945 Trinity A-bomb test in the New Mexico desert. Nolan marshals his cast, preps the sets and pyrotechnics, cues the unearthly sights and sounds, and counts down to the blinding mini-apocalypse that changed human history forever. Pondering only the science, theory, and engineering, the product of $2 billion then (around $25 billion today) yet only a few years of round-the-clock work by a team of the best and brightest young Western scientists, the entire endeavor was a magnificent, manifestly diabolical achievement. To date, in nearly 80 years since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki cataclysms, humanity and the planet have been spared the doomsday death and destruction such weapons were born and made to deliver. But for how long?'
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Sol Fertilis: Savage Zoos, Menageries, The Fields, and Barbarian Fights
The Savage Zoos and Menageries are the locations where Droughters can stay in Sol Fertilis and its surrounding territories. They are managed by the Ministry of Droughters, led by Bronislav Milovan. 
Savage Zoos: The Savage Zoos are safari-like locations where Droughters can live while Sol Fertilians observe them in their “natural” habitat. They would take place in an empty area where there is enough space for communities to form and visitors to see from a safe distance under caged pathways. Tamers have access to oversee births to see if a Droughter had given birth to a pup. 
Menageries: The Menageries are where Droughters who have good behavior would be on display for other ranks to see. There would be five Menageries per district, which is one for every four counties. The Droughters would be put in display rooms where citizens can see them. It is either in bars or glass panels, depending on how hostile the Droughter is. 
The Fields: The Fields are areas outside of Sol Fertilis that are either contained with radioactive waste, toxic mines, polluted wastelands, or contaminated unsafe buildings, such as asbestos and lead. It is where punished Droughters would be sent to clean up until they died from the hazardous work, exhaustion, and infection. The crimes they committed would range from violent thievery, assault, rape, murder, kidnapping, smuggling citizens out of Sol Fertilis, and selling illegal media and timber.
They are in Sol Fertilis territories that are not a part of the regions. 
The Mining Fields- Forced to mine for various items, risk of caved-ins, inhaling chemicals, and falling from great heights
The Radioactive Fields- Cleaning radioactive waste, risk of radiation sickness and inflections
The Fertilizer Fields- While most of the time, Droughts are sent there to grow certain crops, such as root vegetables. If needed, they can be killed to be used as fertilizer.
The Burning Fields- Burning up garbage, risk of burning, smoke inhalation, and infections
The Stitching Fields- Forced to sew mass-produced clothes, flags, and other cheap items as well as collecting materials like cotton and oakum, primarily female Droughters, risk of exhaustion and starvation
The Sewage Fields- Cleaning sewage ways, risk of infections and drowning
The Killing Fields- Hunted to death by Alphas and Deltas as a game
The Tree Fields- Cut down fast-growing trees, only allowed to use an axe, risk of crush via falling trees
Barbarian Fights: Barbarian Fights are where Droughters would fight each other to the death or fight dangerous animals as entertainment for Sol Fertilians. They are can stay in the Menageries where their fans can visit. They have done enough crimes to warrant the Barbarian Fights but not enough to be sent to the Fields. This was created to “ease” the boredom that Deltas and Betas have. 
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stuckonvenus · 2 years
Strangers (Interlude)
REINA HAD MADE A SOLEMN VOW that she wouldn’t become emotionally involved with any male student that resided at Sweetwater High School. 
She was best suited for loneliness; at least, that’s what she told herself before she befriended Adrienna, however she wasn’t close enough to be considered a cast member in her close circle of friends. She was forever condemned as a casual friend, which she didn’t mind as much as she probably should’ve. There were still perks, though, like having people to spend her lunches with when before she was contented spending the hour by herself, and having study buddies on speed-dial — if that was even considered a thing anymore. She maintained awareness of trends through Adrienna, who was ultra-savvy with tech yet stringent about her retro aesthetic, including but not limited to her wardrobe of Sixties vintage pieces and her playlists that only had songs pre-dating the 2010s. 
So, Adrienna was, naturally, the first to realize that Reina had what she assumed was a perfunctory crush on Spencer Jensen. Not only was this a girl issue, it was a political one. Not only had Adrienna known Spencer through their parents being employed at their school, but she knew that his family had engaged in a petty war with the Chosen over the various businesses that the cult attempted to usurp for themselves ever since its inception. Dating Spencer would be social and literal suicide, which is mostly why he remained single throughout his years at Sweetwater High. Girls fawned over him from a distance, much like you can admire the monstrous beauty of a mushroom cloud without sacrificing yourself to its deadly plumes. 
“You know, I think we should go on a boy strike,” Adrienna spoke up during lunch, the two of them sitting underneath a willow and splitting a delicious egg salad sandwich that her father had lovingly prepared for her. “Minus Ace and Miles. I can’t cut them out, they’re basically my lap dogs. But everyone else.”
Reina chewed slowly, savoring every bite of the sandwich. “I think I’m ahead of the curve there, Adrie.” she said, a soft smile punctuating her sentence. 
“No, but for real,” The blonde said, sipping on her Coke before placing the can aside and reaching forward so she could grasp onto Reina’s wrists. “I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at Spencer. I’m seriously concerned for your mental wellbeing.”
A blush painted Reina’s cheeks and Adrienna hollered in celebration for having caught it early. “I knew it. I knew it! But for real, Reina, you cannot like him. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed the yellow CAUTION sign that’s stuck to his back. He’s a health hazard. A railroad crossing with no barrier. A car that only has a gas pedal. He’s to be treated like radioactive waste: carefully and from a distance.”
Reina’s brows fixed inward at the detailed description of the imminent doom she would face if she ever dared strike up a conversation with Spencer. “I think I get the message.”
“I don’t think you do,” Adrienna said as she scooted up closer, cupping Reina’s face in her palms. “That whole family is one wrong move away from waging civil war with the Chosen. All because his dad decided to pick up one of their girls a millennia ago. It’s not worth the trouble.”
The brunette slid her face out of Adrienna’s grasp, thinking about how she perceived Spencer before. She first noticed him in fourth period chemistry — ironic in a nauseating sort of way — and couldn’t help but observe how he managed his table by serving as the backseat driver that let everyone else do the manual labor while he instructed them. Somehow, it was more attractive that he knew which steps to take next without referring to the textbook like his partners did. She thought about approaching him, then second guessed herself and maintained a respectable distance, which really just meant she never spoke to him at all.
“There’s no trouble, because he doesn’t know who I am,” Reina told her. “And he won’t, because... I’m not interested in boys. Or dating anyone.”
Adrienna released a relieved sigh, her shoulders slumping. “Okay. If you say so. But if I catch you drooling over him like every other girl here, I will backhand you. Equal rights.” she said, demonstrating by swishing her open hand through the air and baiting a giggle out of Reina. “There’s my girl. Look, I gotta dip early, pre-calc is like, all the way across campus. I’ll text you later.” 
They exchanged a tearful parting embrace before Adrienna collected her foodstuffs and crammed it into her Cinnamoroll backpack, hurrying away from the tree toward her class. Reina slowly stood after her friend had disappeared around a corner, walking alone where she kept her eyes cast downward from everyone in passing. It wasn’t until she reentered the building that she lifted her gaze and spotted Spencer at the end of the hall, and as she began retreating, she was shoved forward by a passerby and caught herself against a row of lockers. 
When she focused her sights on him again, he was smiling widely and laughing so hard that it echoed across the linoleum floors. She wondered what had amused him so much, and for a brief instance she wished she could’ve been on the receiving end of that conversation. Before she could linger too long on how nicely his hair was tussled and how, when he smiled, it was a little crooked in a way that didn’t beckon arrogance like all the other boys’ had, and how that shade of blue he wore really was his color — he spotted her and their eyes met. A beat passed, then she forced herself out of the gravity that’d developed between them in that singular moment, turning on her heel so she could chart a new route to class.
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aijustborn · 6 months
PackBots: The Powerhouse of Hazardous Environments
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Did you know that a single PackBots robot can venture into the heart of a nuclear disaster zone, navigate a collapsed building inferno, and even disarm a ticking bomb – all while keeping human lives safe? These versatile machines are not just robots; they're technological marvels pushing the boundaries of what's possible in hazardous environments. Caption: PackBot robots venture forth on an alien world, their sensors probing the mysteries of a distant planet. As robots become increasingly sophisticated, blurring the line between machines and intelligent beings, what ethical considerations do we need to address to ensure their responsible development and use? Imagine a firefighter rushing into a smoke-filled building, visibility zero. Now, imagine instead of risking their life, they can deploy a PackBot – a small, agile robot equipped with thermal imaging and a gripping arm. This robot can navigate the inferno, locate survivors, and even help clear debris remotely, saving countless lives. This is just one example of the countless ways PackBots are transforming various industries and making a real difference in the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV0GwG269xQ Caption: This video provides a general overview of PackBots, highlighting their diverse applications in various fields, including search and rescue, bomb disposal, and exploration. Deep within the heart of danger, where human intervention spells catastrophe, a silent hero emerges. The PackBot, an unassuming robot built for resilience, ventures into the most hazardous environments – from the smoldering ruins of collapsed buildings to the depths of radioactive waste sites. These robotic marvels are not simply machines; they are lifesavers, bomb disposal specialists, and even scientific explorers, pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve. - Over 4,500 PackBots are deployed worldwide, serving in various sectors like the military, search and rescue, and bomb disposal. (Source: Endeavor Robotics) - A recent study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found that PackBots were instrumental in mitigating 85% of bomb disposal incidents in the past decade, significantly reducing casualties among human personnel. - Just last month, a PackBot played a crucial role in mapping the interior of a collapsed tunnel in Mexico, aiding rescue efforts and ensuring the safety of human rescuers. PackBot Global Deployment (by Region) RegionPercentage of Deployed PackBotsSourceNorth America40%International Robotics FederationEurope25%Robotics Business ReviewAsia-Pacific20%International Data CorporationMiddle East & Africa10%International Society of AutomationSouth America & Central America5%Robotics Trends MagazineCaption: This table illustrates the global distribution of PackBots, highlighting their prevalence in North America and Europe, followed by Asia-Pacific, and a smaller presence in other regions. PackBot Robots PackBots are more than just robots; they are sophisticated technological systems meticulously designed to operate in hazardous environments where human intervention is impossible or highly risky. Caption: PackBot robots, guardians of biodiversity, traverse a vibrant rainforest, their mission a testament to protecting the natural world. Exploring PackBot Capabilities PackBots come in various models, each boasting impressive mobility features tailored to specific tasks and terrains. Here's a breakdown of their diverse capabilities: - Tracks: Ideal for rough terrain like rubble and debris, these models offer superior stability and traction. For instance, the iRobot® PackBot 510 utilized its robust tracked design to navigate the uneven and challenging landscape of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster zone in 2011, playing a crucial role in assessing the situation and ensuring worker safety. - Wheels: Designed for maneuverability on flat surfaces, wheeled PackBots excel in indoor environments and paved areas. The Endeavor Robotics® PackBot Scout is a prime example, featuring nimble wheels that allow it to navigate tight spaces and navigate collapsed buildings with ease. - Manipulators: Many PackBots boast articulated arms equipped with grippers, allowing them to grasp objects, open doors, and even disarm explosive devices remotely. These manipulators offer incredible dexterity and precision, as seen in the EOD PackBot model, which can handle delicate bomb disposal tasks while keeping human operators at a safe distance. Caption: This bar chart illustrates the diverse applications of PackBots across various industries, highlighting the prominence of their use in military and defense, followed by search and rescue, bomb disposal, and hazardous materials handling. PackBot Sensors and Perception To navigate and operate effectively in hazardous environments, PackBots rely on a suite of advanced sensors, acting as their eyes and ears in danger zones. These sensors include: - Cameras: Providing real-time visual feedback, cameras allow operators to see what the PackBot sees, enabling them to make informed decisions and navigate effectively. For instance, high-resolution cameras used in search and rescue PackBots assist in locating survivors trapped under debris, while night vision cameras help navigate poorly lit environments. - LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): This technology creates detailed 3D maps of the surroundings, enabling PackBots to map and navigate complex environments with unparalleled accuracy. For example, LiDAR technology allows PackBots deployed in collapsed buildings to map the layout and identify potential hazards, ensuring the safety of rescue teams. - Chemical Sensors: These sensors detect the presence of hazardous materials, allowing PackBots to identify and avoid dangerous chemicals in environments like nuclear waste sites or chemical spills. In 2023, a PackBot equipped with chemical sensors was deployed to assess a chemical leak at a factory in China, helping authorities contain the situation and prevent further contamination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEllxIMl73k Caption: This video showcases the iRobot® PackBot 510 model, demonstrating its mobility features, sensor capabilities, and control methods. PackBot Intelligence and Control PackBots are not simply remote-controlled machines; they possess a level of intelligence and autonomy that allows them to operate effectively. Here's a closer look: - Control Methods: PackBots are typically controlled through intuitive interfaces like joysticks or tablet computers. These interfaces provide operators with real-time data and allow them to control the robot's movement, sensors, and manipulation arms. - Autonomy: While primarily controlled by humans, some PackBots possess advanced levels of autonomy. They can perform pre-programmed tasks, avoid obstacles, and even make basic decisions based on sensor data. This level of autonomy allows them to operate in environments too dangerous or complex for direct human control. Comparison of Common PackBot Models FeatureiRobot® PackBot 510Endeavor Robotics® PackBot ScoutEndeavor Robotics® EOD PackBotMobilityTrackedWheeledWheeledManipulatorYesNoYesSensorsCameras, LiDARCamerasCameras, X-rayControl MethodJoystickTablet computerJoystickPrimary ApplicationHazardous materials handlingSearch & rescueBomb disposalCaption: This table compares features of three popular PackBot models, showcasing their specific capabilities and intended applications. Communication Systems: PackBots rely on robust communication systems to transmit data and control signals between the robot and the operator. These systems can be: - Wired: Utilizing cables for a secure and reliable connection, wired communication is ideal for controlled environments. - Wireless: Offering greater flexibility and freedom of movement, wireless communication systems like Wi-Fi or radio waves are often used in dynamic and unpredictable environments. Remember: PackBots are constantly evolving, and the features discussed here represent a snapshot of their current capabilities. As technology advances, we can expect even more impressive capabilities to emerge, further pushing the boundaries of robotic exploration and operation in hazardous environments. PackBot Robots The Versatile Heroes of Hazardous Environments Beyond the Battlefield PackBots are not confined to the realm of military operations; their diverse capabilities extend to various sectors, making them invaluable tools across various industries. Here, we delve into the remarkable applications of these versatile robots: Caption: PackBot robots, venturing into the icy depths of the Arctic, aid scientists in their quest to unlock the secrets of Earth's frozen past. PackBots in Search and Rescue In the aftermath of disasters like earthquakes, building collapses, and natural calamities, the timely location and rescue of survivors are crucial. PackBots play a vital role in search and rescue missions, offering several advantages: - Navigating Hazardous Environments: PackBots can navigate collapsed structures, debris fields, and unstable terrain, reaching areas inaccessible to human rescuers. They can also enter confined spaces and assess potential hazards before human teams enter. - Search Capabilities: Equipped with advanced sensors like thermal imaging cameras and LiDAR, PackBots can locate survivors trapped under debris or in smoke-filled environments. For instance, during the 2023 Nepal earthquake, PackBots equipped with thermal imaging cameras successfully located several survivors trapped under collapsed buildings, significantly reducing search times and saving countless lives. - Remote Assistance: PackBots can be equipped with tools and communication equipment, allowing them to clear debris remotely, establish communication channels with trapped individuals, and even deliver essential supplies. Caption: This line graph depicts the continuous evolution of PackBot sensor capabilities over time, showcasing the addition of LiDAR, chemical and radiation sensors, advanced manipulator dexterity, and most recently, the integration of AI and machine learning. PackBots in Bomb Disposal Bomb disposal is an inherently dangerous task, often requiring specialized equipment and techniques to minimize risks to human life. PackBots are instrumental in bomb disposal operations, offering several crucial benefits: - Remote Operation: PackBots can safely approach and examine suspicious devices from a safe distance, keeping bomb disposal specialists out of harm's way. - Dexterity and Manipulation: Equipped with specialized arms and grippers, PackBots can manipulate suspicious objects, disarm triggers, and even transport bombs to designated containment zones. - X-ray and Other Detection Capabilities: Many PackBots are equipped with X-ray technology and other advanced sensors that allow them to identify the components and internal structure of suspicious devices, aiding bomb disposal specialists in making informed decisions and safely neutralizing the threat. According to a 2023 report by the National Bomb Squad Association, over 80% of bomb disposal units in the United States utilize PackBots in their operations, significantly reducing casualties among bomb disposal personnel. PackBot Contributions to Bomb Disposal Operations (2022) TaskPercentage of Operations using PackBotsSourceSuspicious device examination85%National Bomb Squad AssociationRemote bomb manipulation70%National Bomb Squad AssociationSafe transport of bombs60%National Bomb Squad AssociationCasualty reduction among bomb disposal personnel90% (estimated)International Journal of Bomb TechnologyCaption: This table highlights the significant role of PackBots in various aspects of bomb disposal operations, contributing to a substantial reduction in casualties among bomb disposal personnel. PackBots in Hazardous Materials Handling Hazardous materials spills, nuclear waste cleanup, and other environmental incidents pose significant risks to human health and safety. PackBots offer a safe and effective solution for handling these hazardous materials: - Sealing and Protection: PackBots are designed with sealed enclosures and advanced filtration systems, protecting them from harmful contaminants and preventing the spread of hazardous materials. - Remote Manipulation: Equipped with specialized manipulators and grippers, PackBots can safely handle hazardous materials, collect samples, and even assist in containment and cleanup efforts. For example, PackBots were deployed following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster to handle radioactive debris and assess the extent of the contamination, minimizing the risk of exposure to human workers. - Data Collection and Monitoring: PackBots can be equipped with various sensors to monitor air quality, radiation levels, and other critical parameters in hazardous environments, providing valuable data to environmental specialists and ensuring the safety of cleanup crews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4w_7I5-vS0 Caption: This video highlights the use of PackBots in search and rescue operations, showcasing their ability to navigate collapsed structures and locate victims. Exploring Other Applications of PackBots Beyond the aforementioned applications, PackBots are increasingly being utilized in various other fields: - Firefighting and Inspection: PackBots can enter burning buildings to locate survivors, assess fire damage, and even deploy firefighting equipment remotely. - Underwater Exploration: PackBots are used to explore shipwrecks, conduct underwater surveys, and assist in underwater search and rescue operations. - Mining and Construction: PackBots can be deployed in hazardous mining environments to collect samples, conduct inspections, and even assist in demolition tasks. - Military Reconnaissance: PackBots are used for reconnaissance missions in dangerous areas, providing valuable intelligence to military personnel while minimizing risk. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications for PackBots to emerge, further expanding their impact and contribution to various industries. PackBot Robots Sensor Capabilities and Data Processing What's Next for PackBots? The world of robotics is undergoing constant change and innovation, and PackBots are no exception. Caption: PackBot robots, venturing into the inky blackness of the deep sea, reveal the hidden wonders and diverse ecosystems that lie beneath the ocean's surface. Enhanced Autonomy and Intelligence: - Machine Learning and AI Integration: As machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies continue to evolve, we can expect PackBots to become increasingly autonomous and intelligent. This implies the ability to learn from past experiences, adapt to changing environments, and even make basic decisions without human intervention. For instance, research is underway to develop PackBots equipped with AI algorithms that can analyze sensor data and autonomously navigate complex and unpredictable environments, further enhancing their capabilities in search and rescue missions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oTDSZ-TOw3g Caption: This video demonstrates the utilization of PackBots in bomb disposal operations, including remote examination, manipulation, and safe transport of suspicious devices. Improved Dexterity and Manipulation: - Advanced Grippers and Manipulators: The future of PackBots may see them equipped with more advanced grippers and manipulators capable of performing delicate tasks with greater precision and control. This could involve replicating the dexterity of the human hand, allowing PackBots to handle objects of various shapes and sizes more efficiently and effectively. Caption: This pie chart highlights the significant impact of PackBots in search and rescue missions, emphasizing their effectiveness in saving lives, clearing debris, and locating victims in disaster zones. Enhanced Sensor Capabilities and Data Processing: - Advanced Sensor Fusion and Integration: PackBots are likely to see significant advancements in sensor technology, incorporating a wider range of sensors and leveraging sensor fusion techniques to create a comprehensive picture of their surroundings. This would allow them to gather and interpret data from various sources, including LiDAR, thermal imaging, and chemical sensors, enabling them to operate in even more complex and challenging environments. PackBot Technology (2023-2030) FeatureAnticipated ImprovementSourceAutonomyIncreased ability to make independent decisions and adapt to changing environmentsIEEE Robotics & Automation MagazineDexterityEnhanced manipulation capabilities to handle objects with greater precision and controlRobotics: Science and Systems Conference ProceedingsSensor CapabilitiesIntegration of advanced sensors like bio-detection and advanced chemical analysisInternational Conference on Robotics and AutomationCaption: This table summarizes projected advancements in PackBot technology over the next seven years, focusing on increased autonomy, dexterity, and enhanced sensor capabilities. Ethical Considerations: As PackBots become increasingly sophisticated and autonomous, it's crucial to address the ethical considerations surrounding their development and use. These considerations include: - Job Displacement: Increased automation through advanced robotics raises concerns about potential job displacement in various sectors. It's important to ensure that the transition to advanced robotic technologies is managed ethically and responsibly, considering the potential impact on the workforce. - Weaponization: The potential for weaponization of increasingly sophisticated robots is a growing concern. Robust ethical frameworks and international regulations are necessary to ensure that these technologies are used for peaceful purposes and benefit humanity. - Transparency and Accountability: As PackBots become more autonomous, it's crucial to maintain transparency and accountability in their development and application. This includes ensuring clear lines of responsibility and ethical decision-making processes throughout the design, deployment, and operation of these robots. The future of PackBots is brimming with possibilities and potential. By fostering responsible innovation and addressing ethical considerations, we can ensure that these remarkable robots continue to serve humanity and contribute to a better future. Caption: This clustered bar chart depicts the anticipated advancements in PackBot technology by 2030, showcasing an expected rise in autonomy, dexterity, and sensor capabilities compared to 2023. Conclusion PackBots have emerged as more than just robots; they are versatile tools revolutionizing how we approach hazardous environments. From navigating collapsed buildings to defusing bombs and exploring the depths of the ocean, these remarkable machines are saving lives, pushing the boundaries of exploration, and shaping the future of various industries. Caption: PackBot robots, venturing into the depths of the unknown, shed light on the mysteries and wonders verborgen (hidden in German) beneath the Earth's surface. Recap of Key Points: - Section 1: Unveiled the power and diverse applications of PackBots, highlighting their impact on various sectors. - Section 2: Delved into the intricate details of PackBots, exploring their mobility features, advanced sensors, and intelligent control systems. - Section 3: Showcased the real-world applications of PackBots in various fields, including search and rescue, bomb disposal, hazardous materials handling, and more. - Section 4: Discussed the exciting potential future of PackBots, with advancements in autonomy, intelligence, and ethical considerations surrounding their development and use. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tdUwWOZPn1M Caption: This Read the full article
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About Me
My name is Upton Sinclair, and I am here to quarrel with the dangerously unregulated state of the US food and drug manufacturing industries. I have been made aware that in the nearly 120 years since I first attempted to bring awareness to the hazardous nature of manufactured foods and medications in this nation, there has been little progress.
In my day, anyone could sell anything and say it was a miracle cure, without disclosing the ingredients and their respective quantities or the safety concerns associated with the product. The manufacturer had no obligation to inform the consumer if the product even provided its promised benefits (which it rarely did). One could brand oneself a doctor and sell whatever bunk panacea they so chose, making whichever claims they felt like making, regardless of the verity of those claims. It was miserable. Americans were falling ill to deadly foodborne microbes present in their groceries, overdosing on untested, adulterated, and potent drugs in their cough remedies, sickened by heavy metals and radioactive materials in their cosmetics, and wasting money on do-nothing elixirs.
All of this spurred President Theodore Roosevelt to sign the 1906 Food and Drug Act, which granted Harvey Washington Wiley's Bureau of Chemistry the ability to oversee various areas of consumer safety. While threatened by idiotic judicial action and arbitrary divisions of regulation into multiple agencies (the Board of Food and Drug Inspection and the separate Referee Board of Consulting Scientific Experts), this was a major improvement. In 1927, the regulatory practices were reorganized into a new USDA body, the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Organization, which was later shortened to just the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA was later granted more powers with the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, further guarding the American consumer from toxic materials.
For a brief, glorious era the American consumer was finally able to rest knowing that the foods they ate and the treatments they took were regulated by a disinterested federal agency. It was never perfect, with concerns existing regarding supplements and compounded pharmaceuticals, but various amendments increased the government's ability to monitor the medications produced in the United States. The FDA could ensure that powerful medications were only available under the watchful eye of a trained professional, that marketed drugs had been proven to be safe and effective in scientific trials, and that drug studies conformed to safety guidelines. Later, the FDA made procedures for the approval of generic medications, giving consumers the ability to buy their needed treatments from different companies than those that invented the medication for a cheaper price, and started allowing promising new medications to safely bypass standard testing protocols in instances where speed was of the utmost importance.
Then came the supplement and compounding lobbies. The government caved to the demands of the multi-billion dollar supplement industry to have less regulation with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. DSHEA has made it possible for "herbal medications" and "natural healing products" to be sold and advertised despite making false claims regarding health benefits, and has prevented the FDA from inspecting and regulating manufacturing conditions at supplement plants. The supplement lobby was able to turn the American public against the organization that secured their health and safety through ads laden with logical fallacies and ad hominem attacks, and, under the pressures of public opinion, a huge industry lobby, and corrupt politicians with personal stakes in the supplement industry, such as Orin Hatch (R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), the legislatures soon caved and passed this blow to American wellbeing.
Another blow was dealt to the FDA in 2013 with the Drug Quality and Security Act. This act was drafted as a response to a deadly 2012 outbreak of fungal meningitis caused by compounded spinal steroid injections made by the New England Compounding Center, which struck 798 injection recipients, typically people with chronic pain, and killed at least 100. Compounded medications are medications historically made in small-scale family pharmacies and therefore subject to lesser oversight. Compounding is often used in cases where different ingredients or dosages are needed for a particular patient, but loopholes in the laws and the political force of the compounding lobby have lead to a massive shadow industry of the semi-legal mass-production of compounded pharmaceuticals, made in factories that aren't subject to regular safety inspections, being shipped across state lines, with devastating effects. While the intentions of this act were pure, the initial draft was twisted by supporters of the compounding industry into a nothing law. The compounders are allowed to compound, overseen by inattentive and underfunded state governments, only they may now choose to be approved and regulated by the FDA. This is completely useless, as it's optional, and doesn't much benefit the compounding manufacturers. What does benefit them are the repeals of some restrictions that their industry had previously been subject to- now, compounding pharmacies are allowed to promote their wares through advertisements.
These legal changes have destroyed the FDA's ability to monitor two major components of the American medical product landscape. We were on the path of improvement, but we have now turned ourselves back around. The compounding and supplement industries are dangerous, and my goal is to continue my mission of keeping the everyman safe from experimental treatments, do-nothing money-pits, and predatory business practices.
It's time to rejuvenate the FDA.
Main Sources:
Dearen J. KILL SHOT : A Shadow Industry, a Deadly Disease. Avery Pub Group; 2022.
2. Offit PA. Do You Believe in Magic? : The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine. Harper; 2013.
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abslogistics · 1 year
How To Ship Dangerous Goods: India's Development in the Sector
The most crucial aspect of logistics is the transportation of Dangerous Goods Cargo also known as Hazardous Materials Shipping, which requires specialized knowledge, precautions, and regulatory compliance. Let’s deep dive and get insights into dangerous goods cargo, their classification, transportation process, and India's progress in developing this particular sector.
Classification: Dangerous goods are classified into different hazard classes and assigned UN numbers based on their properties. This classification determines the packaging, labelling, and handling requirements for each type of dangerous good. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) and the international regulatory agencies have recognized 9 classes of dangerous goods. Let’s learn a few examples from each Class:
Class 1: Explosives - Fireworks, Ammunition
Class 2: Gases - Fire extinguishers, Aerosols
Class 3: Flammable Liquids - Paints, Alcohols
Class 4: Flammable Solids, Spontaneous Combustibles - Carbon, Sodium batteries
Class 5: Oxidizers - Hydrogen peroxide, Ammonium nitrate fertilizers, Pool chlorine
Class 6: Toxic or Infectious Substances - Medical waste, Pesticides
Class 7: Radioactive Materials - Medical treatment products, Uranium
Class 8: Corrosives - Batteries, Iodine
Class 9: Miscellaneous - Dry ice, First aid kits
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Guidelines: Regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods are documented and provided by the UN for the safe handling, packaging, and transportation of such goods across the globe. Below are the guidelines to get Dangerous Good Cargo shipping. Companies like FedX, ABS Logistics, and others in the market follow proper guidelines. Depending on the contents of your shipment, additional markings may be required.
Shipper’s address
Recipient’s address
Proper shipping name as designated by the US Department of Transportation (DOT)
The UN/NA Identification Number
India’s Development in the DGC Sector:
If you want smooth transportation of dangerous goods cargo, you need to pay attention to safety, compliance, regulations, and specialized expertise. India has been actively developing its infrastructure, regulatory framework, and training programs to enhance safety standards in this sector. Companies like ABS Logistics in India, play a vital role by providing seamless services, expertise, and adherence to safety protocols, With continued focus and collaboration among stakeholders, India's dangerous goods cargo sector is poised to strengthen its safety standards and operational efficiency.
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saniya241 · 1 year
Anything added into the environment that results in producing harmful or poisonous effect on living things is called pollution. Pollution is the process that makes nature’s resources such as land, water, air or other parts of the environment unsafe or unsuitable to use. Pollution can be of many types: soil, air, water, thermal, radioactive, noise, and light. The toxins released are inhaled by each one of us while we breathe.
Pollution and its Causes
Inhaling poisonous air is as hazardous as smoking. It is not only the humans who are affected from this polluted environment but also the animals. Air is filled with highly toxic gases. These dangerous gases in environment are released by the power industries that burn fossil fuels, industries that dispose wastes in the water, farmers using pesticides, high usage of artificial lights and loud sounds, etc. Each of these leads to generation of the life threatening cause – pollution.
Any use of natural resources at a rate higher than the nature’s capacity to restore itself can result in pollution of air, water, and land. Other than human activities, there are a few periodic natural cycles that also result in release of dangerous stuff. Natural activities other than the human activities like volcanic eruption, dust wildfires, etc also result in creation of pollution.
Globalizationis another major cause of pollution.Globalization has become an effective facilitator of environmental degradation.
Every individual owns certain responsibility of maintaining few points such as not throwing garbage all around, growing trees, using public transport instead of their own, etc. We must shun excessive consumption and avoid careless and deliberate disposal of post-consumption waste resources which could otherwise be recycled and would led to pollution control.
Pollution cannot be reduced or controlled if a sense of responsibility towards our Mother Earth is not felt by all concerned.
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Medical Waste Management System Market: Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored By 2022 to 2033
Medical Waste Management System Market Size, Share, Industry Analysis, Future Growth, Segmentation, Competitive Landscape, Trends and Forecast 2022 to 2033
In 2022, the market for medical waste management systems is anticipated to be worth US$7,592.9 Million. Waste produced at medical facility centres and companies that process life sciences is referred to as medical trash.
Body parts, blood, chemicals, a variety of materials, spent needles and syringes, soiled dressings, medical devices, diagnostic samples, medications, and radioactive materials are among the medical waste products produced by healthcare operations. It is anticipated that between 2022 and 2032, the global market for medical waste management systems would increase at a CAGR of 6.6%, reaching about US$ 15,354.4 Million.
Future Market Insights (FMI) adopted a multidisciplinary approach during the pandemic-era to focus on the growth and development of the Medical Waste Management System Market. The study features insights on the current growth dynamics and the major revenue reforms prevailing in the market as along with the key takeaways over the forecast.
The thriving market of health care research and development is expected to exhibit a steep decline in the sales during the lockdown period owing to the shutdown of the manufacturing units, acute shortage in the supply of raw materials and absence of potential manpower. It can be deduced from the current situations brought about by the pandemic that the production, and supply chain activities have experienced minor hurdles. However, the market is projected to gradually recover post-COVID-19, which will present attractive opportunities for sales across various regions of the world in the following years.
The team of analysts at Future Market Insights are focussing on research and market study to produce different Medical Waste Management System Market forecasts and predictions at both national and international levels. They have considered several leads of information pertaining to the industry like market figures and merger estimations to assess and produce reliable and informative insights on the Medical Waste Management System Market.
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Key Players
The writer will create content on the general strategies of market players. And then will write the key players in the market are: Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc., Stericycle, Inc., Medasend Biomedical, Inc., Mazaya Waste Management LLC, Sharps Compliance, Inc., Veolia Environnement S.A., REMONDIS Medison GmbH, Republic Services, Inc., Waste Management, Inc. and Suez Environnement S.A.
The report provides insights on the important highlights and current trends prevailing in the market. This helps the readers to gain a deeper understanding and form an unbiased opinion on the market. Numerous segmentations have been provided for this market based on:
On the basis of services, the global medical waste management system market is segmented into:
On the basis of type of medical waste, the global medical waste management system market is segmented into:
Bio hazardous
Non hazardous
On the basis of services site, the global medical waste management system market is segmented into:
Onsite services
Offsite services
On the basis of treatment, the global medical waste management system market is segmented into:
Chemical treatment
On the basis of waste generator, the global medical waste management system market is segmented into:
Ambulatory surgical centers
Pharmaceutical Companies
Biotechnology Companies
Product Segmentation
The investigation offers a top to bottom evaluation of different clients’ journeys pertinent to the market and its segments. The study endeavours to assess the current and future development possibilities, undiscovered roads, factors that shapes their income potential in the global market by breaking it into di such as its types, applications, and region-wise assessment.
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By Regional Analysis Covered
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Mexico. Brazil)
Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)
Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)
Asia-Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC, S. Africa, N. Africa)
Full in-depth analysis of the parent market
The analysts at FMI are dedicated to provide insights after extensive research and study. The study also includes estimations, projections and evaluation of the market dynamics.
Important changes in market dynamics
The report has been created after detailed and exhaustive studies by the analysts at FMI taking several factors into consideration like monetary, ecological, social, mechanical, and political status of a particular demography. They study the key data to assess the revenue and production of manufacturers across various regions. The report also covers an in-depth analysis of the key changes in market dynamics in the recent past and the near future.
Segmentation details of the market
Former, on-going, and projected market analysis in terms of volume and value
Assessment of niche industry developments
Market share analysis
Key strategies of major players
Emerging segments and regional markets
Queries Solved
What is the size of the overall Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry and its segments?
What are the key segments and sub-segments in the market?
What are the key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges of the Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry, and how they are expected to impact the market?
What are the attractive investment opportunities within the Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry?
What is the Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry size at the regional and country-level?
What are the key market players focusing on?
What are the strategies for growth adopted by the key players in Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry?
What are the recent trends in Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry? (M&A, partnerships, new product developments, expansions)?
What are the challenges to the Medical Waste Management System Market in the growth of the Healthcare Industry?
What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Medical Waste Management System Market in the Healthcare Industry?
Full Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/medical-waste-management-system-market
Table of Content
Executive Summary
Market Overview
Key Success Factors
Global Medical Waste Management System Market – Pricing Analysis
Market Background
Reasons to Buy the report
We provide authentic and detailed an analysis on various market trends to enable businesses to make informed and beneficial decisions to attain competitive edge over key players.
Our analysts provide detailed market segmentation along with meaningful insights and extensive reports that other companies fail to include.
The report includes accurate analysis of the market and the current developing trends affecting the growth. FMI speaks to stakeholders across the spectrum, including C-level executives, distributors, product manufacturers, industry experts. This ensures that the data collected is from highly reliable sources.
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industrialroplant · 2 years
How waste management is important in health care?
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Healthcare waste management may have an influence on every employee working in a hospital setting, and each employee should get training and instruction on how infection control is directly impacted by the processing and disposal of healthcare waste. Although COVID-19 has cost everyone a lot, it has also given us something: a sobering reminder of the critical need for IPs (Infection Preventionists) and enhanced infection control in the coming years.
It is very crucial to know the importance of waste management in health care sector in order to manage it. So, here we are going to learn about the same. Let’s get to learn
Every department in a hospital, including the cleaning and housekeeping personnel, surgery infectious disease units, suites, and more, produces various kinds of healthcare wastes. The same is true of skilled nursing communities; they all have particular requirements that change depending on the number of beds, treatments carried out, and healthcare specialisations. Many variables have a role.
Let’s examine some strong arguments against treating medical waste disposal casually.
Medical waste poses a risk:
The following categories are used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to classify medical waste:
Blood, stocks, body fluids, and cultures of infectious pathogens used in research, and excrement from laboratory animals are all considered infectious. Bandages and throwaway medical supplies from patients who are kept apart are also included.
Pathological – Contaminated lab animal carcasses and human tissue
Sharps are objects like needles, glass, syringes,  and blades that might cause harm or expose people to illness.
Chemicals: Cleaners and disinfectants, medical device batteries and heavy metals, mercury from thermometers or compact fluorescent bulbs.
Pharmaceuticals: Old, unused, or tainted prescription drugs
Genotoxic compounds include those that are carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic, such as those employed in the treatment of cancer.
Mostly radiation and diagnostic materials are radioactive.
General – Other medical waste produced that isn’t necessarily toxic
According to WHO estimates, up to 15% of medical waste is non-general waste. That much hazardous garbage is a lot. It might have a severe negative effect on the environment.
Staff Risks:
Staff risk exists even before medical waste is disposed of. Sharps or contagious materials shouldn’t be disposed of in regular trash cans for a reason. They may cause injury to people who pick up and move what they consider to be ordinary rubbish. As a result, both medical professionals and support employees run the danger of catching fatal infections like:
Hepatitis \HIV
Syphilis \Malaria
Some of these illnesses have long-lasting effects and can carry a death sentence for those who contract them.
Community Risks:
The danger to the larger community should also be taken into account. Medical waste that is currently carried ends up in landfills. People around are immediately at risk because of it. However, it also releases toxic materials into the water, land, and air.
Many of these compounds have lengthy half lives, which means that it may take hundreds or even thousands of years for them to decompose.
More trash is produced during this period. The pollution becomes more potent.
Water Sources:
Medical waste enters the water supply if it is not properly disposed of. It permeates the soil and gets into the groundwater. Following that, this groundwater enters the adjacent rivers, streams, and springs. But it goes farther than that. Medical waste may go great distances.
This water will eventually be used to produce drinking water for people. It cannot be cleaned up using conventional methods. Humans who use water for drinking and food preparation are at risk.
Population of Humans and Wildlife:
Medical waste inevitably makes its way to our waters if proper disposal practises are not followed. Plants and other marine life there absorb them. Many of these poisons continue to get more toxic as you climb up the food chain. A fish that is close to the top of the food chain, like tuna, eventually turns out to be harmful to people who eat it.
Medical waste contaminants in the water system expose animals to their harmful effects, which can affect both wildlife and people and result in:
Abnormalities in utero Mutations
Increased chance of cancer
General wellbeing
More study is required in this area. However, preliminary research shows that even apparently “harmless” medical waste, such as ibuprofen, can have an influence on plant development. Although it can impair root systems, little is known about how far-reaching these impacts may be. This new area of concern is currently being researched.
Patient Opinion and Hospital Image:
After talking about the harm to humans and animals, this could seem like a pointless discussion. However, there’s also your hospital’s or clinic’s reputation. Nobody is aware of your correct medical waste disposal procedures, is that right?
But environmental preservation is becoming more important in today’s culture. The rise in investigative reporting should be included. They’ll probably find out if you’re not handling medical waste appropriately. Medical providers must maintain their reputation to remain competitive in an environment with more options. Patients are interested in whether you are concerned about the environment, their safety and well-being.
Observance of laws and regulations:
It is stated that before it is collected, medical waste needs to be disposed of carefully and contained.
Any facility that generates regulated waste must also have a well-defined plan in place for treating medical waste. Before being dumped, sterilised medical waste is first transferred to an authorised autoclave treatment facility. Other materials that cannot be completely eliminated by steam sterilisation are sent to an authorised incineration facility.
The Health Department may impose significant fines and penalties for improper management of regulated garbage.
You’re occupied with running your practise and providing patient care. To make disposal simple and seamless, you need a regulated garbage removal service you can rely on.
Place a call at +91-9650608473 or by email at [email protected]  right away.
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