#its just a funny lineup in my head
ryanthel0ser · 10 months
Okay, I am not that far into One Piece yet but I have to share this image in my head of the ASL brothers
So we've got Luffy right, feral creature but cute sometimes, very much a goober. You think his brothers would look similar to him in terms of feral creature-ness.
Then you meet Ace who is a very handsome, very charming guy and your brain short circuits a bit. Like him??? You're Luffy's brother??? He does have a bit of cringefail to him though, but overall he's quite the looker and it's hard to imagine this handsome guy grew up with Luffy.
Then you find out there's another brother, surely he'd be more like Luffy. But then Sabo shows up and is so pretty you have to double take to make sure you didn't walk into some kind of fashion shoot and run into a supermodel. Now you're short circuiting even more cause how the hell did this guy also grow up with the feral creature that is Luffy??? Although, his eyes do have a slight crazed look in them that unsettles you a bit.
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hauntedestheart · 1 year
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is I reach for my phone. I've seen a lot of articles say that doing this is supposed to be bad for you, you're supposed to limit your screen time and not use electronic devices in bed and blah blah blah... but whoever wrote those articles clearly wasn't living my life.
Hell, I barely know who's living my life.
See, the reason I check my phone in the morning is because checking it is the only way I'm gonna find out what I did last night. Take, for example, the photo I found on it this morning.
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Oh god, I'm cringing just looking at it. I didn't take this photo! Yeah, sure, I'm a hot guy who goes to the gym, but I swear I'm not the kind of douchebag who would pose nude like this. Someone else took this photo, and they used my body to do it.
Scrolling through the apps on my phone, I begin to piece together the events of last night. According to some Lyft receipts, my body left the house a bit before midnight and headed across the bridge to uptown, and didn't head back home until around five in the morning.
My bank statement informs me that I stopped at a fancy store to buy a new jacket (which I find in the closet) and then I headed to a bar I'd never heard of where I bought several rounds of shots and a plate of mozzarella sticks. It's even logged in my calorie counter app.
On Instagram I've been tagged in a story by someone I've never met before, and when I click on it there's a short video clip of a man standing on a table in some bar shaking his perky ass around and- oh, yup, the guy is me. I tap to the next video and my body has lost its shirt, probably so everyone can see my abs flexing as I do body rolls, and then in the next clip I'm down to just my skivvies and a stranger's hand is grabbing my junk and shaking it around. Thankfully, that's the last video in the lineup- though there's an ache in my ass that hints that it wasn't where the night ended.
This might sound like the kind of fun, drunken bender that a guy my age might get up to, but that's not what's going on here! I don't know why, but for the past few months every time I've gone to sleep at night, my body has woken back up and gone back out. At first I thought I was just sleepwalking- mom said I did it all the time as a kid -but sleepwalkers don't do the things that my body does.
Sleepwalkers walk. My body hits the town.
I always wake up safe and sound in bed in the morning, which is a small blessing, but everything else is a complete mystery. I don't know what is doing it, or how they're doing it, but I'm pretty sure it's another person. They basically told me so.
A few weeks after it started I bought a night vision camera and set it up to monitor my bedroom, hoping to glean some sort of clue about what exactly was happening to me, but whoever was in my body just deleted the footage. When I woke up in the morning, the only thing I found on the camera was a very long video of my body shoving a dildo up my ass, moaning like a whore while the other hand explored the muscles of my torso... and at the end of it, when my body was finally drenched in semen, it looked straight into the camera and winked.
The me in the video had a cocky expression on his face that I'd never seen before and to be honest, that kinda freaked me out! In a fit of desperation, I decided to leave a note taped to my bedroom door.
What do you want? I wrote. And when I woke up in the morning, someone had written something underneath it:
; )
Which... I still don't know what to make of that. I think whoever is doing this thinks that they're funny. Since then, my body snatcher has gotten into the habit of leaving me little notes and photos like the one up there.
My body snatcher seems to really like my body, which- hey, I'm proud of it too! You don't work as hard as I do on my abs without being a little vain, and if I was gonna snatch someone's body I'd probably go for someone who was packing a dick like mine. I can't even say that I blame them. But the number of photos I've found on my phone of myself groping my pecs, flexing my big biceps for the camera, licking my own armpits... it's a bit too much.
And that's the absolute worst part of it! Whoever's doing it is getting cocky. Look at that photo- the camera set-up, the hand written note, the strategically placed paint... this isn't just some random selfie taken on the spot, this required setup. They're mocking me, letting me know that they've got me where they want me and there's nothing I can do about it.
The pictures have only been getting bolder and more scandalous- some of the more recent ones were taken in public places, and they're starting to involve props. I'm nervous about what they're going to come up with next- but I guess I won't know until I wake up.
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 3/4
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LETS GO PEOPLE!! LETS GO !! sorry for taking so long to get around to this one !
demeter | 🔒 🍰 🌇
ive seen a lot of complaints about demeters design being toned down over the years so i decided to bring some of the bolder design choices back for mine. mullet demeter is REAL now ! honestly i couldve done more w/ their makeup but shhh its ok....
i tried to push the gold in their design by making the eyeshadow really obvious and giving them gold lips. enjoy their lacy dress too... i tried to design something which they could dance comfortably in
demeters newer 3 words (nervous, sensual, secretive) mean everything to me. love them so much. i think theyd be 29 in human years
bombalurina | 🌹 🍓 🛼
so i totally based her hair on that concept art for drag queen bomba. the bob is too cute ! i had a blast doing her design for the most part. i struggled w that makeup and the color of her dress but its ok.
i also tried to give her something she could dance in—just like. imagine the length of the dress a little shorter. im not going back and fixing it
i based her color palette/patterns directly on her concept art because tbh, i dont love blond/ginger bomba ! so black/white/red hair bomba it is
i think she would be 27 in human years
hysperia | 🪴 ⌚ 🍡
this is my version of exotica, renamed hysperia, because i do not love her og name. its not fun. the name hysperia is taken from an ensemble kitten character from the og london production
i also based her design on a multitude of things, asides from her 2 costumes in 98—like some nbq/greycat designs since i feel like that design not becoming a common ensemble character was a waste. A WASTE I TELL YOU! ive also based her fur length on warsaw victoria because oh my godddd that design is so good. peak
her neck bow is a nod to the 2019 movie... the macavity girls w/ those bow collars. they were onto something there
she would have a much more prominent role than the few times she cameo'd in 98, still retaining the elegant/shy personality she shows in the film. shed be 29 in human years
cassandra | 🪐 ♠️ 🥯
i originally made her makeup a lot closer to her replica designs but decided to go for something a little different based on a makeup look i saw on pinterest LOL. so like. enjoy her slight earthy gothic vibes. i also didnt struggled too much on her outfit since i came into this knowing that i wanted her to be wearing something formfitting and bejeweled. a little circus-y too
more people have got to play up her disdainfulness. she'd be 26 in human years
alonzo | 🎹 🍢 🎳
once again, another design pretty similar to his standard replica one. i just tried to make the black patch on his face a little greyer and with some white detailing. because tbh every alonzo with white mascara makes me go crazy its so cute
i also tried to make his head fur/bangs a little distinctive—inspired by a random pic from a production i dont know the name of
enjoy his little cute fit too. pinklonzo. pastelonzo
that one gif of him pantomiming eating a playing card IS canon to me. he'd be 28 in human years
munkustrap | 📼 🥧🎙
verrrry similar to standard replica munks makeup-wise ! however, fur wise.... say hi to mulletstrap. to manestrap. 2 me he is tuggers brother so he gets that. i have no justification for the mullet other than idk, looks good, is funny, and the oslo 1985 production was right to give him one. also he and demeter can match now
i do like when theyre seen as something of a prince... so say hi to the gothenburg and opera populaire-esque epaulettes. theyre cayoot. they also get warsaw munks Big Pant Vibes
give this man a break. hed be 30 in human years
macavity | 🔥 🥂 🎯
he was actually one of the first cats i made design notes for when i started hyperfixating on this musical like.... two months ago. i really tried to mix elements from a bunch of different designs 4 him.... and sorry yall hes a deut brother too. im predictable
the manginess, mane, more ginger-y head fur, tugger-ness and the mouth markings from the 2016 revival... the big big hair, white fur and general makeup from his replica design... and the stylings of il sistina mac with the fitted coat. he also gets unique eyelashes like tugger—this time white instead of gold. he also gets that ominous magic cat eye shading
i think he would act a lot like 2019 mac... suave. but also not as dorky and desperate as he is in that movie LOL. he'd be 33 in human years
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ottoslab · 1 year
(Shakes you) otto you've GOTTA tell me more about the freelance mystery solvers I GOTTA KNOW ABOUT EM WHAT ARE THEY DOIN !!! I love your designs sm btw your SO REAL FOR THIS AHH
HEEHEE ohhh ok cracks my knuckles. Im gonna be writing this right before passing Out for the night so apologies in advance if this isn’t very comprehensible but i will GLADLY explain the funny freelance mystery solvers o7
EDIT HI This got so long im putting it under a readmore KGJFNGKJSGK.
Also! I didn’t draw anything to go with this ask because i told myself id give my hand a break, but I do actually have some recent doodles of Vern and Kitty i was doing in between the lineup so I’ll put them here for a little display ^_^ theyre not in context of anything im about to mention, just some dynamic exploration stuff that are their own whole other rambles
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Ok! Readmore time! Paragraphs of nonsense! For your viewing pleasure!
So!! Vernon and Kitty are both employed by True Psychic Tales independently of each other when theyre older. Vernon is an illustrator/interviewer for the graphic novel division and Kitty works in special effects makeup for the more-recent live action film division! They don’t end up crossing paths for a while until being assigned to work together to research stuff for an up-and-coming TPT film project or smth. They become work buddies after reconnecting (though they choose to mostly ignore the fact that they knew each other as kids due to How They Were back then. They’re both very embarrassed about it for numerous reasons)
It becomes commonplace for them to help each other out with projects, and eventually through their research (fact-checking and digging through old psychonauts mission archives) they start to come across old psychonauts files of unfinished or ‘suspicious’ looking missions, ones that normally didnt get the green light to be told in graphic novel form due to the fact that they were inconclusive and, as a result, don’t make for good stories.
Kitty and Vernon end up sort of… picking up on these old missions in their spare time. It’s not psychonauts work but its also not not psychonauts work, you know? They team up to try and work out what lead to dead ends in missions and cross-referencing possibly related stories with other stories, and go out into the field to try and get answers. I picture it a lot in my brain as an episodic mystery series vis a vis scooby doo. They pick their archived mission log of the week to check out, go out, get some answers, and get a conclusion to bring back to TPT and a new graphic novel is made of the story they were able to uncover! With some more overarching plots where they get a little in over their heads here and there.
Franke’s got a bit less of a fleshed out role in all of this atm, mostly because i havent thought of him as much as the other two? My current vague-idea i have is that she and kitty had a falling out during their teen years, and Franke calls Kitty and Vernon falsely claiming to have a lead on a mystery theyve been working on, in order to try and reconnect with Kitty after she stopped talking to him. He has to come clean when whatever she leads them to actually ends up being a real psychic issue, and she has to explain that she doesn’t know what’s going on because she hadn’t actually called in about anything legit.
Franke does end up being a good help despite technically being the reason they got into deep shit in the first place, and Vernon’s probably the one who asks her to stick around (Kitty isn’t against it, but definitely isn’t really all too welcoming about it either.) They definitely have a whole thing where they all get closer and Kitty and Franke get to mend fences (a character arc along the lines of franke realizing he was kind of a hardass who wanted to make up without actually accepting any faults, and some other super impressive character arcs along the way im sure.) And all three of them continue to go on mystery deep-dives and uncover unfinished psychonauts missions!! Wahoo yahoo!!
Mystery incorporated asses! They’re fun, i enjoy them a lot! Hopefully this is some good tidbits of detail for u thank u for asking about them :]
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bulbabutt · 2 months
ive had this cursed thought about transformers one swimming around my brain so im saying something aloud to get it out of my head so MAYBE tf one spoilers based on character design under the cut regarding some stock photos YOUVE BEEN WARNED
(its about girl designs what else do i talk about)
i think they might turn elita into arcee. and if thats true im gonna be so fucking angry
like they were doing all that "before he was optimus he was orion" marketing right? they arent calling her elita one, theyre calling her elita. i get that theyve ignored her for 40 years but she was ariel and then elita one. i guess her IP needed to be more marketable and the "one" in the title makes the seo worse but you know what i mean. maybe she goes from elita to elita one, but why not just say that like they are for the other characters? its not like we dont know?
as soon as we saw elita in the trailer it was a weird design, she has the rounded space buns and clearly becomes a motorcycle like most arcees now do (dont get me started). shes full of rounded shapes and isnt her usual all shades of pink colours, now shes the white silver and pink... like arcee.
if you show non tf fans pics of elita and arcee from previous generations and ask them who they think the bot in this movie is they are just as likely to say arcee. its kind of funny, like i know they dont inherently have the most different designs, but they obviously made it worse than its been before.
you guys know how i feel about how they add evergreen arcee to evergreen g1 lineups
anyway lets examine these two bits of stock art floating around the internet
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so many little details are the same as elitas model. look at the pelvis, look at the midsection swivel, look at the shapes all over it. and we could chalk it up to good old fashion "girl bots are made only one way" bullshit. thats entirely possible! BUT... THAT LOOKS REALLY SIMILAR.... i have this horrible feeling theyre gonna say that elita becomes arcee and i MEAN it when i say i will lose my fucking mind if they do that. we JUSTTTT got to the point where arcee and elita can both exist at the same time in the same show and look completely different, where elita doesnt have to be mashed up with another girl to exist. like previously:
energon: ariel (g1 elitas old name) in the original japanese became arcee in the dub.
animated: blackarachnia literally becomes elita one
its really frustrating that theres so few girl characters and that the character whos supposed to be like optimus equal who cOULD HAVE BEEN IMPORTANT FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS IF ANY MEDIA TOOK HER SERIOUSLY gets turned into other characters!
like i swear to god im going to lose my mind i REALLY hope im wrong, i hope im just misreading classic sexist character design as a choice but if im not im posting this to be like "yeah i called it"
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mushiemellows · 5 months
Character ask game: Robin + 8, Jinbei + 23, and hmmm Nami + 25?
oh yesss thank you so much!!
Robin- 8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When they call her old. It's one thing to like, call her old-er in text when she's having like, a convo with Nami, but it's another thing when they go FULL Milf mode. I think some people don't realize what 30 like, actually means? (ok maybe i have a soft spot for a milfy Robin in like, certain settings wink, but some people go overboard. 30 isn't old)
Jinbei- 23. Favorite picture of this character?
This one!
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When he's reintroduced post-timeskip sitting on the forest floor meditating in front of Otohime's grave. FMI is all about reintroducing everyone, and Jinbei's such a special case because he's actually the one we've seen the most recently, but his context gets to change now that the Summit War is long in the past. It really amplifies his position as just peacekeeper really early on, and sets the tone for his character going forward. He has this capacity to be really strong, to kick ass, to get riled up (as seen by his fight with Sanji not long after this) but he needs the peaceful reintroduction. He feels like he properly seeks solace, he still holds mourning in his heart, he sits in his feelings.
Nami- 25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Ohhhh I'm so glad you asked this one. So technically, my first impression of Nami I remember comes from 2004. I wasn't allowed to watch the 4kids dub when I was a child (misogyny kept me from catching that stray bullet), but I would see ads for it on tv and I loved loved loved Nami. If you asked me what one piece was when I was 9, I would have said its the story of a cool pirate girl and maybe some other guys are there too. One Piece, in my head was Nami's show more than it was anything else. I could pick out Nami from a lineup before I knew that the main character had stretchy powers. EB Nami sits in this pocket of 00s Beach Girlies that I looooooooved growing up (think like, KH Kairi, etc. Skorts and water shoes and a cute little haircut). Actually watching the show in my late 20's shifted my opinion (I'm obv more Robin aligned, but that's because 2000s Me didn't even KNOW what was in store. I think if me and my sister had been allowed to watch op as kids + the dub wasn't shit + merch was plentiful, my sister would have been Assigned Nami and I would have been Assigned Robin, which is a correct alignment to make.) When I actually started the show, she really captured me Orange Town through Arlong Park, I actually don't revisit AP very often because it's so emotional, OOF.
Currently, I'm having a lot of fun with Nami. She's mid Ulti fight in Wano for me rn, loved her trying to manipulate Big Mom, anxious to see how this Zeus sub plot pans out?? This Prometheus/Hera/Zeus/Nami abusive love square is currently my favorite driving conflict, it's so weird and funny to me. I'm excited to see her properly fight Ulti, I feel like she hasn't had a GREAT fight of her own wits for a while. Sometimes I wish she got to use some of her science smarts, I think they've been dulled a bit to just "weather magic" but she's really so smart. Thanks for letting me Nami ramble.
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1l-ynn · 1 year
Open (say it like that)
Previous, Next
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Hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else..
It was a hard day at school, like no other. But today might've been the worst. Today in science your teacher announced that you would be working in pairs for a huge power point presentation worth half of your grade. Now this would be okay if you were working with your friend or even alone! But you're not. Instead you're working with Mister (fucking) Morales, someone you've honestly had a crush on for months.
You guys have barely talked, but when you do it always leaves a funny feeling in your stomach. Which brings you to where you are now. You were an absolute mess. An absolute stuttering mess. Your hands were clammy, your leg was shaking, you kept slipping up your words; you looked like you were taking a shit. You swore your edges were coming up by how much you were sweating.
Girl pick yourself up..
Its best not to get you like this, because then ur spider senses act up. Its how your best friend found out you were Spider-Woman. And if it wasn't for her constant snickering from behind you, you would've lost it. Your webs generate organically so you were praying you wouldn't accidentally shooting him in the eye..
"You good?" Miles says. He had just got his hair done so he had chalk on his lineup and a durag was stuffed in his backpack pocket. He had a white button-up on paired with his blue blazer and no tie because lord knows he can't tie one for his life. He wore creme-colored pants and blue Air Jordans to match his blazer , and to top it all off you could see the chain peeking out from the collar of his shirt.
Oh damn.
"Yeah! Totally fine, why wouldn't I be?" You squeaked, the grip on your pencil hardened. You tried hard not to glance up because you knew you wouldn't be able to look away.
"Ion know, you look like you boutta through up." he said sighing a bit. "What's wrong? You don't like me or somethin'?"
"What?! What makes you think that.." Bitch you know exactly what's making him think that. So much for 'keep it lowkey.'
"Ion know you jus'.." he paused a bit before leaning back, stretching in the process. He looked at you up and down, his gaze made you nervous. LIKE NIGGA WTF U LOOKING ATTTT. "You look uncomfortable as hell.. did i do somethin'?"
You replied immediately, throwing your hands up in a surrendering position and waving them a bit. "No you did nothing! Its just, today's been weird.." you quickly made an excuse, you wouldn't be surprised if he didn't buy it.
Miles smiles slightly, lilting his head and squinting his eyes while looking at you once more. Your face was heating up, but its not like he would be able to notice. He raises his eyebrows and looks away while shaking his head ever so slightly. "Yeah whatever loca.." he mumbles before returning to his work. This leaves you smiling, immediately turning your face from him. He catches notice if this and smiles to himself..
"Nah nah, I see you smilin' so whatchu smilin for??" His eyes crinkled as a few giggles left his and you mouth.
"Nothing nigga, I ain't even smilin' for real!" you said ignoring the way your face burned.
"Nothing? Yeah okay stop hidin' your face then."
"Ion even know what ur talking 'bout at this point..!"
"Ma don't even-"
And before you could even blush at his 'pet name of choice, Miles was interrupted by the teacher, who looked pissed off by the amount and laughing and giggling coming from the two of you.
"Miles and Y/N do I need to separate you two?!"
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A/N: This was so rushed at the end I honestly just wanted to get this out.. THIS IS SO BAD but i worked on it for days so long that I literally lost most of my motivation so im very very sorry
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alister312 · 1 year
South Park Fukuoka Pop-Up
Thanks to a heads up from the ever lovely @/danilazuli, I found out about another South Park pop-up shop opening today! Unlike the last two which were in Tokyo, this one is in Fukuoka. Since that means I don’t have to get on a flight to get there, I went after work today.
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First difference from the anniversary one in Tokyo last summer is that this one wasn’t its own store, but instead shared the space with some other pop-up events going on. Specifically, a Capcom pop-up, a Doraemon pop-up, and TMNT pop-up. This meant it was much smaller than the big Tokyo one I went to and didn’t really have any extra themed stuff like the school bus photo op.
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As you can see, it was pretty much just the merch. This was still pretty nice because they had a lot of stuff from both the anniversary Tokyo pop-up and the second one I didn't go to! In particular, my friend and I were thrilled to see that they had the non-pixel acrylic standee with all four main boys that completely sold out last summer. Unlike the other ones that sold out, that one was not sold as a part of the secondary distribution in Village Vanguards so this was very exciting. They also had the Creek-themed totes, something only sold at the second pop-up that I didn’t see being resold online afterward.
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Other highlights include many character buttons and keychains. They only seemed to have the Stan, Butters, and Towlie acrylic keychains, though they also had Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman as well last summer. I’m not sure if they stopped selling those ones or if they were simply out of them for the day. I’ll check when I go back again. I don’t remember the buttons or the plasticky key pouches being available at last summer’s pop-up, but maybe they were at the other Tokyo pop-up. Or maybe they’re exclusive to the Fukuoka one! I’m not sure.
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Speaking of stuff I hadn’t seen before, I don’t think they had these shirts at either of the Tokyo pop-ups before. I really like both of them! The pixel Butters is very cute and simple, but the Let’s Fighting Love one is just so funny and classic. I didn’t get either one today but I’m definitely considering it for when I go back 👀
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Even if I didn’t get the shirts, I did get a bunch of other stuff! I have quite a lot of clothes, but as I said, I am very tempted. One of the things the pop-up advertised was a sticker if you spent ¥3000 (~$30). I assumed this was just one sticker if you spent at least that much, but apparently it was one sticker for every ¥3000 you spent. I got 2 of these stickers. They’re blue with the classic lineup and I honestly like it a lot. I do wish they had more more options though, especially because it’s very easy to spend over ¥3000 (all of the shirts are ¥3300).
All in all, I think it was definitely worth the trip over there! Hopefully a lot of people go to it and let Matt and Trey know that there’s fans down in Kyushu.
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Geckonyx aka Naomi Ishii, herpetologist and licker of rocks. Oh, and she can stick to things.
I have no self control so I designed several alternate costumes for Naomi, because I wanted to play with different color schemes and patterns inspired by different kinds of gecko (...and one frog)
And... a couple different variations for her head for each of them, because of my inability to choose between helmet and mask. I like both, I just don't want her to look too much like Spider-Woman. But I think, thanks to Blue Beetle and my emphasizing the round shape, that her masks look pretty distinct from any of the Spider-Women. It's still extremely blatantly Spidery to give a female wallcrawler this kind of mask, even if she doesn't shoot webs, but I think the bulbousness of the lenses and the cutout around her nose really helps shift the vibe.
EDIT: changed her gloves to all be fingerless so she can use her venom.
Closeups and some (a lot of) notes under the cut:
Western Banded Gecko (aka Naomi's first costume):
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okay this is the oldest both literally and metatextually lol, I drew this in 2022 when I was first designing everyone, though it's had a minor color modification since then (more rose gold, less pink, but looks basically exactly the same) This one is rougher because I didn't bother redrawing the body for it. I'm only making the neat pics for the designs I haven't made refs for (and Seth's upgraded suit for completion's sake)
(Naomi is 30 by the way. she gets carded a lot.)
So, the western banded gecko. they don't have that much green irl, mostly like cream and pink and maroon, but there are hints of green so I included that because I liked the contrast. also. something i did not realize at the time is that, uh, i don't think... western banded geckos... stick. my excuse is that i am not a herpetologist and I just thought they looked cute and had nice colors. my retroactive excuse for Naomi is that she thought it was funny.
Anyway. This is Naomi's first costume, which she handmade. In-universe, while she is, yes, a herpetologist, she is also... a nerd. wait. she's already a nerd—I mean she likes comic books, cosplaying, lucha and pro-wrestling, not just lizards and rocks. So yes maybe I did purposefully give her a lucha mask to evoke Spider-Man, since she's a wallcrawler, and maybe I did purposefully make her literally a Spider-Man Fan because I thought it was funny, but also in my defense as far as mask design, I have... way too many goggles in my lineup... 😂 I had to have some variety in there. also it seemed like a good workaround for long hair.
The G on her chest is also meant to be a lizard/tail btw. And she made the whole costume herself out of fabric she got from the craft store and like, tights and stuff, so... iridescent mermaid scale spandex, etc. You can see her cosplay skills at play here compared to, for example, Seth's homemade Scratch costume, which, while sleek in its own right, is literally just black sportswear and a motorcycle helmet LOL
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the little yellow strap-on shoes. The tights are stirrup tights, that way Naomi has the most important parts of her feet exposed but the tights will still stay put etc etc etc. They're probably a really high denier lol
Why does she really need the stirrup cut to expose the soles of her feet though? Well, since I have her using setae/van der waals forces to cling (vs. my version of peter parker, who has a fullbody electrostatic aura that works by charging his entire body including his clothes), this means... Naomi can't wear shoes or gloves while she sticks... at least, not without special materials. So her outfit is designed with that in mind; fingerless gloves so her fingertips are exposed and easily removable shoes she puts on a carabiner on the back of her waistband:
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So practical! It's probably got a snap crotch leotard for the white part too but I didn't bother figuring that out here.
Anywho—upgraded suits.
Blue Tailed Day Gecko (female coloration):
This is the main intended step up I was thinking for her, despite the multiple other suits in this post. Consider this one "canonical" lmao idk what the rest are for i'm just like this.
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The G logo on this one is a little smoother in its curves which I could say was on purpose but was kind of just me not really looking at the original when I drew it LOL though it IS supposed to look more like a tail, so that works fine for my purposes. I was originally considering giving her an actual lizard symbol (like the kind that show up if you google "lizard logo" I guess...) but I didn't like the way it looked in my sketches and trying to add little legs just felt too cluttered so I kept it simple. Unfortunately it does look kind of like a maggot or something when it's white like this, but I don't think Naomi would consider that a bad thing 😂
For most of my refs I didn't bother with the sexual dimorphism and stuff while looking for inspiration, but blue-tailed day lizards have like, really strong color dimorphism and I liked both a lot so I wanted to do one for each. So this one is inspired by the female coloration.
I didn't bother trying to recreate the lizard's pattern particularly, mostly focused on colors and vibes and good silhouettes that still evoked the shapes in her handmade costume. The copper spots on her back are based on that lizard's patterning though. But the female blue-tails tend to be pretty green, with a hint of blue, so I went with the blue-green gradient, and then since they have a lot of browns and earth tones I went with the sparkly bronze and the copper colors, and a fun coppery-bronze visor.
Anyway she will probably be a little more muscular by the time she gets a nice suit like this, just from supporting her own body weight (though she doesn't exactly weigh a whole lot and her strength is completely un-augmented so like... can't compare to Seth, whose job it is to leap five feet into the air and lift 5'10" athletes above their head lol) but she's still not exactly a bruiser.
(*edited 11/1 to add texture to green material, since, you know, lizards... scales... etc.)
And something you may be wondering is:
Why a helmet?
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That's why.
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Me, sowing by purposefully referencing Spider-Man in my wallcrawler's costume: teehee~
Me, reaping when I realize I can't put lenses on her mask without making her Literally Just Spider-Woman: fuck
I've got my ways though. Obviously. I wanted to keep the almond shape of the lucha silhouette even for the helmets though so I looked at some sentai helmets as reference and I just kinda winged it.
also I like that the visor on this helmet is kind of shaped like a heart 🧡 and also kind of like a butterfly 🦋 it's a good fit for Naomi, who is supposed to be cheerful and cute on top of liking, you know, lizards and bugs and shit.
At the same time I decided to play with variations on the lucha style mask and round bug-eyed lenses that aren't framed, and I do like how those look... I just can't tell if it's too Spider-Man or not. But I like the look so much I think I might use it... maybe she swaps between helmet and mask depending on context and weather.
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Very cute... extra shimmery...
Anyway like my scribbly handwriting says, the helmet also serves, well, helmet purposes, to protect Naomi's head if she falls. Which is like, "well why would that even be a problem?" and the answer is simple: Naomi doesn't have super strength and her healing power is technically only "enhanced," generally speaking. Not to burden the Spider-Man comparisons but if you think about silver age and some early bronze age Peter Parker, it's kinda like that. She's tougher than she was before, and heals a little faster, but she can still break her arm if she falls wrong, or get laid up with the flu (though she's probably not quite as flu-prone as Peter, the guy who appears to have caught every flu strain known to man.)
In my head (...badum tss) she uses the helmet outside/high up/if it's cold or in other situations she might need more protection, and the mask is for like, indoors, more cramped spaces, or casual situations that still require her to keep her face hidden but maybe not quite as anonymous. also like, probably talking to people would be easier in the mask since her mouth is free and I didn't exactly put vents or filters on these helmets. (that's how you know they aren't regular materials)
Naomi does have some latent regenerative healing abilities (tied to the gecko theme) but—and I mean this in the most literal way possible: it doesn't work if she loses her head, so a helmet is probably still a good idea. also she won't know about this ability until something needs to grow back so her subconscious suit design would probably not take regeneration into account anyway?
idk i haven't quite worked out how these suits work yet. I know they're programmable matter and some kind of exotic or metamaterial, and in my head I've been thinking about them as similar-ish to the Fantastic Four's unstable molecules, but as far as specifics go, I dunno.
Wait I know one specific.
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The white parts on her palms and soles are (some kind of silicon substrate probably?) made with CARBON NANOTUBES in them. This was in my plans already in a vague sense, in that I knew her fancy upgraded suit was going to get rid of the barefoot requirement and specifically allow her to use shoes, but it wasn't until a few days ago in a wiki hole that I realized I could use carbon nanotubes for that. I was just gonna handwave it lol
But basically my thought process for carbon nanotubes was like, gecko/nano tape but... more. I don't think irl gecko tape can support the weight of a grown adult woman, even a small one... (though there is some invention out there that figured out you can actually use van der waals forces to support a human being but they're real bulky)—but it's a neat idea and really what is more superheroic than partial science? and now she can still use her sticking powers without having to take her shoes off.
take that foot fetishists.
Anyway, her shoes aren't strictly climbing shoes (I don't think they're that curved) but I was looking at pics of climbing shoes for inspiration, so that's where the overall shapes and the super smooth soles are from.
(oh also it's cut off there but as I note in the drawing: Naomi's skills are mostly reconnaissance and stealth (despite her extremely vibrant colors), and anything focused on maneuverability, because while she has peak human reflexes, her strength is unimpressive and her healing ability is only mildly enhanced, like I said earlier, so she is not a very good offensive fighter.)
okay next!
Blue Tailed Day Gecko (male coloration):
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I Swear To God I didn't do the red and blue on purpose, it literally didn't occur to me until after I had colored it. I just thought the male blue-tails looked cool lmao. But I think it's got enough green tones and so little red that it doesn't really evoke Spidey's red and blue anyway, especially since her visor is blue-black instead of white. So I'm not sweatin' it.
I actually really like how this one came out too. I was having some trouble with incorporating the green but I think this very soft glaucous green works really well. I could almost see this one being a like... slightly more stealth-focused suit... obviously it's still brightly colored and the arms are still pretty light, but the deep colors overall evoke a slightly more nighttime oriented feel for me.
...a blue-tailed night gecko, if you will.
Made this one a little metallic-sparkly but not as glittery as the one with the female coloration. This one has a tiny bit more inspiration from the lizard's actual markings (mostly on the helmet) but is still of course all about clean lines and good silhouettes.
The logo also ended up smaller and slightly different which, IDK why I didn't just copy-paste, but I like how it looks this way anyway so eh. They don't HAVE to be identical.
I don't really know what texture the green should be though. More glitter seems like a bit too much. In my head I'm thinking it might just be a very, very matte, soft texture but surprisingly durable. It's not like it's made of spandex so it can really be pretty much any texture. That's also why it's possible for the helmet to match the fabric color and glitter perfectly 😂 I'd feel bad for any real life costume designer who had to deal with this... lmao
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mask version...
I had a terrible realization with this one because I didn't look up pictures of Spider-Woman until afterward and it turns out she has a triangle on her forehead which I had forgotten about LOL but I think it's still different enough. There's some Blue Beetle influence in there that I think helps differentiate it pretty well. Like, okay, if she was a Marvel character I would assume she was a spider-person or some weird cross between Koi Boi and Spider-Woman, but outside of Marvel... I think it's got a good vibe.
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pop of contrast with the red knees again. I just think it looks nice and the kneepads let me evoke the bike short-style cut on her homemade costume without actually putting her in shorts.
Pretty similar here for soles, slightly different silhouette but that's about it. palms are the same, white and rubbery but flexible. I imagine her gloves move kind of like a second skin despite being all one piece without any seams. fuck helmet matching, i would REALLY feel bad for an irl costume designer having to make that work in live action.
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Here's a better look at the actual palm btw.
and also. her fingertips. ridges from setae already weird enough but not noticeable unless someone looks close or can feel her fingers, and then... the new ability... to shoot modified hairs in the form of hollow needles with which to inject venom.
it's an awful mental image, tbh. lmao. the venom she uses is similar to that of gila monsters or beaded lizards. (not bearded)
Part 2!!!
Northern Spiny Tailed Gecko:
Okay! I'm mixed on this one tbh. lol.
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I did this one kind of on a whim cause I saw a pic of one of these lizards and I thought they looked cool, though not really Naomi's like... aesthetic. So I guess this is kind of like... what if Naomi got serious... but still was Naomi LMAO she can't resist the hint of shimmer... (wait that's me.)
I like the way the mask turned out significantly more than the helmet for this one, though I like the spikes on the helmet. But the lenses specifically turned out a lot better imo. I was looking at the actual lizard's weird fucking eyes and was like, how the hell do I evoke that. And then I remembered that, even if this WASN'T made of some kind of unknown unstable molecule or nanomachines or whatever the fuck, you can put patches of different colored foil films on real life motorcycle visors and sunglasses and stuff, so that's basically what I was thinking about there. She still sees out it the same, though with I guess random dots of full spectrum color vs... orange-tinted... LOL
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This suit was actually surprisingly hard to do. Turns out doing a completely monochromatic fullbody suit in any color other than black is... difficult, if you want it to actually look good. I did know I wanted it textured at least... but the rest, hard. That's why the white lines are there tbh. It just needed something for visual interest.
The G on this one is segmented/broken up instead of soft curves to fit the slightly edgier look, and also as a reference to geckos' famed ability to detach and grow back their tails. (Naomi doesn't have a tail and she can't detach her limbs but she can do the other part...!)
I gave it spikes to match the spiny appearance of the lizard... wow... so edgy... 😂 Actually it was super odd to do a costume like this in such a pale color, because normally when I do more grim costumes, they feature a lot of black and very vibrant accents like purple or red. (Though I guess the orange color of the lenses here is a bright color...)
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Since I've been heavily referencing climbing shoes so much, it made sense to me to put crampons on her shoes. More spikes! I doubt they're super useful but, maybe... I mean. I'm sure they'd make a kick in the balls real killer. oh... hm. I mean obviously this is a weaponized costume, but... is this her weaponized costume? her only chance at offense as a 100 lb wallcrawler... metal spikes.
Assume they are reinforced and framed inside where it's not visible, in this magic superhero costume that doesn't need to follow the laws of tailoring. The angled knee pads are my way of doing knee spikes cause unless you got a full suit of armor that never looks good lmao. They are def hard on the outside though.
Also this whole color scheme and the white on the palms just makes me think of like... sharks... which I guess its fitting.
Anyway this costume was... interesting to work on. It was mostly an experiment, and IDK if she'll ever use it (I say this like I have a story about anyone other than Seth lmfao) because I already have several characters with white, red and black color schemes (though Tama's includes gold) so I didn't want to add yet another, but it was just such a neat looking lizard I couldn't resist.
Lygodactylus williamsi aka the Electric Blue Day Gecko:
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I like the color of this one... could not resist adding yet MORE glitter, though I figured the body could be one of those very, very slightly shimmery matte looking deals in contrast to the super heavy flake glitter in the helmet and mask. would film terribly. lmao.
I was briefly judging myself for giving every helmet a different visor for some reason instead of using the same one to save my hand (meanwhile i copy pasted the mask XD) especially since... Naomi is NOT the only one with a helmet (if I keep her helmets at all) but what I realized is that most of her helmets in this lineup still have similar enough visor shapes that it's pretty thematically consistent even though they're all different. I think the tree frog and the spiny gecko helmets, aka the two most experimental costumes here, are the most divergent, but they still have like... the rough overall vibe of curves and heart shapes. but this electric blue helmet fits very neatly in with the blue-tailed helmets, so I like that. I could see this one slotting very neatly in with the blue-tailed day gecko suits as a set.
Which, importantly, means I probably don't have to worry about TJ's helmet when I get to him, especially since his is going to be significantly more influenced by Power Rangers and super sentai stuff... I'll probably give him a way weirder visor shape.
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Anyway, this suit was another case of monochrome making my life difficult but you know what makes everything look better? Gradients. Lmao. and more shimmers. I just like sparkles, and I liked the idea of leaning into Naomi having a consistent aesthetic as far as being colorful and sparkly, even when it's toned down. (right, "toned down," as if the helmet accompanying it isn't extremely over the top lmao)
In my head the material on her gloves and shoe soles is like... a really sticky-looking (but not—well. it is sticky but it's not wet) kind of gummy, rubbery, or like... jelly almost? but like. on an opaque base cause her hands and feet are in there. like... one of those translucent rubber ducks...
(*edit 11/1 added texture to this one as well)
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Attempts Were Made...
I considered making a version based on the female coloration of this lizard, as a counterpart, but my hand hurts after spending three days on drawing superhero costumes...lol. if I do draw a counterpart like that, I think it would be a mix of rose gold/copper and a shimmery iridescent gold-green, I think... either a front-to-back gradient or with side panels. or even like... almost like those tinted holographic fabrics...
Red Eyed Tree Frog:
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Okay this isn't a gecko but it occurred to me while I was taking a break yesterday and it sounded fun... It's not technically on theme since her vigilante/hero/whatever name is literally Geckonyx lmao but it is on theme in that she probably likes frogs, aside from obviously being a wallcrawler.
Also when I realized I could make her helmet for this one look like an alien... bro. how could i RESIST?! I think this is by far the cutest helmet I have drawn, ever.
Unlike the other costumes, but similarly to the electric blue costume, this one has the back and front of the hand all the same material (does that mean she can stick with the backs of her knuckles in this suit???)
As far as styling goes, this one was very straightforward since it's pretty obviously literally just the exact pattern on a red eyed tree frog (well, plus the rubber G) lol — this is also the One where I started to figure out her mask, and that's because frogs have big round eyes. I copy pasted the mask from this one to all the others lol.
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also came very close to looking like Seahawks colors (lol) but thankfully the cool base I used for the metallic blue drew it away from that a little, on top of being a little lighter than the navy they use. (plus the blood orange/scarlet accents)
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rubbery texture on the shoes again for sure... not so sure about the green though... like is it also rubbery... like un-laminated neoprene?? pleathery/leather-like texture? idk. not shiny spandex, i know that much.
texture: skin?
That's it!! IDK why I felt the need to design four extra suits for Naomi on top of her upgrade, but it's fun to think about all the gecko colors... who knows, maybe she needs a variety... every wallcrawler needs a stealth suit. and. a bunch of other ones. duh.
UPDATE: realized I still need the full gloves for certain situations—luckily, when I did the fingerless gloves, I just drew fingers on top of the full gloves in a separate folder, so i still have all of them lol.
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Considering the lizard theming there is something strangely fitting about Naomi being able to switch between helmet and mask, full glove and fingerless glove, all as needed. Something chameleonic, if you will.
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2n2n · 1 year
The boys’ hands are so big compared to girls’ it makes me laugh a lot
dkslad;jsak it makes me laugh every DAY also, the boy's hands have gotten progressively bigger as Aida hones her art more, fksdljflsd. The girls have little rat hands, the girl's hands look like the hands of the Trashion Alley prototype dolls
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its so funny that when Hanako changes gender this is like, the most visually crucial change
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I also must say that. I feel like. When a scene is extremely horny, loaded, spicey, a boy is looming, dom moment, that,, I feel like the hands get infinitely bigger, Hanako's hands become the size of Nene-chan's head, it feels like. the fetish gets turned all the way up, UNREASONABLY HUGE HANDS
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I think it's cute of her, in that, it's just so over the top. Yashiro's tiny mouse hands sooo tiny here suddenly, Hanako could like hold both in one gigantic mit. gsflgjkfl. its like it cannot be stopped. This is a shota ... ??? a shota's hands??????????? 13 year old boy hands on a 15 year old girl???????? OKAY....!!! SO IT IS...!!
It's where I'm like, "I know Hakubo is extremely dreamboat handsome . Because his whole thing is insanely gigantic monster hands"
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there's something so funny about it. Because otherwise, this is a beautiful manga where absolutely everyone has gigantic fat eyelashes, and either big sparkly eyes or scary pin eyes (on any side of the scale, no gender bias), and generally speaking there's a lot of modest or fairly flat chests (not so unusual, but of course some manga are more busty than others). Nene-chan hardly ever has a chest bump anymore (I'd say it used to be more prominent now and again, but she's more typically flat now, even in a thin t-shirt)... even beautiful Aoi doesn't have much. The beautiful Sakura, I dunno, not much. It's not so pronounced, in body types..... ikemen like Teru and Natsuhiko are all broad shouldered or wahtever .... Hanako hardly changes physically when swap'd, but its not like he's an especially masculine boy .... so he's just a sort of funny looking normal girl ... Kou is really distinctly masculine and all, but he's really not the standard, or anything. Akane, Teru, Mitsuba, the Yugi, all would be pretty feminine looking in the context of a lot of other manga's lineups, at least qualify as a bishie, with they doll eyes, but it's just the baseline here. Its not like One Piece or something. A kind of beautiful pretty world all around with some tiny guys , some big guys, and levels of grace for any and all.
but the great dividing factor ........... hands ..................... Amane can be all shrimpy and doe eyed, but he big gnarly man hands lol ....
sooo funny. Aida why this lol... so distinct lol ...
I actually think guy's hands VARY a bit more, girls kindof all be having the same sweet little rat hands, but like... Mitsuba's hands ... are .... not likely to be drawn crazy fucked up, they ARE in the 'boy' category, but also they're like, next to Kou's horrible mitts, so they are comparatively small lol. and I don't feel like there's often much occasion/context they get so big (idk. it's a dom thing for them to get giant. and he's a maso.)
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~relatively feminine and not huge but still boy~ VS Kou a scary gorilla
Tsukasa's hands are sometimes drawn a bit thinner/smaller lol, less blunt, but still within the range of 'boy' lol.... (my icon: a case study of this) ... its all so whims it feels like lol ....
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Fleetwood Mac were Brit-rock stalwarts when, in 1974, they hit on the idea of pepping up their lineup. They invited a folky Californian, Lindsey Buckingham, to join, but he refused to come without his girlfriend, Stevie Nicks. The band agreed, on one condition: their sole female member, Christine McVie, had to feel comfortable with Nicks.
They met over dinner in Los Angeles, and McVie, finding Nicks “funny and nice, but also, there was no competition”, waved her through. That decision led to the enlarged band becoming the sultans of soft rock, underlining McVie’s status as the quiet pillar of the Mac apparatus. (And she was right; Nicks complemented rather than competed. She was the ethereal conjuror, McVie the “very, very, very English” – in Nicks’s appraisal – countermeasure, and neither ever upstaged the other.)
McVie, who has died aged 79, was co-lead singer, keyboardist and author of many of the group’s canonical tunes, including Say You Love Me, Over My Head and You Make Loving Fun. Understatement shaped her identity, with Rolling Stone magazine rather insultingly calling her “the epitome of rock’n’roll sanity”. That kind of thing riled her: “I was probably the most restrained, but I was no angel,” she protested, claiming that one of her most acclaimed compositions, Songbird, owed its existence to “a couple of toots of cocaine and a half-bottle of champagne”.
Nevertheless, she avoided the spotlight, often literally. At gigs her domain was a relatively modest keyboard set-up at the side, safely away from stage centre, and despite her talent – “the finest blueswoman and piano player in all of England,” the drummer, Mick Fleetwood, maintained – she was self-deprecating about her abilities.
Deeply melodic love songs, burnished by her warm alto, were McVie’s stock in trade, but she could address her unhappy ex-husband, John McVie, with equal tenderness. The 1977 Top 3 hit Don’t Stop, later used as the theme tune for Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign, did just that. Written during sessions for the landmark Rumours album, when relations between the pair were at their worst, it sunnily encouraged John, the band’s bassist, to look forward rather than brood about the past. (She blamed their periodic break-ups, culminating in divorce in 1976, on the stress of being in the same group, and her husband’s heavy drinking: “John is not the most pleasant of people when he’s drunk,” she said in 2003. “I was seeing more Hyde than Jekyll.”)
She didn’t deliberately write commercial songs, she insisted; they just came out that way. Which was just as well – in 1975, as the group were grinding through an American tour, their US label chose Over My Head to soundtrack a radio campaign for their self-titled new album. The LP duly became their first real smash, selling more than 9m copies. For that matter, the 1977 behemoth Rumours arguably owed a good chunk of its 45m sales to the two McVie tracks released as singles, Don’t Stop and You Make Loving Fun, which remain soft-rock touchstones to this day.
The younger child of Cyril Perfect, a music teacher, and his wife, Beatrice (nee Reece), Christine was born in Bouth, then part of Lancashire and now in Cumbria, and raised in Bearwood, West Midlands. Her mother’s avocation was spirituality and Christine was uncomfortable around her circle of faith-healer friends, but an even heavier burden was being saddled with the name Christine Perfect. “Teachers would say: ‘I hope you live up to your name, Christine.’ So, yes, it was tough.” She so disliked it that after her divorce she kept her married name.
As a child, she studied classical piano and cello, only becoming interested in rock at 15, when her brother left Fats Domino sheet music on the household piano. She was an instant convert to the blues, developing a driving, boogie-woogie left-hand piano style, but music became secondary to her other consuming interest, art. Five years at Birmingham Art College yielded a sculpture degree, but she emerged with a revived passion for music, thanks to having spent her university time busking with her friend Spencer Davis and playing bass in a band called Sounds of Blue, led by Stan Webb.
Listlessly working as a window dresser at Dickins & Jones department store in London after graduation, Christine was delighted to be asked to join Webb’s new outfit, Chicken Shack, as keyboardist and vocalist. One of the only women in the mid-1960s British blues scene to both sing and play an instrument, she got noticed. Though she later dismissed Chicken Shack as a “mediocre sort of white blues band”, she sang lead on their only Top 20 song, a dreamy cover of Etta James’s I’d Rather Go Blind, and was voted Melody Maker’s top female vocalist of 1969 (she won the same award in 1970, after releasing a solo album entitled Christine Perfect).
She fancied the guitarist Peter Green of the rival blues act Fleetwood Mac, but it was John McVie who asked her out. “It was Peter Green I had a bit of an eye on,” she said during a Desert Island Discs broadcast in 2017. “I started talking to John and fell head over heels with him.” They married in 1968, and a few months later, deciding she was not seeing enough of her husband, she left Chicken Shack with the intention of being a housewife. It lasted only until her manager persuaded her to make the solo LP, an “immature” effort she later preferred to forget. The next step was joining Fleetwood Mac as a permanent member in 1970, having already played uncredited on several studio sessions.
She was dubious about the band’s decision to relocate to Los Angeles in 1974, but reconciled herself to Californian rock-star life, buying Anthony Newley’s old house and a pair of Mercedes-Benzes with her lhasa apso dogs’ names on the number plates. While making the follow-up to Rumours, Tusk, she dated the Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, but her next significant relationship, with the Portuguese keyboardist Eddy Quintela, was happier and more productive. He played on her second solo album, Christine McVie (1984), and after their marriage in 1986 the pair wrote one of Mac’s biggest hits of the 80s, Little Lies. The marriage foundered, however, when McVie found herself craving a quiet life in England; she quit the band in 1998 and bought a Tudor house in Wickhambreaux, Kent.
Fifteen years of “this country life with the welly boots and the dogs and the Range Rover” proved enough, and matters definitively came to a head when she fell down a flight of stairs and became dependent on prescription painkillers. It was, she said, a bleak time, not least because another attempt at a solo career had failed to launch. She had made the album In the Meantime with her nephew, Dan Perfect, in 2004, purposely veering away from Fleetwood Mac’s big-ticket lushness. But without it, the relaxed, mid-tempo songs had little zing; moreover, a fear of flying kept her from travelling to promote it. Innately a team player, after therapy to overcome her phobia she rejoined Mac permanently in 2014.
Reaction to her return was roaringly positive, both from fans and the band themselves; to Mick Fleetwood, it made the group “complete” again. In the same year, she received an Ivor Novello lifetime achievement award. McVie’s last recording was a self-titled joint album with Buckingham, a Top 5 British hit in 2017. It caught her in a reflective mood but her gift for melody was undimmed. Her final public performance was at a tribute show for Green in London in February 2020.
In June this year, a solo compilation, Songbird, was released, but McVie was adamant that she wouldn’t tour again. “I don’t feel physically up for it. I’m in quite bad health. I’ve got a chronic back problem, which debilitates me. I stand up to play the piano, so I don’t know if I could actually physically do it.”
She and Quintela divorced in 2003. Her brother, John, and nephew survive her.
🔔 Anne Christine McVie, musician, born 12 July 1943; died 30 November 2022
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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Natasha Irons
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Not gonna say she's like my favorite or anything but it be cool to use her more in stories. Also, not all that intrested when people but on a iron suit (expect when iron man did that along his friends/family and RiRi Williams Ironheart Marvel Movie version)
I try to find a beautiful art because some comics are messy
DC comics Nastasha she's Steel II, John Henry (Steel I) was the first one.
The Authority is a team secretly assembled by Superman when he started losing his powers. Their purpose was to assault the planet Warworld and free it and its population from Mongul's tyranny.(prime earth)
Infinity Inc. For a short issue series this is a comic run I liked with her. The one were she gets powers hero names was Vaporlock & Starlight. (new earth)
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Titans It really didn't feel like she was apart of the team just there. Like damn use her for something even cyborg did more. (prime earth)
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I love how they invole her family in this and Natasha & John bump heads because the clash of ideals but, they still love each other. I need for them to figure out a way for Natasha to be out of his shadow if they do it for Robin/Nightwing they can do it for Natasha
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Love intrests: She's had about two Traci Thirteen (didn't last long) & some guy that's a daxamite from planet Daxam (sister planet to Krypton).
Natasha's job hunt was funny as hell
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When Justice League was pitched to the Kids' WB network, the lineup originally included three young members as protégés for the Justice League: Robin, Impulse, and an original character described as a teenage female version of Cyborg named Natasha Irons / Cyborgirl.
She had another verison I think were in Superman & Lois she Natalie Irons john and lois lane's daughter from another earth. She was okay character.
Elseworld stories:
Injustice: comic book run not game. After what the joker did to metroploplics it felt like Natasha truly picked up the mantle of Steel.
Gotham City Garage: Fun run with motorcycles but, should have bit of a bigger role.
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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ottoslab · 1 year
Otto please I have to hear about these ANTAGONISTS PLEASE why are they antags? What threat do they pose to others??? (Warning I'm so sorry but this will be very long)
LIKE CHLOE my gohd it's design is absolutely the bomb I I I my mind explodes. She looks like she's working with some type of dark..matter..thing she may have invented OR MAYBE she specialises in Shield Power I figured cause the super pretty purple swirly stuff u drew in its glove is the same colour as the badge from PN 1
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OR MAYBE I'm overthinking it completely BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS SHIELD POWERS cause. Space? Like she can incase herself in a shield cause you need a protective bubble like— it makes sense in my head trust. AND ITS ROBOTIC ARM IN THE LAST PIC?! HELLO??? Is that psitanium in the middle of its palm to make her more of a menace?! I MUST KNOW WHAT HER MOTIVES ARE PLEASE!!!! Chloe seems like the most threatening out of the lineup I'm guessing hrm hrm hrm...
Maloof, Mikhail, and Elka all seem like the big honcho boss men (and lady), Elka Doom being an oracle-like psychic and all that! AND MALOOF AND MIKHAIL! AAH! LOOK AT THEM THEY HAVE SO MUCH SWAGGER NFNDNXE RAAAA!!!! I feeeeeel like they would have a sort of odd "partnership" with the Psychonauts, a sort of aliance, yknow? Like how sometimes batman will team up with catwoman, smth similar? I dunno, I'd love to hear what you have in mind with all these funky little guys 👂👂pls and thank you 🙏 🤲
PIWI i am so sorry for taking so long to respond to this i tried so hard to do some funny art to go along with it bc this ask makes my brain bark and howl (positive) but im trying to save my art fight energy.
CLAPS MY HANDS TOGETHER THOUGH. These are all really good let me get my thoughts in order
Chloe and Benny are a duo! I mentioned it before in my other posts abt her, but Chloe is definitely just sort of doing its own thing, and that just happens to cross paths with the Psychonauts a lot. She’ll work with them when she can, and work against them when they try to shove her into a box with all their “rules” and stuff. Benny is her “guy in the chair” and usually stays back at the lab unless she really needs the extra hands on deck.
i really like the idea of its main power being shield!! I didnt really think about the color coordination but youre so right to be honest, and i think it would work really well for her. Aside from her shield ability, she’s not a very naturally powerful psychic. It uses psitanium to grant itself power-ups during battle, and the big robot arm is basically a super-powered gauntlet that it can harness strong psychic energy into, using it for very powerful psi-blasts and the like..
Maloof and Mikhail are similarly not very for-or-against the Psychonauts, but definitely a lot more antagonistic. But theyre pretty much the lowest threat on the list. Maloof is sort of a goofy b-plot type villain, doing “evil” for the sake of “evil”, and Mikhail is just there to make sure Maloof doesn’t blow himself up.
They’re also the “guys” that Lili knows! Like, whenever Raz and his team need some inside info or resources and Lili mentions that she “knows a guy,” Maloof and Mikhail are said guy. Collectively. Raz greatly disapproves of the fact that Lili hasn’t turned these guys into the psychonauts yet, but she thinks that theyre harmless yet useful enough to let them roam free without it backfiring that much.
Elka is. A special case. Probably one of the ones that could be considered the most objectively threatening, but her antagonistic role is much more of an extension of a greater threat to the psychonauts. She’s the “daughter” of a psychic villain, Dorian Doom, who is attempting to use the ability of precognition to make himself some sort of future lord by giving him the ability to manifest potential futures into reality as he seems fit. She’s sort of a henchman/figurehead role, interacting a lot with the Psychonauts as if she were the main brains behind the operation to shield suspicion from him.
She’s definitely given the psychonauts a lot of trouble, but I think as of recently she’s under observation after being taken down during a big fight against the psychonauts. Mayhaps she’s building a trustworthy repertoire by using her foresight to give Raz and his team little helpful hints when they go rush into missions.
She is Definitely building a very trustworthy relationship with Dogen and definitely not trying to get him to let her out of whatever observation chamber/system they have her in. It’s totally cool and normal.
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rubyvroom · 11 months
Let me tell you something. I feel it is important for your life education to know about Detachable Penis, if you do not already.
The first thing you need to understand about the 90′s is that this song played on the radio. Even out in Bumfuck Nowhere where I grew up. If you had an alternative or college station in range you would have heard it frequently. For a while in the 90s, an oddball spoken word stoner track by an avante-guard rock band with a poet frontman could get regular airplay just because it was funny and it made you sing “detachable penis” to yourself the entire rest of the day. 
I woke up this morning with a bad hangover and my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable. This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home, when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, Or I can rent it out, when I don't need it. But now and then I go to a party, get drunk, and the next morning I can't for the life of me remember what I did with it.
Our hero spends the rest of the song looking for his missing penis while sounding only mildly put out about it, and the listener is inspired to think about the pros and cons of having a detachable penis. (Which leads inevitably to other thoughts, such as, of course, detachable titties. Someone make the sequel please.) These were highly unusual ponderings for a genre still very much concerned with hyper-masculinity and misogyny. Gender introspection in my radio hit? It’s more likely than you think! (Not much, but still.)
In the late 80s-early 90s, before Nirvana exploded and grunge became marketable, rock radio was flailing around for a direction. Hair bands were dying out and nothing was replacing them. In this window of time the College Radio format had its time to shine - a smorgasboard of bits and pieces of things that sound cool fished out of the Our Band Could Be Your Life mileau of independent label groups. Everyone figured one of these oddities would blow up into the Next Big Thing, and everyone wanted to find it first. So at this time you got some genuinely strange stuff into the mainstream, with pretty risky endeavors given major label record deals and even videos onto MTV.
King Missile, meanwhile, was on their Fifth album and Second lineup by the time this song hit the airwaves, and it both made and broke the band -- a wave of fans jumped aboard that wanted to hear Detachable Penis and absolutely nothing else. Things got weird for everyone and the lead singer ended up quitting music and going to law school for awhile for much of the rest of the decade, before showing up again with the Third, and then Fourth, incarnation of King Missile, no longer remotely interested in radio airplay, sales, or major labels. In that they have the same trajectory of a lot of bands of this time, like Butthole Surfers, that made one big hit on a major label that proved to be an aberration in a long career of weird music. In nearly all these cases the band itself quickly faded from memory, but the song lingers on, and if you play Detachable Penis for a Generation Xer of any stripe they will quickly perk up and start nodding their head.
Anyway here’s one more track from King Missile circa 1987, well before Detachable Penis - it has a much more haphazard backing track, and is a little less friendly to your ears, but is overall some good funny commie stick it to the man stuff. It’s called Take Stuff From Work.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
drifter thoughts that need to get out of my head before i can start studying for the day
i want kelth's drifter to come up with a different name for themself than kelth even though kelth was their name before the zariman incident but until then they will literally just be "drifter". will likely be able to come up with something once duviri drops
its funny to think of like. divergence. operator!kelth has a cane and went full in with the nerd shit they awakened on the zariman. drifter!kelth was thrust into a fight-or-die environment and managed to survive for a Good Long While. emphasis on survive, not thrive or even live.
how angry will ordis be at the kaithe on the orbiter
their personality has been incubating in the back of my head for a bit and it's looking like. grumpy, distrustful, quick to draw a gun/blade at the slightest hint of danger, loud & angry if provoked, withdrawn, and practical to the point of callousness.
which is really interesting to me because normally for OCs i tend heavily towards a variety of 'positive' traits and add a few 'negative' ones for spice, but this lineup is almost entirely 'negative'. you could of course turn it around and say that they're protective, say that practicality is overall good, their distrust makes them independent, and you'd be right! it's just, they're primarily the negative ones. because just like how the old war prevented baby kelth from growing up emotionally, drifter kelth had to adapt to survive at light speed and what came out was the only combination that allowed them to survive at all. and from my pov as the O to this C i think this will be a super interesting character to put in a pen with the others so far and see what will happen - i'm not at all driven off by all the negativity & stress, which is what i'd frankly expected would have happened, but no, this is literally perfectly fine
gonna be fun to put them on the orbiter with baby kelth for a bit so they can relax and gradually start reconnecting with their own lighter, less survival-driven side, by interacting with the literal embodiment of it on a daily basis.
oh and they're getting a cane too. their knee is fucked for duviri related reasons and never healed right. if that's not how duviri ends up working i will still find a way to fuck up their knee. they're not getting out of this without a cane of their own to compare with baby kelth's. ordis can build them a knee brace or smth if they really wanna go out and run
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