#its just actually more than a little insane and i cannot be normal about it
tubbytarchia · 9 months
Actually I'm gonna need a little insanity thread for all the rancher things I love as I watch their POV for the first time. I'll publicize this when I'm done with ep5
TLDR: Heavens, it is a long list. I cannot tldr this
Them running around in circles, completely lost after their first deaths whilst also not expressing even the slightest bit of anger (esp Jimmy because you know)
Them expecting the other to know how to build but neither of them can
Tango building a box of a house and Jimmy being absolutely smitten by it continuously
Tango praising Jimmy with full genuinity for bringing back... a bucket of water
Them cradling one little chicken like its their offspring before they can get more
Jimmy standing behind the door, calling for Tango in order to surprise him with cows.... god help my heart
Tango declaring them as team ranchers to immediately admit he might not be a very good rancher. This is good and cute because I love to see them struggle yet have unbridled support towards each other
Jimmy being cornered by Joel and Etho so Tango leaves to save him (or so he says at least!)
Jimmy ushering Tango into their house as Tango yells for help due to his hunger and being chased by mobs, and then Jimmy giving him two melon slices because that's all he has (They are so pathetically poor which only accentuates the wholesome and cute factor)
Jimmy accidentally picking up Tango's baked potato and then handing it back to him so they can eat together while Tango basically foams out the mouth because he's so hungry
"Welcome home honey"
Them celebrating being able to feed themselves to any degree
Tango all "I built that wall, it's ugly, continuing the trend" only for Jimmy to immediately proclaim that he likes it
Jimmy catching on that Tango can be a great builder actually and confronting him about it like he's just been cheated on
Tango blocking their entrance to prevent more cows from leaving for Jimmy to then admit that he was the one that broke the door, oops
Tango watching Jimmy escort two goats from a distance "he's doing great"
Them in total confusion wasting way too much time trying to figure out how to get goat horns as they're huddled in their house with said goats strolling around (and them continuing to get butted casually as they go about their normal activities) before eventually choosing to waste much more time by trying to do the same thing outside
Unrelated but Pearl of all people being the first person to come to them with genuine help rather than to fuck with them like everyone else
In the face of all their struggles, the thing that seems to bring the absolute most joy to Tango and Jimmy by this point is obtaining a silly little goat horn
The fact that they both got the exact same goat horn!!!
"I need stuff for tools, and I need stuff for Jimmy"
Tango defending their base's looks despite proclaiming to be a bad builder, because god, I want him to be doing that just because of how much Jimmy praised it
Nobody replying to their goat horns, but THEM replying to each other!! (They also toot at each other later when frantically looking for each other agh!!)
This time Tango interrogating Jimmy as if he's been cheated on because Jimmy went into the deep dark without his approval
"The R survived"
"Tango snap out of it; Tango's having a moment" *Tango yelling and groaning and grunting and laughing continuously*
"Tango, Tango, let's think about this. Let's think about this!" "Hold me back" "Tango, listen to the horn" Jimmy calming his deranged husband aw
Tango burying his head in a corner refusing to look at his beautiful ranch in complete ruin even as Jimmy coaxes him
Jimmy and Tango kind of begrudgingly accepting Scar trying to be nice but Jimmy still valiantly defending the foot tower before it burned to the ground
Their son/daughter :( (Tango refers to the Warden as a she one episode and a he in another. Their child was an icon...)
Tango expressing that he's proud of Jimmy for having stayed alive so long and Jimmy replying "It's all down to to you. Hey, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you"
Maybe Jimmy really didn't have a water bucket on him but it was so funny of him to casually turn to Tango whilst on fire and go "can you put me out?"
Jimmy being comically kidnapped??? (Actually being put into gay baby jail instead) And asking Tango to help save him
"You're still here? It's over. Go home. Go." (insert a bunch of crying emojis)
Other stuff: I think by virtue of Jimmy being a real tall guy, his character is usually depicted as taller than Tango's if not significantly so. As such... Tango calling Jimmy "little man" tickles me greatly and sounds like a very fond pet name
Briefly brought it up earlier but goddd. I will absolutely hc that Tango only became proud and defendant of his work because of how much Jimmy liked what he built. And Jimmy always being there and calming Tango in his crazed outbursts <3 Tango is such a goddamn creature isn't he
And the uhh... Tango dying quickest out of anyone because of a creeper, to then express that he was proud of Jimmy for doing well even though he got them killed the first time around, and then Jimmy unceremoniously dying to an Enderman to end their series for good... As funny and poetic as it is, god, the canary curse fuckin hurts!! And yet there were hardly times that Tango showed disdain towards Jimmy, and then never genuinely. He knew their series could end quick with Jimmy as his soulmate and even when their positivity faltered, their support towards one another never did
For having read all this (or maybe just glancing and scrolling)... some unfinished rancher doodles just for you that I made while watching their POV
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
rocky headcanons. love the little homeless less than sane kitty.
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A/n: ask and you shall receive! since last night, I've gotten a tsunami of lackadaisy requests- thank you all so much!! as of now requests are still open for lackadaisy, since I've been waiting for some time to make some x reader for it lol. since many people wanting some general dating headcanons for Rocky, here's a gender neutral one for all of you!:D also, to the dear anon that asked for Freckle headcanons as well in the images, I'll do that request as well!! I'm glad that Rocky is getting so much love, he's such a silly guy whose trying his best in everything.
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Rocky Rickaby x gn! reader general dating headcanons!
How you possibly met Rocky would differ into two scenarios and have different results. If met him in the little daisy café, the first thing you’ll see is the small bit of elegance he shows to others and his clumsiness and silliness as he rhymes poems while putting syrup in his tea. However, if met during his actual job, which is a bootlegger for the lackadaisy speakeasy, you’d be met with someone who shows an abundant amount of elegance the first moment you see him, yet gradually as time passes he shows more of his thrill for chaos and determination to cause the most insane things to happen. A normal fight with guns becomes one involving chainsaws and trucks all of a sudden, and you’d be left with multiple questions and concerns about how exactly did you all survive such a thing.
If asked Rocky, he’d only shrug and speak about it being a daily thing, mostly happening every three nights, and you’re left with just more concern for his safety throughout it. Though, Rocky reassures that he’s got it handled.
“Rocky, you were stabbed.”
“I know right?! Who brings a knife to a gunfight?!”
“didn’t you bring a chainsaw?-“
In Rocky’s case, the one who first realizes they’re in love depends on you, this time. Because Rocky realizing it would take a few weeks, but it won’t take too long for him to notice his emotions for you aren't much platonic anymore. So if after his realization, you do like him back and try to flirt with him, he will comply and verse poems of love. If not, and you’re still unsure of your feelings for him, he’d lightheartedly flirt with you, but tries to not come off too hard that it’d overwhelm you.
First one to confess though? Most certainly Rocky. Although he can hide his negative feelings such as the thoughts about his past and some outcomes of his actions quite easily, he cannot for the life of him hide positive ones. So if he likes you, it's abundantly clear. The way he’d confess, would probably try to be with a romantic dinner date and poem, but if unlucky enough, you’d find him confessing to you while you’re both being chased down by some people who are very well-armed with guns.
If said yes, he’d be beaming. A surge of motivation causes him to grin maniacally and grab a spare gun in the back of the car, full-on throwing bottles lit up and filled with gasoline with no real aim on who whatsoever as you try to drive away. His signature laugh is booming through the streets, and he is singing some verses about finding love and whatnot.
Being in love with the cat of chaos himself, Rocky Rickaby has its perks and downsides for sure. One perk, would be how caring he is towards his partner. Having someone who is even remotely interested in him is rare, and whenever he meets someone who cares even that much, he tends to stick to them since he knows they’re the only one. So having someone interested in him in a romantic light is like he’s won the lottery, and he’s gotten the prize that he can’t afford to lose. It's nice, how caring he can be and how he’s always there when you need him, but the downside of said perk is how determined he can get at times. He will not stop until a need of yours is met or a task you mentioned not wanting to do is perfectly finished, which..with his sort of rollercoaster of luck, it leads to unwanted results and a heavy amount of mess to clean up.
He’s a romantic at heart, but his clumsy nature at times leaves him to do romantic things very poorly. For example, a love letter he makes is filled with different doodles and messy handwriting, a few hearts made from cardboard of a cookie box messily glued to the paper, and the paper itself, is quite wrinkled when given. Yet, if you thank him and tell him how much you loved the letter, he’d be smiling more than before the entire day.
Yet, there are times when the romantic action is done brilliantly well, whether it's because of his luck or just sheer focus on the subject in the situation, you do find yourself extremely flustered and touched by the things he does, and he cherishes those moment lots.
PDA is his thing and no you cannot escape it. if shown a very strong disinterest in it, sure, he’ll back off for a bit, but if not, then expect many many affectionate touches, such as hand-holding, kissing your cheek or forehead, and cuddling. He does all of those but kissing you on the lips. since he sees those moments as of much importance and believes that they should be done at only the best of times to make them even more special.
This is most likely common knowledge, but Rocky would most definitely and absolutely write poems about you. usually even, the love letters are littered in poems. whether they’re good or not depends on your taste, which he will try to accommodate to by hearing who your favorite writer or poet is.
He also definitely plays violin for you when you’re occupied with a task. He’ll say he’s your personal musician, and will do anything to satisfy the customer with his tunes, even if trying to cover a favorite song of yours perfectly in one go leads to a few strings getting loose.
If it's not obvious enough, his love language is physical affection, and gift-giving. The love language he likes to receive most, however, is words of affirmation and also physical affection. Praises and compliments mean the world to him, he plays every praise you say in his head like a mantra, and it gives him determination for the day to finish up all his tasks and see you again.
No one believes Rocky when he mentions that he has a lover, and so, when they do meet you, best to say drinks were spilled and gasps were exchanged. Some tell you to blink twice for help, while others wonder if you were as mad as he was, since you’re dating him of all people. Though, in the end, they take a liking to you, since they believe that you keep Rocky in check when it’s needed, and decrease the number of problems that he causes.
Indulge in his hobbies for even one second and expect an over-eager to share Rocky info-dumping everything he knows. If you indulge enough, you’ll even get some bits and parts about his childhood, which speaking of, he never says a word of. Usually when asked, he’ll brush it off and summarize it as him taking odd jobs since he was a child, but delving deeper into such territories will only happen if you were in a relationship with him for much more than a year, and even till that time, it will take a lot of hesitancy and excuses for him to start explaining.
He’s smitten with you, there’s no doubt about it and if you ever get into any trouble, whether you’re independent or not, he'll think that you're in desperate need of help, and will do anything he can to assist you with it. whether you actually want it or not.
In summary, a love life with him consists of many adventures and chaos, but the amount of attention and love he gives to it makes it all worth it at times. He feels lucky that someone considers him fit to be their boyfriend, and will do anything he can to keep you.
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WIBTA for reporting my neighbours for running a hack shop mechanic operation? [Long post, sorry!]
I live in a somewhat "bad" area. I really don't mean to judge people for who they are or what they do with their lives, but living here isn't pleasant. Unfortunately, the price divide between the "two sides" of my area is steep. You go from $60,000 houses to $400,000 houses with no middle ground, so moving isn't really an option unless I want to just change where I am in the "bad" side.
I live on a straight stretch of road, houses on one side of it, a wall on the other. This is relevant to the story. Its not a very long straight, but its straight, with two blind corners on either end.
Now, onto my neighbours. They're not good people. They deal and use drugs, there seems to be an endless supply of people moving in and out with them, they have uncontrolled and aggressive dogs that have caused issues in the area, they're known for fighting at maximum volume on the streets at 4am, they ride loud illegal (and stolen) bikes up and down the street at dangerous speeds and other things.
(With the latter, they've already caused two accidents, almost caused a lot more, and have already killed two animals by hitting them as they race up and down the street.)
Their latest thing, for the last year or so, seems to be running some kind of illegal workshop on bikes and vans right outside their house. At all hours. I've been woken up at 11pm and 4am before by insanely loud engine revving, and when I've looked out of the window they're on the street with torches, elbow-deep in engines.
This is a daily thing. And the engine revving seems to be a constant part of it. Even with my windows closed, I had to call off a work meeting once because it was so loud my team couldn't even hear me talking properly.
At least twice a day they have a van or motorcycle, sometimes more than one, that they're working on. They'll rev it a ton, rummage around, speed it up and down the street, then the cycle begins again the next day. Multiple people in my area have complained to them, but all they do is tell you to fuck off or threaten to beat you up.
Now the noise and the dangerous driving is one thing, but I'm also extremely dubious about the quality and safety of their so-called repairs. None of them seem to have any actual training in mechanics or how to properly fix what could be a legitimately dangerous issue in a vehicle.
If you know anything about vehicles you know that something "fixed" improperly can be deadly. If something fails in a vehicle when you're doing high speeds on the freeway, you can not only take your own life but possibly those of others, too.
And my neighbours do not seem like the kind of people who care about that.
I've seen them using duct-tape to fix up a motorcycle once.
Now normally, I've just turned a blind eye to anything happening in my area. The people who have been relocated due to their behavior have just been replaced by people equally as bad, if not worse, so I've learned to just stay in my lane, save my money and hope I can leave one day.
However this... Seems like something I should speak up about. I can respect a hustle and a little under the table income, but I cannot respect risking people's lives for some quick cash. Nor can I respect the fact that it triples the dangerous driving and dangerous people in the area.
So... My question is would I be an asshole if I at least tried to get the police to do something about this? Or, is it even worth it? Can anything be done about an unlicensed mechanics operation?
What are these acronyms?
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spacexseven · 2 years
nice glad to see drunk yans was a hit. yeah i agree that dazai would be 1000% HUMILIATED that he just entirely blew his cover with you but on the bright side thats something he can jot down in his Evidence That Darling Secretly Has A Crush On Me list. its in the same notebook where he scribbles “mr. osamu darlingslastname” with hearts around it and ingredients for love spells he looked up online. he’ll find one that works eventually mark his words. i think for ADA dazai he’d just pretend he doesnt remember to avoid having to have the “im obsessed with you” conversation but rest assured. he is also writing about it in his insane little diary. 
ANYWAY sleepy!drunk ranpo as promised. it’s rare for ranpo to actually get inebriated, despite his gluttony. dulls his detective mind. but it’s alright to let loose on occasion, especially when that occasion gives him and excuse to spend some more time with darling! his flirtation strat is just to put himself in darlings line of sight as much as he can. once he gets drunk he’s pretty much just Gone. you’re honestly amazed someone as talkative as ranpo could ever be this. quiet and subdued. just blearily blinking his eyes and slurring out little whines about how its too loud in here. catch is: he doesnt wanna sleep just any old place, he wants to sleep on YOU. he’ll perch his head on your shoulder and doze off, lay down on your lap, grab your hand and put it in his hair, try to drag you over to the couch and get you to take a nap with him, etc. refuses to go to bed unless you agree to go with him. oh, and theres no waiting until he passes out and quietly slipping away. if you move away from him he’s waking up instantly and following after you, sleepily asking “where are we going” like he was invited or something. ur probably still on cuddle buddy duty when he wakes up hungover too. 
clingy!drunk akutagawa. this one also cannot hold his liquor for the life of him so he’ll start to tilt into Weird after like. 2 drinks if that. typically, akutagawa is pretty avoidant with you. you’re not good for him. he cant focus on the task at hand if he’s close enough to smell you or feel the warmth that radiates off your skin or even hear the lilt of your voice, so he tries to cut down direct contact as much as he can. (stalking is fine tho he can do THAT all day long) if someone actually manages to get him drunk, however, as soon as he sees you he’s gravitating towards you like a magnet. he doesn’t really say much. just attaches himself to you. sits so close his leg is practically on top of yours, gently grabs your sleeve when you walk somewhere so he doesnt lose track of you, stuff like that. he’s just your shadow for the night. might get a bit bolder as the night goes on and actually take a crack at talking to you, but nothing he says is gonna make much sense. WILL try to follow you home be aware him doing that. (also, quick aside…flirty!drunk akutagawa… akutagawa acting completely unlike himself, laughing and smiling and boldly touching you… leaning into whisper salacious things in your ear… pushing you down into the booth or up against the wall… much to think about.)
BONUS ROUND smiley!drunk fyodor. fyodor is even less likely to deign himself with the crude act of drink than the other two. doesnt like being out of his own head, and with all of his various ailments drinking in excess could prove problematic… but gogol dared him to so now he’s half kicked in the ass. normally, fyodor smiling at you is something very creepy that you have to be worried about, but now he almost looks kinda… sweet. just genuinely grinning and lightly giggling like hes having the time of his life just being near you. i mean, it’s definitely still kinda creepy but you know. less so than usual. he probably wouldnt talk much, just the occasional hi :) or something in russian you cant understand. he’d occupy himself mostly with grabbing your hand and toying idly with your fingers or running his fingers through your hair. just little touches. things he rarely affords himself sober. he’ll only stop smiling if you try to leave, pouting and grabbing your hand to try to keep you with him for longer. might try to go after you but he’s very wobbly so youll have to catch him, also contact that he enjoys. he actually wont be embarrassed by any of this he’ll just go that was fun :) the next morning. 
- 🩹
ranpo sleep on me wink wink i cant write flirty akutagawa for the life of me but he lives in my mind <3 also please imagine this w manga fyodor!! he has a very pretty smile lol (if its ooc i do not care once in a while it's good to write him not as evil !!)
cw: yandere characters, obsession, intoxication, implied stalking
ranpo needs to be drunk to be all clingy, but drinking only makes him more shameless about it. he's decided to attach himself to you, literally sleeping on top of you, and so on. he's unnaturally quiet, though, and more...vulnerable? you're suddenly reminded of the fact that ranpo isn't an ability user; just a regular person with an unrelenting mind when you see him blinking slowly and drinking from his cup.
he's never had a reason to hide his infatuation with you, not caring about what anyone else, including you, had to say or feel about it, but now he looks a little shy, staring quietly at you and looking back at his drink the moment your eyes lock, looking a little flustered. it was almost like he was another person entirely.
however, after some time passes and he seems to have warmed up to your presence, he becomes more demanding. stumbles over to drag you towards the loveseat at the back of the room, quickly wrapping his arms around yours so you wouldn't move while he snoozed away. though he's asleep, his grip on you is almost painful and even the slightest nudge would make him tighten his hands. maybe he'll loosen up the more he slept...?
you've never seen akutagawa drink. you've always thought he would be quiet even if he was intoxicated but he seems to be acting...oddly. the previously stoic look melts into a devious expression on his face that reminds you of someone that you can't quite put your finger on, and a dangerous look in his eye, not unlike that of a predator on the hunt. he takes short breaks in between each sip but doesn't seem to be bothered by the alcohol, still silently studying the room and inspecting every individual until—
—he sees you.
his eyes widen a fraction before he catches himself, straightens up, and walks towards you with a confidence that you hadn't expected. he sits next to you and continues sipping from his cup, lmost as though you didn't exist. you get up to leave but his voice startles you.
"where are you going?"
akutagawa had a low, melodious tone when he spoke, something you had never noticed before since he rarely talked to you. you were strangely flustered by the sudden attention on you...you didn't even know that he knew who you were.
"home...it's getting quite late."
he nods, "i'll walk you back."
it was not an offer or a question—this was an implicit order. silently you wonder if he was sober enough too walk around and make his way back later. still, you didn't want to annoy akutagawa, more so when he was drunk and unpredictable. surprisingly, he doesn't seem to stumble around his way or need you to guide the way, seemingly knowing exactly where to go and which floor your apartment was.
would it be rude to not invite him in? he waits outside as you open the door and shuffle in, but before you can ask him to come in, he goes in for a hug. you're frozen still as he sighs in your warmth, then lets go almost as quickly as he latched on, as though he never did anything in the first place. as you watch him walk down the hallway, you wonder just what else he's been hiding.
fyodor is...not really much of a drinker, from your own observations. still, he's not exactly opposed to a few drinks every once in a while, and today, since the sky casino was throwing a party, you supposed he couldn't skip the occassion. he's always had this alluring yet uneasy presence, like something about that sweet smile and the amused glint in his eyes just felt off, but drunk fyodor is...almost irresistable.
you know what he can do and you've witnessed how dangerous he is, but somehow he looks far too approachable now. a soft little smile, nothing like the ones he uses to disarm and charm people, humming under his breath—it was impossible to look away from him.
as nikolai leaves his side, fyodor's eyes scan the room lazily, before they find you. his smile grows a little, and he raises one hand up. a silent request. before you can even think about it, you find yourself making your way over to him, unsure if the slight buzz in your system was from the alcohol or the sensation of him asking for you.
he gestures over to the now empty chair beside him, watching you closely with a sleepy smile.
"enjoying the party?" you nod eagerly, watching as he chuckles and reaches out for your hand, twisting the rings around your fingers. he inspects each one, still humming, before bringing your hand to his lips and placing a kiss on it. you were not expecting any of the affectionate gestures, but you would be lying if you said it didn't feel nice, someone aa attractive and as important as fyodor having only eyes for you.
"you look very nice," he says, eyes inspecting every inch of you in a manner thar should have been alarming but in that moment, it was just nice to be complimented.
you sit like that with him for a while more, him mumbling things in russian under his breath every so often, squeezing your palm and stopping to compliment you ever so often. once, he reached up to touch your hair, apologizing right after for messing up your hairstyle. like that mattered when you were on cloud nine.
an acquaintance of yours calls you over, but fyodor's grip tightens around you, and he frowns for the first time that evening. he croons at you, letting a pet name slip that has you absolutely endeared, asking very softly for you to stay a little longer. he whispers that he likes your presence. the other person is hence ignored.
he asks, again, if you could help him up to nikolai, and his voice, while you know it's not meant to be that way, sounds almost seductive. you have to shake off your thoughts before helping him wobble over to the clown, who was happily entertaining some guests. fyodor smiles at you one laat time that night.
the next day, while you're sure he would not remember the night before, he pauses his steps when he sees you in the hallway, inspects you with those devouring eyes, and smiles, telling you to have a good day.
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fic rec friday 27
welcome to the twenty-seventh fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. Toaster by @admiralcanthackett
Lance cannot for the life of him think of the word in English. ~ Hunk is used to it, Keith is not and realizes Lance is more capable than he first thought.
polyglot lance loml. there was a point in time when admiralcanthackett (once thenakednymph) when pumped out more voltron fics than i did, and fae were fucking AWESOME at it. i was hooked on faer every word. im pretty sure i bookmarked almost every fic fae wrote!! this one is sweet because its very team as family, and lance appreciative. 
2. Raindrops on roses by @zipadeea
"Lance, you can't just add 'space' to everything, just because we're in, well, space." "Oh c'mon, it works, though! Spaceship, Space Mall, Space Dad-," "What?" "Shiro is our Space Dad, Keith. Obviously. Sheesh, I thought you were smart."
The paladins call Shiro Space Dad. Shiro knows this. Here's four times they say it out loud, and the one time Shiro's finally okay with it.
yall remember how popular baby lance was?? like him getting deaged by a monster ray or whatever?? well i do. there used to be this comic that floated around about it too and it was fucking adorabale. well this one is so fucking cute it makes you yell a little!! the fic is actually focused on shir as a space dad, and his relationships with the paladins, and you can really see this young adult growing into himself via the love he has for the people on his team. i fuckn love this fic
3. Video Chats by @tomminowrites
Not long after leaving to join the Blades, Keith stops by the castleship to catch up with Voltron.The visit was going normally, until the Red paladin lets slip that he's been video calling one of the paladins fairly regularly - unknown to rest of the team.
poor fucking lance 💀 he gets HUMILIATED in this one. his whipped ass gets absolutely dunked on and deservedly so. i literally love them
4. where & how we’ll land by xintong
The first time Keith meets Lance is also the first time they kiss. It all goes downhill for him from there.
i love this one (childhood friends to lovers always Gets to me) but the first meeting has me in tears bc lance’s first appearance was basically just this: 
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and that is his character. so it was perfect
5. Something Made, Something Given by @ardett
Shiro notices the bandages on Lance’s fingers.
seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress la -- im going insane but i really do love tailor lance its so important to me. that and shiro & lance fics are always superior
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
unfortunately I do not have the skills to write this but I’ve been thinking so much about vale and marc fucking after assen 2015. vale being on cloud nine because he just won and marc has been showing him through his words and body language that he’s capable of feeling anger towards vale too, and it makes vale feel less of a piece of shit for having experienced this exact same feeling towards marc from the start of the season. and marc is so mad but he can’t just reject vale one of the few time he’s actually in a good mood, he can’t reject vale at all really. while vale just wants to kiss marc so bad to taste the bitterness in his mouth. also i know vale loves when marc is acting like a brat towards him, playing hard to get, which makes vale even more insane when marc still ends up losing his head under vale’s hands 🙃
assen 2015 is weird because looking back yeah of course vale was more irritated about marc's reaction than he said, and the relationship was probably starting to show its cracks a bit more. BUT assen was in JUNE and they didnt actually get divorced until OCTOBER. so theres like four full months of them still being visibly on good terms (they did post race grabby hands at sachsenring! and indy! and motegi!) until the ACTUAL trigger for divorce kicks in and vale starts feeling the pressure of jorge gaining and the uccio Telemetry Powerpoint of Evil influences his whims. and as much as ive written essays about assen as linchpin to divorce, it should be noted that both of them were very sweet and happy in that post-race pressconference, and even when theyre disagreeing theyre joking around! like rosquez dont generally like to do their confrontations head-on off-track (with a few notable exceptions). even in argentina. send uccio etc. SOOO all this to say they were absolutely fucking nasty at assen. undoubtably. i was there i SAW it
and it IS a little tense from vale but alsooooo they are not talking about why it is tense (vale is TRYINGGG to be cool and chill and marc is still cheerfully stubborn in believing he should win but also being like. its on track why would that matter to vale ?? he is like me he can separate it :) [<- clueless]) so i think. in order to incorporate the lovelyyyy idea you had about marc being a little brat and to incorporate their insanely messed up communication style during this period we can have marc JOKING (not entirely) about how he should have won in a bratty little skit that doesnt quiteeee land and vale playing along, while still nurturing a beautiful knot of resentment in his narrow little elf-man chest...
like marc IS being a leedle annoying a little goofy and vale usually finds it more charming BUT he also WON todayyyyyy and he loves assen so hes gonna have some fun. hot twink that he is in love with is throwing himself at him cmon. and maybe marc is postrace sweaty, shows up at wherever vale is... and hes like midsentence jabbering about the chicane or whatever, playing petulant but not really that mad, laughing more than anything, and vale's sitting down and cannot fucking believe this guy but also. this is before the paranoia sets in!!! and thats just marc!!! and hes being goofy and so beautiful and IRRITATING and vale just pulls him into his lap. cuts him off with an absolutely NASTY kiss. much ado about nothing voice come, i will stop thy mouth... and it starts off with vale getting a little rougher than normal. a little handsier. biting a little harder. line of hickies up marc's neck like this imageeee and a hand big and possessive on his lower back. consuming. and marc is so lost in the babygirl sauce hes just like completely onboard for the vibe shift when vale starts tugging at his clothes and thatsssss why he rates assen as his favorite moment of the season later <3 because vale fought with him on track and then made him come TWICE <3
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688199 · 1 year
marinette is FAR from being a “normal girl, with a normal life” (general criticism, and analysis of the location concept art)
pardon any mistakes, this is a rant post lmaoo
first and foremost, she is the daughter of paris’s most popular bakery. everyone knows it. and it's not loved the same way a long time neighbourhood bakery is loved. sleek high class interior design, like i bet a simple croissant costs 4 euros or smth.
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now how about the earlier bakery design?
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cluttered, lots of bread stacked everywhere, but it coneys well their love for baking. wonder why those "run down eating places" are always the one that have the greatest tasting food? it's because their heart is in cooking the meal. tbh, reminds me of the bakery in kikis delivery service actually. and why does these two bakeries feel so much nicer despite being so simple looking? because you can feel the hardwork (oh and the brown is a true vibe). full offence but the neatness of the current bakery feels like its a corporate business.
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two, while she goes to a public school, it’s like the kids of all the most rich and famous citizens of paris are gathered there. adrien, model and son of renowned fashion designer. chloe, daughter of the mayor. juleka, daughter of famous rock star, alix, daughter of historian at louvre. mylene, daughter of a leading mine performer that had his posters plastered everywhere. that’s like just some of i remember. definitely not normal. unfortunately no concept art of the school. but knowing that the PV did reference marinette's bedroom, im going to assume the school design existed as a brief sketch.
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this seems like a classy, rich college, same like the current one. but the design is better, imo, looks more school-ish. and third, it’s so clear that marinette is super rich. like man what the hell that room is thrice the size of mine. yet it lacks so much personality. what does this tell us about her? she likes pink. i seriously cannot find anything here that stands out to me.
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this is why i much prefer the concept art locations. at least they look sort of middle class. it also gives marinette a “cozy” vibe, and someone who makes the best out of a given situation.
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marinette is given the attic room. lots of beams, not very well furnished. yet she takes advantage of a seemingly bad room by using the beams to place boxes and toys. she also uses cloth to decorate the place, showing her appreciation of cloth design. it’s small, but has character, compared to marinette’s pink spacious room that’s a mess to look at.
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furthermore the rooftop clearly isn’t meant to be used like that. but she adds little features to it, such as a simplistic bird house, wood planks to allow an even surface to place stuff/ sit, and a tent tied down by random pink strings and ribbons. it shows how she’s adaptable, creative and caring (bird house). plus it alludes to a sense of defiance and her “wanting to take a break”.
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on the other hand, the current (it’s not even called a rooftop it’s called a balcony) is in big open space, smack right in front of the eifel tower, nicely floored with a proper fence and proper table for teapot. nothing here is "make shift" like the previous design. even if marinette did spend time making this place nice, how can we tell? there's nothing that hints to us that she worked on it. it doesn’t convey anything about marinette to us anymore, other than: “oh holy shit she's pretty rich”.
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even this even earlier design is simple, but still says more about marinette than the current balcony. she carried her teapot all the way up there even though it's insanely difficult to. this tells us she's willing to put extra effort into things.
you could say im looking too deep into things. but i really am not. people fail to understand that even art, animation and film, every little detail, no matter how small, is important and should tell us the personality of the character.
with all the choices made in the series, how could you convince anyone that marinette is supposed to be normal? the whole concept of marinette and ladybug is that she looks average on the surface, but is capable of being a superhero due to all these favourable character traits of hers that tend to be overlooked. marinette dupain cheng? writers can't even make her look average for gods sake. from her appearance (stereotypically good-looking instead of charmingly cute, there's a difference), and her life in general (blessed with all the chances in the world that basically spoon feeds her her dream).
its exactly like those famous hollywood stars saying how much they suffered before they could succeed. except they were rich from the start with famous parents.
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pokemonruby · 8 months
hi! realize it's been a while since i've been like, active on social media so i thought i'd provide a little update of my life situation.
first things first, i finished my book! it's undergoing its final edits (i'd theoretically like to look for an editor but i definitely cannot afford that shit, so i've more or less undertaken that task myself and i don't know if my opinion alone is reliable enough but you know, i'm doing my best with what i've got) i'm even working on the second one in the series now since i don't have much to do until i figure out how to go about like, actually advertising and publishing it. i've been recommended booktok so i guess i need to do my research and just pray people will be interested even if i can't afford to get pretty visuals for it or anything commissioned because, ah. severely poor. i haven't had anything to eat in my house for like 2 weeks and i am subsisting on the barest of scraps but we're surviving regardless.
on a more serious note i'm really working on moving out of here this year because if i mentally cannot take it anymore, i don't feel safe at all in my house (if you know the lore already, highly abusive, neglected family. and i'm severely disabled and mentally ill because of the abuse, unsurprisingly) and i'm trying to look at any and all resources that can maybe expedite the process given that a "normal" job is out of the question at this moment in time so if anyone has any suggestions or just plain old advice this is me imploring you because my therapist and i keep hitting walls and i am on the cusp of going completely insane.
i'm going to see about setting up a ko-fi to take writing-related commissions maybe since it's the only thing i'm realistically good at and perhaps a patreon to promote my own works so if anyone is interested i will provide links once i get all the technicalities sorted out.
i will continue to grit my teeth and weather the agony that is my every waking moment on this hell earth because there is a strong possibility volo will be leaked for pokemon masters next week and if i must only live for my disgusting failwife it is sorely better than nothing. please pray for me everyone.
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magnuficent76 · 1 year
Blease tell me more about like Jonah and Melaines relationship how'd they get together? Who started? What's their relationship been like over time?
Whenever I see those two together I'm like yeas... That's them two (puts them next to each other like two rocks)
GAAAAAHHH YOUUU !!! GIVES YOU 1000 BOOBOO BEARS. OUGH... These are good questions let me get my LORE HAT. 👒
Okay so !!!!!
They first meet in a really...non ideal way, with Jonah almost dying after being careless and falling off a cliff, but luckily Melaine was nearby travelling with a couple other doctors. It was a less than optimal situation, but they help him back on his feet. I'd call it love at first sight but the most he saw was just a blur of a lady asking him questions so he didn't pass out, so I'll say it was destiny instead. They were both 18ish and real stupid <333 They started bumping into each other way more after that, and at some point began a little friendship in the wastes. Jonah flirted with Melaine first but never really made a move on her, or even tried to get her to flirt back. It was mostly him joking around and using the worlds cheesiest pickup lines for fun. She thought it was charming however and started actually flirting with him. So now he's just like "🕴🏿augh." [Not actually as smooth as he seems and cannot for the fucking life of him take what he dishes out]. It was just a fling for that moment though, since Jonah was too busy thieving and running around from bandits and Melaine had her patients to care for, so their relationship ends up on the backburner.
When they're in their early twenties though, they finally make some time for each other and start getting more serious about everything. Jonah gets injured in minor ways to go see her in the new hospital she works at, and although she knows he's being reckless and stupid for that, it's reckless and stupid in a charming way <3. She's so obsessed with this weird little freak who keeps coming in with the weirdest injuries just to see her again, and she starts doing the same by meeting him out of the hospital in his outposts and other work spots. . . Until she sees him badly injured in said work spots and goes fucking apeshit. Legally as a healer She's not SUPPOSED to hurt anybody with scalpels, but hey, just try to fucking stop her while in stabbing range. Her insane combat skills make Jonah swoon and sigh dreamily. She's so passionate about everything, and the fact she can take on so many people at once without breaking a sweat, leaving them all alive on the ground but unable to get to her, all while having that murderous rage in her eyes... it just leaves him like [Heart eyes] uehehe. Oh doc you're so cool ♡ [bleeding out].
She scolds him for being reckless and almost dying while patching up his wounds [again] and he's just. So lovestruck. Now that he's seen this other side of her and it drives him kind of crazy. From there on they both see each other more often, do more things for each other, get them presents, up until it culminates in Jonah being like "oh doctor you ever hear the joke about hospital food haha.a..... its not great.... so.... hey.... why don't you let me cook for you, right ?" [Love confession]. And they're finally official from there ♡♡♡♡ The obssession is so mutual and they're both so normal about it [lie]
The adventure from Jonah's life combined with his bright eyed hopeful ideas even in the face of so much hardship everywhere just charmed her beyond words, and it helped her keep pushing in the darkest of hours. He was a man who struggled in a planet filled with danger in every corner, and yet he remained so kind, no matter the situation he found himself in. It inspired her to do the same. As for Jonah.. well, Melaine's ever gracious self was just impossible for Jonah not to love. There was something so incredible about her that he never could explain. Something about how she was always so blunt, so endlessly patient but never to a point where she would allow someone to ignore her authority, how she always held herself as someone with a very noble goal, but still remained kind and helpful for the people who needed her help... She was an angel on earth to him. Someone so admirable, so good hearted, yet with the skill and speed of a trained soldier, never letting her guard down, willing to do anything to protect what she believed in... what a woman ♡
Their relationship has always been based on both mutual admiration and in slight obsession with each other in like, a soul mate kind of way, but they worked it out and it became much more healthy don't worry. They're both endlessly attracted to each other, everything about the other is perfection incarnate and they'll accept no less than that. Even after they reunite, they're still helplessly in love, like they never left at all... they're soooo everything coded ♡ [<- so normal right now]
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They're in bisexuals with each other your honour
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meetthesoldier · 3 months
Hello, Azazel. This is the Evil Anon once again and totally no one you don't know. trust. In front of these words is a . Fuck whrres my music note emoticon give me a bit. Okay sweet. In front of these actual words is a ♫. And naib. And in front of these words is a ♫ nortnaib. Why is that music note underlined. Hello. Anyways you have infinite time(jigsaw voice
is my fate to be The Nortnaib Guy to all my mutuals. if so id be fine with that
For Naib: Shut Eye - Stealing Sheep
You should've got out of the red In the red, you're better off dead Deader than the red dead sea Promise it to me Promise me the sea
I CANNOT EXPLAIN THIS IN A COHERENT WAY IT JUST IS SO VIVID. I HAVE SUCH A VIVID AMV FOR THIS IN MIND. ALL OF THE FRAMES I SEE THEM I SEE THEM IN MY HEAD once i develop a half decent work ethic its over for you cunts. we need more haunted naib content and i shall be the purveyor. also something about the way it sounds reminds me of him a lot i have no explanation for this.
For Nortnaib: Breed - Snake River Conspiracy
Maybe you're not good enough Good enough to make me blush So many reasons I can find To kill this little clone of mine I hold your grace Like a broken vase You've been replaced 'Cause I made you Somebody says, Somebody says Breed! Breed on your own You're always alone You suffering clone (I made you)
already shared this one with you strange jigsaw anon who i have 0 clues about the identity of but tbh i just want more people to know this song exists becuase its fire... i love snake river conspiracy and mojave phone booth... anyways i really like how insanely bitter the song is and also violently shaking the recurring use of the word clone because im completely normal and havent gone on 27 tangents about how fucking similar they are and how the difference in how naib prioritizes his loved ones and norton prioritizes himself (generally speaking) is something they both are. uncomfortably aware of. can they kill eachother or something (said in the same vein as "get a room")
explanations probably lackluster but idgaf im insane autistic and free im not fucking maintagging this
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rigil-kentauris · 6 months
URIANGER: 2,4, 7 OR 8 (whichever you prefer), 15-16-OR-17 (again, preference), 20, 23
urianger my beloved
okay let me go dig up my questions
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I LOVE HIS THEE AND THOU-ING. I especially love the fact that. There's no reasons like culturally for him to be like this, most sharlayans talk normally, if not a touch more formally. he made himself like this. i adore it.
i forget here it is (if its an npc who says it or if its a lorebook thing) but i like the part where the lore says hes Like This because of all those damn prophecy tomes he was on as a little kid. so i just imagine tiny little urianger looking at Ye Old Prophies and COMMITTING. he is precious to me
Small thing: I also love his stupid two sets of goggles when in his Potato Sack era.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
hmm... i feel like if i just sent him off on his own, he would wilt a bit. i would want to put him in something that gave him a fun, relaxing time, and think if thats to be accomplished I would have to send some of his People with him. he's been alone an awful lot and i see those as times that have also been or ended Bad. i think that might be something he dwells on.
OH I KNOW. okay weird one. but. BUT. hear me out. i would send him to Roller Coaster Tycoon. I know that's just technically just like a theme park but when i build them they are the BEST POSSIBLE THEME PARKS IN THE WORLD. if he could bring than, ryne, and gaia along, i just know he'd be really fulfilled by having a Fun Family Trip. i kind of see him as the guy who happily holds the bags and waits at the end of the ride. and i KNOW gaias got bags. also i feel like he is taking pictures and making the kids wear silly Park Gear. they go to some of the slow like Sitting and or Show type rides for him.
also if he was in RCT i could pick him up and Dangle him. not like malevolently but with the same emotion as I would have if I was Rotating Him
also also i have. forgotten everything ive ever read played or watched so im sure i have a better answer rolling around in there but alas.
7/8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like/despise?
I don't actually know much about the fandom takes on Urianger. Most of what I see is people analyzing his actions w/ The Warriors of Darkness and in Shadowbringers, and I haven't seen it be unfair yet. I think, though, I am not deep in the Fandom.
OH you know what I do hate. Every now and again people will mishear a bit about 1.0, and start popping off about how ~~~~~~secretly~~~~ Urianger is ACTUALLY a millennial old WISE and SCHEMING IMMORTAL WIZARD~~~~~~. I cannot blame anyone for thinking that, but it drives me off the wall. hes a 29 year old weird PhD haver who went around at aetherytes and chanting his insane End Of The World prophecies, he wears EITHER potato sack OR a backless dress and the only thing he knows how to do other than is eat hot chip be bisexual and tell the most insane lies possible. actually come to think of it i feel like HE was the one who started the insane lie ' is ACTUALLY a millennial old WISE and SCHEMING IMMORTAL WIZARD' so. either that or it was a general team effort. im getting into the weeds here so i digress.
urianger is so weird. i love him.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
I'm on that Urianger/Than ship if the bit about the theme park didn't give me away lol. I also like Uri/Moen but if I had to pick one it would be Uri/Than. Uri/Moen makes me sad to think about...
16/17. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
Lol I havehit up the archive for this one. I'm genuinely not sure what the most popular ships are for Uri outside of Thancred. My guess is Uri/WoL, then Moen. But lets see.
lmao i opened the ffxiv tag and the first fic is an Uri/Than fic ive been reading which YIPPE! its updated!
okay im back its all than/uri and some uri/WoL. there are other ships but i got to the point where there were so few it would feel like kicking a life-raft to mention them.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I thought about this long and hard. I went at it from every logical angle. I took apart his characteristics, history, things he's done and to who. Interests, likes dislikes. I thought HARD.
I could NOT shake my immediate and initial thought of Estinien. I haven't got a stick to shake at my pile of evidence I just feel this in my heart.
I guess I was very impacted by uh... when was it. The Scions were in the Rising Stones, and Uri was mentioning he was going to get some books or something to try and share with Estinien to get to know him. It was the most endearing shit I have ever seen and it cut me to the bone. I think probably that attempt did not work but I do not care. GO FOR IT URIANGER! i also, i suppose, wonder how many friends Uri has every actively tried to make himself. like in childhood it seemed more like moenbryda Selected him, and that not many other kids liked him. his complicated history with the scions is complicated, but i think obviously he has to put in active effort to maintain those relationships (ESPECIALLY SINCE HE LOVE HOT CHIP LIES), but a lot of his character development w/ the scions seems more akin to 'hey this is the guy on our team we've known each other for like a decade so we are friends now' and less akin to 'hi my name is urianger can i show you some cool books'
its just intriguing to me why he did that. i hope so much it works out.
also come to think of it i dont know how many friends ESTINIEN have sought out of his own volition. he actively avoids aymeric half the time. orn kahi appears to have also gone the moenbryda route of Mine Now. tataru and krile had to actively hunt and Blackmail him into the scions. certainly i would call him friends with us now, and he cares a lot about alphinaud, but as far as Who Reached Out To Who, i think he is actually in the same boat as uri. huh.
vrtra, i think, is it. though i haven't had enough review time to say who lead that one.
now i want to see uri and estinien sitting silently in a room doing their own separate silent tasks (uri is reading a Tome, estinien is Caring For Weapons) SPECIFICALLY so i can caption it 'tag two blokes who do fuck all'. maybe its alisaie sneaking a bad blurry picture over her shoulder with her front camera and sending it to alphinaud.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
oh man i dont know. theres so much good ingame content and there SO MUCH GOOD ART and i do not have ANY of it tagged by character. let me go look.
OH NO I KNOW this is my favorite image of urianger of all time i want to cry every time i look at it. the fucking. expressions. i cant possibly describe in words how MUCH i feel when viewing this image. im going to pop.
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s0up1ta · 1 year
Ok I am going to be very insane about them and your designs for them for a second category 5 moment coming up I'm very sorry
Also I know its a part of Rumi's official design but I actually really really love the openings on the sides of rumi's clothes because I hc healing magic in a really specific way. Like to cast it you have to physically lay your hands on the person, but it doesn't have to be on the injury, just the person. So you could hold their hand and cast it (which is what Rumi does for Peter, they hold his hand or cup his face ((very lovingly)) WOAGH who said that anyway) and it would work the same as touching any other part of their skin; BUT!! you can't cast it through clothes. So when Peter goes to heal Rumi he would put his hands on their hip openings and cast his magic then.
I'm pretty sure that exandroth is the one who can cast healing magic?? But I'm going to pretend both of them can after Peter figures out the low level magic :3
So if it was pre-biblically-accurate-androgynous-sex, then Peter would typically hold their hand or touch their neck or something and Rumi would grab his hands and bring them to their hips because there's more skin to touch, meaning more room to cast. And then the biblically-accurate-androgynous-sex made Peter feel much more confident in a lot of different ways, but also much more confident when it came to Rumi, so post-biblically-accurate-androgynous-sex he would do it without hesitation :]
This also goes the same in reverse, Rumi would just hold his hand to heal him after a battle, (andddd maayybbeee the hand-holding lasted a little longer than the time it took to cast a healing spell because they just wanted to hold hands) but after their night together it became much more common for Rumi to lift Peter's shirt up to look at the injury and heal it directly or cup his face in their hands and heal him that way.
im a very much visual person when it comes to brainrotting so i cant put into words how much i agree with everything you just said so just know that UAGSHDHUDHSJBFJDBFJDJBD
((drawing ideas perhaps 👁️👁️) what was that i didnt say anything
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lieutenant-amuel · 8 months
What di you think of wish?
I’m neutral to this movie. I don’t hate it and don’t claim it to be the worst animated movie ever existed yet I’m not a fan either and I won’t defend it too fiercely. There are a few things I really loved about it but I suppose this is not enough for me to love it in the whole.
Those few things I love are Magnifico’s character and his relationship with Amaya. They really seemed to love each other so much, they were very sweet in the first part of the movie, before Magnifico lost his mind, and then they also were beautifully tragic. My only complaint about their storyline is that it happens too fast. We don’t see Amaya struggling with making this decision as if their love meant nothing to her, so I suppose I like their story more in theory because a couple that loved each other and then fell apart because of the insanity of one of them sounds very interesting actually.
And I think this is the reason why this movie is overall enjoyable yet I don’t care much about it. It’s kind of superficial. They really took a very strong “tell not show” approach for this movie, and it’s noticeable. We know Magnifico had a tragic past and it severely affected him but we never saw him feeling any strong emotions about it. He just states that it was terrifying but we never learn more about it. We know Sakina has such a beautiful and magical wish but c’mon why should I care about Magnifico crashing her wish if I don’t even know what she’s wishing for. And we never learn, even by the end of the movie. We know Asha’s father had a very big impact on her but we don’t even see his face. It’s like, I do want to feel something about this movie, and the movie certainly wants me to feel something too but I just can’t because there is not build-up for feeling these emotions, only empty statements.
The story on its own is fun, really, I can’t say I was bored watching it, but there’s no emotional connection built with it for me which makes it just one of the movies I’ve watched.
The songs are nice though. I don’t care much about the awkward lyrics (I let you live here for free and I don’t even charge you rent or whatever) because I don’t even listen to the English soundtrack, I’m not an English native. The songs sound great in my dubbing so I loved them all with a few exceptions.
The protagonist aka Asha is annoying. I didn’t notice it when watching the movie for the first time but when I rewatched it two more times when showing it to my family, the way she acts felt over the top. This abundance of all the little gestures, stupid faces, and squeaks is absolutely unnecessary. Like, why are you making her say that wishes are the most beautiful thing (or something) in the scene right before the At All Costs song and then grimace (ыыыыы, sorry I don’t know why I said it)? And the movie is filled with these awkward “quirks” made by the main heroine which gets extremely tiring as the story is going. I normally like this kind of characters but in case of Asha they really went too far which makes her kind of insincere and unserious even in emotional scenes.
I don’t have much to say about this animation. Sometimes it looks weird, sometimes it looks pretty. But overall I enjoy what I’m seeing on screen so I don’t think I have any complaints.
Anyway, I want to point out that I really don’t care about concept arts. Is Starboy a cool idea? Yep, kinda. Is an evil couple just the most breathtaking idea of the decade? Yeah, I think it’s cool. But I don’t see these ideas executed in the movie so I can’t judge them without seeing them in action. They could have been easily messed up in the final product so they’re not any better than the movie we got as a result.
I did enjoy seeing the fandom getting creative with these ideas but it’s got tiring over time because people really cannot judge the movie for the movie and instead compare it to something they created in their own heads and to something that basically doesn’t even exist.
People judge it based on the hype it’s got due to being a tribute to Disney’s 100th anniversary and therefore have way too high expectations which is valid, I admit I also expected something a lot different from this movie but I think it’s also important to learn how to be impartial and don’t jump into conclusions because many people hate it even without watching it lol.
I think that’s it? This movie is fine. It’s quite enjoyable especially if you ignore what was happening “behind the screen” and don’t overanalyze it. It’s superficial and is not meant to tell a very deep story but if you want to have a fun time in the evening by watching something, I think this movie is a good choice.
Thank you for the ask!
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
This week I played Octopus Pie author Meredith Gran’s Perfect Tides, a visual novel/point-and-click adventure game about being an internet-addicted teen girl in the year 2000:
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That either makes you go ‘ugh’ or ‘omg mood’ and no one can tell you otherwise, but it nailed it for me, this game hit so many good notes. To just cover a few:
It walks the line really well of “this is a nostalgia game made by a 40-something” and “it takes itself as seriously as its main character would”. Mara is an idiot, for sure, makes naïve mistakes and takes seriously what fundamentally isn’t. But none of that tone is disparaging, how much she suffers at the hands of a social order than is utterly normal but that she still cannot grasp is felt so keenly despite your own position of greater maturity & knowledge. Some pain transcends. 
This btw is aided by the developer commentary - Mara receives a poem from her fanfic forum boyfriend which hits hard on the cringe line but that effect becomes raw as fuck when you learn that is an *actual poem* Gran wrote for someone online when she was 16, plundered from the past and enshrined in the digital museum that is this game. Perfect Tides is 50% autobiographical which really helps sell it.
There are so many little touches of ways the characters act, the things they do, they show the depth of the author’s emotive insight - character motives are not just ‘depressed teen’ or the like. Many would be spoilers to list, so Ill just note a super minor example where Mara gets stuck arguing with mom over a comparison (about the Titanic film lol) that she doesn’t remotely believe in because...like arguing with her is her default state, and she is in too deep, can’t back out of the argument now right?  This sounds so trivial, its hard to communicate why it matters, but Mara is made up of distinct little instincts & desires like these that are core to how real she feels.
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Related to that a “Meredith Gran” specialty is how many of these character touches are never explicitly stated. Mara self-narrates so she is a little direct, but the other characters all have a ton going on that can only be inferred - like what Mara/people in general have to do to socialize in real life! Personal nod to her not-boyfriend Jason who has this desperate desire for everything to be “okay” and fully resolved the moment a problem comes up as he can’t handle the anxiety of unresolution, a trait Mara never picks up on but drives several of his scenes - I absolutely share that instinct.
Finally its batshit hilarious, between the era references and Mara’s tilted worldview and the inherent insanity of teenagers and the comedic timing of animations, scene shifts, etc, its funny in so many different ways.
My only complaint would be that the ‘internet/reality’ dichotomy is not truly taken advantage of - it sets itself up as this sort of split story, of Mara being a part of an active online social circle contrasting her grim reality, but that online social circle falls away halfway through and doesn’t play as large a role as one expected. This is of course a product of development - Gran had more online content, additional concepts and a branching path for the main online romance, but it got scrapped due to time & narrative bloat. When something is this indie its hard to fault, you easily forgive these mistakes, but its there all the same.
So yeah, go play Perfect Tides. Its amazing, just kickstarted a sequel, and tiny games like these need all the support they can get.
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fruttymoment · 1 year
how do i begin to love to draw if it's always just low quality and poor no matter how hard i try or practice
You dont need to make a quality art to love drawing. If drawing realistic and high quality is your main goal, then it will take pretty long and you need to resist.
But like i said! Quality of a drawing shouldnt be how you can have fun while drawing. The way you can love to draw, is being able to draw something you desire to draw. If you desire something like tall building on a detailed night time with street lights reflection and moon on the sky with clouds raining 1920x1080 scenery , that.. wont work out well, if you are inexperienced.
The harsh truth is, we cant just "bam, done" our way out espacially when it comes to drawing something. Sometimes, for quality work, we need more than practice.
Now i obviosuly am just a doodler and not a professional, but i can give few tips to help you and others who desire high quality work and for those who are unsure how to love making art!
Research, And Study Art
High quality works requires their respect. You need to research and study the art topic of your mission.
For example, you want to draw humans? You need to take a look at anatomy.
In today's internet and technology, the information you want can easily be accessed.
Be Stubborn A Little
Do not ever give up if you truly want to love drawing. Be stubborn, and dont let go easily. But of course, this is only IF you are SURE you want to learn and love drawing.
Love cannot be forced.
Make It Interesting
Now, if the topic you want to draw is not interesting, it may bore you and you'd think drawing is no fun.
Drawing OF COURSE ISNT fun if you dont carefully choose your topics!! For example, i myself always find normal human drawings a bit boring. Sure, i would respect if it is highly detailed and all. But if someone draws a regular ass human portrait, with not even a pose, uh.. thats a bit boring? What am i supposed to do w that? I see humans all of time. It just looks regular, and not interesting to me.
However. If someone shows me some crazy shit about i dunno a war art of tanky robots taking over a castle with dragons fucking flying in the air or something they just drawed, and even if its low quality, THEN I WOULD GO "OOH THE FUCK IS THAT."
You even may notice it on my works as well! I oftenly do memes or overall stupid silly stuff! For me, i cant just draw Niko standing in there. No. I NEED to add something stupid. Like a banana costume. Maybe TWM in the back making a nuclear bomb with a horrific smile. Or just Niko but with some silly pose.
The point is! You should use your imagination and add elements to your art that interests you!
What is interesting to you? Or your hobbies? Try adding them to your art! And not for the sake of high quality, remember! To love drawing, you first need to have fun with it.
Challenge Yourself
Yes. Challenging yourself on ANYTHING can dramatically improve you.
For example i challenged myself to learn Python last year. I was like "if i dont learn more coding language i am going to die"
Okay maybe you dont need to be that harsh
Another example is me challenging myself to install Arch Linux with text to speech screen while i blindfold myself.
I know, sounds insane and looks pointless. But that stupid decision made me actually fucking learn Linux, virtual machines and bash language more.
Sometimes, all starts with an challenge. My last example is me starting to learn how to play flute just because i thought i should play sans music in a flute while walking around.
Okay my last LAST example : I challenged myself to draw Niko's hat accurately, months ago. Which was incredibly hard but it DID improved me how i draw their hat today!
Challenge yourself, but in a fun way! Dont quickly lose hope and get angry if you cant complete the challenge you just decided to do. You WILL complete it. Once you decide to, its over. It only takes time.
I can suggest daily stuff like Inktober Challenge too! I always wanted to do that!
Different Styles
Like i said previously, never try to draw the same thing in a same way. The result will not change in that way and you'll be exhausted.
Try different brushes, colors, style, objects etc.! Sometimes, draw something completely unrelated to you! Yeah, fr!
Friends Are Good. Artist Friends Are Even Better
If you are lucky and have art buddies, oohh DONT WASTE TIME. Draw with them!
I have bunch of art buddies that i draw with, mostly with online ways like aggie.com , skribbl.io , Gartic Phone etc! I can not explain enough how fun and important these moments are!
If you dont have artist friends, its actually easy to find! Like me, being in a fandom and making art for it is mostly enough to have interacting with other artists in the community!
They comment on your work, you comment on their work! You then talk other stuff besides art with them too, and in time, bam! Friens!
That's how it went for me! Amazing artists in OneShot community (also from other communities!!) reached me out, and so i reached them out too!
How? Drawing, of course :> when i draw Niko, other fellow Niko enjoyers found me, and so did i found them!
And i admit, i feel like a little bug sometimes when i compare my works and some of my artist friends work. Some of them are really born to draw, oh i can say! Me, not really am just vibing!
But this also helped me. Because, well, if someone is good at something and they see no problem teaching it to you too.. YOU ARE BLESSED!
Anyways this also went kinda long sorry
I hope my tips(?) helps you!
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2n2n · 1 year
The boys’ hands are so big compared to girls’ it makes me laugh a lot
dkslad;jsak it makes me laugh every DAY also, the boy's hands have gotten progressively bigger as Aida hones her art more, fksdljflsd. The girls have little rat hands, the girl's hands look like the hands of the Trashion Alley prototype dolls
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its so funny that when Hanako changes gender this is like, the most visually crucial change
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I also must say that. I feel like. When a scene is extremely horny, loaded, spicey, a boy is looming, dom moment, that,, I feel like the hands get infinitely bigger, Hanako's hands become the size of Nene-chan's head, it feels like. the fetish gets turned all the way up, UNREASONABLY HUGE HANDS
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I think it's cute of her, in that, it's just so over the top. Yashiro's tiny mouse hands sooo tiny here suddenly, Hanako could like hold both in one gigantic mit. gsflgjkfl. its like it cannot be stopped. This is a shota ... ??? a shota's hands??????????? 13 year old boy hands on a 15 year old girl???????? OKAY....!!! SO IT IS...!!
It's where I'm like, "I know Hakubo is extremely dreamboat handsome . Because his whole thing is insanely gigantic monster hands"
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there's something so funny about it. Because otherwise, this is a beautiful manga where absolutely everyone has gigantic fat eyelashes, and either big sparkly eyes or scary pin eyes (on any side of the scale, no gender bias), and generally speaking there's a lot of modest or fairly flat chests (not so unusual, but of course some manga are more busty than others). Nene-chan hardly ever has a chest bump anymore (I'd say it used to be more prominent now and again, but she's more typically flat now, even in a thin t-shirt)... even beautiful Aoi doesn't have much. The beautiful Sakura, I dunno, not much. It's not so pronounced, in body types..... ikemen like Teru and Natsuhiko are all broad shouldered or wahtever .... Hanako hardly changes physically when swap'd, but its not like he's an especially masculine boy .... so he's just a sort of funny looking normal girl ... Kou is really distinctly masculine and all, but he's really not the standard, or anything. Akane, Teru, Mitsuba, the Yugi, all would be pretty feminine looking in the context of a lot of other manga's lineups, at least qualify as a bishie, with they doll eyes, but it's just the baseline here. Its not like One Piece or something. A kind of beautiful pretty world all around with some tiny guys , some big guys, and levels of grace for any and all.
but the great dividing factor ........... hands ..................... Amane can be all shrimpy and doe eyed, but he big gnarly man hands lol ....
sooo funny. Aida why this lol... so distinct lol ...
I actually think guy's hands VARY a bit more, girls kindof all be having the same sweet little rat hands, but like... Mitsuba's hands ... are .... not likely to be drawn crazy fucked up, they ARE in the 'boy' category, but also they're like, next to Kou's horrible mitts, so they are comparatively small lol. and I don't feel like there's often much occasion/context they get so big (idk. it's a dom thing for them to get giant. and he's a maso.)
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~relatively feminine and not huge but still boy~ VS Kou a scary gorilla
Tsukasa's hands are sometimes drawn a bit thinner/smaller lol, less blunt, but still within the range of 'boy' lol.... (my icon: a case study of this) ... its all so whims it feels like lol ....
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